Version: 0.001 (Way Incomplete Dood.) Who Wants to Be a Prinny
Version: 0.001 (way incomplete dood.) Who wants to be a Prinny? You've just landed yourself in the Netherworld (well, A netherworld), home to demons, angels, the occasional lost humans (and even robots!), and the souls of dead evil people, who have been turned into demonic peg- legged penguins that explode when you throw them around, where they must work awful jobs for low wages to buy their way into forgiveness for their sins. First, a note about Characters, Quality, Reincarnation, and Death in Disgaea: All characters begin at level one, with low attributes. Wandering around the Netherworld killing monsters and demons, and other things lets you gain experience, mana, levels, and increased abilities. Your Quality affects just how low your starting abilities are – Crappy characters have abysmal capabilities, and gain power slowly. Genius characters start out much stronger/faster/smarter, and gain power much faster. A Genius at level 1 might have twice the stats of a Crappy character, and as they get higher level, the divide becomes even bigger. Once you've gained a certain amount of mana, you can trade that experience in to forcibly reincarnate, sending yourself back to level zero, and (possibly, if you've got enough mana gathered up) improve your Quality a level or three, so that you gain power faster on your next “life”. Reincarnating from a high level also lets you keep some of your traded-in power in the form of proportionate boosts in your stats, and keeping any non-class restricted skills from your last life. (IE: if you change from a Zombie to a Mage, you won't be able to use the Zombie's Puke attack, but if you go from Mage to Zombie, you can keep your Magic spells.) Reincarnating drops your mana, experience, and level all back down to nothing.
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