Activity SMR: 2275 Joint ICTP-TWAS First ICTP Regional Microelectronics Course on VHDL for Hardware Synthesis and FPGA Design in South and Southeast Asia 31 January 2011 - 18 February 2011 Dhaka - BANGLADESH Total Number of Visitors: 59 Final List of Participants Updated: 16 March 2011 No. NAME and INSTITUTE Nationality Function DIRECTOR Total number in this function: 10 1. ABDALLAH Nizar FRANCE DIRECTOR Research Field : Research Topic : 1. Permanent Institute: Actel Corporation 2061 Stierlin Court 94043-4655 Mountain View CA UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Permanent Institute e mail
[email protected] 2. CICUTTIN Andres ITALY DIRECTOR Research Field : Research Topic : 2. Permanent Institute: I.C.T.P.-I.N.F.N. Microprocessor Laboratory Via Beirut 31 (34100) Trieste ITALY Permanent Institute e mail
[email protected] 3. CRESPO Maria Liz ARGENTINA DIRECTOR Research Field : Research Topic : 3. Permanent Institute: I.C.T.P.-I.N.F.N. Microprocessor Laboratory Via Beirut 31 (34100) Trieste ITALY Permanent Institute e mail
[email protected] Participation for activity Microelectronics SMR Number: 2275 Page 2 No. NAME and INSTITUTE Nationality Function 4. HALIM Azrul Abdul MALAYSIA REGIONAL ORGANIZING COMMITTEE Research Field : Research Topic : 4. Permanent Institute: Emerald Systems 737-1-10 Kompleks Sri Sg Nibong Jalan Sultan Azlan Shah 11900 Bayan Lepas Penang MALAYSIA 5. HAQUE Abul Lais BANGLADESH REGIONAL ORGANIZING COMMITTEE Research Field : Research Topic : 5. Permanent Institute: Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science North South University Plot 15, Block B Bashundhara 1229 Dhaka BANGLADESH Permanent Institute e mail
[email protected] 6. LEE Weng Fook MALAYSIA REGIONAL ORGANIZING COMMITTEE Research Field : Research Topic : 6.