2007 Southwest Fisheries Science Center Santa Cruz, California

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2007 Southwest Fisheries Science Center Santa Cruz, California Report of the Technical Subcommittee of the Canada-United States Groundfish Committee Forty-Eighth Annual Meeting of the TSC April 24-25, 2007 Southwest Fisheries Science Center Santa Cruz, California Appointed by the Second Conference on Coordination of Fisheries Regulations between Canada and the United States Compiled by the Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission History of TSC Meeting Locations, Hosts and Chairpersons YEAR DATE LOCATION HOST CHAIR 1984 June 20-22 British Columbia Westrheim Rigby 1985 June 25-27 Juneau, AK Morrison Westrheim 1986 June 19-19 Ashland, OR Demory Westrheim 1987 June 9-11 Seattle, WA Jagielo Demory 1988 June 7-9 Carmel, CA Henry Demory 1989 June 6-9 Ladysmith, BC Saunders Jagielo 1990 June 5-7 Sitka, AK Bracken Jagielo 1991 June 4-6 Newport, OR Barss Wilkins 1992 May 5-7 Seattle, WA Jagielo Wilkins 1993 May 5-7 Point Lobos, CA Thomas Saunders 1994 May 3-5 Nanaimo, BC Saunders Saunders 1995 May 2-3 Seattle, WA O’Connell Bracken 1996 May 7-9 Newport, OR Barss O’Connell 1997 May 6-8 Tiburon, CA Thomas Barss 1998 May 5-7 Olympia, WA Jagielo Barss 1999 May 4-6 Seattle, WA Methot Barnes 2000 May 9-10 Nanaimo, BC Saunders Barnes 2001 May 8-10 Newport, OR Schmitt Schmitt 2002 May 7-8 Point Lobos, CA Barnes Methot 2003 May 6-7 Sitka, AK O’Connell Jagielo 2004 May 4-5 Coupeville, WA Wilkins Jagielo 2005 May 3-4 Parksville, BC Stanley Stanley 2006 May 2-3 Otter Rock, OR Parker Stanley 2007 April 24-25 Santa Cruz, CA Field Brylinsky TABLE OF CONTENTS HISTORY OF TSC MEETING LOCATIONS .............................................................. Inside Cover A. OVERVIEW AND TERMS OF REFERENCE...................................................................................1 B. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY...........................................................................................................................3 C. MINUTES OF THE TECHNICAL SUB-COMMITTEE................................................................6 D. PARENT COMMITTEE MINUTES................................................................................................... 23 E. AGENCY REPORTS ................................................................................................................................. 25 1. ALASKA FISHERIES SCIENCE CENTER, NATIONAL MARINE FISHERIES SERVICE........... 26 2. FISHERIES AND OCEANS, CANADA ...................................................................................................... 107 3. COMMITTEE OF AGE READING EXPERTS (CARE)........................................................................... 127 4. INTERNATIONAL PACIFIC HALIBUT COMMISSION (IPHC) ......................................................... 132 5. NORTHWEST FISHERIES SCIENCE CENTER, NATIONAL MARINE FISHERIES SERVICE.. 154 6. SOUTHWEST FISHERIES SCIENCE CENTER, NATIONAL MARINE FISHERIES SERVICE .. 183 7. STATE OF ALASKA, ALASKA DEPARTMENT OF FISH AND GAME........................................... 204 8. STATE OF OREGON, DEPARTMENT OF FISH AND GAME............................................................. 247 9. STATE OF WASHINGTON, DEPARTMENT OF FISH AND WILDLIFE.......................................... 259 A. Overview and Terms of Reference During the Conference on Coordination of Fisheries Regulations Between Canada and the United States (April 1959, Vancouver B.C.), the Ad Hoc Committee on Trawl Fishery Regulations recommended that the governments of Canada and the United States establish a continuing group made up of administrative and technical representatives of Oregon, Washington and Canada to review trawl regulations, to exchange information of status of bottom fish stocks, and to continue, enhance and coordinate bottom fish research programs. The Technical Sub-committee (TSC) was then created by the Committee on Trawl Fishery Regulations (now the Canada-U.S. Groundfish Committee) at the trawl committee meeting held in Seattle, Washington, on November 4, 1959. The TSC first met in Portland, Oregon, on January 19-20, 1960. Dr. K.S. Ketchen (Canada) served as Chairman. Member agencies at the time were the Fisheries Research Board of Canada (now the Department of Fisheries and Oceans), Washington Department of Fisheries (now the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife), Fish Commission of Oregon (now the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife), and the California Department of Fish and Game. In 1972, two more agencies became members – the Alaska Department of Fish and Game and the U.S. Bureau of Commercial Fisheries (now the National Marine Fisheries Service). The TSC has met at least annually since 1960 and submitted a processed report of each meeting to its Parent Committee. These terms of reference did not apply to Pacific halibut, whose research and management are the responsibility of the International Pacific Halibut Commission: 1. Exchange information on the status of groundfish stocks of mutual concern and coordinate, whenever possible, desirable programs of research. 2. Recommend the continuance and further development of research programs having potential value as scientific basis for future management of the groundfish fishery. 3. Review the scientific and technical aspects of existing or proposed management strategies and their component regulations relevant to conservation of stocks or other scientific aspects of groundfish conservation and management of mutual interest. 4. Transmit approved recommendations and appropriate documentation to appropriate sectors of Canadian and U.S. governments and encourage implementation of the recommendations. The TSC has exhibited considerable flexibility in reacting to the diverse problems of the dynamic groundfish fishery off western Canada and the United States. It has coordinated coastwide fishery statistics and research projects; created working groups to deal in depth with specific problems; scheduled workshops at which appropriate specialists met to jointly deal with specific problems and exchange data and information; and provided an on-going forum for exchange of data, procedures, and regulations. The TSC has identified problems associated with the utilization and management of groundfish resources of importance to both countries; often well in advance of public or agency awareness. The concerns expressed in 1962 by the TSC over the development of foreign fisheries and recommendations for stock assessments were significant. 1 TSC-coordinated Canada-U.S. research on Pacific Ocean perch provided the basis for negotiation of bilateral fishing agreements between the United States and Japan and the USSR. Furthermore, the continually updated information provided the basis for quotas imposed in 1977 by Canada and the United States when they both promulgated their 200-mile zones of extended jurisdiction. 2 B. Executive Summary The TSC met April 24-25, 2007 in Santa Cruz, California. The meeting was hosted by the National Marine Fisheries Service ― Southwest Fisheries Science Center. As is done each year, participants review previous year (2006) research achievements and projected current year (2007) research for each agency. There continues to be significant informal collaboration between U.S. and Canadian staff in the research and stock assessment of such species as yellowtail, canary, yelloweye rockfish, sablefish, and more extensively, Pacific whiting. Nevertheless, the TSC suggested that assessment and management of these and other groundfish populations that co-exist near national boundaries would benefit from closer collaboration. One means for achieving this would be to include staff from both countries is included at pre-assessment workshops. This would help to ensure that all relevant data are brought to bear on the assessment and also act to stimulate long term collaborative research. The TSC again noted the ongoing work of the Committee of Age Reading Experts (CARE) (http://care.psmfc.org/). TSC appreciates the work of CARE and recognizes that a direct link between the assessment biologist and the ageing lab is the most efficient means of requesting species ageing exchanges. The TSC noted that it will rely on fishery managers and stock assessment authors to interact directly with their ageing lab supervisors to communicate with CARE for ageing exchanges. The TSC noted the interagency Sablefish Workshop was held at the Alaska Fisheries Science Center (AFSC) in Seattle in February, 2007. The two-day meeting was a success. Agencies gave overviews of their fisheries and research, and Dan Kimura (AFSC) and Delsa Anderl (AFSC) gave a presentation on sablefish ageing. The Sablefish Workshop summary is available from Cleo Brylinsky (ADFG) or by contacting Chris Lunsford (AFSC) at the Auke Bay Lab. TSC also noted that organization is under way for the 2008 Western Groundfish Conference. It is scheduled for February 4-8, 2008 at the Santa Cruz Coast Hotel in Santa Cruz, CA. The Trawl Survey Working Group, created under the auspices of the TSC, met for the fifth consecutive year in February in Seattle. This Working Group has been successful in transferring technology and design features among the various survey groups operating in U.S. and Canadian waters. Mark Wilkins (AFSC) reported that during the 2007 meeting, three groups ― DFO, NWFSC and AFSC ― spent one day reviewing various survey topics. There exists the potential for a lot of bias when extending the bottom trawl data to untrawlable areas which is an issue for rockfishes of concern. The GIS Working Group: The second follow-up fall workshop did not get organized as hoped. It
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