Crime, Public Order and Human Rights the International Council on Human Rights Policy

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Crime, Public Order and Human Rights the International Council on Human Rights Policy Crime, Public Order and Human Rights The International Council on Human Rights Policy The International Council on Human Rights Policy was established in Geneva in 1998 to conduct applied research into current human rights issues. Its research is designed to be of practical relevance to policy-makers in international and regional organisations, in governments and intergovernmental agencies, and in voluntary organisations of all kinds. The Council is independent, international in its membership, and participatory in its approach. It is registered as a non-profit foundation under Swiss law. © The British Museum. Brooch in the Urnes style. Viking, 11th century AD. Found near the village of Kiaby, Skåne, Sweden. This copper-alloy brooch is in the form of a ribbon-bodied animal entwined with interlacing tendrils. The animal does not represent any particular species, but may show Christian influence as a symbol of the struggle between good and evil. CRIME, PUBLIC ORDER AND HUMAN RIGHTS The International Council wishes to thank the Ford Foundation (New York), the Swedish I n t e r n a t i o n a l D e v e lo pm e n t C o -o pe r a t i o n Ag e n c y ( SI D A ), t h e N e t h e rl a n d s M i ni s t r y o f F o reign Affairs, the Open Society Institute, OXFAM (United Kingdom), CAFOD (United Kingdom), Christian Aid (United Kingdom) and Professor Walter Kälin for their financial s u p p o r t t o t hi s p ro j e c t . CRIME, PUBLIC ORDER AND HUMAN RIGHTS © 2003, International Council on Human Rights Policy © 2003 International Council on Human Rights Policy 48, chemin du Grand-Montfleury, P. O. Box 147, 1290 Versoix, Switzerland Crime, Public Order and Human Rights,2003. I n t e r n a t i o n a l C o un c i l o n H u m a n Ri g h t s P o l ic y, Ve rs o ix , S w it z e r la n d . A ll r i g h t s re s e r v e d . No part of this publication may be re p roduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, re c o rding and/or otherwise without the prior permission of the publisher. The designation of geographical entities in this re p o rt, and the presentation of the material, do not imply the expression of any opinion by the International Council on Human Rights Policy concerning the legal status of any country, terr i t o ry, or area, or of its authorities, or the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. T h e In t e r na t i o n a l C o u nc i l o n H u m a n R ig ht s Po l i c y is a n o n- p ro f i t f o u n d a t io n re g i s t e re d in Switzerland. ISBN 2-940259-36-4 Design and layout by Brightideas, Geneva, Switzerland. P ri n t e d b y At a r Ro t o P re s s S A, Ve r n i e r, Sw i t z e r l a nd . This re p o rt is available at a cost of CHF 40 (Swiss Francs) plus postage. Copies are available fro m : I N T E R N ATI O NA L C O UN C I L O N H UM A N R I G HT S PO L I CY 48,cheminduGrand-Montfleury P. O . B o x 1 4 7 , 1 2 9 0 Ve r s o i x Geneva, Switzerland Tel.: (41 22) 775 3300 Fax: (41 22) 775 3303 i c h r p @ i n t e r n a t i o n a l - c o u n c i l . o r g w w w. i c h r p . o r g C O N T E N T S A c k n o w l e d g e m e n t s I N T R O D U C T I O N 1 S c op e o f th e r e p o r t 4 C r i m i n a l i t y 7 T h e re s e a rch q ue stio n s 8 S t r u c t u re o f th e r e p o r t 9 PA RT ONE: THE PROBLEM I . T H E RE LE VA N T I N T E R N AT I O N AL S TA N D A R D S 1 3 T h e s t a t e ’s d ut y t o p r o t e c t 1 6 II.THENATUREOFTHEPROBLEM 1 9 Rising crime in developing, transitional societies 1 9 The dynamics of rising crime in transitional societies 2 1 O fficial responses to high crime levels 2 6 C ol l a b or at i ve e ff o r t s 2 7 H a rdline policies 3 0 Defending human rights in periods of change 3 3 The dynamics of public outrage 3 6 Private security as a response to state failure 4 0 The growth of vigilantism 4 1 III. RIGHTS, SECURITY AND THE MEDIA 4 5 The media and human rights 4 4 S e n s a t i o n a l i s m 4 7 O v e r- s i m p l i f i c a t i o n 4 8 F rom ‘feel good’ news to sensationalism 4 9 PA RT TWO: CASE STUDIES I V. A R G E N T I N A 5 3 H i s t or i c a l b a c kg r o u n d 5 3 H i s t o r y of t h e h u ma n r i g ht s c o m mu n i t y 5 4 Rising crime 5 7 Crime, public opinion and the role of rights gro u p s 5 8 V. BR A ZIL 6 1 H i s to ri c a l b a c kg ro u n d 6 1 H i s t o r y of t h e h u ma n r i gh t s c o mm u n i t y 6 1 Rising crime 6 4 Crime, public opinion and the role of rights gro u p s 6 6 VI. NIGERIA 6 9 H i s to ri c a l b a c kg ro u n d 6 9 H i s t o r y of t h e h u ma n r i gh t s c o mm u n i t y 6 9 Rising crime 7 1 State response to rising crime 7 3 Crime, public opinion and the role of rights gro u p s 7 4 VII. SOUTH AFRICA 8 1 H i s to ri c a l b a c kg ro u n d 8 1 H i s t o r y of t h e h u ma n r i gh t s c o mm u n i t y 8 4 Rising crime 8 5 Crime, public opinion and the role of rights groups 8 5 VIII. UKRAINE 9 1 H i s to ri c a l b a c kg ro u n d 9 1 H i s t o r y of t h e h u ma n r i gh t s c o mm u n i t y 9 1 Rising crime 9 3 Crime, public opinion and the role of rights gro u p s 9 5 PA RT THREE: TOWARDS SOLUTIONS IX. RESPONSES OF HUMAN RIGHTS GROUPS 1 0 1 Oversight activity 1 0 2 Collaborative eff o rts with public authorities 1 0 6 B road engagement in the security debate 1 1 3 X. RECOMMENDATIONS 1 1 7 To the public security human rights community 1 1 7 To watchdog groups 1 1 7 Togroupsseekingbroadengagementinthesecuritydebate 1 1 8 To groups engaged in collaborative eff o rts with public authorities 1 2 0 I n t e r v i e w e e s 1 2 1 Select bibliography 1 2 7 Useful internet sites 1 3 7 A C K N O W L E D G E M E N T S This draft re p o rt was re s e a rched and written by James Louis Cavallaro between June 2002 and March 2003. Mr Cavallaro is the founder and form e r Executive Director of the Global Justice Centre, an international non- g o v e r n m e n t a l o r g a n i s a t i o n b a s e d i n Br a z i l f o r h u ma n r i g h t s d e f e n c e a n d t r a i n in g .
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