Sept.-Dec. 2016 NETWORK NEWS Vol. 34 - No. 3 Quarterly resource publication for single mothers Call or email to be added to News mailing list: 262-251-7333
[email protected] Toys for Tots sign-up mid-November Individuals in Milwaukee Co. may obtain a Toys for Tots reg- istration letter that will allow them to pick up free toys for their HOPE children later in Dec. To register, bring ID & proof of address. Network The letters will be available on a 1st come/1st served basis mothers and 1-4pm Nov. 14-16 at Salvation Army, 1645 N. 25. There are a their children limited number of letters, so it’s best to go on the first day. After enjoyed two picking up the letter in Nov., you’ll go back later, at an appointed canoe outings time, to complete the registration, and then a 3rd time to pick this summer. up the items, usually the week before Christmas. Parents may Thanks to the register children through age 15. If you are a member of a family generosity center or have a social worker, it’s preferable to go through them of the Urban or MPS, instead of this sign-up. See Waukesha info on p. 19. Ecology Cen- ter and the Free food and clothing: 11am Sept. 17. Free, while sup- Christ Child plies last. Journey House, S. 20 St. & W. Washington St. Bring Society, the your own bags. 2110 W. Scott St. Sponsored by Faith Builders outings were Community Teams. free to our families. See Winter Bash clothing give-away: Nov.