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AUTHOR Ross, Leslie, W.; Green, Yvonne W. TITLE Accredited Postsecondary Institutions andPrograms. Including Institutions Holding Preaccredited Status. INSTITUTION Department of Education, Washington, D.C. PUB DATE 1 Sep 80 NOTE 222p. AVAILABLE FROM Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402 ($6.50).

EARS PRICE MF01/PC09 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS *Accreditation (Institutions); *Accrediting Agencies; Agency Role: *Federal Legislation; *Postsecondary Education: Professional Education; SpecialDegree Programs; Standards; Technical Education; *Technical Institutes; Vocational Schools IDENTIFIERS National Advisory Committee on AccreditIzst Elig ABSTRACT This is the fifth edition of a list of postsecondary educational institutions and programs thatare accredited by, or that hive preaccredited status awardedby, the regional and national accrediting agencies formally recognized bythe Secretary of Education. In addition to the lists of postsecondaryspecialized and vocational institutions and institutions of highereducation accredited as of September-1, 1980, this publicationincludes those having preaccredited status with the recognized accreditingagencies. Not-included are lists of institutions that.are approved,recognized, classified, or licensed by state agencies. The introductionoffers information on the following: functions of accreditation,the accrediting procedure, types of accreditation, nationalrecognition (including criteria sn procedure .rom the Federal Register for recognizing accrediting bodies), preaccreditationstatus definition, the Division of Eligibility and Agency Evaluation wituinthe U.S. Burear of Postsecondary Education and the functions of taeNational Advisory Committee on Accreditation and InstitutionalEligibility as established by the Education Amendments of 1980. PartI of the volume lists accredited or preaccredited postsecondaryeducational institutions with postsecondary programs. It also providesnames and addresses of the regional accrediting associations.Part II identifies accredited or preaccredited professional,technical, occupational, and specialized schools orprograms (e.g., in allied health education, architecture, art, Bible collegeeducation, business, chiropractic, cosmetology). Appendices includenames and addresses of nationally recognized accrediting agenciesand associations and accrediting agencies and associationsrecognized by the 0.S. Commissioner of Education for Preaccreditation.(LC)

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Points of viewor coinions stated in this dot o Tent do riot ne,es,sarilv represent nffitaf NIF poslhon or WARy

Including Institutions Holding Preaccredited Status

as of September 1, 1980

by Leslie W. Ross Yvonne W. Green

U.S. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Shirley M. Hufstedler, Secretary Albert H. Bowker, Assistant Secretary for Postsecondary Education ForNrord

This is the fifth edition of a list of postsecondary educational Institutions and programs which are accredited by, or which have preaccredited status awarded by, the regional and national accrediting agencies formally recognized by the Secretary of Education. The first three editions in this series were publishedin the early 1970's, after which publication was suspended while we developeda new automated data system. Beginning with the 1979 edition, the list is being reissued annuallyto record the changes that occur among the institutions andprograms that are accredited, or have a preaccredited status. In addition to the lists of postsecondary specialized and vocational institutions and institutions of higher education which have attained accredited status as of September 1, 1980, this publication Includes those institutionsor programs which have attained a preaccredited status with the accreditingagencies having recognized procedures for assigning such status. Not included are lists of institutions thatare approved, recognized, classified, or licensed by State agencies authorized to perform these legal functions. This 1980 edition ofAccredited Postsecondary Institutions and Programshas been cimpiled by automated data processing equipment from data stored in the information retrieval system maintained by the Division of Eligibility and Agency Evaluation in the office ,if postsecondary education and rept Auced by the linotronprocess in the U.S. Government Printing Office. The Department of Education is grateful to the officers of the regional and national accrediting agencies who suppliee the data containedin this publication.

Richard J. Rowe Director Division of Eligibility and Agency Evaluation


3 Acknowledgments

The persons named below also c. 'Aril:toted to this directory through their cooperative efforts in the areas of their expertise.

William J. Craven, Jr., Office of Postsecondary Educancn, Policy Development Margaret W. Hans ley, Office of Postsecondary Education, Division of Eligibility and Agency Evaluation Richard Higdon and Roy Fulbright, Pinkerton Computer Consultants, Inc Contents


Foreword . iii Introduction vii Part IPostsecondary Educational Institutions and SecondaryInstitutions with Postsecondary Programs Accreditedor Preaccredited by Regional Commissions and Regional Associations Recognized by the U.S

Secretary of Education 1 Part IIProfessional, Technical, Occupational, andSpecialized Schools or Pro- grams Accredited and Preaccredited by National Specialized Accredit- ing Agencies Recognized by the U.S. Secretary of Education 45 Allied Health Education: Blood Bank Technology 49 Cytotechnology 74 Histologic Technician 102 Medical Assistant (Certificate) 1i 1 Medical Assistant (Associate Degree) 110 Medical Laboratory Technician (Certificate) 115 Medical Laboratory Technician (Associate Degree) 114 Medical Record Administrator 117 Medical Record Technician 118 Medical Technologist 120 Nuclear' Medicine Technologist 134 Occupational Therapy 150 Physical Therapist 159 Physician's Assistant (Assistant to the Primary Care Physician) 162 Radio logic Technologist 169 Radiation Therapy Technologist 176 Respiratory Therapist 178 Respiratory Therapy Technician 180 Surgi 'al Technologist 189 Architecture 45 Art 47 Bible College Education 48 Business 51 Chiropractic 59 Clinical Pastoral Education 59 Continuity Education 63 Cosmetology 64 Dance and Theater 75

5 Part 11Continued Page Dental Education: Dental Assisting 78 Dental Hygiene 82 Dental Laboratory Technology 84 Dentistry 76 Dietetics 85 Engineering Education: Professional Engineering 88 Engineering Technology 94 Forestry 99 Funeral Service Education 100 Health Services Administration 100 Home Study Education 102 Interior Design 103 Journalism 104 Landscape Architecture 106 Law 106 Librarianship 109 Marriage and Family Therapy 110 Medical Education: Basic Medical Sciences 126 Microbiology 128 Music 129 Nurse Education: Anesthesia 136 Practical Nursing 138 Professional Nursing 138 Occupational, Trade, and Technical Education 151 Optometry 157 Osteopathic Medicine 157 Pharmacy 158 Podiatry 163 Psychology 163 Public Health 167 Rabbinical and Talmudic Edi cation 168 Social Work 182 Speech Pathology and Audiology 136 Teacher Education 190 Theology 195 Veterinary Medicine 198 Institutions of Higher Education Registered br the New York Bo. -d of Regents 199 Appendix ANationally Recognized Accrediting Agencies and Associations..... 203 Appendix 11Accrediting Agencies and Associations Recognized by the U S. Commissioner of Education for Preaccreditation 210

vi Introduction

The United States has no Federal ministry of education 9. Providing one of several considerations used as a basis or other centralized authority exercising single national for determining eligiliility for Federal assistance. control over educational institutions in this country. The States assume varying degrees of control over education, THE ACCREDITING PROCEDURE but, in general, institutions of postsecondary education are permitted to operate with considerable independence Accrediting usually Involves five basic steps: and autonomy. As a consequence, American educational 1. Standards: The accrediting agency, in collaboration institutions can vary widely in the character and quality with educational institutions, establishes standards. of their programs. 2. Self-study: The institution or program seeking accredi- tation prepares a self-evaluation study that measures In order to insure a basic level of quality, the practice of its performance against the standards established by accreditation arose in the United States as a means of the accrediting agency. conducting nongovernmental, peer evaluation of educa- 3. Onsite Evaluation: A team selected by the accrediting tional Institutions and programs. Private educational as- agency visits the institution or program to determine sociations of regional or national scope have adopted firsthand if the applicant meets the established stand- criteria reflecting the qualities of a sound educational ards. program and have developed procedures for evaluating 4. Publication: Upon being satisfied that the applicant institutions or programs to determine whether or not they meets its standards, the accrediting agency lists the are operating at basic levels of quality. institution or program in an official publication with FUNCTIONS OF ACCREDITATION other similarly accredited institutions or programs. 5. Reevaluation: The accrediting agency periodically re- 1. Certifying that an institution has met established evaluates the institutions or programs that it lists to standards; ascertain that continuation of the accredited status 1£ 2. Assisting prospective students in identifying accept- warranted. able institutions; TYPES OF ACCREDITATION S. Assisting institutions in determining the acceptability of transfer credits; There are two basic types of educational accreditation, 4. Helping to identify institutions and programs for the one identified as "institutional" and one re4rred to as investment of public and private funds; "specialized," or "programmatic." 5. Protecting an institution against harmful internal and, external pressures; Institutional accreditation normally applies to an entire 6. Creating goals for self-improvement of weaker pro- institution, indicating that each of its parts is contributing grams and stimulating a general raising of standards to the achievement of an institution's objectives, although among educational institutions; not necessarily all on the same level of quality. The 7. Involving the faculty and staff comprehensively in various commissions of the regional accrediting associ- ations, for example, perform institutional accreditation, institutional evaluation and planning; 8. Establishing criteria for professional certification, li- as do some national accrediting agencies. cet sure, and for upgrading courses offering such Specialized accreditation normally applies to evaluation preparation; and of programs, departments or schools which usually are

vii 7 parts of a total collegiate or other postsecondary institu- or admit to membership those institutions that meet the tion The unit accredited may be as large as a college or standard, or criteria. school within a university or as small as a curliculum within a disciplineMost of the speisalized accrediting The following information concerning the criteria and agencies review units within a postsecondary institution proceduresforrecognizingaccreditingbodies was which is accredited by one of the regional accrediting publishedintheFederalRegisteronAugust20, commission. However, certain of the specialized accredit- 1974, under Title 45Public Welfare, Chapter I. ing agencies do accredit professional schools and other Office of Education, Department of Health, Education. specialized or vocational or other postsecondary institu- and Welfare. tions which are free standing in their operations Thus, a "specialized' or "programmatic" accrediting agency may Part 149Commissioner's RecognitionProce- also function in the capacity of an "institutional" accred- dures for National Accrediting Bodies and State iting agency In addition, a number of specialized accred- Agencies itingagenciesaccrediteducationalprograms within noneducational settings, such as hospitals. Subpart A Criteria for Nationally Recognized Accrediting Agencies and Associations

Accreditation does not provide automatic acceptance by Sec an institution of credit earned in another institution, nor 149 1 SIore does it give assurance of acceptance of graduates by 149 2 befinitions employers. Acceptance of students or graduates is always 149 3 Paoli Anon of list 149 4 In( lusion on list the prerogative of the receiving institution or employer. 149 5 Initial recognition, renewal of recognition For these reasons, besides ascertaining the accredited 149 6 Criteria

status of a school or program, students should take Al SNOWY(211 L Si403151 012151 111810111,1 10115 (5) and 1111088(61(1111(41(a) additional measures to determine, prior to enrollment, 1401(1101 161415011 246112111 (12 L ( 24105X11 2941121 254,41, 2911.1(51 2958 314021 295h 1161121 295h 412/411/ 24111540 Id 1 1101101511h 118205111 (12 t1,1 whether or nottheir educational goals will be met 174%dt.) 1131 1,111521r11 118 ',I1/73(a) 15621an through attendanceataparticularinstitution. These measures should include inquiries to institutions to which Subpart ACriteria for Nationally Recognized transfer might be desired or to prospective employers, Accrediting Agencies and Associations and personal inspection of the institution in which enroll- ment is romtemplated. § 149.1Scope. Accreditation of institutions or programs of institutions NATIONAL RECOGNITION by agencies or associations nationally recognized by the U.S.Commissioner of Education is a prerequisite to the eligibility for Federal financial assistance of institutions For various Federa: purpose, the U.S. Secretary of and of the students attending such institutions under a Education is required by statute to publish alist of wide variety of federally supported programs. The recog- nationally recognised accrediting agencies and associ- nition of such agencies is reflected in lists published by ations which the Secretary determines to be reliable the Commissioner in the Federal Register. Inclusion on authorities as to the quality of education or training such listis i'ependent upon the Commissioner's finding offered by educational institutions and programs. that any such recognized agency or association is reliable authorityasto the quality of training offered. The Most postsecondary institutions attain eligibility for Fed- Commissi mer's recognition is granted and the agency or eral funds by holding accredited or preaccredited status association is Included on the list only when it meets the with 'Inc of the accrediting bodies recognized by the criteria established by the Commissioner and set fori:i in Secretary of Education, in addition to fulfilling other § 149 6 of this part. eligibility requirements. In some legislation, provision is (20 U.S.C. I141(a)) made for special qualifying steps that may be taken as § 149.2Definitions. alternatives to the normal accreditation process. "Accrediting" means the process wh reby an agency or association grants public recognition to a school, institute, The commissions of the regional associations and the college, university, or specialised program of study which national accrediting agencies winch are recognized by the meets certain established qualifications and educational Secretaryhave no legal controlovereducational standards, as determined through initial and periodic institutions or program- They promulgate standards of evaluations The essential purpose of the accreditation quality or criteria of institutional excellence and approve process is to provide a prof .,..sional judgment as to the viii quality of the educational institution or program(s) of- final without affording opportunity for a hearing. fered, and to encourage continual improvement thereof; (b) In view of the criteria set forth in § 149.6, itis "Adverse accrediting action" means denial of accredi unlikely that more than one association or agency will tation or preaccreditation status or the withdrawal of qualify for recognition: (I) in a defined geographical area accreditation or preaccreditation status; of jurisdiction or (2)ina defined field of program "Agency or asmiciation" means a corporation, associ- specializatico within secondary or postsecondary educa- ation, or other legal entity or unit thereof which has the tion. If two or more separate organizations in a defined principal responsibility for carrying out the accrediting field do seek recognition, they will both be expected to function; demonstrate need for their activities and show that their "Institutional accreditation" applies to the total institu- accrediting activities do not unduly disrupt the affected tion and signifies that the institution as a wholeis institution or program. achieving its educational objectives satisfactorily; (20 U.S.C. 1141(a)) "Regional" means the conduct of institutional accredi- tation in three or more States; § 149.6Criteria. "Representatives of the public" means representatives In requesting designation by the U.S. Commissioner of who are laymen in the sense that they are not educators Education as a nationally recognized accrediting agency in, or me"ibers of the profession for which the students or association, an accrediting agency or association must are being prepared, nor in any way are directly related to show: the institutions or programs being evaluated; "States" includes the District of Columbia and territo- (a)Functional aspectsItsfunctionalaspectswillbe ries and poSsessions of the United States. demonstrated by: (IIIts scope of operations. (20 U.S.C. I I41(a)) (i) The agency or associationisnational or 149.3Publication of list. regional in its scope of operations. (ii) The agency or association clearly defines in Periodically the U.S. Commissioner of Education will its charter, by-laws or accrediting standards publish a list in the Federal Register of the accrediting the scope of its activities, including the geo- agencies and associations which he determines to be graphical area and the types and levels of tellable authorities as to the quality of training offered by institutions or programs covered. educational institutions or programs,' either in a geo- (2)Its organization graphical area or .11 a specialized field. The general scope (i) Theagency or association has the administra- of the recognition granted to each of the listed accrediting tive personnel and procedures to carry out its bodies will also be listed. operations in a timely and effective manner. (20 U.S.C. 1141(a)) (ii) The agency or association defines its fiscal needs, manages its expenditures, and has 149.4Inclusion on list. adequate financial resources to carry out its Any accrediting agency or association whch desires to operations, as shown by an external!, audited be listed by the Commissioner as meeting the criterir set finanical statement. forth in § 149.6 should apply in writing to the Director, (iii) The agency's or association's fees, if any, for Division of Eligibility and Agency Evaluation, Office of the accreditation process do not exceed the Postsecondary Education, U.S. Department of Education, reasonable cost of sustaining and improving Washington, D.C. 20202. the process. (iv) The agency or association uses competent (20 U.S.C. 1141(a)) and knowledgeable persons, qualified by ex- 1149.5Initial recognition and renewal of rec- perience and training, and selects such per- ognition. sons in accordance with nondiscriminatory (a) For initial recognition and for renewal of recogni- practices: tion, the accrediting agency or association will furnish (A) topartic,pateonvisitingevaluation information establishing its compliance with the criteria teams; set forth in § 149.6. This information may be supple- (B) to engage in consultative services for the mented by personal interviews or by review of the evaluation and accreditation pros :,,,,, and agency's facilities, records, personnel qualifications, and (C) to serve on policy and decisionmaking administrative management. Each agency listed will be bodies, reevaluated by the Commissioner at his discretion, but at (v) The agency or association includes on each least once every 4 years. No adverse decision will become visiting evaluation team at le,vst one person

9 ix who is not a member of its policy or decision- (C) The current accreditation status of insti- making body or its administrative staff. tutions or programs and the date of the (3)Its procedures. next currently scheduled review or re- (1) The agency or association maintains clear consideration of accreditation; defin-tions of each level of accreditation sta- (D) The names and affiliations of members tus and has clearly written procedures for of its policy and decision-making bodies, granting, denying, reaffirming, revoking, and and the name(s) of its principal adminis- reinstating such accredited statuses. trative personnel; (ii) The agency or association, if it has developed (E) A description of the ownership, control, a preaccreditation status, provides for the and type of legal organization of the application of criteria and procedures that agency or association are related in an appropriate manner to those in') The agency or association provides advance employed for accreditation. notice of proposed or revised standards to all (n) The agency or association requires, as an persons, institutions, and organizations sig- integral part of its accrediting process, insti- nificantly affected by its accrediting process, tutional or program self-analysis and an on- and provides such persons, institutions, and site review by a visiting team. organizations adequate opportunity to com- (A) The self-analysis shall be a qualitative ment on such standards prior to their adop- assessment of the strengths and limita- tion. tions of the institution or program, in- (iv) The agency or association has written proce- cluding the achievement of institutional dures for the review of complaints pertaining or program objectives, and should in- to institutional or program quality, as these volve arepresentative portion of the relate to the agency's standards and demon- institution's administrative staff, h- strates that such procedures are adequate to ing faculty, students, governing body, provide timely treatment of such complaints and other appropriate constituencies. in a manner that is fair and equitable to the (B) The agency or association provides writ- complainant and to the institution or pro- ten and consultative guidance to the in- gram. stitution or program and to the visiting (3)It assures due process inits accrediting proce- team. dures, as demonstrated in part by: (h) Responsibility. Its responsibility will be demonstrated (i) Affording initial evaluation of the institutions by the way in which-- or programs only when the chief executive officer of the institution applies for accredita- (1)Its accreditation in the field in which it operates tion of the institution or any of its programs; serves clearly-identified needs, as follows: 00 Providing for adequate discussion during ar (i) The agency', or association's accreditation on-site visit between the visiting team and the program takes into account the rights, re- faculty, administrative staff, students, and sponsibilities, and interests of students, the other appropriate persons; general public, the academic, professional, or (11;) Furnishing, as a result of an evaluation visit, occupational fields involved, and institutions. a written report to the institution or program (n) The agency's or association's purposes and commenting on areas of strengths, areas objectives are clearly defined in its charter, needing improvement and, when appropriate, by-laws, or accrediting standards. suggesting means of improvement and in- (2)It is responsive to the public interest, in that: cluding specific areas,if any, where the (i) The agency or association includes repre- institution or program may not be in compli- sentatives of the public initspolicy and ance with the agency's standards; decisionmal mg bodies, or in an advisoryor (iv) Providing the chief executive officer of the consultative capacity that assures attention institution or program with an opportunity to by the policy and decision-making bodies. comment upon the written report and to file (ii) The agency or association publishes or other- supplemental materiaI5 pertinent to the facts wise makes publicly available: and conclusions in the written report of the (A) The standards by which institutionsor visiting team before the accrediting agency or programs are evaluated; association takes action on the report; (B) The procedures utilizedin arriving at (v) Evaluating, when appropriate, the report of decisions regarding the accreditation sta- the visiting team in the presence of a member tus of an institution or program; of the team, preferably the chairman; 0 (vi) Providing for the withdrawal of accreditation policies, evaluation methods, and decisions by only for cause, after review, or when the educators,educationalinstitutions,licensing institution or program does not permit reeva- bodies, practitioners, and employers; luation, after due notice; (2) Regular review of its standards, policies, and (vii) Providing the chief executive officer of the procedures, in order that the evaluative process institution with a specific statement of rea- shall support constructive analysis, emphasize sons for any adverse accrediting action, and factors of critical importance, and reflect the notice of the right to appeal such action; educational and training needs of the student; (viii) Establishing and implementing published rules of procedure regarding appeals which (3) Not less than 2 years' experience as an accredit- will provide for: ing agency or association; (A) No change in the accreditation status of (4) Reflection in the composition of its policy and the institution or program pending dispo- decision-making bodies of the community of in- sition cc an appeal; terestsdirectly affected by the scope of its (B) Right to a hewing before the appeal accreditation. body; (d) Autonomous.Its autonomy is demonstrated by evi- (C) Supplying the chief executive officer of dence that the institution with s written decision of the appeal body. including a statement of (1)It performs no function that would be inconsist specifics. ent with the formation V an independent judg- ment of the quality of ageducational grogram or (4) It has demonstrated capability and willingness to institution; - foster ethical practices among the institutions or programs which it accredits, including equitable (2)It provides in its operating procedures against studenttuitionrefunds and nondiscriminatory conflict of interest in the rendering of its judg- practices in admissions and employment.- ments and decisions. (5) Itmaintains a program of evaluation of its (20 U.S.C. 1141(a) et al) educational 'standards designed to assess their validity and reliability. PREACCREDITATION STATUS (6) It secures sufficient qualitative information re- "Preaccreditation status" means status awarded by an garding the institution or program which shows accrediting agency or association, after farable review, an ongoing program oevaluation. of outputs to an educational institution or program that is working consistent with the educationalgc..:1 of the toward accreditation status. institution or program. THE DIVISION OF ELIGIBILITY AND AGENCY (7) It encourages experimental and innovative pro- EVALUATION grams to the extent that these are conceived and Implemented in a manner which ensures the Tne Division of Eligibility and Agency Evaluation, for- quality and integrity of the institution or pro- merly the Accreditation and Institutional Eligibility Staff, gram. was established in 1968 by the Commissioner of Educa- tion to deal with accreditation and eligibility matters. (&)It accredits only those institutions or program's Locatedin the BureauofPostsecondary Educa- which meet its published standards, and demon. tion, the Division has the following major functions: strates that its stano...i;s, policies, and proce- dures are fairly applied and that evaluations 1. Continuous review of procedures, policies, and issues are conducted and decisions rendered under in the area of tIlilDepartment of Education's interests conditions that assure an impartial and objective and responsibilities relative to accreditation and eligi- judgment. bility for funding; (9)It reevaluates at reasonable intervals institutions 2. Administration of the eligibility for funding process; or programs which it has accredited. 3. Administration of the process whereby accrediting (10) It requires that any reference zo its accreditation associations secure initial and renewed recognition by of accredited institutions and programs clearly the Secretary of Education; specifies the areas and levels for which accredi- 4. Liaison with accrediting associations tation has been received. 5. Consultative services to institutions, associations, other Federal agencies, and Congress regarding accredita- Its reliability is demonstrated by (c) Reliability. lion and eligibility for funding considerations; (1) Acceptance throughout the United States of its 6. Interpretation and dissemination of policy relative to ,c* xi accreditation and eligibility for funding issues in the !Inns In at t ordain e with legi-la,ive j tits case ofallappropriate programs administered by, the dential dirt, tees, nr interage.ii v agreements Department of Education; Review and re, nniniend to the Se, retary of 7. Conduct and stimulation of appropriate research, and Education tor designation a, nationallyre, oginzed 8. Supportfor the National AdvisoryCommittee at crediting agent le,anda,,ot iatmn,ofreliable on Accreditation and Institutional Eligibility. authority all applk ant at t refitting agent le, and a,,, ciations whit h meetrite; ,,tahh,hed moter tit THE NATIONAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON above. ACCREDITATION AND INSTITUTIONAL ELIGI- 7. Developand re( minuendtotheSecretar% BILITY Education criteria and Prot edore for the ret ogm The National Advisory Committee on Accreditation and non, designation and li,ting of estate agent ie ui Institutional Eligibility was establishes under the Educa- accordance w ub ,tatutorypro% ',mu., F xe, utiye tion Amendments of 1980 (P.L. 96-374). It is composed, nr interagency agreement,. of 15 persons appointed to 3year terms by the Secretary 11 Reviewand recommend totheSecretary of of Education, from various segments of the secondary and FAH anon fur designation a, state agent ie, of reit postsecondary education community, the student/ youth able outhont%a,to the qualityofpubliipost- population, State departments of education, professional second ,% % animaleibn anon.and of mire associations, and the general public. education. all applicant State agencies who h meet criteria e,tabli-hed under 171 alio% e. l)Develop, under the antlinrity of the k ncational Edu- FUNCTIONS cation Act of 1961. a, amended, and umnend for The committee functions to assist the U.S. Secretary theapprovaloftheSecretaryofEducation. of Education in the performance of eligibility determining standard, and t ritena for specific t ategories of pct. duties imposed by Public Law 82-550, the Veterans' sate vocational training institution, whit h h no Readjustment Assistance Act of 1952, and subsequent alternative route b% which to establish eligibilit% for legislation.It also serves to advise the Secretary on Federal funding programs; broader policy matters and specific issues relating to 10. De%elop, under the authority of the Higher Edut a accreditation and institutional eligibility for Federal fund- non ACI of 1965, a, amended, and re( onunend for ing. Specifically, the committee is mandated to: theapproval of theSet rear of Education. standards and criteria for spet the categories of in,to 1. Review all current and future policies relating to the tutions of higher etIto anon. fur which there is no responsibilityof theSecretaryfortherecogni- recognized accrediting agency nr aSsIV( iat111n, in order tionanddesignation of accrediting agencies and to establish eligibility for participation in the student associations wishing to be designated as nationally Inan program, authorised by title lk thereot; recognized accrediting agencies and associations, and 11 Maintaina continuous review of Departmentof recommenddesirabiechangesincriteria and Education administrative practice, procedures, and procedures; judgments relating to accreditation and institutional 2. Review all current and future policies relating to the eligibilityandadvi,etheSecretaryofneeded responsibilityof theSecretaryfortherecogni- changes: tion and listing of State agencies wishing to be 12. Keep withinitspurviewtheaccreditationand designated as reliable authority as to the quality of approval process a,itdevelops inalllevels of public postsecondary vocational education, and of education, nurse education, and recommend desirable changes 13. Advise the Secretary of Education concerning the in criteria and prof. ares; relations of the Department with accrediting agencies 3. Review and advise the Secretary of Education in or associations, or other approval bodies as the the formation of all current and future policy relating Secretary may request; to the matter of institutional eligibility; 14Advisethe Secretary of Education,pursuantto 4. Review the prov'sions of current legislation affecting the Bureau of Budget (Office of (Management and Department of Education responsibility in the area of Budget) policy dated December 23, 1954. regarding accreditation and institution -1 eligibility and suggest the award of degree.g.antingstatustoF ederal needed changes to the Secretary of Education; agencies and institutions: 5. Developandrecommend totheSecretaryof 15. Not later than Mari h 31 of each sear, make an Education criteriaandprocedures for the recognition annual reportof its activ ites,findings,and anddesignation of accrediting agencies and associa- recommendations. xii 2 PART I

I ostsecondary Institutions and Secondary Educational r,, ,titutions with Postsecondary Programs Accredited (Preaccredited by Regional Commissions and Regional Ac,,'Iciations Recognized by the U.S. Secretary of Education.

Following the hating of each institution by State, dates North Central Association of Colleges and Schools of initial ac.,:redi:dion and latest renewal or reaffirmation Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado.Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, of accreditation are given. Th.: dates given do not reflect Michigan.Minnesota,Missouri,Nebraska, New Mexico, changes in the accredited status of an institution. The North Dakota, Ohio. Oklahoma, S:uth Dakota. West Virgin- initial date of accrediting, whether as a 2-year or 4-year ia, Wisconsin, Wyoming coi!ege, is reported. Secondary schools offering one or more postsecondary educational programs are also listed Commission on Institutions of Higher Education if their accrediting agency is recognized by the U.S. Thurston E Manning, Director Secretary of Education. To conserve space, such phrases 1221 University Avenue as 'School of Nursing,'School of Religion,' Boulder, Colorado 80302 'School of Medicine' etc. have beer, omitted from the Commission on Schools names of schools and programs except where they are John W Vaughn, Executive Director necessary for identity The information is current as of 1221 University Avenue September 1, 1980. Bo.ilder, Colorado 80302

This directory lists only the institutions or their branches Northwest Association of Schools and Colleges which have separate accredited or preaccredited status. Alaska, Idaho, Montana, Nevada. Orepn, Utah,Washington Any other locations which are included in theTistitu- Commission on Colleges tions' status are not listed For the most part, the infor- James F Bemis, Executive Director mation for this listing appears as provided by the accred- 37^0-B University Way. N E iting associations, with oily those editorial changes nec- Sc..ttle, Washington 98105 essary for consistency of format. Any questions regard- ing the information contained in the listing should be Southern Association of Colleges and Schools directed to the appropriate commission of the associ- Alabama, Florida,Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana,Mississippi. ation. The addresses follow: North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee. Texas,Virginia Middle Shiny Association of aad Schools Commission on Colleges Canal Zone. Delaware, nit of Columbia, , New Gordon W Sweet, Executive Director Jersey. New York. Pen lvanta, Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands 795 Peachtree Street, N E Commission on Higher:.;ucation Atlanta, Georgia 30308 Robert Kirkwood, Executive Scretary 3624 Market Street Commission on Occupational Education institutions Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19104 Bob E Childers, Executive Director 795 Peachtree Street, N.E Nor Eagimid Association of Schools and Colleges Atlanta, Georgia 30308 Connaticut. .Massachusetts. New Hampshire.Rhod., Island. Vermont Western Association of Schools and Colleges Richard .1Bradley, Executive Director California. Hawaii. the territory of Guam and such other areas 131 Middles,.. Turnpike of the Pacific Trust Territories as may apply to it Burlin6ton, Munch setts 01803 Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges Conimuston on Institut .ins of Higher Education Robert E Swenson, Executive Director William 1 MacLeod. Director of Evaluaticin 9053 Soquel Drive 131 Middlesex Turnpike Aptos, California 95003 Burlington, Massachusetts 01803 Commission of Vocalism'', Technical, Career Institutions Accrediting Commission for Senior Colleges and Universities Daniel S. Maloney. Director of Evaluation Kay J. Andersen, Executive Director 131 Middlesex Turnpil c/o Mills College, Box 9990 Burlington, Massachusetts 01803 Oakland, California 94613

1 Regional Accreditatie

ALABAMA University of Montevallo, Montevallo 35115 1925/1971

University of North Alabama, Florence 35630 . 1934/1971 Lathera Association of Colleges and Schools University of South Alabama, Mobile 36688 1968/1972

Commission on Colleges Walker College, Jasper 35501 . 1959/1970

Alabama Agricultural and Mechanical University, Southern Association of Colleges and Schools

Normal 35762... . 1963/1973 Commission on Occupational Education Institutions Alabama Chnstian College, Montgomery 36109. 1971/1975

Alabama State University, Montgomery 36104 . 1966/1970 Alexander City State Junior College, Alexander Alabama Aviation and Technical College, Ozark City 35010 .. 1969/1973 36360 . 1973/1976 Alabama Technical College-East Gasden, East Athens State College, Athens 35611 . 1955/1969

Gadsen 35902 ...... 1972/1977 Auburn University, Auburn 36830. . . 1922/1973 Auburn University at Montgomery, Montgomelf Atmore State Technical Institute, Atmore 36502 1977/1978

36109 ...... 1968/1978 Bessemer State Technical College, Bessemer 350201972/1977 Birmingham-Southern College, Birmingham 35204.. 1922/1973 C A Fredd State Technical College, Tuscaloosa

Brewer State Junior College, Fayette 35555 1978 35401 . . 1973/1979 Chattahoochee Valley State Community College, Carver State Technical Institute, Mobile 36607 1975/1979 Phenix City 36867 . .. 1976/1979 Chauncy Sparks Sate Technical College, Eufaala Enterprise State Junior College, Enterprise 36330 . 1969/1973 36027...... 1973/1979 Gadsden Sim* Junior College, Gadsden 35903 ..1968/1972 Community College of the Air Force, Maxwell George C Wallace Sts'',immunity College, AFB 36112. . Dothan 36701.. 1969/1973 Douglas MacArthur State Technical College, Opp George C Wallace State Technical Community 36467 . College, Hanceville 36301 ...... 1978/1976 Edward E Reid State Technical College, Huntingdon College, Montgomery 36106 . . 1928/1969 Evergreen 36401 ...... 1972/1977 Jacksonville State University, Jacksonville 36265 1935/1972 James H Faulkner Community Cc!lege, Bay Gadsden State Junior College, Gadsden 35903 1968/1972 Mimetic 36507 ...... 1970/1974 Harry M Ayers State Technical College, Anniston Jefferson Davis State Junior College, Brewton 36201 1972/1977 Hobson State Technical College, Thomasville 36426 . . 1968/1974 Jefferson State Junior College, Birmingham 35215 1968/1972 36784...... 1972/1977 John C Calhoun State Community College, F Drake State Technical College, Huntsville Decatur 35601. .. 1968/1972 35811 . 1971/1976 Judson College, Marion 36756 1925/1973 3 F Ingram State Technical Institute, Deatsville Lawson State Community College, Birmingham 36022 1977/1979

35221 . 1968/1972 John M Patterson State Technical College,

Livingston University, Livingston 35470 . . . 1938/1971 'Montgomery 36111 . . 1972/1977 Luken B Wallace State Junior College, Andalusia Muscle Shoals Technical Institute, Muscle Shoals 36420 19" 35660 1973/1978 Marion Military Institute, Marion 3056 . N F Nunnefley State Technical College, Miles College, Birmingham 35208 . I Childersburg 35044 1973/1978 Mobile College, Mobile 36613 1968/1972 Northwest Alabama State Technical College, Northeast Alabama State Junior College, Rainsvill Hamilton 35570 . 1972/1977 35986. 1969/1973 Opelika State Technical College, Opelika 36801 1971/1976 Northwest Alabama State Junior College, Phil Southwest State Technical College, Mobile 36605 1972/1977 Campbell 35581 . . 1967/1971 Trenholm State Technical College, Montgomery Oakwood College, Huntsville 35806 1958/1971 36108 .. . . Patrick Henry State Junior Ci..iege, Monroeville ...... 1972/1977 1970/1974 US Air Force Academic Instructor and Allied S D Bishop State Junior College, Mobile. 36600 1970/1974 Officer School, Maxwell AFB 36112 1976/1981 Samford University, Birmingham 35209. 1920/1975 US Air Force Senior NCO Academy, Gunter AFB Snead State Junior College, Boa-, 35957 1941/1972 36114 .. 1975 Southern Union State Junior College, Wadley US Army Aviation School, Ft Rucker 36360 1975

36276...... 1970/1975 US Army Military Police School Training Center,

Spring Hill College, Mobile 36608 . . 1922/1974 Ft McClellan 36201 . . 1976 Stillman College, Tuscaloosa 35401 1953/1970 US Army Missile and Munitions School, Redstone

Talladega College, Talladega 35160 1931/1978 Arsenal 35809 . 1975 Troy State University, Troy 36081 .. 1934/1973 Walker State Technical College, Suminton.35148.... 1973/1979 Tuskegee Institute, Tuskegee 36088. . 1933/1978

University cf Alabama, University 35486 . . 1897/1974 University of Alabama-Huntsville, Huntsville 35807 1970/1974

2 1 ,1 Regional Accreditation


Northwest Association of Schools and Colleges North Central Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges Commission on Institutions of Higher Education

Sheldon Jackson College, Sitka 99835 1966/1973 Arkansas College, Batesville 72501 - .. 1959/1972 University of Alaska, Fairbanks 99701 1934/1974 Arkansas State University, State University 72467 1928/1973 University of Alaska-Anchorage Community Arkansas State University-Beebe Branch, Beebe

College, Anchorage 99504 1974 72012 . . 1971/1976 Universitj of Alaska-Kenai Peninsula Community Arkansas Tech University, Russellville 72801 . 1930/1976 College, Soldotna 99669. 1974 College of the Ozarks, Clarksville 72830 1965/1973 University of Alaska-Ketchikan Community East Arkansas Community College, Forrest City

72335 ...... 1975 College, Ketchikan 99901 ...... 1977 ...... University of Alaska-Kuskokwim Community Harding College, Searcy 72143 ...... 1954/1975 tienderson State University, Arkadelphia 71923 . . 1934/1972 College, Bethel. 99559 ...... 1974 University of Alaska-Matanuska Susitnb Herdnx College, Conway 72032 . . 1924/1969 Community College, Palmer 99645. 1974 John Bruwn University, Siloam Springs 72761. ...1962/1972 University of Alaska, Kodiak Community College, Mississippi County Community College, Blytheville 72315 . 1975 Kodiak 99615 . . . . . 1977 North Arkansas Community Coliege, Harnson

-72601 ...... 1975 Ouachita Baptist University, Arkadelphia 71923 1953/1975 ARIZONA Philander Smith College, Little Rock 72203 1949/1971 Phillips County Community College, Helena 72342. 1972/1975 North Central Association of Colleges and Schools Southern Arkansas University, Magnolia 71753 .... 1929/1978 Commission on Institutions of Higher Education Southern Arkansas University-Technical Branch,

East Camden 71701...... 1974

Southern Baptist College Walnut Ridge 72476 ..... 1963/1978 Amencan Graduate School of Intl Mgt- University of Arkansas at Fayetteville, Fayetteville Thunderbird Campus, Glendale 85306, 1469/197i 72701 1924/1976 Anzona State University, Tempe 85281 . 1931/1973 University of Arkansas at Little Rock, Little Rock Anzona Western College, Yuma 85364 1968 1929/1976 Central Arizona College, Coolidge 85228 1973 University of Arkansas at Monticello, Monticello Cochise College, Douglas 85607. .. 1969 71655 1928/1975 Eastern Arizona College, Thatcher 85552 ... 1966/1976 University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff, Pine Bluff Glendale Community College, Glendale 85301..... 1967/1977 71601 - - ...... 1950/1976

Grand Canyon College, Phoenix 85017 .. . . 1968/1977 University of Central Arkansas, Conway 71601.... 1931/1969

Mancopa Technical Community College, Phoenix Westark Community College, Ft Smith 72901._ 1973/1978

...... 1978 Mesa Community College, Mesa 85202 . 1967/1977 North Central Association of Colleges and Schools Navajo Community College, Tsaile 86503 1976 Commission on Schools

Northern Anzona University, flagstaff 86001 . . 1030/1978

Northland Pioneer College, Holbrook 86025 . . 1975 Fayetteville-West Campus Vocational School, Phoenix College, Phoenix 85013 ...... 1928/1977 Fayetteville 72701...... 1977 Pima Community College, Tucson 85709. . . 1975

Scottsdale Community College, Scottsdale 85002 . 1975 University of Arizona, Tucson 85721 .. ... 1017/1970 CALIFORNIA University of Phoenix, Phoenix 85004 .... . 1968 US Army Intelligence Center and School, Ft Southern Association Colleges and Schools Huachuca 85613 - . .,., 1976 Commission on Occupation," Education Institutions Yavapai College, Prescott 86301... 1975

North Central Association of Colleges and Schools Fifteenth Air Force NCO Leadership School, March AFB 92508 . ... 1976 Commission on Schools Military Air Lift Command NCO Academy,

Norton AFB 92409 .. .- - .... 1976 Phoenix Area Vocational Center, Phoenix 85004 1976 Pacaf NCO Pro Military Ed School, Kadena Air

Vocational-Technical Career Center. Scottsdale Base 96239 ...... 1976

85251 ,. 1977 Tactical Air Commend NCO Leadership School,

George AFB 92392 ... - . ..1978

15 Regional Accreditadc

22nd Air Force NCO Leadership School. Norton Franciscan School of Theology, Berkeley 94709 1975/1978 AFB 92409 1976 Fresno Pacific College. Fresno 93702 1961/1976 fuller Theological Seminary, Pasadena 91101 1969/1975 Western Association of Schools and Colleges Golden Gat:: Baptist Theological Seminary, Mill Accrediting Commission for Senior Colleges and Valley 94941 1971/1975 Universities Golden Gate University. San Franciso 94105 1959/1975 Graduate Theological Union, Berkeley 94709 1966/1978 Harvey Mudd College, CI tremont 91711 California State University-Dominguez Hills, 1959/1977 Hebrew Union College, Jewish Institute of Carson 90747 1965/1977 Religion, Los Angeles 90046 ... 1960 Armstrong College, Berkeley 94704 1961/1976 Holy Family College, San Jose 94109 1973/1978 Art Center College of Design, Pasadena 91103 1955/1978 Holy Names College, Oakland 94619 1949/1973 Azusa Pacific College, Azusa 91702 1964/1978 Humboldt State University, Arcata 95521 1949/1975 Bethany Bible College, Santa Cruz 95606 1966/$973 Jesuit School of Theology, Berkeley 94709 1971/1978 Bio la College, La Mirada 90639 1961/1978 John F Kennedy University, Onnda 94563. 1977 Brooks Institute, Santa Barbara 93103 1963/1978 Loma Linda University, Loma Linda 92354 . 1960/1977 California Baptist College. Riverside 92504 1961/1977 Los Angeles Baptist College and Theological California College of Arts and Crafts, Oakland Seminary, Newhall 91321 1975/1977 94618 . 1954/1974 Loyola-Marymour., University, Los Angeles 90045.1949/1977 California College of Podiatric Medicate, San Menlo College, Menlo Park 94025 . . 1952/1977 Francisco 94115... 1961/1978 Mennonite Brethren Biblical Seminary, Fresno California Institute of the Arts, Valencia 91355 1955/19/6 93727 . 1972/1977 California Institute of Technology, Pasadena 911091949/1974 Mills College, Oakland 94613 ... . 1949/1976 Cali:onus Lutheran College. Thousand Oaks 913601962/197 Monterey Institute of International Studies, California Maritime Academy, Vallejo 94590 1977 Monterey 93940 . .. 1961/1977 California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Mount St Mary's College, Los Angeles 90049 ...... 1949/1976 Obispo 93407 .. . . . 1951/1975 National University, San Diego 92106. ..1977 California School of Professional Psychology, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey 93940 . 1975 Berkeley 94704 . 1977 New College of California, San Francisco 00000.. 1976 Cahforma School of Professional Psychology, n Northrop University, Inglewood 90306... 1960/1975 Diego 92121 . . 1977 Occidental College, Los Angeles 90041 . 1949/1975 California School of Professional Psychology, Otis Art Institute-Parsons School of Design, Los Fresno 93721, . 1977 Angeles 90057. .... 1956/1978 California School of Professional Psychology, Los Pacific Christian College, Fullerton 92631 . 1969/1975 Angeles 90004 . 1977 Pacific Oaks College, Pasadena 91105 1959/1975 California State College, San Bernardino2407 1965/1970 Pacific School of Religion, Berkeley 94709 1971/1978 California State College, Turlock 95380. 1963/1978 Pa "iic Union College, Angwin 94508. . 1951/1978 California State College, Bakersfield 93399 . 1970/1975 Paten Eible College, Oakland 94601 1976/1978 California State Polytechnic University. Pomona Pepperdme university, Malibu 90265. 1974 91768.. .- 1970/1975 Pitzer College, Claremont 91711 . 1965/1978 California State University, Sacramento 95819. 1951/1^7 Point Loma College, San Diego 9..106 ...1949/1975 California State University, Fullerton 92634 19o1/1974 Pomona College, Claremont 91711 .,. 1949/1977 California State University, Los Angeles 90032 1954/1975 Rand Graduate Institute for Policy Studies, Santa California State University, Long Beach 90840 1957/1977 Monica 90406 ...... 1975 California State University, Northridge 91324 1958/1975 San Diego State University, San Diego 92182 ., 1949/1974 California State University, Fresno 93740. 1949/197 San Francisco Art Institute, San Francisco 94133 1954/1976 California State University, Hayward 94542 1961/1974 San Francisco Conservatory of Music, San California State University, Chico 95926 . 1949/1974 Francisco 94122 1960/1978 Chapman College, Orange 9'2666 1956/1977 San Francisco State University, San Francisco Church Divinity School of the Pacific, Berkeley 94132 . 1949/1977 94709 . 1945/1967 San Francisco Theological Seminary, San Anselmo Claremont Graduate School, Claremont 91711 1949/1977 94960 . . . 1973/1978 Claremont Men's College, Claremont 91711 1949/1975 San Jose State University, San Jose 95114 , . 1949/1974 Cogswell College, San Francisco 94108 19,7 Sc1--xil of Theology at Claremont, Claremont 91711 1971 College of the Center for Early Education, Los Scripps College, Claremont 91711 1949/1977 Angeles 90048 . 1964/1976 Simpson College, San Francisco 94134 . , 1969/1975 College of Notre Dame, Belmont 94002 1955/1976 Sonoma State University, Rohner! Park 94928 1963/1978 Consortium of California State University and Southern California College. Costa Mesa 92626 . 1964/1976 Colleges, Long Beach 90806 1976 Sudthern California College of Optometry. Dominican College of San Rafael, San Rafael 94901 1949/1977 Fullerton 92631, 1961/1974 Dominican School of Philosophy and Theology, St John's Seminary, Camarillo 93010, 1951/1976 Oakland 94618. 1964/1978 St Mary's College of California. Moraga 94575 1949/1976

4 16 Regional Accreditation

St Patrick's College, Mountain View 94042 1954/1973 Columbia Junior College, Columbia 95310 1972/1975 St Patncks's Theo Igatc, Menlo Park 94025 1971/1974 Compton Community College, Compton 90220 1952/1977 Stanford University, Sta. ifch'd 94405 1949/1970 Contra Costa College, San Pablo 94806 1952/1974 Thomas Aquinas College, Santa Paula' 93022 1976/1978 Cosurnnes River College, Sacramento 95823 1972/1975 University of the Pacific, Stockton 95211 1949/1977 Colton Hills College, Yucaipa 92399 1975 University of California, Santa Cruz 95060 1965/1976 Cuesta College, San Luis Obispo 93401 1968/1976 University of California, Berkeley 94720 1949/1970 Cuyamaca College, El Cajon 92020 1978 University of California, Davis 95616 1954/1972 Cypress College, Cypress 90630 1968/1976 University of California, San Francisco 94122 1976 D-Q University-Lower Division, Davis 95616 1977 University of California, Irvine 90001 1965/1975 De Anza College, Cupertino 95014 1969/1977 University of California, Riverside 92502 1956/1978 Deep Springs College, Dyer 89010 1952/1976 University of California, Santa Barbara 93106 1949/1976 Defense Language Tistit-e, Monterey 93940 1979 University of California, Los Angeles 90024 1949/1478 Diablo Valley College, Pleasant Hill 94523 1952/1976 University of California-San Diego, La Jolla 92037 1964/1976 Don Bosco Technical Institute, Rosemead 91770 1972/1974 University of Judaism, Los Angeles 90028 1961/1972 East Los Angeles College. Los Angeles 90022 1952/1976 University of La Verne La Verne 91750 1955/1976 El Camino College, via Torrance 90506 1952/1975 University of Redlands, Redlands 92373 1949/1977 Evergreen Valley College, San Jose 95128 1977 University of San Diego, San Diego 92110 1956/1978 Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising, Los f iniversity of San Francisco, San Francisco 94117 1949/197 Angeles 90017 1978 University of Santa Clara, Santa Clara 95050 1949/1978 Feather River College, Quincy 95971 1973/1978 University of Southern California, Los Angeles Foothill College, Los Altos Hills 94022 1959/1977 90007 1949/1976 Fresno City College, Fresno 93704 1962/1978 US International University, San Diego 92131 1956/1977 Fullerton College, Fullerton 92634 , 1952/1977 West Coast Bible College, Fresno 93612 1976 Gavilan College, Gilroy 95020 1952/1974 West Coast University, Los Angeles 90020 1963/1974 Glendale Community College. Glendale 91208 1952/1977 Western State University College of I aw of Golden West College, Huntington Beach 92647 1969/1977 C ge Cty, Fullerton 92631 1976 Grossmont College, El Cajon 92020 1963/1975 Western State University-College of LawofSan Hartnell Community College, Salinas 93901 1952/1974 Diego, San Diego 92101' 1976 Humphreys College. Stockton 95202 1972/1975 Westmont College, Santa Barbara 91103 1958/1974 Imperial Valley College, Imperial 92251 1952/1974 Whittier College, Whittier 90608 1949/1976 Indian Valley Colleges, Novato 94947 1978 Woodbury University, Los Angeles 90017 1961/197! Kings R ver College. Reedley 93654 1052/1978 Wnght Institute, Berkeley 94704. 1977 Lake Tahoe Community College, South Lake Tahoe 95702 1975/1977 Western Association of Schools and Colleges Laney College, Oakland 94606 1956/1976 Accrediting Commissior, for Community and Junior Lassen College, Susancille 96130 1952/1975 Colleges Long Beach City College, Long Beach 90808 1952/1975 Los Angeles Harbor College, Wilmington 90744 1952/1975 Los Angeles Mission College, San Fernando 91340 1978 Allan Hancock College, Santa Maria 91454 1952/1976 Los Angeles Pierce College, Woodland Hills 91364 1952/1974 American River College, Sacramento 95841 1959/1974 Los Angeles Southwest College, Los Angeles Antelope Valley College Lancaster 93534 1952/1977 00047 1970/1978 Bakersfield Co:lege, Bakersfield 93305 1952/1978 Los Angeles Trade-Technical College, Los Angeles Barstow College. Barstow 92311 1962/1974 9()015 1952/1977 Brooks College, Long Beach 90804 1977 I Os Angeles Valley College, Van Nuys 91401 1952/1978 Butte College, Oroville 95965 1972/197c I os Medanos College, Pittsburg 94565 1977 Cabrillo College, Aptos 95001 1961/1973 Marymont-Palos Verdes College, Rancho Palos Canada College, Redwood City 94061 1970/1976 Verdes 90274 1971/1974 Cerritos College, Norwalk 9065(4 1959/1975 Mendocino College, Ukiah 95482 1973/1977 Cerro-Coso Community College, Ridgecrect 93555 1975 Merced College, Merced 95340 1965/1978 Chabot College, Hayward 94545 Merritt College, Oakland 94609 1956/1976 Chaffey Community College, Alta I oma 91701 1952/19'7 Mira Coca College, Oceanside 92054 1952/1977 Citrus College, Azusa 91702 1952/1477 Missionollege. Santa Clara 95051 1977 City College of San Francico, San F rancisco 941121952/1972 Modesto Junior College. Modesto 95350 1952/1978 Coastline -2ommunity College, Costa Mesa 92626 1978 Monterey Peninsula College, Monterey 93940 1952/1978 College of the Canyons, Valencia 91355 1972/ 1975 Moorpark College, Moornark 93021 1969/1977 College of the Desert, Palm Desert 92260 196 ,/1977 Mount San Antonio College, Walnut 91789 1952/1977 College of the Redwoods, Euicka 95501 1967/1974 Mount San Jacinto College, San Jacinto 92383 1965/1977 College of the Sequoias, Visalia 93277, 1932/1974 Napa College, Napa 94558 1952/1976 College of the Siskiyous. Weed 96094 1961/1977 Naval Construction Training Center, Port Hueneme College of Alameda, Alameda 94.301 1973/1978 93043 1977 College of Mann, Kent Field 94904 1952/1974 Ohlone College, Fremont 94560 1970/1974 Colley- of San Mateo, San Mate() 94402 1952/1974 Orange Coact College. Costa Mesa 96626 1952/1974

5 17 Regional Accreditation

Oxnard College, Oxnard 93010 1978 Communny College of Denser-North Campus, Palo Verde College, Blythe 92225 1952/1975 Westminster 80030 1975 Palomar College, San Marcos 92069 1952/1976 Community College of Denver-West Campus, Pasadena City College, Pasadena 91106 1952/1976 Golden 80401 1975 Porterville College, Porters,' Ile 93257 1952/1973 Conservatise Baptist Iheological Seminary, Queen of the Holy Rosary, Mission San Jose 945381978 Denver 80210 1972 Rio Hondo College, Whittier 90601 1967/1975 Ft Lewis College, Durango 81301 1958/1976 Riverside City College, Riverside 92506 1952/1974 Iliff School of Thee:ogy, Denver 80210 1973 Sacramento City College, Sacramento 95822 1952/1976 Lamar Community College, Lamar 81052 1976 Saddleback College, Mission Viejo 92675 1971/1978 Loretto Heights College, Denver 80236 1926/1977 San Bernardino Valley College, San Bernardino Mesa College. Grand Junction 81501 1957/1974 92403 1952/1976 Metropolitan State College, Denver 80204 1971/1976 San Diego City College, San Diego 92101 1952/1977 Northeastern Junior College, Sterling 80751 1964/1974 San Diego Mesa College, San Diego 92111 1966/1974 Otero Junior College, La Junta 81050 1967/1977 San Francisco College of Mortuary Science, San Pikes Peak Community College, Colorado Springs Francisco 94109 1962/1977 80906 1975 San Joaquin Delta College, Stockton 95207 1952/1975 Regis College, Denver 80221 1952/1978 San Jose City College, San Jose 95128 1953/1976 St Thomas Sem:nary, Denver 80210 1961/1973

Santa Ana College, Santa Ana 92706 1952/1975 Trinidad State Junior College, Trinidad 81082 . 1962/1976 Santa Barbara City College, Santa Barbara 93105 1952/1976 University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder 80302 1913/1970 Santa Monica College, Santa Monica 90405 1952/1976 University of Colorado at Colorado Springs, Santa Rosa Junior College, Santa Rosa 95401 1952/1976 Coiorado Springs 80907 1970/1977 Shasta College, Redding 96001 1952/1974 University of Colorado Health Sciences Center, Sierra Community College, Rocklin 95677 1952/105 Deliver 80203 1972 Skyline College, San Bruno 94402 1971/1974 University of Denser, Denver 80210 1914/197c Solano Community Co 'lege, Suisun City 94585 1952/1973 University of Northern Colorado, Greeley 80639 1916/1975 Southwestern College. Chula Vista 92010 1964/1976 University of Southern Colorado, Pueblo 81001 1916/1975 Taft College, Tart 93268 1952/1 US Air Force Academy, USAF Academy 80840 ..1959/1969 Ventura College, Ventura 93003 1952/11 US Air Force Technical Training Center-Lowery, Victor Valley College, Victory! Ile 92395 1963/1977 Denver 80230 1973/1978 West Hills Community College, Coalinga 93210 1952/1978 Western State College of Colorado, Gunnison West Los Angeles College, Culver City 90230 81230 1915/1975 West Los Angeles College, Los Angeles 90029 1971/1974 West Valley College, Saratoga 95070 1966/1975 North Central Association of Colleges and Schools Yuba College, Marysville 95901 1952/1973 Commission on Schools

Western Association of Schools and Colleges Aurora Technical Center, Aurora 80011 1975 Accrediting Commission for Schools Boulder Valley Vocational-Technical Center, Boulder 80303 1976 San Diego Cmty Col Dis Ctr City Adult Centre Centennial Adult High School, Fort Collins 80521 San Diego 92101 Delta-Montrose Area Vocational-Technical School, Delta 81416 1977 Larimer County Vocational-technical Center, Ft COLORADO Collins 80521 1975 Saint Mary's Adult High School Fort Carson North Central Association of Colleges and Schools 80913 1976 San Juan Basin Vocational-Technical School. Commission on Institutions of Higher Education Cortez 81321 1975 San Luis Valley Vocational - Technical School, Adams State College, Alamosa 81101 1950/1971 Monte Vista 81144 1975 Aims College, Greeley 80611 1977 Warren Occupational technical Center, Golden Arapahoe Community College. Littleton 80121) 1970/1977 80401 1977 Colorado College, Colorado Springs 80903 1976 Colorado Northwestern Community College, Rangel) 81648 1976 CONNECTICUT Colorado School or Mines, Golden 80401 1960/1973 Colorado State University, Ft Collins 80521 1925/1974 New England Association of Schools And Colleges Colorado Technical College, Colorado Springs Commission on Institutions Higher Education 80907 1976 Colorado Women's College, Denser 130220 1932/197(1 -.Alberttis Magnus College, New Haven 06511 1932/1970 Community College of Denser-Auraria Campus, Asnuntuck Community College, Enfield 06082 1976/1977 Denver 80204 1975 Brideeport Engineering Institute, Bridgeport 066041977/1982 6 1 8 Regional Accreditation

Central Connecticut State College, New Britain Harvard H Ellis Regional Vocational-Technical

06050 . . 1947/1967 School, Danielson 06239 . 1968/1971 Connecticut College, New London 06320 1932/1977 Henry Abbott Regional Technical School, Danbury

Eastern Connecticut State College, Willimantic 06810...... 1968/1972 06226 1958/1969 Horace G Wilcox Reg'l Voc Tech School, Fairfield University, Fairfield 06430 1953/1977 Menden 06450. 1971 Greater Hartford Community College, Hartford J M Wnght Regional Vocational-Technical School,

06105 ... 1975/1980 Stamford 06904...... 1968/1972 Hartford College for Women, Hartford 06105 1962/1972 Norwich Regional Vocational-Technical School,

Hartford Conservatory of Music, Hartford 06105 1973 Norwich 06360 ...... 1971 Hartford Graduate Center, Broad Brook 06120 1966/1977 Vinal Regional Vocational-Technical School,

Hartford Seminary Foundation, Hartford 06105 1970/1976 Middletown 06457...... 1968/1978 Hartford State Technical College, Hartford 06106 197011973 W F Kaynor Regional Vocational-Technical Holy Apostles College, Cromwell 06416 ... . 1972 School, Waterbury 06708...... 1971 Housatonic Community College, Bndgeport 06608 1972/1977 Windham Regional Vocational-Technical School, Manchester Community College, Manchester 06040 1971/1977 Willimantic 06226 ...... Mattatuck Community College, Waterbury 06708 1973/1977 Middlesex Commn:), College, Middletown 064571973/1977 Mitchell College, New London 06320 .. . 1956/1968 DELAWARE Mohegan Community College, Norwich 06360 1973/1976 Northwestern Connecticut Community College, Middle States Association of Colleges And Winsted 06098...... 1971/1977 Secondary Schools Norwalk Community College, Norwalk 06854 1973/1976 Commission on Higher Education Norwalk State Technical College, South Norwalk 1970/1973 Post College, Waterbury 06708 . 1972/ 197 7 Brandywine College, Wilmington 19800 . ... 1972/1978 Quinebaug Valley Community College, Danielson Delaware State College, Dover 19901 1945/1972 06239...... 1972 Delaware Technical and Community College-

Quinnipiac College, Hamden 06318 ...... 1958/1968 Southern Camp." Georgetown 19947. 1972/1978 Sacred Heart University. Bridgeport 06606 1969/1978 Delaware Technical and Community College- Southern Connecticut State College, New Haven Stanton Campus, Newark 19901 1972/1978

06515. - . . 1952/1971 Delaware Technical and Community College-Terry St Alphontus College, Suffield 06078 1968 Campus, Dover 19901 ...... 1978 St Joseph College, Wes'. Hartford 06117 . 1938/1976 Delaware Technical and Community College-

Tnnity College, Hartford 06106 ,...... 1929/19'6 Wilmington Campus, Wilmington 19802 .. 1972 Tunas Community College, Farmington 06032.... 1975/1978 Goldey Beacom College, Wilmington 19899 1976

University of Bndgeport, Bndgeport 06602 . 1951/1970 University of Delaware, Newark 19711..... 1921/1972

University of Connecticut, Storrs 06268 . . . . 1931/1976 Wesley College, Dover 19901 1950/1973

University of Hartford, West Hartford 06117.. .. 1961/1970 Wilmington College, New Castle 19720 . 1975 University of New Haven, West Haven 06516. 1966/1969 115 Coast Guard Academy, New London 06320 1952/1974 Waterbury State Technical College, Waterbury DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA

06708 ...... 1970/1973 Wesleyan University, Middletown 06457 ...... 1929/1968 Middle States Association of Colleges And Western Connecticut State College, Danbury 06810 1954/1973 Secondary Schools Windham Regional Vocational-Technical School, Commission on Higher Education Norwich 06360...... , .. 1970/1973 Yale University, New Haven 06520. 1929/1968 Amencan University, Washington 20016. 1928/1973 New Ragland Association of Schools And Colleges Catholic University of Amenca, Washington 200171921/1970 Commission Vocational, Technical, Career Dominican House of Studies, Washington 20017 1976 Institutions Gallaudet College, Washington 20002 1957/1977 George Washington University, Washington 20006 .1922/1977 Georgetown University, Washington 20007 1921/1971 Albert 1 Pnnce Regional Vocational-Technical Howard University, Washington 20001. 1921/1969 School, Hartford 06106...... __... _ 1968/1978 Mount Vernon College, Washington 20007.. 1958/1977

Bullard-Havens Regional Vocational-Technical Oblate College, Washington 20017 ...... 1966/1976

School, Bridgeport 06610 .., ...... ,., 1968/1973 Southeastern University, Washington 20006 1977 E C Goodwin Regional Vocational-Technical Tnnity College, Wallington 20017 1921/1969 School, New Ent= 06053.. 1971 University of the Distnct of Columbia-Ga & Eli Whitney Regional Vocational-Technical School, Harvard Sts, Washington 20005 1976 Hamden 06514 ...... 1972/1977 University of the District of Columbia-Mount

Hartford State Technical College, Hartford 06106 1970/1973 Vernon Square, Washington 20012 ...... , 1974

19 Regional Accreditation University of the Distric4 of Columbia-Van Ness, Rollins College, Winter Park 32789 1927/1973 Washington 20010 . 4971 Santa Fe Community College, Gainesville 32601 1968/1972 Wesley Theological Seminary, Washington 2001b 1975 Seminole Community College, Sanford 32771 1969/1973 North Central Association of Colleges and Schools South Florida Junior College, Avon Park 33825 1968/1972 St John River Community College, Palatka 32077 1963/1973 Commission on Institutions of Higher Education St Join Vianney College and Seminary, Miami 33165 1970/1979 Antioch University School of Law, Washington St Leo College, St Leo 31574 1967/1971 20036 .. 1972 St Petersburg Junior College, St Petersburg 33710 1931/1969 Stetson University, Deland 32720 .1932/1971 Stetson University, St Petersburg 33733 1932/1971 FLORIDA Tallahassee Community College, Tallahassee 323031969/1973 Southern Association of Colleges and Schools University of Central Florida. Orlando 32800 1970/1974 University of Florida, Gainesville 32611 Commission on Colleges 1913/1972 Unisersity of Miami. Coral Gables 33124 1940/1976 University of North Florida, Jacksonville 32216 1974/1979 Barry College, Miami 33161 1947/1972 University of Sc uth Florida, Tampa 33620 1963/1973 Bethune-Cookman College, Daytona Beach 32015 1947/1970 University of Tampa, Tampa 33606 1951/1974 Biscayne College. Miami 33054 1968/197; University of West Florida, Pensacola 32504 1969/1973 Brevard Community College, Cocoa 32922 1S63/1973 Valencia Community College, Orlando 32800 1969/1973 Broward Community College, Ft Lauderdale 333141963/1973 Warner Soi.hern College, Lake Wales 33853 197 71979 Central Florida Community College. Ocala 32670 1964/1974 Webber College, Babson Park 33827 196' /1973 Chipo la Junior College Marianna 32446 1957/1977 College of Boca Raton. Boca Raton 33432 1964 Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Daytona Beach Community College. Daytona Commission on Occupational Education Institutions Beach 32015 1963/1973 Eckerd College, St Petersburg 33733 1963/1970 Edison Community College, Ft Myers 33901 1964/1970 Brewster Skills Center, Tampa 33602 1979 Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Daytona Broward Cty Practical Nurse Prgm-Atlantic Voc Beach 32015 1968/1972 Center, Coconut Creek 33063 1975/1978 Flag ler College, St Augustine 32084 1973/1978 Charles F'Chaprran Schl of Seamanship & Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University, Maritime Arts, Palm City 33490 Tallahassee 32307 1935/1778 Lake County Area Vocational-Technical Center, Florida Atlantic University. Boca Raton 33432 1965/1971 Eustice 32726 1974/1979 Florida College, Temple Terrace 33617 1954/1976 Lee County Area Vocational-Technical School, Ft Florida Institute of Technology, Melbourne 32901 1964/1974 Myers 33905 1977/1978 Florida International Univers y Miami 33144 1974/1979 Lindsey Hopkins Technical Educational Center, Florida Junior College. Jacksonville 32207 1969/1973 Miami 33132 1972/1977 Florida Keys Community College. Key West 330401968/1972 Lively Area Vocational- Technical School, Florida Memorial College. Miami 33161 1951/1971 Tallahassee 32304 1977/1979 Florida Southern College, Lakeland 33802 1935/1977 Mid Florida Technical Institute. Orlando 32809 Florida State University. Tallahassee 32.1106 1915/1973 Mid- Florida Technical Institute. Orlando 32809 1974/1978 Gulf Coast Community College, Panama City North Technical Education Center. Riviera Beach 3240i 1962/1971 33404 1976/1978 Hillsborough Community College. Tampa 33622 1971/1975 Sarasota County Vocational-Technical Center, Indian River Community College, Ft Pierce 33450 1953/1973 Sarasota 33581 1971/1976 Jacksonville University. Jacksonville 32211 1961/1972 St Petersburg Vocational-Technical Institute. St Lake City Community College. Lake City 32055 1964/1970 Petersburg 33711 t970/1975 Lake-Sumter Community College, Leesburg 32748 1965/1970 Suwanee Hamilton Area Vocational-Technical & Manatee Junior College. Bradenton 33505 1963/1973 Adult Center. Live Oak 32060 1973/1975 Miami-Dade Community College, Miami Beach Tactical Air Command NCO Academy & 33156 1964/1974 Leadership School, Tyndall AFB 32403 1976 North Florida Junior College, Madison 32340 1963/1973 Tactical Air Command NCO Leadership School, Nova University. Ft Lauderdaie 33314 1971/1475 Eglin Air Force Base 32544 . 1979 Oka loosa-Walton Junior College. Niceville 32580 1965/1971 Tactical Air Command NCO Leadership School, Palm Beach Atlantic College. Welt Palm Beach Homestead AFB 33039 1979 33401 1972/1978 Tactical aor Command NCO Leadership School, Palm Beach Junior College. Lake Worth 33460 1942/1971 Macdill AFB 33608 1479 Pasco-Hernando Community College, Dade City Tom P Haney Vocational-Technical Center. 33525 1974/1979 Panama City 32410 . 1977/1979 Pensacola Junior College. Pensacola 32504 1956/1976 Tomlinson Adult Edt.cation Center, St Petersburg Polk Community College. Winter Haven 33830 1965/1970 33701 1973/1979 8 2 f) Regional Accreditation

US Naval Service Command-Naval Training Oglethorpe University, Atlanta 30319 1950/1975

Center, Orlando 37813 . 1976 Paine College, Augusta 30901 1944/1971 US Naval Technical Training Center, Pensacola Piedmont College, Demorest 30535 1965/1975

32511 . . 1975 Reinhardt College, Waleska 30183 1953/1977 Washington Holmes Area Vocational-Technical Savannah College or Art and Design, Savannah School, Chip ley 32428 1976/1979 31401 West Technical Eduation Center, Belle Glade Savannah State College, Savannrh 31404 1951/1971 33430 . Shorter College, Rome 30161 1923/1972 South Georgia College,. Douglas 31533 1934/1976 Spelman College, Atlanta 30314 1932/1969

GEORGIA Tift College, Forsyth 31029. . . 1946/1971 Truett-McConneil College, Cleveland 30528. 1966/1970 Southern Association of Colleges and Schools University of Georgia, Athens 30601 1909/1971 Commission on Colleges Valdosta StateCollege, Valdosta 31601 1929/1970 Waycross Junior College, Waycross 31501 . 1976 Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College, Tifton Wesleyan College, Macon 43201 1919/1973 31794 1953/1975 West Georgia College, Carrollton 30117 1963/1973 Young Harris College, Young Harris 30582 -- 1938/1971 Albany Junior College, Albany 31701 . 1968/1972 Albany State College, Albany 31705 . 1951/1978 Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Andrew College, Cuthbert 31740 . 1927/1974 Armstrohg State College, Savannah 31406 1968/1972 Commission on Occupational Education Institutions

Atlanta College of Art, Atlanta 30309. . 1969/1973 Agty Junior College, Atlanta 30310 1976/1979 Albany Area Vocational-Technical School, Albany

Militia University, Atlanta 30314. .... 1967/1971 31701 . 1974/1979 Aug lista College, Augusta 30904 .. 1967/1971 American College for the Applied Arts, Atlanta

Bainbridge Junior College, Bainbridge 31717 1975/1979 30342 . Berry College, Mount Berry 30149. 1957/1978 American College for the Applied Arts, Atlanta

Brenau College, Gainesville 30501 1947/1971 30348 . . . . 1977 Brewton-Parker College, Mount Vernon 30445 1962/1975 Athens Area Vocational-Technical School, Athens

Brunswick Junior College, Brunswick 31520..... 1965/1971 30601 . 1973/1979 Clark College, Atlanta 30314 1941/1978 Atlanta Area Technical School, Atlanta 30310...1971/1976 Clayton Junior College, Morrow 30260 1971/1975 Atlanta College of Business, Atlanta 30309 1973/1979 Columbus College, Columbus 31907 1970/1974 Atlanta College of Medical and Dental Assistants,

Dalton Junior College, Dalton 3072ff . 1969/1973 Atlanta 30309 ,. .. 1976 De Kalb Community College, Clarkston 30021 1965/1971 Atlanta School of Fashion and Design, Atlanta Emanuel County Junior College, Swainsboro 304011975/1979 30309 . . . 1976/1979 Emmanuel College, Franklin Springs 30(39 1967/1971 Augusta Area Technical School, Augusta 30906.... 1973/1979

Emory University, Atlanta 30322 . -1917/1973 Ben Hill-Irwin Area Vocational-Technical School, Floyd Junior College, Rome 30161.. 1972/1976 Fitzgerald 31750...... 1973/1979 Ft Valley State College, Ft Valley 31030 1951/1969 Carroll County Area Vocational-Technical School,

Gainesville Junior College, Gainesville 30501 1968/1972 Carrollton 30117 . . . 1473/1973 Georgia Co Iler, Milledgeville 31061 1925/1973 Columbus Area Vocational-Technical School,

Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta 30332 . 1923/1973 Columbus 31907 . . 1972/1977

Georgia Institute of Technology- Southern Control Data institute, Atlanta 30339. . 1971/1976 Technical Institute, Marietta 30060 . 1972/1977 Coosa Valley Vocational-Technical School, Rome Georgia Military College, Milledgeville 31061. 1940/1975 313lAl 1972/1977 Georgia Southern College, Statesboro 30458 1935/1973 DaltoMVocational School of Health Occupations,

Georgia Southwestern College, Amencus 31709 1968/1972 Dalton 30720 . . 1975/1979

Georgia State University, Atlanta 30303 1952/1977 Griffin-Spalding County Hospital, Griffin 30223 . 1971/1976 Gordon Junior College, Barnesville 30204. 1941/1975 Houston Vocational Center, Warner Robins 31093 1978 Kennesaw College, Marietta 30060 . 1968/1972 Lamer Area Vocational-Technical School, La Grange College, L. Grange 30240. 1946/1972 Oakwood 30566 1972/1977 Macon Junior College, Bibb 31206 1970/1974 Macon Area Vocational-Technical School, Macon

Medical College of Georgia, Augusta 30902 1973/1979 31201 . 1973/1979 Mercer University, Macon 31207.. 1911/1973 MariettaCobb Area Vocational-Technical School,

Mercer University in Atlanta, Atlanta 30341 1973/1978 Marietta 30060 , 1973/1978 Mercer University Southern School of Pharmacy, Moultrie Area Vocational-Technical School,

Atlanta 30312. . . 1959/1973 Moultrie 31768 1974/1978 Middle Georgia College, Cochran 31014. 1933/1969 North Georgia TechnicalVocational School,

Morehouse College, Atlanta 30314 . 1032/1978 Clarkesville 30523 1972/1977 Morns Brown College, Atlanta 30314 1941/1969 Pickens County Area Vocational-Technical School,

North Georgia College, Dahlonega 30533 1948/1976 laspei 30143 , . 1971/1976

9 Regional Accreditation Savannah Area Vocational-Technical School, IDAHO Savannah 31400 ...... 1972/1977 South Georgia Vocational- Technical School, Northwest Association of Schools and Colleges Americus 31709 ...... 1969/1973 Commission on Colleges Swainsboro Area Vocational-Technical School, Swainsboro 30401 1972/1978 Boise State University, Boise 83701 1941/1974 Tactical Air Command NCO Leadership School,''' College of Idaho. Caldwell 83605 1922/1973 Moody AFB 31601 ...... 1979 College of Southern Idaho, Twin Falls 83301 1968/1974 Thomas Area Vocational-Technical School, Idaho State University, Pocaello 83201 . 1923/1974 Thomasville 31792 ...... 1973/1979 Lewis & Clark State College-, Lewiston 83501 1964/1978 Troop County Area Vocational-Technical School, North Idaho College, Coeur D' Alene 83814 1947/1973 La Grange 30240. 1973/1979 Northwest Nazarene College, Nampa 83651 1930/1977 U S Air Force NCO Academy/Leadership School, Rick College, Rexburg 83440 1936/1969 Warner Robins AFB 31098 1975 University of Idaho, Moscow 83843 1918/1974 Upeon County Area Vocational-Technical School, Thomaston 30286 1973/1979 US Army Infantry School, Ft Benning 31905...... 1975 ILLINOIS US Army Signal School, Ft Gordon 30905 1976 North Central Association of Colleges and Schools Valdosta Area Vocational-Technical School, Valdosta 31601 1974/1979 Commission on Institutions of Higher Education Walker County Area Vocational-Technical School, Rock 30739 1972/1977 Alfred Adler Institute, Chicago 60601 . . 1978 Waycross-Ware County Area Vocational-Technical Augustana College, Rock Island 61201. 1913/1976 School, Waycross 31501 1972/1977 Aurora College, Aurold 60507 . . . 1938/1969 Barat College, Lake Forest 60045 .... 1943/1974 Belleville Area College, Belleville 62221 .. 1961/1973 Bethany Theological Seminary, Oak Brook 60521 1971/1977 HAWAII Black Hawk College-East Campus, Kewanee 61443. 1975 Black Hawk College-Ouad Cities Campus, Moline Western Association of Scho)ls and Colleges 61265. 1951/1975 Accrediting Commission for Senior Colleges and Blackburn College, Carlinville 62626 1931/1976 Universities Bradley University, Peona 61606 .... . 1913/1971 Carl Sandburg College, Galesburg 61401 . .. 1974 Catholic Theological Union at Chicago, Chicago Brigham Young University - Hawaii Campus, Lase 60615. 1972 Oahu 96762 1959/1976 Central YMCA Community College, Chicago Chaminade College of Honolulu, Honolulu 96816 1960/1978 1969/1974 Hawaii Loa College, Kaneohe 96744 1971/1974 Chicago State University, Chicago 60628 1941/1977 Hawaii Pacific College, Honolulu 96813 1973 City Colleges ofhicago-Chicago City-Wide University of Hawaii at Hilo, Hilo 96720 1976/1978 College, Ch*ago 60601 . . 1976 City Colleges of Chicago-Chicago Urban Skills University of Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu 96801 1952/1970 Institute, Chicago 60609 ...... 1976 Western Association of Schools and Colleges City Colleges of Chicago-Harry S Truman Chicago 60630 . , 1967/1977 Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior City Colleges of Chicago- Kennedy -King College,

Colleges Chicago 60621 . . 1967/1977 City Colleges of Chicago-Loop College, Chicago 60601 1967/1974 University of Hawaii-Kapiolani Community City Colleges of Chicago-Malcolm X College, College, Honolulu 96814 ...... 1970/1975 Chicago 60612 1967/1971 University of Hawaii-Kauai Community College, City Colleges of Chicago-Olive-Harvey College. Lihue 96766 1971/1974 Chicago 60628 . 1967/1975 University of Hawaii-Leeward Community College, City Colleges of Chicago-Richard J Daley College, Pearl City 96782 1971/1974 Chicago 60652 . . ".. . 1974 University of Hawaii -Maui Community College, City Colleges of Chicago-Wnght College, Chicago Kahului 96732 1970/1977 60634 . . 1967/1971 University of Hawaii-Windward Community College of Da Page, ulen Ellyn 60137 1932/1968 College, Kaneohe 96744 ...... 1977 College of Lake County, Grayslake 60030.. 1974 College of St Francis, Joliet 60435,.. 1938/1977 Columbia College, Chicago 60611 1974 Concordia Teachers College, River Forest 60305 1950/1972 Danville Area Community College, Danville 61832. 1967/1977


ti Regional Accreditation

De Pau: University, Chicago 60604 1925/1977 Oakton Community College, Morton Grove 60053 .1976 Eastern Illinois University, Charleston 61920 1915/197' Olivet Nazarene College, Kankakee 60901 1956/1975 Elgin Commun College, Elgin 60120 1968/1974 Olney Central College, Olney 62450 1977 Elmhurst Coil ge, Elmhurst 60126 1924/1969 Parkland College, Champaign 61820 . 1972 Eureka College, Eureka 61530 1962/1970 Parks College of Aeronautical Technology, Felician College, Chicago 60645 1977 Cahokia 62206 1970/1975 Garrett Evangelical Theological Seminary: Prairie State College, Chicago Heights 60411 1965/1978 Evanston 60201 1972 Principia College, Elsah 62028 1923/1975 George Williams College, Downers Grove 60515 1934/1968 Quincy College, Quincy 62301 1954/1972 Governor's State University, Park Forest South Rend Lake College, Ina 62864 . 1969/1978 1975 Richland Community College, Decatur 65526. 1978 Greenville College, Greenville 62246 1948/1976 Rock Valley College, Rockford 61101 1971/1974 Highland Community College, Freeport 61032 1973/1976 Rockford College, Rockford 61101 1913/1974 Illinois Benedictine College, Lisle 60532 1958/1968 Roosevelt University, Chicago 60605 1946/1976 Illinois Central College, East P-oria 61611 1972 Rosary College, River Forest 60305 1919/1975 - Illinois College, Jacksonville 62650 1913/1975 Rush University, Chicago 30600 1974/1978 1969/1974 Illinois College of Optometry, Chicago 60616 Sangamon State University, Springfield 62701 1975/1978 Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago 60616 1941/1977 Sauk Valley College, Dixon 61021 . . . 1972/1975 Illinois State University, Normal 61761 . 1913/1973 School of the Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago Illinois Valley Community College, Oglesby 61348 1929/1968 60600 1936/1972 Illinois Wesleyan University, Bloomington 61701 1916/1973 Shawnee College, Ul lin 62956 1974/1977 John A Logan College, Carterville 62918 . 1972/1977 Shimer College, Waukegan 60085. . . 1920/1973 John Wood Community College, Quincy 62301 1976 Southeastern Illinois College, Harrisburg 62946... 1976 Joliet Junior College, Joliet 60436 1917/1977 Southern Illinois University, Carbondale 62901 1913/1969 Judson College, Elgin 60120 .. 1973 Southern Illinois University-Edwardsville, Kankakee Community College, Kankakee 60901 1974 Edwardsville 62025 1969 Kaskaskia College, Centralia 62801 1964/1977 Spertus College of Judalca, Chicago 60605 1971/1976 Keller Graduate School of Management, Chicago Spoon River College, Canton 61520...... 1977 1977 Springfield College in Illinois, Springfield 62702 1933/1969 Kendall College, Evanston 60204 1962/1977 St Xavier College, Chicago 60655. . 1937/1978 Kishwaukee College, Malta 60150 1974 State Community College of East St Louis, East St Knox College, Galesburg 61401 1913/1969 Louis 62201 . 1978 Lake Forest College, Lake Forest 60045 1913/1977 Thornton Community College, South Holland Lake Land College, Mattoon 61938 1973 60473 Lewis and Clark Community College, Godc,ey 1933/1975 Trinity Christian College, Palos Heights 60463.... 1976 62035 . 1971/1974 Trinity College, Deerfield 60600 . 1969/1973 Lewis University, Lockport 60441 1963/1976 Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, Deerfield Lincoln College. Lincoln 62656 1929/1969 6001! . . Lincoln Land Community College, Springfield . 1973/1975 Triton College, River Grove 60171 . 1972 62708 . . 1973 University of Chicago, Chicago 60637 1913/1976 Lincoln Trail College. Rob'nson 62454 1974/1977 .... University of Illinois at Chicago Circle, Chicago Loyola University of Chicago, Chicago 60611 1921/1975 60680 1970/1977 MacCormac Junior College, Chicago 60604 1975 University of Illinois-Urbana-Champaign, Urbana Mac Murray College, Jacksonville 62650 1921/1975 61801 Mallinckrodt College, Wilmette 60091. 1979 1913/1969 US Air F8orce Technical Training School, Chanute McHenry County College, Crystal Lake 60014 1976 McKendree College, Lebanon 62254 1970 . 1973/1978 Vandercook College of Music, Chicago 60616.... 1972 Midwest College of Engineering, Lombard 60l48 1978 Millikin University, Decatur 62522 1914/1977 Wabash Valley College, Mount Carmel 62863 1974/1977 Monmouth College. Monmouth 61462 1913/1968 Waubonsee Community College, Sugar Grove Moraine Valley Community College, Palos Hills 60507 1972/1176 60465- .. 1975 Western Illinois University, Macomb 61455 1913/1971 Morton CollepP, Cicero 60650 1927/1976 Wheaton College, Wheaton 60187 . 1916/1974 Mundelein College, Chicago 60626 1940/1977 William Rainey Harper College, Palatine 60067 1971 National College of Education, Evanston 60201 1946/1976 North Central Association of Colleges and Schools North Centra1.College, Naperville 60540 1914/1970 North Park College and Theological Seminary, Commission on Schools Chicago 60625 1926/1968

Northeastern Illinois University, Chicago 60625 1961/1976 Austin Evening High School, Chicago 60644 . 1979 Northern Baptist Theological Seminary. Lombard Beck Area Vocational Cuter, Red Bud 62278 1977

60148 . . . 1947/1966 Bloomington Area Voc Ctr-School of Practical Northern Illinois University, De Kalb 60115 1915/1974 Nursing. Bloomington 61701 Northwestern University, Evanston 60201 1915/1974 Calumet Evening High School Chicago 60620

11 23 Regional Accreditation

Chicago Vocational School, Chicago 60617 1974 Indiana Vocational-Technical College-Columbus, Creiger Vocational High School, Chicago 60636 1977 Columbus 47201...... 1971 Distnct 131 Community School, Aurora 60505 1978 Indiana Vocational-Technical College-East Central, Du Page Area Vocational Educational Authority, Muncie 47302 1976

Addison 60101 . . . 1976 Indiana Vocational-Technical College-Indiana Dunbar Vocational High School, Chicago 60616 1976 Technical Inst, Indianapolis 46241 1977 Fenger Evening, Chicago 60628 1932 Indiana Vocational-Technical College-North Flower Vocational High School, Chicago 60624 1975 Central, South Bend 46619...... 1977 Jones Commercial High School, Chicago 60605 1975 Indiana Vocational-Technical College-Northeast, Kelly Evening High School, California 60632 1961 Fort Wayne 46805 1977 Lake View Evening High School, Chicago 60613 1933 Indiana Vocational-Technical College-Wabash Near North Career Magnet School, Chicago 60610 1978 Valley, Terre Haute 47802.. . . 1977 Prosser Vocational School, Chicago 60639.. 1975 Indiana Vocational-Technical-College-Kokomo, Schurz Evening School, Chicago 60641. 1927 Kokomo 46901 ...... 1978 Simeon Vocational School, Chicago 60620 1978 Indiana Vocational-Technical-Southcentral, Wells Evening School, Chicago 60622 1941 Sellersburg 47172 1975 Westinghouse Vocational High School, Chicago Indiana Vocational-Technical-Southwest, 60637 1977 '6 Evansville 47710 1977 Manchester College, North Manchester 46962. 1932/1973 Marian College, Indianapolis 46222 .... 1956/1976 IN!MANA Marion College, Marion 46952 1966/1976 Mennonite Biblical Seminary, Elkhart 46514...... 1974 North Central Association of Colleges and Schools Northwood Institute-West Baden Campus, West Commission on Institutions of Higher Education Baden 47469 1971 Oakland City College, Oakland City 47560 1977 Purdue University-Calumet Campus, Hammond Ancilla Domini College, Donaldson 46513 1973 46323 . 1969/1973 Anderson College, Anderson 46012 . 1946/1970 Purdue University-North Central Campus, Ball State University, Muncie 47306 . 1925/1974 Westville 46391 . 1971/1974 Bethel College, Mishawaka 46544 1971 Purdue University-West Lafayette, West Lafayette Butler University, Indianapolis 46208 1931/1973 47907 1913/1970 Calumet College, Whiting 46394 . 1968/1972 Chnstian Theological Seminary. Indianapolis 46208 1973 Rose-Hulman ?ratitute of Technology, Terre Haute

47803 . 1916/1972 Defense Information School, Indianapolis 46216 .. 1976 St Francis College, Ft Wayne 46808. DePauw University, Grpencastle 46135 . 1915/1968 . 1957/1976 Ear Minn College, Richmond 47374 ..1915/1974 St Joseph's College, Rensselaer 47978 ...... 1950/1972 Franklin College of Indiana, Franklin 46131 1915/1972 St Mary-of-the-Woods College, St Mary-of-the- Woods 47876 Goshen Biblical Seminary, Elkhart 46514 . 1974 1919/1972 (3oshen College. Goshen 46526 1941/1975 St Mary's College, Notre Dame 46556..... 1922/1976 Grace College, Winona Lake 46590 1976 St Meinrad College, St Meinrad 47577 . 1961/1971

Hanover College, Hanover 47243 . 1915/1975 St. Meinrad School of Theology, St. Meinrad 47577 Huntington College, Huntington 46750 1961/1975 Taylor University, Upland 46989 ...... 1947/1977

Indiana Central University. Indianapolis 46227 . 1947/1975 Tri-State University, Angola 46703 1966/1972 Indiana Institute of Technology, Ft Wayne 46803 1962/1974 U.S Army Institute of Admin I Resource

Indiana State University, Terre Haute 47809 . 1915/1975 Manpower, Ft. Harnson 46202...... 1977 Indiana State University-Evansville. Evansville University of Evansville, Evansville 47704 .. 1931/1975 47712.. 1974 University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame 46556..w 1913/1974 Indiana University at Kokomo, Kokomo 46901 1969/1976 Valparaiso University, Valparaiso 46383...... 1929/1978 Indiana University at South Bend, South Bend Vincennes University, Vincennes 47591. 1958/1976 46615 . 1969/1975 Wabash College, Crawfordsville 47933 .....1913/1973 Indiana University-East, Richmond 47374 .. . 1971/1977 Indiana University-Northwest Campus, Gary 46408 1969/1973 Nort'.'entral Association of Colleges and Schools Indiana University-Purdue University at Ft Wayne, Commission on Schools Ft Wayne 46805 . 1969/1973 Indiana University-Purdue University at Indianapolis, Indr-napolis 46202 1969/1973 Anderson Area Vocational Technical School, Indiana University-Southeast Campus, New Albany Anderson 46014 ...... 1973 47150 , . 1969/1975 C A Prosser Vocational Center, New Albany 47150 1975 Indiana University, Bloomington-Inchanrpolls, Central Nine Vocational-Technical School, Bloomington 4 icit'd 1913/1977 Greenwood 46142 ...... 1976 Indiana Vocational-Technical College-Central, John H Hinds Area Vocational, Elwood 46036 . 1974 Indianapolis 46206 1977 Upper Wasbash Vocational School, Wasbash 469921973

12 24 Regional Accreditation

IOWA Waldorf College, Forest Chy 50436 1948/1969 Wartburg College, Waverly 50677 North Central Association of Colleges 1948/1977 and Schools Wartburg Theological Seminary. Dubuque 52001 1976 Commission on Institutions of HigherEducation Western Iowa Technical Community College. Sioux City 51106 1977 Westmar College, Le Mar, 51031 Aquinas Institute of Theology, Dubuque 52001 1964/1976 1953/1975 William Penn College, Oskaloosa 52577 Briar Cliff College, Sioux City 51104. . 1945/1975 1960/1975 Buena Vista College, Storm Lake 50588 1952/19'1 Central University of Iowa, Pella 50219 - 1942/1974 Clarke College, Dubuque 52001. . -1918/1969 KANSAS Coe College, Cedar Rapids 52402. 1913/1977 North Central Association of Collegesand Schools Cornell College, Mount Vernon 52314. . . 1913/1973 Des Moines Area Community College, Ankeny Commission on Institutions of HigherEducation 1974 Divine Word College, Epworth 52045. 1970/1976 Allen County Community Junior College, Iola Dordt College, Sioux Center 51250 . .. ..66749 . 1969/1971 1974/1977 Drake University, Des Moines 50311. .... 1913/1977 Baker University, Baldwin City 66006 1913/1976 Eastern Iowa Community College-Muscatine Barton County Community College, GreatBend Community College, Muscatine 52761 1967/1972 67530 1974 Eastern lows Community College-Scott Benedictine College, Atchison 66002 1971/1973 Community College, Bettendorf 52722... . 1977 Bethany College, Lindsborg 67456 . 1932/1970 Ellsworth Community College, Iowa Falls 50126. 1963/1972 Bethel College, North Newton 67117 . 1938/1969 Graceland College, Lamont 50140 . ... 1920/1977 Butler County Community Junior College. El Grand View College, Des Moines 50316...... 1959/1975 Dorado 67042 1970 Gnnnell College, Gnnnell 50112 .2rt ...... 1913/1938 Central Baptist Theological Seminary, Kansas City Hawkeye Institute of Technology, ibterloo 50704 1975 66102 . - 1977 Indiana Hills Community College, Ottumwa52501.. 1977 Central College, McPherson 67460 . 1972 Iowa Central CoArnunity College, Ft Dodge50501 1974 Cloud County Community College, Concordia Iowa tAkes Community College, Estherville 513341976 66901 . Iowa . 1977 tate University, Ames 50010...... 1916/1976 Coffeyville Community Junior College, Coffeyville Iowa [Wesleyan College, Mount Pleasant 52641. . 1933/1937 67337 1972 Iowa Western Community College, Council Blur Colby Community College, Colby 67701 51501 1972/1975 Cowley County Community Junior College, Kirkwood Community College, Cedar Rapids Arkansas City 67005 1975 512406...... 1970 Dodge City Community Junior College, Dodge Loral College, Dubuque 52001.... 1917/1970 City 67801 1966/1976 Luther College, Decorah 52101...... 1917/1970 Donnelly College, Kansas City 66102 . 1958/1969 Maharishi International University,Fairfield 52556.. 1976 Empona State University, Emporia 6401. 1915/1974 Marshalltown Community College, Marshalltown Fnends University, Wichita 67213 50158 1951/1975 ...... 1966/1972 Ft Hays Kansas State University, Hays 67601 Marycrest College, Davenport 52804 1915/1972 1955/1976 Ft Scott Community College, Fort Scott66701 1976 Morningside College, Sioux City 51106 ... 1913/1974 Garden City Community College, Garden City Mount Mercy College, Cedar Rapids 52402. . .. 1949/1973 67846 Mount St Clare College, Clinton 52732 1975 . . . 1950/1974 Haskell Indian Junior College, Lawrence 66044 1972 North Iowa Area,Community College, Mason City Hesston College, Hesston 67062 1964/1974 50401 - . - ...... 1919/1974 Highland Community Junior College, Highland Northeast Iowa Technical Institute, Calmar 52132 1977 66035 . Northwest I wa Technical College, Sheldon 51201 1977 1976 Hutchinson Community Junior College, Hutchinson Northwester College, Orange City 51041... .. 1953/1976 67501 Ottumwa H ights College, Ottumwa 52501 1960/1973 .. . 1928/1974 Independence Community Junior College, Palmer Juni r College, Davenport 52803 . . 1975 Independence 67301 Simpson C liege, Indianola 50125. 1957/1973 ...... 1913/1976 Johnson County Community College, Overland Southeastern Community College, West Burlington Park 66210 1975 52655 4...... 1974/1977 Kansas City Kansas Community Tumor College. Southwest4rn Community College, Creston 50801.1975/1978 Kansas City 66112 1951/1976 St Am College, Davenport 52803 . . . . 1927/1978 Kansas Newman College, Wichita 67213 Umversityl of Dubuque. Dubuque 52001 1967/1977 .. . 1939/1977 Kansas State University, Manhattan 66502 UniversitY of Dubuque Theological Seminary, 1916/1972 Kansas Technical Institute, Salina 67401 1974 Dubuque 52001... . Kansas Wesleyan University, Salina 67401 1958/1975 University of Iowa. Iowa City 52242. .. 1913/1978 Labette Community Junior College, Parsons 67357 1976 University of Northern Iowa, CedarFalls 50613....1918/1978 Marymount College of Kansas, Salina 67401 1932/1975 Upper Iowa University, Fayette 52142...... 1951/1970 McPherson College, Millikerfson 67460 1940/1973

13 25 Reg'inal Accreditation

Mid-Amenca Nazarene College, Olathe 60061 1974 University of Kentucky-Hazard Community Neosho County Community Junior College, College, Hazard 41701 1968/1971 Chanute 66720 .. 1976 University of Kentucky-Henderson Community Ottawa University, Ottawa 66067 1914/1969 College, Henderson 42420 1960/1971 Pittsburgh State University, Pittsburg 66762 1915/1973 University of Kentucky-Hopk:nsville Community Pratt Community College, Pratt 67124 1976 College, Hopkinsville 42240 1965/1971 Seward County Community College, Liberal 679011975 University of Kentucky-Jefferson Community Southwestern College, Winfield 67156 1932/1971 College, Louisville 40200 1968/1971 St John's College, Winfield 67156 1961/1971 University of Kentucky- Technical St Mary-of-the-Plams College, Dodge City 67801 1963/1974 Institute, Lexington 40506 1965/1971 St Mary's College, Leavenworth 66048 1928/1977 University of Kentucky-Madisonville Community Sterling College, Sterling 67529 1957/1977 College, Madisonville 42431 1968/1971 Tabor College, Hillsboro 67063 1965/1975 University of Kentucky-Maysville Community University of Kansas, Lawrence 66045 1913/1975 College, Maysville 41056 1958/1971 Jniversity of Kansas Medical Center, Kansas City University of Kentucky-Paducah Community College, Paducah 42001 I932/1971 66103... . . 1913/1975 US Army Command and General Staff College, Ft University of Kentucky-Prestonburg Community College, Prestonburg 41653 1964/1971 Leavenworth 66027 . 1977 Washburn University of Topeka. Topeka 66621 1913/1978 University of Kentucky-Somerset Community Wichita Stale University, Wichita 67208 1934/1977 College, Somerset 42501 1965/1971 University of Kentucky-Southeast Community

College, Cumberland 40823 . 1900/1971 University of Louisville. Louisville 40202 1915/1976 KENTUCKY Western Kentucky University, Bowling Green 42101 1926/1973 Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Occupational Education Institutions Alice Lloyd College, Pippa Passes 41844 1952/1975 Asbury College, Wilmore 40390 1940/1978 Ashland Area Vocational School, Ashland 41101 1971/1974 Bellarnaine College, Louisville 40205 1949/1977 Bowling Green State Vocational-Technical School- Berea College, Berea 40403 . 1926/1974 Region 4, Bowling Green 42101 1972/1977 Brads College, Owensboro 42301 1957/1969 Central Kentucky State Vocational-Technical Campbellsville College, Campbellsvillg:42718 1963/1973 School. Louisville 40204. 1972/1977 Centre College of Kent;icky, Danville 40422 1904/1974 Daviess County Vocational-Technical School, Cumberland College, Williamsburg 40769 1964/1974 Owensboro 42301 1973/(9'9 Eastern Kentucky University, Ricttmond 40475 1928/1975 Elizabethtown State Vocational-Technical School- Georgetown College, Georgetown 40324 1919/1972 Region 5, Elizabethtown 42701 1974/1977 Kentucky State University, Fratikfort 40601 1939/1969 Grayson County Area Vocational Education Kentucky Wesleyan College, Gwensooro 42301 1948/1977 Center. Leitchfield 42754 1974 Lees Junior College, Jackson'41339 1951/1969 Harlan State Technical School - Region 13, Harlan Lindsey Wilson College, Columbia 42728 1951/1974 40831 1975/1979 Louisville Presbytenan Theological Seminary, Hazard State Vocational-Technical School-Region Louisville 40205 1973/1978 12, Hazard 41701 1973/1979 Midway College, Midway 40347' 1949/1973 Jefferson County State Vocational-Technical Morehead State University,-Morehead 40351 197. ""71 School -Reg 6, Jefferson Town 40299 1973/1979 Murray State University, Murray 42071 1928/1973 Madisonville State Vocational-Technical School- Northern Kentucky University, Highland Heights Region 2. Madisonville 42431 1971/1976

41076 . . 1973/1978 Mayo State Vocational-Technical School-Region Pikeville College, Pikeville 41501 1961/1972 I I, Paintsville 41240 19/4/1978 Seminary of St Pius X Erlanger 41018 1968/1972 Meade County Area Vocational Education Center, Spalding College, Louisville 40203 1938/1975 Brandenburg 40108 1974 St Cathanne College, St Catherine 40061 1957/1978 Millard Area Vocational Education Center, Sue Bennett College, London 40741 1932/1972 Pikeville 41501 Thomas More College, Ft Mitchell 41017 1959/1969 Northern Kentucky State Vocational-Technical Transylvania University, Lexington 40508 1915/1972 School, Covington 41011 1971/1978 Union College, Barbourville 40906. 1932/1974 Ohio tnty Area Vocational Educ Center, Hartford University of Kentucky, Lexington 40506 1915/1971 42347 University of Kentucky-Ashland Community Paducah Area Vocational-Technical School-Region College, Ashland 41101 1957/1971 I, Paducah 41001 1975/1978 University of Kentucky - Elizabethtown Community Somerset State Vocational-Technical School- College, Elizabethtown 42701 1964/1971 Region 14, Somerset 42501 1974/1978

14 26 Regional Accreditation

Spencerian College, Louisville 40204 1977/1979 Delta- Ota.chita Vocational-Technical Institute, US Army Armor School, Ft Knox 40121 1976 West Monroe 71291 ...... 1976/1979 West Kentuc! y State Vocational School, Paducah L.u,geline Area Tn -Parish Vocational-Technical 42001 ti 1975/1979 School, St Martinville 70582.. 1974/1979 Flonda Parishes Vocational School, Greensburg 70441 . 1977/1979 LOUISIANA Gulf Area Vocational-Technical School.

Abbeyville 70510...... 1975/1979 Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Hammond Area Vocational School, Hammond Commission on Colleges 70401.. 1975/1979 Huey P Long Memorial Vocational School, Winnfield 71483. Centei....;y College, Shreveport 71104 1977/1979 1925/1976 Jefferson Davis Vocational-Technical School, Delgado College, New Orleans 70119 1971/1975 Jennings 70546. 1976 DillardUniversy, New Orleans 70122 1937/1969 Jefferson 'Parish Vocational-Technical School, Grumbling State University, Grambling 71245 1949/1970 Metaire 70001 . 1975/1979 Louisiana College, Pineville 71360. 1923/1971 Memorial Area Vocational School, New Roads Louisiana State University at Alexandria, 70760 1976 Alexandria 71301 . 1960/1974 Northeast Louisiana Vocational-Technical School, Louisiana State University at Baton Rouge, Baton Winnsboro 71295 .... . 1976/1978 Rouge 70803 . 1913/1973 Northwest Louisiana Vocational-Technical School, Louisiana State University at Shreveport, Minden 71055 1975 Shreveport 71100 .. 1975/1979 Northwest Louisiana Vocational-Technical School, Louisiana State University-Eunice Campus, Eunice Winnsboro 71295...... 70535 1975/1978 . . 1967/4973 Oakdale Vocational Technical School, Oakdale Louisiana Tech University, Ruston 71270 1927/1973 71463 Loyola University, New Orleans 70118..... 1929/1974 Orleans Area Vocational-Technical School, New Mc Neese State Unis%ersity, Lake Charles 70601 1954/1975 Orleans 70182e-N New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary; New 1977/1978 Sabine ValleNa6tional-Techntcal School, .ny Orleans 70126 1965/1975 71449.. . . 1977/1979 Nicholls State University, Thibodaux 70301 . . ...1964/1974 Shreveport-Bossier Vocational-Technical Center, Northeast :Amman' University, Monroe 71201 19) , '778 Shreveport 71107 Northwestern State University of Louisiana, 1976/1978 Slidell Vocational-Technical School, Slidell 70458_ 1974/1978 Natchitoches 71457 1941/1975 South Louisiana Vocational-Technical School, Notre Dame Seminary, New Orleans 70118. . . 1951/1968 Houma 70361 Our Lady of the Holy Cross College, New Ort'ans 1975/1978 70114 Southwest Louisiana Vocational-Technical School, 1972/1976 Crowley 70526 Southeastern Louisiana University, Hammond 1976/1978 Sowela Technical Institute, Lake Charles 70601 . . 1971/1976 70401 . .. . 1946/1973 Strategic Air Command NCO Academy, Bossier Southern University, Baton Rouge 70813.... . 1938/1970 City 71110 Southern University, Shreveport 7!100 1975 . 1967/1970 Sullivan Vocational-Technical Institute, Bo,talusa Southern University Agricultural and Mechanical 70427 1973/1979 College, New Orleans 7011?. . . 1958/1970 T H Hams Vocational-Technical School, St Joseph Seminary College, St Benedict 70457 1969/1973 Opelousas 70570 1970/1975 St Mary's Dominican College, New Orleans 70:18 1949/1971 Tactical Air Command NCO Leadership School, Tubule University. New Orleans 70118 . 1903/1969 EnglandAFB71301 1979 University of Ntiv Orleans, New Orleans 70122 1958/1973 Teche Area Vocational-Technical School, New University of Southwestern Louisiana, Lafayette Iberia 70560 1976/1979 70504 . . 1925/1970 Westside Vocational-Technical School, Plaquemine Xavier University of Louisiana, New Orleans 70125 1937/1969 70764. .. 1975/1979 Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Young Memorial Vocational Technical School, Morgan City 70380 Commission on Occupational EducationInstitutions . . 1974/1979

Alexandria Trade School, Alexandria 71301 . 1976/1979 MAINE Ascension Vocational-Technical School, Sorrento 70778 New England Association of Schools And Colleges Avoyelle- Vocational- Technical Institute, Cotton Commission on Institutions of Higher Education Port 71127 1976/1978 Baton Rouge Vocational-Technical School, Baton Bangor Theological Seminary, Bangor 04401. . 1968/1971 Rougr -0805 1973/1976 , Lewiston 04240. . . 1929/1968 concord.a Parish Trade School. Ferriday 71314 1976/1978 , Brunswick 04011 . 1929/1976

15 27 Regional Accreditation

Central Maine Medical Center, Lewiston 04240 1978/1981 Hagerstown Junior College, Hagerstown 21740 1968/1974 Central Maine Vocational- Technical Institute, Harford Community College, Bel Air 21014 1967/1972 Auburn 04210. 1976/1979 Hood College, Frederick 21701 1922/1974 , Waterville 04901 1929/1977 Howard Community College, Columt '029 1975 College of .he Atlantic, Bar Harbor 04609 1976/1979 Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore 21218 1921/1972 Eastern Maine Vocational-Technical Institute, Loyola College, Baltimore 21210 1931/1970 Bangor 04401 1973/1978 Maryland Institute-College of Art, Baltimore 212171967/1978 Hugon College, Bangor 04401 1974/1978 Montgomery College, Rockville 20850 1950/1978 1925/1978 Maine Mantime Academy, Castine 04421 . 1971/1976 Morgan State University, Baltimore 21212 , Springvale 04083 1960/1971 Mount St Mary's College, Emmitsburg 21727 1922/1974 Northern Maine Vocational-Technical Institute, Peabody Zonservatory of Music, B Amore 21202 1957/1975 Presque Island 04769...... 1975/1978 Prince George's Community Colleg, , Largo 208701969/1975 Portland School of Art, Portland 04101 1973 Salisbury State College, Salisbury 21801 1956/1975 Southern Maine Vocational-Technical Institute, Sojourner-Dougl:a College, Baltimore 21205 So. Portland 04106 1974/1979 St John'. College, Annapolis 21404 . 1923/1974 St Joseph's College, North Windham 04062 1961/1971 St Mary's College of Maryland, St Mary's City Thottins College, Waterville 04901 1969/1972 20686 1959/1974 , Unity 04988. 1974/1978 St Mary's Seminary and University, Baltimore at Augusta, Augusta 04330 1973/1978 21210. . 1951/1971 University of Maine at Farmington, Farmington Towson State University, Baltimore 21204 1949/1969 1958/1976 University of Baltimore, Baltimore 21201 1971/1977 University of Meow at Ft Kent, Ft Kent 04743 1970/1975 University of Maryland, College Park 20742 1921/1976 University of Maine at Machias, Machias )4654 1970/1973 University of Maryland Professional Schools, University of Maine at Orono, Orono 04401 1929/1977 Baltimore 21201.. . 1921/1976 University of Maine at Presque Isle, Presque Isle University of Maryland-Baffin-ore County Campus, 1966/1976 04769... . . 1968 Baltimore 21228 University of New England, Biddeford 04005 1966/1978 University of Maryland-Eastern Shore, Princess 1937/1976 University of Southern Maine, Portland 04103 . 1960/1975 Anne 21853 .. . Washington County Vocational-Technical Institute, US Naval Academy, Annapolis 21402 . 1947/1976

. . 1962/1972 Calais 04619 . 1976/1979 Villa Julie College, Stevenson 21153 Westbrook College, Portland 04103 1934/1969 Washington College, Chestertown 21620 . 1925/1973 Washington Theological Union, Silver Spring 20900 1973/i978 MARYLAND Western Maryland College, Westminster 21157 . 1922/1974 Middle States Association of Colleges And Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Secondary Schools Commission on Occupational Education Institutions Commission on Higher Education US Army Ordnance and Chemical Center, Allegany Community College, Cumberland 21502 1965/1971 Aberdeen Proving Ground 21210 1977 Anne Arundel Community College, Arnold 21012 1968/1174 b thimore Hebrew College, Ba: imore 21215 1974 Bowie State College, Bowie 20715 1961/1971 MASSACHUSETTS Capitol Institute of Technology, Kensington 20795 1976 New England Association of Schools And Colleges Catonsville Community College, Catonsville 21228 1966/1976 Commission on Institutions of Higher Education Cecil Community College, North East 21901 1974 Charles County Community College, La Plata 20646 1969/1974 American International College, Springfield 01109 1933/1968 Chesapeake College, Cenireville 21617 1970/1975 Amherst College, Amherst 01002 le19/1978 College of Notre Dame of Maryland, ok.timore Andover Newton Theological School, Newton

21210 . . . 1925/1970 Centre 02159. . 1938/1967 Columbia Union College, Takoma Park 20012 1942/1971 Anna Maria College. Paxton 01612 1955/1969 Community College of Baltimore, Baltimore 21215 1963/1978 Aquinas Junior College, Newton 02158 1975/1980 C.oppin State College, Baltimore 21216 1962/1978 Aquinas Junior College, Milton 02186 1975/1980 De Sales Hall School of Theology, Hyattsville Arthur D Little Managament Educational Insiitute, 20782..... 1976 CP Tlbridge 02140 1976/1979 Dundalk Community College, Baltimore 21222 1975 Assumption College, Worcester 01609 1949/1970 Essex Community College, Baltimore County 21237 1966/1972 Atlantic Union College, South I ncaster 01561 1945/1978 Fredenck Community College, Frederick 21701 1971/1976 Babson College, Babson Park 02157 1950/1970 Frostburg State College, Frostburg 21532 1953/1976 Bay Path Junior College, Longmeadow 01106 1965/1975 Garrett Community College, McHenry 21541 1975 Becker Junior Colleg,, Worcester 01609 1976/1979 Goucher College, Towson 21204 1921/1978 Bentley College, Waltham 02154 1966/1976

16 2S Regional Accreditation Berk lee College of Music, Boston 02199 1973/1978 New England Institute of Applied Arts and Berkshire Community College, Pittsfield 01202 1964/1968 Sciences, Boston 02215 1975 Blue Hills Regional Technical Institute, Canton Newbury Junior College, Boston 02116 1977/1980 02021. ..., 1968/1970 Nichol's College, Dudley 01570 1965/1968 Boston College, Chestnut Hill 02167 1935/1976 North Adams State College, North Adams 01247 1953/1975 Boston Conservatory or Music, Boston 02115 1968 North Shore Community College, Beverly 01915 1969 Boston State College, Boston 02115 1962/1973 Northeastern University, Boston 02115 1940/1967 Boston University, Boston 02215 1929/1968 Northern Essex Community College, Haverhill Bradford College, Bradford 01830 1931/1978 01832 . 1969 Brandeis University, Waltham 02154 1953/1976 Pine Manor College, Chestnut Hill 02167 119 Bndgewater State College, Bndgewater 02324 1953/1971 Quinsigamond Community College, Worcester Bristol Community College, Fall River 02720 1970/1974 01605 1967/1978 Bunker Hill Community College, Charlestown Regis College, Weston 02193 1933/1976 02129 1976/1979 Salem State College, Salem 01970 1953/1971 Cape Cod Community College, West Barnstable Simmons College, Boston 02115 1929/1969 02601 1967/1977 Simon's Rock Early College, Great Barrington Central New England College of Technology, 02130 . . 1974/1976 Worcester 01608 1971 Smith College, Northampton 01060 1929/1977 Clark University, Worcester 01610 . 1929/1975 Southeastern Massachusetts University, North College of the Holy Cross, Worcester 01610 1930/1969 Dartmouth 02747 ...... 1964/1974 College of Our Lady of the Elms, Chicopee 01013 1942/1972 Springfield College, Springfield 01109 . 1930/1968 Curry College, Milton 02186 1970/1975 Springfield Technical Community College, Dean Junior College, Franklin 02038 Springfield 01105 1957/1970 . 1971/1976 Eastern Nazarene College, Wollaston 02170 1943/1969 St Hyacinth College and Seminary, Granby 01033 1967/1978 Emerson College, Boston 02116 1950/1977 St John's Semi"'ry, Brighton 02135. 1969

Emmanuel College, Boston 02115 1933/1977 Stonehill College, North Easton 02356 . 1959/1969 Endicott College, Beverly 01915 1952/1976 Suffolk University, Boston 02114 19'2/1972 Essex Agricultural and Technical Institute, , Medford 02155. . 1929/1970 Hawthorne 01937 . 1976 University of Lowell, Lowell 01850... 1975/1977 Fisher Junior College, Boston 02116 1970/1975 University of Massachusetts, Amherst 01002.. 1932/1967 Fitchburg State College, Fitchburg 01420 1953/1971 University of Massachusetts-Boston Campus, Framingham State College, Framingham 01701 1950/1974 Boston 02125 ...... 1972/1978 Franklin Institute of Boston, Boston 02116 1970 US Army Intelligence School, Ft Devens 01433 1976/1981 Gordon College, Wenham 01984 . 1961/1971 Wellesley College, Wellesley 02181 .. 1929/1968 Greenfie:d Community College, Greenfield 01301 1966/1969 Wentworth Institute of Technology, Boston 02115.. 1967/1977 Hampshire College, Amherst 01002 1974/1978 Western New England College, Springfield 01119. 1965/1972 Harvard University, Cambridge 02138 1929/1977 Westfield State College, Westfield 01085 1957/1970 Hebrew College, Brookline 02146 1955/1977 Wheaton College, Norton 02766. . 1929/1968 Hellenic College-Holy Cross Greek Orthodox Sch Wheelock College, Boston 02215 1950/1975 Williams College, Williamstown . of Theology, Brookline 02146...... 1974/1976 ... 1929/1977 Holyoke Community College, Holyoke 01040 1970 Worcester Junior College, :Voices. r 01608...... 1951/1976 Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Worcester 0160(.. La Bourne Junior College, Boston 02116 .. . 1975/1980 1937/1971 Lasell Junior College, Auburndale 02166 1932/1972 Worcester State Co "ege, Worcester 01602.... 1957/1977

Lesley College, Cambridge 02138 . 1952/1974 Massachusetts Bay Community College, Wellesley New England Assodation of Schools And Colleges Hills 02181...... 1967/1977 Commission Vocational, Technical, Career Massachusetts College of Art, Boston 02215 . 1954/1978 Institutions Massachusetts College of Pharmacy, Boston 02115 1974/1979 Massachusetts Institute of le.:linology, Cambridge Assabet Valley Regional Vocational School, . ... 1929/1968 Marlboro 01752 . 1976/1981 Massachusetts Maritime Academy, Buzzards Bay Bristol-Plymouth Regional Technical School, 02532...... 1974/1979 Taunton 02780 ...... 1976/1981 Massasoit Community College, Brockton 02402 1971/1976 Charles H McCann Vocational- Technical School, Merrimack College, North Andover 01845 1953/1976 North Adams 01247 ...... 1968/1971 Middlesex Community College, Bedford 01730 1973/1979 David Hale Fanning Trade High School, Worcester Mount Holyoke College, South Hadley 01075 1929/1977 01605 . . 1968/1970 Mount Ida Junior College, Newton Centre 02159 1970/1975 Dm= Regional Technical High School, Fall River Mount Wachusett Community College, Gardner 02723 . . . 1968/1973 1968/1977 Essex Agricultural and Technical Institute, New England College of Optometry. Boston 02115 1976/1979 Hawthorne 01937 . . 1976 New England Conservatory of Music, Boston Greater Lawrence Regional Vocational-Technical 02115.. 1951/1977 High School, Andover 01810 1968/1970

17 20 Regional Accreditation

Leominster Trade High School, Leominster 01453 1968/1971 Kirtland Community College, Roscommon 48653 1976

Lynn Vocational-Technical Institute, Lynn 01902 1968/1980 Lake Michigan College, Benton Harbor 49022 . 1962/1972 Montachusett Regional Vocational-Technical Lake Superior State College, Sault St Marie 49783 1968/1971 School, Fitchburg 01420.. - 1975 Lansing Community College, Lansing 48914 1964/1974 Norfolk County Agricultural High School, Walpole Lawrence Institute of Technology, Southfield 02081 . . 1968/1971 48075.. 1967/1971 Roger L Putnam Vocational-Technical High College of Business, Detroit 48235 1978 School, Springfield 01109 . 1968/1971 Macomb County Community College, Warren Smith Vocational and Agricultural High School, 48090...... 1970/1975 1968/1973 Northampton 01060...... Madonna College, Livonia 48150 1959/1968 Southeastern Regional Technical Institute, South Marygrove College, Detroit 48221 1926/1977 Easton 02375 1964/1974 Mercy College of Detroit, Detroit 48219 . 1951/1972 Upper Cape Cod Regional Vocational-Technical Michigan Christian College, Rochester 48063 . 1974/1977 School, Bourne 02532 . . 1975 Michigan State University, East Lansing 48823 . 1923/1975 Whittier Regional Vocational-Technical High Michigan Technological University, Houghton School, Haverhill 01830 ...... 1968/1980 1928/1972 Worcester Vocational-Technical High School, 48629. Mid-Michigan Community College, Harrison 48625 1974/1977 . Worcester 01605 . 1968/1970 Monroe County Community College, Monroe 48161. 1972/1975 MICHIGAN Montcalm Community College, Sidney 48885 . . 1974 Muskegon Community College, Muskegon 49443 ... 1929/1973 North Central Association of Colleges and Schools Nazareth College, Nazareth 49074.. . . 1940/1972 Commission on Institutions of Higher Education North Central Michigan College, Petoskey 49770 1972/1975 Northern Michigan University, Marquette 49855 1916/1975 Adrian College, Adrian 49221 1958/1968 Northwestern Michigan College, Traverse City . 1961/1975 Albion College, Albion 49224. 1923/1971 . Alma College, Alma 48801 1916/1970 Northwood Institute-Main Campus, Midland 48640. 1974/1978 Alpena Community College, Alpena 49707 1963/1976 Oakland Community College, Bloomfield 48013 Andrews University, Berrien Springs 49104 1939/1972 Oakland University, Rochester 48063 .. 1966/1971

Aquinas College, Grand Rapids 49506..... 1946/1977 Olivet College, Olivet 49076 . . . 1916/1972 1976 Bay De Noc Community College, Escanaba 49829 Sacred Heart Seminary, Detroit 48206 . 1960/1974 Calvin College, Grand Rapids 49506 . 1930/1975 Saginaw Valley State College, University Center Center for Creative Studies, Detroit 48202 1977 48710 . .. 1970/1974 Central Michigan University, Mount Pleasant 4*I158 1923/1973 Schoolcraft College, Livonia 48151. ..1968/1971 Charles Stewart Mott Community College, Flint Siena Heights College, Adrian 49221 . 1940/1974 48503 1926/1972 Southwestern Michigan College, Dowaguic 49047 1973/1976 Concordia College, Ann Arbor 48105 1968 Spring Arbor College, Spring Arbor 49283 .....1960/1977 Cranbrook Academy of Art, Bloomfield Hills 48013 1960/1973 St Clair County Community College, Port Huron Davenport College of Business, Grand Rapids . 48060 - -. 1930/1969 49502 ...... 1976 St John's Provincial Seminary, Plymouth 48170 1977 Delta College, University Center 48710 ...... 1968/1973 St Mary's College, Orchard Lake 48034 - 1976 Detroit Institute of Technology, Detroit 487.01 1963/1974 Suomi College, Hancock 49930. 1969 Eastern Michigan University, Ypsilanti 48197.. 1915/1976 University of Detroit, Detroit 48221 1935/1974 Ferris State College, Big Rapids 49307... 1959/I977 University of Michigan, Ann Arbor 48104 . 1913/1970 General Motors Institute, Flint 48502. 1962/1972 1970/1974 Glen Oaks Community College, Sturgis 49091 1975 University of Michigan-Dearborn, Dearborn 48120 University of Michigan-Flint, Flint 48503 1970/1975 Gogebic Community College, Ironwood 49938 . ..1949/1973 Grand Rapids Baptist College and Seminary, Grand Walsh College of Accountancy & Business 1975/1976 Rapids 49505 . . 1977 Administration, Troy 48084 Grand Rapids Junior College, Grand Rapids 495021917/1974 Washtenaw Community College, Ann Arbor 48107 1973/1976 1976 Grand Valley State Colleges, Allendale 49401 . 1968/1974 Wayne County Community College, Detroit 48201 Henry Ford Community College, Dearborn 48128 1949/1975 Wayne State University, Detroit 48202 1915/1976 Highland Park Community College, Highland Park West Shore Community College, Scottville 49454 1974

. 48203 . . 1911/1976 Western Michigan Un.versity, Kalamazoo 49001 . 1915/1971 Hillsdale College, Hillsdale 49242 1919/1973 Hope C..11ege, Holland 49423 . 1923/1974 North Central Association of Colleges and Schools Jackson Community College, Jackson 49201 1933/1976 Commission on Schools Kalamazoo College, Kalamazoo 49001 .. 1915/1973 Kalamazoo Valley Community College, Kalamazoo

49001 . . 1972/1976 Lansing Adult & Continuing Education School, Kellogg Community College, Battle Creek 49016 1965/1972 Lansing 48933 1980 iS ao Regional Accreditation

MINNESOTA St Mary's College, Winona 55987 1934/1977 St Mary's Junior College, Minneapolis 55406 North Central Association of Colleges and Schools 1971 St Olaf College, Northfield 55057 1915/1973 COMIRilliti011 on Institutions of Higher Education St Paul Seminary, St Paul 55105 1946/1978

To-College University, Moorhead 56560 , 1977 Alexandria Area Technical Institute, Alexandria United Theological Seminary of Twin Cities, New Brighton 55112 56308.. 1974 ;977 Anoka-Ramsey Community College, Coon Rapids University of Minn -rota at Duluth, Duluth 55812 . 1968/1978 55433.. 1975 University of Minnesota Technical College, Waseca 56093 Augsburg College, Minneapolis 55404 1954/1977 1975/1978 Austin Community College, Austin 55912 1971/1975 University of Minnesota Technical College, Bemidji State University, Bemidji 56601 1943/1970 Crookston 56716 1971/1974 Bethany Lutheran College, Mankato 56001 1974 University of Minnesota- Morris, Morris 56267 1970 Bethel College, St Paul 55112. 1959/1969 Vermillion Community College, Ely 55731 1966/1971 Bethel Theological Seminary, St Paul 55112 1976 Willmar Area Vocational-Technical Institute, Brainerd Community College, Brainerd 56401 1977 Willmar 56201 1976 Carleton College, Northfield-55057 1963/1969 Willmar Community College, Willmar 56201 1972/1975 College of St Benedict, Si Joseph 56374 1913/1969 Winona State University, Winona 55987 . 1913/1975 College of St Catherine, St Pual 55105 1916/1974 Worthington Community College, Worthington College of St Scholastics, Duluth 55811 1931/1973 56187 1973/1978 College of St Teresa, Winona 55987 1917/1968 College of St Thomas, St Paul 55105 1916/1975 North Central Association of Colleges andSchools Concordia College, Moorhead 56560 1959/1978 Commission on Schools Concordia College, St Paul 55104 1959/1967 Crosier Seminary Junior College, °mum 56359 1c78 Alexandria Area Vocational Technical Dr Martin Luther College, New Ulm 56073 Institute, 1974 Alexandria 56308 Fergus Falls Community College, Fergus Falls Hutchinson Area Vocational Technical Institute, 56537 1972/1976 Hutchinson 55350 Golden Valley Lutheran College, Minneapolis 1980 North Suburan Hennepin County Area Voc-Tech 55422. . lo7-3 School, Brooklyn Pk 55445 1973 Gustavus Adolphus College, St Peter 56082 1915/1973 Hamlin. University, St Paul 55104 1934/1968 Hibbing Community College, Hibbing 55746 1922/1975 Inver Hills Community College, Inver Grove MISSISSIPPI Heights 55075 . 1976 Itasca Community College, Grand Rapids 55744 1975 Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Lakewccd Community College, White Bear Lake Commission on Colleges 55110. . 1974 Luther Theological Seminary, St Paul 55108 Alcorn State University, Lorman 39096 . 1948/1971 Maca letter College, St Paul 55101 1915/1976 Belhaven College, Jackson 39202 1946/1976 Mankato State University, Mankato 56001 1916/1971 Blue Mountain College, Blue Mountain 38610 . 1927/1973 Mesabi Community College, Virginia 55792 1925/1971 Clarke College, Newton 39345 .. 1952/1976 Metropolitan Commu.aty College, Minneapolis Coahoma Junior College, Clarksdale 38614 . 1975/1979 55403 . 1977 Copiah-Lincoln Junior College, Wesson 39191 1936/1974 Metropolitan State University, St Pau) 55101 1975 Delta State /Iniversity, Cleveland 38732 1930/1473 Minneapolis College of Art and Design, East Central Junior College, Decatur 39327 1939/1171 Minneapolis 55404 . 1960/1977 East Mississippi Junior College, Scooba 39358 . 1949/1975 Moorhead State University, Moorhead 56560 1948/1977 Hinds Junior College, Raymond 39154 . 1928/1974 Normandale Community College, Bloomington Holmes Junior College, Goodman 39079 1934/1974 55431 . . . 1973 Itawamba Junior College, Fulson 38843 1955/1977 North Hennepin Community College, Minneapolis Jackson State University, Jackson 39217 1948/1971 55445 1972/1975 Jones County Junior College, Ellisville 39437 Northland Community College, Thief River Falls 1940/1976 Mary Holmes College, West Point 39773 1973/1978 56711 , 1976 Meridian Junior College, Meridian 39301 1942/1971 Northwestern College, Roseville 55113 1978 Whops College, Jackson 39210 Rainy River Community College, International 1912/1971 Mississippi College, Clinton 39056 1922/1970 Falls 56649 1976 Mississippi Delta Junior College, Moorhead 38761 1930/1976 tRochester State Community College, Rochester Mississippi Gulf Coast Junior College, Perlonston 55901 .. 196e/1971 39573 1929/1969 Southwest State University, Marshall 56258 1972/1978 Mississippi State University, Mississippi State 397621926/1972 St Cloud State University, St Cloud 56301 1948/1977 Mississippi University for Women, Columbus 397011921/1973 St John's University, Collegeville 56321 1950/1969 Mississippi Valley State College, lila Rena 18941 1968/1972

19 Regional Accreditation

Northeast Mississippi Junior College. Booneville Lincoln University, Jefferson City 65101 1926/1977 38829. 1956/1969 Lindenwood Colleges, St Charles 61101 1918/1976 Northwest 7.ossissippi Junior College. Senatobta Longview Community College. Lees Summit 64063 1972

38668. . . I953/197n Maple Woods Community College, Kansas City Pearl River Junior College, Poplarville 39470 1929/1974 64156 1972 Reformed Theological Seminary, Jackson 39209 1977/1979 Maryville College of the Sacred Heart. St Louis Rust College, Holly Springs 38635 1970/1974 63141 1941/1975 Southwest Mississippi Junior College, Summit Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, Kansas .958/1970 City 64118 1971/1975 Tougaloo College, Tougaloo 39174 1951/1968 Mineral Area College, Flat Riser 63601 1971 University of Mississippi-Main Campus, University Missouri Baptist College, St Louis 61141 1974 38677 ...... 1895/1978 Missouri Southern State College, Joplin 64801 1949/1971 University of Southern Mississippi, Hattiesburg Missouri Valley College. Marshall 65340 1916/1969 1929/1974 39401 . . . . Missouri Western State College, St Joseph 64507 1919/1975 Utica Junior College, Utica 39175 1972/1976 Moberly Junior College, Moberly 65270 1975 1958/1968 William Carey College, Hattiesburg 39401 Northeast Missouri State Unisersity, Kirksville 1956/1969 Wood Junior College, Mattnston 39752 6350t 1914/1975 Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Northwest Missouri State University, Maryville 1921/1978 Commission Oa Occupational Education Institutions 64468 Park College, Kansas City 64152 1913/1978 Penn Valley Community College, Kansas City U S Air Force NCO Prof Military Ed Ctr. Kees ler 64111 1972/1976 Af Base 39534 .. 1979 Pioneer Community College, Kansas City 64111 1976 U S Air Force Technical Training Schocl-Keesler, Platt College, St Joseph 64501 1978 Kees ler AFB 39534 . 1972 Rockhurst College, Kansas City 64110 1934/1972 US Naval Construction Training Center, Gulfport Saint Paul's School of Theology Methodist, Kansas 39501... 1975 City 64127 1976 US Naval Technical Training Center, Meridian School of the Ozarks, Point Lookout 65726 1961/1971 1976 39301... Southeast Missouri State University, Cape Girardeau 63701 1915/1973 MISSOURI Southwest Baptist College, Bolivar 65613 1957/1970 Southwest Missouri State University, Springfield North Central Association of Colleges and Schools 65802 1915/1976 Commission on Institutions of Higherjducation St Louis College of Pharmacy, St Louis 63110 1967/1976 St Louis Community College at Florrisant Valley, St Louis 63135 1969/1978 Assemblies of God Graduate School, Springfield St Louis Community College at Forrest Park, St 65802 19 Louis 63110 1969/1978 Avila College, Kansas City 64145 1946/1968 St Louis Community College at Meramec, Cardinal Glennon College, St Louis 63119 . 1960/1977 Kirkwood 63122 1969/1978 1913/1971 Central Methodist College, Fayette 65248 St Louis University, St Louis 63103 Central Missouri State University, Warrensburg Si Mary's College of O'Fallon, 0' Fallon 63366 1962/1972 191'5/1974 64093.. . St Mary's Sernurry College, Perryville 63775 1967/1977 Columbia College, Columbia 65201 1918/1977 St Paul's College. Concordia 64020 1968/1978 Conception Seminary College, Conception 64433 1960/1974 State Fair Community College. Sedalia 65101 1977 Concordia Seminary, St Louis 63105 1963/1978 Stephens College. Columbia 65201 1918/1978 Cottey College, Nevada 64772 1918/1973 1922/1975 Covenant Theological Seminary. St Louis 63141 1973 Tarkio College. Tarkio 64491 Three Rivers Community College, Poplar Bluff Crowder College, Neosho 64850 . 1977 1974 Culver-Stockton College, Canton 63435 1924/1971 63901 1913/1975 Drury College, Springfield 65802 1915/1976 University of Missouri. Columbia 65201 East Central Junior College, Union 63084 1976 University of Missouri Kansas City, Kansas City Eden TheologicalSeminary, Webster Groves 631191973 64110 1970 Evangel College, Springfield 65802 1965/1968 University of Missouri-Rolla, Rolla 65401 Fontbonne College, St Louis 63100 1926/1975 University of Missouri-St Louis, St I mils 63121 1968/197811196:29 Hannibal -La Grange College, Hannibal 63401 1958/1975 Washington University, St Louis 61130 1913/1974 Harris-Stowe State College. St Louis 63103 1924/1974 Webster College, St Louis 63119 1925/1978 Jefferson College, Hillsboro 63050 1969 Wentworth Military Academy & Junior College, Kansas City Art Institute, Kansas City 64111 1964/1969 Lexington 64067 1930/1976 Kemper Military School and College. Itoonville Westminster College, Fulton 65251 1913/1974 65233 1927/1969 William Jewell College, I iberty 640614 1915/1971 Kenrick Seminary, St Louis 63119 1971 William Woods College, Fulton 65211 1919/1077

20 3 Regional Accreditation

MONTANA Wayne State College, Wayne 68787 1917/1977

York College, York 68467 . Northwest Association of Schools and Colleges 1970/1974 Commission on Colleges NEVADA Billings Vocational Technical Callen Bozeman 597'5 , . . 1976 Northwest Association of Schools and Colleges Carroll College, Helena 59601. . 1949/1970 , Commission on Colleges College of Great Falls, Great Falls 59401 . 1935/1968 Dawson College, Glendive 59330 . 1969/1974 Eastern Montana College, Billings 59101 1932/1969 Clark County Community College, Las Vegas Flathead Valley Community College, Kalispell 89101. 1975 59901...... 1970/1975 Northern Nevada Community College, Elko 89801.1974 Great Falls Vocational-Technical Center, Great Sierra Nevada College, Incline Village 89450 1977 Falls 59401 1976 Truckee Meadows Community College, Sparks Helena Vocational-Technical School, Helena 596011977 89431 . 1980 Miles Community College, Miles City 59301 . 1971/1976 University of Nevada-Las Vegas, Las Vegas 89109 1964/1970 Missoula Vocational-Technical Center, Missoula University of Nevada-Reno, Reno 89507 1938/1978 59801... 1974 Montana College of Mineral Science & Western Nevada Community College, Sparks 894311975

Technology, Butte 59701 . 1932/1970 Montana State University, Bozeman 59715 1932/1970 Northern Montana College, Havre 59501 1932/1977 NEW HAMPSHIRE Rocky Mountain College, Billings 59102 . 1949/1977 University of Montana, Missoula 59801 . 1932/1978 New England Association of Schools And Colleges Western Montana College, Dillon 55725 1932/1978 Commission on Institutions of Higher Education

NEBRASKA Colby-Sawyer College, New London 03257 1933/1977 Daniel Webster College, Nashua 03060.. 1972/1977 North Central Association of Colleges and Schools Dartmouth College, Hanover 03755 Commission on Institutions of Higher Education 1929/1978 Franklin Pierce College, Rindge 03461 . 1968/1977 Nathaniel Hawthorne College, Antrim 03440 1971/1978

Bellevue College, Bellevue 68005 . 1977 New England College, Henniker 03242 . 1967/1977 Central Technical Community College, Hastings New Hampshire College, Manchester 03101 1973/1976 1976 New Hampshire Technical Institute, Concord Chadron State College, Chadron 69337 1915/1977 1969/1972 College of St Mary, Omaha 68124 1958/1968 New Hampshire ' /ocaiional- Technical College, Concordia Teachers College, Seward 68434 1953/1970 Nashua 03060...... 1974/1977 Creighton University, Omaha 68178 1916/1977 New Hampshire Vocational-Technical College, Dana College, Blair 68008 - 1958/1972 Claremont 03743... . . 1973/1976 Doane College, Crete 68333 1913/1972 New Hampshire Vocational-Technical College, Hastings College, Hastings 68901 1916/1975 Berlin 03570...... Kearney State College, Kearney 68847 1916/1974 1974/1979 McCook Community College, McCook 69001 1976 New Hampshire Vocational-Technical College, Metropolitan Technical Community College, 1974/1977

Omaha 68137 . 1975 New Hampshire Vocational-Technical College, Midland Lutheran College, Fremont 68025 1947/1975 Portsmouth 03801 . 1975/1979 Nebraska Wesleyan University, Lir .:oln 68504 1914/1970 New Hampshire Vocational-Technical College, Nebraska Western College, Scottsbluff 69361 1973/1976 Manchester 03104. ... 1974/1977 Northeast Technical Community College, Norfolk Notre Dame College, Manchester 03104 1970 68701 . . 1975 Rivier College, Nashua 03060... . 1948/1977 Peru State College, Peru 68421 . 1915/19'6 St Anaelm'a College, Manchester 03102. . . . 1941/1968 Southeast Community College-Lincoln Campus, University of New Hampshire, Durham 03824 . . 1929/1973 Lincoln 68352 1976/1978 University of New Hampshire-Keene State College, Sontheast Community College-Milford Campus, Keene 03431 .....1949/1969 Milford 68405. , 1975 University of New Hampshire-Plymouth State Union College, Lincoln 68506 1923/1910 College, Plymouth 03264... University of Nebraska at Omaha, Omaha 68:82 1955/1973 University of Nebraska Medical Center, Omaha White Pines College, Chester 03036 1975/1977 :913/1977 University of Nebraska-Lincoln Lincoln 68508 1913/1977

21 33 Regional Accreditation

NEW JERSEY William Paterson College, Wayne 07470 . 1958/1971 Middle States Association of Colleges And Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Secondary Schools Commission on Occupational Education Institutions Commission on Higher Education U S Army Chaplain Center and School, Fort Assumption College for Sisters, Mendham 07945 1965/1975 Monmouth 07703 . 1978 Atlantic Community College, Mays Landing 083301971/1976 Bergen Community College,\karamus 07652 1972/1976 Bloomfield College, Bloomfiell 07003 1960/1976 NEW MEXICO Brookdale Community Collegel Lincroft 07738 1972 Caldwell College, Caldwell 07006 1952/1975 North Central Association of Colleges and Schools Camden County College, Blackwood 08012 1972/1977 Commission on Institutions of Higher Education Centenary College, Hackettstown 07840 1932/1973 College of St Elizabeth, Convent Station 07961 1922/1974 Albuquerque Technical-Vocational Institute, County College of Morris. Dover 07801. . . 1972 Albuquerque 87106 . 1976 Cumberland County College, Vineland 08360 1970/1976 College of the Southwest, Hobbs 88240 .. 1976

Don Bosco College. Newton 07860 .. . 1966/1976 College of Santa Fe, Santa Fe 87501 . .. 1%5/1975 Drew University, Madison 07940..... 1932/1970 Eastern New Mexico University, Portales88130 1947/1977 Essex County Commu:uty College, Newark 07102 1974 Eastern New Mexico University-Roswell Campus, Fairleigh Dickinson University - Madison Campus, Roswell 88201 ...... 1971/1977 Madison 07910. - 1958/1975 New Mexico Highlands University, Las Vegas Fair Ingh Dickinson University-Rutherford Capus, 87701 1926/1976 Rutherford 07070 . . . . 1958/1975 New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology, Fair leis'. Dickinson University-Teaneck Campus,. Socorro 87801 ...... 1949/1975 Teaneck 07666. . 1954/1975 New 4exico Junior College, Hobbs 88240 1970/1976 . 1974 Fe helm College, Lod: 07644 New Mexico Military Institute, Roswell 88201 1938 Georgian Court College, Lakewood 08701 1922/1974 New Mexico State University, Las Cruces 88001 .. 1926/1940 Glassboro State College, Glassboro 08028 .. 1958/1969 New Mexico State University-Alamogordo, Gloucester County College, Sewell 08080 . . 1973/1978 Alamogordo 88310. 1973 Immaculate Conception Seminary, Mahwah 07430 1977 New Mexico State University-San Juan, Jersey City State College. Jersey City 07305. 1959/1970 Farmington 87401..... 1973 Kean College of New Jersey, Union 07083 . 1960/1970 Southwestern Indian Polytechnic Institute, Mercer County Community College, Trenton 08608 1967/1975 Albuquerque 87114 1975/1978 Middlesex County College. Edison 08817 . 1970/1975 St John's College, Santae 87501. . . ..1969 Monmouth College, West Long Branch 07764 ..1952/1976 University of Albuquerque, Albuquerque 87105...... 1960/1977 Montclair State College, Upper Montclair 07043 . 1937/1977 University of New Mexico, Albuquerque 87106. 1922/1969 New Jersey Institute of Tecluiology, Newark 07102 1934/1972 University of New Mexico-Gallup Branch, Gallup Northeastern Bible College, Essex Fells 07021 . 1974/1570 87301 ...... 1922/1969 Ocean COunty College, Toms River 03753 . 1969/1974 US Air Force 1550th Air Crew Training and Test Passaic County Community College, Paterson Wing. Albuquerque 87117 . . 1976 07505------...... 1978 Western New Mexico University, Silver City 88061 1926/1975 Princeton Theological Seminary, Princeton 08540 1968/1978

Princeton University, Princeton 08540 . . . 1921/19i3 Ramapo College of New Jersey, Mahwah 07601 . 1975 NEW YORK Rider College, Trenton 08602 1955/1976 Rutgers-The State University-Camden. Camden Middle States Association of Colleges And 08102 . . 1950/1978 Secondary Schools Rutgers-The State University-New Brunswick, Commission on Higher Education New Brunswick 08903... . 1921/1978 Rutgers-The State University-Newark, Newark

07104. .. . . 1946/1978 Academy of Aeronautics, Flushing 11371 . . 1969/1976 Seton Hall University, South Orange 07079 1932/1974 Adelphi University, Garden City 11530 .. .. 1921/1976 Somerset County College. Green Brook 08870 1972/1977 Adirondack Community College, Glens Falls 12839 1971/1978

St Peter's College, Jersey City 07306 1935/1976 Alfred University, Alfred 14802 . . . 1921/1973 Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken 07030 1927/1977 Bank Street College of Education, New York 10025 1960/1971

Stockton State University, Pomona 08232 1975 Bard College, Annandale-on-Hudson 12504...... 1922/1977

Thomas A Edison College, Trenton 08608 1977 Barnard College. New York 10027 . 1921/1971 Trenton State College, Trenton 08625 1938/1975 Broome Com.-iunity College, Binghamton 13902. 1960/1970

Union College, Cranford 07016 1957/1973 Canistus College, Buffalo 14208 . . 1921/1975 Upsala College, East Orange 07019 1936/1978 Cathedral College of the Immaculate Conception,

Westrrun er Choir College, Princeton 08540 1966/1976 Douglaston 11362 , 1971/1976

22 34 Regional Accreditation

Cayuga County Community College, Auburn 13021 1965/1975 Hartw'ck College, Oneonta 13820 1949/1969 Cazenovia College, Cazenovia 13035 1961/1971 Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion, Christ the King bemmary, East Aurora 14052 1974/1977 New York 10023 , . 1960/1977 Clarkson College of Technology, Potsdam 13676 1927/1977 Herkimer County Community College, Herkimer Clinton Community College, Plattsburgh 12901 1975 13350 , 1972 Colgate University, Hamilton 13346 1921/1977 Hilbert College, Hamburg 14075 1976 College of Insurance, New York 10038 1967/1978 Hobart & William Smith Colleges, Geneva 14456 1921/1974 College of Mount St Vincent, Riverdale 10471 1921/1976 Hofstra University, Hempstead 11550 1940/1968 College of New Rochelle, New Rochelle 10801 1921/1975 Houghton College, West Seneca 13861 1935/1975 College of St Rose, Albany 12203 1928/1974 Houghton College-Buffalo Suburban Campus, Columbia University, New York 10027 1921/1975 Buffalo 14224 Columbia-Greene Community College, Hudson 1969/1975 Hudson Valley Community College, Troy 12180 . 1969/1974 10003 1977 Iona College, New Rochelle 10801 Community College of the Finger Lakes, . 1952/1971 Ithaca College, Ithaca 14850 - 1955/1977 Canandaigua 14424 1977 - Jamestown Community College, Jamestown 14701 1956/1977 Concordia College, Bronxville 10708 1941/1976 Jefferson Community College, Watertown 13601 Cooper Union, New York 10003 1946/1978 1969/1975 Jewish Theological Seminary of America, New Cornell University, Ithaca 14853 1921/1968 Ycat 10027 Corning Community College, Corning 14830 1964/1'2'5 . 1954'1975 Jul !hard School, New York 10023 CUNY-Bernard Baruch College, New York 10010 1968 1956/1977 CUNY-Borough of Manhattan Community College, Keuka College, Ke.ika Park 14478 1927/1973 New York 10019 1964/1967 Laboratory Institute of Merchandising, New York 10022 CUNY-Bronx Community College, Bronx 10468 1963/1978 . . . 1977 CUNY-Brooklyn College, Brooklyn 11210 1933/1975 Le Moyne College, Syracuse 13214 . 1953/1972 CUNY-City College, New York 10031 1921/1976 Long Island University, Greenvale 11548 1955/1973 CUNY-College of Staten Island, New York 10019 1963/1967 Long Island University-Brooklyn Center, Brooklyn CUNY - Graduate School and University Center, 11201 ... 1955/1973 New York 10036 1961/1977 Long Island University-C W Post Center, CUNY-Hostos Community College, Bronx 10021 1974 Greenvale 11548. 1955/1973 CUNY-Hunter College, New York 10021 1921/1977 Long Island University-Southampton C&'ege, CUNY-John Jay College of Criminal Justice, New Southampton 11968 . 1963/1977 York 10003 . 1965/1975 Manhattan College, Bronx 10471 . 1921/1971 CUNY-Kingsborough Community College, Manhattan School of Music, New York 10029 ...1956/1978

Brooklyn 11235 1964/1976 Manhattanville College, Purchase 10577 . 1926/1970 CUNY-La Guardia Community College, Brooklyn Mannes College of Music, New York 10021. 1975 11216 - 1955/1973 Maria College of Albany, Albany 12208 1973/1978 CUNY-Medgar Evers Community College. Maria Regina College, Syracuse 1320$ 1972 Brooklyn 11225 1976 Marist College, Poughkeepsie 12601 1964/1974 CUNY-New York City Technical College, Maryknoll Sem.nary, Maryknoll 10545 1962/1973 Brooklyn 11201 1957/1976 Marymount College, Tarrytown 10591 . 1927/1975 CUNY-Queenborough Community College, Isizw Marymount-Manhattan College, New York 10021 . 1961/1972 York 11799 1963/1978 Mater Do College, Ogdensburg 13669 1974 CUNY-Queens College, Flushing 11367 1941/1976 Medaille College, Buffalo 14214 .. 1951/1973 CUNY-York College, Jamaica 11432 1967/1976 Mercy College, Dobbs Ferry 10522 .. 1968/1978 D'Youville Collegc, Buffalo 14201 1928/1975 Mohawk Valley Community College, Utica 13501.. 1960/1970 Daeraen College, Amherst 14226 1956/1977 Molloy College, Rockville Centre 11750 . . 1907/1977 Dominican College of Blauvelt, Orangeburg 10962 1972/1977 Monroe Community College, Rochester 14607 . . 1965/1976 Dowling College, Oakdale 11769 .1971/1976 Mount St Alphonsus Seminary, Esopus 12429 1972/1978 Dutchess Community College, Poughkeepsie 12601 1964/1975 Mount St Mary College, Newburgh 12550 . 1968/1977 Elizabeth Seton College. Yonkers 10701 1965/1975 Nassau Community College, Garden City 11530 .1967/1977 Elmira College, Elmira 14901 1921/1974 Nazareth College of Rochester, Rochester 14600... 1930/1975 Erie Community College-North Campus, Buffalo New School for Social Research, New York 100111960/1970 14221 ...--.. 1972/1977 New York Institute of Technology-Milbrook Erie Community College-South ' snipus. Orchard Campus, Old Westbury 11568 1969/1975 Park 14127 1972 New York University, New York 10003,.. 1921/1974 Fashion Institute of Technology. New York 10001 1957/1977 Niagara County Community College, Sanborn Fordham University, Bronx 10548 1921/1974 14132 1970/1977 Fulton-Montgomery Community College, Niagara University, Niagara University 14109 . 1922/1977 Johnstown 12095 1969/1975 North Country Community College, Saranac Lake General Theological Seminars, New York 10011 1978 12983 . . 1975 Genesee Community College, Batavia 14020 1971/1976 Nyack College, Nyack 10760 1962/1978 Hamilton College, Clinton 11321 1921/1970 NYS College of Optometry, New York 10010 1976 Ha:riman College, Harriman 10926 1977 Onondaga Community College, Syracuse 11210 1972/1977

23 35 Regional Accreditation

Orange County Community College, Middletown Sullivan County Community College, Loch

10940 . . 1962/1973 Sheidvake 12759 1968/1974 Pace University-Main Campus, New York 10038 1957/1977 Syracuse University, Syracuse 13210 1921/1978 Pace University- Pleasantville Campus, Pleasantville SUNY at Albany, Albany 12222 1938/1971 10570 .. 1963/1977 SUNY at Binghampton, Binghamton 13901 1952/1972 Pace University-White Plains Campus, White Plains SUNY at Buffalo, Buffalo 14222. 1921/1973 10603 . 1930/1977 SUNY at Stony Brook, Stony Brook 11794 1957/1974 Parson's School of Design, New York 10011.. .. 1971 SUNY Agncultural and Technical College at Paul Smith's College of Arts and Sciences, Paul Alfred, Alfred 14802. . 1952/1971 Smiths 12970. 1977 SUNY Agricultural and Technical College at Polytechnic Institue of New York, Brooklyn 1.12011927/1976 Canton, Canton 13617...... 1952/1972 Pratt Institute, Brooklyn 11205... . 1950/1971 SUNY Agricultural and Technical College at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy 12181. . 1927/1976 Cobbleskili, Cobleskill 12043. . 1952/1971 Roberts Wesleyan College, Rochester 14514 1963/1970 SUNY Agncultural and Technical College at Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester Delhi, Delhi 13753 ...... 1952/1972 I4623...... 1958/1978 SUNY Agricultural and Technical College at Rochester Institute of Technology-Eisenhower Farmingdale, Farmingdale 11735 . . . 1952/1971 College, Seneca Falls 13148 1972 Rockland Community College, Suffern 10901. ..1968/1975 SUNY Agncultural and Technical College at 1952/1972 Russell Sage College-Main Campus, Troy 12180.... 1928/1979 Mornsville, Morrisville 13408. Russell Sage Junior College of Albany, Albany SUNY College of Environmental Sciences and 12208. 1957/1970 Forestry, Syracuse 13210. . . 1952/1972

Sarah Lawrence College, Bronaville 10708 .1937/1977 SUNY College of Technology at Utica-Rome, Schenectady County Community College. Mica 13502 1979

Schenectady 12300 ... . . 1974 SUNY Downstate Medical Center, Brooklyn 11203 1952/1973

School of Visual Arts, New York 10010 . 1978 SUNY Empire State College, Saratoga Springs Seminary of the Immaculate Conception, 12866 . 1974 Huntington 11743...... 1976 SUNY Maritime l -liege, Bronx 10465.... .1952/1971

Siena College, Loudonville 12211...... 1943/1974 SUNY Upstate Medical Center, Syracuse 13210 . 1952/1972 Skidmore College, Saratoga Springs I2866...... -. 1925/1977 Teachers College of Columbia University, New St Bonaventure University, St Bonaventure 14778 1924/1974 York 10027, . .. 1921/1975 St Francis College, Brooklyn 11231. 1959/1969 Tompkins-Cortland Community College, Dryden St John Fisher College, Rochester 14618 ... . 1957/1967 13053. . 1973/1978 St John's University, Jamaica 11439.. . . 1921/1976 Touro College, New York 10036 . 1976 St Joseph's College, Brooklyn 11205 . 1928/1973 Trocaire College, buffalo 14200 . 1974 St Joseph's Seminary and College, Yonkers 10704.. 1961/1973 Ulster County Community College, Stone Ridge St Lawrence University, Canton 13617 . 1921/1978 1970/19/6 St Thomas Aquinas College, Sparkill 10976 .. . 1972/1977 Union College, Schenectady 12308 . 1921/1969 State University College at Brockport, Brockport 1967/1978 1952/1972 Union Theological Seminary, New York 10027 .. State University College at Buffalo, Buffalo 14214 1921/1973 University of Rochester, Rochester 14627 1921/1970 State University College at Cortland, Cortland University State of NY Regents External Degree

. . . 1977 13045...... 1948/1972 Program, Albany 12230 State University College at Fredonia, Fredonia US Merchant Manne Academy, Kings Point 110241949/1975 14063 1952/1971 US Military Academy, West Point 10996 1949/1969

State University College at Geneseo, Geneseo Vassar College, Poughkeepsie 17601 . . 1921/1969 I4454 1952/1971 Villa Mana College of Buffalo, Buffalo 14225 1972/1978 State University College at New Paltz, New Paltz Wadhams Hall, Ogdensburg 13669 1972/1977 12561 1950/1971 Wagner Colieb..: Staten Island 10301 1931/1971 State University College at Old Westbury, Old Webb Institute of Naval Architecture, Gleii Cove Westbury 11568 . . 1976 11542 1950/1970 State . iversity College at Oneonta. Oneonta Wells College, Aurora 13026 1921/1%6 . 1949/1973 Westchester Community College, Valhalla 10595 1970/1975 State University College at Osweg, Oswego 13126 .1950/1972 1948/1969 State University College at Plattsburgh, Plattsburgh Yeshiva University, New York 10033

12901 . 1952/1972 State University College at Potsdam, Potsdam Southern Association of Colleges and Schools

13676 ...... 1952/1972 Commission on Occupational Education Institutions State University College at Purchase, Purchase 10577 .... 1976 US Army Chaplain Center and School, Staten Suffolk County Community College-Main Campus, Island 10996 1977 Selden 11784 , 1966/1977

24 36 Regional Accreditation

NORTH CAROLINA Lenoir-Rhyne College, Hickory 28601 1928/1972 Livingstone College, Salisbury 28144 Southern Association of Colleges and Schools 1944/1971 Louisburg College, Louisburg 27549 1952/1975 Commission on Colleges Mars Hill College, Mars Hill 28754 1967/1971 Martin Community College, Williamston 27892 1972/1977 Anson Technical Institute, Ansonville 28007 1977/1979 Mayland Technical Institute, Spruce Pine 28777 1973 Appalachian State University, Boone 28607 1941/1972 McDowell Technical Institute, Marion 28752 1975/1979 Asheville-Buncombe Technical Institute, A.heville Meredith College, Raleigh 27602 1921/1970 28801 . 1969/1973 Methodist College, Fayetteville 28301. 1964/1970 Atlantic Christian College, Wilson 27893 1955/1977 Mitchell Community College, Statesville 28677 1955/1976 Barber-Scotia College, Concord 28025 1949/1973 Montgomery Technical Institute, Troy 27371 1978/1979 Beaufort County Technical Institute, Washington Maltreat-Anderson College, Montreat 28757 1960/ I 970 27889 1973/1978 Mount Olive College, Mount Olive 28365 1960/1970 Belmont Abbey College, Belmont 28012 1957/1978 Nash Technical Institute, Rocky Moult 27801. 1976/1979 Bennett College, Greensboro 27012 1935/1968 North Carolina Agrici ltural & Technical State Bladen Technical Institute, ElizaLthtown 28337 1976/1979 University, Greensboro 27411 . 1936/1970 Blue Ridge Technical Institute, Hendersonville North Carolina Central University, Durham 27707 1937/1969 28739 . 1973/I9i8 North Carolina School of the Arts, Winston-Salem Brevard College, Brevard 28712 1949/1975 .1970/1974 Caldwell Community College & Technical Non. ihna State University at Raleigh, Raleigh Institute, Lenoir 28645 1969/1975 2 1928/1973 Campbell College, 13'.ies Creek 27506 . 1966/1970 North Carolina Wesleyan College, Rocky Mount Cape Fear Technical Institute, Wilmington 28401 1971/1975 27801 ..... 1963/1970 Carteret Technical Institute, Morehead City 28557 1974/1979 Peace College, Raleigh 27602 1947/1974 Catawba College, Salisbury 28144 1928/1973 Pembroke State University, Pembroke 28372 1951/1969 Catawba Valley Technical Institute, Hickory 286011969/1973 Pfeiffer College, Misenhetmer 28109. 1959/1971 Central Carolina Technical Institute, Sanford 273301972/1976 Piedmont Technical Institute, Roxboro 27573 1977/1979 Central Piedmont Community College, Charlotte Pitt Technical Institute, Greenville 27834 1969/1973 . 1969/1973 Queens College, Charlotte 28207, 1932/1971 Chowan College, Murfreesboro 27855 1956/1978 Randolph Technical Institute, Asheboro 27203 1974/1979 Cleveland County Technical Institute, Shelby 281501975/1979 Richmond Technical Institute, Hamlet 28379... 1969/1973 Coastal Carolina Community College, Jacksonville Roanoke-Chowan Technical Institute, Ahoskie 28540.. . 1972/1976 27910...... 1976/1979 College of the Albemarle, Elizabeth City 27909 1968/1972 Robeson Technical Institute, St Paul 28384.... 1975/1979 Craven Community College, New Bern 28560 1971/1975 Rockingham Community College, Wentworth Davidson College, Davidson 28036 1917/1975 27375 1968/1972 Davidson County Community College, Lexington Rowan Technical Institute, Salisbury 28144 1970/1974 27292.... 1967/1972 Sacred Heart College, Belmont 28012 1970/1975 Duke University, Durham 27706. 1895/1977 Salem College, Winston-Salem 27108. 1122/1970 Durham Technical Institute, Durham 27700 1971/1975 Sampson Technical Institute, Clinton 28328 1977/1979 East Carolina University, Greenville 27834 1927/1973 Shaw University, Raleigh 27602 1943/1971 Edgecombe Technical Institute, Tarboro 27886 1973/1978 Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, Wake Elizabeth City State University, Elizabeth City Forest 27587, . .. 1958/1970 27909 . 1947/1971 Southeastern Community College, Whiteville 284721967/1971 Elon College, Elon College 27244 1947/1972 Southwestern Technical Institute, aylva 28779 .. 1971/1975 Fayetteville State University, Fayetteville 28301 1947/1971 St Andrews Presbyterian College, Launnburg Fayetteville Technical Institute, Fayetteville 27701 1967/1971 28352 1961/1970 Forsyth Technical Institute, Winston-Salem 27103 1968/1972 St Augustine's College, Raleigh 2/602 . 1942/1971 Gardner-Webb College, Boiling Spring 28017 1971/1975 St Mary's College, Raleigh 27o1 I . 1927/1969 Gaston College, Dallas 28052 1967/1971 Surry Community College, Dobson 27017 1969/1973 Greensboro College, Greensboro 27402 1926/1975 Technical Institute of Alamance, Burlington 27215 1969,1973 Guilford College, Greensboro 27410 1926/1975 Tn-County Community Technn al Institute, Guilford Technical Institute, Jamestown 27282 1969/1973 Murphy 28906 1975/1979 Halifax Community College, Weldon 27890 1975/1979 University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill 27514 ...1895/1974 Haywood Technical Institute, Clyde 28721 1973/197g' University of North Carolina at Asheville, High Point College, High Point 27262 1931/1974 Asheville 28801 . . 1966/1971 Isothermal Community College, Spindale 28160 1970/1974 University of North Carolina at Charlotte, James Sptunt Institute, kenansville 27699 '1973/1978 Charlotte 28213 1965/1972 Johnson C Smith University, Charlotte 28200 1933/1975 University of North Carolina at Greensboro, Johnston Technical Institute, Smithfield 27577 1977/1979 Greensboro 27412 1921/1972 LeesMcRae College, Banner Elk 28604 1953/1974 University of North Carolina at Wilmington, Lenoir Community College. Kinston 28501 1968/1972 Wilminoon 28401 1965/1971

25 37 Regional Accreditation

Vance-Granville Community College, Henderson Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green

27536... , . . 1977/1979 43402 1916/1973 Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem 27109 1921/1975 Bowling Green State University-Firelands Branch. Wake Technical Institute, Raleigh 27603 1970/1974 Huron 44839 1975 Warren Wilson College, Swannanoa 28778 1969/1973 Capital University, Columbus 43209 1921/1973 Wayne Community College, Goldsboro 27530 1970/1974 Case Western Reserve University, Cleve:, 'd 44106 1913/1975 Western Carolina University, Cullowhee 28723 1946/1975 Cedarville College, Cedarville 45314 1975 Western Piedmont Community College, Morganton Central Ohio Technical College, Newark 43055 1975 28655 1968/1972 Central State Universi'y, Wilberforce 45384 1949/1968 Wilkes Community College, Wilkesboro 28697 1970/1974 Chatfield College, St Martin 45170. 1971/1975 Wilson County Technical Institute, Wilson 27893 1969/1973 Cincinnati Technical College, Cincinnati 45223 1976

Wingate College, Wingate 28174 .. . 1951/1974 Clark Technical College, Springfield 45505 1974 Winston-Salem State University, Winston-Salem Cleveland Institute of Art, Cleveland 44106 1970/1974 27102 1947/1970 Cleveland Institute of Music, Cleveland 44106 1976 Cleveland State University, Cleveland 44115 1940/1973 Southern Association of Colleges and Schools College of Mount St Joseph-on-the-Ohio, Mount St Cosusission on Occupational Education Institutions Joseph 45051 1932/1968 College of Steubenville, Steubenville 43952 1960/1971 College of Wooster, Wooster 44691 1915/1973 Tactical Air Command NCO Leadership School, Columbus Technical Institute, Columbus 43215 1973/1976 Seymour Johnson AFB 27531 . 1979 Defiance College, Defiance 43512 1916/1973 US Army Institute for Military Assistance, Ft Denison University, Granville 43023. 1913/1970 Bragg 28307 . . 1976 Dyke College, Cleveland 44114 . 1978 Edgecliff College, Cincinnati 45206 1955/1970 Findlay College, Findlay 45840 1933/1948 NORTH DAKOTA Franklin University, Columbus 43215 1976 Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion, North Central Association of Colleges and Schools Cincinnati 45220 1960/1971 Commission on Institutions of Higher Education Heidelberg College, Tiffin 44883 1913/1974 Hiram College, Hiram 44234 1914/1970

Bismarck Junior College, Bismarck 58501 1966/1976 Hocking Technical College, Nelsonville 45764 . 1976 Dickinson State College, Dickinson 58601 1928/1975 Jefferson Technical College, Steubenville 43952 . 1973/1976 Jamestown College, Jamestown 58401. 1920/1976 John Carroll University, Cleveland 44118.. 1922/1974 Kent State University, Kent 44242 1915/1974 LakeRegion Junior College, Devils Lake 58301 . 1974 Kent State University-East Liverpool Campus. East Mary College, Bismarck 58501. . 1969/1973 . 1974 Mayville State College, Mayville 58257 1917/1976 Liverpool 43920 - Minot State'College, Minot 58701 1917/1973 Kent State University-Salem Campus, Salem 44460 1974 North Dakota State School of Science, Wahpeton Kent State University-Stark Campus, Ashtabula 44004 58075 1971 1973/1977 North Dakota State University, Fargo 58102.. 1915/1976 Kent State University-Stark County Branch, North North Dakota State University-Bottineau Branch, Canton 44700 1973/1977 Kent State University-Trumbull Campus, Warren Bottineau 58318. . 1971/1976 44481 University of North Dakota, Grand Forks 58201 1913/1974 1973/1977 University of North Dakota-Williston Branch. Kent State University-Tuscarawas Campus, New Philadelphia 44663 1973 Williston 58801 . . 1972 Kenyon College. Gambier 43022 1913/1971 Valley City State College, Valley City 58072 1915/1976 Kettering College of Medical Arts, Kettering 45429 1974 Lake Erie College, Painesville 44477 1913/1977 OHIO Lakeland Community College. Mentor 44060 1973 Lima Technical College, Lima 45804 1972 North Central Association of Colleges and Schools Lorain County Community College. Elyria 44035 1971/1974 Commission on Institutions of Higher Education Lourdes College. Sylvania 43560 1964/1974 Malone College, Canon 44709 . .)964/1974 Marietta College,.Marietta 45750 1913/1976 Ai: Force Imntute of Technologl, Wright- Marion Technical College, Marion 43302 1977 Patterson AFB 45433. . 1960/1972 Methodist Theological School in Ohio, Delaware Antioch University, Yellow Springs 45387 1927/1975 43015 1976/1977 Ashland College, Ashland 44805 . 1930/1977 Miami University. Oxford 45056 1913/1975 Athenaeum of Ohio, Cincinnati 45212 1959/1975 Miami University-Hamilton. Hamilton 45011 1971 Baldwin-Wallace College, Bern 44017 1915/1973 Miami Unr.ersity-Middletown Campus, Belmont Technical College, St Clairsville 43950 1978 Middletown 45042 1971 Bluffton College, Bluffton 45817 1953/1967 Michael J Owens Technical College, Perrysburg Borrorneo Seminary of Ohio, Wickliffe 44092 1963/1973 41551 1976 26 38 Regional Accreditation Mount Union College, Alliance 44601 1913/1972 Xavier University, Cincinnati 45207 1925/1978 Mount Vernon Nazarene College, Mount Vernon Youngstown State University, Youngstown 44503 1945/1978 43050 ...... 1972/1974 Muskingum Area Joint Technical College, North Central Association of Colleges and Schools Zanesville 43701 . . . 1975/1978 Commission on Schools Muskingum College, New Concord 43762 1919/1973 North Central Technical College, Mansfield 449061976 Four County Joint Vocational School, Archibold Northwest Technical College, Archbold 43502 . 1977 43502. 1975 Notre Dame College, Cleveland 44121 . 1931/1970 Hughes Adult High School, Cincinnati 45238 Oberlin College, Oberlin 44074 1913/1978 1974 Medina County Joint Vocational School, Medina Ohio Dominican College, Columbus 43219 1934/1978 44256 1978 Ohio Northern University, Ada 45810 . 1958/19f9 Ohio State University-Agricultural Technical Montgomery County Joint Vocational School, Clayton 45315 Institute, Wooster...... 1978 1976 Ohio State University-I mu Campus, Lima 45801 1972 Muskingum Area Joint Technical College, Ohio State University-Main Campus, Columbus Zanesville 43701 1975/1978 Penta County Joint Vocational School, Perrysburg . 1913/1977 43551 . Ohio State University-Mansfield Campus, Mansfield . . 1973

44900 ...... 1972 Robert A Taft Adult High School, Cincinnati Ohio State University-Marion Campus, Marion 45214... 1974

43302 . Springfield-Clark County Joint Vocational School, . . 1972 Ohio State University-Newark Campus, Newark Springfield 45505. . 1973

. 1972 Upper Valley Joint Vocational School, Piqua 45356 1977 Ohio University, Athens 45701 . . 1913/1974 Wayne County Joint Vocational School, Smitbville Ohio University-Belmont County Campus, St 1977 Clairsville 43950 1973/1978 Western Hills Adult High School, Cincinnati 45238 Ohio University-Chillicothe Campus, Chillicothe 45601. 1973/1978 Ohio University-Lancaster Campus, Lancaster OKLAHOMA 43130. . . 1973/1978 Ohio University-Zanesville Campus, Zanesville North Central Association of Colleges and Schools 1973/1978 Commission on Institutions of Higher Education Ohio Wesleyan University, Delaware 43015 1913/1969

Otterbein College, Westerville 43081 . . . 1913/1975 Baccne College, Muskogee 74401 1965/1977 Pontifical College Josephinum, Worthington 43085 1977 Bartlesville Wesleyan College. Bartlesville 74003. 1978 Rio Grande College/Community College, Rio Bethany Nazarene College, Bethany 73008 1956/1975 1969/1978 Cameron University, Lawton 73501. 1973 Shawnee State College, Portsmouth 45662.. 1975 Carl Albert Junior College, Poteau 74953 1978 Sinclair Community College, Dayton 45402.. 1970/1978 Central State University, Edmond 73034 1921/1974 Stark Technical College, Canton 44720 . 1976 Claremore Junior College, Claremore 74017 1950/1975 Terra Tec4'nical College, Fremont 43420 . 1975 Connors State College, Warner 74469 1963/1973 Trim , Lutheran Seminary, Columbus 43209 1974/1977 East Centrai Oklahoma State College, Ada 74820...1922/1972 United Theological Seminary, Dayton 45406 1975 Eastern Oklahoma State College, Wilburton 74578. 1954/1976 University of Akron, Akron 44304.. 1972/1977 El Reno Junior College, El Reno 73036 1978 University of Akron-Wayne General and Technical Langston University, Langston 73050 1948/1977 College, Orrv" 44667 . . 1972/1976 Murray State College. Tishomingo 73460.. 1964/1974 University of Cm ti, Cincinnati 45221. 1913/1969 Northe. -urn Oklahoma Agricultural and University of Cincinnati-Clermont General & Mechanical College, Miami 74354 . 1925/1977 Technical Coll, Batavia 45103 1978 Northeastern Oklahoma State University, University of Cincinnati-R Walters General and Tahlequah 74464... 1922/1972 Tech Col, Cincinnati 45236.... 1969 Northern Oklahoma College, Tonkawa 74653 1948/1968 University of Dayton,Vayton 45469.. 1928/1978 Northwestern Oklahoma University, Alva 73717 1922/1974 University of Toledo. Toledo 43606. 1922/1977 Oklahoma Baptist Unersny, Shawnee 74801 . 1952/1978 Urbana College, Urbana 43078 .. 1975/1978 Oklahoma Christian College, Oklahoma City 731111966/1976 Ursuline College, Cleveland 44106.. . 1931/1971 Oklahoma City Southwestern College, Oklahoma Walsh College, Canton 44720. .. ,. . 1970 City 73127 . 1973/1975 Washington Technical College, Manetta 45750. 1973 Oklahoma City University. Oklahoma City 73106 1951/1978 Wilberforce University, Wilberforce 43384 . . . 1939/1977 Oklahoma Panhandle State University, Goodwell Wilmington College, Wilmington 45177 ... . 1944/1977 73939. 1926/1975 Wittenberg University, Springfield 45501 . 1916/1977 Oklahoma State University, Stillwater 70404.. . 1916/1976 Wright State University, Dayton 45431 . 1968/1976 Oklahoma State University, Okmulgee 74447 Wright State University .. 1975 -- Western Ohio Campus, Oklahoma State University Technical Institute, Celina 45822. 1974/1977 Oklahoma City 73102 1975

27 30 Regional Accreditation

Oral Roberts University, Tulsa 74105 1971/1978 Blue Mountain Community College, I'endleton Oscar Rose Junior College, Midwest City 73110 1975/1978 97801 1968/1974 Phillips University, Enid 73701 1919/1978 Central Oregon Community College, Bend 97701 1966/1972 Seminole Junior College, Seminole 74868 1975 Chemeketa Community College, Salem 97103 1972/1977 South Oklahoma City Junior College. Oklahoma Clackamas Community College, Oregon City 970451971/1976 City 73159 1977 Clatsop Community College, Astoria 97103 1965/1971 Southeastern Oklahoma State University. Durant Columbia Christian College, Portland 97220 1975 74701 1922/1974 Concordia College, Portland 97211 1962/1976 Southwestern Oklahoma State University, Eastern Oregon State College, La Grande 97850 1931/1968 Weatherford 73096 1922/1971 George Fox College, Newberg 97132 1959/1970 St Gregory College, Shawnee 74801 1969 Judson Baptist College, The Dalles 97058 1974 Tulsa Junior College, Tulsa 74102 1974 Lane Community College, Eugene 47402 1968/1974 University of Oklahoma at Norman. Norman 730691913/1972 Lewis and Clark College, Portland 97219 1943/1976 University of Science and Arts of Oklahoma, ' Luifield College, McMinnville 97128 1928/1968 Chickasha 73018 192(1/1977 Linn-Benton Community College. Albany 97321 1972/1977 University of Tulsa, Tulsa 74104 1929/1978 Marylhurst College for Life Long Learning, US Army Field Artillery, Ft Sill 73503 1977 Marylhurst 97036 107 Western Oklahoma State College, Altus 73521 1976 Mount Angel Seminary, St Benedict 97373 1929/19/7 Mount Hood Community College, Gresham 97030 1972/1977 North Central Association of Colleges and Schools Museum Art School, Portland 97205 1961/1971 Commission on Schools Northwest Christian College. Eugene 97401 1962/1970 Oregon College of Education, Monmouth 07361 1924/1968 Caddo Mows Vocational-Technical School. Ft Oregon Graduate Center, Beaverton 97005 1973 Cobb 73038 1974 Oregon Institute of Technology. Klamath Falls Canadian Valley Vocational- Technical School, El 97601 1962/1972 Reno 73036 1973 Oregon State University, Corvallis 97331 1924/1970 Central Oklahoma Vocational-Technical School, Pacific University, Forest Grove 97116 1929/1977 Drumright 74030 . 1972 Portland Community College, Portland 97219 1970/1975 Gordon Cooper Vocational-Technical School, Portland State University, Portland 97207 1955/1975 Shawnee 74801 1972 Reed College, Portland 97202 1920/1968 Great Plains Vocational-Technical School, Lawton Rogue Community College, Grants Pass 97526 1976 73501 1973 Southern Oregon State College, Ashland 97520 1928/1977 Indian Capitol Vocational-Technical School, Southwestern Oregon Community College, Coos Muskogee 74401 1974 Bay 97420 1966/1972 Kiamichi Area Vocational-Technical School, Treasure Valley Community College, Ontario Poteau 74953 1973 97914 1966/1970 Kiamichi Area Vocational-Technical School, Umpqua Community College, Roseburg 97470 1970/1975

McAlester 74501 . 1972 University of Oregon, Eugene 97403 1918/1977 Kiamichi Vocational-Technical School-Hugo. University of Portland, Portland 97203 1934/1970 Idabel 74745 1972 Warner Pacific College, Portland 97215 1961/1976 Mid-American Vocational-Technical School, Western Baptist College, Salem 97302 1971/1976 Wayne 73095 1972 Western Conservative Baptist Seminary, Portland Moore-Norman Area Vocational-Technical School, :11213 1969/1974 Norman 73069 1977 Western Evangelical Seminary. Portland 97222 1976 Red River Vocational-Technical School, Duncan Willamette University, Salem 97301 1924/1970 73533 1972 Tn-County Vocational-Technical School,

Bartlesville 74003 , 1975 PENNSYLVANIA Tulsa County Vocational-Technical School- Memorial Campus, Tulsa '4100 1972 Middle States Association of Colleges And Tulsa County Vocational Technical School-Peoria Secondary Schools Campus, Tulsa 74145 1977 Commission on Higher Education Western Oklahoma Vocational-Technical School, Burns Flat 73632 1972 Academy of the New Church, Bryn Athyn 19009 1952/1973 Albright College. Reading 19604 1926/1973 Allegheny College, Meadville 16?35 1921/1974 OREGON Allentown College, St Francis De Sales, Center Northwest Association of Schools and Colleges Valley 18034 1970/1975 Commission on Colleges Alliance College, Cambridge Springs 16403 1938/1965 Alvernia College, Reading 19607 1967/1975

Beaver College, Glenstde 19038 . 1946/1968 Bassist Institute, Portland 97205 1977 Bloomsburg State College, Bloomsburg 17815 1950/1969

28 4o Regional^creditation Bryn May r College, Bry- ,ilawr 19010 1-71/1978 Kutztown State College, Kutztowi 19530 1944/1978 Backnell Cmyersity, Lewisburg 17817 1921/1473 La Roche College, Pittsburgh 15101 1973/1978 Bucks County Community College, Newtown La Salle College, Philadelphia 19141 1930/1976 18940 1968/1973 Lackawanna Junior College, Scranton 18503 1973 Butler County Community College Butler 164101 1971/1976 Lafayette College, Easton 18042 , 1921/1977 Cabrillo College, Radnor 19087 1965/1975 Lancaster Theological Seminary, Lancaster 17603 1978 California State College, California 15419 1951/1971 Lebanon Valley College, Annville 17003 1922/1972 Carlow Coll-de Pittsburgh 15213 . 1935/1971 Lehigh County Community College, Schnecksville Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh 15213 1921/1977 18078 1972/1978 Cedar Crest College, Allentown 18104 1944/1973 Lehigh Unisersity, Bethlehem 18015 1421/1969 Center for Degree Studies, Scranton 18515 1977 Lincoln University, Lincoln University 19352 1722/1972 Central Pennsylvania &ciness School, Summerdale Lock Haven State College, Lock Haven 17745 1949/1971 17093 1977 Lutheran Theological Seminary-Gettysburg, Chatham College, Pittsburgh 15232 Pt24/1978 Gettysburg 17325 1971/1976 Chestnut Fitil Hospital, Philadelphia 19118 1930/1976 Lutheran Theological Seminary-Philadelphia, Cheyney State College, Cheynev 19319 1951/1971 Philadelphia 19119 1971/1976 Clanon State College, Clarion 16214 1948/1972 Luzerne County Community College, Nanticoke Clarion State College-Venango Campus, Oil City 18702 1975 16301 1935/1976 Lycoming College, Williamsport 1770! 1934/1971 College Misercordia, Dallas 18612 1935/1976 Manor Junior College, Jenkintown 19046 1967/1978 Community College of Allegheny County, Mansfield State College, Mansfield 16933 1942/1975 Pittsburgh 15212 1970/1975 Mary Immaculate Seminary and College, Community College of Allegheny County-Boyce Northampton 18067 1960/1971 Campus, Monroeville 15146 1970/10'5 Marywood College, Scranton 18509 1)21/1971 Community College of Allegheny County-South Mercyhurst College, Erie 16501 1931/1975 Campus, West Mifflin 15219 1973 Messiah College, Grantham 17027 1963/1973 Community College of Beaver County, Monaca Millersville State College, Millcrysille 17551 1950/1970 15061 1972/1974 Montgomery County Community College, Blue Community College of Philadelphia, Philadelphia Dell 11422 1970/1975 19107 1968/1973 Moore College of Art. Philadelphia 19103 1958/1968 Delaware County Community College, Media Moravian College. Bethlehem 18018 1922/1977 19063 1970/1973 Mount Aloystus Junior College, Cresson 16630 1943/1973 Delaware Valley College of Science and Muhlenberg College, Allentown 18104 1421/1976 Agnculture, Doylestown 1001 062/1973 New School of Music, Philadelphia 19103 1977 Dickinson College. Carlisle 17013 1921/1972 Northampton County Area Community Cul 'elfrO- Drexel University, Philadelphia 19104 1927/1972 Bethlehem 18017 1970/1975 Dropsie University, Philadelphia 19132 1954/1975 Northeastern Christian Junior College, Villanoya Duquesne University, Pittsburgh 15219 19085 1935/1978 1978 . East Stroudsburg State -ge, East Stroudsburg Our Lady of Angels College, Aston 19014 1972/1977 18301 1950/1970 Pennsylvania College of Optometry, Philadelphia Eastern Baptist Theological Sem.nary, Philadelphia 19141 1954/1977 19151 1954/1974 Pennsylv'ama State University, University Park Eastern College, St Daytds 1980? 1954/1974 16802 1921/1976 Edinboro State College, Edinboro 164 1949/1973 Pennsylvania 'tate University-Allentown Campus, Ellzhbethtown College, Elizabethtown 1702.. 1948/1969 Allentown 18102 1947/1976 Franklin and Marshall College, Lancaster P604 1921/1978 Pernsylvai to State University-Altoona Campus, Cannon Un,ersits, Erie 16501 1951/1977 Altoona 16601 1919/1976 Geneva College. Beaver Falk 10501 1922/1970 Pennsylvania State University- Beaver Campus. Gettysburg College, Gettysburg I7121 1921/1974 Monaca 15061 1965/1976 Gratz College, Philadelphia 19141 1967/1977 Pennsylvania State Univepsity -Behrend Campus, Grove City College, Grove City 16127 1922/1971 Erie 16510 1948/1976 Gwynedd -Mercy College. Gwynedd '1, alley 14417 1958/1973 Pennsylvania State University -Berks Center. Hahnemann Medical Center, Philadelphia 19102 1978 Reading 19608 1958/1976 Harcum Junior College, Bryn Mawr 19010 70/1975 Pennsylvania State University- Capitol Cao:pus, Harrisburg Area Community College. Harrisburg Middletown 17057 1966/1976 1,110 1967/1977 Penns) Ivania State Urns ersits -Delay. ore County Hayerford College, Havertord 19(141 1921/1974 Campus, Media 19061 1967,1976 Holy Family College, Philadelphia 19114 1961/1971 Pennsylvania State University Du Bins Campus, Du immaculata College Inimac utata 19145 1928/1974 Bois 158,I 1915/1976 Indiana Unisersity of Pennsylyania. Indiana 15701 1941/1971 Pennsylvania State 12 iy ersits -I as et te Campus. Juniata College, Huntingdon 16652 1922/1971 Uniontown 154411 1965/1976 keystone Junior College I a Plume 1844o 1916/1971 Pennsylvania State Unmet sit!, -Ilarleton C ampus. 1955/1975 Ling s College Wilkes-Barre 18702 Hazleton 18201 1914/1976


41 Regional Accreditation

Pennsylvania State University-Hershey Medical Waynesburg College, Waynesburg 15370 1950/1974 Center, Hershey 17033 1964/1976 West Chester State College, West Chester 19380 1946/1978 Pennsylvania State University-McKeesport Westminster college, New Wilmington 16142 1921/1971 Campus, McKeesport 15132 1948/1976 Westminster Theological Seminary, Philadelphia Pennsylvania State University-Mont Alto Campus, 19118 1954/1974 Mont Alto 17237 1963/1976 Westmoreland County Community College, Annsylvarna Stat.! University-New Kensington Youngwood 15697 1978 Campus, New Kenstngtn 15068 1958/1976 Widener College, Chester 19013 1954/1978 Pennsylvania State University - Ogontz Campus, V'.:kes College, Wilkes-Barre 18703 1937/1970 Abington 19001 1950/1976 Williamsport Area Community College, Pennsylvania State University-Radnor Center, Williamsport 17701 1970/1976 Radnor 19087 1963/1976 Wilson College. Chambersburg 17201 1922/1978 Pennsylvania State University-Schuylkill Campus, York College of Pennsylvania, York 17405 1959/1978 Schuylkill Haven 17972 1934/1976 Pennsylvania State 'Jniversity-Shenango Valley Campus, Sharon 16146 1965/1976 RHODE ISLAND Pennsylvania State University- Wilkes -Barre Campus, Wilkes-Barre 18708 1947/1976 New England Association of Schools And Colleges Pennsylvania S ate University-Worthington- Commission on Institutions of Higher Education Scranton, Danirore 18512 .. 1951/1976 Pennsylvania State University-York Campus, York Barnngton College, Barnngton 02806 1960/1970 17403 1949/1976 Brown University, Providence 02912 . 1929/1977 Philadelphia College of the Performing Arts, Bryant College, Smithfield 02917 . . 1964/1974 Philadelphia 19107 1969/1974 Providence College, Providence 02918 1933/1977 Philadelphia College of Art, Philadelphia 19102 1959/1969 Rhode Island College, Providence 02918 1958/1969 Philadelphia College of Bible, Philadelphia 19103 1967/1977 Philadelphia College of Pharmacy and Science, Rhode Island Junior College, Warwick 02886 . _ 1969/1974 Rhode Island SchL-ol of Design, Providence 02903 1949/1971 Philadelphia 19104 1962/1972 Philadelphia College of Textiles and Science, Roger Williams College, Bristol 02809 - . _ 1972/1977 Salve Regina College -The Newport College, Philadelphia 19144 . 1955/1975 Pierce Junior College, Philadephia 19102 1971/1977 Newport 02840. . - - 1956/1970 Pittsburgh Theological Seminary, Pittsburgh 152061970/1977 University of Rhode Island, Kingston 02881 1930/1977 Point Park College, Pittsburgh 15222 . 1968 New England Association of Schools And Colleges Robert Morns College, Pittsburgh 15219 1968/1973 Rosemont College, Rosemont 19010 1930/1975 Commission Vocational, Technical, Career Scion Hill College, Greensburg 15601 1921/1972 Institutions Shippensburg Si..te College, Shippensburg 17257 1939/1969 Slippery Rock State College, Slippery Rock 16057 1943/1971 William M Davies Vocational-Technical School, Spnng Garden College, Chestnut Hill 19123 1973 Lincoln n2902 St Charles Borromeo Seminary, Philadelphia 191511971/1977 St Francis College, Loretto 15940 1939/1976 St Joseph's College, Philadelphia 19131 1922/1975 SOUTH CAROLINA St Vincent College, Latrobe 15650 1921/1968 Susquehanna University, Selinsgrove 17870 1930/1974 Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Swarthmore College, Swarthmore 19081 1921/1969 Commission on Colleges Temple University, Philadelphia 19122 1921/1977 Thiel College, Greenville 16125 1922/1977 Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia 19107 1976 Aiken Technical College, South Aiken 29801 1975/1979

University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia 19104 1921/1975 Anderson College, Anderson 29621 . 1959/1970 University of Pittsburgh, Greensburg 15601 1963/1971 Baptist College at Charleston, Charleston 29411 1970/19/4 University of Pittsburgh, Titusville 16354 1963/1971 Beaufort Technical Education Center, Beaufort

University of nttsburgh At Johnstown, Johnstown 29902 . . 1978/1979

15902 1927/1971 Benedict College, Columbia 29204 . 1946/1971 University of Pittsburgh-Bradford Campus, Central Wesleyan College, Central 29630 1973/1978 Bradford 16701 1963/19'1 Chesterfield-Marlboro Technical College, Cheraw University of Scranton, Scranton 18510 1927/1978 29520 1973/1978 Ursinus College, Collegeville 19426 1921/1968 Citadel, The, Charleston 29405 1924/1973 Forge Milli , Junior College, Wayne Claflin College, Orangeburg 29115 1947/1971 19057 1954/190 Clemson University, Clemson 29631 1927/1972 Villa Maria College, Erie 16505 1933/1970 Coker College, Hartsville 29550 1923/1974 Villanova University. Villanova 19085 1921/1970 College of Charleston, Charleston 29401 1916/1975 Washington any! fferson College, Washington Columbia College, Columbia 29203 1938/1971 Lstol 1921/1977 Converse College, Spartanburg 29301 1912/1975

30 Regional Accreditation

Erskine College, Due West 29639 1925/1972 Huroi, College, Huron 57350 1915/1977 Florence-Darlington Technical College, Florence Lake Area Vocational-Technical Institute, 29501 1970/1974 Watertown 57201 'Y76 Francis Marion College. Florence 29501 1972/1976 Mount Marty College, Yankton 57078 1961/1973 Furman University, Greenville 29613 1924/1976 North Amencan Baptist Seminary, Sioux Falls Greenville Technical College, Greenville 29606 1968/1972 57105 .. 1967 Horry-Georgetown Technical College, Conway Northern State College, Aberdeen 57401 1918/1977 29526 . 1972/1977 Presentation College, Aberdeen 57401.. 1971 Lander College, Greenwood 29646 1952/1975 Sioux Falls College, Sioux Falls 57101 . . 1931/1972 Limestone College, Gaffney 29340 1928/1966 South Dakota School of Mines and Technology, Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston Rapid City 57701 . . . . . 1925/1976 29403 1971/1975 South Dakota State University. Brookings 57006. 1916/1975 Midlands Technical College, Columbia 29250 1974/1979 University of South Dakota at Springfield, Morns College. Sumter 29150 1978/1979 Spnngfield 57062 . . 1971/1974 Newberry College, Newberry 29108 1936/1971 University of South Dakota-Vermillion, Vermillion North Greenville College, Tigerville 29688 1957/1969 57069 1913/1974 Orangeburg-Calhoun Technical Education College. Yankton College; Yankton 57078 1921/1975 Orangeburg 29115 . 1970/1974 Piedmont Technical College, Greenwood 29646 1972/1976 Presbyterian College. Clinton 29325 1949/1975 TENNESSEE South Carolina State College, Orangeburg 29115 1941/1970 Spartanburg Methodist College. Spartanburg 293011957/1978 Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Spartanburg Technical College. Spartanburg 29303 1970/1974 Commission on Colleges Sumter Area Technical College, Sumter 29150 1970/1974 Tn-County Technical Cullepe. Pendleton 29670 1971/1975 Aquinas Junior College, Nashville 37200.. University of South Carolina, Columbia 29208 1917/1971 1971/1975 Austin Peay State University, Clarksville 37040 University of South Carolina-Aiken, Aiken 29801 1977/1979 1947/1973 University of South Carolina-Allendale, Allendale Belmont College, Nashville 37203. 1959/1970 Bethel College, McKenzie 38201 . 29810 1965 1952/1978 University of South Carolina-Beafort, Beaufort Bryan College. Dayton 37321 . 1969/1973 Carson-Newman College, Jefferson City 37760.... 1927/1972 29902 1959/1978 University of South Carolina-Lancaster. Lancaster Chattanooga State Technical Community College, Chattanooga 37400 ... 29720 1959/1971 . 1967/1971 Christian Brothers College, Memphis 38104. University of South Carolina-Spartanburg. . 1958/1970 Cleveland State Community College, Cleveland Spartanburg 29303 1976/1979 37311 University of South Carolina-Sumter, Sumter 29150`976/1979 ,,, . 1969/1973 Columbia State Community College, Columbia University of South Carolina-Union. Union 29379 1965/1971 38401 . VoorKes College, Denmark 29042 1968/1973 1968/1972 Cumberland College of Tennessee, Lebanon 37087 tolithamsburg Vocational-Technical & Adult . 1962/1974

David Lipscomb College, Nashville 37203 . . Education Center, Kingstree 29556 1977/1979 . 1954/1975 Dyersburg State Community College, Dyersburg Winthrop College. Rock Hill 29730 1923/1971 38024 Wofford College. Spartanburg 29301 1917/1975 . . 1971/1975 York County Technical College. Rock Hill 29730 1970/1974 East Tennessee State University, Johnson City

37601 . . . 1927/1972 Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Fisk University, Nashville 37203 1930/1968 Commission on Occupational Education Institutions Freed-Hardeman College, Henderson 38340 1976/1979 Harding Graduate School of Religion, Memphis

38117 . ..19 72/ 1976 Tactical Air Command NCO LeadershipSchool. thwassee College, Madisonville 37354 1958/1970 Myrtle Beach AFB 29577 1979 Jackson State Community College. Jackson 38301 1969/1973 Tactical Air Command NCO LeadershipSchool. John A Gupton College, Nashville 37203 1971/1975 Shaw AFB 29152 1979 King College, Bristol 37620 . 1947/1977 Knoxville College, Knoxville 37921 1948/1968 SOUTH DAKOTA Lambuth College, Jackson 38301 1954/1968 Lane College, Jackson 38301 1949/1972 North Central Association of Colleges and Schools Lee College. Cleveland 37311 . 1969/1973 Commission on Institutions of Higher Education Lemoyne-Owen College, Memphis 3R126 1960/1972 Lincoln Memorial University, Harrogate 37752 1936/1968

Martin College, Pulaski 38478 . 1952/1967 Augustana College. Sioux Falls 57102 1931/1972 Maryville College, Maryville 37801 1922/1972 Black Hills State College, Spearfish 57783 1928/1971 Meharry Medical College, Nashville 37203 1972/1976 Dakota State College, Madison 57042 1920/1971 Memphis Academy of Arts, Memphis 38112 1963/1973 Dakota Wesleyan University, Mitchell 5-10l 1911/19/7 Memphis State University, Memphis 38111 1927/1973

31 43 Regional AcerMitation

Middle Tennessee State University, Murfreesboro State Area Vocational- Technical School- 37130 1928/1974 Hohenwald, Hohenwald 38462 , 1972/1977 Milligan College, Milligan College 37682 1960/1971 Stale Area School-Jackshoro, Morristown College, Morristown 37184 1947/1971 Jacksboro 37757 1972/1977 Mot low State Community College, Tullahoma State Area Vocational technical School-Jackson, 37388 1971/1975 Jackson 38301 1972/1977 Nashville State Tee:lineal Institute, Nashville 372031972/1976 State Area Vocational-Technical School-Knoxville, Roane State Community College, Harriman 37748 1974/1979 Knoxville 37919 1971/1976 Scarntt College for Christian Workers, Nashville Slate Area Vocational-Technical School- 37203 1940/1975 Livingston, Livingston 38570 1971/1976 Shelby State Community College, Memphis 38122 1974/1979 State Area Vocational-Technical School - McKenzie, Southern College of Optometry, Memphis 38104 1967/1971 McKenzie 382C1 1971/1976 Southern Missionary College, Collegedale 37315 1950/1972 State Area Vocational-Technical School- Southwestern at Memphis, Memphis 38112 1911/1969 McMinnville, McMinnville 37110 1971/1976 State Technical Institute at Knoxville, Knoxville State Area Vocational-Technical School- 37919 1977/1979 Morristown, Morristown 37814 1971/1976 State Technical Institute at Memphis, Memphis State Area Vocational-Technical School-Nashville, 38122 1969/1973 NastIle 37209 1972/1977 Tennessee State University, Nashville 37203 1946/1969 State Area Vocational-Technical School-Newbern, Tennessee Technological University, Cookeville Newbern 38059 1972 38501 1939/1974 Ar-a Vocational-Technical School-Paris, Tennessee Wesleyan College, Athens 373C/3 19J8/1969 Ps:, is 38242 1974/1976 Trevecca Nazarene College, Nashville 37210 1969/1973 State Area Vocational-Technical School-Pulaski, Tusculum College, Greeneville 37743 1926/1970 Pulaski 38478 1973 Union University, Jackson 38301 1948/1975 State N'ea Vocational-Technical School-Ripley, University of the South, Sewartee 37375 1395/1974 Ripley 38063 1973 University of Tennessee, Martin 38237 1897/1971 State Area Vocational-Technical Khool-Sasannah, University of Tennessee, Memphis 38163 1897/1972 Savannali 38327 1974/1c University of Tennessee, Knoxville 37916 1976 Sim... Area Vocational-Technical School- Univeistty of Tennessee at Chattanooga, Shelbyville, Shelbyville 37160 1972/1977 Chattanooga 37403 1910/1971 1-1-Cities State Regional Vocational-Technical Um /ersify of Tennessee at Nasty-111e, Nashville Blountville 37617 1980 37203. 1947/1071 Air Technical Training Center, Memphis Volunteer State Community College, Gallatin 18504 1975 37066 1973/19-.; William R Moore School of Technology. Memphis Walters State Community College Morristown 38104 1971/1976 37814 1972/1976

Southern Association 4,1Colleges and Schools TEXAS Commission on Occupational Educieth.: Institutions Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges Memphis Area Vocational Technical School. Memphis 38105 1970/1975 Abilene Christian University Abilene 79601 1951/1971 State Area Vocational-Technical School, Once'. Alvin Community College, Alvin 77511 1959/1970 17841 1973 Amarillo College, An Ilo 79178 1933/1972 State Area Vocational-Technical School-Athens, American Technological University, West Killeen Athens 37303 1971/1976 76541 1976/1979 State Area Vocational-Technical School- Angelina College, I Aim 75901 1970/1974 Chattanooga, Chattanooga 37406 1971/1976 Angelo State Unisersity San Angelo 76901 1967/1971 State Area Vocational-Tecnnical School- Austin College Sherman 7509(1 1947/1977 Covington, Covington 18019 1972/1977 Austin Community College. Austin 78702 1973 State Area Vocational-Technical School-Crossville Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary, Austin Crossville 38555 1071/1976 78705 1973/1978 State Area Vocational-Technical School-Dickson, Saylor College of Medicine Houston 77025 1970/1974 Dickson 37055 1974 Baylor University, Waco 76701 1914/1974 State Area Vocational-Technical School- Baylor University Medical Center Dallas 7522n 1976/1979 Elizabethton, Elizabethton 37643 197) tine County Coilege, Beeville 78102 1969/1973 State Area Vocational - Technical School-Harriman, Bishop College, Dallas 75241 1947/1971 Harriman 37748 1471 Minn College, Brenham 77811 1950/1973 State Area Vocational-Technical School - Hartsville, Central Ienas College, Killeen 76541 1969/1973 Hartsville 17074 1971,197n t.:1,to Junior College, Cist.,) 764 1958/1969

32 Regional Accreditation

Clarendon College, Clarendon 79226 1970/1974 San Jacinto College-North Campus, Houston 770151963/1970 College of the Mainland, Texas City 77590 1969/1973 Schreiner College, Kerrville 78028 1934/1973 Concordia Lutheran College, Austin 78705 1968/1972 Seuth Plains College, Level land 79336 1963/1973 Cooke County Junior College, Gainesville 76240 1961/1971 Southern Methodist University, Dallas 75222 1921/1969 Corpus Christi State University, Corpus Chnsti Southwest Texas Junior College, Uvalde 78801 1964/1974 78411... 1975/1979 Southwest Texas State University, San Marcos Dallas Baptist College, Dallas 75211 1970/1977 78666 1925/1969 Dallas Theological Seminary Graduate School, Southwestern Adventist College, Keene 76059 1970/1974 Dallas 75204 . 1969/1973 Southwestern Christian College, Terrell 75160 19i3/1978 Del Mat College, Corpus Christi 78404 1946/1970 Southwestern University, Georgetown 78626 1915/1972 East Texas Baptist College, Marshall 75670 1957/1978 St Edward's University, Austin 78704 1958/1976 East Texas State University, Commerce 75428 1925/1972 St Mary's University of San Antonio, San Antonio Eastfie Id College. Mesquite 75202 . . 1972/1976 78228 1949/1973 El Centro College, Dallas 75200.... 1968/1972 St Phillip's College, San Antonio 78203 1951/1978 El Paso Community College. El Paso 79998 1973 Stephen F Austin State University, Nacogdoches Frank Phillips College, Borger 79007 1958/1969 75961 1927/1971 Galvestcn College, Galveston 77550 1969/1973 Sul Ross State University. Alpine 79830 1929/1977 Grayson County Junior College, Denison 75020 1967/1971 Tarleton State College, Stephenville 76401 1966/1970 Hardin-Simmons University, Abilene 79601 1927/1976 Tarrant County Junior College, Hurst 76053 1969/1973 Henderson County Junior College, Athens 75751 1952/1975 Temple Junior College, Temple 76501 1959/1970 Hill Junior College, Hillsboro 76645. 1963/1970 Texarkana Caw, Texarkana ,75501 1931/1974 Houston Baptist University, Houston 77036 1968/1971 Texas A & i University, Kingsville 78363 1933 '973 Houston Community College, Houston 77027 1977/1979 Texas A & M University-Main Campus, College Howard College, Big Spring 79720 1955/1975 Station 77843 1924/1973 Howard Payne University, Brownwood 76801 1948/1973 Texas Christian University, Ft Worth 76129 1922/1971 Huston-Tillotson College, Austin 78702 1934/1969 Texas College, Tyler 75701 1970/1974 Incarnate Word College, San Antonio 78209 1925/1974 Texas Lutheran College, Seguin 78155 1953/1977 Jacksonville College, Jacksonville 75766 1974/1979 Texas Southern University, Houston 77004 1948/1970 Jarvis Chnstuln College, Hawkins 75765 1967/1971 Texas Southmost College, Brownsville 78520 1930/1976 Kilgore College, Kilgore 75662 1939/1969 Texas State Technical Institute-Amarillo, Amarillo Lamar University, Beaumont 77710 1953/1977 79105 1970/1974 Laredo Junior College, Laredo 78040 1957/1978 Texas State Technical Institute-Harlingen, Laredo State University, Laredo 78040 1970/1973 Harlingen 78550 1968/1974 Lee College, Baytown 77520... 1948/1974 Texas State Technical Institute-Waco, Waco 76705 1968/1973 Letourneau College, Longview 75601 1970/1974 Texas Tech University, Lubbock 79409 1928/1973 Lon Morris College, Jacksonville 75766 1927,1973 Texas Wesleyan College, Ft Worth 76105 1949/1972 Lubbock Christian College, Lubbock 79407 1972/1977 Texas Woman's University, Denton 76204 1923/1472 Mar, Hardin-Baylor College, Belton 76513 1926/1572 Trinity University, San Antonio 78284 1946/1976 McLennan Community College, Waco 76703 1968/1972 Tyler Junior College, Tyler 73701 . 1931/1970 Mc Murry College, Taylor 79605 1949/1978 University of Dallas. Irving 75060 1963/1973 Midland College. Midland 79101 1975/1979 University of Houston-Central Campus, Houston Midwestern State University, Wichita Falls 76308 1950/1972 77002 1954/1976 Mountain View College, Dallas 75202 1972/1976 University of Houston-Clear Lake City, Houston Navarro College. Corsicana 75110 1954/1974 77058 1976A979 North Harris County College. Ouston 77073 1976/1979 University of Houston-Downtown College, North Teas State University, Denton 76203 1925/1974 1:auston 77002 1979 Oblate College of the Southwest, San Antonio University of Houston-Victoria Campus, Victoria 78216 . 1968/1972 77901 1978/1979 Odessa College, Odessa 79750 . 1952/1972 Universityof St Thomas, Houston 77006 1954/1973 Our Lady of the Lake University of San Antonio, Universityof Texas at Arlington, Arlington 76010 1964/1974 San Antonio 74707 1923/1972 Universityof Texas at Austin, Austin 78712 1901/1976 Pan American Ilroversity, Edinburg 78539 1956/1973 Universityof Texas at Dallas, Dallas 75230 1972/1977 Panola Junior College, Carthage 75633 1960/1970 Universit yof Texas at El Paso. El Paso 79968 1936/1976 Pans Junior College, Paris 75460 1914/1971 Universityof 'texas at San Antonio, San Antonio Paul Quinn College, Waco 76703 . 1972/1976 78285 1973/1978 Prairie View A & M University, Prairie View University of Texas of the Permian Basin, Odessa 77445 1934/1969 79760 1975/1979 Ranger Junior Ranger 76470 1968/1972 University of Texas Health Science Center, San Rice Universi.y, Houston 77001 1914/1974 Antonio 77025 . 1973 Richland College, Dallas 75202 1974/1979 University of Texas Health Science Center at Sam Houston State University, Huntsville 77340 1925/1969 Dallas, Dallas 75235 1973/1978 San Antonio College, San Antonio 78212 1952/1975 University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston, San Jacinto College, Pasadena 77501 1963/1970 Galveston 77550 1973/1978


4 5 RegionalAccreditation

Vernon Regional Junior College, Vernon 76384 1974/1979 Weber State College, Ogden 84401 1932/1974 Victoria College, Victoria 77901 1951/1972 Westminster College, Salt Lake City 84105 1936/1970 Wayland Baptist College, Plainview 79072 1956/1978 Weatherford College, Weatherford 76086 1956/1971 West Texas State University, Canyon 79015 1923/1974 VERMONT Western Texas College, Snyder 79549 1973/1978 Wharton County Junior College, Wharton 77488 1951/1977 New England Association of Schools And Collegel Wiley College, Marshall 75670 1933/1973 Commission on Institutions of Higher Education Soothers Association of Colleges and Schools Bennington College, Bennington 05201 1935/1977 Commission on Occupational Education Institutions Castleton State College, Castleton 05735 1960/1971 Champlain College. Burlington 05401 1972/1975 Baytown Industrial Welding School, Baytown College of St Joseph the Provider, Rutland 05701 1972/1977 1979 Community College of Vermont, Montpelier 05602 1975/1979 Broussards' Schools (01), Port Arthur 77640 Goddard College, Plainfield 05667 1959/1978 Dallas Institute of Mortuary Science, Dallas 73246 1974 Green Mountain College, Poultney 05764 1934/1970 Executive Secretarial School of Texas, Dallas 75219 1977 iohnson State College, Johnson 05656 1961/1974 Tactical Air Command NCO Leadership School, Lyndon State College, Lyndonville 05850 1965/1973 Bergstrom AFB 78743 1979 Marlboro College, Marlboro 05344 1965/1973 U S Air Force Central Flight Instructor Course, Middlebury College, Middlebury 05753 1929/1969 Carswell AFB 76127 . 1972 Norwich University, Northfield 05663 1933/1969 U S Air Force NCO Air Training Academy, School for International Training, Brattleboro Lack land AFB 78236.. . 1972 05301 1974 U S Air Force Technical Training School- Southern Vermont College. Old Bennington 052C1 1972 Goodfellow, Goodfellow AFB 76901 1972 St Michael's College, Winooski 05404 1939/1969 U S Air Force Technical Training School- Trinity College, Burlington 05401 1952/1976 Sheppard, Sheppard AFB 76311 University of Vermont. Burlington 05401 1978 US Air Force Air Training Command NCO Prof Vermont Technical College, Randolph Center Ed Institution, Lack land AFB 75701 1976 05061 1970 US Air Force School of Aerospace Medicine,

Brooks AFB 78235 ...... 1975/1980 US Air Force School of Health Care Sciences, VIRGINIA 1972/1977 Sheppard AFB 76311 Southern Association of Colleges and Schools US Air Force Security Services NCO Academy- Leadership Sch, Goo? :low AFB 76903 1977 Commission on Colleges US Air Force Tactical Air Command NCO Leadership Schools, Austin 78743 1977 Averett College. Danville 24541 1971/1976 US Air Force Technical Training Schools & Field Blue Ridge Community College. Weyers Cave Trng Det, Lack land AFB 78236 1971 24486 1969/1973 US Army Air Defense School, Ft Bliss 79916 . 1975 Bluefield College. Bluefield 24605 1977/1979 US Army Sergeants Major Academy, Ft Bliss Bridgewater College. Bridgewater 22812 1925/1971 79918 . 1975 Central Virginia Community College, Lynchburg 3785 Field Training Group. Sheppard AFB 76311 1979 24501 1969/1973 Christopher Newport Cal' -Re of William and Mary. Newport News 23606 1971/1975 UTAH College of William and Mary, Williamsburg 23185 1921/1974 Northwest Association of Schools and Colleges Dabney S Lancaster Community College, Clifton Forge 24422 1969/1973 Commission on Colleges Danville Community College, Danville 24541 1970/1974 Eastern Mennonite College, Harrisonburg 22801 1959/1970 Brigham Young University, Provo 84601 1923/1976 Eastern Shore Community College, Melia 23410 1973/1978 College of Eastern Utah, Price 84501 1945/1971 Emory and Henry College. Emory 24127 1925/1975 Dixie College, St George 84770 1945/1972 Ferrum College, Ferrum 24088 1976/1979 Latter Day Saints Business College, Salt Lake City University. Fairfax 22030 1957/1971 84111,. 1977 Germanna Community College. Fredricksburg Snow College, Ephraim 84627 1953/1972 23211 1972/1976 Southern Utah State College, Cedar City 84720 1931/1973 Hampden-Sydney College. Hampden-Sydney 23943 1919/1975 University of Utah, Salt Lake City 84112 1933/1976 Hampton Institute. Hampton 23368 1932/1977 Utah State University, Logan 84321 1924/1978 Hollins College. Hollins College 24020 1932/1975 Utah Technical College at Provo, Provo 84601 1969/1974 I Sargeant Reynolds Community College, Utah Technical College at Salt Lake City. Salt Richmond 232(X) 1974/1979 Lake City 84101 1969/1974 James Madison University, Harrisonburg 22801 1927/1972


4 G lkjional Accreditation John Tyler Community College, Chester 23831 1969/-1971 Wytheville Comniunity College, Wytheville 24382 1970/1974 Longwood College, Farm./ Ile 23901 1927/1973 Lord Fairfax Community College, Middletown Southern Association of Colleges and Schools 22645. 1972/1976 Commission on Occupational Education Institutions Lynchburg College. Lynchburg 24504 1927/1972 Mary Baldwin College, Staunton 24401 1931/1976 Morven Park International Equestrian Institute, Mary Washington College, Fredericksburg 22401 1930/1972 Leesburg 22075 1975/1978 Marymount College of Virginia, Arlington 22207 1975/1978 TN. mail Air Command NCO Leadership School, Mountain Empire Community College, Big Stone Langley AFB 23665 1978 Gap 24219 1974/1979 US Army Engineer School, Ft Belvoir 22060 1975

New River Community College, Dublin 24084 1972/1976 US Army Quartermaster School, Ft Lee 23801 . 1975 Norfolk State College, Norfolk 23504 1967/1977 US Army Transportation School, Ft Eustis 23604 1975/1977 Northern Virginia Community College. Annandale US Department of Defense Mapping School, Ft

. , Belvoir 22060 1975 22003 .. . . 1968/1972 Old Dominion University, Norfolk 23508 1961/1971 Patrick Henry Community College, Martinsville WASHINGTON 24112 . 1972/1976 Paul D Camp Community College, Franklin 23851 1973/1978 Northwest Association of Schools and Colleges Piedmont Virginia Community College. Commission on Colleges Charlottesville 22901 1974/1979 Presbyterian School of Christian Education, Bellevue Community College, Bellevue 98004 1970/1975 Richmond 23227 1951/1977 ... Big Bend Community College, Moses Lake 98837 1965/1972 Radford College. Radford 24141 1928/1972 Central Washington University, Yakima 98902 1918/1969 Randolph-Macon College, Ashland 23005 1904/1976 Centralia College, Centralia 98531 1948/1970 Randolph-Macon Woman's College, Lynchburg City College, Seattle 98104 .. 1978 24501.. , 1902/1969 Clark College. Vancouver 98660 1948/1970 Rappahannock Community College, Glenns 23149 1973/1978 Columbia Basin Community College. Tn Cities Richard Bland College, Petersburg 23803 1961/1978 99301 1960/1970

Roanoke College, Salem 24153 . 1927/1971 Cornish Institute of Allied Arts, Seattle 98102. 1977 Shenandoah College. Winchester 22601 1973/1978 Eastern Washington University, Cheney 99004.. 1919/1978 Southern Seminary Junior College, Buena Vista Edmonds Community College, Lynnwood 98036. 1973

. Evere.1 Community College, Everett 98201 22601 1962/1973 . 1948/1969 Southside Virginia Community College, Alberta Evergreen State College, Olympia 98501 . 1974 Ft Steilacoom Community College, Tacoma 98499 23213 1972/1976 1972/1977 Southwest Virginia Community College. Richlands Ft Wright College, Spokane 99204 . 1932/1978 Gonzaga University, Spokane 99202 24641 . 1970/1974 . 1927/1976 Grays Harbor College. Aberdeen 98520 . 1948/1971 St Paul's College. Lawrenceville 23868 1950/1970 Green River Community College, Auburn 98002.. 1967/1973 Sweet Briar College. Sweet Briar 24595 1920/1970 Highline Community College, Midway 98031 1965/1973 Thomas Nelson Community College, Hampton Lower Columbia College, Longview 98632 1948/1971 23366 1970/1974 North Seattle Conimunity College, Seattle 98103 1970/1975 Tidewater Community College, Portsmouth 23703 1971/1975 Northwest College of the Assemblies of God, Union Theological Seminary in Virginia, Richmond Kirkland 98033 . 1973 23227 1971/1975 Olympia Technical Community College, Olympia University of Richmond, Richmond 23173 1910/1975 98501 1975 University of Virginia. Charlottesville 22901 1964/1975 Olympic College, Bremerton 98310 1948/1971 Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond Pacific Lutheran University, r acorns 98447 1936/1969 23227 1951/1973 Peninsula College, Port Angeles 98362 1965/1977 Virginia Highlands Community College, Abingdon Renton Vocattoaal-Technical Institute, Renton 98055 24210 1972/1976 1975 Virginia Intermont College, Bristol 24201 1972/1976 Seattle Community College-Central, Seattle 98122 Seattle Pacific University, Seattle 98119 Virginia Military Institute, Lexington 24450 1926/1975 1933/1968 Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. Seattle University, Seattle 98195 1935/1969 Shoreline Community College, North Seattle 98133 1966/1972 Blacksburg 24061 1921/1977 Skagit Valley College, Mount Vernon 98273 1948/1969 Virginia State College, Petersburg 23803 1933/1978 South Seattle Community College, Seattle 98108 1975 Virginia Union University, Richmond 23220 1935/1970 Spokane Community College, Spokane 99207 1967/1973 Virginia Wesleyan College, Norfolk 21502 1970/1974 Spokane Falls Community College, Spokane 992041967/1973 Virginia Western Community College, Roanoke St Martin's College. Olympia 98501 1933/1977 24015. 1969/1971 Tacoma Community College, Tacoma 98465 1967/1974 Washington & Lce University, Lexington 2400 1895/1978 University of Puget Sound, lacoma 98416 1923/1969


4 Regional Accreditation

University of Washington. Seattle 98195 1918/1972 Carver Career and Technical Education Center, Walla Walla College, College Place 99324 1932/1972 Charleston 25306 1973 Walla Walla Community College. Walla Walla Fayette-Plateau Vocational-Technical Center, Oak 99362 1969/1975 Hill 25901 1977 Washington State University, Pullman 1,9163 1918/1970 Fred Eberle Tn- Count) Vox: -Tech Center, Wenatchee Valley College, Wenatchee 98801 1948/1970 Buckhanncn 26201 1980 Western Washington University, Bellingham 982251921/1978 James Rumsey Vocational-Technical Center, Whatcom Community College, Bellingham 98225 1976 Martinsburg 25401 1975

Whitman College, Walla Walla 99362 . 1918/1978 Marion County Vocational - Technical Center, Whitworth College. Spokane 99218 1933/1978 Farmington 26571 1980 Yakima Valley College, Yakima 98901 1948/1971 Mason County Vocational Center, Point Pleasant 25550.. 1978 Mineral County Vocational-Technical Center, WEST VIRGINIA Keyser 26726 1977 Monongalia County Vocational-Technology North Central Association of Colleges and Schools Caner, Morgantown 26505 1973 Commission on Institutions of Higher Education Nicholas County Vocational-Technical Center, Craigsville 26205 1979 Preston County Educational Center. Kingwood Alderson-Broaddus College, Philippi 26416 1959/1973 26537 . 1974 Bethany College, Bethany 26032 . 1926/1969 Putman County Vocational-Technical Center, Bluefield State College, Bluefield 24701 1951/1972 Eleanor 25070 1974 Concord College, Athens 24712 1931/1968 PRT Vocational-Technical Center, St Mary's 261701978 Davis and Elkins College, Elkins 26241 1946/1970 Raleigh County Voc-Tech Center, Beckley 25801 1980 Fairmont State College, Fairmont 26554 1928/1972 South Brana Vocational Center, Petersburg 26847 1978 Glenville State College, Glenville 26351 1949/1972 United Career Center, Clarksburg 26301 1975 Marshall University, Huntington 25701 1928/1976 Ohio Valley College, Parkersburg 26101 1978 Parkersburg Community College, Parkersburg WISCONSIN 26101 1971/1976 Potomac State College of West Virginia University, North Central Association of Colleges and Schools Keyser 26726 . 1926/1974 Commission on Institutions of Higher Education Salem College, Salem 26426 1963/1969 Sheik...* College, Shepherdstown 25443 1950/1972 Southern West Virginia Community College, Alverno College, Milwaukee 53215 1951/1977 Beloit College, Beloit 53511 , 1913/1977 Logan 25601 .. . 1971/1974 Blackhawk Technical Institute, Janesville 53511 1978 University of Charleston, Charleston 25304 1958/1967 Cardinal Stntch College, Milwaukee 53217 1953/1974 West Liberty State College, West Liberty 26074, 1942/1978 Carroll College, Waukesha 53186 1913/1968 West Virginia College of Graduate Studies, Carthage College, Kenosha 53140 1916/1975 Institute 25112 ,. 1972/1978 West Virginia Institute of Technology, Concordia College, Milwaukee 53208 1964/1975 District One Technical Institute, Eau Claire 54701 1973 Montgomery 25136 1956/1970 West Virginia Northern Community College, Edgewood College, Madison 53711 1958/1967 Fox Valley Technical Institute. Appleton 54911 1974 Wheeling 26003 .. 1972/1975 Gateway Technical Intitute-Kenosha Campus. West Virginia State College Institute 25112 1927/1978 Kenosha 53140 1974 West Virginia University, Morgantown 26505 1926/1974 West Virginia Wesleyan College, Buckhannon Gateway Technical Institute-Racine Campus. Racine 53403 1970 26201 1927/1975 Holy Redeemer College. Waterford 51185 1977 Wheeling College. Wheeling 26003 1961/1972 Lakeland College, Sheboygan 53082 1961/1977 North Central Association of Colleges and Schools Lakeshore Technical Institute, Cleveland 53015 1977 Lawrence University Institute of Paper Chemistry, Commission on Schools Appleton 54911 1913/1969 Lawrence University-Main Campus. Appleton Arch A Moore Jr Vocational-Technical & Adult 54911 1913/1969 Education Cu. Liverpool 25257 1975 Madison Area Technical College. Madison 53703 1969/1973 Benjamin Franklin Career and Technical Education Marian College of Fond du Lac, Fond du 1 ac Center, Dunbar 25064 1973 54935 1960/1974 Boone County Career & Technical Center, Marquette University. Milwaukee 53131 1922/1973 Danville 25053 1980 Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee 53233 1922/1972 Cabell County Career Center for Vox -Tech & Mid-State Vocational-Technical and Adult Adult Education, Huntington 25709 1977 Education, Wisconsin Rapids 54494 1972 Calhoun-Gilmer Career Center, Grantsville 26147 1977 Milton College. Milton 53563 1968/1977

36 4Q Regional Accreditation

Milwaukee Area Technical College, Milwaukee Sheridan College, Sheridan 82801 . 1968/1978 53203 1959/1973 University of Wyoming, Laramie 82070. 1915/1970 Milwaukee School of Engineering, Milwaukee Western Wyoming Community College, Rock 33201 . .. 1971/1976 Springs 82943 1976 Moraine Park Vocational-Technical & Adult Education Center, Fond du Lac 54935 . 1975 Mount Mary College, Milwaukee 33222 ... 1926/1973 AMERICAN SAMOA Mount Senano College, Ladysmith 54848 1975 Nicolet College and Technical Institute, Western Association of Schools and Colleges Rhinelander 54501. . 1975 Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior North Central Technical Institute, Wausau 54401. 1970 Colleges Northeast Wisconsin Technical institute, Green

.1976 American Samoa Community College, Pago Pago Northland College, Ashland 54806 1957/1978 96920 . . 1976 Ripon College, Ripon 54971 1913/1970

Silver Lake College, Manitowoc 34220.. , 1959/1978 Southwest Wisconsin Vocational-Technical GUAM Institute, Fennimore 53809...... 1976 St Francis De Sales College, Mdwakee 53207 . 1970/1972 Western Association of Schools and Colleges St Francis Seminary, Milwrkee 53207 Accrediting Commission for Senior Colleges and St Norbert College, West De Pere 34178... 1934/1972 University of Wisconsin -Eau Claire, Eau Claire Universities f4701...... 1950/1975 University of Wisconsin-Green Bay, Green Bay University of Guam, Agana, Guam 96910 .. 1963/1978 1972/1975 University of Wisconsin-La Crosse, La '1rosse Western Association of Schools and Colleges 1928/1976 Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison 53706 1913/1969 Colleges University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Milwaukee 1969/1975 Guam Community College, Guam 96910 1978 University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh, Oshkosh 54901 1915/1977 University of Wisconsin-Parkside, Kenosha 53140 1972/1978 University of Wisconsin-Platteville, Platteville MICRONESIA 53818 1918/1977 University of Wisconsin-River Falls, River Falls Western Association of Schools and Colleges 54022 . . 1935/1978 Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point, Stevens Point 34481 1916/1978 Colleges University of Wisconsin-Stout, Menomonie 34751 1928/1976 University of Wisconsin Superior, Superior 54880 1916/1973 Community College of Micronesia-Ponape East,

University of Wisconsin-Whitewater, Whitewater Carolina Is! 96941 . . 1978/1973 53190 . 1915/1976 Micronesian Occupational Center-Koror, Palua Viterbo College, La Crosse '4601 195,4/1969 96940 1977 Waukesha County Technical Institute,:waukee 53072 1975 Western Wisconsin Technical Institute, La Crosse PUERTO RICO 54601 1972 Wisconsin Indianhead Technical Institute, Shell Middle States Association of Colleges And Lake 54868 1974 Secondary Schools Commission on Higher Education WYOMING Antillian College, Mayaguez 00708 1978 North Central Association of Colleges and Schools Bayamon Central University, Bayamon 00619 1971/1974 Commission on Institutions of Higher Education Caribbean Center for Advanced Studies, Santre 00940 1974 Caribbean University College, Bayamon 00619 1976 Casper College, Casper 82601 1960/1969 Catholic University of Puerto Rico, Ponce 00731 1953/1973 Central Wyoming College, Riverton 82501 1976 Colegio Universitano Del Turabo, Rio Piedras Eastern Wyoming College, Torrington 82240 1976 00928 1974 Laramie County Community College, Cheyenne Conservatory of Music of Puerto Rico, San Juan 82001 1975 00936 1975 Northwest Community College, Powell 82415 1964/1969 Inter American University, San Jusui 00931 1961/1976


49 Regional Accreditation

Inter American University at Fajardo, Fajardo 00648 ...... 1961/1976 Inter American University at Guayama, Gwynn* 00654. . 1956/1976 Inter American University of Puerto Rico, San German 00753 1960/1976 Inter American University of Puerto Rico at Aguaddla, Aguadilla 00603...... 1957/1976 Inter American University of Puerto Rico at Arecibo, Arecibo 00612. 1957/1976 Inter American Univcnity of Puerto Rico at Baminquitas. Barranquitas 00618 ...... 1957/1976 Inter AMAMI University of Puerto Rico at Bayamon, Bayamon 00619 1960/1976 Inter American University of Puerto Rico at Ponce, Ponce 00731 1962/1976 Puerto Rico Junior College, Rio Piedras 00928...... 1959/1974 San Juan Technological Community College, Hato Rey 0091$ 1978 University of the Sacred Heart, Santurce 00914 1950/1978 University of Puerto Rico Medical Sciences Campus, San Juan 00936 1974 University of Puerto Rico-Aquadillo Regional Campus, Ramey 00603 1976 University of Puerto Rico-Bayamon Regional College, Bayamon 00619 1971/1975 University of Puerto Rico-Carolina Regional College, Carolina 00931 1978 University of Puerto Rico-Cayey University College, Cayey 00633 190/1975 University of Puerto Rico-Mayaguez Campus, Mayaguez 00708 1946/1974 University of Puerto Rico-Ponce Regional College, Ponce 00731 1970/1975 University of Puerto Rico-Rio PiedruSampai. Rio Piedras 00931 1946/1975 University of Puerto Rico, Humacao University

College, Humacao 00661 ...... 1962/1974

VIRGIN ISLANDS Middle States Associadon of Colleges And Secondary Schools Commission on Higher Education

College of Virgi.- Islands, St Thomas 00801...... 1971/1976 College of Virgin Islands Campus of St Croix, Ft Croix 00802 1971/1976

38 5() Resift& Prsecereditstioa PRKACCREDITED SCHOOLS CALIFORNIA Middle State. Associatio. of Colleges And Secondary Schools ALABAMA Commission on Higher Education 0.mcth--cr. Amchitka of Colleges sad Schools American Academy of Dramatic Arts, Pasadena Comnissios oil Collages 91107 1976

Alabama Lutheran Academy and College, Selma Southern Amociation of Colleges and Schools 36701 1977 Commission on Occupational Education Institutions Southern Junior College of Business, Birmingham 35203 1968/1973 US Air Force Combat Crew Training Squadron, Castle AFB 94133 1978 Southern Associatim of Colleges and Schools Comadinion ma Occupational Education Iostitutions Western Association of Schools and Colleges Accrediting Omndesion for Senior Colleges and Massey-Draughon Business College, Montgomery Universities 36102 1978 North Alabama College of Commerce, Huntsville American Academy of Dramatic Arts, Pasadena 35801 1978 91107 1976 Southern Vocational College, Tuskegoe 26083... American Conservatory Theatre, San Francisco 94103 1978 California Institute of Asian Studies, San Francisco ALASKA 94110 1974/1978 Christ College-Irvine, Irvine 92716 1977 Northwest Association of Schools and Colleges Christian Heritage College, El Cajon 92021 1976/1978 Fielding Institute, Santa Barbara 93101 1978 Coamissioa on Colleges Lincoln University, San Francisco 94118 1975/1977 Melodyland School of Theology, Anaheim 92806 1977 Alaska Pacific University, Anchorage 99504 1977 Pacific Graduate School of Psychology, Pal Alto University of Alaska-Sitka Community College, 94306 1980 Sitka 99835 . 1974/1977 San Fernando Valley College of Law, Sepulveda 94101 1977 University of West Los Angeles, Culver City 90230 1971/1974 ARIZONA World College West, San Rafael 94902 1976/1978 Western Assodstioo of Schools and Colleges North Central Association of Colleges and Schools Accrediting Commkdon for Community and Junior Commission on Institutions of Higher Education Colleges

Mohave County Community Colleges Kingman American Academy of Dramatic Arts, Pasadena 16401 . 1975 91107 1976 Prescott Center College, Prescott 86301. 1978 American Academy of Dramatic Arts West, Rio Salado Community College, Phoenix 85034 1978 Pasadena 91107 1980 Heald Institute of Technology, San Jose 93113...... 1979 San D i e g o Miramar College, San Diego 92126.. .. 1976/1978 ARKANSAS Vista College, Berkeley 94704.. 1977

North Cenral Associative of Colleges and Schools COLORADO Commission oo Institutions of Higher Education North Central Association of Colleges and Schools Arkansas Baptist College, Little Rock 72202...... 1976 Comuladon on Institutions of Higher Education Garland County Community College, Hot Springs 1973 Morgan Community College, Ft Morgan 80701..... 1972 Shorter College, North Little Rock 72114.. 1974 Naropa Institute, Boulder 80302 1978 Southern Arkansas University-El Dorado B-anch, Parks College-Technical Division, Denver 802 1973 El Dorado 71730 . .. 1976 Roclunoni College, Denver 80226 ... 1975

39 51 Regional Preaccredltation CONNECTICUT HAWAII New England Amociation of Schools And Colleges Western Association of Schools and Colleges Coesmta on Institutions of Higher Education Accrediting Commission for Senior Colleges and Universities Greater New Haven State Technical College, Hamden 06511... 1978 University of Hawaii-West Oahu College, Alma Holy Apostles College, Cromwell 06416 1972 96701 .. 1977 South Central` Community College, New Haven

06511 . 1975 IDAHO

DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Northwest Association of Schools and Colleges Commission on Colleges Middle States Assodadon of Colleges And Secondary Schools Eastern Idaho Vocational-Technical School, Idaho

Falls 83401 . . Commission on Higher Education . 1976/1978

Campus-Free College, Washington 20009 .. 1976 ILLINOIS Strayer College, Washington 20005 1976 Washington International College, Washington North Central Ass lotion of Colleges and Schools 1974 Commission on Institutions of Higher Education

Frontier Community College, Fairfield 62837...... 1977 FLORIDA IlliiwisSchool of Professional Psychology, Chicago 60604 1979 Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Midstate College, Peoria 61602 1976 Commission on Colleges National College of Chiropractic, Lombard 60148 1974 Native American Educational Services Inc, Chicago 60640 1978 Bauder Fashion College, Miami 33131 .. 1980 University of Health Sciences-Chicago Medical Miami Christian College, Miami 33167. 1975/1979 College, North Chicago 60612. 1953/1975

Southern Asaodation of Colleges and Schools Commission on Occupational Education Institutions INDIANA North Central Association of Colleges and Schools Bay Area Vocational-Technical School, Ft Walton Commission on Institutions of Higher Education 33316...... 1978 Collier County Vocational-Technical Center, Naples 33940 1976/1978 Concordia Theological Seminary, Ft Wayne 46701 1979 Erwin Area Vocational-Technical School, Tampa Indiana Vocational-Technical College-Lafayette, Lafayette 47905 1975 1977/1978 Indiana Vocational-Technical College-Northwest, Manatee Area Vocational-Technical Center, Gary 46409 1976 Bradenton 33' ...... 1977/1978 Indiana Vocational-Technical College-Whitewater, South Technical Education Center, Bayton Beach Richmond 47374 1976 33825 ...... 1978 Indiana Vocational-Technical-Southeast, Madison St Augustine Technical Cent&, St Augustine 32804 1977/1978 47250 ...... 1977 Martin Center College, Indianapolis 46205 ...... 1980 GEORGIA IOWA Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges North Central Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Institutions of Higher Education

Toccoa Falls College, Toccoa Falls 30577 1980 Palmer College of Chiropractic, Davenport, 52803 1976

Sioux Empire College, Hawarden 51023 . , 1975

52 Regional Preacereditation

KANSAS Quincy Junto! College, Quincy 02169...... 1972 Roxbury Cogiiinunity College, Roxbury 02121 1974 North Central Association of Colleges and Schools Swain School of Design, New Bedford 02740 Commission on Institutions of Higher Education Worcester Industrial-Technical Institute, Worcester1972 01608. 1977

Brown-Mackie College, Salina 67401 . 1977 North Central Kansas Area VocationalTechnical School, Beloit 67420 1975 MICHIGAN North Central Association of Colleges and Schools LOUISIANA Commission on Institutions of Higher Education Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Occupational Education Institutions Kendall School of Design, Grand Rapids 49503. 1979 Mem II-Palmer Institute, Detroit 48202...... 1976

Shaw College at Detroit, Detroit 48202. 1971 Baton Rouge Vocational-Technical School, Baton

Rouge 70805 . . . . 1973/1976 Capitol Area Vocational School, Baton Rouge MINNESOTA 70821 . 1977/1978 East Baton Rouge Pansh Urban Skill Center, Baton

Rouge 70806. . . 1978 North Central Association of Colleges and Schools Folkes Vocational-Technical School, Jackson 70748 1978 Commission on Institutions of Higher Education Lafayette Regional Vocational-Technical Institute,

Lafayette 70501 . . 1978 St Paul Bible College, Bible College 55375.. . 1974 Lake Providence Vocational-Technical School, Tn-College University, Moorhead 56560 . 1977 Lake Providence 70601 . . 1978 North Central Area Vocational-Technical School,

Fef.zerville 71241 . . 1976/1978 Portside Vocational-Technical School, Port Allen MISSISSIPPI 70767 . . . 1977/1978 Ruston Branch Vocational - Technical School, Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Ruston 71270 . Commission on Colleges

MAINE Mississippi Industrial College, Holly Spnngs 38635. 1976 New England Association of Schools And Colleges Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Institutions of Higher Education Commission on Occupational Education Institutions

Kennebec Valley Vocational- Technical Institute, US Air Force Comm Systems-NCO Prof Military Waterville 04901 1971 Edu Ctr, Kees ler AFB 39534 . . 1977

MARYLAND MISSOURI Southern Association of Colleges and Schools North Central Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Occupational Education Institutions Commission on Institutions of Higher Education

US Army Ordnance and Chemical Center, Cardinal Newman College, St Louis 63121. 1978 Aberdeen Proving Ground 21210 1977 Cleveland Chiropractic College. Kansas City 641311980

MASSACHUSETTS MONTANA New England Association of Schools And Colleges Commission on Institutions of Higher Education Northwest Association of Schools and Colleges Commission on Colleges Marian Court Secretanal School. Swampscott 01907 1978 Blackfeet Community College, Browning 59417. 1979 Montserrat School of Visual Art-N Shore Butte Vocational-Technical Center, Butte 59701.. 1978 Community Art Fnd, Beverly 01915 1976 Dull Knife Memorial College, Lame Deer 59041 1979


53 Regional Preaccreditation

NEBRASKA Wood School, New York )0017 1977

North Central Assodation of Colleges and Sc is Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Indiution of Higher Education Commission on Occupational Education Institutions

Mid-Plains Community College, North Platte 69101 1975 US Army Chaplain Center and School, Staten Southeast Community College-Fairbury Campus, Island 10996 1977 Lincoln 61352 1977 Southeast Community College-Fairbury/Beatrice, Fairbury 61352 NORTH DAKOTA

NEW HAMPSHIRE North Central Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Institutions of Higher Education New England Association of Schools And Colleges Commission on Institution of Higher Education Standing Rock Community College, Ft Yates 58538 1978 Turtle Mountain Community College, Belcourt 58316. 1978 Merrimack Valley College, Manchester 03101 1978 School for Lifelong Learning, puritan' 03824 1929/1973 United Tribes Educational Technical Center, Bismarck 58501...... 1978

NEW JERSEY OHIO Middle States Association of Colleges And Sc coodary &book North Central Association of Colleges and Schools Commiin on Higher Education Commission on Institutions of Higher Education

Hudson County Community College Conunission, Cleveland College of Jewish Studies, Beachwood Jersey City 07306 1975 1975 Columbus College of Art and Design, Columbus

43215.. .

NEW MEXICO Edison State Community College, Piqua 45356 . 1975 Medical College of Ohio at Toledo, Toledo 43614,1978

North Central Aasociadon of Colleges and Schools. Southern Ohio College, Cincinnati 45202... . 1980 Commissioa on Institutions of Higher Education Southern State Community College, Wilmington . 1975 Union for Experimenting Colleges and Universities, Institute of American Indian Arts, Santa Fe 87501 1978 Luna Vocational- Technical Institute, Las Vegas Cincinnati 45206.. 1974 87701 1978 New Mexico State University at Carlsbad, Carlsbad 88220 1973 OKLAHOMA Northern New Mexico Community College, El Rito 87530...... 1975 North Central Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Institutions of Higher Education NEW YORK Military Airlift Command, 443rd Airlift Wiac, Middle States Association of Colleges And Training, A us AFB 73521 1978 Secondary Schools Commission on Higher Education OREGON

Culinary Institute of America, Hyde Park 12538 . 1977 Northwest Association of Schools and Colleges Erie Community College-City Campus, New York 14209 1973 Commission on Colleges Suffolk County Community College - Eastern Campus, Riverhead 11901 1977 Colegio Cesar Chavez, Mount Angel 97362 1975/1978 Suffolk County Community College-Western University of Onion Health Sciences Center, Campus. Brentwood 11717.. . 1975 Portland 97201 1975/1977 42 54 Regional Preaccred±tation

PENNSYLVANIA Tn-Cities State Rewnnal Vocational - Technical School, Blountville 37617 ,411.. 1980 f 'Rate. Associadon of Colleges And 4.,...3dary Schools Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Higher Education Commission on Occupational Education Institutions

Baptist Bible College of Pennsylvania, Clarks Middle 1:nnessee State University, Murfreesboro 37130 Summit 18411 1979 1928/1974 Murfreesboro State Area Vocational-Techmcal Combs College of Muvc, Philadeiphia 19119 1977 School, Murfreesboro 37130 Lancaster Bible College, La .cuter 17601 1976 1978 Medical College c: Pennsylvania. Philadelphia white State Area Vocational-Technical School, i9129 Whiteville 30875 1977/1978 Pennsylvania lastitute of Technology, Upper Darby 19082\ 1980 Pinebroo' nor College, East Stroudsburg 17401 1979 TEXAS United Wesleyan College, Allentown 18.03 1980 Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges RI' "E

Abilene Christian University, Abilene 79601 . . 1951/1971 New Eeigland Assodauon of Schools And Colleges Community College of the Air Force, Lackland Commission on Institutions of Higher Education AFB 13202 1973

New England Institute of 1 ethnology, Prov'dence Southern Association of Colleges and Schoe'. 02907 1975 Commission on Occupations/ Education Institutions

Baytown lndustnal Welding Scnool, Baytown

SOUTH CAROLINA 77520 . .. 1978 Braniff Education Systems, Dallas 75221.. 1978 Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Broussard Technical School, port Arthur 77640_ 1977 Commission on Corteges Children's Psychiatric Center Inc, Houston 77211 1977 Fashion and Art Institute of Dallas, Dallas 75220..... 1968/1973 Jackson Business College, Austin 78705..... 1977 Co Jrnbia College, Columbia 29203 1938/1971 US Air Force Air Training Command NCO Prof Ed Institution, Lackland AFB 75701 1976 US Air Force Combat Crew Training Squadron, SOI ITH DAKOTA Carswell AFB 79109... . 1978 US Air Force Tactical Air Command NCO North Central Association of Colleges and Schools Leadership Schools, Austin 78743 1977 Commission on fnatitutions of :ligher Education

Mit,:hal Area Vocational-Technical School, VERMONT Mitchell 57301 1976 National College, Rapid Cr:, 57701 1978 New England Association of Schools And Colleges Sinte Oinks Community College, Rosebud 57570 1977 Commission on Institutions of Higher Education Southeast Area Vocational-Technical School, Sioux Falls 56105 1977 Vermont Institute of Community Involvement, Western Dakota Vocational- Technical Institute. South Burlington 091 . 1974 Sturgis 57006 1979 Vermont Law College, South Royalton 05801 1978 Woodbury Associates, Montpelier 05602 1978

TENNFSSEE New England Association of Schools And Colleges Co-nmiss)on Vocational, Technical, Career Southern AlleeilltiOn of Colleges and Schools Institutions Commission on Colleges Sterling Institute (Grassroots Project), Craftsbuiy Msd-South Bible College, Memphis 38112 1977 2ommon 0581 1981

43 53- Regional Presecreditadon VIRGINIA Southern Association Co licges and Schools Commission on Colleges

Liberty Baptist College, Lynchburg 24504 1977 Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Occupational Education Institutions

Control Data Institute, Arlington 22204 1968/1973

WASHINGTON Northwest Association of Schools and Colleges Commissim on Colleges

Griffin College, Seattle 98121 1978 Lake Washington Vocational-Technical Institute,

Kirkland 98033 . . 1975/1977

WEST VIRGINIA North Central Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Instit " us of Higher Education

Beckley College, Beckley 25EJI . 1977

WISCONSIN North Central Association of Colleges and Schools Commission in Institutions of Higher Ed..stion

*'or hwestern College, Watertown 53094 . / 1976 isconsin Conservatory of Music, Milwaukee 53202 .,V 1915

PUERTO RICO Middle States Association of Colleges And Secondary Schools Commission on Higher Education

American College of Puerto Kico, Bayamon 00619 1977 ICPR Junior College, Hato Rey 00919 1979 Ramirez College of Business and Technology. Santurce 00910 1977 Universidad Politechnica De Puerto Rico. Hato Rey 00918 1977


Professional, Technical, Occupational,and Specialized Schools or ProgramsAccredited and Preaccredited by National Specialized Accrediting Agencies Recognized by theU.S. Secretary of Education

Preceding each of the, following lists of accredited and ARCHITECTURE preaccredited professional, technical, occupational,or specialized schools or programs is thename of the ac- crediting agency, and the name and addrea ofits secre- National Architectural Accrediting Board,Inc. tary or other responsible officer. The information iscur- Hugo G Blasdel, Executive Director rent as of September 1, 1980. Accreditation it shownby 1735 New Ybrk Avenue, N W curriculum for professional engineering andengineering Washington, DC 20036 technology. To conserve space, such phrasesas 'School of Practical Nursing', 'School of Religion','School of Architecture (Accredited) Medicine', etc. have been omitted from thenames of schools and programs except where theyare necessary The Board does not accredit entireinstitutions. Its for idenry. accreditation is limited toprograms offered by iany cf the accrediting boards and/orassociations the institutions listed below. shown in this part do not accredit entireinstitutions. Alabama: Their scope of accreditation is limitedto programs of- fered by the institutions listed below. Auburn University, Auburn 36830 Arizona: Arizona State University, Tempe 85281 ALLIED HEALTH EDUCATION University of Anzot,a, Tucson 85721 Arkin's= American Medical Anociauon University of Arkansas at Fayetteville, Fayetteville 72701

Please see listing under separate !leading. California: California Polytechnic State University, SanLuis Obispo John E Beckley, Secretary 93407 535 North Dearborn Street California State Polytechnic University, Pomona 91768 Chicago, Illinois 60610 Southern California Institute of Architecture, SantaMonica Blood Bank Technology 90404 Cytotechnology University of California, Berkeley 94720 Histologic Technician University of California. Los Angeles 90024 Medical Assistant (Associate Degree) University of Southern California, Ims Angeles 90007 Medical Assistant (Certificate) Colorado: Medical Laboratory Technician (Associate Degree) Medical Laboratory Technician (Certificate) University of Colorado. Denver 80203 Medical Record Administrator University of Colorado at i tlulder, Boulder 80302 Medical Record Technician Connecticut: Medical Technologist Yale University, New Hawn+ 06520 Nuclear Medicine Technologist Occupational Therapist District of Columbia: Physical Therapy Catholic University of America, Washington 20017 Physician's Assistant (Assistant to the Pnmary CarePhysician) Florida: Radiographer Radiation Therapy Technologist University of Flonda, Gainesville 32611 /aspiratory Therapist University of Miami, Coral Gables 33124 Respiratory Therapy Technician Georgia: Surgical Technologist Georgia Institute of Technology. Atlanta 30332

45 57 Specialized Accreditation and Pre reditation

Idaho: Cooper Union, New York 10003 Universiiy of Idaho, Moscow 83843 Cornell University, Ithaca 14853 CUNY-City College, New York 10031 Illinois: New York Institute of Technology-Milbrook Campus, Old Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago 60616 Westbury 11568 University of Illinois at Chicago Circle, Chicago 60680 Pratt Institute, Brooklyn 11205 University of Illinois-Urbana-Champaign, Urbana 61801 Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy 12181 Indira Syracuse University, Syracuse 13210 Sall State University, Muncie 47306 North Canines: University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame 46556 North Carolina State University at Raleigh, Raleigh 27607 10,1: North Dakota: lows State University, Ames 50010 North Dakota State University, Fargo 58102 Kamm Ohio: Kansas State University, Manhattan 66502 Kent State University, Kent 44242 University of Kansas, Lawrence 66045 Mier University, Oxford 45056 may: Ohio State University-Main Campus, Cilumbus 43210 University of Cncinnati, Cincinnati 45221 University of Kentucky, Lexington 40506 Lesbian: Oklahoma: University of Oklahoma at Norman, Norman 73069 Louisiana State University at Baton Rouge, Baton Rouge 701103 Oregon: Louisiana Tech University, Ruston 71270 University of Oregor, Eugene 97403 Southern University, Baton Rouge 70813 Tulane University, New Or leers 70118 Pennsylvania: University of Southwestern Louisiana, Lafayette 70504 Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh 15213 Drexel Umversity, Philadelphia 19104 Mary Ire: Pennsylvania State University, University Park 16802 University of Maryland, College Park 20742 Temple University, Philadelphia 19:12 Massachasetts: University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia 19104 Boston Arciltectural Center, Boston 02115 Rhode Island: Harvard Umversity. Carnbndge 02138 Rhode Island School of Design, Providence 02903 Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge 02139 South Carolina: Pi Haig*: Clemson University, Clemson 2%31 Lawrence Institute of Technology, Southfield 48075 Umvenity of Detroit, Detroit 48221 Tennessee: University of Michigan, Ann Arbor 48104 University of Tennessee, Kntr.ville. 37916 Miamemitc Texas: University of Minnesota at Minneapolis-St Paul, Mum. polls Rice University, Houston -77001 55455 Texas A & M Um Jersity-Main Campus, College Station 77843 Mississippi: Texas Tech University, Lubbock 7940P Mississippi State University, Mississippi State 39762 University of Houston-Central Campus, Houston 77002 Mimed: University of Texas at Arlington, Arlington 76010 Washington University, St Louis 63130 University of Texas at Austin, Austin 78712 Montan: Utah: Montana State University, Bozeman 59715 Urrversity of Utah, Salt Lake City 84112 Virginia: Nobrooka: University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln 68508 Hampton Institute, Hampton 23368 University of Virginia, Charlottesville 22901 Now Jassy: Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, New Jersey Institute of Technology, Newark 07102 Blacksburg 24061 Princeton University, Princeton 38540 Washington: New Mateo: University of Washington, Seattle 98195 University of New Mexico, Albuqueroue 87106 Washington State Umversny, Pullman 99163 New York: 0 Wisconsin: Columbia University, New York i0027 University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Milwaukee 53211

46 t; tJ 1/4_,)c Specialized Accreditation and Preaccreditation

ART Maryland: Maryland Institute-College of Art, Baltimore 21217

Nadonal Association of Schools of Art Massachusetts: Commission on Accreditation and Membership Massachusetts College of Art, Boston 02215 School of the Worcester Museum of Art, Worcester 01608 Eugene C Wicks School of Museum of Fine Arts, Boston 02100 Department of Art and Design Southeastern Massachusetts University, North Dartmouth University of Illinois 02747 Champaign, Illinois 61820 Swain School of Design, New Bedford 02740 Michigan: Art (Accredited) Center for Creative Studies, Detroit 48202 Cranbrook Academy of Art, Bloomfield Hills 48013 Abbess*: Hope College, Holland 49423 Auburn University, Auburn 36830 University of Michigan, Ann Arbor 48104 California: Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo 49001 California State University-Dominguez Hills, Carson 90747 Miasmata: Art Center College of Design, Pasadena 91103 Carleton College, Northfield 55057 California College of Arts and Crafts, Oakland 94618 Mankato State University, Mankato 56001 California Institute of the Arts, Valencia 91355 Minneapolis College of Art and Design, Minneapolis 55434 California State University, Sacramento 95819 California State University, Long Beach 90840 California State University, Fullerton 92634 Jackson State University, Jackson 39217 California State University, Los Angeles 90032 Missouri: California State University, Cnico 95926 California State University, Hayward 94542 Kansas City Art Institute, Kansas City 64111 Humboldt State Un ,ersity, Arcata 91521 St Louis Community College at Florrisant Valley, St Louis Otis Art Institute-Parsons School of Design, Los Angeles 63135 90057 Washington University, St Louis 63130 San Diego State University, San Diego 92182 Madam: San Francisco Au Institute, San Francisco 94133 Montana State University, Bozeman 59715 District of Colombia: New Jersey: Corcoran School of Art. Washington 20006 Jersey City State College, Jersey City 07305 Geoftic New Mexico: Atlanta College of Art, Atlanta 30309 Georgia State University, Atlanta 30303 Institute of Atrierican Indian Arts, Santa Fe 87501 University of Georgia. Athens 30601 New York: BMWs: Cooper Union, New York 10003 Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago 60616 New York State College of Ceramics at Alfred University, Alfred 14802 Illinois State University, Normal 61761 Northern Illinois University, De Kalb 60115 Parson's School of Design, New York 10011 School of the Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago 60600 Pratt Institute, Brooklyn 11205 Skidmore College, Saratoga Springs 12866 University of Illinois-Urbana-Champaign, Urbana 61801 Syracuse University, Syracuse 13210 Wins: StTNY at Buffalo, Buffalo 14222 Herron School of Art, Indianapolis 46202 North Carolina: St Marv's College. Notre Dame 46556 East Carolina University, Greenville 27834 Iowa: Ohio: Drake University, Des Moines 50311 A -t Academy of Cincinnati, Cincinnati 45202 Kaman Cleveland Institute of Art, Cleveland 44106 University of W.nsas, Lawrence '045 College of Wooster, Wooster 44691 Loofah's': Columbus College of Art and Design, Columbus 43215 Kent State University, Kent 44242 Tulane University. New Orleans 7011R Oberlin College, Oberlin 44074 Maine: University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati 45221 Portland School of Art, Portland 04101 Oregon: University of Maine at Orono, Orono 04401 Museum Art School, Portland 97205

47 5.9 1 Specialized Accreditation and Preaccreditation

Pasimylvirda: BIBLE COLLEGE EDUCATION Beaver College, Glenside 19038 American Association of Bible Colleges Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh 15213 Moore College of Art, Philadelphia 19103 Commission on Accreditation Philadelphia College of Art, Philadelphia 19102 John Mosteri, Executive Director, AABC Box 1521 Rhode bloat Fayetteville, Arkansas 72701 Rhode Island College, Providence 02918 BibleCollege (Accredited) TO1111111111C Memphis Academy of Arts, Memphis 38112 Alabama*: Southeastern Bible College, Birmingham 35205 Timm Arizona: Texas Tech University, Lubbock 79409 Southwestern Conservative Baptist Bible College, Phoenix 85032 Virginia: Virginia Commonw-alth University, Richmond 23227 Central Baptist College, Conway 72032

Washington: California: University of Washington, Seattle --;3195 Bethany Bible College, Fonts Cruz 95606 Bails College, La Mirada 90639 West VIrghda: Pacific Christian College, Fullerton 92631 West Virginia University, Morgantown 26505 San Jose Bible College, San Jose 95108 Simrson College, San Prancisco 94134 West Coast Bible College, Fresno 93612

Art (Preaccredited) Colorado: Nazarene Bible College, Colorado Springs 80930 District of Columbia: Western Bible College, Morrison 80465 Howard University, Washingtor 20001 Florida: Miami Christian College, Miami 33167 Kentucky: Southeastern College of the Assemblies of God, Lakeland Louisville School Cif Art, Anchorage 40223 33801

Main: Georgia: Atlanta Christian College, East Point 30044 Portland School of Art, Portland 04101 Toccoa Falls College, Toccoa Falls 30577

Mary load: Illinois: Maryland College of Art and Design, Silver Spring 20902 Lincoln Christian College, Lincoln 62656 Moody Bible Institute, Chicago 60610

Indiana: Grand Valley State Colleges, Allendale 49401 Ft Wayne Bible College, Ft Wayne 46807

Mho WWI: Iowa: Jackson State University, Jackson 39217 Faith Baptist Bible College, Ankeny 50021 Open Bible College, Des Moines 50300 Mississippi Valley State College, Itta Bena 38941 Vennard College, Vennard Park 51595

Misseerh Kansas: Kansas City Art Institute, Kansas City 64111 Friends Bible College, Hoyt land 67059 Manhattan Chri,tian College, Manhattan 66502 New Mimeo: Kentucky: Institute of American Indian Arts, Santa Fe 87501 Kentucky Christian College. Grayson 41143

WW1*, la: Maryland: Milwaukee School of the Arts. Milwaukee 53202 Washington Bible College, Lanham 20801

48 Walked Mara Blades and Preseereditatioa Mammelisetts: Washiestoa: Berkshire Christian College, Lenox 01240 Lutheran £.5le institute, Seattle 98133 Michigan: Northwest College of the Assemblies of God, Kirkland 9803I Detroit Bible College, Detroit 48235 Puget Sound College of the Bible, Edmonds 98020 Grace Bible College, Grand Rapids 49509 West Virginia: Great Lakes Bible College, Lansing 48917 Reformed Bible College, Grand Rapids 49506 Appalachian Bible Institute, Bradley 25818 Minassota: Minnesota Bible College, Rochester 55901 Bible College (Preaccredited) North Central Bible College, Minneapolis 55004 Alaska: St Paul Bible College, Bible College 55375 Alaska Bible College, Glenna lien 99588 Mission leek Arizona: Wesley College, Florence 39073 Miesiteri: Arizona College of the Bible, Phoenix 85009 Baptist Bible College, Spnngfield 65803 California: Calvary Bible College, Kansas City 64111 LIFE Bible College, Los Angeles 90007 Central Bible College, Springfield 65802 Colorado: St Louis Christian College, Florissant 63033 Denver Baptist Bible College, Broomfield 80020 Nebraska Grace College of the able, Omaha 61198 Missisidepl: Wesley College, Florence 39073 New Jersey: Mombasa: Northeastern Bible College, Essex Fells 07021 Montana Institute of the Bible. Lewiston 59102 Nardi Caro Ham North Carolina: Piedmont Bible College, Winston-Salem 27101 toanoke Bible College, Elizabeth City 27909 John Wesley College, Greensboro 27407 Roanoke Bible College, Elizabeth City 27909 North Dakota: North Dakota: Northwest Bible College, Minot 58701 Trinity Bible Institute, Ellendale 5t143o Ohio: Oklahoma: Cincinnati Bible College, Cincinnati 45204 Circleville Bible College, Circleville 43113 Midwest Christian College, Oklahoma City 73199 Mama: Texas: Midwest Christian College, Oklahoma City 73199 Arlington Baptist College, Arlington 76912 Criswell Center for Biblical Studies, Dallas 75201 Orgett: Wasklagter. Multnomah School of the Bible, Portland 97220 Western Baptist College, Salem 97302 Puget Sound College of the Bible, Edmonds 98020 Peary haiku BLOOD BANK TECHNOLOGY Baptist Bible College of Pennsylvania, ClarksSummit 18411 Lancaster Bible College, Lancaster 17601 Philadelphia College of Bible, Philadelphia 19103 American Medical Association Unted Wesleyan College, Allentown 18103 Committee on Allied Health Education and Valley Fcrge Christian C^Ilege, Phoenixville19464; Accreditation Smith Carolina: In cooperation with Columbia Bible College, Columbia 29203 Teseasser American Association of Blood Banks American Baptist College, Nashville 32707 Committee on Education Free Will Baptist Bible College, Nashville37205 Johnson Bible College, Knoxville 37920 Grace M Nettzer, MT(ASCP), SBB, Chairman Mid-South Bible College, Memphis 38112 1828 L Street, NAV, Suite 608 Tem Washington, D C 20036 Dallas Bible College, Dallas 75228 Dallas Christian College, Dallas 75234 Blood Rank Technology (Accredited) Gulf Coast rNe College, Houston 77008 Arkansas: Southern Bilk College, Houston 71015 University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, Little Rock Southwestern Assemblies of God College, Waxahachie 75165 72201 49 ci SpecializedAccredited°. mad Praeccreditedoe

California: Southeast Michigan Red Cross Blood Center, Detroit 48232 Bauer Hospital-St Mary Medical Center, Long Beach 90801 Wayne State University, Detroit 48202 Central California Region American Red Cross, San Jose William Beaumont Hospital, Royal Oak 48072 95121 Irwin Memorial Blood Bank of San Francisco, San Prancisc3 Minnesota: 94118 Minneapolis War Memorial Blood Bank, Minneapolis 55404 Los Angeles-Orange County-Red Cross, Los Angeles 90033 Memorial Hospital Medical Center of Long Beach, Long Millwork Beach 90101 Barnes Hospital, St Lour 63110 Sacramento Medical Foundation, Sacramento 95825 Missouri -Ill nos Regional Blood Program, St Louis 63108 San Diego Blood Bank, San Diego 92115 The Jewish Hospital of St Lour, St Louis 63178 University of California, Irvine 90001 University of Missoun, Columbia 65201 Diarriet If Coloniblin New York: American National Red Cross, Washington 20007 Walter Reed Army Medical Center, Washington 20012 SUNY Upstate Medical Center, Syracuse 13210 Washington Hospital Center, Washington 20015 North Carolina: Merida: North Carolina Memorial Hospital, Chapel Hill 27514 Central Florida Blood Bank. Orlando 32106 Rex Hospital, Raleigh 27603 Georgie Ohio: American Red Cross Blood Service, Atlanta 30309 Emory Lniversit)-Amencan Red Cross Service, Atlanta Ohio State University Hospital, Columblis 43210 30322 University of Cincinnati-Paul I Hoxwarth Blood Center, Cincinnati 45229 Moat Lutheran General Hospital, Park Ridge 60068 Peansyhnaki: Michael Reese Blood Center, Chicago 60616 Central Blood Bank of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh 15219 Mid-American Regional Red Cross, Chicago 60602 Penn-Jersey Regional Red Cross, Philadelphia 19107 University of Illinois Medical Center, Chicago 60680 lansesk Tennessee: St Francis Hospital, Wichita 67214 Baptist Memorial Hospital, Memphis 38146 Wesley Medical Center, Wichita 67214 Nashville Regional Red Cross. Nashville 37240 Wichita Regional Red Cross Blood Center, Wichita 67211 Stratton Blood Bank Training Center, Memphis 38104 University of Tennessee, Memphis 38163 Keenseky: Centro, Kentucky Blood Center, Lexington 40508 Isaac Louisville General Hospital Medical Center, Louisville 40202 A D Anderson Hospital, Houston 77015 University of Kentucky Medical Center, Lexington 40506 Hew County Hospital Distnct, San Antonio 78284 Lesislass: Coastal Bend School of Blood Bank Technology, Corpus Alton Ochstier Medical Foundation, New Orleans 70121 Chnstie 78415 Blood Center for Southeast Louisiana, New Orleans 70122 St Luke's Episcopal Hospital, Houston 77030 Charity Hospital of Louisiana at New Orleans, New Orleans University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston. Galveston 70410 77550 Lafayette Chanty Hospital. Lafayette 70501 Southern Baptist Hospital, New Orleans 70175 Utah: Maryland: Latter Day Saints Hospital, Salt Lake City 84103 American Red Cross Blood Service-Chesapeake Region, Virginia: Baltimore 21211 American Red Cross-Tidewater Norfolk 23507 Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions, Baltimore 21205 National Institutes of Health. Bethesda 20014 Virginia Commonwealth University-Medical College of V- Richmond 23298 Maamellowtts: American Red Cross Blood Services-Northeast Region, Wisconsin: Needham 02127 Blood Center of Southeastern Wisconsin. Milwaukee 53233 New England Deaconess Hospital, Boston 02215 Midday': Hutzel Hospital, Detroit 48201 Mount Carmel Mercy siospital and Medical Center, Detroit 41235 I 50 Specialized Accreditation and Preaccreditation

BUSINESS District of Cohassida: George Washington University, Washington 20006 A. Americo' Assembly of CollegiateSchools of Howard University, Washington 20001 Business Florid*: Accreditation Council Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton 33432 Floods State University. Tallahassee 32306 William K Laid law, Jr, Executive VicePresident, AACSB University of Central Floods, Orlando 32800 11500 Olive Street Road University of Florida. Gainesville 32611 St. Lows, Missouri 63141 University of Miami, Coral Gables 33174 University of North Florida, Jacksonville 32216 Collegiate Programs in Business andAdministration University of South Florida, Tampa 33620 (Accredited) Georgia: /Aerate Atlanta University, Atlanta 30314 Emory University, Atlanta 30322 Auburn University, Auburn 36830 Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta 30332 . University of Alabsma, University 35486 University of Alabama-Birmingham, Birmingham Georgia Southern College, Statesboro 30458 35294 Georgia State University, Atlanta 30303 University of South Alabama, Mobile 36688 University of Georgia, Athens 30601 Arlsom Idaho: Arizona State University, Tempe 85281 Boise State University, Boise 83701 Northern Arizona University, Fli.gstaff86001 University of Arizona, Tucson 85/21 Idaho State University, Pocatello 83201 Arkawsar Illinois: Bradley University, Peoria 6 a06 Arkansas State University, State University72467 De Paul University, Chicago 60604 University of Arkansas at Fayetteville, Fsyetteviile72701 Loyola University of Chicago, Chicago University of Arkansas at Little Rock, LittleRock 72204 60611 Northern Illinois University, De Kalb 60115 Ca lhenic Northwestern University, Evanston 60201 California State College, Bakersfield 93309 Roosevelt University, Chicago 60605 California State University. Long Beach 90840 Southern Illinois University, Carbondale 62901 California State University, Fullerton 92634 Southern Illinois University-Edwardsville, Edwardsville California State University, Los Angeles90032 62025 California State University, Northridge91324 University of Chicago. Chicago 60637 California State University, Fresno 93740 University of Illinois at Chicago Circle, Chicago60680 California State University, Sacramento95819 University of Illinois-Urbano-r'hampaign, Ultima61801 California State University, Chico 95926 Western Illinois University, Macomb 61455 California State University, Hayward 94542 Indians: San Diego State University, San Die;o92182 an Francisco State University, San Francisco 94132 Ball State University, Muncie 47306 Indiana State University, Terre Haute 47809 San Francisco State University, SanFrancisco 94132 San Jose State University, San Jose 95114 Indiana University, Bloomington-Indianapolis,Bloomington Stanford University, Stanford 94305 47401 University of California, Berkeley 94720 Purdue University -West Lafayette, WestLafayette 47907 University of California, Los Angeles 90024 University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame 46556 University of San Diego, San Diego 92110 Iowa: University of San Francisco, San Ransom 94117 Drake University, Des Moines 50311 University of Santa Clara, Santa Clara 95050 Unive-sity of lows, Iowa City 52242 University of Southern California, Los Angeles90007 Kansas: Colorado: Kansas State University, Manhattan 66502 Colorado State University. Ft Collins 80521 University of Kansas, Lawrence 66045 Ft Lewis College. Durango 81301 Wichita State University. Wichita 67208 University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder8.0302 University of Denver, Denver 80210 Kentucky: Conmetkut Murray State University. Murray 42071 University of Kentucky, Lexington 40506 University of Bridgeport, Bridgeport 06602 University of Connecticut, Storrs 06268 Louisiana: Delaware: Louisiana State University at Baton Rouge, BatonRouge 70803 University of Delaware, Newark 19711 Louisiana Tech University, Ruston 71270

51 63 Specialized Accreditation and Preaccreditation

Loyola University, New Orleans 70118 New York: Northeast Louisiana University, Monroe 71701 Camas College, Buffalo 14208 Tulane University, New Orleans 70118 Clarkson College of Technology, Potsdam 13676 University of New Orleans, New Orleans 70122 Columbia University, New York 10027 Mahn: Cornell University, Ithaca 14853 CUNY-Bernard Baruch College, Ness York 1(010 University of Maine at Orono, Orono 04401 Fordham University, Bronx 10548 Mary bad: Grumman Data Systems Institute, Woodbury 11797 University of Maryland, College Park 20742 Hofstra University, Hempstead 11550 New York University, New York 10003 Mame Miens: Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy 12181 Babson College, Babson Park 02157 St John's University, Jamaica 11439 Boston College, Chestnut Hill 02167 State University College at Buffalo, Buffalo 14214 Boston University, Boston 02215 Syracuse University, Syracuse 13210 Harvard University, Cambridge 02138 SUNY at Albany, Albany 12222 Mammchinetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge 02139 University of Rochester, Rochester 14627 Northeastern University, Boston 02115 University of Massachusetts, Amherst 01002 North Carolina: Micisigia: Appalachian State University, Boone 28607 Duke University, Durham 27706 Eastern Michigan University, Ypsilanti 48197 East Carolina University, Greenville 27834 Michigan State University, East Lansing 48823 North Carolina Agricultural & Technical State University, University of Detroit, Detroit 48221 Greensboro 27411 Unive7sity of Michigan, Ann Arbor 48104 University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill 27514 Wayne State University, Detroit 48202 Western Michigan University. Kalamuoo 49001 Ohio: Minsmiotic Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green 43402 St Cloud State University, St Cloud 56301 Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland 44106 University of Minnesota at Minneapolis-St Paul, Minneapolis Cleveland State University, Cleveland 44115 55455 John Carroll University, Cleveland 44118 Kent State University, Kent 44242 Minierippi: Miami University, Oxford 45056 Mississippi State University. Mississippi State 39762 Ohio State University-Main Campus, Columbus 43210 University of Mississippi-Main Campus, University 38677 Ohio University, Athens 45701 University of Southern Mississippi, Hattiesburg 39401 University of Akron, Akron 44304 University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati 45221 MiNestri: University oT Toledo, Toledo 43606 St Louis University, St Louis 63103 Wright State University, Dayton 45431 University of Missouri, Columbia 65201 University of Missouri-Kansas City, Kansas City 64110 Oklahoma: University of Missouri-St Louis, St Louis 63121 Oklahoma State University, Stillwater 70404 Washington University, St Louis 63130 University of Oklahoma at Normaa, Norman 73069 Montsaa: University of Tulsa, Tulsa 74104 University of Montana, Missoula 59801 Oregon: Nebraska: Oregon State University, Corvallis 97331 Creighton University, Omaha 68178 Portland State University, Portland 97207 University of Nebraska at Omaha, Omaha 68182 University of Oregon, Eugene 97' )3 Univers-ty of Nebraska Medical Center, Omaha 68105 University of Portland, Portland 97203 University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln 68508 Pennsylvania: Nevada: Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh 1,213 University of Nevada-Reno, Reno 89507 Drexel University, Philadelphia 19104 Duquesne University, Pittsburgh 15219 New Hampshire: Lehigh University, Bethlehem 18015 Dartmouth College, Hanover 03755 Pennsylvania State University, University Park 16802 New Jene;;: Temple University, Philadelphia 19122 Rutgers-The State University-Newark, Newark 07104 University of Pennsylvania, iThiladelphia 19104 Scion Hall University, South Orange 07079 University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh 15260 Villanova Un.versity, Villanova 19085 New Mexico: New Mexico State University, Las Cruces 88001 Rhode Islarid; University of New Mexico, Albuquerque 87106 University of Rhode Island, Kingston 02881

52 64 a Specialized Accreditationand Preaccreditation

South Carolina: Wyonilatir Clemson University, Clemson 29631 University of Wyoming, Laramie 82070 University of South Carolina, Columbia 29208 Winthrop College, Roc.< 4111 29730 B. Association of Independent Colleges and Schools South Dakota: University of Sinith Dakota-Vermillion, Vermillion 57069 Accrediting Commission

Taniameet James.M, Phillips, Executive Secretary Memphis State University, Memphis 38111 1730 M Street, .4 W , Suite 401 Middle Tennessee State University, Murfreesboro 37130 Washington, D C 200:6 Tennessee Technological Umversity, Cookeville 38501 University of Tennessee, Knoxville 37916 Private Senior Colleges of Business (Accredited) Tram District of Colorable Baylor University, Waco 76703 East Texas State University, Commerce 75428 Benjamin Franklin University, Washington 20036 Lamar University, Beaumont 77710 Southeastern University, Washington 20006 North Texas Stilt: University, Denton 76203 Strayer College, Washington 20005 Pan American University, Edinburg 78539 Florida: Southern Methodist University, Dallas 75222 Ft Lauderdale College, Ft Lauderdale 33138 Stephen F Austin State University, Nacogdoches 75961 Jones College-Main Campus, Jacksonville 32211 Texas A & M University-Main Campus, College Station Jones College-Orlando Campus, Orlando 32810 77843 Tampa College, Clears:.:: 13515 Texas Christian University, Ft Worth 76129 Texas Southern University, 1iouston 77004 Maine: Texas Tech University, Lubbock 79409 Husson College, Bangor 04401 University of Houston-Central Campus, Houston 77002 Michigan: University cit Texas at Arlington, Arlington 76010 University of Texas at Austin. Austin '8712 Cleary College, Ypsilanti 48197 University of Texas a- San Antonio, San Antonio 78285 Detroit College of Business, Dearborn 48126 Utah: New Hasepskire: Brigham Young University, Provo 84601 New Hampshire College, Manchester 03101, University of Utah, Salt Lake City 84112 Mire Utah State University, Logan 84321 Dyke College, Cleveland 44114 Virginia: Tiffin University, Tiffin 44883 College of William and Mary, Williamsburg 23185 Made blast Old Dominion University, Norfolk 23508 University of Richmond, Richmond 23173 Johnson & Wales College, Providence 02903 University of Vnginia, Charlottesville 22901 South Dakota: University of Virginia Medical Center, Charlottsville 22901 National College, Rapid City 57701 Virginia Commonwealth Unisersny, Richmond 23227 Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Tennessee Blacksburg 24061 Steed College, Johnson City 37601 Washington Sr. Lee University, Lexington 24450 Washington: Private Junior Colleges of Business (Accredited) Eastern Washington University, Cheney 99004 Abbas's: Pacific Lutheran University, Tacoma 98447 Seattle University, Seattle 98195 Southern Junior College of Business, Birmingham 35203 University of Washington, Seattle 98195 Arkansas: Washington State University, Pullman 99163 American College, Ft Smith '2901 West Vlrgiuia California: West Virginia University, Morgantown 26505 Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising, Los Angeles Wisconsin: 90017 Marquette Umvernity, Milwaukee 53233 Florida: University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire, Eau Claire 54701 Lakeland College of Business and Fasliion, Lakeland 33802 University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison 53706 University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Milwaukee 53211 Georgia: University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh, Oshkosh 54901 Draughon's Junior College of Business, Savannah 31401 University of Wisconsin-Whitewater, Whitewater 53190 Phillips College, Augusta 30902

53 65 Specialized Accreditation and Preaccredltadon

Indium Draughon's Junior College of Business, Knoxville 37919 International Business College, Fort Wayne 46804 Draughons College, Memphis 38116 Lockyear College, Evansville 47706 Edmondson Junior College of Business, Chattanooga 37411 Knoxville Business College, Knoxville 37902 Iowa: McKenzie College, Chattanooga 37401 American Institute of Business, Des Moines 50321 Texas: Kentucky: Cooper Institute, Knoxville 37917 Draughon's Business College, Paducah 42001 Utah: Kentucky Business College, Lexington 40508 Sullivan Junior College of Business. Louisville 40205 Stevens-Henager College, Ogden 84401 Watterson College, Louisville 40213 Virginia: Maher National Business College, Roanoke 24009 Real College, Bangor 04401 Wiecoasin: Casco Bay College, Portland 04111 Madison Business College, Madison 53703 Massachusetts: Milwaukee Stratton College, Milwaukee 53202 Bay State Junior College, Boston 02116 Puerto Rico: Chamberlayne Junior College, Boston 02116 Caguas City College, Caguas 00625 Katharine Gibbs School, Boston 02116 Electronic Data Processing College, Hato Rey 19079 Newbury junior College, Boston 02116 ICPR Junior College, Hato Rey 00919 Ramirez College of Business and Technology, Santurce 00910 Michigan: Baker Junior College of Business, Flint 48507 Muskegon Business College, Muskegon 49442 Private Junior Colleges of Business (Preaccredited) Miss Isaiah Florida: Phillips College. uutrnort 19501 Moms College of Business, Melbourne 32935 New Hampthirel Georgia: castle Junior College, Windham 03087 Crandall College, Macon 30201 McIntosh College, Dover 03820 Phillips College, Columbus 31901

New Jersey: Illinois: Berkeley School, Little Falls 07424 Midstate College, Peoria 61602 Katharine Gibbs School. Montclair 07042 Kentucky: Nardi Carolina: Owensboro Business College, Owensboro 42301 Blanton s Business College, Asheville 28801 Louisiana: Cecil's Junior College of Business. Asheville 28806 Phillips College of Greater New Orleans, Metaire 70004 Hamilton College, Charlotte 28202 Hardberger Junior College of Business, Raleigh 27602 Maine: Jefferson College, Greensboro 27402 Andover Institute, Portland 04101 King's College, Charlotte 28201 North Carolina: King's College, Raleigh 27602 Asheboro College, Asheboro 27203 Lafayette College, Fayetteville 28301 Wins. Im College, Winston-Salem 27102 South Carolina:

Ohio: Rice Business College, Charleston 29405 Rice College, Columbia 29201 Davis Junior College of Business, Toledo 43604 Lorain Business College, Lorain 44055 Miami-Jacobs Junior College of Business, Dayton 45402 Business Schools (Accredited) Southern Ohio College, Cincinnati 45202 Alabama: Oklahoma: Booker T Washington Businc:s College, Birmingham 35203 Oklahoma School of Business Accountancy, I ay/ and Coastal Training Institute, Mobile 36609 Finance, Tulsa 74103 Gadsden Business College, Gadsden 35902 Massey-i>aughon Business College, Montgomery 36102 South Carolina: New World College of Business, Anniston 36201 Columbia Commercial College, Columbia 29202 North Alabama College of Commerce, Huntsville 35801 Rutledge College, Spartanburg 29103 Riley Business College, Dothan 36301 Tumour 20th Century College, Mobile 36602 Bnstcl College, Bnstol 37620 Alaska: Draughon's Junior College of Business, Nashville 17203 Alaska Business College, Anchorage 99503 54 6c Specialized Accreditation sad Preaccreditation

Magas Colorado: Chaparral Career College, Tucson 85712 Barnes Business k2iege. Denver 80226 Durham Business College, Phoenix 85012 Blair Business College, Colorado Springs 80909 Unman Business College, Phoenix 115003 Colorado Spnngs College of Business, Colorado Spnngs Lannon Business College-Tucson, Tucson 85712 80910 Rockland College, Phoenix 85015 Mile Hi Reporting College, Lakewood 80214 Ruetten Learning Center, Phoenix 85004 Parks College-Technical Division, Denver 80221 Tucsos College of Business, Tucson 85716 Southern Colorado College of Business, Pueblo 81008 Attars& Causation: Capital City Business College, Russellville 72801 Branford Hall School of Business, Branford 06405 Draughon School of Business. Little Rock 72203 Basswood School for Women, Southington 06489 South Central Career College, N Little Rock 72116 Computer Processing Institute, East Hartford 06108 Connecticut Business Institute, Stratford 06497 Califon 1m Connecticut Stenographic Institute, New Brawn 06051 Hartford Secretarial School, Hartford 06105 Academy of Business College, Sacramento 95814 Huntington Institute, Norwich 06360 Academy of Stenographic Arts, San Francisco 94102 Katharine Gibbs School, Norwalk 06851 ABC Colleges, Fresno 93721 Morse School of Business, Hartford 06103 Bryan College of Court Reporting, Los Angeles 90057 New Haven Academy of Business, New Haven 06510 California School of Court Reporting, Santa Ana 92701 New London School of Business, New London 06320 Central Calffornu Commercial College, Fresno 93721 Stone School of Business, New Haven 06511 Goodie College of Business and Computer Technology, San Jose 95129 District of Colombia: Empire College, Santa Rosa 95401 Brook-Wein Business Institute, Washington 20036 Heald Busumas College, San Jose 95113 Jefferson Secretanal College, Washington 20006 Heald Business College, San Francisco 94109 Washington School for Secretaries. Washington 20006 Heald Business College, Oakland 94612 Florida: Heald Business College, Walnut Creek 94596 Heald Business College. Hayward 94541 Charron-Williams College. Miami 33130 Heald Business College, Sacramento 95816 Garces Commercial Coliege, Miami 33135 Irvine College of Business, Santa Ana 92714 Morris College of Business. Melbourne 32935 Julie Nation College, Santa Rosa 95401 Pompano Business College. Pompano Beach 33062 Kelsey-Jenney College, San Diego 92101 Prospect Hall College, Hollywood 33020 Long Beach College of Business. Long Beach 90802 Southern College, Orlando 32801 Los Angeles Business College, Los Angeles 90014 Stenotype Institute cl Jacksonville. Jacksonville 32050 Luther Burbank Secretarial College, Santa Rosa 95404 Georgia: Merit College of Court Reporting, Van Nuys 91406 Atlanta College of Business, Atlanta 30309 Moore's Business College. Sacramento 95816 Branell Women's College, Atlanta 30.103 MTI-Western Business College. Sacramento 95816 Brown College tif Court Reporting, Atlanta 30324 North County College, Escondido 92027 Massey Business College, Atlanta 30308 North County College, Escondido 92075 Meadows College of Business, La Grange 30240 Orange County Business College, Anaheim 92805 Meadows College of Business, Albany 31706 Pacific Legal Arts College, Comm llo 93010 Meadows College o unites& Columbus 31906 Patricia Stevens Fashion College, San Diego 92108 Merritt College, Atlanta 30309 San Diego College of Business, San Diego 92123 Hawaii: Santa Barbara Business College, Santa Barbara 93101 Sawyer College at Ventura. Ventura 93003 Cannons International Business College, Honolulu 96813 Sawyer College of Business, Pasadena 91106 Hawaii School of Business, Honolulu 96817 Sawyer College of Business, Van Nuys 91405 University of Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu 96801 Sawyer College of Business, San Diego 92115 Idaho: Sawyer School at Pomona. Pomona 91766 Link's School of Business, Boise 83706 Sawyer Schools, Anaheim 92802 Sawyer Schools Inc. Santa Clara 95050 Illinois: Sawyer Schools Inc. Los Angeles 90024 Catherine Scott Secretarial School, Chicago 60601 Sawyer Schools Inc. Sacramento 95816 Chicago College of Commerce, Chicago 60603 Sierra College of Business,LosAngeles 900 College of Automation, Chicago 60602 Skadron College of Business, San Bernardino 92404 Gem City College, Quincy 62301 South Bay College of Business, Hawthorne '10250 Illinois Commercial College. Champaign 61820 United College of Business, Hollywood 90028 Marion Adult Education and Career Training Center, Valley Commercial College, Modesto 95354 Cmcago 60612 Van Nuys College of Business, Van Nuys 91402 Metropolitan School of Business. Chicago 60645 Webster Career College. Los Anodes 90010 MSTA Business School, Chicago 60605

55 6' Specialized Accreditation and Preaccreditation

Northwestern Business College, Chicago 60641 Kinyon-Campbell Business School, New Bedford 02740 Robert Morris College, Chicago 60611 Mayan Court Secretarial School, Swampscott 01907 Rockford Business College, Rockford 61101 New England School of Accounting, Worcester 01609 Sawyer School, Oak Park f 101 Salter Secretanal School, Worchester 01699 Sparks College, Sbelbyvilii. a S65 Tech-Age Business School, Malden 02148 Taylor Business Institute, Chicago 6060: Mieblum: haw: Argubnght Business College, Battle Creek 49014 Indiana Business College, Indianapolis 46204 Cambridge Business School, iron 48226 ITT Business Institute, Indianapolis 46218 Detroit Business Institute. roit 48226 La Porte Business College, La Porte 46350 Detroit Institute of Comm ce, Detroit 48201 Michiana College of Commerce, South Bend 46616 Dorsey Business School, Roseville 48066 losnu Dorsey Business School, Lincoln Park 48146 Jackson Business University, Jackson 49201 American Institute of Commerce, Bettendorf 52722 Lansing Business Institute, Lansing 48933 Hamilton Business College, Mason City 50401 Michigan Technical Institute, Ann Arbor 48104 Marycrest College, Davenport 52804 Parsons Business College, Kalamazoo 49006 Spencer School of ;minus, Spencer 51301 Payne-Pulliam School of Trade and Commerce, Detroit 48201 MINIM Pontiac Business Institute, Pontiac 48058 Adele Hale Business Career School, Putchinson 67501 Pontiac Business Institute, Madison Heights 48071 Brown-Mackse College, Salina 67401 Pontiac Business Institute, Oxford 48051 Central College, Wichita 67214. Port Huron School of Business, Port Huron 48060 Clark College, Topeka 66600 Ross Business Institute, Detroit 48205 Salt City Business College, Hutchinson 67501 Saginaw Business Institute, Saginaw 48607 Wichita Business College, W:chits 67202 Sawyer School of Business, Center Line 48015 Kentucky: Minnesota: Fupzu College, Lexington 405021 Academy of Accountancy, Minneapolis 55401 Spencerian College, Louisville 40264 Duluth Business University, Duluth 55802 Globe College of Business, St Paul 55101 Louisiana: Lowthian Fashion School, Minneapolis 55402 Audubon Commercial College of New Orleans, New Oilcans Mankato Commercial College, Mankato 56001 70130 Minneapolis Business College, Minneapolis 55403 Ayers School of Business, Shreveport 71103 Minnesota School of Business, Minneapolis 55402 Commercial College of Baton Rouge, Baton Rouge 70806 Northern Technical School of Business, Minneapolis 55402 Commercial College of Shreveport, Shreveport 71104 Rasmsen School for Business, St Paul 55102 Delta School of Business, Lafayette 70506 St Cloud Business School, St Cloud 56301 Delta School of Business, Lake Charles 70601 Delta School of Business, Baton Rouge 70806 Mnsisalppl: Delta School of Commerce, Alexandria 71301 Draughon's Business College, Jackson 39205 Draughton Business College, Shreveport 71101 Phillips College, Jackson 39205 Louisiana Business College, Monroe 71201 Professional College of Business, Greenville 38701 Meadows-Draughon College, New Orleans 70119 Professional College of Business, Columbus 39703 Robinson Business College, Monroe 71201 Professional College of Business, Tupelo 38801 Spencer Business College, Lafayette 70501 Vicksburg Commercial College, Vicksburg 39180 Spencer-Draughon Business College, Baton Rouge 7082: Missouri: Watbank Business College, Marrero 70072 Brown's Business & Secretarial School, Bndgeton 63044 Madam Cape Business College, Cape Girardeau 63701 Mid-State Business School, Auburn 04210 Draughon Business College, Springfield 65805 Hickey School, St Louis 63117 Maryland: Kansas City Business College, Kansas City 64106 Fleet School for Secretanes, Annapolis 21401 Patnca Stevens Career College, St Louis 63101 Hagerstown Business College, Hagerstown 21740 Platt College, St Joseph 64501 Muncie Stevens militate of Fashion, Baltimore 21228 Sawyer Business College, St Louis 63139 Strayer blUilleSS College, Baltimore 21202 Suitland Business School, Suitland 20028 Nebraska: Temple School of Maryland, Silver Spring 20910 Grand Island School of Business, Grand Island 68801 Towson Stratford School, Towson 21204 Lincoln School of Commerce, Lincoln 68501 Nebraska College of Business, Omaha 68131 Munseltesatts: Pat.icia Stew is Fashion and Business College, Omaha 68131 Burdett School, Boston 02199 Business Education Institute, West Springfield 01089 Nevada: Hickox School, Boston 02116 Reno Business College Reno 89502

56 Specialized Accreditation and Preaccreditation

New Hampshire: Midtown S::hool of Business, New York 10036 Hesser ir_ollege, Mar ,,hester 0004 Monroe Business Institute, Bronx 10460 MTI Business School, Prooklyn 11201 New Jersey: New York Business School, New York 10019 Amencan Business Academy liaLkensack 07601 Olean Business Institute, Olean 16'60 Berkeley School, Little Falls 07424 Plaza Business Schs=o1, Jackson Heights 1!":72 Century Institute of Court Reporting, Hackensack 07602 Powelson Business Institute, Syracuse 13202 Cetone School, Edison 08817 Ridley-Lowell School of Business, Binghamton 13905 Dover Business College, Dover 07801 Rochester Business Institute, Rochester 14604 Essex College of Business. Newark 07102 Royal Business School, New York 10011 First School of Secretarial and Paralegal Sudies, East Orange Sawyer Schools, Rochester 14605 07018 Sawyer Schools, Buffalo 14209 Harm School of Business, Cherry Hill 08002 South Shore Business School, Babylon 11590 Harris School of Business, Westmont 08108 Stenotype Academy, New Work 10001 Ho-Ho-Kus School, Ramsey 07446 Stenotype Institute, New York 10019 Lincoln Technical Institute, Pennsauken 08110 Taylor Business Institute, Hempstead 11551 Plaza Technical Institute, Paramus 0-652 Taylor Business Institute, New York 10036 Pop tun School of Court Reporting, Cherry Hill 08034 Utica School of Commerce, Utica 13501 Roberts-Walsh B 'mess School, Union 07081 Washington Business Institute, New York 10003 Savtlyer School, Clifton 07011 Westchester Business Instnute, White Plains 10606 Sawyer School, Elizabeth 07208 Wood School, New York 10017 School for T.:;.t...utive Secretaries, Newark 07102 School of Business Machines, Jersey City 07106 North Carolina: Stafford Hall School cf Busiriess, Summit 0";yol Amencan Business and Fashion lastitute, Charlotte 28205 Stuart School of Business Administration, Asbury Pk 07712 Miller-Motte Business College, Wilmington 28403 Taylor Business Institute, Paramus 07652 Rutledge College of Durham, Inc, Durham 2/701 Tay1,-; Business Institute, Manasquan 08736 Salisbury Business College, Salisbury 28144 Taylor Business Institute, Plainfield p7060 North Deotar New Mexico: Aaker's Business College, Grand Forks 58201 Vogue Beauty College #11, Sams Fe 87501 Capital Commercial College, Bismark 58401 Interstate Business College, Fargo 58102 New York: Adelphi Business School, Brooklyn 11229 Ohio: Adelphi Business Schools, Mineola 11501 Academy of Court Reporting, Resident Div, Cleveland Albany Business College, Albany 12210 44114 Alice B Skinner Secretarial School, Garden City 11530 , Columbus 43214 American Business Institute, New York 10019 Buckeye College of Business and Technology, Akron 44312 Berkeley School, White Plains 10604 Campbell Commercial College, Cincinnati 45202 Berkeley-Clareiwn School, New York 10017 Cincinnati Metropolitan College, Cincinnati 45202 Berkeley - Claremont School, Hicksville 11801 Columbus Business University, Columbus 43220 Blake Business School, Smithtown 11781 Cqntrolr Data Institute, Independence 44131' Bnarcliffe School, Hicksville 11801 Business College,Gallipolis45631 Bryant and Stratton Business Institute, Rochester 14604 Hammel-ActualHammel - Actual College, Akron 44308 Bryant and Stratton Business Institute, Buffalo 14202 stitute of Computer Management, Cleveland 44115 Business Acsdern., of Westchester. White Plains 10601 Mansfield Business College, Mansfield 44905 Drake Business School, Staten Island 10301 MTI Buaness Scrioo!, Cleve mid 44,13 Drake Business School, flushing 11355 Northwestern 9usmess Coll :p.:, Lima 45, r5 Drake Business Scnool, New York 10038 Penn-Ohio Jullior College, foungstown 1007 Drake Business School, Bronx 10458 Portsmouth Interstate Business College, Portsmouth 45662 Elmira Business Institute, Elmira 14901 RETS Electronic School, Toledo 43614 .,,,,...... - Empire Institute, New York 10001 Sawyer College of Business, Cleveland Heights 44118 Hervey & Browne Secretarial School, Brooklyn 11201 Sawyer School of Businest, Dayton 45459 Interboro Institute, New York 10003 Southwestern College of Business, West Carrollton 45449 International Career Institute. New York 10001 Trumbull Business School, Warren 44482 Jamestown Business College, Jamestown 14701 Youngstown Col' ge of Business and Professional Drafting, Katharine C'bbs School, New York ItK/17 Youngstown (:)7 Katharine Gibbs School, Melville 11746 Oklahoma: Kelley Business Institute Niagara Fails 14305 Draughon School of Business, Okla4soma City 73102 Kensington Business institute, Buffalo 14215 )raughon School of Business, TO; 74119 Knssler Business Institute, Poughkeepsie 12602 Latin American Institute, Inc, Ncw York 10036 Oregon: Long Islano Business Institute, Commack 11725 Court Reporting Institute, Portland 97204

57 c -7414 Specialized Accreditation and Preaccreditation

La Grande Colligiof Business, La Grande 97850 American Commercial College, Sao Angelo 76901 Merritt Davis BuinaseiNCollege, Eugene 97401 BMI School of Busmess, Long,. xi,. 75601 Merritt Davis Cono* Business, Salem 97301 Central Texas Commercial College, Brownwood 76801 Northwestern College of Business, Portland 97201 Cheesier Busr.-ss College, Beaumont 77704 Western Business College, Portland 97204 Dallas Court Reporting College, Dallas 7.'247 Draughon's Business College, Fort Worth 76107 Pasmoyhasia. Durham Business College, El Paso 79902 Allentown Business School. Allentown 18101 Durham College, San Antonio 78205 Altoona School of Commerce, A:i00FIS 16602 Durham College, San Antonio 78205 Berton Institute, Philadelphia 19130 Durham's Busmess College-Technical Division, Austin 78767 Bradford School. Pittsburgh 15212 Executive Secretarial School of Texas, Dallas 75219 Business Careers Institute, Greensburg 15601 Four t_Fusiness College, Waco 76703 Cambria -Rowe Business Ct.:lege, Johnstown 15901 Ft Worth School of Business, Fort Worth 76107 Centre Business School, State College 16801 International Business College, El Paso 79903 Churchman Buamess School, Easton 18042 Jack' Nell, Executive Secretary School, Austin 78704 Computer Systems Institute, Pittsburgh 15222 Massey Business College, Houston 77002 Douglas School of Business, Monessen 15062 Massey Business College, Nacogdoches 75961 Du Bois Business College, Du Bois 15801 Stenogrnph Institute of Texas, Abilene 79604 Duffs Business Institute, Pittsburg 15222 Tyler Commercial College, Tyler 75701 Erie Business Center, Erie 16501 Zorn Business College, Houston 77027 1CM School of Business, Pittsburgh 15222 Virginia: Keystone Secretarial and Business Administration School, Swarthmore 19081 Brandon Secretarial College, Roanoke 24012 Lansdale School of Burnes*, Lansdale 19446 College of Hampton Roads, Newport News 23602 Levitan School, Philadelphia 19102 Elizabeth Brant Schoo:, Staunton 24401 McCann School for Business, Mahanoy City 17948 ITT Business Institute, Bailey's Crossroads 22041 New Castle Business College, New Castle 16101 Kee's Business College, Norfolk 23703 New Kensington Commercial School, New Kensngton 15068 Norfolk College, Norfolk 23510 Penn Commercial College, Washington 15301 Northern Virginia Business School, Falls Church 22042 Philadelphia School of Office Training, Philadelphia 19103 Phillips Business College, Lynchburg 24505 Sawyer School. Pittsburgh 15222 Princess Anne Business College, Virginia Beach 23452 School of Computer Technology, Pittsburgh 15222 Richmond Business College, Richmond 23220 aenango Valley Commencs1 [minis:, Sharon 16146 Smithdeal-Massey Business College, Richmond 23220 South Hills Business School. State College 16801 West Virginia Career College, Wheeling 26003 Thompson Institute, Harrisburg 17111 Washington: Wheeler School, Pittsburgh 15219 Bremerton Business College, Bremerton 98310 Williamsport School of Commerce, Williamsport 17701 Capitol Business College, Olympia 98506 Wilma Boyd Career School, Pittsburgh 15219 Cascade College of Commerce, Bellingham 98225 Rhoda bland: Chase Business College, Vancouver 98660 Katherine Gibbs School, Providence 02903 Commercial Training College, Seattle 98133 Griffin College, Seattle ,"3121 Modern Secretarial School, Provid-nce 02903 N Ocean State Business Institute, Wakefield 02880 ITT-Peterson S:hool of Business, Seattle 98101 Rhode Island Business Institute, Pawtucket 02861 Kinman Business university, Spokane 99201 Sawyer School. Pawtucket 02860 Knapp College of Business, Tacoma 98403 Longview Business College, Longview 98632 Soya Groh= Metropolitan Business College, Seattle 98101 Forest College, Anderson 29621 Modern Business College, Kennewick 09336 Skagit Rumness College, Mount Vernon 98273 South Dakota: Yakima Business College, Yakima 98902 Nettleton College, Sioux Falls 57104 West Virginia: Stenotype Institute of South Dakota, Sioux Falls 57102 Watertown Business University Inc, Water Town 57201 Huntington College of Business, Huntington 25701 Mountain State College, Parkersburg 26101 TOOMMINNt West Vir,;,nia Career College, Fairmont 76554 Marshall College. Memphis 38104 West Virginia Career College, Morgantown 26505 Memphis School of Commerce. Memphis 38104 West Virginia Career College, Charleston 5322 Miller-Hawkins Business College, Memphis 38104 West Virginia Career College, Huntington 25701 West Ten:essee Business College, Jackson 38301 West Virginia Career College, elarktlifirgy 26301 Issas: Wisconsin: Allstate Business College, Dallas 75219 MBTI Business Training Institute, Milwaukee 53203 American Commercial College, Abilene 75o02 Patricia Stevens Career College and Finishing School, Ainerwan Commercial College, Odessa 79760 Milwaukee 53203

58 -II Specialized Accredited°. and Pr.:accreditation Gar: CLINICAL PASTORAL EDUCATION Int.:volitional Business College of Guam, Agana 96910

Puerto Rite: Associttion for Clinical Pastoral Education, Inc. Nutrias Business College, Caguas 00625 Charles E Hall 1: , Executive Director Humacao Community College, Humacao 00661 Interchurch Center, Suite 450 lnstituto De Banc: Y Programacion, Rio Piedras 00925 475 Riverside Drive MBTI Business Training Institute, Santurce 00908 New York, New York 10027

Clinical Pastoral Education (Accredited)

CHIROPRACTIC Alabaman: Baptist Medical Center, Birmingham 35213 Council on Chiropractic Education Carraway Methodist Medical Center, Birmingham 35234 Arizona: Commission on Accreditation Good Samaritan Hospital, Phoenix 85062 California: Ralph G. Miller, Executive Secretary, CCE Atascadero State Hospital, Atascadero 93421 3209 Ingersoll Avenue California Institution for Women, Fronttra 91720 Des Moines, Iowa 50312 California Prison Mental Hospital, Vacaville 95688 Contra Costa County Medical Services, Martinez 94553 Fred C Nel les School, Whittier 90601 Chiropractic (Accredited) Herrick Memorial Hospital & Pastoral Center, Berkeley 94704 Kings View F spits', Reed ley 93(.54 Calibrate: Letterman Army Medical Center, San Francisco 94129 Los Angeles College of Chiropractic, Glendale 91205 Loma Linda University, Loma Linda 92354 Lang !leach General Hospital Alcoholism Service, Long Maoist Beach 90806 National College of Chiropractic, Lombard 60148 Memorial Hospital Medical Center of Long Beach, Long Beach 90801 Iowa: Napa State Hospital, Imola 94558 Palmer College of Chiropractic, Davenport, 52803 Northern Reception Center Clinic, Sacramento 95826 Presbyterian Hospital of Pacific Medical Center, San Minnow's.: Francisco 94120 St Joseph's Hospital, Orange 92667 Northwestern College of Chiropractic, St Paul 55116 U S Army Headquarters, Ft Ord 93941 Missouri: University of California Medical Center, San Francisco 94122 Veterans Administration Medical Center, Martinez 94533 Logan College of Chiropractic, Chesterfield 63100 Colorado: Now York Bethesda Hospital and Community Health Center, Denver New York Chiropractic College, Glen Head 11545 80222 Boulder Community Hospital, Boulder 80303 Taus: Colorado State Hospital, Pueblo 81003 Teiuis Chiropractic College, Pasadena 77505 Federal Correctional Institution, Englewood 80110 Ft Carson Clinical Pastoral Education Center, Ft Carson 80206 Chiropractic (Preaccredited) Ft Logan Mental Health Center, Denver 80236 Medical Center-The Children's Hospital, Aurora California: 80010 Cleveland Chiropractic College, Los Angeles 90004 St James Presbyterian Church, Littleton 80218 Connecticut: Georgia: Connecticut Valley Hospital, Middletown 06452 Life Chiropractic College, Marietta 30060 Diocese of Connecticut Episcopal Church, Hartford 06105 Fairfield Hills Hospital, Newtown 06470 Missouri: Hartford Hospital, Hartford 06115 Cleveland Chiropractic College, Kansas City 64131 Hon ital of St Raphael, New Haven 06511 Drava: Long Lane School, Middletown 06457 Norwich Hospital, Norwich 06360 Western States Chiropractic College, Porland 97230 Waterbury Hospital Health Center, Waterbury 06720

59 i Specialized Accreditation and Preaccreditation

Yale-New Haven Medical Center. Nev, Haven 06504 Indiana: 3elaware: Central State Hospital, Indianapolis 46222 Delaware State Hospital, New Cast lc 19720 Deacol, Hospital, Evansville 47710 Indiana University Medical Center, Indianapolis 46202 District of Columbia: LaRue D Carter Memorial Hospital, Indianapolis 45202 Catholic University of America, Washington 20017 Methodist Hospital of Indiana Inc, Indianapolis 46202 Children's Hospital National Medical Center. Washington Oaklawn Psychiatric Center, Elkhart 46514 20010 Parkview Memorial Hospital, Ft Wayne 46805 Sibley Memonal Hospit ', Washington 20016 Regional Mental Health Center of Howard Community St Elizabeth's Hospital, Washington 20013 Hospital, Kokomo 46901 Walter Reed Army Medical Center, Washington 20012 Reid Memorial Hospital, Richmond 47374 Washington Hospital Center, Washington 20015 Iowa: Molds: Glenwood State Hospital-School, -Glenwood 51534 Baptist Hospital, Pensacola 32501 Iowa Methodist Medical Center, Des Moines 50308 Methodist Hospital, Jacksonville 32209 Mental Health Institute, Cherokee 51012 Pastoral Counseling Center. Jacksonville 32204 Mental Health Institute, Clarinda 51632 Georgia: Mental Health Institute, Independence 50644 Athens General itloapna.-Northeast Community Filth Ctr. Mercy Hospital, Des Moines 50314 Athens 30604 St Luke's Methodist Hospital, Cedar Rapids 52402 Central State Hospital, Milledgeville 41062 University of Iowa, Iowa City 52242 Ft Denning Clinical Pastoral Education Center, Ft Benning Kansas: 31905 Bethany Medical Center, Kansas City 66102 Ft Gordon Clinical Pastoral Education Center, Ft Gordon Ft Riley Clinical Pastoral Education 0- ter. Ft Riley 66442 30905 Hadley Regional Medica Center, Hays 67601 Georgia Association for Pastoral Care, Atlanta 303:9 Lamed State Hospital, Larned 67550 Georgia Baptist Hospital Medical Center, Atlanta 30312 Prairie View Mental Health Center, Newton 67114 Georgia Mental Health Institute, Atlanta 30306 Shawnee Mission Medical Center and Mental Health Center, Georgia Regional Hospital at Atlanta, Decatur 30034 Shawnee Mission 66201 Geotsia Regional Hospital at Augusta, Augusta 30906 St Francis Hospital, Topeka 66606 Georgia Regional Hospital at Savannah, Savannah 41406 Topeka State Hospital, Topeka 66606 Georgia Retardation Center, Atlanta 31406 Wesley Medical Center, Wichita 67214 St Luke's Episcopal Church Training and Counseling Center, Atlanta 30308 Kentucky: University Hospital, Augusta 30902 Central State Hospital, Louisville 40223 Hawaii: Christian Snidet Fellowship Inc. University of Kentucky, Lexington 40506 Hawaii Mental Health Div-Hawaii State Hospital. Kanoehoe Eastern State Hospital, Lexington 40508 96744 Ft Knox Clinical Pastoral Education Center, Ft Knox 40121 Schofield Barracks Clinical Pastoral Education Center, Louisville Baptist Hospital, Louisville 40204 Honolulu 96857 Louisville Clinical Pastoral Education Cluster, Louisville Idaho: 40204 Intermountain Clinical Pastoral Education Center, Boise Methodist Evangelical Hospital, Louisville 40202 83702 University of Kentucky Medical Center, Lexington 40506 University of Louisville Medical Center-Louisville Gen Hos, Louisville 40202 Alexian Brother's Medical Center, Elk Grove Village 60007 Louisiana: Ch:ldrens Memorial Hospital, Chicago 60614 Christ Ftosrital. Oak Lawn 60453 Orleans Parish Prison-Community Correctional Center, New Illinois Stat -^rtment of Corrections. Firingfield 62687 Orleans 70119 Lutheran General Hospital, Park Ridge 60068 Southern Baptist Hospital, New Orleans 70175 MacNeal Me,sal Hospital, Berwyn 60402 Veterans Administration Medical Center, New Orleans 7d175 McGraw H( .nal of Loyola University, Chicago 60611 Maine: Methodist Medical Cen'-r of Illinois, Peoria 61603 Chestnut Street United Methodist Churcn, Portland 04111 Rockford Memorial Hospital, Rockford 61101 Eastern Maine Med,cal Center,,Bangor 04401 Rush-Presbyterian-St Luke's Medical_Center, Chicago 60612 Maine Correctiot Center, South Windham 04082 Silver Cross Hospital, Joliet 60412 Si-"nthc.n Illinois University, Carbondale 62901 Maryland: Swedish Covenant Hospital, Chicago 60625 Brook Lane Psychlatrt( Center, Hagerstown 21740 The First Unitarian Church-The Depot, Chicago 60617 Crow nsv die Hospital Center. Crowns-ale 21012 University of Chicago, Chicago 60617 Maryland Institute of Pastoial Counseling, Annapolis 11403 Victory Memorial Hospital, Waukegan 6(08 Memorial Hospital of Cumberland, Cumberland 21507

60 ti Specialized Accreditation and Preaccreditation

Pastoral Counseling and Consult Ctrs of Greater Baltimore. University of Mississippi Medical tenter, Jackson 39216 Baltimore 21236 Sheppard and Enoch Pratt Hospital, Baltimore 21204 Missouri: Spring Grove Hospital Center, Catonsville 21228 Baptist Memorial Hospital, Kansas City 64131 Suburban Hospital, Bethesda 2(X)14 Barnes Hospital. St LOUIS 63110 Massachusetts: Csre & Counseling Inc, St Louis 63141 Deaconess Hospital, St Louis 63139 Albert V Danielsen Pastoral Counseling Service, Boston Farmington State Hospital, Farmington 63640 02215 Ft Leonardwood Clinical Pastoral Education Center, Ft Andover Newton Theological School, Newton Centre 02159 Leona rd wood 65473 Beverly tiospital, ,`'.overly 01915 Fulton State Hospital, Fulton 65251 Bon Secours Hospital, Methuen 01844 Lutheran Charities Association, St Louis 63118 Boston City Hospital, Newton Centre 02159 Methodist Hospital Medical Center, St Joseph 64501 Cushing Hospital,amingham 01701 Mid-Missouri Mental Hlth Ctr -tlniv of Missouri Medical Ctr, Danvers State Hospital, Hawthorne 019,37 Columbia 65211 Hogan Regional Center, Hathorne 01937 Research Hospital and Medical Center, Kansas City 64132 Massachusetts General Hospital. Boston 02114 Southeast Missouri Hospital, Cape Girardeza 63701 Melrose-Wakefield Hospital, Melrose 02176 St Joseph Hospital, St Joseph 64501 Mercy Hospital, Springfield 01104 St Joseph State Hospital, St Joseph 64502 Morgan Memonal-Goodwill Vocational Rehabilitation St Louis Cluster, St Louis 63110 Agency, Boston 02116 St Louis State Hospital Complex, St Louis 63139 New England Deaconess Hospital, Boston 02215 St Luke's Hospital, St Louis 63112 Paul A Dever State School, Taunton 02780 St Luke's Hospital of Kansas City, Kansas City 64111 Sancta Maria Hospital, Cambridge 02138 St Peter and Paul Parish, S Boston 02127 Trinity Lutheran Hospital, Kansas City 64108 Tewksbury Hospital, Tewksbury 10876 Veterans Administration Hospital, Kansas City 64125 Union-Truesdale Hospital, Fall River 02720 Nebraska: Westboro State Hospital, Westboro 01581 Bryan Memorial Hospital, Lincoln 68506 Worcester State Hospital. Worcester 01604 Immanuel Medical Center, Omaha 68122 Michigan: Nebraska Methodist Hospital, Omaha 68114 Bronson Methodist Hospital, Kalamazoo 49006 Panhandle Mental Health Center, Scottsbluff 49361 Harper-Grace Hospital, Grace Hospital Division, Detroit New Hampshire: 48235 Marquette General Hospital, Marques': 49855 New Hampshire Hospital, Concord 03301 Mount Carmel Mercy Hospital and Medical Center, Detroit St Paul's Church, Concord 03301 48235 New Jersey: Pine Rest Christian Hospital, Grand Rapids 49508 University of Michigs. Medical Center, Ann Arbor 48:09 Bergen Pines County Hospital, Paramus 07652 Ypsilanti Regional Psychiatric Hospital, Ypsilanti 48197 Burlington County Memorial Hospital, Mount Holly 08060 Clara Maass Memorial Hospital, Belleville 07109 Minnesota: Medical Center at Princeton, Princeton 08540 Abbott-Northwestern Hospital, Minneapolis 55407 Somerset Medical Center, Somerville 09976 Bethesda Lutheran Medical Center, St Paul 55101 Fairview Hospital, Minneapolis 55404 New Mexico: Hazelden Foundation. Center City 55013 St Joseph Hospital, Albuquerque 87102 Hennepin County Court Services, Minneapolis 551" New York. Hennepin County Medical Center, Minneapolis 55415 Lakeland Mental Health Center, Fergus Falls 56533 Bellevue Hospital Center. New York 10016 Methodist Hospital, St Louis Park 55416 Central Islip Pyschiatric Center, Central Islip 11722 Mz.tropolitan Medical Center, Minneapolis 55404 Eger Lutheran Homes, Staten Island 10306 Midway Hospital, St Paul 55104 Erie County Medical Center, Buffalo 14215 North Memorial Medical Center, Minneapolis 55427 Goldwater Memorial Hospital, FDR Island 10044 Rochester Medical Center Ministry, Rochester 55901 Institutes of Religion and Health-Peale Graduate Institute, Rochester Methodist Hospital, Rochester 55901 New York 10001 Southwestern Mental Health Center, Laverne 56156 Lutheran Medical Center, Brooklyn 11220 St Joseph's Hospital. St Paul 55404 Methodist Hospital of Brooklyn, Brooklyq 11215 St Luke's Hospital, Duluth 55800 Patterson Home for the Aged, Uniondale 1,1 11553 University of Minnesota Hospitals, Minneapolis 55414 Ptesbyterian Hospital, New York 10032 Wilder Clinic- Parishes, St Paul 55 iO4 St Luke's Institute for Health, New York 10025 Wilmar State Hospital, Willmar 56201 The Hospital Chaplaincy Inc, New York 10021 University of Rochester-Strong Memorial Hospital, Rochester h. -Omani: 14620 East Mississippi State Hospital, Mendan 114101 US Army Chaplain Center and School, Staten Island 10996

61 7 ) Specialized Accreditation and Pre accreditation

North Corollas: Rhode Laud: Duke University, Durham 27706 Interfaith Health Care Ministries Inc, Providence 02903 it Bragg Clinical Pastoral Education Center. Ft Bragg 28307 John Umstead Hospital, Butner 27509 South Carolina: North Carolina Baptist Hospital, Winston-Salem 27IC3 Anderson-Oconee-Pickens Mental Health Center, Anderson North Carolina Memorial Hospital, Chapel Hill 27514 29621 Wake County Hospital System Inc, 'sleigh -27610 Baptist Medical Center, Columbia 29220 Central Correctional Institution, Columbia 29211 North Dakota: Charleston Area Mental Health Center, Charleston 29401 Bismarck Hospital, Bismarck 58501 Columbia Area Mental Health Center, Columbia 29203 North Dakota State Hospital, Bismarck 58501 Earl E Moms Jr Alcohol and Drug Addiction Center, St Luke's Hospital, Fargo 58102 Columbia 29203 The United Hospital, Grand Forks 58201 Greenville Area Mental Health Center, Greenville 29605 Ohio: Richland Memorial Hospital, Columbia 29203 South Carolina State Hospital, Columbia 29202 Bethesda Hospital, Zanesville 43701 Spartanburg General Hospital, Spartanburg 29303 Bethesda Hospital, Cincinnati 45206 William S Hall Psychiatric Institute, Columbia 29202 Central Ohio Psychiatric Hospital, Columbus 43223 Children's Hospital, Columbus 43205 South Dakota: Chillicothe Correctional Institute, Chillicothe 00000 Center for Community Organization and Area Development, Dettmer General Hospital, Troy 45373 Sioux Falls 57105 Fallsview Psychiatric Hospital, Cuyahoga 45373 Lutheran Social Services of South Dakota, Rapid City 57701 Inner-City CPE Inc-Prince of Peace Lutheran Church, Presentation Sisters-Division of Pastoral Care k Educ How, Cincinnati 45210 Sioux Falls 57101 Kettering Medical Center. Kettering 45429 Tennessee: Licking Memorial Hospital, Newark 43055 Memphis Institute of Medicine and Religion, Memphis 38103 Medical College of Ohio at Toledo, Toledo 43614 Methodist Hospital, Memphis 38100 Miami Valley Hospital, Dayton 45409 Veterans Administration Medical Center, Nashville 37203 Pastoral Counseling Center of Dayton, Dayton 454;03 Riverside Methodist Hospital, Columbus 43210 Texas Southwest Comni.nity Mental Health Center, Columbus Amarillo Hospital District, Amarillo 79175 43223 Austin State Hospital, Austin 78751 Oklahoma: Baptist Memorial Hospital, San Antonio 78205 Baylor University Medical Center, Dallas 75226 baptist Medical Center of Oklahoma, Oklahoma City 73112 Brackenridge Hospital, Austin 78701 Ft Sill Clinical Pastoral Education Center, Ft Sill 73503 Ecumenical Cente for Religion and Health, San Antonio Hillcrest Medical Center, Tulsa 74102 78229 Phillips University, Enid 73701 Emecopal Theological Seminary of the Southwest, Austin Presbyterian Hospital, Oklahoma City 73104 78705 Prince of Peace Lutheran Church, Ponca City 74601 Ft Bliss Clinical Pastoral Center, Ft Bliss 79906 Oregoa: Ft Hood Clinical Pastoral Education Center, Ft Hood 76544 Emanuel Hospital, Portland 97227 Harris County Hospital District, Houston 77025 Oregon State Hospital, Salem 97310 Harris Hospital-Methodist School, Ft Worth 76104 Providence Medical Center, Portland 97213 Hermann Hospital, Houston 77025 High Plains Baptist Hospital, Amarillo 79106 Peony !maim Memorial Hospital System, Houston 77002 Bethlehem United Methodist Church, York 17403 Memorial Medical Center, C^rpus Christie 78405 Geisinger Medical Center, Danville 17821 Methodist Hospital, Lubbock 79410 Haverford State Hospital, Haverford 19041 Methodist Hospitals of Dallas, Dallas 75222 Holy Spirit Hospital. Camp Hill 17011 Presbyterian likpital of Dallas, Dallas 75231 Lancaster General Nostra!, Lancaster 17604 Rusk State Hospital, Rusk '75785 Mayview State Hospital. Bridgeville 15017 Southwest Texas Mt^waist hospital, Sen Antonio 78229 Pennhuist Development Center. Spring City 19475 St John's Hospital, San Angelo 70902 Philadelphia State Hospital, Philadelphia 191' , St Joseph Hospital, Houston 77002 Presbyterian University of Pennsylvania Center, St Luke's Episcopal Hospital, Houston 77030 Philadelphia 19104 Terrell State Hospital, Terrell 75160 St Luke's Hospital. Bethlehem 18015 Texas Research Institute for Mental Sciences, Houston 77030 State Correctional Institute, Camp Hill 00000 Valley Baptist Medical Center. Harlingen 78550 Warren State Hospital. Warren 16365 Vermont: Williamsport Hospital, Williatnsport 17701 York Hospital, York 17405 Medical Center Hospital of Vermont, Burlington 05401 ',ions Reformed United Church of Christ Parish CPE Center. Virginia: Greenville 16125 Eastern State Hospital, Williamsburg 23185

62 7i Specialized Accreditation and Preaccreditatioa

Mental Health Services of the Roanoke Valley, Roanoke Connect cut: 24016 Calvin L ..alker & Associates. 06525 Riverside Hospital, Newport News 23601 Dr Max C Eckart & Associates, Hartford 06105 Southampton Correctional Center, Capron 2382'1 R M Francoeur & Associates, Hartford 06105 Tidewater Psychiatric Institute, Norfolk 23507 Tidewater Psychiatric Institute, Virginia Beach 23454 Florida: University of Virginia, Charlottesville 22901 Central ilonda Institute Inc, Orlando 32803 Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond 23227 Leon Baird & Associates, Vero Beach 32960 Virginia Institute of Pastoral Care, Richmond 23220 Professional Golfers' Association, Lake Park 33403 Western State Hospital, Staunton 24401 South Florida Institute, Miami 33131 Southeast Florida Institute, Ft Lauderdale 33306 Woking goat Tom Lipe & Associates, Tallahassee 32302 Good Samantan Hospital, Puy311up 98371 West Florida Institute, Tampa 33606 Purdy Treatment Center for Women, Gig Harbor 98335 Virginia Mason Hospital, Seattle 98101 Georgia: Washington Corrections Center, Shelton 98584 Leadership Institute Inc, Atlanta 30309 West Virginia: Illinois: Weston State Hospital, Weston 26452 Claude Bowen & Associates, Inc, Westchester 60153 .1 .1 Perhach & Associates, Inc, Rockford 61108 Wiscomin: Mason & Associates, Inc, Peoria 61614 Deaconess Hospital, Milwaukee 53233 Portland Cement Association, Skokie 61108 Ethan Allen School, Wales 53183 Kettle Moraine Correctional Institution, Plymouth 53073 Indiana: Luther Hospital, Eau Claire 54701 Bow:on Associates, Syracuse 46567 Lutheran Social Services of Wisconsin and Upper Michigan, Robert D Hanes & Associates, Indianapolis 46226 Waukesha 53186 Iowa: Lutheran Social Services of Wisconsin and Upper Michigan, Eau Claire 53208 Dick Guzewich & Associates. Des Moines 28204 Mendota Mental Health Institute, Madison 53704 J E Bradley & Associates, Bettendorf 52722 St Joseph's Hospital, Milwaukee 53210 Kansas: St Luke's Hospital School, Milwaukee 53215 John E Moats & Associates, Inc, Mission 66202 St Mary's Medical Center. Green Bay 54303 Russ Hannibal & Associates, Topeka 66604 Kentucky: CONTINUING EDUCATION Ken Martin Associates, Inc, Louisville 40218 Louisiana: Council for Non-Collegiate Continuing Education James L Winner & Associates, Inc, Baton Rouge 70821 Leo D Hawkins & Associates, Inc, Shreveport 71109 Accrediting Commission Paul Phillips & Associates, Metairie 70002

Homer Kempfer, Executive Director Maryland: 6 North Sixth Street Leadership Training Institute of D C, Silver Spring 20910 Richmond, Virginia 23219 Richard L Brown & Associates, Inc, Towson 21204 Massachusetts: Continuing Education (Accredited) John Marron & Associates, Springfield 01115 Alabaraie New England Institute Inc. Waltham 61108 Glyn Ed Newton & Associates, Inc, Montgomery )1401 Miekimuc Leadership Services, Birmingham 35203 Michael J Handley & Associates, Saginaw 48602 Arisoaa: Ralph Nichols Corporation, Southfield 48075 William Helderman & Associates Inc, Grand Rapids 49509 George W Murphy & Associates, Phoenix 85020 Minnesota: Arkansas: Morns L Norman & Associa,..s, Inc, Minneapolis 55431 Leo Hawkins & Associates. Inc. Little Rock 72212 Missindaph Ca Blonds: John Speer & Associates, Jackson 39201 Eddie C Snow & Associates, Inc. Oakland 94611 ELS Language Centers, Santa Monica 90405 Missouri: L 0 But & Associates, Inc. Los Altos 94022 Abbott Associates, Springfield 65804 Colorado: Montana: Roland B Bonar & Associates. Inc. Denver 80201 Burr Burrell & Associates, Billings 59107

63 Specialized Accreditation and Preaccreditation

Nebraska: COSM ETOLOGY Peter Devnes and Associates, Omaha 68114

Nom Jena: National Accrediting Cignmission of Cosmetology Arts and Sciences Fred G Vest & Associates, l'ic, Hackensack 07601 Wes Westrom & Associates, Inc, Vy atchung 07060 Jerald W Donaway. Executive Dire/ or Wynn Etter & Associates. Inc, Cherry Hill 08034 1735 K Street, N W Washington, DC 20006 New Wales: A Lee Straughan & Associates, Inc, Albuquerque 87123 Cosmetology (Accredited)

New York: Alabama: Association of Junior Leagues, New York 10022 Alabama Beauty College, B,rmingham 35201 Dale Carnegie & Associates, Inc, Garden City 11530 F.enchle's College of Cosmetology, Dothan 36301 Leadership Training Institute of Western New York, Buffalo Rainey's Beauty Academy, Decatur 35601 14223 Arizona: National Association of Accountants, New York 10022 Advanced Beauty College, Tucson 85730 Advanced Beauty College -Esst, Tucson 85712 North Cambium Advanced Beauty College-North, Tucson 85719 E 1 Taylor Corporation, Greenboro 27410 Allure Career College of Beauty, Tucson 85719 Allure Career College of Beauty, Scottsdale 85251 Ohio: Allure Career College of Beaalibtst. Tucson 85710 Ed W Grooms & Associates, Cincinnati 08034 American TricolOgy Institute, Phoenix 85015 Jame* R Thomas & Associates, Dayton 45402 American Trtcology Institute of Flagstaff, Flagstaff 86001 M L Jones & Associates, Bay Village 44140 Amon& Academy of Beauty, Tucson 85711 Arizona Academy of Beauty-North, Tucson 85705 Oklahoma: Arizona Academy of Beauty-South. Tucson 85713 Oklahoma Leadership Institute Inc, Norman 73069 Beebe's Academy of Beauty Culture, Yuma 85364 Classic Beauty College, Phoenix 85635 Orepos: Classic Beauty College/Camelback, Phoenix 8:103 Larry W Dennis & Associates. Inc. Portland 97221 Classic Beauty College-Casa Grande, Casa Grande 85222 Classic Beauty College-Chandler, Chandler 85224 Psassylvmda: Classic Beauty College-East, Phoenix 85014 Leadership Institute, Allentown 18103 Classic Beauty College-Glendale North, Glendale 85302 Leadership Institute. Philadelphia 19102 Classic beauty College-Globe, Claypool 85532 Leadership Training Institute Inc, Pittsburgh 15219 Classic Beauty College-Mesa, Mesa 85201 Penn Institute Inc, Harrisburg 17112 Classic Beauty Colley-Scottsdale, Scottsdale 85251 Classic Beauty College-Tempe, Tempe 85281 Smith Cardiac Classic Beauty College-Thomas, Phoenix 05028 Earl's Academy of Beauty, Mesa 85202 Walt Farrar & Associates, Inc, Columbia 29204 Flagstaff Beauty College, Flagstaff 86001 Tamotsu's: Hairmasters University of Beauty, Phoenix 85040 Hairmasters University of Beauty, Phoenix 85016 Brickell InstituteT Leadership Training, Memphis 38116 International Academy of Beauty Culture, Scottsdale 85257 Phil Deane & Assoc.iates, Inc. Knoxville 37919 Phoenix Academy of Beauty-Glendale. Glendale 85302 UMW Phoenix Academy of Beauty-Maryvale. Phoenix 85301 Phoenix Academy of Beauty-North Central Phoenix 85012 Jim Tnvette I Associates, Inc, Houston 77036 Royal College of Beauty, Mesa 85201 Joe Nicholson & Associates, Inc, Dallas 75247 Tucson Beauty College Inc. Tucson 85701 Tucson Beauty College Inc, Tucson 85726 VlrVaIa United Academy of Beauty. Phoenix 85040 Gene Cook & Astociates. Inc, Richmond 23229 Arkansas: National Association of Professional Insurance Agents, Alexandria 22304 Bee -Jay's Hairstyling Academy, Little Rock 72204 Juanita's School of Hair Design, Crossett 71635 Was bet= Melhe's Beauty College. Ft Smith 72901 Alan R Annis & Associates. Spokane 99204 R & M Beauty School, Paragoulu 72450 Rita's Hair Dc-sign Institute, Fayetteville 72701 Wisconsin: Rogers Beauty Academy, Rogers 72756 John Hines & Associates, Milwaukee 53226 California: Richard Miller & Associates, De Pere 54178 Adrian s North Modesto ( °liege ot Beasts Modesto 45350

64 7t; Specialized Accreditation and PreaccredlUition

Al Tate Beauty College, Pasadena 91107 Fedenco California Expo College of Hairstyling, Sacramento Alameda Beauty College, Alameda 94501 95825 Alhambra Beauty College, Alhaml .a 91801 Fedenco Lake Tahoe College of Hairstyling, South Lake Amencan Beauty College, Bellflower 90706 Tahoe 95705 Americana Beauty Academy, San Leandro 94577 Fedenco's Fair Oaks College of Hairstyling, Fair Oaks 95628 Artist's Beauty College Sacramento 95814 Fedenco's Kern County College of Beauty, Bakersfield 93301 Athena Beauty College, Oakland 94612 Fedenco's North Fresno Beauty College, Fresno 93710 Bay Vista College of Beauty, National City 92050 Federico's Southgate College of Hairstyling, Sacramento Bjorn's Hairstyling Academy, Vallejo 94590 95823 California Beauty College, Modesto 95354 Fedenco's Tulare County College of Beauty. Visalia 93277 California Beauty College, Stockton 95207 Flavio Beauty College, Gardena 90249 California Beauty College, Walnut Creek 94598 Flavio Beauty College, Lynwood 90262 California Hair Design Academy, San Diego 92115 Flio Beauty College, Redondo Beach 90278 Canyon Country Beauty College, Canyon Country 91351 Flaw, Beauty College, Torrance 90501 Career Academy of Beauty, Seal Beach 90740 Flavio Beauty College, Garden Grove 92645 Career College of Hairstyling Yuba City 95991 Flavio La Habra Beauty College, La Habra 90631 Career College of Hairstyling, Marysvilk 95901 Flavio Orange Beauty College, Orange 92667 Carmichael Beauty College, Carmichael 96608 Flavios Long Beach Beauty College, Long Beach 90807 Castro Valley Beauty Academy, Castro Valley 94546 Fredrick & Charles Beauty College, Eureka 95501 Chico Beauty College, Chico 95926' Ganaye Academy of Cosmetology, Redwood City 94063 Chula Vista Beauty College, Chula Vista 92010 Gino Robair Beauty College, Riverside 92504 Citrus Heights Beauty College, Citrus Heights 95610 Girard's College of Beauty, Santa Ana 92704 Compton Beauty College, Compton 90221 Gladys Morgan Beauty College, Anaheim 29804 Contempo School of Beauty, Inglewood 90301 Glamour Beauty College, Merced 95340 Continental Beauty Academy, Sun land 91040 Goleta Beauty College, Goleta 93107 Contmental Beauty Academy, Los Angeles 90008 Hayward Beauty School, Hayward 94541 Continental Beauty Academy Inc. San Fernando 91340 Je Boutique College of Beauty, El Cajon S1020 Continental Beauty School, Los Angeles 90013 . Jerry Lee Beauty College, Woodland 95695 Continental's Professional Beauty College, Los Angeles 90042 Jerry Lee Beauty College, Sacramento 95841 Corona College of Cosmetology, Corona 91720 Jerry Lee Beauty School, Roseville 95678 Country Club College of Hairstylibz Rancho Cordova 95670 John Peri Beauty College, Torrance 90505 Country Club College of Hairstyling, Sacramento 9582 Joseph's School of Hair Design, Norwalk 90650 Covina Beauty College, Covina 91623 Kay Brown Beauty School, Los Angeles 90038 Crenshaw Beauty College, Los Angeles 90008 Kay-Michael's School of Hair Design, Huntington Beach Da lens's College of Beauty, Fresno 92704 92647 Dalena's College of Beauty, Fresno 93726 Kenneth's College of Hairstyling, Sacramento 95815 Da lena's College of Beauty #3, Fresno 93721 Kenneth's College of Hairstyling, Vallejo 94590 Dean's Westside Beauty College, San Jose 95125 Knstofer's School of Beauty, Santa Barbara 93104 De loux Schools of Cosmetology, Stockton 95205 Lakewood Beauty College, Lakewood 90712 De lous Schools of Cosmetology, Chula Vista 92103 Lancaster Beauty School, Lancaster 93534 Deloux Schools of Cosmetology, Stockton 95207 Laurel Beauty Academy, North Hollywood 91606 Deloux Schools bf Cosmetology, Redlands 92373 Leimcrt Park Beauty College, Los Angeles 9000h Deloux Schools of Cosmetology, Riverside 92506 Lepante Beauty College, La Mirada 90638 Debars Sctools of Cosmetology, San Diego 92154 Lodi Beauty College, Lodi 95240 De lous Sc;iools of Cosmetology, San Diego 92154 Lompoc Beauty College, Lompoc 93436 De loux Schools of Cosmetology, El Cajon 92320 Luross Academy of Hair Design, Ventura 93003 Delous Schools of Cosmetology, El Centro 92243 Lyle's Bakersfield College of Beauty, Bakersikld 93304 DO lous Schools of Cosmetology, Escondido 92025 Lyle's Fresno College of Beauty, Fresno 93721 De lous Schools of Cosmetology, San Diego 92126 Lyle's Hanford College of Beauty, Hanford 93230 Deloux Schools of Cosmetology, Vista 92083 Lyle's Madera College of Beauty, Madera 93637 DelOux Schools of Cosmetology. San Francisco 94122 Lyle's Manchester College of Beauty, Fresno 93726 Delta Beauty College, Antioch 94509 Lyle's Tulare Col.:ge of Beauty Inc, Tulare 93274 Diablo Beauty College, Concord 94520 Manley's Beauty College, Downey 90241 Don's Beatty School, Oakland 94612 Mennen() School of Beauty, San Bernardino 92401 Don's Beauty School, Hayward 9454! Mannello School of Beauty, Montclair 91763 Don's Beauty School Inc, San Mateo 94401 Mannello School of Beauty, Lakewood 90712 Eastside Beauty College, San Jose 95127 Marinello School of Beauty, Inglewood 90301 Elemte School of Hair De ign, I - n 91744 Marinello School of Beauty, Garden Grove 92640 Elegaate Schc-il of Hair Design, West Covina 92707 Mannello School of Beauty, Whittier 90601 Elegant gthool of Hair Design and Skin Cue Center, El Marinello School of Beauty, Santa Ana 92701 Monte 91732 Marinello School of Beauty, Downey 90241 Englwood Beauty College. Englewood 80110 Marinello School of Beauty, Buena Park 90620 Fairfield Beauty Academy, Fairfield 94533 Marinello School of Beauty. Reseda 91335

65 7; Specialized Accreditation and Presccreditation

Marinello School of Beauty, Los Angeles 90017 Wayne's College of Beauty. Salinas 93901 Marinello School of Beauty, N Hollywood 91606 Wayne's Collett, of Beauty, Santa Cruz 95060 Marinello School of Beauty, Los Angele. 90014 Westgate Beauty College, San Jose 95129 Marinello School of Beauty, San Diego 92104 Willow Olen Beauty College, San Jose 95125 Marinello School of Beauty, West Covina 91101 Winans Academy, Watsonville 95076 Milpitas Beauty College, Milpitas 95035 Woodman Plaza Beauty College, Pacoima 91331 Monterey Academy of Hair Design, Monterey 93940 20th Century Academy of Cosmetology, Livermore 94550 Moro Beauty College, Glendale 91204 Mountain View Beauty College, Mountain View 94041 Colorado; Mr Dominic's School of Hair Design, Whittier 90603 Americana Beauty College #2, Colorado Springs 80907 Napa Beauty College, Napa 94558 Aurora Beauty College, Aurora 80010 Newberry School of Beauty, Covina 91722 Bernel Hairstyling College, Ft Co llins 80521 Newberry School of Beauty, Commerce 90022 Columbine Beauty School, Lakewood 80215 Newberry School of Beauty, N Hollywood 91601 Highland Hills Beaaty Academy, Greeley 80631 Newberry School of Beauty, Burbank 91502 International Beauty Academy, Colorado Spnngs 80909 Nest/berry School of Beauty, Canoga Park 91303 Lavonne,s Academy of Beauty, Pueblo 81008 Newberry School of Beauty, Hollywood 90028 Lavonne's Academy of Beauty, Denver() 80222 Newberry School of Beauty, Panorama City 91402 Lavonne's Academy of Beauty, Arvada 80002 North Park College of Beauty, San Diego 92104 Lavonne's Academy of Beauty, Englewood 80154 Oceanside College of Beauty. Oceanside 92054 Lavonne's Academy of Beauty, Thornton 80229 Oroville Beauty College, Oroville 95965 Longmont Beauty College, Longmont 80501 Oxnard Beauty College, Oxnard 93030 Mr Robert's Beauty Academy, Brighton 80601 Page Antelope Valley Beauty School, Lancaster 93534 Olympic Beauty Academy, Colorado Springs 80909 Palm Springs Beauty College, Palm Spnngs 92262 Southern Colorado University of Cosmetc' ,gy, Pueblo 81005 Paris Beauty College. Concord 94520 Wheatridge Beauty College. Wheatnidge 8)033 Plaza Beauty College, Chico 95926 Professional Institute of Beauty, El Monte 91731 Connecticut: Randy's Beauty College, Redding 96001 AlbertBeatnce School of Beauty Cultql, New London Redoing Beauty College, Redding 96001 06320 Redwood Empire Beauty College. Santa Rosa 95405 Americo Academy of Beauty Culture, Danbury 06810 Richard's Beauty College. Fontana 92335 Amore Institute of Hair Design, West Haven 06516 Richard's Beauty College, Ontario 91762 Connecticut Institute of Hair Dressing, Hartford 06108 Richard's Beauty College, San dernadmo 92404 Creative School of Hairdressing, Manchester 06040 Richard's Beauty College. Pomona 91767 Creative School of Hairdressing, Rocky Hill 06067 Richard's Beauty College, Huntington Beach 92646 Crown Academy of Hairdressing, New Britain 06051 Richard's Beauty College, Costa Mess 92626 Elm City Beauty academy Inc, Hamden 06514 Richard's Beauty College, Chino 91701 Leon institute of Hair Design, Bridgeport 06604 Roberto's College of Beauty, San Jose 95124 National Academy of Hairdressing, Bristol 06010 Roberto's College of Beauty, Fremont 94538 National Academy of Hairdressing, New Britain 06051 Rosemead Beauty School, Rosemead 91770 National Academy of Hairdressing, Norwalk 06853 Sacramento Beauty College Sacramento 95814 National Academy of Hairdressing, Stamford 06901 Salinas Beauty College. Salinas 93901 New London Academy of Hairdress and Cosmetology, New Salvatore's College of Hairstyling. Sacramento 95819 London 06320 San Gorgonio Beauty College, Banning 92220 Park Institute of Hair Design, Menden 06450 San Luis Obispo Beauty College. San Luis Obispo 93401 Sampien School of Hair Design, Waterbury 0670; Santa Barbara Beauty College. Santa Barbara 93101 Sherwood School of Beauty Culture, Bndgepon 06606 Santa Clara Beauty College, Santa Clara 95051 State Academy of Hairdressing. Branford 06405 Santa Mara Beauty College, Santa Maria 93454 Torrington Beauty Academy, Torrington 06790 Santa Rosa Beauty College, Santa Rosa 95401 Valley Academy of Beauty Culture, Ansonia 06401 Sierra College of Beauty, Merced 95340 Waterbury School of Hairdressing, Waterbury 06702 Suzanne's Beauty College, Compton 90224 Wilfred Academy of Hair and Beauty Culture, New Haven Suzanne's Beauty College, Inglewood 90303 06510 Suzanne's Beauty College, Los Angeles 90044 Wilfred Academy of Hair and Beauty Culture, Hartford Suzanne's Beauty College, Los Angeles 90019 06103 Thousand Oaks Beauty College, Thousand Oaks 91360 Delaware: Touch of Beauty College. Mission Viejo 92675 Ukiah Beauty College, Uktan 95482 Dover Beauty ,, 'erny, Dover 199)1 United Artist Beauty College, Indio 92201 District of Columbia: Universal Beauty Academy, Oakland 94612 Monique Beauty Academy Washtngton 20012 Universal Beauty Academy, Walnut Creek 94596 Universal College of Beauty, Los Angeles 9004.4 Florida: Victor Valley Beauty College, Victory' Ile 92392 Cocoa Beach 9eauty College, Cocoa Beach 32931 Visalia College of Beauty, Visalia 93277 Daytona Beauty School, Daytona Heath 32014

66 Specialized Accreditation and Preaccreditation

Hillsborough Beauty College, Tampa 33614 Don Roberts Beauty School, McHenry 60050 Hollywood College of Beauty. Hollywood 33021 Doree School of Beauty Culture, Richton Park 60471 Largo Beauty Academy, Largo 33540 Du Quoin Beauty College, Du Quoin 62832 Loraine's Hairstyling Academy, St Petersburg 33710 Flamingo Beauty College, Pekin 61554 Margate School of Beauty, Margate 33063 Flamingo Beauty College, Springfield 62704 North Miami Beauty School, No Miami 33161 Flamingo Beauty College, Lincoln 62656 Orange Park Beauty Academy, Orange Park 32073 Flamingo Beauty College, Peoria 61602 Pan American Beauty School, Miami 33155 Flamingo Beauty College, Quincy 62301 Pinellas Beauty College, Pinellas Park 33565 Flamingo Beauty College, Decatur 62525 Ray-Mar Beauty College, Plantation 33317 Ford City School of Beauty Culture, Chicago 60o52 Riverside Hairstyling Academy, Jacksonville 32204 Granite City School of Beauty Culture, Granite City 62040 Robert Fiance Institute of Florida, Miami 33144 Hi-Fashion Beauty College, Jacksonville 62650 Robert Fiance institute of Florida, lami FI33125 33010 International Beauty Academy, Canton 61520 Robert Fiance Institute of Florida, Miami 33144 John & Louis Beauty School, Arlington Heights 60005 Robinson Beauty School, Ft Lauderdale 33305 John & Louis Beauty School, Aurora 60504 Romar Melbourne Beauty Academy, Melbourne 32901 John Amico's School of Hair Design, Oak Forest 60452 Sunlight School of Beauty Culture, Hialeah 33010 Joliet School of Beauty Culture, Joliet 60432 Wilfred Academy of Hair I Beauty Culture, Orlando 32807 La Grange School of Cosmetology, La Grange 60525 Wilfred Academy of Hair and Beauty Culture, Miami 33155 La Salle School of Beauty Culture, La Salle 61303 Wilfred Academy's 27th Avenue Beauty School, Miami 33135 La-Tee's Beauty School, Chicago 60621 Wilfred's Academy's Hialeah Beauty School, Hialeah 33012 Mac Daniel's Beauty School, Chicago 60640 Wilfred's Frederic Hairstyling Academy, Ft Lauderdale Mid-America School of Beauty Culture, Chicago 60641 33334 Midstate Beauty School, Chicago 60629 Woody's Hairstyling Institute. Orlando 32803 Moline Beauty School, Moline 61265 Georgic Mr Robert's School of Beauty Culture, Villa Park 60181 Mr Tony's School of Beauty Culture, Berwyn 60402 Dale Strebel University of Cosmetology, Atlanta 30306 Northwest American School of Beauty Culture, Des Plaines Ga nes Pressley Professional School et Cosmetology, 60016 Marietta 30060 Nu-Tek School of Beauty Culture, Chicago 60619 International University, Atlanta 30329 Pivot Point Beauty School International, Chicago 60626 Hawaii: Quincy R,:auty Academy Inc, Quincy 62301 Hollywood Beauty College, Honolulu 96814 Rich lam, Academy of Beauty Culture, Mount Vernon 62864 Trendsetters Beauty College, Honolulu 96814 Richland A+71clemy of Beauty Culture, Olney 62450 Ricky's School of Beauty Culture, Romeoville 60441 Idaho: Riviera School of Beauty Culture, Chicago 60639 Mr Don's Beauty Institute, Boise 83704 Selan's System of Beauty Culture, Chicago 60602 Mr Juan's College of Hair Design, Twin Falls 83301 Selan's System of Beauty Culture, Chicago 60634 Mauls: Selan's System of Beauty Culture, River Forest 60305 Selan's System of Beauty Culture, Chicago 60628 Academy of Beauty Culture, Belleville 62223 Springfield School of Beauty Culture, Springfield 62687 Alberto's Institute of Cosmetology, Rock Ford 61108 Stephen's Institute of Beauty Culture, Peoria Heights 61614 American School of Beauty Culture, Oak Park 60301 Arlington Academy of Beauty Culture, Arlington Hghts Steiling Cosmetology School Inc. Moline 61265 Sterling School of Beauty Culture, Sterling 61081 60005 Sunny Hill Beauty School, Chicago 60630 Benton's School of Cosmetology, Alton 62002 Trend International Beauty College, Collinsville 62234 Bloomington Academy of Beauty Culture, Bloomington 61701 Tn-County Beauty Academy, Litchfield 62056 Universe Beauty School, Chicago 6065 Capn School of Beauty Culture, Chicago 60629 Vogue Academy of Beauty Culture Inc, Chicago 60618 Capn-Garfield Ridge School of Beauty Culture, Chicago Westmont School of Beauty Culture, Chicago 60629 60638 Wheaton's Mr Robert's School of Beauty Culture, Wheaton Cele Whan Academy of Beauty, Rock Island 61201 60187 Chrysler Academy of Beauty Culture, Taylorville 62568 Coiffure School of Beauty Culture, Belleville 62220 Indiana: Colborn Academy of Beauty Culture, Mount Cannel 62863 Academy of Hair Care, IncIndianapolis li0219 Continents le Beauty School, Elmwood Park 60615 Apex School of Beauty Culture Inc, Anderson 46016 D'Or Beauty College, Chicago 60645 Craig Luthy School of Hair Design, Marion 46952 Debbie's School of Beauty Culture, Chicago 60628 Creative Beauty Academy, Highland 46322 Debbie's School of Beauty Culture, Harvey 60456 Don Roberts Beauty School, East Chicago 46312 Debbie's School of Beauty Culture, Chicago 60601 Don Roberts Beauty School, Highland 46322 Debbie's School of Beauty Culture, East St Louis 62201 Don Roberts Beauty School, Valparaiso 46383 Debbie's School of Beauty Culture, Chicago 60622 Evansville Tn-State Beauty College, Evansville 47710 Debbie's School of Beauty Culture, Chicago 60624 Four Winds Academy of Hair Design, Ft Wayne 46802 Don Roberts Beauty School. Evergreen Park 60642 Harrold Beauty Academy Inc, Terre Haute 47807


71) Specialized Accreditation and Preaccreditation

Indiana State Beauty College, Chesterton 46304 Mr John's School of Beauty, Louisville 40203 Lafayette Beauty Academy, Lafayette 47901 Owensboro School of Hair Design, Owensboro 42301 Lowell Beauty College, Lowell 52240 Radcliff Beauty College, Radcliff 40160 Merrillville Beauty College. Merrillville 46410 Roy's of Louisville Beauty Academy, Louisville 40207 Michael's Indianapolis Beauty College, Indianapolis 46220 School of Hair Design. Louisville 40215 New Trend Beauty School, Indianapolis 46219 School of Hair Design, Florence 41042 Odessa's College of Beauty Culture, Gary 46404 School of Hair Design, Louisville 4021:: Ravenscroft Beauty College, Ft Wayne 46802 Somerset Beauty College. Somerset 42501 Rudae's School of Beauty Culture, Lafayette 47901 State Beauty College, Campbellsville 42718 The Wright Beauty College, Kokomo 46901 The Winchester Beauty College, Winchester 40391 Tri-State Beauty-College, Evansville 47708 Vincennes Beauty College Inc. Vincennes 47591 Louisiana: Wayne University of Cosmetology, Ft Wayne 46807 Abbeville Beauty Academy, Abbeville 7051^ Academy of Scientific Hair Design, New Orleans 70118 lona: Academy of Scientific Hair Design, Gretna 70053 Americana Beauty Academy, Des Moines 50309 Baton Rouge Beauty College, Baton Rouge 70811 Bernel's Hairstyling College, Ft Dodge 50501 Campo's St Bernard Beauty School, Arabi 70032 Bernel's Hairstyling College, Ames 50010 Dee & Jay s School of Beauty Arts and Sciences, Baton Burlington Beauty Academy Inc, Burlington 52601 Rouge 70806 Capn Cosmetology College, Dubuque 52001 Demmon School of Beauty, Lake Charles 70601 Capn Cosmetology College, Mason City 50401 Emile Spa litta Hair Training Center, Metaire 70002 Capri Cosmetology College, Cedar Rapids 52401 Geneva's Beauty College. Bossier City 71010 Cedar Falls School of Beauty. Cedar Falls 50613 Innovation-A Development Center for Hair Design, River Iowa School of Beauty, Des Moines 50310 Ridge 70123 Keokuk Cosmetology School, Keokuk 52632 Jerome's School of Beauty Culture, New Orleans 70122 Lajames College of Hairstyling Inc, Mason City 50401 John Jay Beauty College, New Orleans 701211.0 Lajames College of Hairstyling Inc, Ft Dodge 50501 Larry's Academy of Hairstyling, Gonzales 70737 Larson School of Hairstyling. Spencer 51301 Larry's Academy of Hairstyling, Morgan City 70380 Ottumwa Beauty Academy, Ottumwa 52501 Magnetic Beauty School #1, Shreveport 71101 Pitze's Waterloo School of Beauty, Waterloo 50704 Magnetic Beauty School #2, Mansfield 71052 Professional Cosmetology Institute, Ames 50010 Mo ler Beauty College, New Orleans 70119 Salvador Beauty College, Des Moines 50310 National Beauty College. Baton Rouge 70806 Sharon Dorm's Academy of Science & Hairdesign, Pat Goins Benton Road Beauty School, Bossier City 71111 Davenport 52806 Pat Goins Minden Beauty School, Minden 71055 Sharon Dorm's Academy of Science and Hair Design, Iowa Pat Goms Ruston Beauty School, Ruston 71270 City 52240 Ronnie St Dorman's School of Hair Design, Lafayette 70501 Stewart School of Hairstyling, Davenport 52801 Slidell Beauty College. Slidell 70458 Stewart School of Hairstyling. Council Bluffs 51501 Stevenson's Academy of Hair Design, New Orleans 70118 Stewart School of Hairstyling, Sioux City 51101 Universal Beauty College, Baton Rouge 70805 Young School of Beauty, Cedai Rapids 52401 Young School of Beauty of Waterloo. Ater loo 50701 Maine: Kassa.: Central Beauty School, Augusta 04330 D'Lor Beauty School, Brewer 04412 Academy of Hair Design, Salina 67401 Josephine's School of Hair Design, Portland 04101 Crum's Beauty School. Manhattan 66502 Mansfield Beauty Academy of Maine, Portland 04111 Emporia School of Hairdressing. Emporia 66801 Mansfield Beauty Academy of Maine. Lewiston 04042 Gene Blake School of Hairstyling, Topeka 66611 Mansfield Beauty Academy of Maine, Bangor 04401 Harris' College of Hair Design, Overland 66212 Mr Bernard's School of Hair Fashion, Lewiston 04240 Hay's Hairdressing School, Mission 66202 Pierre's School of Beauty Culture, Portland 04103 House of Heavilin, Overland Park 66204 Professional Beauty College, Wichita 67218 Maryland: Sidney's Hairdressing College Inc, Hutchinson 67501 Award Beauty School, Hagerstown 21740 Vernon's Kansas School of Cosmetology, Wichita 67211 Del-Mar-VA Beauty Academy Inc. Salisbury 21801 Kentucky: Tn-State Beauty Academy, Cumberland 21502 Academy of Beauty. Lexington 40504 Massachusetts: Appalachian Beauty School, South Williamson 15661 Blaine Hair School, Boston 021 16 Charm College of Beauty Culture, Louisville 40204 Bojack Academy of Beauty Culture, West Roxbury 02132 Collins School of Cosmetology, Middlesboro 40965 Brockton Academy If Beauty Culture, Brockton 02401 Eastern School of Hair Design, Richmond 40475 Broms Barber School, Worcester 01608 Hager Beauty Academy, Lexington 40507 Broms Beauty Academy, Holyoke 01608 Hellems School of Beauty Culture, Louisville 40203 Dale Academy of Hairstyling and Beauty Culture, Boston Kaufman Beauty School, Lexington 40502 02116 Lois-Glyn School of Beauty Culture, Bowling Green 42101 Di Anthony School or Cosmetology, Cambridge 02140

68 s Specialized Accreditation and Preaccreditation

Fall River Beauty Academy, Fall River 02721 Minnesota: Hanover Beauty Academy. Quincy 02169 Cosmetology Training Center, St Paul 55102 Henri's School of Hair Design. Fitchburg 01420 Cosmetology Training Center. Rochester 55901 Kenneth Hair Design Institute, Framingham uI701 Cosmetology Training Center, Minneapolis '!5410 La Baron Hairdressing Academy, New Bedford 02740 Duluth Academy of Hair Design, Duluth 55802 L.a Baron Hairdressing Academy, Springfield 01103 Fern's Beauty School, Robbinsdale 55422 Leo's Beauty Institute, Worcester 01608 Florian School of Cosmetology, Minneapolis 55426 Lowell Academy, Lowell 01852 Glamour Beauty Academy, Minneapolis 55423 M Fazio Institute of Beauty Culture. Lawrence 01840 Glamour Central Beauty Academy, Minneapolis 55418 Mansfield Beauty Academy, Boston 021I6 Maximhs Beauty Academy, Minneapolis 55402 Mansfield Beauty School, Springfield 01103 Midway College of Hair Design, St Paul 55104 Mansfield Beauty School, Quincy 02169 Model College of Hair Design, St Cloud 56301 Mansfield Beauty School, Salem 01970 Ohier Them Beauty School, St Paul 5.,i . Melrose Beauty Academy, Melrose 02176 Ritter-St Paul Beauty College, St Paul 55117 Quincy Beauty Academy lin, Quincy 02169 Robinson Beauty School Inc, Mgreapolis 55445 Robert & Richard Beauty Academy, Waltham 02154 Scot-Lewis-Florian Scientific School of Cosmetology, Taunton Beauty Academy, Taunton 02780 Minneapolis 55420 Wilfred Academy, Boston 02108 St Cloud Beauty College, St Cloud 56301 Vera Slater Beauty School, Crystal 55428 Midi low Virginia School of Beauty Culture, Virginia 55792 Alma's Beauty College, Detroit 48205 Mississippi: Alpena Hollywood School of Beauty, Alpena 49707 American Beauty College, Gulfport 39501 American Academy of Cosmetology, Detroit 48205 Chri's Beau iy College, Gulfport 39501 Apollo University of Hair Design, Adrian 49221 Delta Beauty School, Greerville 38701 Chic University of Cosmetology, Grand Rapids 49502 Jeffie Liles Academy of Hair Design, Oxford 38655 Craig's College of Beauty, Lansing 48910 David Pressley Professional School of Cosn tology, Royal Missouri: Oak 48067 Cape Girardeau School of Beauty Culture, Cape Girardeau Fashion School of Beauty, Utica 48087 63701 Kalamazoo Beauty Academy, Kalamazoo 49002 Career Beauty School. St Louis 63118 Livonia Beauty School-onderland, Livonia 48150 Career Beauty School. St Louis 63114 Lou-Rog School oflair Design, Grand Rapids 49503 Chillicothe Beauty Academy, Chillicothe 64601 M J Murphy Beauty College, Midland 48640 Coiffure International Beauty College, St Louis 63136 M J Murphy Beauty College of Alma, Alma 48801 Columbia College of Hairstyling, Columbia 65201 M J Murphy Beauty College of Jackson, Ja ;son 49201 Ferguson Beauty College, St Louis 63135 M J Murphy Beauty College of Lansing, Lansing 48906 Grandview College of Berty, Grandview 64030 M J Murphy Beauty College of Mt Pleasant, Mount Pleasant House of Hesse' lin, /Cana, City 64110 48858 Independence ScftI of Hairdressing, Independence 64050 M J Murphy Beauty College of Saginaw, Saginaw 48603 Kirksville College of Cosmetology, Kirksville 63501 Michigan College of Beauty, Mount Clemens 48043 Kirkwood Beautyollege, Maplewood 63143 Michigan College of Beauty, Sterling Heights 48073 National Academy of Beauty Arts, St Louis 63126 Mr Arnolds Beauty College, Dearborn 48126 Ozark Beauty College, Poplar Bluff 63901 Mr Bela's School of Cow tology, Madison Heights 48071 Rolla College of Hairstyle Rolla 65401 North-East Beauty College, Detroit 48205 Springfield Beauty Academy, Springfield 65806 Petoskey Beauty Academy, Petoskey 49770 St Charles College of Hairstyling. St Charles 63301 Port Huron Cosmetology College, Port Huron 48060 Trend International Beauty College, Florissant 63031 Preston's Beauty Academy, Ann Arbor 48103 Montana: Sibyl Beauty School, Detroit 48224 Acme Beauty College, Billings 59101 St Joseph's Beauty College, St Joseph 49085 Butte Academy of Beauty Culture, Butte 59701 State College of Beauty. Roseville 48066 College of Coiffure Art, Billings 59102 State College of Beauty, Wyandotte 48192 Dahl's College of Beauty, Great Falls 59401 State College of Beauty. Wayne 48184 Hollywood Beauty College, Billings 59102 State College of Beauty, .^ rn Arbor 48104 Miles City College of Beauty. Miles City 59301 State College of Beauty. Royal Oak 48067 Mr Mack's Bozeman Beauty College, Bozeman 59715 State College of Beauty, Bloomfield Hills 48013 Virginia Farrell Beauty School, Ferndale 48220 Nebraska: Virginia Farrell Beauty School, St Clair Shores 48080 Aithouse school of Beauty Culture, Omaha 68110 Virginia Farrell Beauty School. Lincoln Park 48146 Bahner's Beauty College, Fremont 68025 Virginia Farrell Beauty School, Detroit 48219 Capitol Beauty School, Omaha 68102 Virginia Farrell Beauty School, Wayne 48184 College of Hair Desiitn-Cosmetology Division, Lincoln 68508 Westbrook Beauty College. Wyoming 49508 Constantino Beauty 4ademy, Omaha 68114 Wright Beauty Academy, Battle Creek 49015 Grand Island Beauty School. Grand Island 68801

69 Specialized Accreditation and Preaccreditation

Hollywood Beauty College, Scottsbluff 69361 Continental Coiffures Academy of Beauty, Roswell 88201 Joseph's College of Beauty, Lini-oln 68505 Curry County Beauty College, Clovis 88101 Joseph's College of Beauty, Hastings 68901 De Wolff College of Hairstyling and Cosmetology, Joseph's College of Beauty, Beatrice 68310 Albuquerque 87110 Joseph's College of Beauty, Omaha 68137 Dona-Ana Beauty College, Las Cruces 88001 Nebraska Academy of Hair Design, Omaha 68107 Heights Beauty College, Albuquerque 87108 Norfolk Beauty College Inc, Norfolk 68701 Hollywood Beauty School, Albuquerque 87110 Queen Ann Beauty School, Kearney 68847 Kay Pardo Ils Albuquerque Beauty College, Albuquerque Nevada: 87106 Academy of Hair Design, Las Vegas 89102 Las Cruce. Beauty College, Las Cruces 88001 Academy of Han Design #2, Las Vegas 89121 Mr John Academy of Beauty Culture, Roswell 87401 ABC Beautician's University of Las Vegas, Las Vegas 89105 Mr John's Academy of Beauty Culture, Farmington 87401 Marinello School of Beauty, Las Vegas 89101 Roswell College of Cosmetology, Roswell 88201 Ponce College of Beauty, Reno 89501 Vogue Beauty College #11, Santa Fe 87501 Prater Way College of Beauty, Sparks 89431 New York: Now Ham Pairs: Apex School of Beauty Culture, New York 10030 Continental Academic of Hair Design, Hudson 03051 Atlas School of Beauty Culture, New York 10019 Empire Beauty School, Laconia 03246 Auburn International Beauty School, Auburn 13021 Houk's Beauty Academy, Manchester 03101 Austin Beauty School, Albany 12201 Portsmouth Beauty School of Hair Design, Portsmouth 03801 Beauty School of Middletown, Middletown 10940 Bnttany Beauty Center, Levittown 11751 New Jersey: Bronx Beauty School, Bronx 10462 American College of Cosmetology, ttantan 08869 Capri School of Hair Design, Spring Valley 10977 Capn Institute of Hair Design, North Haledon 07508 Co tonna Beauty School of Albany, Albany 12206 Capn Institute of Hair Design, Clifton 07011 Concord Beauty School Inc, Astoria 11103 Eine Mae's Beauty Culture School, Elizabeth 07201 Concourse Beauty School Inc, Flushing 11354 Fleur de Lis Beauty Academy, Bergenfield 07621 Concourse Beauty School Inc, Bronx 10456 Franklin Beauty School, Jersey City 07206 Contemporary School of Beauty Culture, Syracuse 13202 Franklin Beauty School, Elizabeth 07201 Continental School of Beauty Culture, Rochester 14604 Garden State Academy of Beauty Culture, South Bound Continental School of Beauty CultureBuffalo, Buffalo 14223 Brook 08808 Doyle Beauty School Inc, Buffr'o 14203 Joseph Paterno College of Beauty Culture, Dover 07801 Endicott Institutional Beauty School, Endwell 13760 Maison de Pans Beauty College, Haddonfield 08033 Flexer Beauty School, Flushing 11354 Muter Beauty School, Passaic 07055 Le Ponto's Hairstyling and Beauty Culture School, Syracuse Natural Motion institute of Hair Design, Jersey City 07307 13204 P B School of Beauty Culture, Gloucester City 08030 Le Ponto's Hairstyling School of Watertown, Watertown Parisian Beauty School, Hackensadk 07601 13601 Reignbow Beauty Academy, Perth Amboy 08861 Long Island Beauty School Inc, Hempstead 11550 Roman Academy of Beauty Culture, Hawthorne 07506 Marcel Haigy's School of Beauty, Bay Shore 11706 Standard Academy of Beauty Culture, New Brunswick 08901 Midway -Paris Beauty School, Forest Hills 11375 Vineland Academy of Beauty Culture, Vineland 08360 Mohawk Hairstyling and Beauty Culture School, Utica 13501 Wilfred Academy of Hair and Beauty Culture, Trenton 08638 New Penn Beauty School, Olean 14760 Wilfred Academy of Hair and Beauty Culture,oms River New York Barber &and Beauty School, Syracuse 13202 08753 Niagara Hairstyling and Beauty Culture School, Niagara Falls Wilfred Academy of Hair and Beauty Culture, Succasunna 14305 07876 Paris Bronx Beauty School, Bronx 10455 Wilfred Academy of Hair and Beauty Culture, Totowa 07512 Peter Piccolo School of Hair Design, Buffalo 14203 Wilfred Academy of Hair and Beauty Culture, West New Raphael School of Beauty Culture, Jamestown 14701 York 70793 Richard I Beauty School, Poughkeepsie 12601 Warp; Academy of Hair and Beauty Culture, Wanamassa Richard I School of Bea4ty Culture, Kingston 12401 07/12 Robert Fiance Hair Design Institute, Brooklyn 11201 Wilfred Academy of Hair and Beauty Culture, Burlington Robert Fiance Hair Design Institute, New York 10018 08016 Roberts School of Beauty Culture, Buffalo 14203 Wilfred Academy of Hair and Beauty Culture, Red Bank Triple Cities School of Beauty Culture, Binghamton 13901 07701 Troy school of Beauty Culture, Troy 12180 Wilfred Academy of Hair and Beauty Culture, Newark 07102 Ultissiina Beauty Institute, New Yorkz10001 Ultissima Beauty Institute, Flushing 11354 New Mexico: Ultissima Beauty Institute at Baldwin, Baldwin 11510 Academy of Beauty Culture, Albuquerque 87108 Ultissima Beauty Institute at Bensonhurst, Brooklyn 11214 Alamogordo Beauty College, Alamogordo 88310 Ultissima Beauty Institute at Brooklyn, Babylon 11702 Basin Beauty College, Farmington 8740' Ultissima Beauty Institute at Centercach, Centereach 11720 Co leta's School of Beauty, Hobbs 88240 Ultissa Beauty Institute at Hicksville, Hicksville 11801 70 gpeciallud AccreditatIon And Preaccredltation

Ultiasima Beauty Institute t Kenmore, Kenmore 14217 Clark, Gilbert & Silverthorn Academy of Cosmetology, East Ultissima Beauty Institute ai`jkidgewood, Ridgew.00d 11227 Liverpool 43920 Utica Career !nstitute, Utici13501 Eastern Hills Academy of Hair Design, Cincinnati 45211 Washington Heights Beauty School, Ncw York 10032 Elyria Academy of Cosmetology, Elyria 44035 Westchester School of '3er1ty Culture, Mount Vernon 10550 Fredericks 3eauty College, Lima 45801 Wilfred Academy of Hair and Beauty Culture, Riverhead Gerber's Akron Beauty School, Akron 44308 11901 Gerber's Canton Beauty School, Canton 44702 Wilfred Academy of Hair and Beauty Culture, Selden 11784 International School of Beauty Culture, Lyndhurst 441:4 Wilfred Academy of Hair and Beauty Culture, Haippag.. Ken-Delle Beaute' Academe', Youngstown 44515 11787 Lewis, Weinberger & Hill Beauty School, Youngstown 44507 Wilfred Academy of Hair and Beauty Culture, Levittown Lewis, Weinberger & Hill Beauty S..hool, Warren 44484 11756 Mansfield Beauty College, Mansfield 14902 Wilfred Academy of Hair and Beauty Culture, North Molar-Hollywood Beauty College, Cincinnati 45202 ktabylon 11703 Moler-Hollywood Beauty College, Fair. old 45014 Wilfred Academy of Hair and Beauty Cu here, Bronx 10468 Moore Universite of Hair Design, Cincinnati 45213 Wilfred Academy of Hair and Beauty Culture,atchogue National Beauty College, North Canton 44720 11772 Nationwide Academy of Beauty and Fashion, Columbus Wilfred Academy of Hair and Beauty Culture, Staten Island 43213 10306 Nationwide Academy of Beauty and Fash, n, Columba, Wilfred Academy of Hair and Beauty Culture, Brook 43204 11201 Nationwide Beauty Academy, Whitehall 43213 Wilfred Academy of Hair and Beau), Culture, New Vor4. Nationwide Beauty Aci.demy Inc, Columbus 4.);.29 10019 Northern Institute of Cosmetology, Lorain 44052 Wilfred Academy of Hair and Beauty Culture, White Plains Ohio State Beauty Academy .ac, Lima 45801 10601 Ohio State School of Cosmetology, Reynoldsburg 43068 Wilfred Academy of Hair and Beauty Culture, Jamaica 11432 Preston Beauty College, Chesapeake 45619 Yonkers Beauty Culture School. Yonkers 10701 Raphael's School of Beauty Culture, Niles 44446 North Corollas: Rigg's Lemar Beauty College, Akron 44308 Brand's College of Beauty CultJA., Chp: e 28208 Skelly Beauty Academy, Parma 44129 Greensboro School of Beauty Greensboro 27401 State Beauty Academy Inc, Marton 43302 Knight's Beauty College, Fayette ille 28301 Three (3) B School of Beauty, Newark 430' Leon's Beauty School, Grtensboiro 27193 Tiffin Academy of Hair Design, Tiffin 44883 Mitcheil's tr:..irstyling Academy Witon 27893 Toledo Academy of Beauty Culture, Toledo 43604 Mitchell's Hiurstv' ..g Acadim , Greenville 27834 Vogue Beauty Academy, Cleveland Heights 44118 Mr David's Schools of Hair De ign, Wilir.ngton 28401 Washington Beady Academy, Akron 44308 Plaza School of Beauty CulturCharlotte 28205 Western Hillr Academy of Beauty Culture, Cincinnati 45211 Shernil's Academy of Hiurstylin , Raleigh 27601 Weston Beauty School Inc, Dayton 4541...; Sir Walter Beauty Academy Fay tteville 28303 Wooster Beauty College, Wooster 4461 Sir Walter Beauty Academy, Henrson 27536 OklaJtoust: South Eastern College of Beauty C lture, Charlore 287'1 Aladdin deat.ty College #12, Clinton 76031 Tioutman's Beauty College of Hairs yling. Raleigh 271.., Aladdin Beauty College #16, Ardmore 73401 Touttrian's Beauty School of Wilma gton, Wilmington 2840 isdclin Beauty College #9, Altus 73521 North Dakota: told Beauty College, Enid 73701 Hair Designer's Academy, Grand Fiks 58201's College of Hairstyling, Lawton 73501 Josers School of `Itur Design, Fargsr 92 LaJean's School of Beauty, Dujcan 735i3 Josefs SC`nol ..,1 Hair Design, 3is rk 58501 Loving's Beauty School, Oklahoma City 73111 Josef3 School or Hair Design, MI t 58701 Paul's Beauty College, Oklahoma City 73101 Mr D Town & Country Beauty 'lege, Jamestown 58401 Robert's Beauty Training Center, Tulsa 74120 R D Hairstylist College, Bismark 58501 Tulsa Academy of Hairstyling, Tulsa 74112 Virgil's Beauty College, Muskogee 74401 Ohio: &since Acade'ny cf Beauty, Cleveland 44106 Oregon: Boardman Beauty Ac Youngstown 4' 312 A' Art College of Beauty, Eugene 97401 Carrnael of nlituni Vaeauty College, Dayton 45402 Academy of Hair Design, Salem 97k.01 Carousel Beauty College, Dayton 45402 Beau Monde College of Hair Design;, Portland 97205 Carousel Death!, College, Zanesville 43701 College of Beauty, Portland 9711 4 Carousel Beauty College, Middletown 45042 Grants Pass Cam' of Beauty, Grants Pass 975t6 Carousel Beauty College, Hamilton 45011 Hillsboro School of Beauty, Hillsboro 97123 Charles of Stephan's S-mool of Beauty, Dayton 45402 Medford Beauty School, Medford 975.,1 Criarmayne Beauty Acadethy, Bedford 44146 Mtlwaukte Beauty School, Milwaukee 07222 Clark, Gilbert & Silverthorn Academy of Cosmetology, Modern Beauty College, Salem 97301 Steubenville 43952 Montavilla Beauty School, Portland 97215

71 Sped. Ized Accreditation and Preaccreditation

Oregon City Beauty School, Oregon 97045 Wilfred Academy of Hair and Beauty Culture, Philadelphia Phagan's Beauty College, Corvallis 97330 19107 Phagan's Central Oregon Beauty College, Bend 977D1 Willow Grove Beauty Academy, WiP ,w Grove 19090 Phagan's Gateway College of beauty, Portland 97220 Phagan's School of &pity, Salem 97301 Rhode Island: Phagan's School of Hair Design, Portland 97204 Arthur Angelo School 'lair Design ?rovidence 02903 Phagan's Tigard Beauty School, Tigard 97223 Newport School of Hairdressing, Bristol 02809 University Beauty College, Portland 97203 South Carolina: Western Beauty College, Klamath Falls 97601 Anderson College of Beauty Culture, Anderson 29621 Pemaryhula: Farah's Beauty School, Charleston 29401 Airco Technical Institute, Philadelphia 19139 La Carnes-Rock Hill Beauty College, Rod( Hill 29730 Alitouppa School of Beauty Culture, Aliquippa 15001 Simon School of Hair Design, West Columbia 29169 Alleghany Beauty Academy, Dravosburg 15034 Simon School of Hair Design, Rock Hill 29730 Allentown School of Cosmetology, Allentown 18103 South Dakota: Ardom Beauty Academy, Beaver i5009 Cheena's Beauty Academy, Sharpsville 16150 Black Hills Beauty College. Rapid City 57701 Elegant School of Beauty, Punxsutawney 15767 Nettleton Academy of Hair Design, Sioux Falls 57102 8r-4114 School, Pottstown 10'64 Stewart School of Hairstyling, Sioux Falls 57102 Empire Pewits, School, Hazleton 18201 Stewart School of Hairstyling. Aberdeen 57401 Empire Beauty Sctool, Lewistown 17044 Tennessee: Empire Beauty School, Mechanicsburg 17055 Enru Beauty School, Memphis 38128 Empire Beauty School, State College 16801 Enni School of Beauty Culture, Memphis 38117 Empire Beauty School, Allentown 18101 Helena Dye & Flanary B, sty College, Nashville 37203 Empire Beauty School, Easton 18042 Jon Nave University of Unisex Cosmetology, Nashville 37209 Empire beauty School, Lancaster 17603 McMinnville Scho,.: of Cosmetology, McMinnville 37110 Empire Beauty School, Lebanon 17402 Mid-South School of Beauty, Memphis 38116 Empire Beauty School, Reading 19601 Middle Tennessee Beauty School, Cookeville 38501 Empire Beauty Sr hool, Sunbury 17801 Midsouth School of Beauty, Memphis 38116 Empire Beauty Williamsport 17701 Plaza School of Beauty Culture, Memphis 38111 Empire Beauty School, York 17401 Tenhessee School of Beauty, Oak Ridge 37830 Empire Beauty School, Harrisburg 171 Ji Empire Beauty School, Pottsville 17901 Tennessee School of Beauty, Knoxville 37962 Tennessee School of Beauty, Alcoa 37701 Empire - Lackawanna Beauty School, Scranton 18503 Fcancc Beauty Academy, Pittsburgh 15222 Wendell's Knoxville School of Beauty Culture, Knoxville 37902 Franco Beauty College, New Kensington 15068 Gordon Phillips Rt'demar School of Bty Culture, Texas: Philadelphia 191J5 A & C College of Beauty #1, Ausi 78754 Gordon Phillips Sch of Beauty Culture, Levittown 19055 A & C College of Beauty #2, Austin 78756 Osodon Phillips School of Beauty Culture, Norristown 19401 A & C s-ollege of Beauty #3, Del Rio 78840 Gordon Phillips School of Beauty Culture, Philadelphia 19128 A & C Waco Beauty College, Waco 76701 Jerrystone School of Beauty Culture, Pittston 18640 Aladdin Beauty College #011, Midland 79761 Kershaw's Beauty Academy, Philadelphia 19134 Aladdin Beauty College #013, Cleburne 76031 Levittown Beauty Academy, Levittown 19056 Aladdin' Beauty College #017, Sherman 75090 Matson Felix Beauty School, New Kensington 15068 Aladdin Beauty College #018, El Paso 79904 Minion Felix beauty School, Pittsburgh 15222 Aladdin Beauty College #020, Longview 75601 New Castle School of Beauty Culture New Castle 16101 Aladdin Beauty College #1, Wichita Falls 76301 Orra Jean Beauty and Mtn's Hairstyling Academy. Erie Aladdin Beauty College #2, Wichita Falls 74601 16501 Aladdin Beauty College #4, Odessa 79760 Penn Commercial College, Washington 15301 Aladdin Beauty College #5, Arlington 76010 Pittsburgh Beauty Academy, Ptttsburgh 15222 Aladdin Beauty College #6, Odessa 97762 Pittsburgh Be;...ty Academy of Beaver Falls, Beaver Falk Peauty College #8, Odessa 79760 15010 Alamo Be ty College #1, San Anton; 78226 . Pittsburgh Beauty Academy of Charleroi, Charleroi 15022 Amarillo C allege of Hairdressing, Amarillo 79109 Pittsburgh hews! Academy of Greensburg, Greensburr Ambassador Beauty College #1, Hurst 76053 1560, American n uty Colleg, San Antonio 75218 South Hills Beauty Academy, Pittsburg/, 15216 Audie & Joice School of Hair Design, San Antonio 78223 Uniontown Beauty Academy, Uniontown 15401 Baldwin Beauty School, Houston 77017 Venus Beauty School, Sharon Hill 19079 Baldwin Beauty School, Houston 77055 Wit -Mar Beauty School, Sharon 16146 Barrow Beauty School, Tyler 75701 Wilfred Academy, Upper Darby 19082 Brazosport Beauty College, Freeport 77541 Wilfred Academy of Hair and Beauty Culture, Philadelphia Charles & Sue's School of Hair Design. :`ryas 77801 19149 Conlee College of Cosmetology, Kerrville 78028 72 Specialized Accreditation and Preaccreditation

Dallas Cosmetology Academy, Mesquite 75149 Vogue 14,.auty College #5, San Antonio 78221 De Lynn Beauty College, Houston 77016 Vogue Beauty College #6. Ft Worth 76110 Espanola's Beauty College, Houston 77020 Vogue Beauty College #7, McAllen 78501 Franklin Beauty School Houston 77004 Vogue Beauty College #8, Waco 76.'08 Franklin Beauty School #2. Houston 77013 Vogue Beauty College #9, Lubhock 79413 Garys Beauty College Inc, Brownwood 7681)1 Gene Prater Beauty School, Ft Worth 76106 Utah: Glen & Lott ie's School of Beauty and Advanced flair, Beau ha Reine College of Beauty Culture, Logan 84321 Abi len 79603 Cunt nental College of Beauty, Salt Lake Cy 84106 Gregory's Beauty Academy. Pasadena 77502 Continental College of Beauty, Salt Lake City 84103 Haltom City Beauty College, Ft Worth 76117 Eollywood Beauty College, Kearns 84118 Icenhower University of Beauty Arts, Dallas 75227 Hollywood Beauty College, Granger 84119 Irving Beauty Academy, Irving 75061 Hollywood Beauty College, Murray 84107 Jean's College of Beauty. San Angelo 76901 Hollywood Beauty College, Orem 44057 Jessie Lee s Hair Design Institute Inc, Lubbock 79413 Hollywood Beauty College, Provo 84601 Ye sie's Beauty College, Denton 76201 Hollywood Beauty College, Salt Lake City 84106 Johnson's Institute of Cosmetic Arts and Sciences Sari Hollywood Beauty College, Clearfield 84015 Antonio 78205 Hollywood Beauty College, Logan 84321 Killeen Beauty College, Texas 77590 Hollywood Beauty College, Holladay 8 1117 Laredo Beam.; College, Laredo 78040 Hollywood Beauty College, Ogden 84401 Lonnie.. School of Hair Design, Beaumont 77701 nternational Institute of Hair Design, Bountiful 8411)1 Lonmes School of Hair Design, Baytown 77520 International Institute of Hair Design, Midvale 84048 Lufkin Beauty Cong.!,1 utlin 75901 International Institute of Hair Design, Salt Lake City 84109 Michael's University in Beauty College, Longview 75601 Mary Kawakami College of Beauty, Provo 84601 Mims Clastoc Beauty College, San Antonio 78216 Mims School of Beauty Culture, Port Arthur 77640 Vermont: Mr Tonne's School of Cosmetology, Co,sicana 75110 ()liner,School of Cosmetology, Burlington 05401 Mrs Carter's School of Beauty Culture, Wichita 76301 Vermont College of Cosmetology, Burlington 05401 National Beauty School #010, Plata) 75274 National Beauty School #011, Irving 75061 Vir,inia: National Beauty School #1, Dallas 75234 Anne', Beauty College, Norfolk 23504 National Beauty School #2, Dallas 75218 Deward s Beauty College, Harnsonhurg 22801 National Beauty School #3. Dallas '5208 Flair Beauty Institute, Richmond 23230 National Beauty School #4, Dallas 75217 Hicks Academy of Beauty Culture, Norfolk 23510 National Beauty school #5. Garland 75042 Jan-Mar Bea,ty Academy, Newport News 23606 National Beauty School #6, Mesquite 75149 Madame Daniel's School of Beauty Culture, Newport News National Beauty Siaxil #7. Dallas 752'40 21607 National Beauty School #8, Dallas 75206 Monique Beauty Academy of Northern Virginia, Arlington National Beauty School #9, Irving 75062 22201 Neilson Beauty College, Dallas 75208 Ralph', 1, irginia School of Cosmetology, Lynchburg 24504 Ogle School of Hair Design, Arlington 76011 Staunton School of Cosmetology Inc, Staunton 24401 Richard & Joseph's Artistic School of Hair Design, Tyler Virginia School of Cosmetology. Richmond 23230 75701 Virginia Schools of Hair Design-HaMpton. Hampton 21369 Robert & Mary's School of flair Design. Galveston 77551 V..ginia Schools of Hair Design- Newport News, Newport Rosenhurg Beauty College, Rosenhurg 7747! :News 23601 San Antonio Beauty College, San Antonio 78201 Wards Corner Beauty Academy, No-folk 23505 Southwest Beauty College #1, El Paso 79901 Watson's Beauty Scho,l, Charlottv.ille 22091 Spring Branch Beauty College. Houston 77055 Stephenville Beauty College, Stephenville 76401 Washington. texas Beauty College. Dallas 75208 Auburn Beam: College, Auburn 98002 Velma B's Beauty Acao.fmy, Dallas 75224 Bellingham Beauty School, Bellingham 98225 Victoria Beauty College, Victoria 77901 Everett Beauty School, Everett 98201 Vogue Beauty Colloge #012, Houston 77015 1-verett Plaza Beauty School Everett 98203 Vogue Beauty College #1. Corpus Christi 78412 Glen Dow cadency of H or Design, Spokane 99201 Vogue Beauty College #2 Austin 78704 Gloria's School cf Beauty, Belleviie 98004 Vogue Beauty College #1. Ft Worth 7611)1 Gloria's School if Beauty. KirRland 98011 Vogue Beauty College #4 Austin 78722 Greenwood Beauty School, Seattle 9811

71 Specialized Accreditation and Preaccreditation

Hi-Line Beauty School, Seattle 98166 Karen's Beauty School, Bremerton 98310 CYTOTECHNOLOG V Kenmore Beauty School, Bothel 98011 American Medical Association Kirkland Beauty School, Kirkland 98033 Lacey Besot'..tool, Lacey 98503 Committee on Allied Health Education and Lynnwood Beat College, Lynnwood 98036 Accreditation M'Lady School of Beauty, Spokane 99208 In cooperation with McDonald' School of Cosmetology, Bellingham 98225 Mr Let's Beauty School-Auburn, Auburn 98002 American Society of Cytology Mr Lee's Beauty School-Burien, Seattle 98188 Cytotechnology Frograms Review Committee Mr Lee's Beauty School-Seattle, Seattle 98101 Mr Lee's Beauty School-Tacoma, Tacoma 98405 Bernard Naylor. Chairman Mr Lee's Beauty 5chool-Yakima, Yakima 98902 Department of Pathology Renon's Beauty School, Seattle 98125 Box 45 Renton Beauty School, Renton 98005 University of Mn higan Trendsetters College Of Beauty, Seattle 98116 Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109

West Virginia: Cytotechnology (Accredited) Beckley Beauty Academy, Beckley 25801 Alabama: Capital`ty Beauty College, Charleston 25301 University of South Alabama, Mobile 16688 Clarksburg Beauty Academy Inc, Clarksburg 26301 California: Huntington School of Beauty Culture, Huntington 25701 Donald N Sharp Memorial Hospital, San Diego 92123 Little French Beauty Academy, Bluefield 24701 Hospital of the Good Samaritan, Los Angeles 90017 'Irkersburg Beauty College, Parkersburg 21 91 Los Angeles County Hospital-CSC Medical Center1 os West Virginia College of Beauty Culture, Martinsburg 25401 Angeles 90033 Wheeling duty College Inc, Wheeling 26003 University of California School of Medicine,an Francisco 94122 Whitetails: Colorado: American Beauty College, Green Bay 54301 St Mary's Hospital and Medical i triter, Grand Junction American Beauty College, Racine 53403 81501 American Beauty Milwaukee 53203 Connesfcut: American Beauty College-Madison West, Madison 53705 Hartford Hospital, Hartford 06115 City College of Cosmetology, Appleton 54911 Florida: City College of Cosmetology, Milwaukee 53216 City College of Cosmetology, M "waukee 53215 University of Miami-Jackson Memorial Medical Center, Miami 33116 City College of Cosmetology, Eau Claire 54701 Genevr Academy of Beauty Culture, Lake G.neva 53147 Georgia: Janesville Academy of Beaury'Culture, Janesville 53545 Grady Memorial Hospital, Atlanta 10303 Lacrosse School of Beauty, La Crosse 54601 Illinois: Mritson Academy of Beauty, Madison 5371! Michael Peese Hospital end Medic,..! Centei, Chicago 60616 Milwautk College of Beauty Culture, Milwaukee 53215 Moult' Sinai glospiial Medical Center. Chicago 60608 Scientific College of Beauty, Madison 53711 University of Chicago-Chicago-1 )111g-in-Hospital. Chic, State College of BeautCulture, Wauwatosa 53213 60637 State College vf Beauty Culture Inc, Wausau 5440! Indiana: Wisconsin College of Cosmetology, Green Bay 54301 Lakeshore Mr,' _al Lab orators Mu higan City 46360 South Bend Medical found-t. n South Bend 46601 Puerto Rico: Iowa: Abbynell Beauty ,Atademy, Caguas 00625 Mercy Hospital. Des Moines 50114 Academia De Relies% Boni.g ,en, Santurce 0091' Hollywood Academy of Beauty Culture, Caguas 00625 Kansas: Hollywood Academy of Beauty Z2ulture, Rio Piedras00928 St Francis Hospital. Wichiitt 67214 Modern Hairstlying Institute, Puerto Nuevo 00921 Unwersity of Kansas Medidal ( enter, Kansas City 661111 Modern Hairstyling Institute, Bayamon 00619 Wesley Medical Center, Wichita 67214 Modern 1..iirstyling Institute, Rio Peidras 00928 Kentucky: Puerto Rico Academy of Cosmetology, Aquadilla 00661 University of 1 ounkkille, 1 nuio,Ille 402112 Kap University of Beauty Culture, Homacao 00661 Louisiana: Teddy Ulmo Institute of Advanced hairstyling & Beauty C, Louisiana State Cr , sersitti Medical ( Santurce 00909 Wet, Nev. ;)rleme, 70112

74 t; SpecializedAccreditation and Preaccreditation

Maryland: Rhode Island: Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore 21205 Our Lady of Fatima Um. St Joseph Hospital, Providence National Naval Medical Center, Bethesda 20014 02904

Massachusetts: South Carolina: Berkshire Medical Center, Pittsfield 01201 Medical thoversity of South Carolina, Charleston 29403 Berkshire Medical Center-School of Cytotechnology, Pittsfield 01201 Tennessee: Boston School of Cytotechnology, Brookline 02146 University of Tennessee, Memphis 18163 University of Tennessee Memorial Michigan: Knoxville 37920 Harper-Grace Hospital, Harper Hospital Division, Detroit Texas: 48235 Baptist Memonal Hospital, San Antonio 78205 University of Michigan Medical Center, Ann Arbor 48109 Hexer County Hospital District, San Antonio 1284 Wayne State University, Detroit 48202 University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston, Galveston William Beaumont He -Mal, Royal Oak 48072 77550

Minnesota: - Vermont: Mayo Clinic and Mayo Foundation, Rochester 55901 Medical Center Hospital of Vermont, Burlington 05401 Misidseml: Virgtnlat University of Mississippi Medical Center, Jackson 39216 De Paul Hospital. Norfolk 23505 K. owl: University of Virginia Medical Centel, Charlottsville 22961

University of Missouri Medical Centel, Columbia 65201- West Virginia: Now Jersey: Cabell Huntington Hospital, Huntington 25701

College of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey, Newark Charleston Area Medical Center, Charleston 25304 _ 07103 Wisconsin: Muhlenberg Hospital, Plainfield 07060 Marshfield Medical Center Laboratory, Marshfield 54449 New York: MilwAukee County Medical Complex, Milwaukee 53226 Albany School or Cytotechnology, Albany 12201 University of Wisconsin Center for Health Sciences, Madison Department of Health and Hospitals. New York 10016 53706 Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York 10021 Puerto Rico: New York Hospital-Cornell Medical Center, White Plains 10605 _ University of Puerto Rico Medical Sciences Campus, San SUNY Upstate Medical Center, Syracuse 13210 Juan 00936 North Carolina: Duke University, Durham 27706 North Carolina Baptist Hosp/Bowman Gray School of DANCE AND THEATER EDUCATION Medicine, Winston Salem 27109 North Dakota: Joint Commission on Dance and Theater University of North Dakota School of Medicine, Grand Accreditation Forks 58201 Samuel Hope, Executive Director Ohio: 11250 Roger Bann Drive, Suite 5 Akron General Medical Center. Akron 44307 Reston, Virginia 22090 Aultman Hospital. Canton 44710 Miami Valley Hospital. Dayton 45409 California: St Elizabeth Medical Center, voungstown 44505 San Francisco Ballet School, Francisco 94121 St Luke's Hospital, Cleveland 44104 University of Cincinnati Cincinnati 45221 Connecticut: Sr hoed of the Hartford Hallo. Hartford 06105 Otero: University of Otegon Medical School, Portland 97201 New York: Alvin Ailey kepertory Ensemble, New York 10036 Pennsylvania: Circle in The Square 1 heatre School, New York 10019 Geistlibtr Medical Center, Danville 17821 Dance Theat.r of Harlem Inc. New York 100s! Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia Merce Cunningham Studio, New York 10014 19104 National Shakespeare Comp -'ny Conservatory, New York Thomas Jefferson University. Philadelphia 19107 10019 University Health Center-Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh 1521 Nikolais/Aus Dame Theater 1 ab. New York 10003

75 U' SpecializedAccreditation and Preaccreditation

DENTAL AND DENTAL AUXILIARY Harvard University, Cambridge 02138 PROGRAMS Tufts University, Medford 02155 Michigan: American Dental Association University of V.:iron, Detroit 48221 University of Michigan, Ann Arbor 43;JI Commission on Dental Accreditation Minnesota: Thomas 1 Galley. Secretary University of Minnesota at Minneapolis-St Paul. Minneapolis 211 East Chicago Avenue 55455 Chicago, Illinois 60611

Dentistry (Accredited) University of Mississippi-Main Campus Univerity 386'7 Missouri: Alabama: University of Missoun-Kansas City, Kansas City 64110 University of Alabama-Birmingham., Birmingham 35294 Washington University, St Louis 63-00 Ca Worlds: Nebraska: Loma Linda University, Loma Linda 92354 Creighton I Iniversity, Omaha 68178 University of the Pacific, San Francisco 94102 University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln 68508 University of California, Los Angeles 90024 University of California. San Francisco 94122 New Jersey: University of Southern California, Los Angeles 90007 College of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey. Newark 07103 Colorado: Fairleigh Dickinson University, Hackensack 07601 University of Colorado, Denver 80203 New York: Coamutieut: Columbia University, New York 10027 University of Connecticut Health Center, Farmington 06032 New York University, New York 10003 District of Columbia: SUNY'al Buffalo. Buffalo 14222 Georgetown University, Washington 20007 SUNY Health Science Center-Stony Brook, Stony Brook 11790 Howard University, Washington 20001 Florida: North Corolla*: University of Florida. Gainesville 32611 University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill 27514 Ohio: Georgia: Emory University, Atlanta 30322 Cass W..tern Ran ite University, Cleveland 44106 Medical College of Georgia, Augusta 30902 Ohio Stat.: University-Main Campus. Columbus 43210 (*Wrote*: University Loyola University of Chicago. Chicago 60611 Jklahoma at Norman. Norman 73069 Northwestern University. Evanston 60201 CRAPE Southern Illinois University-Edwardsville, Edwardsville University of Gregor Health Sciences Center. Portlsnd 97201 62025 University of Illinois Medical Center Chicago 60680 Peeasylmeria: Temple University, Philadelphia 19122 Indiana: University of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia 19104 Indiana University, Bloomington-Indianapolis, Bloomington university of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh 15260 47401 Some Carollam Iowa: Um rsity of South Carolina, Columbia 29208 Universe of Iowa. Iowa City 52242 Kenteeky: Meharry Medical College, Nashville 37203 University of Kentucky. Lexington 40506 University of Tennessee. Memphis 38163 University of Louisville, Louisville 40202 TeL Louisiana: &i.ylor University Medical Center, Dallas 75226 Louisiana State University Medical Ceiner New Orleans University of Texas Health Science Center. San Antonio 70112' 77025 Maryland:

University of Maryland Professional Schools. Beltmore 21201 Virg,ma .:.ornevinwealth University. Richmond 23227 Massechesetta: Wasitiegtoti. Boston University. ttoston 02215 tJniversity of Washington Seattle 98t95

76 Specializ-d Accreditation and Preaccreditation West Virginia: Kauai: West Virginia University, Morgantown 26505 Veterans Administration Medial Center, Topeka 66622 Wisconsin: Veterans Administration Medical Center, Leavenworth66048 Marquette University, Milwaukee 53233 Kentucky: Puerto Rico: University of Kentucky-Jefferson Community College. Louisville 40200 University of Puerto Rico Medical SciencesCampus, San Juan 00936 University of Louisville, Louisville 40202 Veterans Administration Medical Center Lexington 40202 Veterans Admin.Ntration Medical Center, Louisville40202 Dentistry (Preaccredited) Louisiana: Gidsovain Louisiana State University at Shreveport. Shreveport 71100 Oral Roberts University, Tulsa 74105 US Public Health Service Hospital, NewOrleans 70118 Veterans Administration Medical Center,New Orleans 70146 Advanced Dental Education Program(Accredited) Maine: Maine Medical Center. Port!: nd 04192 Mary Wed: University of Alabama-Bu-minghion, Birmingham35294 Baltimore Co ly Hospitals, Baltimore 21224 University of Alabama/Huntsinlle Hospital,Huntsville 35801 Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore 21205 University of Alabama/Veterans AdmininstrationMedical, Birmingham 15233 Johns Hopkins University. Baltimore 212i8 National Naval Medical Center, Bethesda 20014 Arizona: Provident Hospital, Baltimore 21215 Phoenix Indian Medical Center, Phoenix 85016 University of Maryland Professional Schools,Baltimore 21201 US Air Force Hospital, Davis- Monthan Air Force Base, Veterans Administration Medical Center.Baltimore 21218 Tucson 85707 Mapachasetts: California: Berkshire Medical Center, Pittsfield 01201 Naval Regional Medical (Tenter, Camp Pendelton92055 Boston University, Boston 02215 Delaware: Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston 02114 Veterans Administration Medical Center, WestRoxbury Veterans Administration Medical Center,Wilmington 19899 02132 Roddy Veterans Administration Medical Center, Brockton02401 Veterans Administration Medical-Center, Boston02130 University of Miami-Jackson Memorial MedicalCenter, Miami 33136 Western Massachusetts Hospital, Westfield 01085 Var.zty Children's Hospital, Miami 33155 Michigan: Veterans Administration Medical Center, slum33125 Detroit General Hospital, Detroit ii3226 Veterans Administration Medical Center,Gainesville 32602 Detroit-Macomb Hospitals Associat on, Detroit 48226 Veterans Adm station Medical Center,Tampa 33612 Henry Ford Hospital, Detroit 48202 Georgie: University of Michigan. Ann Arbor 48104 Emory University, Atlanta 30322 Veterans Administration Medical Center, Allen Park48101 Veterans Administration Mech.:al Center, Medical College of Georgia, Augusta 30902 Ann Arbor 48105 Illinois: Minnesota: Mayo Medical School, Rochester 55901 Evanston Hospital, Evanston 60201 University of Minnescta at MinneapolisSt Paul. Minneapolis Rash-riesbyteron-St Luke's Medical Center, Chicago60612 -55455 University of Chicago. Chicago 60637 Veterans Administration Medical Center, Minneapolis55417 University of Illinois at Chicago Circle, Chicago60680 University of Illinois Medical Center, Chicago60680 Mississippi: Veteran Administration Medical Center, North Chicago University of Mississippi Medical Center, Jackson39216 60064 US Air Force Comm Systems-NCO Prof `4111taryEdu Ctr, Veterans Adminisnation Medical Center-LakesideHospital, Keesler AFB 39534 Chicago 60611 Missouri: Ladino: Jewish Hospital, St Louis 61110 !ratans Univermy,Medical Center, Indianapolis46202 St Louts University, St louts 61103 Veterans Administration Medical Center, Indianapolis46202 Truman Medical Center, Kansas City 64108 Iowa: University of MissouriKansas City, Kansas City 64110 Veterans Administration Hospital, Kansas Univera'ty of Iowa, lowa City 52242 City 64125 Veterans Administration Medical Center, Veterans Administration Medical Center, lows St Louis 63125 City 52240 Washingt'on University, St Louts 61130

77 Specialized Accreditation and Preaccreditation

Nebraska: Pennsylvania: Creighton University, Omaha 68178 Abington Memorial Hospital, Abington 19001 University of NebraskaLincoln, Lincoln 68508 Allegheny General Hospital, Pittsburgh 15212 Veterans Administration Medical Center, Lincoln 68508 Allentown Hospital Association, Allentown 18102 Veterans Administration Medical Center, Omaha 68510 Hahnemann Medical Center, Philadelphia 19102 Medical College of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia 19129 New Jersey: Sacred Heart Hospital, Allentov. 18102 Bergen Pines County Hospital, Paramus 07652 University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia 19104 College of Medici- t and Dentistry of New Jersey, Newark Veterans Administration Medical Center, Wilkes-Barre 81711 07103 Veterans Administration Medical Center, Philadelphia 19104 .Englewood Hospital, Englewood 07631 Veterans Administration Medical Center, Pittsburgh 15206 Hackensack Hospital, Hackensack 07601 Jersey Shore Medical Center, Neptune 07753 Tennessee : John F Kennedy Medical Center, Edison 08817 Veterans Administration Medical Center, Memphis 3810 Middlesex General hospital, New Brunswick 08903 Texas: Morristown Memorial Hospital, Morristown 07960 Brook Army Medical Center, Ft Sam Houston 78234 Mountainside Hospital, Montclair 07040 M D Anderson Hospital and Timor Institute, Houston 77030 Newark Beth Israel Medical Center, Newark 07112 Veirans Administration Me&cal Center, Dallas 75216 St Joseph's Hospital and Medical Center, Patterson 07503 Veterans Administration Medical Center, Lyons 07939 Virginia: Naval Regional Medical Center, Portsmouth 23708 New York: U S Public Health Service Hospital, Norfolk 23508 Children's Hospital of Buffalo, Buffalo 14222 Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond 23227 Fru, County Medical Center, Buffalo 14715 Long Island Jewish-Hillside Medical Center. Glen Oaks 11004 Washington: Nassau County Medical Center, East Meadow 11554 Madigan Army Medical Center, Tacoma 98431 Presbyterian Hospital, New York 10032 U S Public Health Service Hospital, Eattle 98144 Roosevelt Hospital, New York 10019 Wisconsin: St Clare's Hospital and Health Center, New York 10000 St Joseph's Hospital, Syracuse 13200 Methodist Hospital, Machs, :, 53703 St Luke's Memorial Hospital Center, Utica 13503 Mount Sinai Medical Center, Milwaukee 53233 St Mary's ii,vital, Rochester 14611 St. Luke's Hospital Center School of Endodontics, New York Combined Advanced Dental Education Program 10025 (Accredited) SUNY at Binghtunpton, Binghamton 1390: SUNY at Stony Brook, Stony Brook 11794 Pennsylvania: SUNY Health Science Center-Buffalo, Buffalo 14'214 University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia 19104 University of Rsichester. Rochester 14627 Veterans Administration Medical Center, Montrose 19548 Dental Assistant (Accredited) Veterans Administration Medical Center, Bronx 10468", Veterans Administration. Medical Center, Buffalo 14215 Alabama: Veterans Administration Medical Center, Brooklyn 11209 Bessemer State Technical College, Bessemer 35020 North Coronas: James H Faulkner Community College. Bay Minette 36507 John C Calhoun State Community College, Decatur 35601 University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill 27514 Wallace State Community College, Hanceville 35077 Ohio: Arizona: Case Western Reserve University, Cleve Ian, 44106 Mancopa Technical C munity College, Phoenix 85004 Medical College of Ohio at Toledo, Toledo 43614 Pima Community College, Tucson 85709 Mount Sinai Hospital of Cleveland, Cleveland 44106 St Charles Hospital, Toledo 43616 Arkansas: Si Elizabeth Medical Center, Youngstown 44505 Cotton Boll VocationalTechnical School, Rurdette 72321 St Luke's Hospital, Cleveland 44104 Pulaski VocationalTechnical School, North Little Rock St Vincent Hospital and Medical Center, Toledo 43608 7211° US Veterans irchninistration Medical Center, Cleveland 44106 California: Veterans Adinnittration Medical Center, Dayton 45428 Allan Hancock College, Santa Maria Q3454 Ok Walnut Bakersfield College, Bakersfield 93305 St Anthony Hospital, Oklahoma City 73102 Cabrillo College, Apos 9f003 Central City Occup:,tional Center, Los Angeles 90018 Oregon Cerntos College, oiorwalk 90650 University of Oregon Health Sciences Center, Portland 97201 Chabot C,:llege, Hayward 94545 Veterans Administration Medical Center, Portland 97201 ChatTey Community College, Alta Loma 91101

78 Special Eted Accreditation and Preaccredltadon Citrus College, Azusa 91702 Daytona Beach Community College, Daytona Beach 32015 City College of San Francico, San Francisco 94' 7 Florid' Junior College, Jacksonville 32207 College of the Redwoods. Eureka 95501 Gulf Coast Community College, Panama City 32401 College of Alameda, Alameda 94501 Indian River Community College, Ft Pierce 33450 College of Marin, Kent Field 94904 Lindsey Hopkins Technical Educational Center, MJim 33132 College of San Mateo, San Mateo 94402 Manatee Junior College, Bradenton 33505 Contra Costa College, San Pablo 94806 Orange County Vocational School, Palmetto 32801 Cypress College, Cypress 90630 Palm Beach Junior College, Lake Worth 33460 Diablo Valley College, Pleasant Hill 94523 Pensacola Junior College, Pensacola 32504 East Los Angeles Regional Occupational Center, LosAngeles Santa Fe Community College, Gainesville 32601 90033 Southern College. Orlando 32801 Foothill College, Los Altos Hills 94022 Grossmont College, El Cajo,i 92021 Georgia: Kings River College, Reed ley 93654 Atlanta Area Technical School, Atlanta 30310 La Puente Valley Adult Schools, Industry 744 Augusta Are.s Technical School, Augusta 30906 Loma Linda University, Loma Linda 92354 Hawaii: Beach City College, Long Beach 90808 `it -ed College, Merced 95340 University of Hawaii-K*13101am Community College, Honolulu 96814 Modesto Junior College, Modesto 95350 Monterey Peninsula College, Monterey 93940 Idaho: North Valley Occupational Center, Mission Hails 91340 Boise State University, Boise 83701 Orange Coast College, Costa Mesa 96626 Eastern Idaho Vocational-Technical School, -iaho Falls Palomar College, San Marcos 92069 83401 Pasadena city College, Pasadena 91106 11 Haas; Rio Hondo College, Whittier 90601 Sacramento City College, Sacramento 95822 Black Hawk College-Quad Cities Campus, Moline 61265 San Diego Mesa College, San Diego 92111 City Colleges of Chicago-Loop College, Chicago 60601 San Jose City College, San Jose 95128 College of Lake County, Grayslake 60030 Santa Barbara City College, Santa Barbara 93105 Elgin Community College, Elgin 60120 Santa Rosa Junior College, Santa Rosa 95401 Ilknon Valley Community College, Oglesby 61348 Simi Valley Adult School, Simi Valley 93065 Kaskaskia College, Centralia 62801 Lake Land College, Mattoon 61938 University of California, Los Angeles 90024 Lewis and Clark Community College, Godfrey 62035 Colorado: Lincoln Land Community College, Springfield 62708 Aurora Tr.-I.:mai Center. Aurora 8001! Loyola University of Chicago, Chicago 60611 Community College of Denver-North Campus, Westminster Morton College, Cicero 60650 80030 Olney Central College, Olney 62450 Emily Griffith Opportunity School, Denver 80200 Parkland College, Champaign 61820 Latimer County Vocational Technical Center, Ft Collins Prairie State College. Chicago Heights 60411 80521 Robert Morris School, Carthage 62321 Mesa College, Grand Junction PI501 Rock Valley College, Rockford '1101 Pikes Peak Community Co Nev. Colorado Springs80906 Triton College, River Grove 60171 University of Illinois Medical Center. Chicago 50680 Connecticut: haw: Albert 1 Prince Regional Vocal., -Technical School, Hartford 06106 Indiana State University-Evansville, Evansville 47712 Eli Whitney Regional Vocational-lechnical School,Hamden Indiana University at Ft Wayne, Ft Wayne 46805 06514 Indiana Uruve-city at South Bend, South Bend 46615 JM Wright Regional Vocational-TechnicalSch..ol, Stamford Indiana University-Northwest Campus, Gary 46408 06904 Indiana University-Purdue University at Indianapolis, Tunsis Commimit, College, Farmington 06032 Indianapolis 46202 Windham Regional Vocational Technical School,Willimantic Indiana Vocational - Technical CollegeLafayette, Lafayette 06226 47905 Professional Careers Institute, Indianapolis 46268 Delaware: Iowa: Delaware Technical and Common is College Wilmington Campus, Wilmington 19802 Des Moines Area Community College, Ankeny 50021 Hawkeye Institute of Technology, Waterloo 50704 District of Columbia: lows Central Community College, Ft Dodge 50501 Armstrong Adult Education Center. Washington 20001 Iowa Western Community College, Connal Bluff 51501 Florida: Kirkwood Community College, Cedar Rapids 5206 Marshalltown Community Cr 'lege, Marshalltown 50158 Brevard Community College, Cocoa 32922 Northeast Area One Vocational-Technical School. Dubuque Broward Community College, Ft Lauderdale 33314 52001

79 Specialized Accreditation and Preaccreditation

Western Iowa Technical Community College, Sinus City Oakland Community College-Highland I antes Campus, Union 511(x-, Lake 48085 Shaw College at Detroit, Detroit 48202 Kansas: Washtenaw Community College, Ann Arbor 48107 Flint Hills Area Vocational-Technical School, Emporia 66801 Wayne County Community College, Detroit 48201 Haskell Indian Ju' College, Lawrence 66044 Minnesota: Kentucky: Bemidji Area Vocational - Technical School, Bemidji 56601 Bowling Green State Vocational- Techn, School-Region 4, Brainerd Area Vocational-Technical School. Brainerd 56401 Bowling Green 42101 Canby Area Vocational Technical School, Canby 56220 Fugazzi College, Lexington 40502 Hibbing Area Technics) Institute, Hibbing 55746 Jefferson County State Vocational-leclinisal School Reg 6, Lakeland Medical and Dental Academy. Minneapolis 55408 Jefferson Town 40299 Mankato State University, Mankato 56001 Un.versity of Louisville, Louisville 40202 Minnesota Institute of Medical and Dental Assistants, Watterson College. Louisville 40211 Minneapolis 55405 Moorhead Area Vocational-Technical School, Moorhead Liniksiaaa: 56560 Louisiana State University Medical Center, New Orleans Normandale Community College, Bloomington 55431 70112 Rochester Area Vocational-Technical institute, Rochester Maine: 55901 Bangor Community College, Bangor 04401 St Cloud Area Vocational-Technical School, St Cloud 56301 Suburban Hennepin Area Vocational-Technical Institute. Maryland: Brooklyn Park 55429 Allegany Community College, Cumberland 21502 Untversity of Minnesota at Minneapolis-St Paul, Minneapolis Community College of Baltimore. Baltimore 21215 554" Essex Community College, Baltimore County 212)7 916 Area Vocational-Technical Instill White Rear Lake Frederick Community College, Frederick 21701 55110 Montgomery College. Rockville 20850 Mississippi: Prince George's Community College, Largo 20870 Hinds Junior College, Raymond 39154 Massachusetts: Missouri: Assabet ValleyRegionalVocational School, Marlboro 01752 Blue Hills Regional Technical Institute, Canton 02021 East Central Junior College. Union 63084 Graff Area V ,cational-Technical Center, Springfield 65802 Boston University, Boston 02215 Mineral Area College, Flat River 63601 Charles H McCann Vocational-Technical School, Boston Missouri Southern State College, Joplin 64801 02115 Nichol's Career Center, Jefferson City Public Schools, David Hale Fanning Trade High School, Worcester 01605 Diman Regional Technical High School, Fall River 02723 Jefferson City 65101 Penn Valley Community College. Kansas City 64111 Greater Lawrence Regional Vocational-Technical High Rolla Area Vocational School, Rolla 65401 School, Andover 01810 St Louis Community Ccllege at Forrest Park, St Louis 63110 Middlesex Community College, Bedford 01730 St Louis Community College at Meramec, Kirkwood 63122 Mount Ida Junior College, Newton Centre 02!59 Three Rivers Community College. Poplar Bluff 63901 Northeast Metropolitan Regional Vocational School, Wakefield 01580 Montana: Northeastern-Tufts University, Boston J2I15 Great Falls Vocational-Technical C er, Great Falls 59401 Quincy Vocational-Technical School, Quincy 02169 Nebruka: Southeastern Regional Technical Institute, South Easton 02375 Central Technical °Immunity College, Hastings 68901 Springfield Technical Community College. Springfield 01105 Metropolitan Technical Ccmmunity College. Omaha 6811', Whittier Regional Vocational-Technical High School, Mid-Plains Community College, North Platte 69101 Haverhill 01830 Omaha College of Health Careers. Omaha 68105 Southeast Community College-Fairbury Campus. Lincoln Mkkigan: 68352 Charles Stewart Mott Community College. Flint 48503 Nevada: Delta College, University Center 48710 Ferris State College. Big Rapids 49307 Western Nevada Community College, Sparks 89431 Grand Rapids Junior College, Grand Rapids 49502 New Hampshire: Kellogg Community College. Rattle Creek 49016 New Hampshire Technical Institute, Concord 03301 Lake Michigan College, Bent -n Harbor 49022 Lansing Community College. 1racing 48914 New Jersey: Macomb County Comm undy College-Center Campus, Mount Camden County Vocational-Technical High School, Clemens 48043 trficklerville 08081 Muskegon Commit ny College, Muskegon 49443 CEllege of Medicine and Dentistry of T51.2w Jersey. Newark Northwestern Michigan College, Traverse City 49684 07103

80 ,9A., Specialized Accr,ditation and Preaccreditation

County College of Morns, Randolph 07801 South Carolina: County Community College, 1 renton 08608 Middlesex County College, Edison 08817 Florence-Darlington Technical College, Florence 29501 Greenville Technical College, Greenville 29606 Union County Technical Institute, Scotch Plains 07076 McDuffie Vocational High School, Anderson 29621 New Mexico: Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston 29403 University of New Mexico, Albuquerque 87106 Midlands Technical College, Columbia 29250 Spartanburg Technical College, Spartanburg 29303 New York: South Dakota: Dutchess Community College, Poughkeepsie 12601 Eastman Dental Center, Rochester 14620 Lake Area Vocational- fechnical Institute, Watertown 57201 Hudson Valley Community College, Troy 12180 Terviewsee: New York University, New York 10003 Chattanooga State Technical Community College, Niagara County Community College, Sanborn 14132 hattanooga 37400 Rochester Dental Assistants School, Rochester 14623 East Tennessee State University, Elizabethton 37643 State University College at Buffalo. Buffalo 14214 Knoxville City Board of Education, Knoxville 37919 Suffolk County Community College-Main Campus, Selden Memphis Area School, Memphis38105 11784 Volunteer State Community College, Gallatin 37066 North Carolina: Texas: Asheville-Buncombe Technical Institute, Asheville 28801 Amarillo College, Amarillo 79178 Central Piedmont Community College, Charlotte 28212 Def Mar College, Corpus Christi 78404 Coastal Carolina Community College, Jacksonville 28540 El Centro College, Dallas 75200 Fayetteville Technical Institute, Fayetteville 27701 El Paso Community College, El Paso 79998 Guilford Technical Institute. Jamestown 27282 Grayson County Junior College, Denison 75020 Rowan Technical Institute, Salisbury 28144 San Antonio College, San Antonio 78212 Technical Institute of Alamance, Burlington 27215 School of Health Care Sciences-Sheppard AirForce Base. University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill 27514 Wichita Falls 76311 Wayne Community College, Goldsboro 27530 Tarrant County Junior College, Hurst 76053 Western Piedmont Community College, Morganton 28655 Texas State Technical Institute-Sweetwater, Sweetwater 79556 North Dakota: Texas State Technical Institut!-Waco, Waco 76705 North Dakota State School of Science, Wahpeton 58075 University of Texas Health Science Center, San Antonio Ohio: 77025 Jane Adams School, Cleveland 44113 Utah: Jefferson Technical College, Steubenville 43952 Utah Technical College at Provo, Provo 84601 Oregosi: Vermont Blue Mountain Community College, Pendleton 97801 Champlain College, Burlington 05401 Chemeketa Community College, Salem 97303 Green Mountain College, Poultney 05764 Lane Community College, Eugene 97402 Virginia: Linn-Benton Community College, Albany 97321 Oregon Institute of Technology, Klamath Falls 97601 J Sergeant Reynolds Community Ccillege, Richmond 23200 Portland Community College, Portland 97219 Northern Viiginia Community College. Annandale 22003 Old Dominion University, Norfolk 23508 Prionsylvania: Virginia Western Community College, Roanoke 24015 Central Montgomery County Area Voc-Tech Dental Wytheville Community College, Wy Wis:ville 24382 Assistants, ' -or own 19401 Washington: Community Collet, Philadelphia. Philadelphia 19107 Bellingham Vocational Technical School, Bellingham 98225 Harem Junior Colltb.., Bryn Mawr 19010 Clover Park Vocational-Technical School, Lakewood Center Lehigh County Community College, Schnecksville 18078 98499 Luzern County Community College, Nanticoke 18702 Edmonds Community College, Lynnwood 98036 Manor Junior College, Jenkintown 19046 Highline Community College, Midway 98031 Median School of Allied Health Careers, Pittsburgh 15222 Kinman Business University, Spokane 99201 Mercyhurst College. Erie 16501 L H Bates Vocational-Technical Institute, Tacoma 98405 Murrell Dobbins Area Vocatiohal-Technical School, Philadelphia 19132 Olympia Technical Community College. Olympia 98501 Seattle Community College-Central, Seattle 98122 Northampton County Area Community College,Bethlehem 1 8n 1 7 Spokane Community College-East Mission Campus, Spokane 99207 University of Pittsburgh- Bradford Campus, Bradford 16701 Wisconsin: Mode Wand: Blackhawk Technical Institute, Janesville 53511 Rhode Island Juni .r College, Warwick 02886 ox Valley Technical Institute, Appleton 54911

81 Specialized Accreditation sad Preaccreditation

Gateway Technical Institute-Kenosha Campus, Kenosha Pensacola Junior College, Pensacola 32504 53140 Santa Fe Community College, Gainesville 32601 Lakeshore Technical Institute, Cleveland 53015 St Petersburg Jtimor College, St Petersburg 33710 Madison Area Technical College, Madison 53703 Tallahassee Community College, Tallahassee 32303 Milwaukee Area Technical College, Milwaukee 53203 Valencia Community College, Orlando 32800 Northeast Wisconsin technical Institute, Green Bay 54303 Georgia: Western Wisconsin Technical Institute, La Crosse 54601 Albany Junior College, Albany 31701 Wyoming Armstrong State College, Savannah 31406 Sheridan College, Sheridan 82801 Clayton Junior College, Forrest Park 30050 Columbus College. Columbus 31967 Purls Mee: De Kalb Community College, Clarkston 30021 University of Puerto Rico Medical Sciences Campus, San Macon Junior College, Bibb 31206 Juan 00936 Medical College of Georgia, Augusta 30902

Dental Hygiene (Accredited) Idaho: Idaho State University, Pocatello 83201 Illinois: University of Alabama-Birmingham, Birmingham 35294 Illinois Central College, East Peoria 61611 Alaska: Lake Land College, Mattoon 61938 University of Alaska-Anchorage Community College, Loyola University, Maywood 60153 Anchorage 99504 Northwestern University, Chicago 60611 Parklend College, Champaign 61820 Arlan= Prairie State College, Chicago Heights 60411 Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff 86001 Southern Illinois University, Carbondale 62901 Phoenix College, Phoenix 85013 William Rainey Harper College, Palatine 60067 Ark...sac - Indium University of Arkansas at Little Rock, Little Rock 72204 Indiana State University-Evansville, Evansville 47712 Califonda: Indiana University at South Bend, South Bend 46615 Indiana University-Northwest Campus, Gary 46408 Cabrillo College, Aptos 95003 Indiana University-Purdue University at Ft Wayne, Ft Wayne Cerritos College, Norwalk 90650 46805 Chabot College, Hayward 94545 Indiana University-Purdue University at Indianapolis, Cypress College, Cypress 90630 Indianapolis 46202 Diablo Valley College, Pleasant Hill 94523 Foothill College, Los Altos Hills 94022 Iowa: Fresno City College, Fresno 93704 Des Moines Area Community College, Ankeny 50021 Loma Linda University, Loma Linda 92354 Hawkeye Institute of Technology, Waterloo 50704 Pasadena City College, Pasadena 91106 University of Iowa, Iowa City 52242 Sacramento City College, Sacramento 95822 University of California, San Francisco 94122 Yams: University of Southern California, Los Angeles 90007 .lonnson County Community CollegOverland Park 66210 West Los Angeles College, Los Angeles 90029 Wichita State University, Wichita 67208

Colorado: Kentucky: Colorado Northwestern Community College, Rangel) 81646 University of Kentucky-Lexington Technical Institute, University of Colorado, Denver 80203 Paducah 42001 University of Southern ColoradorPueblo 81001 University of Kentucky-Paducah Community College, Paducah 42001 Cosaisetlatt University of Kentucky-Somerset Community College, College, Farmington 06032 Tunxis Comas Somerset 42501 University of b, idgeport, Bridgeport 06602 University of Louisville, Louisville 40202 Delaware: Western Kentucky University, Bowling Green 42101 D /aware Technical and Community College-Wilmington Los/slaw Campus, Wilmington 19802 . Louisiana State University Medical Center, New Orleans District of elidusablic 70112 Howard University. Washington 20001 Loyola University, New Orleans 70118 Northeast Louisiana University, Monroe 71201 Markle: Florida Junior College, Jacksonville 32207 Maine: Miami -Dade Community College, Miami Beach 33156 Umversnrof Maine at Orono, Orono 04401 Palm Beach Junior College, Lake Worth 33460 Westbrook College, Portland 04103

82 tf) 1 Specialized Accreditationand Preaccreditation Maryhiaik New York: Allegany Community College, Cumberland 21502 Broome Community College, Binghamton Community College of Baltimore. Baltimore 21215 13902 Cole tibia University, New York 10027 University of Maryland Professional Schools, Baltimore21201 CUNY-Hostos Community College, Bronx10021 Masimcbesefts: CUNY-New York City Technical College,Brooklyn 11201 Bristol Community College, Fall River 02720 Erie Com Mundy College-North Campus,Buffalo 14221 Cape Cod Cationimumty College, West Barnstable02601 Hudson Valley Community College, Troy12180 Forsyth Schnol for Dental Hygienists, Boston02115 Monroe Community College, Rochester 14607 Middlesex Community College, Bedford 01730 Onondaga Community College, Syracuse 13210 Quinsigamond Community College, Worcester 01605 Orange 'County Community College,Middletown 10940 Springfield Technical Community College, Springfield01105 SUNY Agricultural and Technical Collegeat Farmingdale, MleMIP12: Farmingdale 11735 Charles Stewart Mott Community College, Flint 48503 North Carolina: Delta College, University, Center 48710 Asheville-Buncombe Technical Institute, Asheville28801 Ferris State College, Big Rapids 49307 Central Piedmont Community College,Charlotte 28212 Grand Repids Junior College, Grand Rapids 49502 Coastal Carolina Community College,Jacksonville 28540 Kalamazoo s'alley Community College,Kalamazoo 49001 Fayetteville Technical Institute,fayetteville27701 Kellogg Community College, Battle Creek 49016 Guilford Technical Institute, Jamestown 27282' Lansing Communit' College, Lansing 48914 University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill27514 Oakland Community College-Highland LakesCampus, Union Wayne Community College, Goldsboro27530 Lake 48085 North Dakota: University of Detroit, Detroit 48221 University of Michigan, Ann Arbor 48104 North Dakota State School of Science,Wahpeton 58075 Minnesota: Mankato State University, Mankato 56001 Lakeland Community College, Mentor44060 Normandale COmmunity College, Bloomington 55431 Lima Technical College, Lima 45804 University of Minnesota at Duluth, Duluth 55812 Michael 1 Owens Technical College, Perrysburg43551 University of Minnesota at Minneapolis-St Paul,Minneapolis Ohio State University-Main Campus,Columbus 43210 55455 Shawnee State College, Portsmouth 45662 Sinclair Community College, Dayton 45402 University of CineMnati-R Walters Generaland Tech Col, Meridian Junior College, Meridian 39301 Cincinnati 45236 Northeast Mississippi Junior College, Booneville 38829 Youngstown State University, Youngstown 44503 University of Mississippi Medical Center,Jackson 39216 Oklahoma: Missouri: Oscar Rose Junior College, Midwest City 73110 Missouri Southern State College, Joplin 64801 Oregon: St Louis Community College at Forrest Park,St Louis 63110 University of Missouri-Kansas City, KansasCity 64110 Lane Community College, Eugene 97402 Montana: Mount Hood Community College, Gresham97030 Oregon Institute of Technology, Klamath Carroll College, Helena 59601 Falls 97601 Portland Community College, Portland 97219 Nebraska: University of Oregon Health Sciences Center,Portland 97201 Central Technical Commurity College, Hastings68901 Pennsylvania: University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln 68508 CoMmunity College of Philadelphia,Philadelphia 19107 Nevada: Luzerne County Community College, Nanticoke18702 Clark County Community College, Las Vegas 89101 Montgomery County Community College,Blue Bell 19422 New Hampshire: Northampton County Area CommunityCollege, Bethlehem 18017 New Hafnpshire Technical Institute, Concord03301 Temple University, Philadelphia 19122 New Jersey: Thomas refferson University, Philadelphia19107 Bergen Community College. Paramus 07652 University of Pennsylviinia, Philadelphia19104 County College, Blackwood 08012 University Health Center-Pittsburgh,Pittsburgh 15213 Williamsport Area Community College, College of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey,Newark Williamsport 17701 07103 Rhode Island: FairleightDickinson University, Hackensack 07601 University of Rhode Island, Kingston 02881 Middlesex County College, Edison 08817 Union County Technical Institute, Scotch Plains 07076 South Carolina: Mew Mexico: Florence Darlingtoa Technical College,Florence 29501 Green, ille Technical College, Greenville University of New Mexico. Albuquerque 87106 29606 Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston29403

83 95 Specialized Accreditation and Prenecreditation

Midlands Technical College. Columbia 29250 Dental Hygiene (Preaccredited) Smith Dakota: California: University of South Dakota-Vermillion. Vermillion 57069 Cypress College, Cypress 90630 Teasiessee: West Los Angeles College Cuker City 90211) Chattanooga State Technical Community College, Florida: Chattanooga 37400 Santa Fe Community College, Gainesville 32601 East Tennessee State University, Johnson City 37601 Meharry Medical College, Nashville 37203 Kentucky: Meharry Mediartollege/Tennessee State University. University of Kentucky-Lexington Technical Institut_ Nashville 37208 exington 40506 University of Tennessee, Memphis 38161 University of Kentucky-Paducah Community College, Texas: Paducah 42001 Amarillo College, Amarillo 79178 Michigan: Baylor University Medical Center, Dallas 75226 Delta College. Universit,, Center 48110 Bee County College, Beeville 78102 Del Mar College, Corpus Christi 78404 Mississippi: El Paso Community College. El Paso 79998 Meridian Junior College, ,vleridian 39301 Lamar University, Beaumont 77710 Northeast M sossippi Junior College, Bwmeville 38829 A Midwestern State University. Wichita Falls 76308 Tarrant County Junior College. Hurst 76053 - Nebraska: Texas Woman's University, Denton 76204 Central Technical Community College. Hastings 68901 Tyler Junior College. Tyler ',5701 Nevada: University of Texas Health Science Center. San Antonio Clark County Community College, Las Vegas 89101 77025 University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston, Pennsylvania: Houston 77025 Community College of Philadelphia, Philadelphia 19107 US Army Academy of Health Sciences. Ft Sam Houston Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia 19107 78234 Williamsport Area Community College, Williamsport 17701 Wharton County Junior College, Wharton ,7488 Texas: Utak: US Army Academy of Health Science,. Ft Sam Houston Weber State College, Ogden 84403 78234 Vermont: Puerto Rico: University of Vermont. Bur Irigton 05401 Unis-rsity of Puerto Rico Medical Sciences Campus. San Virydnia: Juan'936 Northern Virginia Community College, Annandale 22003 Old Dominion University, Norfolk 23508 Dental Laboratory Technology (Accredited) Virginia Commonwealth University. Richmond 23227 Virginia Western Community College, Roanoke 24015 Alabama: %Warm University of Alabama - Birmingham. Birmingham 35294 Clark College. Vancouver 98660 Arizona: Eastern Washington University, Cheney 99004 Pima Community College. Tucson 85709 Ft Steilacoom Community College. Tacoma 98499 Shoreline Community College, North Seattle 98:13 California: University of Washington. Seattle 98195 Casa Loma Institute of Technology, Lakeview Terrace 91342 Yakima Valley College. Yakima 98901 City College of San Francico, San Francisco 94112 Diablo Valley College, Pleasant Hill 94523 West Virginia: Merced Cellege, Merced 95340 West Liberty State College. West Liberty 26074 Orange Coast College. Costa Mesa 96626 West Virginia Institute of Technol,gy, Montgomery 25116 Pasadena City College. Pasadena 91106 West Virginia University. Morgantown 26505 Riverside City College. Riverside 92506 Wisconsin: West Los Angeles College, Los Angeles 90029 Madison Area Teelstucal College, Madison 53703 Florida: Marquette University, Milwaukee 53233 Indian River Community College, Ft Pierce 33450 Milwaukee Area Technical College, Milwaukee 53203 Lindsey Hopkins Ie.:finical Educational Center, Miami 33132 Northeast Wisconsin Technical Institute. Green Bay 54303 Palm Beach Junior College. Lake Worth 33460 Wyoming: Pensacola Junior College, Pensacola 32504 Sheridan College. Sheridan 82801 Southern College, Orlando 32801

84 Cin Specialized Accreditation and Preaccreditation

Georgia: Pennsylvania:

Atlanta Al ea I el lime ho)I, Atlanta 101I0 Ma.stbaum Area 5,"ok ek Se hoot, Philadelphia Atlanta College of Medical and Dental Assistants, Atlanta 19134 30309 Augusta Area I cc hnical Se hoot, Augusta 30906 South Carolina: Greenville Technical College, Greenville 29606 Illinois: Medical limy of So Carolina/Trident Tech College, Lewis and Clark Community College, Godfrey 62015 Charleston 29401 Southern Illinois Unisersity, Carbondale 62901 Trident Technical College-Nortn ( ampus, N Charleston Triton College, Riser Grove 60171 29405

Indiana: South Dakota: Indiana State Unisersity-Esany.ille, Evansville 47712 Lake Area Vocational-Technical Institute, Watertown 57201 Indiana University- Purdue Unisersity at Ft Wayne, Ft Wayne 46805 Tennessee: Cleveland State Community College, Cleveland 37311 Iowa: East Tennessee State University, Johnson City 37601 Kirkwood Community College, C,-dar Rapids 52406 Texas: Kentucky: School of Health Care Sciences-Sheppard Air Force Base, University of Kentueks I exington Fee hn,eal Institute, Wichita Falls 76311 Lexington 40506 Teas State Technical Institute-Waco, Waco 76705 Louisiana: University of Texas Health Science Center, San Antonio Louisiana State University Medical Center, New Grleans 77025 70112 US Army Academy of Health Sciences, Ft Sam Houston 78234 Maryland: Community College of Baltimore, Baltimore 21215 Virginia: Montgomery College. Rockville 2085)) Sargeant Reynolds Community College. Richmond 23200 Northern Virginia Community College. Annandale 22003 Massachusetts: Middlesex Community College, Bedford 01730 Washingtrn: Quincy Vocational-Technical &hook Quincy 02169 L H Bates Vocational-Technical Institute, Tacoria 98405 Michigan: Seattle Community College-Central, Seattle 98122 Ferris State College, Big Rapids 49307 Wisconsin: Grand Rapids Junior College. Grand Rapids 49502 Milwaukee Area Technical College. Milwaukee 53203 Minnesota: Suburban Hennepin Area Vocational-Tecl-nical Institute, Dental Laboratory Technology (Preaccredited) Brooklyn Park 55429 Massachusetts: 916 Area Voe ational- I ethnic al Institute, W lute Bear Lake 55110 Northeast Metropolitan Regional Vocational School, Wakefield 01880 Missouri: St Louis Communay College at Meraniec Kirkwood 63122 Ne' :ask*: DIETETICS Central I ethnical C.11ITMIUDIR. College, Hastings 68901 New Jersey: The American Dietetic Association Union County Ice institme, Scott h Plains 07076 Commission on Evaluation of Dietetic Education New York. C UNN -New York City I c k him al College, Brooklyn 11201 Gloria Archer, Coordinate, Dun. he's Communits College Poughkeepsie 12601 DepartmentofEducation 430 North Michigan Avenue North ('arolina. Chicago, Illinois 60611 Durham Technical Institute, I hirhani 2'700 Ohio: Dietetics (Accredited) Columbus Ire finical Institute( olonthils Alshams: Oklahoma. Tuskegee Institute,1 uskegec 16088 Oscar Rost Junior College Midwest ( its 71110 University of Alabama, Unisersity 15486 Oregon: (*informs: Portland ( enntinwits (_liegePortland 9'219 California State Lnisersity. 1 os Angeles 90032

7 Specialized Accreditation and Preaccreditation

Loma Linda University, Loma Linda 92154 Washington State University, Pullman 09161 University of California. Berkeley 94720 Wisconsin: Connectictit: Mount Mary College. Milwaukee 51222 Universi'y of Connecticut, Storrs 06268 Viterbo College, I a Crosse 54601

Delaware: University of Delaware, Newark 19711 Dietetics (Preaccredited)

Florida: Alabama: Florida International University. Miami n144 Auburn Unisersity, Auburn 16810

Georgia: Connecticut: Georgia State University, Atlanta 10101 St Joseph College, West Hartford i)6117 Illinois: District of Columbia: University of Illinois Medical Cente,, Chicago 60680 Howard University, Washington 20001

Indiana: Florida: Purdue University -West Lafayette, West L .layette 47907 University of Florida, Gainesville 32611

Kansas: Georgia: Kansas State University, Manhattan 66502 Clark College, Atlanta 30114 Michigan: Illinois: Andrews University, Berrien Springs 49104 Northern Illinois University, De Kalb 60115

Minnesota: Indiana: University of Minnesota at Minneapolis-St Paul, Minneapolis Indiana State University, Terre Haute 47809 55455 Indiana University Medical Center, Indianapolis 46202

Missouri: Iowa: University of Missouri. Columbia 65201 Iowa State University, Ames 50010 New York: Kentucky: Syracuse University. Syracuse 11210 Spalding College, Louisville 40201 SUNY at Buffalo, Buffalo 14222 University of Kentucky, LsAington 40506

North Dakota: Louisiana: University of North Dakota, Grand Forks 58201 Louisiana Tech University, Ruston 71270 Ohio: Maryland: Ohio State University-Main Campus, Columbus 43210 Hood College, Frederick 21701 University of Cincinnati -R Walters General and Tech Col, University of Maryland, College Park 20742 Cincinnati 45236 Massachusetts: Pennsylvania: Framingham State College, Framingham 01701 Edinboro State College. Erie 16505 Mercyhurst College, Erie 16505 Michigan: Villa Maria College, Erie 16505 Eastern Michigan University, Ypsilanti 48197 Mercy College of Detroit, Detroit 48219 Tennessee: Michigan State University East Lansing 48821 University of Tennessee, Knoxville 37916 Wayne State University, Detroit 48202 Texas: Mississippi: Texas Christian University, It Worth 76129 University of Southern Mississippi, Hattiesburg 39401 University of Texas at Austin. Austin 78712 University of Texas Health SA:I.:rice Center, San Antonio New York: 77025 Rochester Institut.: of Technology, Rot hester 14621

Utah: North Carolina: Utah State University, I ogan 84121 Fast Carolina Unisersity, Greenville 27814 Virginia: North Dakota: Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University North Dakota State University. I argo 58102 Blacksburg 24061 Ohio Washington: Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland 44106 University of Washington, Seattle 98195 Ur :set-sit% f Akion, Akron 44104


Q Specialized Accreditation and Preaccreditation

University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati 45221 Lutheran General Hospital, Park Ridge 60068 Pennsylvania: Rush-Presbyterian-St Luke's Medical Center, Chicago 60612 St Francis Hospital Medical Center, Peoria 61603 Drexel University, Philadelphia 19104 Veterans Administration-Hines Medical t. enter, Hines 60141 Marywood College, Scranton 18509 Seton Hill College, Greensburg 15601 Indiana: Ind'Id University Medical Center, Indianapolis 46202 South Carolina: Methodist Hospital of Indiana Inc, Indianapolis 46202 Winthrop College, Rock Hill 29730 Iowa: South Dakota: University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics, Iowa City 52240 South Dakota State University, Brookings 57006 Kansas: Texas: University of Kansas Medical Center, Kansas City 66103 Texas Woman's University, Denton 76204 Kentucky: Utah: University of Kentucky Medical Center, Lexington 40506 Bngham Young University, Provo 84601 Louisiana: Virginia: Alton Ochsner Medical Foundation, New Orleans 70121 Norfolk State College Norfolk 23504 Touro Infirmary, New Orleans 70115 West Virginia: Maryland: West Virginia University Medical Center, Morgantown 26506 Malcolm Grow US Air Force Medical Center, Andrews AFB 20331 Wisconsin: University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison 53706 Massachusetts: University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point. Stevens Point 54481 Beth Israel Hospital, Boston 02215 Frances Stern Nutrition Center, Boston G2111 Massachusetts Genera: Hospital, Boston 02114 Dietetic Internship (Accredited) New England Deaconess Hospital, Boston 0221: Peter Brent Brigham Hospital, Boston 02115 Alabsma: Michigan: University of Alainma-Birmingham. Birmingham 35294 Harper-Grace Hospital, Harper Hospital Division, Detroit Arizona: 48235 Henry Ford Hospital, Detroit 48202 University of Arizona. Tucson 85721 Minnesota: Arkansas: St Mary's Hospital, Minneapolis 55406 Little Rock Veterans Administration Medical Center!, Little St Paul-Ramsey Hospital and Medical Center, St Paul 55101 Rock 72201 University of Minnesota Hospitals, Minneapolis 55414 University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences!, Little Rock 72201 Missouri: Barnes Hospital, St Louis 63110 California: St Louis University, St Louis 63103 Mercy Hospital and Medical Certer, San Diego 92103 University of California. Berkeley 94720 Nebraska: University of CP.iifornia Medical Center, San Fran:isco 94122 University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln 68508 Veterans AdAinistration Medical Center, San Diego 92161 New Jersey Veternns A imonstration Medical Center-Wadsworth Hospital Los Angeles 90073 College of Medicine and Dentistry of N- w Jersey. Newark 07101 Connecticut, Perth Amboy General Hospital, Perth Amboy 08861 Yale-New Haven Medical Center, New Haven 06504 New York: District of Columbia: New York Hospital, New Yo1, ,0021 Walter Reed Army Medical Center, Washington 20012 New York State Office of Mental Health, Albany 12208

Georgia: Ohio: Amory University, Atlanta 30122 Cincinnati General Hospital, Cincinnati 45229 Georgia Bapt Med Ctr Dietetic Intrnshp Program, Atlanta Good Samaritan Hospital, Cincinnati 45220 30312 Miami Valley Hospital, Dayton 45409 St Luke's Hospital, Cleveland 44104 Illinois: University Hospitals of Cleveland2, Cleveland 44106 Cook County Hospital. Chicago 60612 /Caw Western Reserve University is the teaching university !Joint Program between these two institutions for these internship programs

87 Specialized Accreditation and Prcaccreditation US Veterans Administration Medicai Center2, Cleveland ENGINEERING EDUCATION 44106

Oklahoma: Accreditation Board for Engineering and Oklahoma State University, Stillwater 70404 Technology, Inc.

Oregon: David R Reyes-Guerra, Executive Director University of Oregon Health Sciences Center, Portland 97201 345 East 47th Street New York, New York 13017 Penns/Innis: onadyside Hospital, Pittsto rgh 19232 Professional Engineering (Accredited)

Rhode Island: Alabama: Rhode Island Hospital, Providence 02902 Auburn University, Auburn 3683u Texas: Aerospace, Agricultural, Chemical, Civil, Electrical, Mate- rials, Mechanical Baylor University Medical Center, Dallas 75226 Tuskegee Institute, Tuskegee 36088 Brooke Army Medical Center, Ft Sam Houston 78234 Electrical, Mechanical Presbyterian Medical Center, Dallas 75321 University of Alabama, University 35486 Veterans Administration Medical Center, Houston 77042 Aerospace, Chemical, Civil, Electrical, Industrial, Mecham Virginia: cal, Metallurgical, Mineral University of Virginia, Charlottesville 22901 Ilniversity of Alabama-Huntsville, Huntsville 35807 Virginia Commonwealth University-Medical College of Va, Electrical, Industrial & Systems, Mechanical Richmond 23298 University of South Alabama, Mobile 35688 Elec trical Wisconsin: Alaska: Milwaukee County Medical Complex, Milwaukee 53226 University of Alaska, Fairbanks 99701 Milwaukee Public Schools, Mika ,nkee 53201 Civil, Electrical, Geological, Mining University of Wisconsin Hospitals, Madison 53706 Arizona: Puerto Rico: Arizona State University, Tempe 85281 Department of Health, Santurce 00908 Chemical, Civil, Electrical, Engineering Mechanics, Engi- University of Puerto Rico Medical Sciences Campus, San neering Science, Industrial, Mechanical Juan 00936 Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff 86001 University of Puerto Rico-Veteran, Administration Med Ctr Civil, Electrical; Mechanical Rio Piedras 00928 University of Arizona, Tucson 85721 Aerospace, Agricultural, Chemical, Civil, Electrical, Geo- Dietetic Internship (Preaccredited) logical, Mechanical, Metallurgical, Mining, Nuclear Arkansas: California: lime:soy of Arkansas at Fayetteville, Fayetteville 72701 Porter:dile College, Portersille 93257 Agricultural, Chemical, Civil, Electrical, Engineering Sci- Georgia: ence, Industrial. Mechanical Georgia Baptist Hospital Medical Center, Atlanta 30312 California: California Institute of Technology, Pasadena 91109 Massachusetts: Aeronautics, Chemical, Engineering & Applied Science; Mount Auburn Hospital, Cambridge 02138 Environmental, Environmental Engineering Science Minnesota: California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo 93407 University of Minnesota at Duluth, Duluth 55812 Aeronautical, Agricultural, Architectural, Civil, Electrical, New York: Electronic, Environmental, Industrial, Mechanical, Metal- Wilson Memorial Hosp Dietetic Intrshp Prgm, Johiison City lurgical 13790 California State Polytechnic University, Pomona 91767 Aerospace, Chemical, Civil, Electrical & Electronic, Indus- Ohio; trial, Mechanical The Christ Hospital, Cincinnati 45219 California State University, Los Angeles 90032 Civil. Electrical, Mechanical Tetra: California State University, Fresno 93740 Texas Woman's University, Denton 76204 Civil,Electrical,Mechanical. Surveying & Photogiam- met, y /Case Western Reserve University is the teaching university Calitornia State University, Fullerton 92634 for these internship programs Engineering


I 0' 1 Specialized Accreditation and Preaccreditation

California State University, Northridge 91124 Connecticut: Engineering University of Bridgeport. Bridgeport 06602 California State l inversity, I img Beach 90840 Electrical, Mechanical Civil, Computer Science & Engineering Electrical, Engi University of Connecticut, Stor, 06268 neering, Materials Mechanical Ocean Chemical, Civil, Computer Science, Electrical, Mechanical California State University, Sacramento 95819 University of Hartford, West Hartford 06117 Civil, El neat / Electronic Mee hank al Civil, Electrical, Mechanical California State Universitv, Chico 95926 University of New Haven, West Hai en 06516 Civil, Electrical St Electronic Mechanical Civil, Electrical, Industrial, Mechanical Harvey Mudd College, Claremont 91711 US Coast Guard Academy, New London 06370 Engineering Civil, Electrical, Marine, Ocean Loyola-Marymount University, Los Angeles 90045 Civil, Electrical, Mechanical Yale University, New Haven 06520 Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey 91940 Electronic Science & Engineering, Engineering Mechanics Aeronautical Electrical, Mechanical Delaware: Northrop University, Inglewood 90106 University of Delaware. Newark 19711 Aerospace, Electronic, Mechanical Chemical, Civil, Electrical, Mechanical San Diego Suite University, San Diego 97182 Aerospace, Civil, Electrical Mechanical District of Columbia: San Francisco State University, San Francisco 94112 Catholic University of America, Washington 20017 Engineering Chemical, Civil, Electrical, Mechanical San Francisco State Uaiversity, San I rancisco 94132 George Washington University, Washington 20006 San Jose State Univerity, San Jose 0114 Civil, Electrical, Mechanical Chemical, Civil, Fie; weal, Industrial, Materials, Mechani- Howard University, Washington 20001 cal Chemical, Civil, Electrical, Mechanical Stanford University. Stanford 94105 University of the District of Columbia-Ga & Harvard Sts, Aeronautical & Astronautical Chemical, Civil, Electrical, Washington 20005 Industrial, Mechanical, Petroleum Electrical University of the Pacific, Ste ckton 95211 Florida: Civil, Electrical University of California. Davis 95616 Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Daytona Beach 32015 Agricultural, Chemical Civil, Electrical, Mechanical Aeronautical University of California, Berkeley 94720 Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton 33432 Chemical, Civil, Electrical & Computer Science, Industrial Electrical, Mecha.acal, Ocean & Operations Research, Materials Science & Engineering, Florida Institute of Technology, Melbourne 32901 Mechanical, Naval Architecture, Nuclear & Electrical & Electrical, Mechanical Computer Science, Nuclear & Mechanical, Sanitary, Trans- University of Central Florida, Orlando 32800 portation Electrical, Engineering Mathematics & Computer Systems, University of California, Irvine 90001 Environmental, Industrial, Mechanical Civil, Electrical, Mechanical University of Florida, Gaines/111e 32611 University of California, Santa Barbara 9',106 Aerospace, Agricultural, Ceramics, Chemical; Civil, Coastal Chemical, Electrical, Mechanical, Nuclear & Oceanographic, Electrical, Engineering Science, Envi- University of California, I os Angeles 90024 ronmental,Industrial, Mechanical, Metals, Nuclear, Sys- Engineering tems University of Southern California, Los Angeles 90007 University of Miami, Coral Gables 33124 Aerospace, Chemical, Civil, Flee meal, Industrial & Sys- Architectural, Civil, Electrical, Industrial, Mechanical tems. Mechanical Petroleum University of South Florida, Tampa 33620 Chemical,Electrical,Industrial,Mechanical, Colorado: Structures, Materials & Fluids Colorado School of Mines, Golden 80401 Chemical & Petroleum Refining, Geological, Geophysical Georgia: Metallurgical, Mineral Engineering Physics, Mining, Petro- Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta 30332 leum Aerospace, Ceramics, Chemical, Civil, Electrical, Engineer- Colorado State University, Et Collins 80521 ing Science, Industrial, Mechanical, Metallurgy, Nuclear, Agricultural, Civil, Electrical, Engineering Science, Env] Sanitary, Textile ronmental, Mechanical University of Georgia, Athens 30601 University of Colorado at Boulder. Boulder 80302 Agricultural Aerospace Engineering SciencesArchitectural Chemical Hawaii: Civil, Electrical, Engineering De ',ign & Economie Evalua- tion, Mechanical University of Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu 96801 Civil, Electrical, Mechanical, Ocean US Air Force Academy. USAF Ai ademy 80840 Aeronautical, Astronautical, Cis 11F lec localEngineering Idaho: Mechanics Engineering Sciem Universal, of Idaho. Moscow 811341

89 101 Specialized Accreditation and Preaccreditation

Agricultural, Chemical, Civil, Electrical, Geological, Me- neenng Physics, Mechanical, Petroleum chanical; Metallurgical, Mining Wichita State University, Wichita 67208 Aeronautical, Electrical, Industrial, Mechanical

Bradley University, Peoria 61606 Kentucky: Civil, Electrical, Industrial, Mechanical University of Kentucky, Lexington 40506 Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago 60516 Agricultural, Chemical, Civil, Electrical, Mechanical, Met- Chemical; Civil,Electrical,Industrial, Mechanical Me- allurgical chanical/Aerospace, Metallurgical University of Louisville, Louisville 40202 Northwestern University, Evanston 60201 Chemical, Civil, Electrical, Mechanical Chemical; Civil; Electrical, Environmental, Industrial, Ma- Louisiana: tenals Science & Engineering, Mechanical Southern Illinois University Carbondale 62901 Louisiana State University at Baton Rouge, Bfton Rouge Electrical Sciences & Systems, Engineering Mechanics & 70803 Agricultural, Chemical, Civil, Electrical, Engineering Sci- Materials, Thermal & Environmental Southern Illinois University-Edwardsville, Edwardsville ence, Industrial, Mechanical, Petroleum Louisiana Tech University, Ruston 71270 62025 Civil; Electrical Agricultural, Biomedical, Chemical, Civil, Electrical, Indus- University of Illinois at Chicago Circle, Chicago 60680 trial, Mechanical, Petroleum Applied Mechanics, Bioengineer. ig, Chemical Communi- Southern University, Baton Rouge 70813 cation, Computer & Information Systems, Electromagnetic Civil, f- lectrica', Mechanical & Electronic, Fluids, Industrial, Mechanical Analysis & Tulane University, New Orleans 70118 Design; Metallurgy, Structural & Materials, Theimome- Chemical, Civil, Electrical, Mechanical chanical & Energy Conversion. University of New Orleans, New Orleans 70122 University of Illinois-Urbana-Champaign, Urbana 61801 Electncal, Mechanical Aeronautical & Astronautical,Agricultural,Ceramics, University of Southwestern Louisiana, Lafayette 70504 Chemical, Civil, Computer, Electrical, EngineeringMe- Chemical, Civil, Electrical, Mechanical, Petroleum chanics, Cencral, Industrial, Mechanical, Metallurgical, Nu- Maine: clear University of Maine at Orono, Orono 04401 Agricultural, Chemical, Civil, Electrical, Engineering Phys- Indiana University-Purdue University at Indianapolis, ics, Forest, Mechanical Indianapolis 46202 Maryland: Electrical, Mechanical Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore 21218 Purdue University-West Lafayette, West Lafayette 47907 Electrical Aeronautical &Astronautical,Agricultural,Chemical, University of Maryland, College Park 20742 Civil, Electrical, Industrial, Mechanical, Metallurgical, Nu- Aerospace, Agricultural, Chemical, Civil, Electrical, Engi- clear neering, Fire Protection, Mechanical, Nuclear Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology, Terre Haute 47803 Uc Naval Academy, Annapolis 21402 Chemical, Civil, Electrical, Mechanical Aerospace, Electrical, Marine, Mechanical, Naval Architec- Tn-State University, Angola 46703 ture, Ocean, Systems Aeronautical, Chemical, Civil, Electrical, Mechanical University of Evansville, Evansville 47704 Massachusetts: Electncal, Mechanical Boston University, Boston 02215 University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame 46556 Aerospace, Manufacturing, Systems Aerospace, Chemical; Civil,Electrical, Engineering Sci- Harvard University, Cambridge 02138 ence; Mechanical; Metallurgical Engineering Science, Environmental Valparaiso University, Valparaiso 46383 Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge 02139 Civil, Electrical, Mechanical. Aeronautics & Astronautics, Chemical, Civil, Computer Iowa: Science & Engineering, Electrical Science & Engineering, Materials Science & Engineering, Mechanical, Naval Archi- Iowa State University, Ames 50.10 tecture & Marine, Ocean Aerospace, Agricultural, Ceramics. Chemical, Civil, Com- Merrimack College, North Andover 01845 puter; Construction, Electrical, Engineering Science, Indus- Civil, Electrical trial, Mechanical, Metallurgical; Nuclear Northeastern University, Boston 02115 University of Iowa, Iowa City 52242 Chemical, Civil, Electrical, 'ndu Anal, Mechanical Chemical, Civil, Electrical, Indtistrial, Mechanical Southeastern Massachusetts University, North Dartmouth Mums: 02747 Kansas State University, Manhattan 66502 Civil, Electrical, Mechanical Aeronautical & Astronautical, Chemical, CivilLiectrical, Tufts University, Medford 02155 Industrial, Mechanical, Nuclear Chemical, Civil, Electrical, Mechanical University of Kansas, Lawrence 66045 University of Lowell, Lowell 01850 Aerospace, Architectural, Chemical, Civil, Electrical, Env Chemical, Civil, Electrical, Mechanical, Plastics

90 Specialized Accreditation and Preaccreditation

University of Massachusetts, Amherst 01002 Montana: Chemical, Civil, Computer Systems, Electrical, Environ- Montana College of Mineral Science & Technology, Butte mental, Industrial & Operations Research, Manufacturing, 59701 Mechanical Geological, Geophysical, Metallurgical, Mineral Process- Western New England College, Spnngfield 01119 ing, Mining, Petroleum Electncal, Mechanical Montana State University, Bozeman 5°7I5 Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Worcester 01609 Agncultural, Chemical, Cis d,idectrical,Industrial, Me- Chemical, Civil, Electncal, Mechanical chanical

Weldor Nebraska: General Motors Institute, Flint 48502 University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln 68508 Automotive; Electncal, Industrial, Materials, Mechanical- Agricultural, Chemical, Civil,Electrical,IndustrialMe- Electncal; Plant, Process. chanical Lawrence Institute of Technology, Southfield 48075 Construction, Electncal, Mechanical Nevada: Michigan State University, East Lansing 48823 University of Nevada-Reno, Reno 89507 Agncultural, Chemical, Civil, Electncal, Mechanical Cisil,Electrical,Geological,Mechanical,Metallurgical, Michigan Technological University, Houghton 48629 Mining Chemical,Civil,Electncal, Engineenng, Geological, Mate- New Hampshire: rials Science & Engineering, Mechanical, Mineral Process, Mining Dartmouth College, Hanover 03755 Oakland University, Rochester 48063 Engineering Computer; Electrical, General; Mechanical, Systems University of New Hampshire, Durham 03824 University of Detroit, Detroit 48221 Chemical, Civil, Electrical, Mechanical Chemical, Civil, Electncal; Engineenng, Mechanical New Jersey: University of Michigan, Ann Arbor 48104 Fairleigh Dickinson University-Teaneck Campus. Teaneck Aerospace, Chemical; Civil; Computer, Electrical, Env- 07666 neenng Science; Environmental Sciences, Industnal & Op- Electncal, Industnal, Mechanical erations, Materials & Metallurgical, Mechanical, Naval Ar- Monmouth College, West Long Branch 07764 chitecture & Marine, Nuclear. Electronic University of Michigan-Dearborn, Dearborn 0120 New Jersey Institute of Technology, Newark 07102 Electrical; Industrial & Systems, Mechanical Chemical,Civil,Electncal, Industrial, Mechanical Wayne State University, Detroit 48202 Princeton University, Princeton 08540 Chemical, Civil, Electrical, Industnal, Mechanical, Metal- lurgical. Aerospace, Chemical, Civil, Electrical, Engineenn;,, Phys- ics, Geological. Mechanical Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo 49001 Rutgers-The State University-New Brunswick, New Industnal Brunswick 08903 Minnesota: Agricultural, Ceramics, Chemical, Civil, Electrical, Indus- University of Minnesota at Minneapolis-St Paul, Minneapolis tnal, Mechanical 55455 Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken 07030 Aerospace, Agncultural, Chemical, Civil, Electrical; Me- Engineenng chanical, Metallurgical, Mineral New Mexico: Miss ' adapt: New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology, Socorro Mississippi State University, Mississippi State 39762 87801 Aerospace, Agncultural, Biological, Chemical, Civil, Flee- Metallurgical, Mining tncal; Industrial, Mechanical, Nuclear, Petroleum New Mexico State University, Las Cruces 88001 University of Mississippi-Main Campus, University 38677 Agncultural, Chemical, Civil,Electrical,Industrial, Me- Chemical, Civil; Electrical, Geological, Mechanical chanical University of New Mexico, Albuquerque 87106 Missouri: Chemical, Civil, Computer Science, Electrical, Mechanical Parks College of St Loins University, St Louis 72201 Aerospace New Y..rk: University of Missouri, Columbia 65201 Alfred University, Alfred 14802 Agncultural, Chemical,Crnl,Electrical,:ndustrial, Me- Ceram,c Science, Ceramics, Glass chanical Clarkson College of Technology, Potsdam 11676 University of Missouri-Rolla, Rolls 65401 Chemical, Civil, Electrical, Mechanical Aerospace, Ceramics, Chemical, Civil, Electrical, Engineer Columbia University, New York 10027 mg Management; Geological, Mechanical,Metallurgical Chemical, Civil, Electrical, Engineering Mechanics Indus- Mining, Nuclear, Petroleum trial & Management, Mechanical, Metallurgical, Mining Washington University, St Louis 63130 Nuclear Chemical, Civil, Computer Science., Electrical, Mechanical, Cooper Union Nev. York 10003 Systems Science & Mathemar.cs Chemical, Civil, Electrical, Mechanical

91 103 Specialized Accreditation and Preaccreditation

Cornell University, Ithaca 14851 ChemicalCivil, Elec [mai, IndustrialMechanicalMetal- Aerospace, Agricultural, Applied & I ngineering Physics, lurgical Chemical, Civil & EnvironmentalElectrical, Industrial & Ohio Northern University, Ada 45810 Operations Research Materials Science & E ngineering, Me Civil, E lectrical, Mechanical chanical Ohio State University-Main Campus, Columbus 43210 Hofstra University, Hempstead 11556 Aeronautical&Astronautical,Agricultural,Ceramics, Engineering Science Chemical, Civil, Electrical, Industrial & Systems, Mechani- Manhattan College, Bronx 10471 cal, Metallurgical Welding Chemical, Civil, Electrical, Environmental Mechanical Ohio University, Athens 45701 Pratt Institute, Brooklyn 11205 Chemical, Civil, I lectrical, Industrial & Systems, Mechani- Chemical, Electrical, Mechanical cal, Welding Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. Troy 12181 University of Akron, Akron 44304 Aeronautical, BiomedicalChemical,CivilComputer & Chemical, Civil, Electrical Mechanical Systems, Electric Power, Electric al, En. ironmental Man- University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati 45221 agement, Materials, Mechanical, Nuclear Aerospace Chemical Civil, Electrical, Environmental, Me- Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester 14621 chanical, Metallurgical, Nuclear & Power Electrical, Industrial, Mechanical University of Dayton, Dayton 45469 Syracuse University, Syracuse 13210 Chemical, Civil, Elect' cal, Mechanical Aerospace, Chemical, Civil ComputerI lectricalIndustri- University of Toledo, Toledo 43606 al & Operations ResearchMechanical Mechanical/Aero- Chemical Civil, Electric-al, Engineering Physics, Industrial, space Mechanical SUNY at Stony Brook, Stony Brook 11794 Wright State Unic ersity, Dayton 45431 Electrical, Engineering Science, Mechanical Electrical, Mechanical SUNY Maritime College, Bronx 10465 Youngstown State University, Youngstown 44501 Electrical, Marine, Naval Architecture Chemical Co.ilElectrical, Materials Science, Mechanical Union College, Schenectady 12308 Oklahoma: Civil, Electrical, Mechanical Oklahoma State University, Stillwater 70404 University of Rochester. Rochester 14627 Aerospace,Agricultural,Architectural, Chemical,Civil, Chemical, Electrical, Mechanical Electrical, General, Industrial, Mechanical Webb Institute of Naval Architecture, (den C ova 11542 University of Oklahoma at Norman, Norman 73069 Naval Architecture & Marine Aerospace, Chemical, Civil, Electrical, Engineering, Engi- North Carolina: neering Physics, Industrial, Mechanical, Metallurgical, Pe- Duke University, Durham 27706 troleum Biomedical, Ovil, Electrical, Mechanical University of Tulsa, Tulsa 74104 North Carolina Agricultural & fechni,a1 State University Chemical, Electrical Engineering Physics, Mechanical, Pe- Greensboro 27411 troleum Architectural, Electrical, Mechanic al Oregon: North Carolina State Unicersity at Raleigh, Raleigh 27607 Oregon State University, Corvallis 97331 Aerospace,Biological & Agricultural, Chenmal,Cisil, Agricultural, Chemical, Cis d, Electrical & Computer, In- Construction, Electrical, Engineering Science & Mechanics, dustrial, Mechanical Nuclear Industrial, Materials Mechanical Nuclear Portland State Umsersity, Portlanu 97207 University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill 27514 Environmental Structural University of Portland Portland 97201 University of North Carolina at Charlotte, Charlotte 28211 Electrical, Mechanical Engineering Analysis & Design, Engineertng Science, Me- chanics & Materials, Urhan & Environmental Pennsylvania, North Dakota: Bucknell University, I ewishurg 17837 Chemical, Civil, Electrical, Mechanical North Dakota State Cniversity, I argo 58102 Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh 15213 Agricultural, Civil, He( trical, Industrial Me( halm al Chemical, Civil, Electrical, Engineering & Public Policy, University of North Dakota, Grand I orks 58201 Mechanical, Metallurgy & Materials Science Chemical, Civil, Electrical Mechanical Drexel University, Philadelphia 19104 Ohio: Chenmal, Civil, Electrical, Materials, Mechanical Air Force Institute of I cc lincaog. W I gh t Patters,n AI It Gannon University, Erie 165(11 45433 Electrical, Mechanical Aeronautical Astronautical 0.'1'1 acilaies, Electrical, Nu I atayette College, Easton 18042 clear, Systems Chemical, Civil, Electrical, Mechanical Metallurgical Case Western Reserve Unicersitv le.eland 44106 Lehigh University, Bethlehem 18015 Biomedical, ChemicalCivilC omputer,I Icon( al,I ngi Chemical, ( ivilI lectrical, Industrial, Mechanical, Mechan- neermg, Fluid & Thermal Scie n e Met keno atMetallurgy ics Metallurgy & Materials & Materials Science Poly mer Sc 11:11CtSystems & Control Pennsylvania State University, University Park 16802 Cleveland State Unicersity, leveland 44115 Aerospace Agricultural, Ar,hitectural, Ceramic. Science &

92 Specialized Accreditationand Preaccreditation

Engineering, Chemical Civilt lectricalEngineering Sc heroical Co. 11 Ice tic, alMaterials Science, Mechanical ence, Environmental, Industrial,Mechanical, Metallurgy Southern Method's' Enivirsitv, Dallas 75222 Mining, Nuclear, Petroleum & Natural Gas C ixilTlectrical Ungineeting Management Mechanical Swarthmore College, Swarthmore 19081 I exas A & 11. niversity, Kings. Ole 78161 Engineering Chemical Electrical Mechanical University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia 19104 I exas A & M University Main Campus College Station Chemical, Civil & Urhan, Electrical & Seam e Mechanical 77843 & Applied Mechanics, Metallur, & 'Omer-1.11s Science Aerospa. eAgri, ulwralthoenginec ringC heinical, Civ 11, University of Pittshurgh, Pittsburgh 15260 lectricalIndustrialMtaanical, Nuclear Ocean, Petro- Chemical, Civil, ElectricalIndustrial, Mechanical"tetal- leum lurgical Texas Tech University, Lubbock 79409 Villanova University. Villanov a 19085 Agricultural, Chemical Civil, Electrical Engineering Phys- Chemical, Civil, Electrical Mechanical ics, Industrial Mechanical, Petroleum Widener College, Chester 19013 Trinity University, San Antonio 78284 Engineering Engineering Science University of Houston-Central Campus, Houston 77002 Rhode Island: Chemical, Civil, Electrical, Indust run,, Mechanical Brown University, Providence 02912 University of Texas at Arlington, Arlington 76010 Biomedical, Civil, Electrical, Materials, Mechanical Aerospace Co. .1, Electrical, Industrial, Mechanical University of Rhode Island, Kingston 02881 Univeisity of Texas at Austin, Austin 78712 Chemical, Civil, Electrical Industrial Mechanical Aerospace, A chitectural, Chemical, Civil Electrical, Engi- South Carolina: neering Science, Environmental Health, Mechanical, Petro- leum Citadel, The, Charleston 29409 University of Texas at El Paso, El Paso 799o8 Civil, Electrical Civil Electrical, Mechanical, Metallurgical Clemson University, Clemson 29631 Agricultural, Ceramics, Chemical, Cr, Electrical, Envi- Utah: ronmental Systems Mechanical Brigham Young University, Provo 84601 University of South Carolina, Columhia 29208 Chemical, Civil, Electrical, Mechanical Chemical, Civil, Electrical, Mechanical University of Utah, Salt Lake City 84112 South Dakota: Chemical, Civil, Electrical, Geological, Industrial, Materials Science & Engineering, Mechanical, Metallurgical, Mining South Dakota School of Mines and Technology, Rapid City Utah St University, Logan 84321 57701 &pact,. oral & Irrigation, Civil,Cr' Electrical, Manufacturing, Chemical, Civil, Electrical, Geological, Mechanical, Metal- Medial 'cal lurgical, Mining South Dakota State University. Brookings 57006 Vermont: Agricultural, Civil, Electrical, Mechanical Norwich University, Northfield 05661 Tennessee: Civil, Electrical, Mechanical Ur iversity of Vermont, Burlington 05401 Christian Brothers College, Memphis 18104 Electrical, Mechanical Memphis State University, Memphis 38111 Old Dominion University, Norfolk 23508 Civil, Electrical, Mechanical Civil, Electrical, Mechanical Tennessee State University, Narluille 37201 University of Virginia, Charlottesville 22901 Architectural, Civil, Electrical, Mechanical Aerospace, Chemical, Civil, Electrical, Mechanical, Nucle- Tennessee Technological University, Cookeville 18501 ar Chemical, Civil, Electrical, Engineering Science Industrial, Virginia Military Institute. I enungton 24450 Mechanical Cool, Electrical University of Tennessee, Knoxville 17916 Virginia Polytei hnic Institute and State University, Aerospace, Agricultural, Chemical, CivilElectrical, Engi- Blacksburg 24061 neering Science,Environmental,Industrial,Mechanical Aerospace & Ocear. Agricultural, Chemical Civil, Electri- Metallurgical, Nuclear cal, Engineering Science & Mechanics. Industrial & °per- University of Tennessee at Chattanooga Chattanooga 174'11 , lions Research. Materials, Mechanical Mining Engineering Washington, Texas: Senttle University. seattle 98195 Lamar University, Beaumont 77710 I-Icor-le:II, Mechanical Chemical, Civil, Electrical, Industrial Mechanical St Martin's College, Olympia 98501 Letourneau College, I ongview 75601 Electrical, Mechanical nix ersity of Washmgt on, Seattle 98195 Prairie View A & M University, Prairie View 774.15 Aeronautics &Ast ronautics, Ceramic s,Chemical, Civil, Civil Electrical, Mechanical Electrical, Mel aerne al, Metallurgical Rice University, Houston 7/001 Walla Walla College, (college Place 99124

93 Specialized Acc:editationand Preaccreditation

Engineenng Aeronautical ET, Electronic ET, Manufacturing Er, Me- Washington State University, Pullman 99163 chanical ET Agricultural, Chemical, Civil, Electrical, Mechanical, Phys- De Vry Institute of Technology, Phoenix 85016 ical Metallurgy Electronic ET Glendale Community College, Glendale 85301 West Virginia; Electronic ET West Virginia Institute of Technology, Montgomery 25136 Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff 86001 Chemical, Civil, Electncal, Mechanical Civil ET, Electrical ET, Mechanical FT West Virginia University, Morgantown 26505 Phoenix College, Phoenix 85013 Aerc,:nace, Chemical, Civil, Electrical, Industrial, Mechani- Electronic ET cal, Mining, Petroleum California: Wisconsin: California Maritime Academy, Vallejo 94590 Marquette University, Milwauaee 53233 Manne ET Civil, Electncal, Mechanical California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison 53706 93407 Agricultural, Chemical, Civil & Environmental, Electrical, Air Conditioning & Refrigeration, Electronic T, Maaufac- Engineering Mechanics, Industrial, Mechanical, Metalluigi- turing Process T, Mechanical T, Welding T cal, Mining, Nuclear California State Polytechnic University, Pomona 91768 University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Milwaukee 53211 Engineenng T Civil, Electncal, Materials, Mechanical City College of San Francico, San Francisco 94112 University of Wisconsin-Plattevl:e, Platteville 53818 Civil ET, Electncal/Electronic ET, Electromechanical ET, Civil, Mining Engineering Drafting T, Mechanical ET Cogswell College, San Francisco 94108 Wyoming: Civil ET, Electronic ET, Mechanical ET, Safety ET, University of Wyoming, Laramie 82070 Safety/Fire Protection ET, Structural ET Agricultural, Chemical, Civil, Electrical, Mechanical, Pe- Northrop University, Inglewood 90306 troleum Aircraft Maintenance ET Puerto Rico: Colorado: University of Puerto Rico Mayaguez Campus, Mayaguez Colorado Technical College, Colorado Springs 80907 00708 Biomedical ET, Electronic ET Chemical, Civil, Electrical, Industrial, Mechanical Metropolitan State tliege, Denver 80204 Civil & Environmental ET, Electronic ET Professional Engineering (Preaccredited) University of Southern Colorado, Pueblo 81001 Civil ET, Electronic ET, Manufacturing ET, Mechanical Maryland: ET, Metallurgical ET Montgomery College Rockville 20850 Connecticut: New York: Hartford State Technical College, Hartford 06106 Civil ET, Data Processing T, Electrical ET, Manufacturing SUNY at Buffalo, Buffalo 14222 ET, Mechanical ET, Nuclear ET Aerospace Chemical, Civil,Electrical, Engineering Sci- Norwalk State Technical College, South Norwalk 06854 ence, Industrial, Mechar Ica!, Nuclear Architectural ET, Chemical ET, Electrical ET, Electrome- Pennsylvania: chanical ET, Manufacturing ET, Materials ET, Mechanical Pennsylvania State Univer,ity- Altoona Campus, Altoona ET 16601 University of Connecticut, Storrs 06268 Pennsylvania State University- Fayette Campus, Uniontown Mechanical T 15401 University of Hartford, West Hartford 06117 Pennsylvania State timer:it y-Shenango Valley Campus, Electronic ET. Sharon 16146 Waterbury State Technical College, Waterbury 06708 Chemical ET, Electrical ET, Manufacturing ET, Mechani- cal ET Engineering Technology (Accredited) District of Columbia: Alabama: University of the District of Columbia-Van Ness, Washington Alabama Agricultural and Mechanical University, Normal 20010 35762 Architectural ET, Civil ET, Digital & Eltctromechanical Civil ET, Electrical/Electronic ET, Mechanical Drafting & Systems ET, Electronic ET, Mechanical ET' Design T, Mechanical ET Florida: University of Alabama, University 15486 Civil ET, Electrical ET Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Daytona Beach 32015 Aircraft ET Arizona: Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University, Tallahassee Arizona State University, fempe 85281 3 2307

94 Specialized Accreditationand Preaccreditation

Civil ET, Electronic El-, Marine Li Pittsburgh State University, Pittsburg 66762 Florida International University, Mimi 33144 Construction T, Electronic T, Manufacturing T, Mechani- Civil ET, Electrical ET cal Design T, Plastics T St Petersburg Junior College, St Petersburg 11710 Kentucky: Electronic ET Western Kentucky University, Bowling Green 42101 University of Central Florida, Orlando 32800 Civil El, Electrical ET, Environmental ET, Mechanical Design T, Electronic ET, Environmental Control T (4 ET awns T Maine: Georgia: Eastern Maine Vocational-Technical Institute, Bangor 04401 DeVry Institute of Technology, Atlanta 10141 Environmental Control T Electronic ET University of Mane at Orono, Orono 04401 Georgia Institute of Technology-Southern Technical Institute, Civil ET, Electrical ET, Mechanical ET Manetta 30060 Apparel ET, Architectural ET, Civil ET, Electrical FT, Maryland: Industna: ET, Mechanical EC, Textile ET Capitol Institute of Technology, Kensington 20795 Georgia Southern College, Statesboro 30458 Electronic ET Civil ET Prince George's Community College, Largo 20870 Savannah State College, Savannah 31404 Electronic ET, Civil ET Civil ET, Electronic ET, Mechanical El Massachusetts: Idaho: Franklin Institute of Boston, Boston 02116 Ricks College, Rexburg 83440 Architectural ET, Civil ET, Electrical ET, Electronic ET, Design 82 Drafting ET, Electronic El Mechanical ET Northeastern University at Lincoln College, Boston 02115 Illinois: Southeastern Massachusetts University, North Dartmouth Belleville Area College, Belleville 62221 02747 Electronic T Civil ET, Electrical ET, Mechanical ET Bradley University, Peoria 61606 University of Lowell, Lowell 01850 Electrical ET, Manufacturing T Civil ET, Electronic ET, Mechanical ET DevVy Institute of Technology, Chicago 60641 Wentworth Institute of Technology, Boston 02115 Electronic ET Aeronautical T; Architectural ET; Architectural T; Build- Morrison Institute of Technology, Morrison 61270 ing Construction T, Civil ET; Electrical ET; Electronic Design & Drafting ET, Highway ET, Architectural & ET, Electronic T, Environmental ET, Industrial ET; Man- Building Construction T ufacturing Process T, Mechanical Design ET, Mechanical Parkland College, Champaign 61820 Design T, Mechanical Power ET, Nuclear ET Electronic ET Michigan: Southern Illinois University, Carbondale 62901 Delta College, University Center 48710 Civil ET, Electrical ET, Mechanical ET Electronic T, Mechanical ET Triton College, River Grove 60171 Lake Superior State College, Sault St Mane 49783 Electronic T Computer ET, Drafting & Design ET, Electronic ET, Me- Indiana: chanical ET Indiana University-Purdue University at Ft Wayne, Ft Wayne Lawrence Institute of Technology, Southfield 48075 46805 Electncal & Electronic T, Mechanical T. Electrical ET, Electrical T, Mechaal ET, Mechanical T Michigan Technological University, Houghton 48629 Indiana University-Purdue University at Indianapolis, Civil ET, Electrical ET, Electromechanical ET Indianapolis 46202 Minnesota: Civil ET, Electrical ET Electrical T, Industrial FT Me- Anoka-Ramsey Community College, Coon Rapids 55433 chanical ET, Mechanical T Electronic ET Purdue University-Calumet Campus, Hammond 46323 Rochester State Community College, Rochester 55901 Civil ET, Construction T, Electrical ET, Electrical T, In- Civil ET, Electronic ET, Mechanical T dustrial ET, Mechanical ET, Mechanical T Purdue University-West Lafayette, West Lafayette 47907 Electrical ET, Electrical T. Mechanical ET, Mechanical T University of Southern Mississippi, Hattiesburg 39401 Environmental T Iowa: Missouri: Hawkeye Institute of Technology, Waterloo 50704 Civil ET, Mechanical ET Longview Community College, Lees Summit 64063 Electronic ET Kansas: Missouri Institute of Technology, Kansas City 64114 Kansas Technical Idstitute. Salina 67401 Electronic ET Civil ET, Computer Science T, Electronk F I , Mechanical St Louis Community College at Florissant Valley, St Louis ET 61115

95 Specialized Accreditationand Preaccreditation

Civil ET, Electrical FI, Electronic E 1 , Mechanical 1 1 New York Institute of lc. hnologs-NIctropolitan Center New },irk 10023 Montana: Electromechanical C r 1 Montana State University, Bozeman 59715 New York Instill, )tI ,chnologi.-Milhrook Campus, Old Construction El, Electrical/Electronic F 1 Mechanic at Westbury 1156- ET A erona Liial ipetat loos 1 1 Inc: Rime( hank at Computer

Nebraska: 1 University of Nebraska at Omaha, Omaha 68182 Roc hester institute of Iechnology Rochester 14623 University of Nebraska Medical Center Omaha 68105 Civ 11 ClElectrical F 1 Mechanical E. 1 Construction ET, Draftini & Design ET Electronic E I SUNY Agri, ultural and technical College at Alfred, Alfred Industrial ET 14802 Construction 1, Electrical 1, titrchanical T Surveying T Nevada: SUNY Agricultural anc' technical College at Canton. Canton University of Nevada-Reno. Reno 89507 13617 Architectural Design T Electronic ET Air Condit! ',rung T, Civil r, Construction T, Electrical T, New Hampshire: Mechanical IT New Hampshire Technical Institute, Concord 01101 SUNY Agricultural aid technical Collei at Farmingdale. Farmingdale 11735 Architectural ET. Electromec hanical ET, Electronic 1 1, Mechanical ET Air Conditioning T, Automotive 1, Civil T, Construction F, Electrical T Mechanical 1 New Jersey: North Carolina: Atlantic Community College, Mays Landing 08110 Electronic T Fayetteville Technical Institute, Fayetteville 27701 Mercer County Community College, Trenton 08608 Civil ET, Electronic ET Ens nonmental ET Construction /Civil ET, Electrical ET, Mechanical E J-orsyth Technical Institute. Winston-Salem 27103 Middlesex County College, Edison 08817 Electronic ET, Manufacturing ET Mechanical Drafting & Civil/Construction ET, Electrical ET, Mechanical ET Design ET New Jersey Institute of Technology. Newark 07102 Gaston College. Dallas 28052 Construction/Contracting ET, Electrical Systems ET, En- Civil ET, Electrical ET, Electronic El, Industrial ET, vironmental ET, Manufacturing ET, Mechanical Systems Mech_aical & Production El ET Guilford Technical Institute, Jamestown 27282 Ocean County College, Toms 121 er 08751 Civil ET, Electronic ET, Mechanical Drafting & Design T Electronic ET Sandhills Community College, Carthage 28327 Trenton State College, Trenton 08625 Architectural ET, Civil ET Electronic ET, Mechanical El echmcal Institute of Alamance, Burlington 27215 Electronic ET New Mexico: University of North Carolina at Charlotte, Charlotte 28213 Eastern New Mexico University, Portales 8813" Civil ET, Computer/Electronics El, Mechanical ET Civil T, Design & Drafting 1, Electronic I Wake Technical Institute, Raleigh 27603 New Mexico State University, Las Cruces 88001 Architectural T, Chemical T Civil ET, Computer T. Elec- Civil ET, Electronic ET, Engineering T, Mechanical El tronic ET, Industrial E. 1 New York: Ohio: Academy of Aeronautics. Flushing 11171 Columbus Technical Institute, columhus 43215 Aeronautical ET Electronic ET Broome Community College, Binghamton 13902 Franklin University. Columbus 43215 Chemical T, Civil T, Electrical T Mechanical T Electronic ET, Mechanical El CUNY-Bronx Community C'ollege, Bronx 10468 Kent State University-Tuscarawas Campus. New Philadelphia Electrical T, Mechanical T 44661 CUNY-New York City Technical College, Brooklvn 11201 Electricai/Electronic Fl, Industrial ET, Mechanical ET Civil ET, Electrical El, Electromechanical F r Mee ham- Michael J Owens Te' hmcal College. Perrysburg 43551 cal ET Civil ET Electrical El CUNY-Queenborough Community College, New York 11799 Ohio institute of 'Technology. Columbus 43209 Electrical T, Mechanical T Electronic ET Erie Community College-North Campus, Buffal 14221 Sinclair Community College, Dayton 45402 CivilT, Electrical T, Mechanical T Electronic F 1, Mechanical ET Hudson Valley Community College. Troy 12 180 Stark Technical College, Canton 44720 Chemical T, Civil T, Electrical 1, Env ironmental 1- Me Civil Construction T, Drafting & Design T, Electrical ET, chanical T Electronic ET, Mechanical El Mohawk Valley Community Coller., Utica 11501 University of Akron Community and Technical College, Civil T, Electrical T, Mechanical T, Surveying Akron 44304

Nassau Community Collegt, Garden City 115 30 ElectronicIT Mechanical 1, Sur. Cs mg & Construction T Civil FT Univ eisity of Cincinnati. Cincinnati 45221

96 Specialized Accreditation and Preaccreditation

Architectural T, Chemical T, Civil & Environmental T, Pennsylvania State University-New Kensin tc n Campus New Electrical ET, Mechanical ET Kensingtn 15068 University of Dayton, Dayton 45469 Electrical ET, Mechanical E.: Electronic ET, Industrial ET, Mechanical ET, Technology Pennsylvania State University- Ogontz Campu,, Abington 19001 University of Toledo Community and Technical College, Electrical ET, Mechanical ET Toledo 43606 Pennsylvania State University-Schuylkill Campus, Schuyll Electronic ET, Industrial ET, Mechanical E.1, Civil ET, Haven 17972 Drafting & Design T Electrical ET Youngstown State University, Youngstown 44503 Pennsylvania State Univershy-Shenango Valley Campus, Civil ET, Electncal ET, Mechanical El Sharon 16146 Architectural ET, Electrical ET, Mechanical ET, Steel T Oklahoma: Pennsylvania State University-Wilkes-Barre Campus, Wilkes- Oklahoma State University echnical Institute, Oklahoma Barre 18708 City 73102 Biomedical Equipment T, Electrical ET, Highway El, Me- Construction Management T, Electronic 1, Fire Protection chanical ET, Surveying T & Safety T, Mechanical Design T, Mechanical Power 1 Pennsylvania State University-Worthington-Scranton Petroleum T, Radiation & Nuclear T Dunmore 18512 Oregon. Architectural ET, Electrical ET, Mechanical CT Pennsylvania State University-York Campus, Yot I.17403 Blue Mountain Community College, Pendleton 97801 Civil ET, Electronic ET Electrical ET, Mechanical ET Temple University, Philadelphia 19122 Oregon Institute of Technology, Klamath Falls 97601 Building Construction T, Civil Engineering/Construction Computer Systems ET, Electronic ET, Engineering Draft- ing T, Mechanical ET, Public Works ET Structural El , T, Electrical ET, Electronic ET, Environmental ET, Me- chanical ET Surveying ET University of Pittsburgh At Johnstown, Johnstown 15902 Oregon State University, Corvallis 97331 Civil ET, Electrical ET. Mechanical ET Civil ET, Mechanical ET, Nuclear ET South Carolina: Pennsylvania: Clemson University. Clemson 29611 Pennsylvania State University-Alto -,a Campus, Altoona Engineering T 16601 Florence-Darlington Technical College, Florence 29501 Electrical ET, Mechanical ET, Nuclear ET, Mining T Civil ET, Electronic ET, Engineering Graphics I Pennsylvania State Un.versity-Beaver Campus, Monaca 15061 Midlands Technical College, Columbia 29250 Electrical ET, Mechanical ET Architectural ET, Civil ET, Electncal /Electronic E r Me- Pennsylvania State Umversity-Behrend Campus, Erie 16510 chanical ET, Safety & Health ET Electncal ET, Mechanical ET Piedmont Technical College, Greenwood 29646 Pennsylvania State University-Berks Center, Reading 19608 Electronic ET, Engineering Graphics T Air Pollution Control ET, Chemical ET, Electrical ET, Spartanburg Technical College, Spartanburg 29303 Mechanical ET Civil ET, Electronic ET, Mechanical ET Pennsylvania State University-Capitol Campus, Middletown Sumter Area Technical College, Sumter 29150 1705'7 Civil ET, Environmental FT Building Construction T. Electrical Design ET, Mechanical Tri-Counp, Technical College, Pendleton 29670 Design ET, Transportation ET, Water Resources ET Electronic ET Pennsylvania State University-Delaware County Campus, Media 19063 Tennessee: Electrical ET Chattanooga State Technical Community College, Pennsylvania State University-Du Bois Campus. Du Bois Chattanooga 37400 15801 Civil ET, Computer Science T, Electrical 'Electronic ET, Electrical ET. Mechanical ET Mechanical ET Pennsylvania State University-Fayette Campus, Uaiontown Memphis State University, Memphis 38111 15401 Alchitectural T Computer Systems T, Construction T, Architectural ET, Electrical ET, Mechanical ET, Mining Drafting & Design T, Electronic T, Manufacturing T r, Mining T Nashville State Technical Institute, Nashville 37203 Pennsylvania state University Hazleton Campus, Hazleton Architectural & Building Construction ET, Chemical ET, 18201 Civil ET, Electrical ET, Electronic ET, Industrial F.T Electrical ET, Mechanical ET, Nuclear ET Mechanical ET Pennsylvania State University-McKeesport Campus State Technical Instittce at Knoxville, Knoxville 37919 McKeesport 15132 Chemical ET, Elcs.trical ET, Mechanical FT, Construction Dectrleal ET Mechanical ET Er Pennsylvania State Ilniversity-Mont Alto Campus, Mont Alto State Technical Institute at Memphis, Memphis 38122 17237 Architectural El Biomedical El, Chemical ET, Civil E r, Surveying -r Computer ET, Electrical LI, Electronic ET, Fnvironmen-

97 Specialized Accreditation and Preaccreditation

ial ET, Industrial ET, Instrumentation ET, Mechanical LT Illinois: University of Tennessee, Martin 38237 Mornsol Institu:e of Technology, Morrison 61270 Civil ET, Electrical ET, Mechanical LT Design & Drafting E I'Highway Er, Architectural & Tess Building Construction T De Vry Instil ne of Technology, Dallas 7c: )5 Kentucky: Electronic ET Del Mal College, Corpus Christi 78404 Murray State University. Murray 42071 Electncal ET, Electronic ET Manufacturing T Tcxas A & M University-Main Campus, College Station Maryland: 77M3 Engineering T Prince George's Community College, Largo 208/0 Texas Tech University. Lubbock 79409 Electronic El, Civil ET Construction ET, Electrical/ElectronicET, Mechanical ET New York: University of Houston-Central Campus, Houston 77002 Technical Career Institutes, New York 10001 Civil T, Drafting T, Electrical T Electronic T, Manufac- Electronics FT tunng T, Mechanical Environmental Systems T Ohio: Utah: University of Toledo Community and Technical College, Brigham Young University, Provo 84601 Toledo 43606 Design & Graphics T, Electronic T, Manufacturing r Electronic ET, Industrial ET, Mechanical ET, Civil ET, Weber State College, Ogden 84403 Electronic ET, Electronic T, Manufacturing ET, Auto- Drifting & Design I motive ET Penksylvania: Vermont: Pennsylvania State University-Altoona Campus, Altoona Vermont Technical College, Randolph Center 05061 1601 Architectural & Building Construction ET, Civil ET, Elec- Electrical ET, Mechanical ET, Nuclear ET, Mining T trical/Electronic ET, Mechanical ET Surveying T Pennsylvania State University-Fayette Campus, Uniontown

VirgiaiL 15401 Old Dominion University, Norfolk 21508 Architectural ET, Electrical ET, Mechanical ET, Mining Civil ET, Electrical ET, Mechanical El T, Mining T Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Pennsylvania State Univer `,11enango Valley Campus, Blacksburg 24061 Sharon 16146 Civil ET, ElectricalET,Mechanical Engineering Design Architectural ET, Electrical ET, Mechanical ET, Steel T T Rhode Island: West Virginia: Roger William. College, Bristol 02804 Bluefield State College, Bluefield 24701 Electra al ET Architectural ET, Civil ET, Electrical ET Mechanical ET, Mining ET Tennessee: West Virginia Institute of Technology, Montgomery 25136 State Technical Institute at Knoxville, Knoxville 37919 Civil ET, Drafting & Design ET, Electrical ET, Mechani- Chem ET, Electrical ET, Mechanical ET Construction cal ET, Mining ET, Surveying T Building Construction T, Fluid Power T, Mining ET ET

Wisconsin: Utah: Milwaukee School of Engineering, Milwaukee 53201 Weber State College, Ogden 84401 Air Conditioning ET, Architectural & Building Construc- Electronic ET Electronic1,Manufacturing ET, Auto- tion ET, Bioengineering T, Computer ET, Electrical ET, motive ET Electrical Power ET,Electronic Communications ET Fluid Power ET, Industrial ET, Internal Combustion En- West Virginia: gines ET, Mechanical ET West Virginia Institute of Technology, Montgomery 25136 Civil ET, Drafting & Design ET, Electrical ET, Mechani- Engineering Technology (Preaccredited) cal ET Mining ET, Surveying T, Building Construction T, Fluid Pow, r T, Mining FT Colorado: Colorado Technical College, Colorado Springs 80907 Wyoming: Biomedical ET, Electronic ET Central Wyoming College, Riverton 82501 Metropolitan State College. Denver 80204 CivilF Civil & Environmental FT, Electronic F

98 SpecializedAccreditation and Preaccrettitation FORESTRY Mississippi State tiniversityMississippi State 19762

Socr-ty of American Foresters Missouri Ronald R Christensen, Director of Professional Programs 1:111ersity of Missouri Columbia 65201 5400 Grosvenor Lane V'ashington, D C 20014 Montana. University of Montana, Missoula 59801

Forestry (Accredited) New Hampshire: Alabama: University of New Hampshire, Durham 03824 Auburn University, Auburn 16810 New York: Arizona: SUNY College of Environmental Sciences and Forestry, Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff 861101 Syracuse 13210 University of Arizona. Tucson 85721 North Carolina: California: Duke University, Durham 27706 University of California, Berkeley 94720 North Carolina State University at Raleigh, Raleigh 27607 Colorado: Colorado State University. Ft Collins 80521 Oregon. Oregon State University. Corvallis '0111 Connecticut: Yale University, New Haven 06520 Pennsylvania: Florida: Pennsylvania State University, University Park 16802 University of Florida, Gainesville 12611 South Carolina: Georgia: Clemson University, Clemson 2%31 University of Georgia, Athens 10601 Tennessee: Idaho: University of rennessee, Knoxville 37916 University of Idaho, Moscow 83841 Illinois: Texas: Southern Illinois University. Carbondale 62901 Stephen F Austin State University, Nacogdoches 75%1 University of Illinois-Urbana-Champaign, Urbana 61801 Texas A & M University-Main Campus, College Station 77843 Indiana: Purdue UniversityWest Lafayette, West Lafayette 47907 Utah: Iowa: Utah State University, Logan 84321 Iowa State University, Ames 50010 Vermont: Kentucky: University of 'Vermont. Burlington 05401 University of Kentucky, I exington 40506 Virginia. Louisiana: Virginia Polytechnic Instil te and State University, Louisiana State University at Baton Rouge, Baton Rouge 70803 Blacksburg 24061

Maine: Washington: University of Maine at Orono, Orono 04401 University of Washington. Seattle 98195 Washington State University, Pullman 99163 Massachusetts: University of Massai. husetts, Amherst 01002 West Virginia: Michigan: West Virginia University, Morgantown 26505 Michigan State University, East Lansing s8823 Michigan Technologica niversity, Houghton 01629 Wisconsin: University of Michigan. Am Arbor 4811)4 University of Wisconsin-Madison Madison 53706 University of Wisconsin Stevens Point, Stevens Point 54481 Minnesota: University if Minnesoti at Minneapolis-St Paul, Minneapolis 55455

99 111 Specialized Accreditation and Pm:accreditation FUNERAL SERVICE EDUCATION New York: American Academy-McAllister Institute of F uneral Services. New York 10003 American Board of Funeral Service Education Hudson Valley Community College, Troy 12180 Committee on Accreditation Simmon's School of Embalming arid Mortuary Science Inc, Syracuse 13205 William H Ford, Administrator ABFSE SUNY Agricultural and Technical College at Canton, Canton 201 Columbia Sired 13617 Fairmont. West Virginia 26554 SUNY Agricultural and Technical College at Farmingdale, Farmingdale 11735

Funeral Service Education (Accredited) North Carolina: Fayetteville Technical Institute, Fayetteville 27701 Alabama: Jefferson State Ju.iior College, Birmingham 35215 Ohio: California: Cincinnati College of Mortuary Science, Cincinnati 45206 Cypress College, Cypress 90630 Oklahoma: San Francisco College of Mortuary Science, San Francisco Central State University Edmond 73034 94109 Oregon: District of Columbia: Mount Hood Community College, Gresham 97030 University of the District of Columbia-Van Ness, Washington 20010 Pennsylvania: Northampton County Area Community College, Bethlehem Florida: 18017 Miami-Dade Community College, Miami Beach 33156 Pittsburgh Institute of Mortuary Science, Pi -gh 15213 Georgia: Tennessee: Gupton-Jones College of Mortuary Science, Atlanta 30309 John A Gupton College Nashville 37203 Illinois: Texas: Southern Illinois University, Carbondale 62901 Commonwealth College of Sciences, Hourton 77006 Worsham College of Mortuary Science, Skokie 60776 Dallas Institute of Mortuary Science, Dallas 75246 Indiana: San Antonio College, San Antonio 78212 Indiana College of Mortuary Science Indianapolis 46218 Virginia: Vincennes University. Vincennes 47591 John 1 yler Community College, Chester 238=11 Kansas: Wisconsin: Kansas City Kansas Community Junior College, Kansas City Milwaukee Area Technical College, Milwaukee 53203 66112

Louisiana: Mc Neese State University, Lake Charles 70601 HEALTH SERVICES ADMINISTRATION Maryland: Catonsville Community College, Catonsville 21228 Accrediting Commission on Education for Health Massachusetts: Se' /ices Administration New England Institute oi Applied Arts and Sciences, Boston Gary L Herman, Executive Secretary 02215 One Dupont Circle, N W Suite 420 Michigan: Washington, D C 20036 Wayne State Ulmer, ity, Detroit 48202 Minnesota: Health Services Administration (Accredited)

University of Minnesota at Minneapolis-St Paul, Minneapolis Alabama: 55455 University of Alabama-Birmingham, Birmingham ...5294 Mississippi: Arizona: East Mississippi Junior College Scooha 39155 Arizona State University, Tempe 85281 Missouri' California. St Louis Community College at Forrest Park, St Louis 63110 California State University, Northridge 91324 New Jersey: Golden Gate University, San Franc iso 94105 Mercer Counts Community College. 1 renton 011608 Loma Linda University, I orna 1 inda 92354

100 Specialized Accreditation and Preaccreditation

University of CaliforniaI os Angeles 90024 Cornell University, Ithaca 14853 University of California, Berkeley 94720 CUNY-Bernard Baruch College, New York 10010 University of Southern California, I kr, Angeles 90007 Long Island University -(- W Post Center. Greenvale 11548 New York University, New York 10003 Colorado: Union College, Schenectady 12308 University of Colorado. Denver 80201 North Carolina. Connecticut: Duke University, Durham 27706 Yale University, New Haven 06520 University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill 27514 District of Columbia: Ohio. George Washington University, Washington 20006 Ohio State University-Main Campus, Columbus 43210 Howard University, Washington 20001 University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati 45221 Florida: Xavier University, Cincinnati 45207 Florida international University, Miami 33144 Pennsylvania: University of Florida, Gainesville 32611 Pennsylvania State University. University Park 16802 University of Miami, Coral Gables 11124 Temple University, Philadelphia 19122 Georgia: University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia 19104 University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh 15260 Georgia ins,iiute of technology, Atlanta 30332 Georgia State University, Atlanta 30303 South Carolina: Illinois: Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston 29403 University of South Carolina, Columbia 29208 Governor's State University. Park Forest South 60466 Northwestern University, Evanston 60201 Tennessee: University of Chicago, Chicago 60617 Meharry Medical College, Nashville 37203 University of Health Sciences-Chicago Medical College, North Chi..ago 60612 Texas: University of Illinois at Chicago Circle, Chicago 60680 North Texas State University, Denton 76203 Texas Woman's University, Denton 76204 Indiana: Trinity University, San Antonio 78284 Indiana University-Purdue University at Inuianapolis U S Army-Baylor University, Ft Sam Houston 78234 Indianapolis 46202 University of Dallas, Irving 75060 Iowa: University of Houston-Clear Lake City. Houston 77058 University of Iowa Iowa City 2242 Virginia:

Kansas: Virginia Commonwealth University-Medical College Of Va, Richmond 23298 University of KansasI awrente 6604s Washington: Louisiana: Tulane University, Neu Oilcans 70118 University of Washington, Seattle 98195 Wisconsin: Maryland: University of Wisconsin Madison, Madison 53706 Johns Hopkins UniversityIlaninion 21218 Puerto Rico: Massachusetts: University of Puerto Rico Medical Sciences Campus, San Boston University, Boston 02215 Harvard University, Cambridge O2I38 Juan (X1916 University of Puerto Rico-Rio Piedras Campus, Rio Piedras University of Massat husetts Amherst 01002 00911 Michigan: University of Michigan. Ann krbor 48104 Minnesota: HISTOLOGIC TECHNOLOGY University of Minnesota at tylinneapolis-St Paul, Minneapolis 55455 American Medical Association Mississippi: Comrittee on Allied Health Education and University id Mississippi Main Campus University 38677 Accredita!ion Missouri: (ooperatinn with St Louis University, St 1 outs 61101 Ur iersity of Missouri Columbia 65201 National Accrediting Agency for Clinical Laboratory W shington University. Si I nuts 61110 Sciences, which is sponsored by the American New York: Society for Medical Technology and the Ameri- ..'olumbia University. New N (irk 14)27 can Society of Clinical Pathologists

101 113 Specialized Accreditation intd Preaccreditation

Carol Elkins, Executive Director St Vincent Charity Hospital Cleveland 44115 222 Riverside Plaza, Suite 1512 Pennsylvania: Chicago, Illinois 60606 Conemaugh Valley Memorial H ispital, Johnstown 15905 Geisinger Medical Center, Danville 17821 Histologic Technology (Accredited) Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia Arizona: 19104 Good Samaritan Hospital Phoenix 85062 South Carolina: Arkansas: Medical Universityif South Carolina, Chaileston 29403 Baptist Medical Center, Little Rock 72201 Tennessee. Methodist Hospital, Memphis 38100 California: University of Tennessee, Memphis 38163 Scripps Memorial Hospital, La Jolla 92037 Valley Clinical Laboratories, Palm Desert 92260 Texas: Besse. County Hospital District, San Antonio 78284 Georgia: St Luke's Episcopal Hospital, Houston 77030 Georgia Baptist Hospital Medical Center, Atlanta 30312 St Paul Hospital, Dallas 75235

Maoist Washington: Holy Cross Hospital, Chicago 60629 Sacred Heart Medical Center, Spokane 99204 Memorial Medical Center, Springfield 62702 Shoreline Community College, North Seattle 98133 Mercy Hospital and Medical Center, Chicago 60616 Mount Sinai Hospital Medical Center, Chicago 60608 %memoirs: St Francis Hospital Medical Center, Peoria 61603 District One 'Technical Institute, Eau Claire 54701 St John's Hospital, Springfield 62701 Madison General Hospital, Madison 53700 St Joseph Hospital, Chicago 60657 St Joseph's Hospital, Marshfield 54449 University of Chicago Hospitals and Clinics, Chi.:ago 60637 Veterans Administration Medical Center, Racine 53403 Iowa: Mercy Hospital, Des Moines 50314 HOME STUDY EDUCATION Kansas: St Francis Hospital, Wichita 67214 National Home Study Council Mary laad: Harford Community College, Bel Air 21014 Accrediting Commission Michigan: William A Fowler, Executive Secretary Blodgett Memorial Hospital, Grand Rapids 49506 1601 18th S'reet. N W Hurley Medicalenter, Flint 48502 Washington, DC 20009 St Mary'a Hospital, Saginaw 48601 St Mary's Hospital of SaginawHistologic Tech Prgm, Home Study Education (Accredited)- Saginaw 48601 William Beaumont Hospital, Royal Oak 48072 Alabama Extension Course Institute, Gunter Air Force Base 16114 Minnesota: Fergus Falls Community College, Fergus Falls 56517 Arizona: Modern Gun Repair School, Scottsdale 85251 Missouri: Modern Schools, Scottsdale 85251 St Mary's Hospital. Kansas City 64108 Paralegal Institute, Phoenix 85004 New Jersey: Southwestern Institute, Phoenix 85028 Mountainside Hospital. Montclair 07044) Stock Market Institute Inc. Phoenix 85014 Muhlenberg Hospital Plainfield 07060 Californi New York: Coast Navigation School. Santa Barbara 92663 Columbia School of Broad( acting, Hollywood 90028 SUNY Agnculural and Tec hnical College at Cohbleskill, CobIeskill 12043 Gemological Institute of America, Santa Monica 90404 Grantham College of Engineering, Los Angeles '30025 North Dakota: Hemphill Schools, I os Angeles 90006 University of North Dakota, Grand Forks 58201 Jewelry Design Center, Newport Beach 92663 John Tracy Clinic, Los Angeles 9(8)07 Ohio: Lifetime ( arcer Schools, Los Angeles 90064 Aultman Hospital, Canton 44710 National Technical Schools, I os Angeles 90017 Ohio State University Hospital, Columbus 4121:: Newport-Pacific High School, Newport Beach 92663

102 Specialized Accreditation and Preaccreditation

Niles Bryant School, Sacramento 95820 Michigan: North Amencan Correspondence Schools, Newport Beach Educational Institute-American Hotel and Motel Assistants, 92660 East Lansing 48823 North American School of Accounting, Newport Beach Minnesota: 92663 North American School of Animal Science, Newport Beach Art Instruction School-Palmer Writers School, Minneapolis 92663 55415 North American School of Conservation, Newport Beach Missouri: 92663 Belsaw Institute, Kansas City 64111 North Amencan School of Drafting, Newport Beach 92663 Kansas City Diesel Drivers School, Grandview 64030 North Amencan School of Firearms, Newport Beach 92663 North Amencan School of Motorcycle Repair, Newport New Jersey: Beach 92663 Electronics Technical Institute, Little Falls 07424 North Amencan School of Travel, Newport Beach 92663 Locksmithing Institute, Little Falls 07424 Park Management Associates, Santa Monica 90406 New York: Police Science Institute, Newport Bead )2663 The Batton School, Newport Beach 92663 International School of Animal Arts, New York 10021 The Customizing Center, Newport Beach 92663 National Tax Training School, Monsey 10952 Truck Marketing Institute, Carpintena 93013 New York Institute of Photography, New York 10022 Newspaper Institute of America, Mar.iaroneck 10543 Colorado: Writer's Institute, Mamaroneck 105/3 National Camera Inc, Englewood 80110 Ohio: Ridge Truck Driving School Dsnver 80221 Cleveland Institute of Electronics, Clevelard 44114 Comeedent: NHAW Home Study Institute, Columbus 43220 County Schools, Bridgeport 06606 Pennsylvania: NAEBM-Westlawn School of Yacht Design, Stamford 06094 International Correspondence Schools, Scramon 18515 Delaware: MTA Truck Driver School, Elizabethtown 17022 North Amencan Training Academy. Newark 19711 Tennessee: District of Colombia: Seminary Extension Home Study Institute, Nashville 37219 Home Study Institute, Washington 20012 Virginia: Marne Corps Institute, Washington 20013 McGraw-H41 Continuing Education Center, Washington Army Correspondence Course Program, Ft Eustis 23604 20010 National Radio Institute, Washington 20016 Florida: INTERIOR DESIGN EDUCATION Southeastern Academy. Kissimmee 32741 Southern Career Institute, Boca Raton 33432 Foundation for Interior Design Education Research Committee on Accreditation Advance Schools, Chicago 60605 Advance Schools, Inc , Chicago 60631 Edna V Kane, Acting Administrator, FIDER American Medical Record Association, Chicago 60611 730 Fifth Avenue Bell & Howell Education Group, Evanston 60202 New York, New York 10019 Hadley School for the Blind, Winnetka 60093 La Salle Extension University, Chicago 60606 Interior Design Education (Accredited) National Safety Council-Safety Training Institute, Chicago 60611 Alabama: US School of Music Irc, Chicago 60605 Auburn University, Auburn 36830 Washington School of Art, Chicago 60605 University of Alabama, University 35486 Wayne School, Chicago 60605 California: Indiana: California College of Arts and Crafts, Oakland 94618 "Itinsatotle College of Medical & Dental Technology, California State University, Long Beach 90840 Indianapolis 46220 Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising, Los Angeles R & R Newkirk, Indianapolis 46206 90017 Transport Careers, Garrett 46738 University of California, Los Angeles 90024 Maine: Colorado: Yacht Design Institute, Brooklet 04616 Interior Design Internship, Denver 80222 Massachusetts: District of Columbia: Andover Tractor-Trailer School, Andover 01810 Mount Vernon College, W ishington 20007


1t) Specialized Accreditation and Preaccreditation

Florida: V3rashington: Florida State University, Tallahassee 32306 Spokane Falls Community College, Spokane 99204 University of Florida, Gainesville 32611 Washington State University, Pullman 99163 Georgia: University of Georgia, Athens 30601 Illinois: JOURNALISM Harrington Institute of Intenor Design, Chicago 60605 Southern Illinois University Carbondale 62901 American Council on Education for Journalism Indians: Accrediting Committee Indiana State University, Terre Haute 47809 Baskett Mosse, Executive Secretary Purdue University-West Lafayette, West Lafayette 47907 563 Essex Court Kansas: Deerfield, Illinois 60015 Kansas State University, Manhattan 66502 Louisiana: Journalism (Accredited) Louisiana State University at Baton Rouge, Baton Rouge Alrbama: 70803 University of Alabama, University 35486 Massachusetts: Arizona: University of Massachusetts, Amherst 01002 Anzona State University, Tempe 85281 Michigan: University of Arizona, Tucson 85721 Kendall School of Design, Grand Rapids 49503 Arkansas: M,chigan State University, East Lansing 48823 Arkansas State University, Jonesboro 72467 Minnesota: Arkansas State University, State University 72467 University of Minnesota at MinneapolisSt Paul. Minneapolis University of Arkansas at Fayetteville, Fayetteville 72701 55455 University of Arkansas at Little Rock, Little Rock 72204

Misse ari: California: Maryville College of the Sacred Heart, St Louis 63141 California State University, Long Beach 90840 University of Missoun, Columbia 65201 California State Univers:4,, Northridge 91324 California State University, Fullerto92634 Nebraska: California State University, Fresno 93740 University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln 68508 San Jose State University, San Jose 95114 University of California, Berkeley 94720 New York: University of Southern California, Los Angeles 90007 New York School of Intenor Design, New York 10022 Syracuse University, 13210 Colorado: Colorado State University, Ft Collins 80521 Ohio: University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder 80302 University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati 45221 District of Columbia: Oregon: American University, Washington 20016 University of Oregon, Eugene 97403 Florida: Pennsylvania: University of Flonda, Gainesville 32611 Drexel University, Philadelphia 19104 Unive,sity of South Florida, Tampa 33620 Rhode Island: Georgia: Rho& Island School of Design, Providence 02903 University of Georgia, Athens 30601 Tennessee: Hawaii: O'More School of Interior Design, Franklin 37064 University of Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu 96801 Texas: Illinois: El Centro College, Dallas 75200 Northern Illinois University, De Kalb 60115 North Texas State University, Denton 76203 Northwestern University, Evanston 60201 Texas Chnstian University, Ft Worth 76129 Southern Illinois University, Carbondale 62901 Texas Tech University, Lubbock 79409 Southern Illinois University-Edwardsville, Edwardsville University of Texas at Arlington, Arlington 76010 62025 University of Texas at Austin, Austin 78712 University of Illinois-Urbana-Champaign, Urbana 61801 Virginia: Indiana: Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond 23227 Ball State University, Muncie 47306

104 il C Specialized A,creditation and Preaccreditation

Indiana University, Bloomington- Indianapolis Bloomington Oklahoma 47401 Oklahoma State University, Stillwater 70404 Iowa: Unoersoy of Oklahoma at Norman, Norman 7100 Drake University. Des Moines 50111 Oregon Iowa State University, Ames 50010 Oregon State University, Corvallis 971;11 University of Iowa, Iowa City 52242 University of Oregon. Eugene 97403 Kansas: Pennsylvania: Kansas State University, Manhattan 66502 Pennsylvania State UniYer,ity University Park 16802 University of Kansas, Lawrence 66045 Temple University, Philadelphia 19122 Kentucky: South Carolina: University of Kentucky, Lexington 40506 University of South Carolina, Columbia 29208 Western Kentucky University, Bowling Green 42101 South Dakota: Louisiana: South Dakota State University, Brookings 57006 Louisiana State University at Baton Rouge, Baton Rouge Tennessee: 70803 Memphis State University, Memphis 38111 Maryland: University of Tennessee, Knoxvill. 37916 University of Maryland, College Park 20742 Texas: Massachusetts: North Texas State University, Denton 76203 Boston University. Boston 02215 Texas A & M University-Main Campus, College Station 77843 Mictigan: Texas Christian University, Ft Worth 76129 Michigan State University, East Lansing 48823 Texas Tech University, Lubbock 79409 University of Michigan, Ann Arbor 48104 University of Texas at Austin, Austin 78712 Minnesota: Utah: University of Minnesota at Minneapolis-St Paul Minneapolis University of Utah, Salt Lake City 84112 55455 Virginia: Mississippi: Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond 23227 University of Mississippi-Main Campus, University18677 Washington & Lee Uniyeisity, Lexington 24450 Missouri: Washington: University of Misswri, Columbia 6520Y, University of Washington, Seattle 98195 Montana: West Virgin:a: University of Montana, Missoula c9801 Marshall (h.ersity, Huntington 25701 West Virginia University, Morgantown 26505 Nebraska: University of Nebraska-1 incoln, I incoin 6008 Wisconsin: University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire, Eau Claire 54701 Nroada: University of Wisconsin-Madison. Madison 53706 University of N:Yada-Reno Reno 89507 University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Milwaukee 53211 New Mexico: University of Wisconsin Oshkosh, Oshkosh 54901 University of New Mexico, Albuquerque 87106 New York: LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE Columbia University, New York 10027 New York University, New York 10001 Syracuse University, Sy racuse 11210 American Society of Landscape Architects North Carolina: Landscape Architectural Accreditation Board University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill 27511 Samuel Miller, Director, ASLA th Dakota: Education and Research University of North Dakota. Grand 1ork, 58201 1900 M Street, N W Suite 750 V ashington. D C 20036 Ohio: Bowling Green State University. Bowling Green 41402 Landscape Architecture (Accredited) Kent State University, Kent 44242 Ohio State University -Main Campus, Columbus 41210 Ariiona: Ohio University, Athens 45701 Universitynt AworldI Ill SO11 F5721

105 117 Specialized Accreditation antiPreaccreditation

California: Pennsylvania: California PolytechniState University, San Luis Obispo Pennsylvania State University, University Park 16802 93407 University of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia 19104 California State Polytechnic University, Pomona 91768 University of California, Davis 95616 Rhode Island: University of California, Berkeley 94720 Rhode Island School of Design, Providence 02903 Florida: Texas: University of Florida, Gainesville 32611 Texas A & M University-Main Campus, College Station 77843 Georgia: Texas Tech University. Lubbock 79409 University of Georgia, Athens 30601 Utah: Idaho: Utah State University, Logan 84321 University of Idaho, Moscow 83843 Virginia: Illinois: University of Virginia, Charlottesville 22901 University of Illinois-Urbana-Champaign, Urbana 61801 Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Indiana: Blacksburg 24061 Ball State Tintversity, Muncie 47306 Washington: Purdue Cniversity-West Lafayette, West Lafayette 47907 University of Washington, Seattle 98195 Iowa: Washington State Univeisity, Pullman 99163 Iowa State University, Ames 50010 West Virginia: Kauai: West Virginia University, Morgantown 26505 Kansas State University, Manhattan 66502 Wisconsin: Yeatucky: University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison 53706 University of Kentucky, Lexington 40506 Louisiana: Louisiana State University at Baton Rouge, Baton Rouge LAW 70803 Massachusetts: American Bar Association Harvard University, Cambridge 02138 University of Massachusetts, Amherst 01002 Council of the Section of Legal Education and Mktigas: Admissions to the Bar Michigan State University, East Lansing 48823 James P White, Consultant on Legal Education, ABA Universe, of Michigan, Ann Arbor 48104 Indiana University Mhuiesota: 355 North Lansing Street Indianapolis, Indiana 46202 University of Minnesota at Minneapolis-St Paul, Minneapolis 55455 Law (Accredited) Mississippi: Mississippi State University, Mississippi State 39762 Alabama: New Jersey: Samford University, Birmingham 35209 University of Alabama, University 35486 Rutgers-The State University-New Brunswick, New Brunswick 08903 Arizona: New York: Arizona State University, Tempe 85281 Cornell University, Ithaca 14853 University of Arizona, Tucson 85721 CUNY-City College, New York i0031 Arkansas: SUNY Co:lege of Environmental Sciences and Forestry, University of Arkansas it Fayetteville. Fayetteville 72701 Syracuse 13210 University of Arkansas at 1 ittle Rock, Lath- Rock 72204 North Carolina: California: North Carolina State University at Raleigh, Raleigh 27607 California Western School of Law, San Diego 00000 Ohio: Golden Gate University, San Francis() 94105 Ohio Stab:. Jniversity -Main Campus, Columbus 43210 Loyola-Marymount University, t os Aiigeles 90045 Pepperchne University, Malibu 90265 Oregon: Southwestern University, Los Angeles 90005 University of Oregon, Eugene 97403 Stanford University, Stanford 94105

106 Specialized Accreditation and Preaccreditation

University of the Pacific, Stockton 95211 University of Iowa, Iowa uny 52242 University of California, Davis 95616 Mutsu: University of California, Berkeley 94720 University of California, Los Angeles 90024 University of Kansas, Lawrence 66045 University of California, San Francisco 94102 Washburn University of -Topeka, Topeka ,h6621 University of San Diego, San Diego 92110 Kentucky: University of San Francisco, San Fransisco 94117 Northern Kentucky University, Highland Heights 41076 University of Santa Clara, Santa Clara 95050 University of Kentucky, Lexington 40506 University of Southern California, Los Angeles 90007 University of Louisville, Louisville 40202 Whittier College, Whittier 90608 Louisiana: Colorado: Louisiana State University at Baton Rouge, Baton Rouge University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder 80302 70803 University of Denver, Denver 80210 Loyola University, New Orleans 70118 Connecticut: Southern University, Baton Rouge 70813 University of Connecticut, Storrs 06268 Tulane University, New Orleans 70118 Yale University, New Haven 06520 Maine: Delaware: University of Southern Marne, Portland 04103 Delaware Law School of Widener College, Wilmington Maryland: 19802 University of Baltimore, Baltimore 21201 District of Columbia: University of Maryland Professional Schools, Baltimore 21201 American University, Washington 20016 Massachusetts: Antioch University School of Law, Washington 20036 Boston College, Chestnut Hill 02167 Catholic University of America, Washington 20017 Boston University, Boston 02215 George Washington University, Washington 20006 Harvard University, Cambridge 02138 Georgetown University, Washington 20007 New England School of Law, Boston 021()0 Howard University, Washington 20001 Northeastern University Boston 02115 Florida: Suffolk University, Boston 02114 Florida State University, Tallahassee 32306 Western New England College, Springfield 01119 Nova University, Ft Lauderdale 33314 Michigan: Stetson University, Deland 32720 Detroit College of Law, Detroit 48201 University of Flonda, Gainesville 32611 Thomas M Cooley Law School, Lansing 48933 University of Miami, Coral Gables 33124 University of Detroit, Detroit 48221 Georgia: University of Michigan, Ann Arbor 48104 Emory University, Atlanta 30322 Wayne State University, Detroit 48202 Mercer University, Macon 31207 Minnesota: University of Georgia, Athens 30601 Hamline University, St Paul 55104 Hawaii: William Mitchell College, St Pual 55105 University of Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu 96801 Missisalln.i: Idaho: University of Mississippi Main Campus, University 38677 University of Idaho, Moscow 83843 Missouri: Illinois: St Louis University, St Louis 63103 De Paul University, Chicago 60W4 University of Missouri, Columbia 65201 Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago 60616 University of Missouri-Kansas City, Kansas City 64110 John Marshall Law School, Chicago 60604 Washington University, it Lows 63130 Loyo0, Unmersity of Chicago, Chicago 60611 Montana: Northwestern University, Evanston 60201 University of Montana, Missoula 59801 Southern Illinois University, Carbondale 62901 University of Chicago, Chicago 60637 Nebraska: Creighton University. Omaha 68178 Indiana: University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln 6.'5;8 Indiana University, Bloomington-Indianapolis, Bloomington 47401 New Hampshire: University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame 46556 Franklin Pierce 1 aw ('enter, Concord 03301 Valparaiso University, Valparaiso 46383 New Jersey: lows: Rutgers-The State University-Camden, Camden 08102 Drake University, Des 50311 Rutgers-The State University - Newark, Newark 07104


1 1 p Specialized Accreditation and Preaccreditation

Se on Hall University, South Orange 07079 University of Tennessee, Knoxville 37916 New Mexico: Texas: University of New Mexico, Albuquerque 87106 Baylor University, Waco 76703 New York: South Texas College of Law, Houston 77002 Southern Methodist University, Dallas 75222 Brooklyn Law School, Brooklyn 11201 St Mary's University of San Antonio, San Antonio 78228 Columbia University, New York 10027 Texas Southern University, Houston 77004 Cornell University, Ithaca 14853 Texas Tech University, Lubbock 79409 Fordham University, Bronx 10548 University of Houston-Central Campus, Houston 77002 Hofstra University, Hempstead 11550 University of Texas at Austin, Austin 78712 New York Law School, New York 10013 New York University, New York 10003 Utah: Pace University-Main Campus, New York 10018 University of Utah, Salt Lake City 84112 St John's University, Jamaica 11439 Virginia: Syracuse University, Syracuse 13210 College of William and Mary, Williamsburg 23185 SUNY at Buffalo, Buffalo 14222 Judge Advocate Generals School, Charlottesville 22901 Union University-Albany Law School, Albany 12208 University of Richmond, Richmond 23173 Yeshiva University, New York 10033 University of Virginia, Charlottesville 22901 North Carolina: Washington & Lee University, Lexington 24450 Duke University. Durham 27706 Washington: North Carolina Central University, Durham 27707 Gonzaga University, Spokane 99202 University of North Carolina. Chapel dill 27514 University of Puget Sound, Tacoma 98416 Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem 27109 University of Washington, Seattle 98195 North Dakota: West Virginia: University of North Dakota, Grani Forks 5821'1 West Virginia University, Morgantown 26505 Ohio: Wisconsin: Capital University. Columbus 43209 Marquette University, Milwaukee 53233 Case Western Reserve Unisersity, Cleveland 44106 University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison 53706 Cleveland State University, Cleveland 44115 Ohio Northern University, Ada 45810 Wyoming: Ohio State University-Main Campus, Columbus 43210 University of Wyoming, Laramie 82070 University of Akron, Akron 44304 Puerto Rico: University of Cincinnati. Cincinnati 4521! University of Dayton, Dayton 45469 Catholic University of Puerto Rico, Ponce 00741 University of Toledo, Toledo 43606 Inter Amencan University of Puerto Rico, San German 00753 University of Puerto Rico-Rio Piedras Campus, Rio Piedras Ok !shuns: 00931 Oklahoma City University, Oklahoma City 73406 University of Oklahoma at Norman, Norman 73069 University of Tulsa, Tul'4104 LIBRARIANSHIP Oregon: Lewis and Clark College. Portland 97211 American Library Association University of Oregon, Eugene 97403 Willamette University, Salem 97301 Committee on Accreditation Pennsylvania: Elinor Yungmeyer, Accreditation Officer Dickinson School of Law. Carlisle 17013 50 East Huron Street Duquesne University, Pittsburgh 15219 Chicago, Illinois 60611 Temple University, Philadelphia 19122 University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia 19104 Librarianship (Accredited) University of Pittsburgh. Pittsburgh 15260 Villanova University, Villanova 19085 Alabama: Alabama Agncultural and Mechanical University, Normal South Carolina: 35762 University of South Carolina. Columbia 29208 University of Alabama, University 35486 South Dakota. Arizona: University of South Dakota Vermillion, Vermillion 57069 University of Anzona, Tucson 85721 Tennessee: California: 4emphis State University, Memphis 38111 San Jose State University, San Jose 95114


rl Specialized Accreditation and Preaccreditation

University of California, Los Angeles 90024 New Jersey: University of California. Berkeley 94720 Rutgers-The State University -Ness 13runsssisk, New University of Southern California, Los Angeles 90007 Brunswick 08903 Colorado: University of Denver, Denver 80210 New York: Columbia University, New York 10027 Connecticut: CUNY-Queens College, Flushing 11367 Southern Connecticut State College, New Haven 06515 Long Island University-C W Post Center, Greenvale 11548 District of Columbia: Pratt Institute, Brooklyn 11205 Catholic University of America, Washington 20017 St John's University, Jamaica 11439 Florida: State University College at Geneseo, Geneseo 14454 Syracuse University, Syracuse 13210 Florida State University. Tallahassee 32306 SUNY at Albany, Albany 12222 University of South Flonda, Tampa 33620 SUNY at Buffalo, Buffalo 14222 Georgia: Atlanta University, Atlanta 30314 North Carolina: Emory University, Atlanta 30322 North Carolina ( entral University Durham 27707 Hawaii: University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill 27514

University of Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu 96'301 Ohio: Illinois: Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland 44106 Northern Illinois University, De Kalb 60115 Kent State University, Kent 44242 Rosary College, River Forest 60305 University of Chicago, Chicago 60637 Oklahoma: University of Illinois-UrbanaChypaign Urbana 61801 University of Oklahoma at Norman, Norman 73069 Indiana: Pennsylvania: Ball State University, Muncie 47306 Clarion State College, Clarion 16214 Indiana University, Bloomington-Indianapolis, Bloomington 47401 Drexel University, Philadelphia 19104 University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh 15260 Iowa: University of Iowa, Iowa City 52242 Rhode Island:

Kansas: University of Rhode Island, Kings on 02881

Empona State University, Emporia 66801 South Carolina: Kentucky: University of South Carolina, Columbia 29208 University of Kentucky, Lexington 40506 Tennessee: Louisiana: George Peabody College for Teachers, Nashvitle 37203 Louisiana State University at Baton Rouge, Baton Rouge University of Tennessee, Knoxville 37916 70803 Maryland: Texas: University of Maryland, College Park 20742 North Texas State University, Denton 76203 Texas Woman's University, Denton 76204 Maasschtmetts: University of Texas at Austin, Ai stin 78712 Simmons College, Boston 02115 Utah: Michigan: University of Michigan, Ann Arbor 48104 Brigham Young University, Provo 84601 Wayne State University, Detroit 48202 Washington: Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo 49001 University of Washington, Seattle 98195 Minnesota: University of Minnesota at Minneapolis-St Paul, Minneapolis Wisconsin: 55455 University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison 53706 Mississippi: University of Wisconsin-Milssdukee, Milssaukee 53211 University of Southern Mississippi, Hattiesburg 39401 Missouri: University of Missouri. Columbia 65201

109 1 21 Specialized Accreditation and Preaccreditation MARRIAGE AND FAMILY THERAPY MEDICAL ASSISTANT EDUCATION

A. American Medical Association American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy Committee on Allied Health Education and Accreditation Commission on Accreditation for Marriage and Family Therapy Education In cooperation with American Association of Medical Assistants John S Shalett, Executive Director 924 West Ninth Street Curriculum Review Board Upland, California 91786 Dene R Murray, Executive Director, AAMA One East Wacker Drive, Suite 1510 Chicago, Illinois 60601 A. American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy-Clinical Training Programs (Accredited) Medical Assistant (Associate Degree-Accredited)

New York: California: Institutes of Religion and Health-Peale Graduate Institute, American ', iver College, Sacramento 95841 New York 10001 City College of San Francico, San Francisco 94112 Onondaga Pastoral Counseling Center Inc, Syracuse 11210 Cypress College, Cypress 90630 Westchester Inst For Training in Counseling & De Anza College, Cupertino 95014 Psychotherapy, Rye 10580 Modesto .16.nior College, Modesto 95350 Ohlone College, Fremont 94560 Pennsylvania: Pasadena City College Pasadena 91106 MarriageCouncil of Philadelphia. Philadelphia 19104 San Diego Mesa College, San Diego 92111 Shasta College, Redding 96001 WISCONlitl: West Valley College, Saratoga 95070 Family Service of Milwaukee Milwaukee 080 17 Florida: Broward Community College, Ft Lauderdale 33314 B. American Association for Marriage and Family Webster Adult Education Center. Winter Park 32789 Therapy-Graduate Degree Programs (Accredited) Hawaii: University of Hawaii- Kapiolani Community College, John S Sha lett, Executive Director Honolulu 96814 924 West Nineth Street Illinois: Upland. California 91786 Triton College, River Grove 60171 William Rainey Harper College, Palatine 60067 California: Indiana: Loma Linda University, Loma Linda 92154 Indiana Vocational-Technical College - Indiana Technical Inst, University of Southern California, I os Angeles 90007 Indianapolis 46241 New York: Indiana Vocati'al-Technical College-Lafayette, Lafayette Colgate Rochester-Bexley -Crorer Dis inity School, Rochester 47905 14620 Iowa: Syracuse University, Syracuse 13210 Iowa Western Community College, Council Bluff 51501

Texas: Kentucky; Eastern Kentucky University, Richmond 40475 East Texas Suite University, Commerce 75428 Morehead State University. Morehead 40351 Utah: Spencenan College, Louisville 40204 Brigham Young University. Pro,..o 84601 Maine: Westbrook College, Portland 04103 Wisconsin: University of Wisconsin-Stout Menomonie s4751 Maryland: Montgomery College, Rockville 20850 Massachusetts: Aquinas Junior College, Milton 02186

110 1 iv) A..,' ) Specialized Accreditation and PI Niccreditation

Bay Path Jumot College, L ongmeadow 01106 Modesto Junior College, Modesto 95350 Becker : imor College, Worcester 01609 Orange Coast College, Costa Mesa 96626 Fisher Junior College, Boston 02116 Pacific College of Medical and Dental Assistants, San Diego Mount Ida Jiimor College, Newton Centre 02159 92116 Sproul-1(.1d Technical Community College, Springfield 01105 Southern California College of Medical and Dental Careers, Michigan: Anaheim 92804 Kalamazoo 'alley Community College, Kalamazoo 49001 United Health Careers Institute Inc, San Bernardino 92406 West Valley College, Saratoga 95070 Mississippi: Western College of Allied Health Careers, Sacramento 93821 Northeast Mississippi Junior College, Bcwineville 38829 Western College of Medical and Dental Assistants. Van Nuys 91401 New Jersey: Bergen Cordenunity College, Paramus 07652 Colorado: Camden County Voeationai-1 et hrnsal High School, Arapahoe Community College, Littleton 80120 Sicklerville 08081 Parks College-Technical Division, Denver 80221 Union County Technical Institute, Scotch Plains 07076 Connecticut: New York: Greater Hartford Community College, Hartford 06105 Broome Community College. Binghamton 13902 Florida: Dutchtss Community College, Poughkeepsie 12601 Broward Communit; College, Ft Lauderdale 33314 Ohio: Lihdsey Hopkins Technical Educational Centr, Miami 33132 Hocking Technical College, Nelsonville 45764 Webster Adult Education Center, Winter Park 32789 Jefferson Technical College. Steubenville 43952 Georgia: Kettering C ollege of Medical Arts, Kettering 45429 Muskingum Area Joint Technical College, Zanesville 43701 Atlanta College of Medical and Dental Assistants, Atlanta University of Toledo, Toledo 41606 30309 Augusta Area Technical School, Augusta 30906 Pennsylvania. Bryrnan School, Atlanta 30309 Central Penns% lvania BU'ITICSS School, Summerdale 17093 Thosa Valley Vocational-Technical School, Rome 10161 Gannon University, I ne 16501 Illinois: South Carolina. Belleville Area College, Belleville 62221 Tri-Counts I retuned] College. Pendliton .9670 Robert Morris School, Carthage 62321 Tennessee: Indiana: Edmondson Junor College of Business, Chattanooga .17411 Clark College, Indianopolis 46202 Teas: Indiana vocational-Technical College, Sellersburg 47172 Indiana Vocational - Technical College-East Central, Muncie El Centri, 75200 47302 Vermont. Indiana Vocational-Technical College-North Central, South Green Mountain College. Poultney 05764 Bend 46619 'Alan^ Vocational-Technical College-Northeast, Fort Wayne Medical Assistant (Certificate-Accredited) 4680' Indiana Vocational Technical College-Northwest, Gary 46409 Alabama: Indiana Vocational- Technical College-Wabash Valley. Terre Haute 47802 Unisersio, ill Alabama Birmingham Birmingham 15294 Indiana Vocational-Technical-College-Kokomo, Kokomo Amor.. 46901 BBiytnan Si hinil. rhOCIIIN }0(X)6 Indiana Vocational-Technical-Southeast, Madcon 47250 Professional Careen Institute, Indianapolis 46268 California: Iowa: Andon College Vocational Health t. arcers, San Jose 9:125 Bryman Svhiol, Rosemead 91770 Des Moines Area Community College, Ankeny 50021 Bryman School, Torrance 90504 Iowa Central Community College, Ft Dodge 50501 Wyman School Sar Francisco 94101 Kirkwood Comm. nny College, Cedar Rapids 52406 Bryman St nool, San Jose 95128 Marshalltown Community College, Marshalltown 50158 Brvman School, Long Beach 908(17 Southeastern Community College, West Burlington 52655 City College of San Franc Ku, San Frani isco 94112 Kentucky: Colieiii of Alameda, Alameda 94501 ( vr College, ( ypress 90610 Fugazzi College, Lexington 40502 LI `..'amino ( ollege. via1 ()mince 9050. Watterson College, Louisville 10213 Lawton School for Medical and Dent,.) Assistants, inano Maryland: 91416 Media School, Baltimore 21204

1 1 I 0 ) Specialized Accreditation and Preaccreditation

Musaehaietts: Wisconsin: Middlesex Community College Bedford 017 -11) Lakeshore Technical Institute, Cleveland 53015 Milwaukee Area I echmcal College, Milwaukee 51203 Michigan: Northeast Wisconsin technical Institute. Green Bay 54101 Baker Junior College of Business, Flint 4850' Waukesha County Technical Institute, Pessaukee 53072 Carnegie Institute of Detroit Detroit 48226 Western Wisconsin Technical Institute, I a Crosse 54601 Charles Stewart Mott Community College, Flint 48501 Wisconsin Inchanhead Technical Institute. New Richmond 54-017 Minnesota: Anoka-Hennepin Area Vocational-lc-clinical Institute C sion B. Accrediting bureau of Health Education Schools Rapids 55433 Lakeland Medical And Dental Academy Minneapolis s5408 Hugh A Woosley, Adnuristrator Medical Institute of Minnesota, Minneapolis 05404 Oak Manor Offices Normandale Community College, Bloomington 55411 29089 V S 20 West 916 Area Vocational-Technical Institute, Whde Bear t ake Elkhart Indiana 46514 55110

Missouri: Medical Assistant (Certificate-Accredited) Kansas Ctty College of Medical and Dental Assistants Ar .ona Kansas City 64108 Apo/lit C nttege of Medical & Dental Assistants Glendale Nebraska: 85101 Omaha College of Health Careers, Omaha N{ IDS Arizona College of Medical, Dent'' and 1 egal Careers Southeast Community College-I airhur' Campus, I inciln Tucson 85719 Arizona College of Mcdical Dental and Legal C areers, 68152 Phoenix 85012 New Jersey: California. Bryman School. Fast Brunswick 0881h Andon College Vocational Health Careers, San Jose 95128 New York: Bay Cits College of Dental and Medical Assistants, San Dutchess Community College, Poughkeepsie 126111 Francisco 94102 Wyman School, Canoga Park 91306 North Carolina: Cahrillo School of Nursing, San Diego 92115 Central Piedmont Community College. Charlotte 28212 California Paramedical and Technical College. Long Beach Western Piedmont Community jollege, Morganton 28 )SS 905107 F aeon College. San Diego 92115 Ohio: Lawton School for Medical and Dental Assistants Palo Alto Cincinnati Technical College, Cincinnati 4022 z 94106 Muskingum Area Joint Technical College tancsille 41'1)1 awton School for Medical and Dental Assistants, Fncino °Cahoots: 91436 Marie College, San Diego 92115 Tulsa Junior College. Tulsa 74102 Medical Training Institute, San Fernando 91340 Oregon: MTD Business College. HTDward 94541 Chemeketa Community College, Salem 4'1u1 Northwest College of Medical and Dental Assistants West Portland Community College, Portland 0721') Covina 91790 Portland Paramedical Center " rtland 47201 Northwest College of Medical and Dental Assistants, Pomona 41768 Pennsylvania: Oakland College for Dental and Medical Assistants, Oakland Community College of Allegheny C runts, Pittsburgh 15212 94611 Gannon University, Erie 165(11 Southern California College of Medical and Dental Careers, Median School of Allied Health Careers Pittsburgh 15222 Anaheim 92804 Southlanu College of Medical, Dental and Legal Careers, Los Tennessee: Angeles 90020 Edmondson Junior College of Business, C hattaniiiiga 17411 Southland College of Medical, Dental and I egal Careers, Texas: Gardena 90506 Southland Cr 'lege of Med cal, Dental and I egal Careers, Brym ti School. Houston 77025 San Antonio College. San Antonio 78212 Downey 90240 Southland College of Medic al. Dental and I cgal Careers, Utah: Montebello 90640 Bryman School, Salt Lake City 84111 Western College of Alwil 14 filth Careers, si, iamento 93821

Washington: Colorado Edmonds Community CollegeI snnwood 98111.6 Pikes Peak Institiite of Medic al1 e.. hnology dot ado Kinman Business Unicrsits, Spokane 99:01 Springs 80901

112 Specialized Accreditation and Preaccreditation

District of Columbia: New York School for Medical and Dental Assistants, Forest Georgetown School of Science and Arts, Washington 20007 Hills 11375 Sawyer Schools, Rochester 14605 Florida: Biscayne Paramedical Institute, Miami 33131 North Carolina: Charron - Williams College, Ft Lauderdale 33311 Johnston Memorial Hospital, Smithfield 27577 Charron - Williams College, Miami 33130 Maria Parham Hospital, Henderson 27536 H & B Schools, Fort Lauderdale 33308 Medical Ai-ts Training Center, Miami 33156 Northern Hospital of Surry County, Mount Airy 27030 Medical Arts Training Center, Miami 33169 North Dakota: National School of Health Technology, North Miami 33161 Turtle Mountain School of Paramedical Technique, Bottineau Georgia: 58318 Atlanta College of Medical and Dental Assistants, Atlanta 30309 Ohio: Hawaii. Cincinnati Metropolitan College, Cincinnati 45202 Ohio Valley Hospital School of Anesthesia, Steubenville Medical Assistants School of Hawaii Inc, Honolulu 96813 43952 Indiana: Elkhart Institute of Technology, Elkhart 46514 Oklahoma: Sayre Junior College, Sayre 73662 Kansas: Bryan Institute, Wichita 67208 Oregon: Kentucky: Portland Paramedical Center, Portland 97201 Louisville College of Medical and Dental Careers, Louisville Pennsylvania: 40216 Wattcrson College, Louisville 40213 Mc Carrie School of Science Technology, Philadelphia 19107 National School of Health Technology, Philadelphia 19103 Maryland: Temple School of Maryland, Silver Spring 20910 Tennessee: Massaeu.setts: Memphis Paramedical Institute, Memphis 38104 Bay State Junior College, Boston 02116 Nashville College of Medical and Dental Assisting Madison Bay State Junior College Carnegie Division, Boston 02114 37115

Michigan: Texas: Kranz Woods Academy of Medical Laboratory Technology, Bryman School, Houston 77025 Detroit 48234 Navarro College, Corsicana 75;10 Michigan Paraprofessional Training Institute, Southfield San Antonio College of Medical anDental t ssistants, San 48075 Antonio 78205 Minnesota: Southwzst School of Medical Assistants, San Antonio 78205 Northwest Institute of Medical Laboratory Technique, Ursh: Minneapolis, 55406 Sawyer School, Minneapolis 5544S Salt Lake City College of Medical and Dental Careers, Salt Lake City 841b Missouri: Bryan Institute, Webster c roves 63044 Washington: Bryan Institute-Northwest, Bridgeton 63344 Commercial Training College, Seattle 98133 Kansas Cr College of Medical and Dental Assistants, Kinman Business University, Spokane 99201 Kansas l ty 64108 Medical Professions Institute, St Louis 63114 West Virginia: Midwest Institute for Medical Assistants, Kirkwood 63122 Missoun School for Doctor's As - 'ants, St Louis 63122 Boone County Career & Technical Center, Danville 25053 Boone County Career Center, Danville 25053 New Jersey: Institute for the Advancement of Medical Sciences, Cherry Wyoming: Hill 08034 Northwest Community College, Powell 82435 New York: Eastern School for Physicians' Aides, New York 10001 National Health Institute, Yonkers 10701

0 *- 113 14,, Specialized Accreditation and Preaccreditation MEDICAL LABORATORY TECHNICIAN Indult,vocational-Technical College-Indiana Technical inst, Indianapolis 46241 EDUCATION Iowa: Des Moines Area Community College, Ankeny 50021 A. American Medical Association Kentucky: Committee on Allied Health Education and Midway College, Midway 40347 Accreditation --- Maine: John E Beckley, Secretary Eastern Maine Vocational-Technical Institute, Bangor 04401 535 North Dearborn Street University of Maine at Augusta, Augusta 04330 Chicago, Illinois 60610 Maryland: In cooperation with Allegany Community College, Cumberland 21502 National Accrediting Agency for Clinical Laboratory Chesapeake College, Wye Mills 21679 Sciences Columbia Union College, Takoma Park 20012 Essex Community College, Baltimore County 21237 Carol Elkins, Executive Director Montgomery College, Takoma Pk 20012 222 Riverside Plaza, Suite 1512 Chicago, Illinois 60606 Massachusetts: North Shore Community College, Beverly 01915 Medical Laboratory Technician (Associate Degree - Springfield Technical Community College, Springfield 01105 Accredited) Michigan: Alabama: Ferns State College, Big Rapids 49307 Gadsden State Junior College, Gadsden 35903 Lake Michigan College, Benton Harbor 49022 Jefferson State Junior College, Birmingham 35215 Macomb County Community College-Center Campus, Mount University of Alabama-Birmingham, Birmingham 35294 Clemens 48043 Wallace State Community College, Hanceville 35077 Mercy College of Detroit, Detroit 48219 Ariaosa: Northern Michigan University, Marquette 49855 Phoenix College, Phoenix 85013 ScheAcraft College, Livonia 48151

Colorado: `4'fatesota: Arapahoe Community College, Littleton 80120 Mankato State University, Mankato 56001 St Mary's Junior College, Minneapolis 55406 Connecticut Housatonic Community College, Bridgeport 06608 Mississippi: Copiah- Lincoln Junior College, Wesson 39191 Delaware: Hinds Junior College-Jackson Branch, Jackson 39154 Delaware Technical and Community College-Southern Mississippi Gulf Coast Junior College, Gautier 39'53 Campus, Georgetown 19947 Missouri: Florida: Central Methodist College, Fayette 65248 Brevard Community College, Cocoa 32922 St Louis Community College at Forrest Park, St Louis 63110 Broward Community College, Ft Lauderdale 33314 New Hampshire: Florida Junior College, Jacksonville 32207 Miami-Dade Community College, Miami Beach 33156 New Hampshire Vocational- TechniLal College, Claremont 03743 Georgia: Rivier College, Nashua 03060 Albany Junior College, Albany 31701 New Jersey: Brunswick Junior College, Brunswick 31520 Dalton Junior College, Dalton 30720 Atlantic Community College, Mays Landing 08330 De Kalb Community College, Clarkston 30021 Bergen Community College, Paramus 07652 Brookdale Community College, Lincroft 07738 Illinois: County College of Morris, Dover 07801 Belleville Area College, Belleville 62221 Felician College, Lodi 07644 College of Lake County, Grayslake 60030 Mercer County Community College, Trenton 08608 Illinois Central College, East Peons 61611 Metpath School of Laboratory Medicine, Hackensack 97606 Lewis and Clark Community College, Godfrey 62035 Union County Technical Institute, Scotch Plains 07076 Moraine Valley Community College, Palos Hills 60465 New Mexico: Oakton Community College, Morton Grove 60053 Sauk Valley College, Dixon 61021 New Mexico State University, Las Cruces 88001 Triton College, River Grove 60171 New York: [adieu: Erie Community College-North Campus, Buffalo 14221 Indiana University-Northwest Campus, Gary 46408 Orange County Community College, Middletown 10940

114 -1ti"II II Specialized Accreditation Ind Preaccreditation

Rockland Community College, Suff.:rn 10901 Virginia: LUNY Agricultural and f echnical College at Alfred, Alfred Central Virginia Community College, Lynchburg 24501 14802 Marymount College of Virginia, Arlington 22207 North Carolina: Northern Virginia Community College, Annandale 22003 Asheville-Buncombe Technical Institute. Asheville 28801 Wytheville Community College, Wytheville 24382 C astal Carolina Community College, Jacksonville 28,540 Washington: Sandhills Community College, Carthage 28327 Skagit Business College, Mount Vernon 98273 Western Piedmont Community College, Morganton 28655 West Virginia: Ohio: Parkersburg Community College, Parkersburg 26101 Columbus Technical Institute, Columbus 43215 Wisconsin: Jefferson Technical College, Steubenville 43952 Kettering College of Medical Arts, Kettering 45429 District One Technical Institute, Eau Claire 54701 Lakeland Community College, Mentor 44060 Milwaukee Area Technical College, Milwaukee 53203 Marion Te:hnical College, Marion 43302 Western Wisconsin Technical Institute, La Crosse 54601 Rio Grande College/Community College, Rio Grande 45674 Shawnee State College, Portsmouth 4566' Medical Laboratory Technician (Certificate- Oklaboiaa: Accredited) Oscar Rose Junior College, Midwest City 71110 Arizona: Tulsa Junior College, Tulsa 74102 Phoenix College, Phoenix 85013 Peaasylvania: Arkansas: Community College of Allegheny County, Pittsburgh 15212 St Vincent Infirmary, Little Rock 72201 Community College of Beaver Count}, Monaca 15061 Colorado: Community College of Philadelphia, Philadelphia 19107 Hahnemann Medical Center, Philadelphia 19102 Aurora Technical Center, Aurora 80011 Northampton County Area Community College, Bethlehem Delaware: 18017 St Francis Hospital, Wilmington 19805 Reading Area Community College, Reading 19605 Florida: South Carolina: Bethesda-Kennedy Hospital, Boynton Beach 33061 Florence-Darlington Technical College, Florence 29501 Broward Cty Practical Nurse Prgm-Sheridan Voc Center, Greenville Technical College, Greenville 29606 Hollywood 33020 Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston 29403 Erwin Area Vocational-Technical School, Tampa 33602 Midlands Technical College, Columbia 29250 Tomlinson Adult Education Center, St Petersburg 33701 Orangeburg-Calhoun Technical Education College, Georgic: Orangeburg 29115 Spartanburg Technical College, Spartanburg 29303 Atlanta Area Technical School, Atlanta 30310 Tn-County Technical College, Pendleton 29670 Augusta Area Technical School, Augusta 30906 York County Technical College, Rock Hill 29730 Macon Area Vocational-Technical School, Macon 31201 North Georgia Technical-Vocational School, Clarkesville 'South Dakota: 30523 Dakota Wesleyan University, Mitchell 57301 Valdosta Area Vocational-T-chnical School, Valdosta 31601 Presentation Collegr. Aberdeen 57401 Waycross-Ware County Area Vocational-Technical School, Wayr ross 31501 Tennessee: Cleveland State Community College, Cleveland 3711 1 Illinois: Jackson State Community College, Jackson 38301 Blessing Hospital, Qutncy 62301 Richland Memorial Hospital, Olney 62450 Texas: Sherman Hospital Association, Elgin 60120 Alvin Community College. Alvin 77511 Triton College, River Grove 60171 Grayson County Junior College, Denison 75020 Indiana: uston Community College, Houston 77027 Laredo Junior College. Laredo 78040 Caylor-Nickel Hospital Inc, Bluffton 46714 Midwestern State University, Wichita Falls 76308 Indiana University-Northwest Campus, Gary 46408 Tarrant County Junior College, Hurst 76053 Indiana Vocational-Technical College-Lafayette, Lafayette 47905 Utah: Indiana Vocational-Technical College-North Central, South Weber State College, Ogden :14401 Bend 46619 Vermont: Indiana Vocational-Technical College-Wabash Valley, Terre Haute 47802 University of Vermont, Burlington 05401 Indiana Vocational-Tr, bnical College.Whitewater, Richmond Vermont College, Montpelier 05602 47374

335 -1 2 Specialized Accreditation and Preaccreditation

Thornton-Haymond-Costin-Buehl-Bolinger School, East Liverpool City Hospital, East Liverpool 43920 Indianapolis 46205 Lima Memorial Hospital, Lima 45804 Memorial Hospital, Marietta 45750 Iowa. Mercy Hospital, Portsmouth 45662 De., Moines Area Community College Ankeny 50021 Middletown Hospital Association, Middletown 45042 Eastern Iowa Community College-Scott Community College, Oregon: Bettendorf 52722 Hawkeye Institute of Technology, Waterloo 50704 Portland Community College, Poi tland 97219

Kansas: Pennsylvania: Wichita Certified Laboratory Assistants School, Wichita Allegheny Valley Hospital, Natrona Heights 15065 67211 Ashland State General Hospital, Ashland 17921 Chambersburg Hospital, Chambersburg 17201 Kentucky: Chester County Hospital, West Chester 19380 Madisonville State Vocational-Technical School, Madisonville Community College of Allegheny County, Pittsburgh 15212 42431 Community College of Allegheny County-South Campus, Massachusetts: West Mifflin 15219 Conemaugh Valley Memorial Hospital, Johnstown 15905 Blue Hills Regional Technical Institue, Canton 02021 Crawford County Area Vocatic 'it-Technical School, Montachusett Regional Vocational-Technical School, Meadville 16335 Fitchburg 01420 Hamot Medical Center, Erie 16512 Northeastern University, Boston 02115 Lee Hospital, Johnstown 15901 Worcester-Hahnemann Hospital, Worce

116 Specialized Accreditation and Preaccreditation

West Virginia: New York: Bluefield Sanitarium, Bluefield 24701 Eastern School for Physicians' Aides, New York 10003 Veterans Administration Medical Center, Beckley 25801 National Health Institute, Yonkers 10701 Wisconsin: New York School for Medial and Dental Assistants, Forest Hills 11375 Waupun Memorial Hospital, Waupin 53963 North Carolina: B. Accrediting Bureau of Health Education Schools Johnston Memorial Hospital, Smithfield 7577 Mana Parham Hospital, Henderson 27536 Hugh A Woos ley, Administrator Northern Hospital of Surry County, Mount Airy 27030 Oak Manor Offices North Dakota: 29089 U S 20 West Turtle Mountain School of Paramedical Technique, Bottineau Elkhart, Indiana 46514 58318 Medical Laboratory Technician (Certificate- Oklahoma: Accredited) Sayre Junior College, Sayre 73662 Pennsylvania: Alabama: National School of Health Technology, Philadelphia 19103 Birmingham Para-Medical College, Birmingham 35205 Tennessee: Arizoa: Cumberland School of Medical Technology, Cookeville Apollo College of Medical & Dental Assistants, Glendale 38501 85301 Texas: Colorado: Navarro College, Corsicana 75110 Pikes Peak Institute of Medical Technology, Colorado Southwest School of Medical Assistants, San Antonio 78205 Spnngs 80903 West Virginia: Markt of Columbia: Boone County Career Center, Danville 25053 Georgetown School of Science and Arts. Washington 2000' Wyoming: Florida: Northwest Community College, Powell 82435 Biscayne Paramedical Institute, Miami 33131 Chinon-Williams College, Ft Lauderdale 33313 Charron-Williams College, Miami 33130 MEDICAL RECORD EDUCATION Georgia: Atlanta College of Medical and Dental Assistants, Atlanta 30309 American Medical Association Committee on Allied Health Education and Elkhart Institute of Technology. Elkhart 46514 Accreditation

Kentucky: In cooperation with Louisville College of Medical and Dental Careers, Louisville 40216 American Medical Record Association Watterson College. Louisville 40213 Education and Registration Committee Mosachasetts: Laura Anne Biglow, Director, AMRA Bay State Junior College Carnegie Dwision, Boston 02114 Academic Division Michigan: 875 North Michigan Avenue, Suite 1850 Krainz Woods Academy of Medical Laboratory Technol Chicago, Illinois 60611 Detroit 48234 Michigan Paraprofessional 1 raining Institute, Southfield Medical Recqrd Administrator (Accredited) 48075 Alabama: Minnesota: University of Alabama-Birmingham, Birmingham 35294 Northwest Institute of Medical I dhotators Technique. Minneapolis. !,5406 Arkansas:

New Jersey: Arkansas Tech University, Russellville 72801 Institute for the Adsancement of Media al Sciences, Cherry California: Hill 08034 Golden Gate University, San Franciso 94105 Warren Hospital. Phillipsburg 08865 Lorna Linda University, Loma Linda 92354


aor Specialized Accreditation and Preaccreditation

University of California, Los Angeles 90024 Oklahoma: East Central Oklahoma State College, Ada 74820 Colorado: Southwestern Oklahoma State University, Weatherford 73096 Colorado Women's College, Denver 80220 University of Tulsa, Tulsa 74104

Cousecticut: Pennsylvania: University of Bridgeport, Bridgeport 06602 Temple University, Philadelphia 19122 Florida: University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh 15260 Florida International University, Miami 33144 York College of Pennsylvania, York 17405 University of Central Florida, Orlando 32800 South Carolina: Georgia: Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston 29403 Emory University, Atlanta 30322 Tennessee: Medical College of Georgia, Augusta 30902 Meharry Medical College/1 ennessee State University, Illinois: Nashville 37208 University of Tennessee, Memphis 38163 Illinoa State University. Normal 61761 University of Illinois Medical Center, Chicago 60680 Texas: tedium Incarnate Word College, San Antonio 78209 Southwest Texas State University, San Marcos 78666 Indiana University Medical Center, Indianapolis 46202 Texas Woman's University, Denton 76204 Kansas: University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston, Galveston University of Kansas Medical Center, Kansas City 66103 77550

Kentucky: Virginia: Eastern Kentucky University. Richmond 40475 Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond 23227

Louisiana: Washington: Louisiana Tech University, Ruston 71270 Seattle University, Seattle 98195 University of Southwestern Louisiana. Lafayette 70504 West Virginia: Maryland: Alderson-Broaddus College, Philippi 26416 US Public Health Service Hospital, Baltimore 21211 Wisconsin: Massachusetts: University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Milwaukee 53211 Northeastern University, Boston 02115 Viterbo College. La Crosse :4601

Michigan: Puerto Rico: Ferns State College. Big Rapids 49307 University of Puerto Rico Medical Sciences Campus, San Mercy College of Detroit, Detroit 48219 Juan 00936 Miasmatic Medical Record Technician (Accredited) College of St Scholastica, Duluth 55811

Mississippi: Alabama: University t i Mississippi Medical Center, Jackson 39216 University of Alabama-Birmingham, Birmingham 35294 Wallace State Community College, Hanceville 35077 Missouri: Arizona: Avila College, Kansas City 64145 St Louts University, St Louis 63103 Phoenix College, Phoenix 85013 Montag: California: Chabot College. Hayward 94545 Carroll College, Helena 59601 City College of San Francico, San Francisco 94112 Nebraska: Cypress College, Cypress 90630 College of St Mary. Omaha 68124 East Los Angeles College, Los Angeles 90022 San Diego Mesa College, San Diego 02111 New York: West Valley College, Sarrtoga 95070 Daemen College, Amherst 14226 SUNY Downstate Medical Center. Brooklyn 11203 Colorado: Arapahoe Community College. Littleton 80120 North Carolina: East Carolina University, Greenville 27834 Florida: W stern Carolina University, Cullowhee 28721 Miami-Dade Community College, Miami Beach 33156 Ohio: Idaho: Ohio State University-Main Campus. Columbus 43210 Boise State University. Boise 83701

118 II 1 ll)'1 i Specialized Accreditation and Preac.-reditation

II Maoist 0Mo: Belleville Area College, Belleville 62221 Bowling C.reen State University-Firelands Branch, Huron Central YMCA Community College. Chicago 60606 44839 College of Lake County, Grayslake 60030 Cincinnati Technical College, Cincinnati 45223 Moraine Valley Community College, Palos Hills 60465 Hocking Technical College, Nelsonville 45764 Oakton Community College, Morton Grove 60053 Sinclair Community College, Dayton 45402 Isamu Stark Teormical College, Canton 44720 Indiana University-Northwest Campus. Gary 46408 Grego.: Iowa: Central Oregon Community College, Bend 97701 Kirkwood Community College, Cedar Rapids 52406 Portland Community College, Portland 97210 Kamm Hutchinson Community Junior College, Hutchinson 67501 Pennsylvanile Johnson County Community College. Overland Park 66210 Community College of Allegheny County, Pittsburgh 15212 Kentucky: Community College of Philadelphia. Philadelphia 19107 Eastern Kentucky University. Richmond 40475 Gwynedd-Mercy College. Gwynedd Valley 19437 Western Kentucky University, Bowling Green 42101 South Dakota: Maryland: Dakota Sate College, Madison 57042 Community College of Ba ltim-ire, Baltimore 21215 Prince George's Community College. Largo 20870 Tennessee: Maseschmettic Roane Stale Community College, Harriman 37748 Holyoke Community College, Holyoke 01040 Volunteer State Community College, Gallatin 37066 Massachusetts Bay Community College. Wellesley Hills 02181 Northern Essex Community College, Haverhill 01832 Texas: Amarillo College. Amarillo 79178 St Phillip's College, San Antonio 78203 Ferris State College, Big Rapids 49307 Tarrant County Junior College, Hurst 76053 Henry Ford Community College, Dearborn 48128 Mercy College of Detroit. Detroit 48219 Temple :iintor College, Temple 76501 Schoolcraft College, Livonia 48151 Wharton Co h ity Junior College, Wharton 77488 Wayne County Community College, Detroit 48201 Virginia: Minnesota: Cowl! Virginia Community College, Lynchburg 24501 Anoka Area Vocational-Technical Institute, Anoka 55303 Sargeant Reynolds Community College, Richmond 23200 St Marys Junior College, Minneapolis 55406 Northern Virginia Community College, Annandale 22003

Hinds Junior College-Jackson Branch, Jackson 39154 Washingtoa. Meridian Junior College, Meridian 39301 Shoreline Community College. North Seattle 98133 Missouri: Spokane Community College-East Mission Campus, Spokane 99207 Avila College. Kansas City 64145 Penn Valley Community College, Kansas City 64111 Tacoma Community College. Tacoma 98465 New Hampshire: West Virginia: New Hampshire Vocational-Technical College. Claremont Fairmont State College, Fairmont 26554 03743 West Virginia Institute of Technology. Montgomery 25136 New Jersey: Wisconsin: Union County Technical Institute, Scotch Plains 07076 District One Technical Institute, Eau Claire 54701 New York: Moraine Park Vocational-Technical & Adult Education Broome Community College. Binghamton 11902 Center, Fond du Lac 54935 CUNY-Borough of Manhattan Community College, New Western Wisconsin To 'At:al Institute, La Crosse 54601 York 10019 Monroe Community College, Rochester 14607 Puerto Rico: National Technical Institute for the Deaf, R IT, Rochester Puerto Rico Junior College, Rio Piedras 00928 14614 SUNY Agricultural and "technical College at Alfred, Alfred University of Puerto Rico Medical Sciences Campus. San 14802 Juan 00916 North Carolina: Central Piedmont Community College, Charlotte 28212

119 1 3_1_ Specialized Accreditation and Preaccreditation

Donald N sharp Memorial Hospital, San Diego 92123 MEDICAL TECHNOLOGY El Cajon Valley Hospital, El Cajon 92021 El Camino Hospital, Mountain View 94042 American Medical Association Fresno Community Hospital, Fresno 93715 Committee on Allied Health Education and Grossmont District Hospital, La Masa 92041 Harbor General Hospital, Torrance 90509 Accreditation Herrick Memorial Hospital & Pastoral Center, Berkeley 94704 Hollywood Presbyterian Medical Center, 1...os Angeles 90027 John E Beckley, Secretary 535 North Dearborn Street Huntington Memorial Hospital, Pasadena 91105 Chicago, Illinois 60610 Imperial Valley College. Imperial 92251 Kaiser Permanente Medical Center, Oakland 94611 In cooperation with Kaiser Permanente Medical Center, San Francisco 94115 National Accrediting Agency for Clinical Laboratory Little Company of Mary Hospital, Torrance 90503 Sciences Loma Linda University, Loma Linda 92354 Los Angeles County Hospital-USC Medical Center, Los Carol Elkins, Executive Director Angeles 90033 222 Riverside Plaza, Suite 1512 Martin Luther King Jr General Hospital, Los Angeles 90059 Chicago, Illinois 60606 Memorial Hospital Medical Center of Long Beach, Long Beach 90801 Medical Technologist (Accredited) Mercy Hospital, Bakersfield 93302 Mercy Hospital and Medical Center, San Diego 92103 Alabama: Mills Memorial Hospital, San Mateo 94401 Baptist Medical Center, Montgomery 36111 Mount Zion Hospital and Medical Center, San Francisco Baptist Medical Center, Birmingham 35213 94115 Druid City Hospital, Tuscaloosa 35401 Natividad Medical Center, Salinas 93901 Peninsula Hospital and Medical Center, Burlingame 94101 Holy Name of Jesus Hospital, Gadsden 35902 Huntsville Cooperative School of Medical Technology, San Bernardino County Medical Center, San Bernardino Huntsville 35801 92404 Lloyd Nolan Hospital, Fairfield 35064 San Joaquin Delta College, Stockton 95207 Mobile Infirmary, Mobile 36607 San Jose Hospital, San Jose 95112 Providence Hospital. Mobile 36600 Santa Barbara Cottage Hospital, Santa Barbara 93145 St Margaret's Hospital, Montgomery 36104 Santa Clara Valley Medical Center, San Jose 95128 St Vincent's Hospital, Birmingham 35200 Santa Monica Hospital Medical Center, Santa Monica 90404 St Vincent's Hospital. Birmingham 35201 Scripps Memorial Hospital, La Jolla 92037 Un.versity of Alabama-Birmingham, Birmingham 35294 South Bay Hospital, Redondo Beach 90277 U. wers.ty of South Alabama, Mobile 36688 St John's Hospital and Health Center, Santa Monica 90404 St Josephs Medical Center, Burbank 91503 Arizaaa: St Jude Hospital and Rehabilitation Center, Fullerton 92634 Good Samaritan Hospital, Phoerx 85062 St Luke's Hospital, Pasadena 91107 Maricopa County General Hospital, Phoenix 85008 St Luke's Hospital, San Francisco 94110 University of Arizona, Tucson 85721 Sutter Community Hospital of Sacremento, Sacramento 95819 University of California, Los Angeles 90024 Arkansas: University of California, Irvine 90001 Anthacus Lineal Kesearch Associates, Fayetteville 72701 University of California, Davis Medical Center, Sacramento Arkansas State University, State University 72467 95817 Baptist Medical Center, Little Rock 72201 Veterans Administration Medical Center, Long Beach 90822 Sparks Regional Medical Center, Ft Smith 72901 Veterans Administration Medical Center, Martinez 94553 St Edward Mercy Medical Center, Ft Smith 72901 Veterans Administration Medical Center-Wadsworth St Michael Hospital of Texarkana, Texarkana 75501 Hospital, Los Angeles 90073 University of Arkansas at Little Rock. Little Rock 77204 White Memorial Medical Center, Los Angeles 90033 Califorahe California State University-Dominguez Hills, Carson 90747 Colorado: Bauer Hospital -St Mary Medical Center, Long Beach 90801 Memorial Hospital, Colorado Springs 80909 California State College, Bakersfield 93309 Mercy Medical Center, Denver 80206 Cedar-Sinai M. cal Center, Los Angeles 90048 Parkvte- Episcopal Hospital, Pueblo 81003 Centinela Valley Community Hospital, Inglewood 90301 Penn ospital, Colorado Springs 80907 Children's Hospital. San Francisco 94119 St Ant..onv Hospital Systems, Denver 80204 Children's Hospital of Los Angeles. Los Angeles 90027 St Joseph Hospital, Denver 80218 City of Hope National Medical Center, Duarte 91010 St Mary Corwin Hospital, Pueblo 81004 Clinical Laboratory Medical Group and Aft-Mated Hospitals, University of Colorado Health Sciences Center, Denver Los Angeles 90057 80203 Daniel Freeman Memorial Hospital. Inglewood C1301 Weld County General Hospital, Greeley 80631

120 Specialized Accreditation and Preaccreditation

Connecticut: St Alphonsus Hospital, Boise 83706 Bridgeport Hospital, Bridgeport 06602 Illinois: Danbury Hospital. Danbury 06810 Hartford Hospital, Hartford 06115 Augustana Hospital, Chicago 60614 Norwalk Hospital, Norwalk 06856 Burnham City Hospital, Champaign 61820 St Joseph Hospital, Stamford 06904 Carle Foundation Hospital, Urbana 61801 St Mary's Hospital, Waterbury 06702 Central Dupage Hospital, Winfield 60190 St Vincent's Hospital, Bridgeport 06606 Christ Hospital. Oak Lawn 60453 University of Hartford. West Hartford 06117 Decatur Memorial Hospital, L,ecatur 62526 Waterbury Hospital Health Center, Waterbury 06720 Evanston Hospital, Evanston 60201 Yale-New Haven Medical Center, New Haven 06504 Foster G McGaw Hospital-Loyola University. Maywood 60153 Delaware: Freepo, Memorial Hospital. Freeport 6103; University of Delaware, Newark 19711 Governor's State University, Park Forest South 60466 Grant Hospital of Chicago, Chicago 60614 District of Columbia: Hinsdale Sanitarium and Hospital, Hinsdale 50521 Catholic University of America. Washington 20017 Holy Cross Hospital, Chicago 60629 George Washington University, Washington 20006 Illinois Masonic Medical Center, Chicago 60657 Howard University Hospital, Washington 20012 Lakeview Medical Center, Danville 61832 Malcolm Grow US Air Force Medical Center, Washington Louts A Weiss Memorial Hospital, Chicago 60640 20016 Lutheran General Hospital, Park Ridge 60068 Oscar B Hunter Memorial Labrarory, Washington 20006 Mercy Hospital and Medical Center, Chicag 3 60616 Walter Reed Army Medical Center. Washington 20012 Methodist Hospital of Central Illinois, Peon 61603 Washington Hospital Center, Washington 20010 Michael Reese Hospital and Medical Center. Chicago 60616 Florida: Naval Regional Medical Center, Great Lake. 60088 Baptist Hospital, Pensacola 32501 Northwestern University, Chicago 60611 Baptist Medical Center, Jacksonville 32207 Rockford Memorial Hospital, Rockford 61101 Bayfront Medical Center, St Petersburg 33701 Rush-Presbytenan-St Luke's Medical Center, Chicago 60612 Florida Atlantic University. Boca Raton 33432 Sangamon State University, Springfield 62701 Florida Hospital. Orlando 32803 Silver Cross Hospital. Joliet 60432 St Anne's Hospital, Chicago 60302 Honda International University, Miami 33144 Gorgas Army Hospital, APO Miami 34004 St Anthony's Hospital, Rockford 61101 Lakeland General Hospital, Lakeland 33802 St Elizabeth's Hospital, Belleville 62221 Mount Sinai Medical Center, Miami Beach 33140 St Francis Hospital, Blue Island 60406 St Francis Hospital Medical Center, Peoria 61603 Orlando Regional Medical Center, Orlando 32806 St John's Hospital, Springfield 62701 Sacred Heart Hospital, Pensacola 32504 St Joseph Hospital, Joliet 60435 St Mary's Hospital, West Palm Beach 33407 St Vincent's Medical Center, Jacksonville 32204 St Joseph Hospital, Chicago 60657 St Mary of Nazareth Hospital Center, Chicago 60622 Tallahassee Memorial Hospital. Tallahassee 32304 Tampa General Hospital, Tampa 33606 St Mary Hospital, Quincy 62301 University of Florida, Gainesville 32611 St Mary's Hospital, Decatur 62525 University Hospital of Jacksonville. Jacksonville 32209 St Therese Hospital, Waukegan 60085 Swedish-American Hospital, Rockford 61101 Georgia: University of Health Sciences-Chicago Medical College, Columbus College, Columbus 11907 North Chicago 60612 Crawford W Long Memorial Hospital, Atlanta 30108 University of Illinois Medical Center, Chicago 60680 Emory University, Atlanta 30322 Veterans Administration Medical Center-Lakeside Hospital, Georgia Baptist Hospital Medical Center, Atlanta 30312 Chicago 60611 Georgia College, Milledgeville 31061 West Suburban Hospital Association, Oak Park 60302 Georgia State University, Atlanta 30303 Indiana: Medical College of Georgia, Augusta 30902 Ball Memorial Hospital, Muncie 47306 Memorial Medical Center. Savannah 31405 Deaconess Hospital, Evansville 47710 Piedmont Hospital, Atlanta 30309 Good Samaritan Hospital, Vincennes 47591 Hawaii: Indiana State University, Terre Haute 47809 Kaiser Foundation Hospital, Honolulu 9681s Indiana University Medical Center, Indianapolis 41-202 The Queen's Medical Center, Honolulu 96817 Lutheran Hospital, Ft Wayne 46807 Trip ler Army Me,.;ii al Center, 7 ripler 96859 Methodist Hospital, Indianapolis 46202 Parkview Memorial Hospital. Ft Wayne 46805 Idaho: South Bend Medical Foundation, South Bend 46601 Bannock Memorial Hospital, Pocatello 83201 St Fi ancis Hospital Center, Beech Grove 46107 Idaho Falls Hospital, Idaho Falls 83401 St Johns Hickey Memorial Hospital, Anderson 46014 Magic Valley Memorial Hospital, Twin Falls 83101 St Joseph Memorial Hospital. Kokomo 46910

121 133 Specialized Accreditation and Preaccreditation

St Joseph's Hospital, Ft Wayne 46804 VA Medical Center Sch of Medical Technology, Shreveport St Margaret Hospital, Hammond 46320 71130 St Mary Medical Center, Gary 46402 Maine: St Mary's Hospital, Evansville 47750 St Vincent Hospital, Indianapolis 46260 Central tame Medical Center, Lewiston 04240 Eastern Maine Medical Center, Bangor 04401 Maine Me real Center, Portland 04192 Allen Memorial Hospital, Water 100 50703 Maryland: Dubuque Tn- Hospital, Dubuque 52001 Iowa Methodist Medical Center, Des Moines 50308 Columbia Union College, Takoma Park 20012 Laboratory Control Professional Corporation Ltd, Ottumwa Mercy Hospital, Baltimore 21202 Naval Health Sciences Education and Training Command, 52501 Marion Health Center-St Joseph Unit, Sioux City 51104 Bethesda 20014 Mercy Hospital, Council Bluffs 51501 Oscar B Hunter Memorial School, Bethesda 20014 Salisbury State College, Salisbury 21801 Mercy Hospital, Des Moir's50314 Mercy Hospital, Cedar Rapids 00000 St Joseph Hospital. Towson 21204 Quad Cities Pathologist Group, Davenport 52804 Union Memorial Hospital, Baltimore 21218 Schatz Memorial Hospital, Waterloo 50702 University of Maryland Professional Schools, Baltimore 21201 St Luke's Medical Center, Sioux City 51104 US Public Health Service Hospital, Baltimore 21211 St Luke's Methodist Hospital, Cedar Rapids 52402 Massachusetts: University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics, lows City 52240 Baystate Medical Center-Springfield Hospital, Springfield Kamm 01107 Providence-St Margaret Health Center, Kansas City 66112 Berkshire Medical Center, Pittsfield 01201 St Francis Hospital, Wichita 67214 Burbank Hospital, Fitchburg 01420 St Joseph Hospital and Rehabilitation Center, Wichita 67218 Cambridge Hospital. Cambridge 02138 Topeka School of Medical Technology, Topeka 66604 Carney Hospital, Boston 02124 University of Kansas Medical Center, Kansas City 66103 Framingham Union Hospital, Framingham 01701 Wesley Medical Center, Wichita 67214 Franklin County Public Hospital, Greenfield 01301 Henry Heywood Memorial Hospital, Gardner 01440 IlLostacky: Holyoke Hospital, Holyoke 01040 Lourdes Hospital, Paducah 42001 Lawrence General Hospital, Lawrence 01842 Methodist Hospital of Kentucky, Pikeville 41501 Lynn Hospital, Lynn 01904 Owensboro Davies, County Hospital, Owensboro 42301 Malden Hospital, Malden 02148 St Anthony Hospital, Louisville 40204 Mercy Hospital, Springfield 01104 St Elizabeth Hospital, Covington 41014 New England Deaconess Hospital, Boston 02215 St Joseph Hospital, Lexington 40504 New England Memorial Hospital, Stoneham 02180 St Mary and Elizabeth Hospitals, Louisville 40215 Newton-Wellesley Hospital, Newton Lower Falls 02162 University of Kentucky Medical Center, Lexington 40506 Northeastern University, Boston 02115 University of Louisville, Louisville 40202 Norwood Hospital, Norwood 02062 Salem Hospital, Salem 01970 Laaishos: University of Lowell, Lowell 01850 Alton Ochsncr Medical Foundation, New Orleans 70121 Veterans Administration Medical Center, Boston 02130 Baton Rouge General Hospital, Baton Rouge 70821 Worcester City Hospital, Worcester 01610 Charity Hospital of Louisiana at New Orleans, New Orleans 70410 Michigan: Earl K Long Memorial Hospital, Baton Rouge 70805 Blodgett Memorial Hospital, Grand Rapids 49506 Hotel Dieu Hospital, New Orleans 70100 Borgess Hospital, Kalamazoo 49001 Lafayette Charity Hospital, Lafayette 70501 Bronson Methodist Hospital, Kalamazoo 49006 Lake Charles Memorial Hospital, Lake Charles 70601 Butterworth Hospital, Grand Rapids 49503 Louisiana State University at Shreveport, Shreveport 71100 Detroit General Hospital, Detroit 48226 Louisiana State University Medical Center, New Orleans Edward W Sparrow Hospital Associai. n, Lansing 48912 70112 Ferris State College, Big Rapids 49307 Mercy Hospital of New Orleans, New Orleans 70119 Flint Osteopathic Hospital, Flint 48502 Our Lady of the Lake Hospital, New Orleans 70800 Hack ley Hospital, Muskegon 49440 Rapides General Hospital, Alexandria 71301 Harper-Grace Hospital, Harper Hospital Division, F Schumpert Medical Center, Shreveport 71120 48275 Southern Baptist Hospital, New Orleans 70175 Henry Ford Hospital, Detroit 48202 St Francis Hospital, Monroe 71201 Hurley Medical Center, Flint 48502 St Patrick's Hospital, Lake Charles 70601 [Julie! tiospLal, Detroit 48201 Touro Infirmary, New Orleans 70115 Mel wren General Hospital. Flint 48502 US Public Health Service Hospital, New Orleans 70118 Mercy College of Detroit. Detroit 48219 Veterans Administration Medical Center, New Orleans 70146 Munson Medical Center, Ti averse City 49684

122 Specialized Accreditation and Preaccreditation

Northern Michigan Hospital-Burns Clinic Medical Center, Montana: Petoskey 49770 Columbus Hospital, Great Falls 59401 Oakwood Hospital, Dearborn 48124 Montana Deaconess Medical Center, Great Falls 59405 Pontiac General Hospital, Pontiac 48053 St James Community Hospital, Butte 59701 Port Huron Hospital, Port Huron 48060 Western Montana Center for Medical Technology, Missoula Providence Hospital, Southfield 48075 59801 Saginaw Medical Center, Saginaw 48602 Sinai Hospital of Detroit, Detroit 48235 Nebraska: St John's Hospital, Detroit 48236 Archbishop Bergan Mercy Hospital, Omaha 68124 St Joseph Hospital, Flint 48502 Bishop Clarkson Memorial Hospital, Omaha 68131 St Joseph Mercy Hospital, Pontiac 48053 Creighton Memorial -St Joseph's Hospital, Omaha 68131 St Lawrence Hospital, Lansing 48914 Nebraska Methodist Hospital, Omaha 68114 St Mary's Hospital, Grand Rapids 49503 Nebraska Wesleyan University, Lincoln 68504 St Mary's Hospital, Saginaw 48601 Pathology Medial Services Inc PC, Lincoln 68514 St Mary's Hospital, Livonia 48154 University of Nebraska Medical Center Omaha 68105 University of Michigan Medical Center, Ann Arbor 48109 Nevada: W A Foote Memorial Hospital, Jackson 49201 University of Nevada-Reno, Reno 89507 Wayne County General Hospital, Westland 48155 William Beaumont Hospital, Royal Oak 48072 New Hampshire: Mary Hitchcock Memorial Hospital, Hanover 03755 MIA1111061: Abbott-Northwestern Hospital, Minneapolis 55407 New Jersey: Bethesda Lutheran Medical Center, St Paul 55101 Barnert Memorial Hospital Center, Paterson 07514 College of St Scholastics, Duluth 55811 Bergen Community College, Paramus 07652 Hennepin County Medical Center, Minneapolis 55415 Bergen Pines County Hospital, Paramus 07652 Metropolitan Medical Center, Minneapolis 55404 College of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey, Newark Midway Hospital, St Paul 55104 07103 St Cloud Hospital, St Cloud 56301 Cooper Medical Center, Camden 08103 St Joseph's Hospital, St Paul 55404 Hospital Center at Orange; Orange 07051 St Luke's Hospital, Duluth 55800 Jersey Shore Medical Center, Neptune 07753 St Paul-Ramsey Hospital and Medical Center, St Paul 55101 Medical Center at Princeton, Princeton 08540 United Hospitals-Miller Division, St Paul 55102 Metpath Institute, Hackensack 07601 University of Minnesota Health Sciences Center, Minneapolis Monmouth Medical Center, Long Branch 07740 55455 Morristown Memorial Hospital, Morristown 07960 Mountainside Hospital, Montclair 07040 Mbsslasippi: Muhlenberg Hospital, Plainfield 07060 Jones County Community Hospital, Laurel 39440 Newark Beth Israel Medical Center, Newark 07112 Mississippi Baptist Medical Center, Jackson 39201 Somerset Medical Center, Somerville 09976 North Mississippi Medical Center, Tupelo 38801 St Francis Hospital, Trenton 08600 University of Mississippi Medical Center, Jackson 39216 St Joseph's Hospital and Medical Center, Patterson 07503 University of Southern Mississippi, Hattiesburg 39401 St Mary's HospitalPassatc, Passaic 07055 Valley Hospital, Ridgewood 07451 Missouri: West Jersey Hospital-Eastern Division, Voorhees 08043 Baptist Memorial Hospital, Kansas City 64131 New Mexico: Gironde let School of Medical Technology, Kansas City 64124 Memorial General Hospital, Las Cruces 88001 University of New Mexico, Albuquerque 87106 De Paul Community Health Center-De Paul Hospital, Bridgeton 63004 New York: Jewish Hospital, St Louis 63110 Albany Medical Center, Albany 12208 Lester E Cox Medical Center, Springfield 65802 Binghamton General Hospital, Binghamton 13900 Menorah Medical Center, Kansas City 64110 Brooklyn Veterans Administration Medical Center, Brooklyn Missouri Baptist Hospital, St Louis 63131 11'09 North Kansas City Memorial Hospital, North Kansas City Buffalo General Hospital, Buffalo 14203 64116 Cabnni Health Care Center, New York 10003 St John's Medical Center, Joplin 64801 Daemen College, Amherst 14226 St John's Mercy Medical Center, St Louis 63141 Erie County Medical Center, Buffalo 14215 St John's Regional Health Center, Springfield 65802 Flushing Hospital and Medical Center, Flushing 11355 St Louis University, St Louis 63103 Lenox Hill Hospital, New York 10321 St Luke's Hospital, Kansas City 64111 Long Island University-C W Post Center, Greenvale 11548 The Jewish Hospital of St Louis, St Louis 63178 Mary Immaculate Hospital, Jamaica 11432 Trinity Lutheran Hospital, Kansas City 64108 Mercy Hospital, Buffalo 14220 University of MissOUr.. Columbia 65201 Millard Fillmore Hospital, Buffalo 14209

123 135 Specialized Accreditation and Preaccreditation

Northern Westchester Hospital, Mt Kist i 10549 Ohio Valley Hospital, Steubenville 41952 Rochester General Hospital, Rochester 146.:.1 Providence Hospital. Cincinnati 45220 Samaritan Hospital, Troy 12180 Riverside Hospital, Toledo 43o24 St Clare's Hospi al and Health X enter, New 5 ink 10000 Riverside Methodist Hospital, Columbus 43210 St Mary's Hosp :al, Brooklyn 11211 Southwest General Hospital, Middleburg Heights 44130 St Mary's Hospital, Rochester 14611 St Alexis Hospital, Cleveland 44127 St Peter's Hospital, Albany 12208 St Charles Hospital, Toledo 43616 St Vincent's Hospital and Medical Center, Ness tiork 10011 St Elizabeth Medical Center, Youngstown 44505 State University College at Buffalo, Buffalo 14214 St Elizabeth Medical Center, Dayton 45408 Syracuse University-Utica College. Utica 13500 St Rita Medical Center, Lima 45802 SUNY Health Science Center-Stony, Brook. Stony Brook St Thomas Hospital, Akron 44310 11790 St Vincent Charity Hospital, Cleveland 44115 SUNY Upstate Medical Center. Syracuse 13210 St Vincent Hospital and Medical Center, Toledo 43608 US Public Health Service, Staten Island 103(4 The Christ Hospital, Cincinnati 45219 Toledo Hospital, Toledo 43606 North Carolina: Trumbull Memorial Hospital, Warren 44482 Bowman Gray School of Medicine of Wake Forest University Hospitals of Cleveland, Cleveland 44106 University, Walston-Salem 27103 Youngstown Hospital Association-North Unit, Youngstown Cape Fear Valley Hospital. Fayetteville 28302 44501 Charlotte Memorial Hospital and Medical Center. Charlotte 28203 Oklahoma: Duke University, Durham 27706 Baptist Medical Center of Oklahoma, Oklahoma City 73112 East Carolina University. Greenville 27814 Comanche County Memorial Hospital, Lawton 73501 Forsyth County Memorial Hospital Authority. Winston -Salem Hillcrest Medical Center, Tulsa 74102 27103 Jane Phillips Episcopal Memorial Medical Center, Bartlesville Mercy Hospital. Charlotte 28204 74003 Moses H Cone Memorial Hospital. Greensboro 27420 Mercy Health Center, Oklahoma City 73120 New Hanover Memorial Hospital. Wilmington 28401 Muskogee General Hospital, Muskogee 74401 North Carolina Baptist Hospital. Winston - Salem 27102 Presbyterian Hospital, Oklahoma City 73104 Presbyterian Hospital, Charlotte 28200 St Anthony Hospital, Oklahorm City 73102 Rex Hospital, Raleigh 27603 St Francis Hospital, Tulsa 74136 University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill 275t4 St John's Hospital, Tulsa 74104 Western Carolina University, Cullowhee 28723 St Mary's Hospital, Enid 71701 Valley View Hospital, Ada 74820 North Dakota: St Alextus Hospital. Bismarck 58501 Oregon: St Joseph's Hospital. Minot 58701 Sacred Heart General Hospital, Eugene 97401 St Luke's Hospital. Fargo 58102 St Vincent Hospital, Portland 97210 Trinity Medical Center. Minot 58701 University of Oregon Health Sciences Centel, Portland 97201 University of North Dakota, Grand forks 58201 Pennsylvania: Ohio: Abington Memorial Hospital, Abington 19001 Akron City Hospital, Akron 443(4 Allegheny General Hospital, Pittsburgh 15212 Akron General Medical Center, Akron 44107 Allentown and Sacred Heart Hospital Center, Allentown Aultman Hospital, Canton 44710 18105 Barberton Citizen's Hospital. Barberton 44203 Allentown Hospital Association, Allentown 18102 Bowling Green State University. Bowling Green 43402 Altoona Hospital, Altoona 16603 Choffin School of Practical Nursing, Youngstown 44503 Bryn Mawr College, Bryn Mawr 19010 Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Cleveland 44106 Conemaugh Valley Memorial Hospital, Johnstown 15905 Cleveland Metropolitan Hospital, Cleveland 44109 Divine Providence Hospital. Williamsport 17701 Community Hospital, Salem 44460 Geisinger Medical Center, Danville 17821 Communtty Hospital of Springfield-Clark Count Springfield Hahnemann Medical Center, Philadelphia 19102 45501 Harrisburg Polyclinic Hospital, Harrisburg 17101 Elyria Memorial Hospital, Elyria 44035 Lancaster General Hospital, Lancaster 17604 Fairview General Hospital, Cleveland 44111 Lankenau Hospital, Philadelphia 19151 Kettering Medical Center, Kettering 45429 Latrobe Area Hospital, Latrobe 15650 Lutheran Medical Center, Cleveland 44111 Lower Bucks Hospital, Bristol '.9007 Mansfield General Hospital. Mansfield 44901 McKeesport Hospital, McKeesport 15132 Mercy Hospital. Hamilton 45011 Medical College of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia 19129 Mercy Hospital, Toledo 43624 Mercy Hospital of Pittsburgh. Pittsburg 15219 Miami Valley Hospital, Dayton 45409 Nazareth Hospital, ehiladelphia 19152 Mount Sinai Hospital of Cleveland, Cleveland 44106 Our Lady of Angtls College, Aston 19014 Northern Columbiana County Comm Hospital, Salem 44460 Pennsylvania Hospital, Philadelphia 19107 Ohio State University Hospital, Columbus 43210 Reading Hospital and Medical Center, Reading 19(40

124 1 3 c Specialized Accreditation and Preaccreditation

Robert Packer Hospital, Sayre 18840 Brackenridge Hospital Austin '87(1)1

Sacred Heart Hospital, Allentown 1x102 Corpus Christi Slab Unis crsii , orpus ( hristi 78411

St Joseph Hospital. I am aster 17604 Harris Hospital Ntethodis' School 1t orth 761)4 St Joseph's Hospital, 196(8) Hendrick Memorial Hospital Abilene 79601 St Luke's Hospital Bettilehem 18015 Hills rest Baptist Hospital, Waco 76708 Temple University, PliOadelpina 19122 Memorial Hospital Ssstem, Houston 7'002 Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia :9107 Met hixtist Hospital, Houston 77025 University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia 19104 Methodist Hospital, I ithhos k 79410 University Health Center-Firtshurgh, Pittsburgh 1521-, Midland Memorial Hospital. Midland 7' Washington Hospital, Washington 15101 Midwestern State University, Taus 76108 Western Pennsylvania Hospital, Pittsburgh 15224 Northwest )-eras Hospital, Amarillo 7914)5 Wilkes-Barre General Hospital, Wilkes-Barr( 1871,2 Pan American Unisersity, Fdinbtg 78519 Williamsport Hospital, Williamsport 17701 Prosidence Memorial Hospital, LI f5aso 79902 York Hospital, `i (irk 17405 Santa Rosa Medical Center, San Antonio 78.85 Shannon West texas Memorial Hospital, San Angelo 744901 Rhode Island: Southwest exas Methodist Hospital, San Antonio 78229 General Hospital-Rhode Island Medical ( Lim ( ranston Southwest Texas State Urnsersits, San Marcos 78666 02920 St Elizabeth's Hospital, Beaumont 1'706 Memorial Hospital, Pawtucket 0286) St Joseph Hospital Houston 7- i2. Minim Hospital, Prosidence 0290n St Luke's Episcopal Hospital, Houston 71030 Newport Hospital. Newport 0284)) St Paul Hospital, Dallas 75235 Rhode Island Hospital, Prosidence 02902 I exas Eastern University, 1 }ler 75701 St Joseph's Hospital, Prosidence 0290- University of 1CXJ% at San itonio, San Antonio 7828'; South Carolina: University of Texas Health ',Lien, c C.liter at Dallas, Dallas Anderson Memorial Hospital Anderson 29621 111711s2eIs5irt5 s of I C,L3S Health Science liter at Houston Baptist Medical Center. "Zolumhia 20220 Houston 7 7025 Greenville Memorial Hospital. Greenville 2146i5 nisersity ofI exas Medical Branch at Galscston, Gals eston McLeod Memorial Hospital, Florence 29501 77550 Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston 20401 ''S An Force Regional Hospital, I t Worth 76127 Self Memorial Hospital, Greenwood 29646 Wadley.ospital, Texarkana 75501 South Dakota: Wichita General Hospital. W ishita Falls 76107 Huron Regl Medical t. enter SO, of MedicalI echnologs Wilford Hall L'S Air I orce Medical Center, San Antonio Huron 57350 78236 McKennan Hospital. Sioux Falls 57101 Wlliant Beaumont Aims ktedic.11 Center. El Pau' 79920 Rapid City Regional Hospital, Rapid ( its 5-'701 Utah- Sacred Heart Hospital. Yankton 57078 lingham Young Unisersits, Preto 84601 Sioux 4 alley Hospital, Sioux Falls c'toc McKay-Dee Hospital Center. Ogden 844(12 St Luke s Hospital. Aberdeen 57401 University of Utah, Salt I al., City 8,4112 Tennessee: Weber State College, Ogden 84401

Baptist Hospital Nashsille 17216 S ermont. Ba, list Memorial Hospital, Memphis 18146 Urns ersits of k'ermoni, Burlington Iic.44)) Baroness Erlanger Hospital, Chattanooga 47401 umberland School of Medical lechnologs( ooki Sirgrnts. 18501 Community Hospital ot Roanoke 411es Re wok. 24009 Holston Valles Community !hospital, K ngspori 17662 Fairfax Hospital. Falls I- hurt_ h 22040 Meharry Medical College, Nashsillc 4720 Kings Daughter's Hospital, Staunton 24401 M_thodist Hospital. Memphis 181181 I ynchhurg General-Marshall I odge Hospital, Isnchhurg St Thomas Hospital, Nashsille 17202 24504 St Fran-is Hospital, Memphis WI- Memorial Hospital, Dansille 24541 Unisersits of Tennessee Memphis 1816i Norfolk State College Norfolk 21504 t'iuversits of Tennessee. Ktunisille 17016 Old Dominion Universits Norfolk 2'505 Texas. Rottookc Memorial !hospital Roanoke 24(14 Rockingham Memorial Hiispital. Harrisonburg 22801 A D Anderson Hospital, Houston -701c C'no ersity ofs liginia t harlott(ssille 22901 A'' hints Episcopal Hospuii, ft Worth '6101 irginia 0111111011N ealth l nisersits Richmond 21227 Austin State Hospital Austin 7,47S I Baptist flosrital of Soul heas:I exas, thcauniont 7o4 55 ashingtnn Baptist Memorial Hospital, San Antonio '7205 al Washington C ni s rrsits, lakuna 48902 Haslor University Medical ( enter, Dallas 752;6 (1111dren s Orthopedic luispital and ttedical Center Seattle Hen I auh I-hospital, Houston 7702 9)(1'15 lIesar Cl1411115 Hospital District, San Antonio 7825,1 I )cao,nes% Hosp. tar, Spok.itu '492 10

125 Specialized Accreditation and Preaccreditation Providence Medical Center. Seattle 98122 MEDICINE Sacred Heart Medical Center. Spokane 99204 St John's hospital, Longview 98632 Tacoma General Hospital, Tacoma 98405 Liaison Committee on Medical Education of the Tumor Institute of the Swedish Hospital, Seattle-8104 Council on Medical Education of the American University of Washington. Seattle 98195 Medical Association and the Executive Council of the Association of American Medical Colleges %Vint Virginia: The LCME is administered in odd-numbered years. beginning Bet kley-Appalach:an Regional Hospital. Beckley 25801 each July I, by Cabell Huntington Hospital, Huntington 25701 Edward S Petersen, Secretary, LCME Myers Clinic-Broadus Hospital, Philippi 26416 American Medical Association West Liberty State College, West Liberty 26074 535 North Dearborn Street West Virginia University, Morgantown 26505 Chicago, Illinois 60610

Wisconsin: I he LCME is administered in even-numbered years, beginning Beaver Dam Community Hospital, Beaver Dam 519!6 each July I, by Columbia Hospital, Milwaukee 53211 R Schofield, Secretary, LCME Deaconess Hospital. Milwaukee 53233 Association of Amencan Mescal Colleges Family Hospital, Milwaukee 53208 One Dupont Circle, N W , Suite 200 Kenosha Memorial Hospital, Eau Claire 54701 Washington, D C 20036 Luther Hospital, Eau Claire 54701 1 utheran Hospital of Milwaukee, Milwaukee 53213 Medicine (Accredited) Madison General Hospital, Madison 53700 Mercy Medical Center, Oshkosh 54901 Alabama: Milwaukee Children's Hospital, Milwaukee 53233 University of South Alabama Mobile 36688 Milwaukee County Medical Complex. Milwaukee 53226 Mount Sinai Medical Center, Milwaukee 53233 Arizona: Sacred Heart Hospital, Eau Claire 54701 University of Arizona. Tucson 85/21 St Agnes Hospital, Fond ciu Lac 54915 Arkansas: St Cathenne's Hospital. Kenosha 53104 University of Arkansas at Little Rock, Little Rock 72204 St Francis Hospital. La Crosse 54601 St Joseph's Hospital. Milwaukee 51210 California: St Joseph's Hospital. Marshfield 54449 Loma Linda University, Loma Linda 92154 St Luke's Hospital School. Milwaukee '1215 Stanford University, Stanford 94305 St Luke's Memorial Hospital. Racine 53401 University of California College of Medicine, irvine 90001 St Mary's Hospital. Racine 53403 University of California School of Medicine, Los Angeles St Mary's Hospital, Milwaukee 53201 90024 St Mary's Hospital Medical Center. Madison5171h University of California School of Medicine. San Francisco St Michael's Hospital. Milwaukee 53209 94122 St Micheal's Hospital, Stevens Point 54481 University of California School of Medicine, Davis Q5616 St Vincent Hospital, Green Hay 54305 University of Southern California School of Med'cine. I os St Elizabeth Hospital Sch of Medical Technology Appleton Angeles 90007 54911 Colorado: Theda Clark ,egional Medical Center Neenah 54956 University of Colorado Health Sciences Centel., Denver Trinity Memorial Hospital. Cudahy 51110 80201 University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison 51706 Veterans Administration Medical Center Wood 5, Connecticut: Waukesha Memorial Hospital, Waukesha 51186 University of Connec in id Health Center. Farmington 06032 Wausau Hospitals. Wausau 54401 Yale University School of Medicine New Haven 06504 West Allis Memorial Hospital, West Allis 5122- District of Columbia. Wyoming: George Washington University. Washington 20006 Universitv of W vorning, I ararmv 820/0 Georgetown University'. Washington 20007 Howard University, Washitigton 20001 Puerto Rico: Florida. Ponce 00/11 Catholic Uii ,. t'rsity of Puerto Ru. University of Florida. Gainesville 12611 Iniversuy of Puerto, Ro Medical St it 0,6, (daipu y.lien t niversny of Miami, Coral Gables 11124 Juan 00916 University of South Florida, Tampa 11620

( anal Zone- Geordie tiitkis hospital11,111-0,k heights (MOW E moo, University,Atlanta 1(1122

126 Specialized Accreditation and Preaccreditation

Medical College of Georgia, Augusta 30902 Nevada: Hawaii: University of Nevada-Reno, Reno 89507 University of Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu 96801 New Hampshire: Dartmouth College, Hanover 03755 Maoist Loyola University of Chicago, Chicago 60611 New Jersey- Northwestern Universny Medical School. Evanstonans.on holm College of Medicine and Dent of NJ-Rutgers Medical School, Rush University, Chicago 60600 Piscataway 08854 Southern Illinois University. Carbondale 62901 College of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey, Newark University of Chicago, Chicago 60637 07101 University of Health Sciences-Chicago Medical College, New Mexico: North Chicago 60612 University of New Mexico, Albuquerque 87106 University of Illinois, Chicago 60612 New York: Indiana: Albany Medical College-Union University, Albany 12208 Indiana University School of Medicine, Indianapolis 46202 Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University, lows: New York 10461 University of Iowa, Iowa City 52242 Columbia University, New York 10027 Cornell University, Ithaca 14853 KNISH: Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New York 10021 University of Kansas Medical Center, Kansas ( 66101 New York Medical College, New York 10029 New York University, New York 10003 KennIcy: SUNY at Buffalo, Buffalo 14222 University of Kentucky, Lexington 40506 SUNY at Stony Brook, Stony Brook 11794 University of Louisville, I ouisvilic 40202 SUNY Downstate Medical Center, Brooklyn 11203 SUNY Upstate Medical Center, Syracuse 13210 Louisiana: University of Rochester School of Medicine, Rochester 14642 Louisiana State University at Shreveport, Shreveport 71100 Louisiana State University Medical Center, New Orit ins North Carolina: 70112 Duke University. Durham 27706 Tulane University, New Orleans '01 IX University of Nort5 Carolina, Chapel Hill 27514 Wake Forcst University. Winston-Salem 27109 Maryland: Johns Hopkins University Baltimore 21218 North Dakota: University of Maryland Professional Schools, Baltimore 212111 University of North Dakota, Grand Forks 58201

Manaebesetts: Ohio: Boston University, Boston 02215 Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland 44106 Harvard University, Cambridge 02118 Medical College of Ohio at Toledo, Toleuo 43o14 Tufts University, Medford 02155 Ohio State University -Main Campus, Columbus 43210 University of Massachusetts Medical Sc hool1.5 orcester University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati 45221 Wright State University, Dayton 45431 Mkbigna: Oregon' Michigan State University, Last Lansing 4882 1 University of Oregon Medical School, Portland 97201 University of Michigan, Ann Arbor 48104 Wayne State University Detroit 48202 Pennsylvania

Minnesota: Hahnemann Medical Center, Philadelphia 19102 Medical College of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia 19129 Mayo Medical School, Rochester 554U1 Pennsylvania State University-Hershey Medical Center, University of Minnesota at Minneapolis-St Pail, Sioincapolis Hershey 17033 55455 Temple University School of Medicine, Philadelphia 19122 homas Jefferson University, Philadelphia 19107 L niversity of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia 19104 University of Mississippi Medi( al C enterlac w2I0 nReso of Pittsburgh School of Medicine -.burgh Missouri: 15211

St Louts University, St Louis (-Alm Rhode Island: University of Missouri, Columbia 55201 Bro.yn t Eric el-sit'Pros icirncr 02912 University of Missouri-Kansas C ity. Kansas ( its 6411.) Washington University Sthool of Medicine, St 1 outs h South Carolina: Medical University of Southarolina Charleston 29403 Nebraska: Creighton University, Omaha 68P8 'South Dakots University of Nebraska College of M.tittAtirtfmaha t,810' I ins ersio,if South Dakila efrrullion 5706'4

127 Specialized Accreditation and Preaccreditation

Tensaw,: Puerto Rico. MeharryMedical College, Nashville 37203 Catholic University of PuertoRI,0, Ponce (K)7 '1 University of Tennessee. Memphis 1810 Umsersidad Central Del Canbe Sch of Med of Cayey Cayes (M11 Texas: BaylorCollege of Medicine, Houston 77025 Texas A & M University-Main Campus, College Station Basic Medical Sciences Education (Accredited) 77843 Minnesota: Texas Tech University, Lubbock 79409 University of Texas at San Antonio, San Antonio 78285 University of Minnesota at Duluth Duluth 55812 University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston, Galveston 77550

Utah: MICROBIOLOGY University of Utah, Salt Lake City 84112 Vermont: American Academy of Microbio_ogy University of Vermont, Burlington 05401 Committee on Postdoctoral Educational Programs Virginia: Robert F Acker Esecutise Director, PAM Eastern Virginia Medical Authority, Norfolk 23501 1911 I' tree:, N W University of Virginia, Charlottesville 22901 Washington I) C 2(XX)6 Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond 21227 Washington: Microbiology(Ac-- edited) ,,niversayof Washington School of Medicine, Seattle 98195 California: West Virginia: California Department of Health Sers ices, Berkeley 94704 West Virginia University School of Medicine 'sit,rgantossn University of California Medical Center, San Francis; o 94122 26505 UCLA Medical Center and Wadsworth VA Hospital, Los Wisconsin: Angeles 90073 MedicalCollege of Wisconsin, Milwaukee 53233 Veterans Administration Medical Center -\ adsssorth University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison 51706 Hospital, Los Angeles 90073 Puertn Rico: Connecticut: University of Puerto Rico Medical Sciences Camp. an Hartford Hospital Hartft d 06115 Juan 00936 University of Connecticut Health (. enter Farrngton 06012 Georgia: Medicine (Preaccredited) Center for Disease Coot,'. Health & Human Resources. Atlanta 10111 Georgia: Michigan: Morehouse College, Atlanta 10114 University of Michigan and St Joseph Men s Hospital, Ann North Carolina: Arbor 48104 East Carolina University Orcenylik 27t'74 Minnesota. Ohio: Mayo Clinic and Masi, I i.dation, Rochester 5.5901 Northeastern Ohio I. nisei-sits (''liege d Medic ine New York Rootstown 44272 Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons, Oklahoma: New York 10012 Oral Roberts UniversityJul lits SIL.N at Buffalo and I nc C aunty I aboratcrY, Buffalo 14202 I. nisersity of Rochester School of Medicine R. Chester 14642 South Carotin. University south Carolina Columb.a 29208 NorthCarolina' North Carolina Aternorial Hospital C hapel Hill 27514 Tennessee: EsqTennessee State University Johnson City l'hOi Oregon- nisersity of Greg w. ABM.. ai S, hurl Portland 97201 Texas:

Texas A &M University Main ( amptis ( Stan 11 Pennsylvania 77843 Temple t niversity Sch,,o1 (.1c1'ticinoPlnlad, 1, Ina 19122 West Virginia: texas: MarshallUniversity Huntington 25'01 Baylorollegeittiled; . intHouston 7-025

128 1 # Specialized Accreditation and Preaccreditation

Utah: California State University, Sacramento 95819 University of Utah Medical Center, Salt Lake City 84112 College of Notre Dame, Belmont 94002 Holy Names College, Oakland 94619 Virginia: Mount St Mary's College, Los Angeles 90049 Virginia Commonwealth University-Medical College of Va, Musicians Institute, Hollywood 90028 Richmond 23298 Pacific Union College, Angwin 94508 Washington: Pepperchne University, Malibu 90265 San Diego State University, San Diego 92182 Lint iersity of Washington School of Medicine, Seattle 98195 San Francisco Conservatory of Music, San Francisco 94122 Wisconsin: San Francisco State University, San Francisco 94132 Mount Sinai Medical Center, Milwaukee 53233 San Francisco State University, San Francisco 94132 San Jose State University, San Jose 95114 Sonoma State University, Rohnert Park 94928 University of the Pacific, Stockton 95211 MUSIC University of Redlands, Redlands 92373 University of Santa Clara, Santa Clara 95050 National Association of Schools of Music University of Southern California, Los Angeles 90007

Samuel Hope, Executive Director Colorado: 11250 Roger Bacon Drive, Suite 5 Colorado College, Colorado Springs 80903 Reston, Virginia 22090 Colorado State University, Ft Collins 80521 Metropolitan State College, Denver 80204 Music (Accredited) University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder 80302 University of Denver, Denver 80210 Alabama: University of Northern Colorado, Greeley 80639 University of Southern Colorado, Pueblo 81001 Alabama State University, Montgomery 36104 Western State College of Colorado, Gunnison 81230 Birmingham-Southern College, Birmingham 35204 Judson College, Marion 36756 Connecticut' Samford University, Birmingham 35209 Hartt College of Music-University of Hartford, Hartford University of Alabama, University 35486 06117 University of Montevallo, Montevallo 15115 Neighborhood Music School, New Haven 06511 University of South Alabama, Mobile 36688 University of Bridgeport. Bridgeport 06602 Alaska: University of Connecticut. Storrs 06268 Yale University, New Haven 06520 University of Alaska, Fairbanks 99701 Delaware: Arizona: University of Delaware. Newark 19711 Arizona State University. Tempe 85281 Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff 86001 District of Columbia: University of Arizona. Tucson 85721 American University, Washington 2001b Arkansas: Catholic University of America. Washington 20017 George Washington University, Washington 20006 Arkansas State University, State University 724o7 Howard University, Washington 20001 Arkansas Tech University, Russellville 72801 Henderson State University, Arkadelphia 71923 Florida: Hendrix College, Conway 72032 Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton 33432 Ouachita Baptist University, Arkadelphia 71923 Florida State University, Tallahassee 32306 Southern Arkansas University, Magnolia 71753 Jacksonville University, Jacksonville 32211 University of Arkansas at Fayetteville, Fayetteville 72701 Rollins College, Winter Park 32789 University of Arkansas at Little Rock, Little Rock 72204 Stetson University, Deland 32720 University of Central Arkansas, Conway 71601 University of Florida, Gainesville 32611 California: Universitr, of Miami. Coral Gables 33124 University of Tampa, Tampa 33606 California State University-Dominguez Hills, Carson 90747 University of West Florida, Pensacola 12504 [bola College. La Mirada 90639 California Institute of the Arts, Valencia 91355 Georgia: California State University, Fullerton 92634 Augusta College, Augusta 30904 California State University, Hayward 94542 Berry College. Mount Berry 30149 California State University, Los Angeles 90032 Columbus College, Columbus 31907 California State University, Northridge 91324 Georgia College, Milledgeville 31061 California State University, Chico 95926 Georgia Southern College, Statesboro 10458 California State University, Fresno 91740 Georgia State University. Atlanta 30303 California State University. Long Beach 90840 Mercer University, Macon 31207

129 Specialized Accreditation and Preaccreditation

Shorter College, Rome 30161 Drake University, Des Moines 50311 Spelman College, Atlanta 30314 Iowa State University, Ames 50010 Truett-McConnell College, Cleveland 30528 Luther College, Decorah 52101 Univenity of Georgia, Athens 30601 Morningside College, Sioux City 51106 Wesleyan College, Macon 43201 Simpson College, Indianola 50125 West Georgia College, Carrollton 30117 University of Iowa, Iowa City 52242 University of Northern Iowa, Cedar Falls 50613 Idaho: Wartburg College, Waverly 50677 Boise State University, Boise 83701 Idaho State University, Pocatello 83201 Kansas: Ricks College, Rexburg 83440 Benedictine College, Atchison 66002 University of Idaho, Moscow 83843 Bethany College, Lindsborg 67456 Empona State University, Emporia 66801 Mimic Friends University, Wichita 67213 American Conservatory of Music, Chicago 60603 Ft Hays Kansas State University, Hays 67601 Augustan College, Rock Island 61201 Kansas State University, Manhattan 66502 Bradley University, Peoria 61606 Marymount College of Kansas, Salina 67401 Chicago Conservatory College, Chicago 60605 Pittsburgh State University, Pittsburg 66762 De Paul University, Chicago 60604 Southwestern College, Winfield 67156 Eastern Illinois University, Charleston 61920 St Mary-of-the-Plains College, Dodge City 67801 Illinois Central College, East Peoria 61611 St Mary's College, Leavenworth 66048 Illinois State University, Normal 61761 Tabor College, Hillsboro 67063 Illinois Wesleyan University, Bloomington 61701 University of Kansas, Lawrence 66045 Mac Murray College. Jacksonville 62650 Washburn Unive, . 'y of Topeka, Topeka 66621 Mdlikin University, Decatur 62522 Wichita State University, Wichita 67208 Music Center of the North Shore, Winnetka 60093 Kentucky: North Park College and Theological Seminary, Chicago 60625 Asbury College, Wilmore 40390 Northwestern University, Evanson 60201 Cumberland College, Williamsburg 80769 Quincy College, Quincy 62301 Eastern Kentucky University, Richmond 40475 Rosary College, River Forest 60305 Kentucky State University, Frankfort 40601 Sherwood Music School, Chicago 60605 Morehead State University, Morehead 40351 Southern Illinois University, Carbondale 62901 Murray State University, Murray 42071 Southern Illinois University-Edwardsville, Edwardsville Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville 40206 62025 University of Kentucky, Lexington 40506 Springfield College in Illinois, Springfield 62702 University of Louisville. Louisville 40202 University of Illinois-Urbana-Champaign, Urbana 61801 Western Kentucky University, Bowling Green 42101 Viusdercook College of Music, Chicago 60616 Louisiana: Western Illinois University, Macomb 61455 Centenary College, Shreveport 71104 Wheaton College, Wheaton 60187 Dillard University, New Orleans '0122 William Rainey Harper College. Palatine 60067 Grambling State University, Grambling 71245 balm Louisiana College, Pineville 71360 Anderson College, Anderson 46012 Louisiana State University at Baton Rouge, Baton Rouge 70803 Ball State University, Muncie 47306 Louisiana Tech University, Ruston 71270 DePauw University, Grpencastle 46135 Loyola University, New Orleans 70118 Indiana Central University, Indianapolis 46227 McNeese State University, Lake Charles 70601 Indiana State University, Terre Haute 47809 New Orleans Baptist Theological Sminary, New Orleans Indiana University, Bloomington-Indianapolis, Bloomington 70126 47401 Northeast Louisiana University, Monroe 71201 Jordan College of Music-Butler University, Indianapolis Northwestern State University of Louisiana, Natchitoches 46208 71457 Mancheste- College, North Manchester 46962 Southeastern Louisiana University, Hammond 70401 St Mary-of-the-Woods College, St Mary-of-the-Woods 47876 Southern University, Baton Rouge 70813 St Mary's College, Notre Dame 46556 Tulanc University, New Orleans 70118 Taylor University, Upland 46989 University of New Orleans, New Orleans 70122 University of Evansville, Evansville 47704 University of Southwestern Louisiana, Lafayette 70504 University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame 46556 Xavier University of Loisiana, New Orleans 70125 Valparaiso University, Valparaiso 46383 Maine: Iowa: ..- -versity of Maine at 01000, Orono 04401 Clarke College, Dubuque 52001 Coe College, Cedar Rapids 52402 Maryland: Cornell College, Mount Vernon 52314 Columbia U ',,,n College, Takoma Park 20012


1,ix .1 ., Specialized Accreditation and Preaccreditation

Essex Community College, Baltimore County 21237 Fontbonne College, St Louis 63100 Montgomery College, Rockville 20850 Lincoln University, Jefferson City 05101 Morgan State University. Baltimore 21212 Northeast MISV,Irl State University, Kirksville 63501 Peabody Conservatory of Music, Baltimore 21202 Northwest Missouri State University, Maryville 64468 Towson State University, Baltimore 21204 Park College, Kansas City 64152 University of Maryland, College Park 20742 School of the Ozarks, Point Lookout 65726 Western Maryland College, Westminster 21157 Southeast Missouri State University, Cape Girardeau 63701 Masimehasetta: Southwest Missouri State University, Springfield 65802 St Louis Conservatory of Music, St Louis 63130 Anna Maria College, Paxton 01612 Stephens College. Columbia 65201 Boston Conservatory of Music. Boston 02115 University of Missouri, Columbia 65201 Boston University, Boston 02215 University of Missouri-Kansas City, Kansas City 64110 Gordon College. Wenham 01984 Washington University, St Louis 63130 Longy School of Music. Cambridge 02138 Webster College, St Louts 63119 New England Conservatory of Music, Bogen 02115 William Jewell College, Liberty 64068 University of Lowell, Lowell 01850 University of Massachusetts, Amherst 01002 Montana: Michigan: Eastern Montana College, Billings 59101 University of Montana, Missoula 59801 Albion College. Albion 49224 Alma College. Alma 48801 Nebraska: Andrews University, Berrien Springs 49104 Hastings College, Hastings 68901 Central Michigan University, Mount Pleasant 48858 Kearney State College, Kearney 68847 Eastern Michigan University, Ypsilanti 48197 Nebraska Wesli-yan University, Lincoln 68504 Grand Rapids Junior College. Grand Rapids 49502 Union College, Lincoln 68506 Grand Valley State Colleges, Allendale 49401 University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln 68508 Hope College. Holland 49423 New Hampshire: lnterlochen Center for the Arts, Interiochen 49643 Michigan State University. East La.,sing 48823 University of New Hampshire, Durham 03824 Northern Michigan University, Marquette 49855 New Jersey: University of Michigan. Ann Arbor 48104 Glassboro State College, Glassboro 08028 Wayne State University. Detroit 48202 Jersey City State College, Jersey City 07305 Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo 49001 Kean College of New Jersey, Union 07083 Minnesota: Montclair State College, Upper Montclair 07043 College of St Teresa, Winona 55987 Trenton State College, Trenton 08625 Westminster Choir College, Princeton 08540 Concordia College, Moorhead 56560 William Paterson College, Wayne 07470 Gustavus Adolphus College. St Peter 5608? Hamlin University. St Paul 55104 New Mexico: Maca Inter College, St Paul 55101 Eastern New Mexico University, Porta les 88130 Mankato State University. Mankato 56001 New Mexico State University, Las Cruces 88001 Moorhead State University, Moorhead 56560 University of New Mexico, Albuquerque 87106 St Cloud State University, St Cloud 56301 St Olaf College, Northfield 55057 New York. University of Minnesota at Duluth, Duluth 55812 Houghton College, West Seneca 13861 University of Minnesota at Minneapolis-St Paul, Minneapolis Ithaca College, Ithaca 14850 55455 Manhattan School of Music, New t ork 10029 Winona State University, Winona 55987 Manhattansille College, Pur,hase 10577 Nazareth College of Rochester, Rochester 14600 New York University, New York 10003 Belhaven College, Jackson 39202 Nyack College, Nyack 10960 Delta State University, Cleveland 38732 Roberts Wesleyan College, Rochester 14514 Jackson State University, Jackson 39217 State University College at Buffalo, Buffalo 14214 Mississippi College, Clinton 39056 State University College at Fredonia, Fredonia 14063 Mississippi University for Women, Columbus 39701 State University College at New Pa hi, New Paltz 12561 University of Mississippi-Main Campus, University 38677 State University College at Potsdam, Potsdam 13676 University of Southern Mississippi, Hattiesturg 39401 Syracuse University, Syracuse 13210 William Carey College, Hattiesburg 39401 University of Rochester, Rochester 14627 Missouri: Westchester Conservatory of Music. White Plains 10605 Central Methodist College. Fayette 65248 North Carolina: Central Missouri State University, Warrensburg 64091 Appalachian State University. Boone 286117 Cottey College, Nevada 64772 Atlantic Christian College. Wilson 278141 Evangel College, Springfield 6)802 Brevard College. Brevard 28712

131 143 Specialized Accreditation and Preaccreditation

East Carolina University, Greenville 27834 Oregon: Gardner-Webb College, Boiling Spring 28017 Lewis and Clark College, Portland 97219 Greensboro College, Greensboro 27402 Linfield College, McMinnville 97128 Mars Hill College, Mars Hill 28754 Marylhursi College for Life Long Learning. Marylhurst Meredith College, Raleigh 27602 97036 Pembroke State University, Pembroke 28372 Oreg9n College of Education. Monmouth 97361 Pfeiffer College, Misenheimer 28109 Oregon State University, Corvallis 97331 Queens College, Charlotte 28207 Pacific University, Forest Grove 97116 Salem College, Winston-Salem 27108 Southern Oregon State College, Ashland 97521) St Andrews Presbyterian College, Launnburg 28352 University of Oregon, Eugene 97403 University of North Carolina at Greensboro, Greensboro Willamette University, Salem 97301 27412 Pennsylvania: Wingate College, Wingate 28174 Winston-Salem State University, Winston-Salem 27102 Allegheny College, Meadville 16335 Bucknell University, Lewisburg 17837 North Dakota: Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh 15213 Minot StaP College, Minot 58701 College Misericordia, Dallas 18612 North Dakota State University. Fargo 58102 Duquesne University, Pittsburgh 15219 University of North Dakota, Grand Forks 58201 Edinboro State College. Edinboro 16412 Ohio: Elizabethtown College, Elizabethtown 17022 Immaculata College, Immaculata 19345 Ashland College, Ashland 44805 Indiana University of Pennsylvania, Indiana 15701 Baldwin-Wall-ce College, Berea 44017 Lebanon Vailey College, Annvitle 17003 Bluffton College, Bluffton 45817 Mansfield State College, Mansfield 16933 Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green 43402 Marywood College, Scranton !8509 Capital University, Columbus 43209 Millersville State College, Millersville 17551 Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland 44106 Pennsylvania State University, University Park 16802 Central State University, Wilberforce 45384 Philadelphia College of the Performing Arts, Philadelphia Cleveland Institute of Music, Cleveland 44106 Cleveland State University, Cleveland 44115 19107 College of Wooster, Wooster 44691 Philadelphia College of Bible, Philadelphia 19103 Denison University, Granville 43023 Seton Hill College, Greensburg 15601 Heidelberg College, Tiffin 44883 Slippery Rock State College, Slippery Rock 16057 Hiram College, Hiram 44234 Susquehanna University, Selinsgrove 17870 Kent State University, Kent 44242 Temple University, Philadelphia 19122 Malone College, Canton 44709 West Chester State College, West Chester 19380 Miami University, Oxford 45056 Westminster College, New Wilmington 16142 Mount Union College, Alliance 44601 Rhode Island: Muskingum College, New Concord 43762 Barrington College, Barrington 02806 Oberlin College, Oberlin 44074 Rhode Island College, Providence 02918 Ohio Northern University, Ada 45810 University of Rhode Island. Kingston 02881 Ohio State University-Main Campus, Columbus 43210 Ohio University, Athens 45701 South Carolina: Ohio Wesleyan University, Delaware 41015 Anderson College, Anderson 29621 Otterbein College, Westerville 43081 Baptist College at Charleston, Charleston 29411 University of Akron, Akron 44304 Coker CoPest Hartsville 29550 University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati 45221 Columbia College, Columbia 29203 University of Dayton. Dayton 45469 Converse College, Spartanburg 29301 University of Toledo, Toledo 43606 Furman University, Greenville 29613 Wittenberg University, Springfield 45501 Limestone College, Gaffney 29341) Wright State University. Dayton 45431 Newberry College, Newberry 29108 Youngstown State University, Youngstown 44503 University of South Carolina, Columbia 29208 Winthrop College. Rock Hill 29730 Oklahoma: Cameron University, Lawton 71501 South Dakota: Oklahoma Baptist University. Shawnee 74801 Augustana College. Sioux Falls 57102 Oklahoma City University, Oklahoma City 71106 Northern State College, Aberdeen 57401 Phillips University, Enid 73701 South Dakota State University. Brookings 57006 Southeastern Oklahoma State University. Durant 74701 University of South Dakota-Vermillion. Vermillion 57069 Southwestern Oklahoma State University, Weatherford 73096 Yankton College. Yankton c7078 University of Oklahoma at Norman, Norman 73069 University of Science and Arts of Oklahoma. Chickasha Iennessee: 73018 Austin Pcay State University, Clarksville 17040 University of Tulsa. tulsa 74104 Belmont College. Nashville 37201

132 Specialized Accreditation and Preaccreditation

Blair School of Music, Nashville 37212 University of Richmond, Richmond 23173 Cadek Conservatory, Chattanooga 37408 Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond 23227 Carson-Newman College, Jefferson City 37760 Virginia State College, Petersburg 23803 East Tennessee State University, Johnson. City 37601 Fisk University, Nashville 37203 Washington: Maryville College, Maryville 37801 Central Washington University, Yakima 98902 Memphis State University, Memphis 38111 Eastern Washing:on University, Cheney 99004 Middle Tennessee State University, Murfreesboro 37130 Seattle Pacific University, Seattle 98119 Southern Missionary College, Collegedale 37315 University of Puget Sound, Tacoma 98416 Southwestern at Memphis, Memphis 38112 University of Washington, Seattle 98195 Tennessee State University, Nashville 37203 Tennessee Technological University, Cookeville 38501 Walla Walla College, College Place 99324 Trevecca Nazarene College. Nashville 37210 Washington State University, Pullman 99163 Union University, Jackson 3830! Whitman College, Walla Walla 99362 University of Tennessee, Martin 38237 Whitworth College, Spokane 99218 University of Tennessee at Chattanooga, Chattanooga 37403 West Virginia: Texas: Marshall University, Huntington 25701 Abilene Christian University, Abilene 79601 West Liberty State College, West Liberty 26074 Amarillo College, Amarillo 79178 Baylor University, Waco 76703 West Virginia University, Morgantown 26505 Corpus Christi State University, Corpus Christi 78411 West Virginia Wesleyan College. Buckhannon 26201 Del Mar College, Corpus Christi 78404 Wisconsin: East Texas Baptist College, Marshall 75670 East Texas State University, Commerce 75428 Alverno College, Milwaukee 53215 Hardin-Simmons University, Abilene 79601 Conti 2ge College, Kenosha 53140 Lamar University, Beaumont 77710 Lawrence University-Main Campus, Appleton 54911 Midwestern State University, Wichita Falls 76308 University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire, Eau Claire 54701 North Texas State University, Denton 76203 Univtsity of Wisconsin-Green Bay, Green Bay 54302 Odessa College, Odessa 79760 University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison 53706 Sam Houston State University. Huntsville 77340 University of Wisconsin -Milwaukee, Nilwaukte 53211 Southern Methodist University, Dallas 75222 University of WisconsinOshkosh, Oihkosh 54,t(11 Southwest Texas State University, San Marcos 78666 University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point, Stevens Point 54481 Southwestern University, Georgetown 78626 Stephen F Austin State University, Nacogdoches 75961 University of Wisconsin-Whitewater. Whitewater 55190 Texarkana College, Texarkana 75501 Viterbo College, La Crosse 54601 Texas A & I University, Kingsville 78363 Wisconsin Conservatory of Music, Milwaukee 53202 Texas Christian University, Ft Worth 76179 Texas Tech University, Lubbock 79409 Wyoming: Texas Wesleyan College. Ft Worth 76105 University of Wyoming, Laramie 82070 Texas Woman's Um rsity, Denton 76204 University of Houston-Central Campus, Houston 77002 University of Texas at Arlington, Arlington 76010 University of Texas at Austin, Austin 78712 NUCLEAR MEDICINE TECHNOLOGY University of Texas at El Paso, El Paso 79968 West Texas State University. Canyon 79015 American MedicalAssociation Utah: Brigham Young Unixesity, Prost, 84601 Committee on Allied Health Education and University of Utah. Salt Lake City 84112 Accreditation Weber State College. Ogden 84401 Vermont: In cooperation with University of A, ermont, Burlington 05401 Joint Review Committeeon Education Programs in Virginia: Nuclear Medicine Technology, whichis spon- Hampton Institute, Hampton 23168 soredby the AmericanCollege of Radiclog:, Hollins College, Hollins College 24020 James Madison University. Harrisonburg 22801 AmericanSociety ofClinicalPathologists, Mary Washington College, FrecleriLkshurg 224411 AmericanSocietyforMedicalTechnology, Norfolk State College, Norfolk 2)504 American Society of Radiologic Technologists Old Dominion Uniym sit}, Norfolk 21508 and the Society of Nuclear Medicine Radford College. Radford 24141 Shenandoah College Wine hester rtiot


1 4 5 Specialized Accreditation and Preaccreditation

Elaine Cuklanz, Chairperson Our Lady of Mercy Hospital, Dyer 46311 445 South 300 East Salt Lake City, Utah 084111 Iowa: University of Iowa, Iowa City 52242 Nuclear Medicine Technology (Accredited) Kum: St Francis Hospital, Wichita 67214 Arizona: University of Kansas Medical Center, Kansas City 66103 Arizona University Medical Center, Tucson 85705 Wesley Medical Center, Wichita 67214 Univ, rsity of Arizona. Tucson 85721 Kentucky: Arkansas: Louisville Baptist Hospital, Louisville 40204 St Vincent Infirmary, Little Rock 72201 University of Louisville, Louisville 40202 California; Louisiana: Cancer Foundation of Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara 93102 Alton Ochsuer Medical Foundation, New Orleans 70121 Charles R Drew Postgraduate School, Los Angeles 90059 Charity Hospital of Louisiana at New Orleans, New Orleans Loma Linda University, Loma Linda 92354 70410 Los Angeles County Hospital-USC Medical Center, Los Veterans Administration Medical Center, Shreveport 71130 Angeles 90033 Memorial Hospital of Stanis laus County, Modesto 95355 Maryland: Palmdale General Hospital, Palmdale 93550 Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore 21218 St Francis Hospital of Lynwood, Lynwood 90262 Naval Health Sciences Education and Training Command, St Jc-seph's Hospita!, Orange 92666 Bethesda 20014 Sutter Community Hospitals, Sacramento 95816 Prince George's Community College, Largo 20870 University of California Medical Center, San Francisco 94122 Massachusetts: University of California, Davis Medical Center, Sacramento 95817 Bunker Hill Community College, Charlestown 02129 Veterans Administration Medical Center-Wadsworth Newton-Wellesley Hospital, Newton Lower Falls 02162 Hospital, Los Angeles 90073 Spnngtield Technical Community College, Springfield 01105 Worcester State College, Worcester 01602 Colorado: Michigan: Community College of Denver-Aurana Campus, Denver 80204 Detroit General Hospital, Detroit 48226 Penrose Hospital, Colorado Springs 80907 Detroit-Macomb Hospitals Association, Detroit 48226 St Anthony Hospital Systems, Denver 80204 Ferns State College, Big Rapids 49307 Henry Ford Hospital, Detroit 48202 Coentdiest: University of Detroit, Detroit 48221 South Central Community College, New Haven 06511 University of Michigan Medical Center, Ann Arbor 48109 Delaware: William Beaumont Hospital, Royal Oak 48072 Delaware Technical and Community College-Stanton Minnesota: Campos, Newark 19901 Hennepin County Medical Center, Minneapolis 55415 Florida: Mayo Medical School, Rochester 55901 St Mary's College, Winona 55987 Hillsborough Community College, Tampa 33622 Veterans Administration Medical Center, Minneapolis 55417 Mount Sinai Medical Center, Miami Beach 33140 Santa Fe Community College, Gainesville 32601 Mississippi: University of Miami-Jackson Memorial Medical Center, University of Mississippi Medical Center, Jackson 39216 Miami 33136 Missouri: Genres: Mal!inckrodt Institute-Washington University, St Louis 63110 Grady Memorial Hospital, Atlanta 30303 Research Hospital and Medical Center, Kansas City 64132 Medical College of Georgia, Augusta 30902 St Francis Medical Center, Cape Girardeau 63701 II Ihmtia: St John's Mercy Medical Center, St Louis 63141 St Luke's Hospital of Kansas City, Kansas City 64111 Illinois Masonic Medical Center. Chicago 60657 University of Missouri, Columbia 65201 Lutheran General Hospital, Park Ridge 60068 Veterans Administration Medical Center, St Louis 63125 Northwestern Memorial Hospital, Chicago 60611 St Francis Hospital Medical Center, Peoria 61603 Nebraska: Triton College, River Grove 60171 University of Nebraska Medical Center, Omaha 68105 Indiana: New Jersey: Community Hospital of Indianapolis, Indianapolis 46219 Atlantic City Medical Center, Atlantic City 08401 Indiana t lniversity-Purdue University at Indianapolis, Cooper Medical ('enter, Camden 08103 Indianapolis 46202 Hospital Center at Orange, Orange 07051

134 Specialised Accreditation and Preaccreditation

John F Kennedy Medical Center, Edison 08817 City of Memphis Hospitals, Memphis 38161 Mercer Medical Center, Trenton 08607 Methodist Hospital, Memphis 38100 Middlesex General Hospital, New Brunswick 08903 Texas: Monmouth Medical Center, Long Branch 07740 St Sambas Medical Center, Livingston 07039 Baylor College of Medicine, Houston 77025 St Joseph's Hospital and Medical Center, Patterson 07503 Scott it White Memorial Hospital, Temple 76501 Veterans Administration Medical Center, East Orange 07019 Utak: Wasti,-.00:m Memorial Hospital, Turnersville 08012 University of Utah, Salt Lake City 64112 Nes; Mexico: Vermont: University of New Mexico, Albuquerque 87106 University of Vermont, Burlington 05401 New York: Virginia: Harlem Hospital, New York 10037 Roanoke Memorial Hospital, Roanoke 24014 Manhattan College, Bronx 10471 University of Virginia, Charlottesville 22901 New York University Medical Center, New York City 10016 Northport Veterans Administration Medical Center, Washington:

Northport 11768 Holy Family Hospital. Spokane 99 1 Peninsula Hospital Center, Far Rovicaway 11691 Seattle Pacific University, Seattle v_ i '39 Rochester lnstitutc of Technology, Rochester 14623 West 1341101a: State University College at Buffalo, Buffalo 14214 SUNY at Stony Brook, Stony Brook 11794 West Virginia University Medical Center, Morgantown 26506 SUNY Upstate Medical Center, Syracuse 13210 Wisconsin: Wagner College, Staten Island 10301 Milwaukee County Medical Complex, Milwaukee 53226 Nardi Carolina: St Luke's Hospital School, Milwaukee 53215 St Mary's Hospital Medical Center, Madison 53716 Duke University, Durham 27706 Forsyth Technical Institute, Winston-Salem 27103 Queens College, Charlotte 28207 University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill 27514 NURSING Nardi Dakota: Trinity Medical Center, Minot 58701 A. American Association of Nurse Anesthetists Ohio: Council on Accreditation of Educational Programs Aultman Hospital, Canton 44710 of Nurse Anesthesia Grandview Hosp Institute of Nuclear Tech, Dayton 45405 Grandview Hospital, Dayton 45405 Edward L !Galata, Executive Staff Secretary, AANA Miami Valley Hospital, Dayton 45409 216 Higgins Road Nuclear Medicine Institute of Hillcrest Hospital, Cleveland Park Ridge, Illinois 60068 44102 Nuclear Medicine Institute of Hillcrest Hospital, Maple Nurse Anesthesia (Accredited) Heights 44137 Ohio State University Hospital, Columbus 43210 Alabama: St Elizabeth Medical Center, Youngstown 44505 Baptist Medical Center, Birmingham 35213 University of Cincinnati Medical Center, Cincinnati 45267 Manley L Cumming's School, Dothan 36301 Poway hada: University of Alabama, University 35486 University of South Alabama, Mobile 36688 Community College of Allegheny County, Pittsburgh 15212 Gwynedd-Mercy College, Gwynedd Valley 19437 California: Harrisburg Polyclinic Hospital, Harrisburg 17101 Kaiser-Permanente Hospital, Los Angeles 90027 Harnsburg-York-Lancaster Hospital, Hamsburg 17101 Loma Linda University, Loma Linda 92354 Presbyterian Univtrsity Hospital, Pittsburgh 15213 Martin Luther King Jr General Hospital, Los Angeles 90059 Reading Area Community College, Reading 19605 UCLA Center for Health Sciences, Los Angeles 90024 Temple University Med:cal Center, Philadelphia 19140 US Navy Nurse Corps, San Diego 92134

Made 'shad: Colorado: Rhode Island Hospital, Providence 02902 Fitzsimmons Army Medical Center, Denver 80216 Smith Cardiac Conseetiert: Richland Memorial Hospital, Columbia 29203 Bridgeport Hospital, Bridgeport 06602 Self Memorial Hospital. Greenwood 29646 Hospital of St Raphael, New Haven 06511

Tsamosse: Delaware: Baptist Memorial Hospital. Memphis 38146 Wesley College-Kent General Hospital, : River 19901

135 Specialized Accreditation and Preaccreditation

Wilmington Medical Center, Wilmington 19800 Mount Carmel Mercy Hospital and Medical Center, Detroit 48235 District of Colombia: University of Michigan, Ann Arbor 48104 Greater Southeast Community Hospital, Washington 20032 Wayne State University, Detroit 48202 Walter Reed Army Medical Center, Washington 20012 Minnesota: Florida: Abbott-Northwestern Hospital, Minneapolis 55407 Bay Memorial Medical Center, Panama City 32401 Hibbing General Hospital, Hibbing 55746 University of Florida, Gainesville 32611 Mayo Clinic-Rochester Community College. Rochester 55901 Georgia: Minneapolis School of Anesthesia, Minneapolis 55404 Anesthesiology for Army Nurse Corps Officers, Ft Gordon Minneapolis Veterans Administration Medical Center. Minneapolis 55417 30905 Georgia Baptist Hospital Medical Center, Atlanta 30312 Rochester State Hospital. Rochester 55901 St Mary's Hospital, Minneapolis 55406 Hawaii: St Paul-Ramsey Hospital and Medical Center. St Paul 55101 The Queen's Medical Center, Honolulu 96817 Mississippi: Tnpler Army Medical Center, Tnpler 96859 University of Mississippi Medical Center, Jackson 39216 Illinois: Mission& Decatur Memorial Hospital, Decatur 62526 Barnes Hospital, St Louis 63110 Ravenswood Hospital Medical Center, Chicago 60600 Southwest Missouri School of Anesthesia. Springfield 65802 Rush University. Chicago 60600 Truman Medical Center, Kansas City 64108 Sangamon State University/St John's Hospital. Springfield 62701 Nebraska: Runs: Bryan Memorial Hospital, Lincoln 68506 University of Nebraska Medical Center, Omaha 68105 Kansas University Nurse Anesthesia Education Program. Kansas City 66103 New Hampshire: St Catherine Hospital. Garden City 67846 Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center, Hanover 03755 St Francis Hospital, Wichita 67214 New Jersey: Wesley Medical Center, Wichita 67214 Wichita Clinic School of Anesthesia, Wichita 67208 Jersey Shore Medical Center, Neptune 07753 Wichita Physicians School, Kansas-Newman College, 'Wichita Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital, Camden 08103 67211 New York: Ksanseky: Albany Medical Center, Albany 12208 Harlan Appalachian Regional Hospital, Harlan 40831 Harlem Hospital, New York 10037 Kings County Hospital Center, Brooklyn 11203 Losisiana: New York Medical College, New York 10029 Charity Hospital of Louisiana at New Orleans. New Orleans Roswell Park Memorial Hospital. Buffalo 14203 70410 US Public Health Service, Staten island 10304 Veterans Administration Medical Center, Albany 12208 Maine: Eastern Maine Medical Center. Bangor 04401 North Carolina: Mercy Hospital, Portland 04101 Charlotte Memorial Hospital and Medical Center, Charlotte Mid-Maine Medical Center, Waterville 04901 28203 St Mary's General Hospital, Lewiston 04240 Duke University, Durham 27706 Durham County General Hospital, Durham 27700 Maryland: North Carolina Baptist Hosp/Bowman Gray School of Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions. Baltimore 21205 Medicine, Winston Salem 27109 Prince George's General Hospital, Cheverly 20785 Warren Wilson College, Swannanoa 28778 US Navy School of Anesthesia, Bethesda 20014 North Dakota: Massachusetts: Central North Dakota School, Bismar:k 58501 Berkshire Medical Center, Pittsfield 01201 Grand Forks School of Anesthesia, Grand Forks 58201 Carney Hospital. Boston 02124 St Luke's Hospital, Fargo 58102 New England Medical Center, Boston 02111 Ohio: Quincy City Hospital, Quincy 02169 St Vincent Hospital, Worcester 01610 Aultman Hospital, Canton 44710 Cincinnati General Hospital, Cincinnati 45229 Mkhigan: Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Cleveland 44106 Harper-Grace Hospital, Grace Hospital Division, Detroit Ohio Valley Hospital. Steubenville 43952 48235 School of Allied Medical Professions, Columbus 43210 Henry Ford Hospital, Detroit 48202 St Elizabeth Medical Center, Youngstown 44505 Hurley Medical Center, Flint 48502 St Vincent Hospital and Medical Center, Toledo 43608 Pt,

1I1 ...)c Specialized Accreditation and Preaccreditation

Pettmaylvania: Washington: Allegheny Valley Hospital, Natrona Heights I c065 Madigan Army Medical Center, Tacoma 98431 Getsmger Medical Center, Danville 17821 Sacred Heart Medical Center, Spokane 99204 Geminger Medical Center, Danville 17821 West Virginia: Hamot Medical Center, Erie 16512 Harriskiirg Hospital, Harrisburg 17101 Charleston Area Medical Center, Charleston z5304 St Joseph's Hospital, Parkersburg 26101 Lankei Hospital, Philadelphia 19151 Wheeling Hospital, Wheeling 26003 Lee Hospital, Johnstown 15901 McKeesport Hospital. McKeespt. 15112 Wisconsin: Medical College of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia 19129 Mercy Medical Center, Oshkosh 54901 Mercy Hospital, Scranton 18501 Milwaukee County Medical Complex, Milwaukee 53226 Mercy Hospital, Altoona 16603 St Francis Hospital, La Crosse 54601 Mercy Hospital of Pittsburgh, Pittsburg 15219 Montgomery Hospital, Norristown 19401 Nazareth Hospital, Philadelphia 19152 Nurse Anesthesia (Preaccredited) Pennsylvania Hospital, Philadelphia 19107 Nebraska: Reading Hospital and Medical Center, Reading 19603 Creighton University. Omaha 68178 Shadyside Hospital, Pittsburgh 15232 St Francis General Hospital, Pittsburgh 15201 New York: St Joseph Hospital, Lancaster 17604 Roosevelt Hospital, New York 10019 University Health Center-Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh 15213 Washington Hospital, Washington 15301 Pennsylvania: Western Pennsylvania Hospital, Pittsburgh 15224 La Roche College, Pittsburgh 15101 Westmoreland Hospital, Greensburg 15601 Wilkes-Barre General Hospital, Wilkes-Barre 18702 B. National Association for Practical Nurse Education and Service, Inc. Rhode Island: Memorial Hospital, Pawtucket 02860 Lucille L Etheridge, Executive Director, NAPNES Our Lady of Fatima Unit-St Joseph Hospital, Providence 122 East 42nd Street 02904 New York, New York 10017

Soath Carolina: Practical Nursing (Accredited) Medical University of South Carolina. Charleston 29403 Richland Memorial Hospital, Columbia 29203 Arizona: South Dakota: Phoenix Union High School Area Vocational Center, Phoenix McKennan Hospital, Sioux Falls 57101 85004 Mount Marty College, Yankton 57078 California: Berkeley School of Nursing Arts, Santa Monica 90401 Tennessee: Casa Loma Institute of Technology, Lakeview Terrace 91342 Baroness Er lane Hospital, Chattanooga 37401 Vocational Nursing School of California, Anaheim 92804 Holston Valley Community Hospital, Kingsport 37662 Middle Tennessee School of Anesthesiology, Madison 37115 District of Columbia: University of Tennessee. Knoxville 37916 M M Washington Vocational High School, Washington 20001

Texas: Florida: Harris County Hospital District, Houston 77025 Hillsborough County School, Tampa 33622 Harris Hospital.Methodist School, Ft Worth 76104 Massachusetts: University of Texas at Arlington. Arlington 76010 Lemuel Shattuck Hospital, Jamaica Plain 02130 US Air Force Medical Center, San Antonio 78236 Northeast Metropolitan Regional Vocational School, US Army Academy of Health Sciences, Ft Sam Hou,ton Wakefield 01580 78234 Northeast Metropolitan Regional Vocational School, Wichita General Hospital, Wichita Falls 76107 Wakefield 01880 William Beaumont Army Medical Center, El Paso 79920 Shepherd-Gill School-Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston 02116 Allegheny Regional Hospital. Clifton F urge 24422 Tewksbury Hospital, Tewksbury 10876 De Paul Hospital, Norfolk 23505 Michigan: Fairfax Hospital, Falls Church 22040 South Central Michigan School of Practical Nursing, Norfolk General Hospital, Norfolk 23507 Coldwater 490)6 Potomac Hospital, Woodbridge 22191 US Navy Nurse Corps, Portsmouth 23708 NewJersey: Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond 21227 Medical Center at Princeton, Princeton 08540

137 113 Specialized Accreditation and Preaccreditation

Ni, .14exko: Mobile College, Mobile 36613 St Vincent Hospital. Santa Fe 87501 Samford University, Birmingham 35209 Troy State University, Troy 36081 New York: Tuskegee Institute, Tuskegee 36088 BOCES Schuyler Chemung Tioga, Elmira 14903 University of Alabama, University 35486 Hospital for Special Surgery. New York 10021 University of Alabama-Birmingham, Birmingham 35294 Ohio: University of Alabama-Huntsville, Huntsville 35807 Akron School of Practical Nursing, Akron 44311 University of South Alabama, Mobile 36688 Buckeye Hills Career Center, Rio Grande 45674 Alaska: Choffin School of Practical Nursing, Youngstown 44503 University of Alaska-Anchorage Community College. Columbus Public Schools, Columbus 43215 Anchorage 99504 Dayton School of PN-Ft McKinley Special Program Center, Dayton 45420 Arizona: Jane Adams School, Cleveland 44113 Arizona State University, Tempe 85281 Tn-Rivers Manon Gen Hospital Sch of Prac Nurs, Marion University of Arizona, Tucson 85721 43302 Arkansas: Penny louts: Harding College, Searcy 72143 Alvernia School of Practical Nursing, Pittsburgh 15201 University of Arkansas at Little Rock, Little Rock 72204 Central Chester County Area Vocational-Technical School, University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff, Pine Bluff 71601 Coatesville 19320 University of Central Arkansas, Conway 71601 Lackawanna Cnty Area Voc-Tech Sch of Practical Nursing, California: Scranton 18508 Mercedian School of Practical Nursing, Scranton 18510 Azusa Pacific College, Azusa 91702 Warren County Area VocTech School, Warren 00000 Biola College, La Mirada 90639 California State College, Bakersfield 93309 South Dakota: California State University, Sacramento 95819 Mitchell Area Vocational-Technical School, Mitchell 57301 California State University, Hayward 94542 Pierre School of Practical Nursing, Pierre 57501 California State University, Los Angeles 90032 Southeast Area Vocational-Technical School, Sioux Falls California State University, Chico 95926 56105 California State University, Fresno 93740 Western Dakota Vocational-Technical Institute, Sturgis 57006 California State University, Long Beach 90840 Texas: Humboldt State University. Arcata 95521 Bethany Hospital, Wichita Falls 76301 Loma Linda University, Loma Linda 92354 Hermann Hospital, Houston 77025 Mount St Mary's College, Los Angeles 90049 Lamar University. Beaumont 77710 Point Loma College, San Diego Q2I06 St Phillip's College, San Antonio 78203 San Diego State University, San Diego 92182 San Francisco State University, San Francisco 94132 Vermont: San Jose State University, San Jose 95114 Fanny Allen Memonal Hospital, Winooski 05404 Sonoma State University, Rohnert Park 94928 Putnam Memonal Hospital, Bennington 05201 University of California, San Francisco 94122 Thompson School for Practical Nurses, Brattleboro 05301 University of California, Los Angeles 90024 West Virg laic University of San Diego, San Diego 92110 University of San Francisco, San Fransisco 94117 B M Spurr School of Practical Nursing, Glen Dale 26038 Garnet Career Center, Charleston 25304 Colorado: Wood County Vocational School of Practical Nursing, Loretto Heights College, Denver 80236 Parkersburg 26101 Metropolitan State College, Denver 80204 University of Colorado, Denver 80203 C. National League for Nursing, Inc. University of Northern Colorado, Greeley 80639 Board of Review for Baccalaureate and Higher Connecticut: Degree nograms Fairfield University, Fairfield 06430 Southern Connecticut State College, New Haven 06515 Margaret E Walsh, General Director and Secretary, NLN University of Bridgeport, Bridgeport 06602 10 Columbus Circle University of Connecticut, Storrs 06268 New York, New York 10019 Western Connecticut State College, Danbury 06810 Yale University, New Haven 06520 Professional Nursing (Baccalaureate and Higher. Delaware: Accredited) University of Delaware, Newark 19711 Alabama: District of Columbia: Jacksonville State lime :lily, Jacksonville 36265 American University', Washington 20016

138 Specialized Accr."tation and Preaccreditation

Catholic Unisersity of America, Washington 2(X)1" Kansas Georgetown University, Washington 20007 ft Hays Kansas Start l Fuser-sits, Hass 6W1 I-toward University, Washington 2(XS)I Marymount ( ollege of Kansas, Salina74) Unive Florida: 'y of Kansas, 1 AN:Trice 66045 Washburn'no. c rally ofI opeka. I opeka 66621 Bart, ''o,lege. Miami 31161 Wir hita State 1lisersits, V:, la int,' 67208 Florida Agricultural and Mechanical UniversityI allahassei, 32307 Kentucky: Florida State University, Tallahassee 32106 Berea College tiered 40401 University of Florida, Gainesville 32611 Easq_srn Kentucky I.ersity, my, Richmond 40475 University of Miami, Coral Gables 33124 Murray State Unisersity Murray 42071 University of South Florida, Tampa 31620 Spalding CollegeI ouissille 40201 University of Kentucky Lexington 40506 Georgia: Western Kentuc,sy rusersits, Bowling (ii '_n 42101 Emory University. Atlanta 30322 Louisiana: Georgia State University Atlanta 50303 Medical College of Georgia, Augusta 30902 Dillard I'myersityV.V. Orleans 70122 Valdoata State CAlege, Valdosta 31601 Louisiana State llnisersity Medical Center, New Orleans 70112 Idaho: Northeast Louisiana Umsersity Monroe 71201 Idaho State University, Pocatello -201 Northwestern State Emsersity of Louisiana, Natchitoches 71457 Illinois. Southeastern I uuni ma University, Hammond 70401 Bradley University, Peoria 61606 Maine: De Paul Unisersity, Chicago 60604 nisersity of Southern 'Mire, Portland 04101 Elmhurst College. Elmhurst 60126 Illinois Wesleyan University, Bloomtngtuit 61701 ary:Ird Lewis University, Lockport 60441 Cola m College, Takorna Park 20012 Loyola University of Chicago, CITIE-ago 60611 Copt .1 State Cdlege, Baltimore 21216 North Park College and Theological Seminary, Chicago Towson State University, Baltimore 212(4 60625 Unlyersity c f Maryland Prol'essional Schools, Baltimore 21201 Northern Minot. University, De Kalb 60115 Massachusetts: Olivet Nazarene College. Kankakee 60901 Rush University, Chicago 60600 Boston College, Chestnut Hill 02167 Sangamon State University, Springfield 62701 Boston State College, Boston 02115 Southern Illinois Univ,rsityEdwar"ville, Edwards,. ille Boston University, Easton 02215 62025 Fitchburg State College, Fitchburg 01420 St Xavier College. Chicago 60655 Northeaste University Boston 02115 Unro-rsity of Illinois Medic al Center, Chirago 6068)) Salem State College, Saltm 01970 Simmons College, Boston 02115 Indiana. Southeastern Massachusetts Unisersitv, North Dartmouth Ball State University, Muncie 47306 02747 DePauw University, Grpencastle 46115 University of I owell, Lowell 111)(50 Goshen College, Goshen 46526 Unisersits of Massachusetts Amherst 01002 Indiana State University, I erre Haute 47809 Worcester State College, Worcester 01602 Indiana University at Ft Wayne, Ft Wayne 46805 Michigan: Indiana Unisersity, Bloomington-Indianapolis. Bloomington Andrews University Berrien Sp! ings 4910' 47401 Eastern Michigan Uniscrsits psiialit! 4x197 Marion College. Marion :195' Grand Valley State Colleges Allendale 44401 Purdue University iCalurnet C. ipus, Hammond 46321 Madonna College, 1 !soma 48150 Purdue Unisersity-W'est I atayette, West Lafayette 4790' Merry College of Detro.4, DTtr,it as_. St Mary's College, Notre Dame 46556 Michigan State Unisersits ast Lansing 4sX2 University, of Evansville, Evansville 477114 Nazareth College, Nazar:tit 49074 tv'aiparaiso University, 'alparaho 461X1 Ernsersits of Michigan Amu Arbor 4XI114 Iowa. Psitstie State l'iltsr rsiisDetroit 4(2)2 Grac eland CollegeI anion' 50140 Minnesota Grand College, Des Moines 50116 ( ii! St Betted!, tSt lnselh c,:^4 Iowa Weslesan College, Mount Pleasant 5264! College of St C atherine, St Pual ``, I whet. College, Decorah 52101 College of St Scholafiea Duluth 55', II Mars, rest College, Davenport 52804 !allege of St lei esa (!mina Mount Mercy College, Cedar Rapids s2402 Gustavus Adolphuslle gist Peter ',Nit," niyersity of low a, Iowa City 52242 ito ',tat,1 im rot '5600

1 39 Specialized Accreditation and Preaccreditation

St ()fa( College 'Northfield 5505- Hartwick College, Oneonta 11520 Cnisersits of Mum( Mmneap,II, St Paul Minneapolis Keuka College, Keuka Park 14475 55455 Long Island University, Brooklyn 11216 Winona State t nisersity, W if, a t Mercy College, Dobbs Ferry 10522 Molloy College, Rockville Centre 117s0 Mississippi Mount St Mar.- College. Newburgh 12550 Mississippi C oliegt Clinton 11056 .-ew York University, Ness York 10001 Mississippi aisersity for Women Columbus 391701 Niagara University, Niagara University 14100 Umsersiti at Mississippi Main Campus, 1, niversity 1567' Pace University-Main Campus, New York 10015 nisersits of Southern Mississippi, Hattiesburg 19401 Pace University-Pleasantville Campus, Pleasantsilic 10570 ( nes ( Hattiesburg 19401 Roberts Wesleyan College, Rochester 14514 Missouri Russell Sage College-Main Campus, Troy 12180 Ay ila Ctillegt.Kdttsds Cits 04145 Skidmore College, Saratoga Springs 12866 Central Missouri State I rusersits Warrensburg 64091 State University College at Brockpor,. Brmkport 14420 Kansas tits Missouri Board of Cdutation, Kansas City 154iti6 State University College at Buffalo, Buffalo 14214 Mar(sille College of the Sacred Heart St Louis 63141 State University College at Plattsburgh, Plattsburgh 12901 Noitheast Missouri Stair 1.1msersity, Kir sills 61C01 Syracuse. Jniversity Syracuse 13210 St I outs I rmersitv, St I outs 61101 SUNY at Binghampton, Binghamton 131401 Lnisersits of Missouri Columbia 65201 SUNY at Stony Brook, Stony Brook 11794 William Jewell ColltgrI iberts SUNY Downstate Medical Center. Brooklyn 1120' University of Rochester, Rochester l4627 Montana. Wagner College, Staten island 10301 Carnaltillegtieltna cqt,(11 North Carolina: Montana State I mt., lairsiitR ma. Atlantic Christian College, Wilson 27597 Net:aska Duke University, Ea.tham 27706 ( I no., rsto, Omaha tir,t East Carolina University, Greenville 27514 Midland I utheranoliege, t remont rist123 Lenoir-Rhyne College, Hickory 28601 Union College1 insoln 65506 North Carolina Agricultural &I echtm. al Staii U.etsits nnersits of Nebraska Media al Center (trmha Greensboro 27411 North Carolina Central University, Durham 2'707 Nevada University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill 27514 Unisersits of Nt s ada-E as k egas Lao's ega,*111"ai University of North Carolina at Cha.'otte Charlotte 25211 1.1nisersity tit Nrsada Kr no, Item, i14511" University of North Carolina at (irrtmsbor , Giecnshoro New [lamp hire. 27412 Western Carolina University, Cullouher 25721 St Ansrlin s ( 011( gttant tustr11102 Winston-Salem State Unisersits Winston Salem 2'102 l'msrrsits ofNC N.I! inipshin Iturham 07524 North Dakota: New Jersey Jamestown College Jamestown 5541,1 Bloomfield ( oilege 131isinitield 11'4)1 Mary College. Bismart k 58501 f airleigh 1)n,kinstin F ins ersits Rutheriool C ampas University of North Dakota Grand I ork,, 5h211) Rutherford 07070 Jersey ( its State Cilir it(Jer c(Its 0-105 Ohio: Ruiers- I he Siatt l nmersits C arnden Carndenitt161.1 Bowling Green Sta,- University Bouling 4,41)2 Rutgers The State Uniser-its Nessark tiessark (1'1(4 Capital University, Columbus 43209 Scion Hall I not tsr South Orange 07079 Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland 4410', Ironton State CollegeI rs nton Otr625 College of Mount St Joseph-I:I-the Moue( St Jii,eph William Paterson C tillege5k attn.0i'47(1 45051 New Mexico, Kent State University Kent 44242 Ohio State University Main Campus Columbus 4 '._ tio.ersit, sn ssSt. Ibmit.mtm University of Akron Akron 441'04 New York University of Cincinnati, Cm(itinati 45221 Adelpin 'sits irdr 0 (its Wright State University, Dadon45411 1I1rd s, [Nil.110,1 141,02 Oklahoma, illege \loom St 1 ins( niIC id II,:04-) Central State l nisersityI &'m' 01,4 C olpmhia l nisersits Fast Central Oklahoma State I. calegtAda s.1( 10101 its gt Oklahoma Baptist Utio.etstty, Shawn(, }linnet I Olt oil, 100.! ; Nu. Oral Roberts I notersity -co, I NI 1I iihman C ollegtBronx 1046$ Unis. exalt ofI ulsa,tuts,'1741o4 I Miaigar 1 sin e ( tillegs illt C.'ll(erItufla'142')l Oregon Domini, an I g, ,1 III ins: 'II )r,tr,1_,,isor z Nfi: iutnern ' neg n, Si,,),

140 I Specialized Accreditation and Preaccreditation

III% is ot Oregon Health Sirens es Center, Portland 9'201 (iris ersity sas bitch, 1. Os, ',Ion 0 ersw, of Portland Portland 9720i 77sso

West Texas stattt mo oat ,..s.)0 'Pennsylvania Albright College Reading 14,04 Utah: Allentown College St Fram is De sales ( enter A alley 18014 Brigham l oung I sustoals taco; ( irlow College Pittsburgh 15211 Unisersity ot 1 (,if'Salt 1 ,c1c s111' Cedar ( rest ( akar, Allentown I tl 104 ermont ( ollegc Miserkordia, Dallas 18612 Unhersiti, iitarniccia Burin, a o8410 Duquesne University, Pittsburgh 15219 ynedd-Mercy (college. Gwynedd Valley 19417 Virginia Holy Famity ( ;e, Philadelphia 19114 Eastern Mennonite Coils gt ti,omonhurc :2v11 Indiana LnisersitY of PennssIvanta, Indiana 15'10 George Mason T rusersit,, I airlas 21110, Our I ady ()I Angels College Aston 19014 Hampton Institute Hampton 2) the Pennsvls ania State University University Park I6502 Marymount College of A irgitna Arlingt oil 221' Thomas lefferson University, Philadelphia 19107 Old Dominion UnisersitsNorfolk 2141P, t'msersity of Pennsylsania, Philadelphia 19104 Radford College, Radford 24!41 University of Pittsburgh-Bradford Campus. Bradford Ih'10 Unistrsity of A irginia Charlottessille 280 ills 5.1,..ria College, Erie 16505 Virginia Commonwealth 1 MS yr-sits-NA, il Codisits illanosa I. rusersity, A'illanosa 19085 Richmond 23298 ht.stei State College, West Chester 1918. Washington: Widener C collegeChest, 19011 Wilkes ( ()liege Wilkes Barre Lastern Washington Cnisers,ts4 (hems 99004 Ft Wright College4 Spokane 9920-, Rhode Island. Intertollegtate Center for Nursing Eilu, ation Spokane 9-42.08 12` stir Island C college Pro, 'dente 02918 Pacific Lutheran University, I &coma 98447 Sake Regina ( ()liege- The Newport C college Newport 02840 Seattle Pacific Untsersity Siattle 98.119 lniversity of Rhode Island Kingston 02881 Seattle L'mversity, Seattle 98195 University of Washington, Seattle 98195 Carolina. Walla Walla College, C"illegt Plast 94124 leilain ( rusersits lrnson 2..9631 Washington State Unisersity4, Pullman',9Ih Medical Untsersity ot South Carolina, Charleston 29401 Whitworth College4, Spokane 99218 ins ersity of South Carolina, Columbia 29208 nisersityof South (atohna Spartanburg Spartanburg 29101 West %irginia: Alderson-Bcoaddus C ollege, 2.64Ir, , South Dakota West A irginia L'nisersos, Mo rgantown 26sos Augustana College Sioux F ails 57102 West Virginia is ssies an College Bus kbannon 26210 Mount Marts C c,Ilegr, t ankum 570-8 South Dakota State t nisersity Brookings 5-006 Wisconsin Alerno College, Milwaukee 512c' Tennessee Marian College of I and On ac. Fond du I ac 5491` East Tennessee State rocs ersits, Johnson (-its 17e411 Marquette L'nisersity, Milssciukee 512- Southern Aimionars College, Collegedale 17115 Unit erstty of Vs heals'', F al, Claire, I- au ( him 54'01 nisersas of Tennessee Memphis 38161 University of Wistonsin-Madison Madison c 1706 I. no. ersio, of Tennessee, K nilS% rile 17916 Urns ersi:y of Wis( consul- Milwaukee Milwaukee 51211 inset-say otI ennesset. at ( hattariooga Chatiancioga 1-'401 Cnisersits of Wisconsin- Oshkosh Oshkosh sa901

Texas 'silents() College 1 .1 Cnn.e 546)11 A D Anderson -Icssolai14,,uslon Wyoming.

Baylor I msersity Mdital center Dallas '5226 Unisersity ,01 soining Ial trpl, Dallas Baptist (`college Dallas 75211 Puerto Rico Houston Baptist 3 no, ersityHouston 771)44' Imamate Word College San Antonio "1)211 athola, lrllse rsits t ri I+ Pcm, c'ki'll Mary Hardin-Baslor College Belton 16511 Professional Nursing I Associate Degree-Accredited) Prairie brew A di M I nis toolsPrairie A 0-s), "iii I hristian 1 nisersityFt Worth 7612'1 Alithaina lc 11s Woman', Unisersic, Denton 76204 eorge C Wallas n soar, 3 ornincinco. ga, 1/thin I tu).-ersch of St !horrid., Houston 77006 Jrr,fTetsor, State Janum t,,clagt Birnu '521' nisersits aI eras at Arlington, Arlington '60,,, John t Calhoun Sian (minumis ( oll. old )56c1 T nisersity otI is at Austin Austin -78'12 I ising.don I Ms etSli ! (S4,1 I nive)sits4 ti s,o at Ei Paso F I Paso '99t,1 4 1, sr. it ',V' Anionic, San Antonio ')01'


s Specialized Accreditation and Preaccreditation

Mobile College, Mobile 1661A Delawsre Northwest Alabama State Juror CollcgtPral C empbell Delaware echnical and Communits College-Stanton 35581 Campus, Newark 19901 S n Bishop State Junior C ()liege. Mobile 16600 Wesley College Dose, 19901 rsiford University. Birmingham )20.4 District of Columbia Unisersity of the District of Columbia-% an Ness, Vs'a,hington Alaska: 20010 University of Alaska-Anchorage Communits ollegt Anchorage 99504 Florida: Broward Community College, Ft Lauderdale 11314 Adana: Florida Junior College, Jacksonville 32207 Arizona Western College, Yuma 85164 Indian River Community College, Ft Pierce 33450 Centro! Arizona College, Coolidge 85228 Manatee Junior College, Bradenton 31505 Glendale Community College, Glendale 85301 St Petersburg Junior College, St Petersburg 33710 Mancopa Technical Community College, Phoents 0(04 Valencia Community College, Orlando 328(X) Mesa Community College, Mesa 85202 Northern Arizona University. Flagstaff 8600i Georgia' Phoenix College, Phoenix 85013 Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College, Tifton 31794 Scottsdale Community College. Scottsdale 85002 Albany Junior College, Albany 31701 Armstrong State College, Savannah 31406 Arkansas: Augusta College, Augusta 30904 Arkansas State University, State E niversitv 7246' Brunswick Junior College, Brunswick 31520 Southern Arkansas Unisersity, Magnolia 7175) Clayton Junior College, Forrest Park 30050 University of Arkansas at Fayetteville, Fayetteville 72701 Columbus College, Columbus 31907 University of Arkansas at Little Rock. Little Rock 72204 Dalton Junior College, Dalton 30720 Westark Community College, Ft Smith 72901 De Kalb Community College, Clarkston 30021 Floyd Junior College, Rome 10161 California: Georgia College, Milledgeville 31061 Antelope Valley College, Lancaster 935)4 Georgia Southwestern College, Americus 11709 Chaffey Community College Alta Loma 91/01 Gordon Junior College, Barnesville 30204 College of the Desert, Palm Desert 92260 Kennesaw College. Marietta 30060 College of Marin, Kent Field 94904 La Grange College, La Grange 10240 College of San Mateo, San Mateo 94402 Macon Junior College, Bibb 31206 Evergreen Val.ey College, San Jose 95128 South Georgia College. Douglas 11511 Golden West College, Huntington Beal h n264- West Georgia College, Carrollton 30117 Grosamont College, El Care 92020 Idaho' Imperial Valley College, Imperial 92251 Boise State University, Boise 83701 Loma Linda University, Loma 1 inda 92154 College of Southern IdahoI win Falls 81101 Long Beach City College. I ong Beach tgigos ewis & Clark State College, Lewiston 83501 Los Angeles Pierce College, Woodland Hill, 0104 North Idaho College, Coeur D Alene 81814 an Nolo, ; Los Angeles Valley College, Ricks College, Rexburg 81440 Mount St Mary's College t os Angeles 9004,, Ohlone College, Fremont 94560 Pacific Union College, 94508 Atea College Bel!estlle 62221 Palomar College, San Marcos 920n, Black Hawk College-Quad Cities Campus, Moline 61263 Paaadetak City College, Pasadena 91106 College of Lake County Grayslake 60030 Sacramento City Co%ege, Sacramento 9382.2 Elgin Community College, Elgin 60120 San Joaquin Delta College. Stockton 9520' Illinois Central College, Fast Peoria 61611 Santa Barbara City College Santa Barbara Illinois Valley Community College, Oglesbv 61348 Victor Valley College. Victors lilt 9239' Joliet Junior College, Joliet 60416 West Los Angeles ( llege1 0, A rig, It s Kaskaskia C (dirge, Centralia 62801 I ev. I, and Clark Community' College, Clodfre,, 6201'. Colorado: I incoln Land Community College, Sptingfiedd 62708 Mesa college Grand Jun( him s 15. Moraine Valle; C ,immunity College, Palos Hills it 465 Pikes Perk Community C allege AoratL, Srtigs s Parkland College C hampaign 61520 University of Southern Pueblo 0,001 Prairie State C ge, Chk ago Heights 60411 I hornton C ommunth Collette, South Holland 604'3 Comieetieut: Indiana. Mkttatuck C ommunitx tall, giNan rtno Of, '14* Mohegan Community t ollcgrNo: An.irrs.on Anderson 46)12 Norwalk Communes Norss,d. tos' Indianaentral I nisersits Indianap,ns Quinruptax Collegr ilarmirn (1651* Indiana StateI nisersitsft rri Hann 1'809

Id? Specialized Accreditation and Preaccreditation

Indiana University at Kokomo, Kokomo 46901 La Bourne Junior College, Boston 02116 Indiana University-Northwest Campus, Gary 46408 Massasoit Community College, Brockton 02402 Indiana University-Purdue University at Ft Wayne, Ft Wayne Middlesex Community College, Bedford 01730 46805 Mount Wachusett Community College, Gardner 01440 Indiana University-Purdue University at Indianapolis, North Shore Community College, Beverly 01915 Indianapolis 46202 Northeastern University, Boston 02115 Purdue University-Calumet Campus, Hammond 46323 Northern Essex Community College, Haverhill 01832 Purdue University-North Central Campus. Westville 46391 Springfield Technical Community College, Springfield 01105 Purdue University-West Lafayette, West Lafayette 47907 University of Evansville. Evansville 47704 Michigan: Vincennes University, Vincennes 47591 Delta College, University Center 48710 Grand Rapids Junior College, Grand Rapids 49502 Kansas: Henry Fo-d 'ommunity College, Dearborn 48128 Cloud County Community College. Concordia 66901 Lansing Community College, Lansing 48914 Hesston College, Hesston 67062 Macomb County Community College-Center Campus, Mount Johnson County Community College, Overland Park 66210 Clemens 48043 Kansas City Kansas Community Junior College, Kansas City Minnesota: 66112 Labette Community Jurnie ('ollege, Parsons 67357 Anoka-Ramsey Community College, Coon Rapids 55433 Austin Community College, Austin 55912 Kentucky. Inver Hills Community College, Inver Grove Heights 55075 Cumberland College, Williamsburg 80769 Metropolitan Community College, Minneapolis 55403 Eastern Kentucky University. Ric hmond 40475 Normandale Community College, Bloomingt.m 55431 Kentucky State University, Frankfort 40601 North Hennepin Community College. Minneapolis 55445 Midway College, Midway 40347 Rochester State Community College, Rochester 55901 Northern Kentucky University, Highland Heights 41076 St Mary's Ji.nior College, Minneapolis 55406 University of Kentucky-Elizabethtown Community College, Mississippi: Elizabethtown 42701 University of Kentt Cc mmune y College. Hinds Junior College, Raymond ..:!154 Louisville 402(81 Meridian Junior College, Meridian 39301 University of KentuckyLexington "technical Institute, Mississippi University for Women, Columbus 39701 Lexington 40506 Northwest Mississippi Junior College, 3eratobla 38668 University of Kentucky-Paducah Community College, Missouri: Paducah 42001 Maryville College of the Sacred Heart, St Louis 63141 Univers.ty of Louisville, Louisville 40202 Penn Valley Community College, Kansas City 64111 Western Kentucky University, Bowlir fireen 42101 St Louis Community College at Florissant Valley, St Louis Louisiana; 63135 Louisiana State Unisersits , :t Alexandria, Alexandria 71301 St Louis Community College at Forrest Park, St Louis 63110 Louisiana State University Medical Center, New Orleans St Louis Community College at Meramec, Kirkwood b3122 70112 St Mary's College of O'Fallon. 0' Fallon 63366 Nicholls State Universe!, hihodaux 70301 Nebraska: Northwestern State University, Shreveport 711(X) College of St Mary, Omaha 68124 Maine: University of Nebraska Medical Center, Omaha 68105 University of Maine at Augusta, Augusta 04330 Nevada; Westbr.iok College. Portland 04103 University of Nevada-Las Vegas, Las Vegas 89109 Marylana: New Hampshire: Anne Arundel Community College, Arnold 21012 New Hampshire Technical Institute, Concord 03301 Community College of Baltimore, Baltimore 21215 Essex Community College. Baltimore County 212)7 New Jersey; Harford Community College. Bel Air 21014 Atlantic Community College, Mays Landing 08330 Howard Community College. Columbia 21029 Berger Community College, Paramus 07652 Montgomery College, Rockville 20850 Brookdale Community College, Lincroft 07738 Prince George's ( ommunits ( ollegLargo 20870 County College of Morris, Dover 07801 Cumberland County College, Vineland 08360 Massachusetts: Essex County Community College, Newark 07102 Atlantic Union College, South 1 ancaster 01561 Feltctan College, Loch 07644 Berkshire Community College. Pittsfield 01202 Gloucester County College, Sewell 08080 Bristol Community ( ollege. F all River 02720 Mercer County Community College, Trenton 08608 Bunker Hill Community College, Charlestown 02129 Middlesex County College, Edison 08817 Cape ( (xi Corimut College, West Batnstahle 026)1 Ocean County College, Tom' River 08753 Holyoke Commuoity College, Ifolvokc 0:040 Passaic Cc ty Community College, Paterson 07'15

143 Specialized Accreditation and Preaccreditation

Somerset County College, Green Brook 08870 Kent State University St -k Campus Ashtabula 440(14 Kent State University- I uscarawas Campus New Philadelphia New Mexico: 44663 College of Santa Fe, Santa t e 87501 Lima "Technical College, Lima 45804 Eastern New Mexico University-Roswell Campus, Roswell Ilain County Community College, Elyria 44015 88201 Marion Technical College, Marion 41102 New Mexico Junior College, Hobbs 88240 Miami University-Hamilton, Hamilton 45011 University of Albuquerque, Albuquerque 6'105 Miami University-Middletown Campus, Middletown 45042 Michael 1 Owens Technical College. Perrysburg 41551 New York: North Central Technical College. Mansfield 44906 Broome Community College, Binghamton 11902 Ohio University- Zanesville Campus, Zanessillc 43701 Community College of the Finger Lakes, Canandaigua 14424 Sinclair Community College, Dayton 45402 Corning Community College. Corning 14830 University of Cincinnati-R Walters General and Tech Col, CUNY-Borough of Manhattan Community College. New Cincinnati 45236 York 10019 Unisersity of Toledo Community and Technical Colleg- CUNY-Bronx Community College, Bronx 10468 Toledo 43(Co CUNY-College of Staten Island-Sunnyside Campus, Staten Youngstown State Umsersity, oungstown 4451)1 Island 10301 CUNY-Kingsborough Community College, Brooklyn 11215 Oklahoma: CUNY-New York City Technical College, Brooklyn 11201 Bacone College, Muskogee 74401 CUNY-Queenborough Community College. New York 11799 Cameron University, Lawton 7 t5o1 Dutchess Community College. Poughkeepsie 12601 Eastern Oklahoma State College, Wilhurton 74578 Genesee Community College, Batavia 14020 Murray State College, Tishomingo 71460 Hudson Valley Community College. Troy 12180 Northeastern Oklahoma Agricultural and Mechanical College. Isabella Graham Hart School of Practical Nursing, Rochester Miami 74154 14621 Northern Oklahoma College, Tonkawa 74651 Jamestown Community College, Jamestown 14701 Oklahoma State I, Yersity Technical Institute, Oklahoma Jefferson Community College, Watertown 13601 City 73102 Maria College of Albany. Albany 12208 Seminole Junior College, Seminole 74868 Mohawk Valley Community College, Loco 13501 South Oklahoma City Junior College, Oklahoma 71 59 Monroe Community College. Rochester 14607 Tulsa Junior College, Tulsa 74102 Nassau Community College, Garden City 11530 Oregon: Niagara County Community College, Sanborn 14112 Onondaga Community College. Syracuse 13210 Chemeketa Community College, Salem 97101 Orange County Community College. Middletown 10940 I ane Community College, Eugene 97402 Pace University-Pleasantville Campus. Pleasantsille 10570 Linn-Benton Community College, AR-any 97121 Rockland Commuerty College, Suffern 10901 Mount Hood Community College. Gresham 97010 Russell Sage Junior College of Albany. Albany 12208 Oregon Institute of Technology. Klamath f-alls 97601 Suffolk County Community College-Main Campus, Schierl Portland Community' College, Portland 97219 Southern Oregon State College, Ashland 97520 11784 SUNY Agricultural and Technical College at Alfred. Alfred Pennsylvania: 14802 Bucks County Community ('ollege, Newtown 18940 SUNY Agricultural and learnt-al College at Canton Canton Community College of Allegheny County, Pittsburgh 15212 13617 Community College of Allegheny County-South Campus. SUNY Agricultural and I echnical College at Farmingdale, West Mifflin 15219 Farmingdale 11715 Community College of Philadelphia, Philadelphia 19107 SUNY Agricultural and Technical College at Morrisvilk, Delaware County Community College, Media 19061 Morrisville 13408 Gwynedd-Mercy College, Gwynedd Valley 19417 Tompkins-Cortland Community College Dryden 11051 Hahnemann Medical Center, Philadelphia 19102 Trocaire College, Buffalo 14200 I uierne County Community College, Nanticoke 18702 University State of NY Regents F sternal Dcgree Program Mount Aloysius tumor College, Cresson 16610 Albany 12210 Northampton County Area ( onirnunits College, Bethlehem North Carolina 18017 Fayetteville Technical Institute. Fayetteville 2770) Rhode Island: Gardner-Webb College. Boiling Spring 280)7 Rhode Island Junior C olkge 1 11110i11 ')2W :'175 Rockingham Community College Wentworth Rhode Island Junior C ollege, V Al wick (121486 Sandhills Com num:). College.arthage 2812' South Carolina: North Dakota: Clemson University, Clemson 29611 North r)akota State t niceisity Fargo sY102 I loreme-Darlington i edina.1 C ollegeF lorence 29c Ohio: Greenville Techtm. al Greenville 29606 Central I .hio tci hmcal College New irk 41oss l'nnersit' of South i, arolina, C ohimhia 292(0

144 1a./ Specialized Accreditation and Preaccreditation

University of South Carolina-Aiken, Aiken 29801 Tidewater Community College, Portsmouth 23703 University of South Carolina Spartanburg Spartanburg 29301 Virginia Highlands Community College, Abingdon 24210 South Dakota: Virginia Western Community College, Roanoke 24015 Wytheville Community College, Wytheville 24382 Dakota Wesleyan University Mitche" 5730i Presentation College, Aberdeen 5740: Vkisitingtoa: University of South Dak ts Vermillion ern:alum 57069 Bellevue Community College, Bellevue 98004 Towing: Clark College, Vancouver 98660 Everett Community College, Everett 98201 Austin Peay State University, Cloksville 37040 Highline Community College, Midway 98031 Belmont College, Nashville 37201 lower Columbia College, Longview 98632 Cleveland State Community College, Clevehinc 37311 Shoreline Community College, North Seattle 98133 Columbia State Community College, Columbia 38401 Tacoma Community College, Tacoma 98465 East Tennessee State University, Johnson City 37601 Walla Walla Community College, Walla Walla 99362 Middle Tennessee State University, Murfreesboro 371 30 Yakima Valley College, Yakima 98901 Southern Missionary College, Collegedale 37315 Tennessee State University, Nashville 37203 Writ%greats: Union University, Jackson 38301 Bluefield State College, Bluefield 24701 University of Tennessee, Martin 38237 Fairmont State College, Fairmont 26554 University of Tennessee at Nashville, Nashville 37203 Marshall University, Huntington 25701 Touri: Parkersburg Community College, Parkersburg 26101 University of "harleston, Charleston 25304 Amanllo Coll age, Amarillo 79178 W'est Virginia Northern Community College, Wheeling 26003 Angelina College, Lufkin 75901 Angelo State University, San Angelo 76901 Wisconsin: Central Texas College, Killeen 76541 Blackhawk Technical institute, Janesville 53511 College of the Mainland, Texas City 77590 Fox Valley Technical Institute, Appleton 54911 Cooke County Junior College, Gainesville 76240 Gateway Technical Institute-Kenosha Campus, Kenosha Del Mar College, Corpus Christi 78404 53140 El Centro College, Dallas 75200 Madison Area Technical College, Madison 53703 El Paso Community College, Ei Pas,. 79998 Milwaukee Area Technical College, Milwaukee 5323 Galveston-firctosport Cooperative Program. Galveston 77 :50 Waukesha County Technical institute, Pewaukee Grayson County Junior College, Denison 75020 Western Wisconsin Technical Institute, La Crosse 54601 Howard College, Big Spring 79720 Wyoming: Kilgore College, Kilgore 75662 Casper College, Casper 82601 Laredo Junior College, Laredo 78040 McLennan Community College, Waco 76701 Puerto Rico: Midwestern State University, Wichita Falls 76108 Puerto Rico Junior College, Rio Piedras 00928 Odessa College, Odessa 79760 University of Puerto Rico-Arecibo Regional College, Arecibo Pans Junior College., Par,. 75460 00612 San Antonio College, San Antonio 78212 University of Puerto Rico-Mayaguez Campus, Mayaguez Southwestern Adventist College, Keene '6059 00708 Tarrant County Junior College, Hurst 76053 University of Puerto it3co. Humacao University College, Texarkana Colleco, Texarkana 755C1 Humacao 00661 Utah: Virgin Islands: Bngham Young University Provo 84601 College of Virgin islands. St Thomas 00801 Utah State University, Logan 84321 Utah Technical College at Salt Lake Cos, Salt Lake Cos Professional Nursing (Diploma-Accredited) 84101 Weber State College, Ogden 84403 Alabama. Vermont: Holy Name of Jesus Hospital, Gadsden 35902 Castleton State College, Castleton o.3735 Providence Hospita,, Mobile 36600 University of Vermont. Burlington 05401 St Vincent's Hospital, Birmingham 35200 Vermont College, Montpelier 05602 Sylacauga Hospital, Sylacauga 35150 California: Virginia: Germanna Community College, Fredricksburg 2321 California Hospital Medical Center, Los Angeles 90015 J Sargeant Reynolds Community College, Richmond 21210 Los Angeles County Medical Center. Los Angeles 90031 Samuel Merritt Hospital. Oakland 94609 Marymount Crtlege of Virginia, Arlington 22207 Norfolk State college, Norfolk 23504 Colorado: Northern Virginia Community College Annandale 2203 Beth-4 I School of Nursing of Memorial Hospital, ( olorado Shenandoah College Winchester 22601 Springs 80909

145 157 Specialized Accreditation and Preaccreditation

Presbyterian /St Luke's Sch of Nursing, Denver 80205 Iowa Methodist Medical Center, Des Moines 50308 University of Colorado Health Sciences Center, Denver Jennie Edmundson Memorial Hospital, Council Bluffs 51501 80203 Marshalltown Community College, Marshalltown 50158 Mercy Hospital, Des Moines 50314 Cossectica*: St Joseph Mercy Hospital, Sioux City 51104 Bridgeport Hospital, Bridgeport 06602 St Luke's Medical Center, S ws City 51104 Middlesex Memorial Hospital, Middletown 06457 St Luke's Methodist Hospital, Cedar Rapids 52402 St Francis Hospital. Hartford 06103 St Mary's Hospital, Waterbury 06702 St Vincent's Hospital, Bridgeport 06606 Asbury Hospital, Salina 67401 Newman Hospital, Emporia 66801 Delaware: Stormont-Vail Hospital, Topeka 66606 Beebe Hospital, Lewes 19958 Wesley Medical Center, Wichita 67214 District of Columbia: Kaitucky: Washington Hospital Center, Washington 20010 Kentucky Baptist Hospital. Louisville 40204 nark's: Louisiana: Jackson Memorial Hospital. Miami 33136 Chanty Hospital of Louisiana at New Orleans, New Orleans Georgia: 70410 Crawford W Long Memorial Hospital, Atlanta 30308 Our Lady of the Lake Hospital, New Orleans 70800 Georgia Baptist Hospital Medical Center, Atlanta 30312 Touro Infirmary, New Orleans 7011 Grady Memorial Hospital, Ati mta 30303 Mabee: Piedmont Hospital. Atlanta 30309 Eastern Maine Medical Center, Bangoi 04401 Mercy Hospital, Portland 04101 Augustan Hospital, Chicago 60614 St Joseph Hospital, Bangor 04401 Blessing Hospital, Quincy 62301 St Mary's General Hospital, Lewiston 04240 Decatur Memorial Hospital, Decatur 62526 Maryland: Evangelical School at Christ Hospital, Oak Lawn 60 33 Evanston Hospital, Evanston 60201 Macqueen G Willis School-Memorial Hospital, Easton 21601 Graham Hospital Asaoc,ation, Canton 61520 Maryland General Hospital, Baltimore 21201 Illinois Masonic Medical Center, Chicago 60657 St Joseph Hospital, Towson 21204 Lakeview Medical Center, Danville 61832 Union Memorial Hospital, Baltimore 21218 Little Company of Mary Hospital, Evergreen Park 60642 Massachusetts: Lutheran General and Deaconess Hospitals, Park Ridge 60068 Baystate Medical Center, Springfield 01107 Lutheran Hospital, Moline 61265 Brockton Hospital, Brockton 02402 Mennonite Hospital, Bloomington 61701 Burbank Hospital, Fitchburg 01420 Methodist Medical Center of Illinois, Peoria 61603 Framingham Union Hospital, Framingham 01701 Moline Public Hospital, Moline 61265 Lawrence Memorial Hospital, Medford 02155 Passavant Memorial Area Hospital, Chicago 60611 Leominster Hospital, Leominster 01453 Ravensw000 Hospital Medical Center, Chicago 60600 Lowell General Hospital, Lowell 01854 Rockford Memorial Hospital, Rockford 61101 Malden Hospital, Malden 02148 South Chicago Community Hospital, Chicago 60617 Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston 02114 St Anne's Hospital, Chicago 60302 New England Baptist Hospital, Boston 02120 St Anthony's Hospital, Rockford 61101 New England Deaconess Hospital, Boston 02215 St Francis Hospital, Evanston 60200 NewtonWellesley Hospital, Newton Lower Falls 02162 St Francis Hospital Medical Center, Peoria 61603 Peter Brent Bngham Hospital, Boston 02115 St John's Hospital, Springfield 62701 Somerville Hospital. Somerville 07143 St Joseph Hospital, Joliet 60435 St Elizabeth's Hospital. Brighton 02135 St Mary of Nazareth Hospital Center, Chicago 60622 St Vincent Hospital, Worcester 01610 West Suburban Hospital Association, Oak Park 60302 Worcester City Hospital, Worcester 01610 'adios*: Worcester - Hahnemann Hospital, Worcester 01605 Deaconess Hospital, Evansville 47710 Michigan: Lutheran Hospital Ft Wayne 46807 Blodgett Memorial Hospital, Grand Rapids 49506 Memorial Hospital of South Bend. South Bend 46601 Bronson Methodist Hospital, Kalamazoo 49006 Parkview Methodist School of Nursing, Ft Wayne 46805 Butterworth Hospital, Grand Rapids 49503 St Elizabeth School of Nursing, Lafayette 47904 Hack ley Hospital, Muskegon 49440 St Joseph's Hospital, Ft W'iyne 46804 Henry Ford Hospital, Detroit 48202 Iowa: Hurley Medical Center, Flint 48502 Allen Memorial Hospital, Water 100 507C Mercy Central School of Nursing, Grand Rapids 49503 Finley Hospital. Dubuque 52001 Mercy School of Nursing of Detroit, Detroit 48211

146 Specialized Accreditation and Preaccreditation Mianasotic Marion S Whelan School of Practical Nursing. Geneva 14456 Lutheran Deaconess Hospital, Minneapolis 55404 Memorial Hospital, Albany 12208 Mounds-Midway School of Nursing, St Paul 55104 Millard Fillmore Hospital. Buffalo 14209 St Cloud Hospital, St Cloud 56301 Samaritan Hospital, Troy 12180 St Luke's Hospital, Duluth 558(X) Sisters of Charity Hospital, Buffalo 14214 Miadwappl: St Elizabe:h's Hospital, Utica 1154) St James Mercy Hospital, Hornell 14'43 St Dominic-Jackson Memorial School of Nursing Jackson St Joseph's Hospital, Elmira 14900 39216 St Joseph's Hospital, Syracuse 11200 Missouri: St Mary's Hospital, Amsterdam 12010 Barnes Hospital, St Louis 63110 St Vincent's Hospital and Medical Center, NewYork 10011 Burge School of Nursing, Springfield 65802 St Vincent's Medical Center of Richmond, Staten Island Deaconess Hospital, St Louis 63139 10314 Jewish Hospital, St Louis 63110 North Carolina: Lutheran Medical Center. St Louis 67118 Cabarrus Memorial Hospital, Concord 28025 Methodist Hospital Medical Center, St Joseph 64501 Davis Hospital, Statesville 28677 Missouri Baptist Hospital, St Louis 63131 Durham County General Hospital, Durham 27700 Research Hospital and Medical Center, Kansas City 64132 Mercy School of Nursing, Charlotte 28207 St John's Hospital, Spnnglield 65804 Presbyterian Hospital. Charlotte 28200 St Louis Municipal School of Nursing, St Louis 6)104 St Luke's Hospital, St Louis 63112 North Dakota:

St Luke's Hospital of Kansas City. Kansas City 641 Ii Bismarck Hospital, Bismarck 58501 St Luke's Hospital, Fargo 58t02 Nebraska: Trinity Medical Center, Minot 58701 Bishop Clarkson Memorial Hospital, Omaha 681 11 Ohio: Bryan Memorial Hospital, Lincoln 68506 Mary Limning Memorial Hospital, Hastings 68901 Akron sir 5- "decal Center, Akr 44307 Nebraska Methodist Hospital, Omaha 68114 Aultman Hospital, Canton 44710 West Nebraska General Hospital, Scottsbluff 69361 Bethesda Hospital, Cincinnati 45268 Cleveland Metropolitan Hospital, Cleveland 44109 New Haaspiddre: Cornmumty Hospital of Springfield-Clark County. Springfield Cheshire Hospital, Keene 03431 45501 Concord Hospital, Concord 03101 Deaconess Hospital, Cincinnati 45219 New Jersey: Fairview General Hospital, Cleveland 44111 Good Samaritan Hospital Cincinnati 45220 Ann May School 9ursing, Neptune 07751 Holzer Medical Center, Gallipolis 45631 Christ Hospital. Jersey City t)7306 Idabel le Firestone school of Nursing, Akron 44308 Clara Maass Memorial Hospital, Belles ille 07109 Jewish Hospital. Cincinnati 45229 Elizabeth General Hospital and Dispensary, Elizabeth 07201 Lutheran Medical Center, Cleveland 44113 Englewood Hospital, Englewood 07631 M B Johnson School-Elyria Memorial Hospital,Elyria 44035 Gregory School of Nursing-Perth Amboy General Hospital Mansfield General Hospital, Mansfield 44903 Perth Amboy 08861 Massillon City Hospital. Massillon 44646 Helene Fuld Medical Center, Trenton 08607 Mercy Hospital, Toledo 43624 Helene Fuld School of Nursing-West Jersey Hospi:al, Miami Valley Hospital, Dayton 454(9 Camden 08104 Mount Carmel School of Nursing, Columbus 43222 Holy Name Hospital, Teaneck 07666 Ohio Valley Hospital, Steubenville 43952 Mercer Medical Center, Trenton 08607 Providence Hospital, Sandusky 44870 Mountainside Hospital. Montclair 07040 St Alexis Hospital, Cleveland 44127 Muhlenberg Hospital, Plainfield 07060 St Elizabeth Medical Center, Youngstown 44505 Orange Memorial Hospital, Orange 07050 St Thomas Hospital, Akron 44310 Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital. Camden 08101 St Vincent Charity Hospital, Cleveland 44115 St Francis Hospital. Jersey City 07700 St Vincent Hospital and Medical Center, "Toledo 43E08 St Francis Hospital, Trenton 086(8) 1 he Christ Hospital, Cincinnati 45219 St Peter's Medical Center. New Brunswick 08901 Toledo Hospital School of Nursing, Toledo 436)6 New York: Trumbull Memorial Hospital, Warren 44482 ArnetOgden Memorial Hospital, Elmira 14901 Oklahoma: Buffalo General Hospital. Buffalo 14201 St Anthony Hospital Oklahoma City 71102 Catholic Medical Center, Jamaica !1432 Oregon: Crosse- Irving Memorial Hospital, Syracuse 1 1210 Good Samaritan Hospital and Medical ( Flushing Hospital and Medical Center Flushing11155 entm, Portland 97210 Jewish Hospital and Medical Center of Brooklyn, lirookIsti Pennsylvania. 11238 Abington Memorial 11,,spital, Ahington 19001

147 15:, Specialized Accreditation and Preaccreditation Knott, illy 17941 Albert Einstein Medical Center, Philadelphia19141 St Mary's Medial CV1111:( Allentown Hospital Aasociation, Allentown 18102 Texas: Altoona Hospital, Altoona 16601 Baptist Memorial Hospital Ss stem San Atittnito7820 Bryn Mawr Hospital. Bryn Mawr 19010 Brackenridge Hospital, At,,tin 78701 Chester County Hospital. West Chester 19 180 Mary Meek School of Nursing HendrickMedical ( enter Chestnut Hill Hospital, Philadelphia 19118 Abilene 79604 Citizens General Hospital, New Kensington15068 Methodist Hospital, 1 ohbock 79410 Coatesville Hospital, Coatsville 19120 Northwest Texas Hospital, Amarillo 79105 Community Medical Center, Scranton 18510 Texas Eastern St hool of Nursing,1 sler 757th Conemaugh Valley Memorial Hospital, Johnstown15905 Episcopal Hospital. Philadelphia 19125 Virginia: Frankford Hospital, Philadelphia 19124 Alexandria Hospital Alexandria 22114 24009 Geismger Medical Center, Danville 17821 Community Hospital of Roanoke 'alles, Roanoke Germantown Dispensary and Hospital, Philadelphia19144 De Paul Ho-pital, Norfolk 23505 Hazleton State General Hospital. Hazleton18201 Louise Obici School of Nursing, Suffolk 2 14 14 Jameson Memorial Hospital, New Castle 16101 Memorial Hospital, Danville 24541 Lancaster General Hospital. Lancaster 17604 Norfolk General Hospital Norfolk 2)507 Lankenau Hospital. Philadelphia 19100 Petersburg General Hospital, Petersburg 21801 Memorial Hospital-Roxborough School of Nursing, Portsmouth General Hospital, Portsmouth 21714 Philadelphia 19 128 Richmond Memorial .lospital. Richmond 2322' Mercy Hospital, Scranton 18501 Riverside Hospital. Newport News 23601 Mercy Hospital. Altoona 16601 Roanoke Memorial Hospital, Roanoke 24014 Mercy Hospital of Pittsburgh, Pittsburg 15219 West Virginia: Methodist Hospital, Philadelphia 19148 Ohio Valley Medical Center, Wheeling 20(001 Northeastern Hospital Sch of Nursing.Philadelphia 19134 St Mary's Hospital, Huntington 25701 Ohio Valley Hospital, McKee% Rocks 151)6 Pittston Hospital Sch of Nursing Pittston 18640 Wisconsin: Pottsville Hospital and Warne Clinic, Pottsville19001 Bellin Memorial Hospital, Green Bay 54100 Presbyterian University of Pennsylvania MedicalCenter, Columbia Hospital, Milwaukee 5 1211 Philadelphia 191(4 Deaconess Hospital, Milwaukee 5 1231 Reading Hospital and Medical Center, Reading1)601 Mercy Medical Center, Oshkosh 54901 Robert Packer Hospital. Sayre 18840 Milwaukee County General Hospital, Milwaukee51226 Sewickley Valley Hospital. Sewickley 15141 St Joseph's Hospital, Marshfield 54449 Shadyside Hospital, Pittsburgh 152 12 St Luke's Hospital, Racine 51400 Sharon General Hospital. Sharon 16146 Puerto Rico: St Agnes Medical Center, Philadelphia 19145 Unisersity of Puerto Rico Medical Sciences ( ampus.San St Francis General Hospital, Pittsburgh 15201 St Francis Hospital of New Castle, New CastleInInt Juan 00916 St Joseph Hospital, Lancaster 17604 St Joseph's Hospital, Reading 19000 Practical Nursing (Accredited) St Luke's Hospital, Bethlehem 18015 St Margaret Memorial Hospital-McClinticSchool of Nursing, Alaska. Pittsburgh 15201 L'nisersits of Alaska Arkhrr,:g( rmirr)imrtN. Coilegc. Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia 19107 Anchorage 995(9 Uniontown Hospital Association, I. monttiss ii15401 California: Washington Hospital, Washingtor !SIM Golden West College, Huntington heath '(2047 Western Pennsylvania Hospital, Pittsburgh 1.,224 San Joaquin L il l(( liege, S of kton952(17 Wiihamsport Hospital. Willtamsrm 17701 Delaware: Rhode Island. Delaware Ire biota) and ( ommilints ge 'southern Newport Hospital, Newport 02840 Campus, Crurrrgetrtwo 19947 St Joseph's Hospital, 'North Pritsident e02404 Delaware Technical and ( ormitrlos ("Huge Stanttin South Dakota: Campus, Newark 1990) Rapid City Regional Hospital, Rapid (its 7'7(11 District of Columbia Sioux Valley Hospital Sioux I ails 57105 Hannah Harrison ( are( ISr 1,, ,r1 lit11 Nursing Program Teanessee: A'ashingtort 2i8')' Baptist Memorial Hospital. Memphis 18140 Florida Pantries% F rlanger Hospital, ( hattanotiga'740 1 Hroward C mirth l'ra, It. al Nursmc fitter tillIr1 aurierdale East Tennessee Baptist Hospital, Knossille Ft Sanders Presbyterian Hospit..I k floc,. rile '900 (1)14 C tl Prar lit al tilirm 010 A tl,torr, \ orenter, Methodist Hospital Memphis 181(m) CrLontri I ne(4 111)61 St Joseph 5 Hospital, Memphis ;AIM

148 I Specialized Accreditation and Preaccreditation

Brossard C ty Prat tit al Nurse Prgm Sheridan Lot Center. Sikeston Pubht Schools, Hayti 63851 Hollywood 11020 Sikeston Publit St hods, Sikeston 60(01 Lindsey Hopkins let hnital Educational Center, Miami 73112 St Mary's Hospital St 1 ours 61117 Orange Counts Vocational St heio:. Orlando 12073 Nebraska: Georgia: Alliance School of Practical Nursing. Alliance 69101 Memorial Medical Center 1,1%. AIWA 11405 Central Nebraska Technology College, Kearney 68847 Illinois: Southeast C (immunity College Lincoln ( ampus. 1 incoln Chicago Publit Schools. Chicago 60612 68352 Illinois Central C'ollege East Peoria 61611 New Hampshire: Lake Land College, Mattoon 61918 St Joseph Hospital Sch of Pratt Nursing Nashua 0 OW Thornton Community College, South Holland n(1413 Triton College, Roer Grose 60171 New Mexico: Indiana: Albuquerque 1ethnical- %ixational Institute, Albuquerque 87106 Indiana Vocational !ethnical ( ollege-Indiana Technical inst, Indianapolis 46241 New York; Vincennes Emsersits, Vincennes 47591 Edna G Dyett School Millard f illmorc Hospital, Buffalo lows: 14209 Des Moines Area C ommunits College, Carroll 50109 Elizabeth Sewn College, 'tankers 10701 Des Moines Area Communes College Ankeny 5(1021 Isabella Graham Hart School of Prat titat Nursing, Rochester 14621 Kansas: Nassua County Board of Cooperative Educ anion Services, Dodge Cits Cornwallis Junior College. Dodge Cits 67801 Westoury 11568 Kass Area Vocational- let hintal School, Topeka 66604 St Francis Hospital Olean 1476(1 North Central Karl as Area % ocational technical Sclux)1, North Carolina: Belem 67420 Wichita Prat tit al Nursing 'school, htta 61208 Wake Technical institute, Raleigh 27601 Maryland: Ohio: Charles County Community College, la Plata 20646 Akron School of Practical Nursing, Akron 44311 Eastern Shore Hospital Center, Cambridge 21211 Central School, Cleveland 44114 Johnston Sr hool of Practical Nursing Baltimore 21218 Hannah E Mullins School. Salem 44460 orain County Community College, Elyria 44015 Massachusetts: Sandusky School of Practical Nursing, Sandusky 44870 Boston Department of Health and Hospitals. Boston 62118 St Francis Central School, Cincinnati 45202 Quincy Vocational let Firma! School Quincy 02169 Oklahoma: Michigan, Central Oklahoma Vocational-Technical Sclux-d, Drumnght Bay City hat tical Nurse Center, Bay City 48706 74030 Grand Rapids Junior College. Grand Rapids 49502 Great Plains Vocational- fechnital St hool, Lawton 71501 Pine Rest Christian Hospital, Grand Rapids 49508 Tulsa County Vocational-Technical St hool Memorial Shapero St hool of Practical Nursing, Detroit 48235 Campus. 1 ulsa 74100 Minnesota: Pennsylvania: Anoka Area Vocational Iet hnical In-dilute. Anoka 55303 Danville Area School Divot t Prat tical Nursing Prgm, Dakota County Area Vocational let hnical School, Rosemont Danville 17821 55068 Northampton Count, Area Communits College. Beth',,hem Rochester Area Vocational In-dinned' Institute, Rochester 18017 55901 Presbyterian Unisersits of Pennsylvania Medic-al Center. Rochester Stale Hospital, Rochester 55901 Philadelphia 19104 St Cloud Area Vocational- I echnit al School, St Cloud 56101 Sacred Heart Hospital, Norristown 19401 St Paul Technical Vox atonal Institute St Paul 55102 Westmoreland Count, Community Youtigu..,e+ci Suburban Hennepin Area V owcational- let hnital Institute 15697 Brooklyn Park 55429 Willmar Area Vocational1- ec brut al Institute. Willmar 56201 Rhode Island. Mississippi. Rhode Island Junior College_ Waissii I 02886 Golden Triangle Vof ational let hint al ( enter, Columbus South Carolina 39701 Midlands !ethnical College Columbia 2250 Missouri Richland School Di in,#1, Columbia 29204 Kansas Cits Missouri Board of 1-diuittion, Kansas C ity 64108, leans: Nit hors C areer CenterJefferson C ns Public Schools, 1, isyo Junior C.,11cgt. 1647' )eflerson City 65101 I aredo Junior CollegeI ,irt.tio 7$046

140 1 f' Specialized Accreditation andPreaccreditation

Utah: San Jose State University, San Jose 95114 Weber State College, Ogden 84401 University of Southern California, Los Angeles 9(X)07 Virginia: Colorado: Central School, Norfolk 23517 Colorado State University, Ft Collins 80521 Hennco County-St Mary's Hospital, Richmond 21228 Connecticut: NewportNews Public Schools, Newport News 23W! QuInntplacCollege, Hamden 06518 Richmond Pub lic School, Richmond23230 Suffo lkPublic Schools, Suffolk23501 District of Columbia: Howard University, Washington 20001 Washington: EllensburgPractical Nurse Program, Yakima 98901 Florida: Everett Community College, Everett 98201 Florida International University, Miami 33144 Grandview School District, Yakima 98901 University of Florida. Gainesville 32611 Lower Columbia College, Longview 98632 Georgia: Skagit Valley College, Mount Vernon 98271 Yakima Valley College, Yakima 98901 Medical College of Georgia, Augusta 30902 Wisconsin: Illinois: Lakeshore TechnicalInstitute, Cleveland 53015 University of Illinois Medical Center, Chicago 60680 Madison Area Technical College, Madison 53703 Indiana: Mid-State Technical Institute, Stevens Point 54494 Indiana University Medical Center, Indianapolis 46202 Milwaukee Area Technical College, Milwaukee 53203 Moraine Park Vocational-Technical & Adult Education Kansas: Center, Fond du Lac 54935 University of Kansas Medical Center, Kansas City 66103 Sacred Heart School, Milwaukee 53202 SouthwestWisconsin Vocational- I echniial Institute, Kentucky: Fennimore 5380; Eastern Kentucky University, Richmond 40475 Western Wisconsin Technical Institute. La Crosse 54601 Louisiana: Puerto Rico: Louisiana State University Medical Center, New Orleans Ryder Memonal Hospital, Humacao 00661 70112 Northeast Louisiana University, Monroe 71201 Maryland: OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY Towson State University, Baltimore 21204

Massachusetts: American Medical Asseciatior. Boston University, Boston 02215 Committee on AlliedHealthEducation and Tufts University, Medford 02155 Accreditation Michigan: Eastern Michigan University, Ypsilanti 48197 John E Beckley, Secretary Wayne State University, Detroit 48202 515 North Dearborn Street Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo 49001 Chicago, Illinois 60610 In rooperatkm with Minnesota: College of St Catherine, St Pual 55105 American Occupational Therapy Association University of Minnesota at Minneapolis-St Paul, Minneapolis Accreditation Committee t,5455 Missouri: Gail I icciardello. Coordinator, 01 K University of Missouri. Columbia 65201 6000 Bou/evard, Suite 2(X) Washington Universcy, St Louts 63130 Rodo.ille, Maryland 208s2 New Hampshire: OccupationalTherapist (Accredited) University of New Hampshire, Durham 01824 New Jersey: Alabama: Kean College of New Jersey Union 07081 University of Alabama Birmingham, Birmingham 15244 New York: Arkansas: Columbia Unisersily, New lark 10027 Central Arkansas I_ nicersos tons is t'UNY-York College. Jamaica 11412 C'alifornia: Hie Community College City Campus, Ness York 14209

I oma I inlaniversiiv 1 rmi I qui., 02 New lark University, New York 1(88)1


ti Specialized Accreditation and Preaccreditation

Syracuse University-Utica College. Utica 135(10 Apollo College of Medical & Dental Assistants, Glendale SUNY at Buffalo, Buffalo 14222 85301 SUNY Downstate Medical Center, Brooklyn 11203 Apollo College of Medical and Dental Assistants, Glenriale North Carolina: 85302 Arizona Automotive Institute, Glendale 85301 EastCarolina University, Greenville 27834 Arizona College of Medical, Dental and Legal Careers, North Dakota: Tucson 85719 University of North Dakota, Grand Forks 58201 Arizona College of Medical, Dental and Legal Careers, Phoenix 85012 Ohio: Arizona Tech, Phoenix 85004 Cleveland State University, Cleveland 44115 ABC Trade Schools, Tucson 85713 Ohio State University-Main Campus, Columbus 43210 Biosystems Institute, Phoenix 85034 Painsylvaiala: Bryman School, Phoenix 85006 De Vry Institute of Technology, Phoenix 85016 Elizabethtown College, Elizabethtown 17022 Temple University, Philadelphia 19122 Hairstylist Barber College, Phoenix 85015 University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia 19104 Institute of Medical-Dental Technology at Mesa, Mesa 85201 Motorcycle Mechanics Institute, Phoenix 85004 South Carolina: Mountain States Technical Institute, Phoenix 85017 Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston 29403 Phoenix Institute of Technology, Phoenix 85034 Taus: Phoenix School of Welding, Phoenix 85003 Plaza 3 Fashion Merchandising Institute of Arizona, Pblenix Texas Woman's University, Denton 76204 85016 University of Texas Medical Branch at Galseston, Galseston Refrigeration School, Phoenix 85034 77550 Roberto-Venn School of I uthery, Phoenix 85012 Ron Bailie School of Broadcast, Phoenix 85004 Virginia Commonwealth Unisersity. Richmond 21227 Southwestern Medical Society Academy, Phoenix 85004 Universal Techrical Institute, Phoenix 85017 Washington: Arkansas: University of Puget Sound, Tacoma 98416 University of Washington, Seattle 98195 Arkansas College of Technology, Little Rock 72204 Wisconsin: California: Mount Mary College. Milwaukee 51222 Academy of Stenographic Arts, San Francisco 94102 University of Wisconsin-Madison. Madison 51706 Academy International, Santa Barbara 93101 Academy Pacific, Santa Barbara 93101 University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Milwaukee 53211 Academy Pacific, Hollywood 90028 PuertoRico: Academy Pacific, San Bernadino 92401 University of Puerto Rico Medical Sciences Campus, Safi American Business College-Technical Division, San Diego Juan 00936 92199 American College of Paramedical Arts and Science, Santa Ana 92706 Andon College-Vocational Health Careers, San Jose 95128 OCCUPATIONAL, TRADE, AND A-sociated Technical College, Los Angeles 90057 TECHNICAL EDUCATION Bauder College Specializmq in Career Education, Sacramento 95825 National Association of Trade and TechnicAl Schools Bay City College of Dental and Medical Assistants, San Francisco 44102 Accrediting Commission Bay Valley Tech, Santa Clara 95050 Brooks College, Long Beach 90804 William A Goddard, Secretary Bryman School. San Francisco 94103 2021 K S:reet, N W Suite 150 Wyman School, San _tole 95128 Washington, D C 2(kX)6 Bryman School, Orange 92688 Bryman School, Rosemead 91770 Oct -,ational, Trade, and Technical Education 13ryrnan School, Torrance 90504 (Accredited) Wyman School, I ong Beach 90807 13ryman School, Canoga Park 91306 Airings*: Bryman School, Los Angeles 90017 Alabama College of Tecnnology, Immingham California Academy of Drafting, San Jose 95117 Herzing Institute, Btrmrngham 3520s California College of Dental Training, Los Angeles 90014 R E T S Electronic Institute. Birmingham 1(234 alifornia College of Qespiratory Therapy, San Diego 92117 alitornia l'aiomedical and Technical College, Long Beach Arizona: 90807 Academy of Drafting. Tempe x5 .,',8 1 CaliforniaI radc 1 botcal Schools Inc each 90813

151 Specialized Accreditation and Preaccreditation

College for Recording Arts, San Francisco 94102 Southland College of Medical, Dental and Legal Caleers, Los Columbia College, Hollywood 90038 Angeles 90020 Commercial Diving Center, Wilmington 90744 Studio Seven Fashion Career College, Covina °1723 Computer Learning Center of Los Angeles, Los Angeles Transportation Training Corporation, Long Beach 90807 90010 United Health Careers Institute Inc, San Bernardino 92406 Condie College of Business and Computer Technology, San Valley College of Medical & Dental Assistants, North Jose 95129 Hollywood 91602 Control Data Insinute, Los Angeles 90045 Weslyn College of Medical and Dental Careers, Bellflower Control Data Iratitute, Anaheim 92801 90706 Control Data institute, San Francisco 94:08 Western College of Allied Health Careers, Sacramento 93821 Dental Technology Institute, Orange 92667 Western College of Medical and Dental Assistants, Van Nuys Elegance International, Los Ar.geles 90010 9140) Estelle Harman Actor's Workshop, Los Angeles 9006 Western Ti uck Driving School, West Sacramento 95691 Galen College of Medical and Dental Assistants, Fresno Colorado: 93728 American Diesel and Automotive School, Ltd , Denver 80223 Galen College of Medical and Den' ,1 Assistants, Visalia Bel-Rea Institute of Animal Technology, Denver 80231 93277 Gemo logical Institute of America, Santa Monica 90404 Brinker School of Surveying and Mapping, Denver 80210 Golden State Schools, San Bernardino 94408 Certified Welding School, Englewood 80110 Colorado Aerotechnical School, Broomfield 80020 Heald Institute of Technology, San Jose °5113 International Career Academy, Van Nuys 91401 Colorado College of Medical and Denial Assistants, Denver Lawton Institute of Med:cal Studies, Santa Ana 92706 80203 Lawton School for Medical and Dental Assistaris, Palo Alto Colorado Institute of Art, Denver 80203 Colorado School of Trades, Lakewood 802:5 94306 Louise Sa linger Academy of Fashion, San Francisco 94105 Denver Automotive and Diesel College, Denvei 80_23 Modern Welding Trade School, Anaheim 92801 Denver institute of Technology, Denver 80221 Modern Welding Trade School, Downey 90241 Denver Paralegal Institute, Denver 80218 Molar Barber College, Oakland 94607 Design Floral School, Denver 80223 Moler Barber College, San Francisco 94102 Electronic Technical Institute Inc, Denver 80204 National Technical School-Resident Division, Los Angeles Ken's State Barber and Styling College, Aurora 80110 National Camera - technical Training Division, Englewood 90037 Northwest College of Medical and Dental Assistants, Pomona 80110 Parks College-Technical Division, Denvei 80221 91768 Northwest College of Medical and Dental Assistants, West Rocky Mountain School of Art, Denver 80218 Covina 91790 Ron Bathe School of Broadcast, Denver 80204 Oakland College for Dental and Medical Assistants, Oakland Connecticut: 94613 Academy for Hairstylists, Hartford 06101 Pacific College of Medical and Dental Assistants, San Diego Connecticut Academy of Dental Technology, East Norwalk 92116 06855 Pacific Travel School, Santa Ana 92701 Connecticut School of Electronics, New Haven 06501 Polytechnical Institute, San Jose 94112 Hartford Modern School of Welding, Hartford 06114 Practical Schools, Anaheim 92805 Hartford Technical Institute, Hartford 06112 Ron Bathe School of Broadcast, San Jose 95128 Paler School of Art Inc, Hamden 06511 Rcn Bailie School of Broadcast, San Francisco 94102 Porter & Chester Institute, Waterbury 06721 Rosston Schools of Men's Hair Design, Pasadena 91105 Porter and Chester Institute, Rocky Hill 06067 Rosston Schools of Men's Hair Design, San Bernardino 92401 Porter and Chester Institute 3, Stratford 06497 Rosston Schools of Men's Hair Design, Long Beach 90E13 Propersi Galleries & School of Art, Greenwich 06810 Rosston Schools of Men's Hair Design, Reseda 91335 School of the Hartford Ballet, Hartford 06105 Rolston Schools of Men's Hair Design, Long Beach 90802 Technical Careers institute, West Haven 06516 Rosston Schools of Men's Hair Design, Anaheim 92805 Royal Barber College, Los Angeles 90073 District of Columbia: San Diego College of Medical and Dental Assistants, San Georgetown School of Science and Arts, Washington 10(/07 Diego 92115 Lincoln 'Technical institute, Washington 20027 San Diego Technical Institute, San Diego 92101 Theatre School, Vs ashington 20007 Sierra Academy of Aeronautics, Oakland 94614 Southern California College of Medical and Dental Careers, Florida: A lithe= 92804 Art Institute of f t Lauderdale, Ft Lauderdale 33116 Southland College of Medical and Dental Careers, Bauder Pasbion College, Miami 33111 Montebello 90640 Brown Institute, Ft Lauderdale 33308 Southland College of Med:cal, Dental and Legal Camera, Hight Safety International Inc, Vero Beach 12960 Gardena 90506 lorida Career Institute, Miami 33115 Southland College of Medical, Dental and I egal C areers, Florida College of Medical and Dental Assistants. Downey 90241) Jacksonville 12211

151 t Sci ,.reed Accredit-in and Preaccreditation

oace, ommett ial C °liegeMiami flits I trued Iin (row. cIn,st 41 c,r I)c, \it tins c(20', hut !nationalI et.hrtit i1 hedititteI arnpa 11nos Let lt,onsille fiarbering alto Hatt Design Itiltgt Kansas 12216 Bryan InditureWiehita (.72(), Jones ( olhge Medical I durationenter, Jack, ens lilt' 1221" limate ontrol Institute k rc tutu e72] Martin-Studio e ominers,al Art ,8 \.eitianng01, M lain] leetronte f_ornputcr Progtaturtung lti,titute wit hat. 6'211; 1-10,..irt1111C Compcter Programming InstituteI opc-ka 670,42

Miami Bather Collegt, hieMiami 1tI `c Kansas Si In na1 of hairstyling, Wit. hita t172 II Miami Barber tolleges Inc. FtI auderdale 1'12i ,!!theta Autornottsand E lectrona., ln,fttette ',hits 67211' Miami Ito hmeal institute Miami 311 lc A ',hutI (Lhnikal Instuutc, A !chit., 6721 1 Orlirdo Barber College, IntOrland(1,xtic Kentucl y Respiratory Iheraps , Miami 111 Institut of I leetromc intiou.sPaducah 4201)1 Sunstate College of Barer Styling, 1 argo 1 ts40 I emits t. 'dirge of Sin dual and Denial C. areer,I our,411e I ampa 1 et. brutal Institute Tampa 11610 40216 United I let trome, Instnute,I tempt -1r)4"` I ,nuis tileI es hincal Institute, I ouissille 40201 Georgia RE TS 1_10.,Ironk Institute'I OUts tile 402-21; arieniv ul Piolessional Dralinig Adam i 11104 Laited LiLtronks InstituteIruns 216 Art Institute of Atlanta Atlanta 10126 I outsiana to riltge of Medical and 1)cntal Assistants, Atlanta Aired I eau., al heditute Nev. Orleans 70126 10109 Harvey Welding School #2, Ness Orleans 70122 Bauder Fa,finin ( tillegt./ktlatita 10126 Internatioted Technical Institute, Inc, Eaton Rouge 70811 Haman School Atlanta 10104 I akeside School of \lusic. Shreveport 7110' ontrol I)ata Institute, Atlanta 1(1114 terry , Academy of Hairstyling, Morgan City 70180 De% rs Instuute titI t hm)10g% Adam t 10141 RE:TS 1 taming Cer Mataire 70002 tiswim - Maryland- Kiska ,4 Hair 1)e,ign Honolulu flnsl AMA) I et hmeal Institute, Baltimore 21224 Idaho Arundel '0,fitute of Technology, Baltimore 21061 Aerts I et fmcittil, IncKi.11,1rg4411 Broadeasting Institute of Maryland. Baltirtmie 21234 Die,a1 Institute of America, Landover 20785 Ilhnots I Inc oln Teehnical Institute, Baltimore 21229 Allied Institute of let hnolows tyl Maryland Drafting Institute, Langley Park 20781 Amerietin Academy tit Aft, Clint, ago 60604 Maryland Medical Secretarial School, Hagerstown 21740 American Institute of Ott upational trade, ( fie ego 606 I') 'Nedra School, Baltimore 21204 fireman St, hot 1,, the, C hicagt nOnot Media School, Olen Burnie 21061 entral Illunns Hurher & StylingI)ecatur 625-c Medic School, Siker Spring 20911)

Control Data Institute Chicago t Stational Technology Institute-Re,ident Division ( °liege astir' Art-scan Institute, (_hietigo 6)614 Park 20740 Desy Institute ofI et. htiology C htcago 60o.41 Protesitionfo mute of Commercial Art, Baltimore 212I6 Du Page Horticultural School A eq (_ hit ago 600' RI_ IS r ate Se hook, Baltimore 21210 let tronn sI echtue al Institute ot Illinois Chuag.i6rttlrc 1 ESS7 some School Hyattsv Ille 207'11 I tent C its C ollege Quincy 62101 Wash' ashion At. iderny, I angles Park 2078' (tre! 1 cc hmcal In,tuute Sou-ridge 61)6C6 MassacE Illinois Mt:heal 1 rang ( enter Chicago tA0,4' I Art It 0221: Quin- sI ts. hnical Scr i, Quint, n2 to 1 R.ts tattle St hools, ( h,ik,i nord I 1 I et_ hill, al 111,111ilte, Sorriernlle 02144 Fittuis Bather school Woree,ter 01608 Indiana tiro')11,t1hCr School, Springfield (0 1E1,1..1111 Barbet ( .11t4tIndeiuttoli !Inman St. hool, Brookline 02;46 III, (stat It,) it. in tartI It Wayne 4n, 1, [littera School of Art, B0,1011112116 III Ilit11 tt,,,I 1, InOtt!lie 1[St!11 4t ).041 Chainhen lat I St, hoof Br '32116 11 1lei `itca instituteIt A arm. 468,08 ( ontrol Data Institute ()tunes 02 17 II T ftchmc it Institute, F. sines rile 47'14 outrol Data Institute, Burlington 0180' 1 tneoln I echnic al Institute, Ind anapolt, 4621: I a,t 04,,t Art otechmeal Se h tt.)1,I evinidon "71' 'stational Bather Stylist (t,llt ge Indianapoli, I letr,or IRobert, tn,titute, 110,ton 02111 Proletoion d ( ateery Institut,. Indianapolis It2nc 1 11I ecnit al [..statute, Chelsna 021C0 Ma,,at huttett, St...1100i of & Men 1 hti1rSt}lilW Iowa B01(011112111 Alt lei him C. ollege ( 'Tort 1250' Vlas,a,hiac0, n)1 11,allrtne and Men's Hurts ( etlai Rapid, Se hoot of Flant,is hug, Cedar Rapid- 3:4,t2 Istun, 01001 Iowa S.. !tool tit Mtn's Ilaustshog Des Mott,c, Colin Ness I niziand St 11001 01 Art and Design 14,slon 0211 Incoln let hoteal InstituteWest 1)e, St ales 5026c Nev. Sts le 11 trhe r hol klaltien 02148

153 Specialized Accreditation and Preaccreditation

Northeast Broadcasting School. Boston 02110 %swill!! Institute of Kansas C its 64114 Northeast Institut:: of Industrial Technology Bost. ii 112114 Atissouri Se lox T for Do. tot s Assistants St1 outs 0 C122 RETS Electronic Schools, Boston 02215 %%S4)1111 Scho 411 of liarhc ring & Hau,tyling St1 occs Sylvania Technical School, Waltham 0:154 lorissant 01011

Travel Education Center, Cambridge 02141 Ranken I re hnic al Ins'ituteSt 1 WS 01 iI Travel School of America, Newton Centre St I outs I ech St Ann 61074 United Technical I.. -, Springfield 01107 atterou & Su:lisan Educational Ceaµsyis St I (MI% 031 iu Vesper George School of Art. Boston 02116 trcational Training Institute, St I ow% 0119 Water and Wastewater let hmeal School Neosho 04850 ML`fgan: Carnegie Institute of Detroit. Detroit 48220 Nebraska: Carnegie Institute of Troy, I roy 48084 Barbering College of Professional Arts, Omaha 68105 Control Data Institute, Southfield 48075 College of Hair Design-Barber Do. !coon. Lincoln 6850 Detroit Engineering Institute, Detroit 48220 I lei trorne Computer Programming Insfit, Omaha riSlos Detroit Institute of Aeronautics, Ypsilanti 41119' ,itessay Electronics Institute, Omaha 68107 Flint Institute of Barbering, Flint 48504 1 incoln Sc hool of Commerce, Omaha 68105 Grand Rapids Educational Center. Grand Rapids 495411 Omaha College of Health Careers, Omaha 68105 ITT Technical Institute, Grand Rapids 49508 I 'me ersal Technical Institute, Omaha 68102 Merrill Fashion Institute, Lansing 48931 a Michigan Career Institute, Detroit 48205 Nevada: Motich Auto Body Repair School, Detroit 48205 American Ac ademy for Medical Assistant., Las Vegas 89104 Motech Automotive Education Center, Livonia 48150 American School of DiamorCutting. Craidens ilk 89410 Ross Medical Educatic'i Center, Livonia 48152 Education Dynamics Institute, Las Vegas s 4108 Ross Medical Education Center, Flint 4850. I ashton Merchandising Institute of Nee ada Las egas 89102 RETS Electronic School, Detroit 48211 Nes ada Gaming School, Las Vegas 89102 RETS Electronics Schools, Wyoming 49500 New Hampshire. Specs Howard School of Broadcast Arts, Southfield also's Nev. Hampshire Barbel College, M hrster Minnesota: New Jersey Brown Institute, Minneapolis 5540E1 Control Data Institute. Minneapolis 55401 Herdan Institute, Totowa 07512 Control Data Institutc, St Paul 55101 ?kick Computer Science Institute. Brie ktow n 05-2; Dunwoody Industrial Institute, Minneapolis 55403 Br, man School, East Brunswick 081416 Lakeland Medical and Dental Academy, Knneapolis 15408 Chubb Institute for Computer Technology Short Hills 0"07.4 McConnell School (Resident), Minneapolis 55403 DeVry Technical Institute, Woodbridge 0709; Medical Institute of Minnesota, Minneapolis 55404 Differs Academy of the Eastern Seaboard, Inc, Camden 08104 Minniipolis Drafting School, Minneapolis 554407 Dorothy Aristotle's School of Paramedical & Business Pro Minnesota Institute of Medical and Dental Assistants, Maple Shade 08052 Minneapolis 55405 leetronic Computer Programming Institute, Paterson f175o5 Minnesota School of Business, Minneapolis 55402 I nipire Iechnie al School, East Orange 07018 Northwest Technical Institute, Minneapolis 5542n Crneral I eehnical Institute Inc.Linden 07030 Northwestern Electronics Institute. Minneapolis \54fin Health ,Threers Academy, Merehantville OR 109 I)o,.er School of the Associated Arts, St Paul 55102 Joe Kuhert 'school of Canroo' , and Graphic Art In, School of Communication Arts Minneapolis 55 Wri Irnol I incoln Lt hriftal Institute, Pennsauken 0811(i Mississippi: incoln Icttinica! Institute Union 070s1 Jackson Barber & Hairstyling Jackson I sons Institute lark 0706t, Phillips Cr 'rege Jac kson 19705 1 son, Inst.tute Hackensack (run: Phi.lir- College, Gulfport 19501 I sons Institute Newark 0-102 Mianitirt: I ',Ms Institute heir! Hill us(sil tech Pennsauken 081051 Haley Technical School, Kansas Cits art Plaia I ec home al 1 Paramus 0'61,2 Bailey Technical School. St Louis 63108 RI I S I lc, iron hools, Nude% 0710n Basic Institute of 'Technology, St I outs isI If, rrviro nho=i1 01 Act,rnautn. S.L etc/ Niro trtin Bryan Institute, Webster Grose,. 61044 nion1 echmeal Institutelams Ricer 08751 Bryan InstituteNorthwes*, Bridgeton 61044 mot, I eehnic al Institute,atontoven 07724 Control Data Institute, St I Mils 03108 c1.1, rI raining & I c InstitutePent, auken MI It' Electronic Computer Progiamming Instil itekaiisac. 64111 N Mexico, Electronics Institute. Kansas Ciiy 04110 I lit;ra 11,1, (,moot, Alhtig,,,,,, Gradwohl School of 1 ahrlial jr',Se...hi:mut,St 1 ,iris 6+1,1+ ,,t, it ,tout, Kansas City College of Medic.:; and Dental Assis.arts Kansas City 64108 New I rak Midwest Institute for Medical Assistant, kink's iid h d, r cit at, or 1 tall line ( ,rk iittIs

154 1 Specialized Accreditation and Preaccreditation

Advanced Training C enter, Tonawanda 14150 's1ch,mI ec hnical Institute, A ko al 44 los Albert Merrill School, New York 10(121 Northwestern Busine,s Collegei ima 4stitis Aliens School for Physicians' Aides, Jamaica 114 Ohio Diesel I echical Institute, Cltseland 44101 Apes Technical School, New York 10011 Ohio Institute of Pluaography. Dasion 454 39 Berk irack School, Brooklyn 11217 Ohio Institute of Technology, Columbus 4 1209 Control Data Institute, New York 11136 Ohio School of Broadcast Technique, C les eland 4411' Empire 'Technical School, Hempstead 11'50 Ohio State College of Barber Styling, Columbus 41121" Empire Technical School, New York 10()01 Ohio Visual Art Institute, One inna:i 4521)2 French Fashion Academy, New York 10022 Progressise Fashion School Cies,. land 44 114 Germain School of Photography, New '1 irk 10007 BETS Technical Center, Dayton 45459 International Career Institute, New York 1001 1 echnicron Inc Vocational School, Cincinnati 522` International School of Animal Arts, New 'I .ark Toledo Medical Educational Center,I oledo 43614 Island Drafting and Technical Institute, Amitysille 11701 United Electronics Institute. Cuyahoga I ails 44221 Joseph Bulova School of Watchmaking. Woodside 11177 Virginia Marti School of Fashion Design, Cleveland 44102 Lehigh Technical School, Jamaica 11432 West Side Institute of Technology, Cleveland 44102 Magna Institute of Dental Technology, New York 101101 Youngstown College of Business and Professional Drafting Mandl School for Medical and Dental Assistants, New lurk Youngstown 44507 City 10019 Oklahoma: ilandl School for Medical and Dental Assistants, Hempstead 11550 American College of Health Careers, Oklahoma C its 7:'1 I? American Flyer's Inc, Ardmore 73401 Manhattan School of Printing, New York 10007 Climate Control Institute of Oklahoma, Tulsa 74112 Mayer School of Fashion Design. New York 10018 Oklahoma Farrier's College, Sperry 74073 Nassau School for Medicci and Dental Assistants, West Sooner Mechanical Traae School inc, Oklahoma City 73106 Hempstead 11552 Southwest Anion, ',ye and Machinist School, Oklahoma Cits New York Institute of Dietetics, New York 10011 73124 New York School for Medical and Dental Assistants forest Spartan School of Aeronautics, Tulsa 74151 Hills 11175 State Barber College, Oklahoma City 73107 New York School of Pog Grooming, New Hyde Park 11040 Tulsa Welding School, Tulsa 74107 New York School of Dog Grooming, Ncw York 10016 United Electronics Institute, Oklahoma C its /3106 New York School of Locksmahing, New York 10036 Printing Trades School, New York City 10001 Oregon: Programming and 3 vitems Institute, New York 10018 Commercial Driver Training, Portland 97217 Riverside School of Aeronautics, Utica 11503 Computer Career Institute, Portland 97201 SC S Business and Technical Institut,New York 10016 ITT I echnical Institute, Portland 97203 School of Television Arts, Net York 1(X)21 Oregon Polytechnic Institute, Portland 9720s Suburban Technical School Hempstead 11550 Pennsylvania: Technical Career Institutes, New York 10001 Tobe Coburn School for Fashion Careers, New York 11X/21 Airco Technical Institute. Philadelph a 191 39 Traphagen School of Fashion, New York 10010 Airco Technical 'nstaute, Pittsburgh 15212 American Academy of Broadcasting, Philadelphia 19106 North Carolina: American Institute of Drafting, Philadelphia 19124 John Robert Powers School of Fashion Careers Raleigh Antonelli School of Photography, Philadelphia 19107 27609 Art Institute of Philadelphia, Philadelphia 19101 Piedmont Aerospace Institute Winston-Salem 27112 Art Institute of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh 15222 Raleigh School of Data Processing, Raleigh 27602 Automotise Training Center, Exton 19151 Berean Institute, Philadelphia 19130 Ohio: Clarissa School, Pittsburgh 15222 Airco Technical Institute, Cies eland 44103 Computer Communications Institute, Upper Darby 19082 Akron Institute of Medical and Dental Assistants, Al, it,f, Control Data Institute, Philadelphia 19102 44303 Craft School of 'Tailoring, Philadelphia 19102 ATES Technical School, Niles 44446 Dean Institute of Technology, Pittsburgh 15226 Cincinnati Metropolitan College, Cincinnati 45202 Delaware Valley School of Trades. Philadelphia 19107 Cleveland Institute of Dental and Medical Assistant-, Electronic Institutes, Pittsburgh 15217 Cleveland 44115 Lie( Ironic Institutes, Harrisburg 17 104 Columbus Paraprofessional Institute, Columbus 41214 Erie Institute of Technology, Erie 16506 Columbus Paraprofessional Institute. Columbus 41211 F-PM Data Processing School. New Kensington IS06)) Control Data Institute, Independence 44111 Gateway Technical Institute Inc, Pittsburgh 15222 Cooper School of Art, Cleveland 44E13 Greensburg Institute of Tei hnology, Greensburg 1"601 Electronic Technology Institute, Cleveland 4410 1 Hussian S,hool of Art Inc, Philadelphia 19103 Hickok Technical Institute, Cleveland 44113 1 H I hompson's Erie Barber Academy. F tic 16s01 Hobart School of Welding Tei briology, I roy 4s 1'1 Johnson's School of Technologycranton .001 International Broadcasting School, Dayton 4s43, InwIn Technical Institute, Allentown I8104 ITT Technical Institute. Dayton 45414 inuthi I Mut ,i1 Insunac. Iiihm 111114

155 Speciallied %meditationand Preaccreditation

sonsI eahnical Institut,tiridasts 1phisi flit (!ltit IP,,,Hs anaon ',,

t I sons !et hnit al ',Lb(); I,I ppm I air h%1(711., tilt ( finI mitt andI t 100- 0' Si li tniAustin 7,704 Mansell InstituteNiorristi wn 19440 ,tittrol I Lita Instant,1) dia. 7,215 Mr( arrie school of St win'tthnhigsPtalad, it.hia1'11', BM t du, an, nal (t nit r of San Atitt MI, ',ID Antonio 7/(205 Median St hoot of Allied Ilesath ( items Puishingli I': 1 )t\ n !walnut ofi ttlinolagt, 'G7(6 National School of HealthI et hntil, tgs!quid& 1phist 1 /uriaint . Business ( ollqie It1,111. al Do, ;slim Austin 'h't,"' New (Iastle School of I [sidesPulaskt 0,141 II Pa, r t II 7 40 c 1 Northeastern I et him al Institut&Ilttisill, I tt, orth 1 tad, Si numb,It Worth 776107 Optician, Institute PittsburghI c22t, Ir 1u.trialI ride St hool of Dallas, Dallas 7521' Penn Technical Institute Pittsburgh 152' Iin, oh,I tit knit al Insntute Dallas 752(17 Pennto Tech, Bristol1 viK17 Mannequin Manor I asttion Mert handrang St Pas,/ Perms) Ivania Institute of f et Philadelphia Printing School, Mtn's, fiartrrl ( Nib irill,,Amarillo 791114 Philadelphia 1 raining Center Philadlphi t 191" Oft urn Barber ( ollt ge I ubbockI uhbot k 794115 Pittsburgh Barber Nchoul Pittsburgh 15212 \\ado s I asSion Met, handising ( allege. Dallas 75207

Pittsburgh Institute of Aeronaut', Pirishur0, I ' It San Antonio C situp. of Medi, it and 1)enial A's nts, San Pittsburgh Technical InstitutePittsburgh 152,1: Rosedale let hrik al Institut,.PittsburghI c2I StIrto,;ttiyls.7 Sshuol of I int from, s,Amain 782r15 RLIS I le.tronit S, hoots, Bios ahall l'ax)s Sosithwr st Se hoot Medital Assistants San Antonio 78205 1 echnitian I raining St hoot, M,_ Kies Rossi.,l 'it, it ( Mite,I Medital and [lentil 1)al'a, 75214

Tracey-Warner St bool of F ashum Deign Ptalad, i s our It as Institut- /AIL, 76215 I :tangle Institute of ret 'unstop Pittsburgh 157.77 I 'nit, d F icti , Ino.'ttlitcDallas 76214 Triangle Institute of I ethnolopI 1(e Ih5(IX nit tt trot al Institutc11..111as 75207 Vale letbnical tr.stitutt, Blair,sdlt 15 717 ed Is kas Bat fit r altraAmarillo "9100 Washington Institute ofI et his doge Inc 1,1,1,11111w,tiI tah Welder I rauktirg and It-sting Institut,Philadelphia 1'11; t SaltI AL( ( it sx4I i1 Welder I raining andI esting Instautelit malt m 191120 lb swan St Welder iraining andI esting Institut', North Hill, 140(1' Ron Bailie School of hroasitastSallI aka ( lit 1(4111 I ,d, r_ollrgc ,t1 Salt Welder Training and I esting Institute Allentown Ix' .1 Salt 'Medi,. al and Da ntal C artier. Welder Training aid resting Institute /A ilke. Bane 1,70.1 I akt Williamson I rev St thud , Sir.hanaalI rad, s Mn dm ermont Wilma Boyd ( artier St hool, Pittsburgh 15-2111 S I Pr, m...vitas! Paperhanging Rutland 05701 York ALadems of Ara. Inc kirkI '4411 S York Tet. firma] Institute tort, I ( ornput, ri ittning tenter Springfield 22150 Rhode Island: ( :)inIn.toute, Arlington 22204 New I ngland Institute tit!,thriui,,ePr sttslcct I lt,troms, Imartin r Programming Instil:10 of Fidt water, Rhode Island St bold of IIto tone, (du', r (124411 Nutrfolk 21CO2 Rhnxie Island (tacit Shop St bin 0..0(11t 11241' ogy is Technic al Itissaute Hanot er 2 titbit South Carolina Pris'e.sional Business & MedR.A1 InstituttNorfolk 21511( Barber College of ( hart, satinIlanai, in 194111 Protetssiota limaiess and Mcclit al Instatat , Hampton ":1nrin K '-north Studer s (tool of Haira/shag :11:2: Washington Nielsen ' to tins s bonito, ,,it It slim 2941` (simmer, nit DricerI raining Kent 4X011 Preston ( gc utI h a, al Ind Busuu s. n er so, 4. t IO,A(1 School of Hatt DesignI trrett 98201 2'1204 Do. cr., Instant,. ofI t thinslogs,St attl,- c0110'

South Dakota I1 II', trstal St 012.,1 of Business, Scant, 981(11

Nettleton ( no Isl 1 M Peri% Institut,, 1.ikima98402 ttttic tn Hants ing and Barbering CollegeSe,tttlt 95101 Tennessee Ron Kula Sthnul of Iint tilt setting, Spokstnt 94201 health I "I, t1,,- I, K n ilstaic Ss boot of Broadcasting, St ink '1810a KrioNsi le Barb,( (di( \ Irk(- a. attl,I /ppm tuniti, s Indrstrialuarson (enter Seattic '15144 Me(11,01 ( artier ( N istr 1",o, spot, tin.Ichnit.11 Insittun Spokane 492.0b Mernnhis st, ssismal1 ri, k lnitrIT 11,(111: \(:( 171;0 (,(*( Is t ht;,, al In it,St mile'1121 Memphis Protessiortal I tst IsI bri t I annum 1st imam t. West Nasht lIeAto s Dune! 's. ,s1,, IIts

Pr,,fessastrail A .1,Iris 'it K th til, tst, titIt 1,s ,ton Irnnc,sieII1,101.(t I ,,o10 o li,erhi ort,t_Hon .,Oon '01 %I. IO Vt In IS. I 11,,,stloistitt)Vs, as,Is't 184 Ielgs Sk tt,, 11 , Jr Vs, II

Arno I I t. 1 1 1 II nit ,In. a, 110'1 israinsin Art Instll!, , I H ma m Baud, tI1,11, titt tit (.1

15t Specialized Accreditation and Preaccreditativi

Acme Institute of I rclintlifigs Hales C timers 611 to Ienuessee

Diesel !ruck Omer Framing School Sun Prilrie S'c94) Sokoto rn C .,11itzt,,1 mu InNit 11,11i,tic lr -1 Tans American School of 13roadcastmg, ausau 54101 Wiskonsin School of Ilet ironic% %ladistm c 1704 Texas I. Ins, 11,1,11r1 ( '11 ampus Ildrustiiii 77002 Wyoming: Certified Welding & I rade Sr ho,i1 of Vs 111,.ug ( ,e,pt 52602 Wyoming St, h001 Animal I tie litiolo)LsI horintipolis '044, OSTEOPATHIC MEDICINE Wyoming 1 eLlmical InstituttInt.,Idour,. f(27ill Puerto Rico: American Osteopathic Association Academia De Fstetica I awn, Hato kes 0091 ,1 Whim Douglas Ward, Direc for Colegio Trcmco De Flectridad, Puerto Nue, (X)I102 I )ffic r of Osteopathic I duration Lice() De Arte Y Technologia Hato Rey 009IS 212 Last Ohio Street Puerto Rico Batt. -r College, Santurce (WI s Chi. ago, Illinois o0611 Puerto Rico Barber. Cosmet & Mot...ling CollegeBayamon 00619 Ramirez College of Business andI echmilogs Santort tt5)9 to Osteopathic Medicine (Accredited) California Collg, tit Osteopathic Mechem, of tht Paufis, Pomona OPTOMETRY '41766 Illinois. American Optometric Association chit ago (1,tettpathi, \It Itte. Clisago 60615 Council on Optometric Education Iowa. College Oshiipaitoe Medi, inf and Surgt r% Des Moines Brian AndrewI xce utit Set rt tars Si,) (09 241 North I indberg Boulesard Michigan StI ours Missouri 61141 Michigan State I not oat.I asiI ate.ltig 4)0'23 Optometry (Accredited) Missouri Kansas ( ( gt (Aft opathie Medicine Kansas Alabama: 64124 University of Alabama-Birmingham Birmingham 1c2,04 kirks,. Ole (. ( Aletipathit Meth( intKirks,. ille 615(11

California: 'Sew Jersey:

Southern California ( ollege ( )prorrilreI ulleieitio "f ('liege of 'sli'd , in i I), rit.,di istit'sit t,It r.t s Camden Univrrsitv of California, Berktlt.,, 04721, 1P4)111

Ohio C'cillegt of Optt,mett% Me ago 6(1616 (Mt, Ilip, \Atm!. 4' Indians: Oklahoma

Indiana t'mstirsits, lildttittengt 11. Oklahoma (till, of id ode Nit di. oit're] Surgery 47401 I ikka '4 lid

Massachusetts. Penns%Itania New E-ngland ( ollegt roz,mr r .111121 Plidarlt I 51, ,11 inPhiladelphia 111114) Michigan: Ferris Stale (Meg( By Rapids 41) Texas

I CLAN ( ,'ti 1 Flu .11t 11 1 1 o! th 7610" New York: NYS Colle;,e orionit tictits %Nest S irgins9 1, ,t I 0},1 \1, ,1 11,, Ohio

Ohio Stale ['re 111r, ( hut, 1. thegon. Osteopathic Medicine (Preaccreditedl Pitt 111(1:111,111,11I its' l,r 1-1 Hilton-Ito Pennsylvania ..1 .11),f, 1, .11 1 it I' t.JII. I' ,11,..110 t'ennssaro ( gt 1 ((p 'r

157 It.' ,)II Specialized Accreditation and Preaccreditation

Maine. Iowa. New 1_ngland College of Osteopathiv Medicine Biddeford Drake University, Des Moines 50111 04005 University of Iowa, Iowa City 52242

New Jersey Kansas: New Jersey Scho lot Osteopathic Medicine, Camden 08104 University of Kansas, Lawrence 66045 New York, Kentucky: New York Institute ofechnology- %Mr, iok (awn, Old University of Kentucky. Lexington 40506 Westbury 11568 Louis Ana: Northeast Louisiana University, Monroe 71201 Xavier University of Louisiana, New Orleans 70125 PHARMACY Maryland: University of N and Professional Schools, Baltimore 21201 American Council on Pharmaceutical Education Massachusetts: Daniel A 'Nona, Executive Director Massachusetts College of Pharmacy, Boston 02115 One East Wacker Drive Northeastern University, Boston 02115 Chicago, Illinois 60601 Michigan: Feri.s State College, Big Rapids 49307 Pharmacy (Accredited) University of Michigan, Ann Arbor 48104 Alabama: Wayne State University, Detroit 48202 Auburn University Auburn 36850 Minnesota: Samford University, Bermingham 35209 University of Minnesota zt Minneapolis-St Paul Minneapolis Arizona: 55455 University 01 ArizonaTucson 85721 Mississippi:

Arkansas: University of Nlississippi-Main Campus. University 38677 University of Arkansas at I title Rock, Little Rock 72204 Missouri: St Louis College of Pharmacy, St Louis 63110 California. University of Missouri-Kansas City, Kansas Coy 64110 University of the Pacific, Stockton 95211 University of California, San T rancisco 94122 Montana: University of Southern Cali`orina, I os Angeles 90007 University of Montana Missoula 59801 Colorado Nebraska: l'imersiti, of Colorado at Hoe' tk.r, Boulder 80502 Creighton University. Omaha 68178 Unn 'y of Nebraska Medical Center. Omaha 68105 Connecticut: University of Conner tic 06268 New Jersey: Rutgers-The State University Medical Sc hoot, 1'.- ataway District of Columbia: 07101 Howardniveisit,, Washington 20001 New Mexico Florida- University of New Mexico, Albuquerque 87106 I lorii.a Agricultural and Mechanical t inversovI allahas,re 12107 New York: Uno.erso, of I loriita 12611 I ong Island University Brooklyn Center, Brooklyn 11201 St John's University. Jamaica 11459 (;eorgia. SUNY Health Science Center-Buffalo, Buffalo 14214 Mercer T nivi_rsit., ',01.thern Linn of Phatiras vAtlanta Union University-Albany College of Pharmacy, Albany 12208 10312 North Carolina: nisersits i 10601 University of North Car tina C five' Hill 27514 Idaho North Dakota. Ithi, ''.ill ic,iv melt, North Dakota State UnivelsityI arizo s8i02 Illinois- Ohio. UnRer,r 11)itii iv.. Slid, .1 ( enter (hic,igi, rlik,h() Ohio Northern University, Ada 45810 Indiana Ohio 'state University Main Campus ( olurnhus 4(211, Buller t f11% t rot t1r,clianepoh, 46208 nisersity of Cincinnati Om innati 0221 Purdue t inversity vs e...ti alas: fie West 1 aiasetu 4707 t nisi isny of Toledo,1 oIrdi 45606

158 Specialized Accreditation and Priaccreditation

Oklahoma: PHYSICAL THERAPY Southwestern Oklahoma State University. Weatherford 71096

Oregon: American Physical Therapy Association Oregon..te University, Corvallis 9713l Committee on Accreditation in Education Penney Innis: James R Clinkingbeard, Director, APTA Duquesne University. Pittsburgh 15219 Department of Education Affairs 1156 15th Street, N W Philadelphia College of Pharmacy and Science. Philadelphia Washington, D C 20005 19104 Temple University, Philadelphia 19122 University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh 15260, Physical Therapist (Accredited) Alabama: Rhode Island: Tuskegee Institute, Tuskegee 36088 University of Rhode Island. Kingston 02881 University of South Alabama, Mobile 36688 South Carolina: Arizona: Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston 29403 Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff 86001 "Jniversity of South Carolina, Columbia 29208 Arkansas.

South Dakota: University of Central Arkansas/Central Baptist Hospital, Little Rock 72201 South Dakota State University. Brookings 57006 California: Tenisessee: California State University, Fresno 93740 University of Tennessee. Memphis 38163 California State University, Northridge 91324 California State University, Long Beach 90840 Tessa:, Children's Hospital of Los Angeles, Los Angeles 90027 Texas Southern University, Houston 77004 Loma Linda University, Loma Linda 92354 University of Houston-Central Campus. Houston 77002 Stanford University, Stanford 94305 University of Texas at Austin. Austin 78712 University of California College of Medicine, Irvine 90001 University of California School of Medicine, Davis 95616 Utah: University of California School of Medicine, San Francisco 94122 University of Utah, Salt Lake City 84112 University rsf "aliforma School of Medicine, Los Angeles 90024 University of Southern California School of Medicine, Los Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond 23227 Angeles 90007 Washington: Colorado: University of Washington, Seattle 98195 University of Colorado Health SciTrices Center, Denver Washington State University, Pullman 99163 80203 Connecticut: West Virile's: Qainnipiac College, Hamden 06518 West Virginia University. Morgantown 26505 University of Connecticut, Storm 06268

Wile011$111: Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven 06504 University of Wisconsin-Madmen, Madison 53706 Delaware: University of Delaware, Newark 19711 Wyontisr District of Columbia: University of Wyoming, 1 aramie 82070 Howard University, Washington 20001 Florida: Pharmacy (Pr eaccredited) Florida International University, Miami 33144 University of Florida, Gainesville 32611 Puerto Rico: Georgia: University of Puerto Rico Medical Stier= es Campus, San Emory Udiversity. Atlanta 30322 Juan 00936 Geotgia State University, Atlanta 30303 Medical College of Georgia, Augusta 30902 Illinois: Northwestern University Medical School, Evanston 60201

159 I '7 Specialized Accreditation and Preaccreditati..

University of Health Sciences-Chicago Medical College, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill 27514 North Chicago 60612 North Dakota: University of Illinois Medical Center, Chicago 60680 University of North Dakota, Grand Forks 58201 Iowa: Ohio: University of Iowa, Iowa City 52242 Cleveland State University, Cleveland 44115 Kansas: Ohio State University-Main Campus, Columbus 43210 University of Kansas, Lawrence 66045 Oregon: Wichita State University, Wichita 67208 Pacific University, Forest Grose 97116 Kentucky: Pennsylvania: University of Kentucky Medical Center Lexington 40506 Temple University, Philadelphia 19122 Louisiana: University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia 19104 Louisiana State University Mescal Center, New Orleans University of Pittsburgh, Pntsourgh 15260 70112 South Carolina: Maryland: Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston 29403 University of, College Park 20742 Tennessee: Mmeschusetts: University of Tennessee, Memphis 38163 Boston University, Boston 02215 Northeastern University, Boston 02115 Tcxas: Simmons College, Boston 02115 Texas Woman's University, Denton 76204 University of Texas Health Science Center, San Antonio Michigan 77025 University of Michigan, Ann Arbor 48104 University of Texas Health Science Center at Dallas, Dallas Wayne State University. Detroit 48202 75235 Minnesota: University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston, Galveston -College of St Schoissuca, Duluth 55811 77550 Mayo Foundation. Rochester 55901 US Army Academy of Health Sciences, Ft Sam Houston University of Minnesota at Minneapolis-St Paul, Minneapolis 78234 55455 Utah: Mississippi: University of Utah, Salt Lake City 84112 University of Mississippi Medical Center, Jackson 39216 Vermont: Missouri: University of Vermont, Burlington 05401 St Lotus University, St Louis 63103 Virginia: University of Missouri, Columbia 65201 Virginia Commonwealth University Medical College of Va, Washington University School of Medicine, St Louis 63130 Richmond 23298 Nebraska: Washington: University of Nebraska Co.lege of Medicine, Omaha 68105 University of Puget Sound, Tacoma 98416 New Jersey: University of Washington, Seattle 98195 Kean College of New Jersey, Union 07083 West Virginia: New Mexico: West Virginia University Medical Center, Morgantown 26506

University of New Mexico, Albuquerque 87106 Wisconsin: New York: Marquette University, Milwaukee 53233 Columbia University, New York 10027 University of Wisconsin-I a Crosse, La Crosse 54601 CUNY Hunter College, New York 10021 University of Wisconsin-Madison, Manison 53706 Daemen College, Amherst 14226 Puerto Rico: Ithaca College-Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Ithaca University of Puerto Rico Medical Sciences Campus, San 14850 Juan 00916 New York University, New York 10003 Russell Sage College-Albany Medical College, "Troy 12180 SUNY at Buffalo, Buff-:o 14222 Physical Therapist Assistant (Accredited) SUNY at Stony Brook, Stony Brook 11794 SUNY Downstate Medical Center, Brooklyn 11201 Alabama: SUNY Upstate Medical Center. Syracuse 13210 University of Alabama-Birminghani Birmingham 35294 North Ir:mollusc California: East Carolina University, Greenville 27834 Cerritos College, Norwalk90650

160 Specialized Accreditation and Preaccreditation

De Anza College, Cupertino 95014 North Carolina: Los Angeles Pierce College, Woodland Hills 91364 Central Piedmont Community College, Charlotte 28212 Mount St Mary's College, Los Angeles 90049 Fayetteville Technical Institute, Fayetteville 27701 San Diego City College, San Diego 92101 Florida: Ohio: Broward Community College, Ft Lauderdale 33314 Cuyahoga Community College, Cleveland 44115 Miami-Dade Community College, Miami Beach 33156 Oregon: St Petersburg Junior College, St Petersburg 33710 Mount Hood Community College, Gresham 97030 Georgia: PennsYliwais: Medical College of Georgia. Augusta 30902 Lehigh County Community College, Schnecksville 18078 Moots: Belleville Area College. Belleville 62221 South Caroline: Illinois Central College, East Peoria 61611 Greenville Technical College, Greenville 29606 Morton College, Cicero 60650 Oakton Community College, Morton Grove 60053 Tennessee: Southern Illinois University, Carbondale 62901 Chattanooga State Technical Community College, ladle= Chattanooga 37400 Shelby :tate Community College, Memphis 38122 University of Evansville. Evansville 47704 Volunteer State Community College, Gallatin 37066 Vincennes University, Vincennes 47591 Texas: Kamm Community College of the Air Force, Lackland AFB 13202 Colby Community College, Colby 67701 Houston Community College, Houston 77027 Kentucky: St Phillip's College, San Antonio 78203 University of Kentucky-Jefferson Community College, Tarrant County Junior College, Hurst 76053 Louisville 40200 Virginia: Maryland: Northern Virginia Community College, Annandale 22003 Community College of Baltimore, Baltimore 21215 W2111100011: Maseacksmetts: Green River Community College, Auburn 98002 Becker Junior College. Worcester 01609 Newbury Junior College, Boston 02116 Wisconsin: North Shore Commun j College, Beverly 01915 Milwaukee Area Technical College, Milwaukee 53203 Springfield Technical Community College, Springfield 01105 Puerto Rico: Mkhlgais: University of Puerto Rico-Ponce Regional College, Ponce Delta College, University Center 48710 00731 Kellogg Community College, Battle Creek 49016 University of Puerto Rico, Humacao University College, Minnesota: Humacao 00661 Si Mary's Junior College, Minneapolis 55406 Mime& Penn Valley Community College, Kansas City 64111 PHYSICIAN'S ASSISTANT EDUCATION New Hampshire: New Hampshire Vocational-Techmck-_College, Claremont American Medical Association 03743 Committee on Allied Health Education and New Jersey: Accreditation. Atlantic Community College, 1"sys Landing 08330 Eases County Community College, Newark 07102 In cooperation with Psurlogh Dickinson University-Madison Campus, Madison 07940 Joint Review Committee onEducational Programa Union County Technical Institute, Scotch Plains 07076 forPhysician's Assistants, which is sponsored by New York: the American Academy of Family Physicians Institute of Rehabilitation Mei. :int. New York 10016 American Academy of Pediatrics,American Maria College of Albany, Albany 12208 Academy of Physician'sAssistants, American Nassau Community College, Garden City 11530 College of Physicians, American College of Sur- Orange County Community College, Middletown 10940 geons, American Society of Internal Medicine, Suffolk County Community College-Main Campus, Selden and the Association for Physician Assistant :ro- 11784 grams

161 Specialized Accreditation and Preaccreditation

Frederick L Schoen, Chairman New York: Department of Family Medicine Albany Medical College-Union University, Albany 12208 Indiana University Medical Center Harlem Hospital, New York 10037 1100 West Michigan Street SUNY at Stony Brook, Stony Brook 11794 Indianapolis, Indiana 46202 Touro College, New York 10036 Primary Care Physician's Assistant (Accredited) US Public Health Service, Staten Island 10304

California: North Carolina: Charles R Drew Postgraduate School, Los Angeles 90059 Bowman Gray School of Medicine of Wake Forest Loma Linda University, Loma Linda 92354 University, Winston-Salem 27103 Stanford University Medical Center, Stanford 94305 Catawba Valley Technical Institute, Hickory 28601 University of California, Davis 95616 Duke University, Durham 27706 University of Southern California, Los Angeles 90007 North Dakota: Colorsdo: University of North Dakota, Grand Forks 58201 University of Colorado, Denver 80203 Consectiest: Ohio; Yale University, New Haven 06520 Kettering College of Medical Arts, Kettering 45429 Lake Erie College, Painesville 44077 District of Columbia: George Washington University, Washington 20006 Pennsylvania: Howard University, Washington 20001 Gannon University, Erie 16501 Florida: Hahnemann Medical Center, Philadelphia 19102 University of Florida, Gainesville 32611 King's College, Wilkes-Barre 18702 Pennsylvania State University-Hershey Medical Center, Georgia: Hershey 17033 Emory University, Atlanta 30322 Medical College of Georgia, Augusta 30902 South Carolina: lows: Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston 29403 University of Iowa Hospitals md Clinics. Iowa City 52240 Tennessee; Kamm Trevecca Nazarene College, Nashville 37210 Wichita State University, Wichita 67208 Texas: Kentucky: Baylor College of Medicine, Houston 77025 University of Kentucky, Lexington 40506 University of Texas at Dallas, Dallas 75230 Marylon!: University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston, Galveston Essex Community College, Baltimore County 21237 77550 Massachusetts: US Air Force High School - Sheppard AFB, Wichita Fails Northeastern University, Boston 02115 76311 US Army Academy of Health Sciences, Ft Sam Houston Miring's: 78234 Mercy College of Detroit, Detroit 48219 Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo 49001 Utah: Missouri: Uri ersity of Utah, Salt Lake City 84112

St Louis University, St Louis 63103 Washington: Nebraska: University of Washington. Seattle 98195 University of Nebraska Medi.1 Center, Omaha 68105 West Virginia: New Jersey: Alderson-Br Iddut College. Philippi 26416 Rutgers-The State University Medical School, Piscataway 07101 Wisconsin: NewMexico: University of Wisconsin-Madison Madison 53706 USPHS Gallup Indian Medical Center, GSPHSp 87301

$ 1'-I 4i Specialized Accreditation and Preaccreditation

PODIATRY District of Columbia: American University, Washington 20016 American Podiatry Association Catholic University of America, Washington 20017 Council on Podiatry Education George Washington University, Washington 20006 Florida: Warren G Ball, Director 20 Chevy Chase Circle, N W Fkoida State University, Tallahassee 32306 Washington, D C 20015 University of Florida, Gainesville 32611 University of Miami, Coral Gables 33124 Podiatry (Accredited) University of South Florida, Tampa 33620 Georgia: California: Emory University, Atlanta 30322 California College of Podiatric Medicine, San Francisco Georgia State University, Atlanta 30303 94115 University of Georgia, Athens 30601 Illinois: Illinois College of Podiatric Medicine, Chicago 60610 University of Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu 96801 New York: Illinois: New York College of Podiatric Medicine, New York 10035 De Paul University, Chicago 60604 Ohio: Loyola University of Chicago, Chicago 60611 Ohio College of Podiatric Medicine, Cleveland 44106 Northern Illinois University, De Kalb 60115 Pennsylvania: Northwestern University, Evanston 60201 Southern Illinois University, Carbondale 62901 Pennsylvania College of Podiatric Medicine, Philadelphia University of Illinois at Chicago Circle, Chicago 60680 19107 University of Illinois-Urbana-Champaign, Urbana 61801 PSYCHOLOGY Indiana: Indiana University, Bloomington-Indianapolis, Bloomington American Psychological Association 47401 Purdue University-West Lafayette, West Lafayette 47907 Committee on Accreditation Iowa: Meredith P Crawford, Administrative Officer for University of Iowa, Iowa City 52242 Accreditation, APA Kansas: 1200 17th Street, N W Washington, D C 20036 University of Kansas, Lawrence 66045 Kentucky: Clinical Psychology (Accredited) University of Kentucky, Lexington 40506 Alabama: University of Louisville, Louisville 40203 University of Alabama, University 35486 Louisiana: .zona: Louisiana Stata University at Baton Rouge, Baton Rouge Arizona State University, Tempe 85281 70801 University of Arizona. Tucson 85721 Maine: Arkansas: University of Maine at Orono. Orono 04401

University of Arkansas at Little Rock, Little Rock 72204 Maryland: California: University of Mars land. college Park 20742

Fuller Theological Seminary, Pasadena 91101 Massachusetts: University of California, Los Angeles 90024 University of California, Berkeley 94720 Boston University. Boston 02215 Clark University, Worcester 01610 Colorado: University of Massachusetts, Amherst 01002 University of Colorado at Boulder. Boulder 80302 Michigan: University of Denver, Denver 80210 Michigan State University, East L..nsing 48823 Connecticut: University of Michigan, Ann Arbor 48104 University of Connecticut, Storrs 06268 Wayne State I. nisersity, Detroit 48202 Yale University, New Hasen 06520 Minnesota: Delaware: Unisersits of Minnesota at Minneapolis-St Paul, Minneapolis University of Delaware, 19711 55455

163 Specialized Accreditation and Preaccreditation

Mississippi: Temple University, Philadelphia 19122 University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia 19104 University of Mississippi-Main Campus, University 38677 University of Southern Mississippi, Hattiesburg 39401 University of Pittsburgh. Pittsburgh 15260 Rhode Island: Missouri: University of Rhode Island, Kingston 02881 St LOWS University, St Louis 63103 University of Missoun, Columbia 65201 South Carolina: University of Missoun-St Louis, St Louis 63121 University of South Carolina, Columbia 29208 Washington University, St Louis 63130 South Dakota: Madame: University of South Dakota-Vermillion, Vermillion 57069 University of Montana, Missoula 59801 Tennessee: Nebraska: Dede Wallace Center, Nashville 37204 University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln 68508 Memphis State University, Memphis 38111 University of Tennessee., Marini 38237 Nevada: University of Nevada-Reno, Reno 89507 Texas: Baylor University, Wacc. )6703 New Jersey: North Texas State University, Denton 76203 Rutgers-The State University-New Brunswick, New Texas Tech University, Lubbock 79409 Brunswick 08903 University of Houston-Central Campus, Houston 77002 New Mexico: University of Texas at Austin, Austin 78712 University of New Mexico, Albuquerque 87106 Utah: New York: B...gham Young University, Provo 84601 .versity of Utah, Salt Lake City 84112 Ade 1phi University, Garden City 11530 CUNY-City College. New York 10031 Vermont: Fordham University, Bronx 10548 University of Vermont, Burlington 05401 Long Island University, Brooklyn 11216 New York University, New York 10003 Virginia: Syracuse University, Syracuse 13210 Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond 23227 SUNY at Albany, Albany 12222 Washington: SUNY at Buffalo, Buffalo 14222 University of Washington. Seattle 98195 SUNY at Stony Brook, Stony Brook 11794 Washington State University, Pullman 99163 Teachers College of Columbia University, New York 10027 University of Rochester, Rochester 14627 West Virginia: Yeshiva University. New York 10033 West Virginia University, Morgantown 26505 North Carolina: Wisconsin: Duke University, Durham 27706 University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison 51706 University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill 27514 Wyoming: North Dakota: University of Wyoming, Laramie 82070 University of North Dakota, Grand Forks 58201

Ohio: Counseling Psychology (Accredited) Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green 43402 Arizona: Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland 44106 Kent State University, Kent 44242 Arizona State University, Tempe 85281 Miami University, Oxford 45056 Colorado: Ohio University. Athens 45701 Colorado Sate University, It Collins 80521 University of Cincinnati. Cincinnati 45221 University of Toledo, Toledo 43606 District of Columbia: Catholic University of America, Washington 2(X)17 Oklahoma: Oklahoma State University Technical Institute, Oklahoma Florida: City 73102 University of Elorida. Gainesville 32611

Oregon: Illinois: University of Oregon, Fugenc 97403 Southern Illinois University, Carbondale 62901 University of Illinois.Urbana-Champaign, Urbana 61801 Pennsylvania: Hahnemann Medical Center. Philadelphia 19102 Indiana: Pennsylvania State University, University Park 16802 University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame 46556

164 t,j Specialized Accreditation and Preaccreditation

Iowa: University of California College of Medicine. Irvine 90001 Iowa State University. Ames s0010 University of California School of Medicine, Los Angeles 90(124 KIIIIMU: University of ( aliforma School of Medicine, Davis 95616 University of Kama ,I ass rence 66435 University of California School of Medicine, San Francisco 44122 Maryland: University of Southern California School of Medicine, Los University of Maryland College Park 20742 Angeles 90(X)7 Michigan: Veterans Administration Medical Center, Sepulveda 91343 Michigan State University, East Lansing 48821 Veterans Administration Medical Center, San Francisco University of Michigan. Ann Arbor 48104 94102 Veterans Administration Medical Center, Long Beach 90822 Minnesota: Veterans Administration Medical Center, Martinez 94553 University of Minnesota at Minneanolis-St Paul, Minneapolis Veterans Administration Medical Center, Palo Alto 94304 55455 Veerans Administration Medical Center-Outpatient Clinic. Los Angeles 90013 Mississippi: University of Southern Mississippi. Hattiesburg 39401 Colorado: Colorado State University, Ft Collins 80521 Missouri: Ft Logan Mental Health Center, Denver 80236 University of Missouri, Columbia 65201 University of Colorado Health Sciences Center, Denver Nehru Its: 80203 University of Nebraska-L Lincoln 68508 Connecticut: New York: Connecticut Valley Hospital, Middletown 06452 Fairfield Hills Hospital, Newtown 06470 Teachers College of Columbia University, New York 10027 Institute of Living, Hartford 06106 Ohio: Veterans Administration Medical Center, West Haven 06516 Ohio State University-Main Campus, Columbus 43210 Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven 06504

Oregon: District of Coiurehia: University of Oregon, Eugene 97403 Area A Community Mental Health Center, Washington 20007 Area C Community Mental Health Center, Washington 20003 Pennsylvania: Children's Hospital National Medical Center, Washington Temple University, Philadelphia 19122 20010 St Elizabeth's Hospital, Washington 20013 Texas: Walter Reed Army Medical Center, Washington 20012 North Texas State University. Denton 76203 Texas Tech University. Lubbock 74409 Florida: University of Texas at Austin, Austin 78712 University of Florida, Gainesville 32611 Veterans Administration Medical Center, Miami 33125 Utah: University of Utah, Salt Lake City 84112 Illinois: Chicago-Read Mental Health Center, Chicago 60634 Psychology Internships (Accredited) Childrens Memorial Hospital. Chicago 60614 Illinois Masonic Medical Center, Chicago 60657 Arkansas: Michael Reese Hospital and Medical Center, Chicago 60616 Northwestern Univervity, Chicago 60611 University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, Little Rock Northwestern University Medical School. Evanston 60201 72201 Ravenswood Hospital Medical Center. Chicago 60600 California: Rush-Presbyterian-St Luke's Medical Center, Chicago 60612 Atascadero State Hospital, Atascadero 91422 Southern Illinois University, Carbondale 62901 Camarillo State Hospital. Camarillo 93010 Veterans Administration Medical Center, Danville 61832 Didi Hirst h Community Mental Health Center, Culver City Veterans Administration Medical Center. North Chicago 90230 60064 Kaiser-Permanente Medical Care Program. Los Angeles Veterans Administration-Hines Medical Center, Hines 60141 90027 West Side Veterans Administration Hospit..1, Chicago 60680 Kennedy Child Study Center, Santa Monica 90404 Indiana: Napa State Hospital, Imola 94558 Indiana University School of Medicine, Indianapolis 46102 Orange County Human Services Agency, Santa Ana 92706 Patton State Hospital, Patton 92169 Iowa: San Fernando Valley Child Guidance Clinic, Northridge Des Moines Child Guidance Center, Des Moines 50309 91606 Iowa State Unts:rsity, Ames 50010 Silas B Hays Army Hospital. It Ord 91941 University of Iowa, Iowa City 52242 l7; 165 Specialized Accreditation and Preaccreditation

Veterans Administration Med. Itl Center, Knoxville 50138 Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University, Kamm New York 10461 Astor Home for Childrer. Rhinebeck 12572 Topeka State Hospital, Topeka 66606 Children's Village, Dobbs Ferry 10522 Veterans Administration Medical Center, Topeka 66622 Columbia Presbytenan Medical Center. New York 10032 Wichita Collaborative Psychology Internship Program, Convalescent Hospital for Children, Rochester 14623 Wichita 67208 Jewish Board of Family and Children's Services. New York Louisiana: 10019 Central Louisiana State Hospital, Pineville 71360 Kings County Hospital Center, Brooklyn 11203 Veterans Administration Medical Center, New Orleans 70146 Nassau County Medical Center, East Meadow 11554 New York Hospital-Cornell Medical Center, White Plains Mary 'mod: 10605 National Naval Medical Center, Bethesda 20014 New York University Medical Center, New York City 10016 Spnng Grove Hospital Center, Catonsville 21228 New York University-Bellevue Medical Center, New York Spnngfield Hospital Center, Sykesville 21228 10016 Postgraduate Center for Mental Health, New York 10016 Mmasaelmetts: Roosevelt Hospital, New York 10019 Beth Isrsel Hospital, Boston 02215 St Vincent's Hospital and Medical Center, New York 10011 Children's Hospital Medical Center, Boston 02115 SUNY Upstate Medical Center, Syracuse 13210 Judge Baker Guidance Center, Boston 02115 University of Rochester, Rochester 14627 McLean Hospital, Belmont 02178 Veterans Administration Medical Center, Syracuse 13210 South Shore Mental Health Center, Quincy 02169 Veterans Administration Medical Center, Bronx 10468 University of Massachusetts, Amherst 01002 Veterans Administration Medical Center, Montrose 10548 Veterans Administration Medical Center, Boston 02130 Veterans Administration Medical Center, Brooklyn 11209 Veterans Administration Medical Center, Brockton 02401 Veterans Administration Medical Center, Northampton 01060 North Carolina: Worcester State Hospital, Worcester 01604 Duke University, Durham 27706 Worcester Youth Guidance Center, Worcester 01605 Veterans Administration Medical Center, Durham 27707 Michigan: Ohio: Lafayette Clinic, Detroit 48207 Ohio State University Hospital Columbus 43210 Sinai Hospital of Detroit, Detroit 48235 US Veterans Administration Medical Center, Cleveland 44106 Veterans Administration Medical Center, Cincinnati 45220 Minnesota: University of Minnesota Health Sciences Center, Minneapolis Oregon: 55455 Morrison Center for Child and Family Service, Portland Veterans Administration Medical Center, Minneapolis 55417 97202 University of Oregon Health Sciences Center, Portland 971.01 Mississippi: Veterans Administration Medical Center, Portland 97201 University of Mississippi Medical Ctr/VA Medical Center, Jackson 39216 Pennsylvania: Devereux Foundation, Devon 19333 Minimal: Fsstern Pennsylvania Psychiatric Institute, Philadelphia 19129 Malcolm Bh: , Mental Health Center, St Louis 63104 Iding Schwa, 1? Institute for Cluldrer. and Youth, University of Missouri, Columbia 65201 Philadelphia 19131 Veterans Administration Hospital, Kansas City 64125 Norristown State Hospital, Norristown 1940; Veterans Administration Medical Center, St Louis 61125 Philadelphia State Hospital, Philadelphia 19114 Washington University School of Medicine, St Louis 61110 Pittsburgh Child Guidance Center. Pittsburgh 15213 Western Missouri Mental Health Center, Kansas City 64110 University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Pittsburgh Nebraska: 15213 Veterans Administration Medical Center, Pittsburgh 15206 Norfolk Regional Center, Norfolk 68701 Veterans Administration Medical Center. Coatesville 19320 University of Nebraska College of Medicine. Omaha 68105 Rhode Island: New Jersey: Brown University, Providence 02912 Children's Psychiatnc Center Inc. Red Bank 07701 Emma Pendleton Bradley Hospital, Riverside 02915 Community Guidance Center of Mercer County, Trenton 08618 South Carolina: Rutgers-The State University Medical School, Piscataway Medical University of South Carolina/VA Medical Ctr. 07101 Charleston 29401 Veterans Administration Medical Center, East Orange (17019 William S Hall Psychiatric Institute, Columbia 29202

New York: Tennessee: Albany Medical College-Veterans Administration Medical Memphis Cani,a1 Psychology internship Comortium Ctr, Albany 12205 Memphis 18126


1'71I Lj'Th Specialized Accreditation and Preaccreditation Vanderbilt-Peabody Internship Program, Nashville 37203 PUBLIC HEALTH EDUCATION Veterans Administration Medical Center, Memphis 38104 Tsui: Council on Education for Public Health Austin State Hospital, Austin 78751 Baylor College of Medicine, Houston 7702.) Janet A Strauss, Executive Director Olin Teague Veterans Administration Medical Center, 1015 15th Street, N W Temple 76501 Washington, D C 20005 Texas Research Institute for Mental Sciences, Houston 77(130 University of Texas at Austin, Austin 78712 Schools of Public Health (Accredited) University of Texas Health Science Center, San Antonio 77025 Alabama: University of Texas Science Cen.'.-r at Dallas, Dallas University of Alabama-BirminghLm, Birmingham 35294 75235 California: Veterans Administration Medical Center, Houston 770,2 Veterans Admimstraoon Medical Center, San Antonio 78284 Loma Linda University. Loma Linda 92354 University of California, Berkeley ;4720 Wilford Hall US Air Force Medical Center, Lackland AFB University of California, Los Angeles 90024 75701 William Beaumont Arry Medici.' Center, El Paso 79920 Connecticut: Virginia: Yale University, New Haven 06520 University of Virginia Medical Center, Charlottsville 22901 Hawaii: Veterans Administration Medical Center, Richmond 23249 University of Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu 96801 Virginia Treatment Center for Children, Richmond 23298 Woodburn Center for Community Mental Health, Annandale Illinois: 22003 University of Illinois Medical Center, Chicago 60680

Weddagtom Louisiana: University of W shington, Seattle 98195 Tulane University, Ne,,, Orleans 70118 Veterans Administration Medical Center, Seattle 98108 Maryland: West Virgigia: Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore 21218 West Virginia University Medical Center, Morgantown '',.506 Massachusetts: 1 Wisconsin: Harvard University, Cambridge 02138 Milwaukee County Medical r rnolex, Milwaukee 53226 University of Massachusetts, Amherst 01002 University of Wisconsin-Mac sc.., Madison 5370( Michigan: Wisconsin Division of Corrections, Madison 537(ji University of Michigan, Ann Arbor 48104

School Psychology (Accredited) Minnesota: University of Minnesota at Minneapolis-St Paul, Minneapolis Minnesota: 55455 University of Minnesota a, Minneapolis-St Pail, Minneapolis New York: 55455 Columbia University, New York 10027 : '1.,Jersey: North Carolina: Rutgers-The State University Medical School, Piscataway University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill 27514 07101 I Pennsylvania: New York: University of Pittsburgh. Pittsburgh 15260 Hofstra University, Hempstead 11550 New York University, Isinv York 10003 South Carolina: Teachers College of Columbia University, Ness York10027 University of South Carolina, Columbia 2920t. North Carolina: Te.tas: University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill 27514 University of Houston-Central Campus, Houston 77002 University of Texas Health Science Center at Houstc n, Rhode Island: Houston 77025 University of Rhode Island. Kingston 02881 Washington: South Carolina: University of Washirton, Seattle 98195 University of Sou':ICarolina Columbia 29208 Puerto Rico: Texas: University of Puerto Rico Medical Sciences Cimpus, San University of Texas at Austin, Austin 78712 Juan 00936

167 17 Specialized Accreditation and Preaccreditation

Graduate Programs in Community Health Education Bobover Yeshiva Zion. Brooklyn 112:9 (Accredited) Darker Noam Rabbinical College. New York 11219 Mesivta Torah Vodaath Rabbinical Seminary. Brooklyn California: 11218 California State University, No-thridge 91324 Mesivtha Tifereth Jerusalem of America, New York 10002 San Francisco State University, San Francisco 94112 Mirrer ;Yeshiva Central Institute, Brooklyi 11223 San Jose State University, San Jose 95114 Rabbniical College of Beth Shraga, Monsey 10952 Rabbinical College of Chosan Sofer of New York. Brooklyn Missouri: 10000 University of Missouri, Col:4;1Na 65101 Rabbinical College of Long Island, Long Beach 11561 New York. Rabbinical Seminary of Adas Yernm, Brooklyn 11211 Rabbinical Seminary of America, New York 11399 CUNY-Hunter College, New York 10021 Rabbinical Seminary of M'kor Chaim, Brooklyn 11219 New York University, New York 10003 Sh'or Yoshuv Rabbinical College, Far Rockaway 11691 Tennessee: Yeshiva Rabbi Chaim Berlin, Brooklyn 11691 University of Tennessee, Knoxville 37916 Yeshiva Rabbi Samson Raphae: Hirsch Rabbinical Seminary, New York 10033 Graduate Programs in Community Health/ Yeshivath Zichron Moshe, South Fallsburg 12779 Preventive Medicine (Accredited) Ohio: Rabbinical College of Telshe, Wickliffe 44092 Georgia: Pennsylvania: Emory University, Atlanta 30322 Talmudica' Yeshiva of Philadelphia, Philadelphia 19131 New York: Yeshivath Beth Moshe, Scranton 18505 University of Rochester, Rochester 14627 Utah: Rabbinical and Talmudic Education (Preaccredited)

University of Utah, Salt Lake City 84112 Connecticut: Bais Binyomin Academy of Connecticut, Samford 06901 RABBINICAL AND TALMUDIC Florida: EDUCATION Talmudical Colleve of Florida, Miami Beach 33140 New York: Association of Advanced Rabbinical and Talmudic Beth Hillel Pabbinical Seminary. Brooklyn 11219 Ohel Shmuel Yeshiva, Bedford Hills 10507 Education Ohr Hamer Theological Seminary, New Rochelle 10851 Accreditation Commission Rabbinical Seminary of Beth Yitzchok D'Spinka, Brooklyn 11211 Bernard F jshman, Executive Director Rabbinical Seminary of Kollel, Brooklyn 11201 175 Fifth Avenue, Room 711 Talmudical Institute of Upstate New York, Rochester 14601 New York, New York 10010 Talmudical Seminary ()holm Torah, Brooklyn 11213 Yeshiva Bnei Torah, Far Rockaway 11691 Rabbinical and Talmudic Education (Accredited) Yeshiva E.:cyan Hatalmud. Monsey 10952 Yeshiva Karlin Stolin Beth Ar011 Visrael Rabbinical Inst Colorado: Brooklyn 11204 Yeshiva Shaar Hatorah ltre Torah Research Ctr Yeshiva Toras Chaim Talmudical Seminary, Dens-r 8000.1 . Kew Gardens 11301 Illinois: feshisat Mikdash Melech. Brooklyn 11201 Telshe Yeshiva- Chicago. Chicago 60625 Maryland: Ner Israel Rabbinical College Baltimore 21215 RADIOLOGIC TECHNOLOGY New Jersey: Americqn Medical Association Beth Medrash Govaha, Lakewood 08701 Rabbinical College of America, Morristown 07960 Committee on Allied Health Education and New York: Accreditation

Beth Hatalmud Rabbinical College, Brooklyn 11214 In cooperation with Beth Medrash Emek Halacha Rabbinical College. Brooklyn 11204 Joint Review Committee on Education in Radiologic Beth Roche' Seminary, Monsey 10952 Technoiugy, which is sponsored by the American 168 Specialized Accreditation and Preaccred(tation

College of Radiology and the American Society Orange ( oast College Costa Mesa 96626 of Radiologtc Technologists Pasadena C its College Pasadena 9 I 106 Peninsula Hospital and Medical C enter, Burlingarn: 94101 Robert L Coyle Execut. Secretary San Bernardino ( ounts MediLal Center, San 13rinardino 107 North Michigan At CHM-, Suite 1801 92404 Chicago, Illinois 60601 San Joaquin Delta C ollege Stockton 95207 Santa Barbara C its College. Santa Barbara 93105 Radiographer (Accredited) Santa Rosa Jonior College, Saina Rosa 95401 St I lane's Hospital of I ynwood, Lynwood 90262 Alabama: St John's Hospital, Oxnard 91010 Carraway Methodist Medical Center, Birmingham 35214 St Josephs Medical 1:enter, Burbank 91503 Druid City Hospital, Tuscaloosa 15401 Sutter Community Hospitals. Sacramento 95816 Gadsden State Junior College, Gadsden 35901 US Nclt y Nurse Corps, San Diego 9 134 Huntsville Hospital, Huntsville 35801 Veterans Administration Medical Centct, Sepulveda 91343 Jefferson State Junior College. Birmingham 15215 3.'etera-e, AdministiatioMedical Center-Wadsworth Mobile Infirmary, Mobile 16607 Hospital. I o. Angr 4)073 St Margaret's Hospital, Montgomery 36104 uha College. Mary%sille 95901 University of South Alabama, Mobile 16688 Colorado: Veterans Administration Medical Center Tuskogee 36081 Aims College Greeley 80631 Wallace State Community College Hanceville 35077 Community College of Denser-Auraria Campus. Denser Arizona: 80204 Martcopa Technical Community College. Phoenix 85004 Memorial Hospital, Colorado Springs 809( -, Northern Arizona University Flagstaff 86001 Mesa College. Grand Junction $1501 Puna Community Coll-ge, Tucson 85709 St Anthony Hospital Systems, Denser 80214 St Francis Hospital, Colorado Springs 80903 Arkansas: -University of Southern Colorado, Pueblo 81001 Baptist Medical Center. Little Rock 72201 Connecticut: Southern Arkansas Unisersit5 -1.1 Dorado Branch, El Dorado Bridgeport Hospital. Bridgeport 06602 71730 Danbury Hospital. Danbury 06810 Sparks Regional Medical Center, Ft Smith 72901 Hartford Hospital. Hartford 06115 Si Edvsaid Mercy Medical Center, Ft Smith 724to Hospital of St Raphael, New Haven 06511 St Vikent Infirmary. Little Rock 72201 Lawrence and Memorial Hospital-, New London 06) University of Arkansas at Little itiSck, Little Rock 72204 Manchester Memorial Hospital. Manchester 06040 California: Mattatuck Community College, Waterbury 06708 Antelope Valley College, Lancaster 93534 Meridian-Wallingford Hospital Meriden 06450 Bakersfield College, Bakersfield 93305 Middlesex Community College. Middletown 06457 Cabrillo College, Aphis 95003 Mount Sinai Hospital, Hartford 06100 California Hospital Medical Center, Los Angeles 900If New Britain General. Hospital, New Brin 06050 Canada College, Redwood City 94061 Quinnimac College, Hamden 06518 Chaffey Community College, Alta Loma 91701 South Central Community College, New Haven 06511 Children's Hospita1V LA)s Angeles, Los Angeles 90027 St Vincent's Hospital. Bridgeport 06606 City of lime Natiowl Medical Center, Duarte 91010 St Francis Hospital and Medici! Center, Hartford 06105 City College of San FrancicoSan Francisco 94! 12 Stan-1'w I Hospital, Stamford 06902 Contra Costa County Medicaj Services, Martinez 94553 Windham Community Memorial Hospital, Willimantic 06226 Cypress College, Cypress 90630 D'strict of Columbia: Daniel Freeman MemorialHospital, Inglewi)od 90101 Greater Southeast Community Hospital, Washington 20032 El Camino College, silt Torrance 90506 University of the District of Columbia-Van Ness, Washington Foothill College. Los Altos Hills 94422 20010 Fresno Chy College. I resno 91704 Washington Hospital Center. Washington 20015 Hawthorne Communtty Hospital Haw:horne 90250 Huntington Memoral Hospital. Pasadena 911.D5 Florida: King-Drew, &hoe I of,Rildiologic Technology, Los Angeles Barnist Medical Cutter, Jai-ksonsille 122(17 s 90059 Bayfront Medical C enter, St Petersburg 33701 Loma Linda Untsersity oma I intia 92154 Hresard Community College C icoa 12922 Long Beach City College. Long Beach 9(1808 Froward Community I',liege. Ft Lauderdale 33114 Los Angeles Counts Hospital-USC Medical Center. Los Halifax Hospital Medical Center. Daytona Beach 32015 Angeles 90011 HI %borough Community 'allege, Tampa 33622 Merced College, Merced 95340 ian Riser Community liege, Ft Pierce 33450 Merrttt College. Oakland 94609 Lakeland General Hospital akeland 338(12 Mount San Antonio College. Wainut 91789 ce Memorial Hospital, Ft Myers 11902 O'Connor Hospital, San Jose 95128 Manatee Junior College, Bradenton 31505

169 1S1 Specialized Accreditation and Preaccreditation

Miami-Dade Community College. Miami Beach 13156 Lutheran Hospital, Moline 612n5 Mount Sinai Medical Center, Miami Beach 33140 McDonough District Hospital 614s5 Munroe Memorial Hospital, Ocala 32670 Memorial Medical (enter, Springfield 62702 Sacred Heart Hospital, Pensacola 32504 Michael Reese Hospital and Medical Center Chicago 60616 Santa Fe Community College, Gainesville 32601 Moline Public Hospital, Moline 61265 Stminole Memorial Hospital. Sanford 32771 Moraine Valley Community College, Palos Hills 60465 at Luke s Hospital, Jacksonville 32204 Northwest Community Hospital, Arlington Heights 60005 St Mary's Hospital, West Palm Beach 33407 Oakton Commy College, Morton 60053 St Vincent's Medical Center, Jacksonville 32204 Parkland t-olkge, Champaign 61820 Tallahassee Community College, Tallahassee 32303 Provident Hospital and training Sc hool, ( hic ago 60615 University of Central Florida, Orlando 3280C Ravenswood Hospital Medical (claim, Chicago 606(X) University of Miama- Jackson Memorial Medical Center, Richland Memorial Hospit,d, Olney 62450 Miami 33136 Rock Island Franciscan Hospital, Rock Island 6(201 University Hospital of Jacksonville, Jacksonville 32209 Rockford Memorial Hospital Rockford 61101 West Florida Medical Center Clinic, Pensacola 32504 Sauk Valley College, Dixon 61021 Winter Park Memorial Winter Park 32789 South Chicago Community Hospital, Chicago 60617 Geoe,gla:- Southern Illinois University, Carbondale 62901 St Anne's Hospital, Chicago 60302 Albany Area Vocational -1 echnical School, Albany 31701 St Francis Hospital, Evanston 602(1) Baldwin County Hospital, Milledgeville 31061 St Francis Hospital Medical Center. Peoria 61601 Brunswick Junior Co1hge, Brunswick 31520 Crawford W Long Memorial Hospital, Atlanta 30308 St Joseph Hospital, Chicago 60657 De Kalb General Hospital, Decatur 39030 St Joseph Hospital, Elgin 60120 Emory University, Atlanta 30322 St Mary Hospital Quincy 62301 Floyd Hospital, Rome 30161 Swedish-American Hospital, Rockford ollul Georgia Baptist Hospital Medical Center, Atlanta 39312 Thornton Community College, South Holland 60473 Gnflin-Spalding County Hospital, Gnf lin 30223 Triton College, River Grove 60'71 Hamilton ,Memonal Hospital, Dalton 30720 University of Illinois Medical Cc er ( hicago 6(680 Kennestone Ijospital, Marietta 30061 Wright Junior College Chicago 6,)644 Medical Center, Columbus 31902 Indiana: Medical Center of Central Georgia, Macon 11201 Ball Memorial Hospital. Muntie 47106 Medial College of Georgia. Augusta 30902 Butler University, Indianapolis 46208 Memorial Hospital, Waycross 31501 Community Hospital of Indiana',.,s, Indianapolis 46219 Memorial Medical Center, Savannah 31405 Elkhart General Hospital, Elkhart 46514 Valdosta Area Vocational-Technical School, Valdosta 3,4sol Good Samaritan Hospital, Vincennes 47591 F Hawaii: Hancock County Memorial Hospital, Greenfield 46140 University of Hawaii- Kapiolani Community Colic ge, Indiana State University Evansville, Evansville 47712 Honolulu 96814 !ndiana University Northwest C. .pus, Gary 46408 Indianayoctational-Tet hnival College-Indiana "Technical Inst, Idaho: Inchanilis 46241 Boise State University, Boise 83701 -,,utheran Hospital. ft Wayne 16807 Idaho State University, Pocatello 83201 Memorial Hospital of South Bend, South Bend 46601 Illinois: Northern Indiana School of Radiologii Tvvhnology, Westfield 46)91 Belleville Area College, Belleville 62221 Parkview Memorial Hospital Ft Wayne 46805 Blessing Hostal, Cpinc 62301 Porter Memorial Hospital, Valparaiso 46383 Bloomington-Normal Hospital, Normal 1761 Reid Memorial Hospital. Richmond 473"i4 Carl Sandburg College, Galesburg 61401 St Joseph Memorial Hospital, Koko' ii 46010 Central YMCA Community College, Chicago 60606 St Joseph's Hospital, Ft Wayne 46804 College of Du Page, Glen Ellyn 60137 University of Evansville, LN MIS% IIIC 47704 College of Lake County Grayslake 60030 Welborn Memorial Baptist Hospital Ex ansx die 47711 Cook County Hospital, Chicago 60612 De Paul University, Chicago 60604 Iowa- Decatur Memorial Hospital, Decatur 62526 Allen Memorial Hospital, Water 100 50701 -4"nrotin Hospital, Chicago 60610 Finley Hospital. Dubuque 52001 Hinsdale Swiity um and Hospital, Hinsdale 60521 Iowa Lutheran Hospital. Des Moines 50300 Illinois Masonic Medical Center, Chicago 60657 Iowa Methodist Medical Center, Des lvttoiner 50308 Kankakee Community College, Kankakee 60901 Jennie Edmondson Memorial Hospital, Council Bluffs 51501 Kaskaskia College, Centralia 62901 Marion Health CenterSt Joseph Unit, Sion, City 51104 Kewanee Public Hospital, Kewanee 61443 Mercy Health Center-St Joseph's Unit, Dubuque 52001 Kishwaukee College, Malts 6015,0 Mercy Hospital Des Moines 50314 Lakeview Medical Center, Danville 61832 Mercy Hospital. Cedar Rapids 0000 Lincoln Land Community College, Springfield 62708 Mercy Hospital, Iowa City 52240


,ti Specialized Accreditation and Preaccreditation

Schoitz Memorial Hospital Sch ut Radiological Tech Hood College, Frederick 21701 Waterloo 50702 Johns Hopkins Hospita: Baltimore 21205 St Francis Hospital, Waterloo 50702 Maryland General tlospii Al Baltimore 21201 St Joseph Mercy Hospital, Mason City 50401 Memorial Hospital at Easton, r.,roon 21601 St Luke's Methodist Hospital, Cedar Rapids 12402 Mercy Hospital, Baltimor21202 University of Iowa, Iowa City 52242 Peninsula General Hospital, Salisbury 21801 Kansas: Ponce George's Community College, Largo 2087(2 Provident Hospital, Baltimore 21215 Bethany ?vied:cal Center. Kansas City 66102 South Baltimore General Hospital, Baltimore 21230 Ft Hays Kansas State University. Hays 67601 The Sinai Hospital of Baltimore, Inc, Baltimore 21215 Hutchinson Community Junior College, Hutchinson 67101 University of Maryland Professional Schools, Baltimore 21201 Providence-St Margaret Health Center, Kansas City 66112 Washington Adventist Hospital, Takoma Park 20012 St Catherine Hospital, Garden City 67846 St Francis Hospital, Topeka 66606 Massachusetts: St Francis Hospital, Wichita 67214 Bunker Hill Community College, Charlestown 02129 Stormont -Vail Ho.nrtal Topeka 66606 Burbank Hospital, Fitchburg 1I420 University of Kansa.. dical Center, Kansas City 6610 Goddard Memorial Hospital, Stoughton 02072 Wesley Medical Center, Wichita 67214 Holyoke Community College, Holyckc 01040 Kentucky: Massachusetts Bay Community College, Wellesley Hills 02181 Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston 02114 Bellarmine College, Louisville 40205 Middlesex Community College, Bedford 01730 Central Baptist Hospital, Lexington 40503 Mount Auburn Hipital, Cambridge 02138 Community Methodist Hospital, H.nderson 42420 North Adams Hospital, North Adams 01247 Good Sainaritan Hospital, Lexington 40508 North Shore Community College, Beverly 01915 King's Daughter's Hospital, Ashland 41101 Northeastern University at Lincoln College, Boston 02115 Madetonviile State Vocational-Technical School Madisonville Quinsigamond Community College, Worcester 01605 42431 Salem Hospital, Salem 01970 Morehead State University, Morehead 40351 Northern Kentucky University, Highland Heights 41076 Michigan: Owensboro Daviess County Hospital, Owensboro 42301 Annapolis Hospital, Wayne 48184 St Joseph Hospital, Lexington 40504 Borgess Hospital, Kalamazoo 49001 St Mary and Elizabeth Hospitals, Louisville 40215 Bronson Methodist Hospital. Kalamazoo 49006 Union College, Barbourville 40906 Delta College, University Center 487IL University of Kentucky, Lexington 40506 Detroit-Macomb Hospitals Association, Detroit *8226 William Booth Memorial Hospital, Covington 41011 Ferris State College. Big Rapids 49307 Louisiana: Grand Rapii:- Junior College, Grand Rapids 49502 Hackley Hospita' Muskegon 49440 Alton Ochsner Medical Foundation, New Orleans 70121 Hai per -Grace Hospial, Grace Hospital Division Detroit Charity Hospital of Louisiana at New Orleans. New Orleans 48235 70410 Harper-Grace Hospital, Harper Hospital Division, Detroit Delgado College, New Orleans 70119 48235 Hotel Dieu Hospital, New Orleans 70100 Henry Ford Hospital. Detroit 48202 Lafayette Charity Hospital, Lafayette 70501 Kellogg Community College, Battle Creek 49016 Late Kemp Charity Flosp/Louisiana tilth dr. Human Lake Michigan College, Benton Harbor 49022 Resottrces. Independence 70443 Lansing Community College, Lansing 48914 Northeast Louisiana University, Monroe 71201 Marquette General Hospital, Marquette 49855 Northwestern State University of Louisiana, Natchitot he. McLaren General Hospital. Flint 48502 71457 Michigan Paraprofessional Training Institute. Southfield St Frances Cahrim Hospital. Alexandria 71301 48075 Maine: Mid-Michigan Community C °liege, Harrison 48625 Augusta General Hospitai Augusta 04330 Mount Carmel Mercy Hospital and Medical Center, Detroit Central Maine Medical Center, Lewiston 04240 :8235 Eastern Maine Vocational-Technical Institute, Bangor 04401 Oakwood Hospital, Dearborn 48124 Maine Medical Center. Portland 04192 Port Huron Hospital. Port Huron 48060 Mercy Hospital, Portland 04101 Providence Hospital, Southfield 48075 Mid-Maine Medical Center, Waterville 04901 St 3,,hn's Hospital, Detroit 48236 St Mary's General Hospital, Lewiston 04240 St Joseph Hospital. Mount Clements 48043 St Joseph llostal, Flint 48502 Maryland: St Joseph Mercy Hospital, Pontiac 48013 Baltimore City Hospitals, Baltimore 21224 St Joseph Vercy Flonital, Detroit 48211 Essex Community College, Baltimore County 21237 St Mary's Hospital, t. nd Rapids 49503 Greater Baltimore Medical Center. Baltimore 21204 St Mary's Hospital, Livonia 48154 Hagerstown Junior College, Hagerstown 2174)) V. A 1-tane Memorial Hospital, Jackson 49201

171 1 S 3 Specialized Accreditation and Preaccreditation

Washtenaw Community College, Ann Arbor 48107 Mary Limning Memorial Hospital, Hastings 68901 Wayne County General Hospital, Westland 48185 University of Nebraska Medical Center, Omaha 68105 William Beaumont Hospital. Royal Oak 48072 West Nebraska General Hospital. Scottsbluff 644161 --- Minnesota: Nevada: Alit -Northwes rn tiospral, Minneapolis 55407 University of Nevada-Las Vegas, Las Vegas 8009 Bethesda Lutheran Medical Center, St Paul 55101 New Hampiddre: Fairview Hospital, Minneepolis 55404 ilen wpm County Medical Canter, Minneapolis 55415 Cheshire Hospital, Keene 03431 liibbing-General Hospnal. Hibbing 1,5746 Elliot Hospital. Manchester 03103 Lutheran Deaconess Hospital. Minneapolis .45404 Nashua Hosp Assn-Memorial Hospital, Nashua 03060 'Methodist Hospital, St Lc as Park 35416 New Hampshire Te-Thnical Institute, Concord 03301 Naeve Hospital Aasociata Albert Lea 56007 New 'messy: North Memorial Medical Center, Minneapolis 55427 Atlantic City Medical Center, Atlantic City 08401 Rice Memorial Hospital, Willmar 56261 Bayonne Hospital, Bayonne 07002 St Cloud Hospital, St Cloud 56301 Bergen Community College, Paramus 07652 St Lu'e's Howitai, Duluth 55805 Bndgeton Hospital, Ridgeton 08302 St Mary's Hosnital Duluth 55805 Burdette Tomlin Memorial Hospital, Cape May Courthouse Un,versity of Minnesota at Minneapolis St Minneapolis 08210 55455 Parlington County Memorial Hospital, Mount Holly 08060 Veterans Administration Medical Center, Minneapolis 55417 Cherry Hill Medical Center, Cherry Hill 08002 Virginia Municipal Hospital. Virginia 55792 Christ Hospital, Jersey City 07306 Clara Maass Memorial Hospital, Belleville 07109 Forrest County General llospi,al, Hattiesbuig 39401 Colle"e ^1 Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey, Newark Jones County Community licanital, Laurel '9440 C King's Daughte-s Hospital, Greonville 3,701 Cooper Hospital, Camden 08100 Meridian Junior College, Meridian 39301 Elizabeth General Hospital and Dispensary, Elizabeth 07201 Mississippi Baptist Medical Center, Jackson 39201 Englewood Hospital, Englewood 07631 Mississippi Gulf CAiast tumor College, Gautier 39553 Eases County Community College, Newark 07102 University of Mississippi Medical Center, Jackson 39216 Fairleigh Dickinson University-Madison Campus, Madison 07940 Missouri: Hackensack Hospital, Hackensack 07 01 Baptist Memorial Hospital, Kansas City 64131 Helene Fuld Medical Center, Trenton 08607 Charles E Still Osteopathic Hospital, Jefferson City 65010 Mercer County Community College, Trenton 08608 Independence Sanitarium & Hospital, Independence 64050 Middlesex County College, Edison 08811 Lester E Cox Medical Center, Springfield 65802 Monmouth Medical Center, Long Branch 07740 Levering Hospital, Hannibal 63401 Mountainside Hospital, Mont_lair 07040 Louise 0 Wallace Hospital. Lebanon 65536 Muhlenberg Hospital, Plainfield 07060 Mallinckrodt Institute-Washington University, St Louis 63110 Pascack Valley Hospital, Westwood 07675 Menorah Medical Center, Kansas City 64110 Passaic County Community College, Paterson 07505 Methodist Hospital Medual Center, St Joseph 64501 Passaic TriHosintal-Passaic General Hospital Passaic 07055 Missouri Southern State College. Joplin 64801 Riverview Hospital, Red Bank 07701 North Kansas City Memorial Hospital, North Kansas City St Barnabas Medical Center, Livingston 07039 64116 St Francis Hospital, Trenton 08600 Penn Valley C -immunity College, Kansas City 64111 St Michael's Medical Center, Newa,K 07102 Research Hospital and Medical Center, Kansas City 64132 Valley Hospital, Ridgewood 07451 St Elizabeth's Hospital. Hannibal 63401 West Jersey Hospital-Northern Dvision, Camden 08104 St Francis Medical Center, Cape Girardeau 61701 New Mexico: Ct John's Mercy Medical Center. St Louis 63141 St Joseph Hospital, St Joseph 64501 Lea Regional Hospital, Hobbs 88240 St Louis County Hospital. Clayton 61105 Ness Mexico State Univtrsity, Las Cruces 88001 St Luke s Hospital of Kansas City, Kansas City 64111 Nor.hern New Mexico Community College. El Rao 87530 University of Missouri Columbia 65201 Un -.fenny of Albuquerque, Albuquerque 87105 University of New Mexico, Albuquerque 87106 Montana: New York: Columbus Hospital Gleat f alk 59401 Montana Deaconess Medici! Center, Great Falk 59405 Albany Medical Center, Albany 12208 St Patrick Hospital. Missoula 59801 -not-Ogde, Memorial Hospital. Elmira 14901 St Vincent's Hospital, Billings 59103 Bellevue Hospital Center, New York 10016 Broome Community College, btneshamton 13902 Nebraska: Catholic Medical Center of Brooklyn & Queens Inc, Archbishop Bergan Mercy Hospital. Omaha 68124 Woodhaven 11421 Immanuel Medical Center, Omaha 68111 Central Suffolk Hospital, Riverhead 1190:

172 Specialized Accreditation and P..eaccrtditation Champlain Valley Physician's Hospital Medical Center, Johnston Technical Institute, Smithfield Plattsburgh 12901 27577 Lenoir Memorial Hospital, Kinston 28501 Community Hospital, Glen Cove 11542 Marla Parham Hospital, Henderson 27536 Corning Hospital at Glen Cove, Corning 14830 Mercy Hospital, Charlotte 28204 CUNY-Hostos Community College, Bronx 10021 Moses H Cone Memorial Hospital, Greensboro CUNY-New York City Technical College, 274.11 Brooklyn 11201 Northern Hospital of Surry County, Mount Genesee Hospital, Rochester 14607 Airy 27030 Pitt Technical l^stitute. Greens ille 27834 Glens Falls Hospital, Glens Falls 12801 Presbyterian Hospital, Charlotte 28200 Hospital for Joint Diseases and Medical Center, New York Rex Hospital, Raleigh 27603 10035 Rowan Technical Institute, Salisbury 28144 Hud.on Valley Community College, Troy 12180 University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill 27514 Jewish Hospital and Medical Centerof Brooklyn, Brooklyn 11238 Wilkes General Hospital, North Wilkesboro 28659 Long Island University-C W Post Center,Greenvale 11548 North Dakota: Mary McClellan Hospital, Cambridge 12816 Community Memorial Hospital, Hettinger 58639 Memorial Hospital, Albany 12208 Quam & Ramstad Clinic, Bismarck 58501 Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, NewYork 10021 St Alexius Hospital, Bismarck 58501 Mercy Hospital, Rockville Centre 11570 St John's Hospital, Fargo 58102 Methodist Hospital of Brooklyn, Brooklyn11215 St Joseph's Hospital, Minot 58701 Millard Fillmore Hospital, Buffalo 14209 St Luke's Hospital, Fargo 58102 Miscricordia Hospital Medical Center, Bronx10464 Trinity Medical Center, Minot 58701 Monroe Community College, Rochester 14607 United Hospital-Grand Forks Clinic, GrandForks 58201 Monteflore Hospital and Medical Center,Bronx 104.67 Ohio: Nassau Community College, Garden City11530 Nassau Hospital, Mineola 11501 Akron City Hospital, Akron 44304 New York Hospital, New York 10021 Akron General Medical Center, Akron 44307 Niagara Falls Memorial Medical Center,Niagara Falls 14302 Aultman Hospital, Canton 44710 North Country Community College, SaranacLake 12983 Barberton Citizen's Hospital, Barberton 44203 Northport Veterans Administration Medical Center, Central Ohio Technical College, Newark 43055 Northport 11768 Cleveland Metropclitan Hospital, Cleveland 44109 Peninsula Hospital Center, Far Rockaway 11691 Community Hospital, Salem 44460 Presbyterian Hospital, New York 10037 Community Hospital c :Springfield-Clark CountySpringfield South Nassau Communities Hospital, Oceanside11572 45501 St Elizabeth's Hospital, Utica 13500 Cuyahoga Falls General Hospital, Cuyahoga Falls44223 St James Mercy Hospitn% Hornell 14843 Euclid General Hospital, Euclid 44119 St Joseph's Hospital, Elmira 14900 Euclid General Hospital-Sch of RadiologicTechnology. St Luke's Memorial Hospital Center,Utica 13503 Euclid 44119 SUNY Upstate Medical Center, Syracuse 13210 Fisher-Titus Memorial Hospital. Norwalk 44857 Tompkins City Hospital, Ithaca 14850 Jefferson Technical College, Steubenville 43952 Trocaire College, Buffalo 14200 Kettering College of Medical Arts, Kettering 45429 United Hospital, Port Chester 10573 Lake County Memorial Hospital-West, Willoughby 44094 US Public Health Service Hospital, Staten Island10304 Lancaster-Fairfield County hospital, Lancaster 43130 Westchester Community College, Valhalla10595 Lima Technical College, Lima 45804 Womans Christian Association Hospital,Jamestown 14701 Lorain County Community College, Elyria 44035 North Carolina: Marietta MemonatHospital, Marietta 45750 Marton General Hospital, Marion 43302 Asheville-Buncombe Technical Institute, Asheville 28801 Marymount Hospital, Garfield 44125 C 1 Harris Community Hospital, Sy Iva 28779 'Mercy Hospital, Hamilton 45011 Caldwell Community College & Technical Institute, Lenoir Michael J Owens Technical College, Perrysburg 28645 43551 Middletown- Hospital Association, Middletown Carteret Technical Institute, Morehead City 28557 45042 Mount Sinai Hospital of Cleveland, Cleveland Catawba Memorial Hospital, Hickory 28601 44106 Muskingum Area Joint Technical College, Zanesville Charlotte Memorial Hospital and Medical 43701 Center, Charlotte North Central Technical College, Mansfield 28203 44906 Nuclear Medicine Institute of Hillcrest Hospital, Cleveland County Technical Institute, Shelhy 2.,150 Maple Heights 44137 Davis Hospital, Statesville 28677 Ohio State University-Main Campus, Columbus Duke University, Durham 27706 43210 Our Lady of Mercy Hospital, Cincinnati 45227 Durham County General Hospital, Durham 27700 Parma Community General Hospital, Parma 44129 Esigezombe Technical Institute, Tarboro 27886 Providence Hospital, Sandusky 44870 Fayetteville Technical Institute, Fayetteville 27701 Robinson Memorial Hospital, Ravenna 44266 Forsyth Technical Insotute, Winston-Salem 27103 Shawnee State College. Portsmouth 45662 Gaston Memorial Hosp..' Inc, Gastonia 28052 Sinclair C .immunity College, Dayton 45402 Hugh Chatham Memorial Hospital, Elkin 28621 Southwest General Hospital, Middleburg Heights 44130

173 Specialized Accreditation and Presccreditation

Harrisburg Polyclinic Hospital. Harrisburg 17101 St Alexis Hospital, Cleveland 44127 Harrisburg-York-Liti,caster Hospital, Harrisburg 17101 St Elizabeth Medical Center, Youngstown 44501 Holy Redeemer Hospital, Meadowbrook 19046 St Luke s Hospital, Cleveland 44104 St Luke's Hospital, Maumee 43517 Holy Spirit Hospital, Camp Hill 17011 St Thomas Hospital, Akron 44310 Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia St Vincent Hospital and Medical Center, Joh 4 1608 19104 The Christ Hospital, Cincinnati 45219 Lancaster General Hospital, Lancaster 176(Y Timken-Mercy Medical Center, Canton 44:u8 Lankenau Hospital, Philadelphia 191 51 Toledo Hospital, Toledo 43606 Lee Hospital, Johnstown 15901 Trumbull Memorial Hospital, Warren 44482 Mansfield State College, Mansfield 16931 Union Hospital, Dover 44622 McKeesport Hospital, McKeesport 15132 University of Cincinnati Medical Center, Cincinnati 45267 Medical Center of Beaver County, Rochester 1 5074 University Hospitals of Cleveland, Cleveland 44106 Medical College of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia 19129 Wittenberg University, Springfield 45501 Mercy Catholic Medical Center, Darby 19023 Xavier University, Cincinnati 45207 Mercy Hospital, Altoona 16603 Youngstown Hospital Association-North Unit, Youngstown Mercy Hospital of Pittsburgh, Pittsburg 15219 44501 Milton S Hershey Medical Center, Hershey 17033 Youngstown Hospital Association-South Unit, Youngstown Monsour Hospital and Clinic, Jeanette 15644 44501 Montefiore Hospital, Pittsburgh 15202 Montgomery Hospital, Nornstown 19401 oil1ah011111: Na-areth Hospital, Philadelphia 191 52 73112 Baptist Medical Center of Oklahoma, homaCHN Northampton County Area Community College, Bethlehem Hillcrest Medical Center, Tulsa 74102 18017 Mercy Health Center, Oklahoma City 73120 Ohio Valley Hospital, McKees Rocks 15136 Oscar Rose Junior College, Midwest City 73110 Pennsylvania State University, llo- zrsity Park 16802 Presbyterian Hospital, Oklahoma City 71104 Presbyterian University Hospi,i ittsburgh 15213 St Mary's Hospital, Enid 73701 Reading Hospital and Medics, Center, Reading 19603 Tulsa Junior College, Tulsa 'r4102 Robert Morris College, Pittsburgh 15219

: Rolling Hill Hospital and Diagnostic Center, Elk:as Park Albany General Hospital, Albany"97321 19117 Oregon Institute of Technology, Kiarrath Falls 97601 Sacred Heart General Hospital, Chester 19013 Portland Community College, Pentland 97219 Sacred Heart Hospital, Norristown 19401 Scranton State General Hospital, Scranton 18501 Penasylvaals: Sewickley Valley Hospital, Sewickley 15143 Abington Memorial Hospital, Abington 19001 !adyside Hospital, Pittsburgh 152 32 Albert Einstein Medical Cemer, Philadelphia 19141 Sharon General Hospital, Sharon 16146 Aliquippa Hospital, Aliquippa 15001 Somerset Community Hospital, Somerset 15501 Alleghe "y General Hospital, Pittsburgh 15212 St Francis Hospital of New Castle. New Castle 16101 Allegheny Valley Hospital, Natrona 15065 St Joseph Hospital, Lancaster 17604 Allentown Hospital Association, Allentown 1/1102N St Joseph Hospital, Hazleton 18201 Altoona Hospital, Altoona 16603 St Joseph's Hospital, Reading 19600 Armstrong County Memorial ltdsp,tal, Kittanning 16201 Temple University, Philadelphia 19122 Bradford Hospital, Bradford 16701 Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelpiii.i 19107 Bryn Mawr Hospital, Bryn Mawr 19010 Veterans Administration Medical Center, Philadelphia 19104 Carlisle Hospital, Carlisle 17013 Washington Hospital, Washington 15301 , Chestnut Hill Hospital, Philadelphia 19118 Western Pennsylvania Hospital, Pittsburgh 15224 Coatesville Hospital, Coatsville 19320 Westmoreland Hospital, Greensburg 15601 College Misencordia, Dallas 18611 Wilkes-Barre General Hospital, Wilkes-Barre 18702 Community College of Philadelphia, Philadelphia 19107 Williamsport Area Community College, Williamsport 17701 Community General Hospital Readine 19601 York Hospital, York 17405 Community Medical Center, Scranton 18510 Conemaugh Valley Memorial Hospital, Johnstown 15905 Rhode Island: CrozerChester Medical Center. Chester 19013 Rhode Island Junior College, Lincoln 02865 Doylestown Hospital, Doylestown 18901 South Carolina: Episcopal Hospital, Philadelphia 19125 Franklin Hospital, Fran1lin 16323 Anderson nlemonal Hospital, Anderson 29621 m University, Erie 16501 Greenville Technical College, Greenville 29606 °changer Medical Center, Danville 17'871 McLeod Memorial Hospital, Florence 29501 Germantown Dispensary and Hospital, Philadelphia 19114 Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston 29403 Greene County Memorial Hospital, Waynesbur; 15370 Midlands, Technical College, Columbia 29250 Gwynedd-Mercy College, Gwynedd Valley 19437 Orangeburg-Calhoun Technical Education Cc:liege. Hahnemann Medical Center, Philadelpma 19102 Orangeburg 29115 Hamot Medical Center, Erie lo3i2 Piedmont Technical College, Greenwood 29646 LS" t; 174

1 Specialized Accreditation and Preaccreditatlon Spartanburg 1 echnit al College, Spartanburg 29303 US Army Academy of Health Sciences, Ft Sam Houston York General Hospital, Rock Hill 29730 7e234 South Dakota: Wadley Hospital, Texarkana 75501 Dakota Wesleyan University, Mitchell 57301 Winkler County Memorial Hospital, Kermit 79745' McKennan Hospital, Sioux Falls 57101 Utah: Rapid City Regional Hospital. Rapid City 57701 St Mii-k Hospital. Salt Lake 84103 Sacred Heart Hospital. Yankton 570714 University of Utah Medical Caster, Salt Lake City 84112 Sioux Valley Hospital, Sioux Falls 57105 Weber Sty- College, Ogden 84403 St Luke's Hospital. Aberdeen 57401 Vermont: Tennessee: The Rutland Hospital '-, Rutland 05701 Aquinas Junior College Nashville 37200 University of Vermont, Burlington 05401 Baptist Memorial Hospital, Memphis 38146 Blount Memorial Hospital, Mary ,111e 37801 Virginia: Chattanooga State Technical Community College, Allegheny Regional Hospital, Clifton Forge 24422 Chattanooga 37400 Central Virginia Community College, Lynchburg 24501 Columbia State Community College. Columbia 38401 De Paul Hospital, Norfolk 23505 East Tennessee Baptist Hospital. Kn( .ville 37900 Maryview Hospital, Portsmouth 23707 East Tenrressee State Univytty, Johnson City 37601 Memorial Hospital, Danville 24541 Jackson State Community College, Jackson 38301 Naval Regional Mescal Center, Portsmouth 23708 Methodist Hospital. Memphis 38100 Norfolk General Haitian', Norfolk 23507 Nashville Metropolitan General fitzspital, Nashville37210 Petersburg Genera; Hospital, Petersburg 23803 Roane State Community College, Harriman 37748 Riverside Hospital, Newport News 23601 Shelby State Community College, Memphis 38122 Roanoke Memorial Hospital, Roanoke 24014 St Joseph's Hospital. Memphis 38100 Rockingham Memorial Hospital, Harrisonburg 22801 University of Tennessee Memorial Hospital, Knoxville 37920 Southwest Virginia Community College, Richlands24641 Vanderbilt University Hospital, Nashville 37203 St Mary's Hospital, Richmond 23226 Texas: University of Virginia Medical Center, Charlottsville 22901 Virginia Western Community College, Roanoke 24015 Amarillo College. Amarillo 79178 Winchester Memorial Hospital, Winchester 22601 Angelina College, Lufkin 75901 /Zustin Community College.Austin 78702 Washington: Austin State Hospital. Austin 78751 Bellevue Community College, Bellevue 98004 Baptist Hospital of Southeast 't exas, Beaumont 77704 Holy Family Hospital, Spokane 99207 Baptist Memorial Hospital. San Antonio 78205 Tacoma Community College, Tacoma 98465 Baylor University Medical Center, Dallas 75226 Wenatchee Valley College, Wenatchee 98801 Central Plains General Hospital, Plainview 79072 Yakima Valley College, Yakima 98901 Citizens Memorial Hospital, Victoria 77901 West Virginia: Collin Memorial Hospital, McKinney 75069 D M Cbgdell Memorial Hospital, Temple 76501 Bluefield Community Hospital, Bluefield 24701 Del Mar College. Corpus Christi 78404 Bluefield Sanitanum, Bluefield 24701 El Centro College. Dallas 75200 Camden-Clark Memorial Hospital, Parkersburg 26101 El Paso Community College, El Paso 79998 Fairmont General Hospital, Fairmont 26554 Galveston College. Galveston 77550 Memorial General Hospital, Elkins 26241 Good Shepherd Hospital, Longview 76501 Ohio Valley Medical Center, Wheeling 26003 Hendrick Memorial Hospital. Abilene 79601 Ohio Valley Medical CenterRactiologic Technology, Houston Community College, Houston 77027 Wheeling 26003 Lamar University, Beaumont 77710 Parkersburg Community College, Parkersburg 26101 Laredo Junior College, Laredo 780,0 St Frances Hospital, Charleston 25322 Malone-Hogan Hospital Inc. Big Spring 79720 St Mary's Hospital, Huntington 25.'01 McLennau Community Col'._ge, Waco 76703 Stonewall Jackson Memorial Hospital, Weston 26452 Memorial Hospital System. Houston 77002 United Hospital Center, Clarksburg 26301 Methodist Hospital, Lubbock 79410 Ubiversity of Charleston, Charleston 25304 Midwestern State University, Wichita Falls 763C8 West Virginia University Medical Center, Morgantown 26506 Odessa College Odesm 79760 Wheeling Hospital, Wheeling 26003 San Jacinto College. Pasadena 77501 Wisconsin: San Jacinto Methodist Hospital, Baytown 77521 Belhn Memorial Hospital, Green Bay 54300 South Plains College, Levelland 79336 Beloit Memorial Hospital, Beloit 53511 St Phillip's College. San Antonio 78203 Lolumbia Hospital, Milwaukee 53211 Tarrant County Junior College. Hurst 76053 Deaconess Hospital, Milwaukee 53233 Texas Southmost College. Brownsville 78520 District pie Technical institute, Eau Claire 54701 Tyler Junior College. Tyler 75701 Family Hospital, Milwaukee 53208

175 1 s 7, Specialized Accreditation and Preaccreditarion

Kenosha Memorial Hospital, Kenosha 53141 Colorado: Luther Hospital, Eau Claire 54701 Community College of Denver Auraria Cann,us, Denver Madison General Ho' anal, Madison 51700 K0204 Mercy Medical Center, Oshkosh 54901 Connecticut: Milwaukee Area Technical College, Milwaukee 51203 South Central Community (Alegi. New Haven 06511 Milwaukee County Medical Complex, Milwaukee 51226 North Central Technical Institute, Wausau 54401 District of Columbia: St Agnes Hospital, Fond du Lac 54935 George Washington University, Washington 20006 St Catherine's Hospital, Kenosha 51104 Howard University, Washington 2(881) St Joseph's Hospital, Milwaukee 53210 Florida: St Joseph's Hospital: Marshfield 54449 Brovvard Community College, Ft Lauderdale 13314 St Luke's Hospital, Racine 53400 St Luke's Hospital School, Milwaukee 53215 Georgia: St Mary's Hospital, Milwaukee 53201 Grady Memorial Hospital, Atlanta 30303 St Mary'slospital,Racine 53401 Medical College of Georgia, Augusta 30902 St Mary'sospital, Rhinelander 000(X) St Josero. s Hospital, Atlanta 30342 St Mary's Hospital Medical Center, Madison 53716 St Michael's Hospital, Milwaukee 53209 Idaho: Theda Clary Regional Medical Center, Neenah 54956 Mountain StatesI umor Institute. Boise 81701 University o? Wisconsin- Madison. Madison 53706 Illinois: Veterans Administration Medical Center, Wood 53193 Evanston Hospital. Evanston 60201 Waukesha Memorial Hospital, Waukesha 51186 St Francis Hospital, Evanston 60200 Western Wisconsin Technical Institute, La Crossc 54601 St Joseph Hospital, Elgin 60120 Wyoming: Swedish-American Hospital, Rockford 61101 Laramie County Community College, Cheyenne 82(X)1 West Park County Hospital, Cody 142414 Indiana University Hospitals Indianapolis 46202

Canal Zone: Iowa: Canal Zone College, Balboa 52330 University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics, Iowa City 52240 Krum: Radiation Therapy Technologist (Accredited) University of Kansas Medical Center. Kansas City 66103

Alabama: Kentucky: St Margaret's Hospital School of RaditilogicI echnology. University of Kentucky Medical Center, Lexington 40506 Montgomery 36195 Maryland: Arizona: The Johns Hopkins Oncology Center, Baltimore 21210 Arizona University Medical Center Iucson 85705 Massachusetts: Harvard Joint Center for Radiation Therapy, Boston 02115 Arkenrut: Springfield Technical Community College, Springfield 01105 Central Arkansas Radiation Therapy Institute, I ittle Rock 72206 Michigan: University of Mi..higan Medical Center, Ann Arbor 48109 California: Wayne State University, Detroit 48202 Cancer Foundation of Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara 93102 William Beaumont Hospital, Royal Oak 48072 City of Hope National Medical Center, Duarte 91010 City College of San Franco. San Francisco 94112 Minnesota: Foothill College. Los-Attos Hills 94022 Rice Memorial Hospital School of Radiologic I echnology. Kaiser -Permanentt'Hospital. Los Angeles 90027 Willmar 56201 Lac Harbor General Hospital/UCLA Medical Center University of Minnesota Health Sc lenleS Center Minneapolis Torrance 90506 55455 Loma Linda University, Loma Linda 92354 Missouri: Los Angeles County Hospital-US.- Medical Center, I os Elks Fischel State Cancer Hospital, Columbia 65201 Angeles 90013 Mallinckrodt InstituteWashington University, St Louis 63110 Orange Coast College, Costa Mesa 96625 St f uke's Hospital of Kansas City, Kansas 64111 Radiation Oncology Center of Sutter Cor imi nits Hospital, University of Missouri School of Medicine, C oh a 65201 Sacramento 95816 Radiation Therapy Group, Riverside 92506 New Jersey: St Josephs Medical Center, Burbank 91503 St Barnahas Medical Center. I iv ingston 07019 Stanford University Medical Center, Stanford 940)5 University Hospital of San Diego County, San Diego 92103 New York: UCLA Center for Health Sciences. Los Angeles 90024 Fria Community College-North Campus, Buffalo 14221

176 I tw C-1j Specialized Accreditation and Preaccreditation

Manhattan College, Bronx 10471 Washington: Memorial Sloan-Kettenng Canter Center, New York 10021 Tumor Institute of the Swedish Hospital, Seattle 98104 Monteflore Hospital and Medical Center. Bronx 10467 SUNY Upstate Medical Center, Syracuse 13210 West Virginia:. North Caro Um: West Virginia University Medical Center, Morgantown 26506 North Carolina Memorial Hospital, Chapel Hill 27514 Wisconsin: Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee 53233 Ohio; St Joseph's Hospital, Milwaukee 53210 Barberton Citiienx Hospital-Sch of Radio logic Tech, University of Wisconsin Hospitals, Madison 53706 Barberton 44203 Cleveland Clinic Foundation. Cleveland 44106 The Chnst.Hospital, Cincinnati 45219 Toledo Hospital, Toledo 43606 RESPIRATORY THERAPY Oklahoma: American Medical Association Natalie Warren, Bryant Cancer Centel, Tulsa 74136 Omar Committee on Allied Health Education and Univel illy of Oregon Health Sciences Center, Portland 97201 Accreditation Pmumreania: In cooperation with Community College of Allegheny County, Pittsburgh 15219 Joint Review Committee for Respiratory Therapy Geisinger Medical Center, Danville 17821 Education, which is sponsored by the Atnerican Gwynedd-Mercy College, Gwynedd Valley 19437 Lee Hospital School of Radio logic Tech, Johnstown 15901 Association for Respiratory Therapy, American Milton S Hersh -y Medical Center, Hershey 17033 College of Chest Physicians, American Society Western Pennsylvania Hospital, Pittsburgh 15224 of Anesthesiologists, and the American Thoracic Society - Rhode Wand: Rhode Island Hospital, Providence 02902 Philip A von der Heydt, Executive Director 1720 Regal Row, Suite 125 South Caro Hu: Dallas, Texas 75235 Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston 29403 Temesser Respiratory Therapist (Accredited) Baptist Memorial Hospital, Memphis 38146 Alabama: Baroness Erlanger Hospital, Chattanooga 37403 George C Wallace State Community College, Dothan 36701 Methodist Hospital, Memphis 38100 University of Alabama-Birmingham, Birmingham 35294 Vanderbilt University Hospital, Nashville 37203 iss Arizona: Texas: Biosystems Institute, Phoenix 85034 Baylor College of Medicine, Houston 77025 Mancopa Technical Community College, Phoenix 85004 Baylor University Medical Center, Dallas 75226 Pima Community College, Tucson 85709 Baylor University Medical Center Radiation Therapy Tech, St Joseph's Hospital and Medical Center, Phoenix 85001 Dallas 75'46 Cancer Therapy and Research Center, San Antonio 78205 Arkansas: Malone-Hogan Hospital, Big Spring 79720 University of Arkan as for Medical Sciences, Little Rock Methodist Hospital, Lubbock 79410 72201 Radiation and Medical Research Group, Ft Worth 76104 California: St Paul Hospital. Dallas 75235 Arne ican River College, Sacramento 95841 Utah: Butte College, Oroville 95965 Latter Day Saints Hospital, Salt Lake City 84103 College of the Desert, Palm Desert 92260 University of Utah Medical Center, Salt Lake City 84112 Coripton Community College. Compton 90220 Crofton Hills College, Yucaipa 92399 Vermont East Los Angeles College, Los Angeles 90022 University of Vermont, Burlington 05401 El Camino College, via Torrance 90506 Fresno City College, Fresno 93704 V1411141: Grossmont College, El Cajon 92020 Medical Center Hospital, Norfolk 23507 Loma Linda University, Loma Linda 92354 Roanoke Memorial Hospital, Roanoke 24014 Long Beach Ctty College, Long Beach 90808 University of Virginia Medical Center, Charlottsville 22901 Los Angeles Valley College, Van Nuys 91401 Virginia Commonwealth University-Medical College of Va, Mount San Antonio College, Walnut 91789 Richmond 23298 Napa College, Napa 94558

Qi1 177 11/4.1cl Specialised Accreditation and Preaccreditation

Orange Coast College, Costa Mesa 96626 Indiana University, Bloomington-Indianapolis, Bloomington Rio Hondo College, Whittier 90601 47401 Skyline College, San Bruno 94402 Vincennes University, Vincennes 47591 University of California at L A /Santa Monica College, Los Iowa: Angeles 90024 Des Moines Area Community College, Ankeny 50021 Ventura College, Ventura 93003 Kirkwood Community College, Cedar Rapids 52406 Victor Valley College, Victorville 92395 Kansas: Colorado: Wichita State University, Wichita 67208 Community College of Denver-North Campus, Westminster 80030 Kentucky: University of Southern Colorado, Pueblo 81001 University of Kentucky-Jefferson Community Co IIge, Louisville 40200 Cesseedeut: University of Kentucky-Lexington Technical Institute, Hospital of St Raphael, New Haven 06511 Lexington 40506 Manchester Community College, Manchester 06040 ?Nor calk Hospital, Norwalk 06856 Louisiana: St Vincent's Hospital, Bndgepor 06606 Alton Ochsner Medical Foundation, New Orleans 70121 YaleNew Haven Medical Center, New Haven 06504 Delgado College, New Orleans 70119 Louisiana State University Medical Center, New Orleans Delaware: 70112 Delaware Technical and Community College-Stanton St Mary's Dominican College, New Orleans 70118 Campus, Newark 19901 Maryland: District of Colombia: Columbia Union College, Takoma Park 20012 University of the District of Columbia-Van Ness, Washington Community College of Baltimore, Baltimore 21215 20010 Prince George's Community College, Largo 20870

Florida: Massachusetts: Broward Community College, Ft Lauderdale 33314 La Bourne Junior College, Boston 02116 Florida Junior College, Jacksonville 32207 Massasoit Community College, Brockton 02402 Miami-Dade Community College, Miami Beach 33156 Newbury Junior College, Boston 02116 Santa Fe Community College, Gainesville 32601 North Shore Community College, Beverly 01915 St Petersburg Junior College, St Petersburg 33710 Northeastern University, Boston 02115 University of Central Florida, Orlando 32800 Northern Essex Community College, Haverhill 01832 Valencia Community College, Orlando 32800 Quinsigamon0 Community College, Worcester 01605 Springfield Technical Community College, Springfield 01105 Georgia: Michigan: Columbus College, Columbus 31907 Emory University, Atlanta 30322 Detroit-Macomb Hospitals Association, Detroit 48226 Georgia State University, Atlanta 30303 Ferris State College, Pig Rapids 49307 Medical College of Georgia, Augusta 30902 Highland Park Comn -Inky College, Highland Park 48203 Kalamazoo Valley Community College, Kalamazoo 49001 Hawaii: Lansing Commurity College, Lansing 48914 University of Hawaii- Kapiolani Community College, Mercy College of Detroit, Detroit 48219 Honolulu 96814 North Central Michigan College, Petoskey 49770 Oakland Community College, Bloomfield 48013 Idaho: University of Detroit, Detroit 48221 Boise State University, Boise 83701 Washtenaw Community College, Ann Arbor 48107

Illinois: Minnesota: Central YMCA Community College, Chicago 60606 Mayo Clinic-Rochester Community College, Rochester 55901 City Colleges of Chicago-Malcolm X College. Chicago 60612 North Hennepin Community College, Minneapolis 55445 Lilco In Land Community College, Springfield 62708 St Mary's Junior College, Minneapolis 55406 Lutheran Hospital, Moline 61265 St Paul Technical-Vocational Institute, St Paul 55102 Moraine Valley Community College, Palos Hills 60465 University of Minnesota Hospitals, Minneapolis 55414 Northwestern University, Chicago 60611 Parkland College, Champaign 61820 Mississippi: Rock Valley College, Rockford 61101 Hinds Junior College, Raymond 39154 Triton College, River Grove 60171 University of Mississ'ppi Medical Center, Jackson 39216 University of Chicago Hospitals and Clinics, Chicago 60637 Missouri: Indiana: Baptist Memorial Hospital, Kansas City 64131 Deaconess Hospital, Evansville 47710 Maryville College of the Sacred Heart, St Louis 63141 Indiana University-Northwest Campus, Gary 46408 St John's Hospital, Springfield 65804

178 Specialized Accreditation andPreucreditation St Louis Community College at Forrest Park, St Louis 61110 Oklahoma: University of Missouri, Columbia 65201 Oscar Rose Junior College, MidwestCity 73110 Nebraska: Tulsa Junior College, 1 ulna 74102 College of Si Mary, Omaha 68124 Oregon: Immanuel *ledical Center, Omaha 68111 Lane Community College, Eugene 97402 Southeast Community College-Lincoln Campus, Lincoln Mount Hood Community College, Gresham 68352 97030 University of Nebraska Medical Center, Omaha68105 Pennsylvania: New Hampshit Community College of Allegheny County,Pittsburg 15219 Community College of Philadelphia. New Hampshire Vocational-Technical Philadelphia 19107 College, Claremont Crozer-Chester Medical Center, Chester 03743 19013 Hahnemann Medical Center, Philadelphia19102 New Jersey: Indiana University of Pennsylvania, Indiana15701 Robert Packer Hospital, Sayre 18840 Atlantic Community College, Mays Landing 08330 St Joseph Hospital, Lancaster 17604 Bergen Community College, Paramus07652 Western Pennsylvania Hospital, Pittsburgh15224 Brookdale Community College, Lincroft07738 York College of Pennsylvania, York17405 Fairleigh Dickinson University-MadisonCampus, Madison 07940 Rhode Island. Union County Technical Institute, ScotchPlains 07076 Rhode Island hospital, Providence 02902 New Mexico: South Carolina:

University of Albuquerque, Albuquerque 87105 Greenville Technical College, Greenville29606 Medical University of South Carolina. New York: Charleston 29403 Midlands Technical College, Columbia29250 CUNY-Borough of Manhattan Community College, New South Dakota: York 10019 Mount Marty College, Yankton 57078 Edward .1 Meyer Memorial Hospital,Buffalo 14200 Sioux Valley Hospital, Sioux Falls Erie Community CollegeNorth Campus,Buffalo 14:21 57105 Hudson Valley Community College,Troy 12180 Tenneasee: Long Island University-Brooklyn Center, Brooklyn 11201 Baptist Memorial Hospital, Memphis 38146 Nassau Community College, GardenCity 11530 Baroness Erlanger Hospital, Chattanooga37403 New York University MedicalCenter, New York City 10016 Cleveland State Community College,Cleveland 37311 Onondaga Community College, Syracuse13210 Columbia State Community College, SUNY at Stony Brook, Stony Brook Columbia 38401 11794 Jackson State Community College, Jackson SUNY Upstate Medical Center, 38301 Syracuse 13210 Methodist Hospital, Memphis 38100 Westchester Community College,Valhalla 10595 Vanderbilt University/Aquinas JuniorCollege, Nashville North Carolina: 37232

Central Piedmont Community College,Charlotte 28212 Texas: Durham Technical Institute, Durham27700 Amarillo College, Amarillo 79178 Fayetteville Technical Institute. Fayetteville27701 Del Mar College, Corpus Christi 78404 Forsyth Technical Institute,Winston-Salem 27101 El Centro College, Dallas 75200 Sandhi Ils Community College, Carthage 28327 El Paso Community College, ElPaso 79998 North Dakota: Houston Community College, Houston77027 Odessa College, Odessa 79760 North Dakota School of Respiratory Therapy, Bismarck S uthwest Texas State University, San 58501 Marcos 78666 Tarrant County Junior College, Hurst 76053 St Alexius Hospital, Bismarck 58501 Temple Junior College, Temple 76501 Ohio: Texas Southern University, Houston 77004 Tyler Junior College, Tyler 75701 Cincinnati Technical College, Cincinnati45223 University of Texas Neciatail Branch at Galveston. College of Mount St Joseph-on-the-Ohio.Mount St Joseph Galveston 45051 77550

Columbus 'Technical Institute, Columbus41215 Utah: Kettering College of Medical Arts, Kettering45429 Weber State College, Ogden 84403 Lakeland Community College.Mentor 44060 Virginia: Ohio State University Main Campus,Columbus 41210 Sinclair Corrawoilo College, Dayton45402 Northern Virginia Community College,Annandale 22003 University of Akroritsron 44304 Piedmont Virginia Community College,Charlottesville 22901 University of Toledo Communityand Technical College, Shenandoah College, Winchester 22601 Toledo 43606 Washington: Youngstown State University, Youngstown44501 High line Community College, Kent98031 191 179 Specialized Accreditation and Preaccreditation Daytona Fkach Co ninumtv College, Daytona Bea, h 121'1' Spokane Community College-East Missionlainpus Spokane Florida Anesthesia Sersices, St Petershurg 41711 99207 Miami-Dade Community College, Miami H oak h 13156 West Virginia: Pensacola Junior College I'ensa.ola 32504 Bluefield State College, Bluereld 24701 Respiratory Fheraps Institute, Miami i 107 West Virginia Northern Community College. Wheeling Sarasota County Vocational-Technical Center Sarasota Wheeling College, Wheeling 26003 Seminole Community College, Sanford 32771 St Petersburg Vocational I echnie al InstituteSt Petersn.irg Wisconsin: 33711 Madison Area Technical College, Madison 53703 Mid-State Technical Institute, Marshfield 54449 Georgia: Milwaukee /tea Technical College. Milwaukee 53203 Brunswick Junior College, Brunswn,k 3152(1 Emory U !varsity, Atlanta )0322 Puerto Rico: Thomas Area Vocational- I echnical School, Fhoniaseille Puerto Rico Junior College, Rio Piedras 00928 31792 Re, piratory Therapy Technician (Accredited) Hawaii; University of Hawaii-Kapiolain ollegt Alabama: Honolulu 96814 University of Alabama-Birmingham, "irmingham 352.94 Idaho: Arizona: Respiratory Therapy Technical Scho,,1 of Idaho, (-aid% en Arizona College of Medical, Dental and Legal Careers, 83605 Phoenix 85015 Illinois: Arizona College of Medical, Dental and Legal Careers, Belleville Area College, Belleville 6222! Tucson 85719 Christ Hospital, Oak Lawn 60453 Biosystems Institute, Phoenix 85034 College of Du Page, Glen Ellyn 60137 Maricopa Technical Community College, Phoenix 85004 Kankakee Community College, Kankakee 609u1 Scottsdale Educational Center, Inc , Scottsdale 85251 Lutheran Hospital. Moline 6)265 Arkansas: Metropolitan Group of Hospitals, Chicago 606(4 Little Rock Veterans Administration Medical Center, tittle Moraine Valley Community College, Palos Hills 6446' Rock 72200 Parkland College, Champaign 61820 Sparks Regional Medical Center, Ft Smith 72901 Rock Valley College, Rockford 61101 South Chicago Community Hospital. Chicago 6)61' California: St John's Hospital, Springfield 62701 American Colle Orlriranirediilet r.Vrts-and Science, Santa St Mary Hospital, Quincy 62301 szta..L 927 University of Chicago Hospitals ar..; e tinics, Chicago 60637 California College of Respiratory Therapy. San Diego 92117 Victory Memorial Hospital. Waukegan (9051 California Pacific College Instil of Medical Studies, San Indiana: Francisco 94114 Crafton Hills College, Yucaipa 92399 Butler University, Indianapolis 46208 Eden Area Vocational Programs, San Lorenzo 94580 Indiana Vocational-1 echnical Collegc-Indiana lire finical lust, La Puente Valley Adult Schools, Industry 91744 Indianapolis 46241 Medical Training Instnete, San Fernando 91340 Indiana Vocational-Technical College-I allay cite, Laho.etle Mount San Antonio College, Walnut 91789 47905 Wayre Oakland Public Schools, Oakland 94600 Indiana Vocational- Technical College-Northeast Lott Pruett College of Career Education. Concoid 94524 46e05 ollege -Nort h se cst rary 46409 Simi Valley Adult School, Simi Valley 93065 Indiana Vocational- et hme al Southland College of Medical, Dental and Legal Careers I os Iowa: Angeles 90020 iwkeye Institute of I echnology, A atcrloo sit -04 Valley College of Medical & Dental Assistants, North Northeast Area One Vocational- lee hmeal Svhnool Dubuque Hollywood 91602 52001 Colorado: Kansas: Aims College, Greeley 80631 Bethany Medical Center Kansas Cos 66102 Aurora Technical Center, Aurora 80011 St Anthony Hospital Systems, Denver 80204 Kentucky: Glasgow School for Health (ha upati,,nst das,t,NA 4214) Connecticut: Ky Dept Ed-Madisonville Area N. oe Bridgeport Hospital. Bridgeport 06602 42431 St Francis Hospital and Medical Center, Hartford 1)6105 Paducah Area Vocational 1(_1111h-0 St 11,w) Kcyliin I Florida: Paducah 42001 Boca Raton Community Hospital. Inc, Bead Raton 33432 University of Louisville. I (miss ilk' 40202

180 Specialized Accreditation and Preaccreditation

Louisiana: New Jersey: Alton Ochsner Medical Foundation, New Orleans 70121 Atlantic Community College, Mays Landing 08330 Baton Rouge General Hospital, Baton Rouge 70821 Burlington County Memorial Hospital, Mount Holly 08060 Bossier City General Hospital, Bossier 71010 College of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey, Newark Delgado College, New Orleans 70119 07103 Earl K Long Memorial Hospital, Baton Rouge 70805 Gloucester County College, Sewell 08080 Louisiana State UniversityEunice Campus, Eunice 70535 Passaic County Community College, Paters 'n 07505 Maine: St Barnabas Medical Center, Livingston 07039 Union County Technical Institute, Scotch Plains 07076 Kennebec Valley Vocational- Technical Institute, Waterville 04901 New Mexico: Southern Maine Vocational-Technical Institute, South Albuquerque Technical-Vocational Institute, Albuquerque Portland 04106 87106 Maryland: Northern New Mexico Community College, El Rao 87530 Essex Community College, Baltimore County 21237 N.;.zr York: Peninsula Gene al Hospital, Salisbury 21801 City of New York Health & Hospital Corporation, New York "-----The Sinai Hospital of Baltimore,IncBaltimore 21215 10013 Massachusetts: Elmira College, Elmira 14901 Erie Cominunity College-North Campus, Buffalo 14221 Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston 02114 Mohawk Valley Community College, Utica 13501 Newbury Junior College, Boston 02116 Onondag Community College, Syracuse 13210 Northern Essex Community College, Haverhill 01832 North Carolina: Michigan: Stanly Technical Institute, Albemarle 28001 Highland Park Community College, Highland Park 48203 North Dakota: Holy Cross Hospital, Detroit 48201 Kalamazoo Valley Community College, Kalamazoo 49001 St Luke's Hospital, Fargo 58102 Lansing Community College, Lansing 48914 Ohio: St John's Hospital, Detroit 48236 Aultman Hospital, Canton 44710 Minnesota: Cincinnati Technical College, Cincinnati 45223 Columbus Public Schools, Columbus 43215 Anoka-Hennepin Area Vocational-Technical Institute,Coon Rapids 55433 Kettering Medical Center, Kettering 43429 Lima Technical College, Lima 45804 St Paul Technical-Vocational Institute, St Paul55102 Miami Valley Hospital, Dayton 45409 Mississippi: Muskingum Area Joint Technical College, Zanesville 43701 Hinds Junior College-Jackson Branch, Jackson 39154 Shawnee State College, Portsmouth 45662 Itawamba Junior College Vocational- Technical Educ Center, Unit ersity of Toledo Community and Technical College, Tupelo 38801 Toledo 43606 Meridian Junior College, Meridian 39301 Youngstown State University, Youngstown 44503 Pearl River Junior Co llege-Hattiesburg Voc-Tech Center, Oregon: Hattiesburg 39401 Rogue Community College, Grants Pass 97526 University of Mississippi Medical Center, Jackson 39216 Pennsylvania: Missouri: Bryn Mawr College, Bryn Mawr 19010 School District of Springfield R-12, Springfield 65803 Community College of Allegheny County, Pittsburgh 15219 St Louis Community College at Forrest 1 ark. St Louis 63110 Frankford Hospital, Philadelphia 19124 State Fair Community Coll-ge, Sedalia 65301 Grand View Hospital, Sellersville 18960 Montagu Gwynedd-Mercy College, Gwynedd Valley 19437 Hamot Medical Center, Erie 16512 Missoula Vocational-Technicai Center, MisNoula 59801 Harrisburg Ar -I Community College, Harrisburg 17110 Nebraska: Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia Metropolitan Technical Community College, Omaha 63137 19104 Southeast Communits, College-Lincoln Campus, Lincoln James Martin School-Adult Educational Training Center, 68352 Philadelphia 19134 Nevada: Lehigh County Community College, Schnecksville 18078 St Francis General Hospital, Pittsburgh 15201 Clark County Community College. Las %/lips 89101 York Hospital, York 17405

133 181 Specialized Accreditation and Preaccreditation

Rhode Island: SOCIAL WORK Rhode Island Hospital, Providence 02902 Council on Social Work Education South Carolina: Commission on Accreditation Florence-Darlington Technical College, Florence 29501 Sidney Berengarten, Director, CSWE Greenville Technical College, Greenville 2960b Division of Educational Standards and Accredition Piedmont Technical College. Greenwood 29646 345 East 46th Street New York, New York 10017 South Dakota: McKennan Hospital, Sioux Fails 57101 Social Work (Accredited) Sioux Valley Hospital, Sioux Falls 57105 Alabama: Alabama Agricultural and Mechanical University, Normal Tennessee: 35762 East Tennessee State University, Johnson City 37601 Auburn University, Auburn 36830 Memphis Area Vocational-Technical School, Memphis 38105 Talladega College, Talladega 35160 Volunteer State Community College, Gallatin 37066 Tuskegee Institute, Tuskegee 36088 University of Alabama, University 35486 Texas: University of Alabama-Birmingham, Birmingham 35294 A D Anderson Hospital. Houston 77015 University of Montevallo. Montevallo 35115 Alvin Community College. Alvin 77511 University of North Alabama, Florence 35630 Del Mar College, Corpus Christi 78404 Arizona: El Centro College, Dallas 75200 Arizona State University, Tempe 85281 Harris Hospital-Methodist School, Ft Worth 76104 Arkansas: Houston Community College, Houston 77027 Harding College, Searcy 72143 Lamar University, Beaumont 77710 University of Arkansas at Little Rock, Little Rock 72204 Methodist Hospitals of r ",, Dallas 75222 California: San Jacinto College, Pasadena 77501 Southwest Texas State University, San Marcos 78666 California State Polytechnic University, Pomona 91768 California State University, Chico 95926 St Philip's College, San Antonio 78203 California State University, Sacramento 95819 Tarrant County Junior College, Hurst 76053 California State University, Fresno 93740 Texas Southmost College, Brownsville 78520 California State University, Los Angeles 90032 Ty lei Junior College, Tyler 75701 California State University, Long Beach 90840 US Army Academy of Health Sciences. Ft Sam Houston Chapman College, Orange 92666 78234 Loma Linda University, Loma Linda 92354 San Diego State University, San Diego 92182 Virginia: San Francisco State University, San Francisco 94132 Central Virginia Community College, Lynchburg 24501 San Francisco State University, San'Francisco 94132 Fairfax Hospital, Falls Church 22040 San Jose State University, San Jose 95114 Sergeant Reynolds Community College, Richmond 23200 University of California, Berkeley 94720 Mountain Empire Community College, Big Stone Gap 24219 University of California, Los Angeles 90024 Southwest Virginia Community College. Richlands 24641 University of Southern California, Los Angeles 90007 Tidewater Community College, Portsmouth 23703 Whittier College, Whittier 90608 Winchester Memorial Hospital, Winchester 22601 Colorado; Colorado State University, Ft Collins 80521 Washington: University of Denver, Denver 80210 Seattle Community College-Central, Seattle 98122 Connecticut: Skagit Valley College, Mount Vernon 98273 Southern Connecticut State College, New Haven 06515 Tacoma Community College, Tacoma 98465 St Joseph College, West Hartford 06117 University of Connecticut, Storrs 06268 Wisconsin: District of Columbia: Fox Valley Technical Institute, Appleton 54911 Catholic University of America, Washington 20017 Milwaukee Area Technical College, Milwaukee 53203 Gallaudet College, Washington 20002 Northeast Wisconsin Technical Institute, Green Bay 54303 Howard University, Washington 20001 Tnnity Memorial Hospital, Cudahy 53110 University of the District of Columbia-Ga & Harvard Sts, Washington 20005 Wyomiett: Florida: Western Wyoming Community College, Rock Springs 82943 Barry College. Miami 33161 Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University, Tallahassee 32307

182 1 ,94 Specialized Accreditation and Preaccreditation

Florida International University, Miami 33144 Morehead State University, Morehead 40351 Florida state University, Tallahassee 32306 Murray State University, Murray 42071 University of Central Florida, Orlando 32800 Spalding College, Louisville 40203 University of South Flonda, Tampa 33620 Thomas More College, Ft Mitchell 41017 University of West Florida, Pensacola 32504 University of Kentucky, Lexington 40506 Georgie: University of Louisville, Louisville 40202 Atlanta University, Atlanta 30314 Western Kentucky University, Bowling Grcen 42101 University of Georgia, Ath 30601 Louisiaar.: Mynah Louisiana State University at Baton Rouge, Baton Rouge 70803 Brigham Young University-Hawaii Campus, Late Oahu 96762 University of Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu 96801 Loyola University, New Orleans 70118 Northeast Louisiana University, Monroe 71201 Northwestern State University of Louisiana, Natchitoches Boise State University, Boise 83701 71457 Northwest Nazan ie College, Nampa 83651 Southern University, Baton Rouge 70813 Mimic Southern University Agricultural and Mechanical College, New Orleans 70118 George Williams College, Downers Grove 60515 St Mary's Dominican College, New Orleans 70118 Illinois State University, Normal 61761 Tulane University, New Orleans 70118 Loyola University of Chicago, Chicago 60611 University of New Orleans, New Orleans 70122 Roosevelt University, Chicago 60605 Xavier University of Louisiana, New Orleans 70125 Southern Illinois University, Carbondale 62901 University of Chicago, Chicago 60637 Maine: University of Illinois at Chicago Circle, Chicago 60680 Universit of Maine at Orono Orono 04401 University of Illinois-Urbana-Champaign, Urbana 61801 University of Southern Maine, Portland 04103 Maryland: Ball State University, Muncie 47306 Bowie State College, Bowie 20715 Goshen College, Goshen 46526 Coppin State College, Baltimore 21216 Indiana University. Bloomington-Indianapolis, Bloomington Morgan State University, Baltimore 21212 47401 Salisbury S, lie College, Salisbury 21801 Manchester College, North Manchester 46962 University of Maryland Professional Schools, "rsai;imore21201 St Francis College, Ft Wayne 46808 Western Maryland College, Westminster 21157 University of Evansville, Evansville 47704 Valparaiso University, Valparaiso 46383 Massachusetts: Iowa Anna Maria College, Paxton 01612 Boston College, Chestnut Hill 02167 Briar Cliff College, Sioux City 51104 Boston University, Boston 02215 Clarke College, Dubuque 52001 Regis College, Weston 02193 Iowa State University, Ames 50010 Salem State College, Salem 01970 Lora College, Dubuque 52001 Simmons College, Boston 02115 Luther College, Decorah 52101 Smith College, Northampton 01060 Marycrest College, Davenport 52804 Morningaide College, Sioux City 51106 Michigan: Mount Mercy College, Cedar Rapids 52402 Alma College, Alma 48801 University of Dubuque, Dubuque 52001 Andrews University, Berrien Springs 49104 University of Iowa, Iowa City 52242 Eastern Michigan University, Ypsilant' 48197 University of Northern Iowa, Cedar Falls 50613 Marygrove College, Detroit 48221 Wartburg College, Waverly 50677 Michigan State University, East Lansing 48823 Kamm: Nazareth Co/lege, Nazareth 49074 Northern Michigan University, Marquette 49855 Bethany College, Lindsborg 67456 University of Detroit, Detroit 48221 Bethel College, North Newton 67117 University of Michigan, Ann Arbor 45104 Kansas State University, Manhattan 66502 Wayne State University, Detroit 48202 Pittsburgh State University, Pittsburg 66762 Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo 49001 Tabor College, Hillsboro 67063 University of Kansas, Lawrence 66045 Minnesota: Washburn University of Topeka, Topeka 66621 Augsburg College, Minneapolis 55404 Wichita State University, Wichita 67208 Bemidji State University, Bemidji 56601 Kantacky: College of St Cathenne, St Pual 55105 College of St Scholastica, Duluth 55811 Asbury College, Wilmore 40390 College of St Teresa, Winona 55987 Eastern Kentucky University, Richmond 40475 College of St Thomas, St Paul 55105 19 183 Specialized Accreditation and Preaccreditation

Mankato State University. Mankato 56001 Fordham University, Bronx 10548 Moorhead State University, Moorhead 56560 Iona College, New Rochelle 10801 University of Minnesota at Duluth, Duluth 55812 Mercy College, Dobbs Ferry 10522 University of Minnesota at Minneapolis-St Paul, Minnei,polis Molloy College, Rockville Centre 11750 55455 Naz.reth College of Rochester, Rochester 14600 New York University, New York 10003 Missitaippl: Roberts Wesleyan College, Rochester 14514 Jackson State University, Jackson 39217 Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester 14623 Mississippi State University, Mississippi State 39762 State University College at Brockport, Brockport 14420 Mississippi University for Women, Columbus 39701 Syracuse University, Syracuse 13210 Mississippi Valley State College, Ina Bens 38941 SUNY at Albany, Albany 12222 University of Mississippi-Main Campus, University 38677 SUNY at Buffalo, Buffalo 14222 uversity of Southern Mississippi, Hattiesburg 39401 SUNY at Stony Brook, Stony Brook 11794 Yeshiva University, New York 10333 40 Olt Avila College, Kansas City 64145 North Carolina: Missouri Western State College, St Joseph 64507 East Carolina University, Greenville 27834 Southwest Missouri State University, Springfield 65802 Livingstone College, Salisbury 28144 St Louis University, St Louis 63103 Mars hill College, Mars Hill 28754 University of Missouri, Columbia 65201 Meredith College. Raleigh 27602 Washington University, St Louis 63130 North Carolina Agricultural & Technical State University, Greensboro 27411 Montana: North Carolina State University at Raleigh, Raleigh 27607 Carroll College, Helena 59601 Pfeiffer College, Misenheimer 28109 Montana State University, Bozeman 59715 University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill 27514 University of Montana, Missoula 59801 University of North Carolina at Greensboro, Greensboro Nebraska: 27412 University of Nebraska at Omaha, Omaha 68182 Western Carolina University, Cullowhee 28723 University of Nebraska Medical Center, Omaha 68105 North Dakota: Nevada: University of North Dakota, Grand Forks 58201 University of Nevada Los Vegas, Las Vegas 89109 Ohio: University of Nevada-Reno, Reno 89507 Bowling Green State University - Firelands Branch, Huron New Hampshire: 44839 University of New Hampshire, Durham 03824 Capital University, Columbus 43209 Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland 44106 New Jersey: Cleveland State University, Cleveland 44115 Fair leigh Dickinson University - Teaneck Campus, Teaneck Defiance College, Defiance 43512 07666 Ohio State University-Main Campus, Columbus 43210 Kean College of New Jersey, Union 07083 Ohio University, Athens 45701 Monmouth College, West Long Branch 07764 University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati 45221 Ramapo College of New Jersey, Mahwah 07601 University of Dayton, Dayton 45469 Rutgers-The Sate University-Livingston College, New Wright State University, Dayton 45431 Brunswick 010.'03 Rutgers-The Suit: University-New Brunswick, New Oklahoma: Brunswick 08903 University of Oklahoma at Norman, Norman 73069 Scion Hall University, South Orange 07079 Oregon: Stockton State University, Pomona 08211 Portland State University, Portland 97207 New Mexico: Pennsylvania: College of Santa Fe, Santa Fe 87501 Bryn Mawr College, Bryn Mawr 19010 New Mexico Highlands University, Las Vegas 87701 California State College, California 1541° New Mexico State University, Las Cruces 88001 Cedar Crest College, Allentown 18104 New York: College Misencordia, Dallas 18612 Adelphi University, Garden City 11530 Eastern College, St Davids 19807 College of New Rochelle, New Rochelle 10801 Elizabethtown College, Elizabethtown 17022 Columbia University, New York 10027 Gannon University, Erie 16501 Concordia College, Bronsville 10708 Lock Haven State Cotiege, Lock Haven 17745 Cornell University, Ithaca 14853 Marywood College, Scranton 18509 CUNY-Hunter College, New York 10321 Moravian College, Bethlehem 18018 Daemen College, Amherst 14226 Muhlenberg College, Allentowr. 18104 Dominican College of Blauvelt, Orangeburg 10962 Pennsylvania State University, Univeisity Park 16802

184 Specialized Accreditation and Preaccreditation

Philadelphia College of Bible, Philadelphia 19103 University of Vermont, Burlington 05401 Shippensburg State College, Shippensburg 11257 St Francis College, Loretto 15940 Virginia: Temple University, Philadelphia 19122 Averett College, Danville 24541 University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia 19104 Eastern Mennonite College, Harrisonburg 22801 University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh 15260 Villa Maria College, Erie 16505 Ferrum College, Ferrum 24088 West Chester State College, West Chester 19380 George Mason University, Fairfax 22030 James Madison University, Hamsonburg 22801 Rhode Island: Longwood College, Farmvi:le 23901 Providence College, Providence 02918 Norfolk State College, Norfolk 23504 Rhode Island College, Providence 02918 Radford College, Radford 24141 South Carolina: Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond 23227 Columbia College, Columbia 29203 Virginia Intermont College, Bristol 24201 University of South Carolina, Columbia 29208 Virginia State College, Petersburg 23803 Winthrop College, Rock Hill 29730 Virginia Union University, Richmond 23220 South Dakota: Washington: Augustine College, Sioux Falls 57102 Dakota Wesleyan University, Mitchell 57301 Eastern Washington University, Cheney 99004 Sioux Falls College, Sioux Falls 57101 Pacific Lutheran University, Tacoma 98447 University of South Dakota-Vermillion, Vermillion 57069 University of Washington, Seattle 98195 Tamale: Walla Walla College, College Place 99324 East Tennessee State University, Johnson City 37601 West Virginia: Lambuth College, Jackson 38301 Concord College, Athens 24'12 Memphis State University, Memphis 38111 Fairmont State College, Fairmont 26554 Middle Tennessee State University, Murfreesboro 3713G Glenville State College, Glenville 26351 Tennessee State University, Nashville 37203 University of Tennessee, ,viemphis 38163 Shepherd College, Shepherdatown 25443 University of Tennessee, Martin 38237 West Virginia State College, Institute 25112 University of Tennessee, Knoxville 37916 West Virginia University, Morgantown 26505 University of Tennessee at Chattanooga, Chattanooga 37403 Wisconsin: University of Tennessee at Nashville, Nashville 37203 Mount Mary College, Milwaukee 53222 Taxer: University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire, Eau Claire 54701 Baylor University, Waco 16703 University of Wisconsin-La Crosse, La Crosse 54601 East Texas State University, Commerce 75428 Houston Baptist University, Houston 77036 University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison 53706 North TexasItate University, Denton 76203 University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Milwaukee 53211 Our Lady of the Lake University of San Antonio, San University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh, Oshkosh 54901 Antonio 78207 University of Wisconsin-Superior, Superior 54880 Pan'kttelleinr-Ithiicersity, Edinburg 78539 University of Wisconsin-Whitewater, Whitewater 53190 Paul Quinn College, Waco 76703 Wyoming: Southwest Texas State University, San Marcos 78666 St Edward's University, Austin 78704 University of Wyoming, Laramie 82070 Texas Christian University, Ft Worth 76129 Texas Southern University, Houston 77004 Puerto Rico: Texas Tech University, Lubbock 79409 Catholic University of Puerto Rico, Ponce 00731 Texas Woman's University, Denton 76204 Inter American University of Puerto Rico at Hato Rey, Hato University of Houston Central Campus, Houston 77002 Rey 00919 University of Texas at Arlington, Arlington 76010 University of Puerto Rico-Rio Piedras Campus, Rio Piedras University of Texas at Austin, Austin 78712 00931 West Texas State University, Canyon 79015 University of Puerto Rico, Humacao University College, Utah: Humacao 00661 Brigham Young University, Provo 84601 Southern Utah State College, Cedar City 84720 University of Utah, Salt Lake City 84112 Social Work (Preaccredited) Utah State University, Logan 84321 Weber State College, Ogden 84403 Ohio: Yunnan: Kent State University, Kent 44242 University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati 45221 Trinity College, Burlington 05401

185 19" Specialized Accreditation and Preaccreditation

Eastern Illinois Univercity, Charleston 61920 SPEECH PATHOLOGY AND Illinois State Unisersity, Normal 61761 AUDIOLOGY Northern Illinois University, De Kalb 60115 Northwestern University, Evanston 60201 American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Southern Illinois Um 'ersity, Carbondale 62901 University of Illinois-Urbana-Champaign, Urbana 61801 American hoards of Examiners in Speech Western Illinois University, Macomb 61455 Pathology and Audiology Indiana: Jean H. Lovnnic, Cha,f.nan, ASHA Ball State University, lvt.ncie 47306 Education and Training Board Indiana State University, Terre Haute 47809 10801 Rockville Pike Indiana University, Bloomington-Indianapolis, Bloomington Rockville, Maryland 20852 47401 Purdue University-West Lafayette, West Lafayette 47907

Speech Pathology (Accredited) Iowa: University of Iowa, Iowa City 52242 Alabama: University of Norihern Iowa, Cedar Falls 50613 Auburn University, Auburn 36830 University of Alabama. University 35486 Kansas: Kansa- State University, Manhattan 66502 Arizona: University of Kansas, Lawrence 66045 Arizona State University, Tempe 85281 University of Kansas, Kansas City 66103 University of Arizona, Tucson 85721 Wichita State University, Wichita 67208 Adman: Louisiana: University of Arkansas at Little Rock, Little Rock 72204 Louisiana State University at Batcn Rouge, Baton Rouge California: 70803 California State University, Fullerton 92634 Louisiana State University Medical Center, New Orleans California State University, Long Beach 90840 70112 California State University, Northridge 91324 Tu lane University, New Orleans 70118 California Stare University, Sacramento 95819 Maryland: San Diego State University, San Diego 92182 University of Maryland, College Park 20742 San Francisco State University, San Francisco 94132 San Francisco State University, San Francisco 94.32 Massachusetts: San Jose State University, San Jose 95114 Boston University, Boston 02215 University of the Pacific, Stockton 95211 University of Massachusetts, Amherst 01002 University of California, Santa Barbara 93106 Michigan: Colorado: Central Michigan University, Mount Pleasant 48858 Colorado State University, Ft Collins 80521 Eastern Michigan University, Ypsilanti 4807 University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder 80302 Michigan State University, `cast Lansing 48823 University of Denver, Denver 80210 Northern Michigan University, Marquette 49855 University of Northern Colorado, Greeley 80639 University of Michigan, Ann Arbor 48104 Connecticut Wayne State University, Detroit 48202 Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo 49001 Southern Connecticut State College, New Haven 06515 University of Connecticut, Storrs 06268 Minnesota: University of Minnesota at Duluth, Duluth 55812 District of Cohunbia: . University of Minnesota at Minneapolis-St Paul, Minneapolis Gallaudet College, Washington 20002 55455 George Washington University, Washington 20006 Mist issippi: florid*: M:ssissippi University for Women, Columbus 39701 Florida State University, Tallahassee 32306 University of Mississippi-Main Campus, University 38677 University of Florida, Gainesville 32611 University of Southern Mississippi, Hattiesburg 39401 Garth': Missouri: Emory University School of Medicine, Atlanta 30322 Cer.tral Missouri State University, Warrensburg 64093 University of Georgia, Athens 30601 Northeast Missouri State University, Kirksville 63501 Idaho: St Louis University, St Louis 63103 Idaho State University. Pocatello 83201 University of Missouri, Columhia 65201 Moil: Montana: Bradley University, Peoria 61606 University of Montana, Missoula 59801

186 1 (i.. j Specialized Accreditation and Preaccreditation

Nebraska: - University of Utah, Salt Lake City 84112 University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln 68508 Vermont: New Mexico: UM, ersity of Vermont, Burlington 05401 University of New Mexico, Albuquerque 87106 Virginia: New York: University of Virginia, Charlottesville 22901 Ade 1phi University, Garden City 11530 Washington: CUNY-Brooklyn College, Brooklyn 11210 CUNY-Hunter College, New York 10021 University of Washington. Seattle 98195 CUNY-Queens College, Flushing 11367 Washington State University, Pullman 99163 Ithaca Collage, Ithaca 14850 West Virginia: New York University, New York 10003 West Virginia University, Morgantown 26505 State University College at Geneseo, Geneseo 14454 Syracuse University, Syracuse 13210 Wisconsin: SUNY at Buffalo, Buffalo 14222 Marquette University Milwaukee 53233 Teachers College of Columbia University, New York10027 University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire, Eau Claire 54701 North Dakota: University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison 537J6 University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Milwaukee 53211 Minot State College, Minot 58701 University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point, Stevens Point 54481 University of North Dakota, Grand Forks 58701 ado: Wyoming: University of Wyoming, Laramie 82070 Bowling Green State University- Firelands Branch, Huron 44839 Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland 44106 Audiology (Accredited) Cleveland State University, Cleveland 44115 Alabama: Kent State University, Kent 44242 Ohio State University-Main Campus, Columbus 43210 Auburn University, Auburn 36830 Ohio University, Athens 45701 University of Alabama, University 35486 University of Akron, Akron 44304 Arizona: University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati 45221 University of Arizona, Tucson 85721 Oklahoma: California: Oklahoma State University, Stillwater 70404 California State University, Sacramento 95819 Phillips University, Enid 73701 San Diego State University, San Diego 92182 Oregon: San Francisco State University, San Francisco 94132 Portland State University, Portland 97207 San Francisco State University, San Francisco 94132 Pennsylvania: Colorado:

Pennsylvania State University, University Park16802 ',Colorado Statc University, Ft Collins 80521 Temple University, Philadelphia 19122 University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder 80302 University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh 15260 University of Denver, Denver 80210 University of Northern Colorado, Greeley 80639 South Carolina: Connecticut: University of South Carolina, Columbia 29208 Southern Connecticut State College, New Haven 06515 South Dakota: University of Connecticut, Storrs 06268 University of South Dakota-Vermillion, Vermillion 57069 District of Columbia: Tennessee: Gallaudet College, Washington 20002 Memphis State University, Memphis 38111 George Washington University, Washington 20006 University of Tennessee, Martin 38237 Florida: Tens: Florida State University, Tallahassee 32306 North Texas State University, Denton 76203 University of Florida, Gainesville 32611 Our Lady of the Lake University of San Antonio, San Georgia: Antonio 78207 Southern Methodist University, Dallas 75222 Emory University, Atlanta 30322 Southwest Texas State University, San Marcos 78666 University of Georgia, Athens 30601 University of Houston-Central Campus, Houston 77002 Idaho: University of Texas at Austin, Austin 78712 Idaho State University, Pocatello 83201 Utah: Illinois: Brigham Young Univert:iy, Provo 84601 Bradley University, Peoria 61606 199 187 Specialized Accreditation and Preaccreditation

Eastern Illinois University, Charleston 61920 Ithaca College, Ithaca 14850 Illinois State University, Normal 61761 New York University, New York 10003 Northern Illinois University, De Kalb 60115 SUNY at Buffalo, Buffalo 14222 Northwestern University, Evanston 60201 Teachers College of Columhia University, New York 10027 Southern Illinois University, Carbondale 62901 Ohio: University of Illinois-Urbana-Champaign, Urbana 61801 Western Illinois University, Macomb 61455 Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green 43402 Case Western Reserve University. Cleveland 44106 Indiana: Cleveland State University, Cleveland 44115 Ball State Um, -rsity. Muncie 47106 Kent State University, Kent 44242 Indiana State University. Terre Haute 47809 Ohio State University-Main Campus, Columbus 43210 Indiana University. Bloomington-Indianapolis, 3loomington Ohio University. Athens 45701 47401 University of Akron. Akron 44304 Purdue University-West Lafayette. West Lafayette 47907 University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati 45221

Iowa: Oklahoma: University of Iowa. Iowa City 52242 Oklahoma State University, Stillwater 70404 University of Northern Iowa. Cedar Falls 50613 Phillips University. Enid 73701

Kansas: Oregon: University of Kansas. Kansas City 66103 Portland State University, Portland 97207 University of Kansas, Lawrence 66045 Wichita State University. Wichita 67208 Pennsylvania: Pennsylvania State University, University Park 16802 Louisiana: Temple University. Philadelphia 19122 Louisiana State University at Baton Rouge. Baton Rouge University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh 15260 70803 Louisiana State University Medical Center, New Orleans South Carolina: 70112 University of South Carolina, Columbia 29208 Tulane University. New Orleans 70118 South Dakota: Maryland: University of South Dakota-Vermillion. Vermillion 57069 Univerity of Maryland, College Park 20742 Tennessee: Massachusetts: Memphis State University, Memphis 38111 Boston University, Boston 02215 University of Tennessee. Martin 38237 University of Massachusetts, Amherst 01002 Texas: Michigan: North Texas State University. Denton 76203 Central Michigan University, Mount Pleasant 48858 Our Lady of the Lake University of San Antonio, San Eastern Michigan University. Ypsilanti 48197 Antonio 78207 Michigan State University. East Lansing 48823 Southern Methodist University, Dallas 75222 Northern Michigan University, Marquette 49855 Southwest Texas State University, San Marcos 78666 University of Michigan. Ann Arbor 48104 University of Houston-Central Campus, Houston 77002 Wayne State University. Detroit 48202 University of Texas at Austin, Austin 78712 Western Michigan University.. Kalamazoo 49001 Utah: Mississippi: Brigham Young University. Provo 84601 University of Southern Mississippi, Hattiesburg 1940' University of Utah, Salt Lake City 84112 Missouri: Virginia: Washington University Central Institute for the Deaf, St University of Virginia. Charlottesville 22901 Louis 63110 Washington: Montana: University of Washington. Seattle 98195 University of Montana. Missoula 59801 Washington State University, Pullman 99163 Nebraska: West Virginia: University of Nebraska-I incoln, I incoln 61008 West Virginia University, Morgantown 26505 New Mexico: Wisconsin: University of New Mexico. Albuquerque 37106 Marquette University, Milwaukee 53233 r New York: University of Wisconsin-Eau Claw!, Eau Claire 54701 CUNY-Brooklyn College, Brooklyn 1121(1 University of Wisconsin-Madison. Madison 53706 CUNY-Hunter College, Nev, York 10021 University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Milwaukee 53211 CONY- Queens College. Flushing 11167 University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point, Stevens Point 54481

188 Specialized Accreditation and Preaccreditation

Wyoming: Moline Public Hospital, Mo:ine 61265 University of Wyonung, I aramie 82071) Moraine Valley Community College, Palos Hills 60465 Parkland College, Champaign 61821) Triton College, River Grose 60171 SURGICAL TECHNOLOGY Indiana: Evansville School of Health Occupation, Evansv Ile 47711 American Medical Association Ind-_ala Vocationalethnical College, Westville $6191 Inca' la Vocational-Technical Co"-ge, Sellersbui g 47172 Committee on Allied Health Education and Indiana Vocational- Technical Collage-Indiana Technical Inst, Accreditation Indianapolis 46241 Indiana Vocational-Technical College-Lafayette, Lafayette In cooperation with 47905 Indiana Vocational-Technical College-Nor h Central, South Joint Review Committee on Education for theSurgi- Bend 46619 cal Technologist, whichissponsored by the Indiana Vocational-Technical College-Northwest, Gary 46409 American College of Surgeons, American Hospi- Indiana Vocational-Technical-Southcentral, Sellersburg 47172 tal Association, and the Association of Surgical Lutheran Hospital, Ft Wayne 46807 Technologists Iowa:

Sandra L Wilkins, Secretary Marshalltown Community College, Marshalltown 50158 1100 West Littleton Boulevard Mercy Health Center -St Joseph's Unit, Dubuque 52001 Littleton, Colorado 80120 Scott Community College, Davenport 52801 Western Iowa Technical Community College,Sioux City 51106 Surgical Technologist (Accredited) Kansas: Arizona: Stormont-Vail Hospital, Topeka 66606 Maricopa Techr-cal Community College, Phoenix 85004 Wesley Medical Center, Wichita 67214 Arkansas: Kentucky: University of Arkansas for Medical S itt le Rock Central Baptist Hospital, Lexington 40503 72201 Louisiana: Westark Community College, Ft Smith 901 Alton Oehsner Medical Fdn-Prgm in Surgical ". hnology, California: New Orleans 70121 American College of Paramedical Arts and Selene?, Santa Charity Hospital of Louisiana at New Orleans, New Orleans Ana 92706 70410 Bakersfeild Adult School, Bakersfield 93300 Maine: College of California Medical Affiliates, San Francisco94102 Simi Valley Adult School, Simi Valley 93065 Maine Medical Center, Port laid 04192 Colorado: Massachusetts: Quincy Vocational-Technical School, Quincy 02169 Community College of Denver-Auraria Campus, Denver 80204 Minnesota: Connecticut: Anoka-Hennepin Area Vocational-Technical Institute, Coon Rapids 55433 Danbury Hospital, Danbury 06810 East Grand Fork; Area Vocational-Technical Institute. East Manchester Community College, Manchester 06040 Grand Forks 56721 Florida: Rochestei Area Vocational-Technical Institute, Rochester Baptist Hospital, Pensacola 32501 55901 Daytona Beach Community College, Daytona Beach 32015 Mississippi: Erwin Area Vocational-Technical School. Tampa 33602 Hinds Junior College Jackson Branch, Jackson 39154 Georgia: Missouri: De Ka lh Community College, Clarkston 30021 Independence Pebl Schs & Jennie Lund School of Pract N- Memorial Medical Center, Savannah 31405 Indeperdence 64050 Idaho: Kansas City Missouri Board of Education. Kansas City 64106 Boise State University, Boise F/01 Montana: Illinois: Missoula Vocational- lechnic A: Center, Missoula 59801 Belleville Area College, Belleville 62221 Nebraska: Blessing Hospital. Quincy 62101 Southeast Community College- Lincoln Campus, Lincoln Illinois Central College. East Peoria 61611 68152

189 2(11 Specialized Accreditation and Plieaccreditation New Jersey: TEACHER EDUCATION Institute for the Acvarcemeilt of Medical Sciences, Cherry Hill 08034 National Council for Accreditation of Teacher New York: Education Columbia Presbyterian Medical Center, New York 10032 Lyn Gubser, Director Nassau Community College, Garden City 11530 1919 Pennsylvania Avenue, N W Syracuse University-Utica College, Utica 13500 Washington, D C 20006 North Carolina: Coastal Carolina Community College, Jacksonville 28540 Teacher Education (Accredited) Fayetteville Technical Institute, Fayetteville 27701 Lenoir Community College, Kinston 28501 Alabama: Alabama Agricultural and Mechanical University, Normal Ohio: 35762 Cincinnati Technical College, Cincinnati 45223 Alabama State University, Montgomery 36104 Auburn University, Auburn 36830 Oregon: Birmingham-Southern College, Birmingham 35204 Mount Hood Community College, Gresham 97030 Jacksonville State University, Jacksonville 36265 Pennsylvania: Livingston University, Livingston 35470 Samford University, Birmingham 35209 Conemaugh Valley Memorial Hospital, Johnstown 15905 Tro:t State University, Troy 36081 Robert Packer Hospital, Sayre 18840 University of Alabama, University35486 South Carolina: University of Alabama-Birmingham, Birmingham 3i294 Baptist Medical Center, Columbia 29220 University Montevallo, Montevallo 35115 Greenville Technical College, Greenville 29606 University of North Alabama, Florence 35630 McDuffie Vocational Higii School, Anderson 29621 University of South Alabama, Mobile 36688 Spartanburg Technical College Spartanburg 29303 Arizona:

Tennessee: Arizona State University, Tempe 85281 Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff 86001 Sea Isle Vocational-Technical Center, Memphis 38117 University of Arizona, Tucson 85721 Texas: Arkansas: Ben Taub Hospital, Houston 77325 Arkansas College, Batesville 72501 Dallas County Hospital, Dallas 75235 Arkansas State University, State University 72467 Del Mar College, Corpus Christi 78404 Arkansas Tech University, Russellville 72801 El Centro College, Dallas 75200 Harding College, Searcy 72143 El Paso Commur, College, El Paso 79998 Henderson State University, Arkadelphia 719?3 Houston Community College, Houston 77027 Hendrix College, Conway 72032 San Jacinto College, Pasadena 7501 John Brown University, Siloam Springs 72761 Tarrant County Junior College, Hurst 76053 Ouachita Baptist University, Arkadelphia 71923 University of Texas Medical Branch tt Galveston, Galveston Southern Arkansas University, Magnolia 71753 77550 University of Arkansas at Fayetteville, Fayetteville 72701 US Air Force High School-Sheppard AFB, Wichita Falls University of Arkansas at Little Rock, Little Rock 72204 76311 University of Arkansas at Monticello, Monticello 71655 Virginia: University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff, Pine Bluff 71601 Naval Regional Medical Center. Portsmouth 23708 University of Central Arkansas, Conway 71601 Riverside Hospital, Newport News 23601 California:

Washington: California State University-Dominguez Hills, Carson 90747 California State University, Los Angeles 90032 Spokane Community College-E.Est Mission Campus, Spokane California State University, Hayward 94542 99207 California State University, Fullerton 92634 West Virginia: California State University, Fresno 93740 West Virginia Northern Community College, Wheeling 26003 California State University, Chico 95926 California State University, Sacramento 95819 Wisconsin: College of Notre Dame, Belmont 94002 MidState Vocational-Technical and Adult Education, San Diego State University, San Diego 92182 Wisconsin Rapids 54494 San Francisco State University, San Francisco 94132 Moraine Park Vocational-Technical & Adult Education San Francisco State University, San Francisco 94132 Center, Fond du Lac 54935 San Jose State University, San Jose 95114 Waukesha County Technical institute, Pewaukee 53072 University of the Pacific, Stockton 95211 Western Wisconsin Technical Institut-. La Crosse 54601 University of Southern California., Los Angeles 90007

190 .202 Specialized Accreditation and Preaccreditation

Colorado: Chicago State University, Chicago 60628 Adams State College, Alamosa 81101 Concordia teachers College, River Forest 60305 Colorado State University, Ft Collins 80521 De Paul University, Chicago 60604 Ft Lewis College. Durango 81301 Eastern Illinois University, Charleston 61920 Loretto Heights College, Denver 80236 Elmhurst College, Elmhurst 60126 Metropolitan State College, Denver 80204 Greenville College, Greenville 62246 University of Coloradc, Denver 80203 Illinois State University, Normal 61761 University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder 80302 Illinois Wesleyan University, Bloomington 61701 University of Colorado at Colorado Springs, Colorado Knox College, Galesburg 61401 Springs 80907 Loyola University of Chicago, Chicago 60611 University of Denver, Denver 80210 Mundelein College, Chicago 60626 University of Northern Coiorado. Greeley 80639 National College of Education, Evanston 60201 Western State College of Colorado. Gunnison 81230 Northeastern Illinois University, Chicago 60625 Connecticut: Northern Illinois UntLersity, De Kalb 60115 Olivet Nazarene College, Kankakee 60901 Central Connecticut State College, New Britain 0600 Roosevelt University, Chicago 60605 University of Bndgeport, Bndgeport 06602 Southern Illinois University, Carbondale 62901 University of Connecticut, Storrs 06268 Southern Illinois University-Edwardsville, Edwardsville Univrersity of Hartford, West Hartford 06117 62025 Western Connecticut State College, Danbury 06810 University of Chicago, Chicago 60637 District of Columbia: University of Illinois-Urbana-Champaign, Urbana 61801 Amencan University, Washington 20016 Western Illinois University, Macomb 61455 Catholic University of America, Washington 20017 Wheaton College, Wheaton 60187 Gallaudet College, Washington 20002 Indiana: George Washington University, Washington 20006 Anderson College, Anderson 46012 Florida: Ball State University, Muncie 47306 Flonda Agricultural and Mechanical University, Tallahassee Butler University, Indianapolis 46208 32307 DePauw University, Grpencastle 46135 Flonda Atlantic University, Boca Raton 33432 Goshen College, Goshen 46526 .:bandit State University, Tallahassee 32306 Indiana Central University, Indianapolis 46227 University of Florida, Gainesville 32611 Indiana State University, Terre Haute 47809 University of Miami, Coral Gables 33124 Indiana State University-Evansville, Evansville 47712 Indiana University at Ft Wayne, Ft Wayne 46805 Georgia: Indiana University at Kokomo, Kokomo 46901 Albany State College, Albany 31705 Indiana University at South Bend, South Bend 46615 Atlanta University, Atlanta 30314 Indiana University-Southeast Campus, New Albany 47150 Augusta College, Augusta 30904 Indiana University, Bloomington-Indianapolis, Bloomington Berry College, Mount Berry 30149 47401 Clark College, Atlanta 30314 Manchester College, North Manchester 46962 Columbus College, Columbus 31907 Marian College, Indianapolis 46222 Emory University, Atlanta 30322 Purdue University-Calumet Campus, Hammond 46323 Ft Valley State College, Ft Valley 31030 Purdue University-West Lafayette, West Lafayette 47907 Georgia College, Milledgeville 31061 St Francis College, Ft Wayne 46808 Georgia Southern College, Statesboro 30458 St Joseph's Rensselaer 47978 Georgia Southwestern College, Amencus 31709 Si Mary's College, Notre Dame 46556 Georgia State University, Atlanta 30303 Taylor University, Upland 46989 Mercer University, Macon 31207 University of Evansville, Evansville 47704 North Georgia College, Dahlonega 30533 Valparaiso University, Valparaiso 46383 University of Georgia, Athens 30601 Iowa: Valdosta State College, Valdosta 31601 West Georgia College, Carrollton 30117 Buena Vist" College, Storrnitake 50588 Central University of Pella 50219 Idaho: Clarke College, Dubucr:e 52001 Boise State University, Boise 83701 Drake University, Des Moines 50311 Idaho State University, Pocatello 83201 Graceland College, Lamoni 50140 Lewis& Clark State College Lewiston 83501 Iowa State University, Ames 50010 Northwest Nazarene College, Nanipa 83651 Iowa Wesleyan College, Mount Pleasant 52641 ''Jrnversity of Idaho, Moscow 83843 Luther College, Decorah 5,101 Marycrest College, Davenport 52804 Illiaoh: Morningside College, Sioux City 51106 Augustana College, Rock Island 61201 Northwestern College, Orange City 51041 Bradley University, Peoria 61606 Simpson College, Indianola 50125

191 2 03 Specialized Accreditation and Preaccreditation

University of Iowa, Iowa City 52242 Boston College, Chestnut Hill 02167 University of Northern Iowa, Cedar Falls 50611 Boston University. Boston 02215 William Penn College, Oskaloosa 52577 Bridgewater State College, Bridgewater 0,124 Fitchburg State College. Fitchburg 01420 Kassa,. Framingham State College, Framingham 01701 Baker University, Baldwin City 66006 Harvard University, Camhridge 02118 Benedictine College, Atchison 66002 Merrimack College, North Andover 01845 Bethany College, Lindsborg 67456 North Adams State College, North Adams 01:47 Empona State University, Emporia 66801 Northeastern University. Boston 02115 Friends University, Wichita 67213 Salem State College. Salem 01970 Ft Hays Kansas State University, Hays 57601 Stonehill College, North Easton 02356 Kansas Stale University, Manhattan 66502 University of Lowell, Lowell 01850 Marymount College of Kansas, Salina 67401 University of Massachusetts, Amherst 010e2 Pittsburgh State University, Pittsburg 66762 Westfield State College, Westfield 01085 St Mary-of-the-Plains College, Dodge City 67801 Wheelock College, Boston 02215 St Mary's College, Leavenworth 66048 Worcester State College, Worcester 01602 Sterling College, Sterling 67529 Michigan: University of Kansas, Lawrence 66045 Washburn University of Topeka, Topeka 66621 Adrian College, Adrian 49221 Alma College, Alma 48801 Wichita State University, Wichita 67208 Andrews University, Berrien Springs 49104 Kentucky: Calvin College, Grand Rapids 49506 Berea College, Berea ;0403 Central Michigan University. Mount Pleasant 48858 Eastern Kentucky University, Richmond 40475 Eastern Michigan Unisersity, Ypsilanti 48197 Kentucky State University, Frankfort 40601 Hope College. Holland 49423 Morehead State University, Morehead 40351 Madonna College, Livonia 48150 Murray State University, Murray 42071 Marygrove College, Detroit 48221 University of Kentucky, Lexington 40506 Michigan State Univeisity, East Lansing 48823 University of-Lourwille, Louisville 40202 Nameth College, Nazar-th 49074 Westeni Kentucky University, Bowling Green 42101 Northern Michigan Unisersity, Marquette 49855 Oakland University, Rochester 48063 Louisiana: Unisersity of Michigan, Ann Arbor 48104 Grambling State University, Grumbling 71245 Wayne State University, Detroit 48202 Louisiana State University at Baton Rouge, Baton Rouge Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo 49001 70803 Minnesota: Louisiana State University at Shreveport, Shreveport 71100 Louisiana Tech University, Ruston 71270 Augsburg College, Minneapolis 55404 Mc Neese State University, Lake Charles 70601 Bemidji State University, Bemidji 56601 Nicholls State University, Thibodaux 70301 Bethel College, St . aul 55112 Northeast Louisiana University, Monroe 71201 Carleton College, Northfield 55057 Northwestern State University of Louisiana, Natchitoches College of St Benedict, St Joseph 56374 College of St Catherine, St Pual 55105 71457 College of St Teresa, Winona 55987 Southeastern Louisiana University, Hammond 70401 Southern University, Baton Rouge 70813 College of St Thomas, St Paul 55105 University of New Orleans, New Orleans 70122 Concordia College, Moorhead 56560 University of Southwestern Louisiana, Lafayette 70504 Concordia College, St Paul 55104 Gustavus Adolphus College, St Peter 56082 Maine: Hamline University, St Paul 55104 University of Maine at Farmington, Farmington 04938 Macalester College. St Paul 55101 University of Maine at Orono, Orono 04401 Mankato State University, Mankato 56001 University of Southern Maine, Portland 04103 Moorhead State University, Moorhead 56560 St Cloud State University, St Cloud 56301 Maryland: St Olaf College, Northfield 55057 Bowie State College, Bowie 20715 University of Minnesota at Duluth, Duluth 55812 Coppin State College, Baltimore 21216 University of Minnesota at Minneapolis-St Paul, Minneapolis Frostburg State College, Frostburg 21532 55455 Morgan State University, Baltimore 21212 Unisersity of Minnesota-Morris, Morris 56267 Salisbury State College, Salisbury 21801 Winona State University, Winona 55987 Towson State University, Baltimore 21204 Mississippi: University of Maryland, College Park 20742 Alcorn State Unisersity, Lorman _19096 Massachusetts: Delta State University. Cleveland 38712 American International College, Springfield 01109 Jackson State University, Jackson 19217 Atlantic Union College, South Lancaster 01561 Mississippi College, Clinton 3Q056


2(,) .1 Specialized Accreditation and Preaccreditztion

Mississippi State University, Mississippi State 39762 Rider College, Trenton 08602 Mississippi University for Women, Columbus 39701 Rutgers-The State University-Camden, Camden 08102 University of Mississippi-Main Campus, University 38677 Rutgers-The State University-New Eruncwick, New University of Southern Mississippi, Hattiesburg 39401 Brunswick 08903 Missouri. Rutgers-The State University-Newark, Newark 07104 Seton Hall University, South Orange 0'079 Central Methodist College, Fayette 65248 Trenton State College, 1 renton 08625 Central Missouri State University, Warrensburg 64093 William Paterson College, Wayne 07470 Drury College, Springfield 65802 Evangel College. Springfield 65802 New Mexico: Fontbonne College, St Louts 6?100 Eastern New Mexico University, Porta les 88130 Harris -Stowe State College. St Louis 63103 New Mexico State University. Las Cruces 88001 Lincoln University, Jefferson City 65101 University of New Mexie), Albuquerque 87106 Lindenw-od4Colleges, St Charles 63301 New York: Maryville College of the Sacred Heart. St Louis 63141 Missour, Southern State College, Joplin 64801 2anisius College, Buffalo 14208 Missouri Weste t ate College, St luseph 64507 CUNY-Brooklvn College. Brooklyn 11210 Northeast MiZso n state University, Kirksville 63501 CUNY -City College, New York 10031 Northwest Missouri State University, Maryville 64468 CONY-HunterCollege, New York 10021 School of the Ozarks. Point Lookout 65726 CUNY-I,ehman College. Bronx 10468 Southeast Missoun State University, Cape Girardeau 63701 Fordham University. Bronx 10548 Southwest Missouri State University, Springfield 65802 Hofstra University, Hempstead 11550 St Louis University, St Louis 63103 Ithaca College, Ithaca 14850 University of Missouri, Columbia 65201 New York University. New York 10003 University of Missojri- Kansas City. Kansas City 64110 State University College airBuffalo, Buffalo 14214 University of Missoun-St Louis, St Louis 63121 State University College at Cortland, Cortland 13045 Washington University. St Louis 63130 State University College at New Paltz, New Paltz 12561 William Woods College, Fulton 65251 State University College at Owego, Oswego 13126 State University College at Plattsburgh, Plattsburgh 12901 Moataaa: Syracuse University, Syracuse 13210 Eastern Montana College, Billings 59101 Teachers College of Columbia University. New York t0027 Montana State University, Bozeman 59715 University of Montana, Missoula 5 801 North Carolina: Appalachian State University, Boone 28607 Nebraska: Atlantic Christian College. Wilson 27893 ChaJron State College. Chadron 6933 Campbell College, Bastes Creek 27506 Concordia Teachers College, Seward 68434 Duke Uroversity, Durham 27706 Critghton University. Omaha 68178 East Carolina University, Greenville 27834 Dana College, Blair 68008 Fayetteville State University, Fayetteville 28301 Hastings College. Ht 'trigs 68901 High Point College, High Point 27262 Kearney Sta:e College. Kearney 68847 Lenoir-Rhyne College, Hickory 28601 Nebraska Wesleyan University, Lincoln 68504 North Carolina Agricultural & Technical State University. Peru State College. Peru 68421 Greensboro 27411 Union College. Lincoln 68506 North Carolina Central University. Durham 27707 University of Nebraska at Omaha. Omaha 68182 North Carolina State University at Raleigh, Raleigh 27607 University of Nebraska Medical Center, Omaha 68105 Pembroke State University, Pembroke 28372 University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 'Lincoln 68508 Salem College, Winston-Salem 27108 Wayne State College. Wayne 68787 University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill 27514 Nevado: University of North Carolina at Greensboro. Greensboro 27412 University of Nevada Reno, Reno 89507 Wake Forest University, Winston-cal.= 27109 New **ire: Western Carolina Univtr.tty, Cullov'e 2023 University of New Hampshire, Durham 03824 Winston -Salem State University, Winston- Salem 27102 University of New Hampshire -Keene State College, Keene North Dakota: 03431 Dickinson State College. Dickinson 58601 University of New Hampshire-Plymouth State College, Mayville State College, Mayville 53257 Plymouth 03264 Mir -it State College. Minot 58701 New Jersey: North Dakota State University, Fargo 58102 Glassboro State College, Glassboro 08028 University of North Dakota, Grand Forks 38201 Jersey City State College, Jersey City 07305 Valley City State College, Valley City 58072 Kean College of New Jersey, Union 07083 Ohi Montcl., State College. Upper Montclair 07043 Ashland College, Ashland 44805

193 205 Specialized Accreditation and Preaccreditation

Baldwin-Wallace College, Berea 44017 University of Scranton, Scranton 18510 Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green 43402 West Cl..!ster State College, West Chester 19380 Capital University, Columbus 43209 Rhode Island: Central State University, Wilberforce 45384 Rhode Island College. Providence 02918 Cleveland State University, Clevelanc 44115 Hiram College, Hiram 44234 South Carolina: John Carroll University, Cleveland 4411 , Citadel, The. Charleston 29409 Kent State University, Kent 44242 Clemson University, Clemson 29631 Miami University, Oxford 45056 Columbia College, Columbia 29203 Ohio State University-Main Campus, Columbus 43210 Newberry College. Newberry 29108 Ohio University, Athens 45701 South Carolina State College, Orangeburg 29115 Otterbein College, Westerville 43081 University of South Carolina. Columbia 29208 University of Akron, Akron 44304 Winthrop College, Rock Hill 29730 University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati 4522! University of Dayton, Dayton 45469 South Dakota: University of Toledo, Toledo 43606 Augustana College, Sioux Falls 57102 Wittenberg University, Springfield 455 1 Black Hills State College, Spearfish 57783 Youngstown State University, Youngs wn 44503 Dakota State College, Madison 57042 Oklahoma: Mount Marty College, Yankton 57078 Northern State College, Aberdeen 57401 Central State University, 174mond 73 34 Sioux Falls College, Sioux Falls 57101 East Central Oklahoma State Colle, Ada 74820 South Dakota State U iversity, Brookings 57006 Langston University, Langston 73050 University of South Dakota-Vermillion, Vermillion 57069 Northeastern Oklahoma State University, Tahlequah 74464 Northwestern Oklahoma University, Alva 73717 Tennessee: Oklahoma Baptist University, Shawnee 74801 Austin Peay State University, Clarksville 37040 Oklahoma Christian College, Oklahoma City 73111 Carson-Newman College, Jefferson City 37760 Oklahoma Panhandle State University, Goodweli 73939 David Lipscomb College, Nashville 37203 Oklahoma State University, Stillwater 70404 East Tennessee State University, Johnson City 37601 Southeastern Oklahoma State University, Durant 74701 Memphis State University, Memphis 38111 Southwestern Oklahoma State University, Weatherford 73096 Middle Tennessee State University, Murfreesboro 37130 University of Oklahoma at Norman, Norman 73069 Milligan College, Milligan College 37682 University of Tulsa, Tulsa ;4104 Southern Missionary College, Collegedale 37315 °Moll: Tennessee State University, Nashville 37203 Eastern Oregon State College, La Grande 97850 Tennessee Technological University, Cookeville 38501 Lewis and Clark College, Portland 97219 University of Tennessee, Martin 38237 Oregon College of Education, Monmouth 97361 University of Tennessee, Knoxville 37916 Oregon State University, Corvallis 97331 University of Tennessee at Chattanooga, Chattanooga 37403 Portland State University, Portland 97207 Texas: Southern Oregon State College, Ashland 97520 Abilene Christian University. Abilene 79601 University of Oregon, Eugene 97403 East Texas State University. Commerce 75428 Peasaylmmia: Hardin-Simmons University, Abilene 79601 Bloomsburg State College, Bloomsburg 17815 Incarnate Word College, San Antonio 78209 California State College, California 15419 Lamar University, Beaumont 77710 Chtyney State College, Cheyney 19319 McMurry College, Taylor 79605 Clarion Suite College Claron 16214 Midwestern State University, Wichita Falls 76308 East Stroudsburg ' College, East Stroudsburg 18301 North Texas State University, Denton 76203

Edinboro State' e labor) 16412 Pan American University. Edinburg 78539 Gannon Univt:sit ..,501 Prairie View A & M University, Prairie View 77445 Indian. Universit, Jf Vennsylvania, Indiana 15701 Sam Houston State University, Huntsville 77340 King's College, Wilkes-Barre 18702 Southern Methodist University, Dallas 75222 Kutztown state College, Kutztown 19530 Southwest Texas State University, San Marcos 78666 Lehigh University, Bethlehem 18015 Stephen F Austin State University, Nacogdoches 75961 Lock Haven State College, Lock Haven 17745 Tarleton State College, Stephenville 76401 Mansfield State College. Mansfield 16933 Texas A & I University, Kingsville 78363 Marywood College, Scranton 18509 Texas A & M University-Main Campus, College S'ation Muhlenberg College, Allentown 18104 77843 Pennsylvania State University, University Park 16802 Texas Christian University, Ft Worth 76129 Shippensburg State College, Shippensburg 17257 Texas Southern University, Houston 77004 Slippery Rock State College, Slippery Rock 16057 Texas Tech University, Lubbock 79409 Temple University, Philadelphia 19122 Texas Wesleyan College, Ft Worth 76105 University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh 15260 Texas Woman's University, Denton 76204


2iJ f t..., id Specialized Accreditation and Preaccreditation

Trinity University, San Antonio Silver Lake College, Manitowoc 54220 University of Houston-Central Car.ipo., Houston77002 St Norbert College, West De Pere 54178 University of Texas at Austin, Austin 78712 University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire, Eau Claire 54701 University of Texas at El Paso, El Paso 79968 University of Wisconsin-La Crosse, La Crosse 54601 West Texas State University, Canyon 79015 University of Wisconsin-Madison, M^dison 53706 Utah: University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Milwaukee 53211 University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh, Oshkosh 54901 Brigham Young University, Provo 84601 University of Wisconsin-Platteville, Platteville 53818 Southern Utah State College, Cedar City 84720 U'iversity of Wisconsin-River Falls, River Falls 54022 University of Utah, Salt Lake City 84112 University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point, Stevens Point 54481 Utah State University, Logan 84321 University of Wisconsin-Stout, Menomonie 54751 Weber State College, Ogden 84403 University of Wisconsin-Superior, Superior 54880 Vermont: University of Wisconsin - Whitewater, Whitewater 53190 University of Vermont, Burlington 05401 Viterbo College, La Crosse 54601 Virginia: Wyoming: College of William and Mary, Williamsburg 23185 University of Wyoming, Laramie 82070 Eastern Mennonite Ceege, Harrisonburg 22801 Puerto Rico: George Mason University, Fairfax 22030 University of Puerto Rico-Rio Piedras Campus, Rio Piedras Hampton Institute, Hampton 23368 00931 James Madison University, Harrisonburg 22801 Longwood College, Farmville 23901 Norfolk State College, Norfolk 23504 Old Dominion University, Norio lk 23508 THEOLOGY Radford College, Radford 24141 University of Virginia, Charlottesville 22901 Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Association of Theological Schools in the United Blacksburg 24061 States and Canada Virginia State College, Peterstsurg 23803 Commission on Accrediting Washington: Jesse H Ziegler, Executive Director, ATS Central Washington University, Yakima 98902 Post Office Box 130 Eastern Washington University, Cheney 99004 Vandalta, Ohio 45377 Gonzaga University, Spokane 99202 Pacific Lutheran University, Tacoma 98447 Seattle Pacific University, Seattle 98119 Theology (Accredited) Seattle University, Seattle 98195 University '' Puget Sound, Tacoma 98416 California: University of Washington, Seattle 98195 American Baptist Seminary of the West-Berkeley, Berkeley Washington State University, Pullman 99163 94704 Western Washington University, Bellingham 98225 Church Divinity School of the Pacific, Berkeley 94709 Whitworth College, Spokane 99218 Do.ninicar School of Philosophy and Theology, Oakland 94618 West Virginia: Franciscan School of Theology, Berkeley 94709 Bethany College, Bethany 26032 Fuller Theological Seminary, Pasadena 91101 Concord College, Athens 24712 Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary, Mill Valley Fairmont State College, Fairmont 26554 94941 Glenville State College, Glenville 26351 Graduate Theological Union, Berkeley 94709 Marshall University, Huntington 25701 Jesuit School of Theology, Berkeley 94709 Shepherd College, Shepherdstown 25443 Mennonite Brethren Biblical Seminary, Fresno 93727 West Liberty State College, West Liberty 26074 Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary, Berkeley 94708 West Virginia College of Graduate Studies, Inst'tute 25112 Pacific School of Religion, Berkeley 94709 West Virgin'? institute of Technology. Montgomery 25136 San Francisco Theological Seminary, San Anselmo 94960 West Virginia State College, Institute 25112 School of Theology at Claremont, Claremont 91711 West Virginia University, Morgantown 26505 St John's Seminary, Camarillo 93010 Wisconsin: St Patricks's Theolgate, Menlo Park 94025 Starr King School for the Ministry, Berkeley 94709 Alverno College, Milwaukee 53215 Talbot Theological Seminary, La Mirada 90638 Cardinal Stritch College, Milwaukee 53217 EdgewoodCollege, Madison 53711 Colorado: Marian College of Fond du Lac, Fond du Lac 54935 Conservative Baptist Theological Seminary, Denver 80210 Marquette University, Milwaukee 53233 Iliff School of Theology, Denver 80210 Mount Mary College, Milwaukee 53222 St Thomas Seminary, Denver 80210

195 2 0 7 Specialized Accreditation and Preaccreditation

Connecticut: Maine: Berkeley Divinity School, New Heaven 06511 Bangor Theological Seminary, Bangor 04401 Hartford Seminary Foundation, Hartford 06105 Maryland: Yale University Divinity School, New Haven 06520 De Sales Hall School at 1 hcology, Hyattsville 20782 District of Columbia: St Mary's Seminary and University School of Theology. Catholic University Department of Theolcy, 1.1.ashington Baltimore 21210 20017 Washington Theological Union, Silver Spring 20900 Dominican House of Studies, Washington 20017 Massachusetts. Howd University School of Religion, Washington 20059 Andover Newton Theological School, Newton Centre 02159 Oblate College, Washington 20017 Episcopal Divinity School, Cambridge 02138 Wesley Theological Seminary, Washington 20016 Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, South Hamilton Georgia: 01982 Candler School of Theology, Atlanta 30322 Harvard University School of Theology, Cambridge 02138 Columbia Theohgical ;culinary, Decatur 30030 Hellenic College-Holy Cross Greek Orthodox Sch of Interdenominational Theological Center, Atlanta 30314 Theology, Brookline 02146 St John's Seminary, Brighton 02135 Illinois: Weston School of Theology, Cambridge 02138 Bethany Theological Seminary, Oak Brook 60521 Catholic Theological Union at Chicago, Chicago 60615 Michigan: Chicago Theological Seminary, Chicago 60637 Calvin Theological Seminary, Grand Rapids 49506 Garrett Evangelical Theological Seminary, Evanston 60201 Seventh Day Adventist Theological Sem of Andrews Um, Jesuit School of Theology in Chicago, Chicago 60615 Berrien Springs 49104 Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago, Chicago 60604 St John's Provincial Seminary, Plymouth 48170 McCormick Theo !oval Seminary, Chicago 60637 Western Theological Seminary, Holland 49423 Meadville Lombard Theological School, Chicago 60617 Minnesota: North Park College and Theological Seminary, Chicago Bethel Theological Seminary, St Paul 55112 60625 Luther Theological Seminary, St Paul 55108 Northern Baptist Theological Seminary, Lombard 41148 Northwestern Lutheran Thelogica' Seminary, St Paul 55108 SeaburyWestern Theological Seminary, Evanston 0201 St John's University School of Theology, Collegeville 56321 St Mary-of-the-Lake Seminary, Mundelein 60060 St Paul Seminary, St Paul 55105 Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, Deerfield 60015 United Theological Seminary of Twin Cities, New Brighton University of Chicago Divinity School, Chicago 60637 55112 Indiana: Mississippi: Anderson College School of Theology, Anderson 46011 Reformed Theological Seminary, Jackson 39209 Chnstian Theological Seminary, Indianapolis 46208 Concordia Theological Seminary, Ft Wayne 46701 Missouri: Ear lham College School of Religion, Richmond 47374 Christ Seminary-Seminex, St Louis 63103 Goshen Biblical Seminary, Elkhai t 46514 Concordia Seminary, St Louis 63105 Mennonite Biblical Seminary, Elkhart 46514 Eden Theological Seminary, Webster Groves 63119 St Memrad College, St Meinrad 47577 Kenrick Seminary, St Louis 63119 l'ilversity of Notre Dame, Department of Theology, Notre Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, Kansas City 64118 Dame 46556 Nazarene Theological Seminary, Kansas City 64131 Iowa: Saint Paul's School of Theology Methodist, Kansas City 64127 Aquinas Institute of Theology, Dubuque 52001 University of Dubuque Theological Seminary, Dubuque New Jersey: 52001 Drew University School of Theology, Madison 07940 Wartburg Theological Seminary, Dubuque 52001 Immaculate Conception Seminary, Mahwah 07430 Kansas: New Brunswick Theological Seminary, New Brunswick 08901 Central Baptist Theological Seminary, Kansas Cny 66102 Princeton Theological Seminary, Princeton 08540 Kentucky: New York: Asbury Theological Seminary, Wilmore 40390 Christ the King Seminary, East Aurora 14052 Lexington Theological Seminary, Lexington 40508 Colgate Rochester-Bexley-Crozer Divinity School, Rochester Louisville P-esbyterian Theological Seminary, Louisville 14620 40205 General Theological Seminary. New York 10011 Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville 40206 Maryknoll Seminary, Maryknoll 10545 Louisiana: Mount St Alphonsus Seminary, Esopus 12429 New Orleans Baptist Theo logic.: Seminary, New Orleans New York Theological Seminary. New York 10001 70126 Seminary of the Immaculate Conception, Huntington 11743

196 u s Specialized Accreditation and Preiccreditation

St Bernard's Seminary, Rochester 14612 Wisconsin: St Joseph's Seminary and College, Yonker, 10704 Nashotah House, Nashotah 53058 St Vladimir's Orthodox Theological Seminary, Crestwood St Francis Seminary, Milwaukee 53207 10707 Union Theological Seminary, New York 10027 Theology (Preaccredited) North Carolina: Duke University School of Divinity, Durham 27706 Florida: Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, Wake Forest Central Florida Bible College, Orlando 32856 27587 Massachusetts: Ohio: Pope John XXIII National Seminary, Weston 02199 Ashland Theolgate Seminary, Ashland 44805 North Carolina: Methodist Theological School in Ohio, Delaware 43015 Mount St Mary's Seminary of the West, Norwood 45212 Hood Theological Seminary, Salisbury 28144 Pontifical College Josephinum, Worthington 43085 Ohio: St Mary Seminary, Cleveland 44108 Payne Theological Seminary, Wilberforce 45384 Trinity Lutheran Seminary, Columbus 43209 United Theological Seminary, Dayton 45406 South Carolina: Oklahoma: Erskine College, Due West 29639 Oral Roberts University, Tulsa 74105 Tennessee: Phillips University Graduate Seminary, Enid 73701 Emmanual School of Religion, Johnson City 37601 Oregon: Texas: Mount Angel Seminary, St Benedict 97373 University of St Thomas, Houston 77006 Western Evangelical Seminary, Portland 97222 Wisconsin: Penny Ivan's: Sacred Heart School of Theology, Hales Corners 53130 Eastern Baptist Theological Seminary, Philadelphia 19151 Lancaster Theological Seminary, Lancaster 17603 Puerto Rico: Lutheran Theological Seminary-Gettysburg, Gettysburg Evangelical Seminary of Puerto Rico, Hato Rey 00918 17325 Lutheran Theological Seminary-Philadelphia, Philadelphia 19119 Mary Immaculate Seminary and College, Northampton 18067 VETERINARY MEDICINE Moravian Theological Seminary, Bethlehem 18018 Pittsburgh Theological Seminary, Pittsburgh 15206 American Veterinary Medical Association St Charles Borromeo Seminary, Philadelphia 19151 Council on Education South Carolina: Deandreis Seminary, Due West 29042 Committee on Animal Technician Activities and Lutheran Theological Southern Seminary, Columbia 29203 Training

South Dakota: R Leland West, Director, AVMA North American Baptist Seminary. Sioux Falls 57105 Scientific Activities Tennessee: 930 North Meacham Road Schaumburg, Illinois 60196 Memphis Theological Seminary. Memphis 38104 University of the South, Sewanee 37375 Vanderbilt University Divinity School, Nashville 37240 Veterinary Medicine (Accredited)

Texas: Alabama: Austin Presbytenan Theological Seminary, Austin 78705 Auburn University, Auburn 36830 Bute Ds/ .ity School, Ft Worth 76129 Tuskegee Institute, Tuskegee 36088 Episcopal Theological Seminary of the Southwest, Austin California: 78705 Perkins School of Theology, Dallas 75275 University of California, Davis 95616 Virginia: Colorado: Presbytenan School of Christian Education, Richmond 23227 Colorado State University, Ft Collins 80521 Protestant Episcopal Theological Seminary in Virginia, Florida: Alexandria 2230' University of Florida, Gainesville 32611 Union Theological Seminary in Virginia, Pichmond 23227 Virginia Union University School of The ogy, Richmond Georgia: 23220 University of Georgia, Athens 30601

197 2 0 :) Specialized Accrechation and Presccreditation

Illinois: Washington: University of Illinois-Urbana Champaign, Urbana 61801 WOI Regional Program, PO1lman 99161

Indium Wisconsin: Purdue University-West Lafayette, West Lafayette 47907 University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison 53706 Iowa: Iowa State University, Ames 50010 Animal Technology (Associate Degree-Accredited)

Kansas: California: Kansas State University, Manhattan 66502 Cosumnes River College, Sacramento 95823 Lesbian: Foothill College, Los Altos Hills 94022 Louisiana State University at Baton Rouge. Baton Rouge Los Angeles Pierce College, Woodland Hills 91364 70603 Mount San Antonio College, Walnut 91789 Orange Coast College, Costa Mesa 96626 Micitigaat San Diego Mesa College, San Diego 92111 Michigan State University, East Lansing 48823 Yuba College, Marysville 95901

Minnesota: Colorado: University of Minnesota at Minneapolis-St Part, Minneapolis Bel-Rea Institute of Animal Technology, Denver 80:31 55455 Florida: Mississippi: St Petersburg Junior College, St Petersburg 33710 Mississippi State University, Mississippi State 39762 Georgia: Missouri: Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College, Tifton 31794 University of Missouri, Columbia 65201 Ft Valley State College, Ft Valley 31030 New York: Illinois: Cornell University, Ithaca 14853 Parkland College. Champaign 61820

Ohio: Indiana: Ohio State University-Main Campus, Columbus 43210 Purdue University-West Lafayette, West Lafayette 47907

Oklahoma: Kansas: Oklahoma State University, Stillwater 70404 Colby Community College. Colby 67', Pennsylvania: Kentucky: University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia 19104 Morehead State University. Morehead 40351 Tennessee: Maryland: University of Tennessee, Knox% die 37916 Essex Community College, Baltimore County 21237 Texas: Massachusetts: Texas A & M University-Main Campus, College Station Becker Junior College, Worcester 01609 77843 Mkbigan: Washintoa: Michigan State University, East Lansing 48823 Washington State University, Pullman 99163 Wayne County Community College, Detroit 48201 Veterinary Medicine (Preaccredited) Minnesota: University of Minnesota Technical College. Waseca 56093 Massachusetts: Missouri: Tufts University, Medford 02155 Jefferson College, Hillsboro 63050 Nebraska: Maple Woods Community College, Kansas City 64156 University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln 68508 Northeast Missouri State University, Kirksville 63501 North Carolina: Nehmen.. North Carolina State University at Raleigh, Raleigh 27607 University of Nebraska. Curtis 68105

Oregon: New Jersey: Oregon State University, Corvallis 97331 Camden County College, Blackwood 08012 Virginia: New York: Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, SUNY Agricultural and Technical College at Delhi, Delhi Blacksburg 24061 13753

198 Specialized Accreditation and Presccreditation

Nortk Carona: Bryant and Stratton Business Institute, Buffalo 14202 Central Carolina Technical Institute, Sanford 27330 Bryant and Stratton Business Institute-Clarence Campus, Clarence 14830 North Dakota: Canisius College, Buffalo 14208 North Dakota State University, Fargo 58102 Cathedral College of the Immaculate Conception, Doug lesion Obis: 11362 Cayuga County Community College, Auburn 13021 Columbus Technical Institute, Columbus 43215 Cannovia College, Cazenovia 13035 University of Cincinnati-R Walters General and Tech Col, Central City Business Institute, Syracuse 13203 Cincinnati 45236 Chnst the King Seminary, East Au-ora 14052 Pennyhaaia Clarkson College of Technology, Potsdam 13676 Harcum Junior College, Bryn Mawr 19010 Clinton Community College, Plattsburgh 12901 Colgate Rochester-Bexley-Crozer Divinity School, Rochester Twat 14620 Cedar Valley College, Lancaster 75134 Colgate University, Hamilton 13346 Frank Phillips College, Borger 79007 College for Human Services, New York 10014 Sul Ross State University, Alpine 79830 College of Imurance, New York 10038 Tens State Technical Institute-Waco, Waco 76705 College of Mount St Vincent, Riverdale 10471 VIrglakt College of New Rochelle, New Rochelle 10801 College of New Rochelle New York Theological Seminary, Blue Ridge Community College, Weyers Cave 24486 New York 10001 Washington College of New Rochelle-Bronx Campus, New York 10007 Ft Steilacoom Community College, Tacoma 98499 College of New Rochelle-Coop City Campus, Bronx 10475 College of New Rochelle-District Council 37 Campus, New Wkenen York 10007 Madison Area Technical College, Madison 53703 College of St Rose, Albany 12203 Columbia Memonal Hospital School of Nursing, Hudson Wyoming 12534 Eastern Wyoming College, Torrington 82240 Columbia University, New York 10027 Columbia-Greene Community College, Hudson 10003 Other: Community College of the Finger Lakes, Canandaigua 14424 Concordia College, Bronxville 10708 New York State Board of Regents Cooper Union, New York 10003 Cornell University, Ithaca 14853 Gordon M Ambach, Commissioner of Education Cornell University Medical College, New York 10021 State Education Department Corning Community College, Corning 14830 The University of the State of New York Culinary Institute of America, Hyde Park 12538 Albany, New York 12224 CUNY-Bernard Baruch College, New York 10010 CUNY-Borough of Manhattan Community College, New Contend.: York 10019 American Academy of Dramatic Arts, Pasadena 91107 CUNY-Bronx Community College, Bronx 10468 New York: CUNY-Brooklyn College, Brooklyn 11210 CUNY-City College, New York 10031 Academy of Aeronautics, Flushing 11371 CUNY-College of Staten Island-Sunnyside Campus, Staten Ade 1phi University, Garden City 11530 Island 10301 Adirondack Community College, Glens Falls 12839 CUNY-Graduate School and University Center, New YOM Albery Business College, Albany 12210 10036 Albany Medical College-Union University, Albany 12208 CUNY-Hostos Community College, Bronx 10021 Alfred University, Alfred 14802 CUNY-Hunter College, New York 10021 Alfred University-Rochester Campus, Rochester 14623 CUNT-John Jay College of Criminal Justice, New York American Auden' it-McAllister Institute of Funeral Services, 10003 New York 10003 CUNY- Kingsborough Community College, Brooklyn 11235 Bank Street College of Education, New York 10025 CUNY-La Guardia Community College, Brooklyn 11216 Bard College, Annandale-on-Hudson 12504 CUNY-Lehman College, Bronx 10468 Barnard College, New York 10027 CUNY- Medgar Even Community College, Brooklyn 11225 Berkeley School, White Plains 10604 CUNY New York City Technical College, Brooklyn 11201 Berkeley-Claremont School, Hicksville 11801 CUNY-New York City Technical College-Voorhees Campus, Berkeley-Claremont School, New York 10017 New York 10036 Boykin College, Brooklyn 11206 CUNY-Queenborough Community College, New York 11799 Brannon On Technical Institute, New York 10010 CUNY-Queens College, Flushing 11367 Brooklyn Law School, Brooklyn 11201 CUNY-York College, Jamaica 11432 Broome Community College, Binghamton 13902 D'Youville College, Buffalo 14201 Bryant and Stratton Business Institute, Rochester 14604 Dominican College of Blauvelt, Orangeburg 10962

199 211 Specialized Accreditation and Preaccreditation

Dowling College. Oakdale 1:76+; Maria College of Albany, Albany 12208 Dutchess Community Co Ilzge, Poughkeepsie 12601 Maria Regina College, Syracuse 13208 Edna McConnell Clark School of Nursing New York 10012 Manst College. Poughkeepsie 12601 Elizabeth Seton College. Yonkers 10701 Maryknoll Seminary, Maryknoll 10545 Elmira College, Elmira 14901 Marymount College. Tarrytown 10591 Erie Community Co:'ege-City Campus, New York 14209 Marymount-Manhattan College, New York 10021 Erie Community Cc liege-North Campus, Buffalo 14221 Mater Dci College. Ogdensburg 13669 Eric Community College-South Campus. Orchard Park 14127 Medallic Collegc, Buffalo 14214 Fashion Institute of Technology, New York 10001 Mercy College, Dobbs Ferry 10522 Five Town. College, North Woodmere 11581 Mercy College-Yorktown Heights Campus, Yorktown 10603 Fordham University, Bronx 10548 Miscncordia Hospital Medical Center, Bronx 10464 Fordham University-Tarrytown Campus. Tarrytown 10591 Mohawk Valley Community College, Utica 13501 Friends World College, Huntington 11743 Molloy College. Rockville Centre 11750 Fulton-Montgomery Community College, Johnstown 12095 Monroe Business Institute. Bronx 10460 Genera) Theological Seminary, New York 10011 Monroe Community College, Rochester 14607 Genesee Community College, Batavia 14020 Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New York 10021 Hamilton College, Clinton 13'.21 Mount St Alphonsus Seminary, Esopus 12429 Harriman College, Harriman 10926 Mount St Mary College, Newburgh 12550 Hartwick College. Oneonta 11820 Nassau Community College, Garden City 11530 Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion, New Nazareth Col!?_ge of Rochester, Rochester 146(10 York 10021 New School for Social Research, New York 10011 Helene Fuld School of Nursing, New York 10015 New York Chiropractic College, Glen Head 11545 Herkimer County Community College, Herkimer 13350 New York College of Osteopathic Medicine, Old Westbury Hilbert College. Hamburg 14075 11568 Hobart & William Smith Colleges. Geneva 14456 New York College of Podiatnc Medicine, New York 10035 Hofstra University. Hempstead 11550 New York Institute of Finance, New York 10005 Hofstra University- Afscme Distract 17 Campus. New York New York Institute of Technology, Commack 11725 10007 New York Institute of Technology-Metropolitan Center, New Hofstra University-DWA District 65 Campus, New York York 10023 10008 New York Institute of Technology-Milbrook Campus, Old Holy Trinity Orthodox Seminary, Jordanville 11361 Westbury 11568 Houghton College, West Seneca 13861 New York Law Set ool, New York 10013 Hdughton College-Buffalo Suburban Campus. Buffalo 14224 New York Medical College, New York 10029 Hudson Valley Community College, Troy 12180 New York School of Interior Design, New York 10022 Institute of Design and Consti ndion, Brooklyn 11201 New York State College of Ceramics at Alfred University, Institutute for Advanced Studies in 'he Humanities, New Alfred 14802 York 14744 New York Theological Seminary, New York 10001 Interboro Institute, New York 10001 New York University, Purchase 10011 lona College, New Rex.11,:lle 10801 New York University, New York 10003 Ithaca College, Ithaca 14850 Niagara County Community College, Sanborn 14132 Jamestown Business College, Jamestown 14701 Niagara University, Niagara University 14109 Jamestown Community College, Jamestown 14701 Noith Country Community College, Saranac Lake 12983 Jefferson Community College, Watertown 11601 Nyack College, Nyack 10960 Jewish Theological Seminary of America. New lork 10027 NYS College of Agriculture and Life Sciences at Cornell, Jul 'hard School, New York 10023 Ithaca 10036 Katharine Gibbs School. New York 10017 NYS College of Environmental Science and Forestry, Katharine GIN" School, Melville 11746 Syracuse 13210 Keuka College Keuka Park 14478 NYS College of Human Ecology at Cornell, Ithaca 11375 King's College. Briarcliff Manor 10510 NYS College of Optometry, New York 10010 Laboratory Institute of Merchandising. New York 10022 NYS College of Veterinary Medicine at Cornell, Ithaca 100'9 1 c Moyne College, Syracuse 13214 NYS School of Industrial and Labor Relations at Cornell, Long Island College Hospital, Long Island 11201 Ithaca 11375 Long Island University-Brooklyn Center, Dobbs Ferry 10522 Ocean Business Institute, Olean 16760 Long Island University Brooklyn Center, Brooklyn 11201 Onondaga Community College, Syracuse 13210 1 ong Island University -C' W Post Center, Greenvale i1548 Orange County Community College, Middletown 10940 I ong Island University-C W Post Center-Suffolk, Brentwoou Pace University-Main Campus, New York 10038 11717 Pace University-Pleasantville Campus, Pleasantville 10570 Long Island University-Southampton College, Southampton Pace University-White Plains Campus, White Plains 10603 11968 Parson's School of Design, New York 10011 Manhattan College, Bronx 10471 Paul Smith's College of Arts and Sciences, Paul Smiths 12970 Manhattan Schoof Music. New York 1(8)29 Polytechnic Institue of New York, Brooklyn 11201 Manhattans ille College. Purchase 10517 Polytechnic Institue of New York-Westchester Campus, Mannes College of Music. New York 10021 Pleasantville 10029 200 Specialized Accreditation and Preaccreditation

Polytechnic Institute of New York-I ong Island Center, Syracuse University, Syracuse 11210 Farmingdale 11568 Syracuse University-Utica College, Utica 13500 Puwelson Business Institute, Syracuse 13202 SUNY at Albany, Albany 12222 Pratt Institute, Brooklyn 11205 SUNY at BingLamptor., Binghamton 13901 Pratt-Manhattan Center, New Yolk 10016 SUNY at Buffalo, Buffalo 14222 Presbyterian Hospital, New York 10032 SUNY at Stony Brook, Stony Brook 11794 Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary. New York SUNY Agricultural and Technical College at Alfred, Alfred 10033 14802 Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy 12181 SUNY Agricultural and Technical College at Canton, Canton Roberts Wesleyan College, Rochester 14514 13617 Rochester Business Institute, Rochester 14604 SUNY Agricultural and Technical College at Cobbleskill, Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester 14t,23 Cobleskill 12043 Rochester Institute of Technology-Eisenhower College, SUNY Agricultural and Technical College at Delhi, Delhi Seneca Falls 13148 13753 Rockefeller University, New York 10021 SUNY Agricultural and Technical College at Farmingdale, Rockland Community College, Suffern 10901 Farmingdale 11735 Russell Sage College-Main Campus, Troy 12180 Russell Sage Junior College of Albany, Albany 12208 SUNY Agricultural and Technical College at Mornsvilk, Morrisville 13408 Sacklet School of Medicine, New York 10023 Sarah Lawrence College, Bronxville 10708 SUNY College of Tc:chnology at Utica-Rome, Utica 13502 SUNY Downstate Medical Center, Brooklyn 11203 Schenectady County Community College. Schenectady 12300 School of Visual Arts, New York 10010 SUNY Empire State College, Saratoga Springs 12866 Seminary of the Immaculate Conception, Huntington 11743 SUNY Health Science Center-Buffalo, Buffalo 14214 Siena Collett . Loudonville 12211 SUNY Health Science Center-Stony Brook, Stony Brook Skidmore anege. Saratoga Springs 12866 11790 St Anthony-on-Hudson, Rensselaer 12144 SUNY Maritime College, Bronx 10465 St Bernard's Seminary, Rochester 14612 SUNY Upstate Medical Center, Syracuse 13210 St Bonaventure University, St Bonaventure 14778 Taylor Business Institute, New York 10036 St Francis College, Brooklyn 11231 Teac:iers College of Columbia University, New York 10027 St John Fisher College, Rochester 14618 Technical Career Institutes, New York 10001 St John's University, Jamaica 11439 Tobe Coburn School for Fashion Careers, New York 10021 St John's University-Chase Manhattan Bank Campus. New Tompkins-Cortland Community College, Dryden 13053 York 11349 Touro College, New York 10036 St John's University-Staten Island Campus. Staten Island Trocaire College. Buffalo 14200 10011 Ulster County Community College, Stone Ridge 12401 Si Joseph's College, Brooklyn 11205 Union College, Schenectady 12308 St Joseph's College-Suffolk Campus, Patchogue 11717 Union Theological Seminary, New York 10027 St Joseph's Seminary and College, Yonkers 10704 Union University-Albany College of Pharmacy, Albany 12208 St Lawrence University, Canton 13617 Union University-Albany Law School, Albany 12208 St Thomas Aquinas College, Sparkill 10976 University of Rochester, Rochester 14627 St Vladimir's Orthodox Theological Seminary, Crestwood University State of NY Regents External Degree Program, 10707 Albany 12230 State University College at Brockport, Brockport 14420 Utica School of Commerce, Utica 13501 State University College at Buffalo, Buffalo 14214 Vassar College. Poughkeepsie 12601 State University College at Cortland, Cortland 13045 Villa Maria College of Buffalo, Buffalo 14225 State University College at Fredonia, Fredonia 14063 Wadhams Hall, Ogdensburg 13669 State University College at Geneseo, Geneseo 14454 Wagner College, Staten Island 10301 State University College at New Paltz, New Paltz 12561 Webb Institute of Naval Architecture, Glen Cove 11542 State University College at Old Westbury, Old Westbury Wells College, Aurora 13026 11568 Westchester Business Institute, White Plains 10606 State University College at Oneonta, Oneonta 13820 Westchester Community College, Valhalla 10595 State University College at Oswego, Oswego 13126 Wood School, New York 10017 State University College at Plattsburgh. Plattsburgh 12901 Yeshiva University, New York 10033 State University College at Potsdam, Potsdam 13676 State University College at Purchase, Purchase 10577 Stenotype Institute, New York 10022 Suffolk County Community College-Eastern tannins, Riverhead 11901 Suffolk County Community College-Main Campus, Selden 11784 Suliolit County Community College-Western Campuii, Brentwood 11717 Sullivan County Community College, loch Sheld',ake 12759

201 213 APPENDIX A


The following regional and national accrediting agencies North Central Association of Colleges and Schools and associations have been recognized by the U.S. Secre- Arizona. Arkansas.Colorado,Illinois,Indiana.Iowa,Kansas, tary of Education as reliable authorities concerning the Michigan. Minnesota. Missouri. Nebraska, New Mexico, North quality of education or training offered by educational Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Dakota. West Virgin:a. Wiscon- institutions or programs. The dates included with each sin. Wyoming entry are: date of initial listing/date of action taken as a Commission on Institutions of Higher Education resultof lastfull-scale review/date of next regular 1952/1977/1981 review. Thurston E Manning, Director 1221 University Avenue Boulder, Colorado 80302 Tel. (800) 525-0840 Regional Institutional Accrediting Associations North Central Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Schools 1974/1976/1981 New Eagisad Association of Schools and Colleges John W Vaughn, Executive Director Connecticut.Maine. Massachusetts.New Hampshiir.Rhode 1221 University Avenue Island. Vermont Boulder, Colorado 80302 1976/1981 Tel (800) 525-0840 Richard J. Bradley, Executive Director Northwest Association of Schools and Colleges 131 Middlesex Turnpike Alaska. Idaho. Montana, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, Washington Burlington, Massachusetts 01803 Tel (617) 272-6450 Commission on Colleges Commissions: 1952/1977/1981 Commission on Independent Schools James F. Bemis, Executive Direct Or Ralph 0. West, Director of Evaluation 3700-B University Way, N.E. (initially recognized in 1974) Seattle, Washington 9E105 Commission on Institutions of Higher Education Tel. (206) 543-0195 William J. MacLeod, Director of Evaluation Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (initially recognized in 1952) Alabama,Florida.Georgia,Kentucky,Louisiana,Mississippi, Commission on Public Schools North Carolina, South Carolina. Tennessee. Texas, Virginia Robert J. O'Donnell, Director of Evaluaton Commission on Colleges (initially recognized in 1973) 1952/1980 Commission on Vocational, Technical, Career Institutions Gordon W. Sweet, Executive Director Daniel S. Maloney, Director of Evaluation 795 Peachtrec Street, N E (initially recognized in 1973) Atlanta, Georgia 30308 Regional Institutional Ai.crediting Commissions Tel (404) 897-6625

Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Canal Zone, Delaware, District of Columbia, Maryland. New Commission on Occupational Education Institutions Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania. Puerto Rico,Virgin Islands 1969/1977/1981 Commission on Higher Education Bob E. Childers, Executive Director 1952/1976/1981 795 Peachtree Street, N E Robert Kirkwood, Executive Director Atlanta, Georgia 30308 3624 Market Street Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19104 Tel. (404) 875-8011 Tel (215) 662-5606

202 Western Association of Schools and Colleges In carrying out its accreditation activities, CAHEA coop- California. Hawn. the territory of Guam and ocher areas of the erates with the review committees sponsored by various Pacific allied health and medical specialty organizations Accrediting Commission for Community and Juniot College,, 1952/1976/1980 For information concerning the cooperating review com- Robert E Swenson, Executive Director mittee and dates relative to Education Department rec- 9053 Soquel Drive ognition and next review, refer to the disciplines as listed Aptos, California 95001 separately below Other allied health disciplines accredit- Tel (408) 688-7575 ed by agencies recognized by Education Department Western Association of Schools and Colleges outside the aegis of CAHEA are also listed below. Accrediting Commission for Schools 1974/1978/1983 ARCHITECTURE Lyle Siverson, Executive Director National Architectural Accrediting Board, Inc. 1614 Rollins Road 1952/1976/1980 Burlingame, California 90410 Hugo G Blasdel, Executive Director Tel (415) 697-7711 1735 New York Avenue, N W Western Association of Schools and Colleges Washington, DC 20006 Accrediting Commission for Senior Colleges and Univer' ties Tel (202) 781 -2007 1952/1976/1980 Kay I Andersen, Executive Director ART c/o Mills College, Box 9990 National Association of Schools of Art Oakland, California 94613 Tel (415) 632-5000 Commission on Accreditation and Membership 1966/1976/1981 Samuel Hope, Executive Director 11250 Roger Bacon Drive, Suite 5 National Institutional and Specialized Reston, Virginia 22090 Accrediting Bodies Tel (703) 437-0700

BIBI,E COLLEGE EDUCATION ALLIED HEALTH American Association of Bible Colleges Blood Bank Technologist Cytotechnologist Commission on Accreditation Histologic Technician 1952/1977/1981 Medical Assistant john Mostert, Executive Director, AABC Medical Laboratory Technician (Certificate and Associate Box 1523 Degree) Fayetteville, Arkansas 72701 Medical Record Administrator Tel (501) 521-8164 Medical Record Technician Medical Technologist BLIND AND VISUALLY HANDICAPPED EDUCATION Nuclear Medicine Technologist National Accreditation Council toy Agencies Serving the Blind Occupational Therapist and Visually Handicapped Physical Therapist 1971/1976/1981 Physician's Assistant (Assistant to the Primary Care Physician and Surgeon's Assistant) Richard W Bleecker, Executive Director Radiation Therapy Technologist 79 Madison Avenue Radiographer New York, New York 1(X)16 Respiratory Therapist Tel (212) 683-8581 Respiratory Therapy Technician Surgical Technologist BLOOD BANK TECHNOLOGY American Medical Association American Medical Association Committee on Allied Health Education and Accreditation Committee on Allied Health Education and Accreditation 1952/1978/1982 (See listing under ALLIED HEALTH, above ) John E Beckley, Secretary 535 North Dearborn Street In cooperation with Chicago, Illinois 60610 American Association of Blood Banks Tel (312) 751-6272 Subcommittee on Accreditation The Committee on Allied Health Education and Ac- 1974/1978/1981 creditation (CAHEA) of the American Medical Associ- Lois James, Executive Director ation is recognized as a coordinating agency for accredi- 1828 1. Stree., N W Suite 608 tation of education for the allied health occupations Washington, DC 2003h listed above Tel (202) 872 -8tt) 2 5 203 BUSINESS CYTOTECHNOLOGY American Assembly of Collegiate Schools of Humes' American Medical Association Accreditation Ceunc,l Committee on Allied Health Education and Accreditation 1952/1980/1982 (See listing under ALLIED HEALTH, above ) William K Laid law, Jr ,Executive '.ce President, AACSB In cooperation with 11500 Olive Street Road St Louis, Missouri 61141 American Society of Cytology Tel (314) 872-8481 Cytotechnology Programs Review Committee Association of Independent Colleges and Schools 1974/1978/1982 Bernard Naylor, Chairman Accrediting Commission Department of Pathology, Box 45 1956/1975/1980 University of Michigan James M Phillips. Executive Director Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109 1730 M Street. N W , Suite 401 Tel (313) 763-4564 Washington, D C 2(X)36 Tel (202) 659-2460 DANCE AND THEATER EDUCATION CHIROPRACTIC Joint Commission on Dance and Theater Accreditation I979/198L TIN, Council on Chiropractic Education Samutl Hope, Executive Director Commission on Accreditation 11250 Roger Bacon Drive, Suite 5 1974/1979/1982 Reston, Virginia 22090 Ralph 0 Miller, Executive Secretary, CCE Tel (703) 437-0700 3209 Ingersoll Avenue Des Moines, Iowa 50312 DENTAL AND DENTAL AUXILIARY PROGRAMS Tel (515) 255-2184 American Dental Association CLINICAL PASTORAL EDUCATION Commission on Dental Accreditation 1952/1977/1981 Association for Clinical Pastoral Education, Inc. Robert J. Pollack, Jr , Secretary 1969/1976;1981 211 East Chicago Avenue Charles E Hall. JrExecutive Director Chicago, Illinois 60611 Interchurch Center, Suite 450 Tel (312)440-2701 475 Riverside Dr,ve New York. New York 1(X)27 DIETETICS Tel (212) 870-2558 The American Dietetic Association CONTINUING EDUCATION Commission on Accreditation Council for Non-Collegiate Continuing Education 1974/1977/1981 Gloria Archer, Coordinator Accrediting Commission 430 North Michigan Avenue 1978/1980 Chicago, Illinois 60611 Homer Kernpfer, Executive Director Tel (312) 280-51k0 6 North Sixth Street Richmond. Virginia 23219 ENGINEERING Tel (804) 648-6742 Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology, Inc. COSMETOLOGY 1952/1977/1981 David R Reyes-Guerra, Executive Director National Accrediting Commission c' Cosmetology Arts and Sci- 345 East 47th Street ences New York, New York 10017 1970/1979/19S2 Jerald W Dunaway, Executive Director Tel (212) 644-7685 1707 L Street. N W , Suite 440 FORESTRY Washington, D C 20036 Society of American Foresters Tel (202) 111-9550 1952/1977/1981 Ronald R Christensen, Director of Professional Programs 5400 Grosvenor Lane Washington, DC 20014 Tel. (300 897-8720

204 U FUNERAL SERVICE EDUCATION LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE American Board of Funeral Service Education American Society of Landscape Architects Commission on Accreditation Landscape Architectural Accreditation Board 1972/1976/1981 1971/1977/1981 William H Ford, Administrator, ABFSE Samuel Miler, Director, ASLA 201 Columbia Street 1900 M Street N W, Suite 750 Fairmont, West Virginia 26554 Washington DC 20036 Tel (304) 366-2403 Tel (202) 466-7730 LAW HEALTH SERVICES ADMINISTRATION American Bar Association Accrediting Commission on Education for HealthServices Admin- istration Council of the Section of LegalEducation and Admissions to the Bar 1970/1978/1982 1952/1979/1982 Gary L Filerman, Executive Secretary James P White, Consultant on Legal Education,ABA One Dupont Circle, N W, Suite 420 Indiana University Washington, D C 20036 735 WesioNew York Street Tel (202) 659-4354 Indianapolis, Indiana 46.02 Tel (317) 264-8071 HISTOLOGIC TECHNOLOGY LIBRARIANSHIP American Medical Association American Library Association Committee on Allied Health Education and Accreditation Committee on Accreditation (See listing under ALLIED HEALTH,above ) 1952/1977/1981 In cooperation with Elinor Yungmeyer, Accreditation Officer 50 East Huron Street National Accrediting Agency for Clinicalfaboratory Sciences, which is sponsored by the Amencan Chicago, Illinois 60611 Society for Medical Tech- Tel (312) 944-6780 nology and the Amencan Society of ClinicalPathologists 1974/1978/1982 MARRIAGE AND FAMILY THERAPY Carol Elkins, Executive Director American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy 222 Riverside Nan, Suite 1512 Commission on Accreditation for Marriage and FamilyTherapy Chicago, Illinois 6U606 Education Tel (112) 648-0270 1978/1980/1983 HOME STUDY EDUCATION John Shalett, Executive Director 924 West Ninth Street National Home Study Council Upland, California 91786 Accrediting Commission Tel. (714) 981-0888 1959/1980/1984 MEDICAL ASSISTANT EDUCATION William A Fowler, Executive Secretary 1601 ItIth Street, N W Accrediting Bureau of Health Education Schools 1974/1980/1984 Washington, D C 20009 Hugh A. Woosley, Administrator Tel. (202) 234-5100 Oak Manor Offices INTERIOR DESIGN EDUCATION 29089 U.S 20 West Elkhart, Indiana 46514 Foundation for Interior Denim Education Research Tel (219) 293-0124 Committee on Accreditation American Medical Association 1975/1979/1983 0 nmittee on Allied Health Education andAccreditation Edna V Kane, Director of Administration, FIDER (See listing under ALLIED HEALTH, above) New York, New York 10019 Tel (212) 586-7266 In cooperation with American Association of Medical Assistants JOURNALISM Curriculum Review Board American Council on Education for Journalism 1974/1976/1981 Accrediting Committee Ina Yenerich, Executive Director, AAMA 1952/1976/1981 One East Wacker Drive, Suite 2110 Baskett Mosse, Executive Secretary Chicago, Illinois 60601 Tel (312) 944-2722 563 Essex Court Deerfield, Illinois 60015 MEDICAL LABORATORY TECHNICIANEDUCATION Tel (312) 948-5840 Accrediting Bureau of Health Etligirion Schools 1969/1980/1984 217 205 Committee on Allied Health Education and Accreditation MICROB101 OG Y (Seelistingunder MEDICAL ASSISTAN1 EDU('A I ION, American Academy of Microbiology above ) 1979/1981 (See listing under AI LIED HEALTH, above i Robert D Watkins, Administrative Coordinator, AAM 1913 I Street, N W In cooperation with Washington, D C' 20006 National Accrediting Agencyfor Clinical Laboratory Sciences let (202) 833-9680 1974/1978/1982 MUSIC (See listing under HISTOLOGIC TE('HNOI OC}, above ) National Association of Schools of Music MEDICAL RECORD EDUCATION 1952/1977/1581 Samuel Hope, Executive Director American Medical Association 11250 Roger Bacon Drive, Suite 5 Committee on allicd Health Education and Avcrecination Reston. Virginia 22090 (See listing under ALLIED HEALTH, those i Tel (703) 437-07(X)

In cooperation with NUCLEAR MEDICINE TECHNOLOGY American Medical Recoid Association American Medical Association Education and Registration Committee Committee on Allied Health Education and Accreditation 1952/1978/1982 (See listing under ALLIED HEALTH, above ) Frances Hindsman, Associate Director AMRA In cooperation with Academic Division Joint Review Committee on Educational Programs in Nuclear 874 North Michigan Avenue, Suite Ii 5() Medicine Technology, which is sponsored by the American Col- John Hancock Cent -r lege of Radiology, American Society of Clinical Pathologists, Chicago, Illinois 60611 American Society for Medical Technology, American Society Tel (312) 787-2672 of Rathologic Te 1.nologists and the Society of Nuclear Medi- cine MEDICAL TECHNOLOGY 1974/1978/1982 American Medical Association Liam Cuklanz, Chairperson Committee on Allied Health Education and Accreditation 445 South 300 East (See listing under ALLIED HEALTH, above ) Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 Tel (801) 355-9628 In cooperation with NURSING National Accrediting Agency for Clinical Laboratory Sciences American Association of Nurse Anesthetists 1952/1978/1982 Council on Accreditation of Nurse Anesthesia Educational Pro- (See listing under HISTOLOGIC TECHNOLOGY, above 1 grams/Schools MEDICINE 1955/1976/1980 Mary M Cavagnaro, Executive Secretary Liaison Committee on Medical Education of the Council on Medi- 216 Higgins Road cal Education of the American Medical Association and the Park Ridge, Illinois 60068 Executive Council of the Association of American Medical Col- Tel (112) 692-7050 leges National Association for Practical Nurse Education and Service, 1952/1980/1984 Inc, The LCME is administered in odd-numbered years, beginning Accrediting Review Board each July 1, by 1967/1976/1980 Edward S Petersen, Secretary. LCME Lucille L Etheridge, Executive Director, NAPNES American Medical Association 122 East 42nd Street 535 North Dearborn Street New York, New York 10017 Chicago, Illinois 60610 Tel (212) 682-3400 Tel (312) 751-6310 National League for Nursing, Inc. The LCME is administered in even-numbered years, beginning Board of Review for Baccalaureate and Higher Degree Pro- each July I, by grams J R Schofield, Secretary, LCME Board of Review for Diploma Programs Association of Amen an Medical Colleges Board of Review for Practical Nursing Programs One Dupont Circle, N W , Suite 200 Board of Review for Associate Degree Programs Washington, D C 20036 1952/1979/1983 Tel (202) 466-5100 Margaret E Walsh, Executive Director and Secretary, NLN I() Columbus Circle New York, New York 10019 Tel (212) 582-1022

206 2 1 :,% f V OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY PHYSICIAN'S ASSISTANT EDUCATION American Medical Association American Medical Association Committee on Allied Health Education and Accreditation Committee on Allied Health Education and Accreditation (See listing under ALLIED HEALTH, above ) (See Listing under ALLIED HEALTH, above ) In cooperation with In cooperation with American Occupational Therapy Association Joint Review Coalmines on Educational Programs forPhysician's Assistants, which is sponsored by Accreditation Committee le American Academy of Family Physicians, American Academy of Pediatncs,Amencan 1952/1978/1982 Academy of Physicians' Assistants, American College of Physi- Martha Kirkland, Coordinator, TR cians, American College of Surgeons, Amencan Society of In- 1383 Picard Dnve ternal Medicine, and the Association Par PhysicianAssistant Rockville, Maryland 208511 Programs Tel (301) 948.9626 1974/1978/1982 Robert B. Chevalier, Chairman OCCUPATIONAL, TRADE AND TECHNICALEDUCA- St Francis Hospital TION Beech Grove, Indiana 46107 Tel (317) 783-8137 National Association of Trade and TechnicalSchools Accrediting Commission PODIATRY 1967/1979/1983 American Podiatry Association William A Goddard, Secretary Council on Podiatry Education 2021 K Street, N.W 1952/1979/1982 Washington, D.0 20036 Warren CI Ball, Director Tel (202) 296-8892 20 Chevy Chase Circle, N.W Washington, D.C. 20015 OPTOMETRY Tel. (202) 537-4970 American Optometric Association PSYCHOLOGY Council on Optometric Education American Psychological Association 1952/1977/1981 Committee on Accreditation Brian Andrew, Executive Secretary 1970/1979/1981 243 North Lindbergh Boulevard St Louis, Missouri 63141 Meredith P Crawford, Administrative Officer for Accredita- tion, APA Tel. (314) 991-4100 1200 17th Street, N.W OSTEOPATHIC MEDICINE Washington, D.C. 20036 Tel. (20.1) 833-7692 American Osteopathic Association 1952/1979/1983 PUBLIC HEALTH William Douglas.,1, Director Council on Education for Public Health Office of Osteopathic Education 1974/1977/1981 212 East Ohio Street Janet A. Strauss, Executive Director Chicago. Illinois 60611 1015 15th Street, N.W. -Tel (3::.) 280-5800 Washington, D.0 20005 Tel. (202) 789-1050 PHARMACY RABBINICAL AND TALMUDIC EDUCATION American Caused on Pharmaceutical Education 1952/1978/1982 Association of Advanced Rabbinical and Talmudic Schools Daniel A Nona, Executive Director Accreditation Commission One East Wacker Drive 1974/1977/1981 Bernard Fryshman, Executive Director Chicago, Illinois 60601 175 ?fifth Avenue, Room 711 Tel (312' 467-6222 New York, New York 10010 PHYSICAL THERAPY Tel. (212) 477-0950

American Physical Therapy Association RADIOLOGIC TECHNOLOGY Committee on Accreditation in Education American Medical Association 1977/1980/1984 Committee on Allied Health Education and Accreditation James R. Clinkingbeard, Director, APTA (See listing under ALLIED HEALTH, above ) Department of Education Affairs In cooperation with 1156 15th Street, N W Washington, D C 20005 Joint Review Committee on Education in Radiologic Technology, which is sponsored by the Amencan College of Tel (202) 466-2070 Radiology and the Amenc:, Society of Radiologic Technologists 210 207 1957/1978/1982 TEACHER EDUCATION Robert L Coyle. Executive Director National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education 307 North Michigen Avenue. Suite 1801 1952/1979/1983 Chicago, Illinois 60601 Lyn Gubser, Director Tel (312) 726-9150 1919 Pennsylvania Avenue, N W Washington. D C 20006 RESPIRATORY THERAPY Tel (202) 393-2220 American Medical Association THEOLOGY Committee on Allied Health Education and Accreditation Association of Theological Schools inthe United States and (See listing under ALLIED HEALTH, above ) Canada In cooperation with r fission on Accrediting Joint Review Committee for Respiratory Therapy Education, 1952/1977/1981 Leon Pacala, Executive Director, ATS which is sponsored by the American Association for Respira- Post Office Box 130 tory Therapy. American College of Chest Physicians.American Vandalta, Ohio 45377 Society of Anesetesiologists and the American Thoracic Society Tei (513) 898-4654 1974 '1978/1982 Philip A von der Heydt, Executive D.:tor VETERINARY MEDICINE 1701 West Euless Boulevard tmerican Veterinary Medical Association Euless, Texas 76039 Council on Education Tel 1817) 283.2835 1952/1979/1983 SOCIAL WORK American Veterinary Medical Association Committee on Animal Technician Activities and Training Council on Social Work Education 1977/1978/1982 C'mmission on Accreditation R Leland West,- Director, AVMA 1952/1976/1980 Scientific Activities Sidney Berengarten, Director, CSWE 930 North Meacham Road Division of Educational Standards and Accreditation Schaumburg, Illinois 60196 1I 8th Avenue. Suite 501 Tel (312) 885-8070 New York, New York 10011 Other Tel (212) 697-0467 New York State Board of Regents SPEECH-LANGUAGE-PATHOLOGY AND AUDIOLOGY 1956/1980/1984 Gordon M Ambach, Commissioner of Education American Speech-Language-Hearing Association St.2 Education Department Council on Professional Standards in Speech-Language Pathol- The University of the State of New York ogy and Audiology Albany. New York 12224 1967/1980/1984 Tel (518) 457-3300 Kenneth L Pernn. Director Educational and Scientific Programs 10801 Rockville Pike Rockville, Maryland 20852 Tel (301) 897-5700

SURGICAL TECHNOLOGY American Medical Association Committee on Allied Health education and Accreditation (See listing under ALLIED HEALTH, above )

In cooperation with Joint Review Committee on Education for the Surgical Technolo- gist, *Inch is sponsored by the American College of Surgeons, Americen Hospital Association, and the Association of Surgical Technologists 1978/1981 Sandra L Wilkins. Secretary-Treasurer Caller No E Littleton, Colorado 80120 Tel (303) 794-4929

4.. ,


ACCREDITING AGENCIES ANDASSOCIATIONS RECOGNIZED FORTHEIR PREACCREDITATION CATEGORIES Regional Institutional Accrediting ACCREDITATION BOARD FOR ENGINEERINGAND Commissions TECHNOLOGY, INC Engineering Technology CommitteeCandidate for Accredita- iron, (To be discontinued after 1983) MIDDLE STATES ASSOCIATION OFCOLLEGES AND SCHOOLS AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF NURSE TISTS ANESTHE- Commission on HigherEducation Candidate for Accreditation Council on Accreditation of Nurse AnesthesiaPreaccredita- NEW ENGLAND ASSOCIATION OFSCHOOLS AND tion COLLEGES AMERICAN COUNCIL ON PHARMACEUTICAL Commission on Independent SchoolsRecognition of Candida- EDU- cy for Accreditation CATION Candidate Commission on Institutions of HigherEducation Candidate for Accreditation AMERICAN DENTAL ASSOCIATION Commission on Vocational, Technical, (WeerInstitutions Commission on Dental Accreditatio: ccrechtauonEligible Candidate for Accreditation, Candidacy for Accreditation AMERICAN DIETETIC ASSOCIATION NORTH CENTRAL ASSOCIATION OF COLLEGES AND Commi.,sien on Evaluation of DieteticEducationDevelop- SCHOOLS mental Accreditation Commission on Institutions of Higher Educ.ionCandidate for Accredita'ion AMERICAN OPTOMETRIC ASSOCIATION Commission on SchoolsCandidate for Accreditation Council on Opto'oetric EducationReasonable Assurance. Pre- liminary Approval NORTHWEST ASSOCIATION OFSCHOOLS AND COL- LEGES AMERICAN OSTEOPATHIC ASSOCIATION Commission on CollegesCandidate for Accreditation Preaccreddation Status, Provisional Approval SOUTHERN ASSOCIATION OFCOLLEGES AND AMERICAN PODIATRY ASSOCIATION SCHOOLS Council on Podiatry EducationReasonable Assurance.Pre- Commission on CollegesCandidate for Accreditation liminary Accreditation Commission on Occupational EducationInstitutionsCandi- AMERICAN VETERINARY MEDICAL date for Accreditation ASSOCIATION Council on EducationReasonable Assu once of Accreditation WESTERN ASSOCIATION OF SCHOOLS AND COL- ASSOCIATION OF ADVANCED RABBINICALAND LEGES TALMUDIC SCHOOLS Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges kccreditingCommission Correspondent, Candidate Candidate for Accreditation Accrediting Commission for SchoolsCandidate fo- Accredita- ASSOCIATION OF INDEPENDENT SCHOOLSAND tion COLLEGES Accr,:dumg Accrediting Commission for Senior Collegesano Universities Commission Recognized Candidate Status Candidate for Accreditation ASSOCIATION OF THEOLOGICAL SCHOOLSIN THE UNITED STATES AND CANADA Commission on Accrediting.Candidate for Accrethted Mem- bership National Institutional andSpecialized Accrediting Bodies COUNCIL ON CHIROPRACTIC EDUCATION Commission on AccreditationCorrespondent. Recognized Can- didate for Accreditation AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF BIBLECOLLEGES Commission on Accrediting COUNCIL ON EDUCATION FOR PUBLICHEALTH Candidate for 4cereditation Preacereditation

209 221 COUNCIL ON SOCIAL WORK EDUCATION Commission on Accreditation:Candidacy LIAISON COMMITTEE ON MEDICAL EDUCATION Reasonabk Assurance, Provisional Accreditation NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF SCHOOLS OF ART Cominn on on Accreditation and MembershipCandidacy Status

*U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICEs 1961-339-3119/11320

291hp, ii,,,, 210