1 PCA’s Club Racing Newsletter Volume 02.1 Sponsored by Porsche Cars North America 2 Official Publication of Club Racing of the Porsche Club of America. Editor Andrew Jones P.O. Box 990447 Redding, California 96099-0447 530Official-241 -Publication3808 of Club Racing
[email protected] the Porsche Club of America. CRNEditor Advertising Coordinator RalphAndy JonesWoodard Volume 02.1 January/February 2002 16904P.O. Box O Circle990447 Omaha,Redding, Nebraska California 68135 96099 -0447 402530-255241-38053808 Inside
[email protected] Classified Advertising CRN Advertising Coordinator Classified ads are free to Club Racing members. 4 A New Decade TherePlease is direct a 60- allword advertising limit per inquiries ad. Ads to may the be subject toProgram editing Coord and abbreviationinator, Susan per Shire. the requirements of available space. No pictures are being accepted at this time.Susan ShireClassifi ed ads are to be sent directly to the Phone:editor. 847-674-2285 5 So Why Are They Still In F? Email:
[email protected] Commercial Advertising Classified Advertising Inquiries regarding commercial advertising should be direClassifiedcted to adsthe CRNare fAdvertisingree to Club Coordinator, Racing members. Ralph 7 Life of the Co-Pilot ThereWoodard. is a 60-word limit per ad. Ads may be subject to editing and abbreviation per the requirements of availablePCA Club space. Racing No News pictures is theare officialbeing accepted publication at this of time.Club Racing Classified of the ads Porsche are to Club be ofsent America, directly c/o to PCA the Executiveeditor. Secretary, PO Box 30100, Alexandria, VA 22310, and is published six times per year.