John Boyne | 544 pages | 07 May 2009 | Transworld Publishers Ltd | 9780552773928 | English | , United Kingdom What Happened to ? | Historic Mysteries

Fletcher Christian. . Captain . Richard Harris. Hugh Griffith. Richard Haydn. Percy Herbert. Seaman Matthew Quintal. Duncan Lamont. Gordon Jackson. Seaman Edward Birkett. Chips Rafferty. Noel Purcell. Seaman William McCoy. Ashley Cowan. Eddie Byrne. John Fryer Sailing . Frank Silvera. Tim Seely. Edward 'Ned' Young. Directors: Lewis Milestone , Carol Reed. Facebook Twitter E-mail. Awards Nominated for 7 Oscars. I wonder if they made more three-hour-plus films in the s than any other decade? It seems that way. Here is another one. This also is a re-make from a version of the famous story I liked this 'Mutiny On The Bounty' better than the critics did, who got annoyed at 's British accent. I found nothing wrong with it and I usually am critical about that sort of thing myself. Brando gave a solid performance. Trevor Howard was convincing as the sadistic "Captain Bligh" and Tarita was fair as the love interest "Maimiti. There are some beautiful shots in here, beginning with those sunsets. The color in this movie is magnificent. Although not particularly a film you might watch over and over, I found no major fault with it except for perhaps the romance which was a bit sappy. The adventure, acting and photography were all top-notch and the three hours went by fairly fast. Did You Know? Quotes Fletcher Christian : We need only persuade the British people of something they already know - that inhumanity is its poorest servant. Goofs In the film, the decision to attempt to sail to the Pacific via Cape Horn is portrayed as an independent and ill-conceived decision by Bligh to attempt to reach Tahiti faster. But it is also Oscar-nominated who gives his greatest performance as the captain who is harsh, strict and unforgiving. However, his true skills are shown when he is thrown off the ship, but never gives up and returns to safety in a small boat with limited men and supplies. The primary actors are solid and the shooting locales are breath-taking. Frank Lloyd's direction lifts a somewhat questionable screenplay to safer waters and the film turns into a Hollywood classic by its final act. Prime Video has you covered this holiday season with movies for the family. Here are some of our picks to get you in the spirit. Get some picks. Sign In. Keep track of everything you watch; tell your friends. Full Cast and Crew. Release Dates. Official Sites. Company Credits. Technical Specs. Plot Summary. Plot Keywords. Parents Guide. External Sites. User Reviews. User Ratings. External Reviews. Metacritic Reviews. Photo Gallery. Trailers and Videos. Crazy Credits. Alternate Versions. Rate This. First mate Fletcher Christian leads a revolt against his sadistic commander, Captain Bligh, in this classic seafaring adventure, based on the real-life mutiny. Director: Frank Lloyd. Available on Amazon. Added to Watchlist. From metacritic. Holiday Movie Stars, Then and Now. Best of 's. My 30's movie collection under construction. Share this Rating Title: Mutiny on the Bounty 7. Use the HTML below. You must be a registered user to use the IMDb rating plugin. Favorite film with multiple acting Oscar noms in the same category? Won 1 Oscar. The HMS Bounty's mutiny and Pitcain Island's story. The true story of mutiny on the Bounty.

Full Cast and Crew. Release Dates. Official Sites. Company Credits. Technical Specs. Plot Summary. Plot Keywords. Parents Guide. External Sites. User Reviews. User Ratings. External Reviews. Metacritic Reviews. Photo Gallery. Trailers and Videos. Crazy Credits. Alternate Versions. Rate This. First mate Fletcher Christian leads a revolt against his sadistic commander, Captain Bligh, in this classic seafaring adventure, based on the real-life mutiny. Director: Frank Lloyd. Available on Amazon. Added to Watchlist. From metacritic. Holiday Movie Stars, Then and Now. Best of 's. My 30's movie collection under construction. Twelve of the original 19 men that the mutineers cast adrift survived the ordeal and ultimately arrived safely in England. Once Bligh and his loyalists were removed, Fletcher Christian assumed command of the Bounty. With him were 24 crew members. Some of these people had no part in the mutiny, and fully expected to be absolved of all blame in the rebellion. The others were split between those who wanted to return to Tahiti and take their chances, and those who wanted to find a hiding place where they would not be found and punished for their crimes. Fletcher Christian was among the latter group. Each of the Englishmen had a wife or female companion. It is uncertain which of the natives joined the Englishmen by choice. One theory holds that the Bounty set sail after an evening of feasting on the ship's decks, after most of the Polynesians were asleep. Other evidence indicates that at least some of the natives had established bonds of friendship or marriage with the Bounty mutineers. In early , after a two-month search, Island was sighted. It appeared to be an ideal refuge for the mutineers. The island was uninhabited, but well-supplied with , coconuts, fish, bird eggs and other food sources. Remnants of an earlier, now-abandoned Polynesian settlement were found. Fresh water was available, along with a small pool for bathing. In addition, Pitcairn's topography as a steep volcanic island, with a pounding surf and no land-able beach, made it difficult for ships to land there. After the decision was made to settle on Pitcairn, livestock and other provisions were removed from the Bounty. To prevent the ship's detection, and anyone's possible escape, the ship was burned in "Bounty Bay". He mentions a rumor regarding Fletcher Christian returning to England:. About the years and , a very general opinion was prevalent in the neighborhood of the lakes of Cumberland and Westmoreland, that Christian was in that part of the country, and made frequent private visits to an aunt who was living there. The other, arguably more feasible, story of the fate of Fletcher Christian puts him at Pitcairn Island until his death. He said he was introduced to a man they called their father, but whose name was allegedly Alexander Smith. There were no other Englishmen on the island. Smith told Folger that the mutineers who went to Pitcairn were killed by Tahitian slaves, including Christian. The slaves were in turn killed by Smith and the Tahitian women. In , two more ships encountered Alexander Smith. He admitted his name was actually , making him the last of the mutineers. John Adams provided more details, but the story that rebelling slaves killed Christian Fletcher remained the same. He left behind three children and a Tahitian wife. It is doubtful he returned to England, where the gallows awaited him. However, he may have gone to another island, as some suggest, but he would have had to build a boat without anyone noticing, sneak away, leave his children and live alone for the rest of his life. It seems doubtful and there is no evidence for it. Carroll A. Fletcher Christian had family on the island. He enjoyed the tropics so much that he risked his life to come back. He even sank his only means of returning to England without hitching a ride, which was a slim chance. Mutiny on the HMS Bounty - HISTORY

Inevitably, however, Bligh couldn't help living up to his tyrannical reputation. In January, three sailors and a cache of weapons went missing, and Bligh threatened to "make the whole Country suffer" if they weren't found. When the men were located three weeks later, they were whipped and chained in irons. In the meantime, Bligh had been raging over spare sails that had rotted, and he lamented the loss of crew discipline in his logs, which became lists of grievances, real or imagined, with his subordinates. In early April , over 1, breadfruit plants were loaded onto the Bounty , and the ship left Tahiti, much to the dismay of the crew. And things would only get worse. There had been a falling out between Bligh and Christian, and the captain was harder on his first mate and one-time friend than anyone else. On April 21, Christian, who likely struggled with mental illness , complained to Bligh that he had "been in hell for weeks" due to the latter's behavior. He endured more abuse at the hands of his commanding on April 24, being called a "cowardly rascal" after the crew's gathering of fresh water on Anamooka was disrupted by natives. It got so bad that according to Encyclopedia Britannica , Christian contemplated escaping the Bounty on a makeshift raft, a move tantamount to suicide. The final straw fell on April As Douglas Linder tells it, that morning, Bligh decided that someone had stolen coconuts from the ship's pile the previous night, and it didn't take long for him to accuse Christian of thievery in front of the whole crew. Bligh escalated further by threatening to make half the crew jump overboard and ended the display by cutting everyone's rations by half. Christian reportedly left the confrontation with tears in his eyes, and it wouldn't be long before he was convinced by nine others to lead a mutiny. Before dawn on April 28, Bligh awoke to the sight of Christian and three others, all armed. According to Linder , the four of them hauled Bligh, naked save for his nightshirt, out of his quarters and onto the deck. Any crew members who might've been loyal to Bligh had already been contained in their own quarters, with guards at their doors. Bligh, his hands tied behind his back, demanded an explanation for this rude disturbance and was told to be silent or be killed. Christian ordered a boat lowered to the sea, and 18 men loyal to Bligh were herded onto it. Bligh, realizing what was happening, protested again, but by his own account via Famous Trials , he was met with threats of "having [his] brains blown out. Finally, it was time for the now-deposed commander to join his new crew. Bligh appealed to Christian one last time, reminding his former first mate of their past friendship. Christian, emotional, replied, "I am in hell, I am in hell," and with that, he gave Bligh the choice of the boat or death. After the boat was set free, four cutlasses were tossed to Bligh and the loyalists, and the 19 men were left to their fate. Tahiti, paradise though it was, would also surely be visited by more Englishmen searching for the mutineers, so Christian elected to sail the Bounty to . It must've seemed to the crew that they'd found a new idyllic island home when they first dropped anchor, as a few native men led 18 young, beautiful women on board the Bounty to greet the visitors. According to The Telegraph , however, 1, men in 50 canoes lay in wait nearby. The party ended with the Bounty driving the natives off with cannon and musket fire, killing 11 and earning the location the name of Bloody Bay. Despite the skirmish, Christian still hoped to settle on Tubuai, though the Bounty first returned to Tahiti. As noted by The World's News , Christian didn't tell of the mutiny but rather that Bligh was on another island with the esteemed Captain Cook who was actually dead. The mutineers collected food and livestock and also brought along a number of Tahitian men, women, and children. Upon the Bounty 's return, the Tubuaians were more peaceful, at least initially. Christian's group attempted to build a fort, but they soon discovered that no one present was any good at engineering. Meanwhile, several crewmen inevitably sought the company of Tubuaian women, and more skirmishes erupted with the islanders. After about two months, the mutineers voted to return to Tahiti It was now September , and back on Tahiti, 16 of Christian's crew elected to stay, whereas Christian and eight others still desired a safer harbor. Over the next day, the Bounty 's supplies were divided up, and the vessel's only remaining boat ferried the Tahiti group's share to shore. The remaining men would barely be able to sail the ship, but Christian had an idea on how to remedy that. As told by Skeptoid , that night, the remaining mutineers aboard the Bounty were hosting a number of islanders when the ship departed without warning. Six Tahitian men, 19 women, and one baby had essentially been kidnapped. The number of captives was soon reduced when, per the Australian National Maritime Museum , one woman, upon seeing that the Bounty was sailing away from her home, jumped overboard and swam for shore. According to the Government of the , six elderly women were let off the boat at Moorea, but the rest of the Tahitians were stuck with Christian and his men. The Bounty , abductees and all, set off in search of an isolated place to settle, exploring around the Cook Islands, Tonga, and the eastern parts of over the ensuing months. Growing desperate , Christian turned to Bligh's books and found an account written by Philip Carteret about an island he'd spotted in and named Pitcairn. As detailed by the Australian National Maritime Museum , Captain Cook had been unable to find Pitcairn on two separate voyages, so Christian concluded that Carteret had recorded the wrong longitude. He took the Bounty to Pitcairn's latitude and headed east, and the island was found in January It seems that way. Here is another one. This also is a re-make from a version of the famous story I liked this 'Mutiny On The Bounty' better than the critics did, who got annoyed at Marlon Brando's British accent. I found nothing wrong with it and I usually am critical about that sort of thing myself. Brando gave a solid performance. Trevor Howard was convincing as the sadistic "Captain Bligh" and Tarita was fair as the love interest "Maimiti. There are some beautiful shots in here, beginning with those Tahiti sunsets. The color in this movie is magnificent. Although not particularly a film you might watch over and over, I found no major fault with it except for perhaps the romance which was a bit sappy. The adventure, acting and photography were all top-notch and the three hours went by fairly fast. Prime Video has you covered this holiday season with movies for the family. Here are some of our picks to get you in the spirit. Get some picks. Sign In. Keep track of everything you watch; tell your friends. Full Cast and Crew. Release Dates. Official Sites. Company Credits. Technical Specs. Plot Summary. Plot Keywords. Parents Guide. External Sites. User Reviews. User Ratings. External Reviews. Metacritic Reviews. Photo Gallery. Trailers and Videos. Crazy Credits. Alternate Versions. Rate This. In , British ship Bounty leaves Portsmouth to bring a cargo of bread-fruit from Tahiti but the savage on-board conditions imposed by Captain Bligh trigger a mutiny led by officer Fletcher Christian. Directors: Lewis Milestone , Carol Reed uncredited. Available on Amazon. Added to Watchlist. And Fletcher Christian? In January he and his crew settled on Pitcairn Island, 1, miles east of Tahiti. Over 20 years later, in a whaler dropped anchor at the island and found a community of inhabitants including John Adams, the sole surviving mutineer. Today the island is home to about 40 people, almost all descendants of the mutineers. About 1, residents of nearby Norfolk Island can also trace their ancestry back to the mutineers. TV A new online only channel for history lovers. Sign Me Up. Bligh in command By Bligh was commanding his own ships as a merchant captain. Helen Carr visits Captain Cook's birthplace on the anniversary of his setting out on the Endeavour, to find out more about the man and his expedition. Watch Now. Tags: OTD.

The crazy real-life story of the mutiny on the Bounty

Christian, emotional, replied, "I am in hell, I am in hell," and with that, he gave Bligh the choice of the boat or death. After the boat was set free, four cutlasses were tossed to Bligh and the loyalists, and the 19 men were left to their fate. Tahiti, paradise though it was, would also surely be visited by more Englishmen searching for the mutineers, so Christian elected to sail the Bounty to Tubuai. It must've seemed to the crew that they'd found a new idyllic island home when they first dropped anchor, as a few native men led 18 young, beautiful women on board the Bounty to greet the visitors. According to The Telegraph , however, 1, men in 50 canoes lay in wait nearby. The party ended with the Bounty driving the natives off with cannon and musket fire, killing 11 and earning the location the name of Bloody Bay. Despite the skirmish, Christian still hoped to settle on Tubuai, though the Bounty first returned to Tahiti. As noted by The World's News , Christian didn't tell Tahitians of the mutiny but rather that Bligh was on another island with the esteemed Captain Cook who was actually dead. The mutineers collected food and livestock and also brought along a number of Tahitian men, women, and children. Upon the Bounty 's return, the Tubuaians were more peaceful, at least initially. Christian's group attempted to build a fort, but they soon discovered that no one present was any good at engineering. Meanwhile, several crewmen inevitably sought the company of Tubuaian women, and more skirmishes erupted with the islanders. After about two months, the mutineers voted to return to Tahiti It was now September , and back on Tahiti, 16 of Christian's crew elected to stay, whereas Christian and eight others still desired a safer harbor. Over the next day, the Bounty 's supplies were divided up, and the vessel's only remaining boat ferried the Tahiti group's share to shore. The remaining men would barely be able to sail the ship, but Christian had an idea on how to remedy that. As told by Skeptoid , that night, the remaining mutineers aboard the Bounty were hosting a number of islanders when the ship departed without warning. Six Tahitian men, 19 women, and one baby had essentially been kidnapped. The number of captives was soon reduced when, per the Australian National Maritime Museum , one woman, upon seeing that the Bounty was sailing away from her home, jumped overboard and swam for shore. According to the Government of the Pitcairn Islands , six elderly women were let off the boat at Moorea, but the rest of the Tahitians were stuck with Christian and his men. The Bounty , abductees and all, set off in search of an isolated place to settle, exploring around the Cook Islands, Tonga, and the eastern parts of Fiji over the ensuing months. Growing desperate , Christian turned to Bligh's books and found an account written by Philip Carteret about an island he'd spotted in and named Pitcairn. As detailed by the Australian National Maritime Museum , Captain Cook had been unable to find Pitcairn on two separate voyages, so Christian concluded that Carteret had recorded the wrong longitude. He took the Bounty to Pitcairn's latitude and headed east, and the island was found in January Per the Pitcairn government , Christian's group offloaded everything of value from the Bounty and then ran it aground in what would eventually be known as Bounty Bay. About a week later, the ship was burned, an act which may have been performed by Matthew Quintal, one of the remaining mutineers, without consulting the others. No one — not Christian, the mutineers, or the Tahitians — was going home. The mutineers divided up the land and built their houses behind screens of vegetation to further protect themselves from the prying eyes of any passing vessel, per the Australian National Maritime Museum. Christian had married one of the women, Maimiti , back in Tahiti, and each of his crew took a Tahitian woman for themselves. The six Tahitian men were effectively slaves and quarreled over the three women left to them. Tensions flared when two of the mutineers' consorts died, at which point they each claimed another. Two of the Tahitian men then hatched a plan to kill the mutineers, but one of the women ratted them out, leading to their murder instead. As told by the Pitcairn Government , the remaining four Tahitian men launched a much more successful rebellion in , shooting Christian and four others dead. With the mutineers' number reduced by more than half, the Tahitian men began to fight among themselves over the women. One killed another, only to be shot by the remaining mutineers, who then murdered a third rebel. The final man was shot by one of the women. The settlement remained relatively peaceful until , when one of the four remaining mutineers, William McCoy, committed suicide. That same year, Matthew Quintal, who'd been making threats, was murdered by Edward Young, who himself died of asthma the next year. Finally, John Adams aka Alexander Smith was left with the Tahitian women and their children by the other mutineers. Bligh, though a terrible man to work for, was nevertheless a skillful seaman, and he resolved after the mutiny to get his overloaded foot vessel to a safe harbor. With only enough food to last for five days, the loyalists' first stop was at to gather more. Per Bligh's own account , however, around natives attacked the loyalists, who had no choice but to flee. According to Finding Dulcinea , as Bligh and his men made their escape, the Tofuans grabbed the boat's line and began to pull it in, prompting one man, John Norton, to jump out in order to free the vessel. Norton succeeded, and the Tofuans beat him to death with stones. After this debacle, Bligh felt he had no choice to sail straight for Timor, more than 3, miles away. As detailed by the Queensland Museum , the journey nearly killed the loyalists. The seas were rough, the weather was cold, and the food became drenched with saltwater. They continued this way for a month until they reached Australia, where they managed to finally collect some fresh food and water. Their reprieve would only last two days, however, before the threat of another native attack sent them back out to sea. Finally, 48 days after being kicked off the Bounty , Bligh and his men reached Timor. On average, each loyalist had lost about 45 pounds, the inevitable result of eating only calories a day for several weeks. Talk about a bad fad diet. In March , Bligh returned to England, where he faced an automatic court-martial for losing the Bounty. He was declared innocent of any wrongdoing, was hailed as a hero, and soon received his next command. As noted by History , he would be mutinied against two more times in his career. The vessel arrived at Tahiti in March , and as told by Douglas Linder , three of the remaining mutineers, homesick for England, swam right out to it. They were chained up despite their voluntary surrender. From these men, Edwards learned of Christian's departure, as well as the fact that two of the mutineers on the island had since been murdered. Ten days later, all of the 11 remaining mutineers on Tahiti had been brought aboard the Pandora and locked in a specially made cell, dubbed, of course, " Pandora 's box. After the quick, easy roundup on Tahiti, the Pandora spent the next few months searching for Christian and his men. Island after island, they found nothing, until some of the Bounty 's spare spars were spotted at Palmerstone Island, prompting a search. Per the Queensland Museum , all the crew got for their trouble was the loss of five men and a boat due to stormy weather. A month later, another schooner was lost on Tofua, and Edwards ultimately gave up and set course for England. As the sun set, Captain Edwards directed his vessel toward what appeared to be a navigable opening in the reef. It wasn't, and the Pandora ran aground about an hour later, at PM according to the Queensland Museum. By midnight, the tide had risen and freed the ship, which dropped anchor to assess the damage. The reef hadn't been kind to the Pandora. The vessel's hull was Swiss cheese, and the crew worked in a frenzy to pump out water, even releasing three of the mutineers to help, two of whom would be killed by a falling gangway. But when one of the pumps broke, all hope was lost. Full Cast and Crew. Release Dates. Official Sites. Company Credits. Technical Specs. Plot Summary. Plot Keywords. Parents Guide. External Sites. User Reviews. User Ratings. External Reviews. Metacritic Reviews. Photo Gallery. Trailers and Videos. Crazy Credits. Alternate Versions. Rate This. In , British ship Bounty leaves Portsmouth to bring a cargo of bread-fruit from Tahiti but the savage on-board conditions imposed by Captain Bligh trigger a mutiny led by officer Fletcher Christian. Directors: Lewis Milestone , Carol Reed uncredited. Available on Amazon. Added to Watchlist. From metacritic. Top 10 TV Shows of Will the L. Best Picture Nominees. Academy Award Winners. Movie Challenge Day 6 - Classic. Share this Rating Title: Mutiny on the Bounty 7. Use the HTML below. You must be a registered user to use the IMDb rating plugin. Nominated for 7 Oscars. Edit Cast Cast overview, first billed only: Marlon Brando Fletcher Christian Trevor Howard Captain William Bligh Richard Harris Seaman John Mills Hugh Griffith Alexander Smith Richard Haydn William Brown Tarita Maimiti Percy Herbert Seaman Matthew Quintal Duncan Lamont John Williams Gordon Jackson Seaman Edward Birkett Chips Rafferty Michael Byrne Noel Purcell Samuel Mack Eddie Byrne Minarii Tim Seely Edit Storyline The Bounty leaves Portsmouth in Taglines: TRUE Edit Did You Know? He did a huge amount of research and contributed considerably to the script. He also fell in love with the Tahititian locations, would marry one of his co-stars, Tarita , and would purchase the island of Tetiora, just 30 miles off Tahiti. Ironically his son's name, Christian Brando, has no connection to this film. He was born in , and was named after his father's friend, fellow actor Christian Marquand , rather than Fletcher Christian. Goofs In the film, the decision to attempt to sail to the Pacific via Cape Horn is portrayed as an independent and ill-conceived decision by Bligh to attempt to reach Tahiti faster. In actuality, Bligh had received orders to proceed via Cape Horn. It was only at the last minute that his orders were amended that allowed him the option of sailing via Cape Good Hope and the if rounding Cape Horn was unmanageable. As well, the failure to go around Cape Horn was due to the delay in the ship getting her final sailing orders. orientierung-p3a-und-evaluierung-p3b-visu-833.pdf