District Census Handbook, Raisen, Part XIII-A, Series-11

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District Census Handbook, Raisen, Part XIII-A, Series-11 1I1tT XIII-~ Vl'f f;Rf~r • • iti. m. I'" . ~'N smm~ mr, f;rbl'l\ ~,,~, "t:~"bT ~9,81 ~S-PUDLICATION PLAN (1981 "~mSJlI Publication "SeJlliu.11 in All '"dia Series will be published in the Jolfowlng pans) -GOV'ERN1vt)3NT OF INDIA PUBLICATiONS Part I-A Ad ministration Report-Enumera tion Par; I-B Administration Report-Tabulation Part II-A General Population Tables Part II-B Primary Census Abstract Part III General Economic Tables Part IV Social and Cultural Tables Part V Migration Tables Part VI Fertility Tables PartVIl Tables on Houses and Disabled Population Part VIII Houichold Tables Part IX Special Table'S on Scheduled Castes and ScbedJed Tribes Part X-A Town Oirectory Part X-B Survey Reports on selected Towns Part X-C Survey Reports on selected VilJagcs, Part XI Ethnographic Notes and special studies on Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes· Part XII • Census Atlas Paper 1 of 1982 Primary Census Abstract for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Papor 1 of 1984 Household Population by Religion of Head of Household. STATE GOVERNMENT PUBLICATIONS Part XIlI-MB District Census Hand book for each of tbe 45 di~tricts in the State. (Village and Town Directory and Primary Census Abitract) AtI(q' ~t CONTENTS '{~l$ Pages 1 sn~q"" Forewora. i-iv 2 smf~""t Preface v-vi 3 ~~ fif~ ~l ;mn Map of Raisen District 4 ~~~oi m~¥ Important Statistics vii 5 f.mr~~q1ti f~~ Analytical Note 1'-50 lill~trHl1<fi fu'Gq1lJj; !R'i~fqQ Gl'rfir ~n: 9Ori.~f~6' Notes & Explanations; List of Scheduled \iTif\ifTfcr <fir ~:qr ( ~wnrlt), for ~zr<fi 1976: Castes and Scheduled Tribes Order fiif\1r ~fjvrrrT ~ft6~T ~r '{fij'~m q~ &1"1' I (Amendment) Act, 1976, History and 'If{:q lfTt'i 'Ii fC!'t'lorr Scope of District Census Handbook I Introductory Note 6 .~.- VTIJ f.fif~ Section I-VILLAGE DIRECTORY 51-271 o~~T~T ~ It~ Tahsil Maps ( 1) i{11T 'lIi'ila~n: vr,,) <fiT ~;;[t (i) ~T~1t a~~~ 53-56 ( ii ) ~hij'~iif ~~1~ 57-58 (iii) ;{~qiif a~ .58-61 ( iv ) ~ll1:tfiif a~"R 61-64 ( v ) cr~1$fl Q~«l1$f CiS-68 ( v j ) f~~crT.,r ~«')\"f 68-71 (vii) ~q:!"{r ff~~T<'f 71-73 ( 1 ) Alphabetical list of ViIlage& (i) R.aisen Tahsil 75-77 (ii) Gbairatganj Tahsil 78-80 (iii) Begamganj Tahsil 80-83 (iv) Gobarganj Tahsil 83-86 (v) Baraily Tabsll 86-89 (vi) Silwani Tahsil 89-92 (vii) Udaipura Tahsil 92-94 (2) .;rtq r"imt i:i ~qq')q f1tiq. tN fI~R" ~ (2) Notes Explaining the "codes" used q ~, tt-ant in the Village Directory. 95-97 ( 3) mq titi mCf)l (3) Village Directory (i) "rrtil a~~'h:r ( i) Raisen Tahsil 99-113 (ii) ~ha~iif 6'~~~ (ii) Ghairatganj Tahsil 114-129 (iii) «flJlltfilJ afl~ (iii) Begsmganj Tahsil 130-141 (iv ) ~ft~ \if ff~dt~ (iv) Goharganj Tahsil 142-16' ( v) iift1$ff ~~1~ (v) Baraily Tahsil 166-183 (vi) f~crr;ft o~~1~ ( vi) Silwani Tahsil 184-207 (vii) \ifilf~~T ~~ (vii) Udaipura Tahsil 208-221 {11.} "f1.:f~ 1- !!T~f",~, f~f'fi~~H I'J;cf ~;:~ (4) Appendix 1 - Tabsilwise Abstoract ~fcr~T 'fiT i;f~qT~crT"{ m'{ of Educational, Medical and other. amenities (5) qf~f~ 2- ~l ",lj~rfiT~T 'fm:, (\iftiqvrifT ( 5) Appendix ll- Land utilisatioJ;l <lata ifq-~) if ~flf ~q ~"a-T m~ in respect of Non-Municipal Towns (Census Towns) 225 (6 ) q~. 1- ~r~T 'til' o~crr~ ~"'T ~f (6) Appendix IIl- Tahsi1wis~ list of We:rfUrCfi, f:qfCfl'(trl, ~Hi cr an:, Vi1Iages where' no Educational, ifl':srn:/~TG t f~;; itT f~;;T ~. Medieal, ost & Telegraph, Day ifIll, ~~T~ i;f~ f~iig:rT <fit or days of Market/Hat, Communi· q'r'rf~ <tiT ~f€jS"P.f· i3"~i~ i=f~l ~ cations and Power supply facilities are available 2#6--232 (7) qf~fin'6! 4- :§~ \ii'{tf'ilJT if ~~~f:qQ GfTfcr~~ (7) Appendix IV- List of ViUagt:s: accOr­ FJ;cf ~2~f:qiJ \ifif GfTfaltl: iii ding to the proporti4?D of Scheduled l!.TUfl'crT"{ ,.;r~'1T8 iii ,.;r2ijR ~TliT Castes and Scheduled Tribes to the if.f ~:qT Total Population by ranges 2:f3--170 " 7 Wi ~ - "~f,,if.ffltil Section 11 TOWN DIRECTORY 211-288 ( 1) i[1T'{ f.:rifwifiT if i3'CJ~)1T f'li~ mr I ifiT6 , it ( 1) Notes explaining the codes used «i(fi ~ fCCq1lfT in tbe TowD Directory 272-275 ( 2 ) fcrcr'(lJf -1 srfp-l f<r t1; cj erf.1i !ifa~Hr (2) Statement 1- Status and Growth Hi$tory 276-277 (3) fcrq~-2 STTiifcrCfi ~cr~'1 Q'lT iflT'{T'tiT (3) Statement II- Physical Aspects srft~fiJ, 1979 and Location of Towns, 1979. 278-279 (4) Statement 1(:- Municipal Finance / 1978-79. 280-281 (5) fqq'{UT-4 ;n1Tf~ q)"{ q'rlt ~f'_'a-T<1 , (5) Statement IV-Civic and other 1978:-79 Amenities. 282-283 (') f'lq~ - 5 f'<tfifiHfT, if&lifl, +r.f)~~. qcr (6) Statement V- Medical, Educational trt~iifaifl ~fcrerr.1T, 19 79 and .K.ecreational· C~J .. tu~·al FaciJitjes" 1979 284··285 (7) ~q~1Jf -6 elJTcrT'{, crrf1rr~ , '3'~)rr ~T~ (7) Statement V- Trade CommeFeJ: ~'Cfi, 1979. Industry and BankiDgf 1979. 286-287 Appendix-Towns Showing their 8 qf~~~~-iiq'U if ~rr6ltcrf4"c. ~i.i1' ~ ~TiJ ilf;;d~r outgrowths with population· 288 ~vr"r ilfOof (ru 'U~ ~~~ iii' tT"R it ~~f~a­ aT f;;rg- 'fT fifCfi~a1i VT;r it \iOfS ~fcniJT ~;u~, ~~~ fGfm' \il"fllfUl'ifr ~f{=01fiT ~~ifT lIfi'l ~lIfi lif~~f~ "~!:T t , ~,\T 'tfT :qtm:t. I m, fiJifwiti, ~ tfiT'i11f.) fI': ~~11: Cfi'{t fiif~T :jfiflfGJifT ~f~~ i!fi1' tf)iJAT f;:urmnrl, sf~mrCfi1, {f+flt ;;rTlfTUf 9'!f it' ~q{ifi9" ~Ti~ ~krf~iti ~fi!{&r~\ fcr~,,­ fCfiAT 1I'\"t q';"m;f lIfimm iii) ..n: .. r~ $flCf'Qzr~(fr tiTer) <fi'{ ~fill~T1qT II"h 'Iffi' :a-qq)l( Cf.T flf.~lfl 'iIi.it it IIl"{ ~ I ~ iif'Rfi iii ur,,"UJ1f ~~ ~f~ifiT lIfir ~)q J'f'fT:c{if oll'TI:fifi ~ ij"1frfqt5e 'fi~ij- ~ lf~ II"rWT "fiT ;;mrr t fop ~~~ &T~r ifi qfut'l1fir, ~r'f'P:i· f(f'(T iii f~~ur ~'l~ fi'll'lf lfT~~)~tt-lf zrTijJifT Cfil "'T~Tllf'fiCfT 11'1 { ~,{T ~) .«ifmr I ~ij"9' If)il''ffli' lif'lA' it it f.tit« :jfToT ~ I II'Q: 2;ffcr~ f;;rifT srlHr~'l Of ~~ f~TOfrll' &f~1 it tfTit'iT tilfJ\' rn if ij"~flHfT f1i~lJr :q(:fT;r it '11'1 ij'~Tlflfi ~Tcrl' ~ I f~T ~uriir ~f\:aOfir ~ ~'fi $l'fq~ 1iT~ 'fh ~.Hlll 'fiT 1fT fcrRlff1Ta- m 1I1"{ fqifiT~ ~~ q~n 3lllfilW'i ~ f:jfij'~· liTll"tur ~'IT t If1:r fen: alii t sn;,;lfT it li;rfCl 'l'«~c;rif ~ <tiff Cfitit it 'Tl ~~liCfT f~l() I ~ srclt<ti ;;il~rlf et~ it" i!{ri q~ 3lr~ftt<ti \j[;;ilGJ"iir ~R ~ ~wTfa-o "iiiolJ $l'rq'lllf'fiffT cr.T~!.fi'l lfiT ~~ ifTif',lf~rlit '1'Tifii "~ifI ~Ta- ~ • ~«if urttl '1'h ;;rrd ~nfq it ~~ia ifiT ~fcr iii ft;r~ ~GiftrCf \ifTijCfiI~r 'fiT ~~ oti fI'~" \if~1 i[i . II'TS fl,Cfi ~f<rt:n9;[l ~ if1=( if 'tfT \ifft=T<tiru f'f~crr t I ~ I lr'l"t fl'i" ~ : ~~ f~~T ~ii, SIT~f~ ~cH~~lf-"q ifirr ~) it ij'T~~Tflf<fi fCfTflRf IfiTljifi~ftrT ~~fJJ(f ,q~) em ,,!fa­ f~~r \ififtTlJfifT ~f{=crefif If>T ~~mT ifiT srT'{;'l 1 ~ ~ , ,,'t~l1lf Ifi) 6lfFI it '{~a- g~ trT'f fif.ff!IT<tiT it ijJT~T qlfT ~ I Cfi1 \if<lf[IJ'f'lT it f'filfT tIlI'T ~T I ~ij'it fiiT~ ~ sr~it'li qflf $l'h f'fitrT qfCf it 'l'T;r-;;n~ ~ ~mr"fT iii' :qT~ it iii) 'lClT fI'~ i5f)~T ;;l('{ "'liT 5fT~tlt'ti iiT'filur'lT UT, II)\: \ifij'ijvr'lT <fiTl1~ci'4"'lui IflfT & ~ifiT $l'fqSrTlf fi5f~ it. -a;; I;fT11T ilir \ifT'f'fir{r ~~a­ ~f\fVIlI'j 1I.l1. ~ \ ~ II it' q'hTif fiiT<1T \iI;;tIlJ};;T ~ff(rliT ifi'\'ll ~ fi5ftri't t1T'iT \iffiH iSlQii <fif~;:r ~ u~ia ijfT irlf~2i & I ~ f<ll:'fll' i~ ctif fqfijT~ fifilfr ([lfT I ~it fiif~ 'ir fqf~a ~ iflfT CfiT~fI' "~~ ~~~'.ir 'ITt q-f"\,n<:T 'fir U1S~T" CfiT itfTU I sr~m:rf'i<ti UTftstfifiT, \if'1l(UfifT UT'{forlft SI"r\ 5H~mifi lI'~ ~m Cfi'{;r it f~lr \jf)~t. mrT ~ fCfi ~"fir. iJ jef <fiT <jJif~~zrr ~'{"1JFrr U~ 'fiT fl1V1'Fti'{ qrlf lin: iflf'{ fijirn<r. 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