MOHAMMAD TOWHIDUL ISLAM 609-285 Erb Street West, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, N2L 1W5, Phone: 1-519-888-0858, Email:
[email protected] EDUCATION PhD Candidate, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Sep 2007 - to date University of Waterloo, Canada GPA: 89.3/100 Research Topic: Information diffusion in mobile network utilizing P2P protocols Master of Science, Computer Science, University of Manitoba, Canada 2004 GPA : 4.25/4.5, Major in Parallel and Distributed Computing Thesis: Design, implementation and performance analysis of the Ant Colony Optimization algorithm for routing in ad hoc network Bachelor of Science, Computer Science and Engineering, 2001 Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, Bangladesh GPA : 3.70/4.00 Thesis: Transferring data centric XML document to a relational database TECHNICAL SKILLS LANGUAGE C/C++, Visual C++, Visual Basic, Java, PHP, JavaScript OOA/OOD (UML, Design Pattern), XML, XHTML, SOAP, WSDL, UDDI, Socket CONCEPTS Programming, Message Passing Interface (MPI), OpenMP ( Parallel Programming) DATABASE MySql, MS Access TOOL Visual Studio .Net, Eclipse, STL for C++, JUnit, TestComplete, Wapt, Bugzilla PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Research Assistant, Center for Wireless Communications Sep 2007 – to date Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Waterloo, Canada . Analyzed requirement of an efficient data dissemination application in mobile computing environment and proposed a spatial-popularity based peer-to-peer protocol as a solution . Designed a software architecture according to the proposed solution, developed a simulation tool using C++ and achieved more than 40% performance gain than existing solution . Surveyed methodologies for scalable deployment of UDDI of web services and wrote a book chapter on this topic addressing the open issues .