Scoville, Curtailing the Cudgel of "Coordination"
Curtailing the Cudgel of “Coordination” by Curing Confusion: How States Can Fix What the Feds Got Wrong on Campaign Finance GEORGE S. SCOVILLE III* I. INTRODUCTION.......................................................................... 465 II. FEDERAL COORDINATION DOCTRINE ........................................ 475 A. Establishing the Regime .............................................. 475 1. The Federal Election Campaign Act and Buckley’s Curious Dual Anti-Corruption Rationale ................ 475 2. The Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act, the FEC’s Coordination Regulations, and Recent Cases .......... 482 B. Hypos Showing Ambiguity in Federal Conduct Standards ...................................................... 487 1. The Coffee Shop Hypo........................................... 487 2. The Photo Hypo ..................................................... 488 3. The Polling Hypo ................................................... 489 * Editor-in-Chief, Volume 48 The University of Memphis Law Review; Candidate for Juris Doctor and Business Law Certificate, 2018, The University of Memphis Cecil C. Humphreys School of Law; Master of Public Policy, 2011, American University School of Public Affairs. For Emily, whose steadfast love has been the sine qua non of my studies. Thank you to countless family, friends, colleagues, and mentors for boundless guidance and support, especially Capital University Josiah H. Blackmore II/Shirley M. Nault Professor of Law Bradley A. Smith, Cecil C. Humphreys School of Law Professors Steven J. Mulroy and John M. Newman, and my colleagues, past and present, at The University of Memphis Law Review, especially Callie Tran, Liz Stagich, and Connor Dugosh. “If I have seen further, it is by standing on ye shoulders of giants.” Letter from Isaac Newton to Robert Hooke (Feb. 5, 1675) (on file with the Historical Society of Pennsylvania), 463 464 The University of Memphis Law Review Vol.
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