Written Submission in Response to the Regional Development Strategy Discussion Paper
25 July 2019 Regions SA Re: Regional Development Strategy Discussion Paper Primary Industries and Regions SA GPO Box 1671 Adelaide, SA 5001 Dear Sir/Madam, Re: Regional Development Strategy consultation On behalf of Tatiara District Council, I am pleased to make a written submission in response to the Regional Development Strategy discussion paper. Diverse regions The Tatiara is a prosperous and innovative district, boasting a diverse agricultural base, including grains and stock, vineyards, small seeds, flowers, vegetables and olives, and strong businesses like Bordertown’s JBS Australia or Keith’s Master Butchers Co-operative Ltd (MBL). Our district has proven fertile ground for entrepreneurs like Tatiara Truck & Trailers, the second largest truck repair and maintenance business in South Australia, or Keith Timber Group, a dominant player in the South Australian frame and truss, timber and hardware markets, with sites located in Adelaide, Keith, Murray Bridge and Naracoorte. Other exciting ventures are just emerging, like Good Country Hemp’s hemp processing plant, or Blue Lake Milling’s anaerobic digester converting oat husks into electricity. We are in the enviable position of having run out of space at our industrial estates in Bordertown and Keith, and are in the process of opening stage 3 of the Bordertown Industrial Estate. Stage 2 of the Keith Industrial Estate will follow this year. At a time that Australia welcomes an unemployment rate of 5.1% we have an unemployment rate of 1.7%, meaning that our businesses have to bring in significant labour from outside the region to fill vacancies. However, if there is one thing that we, like many other regions, are failing to do, it is to promote this diversity and the exciting story of our entrepreneurs and opportunities.
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