
EPJ Web of Conferences 182, 02087 (2018) https://doi.org/10.1051/epjconf/201818202087 ICNFP 2017 EPJ Web of Conferences will be set by the publisher DOI: will be set by the publisher c Owned by the authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2018

A review of properties

Neutrino oscillations - a historical overview and its projection

Peter Minkowski1,2,a 1AEC-ITP 2Th-DIV CERN

Abstract. In a first part neutrino properties are presented from the beginnings through the letter of on 4. December 1930 suggesting a new neutral fermion to the "Radioactive Ladies and Gentlemen" at a Conference in Tübingen, contributing to the first oscillation cycle, based on my review at the meeting "Neutrino Telescopes in Venice" in 2005. cited in [1] . In the remaining part I shall present a selection of neutrino properties featuring the structure of mass and mixing of the light and heavy neutrino flavors, a symmetric , complex 6 by 6 matrix within the unifying SO10 gauge group, and present prospects for the detection of the leptonflavor violating processes B µ e ; B K µ e, also such involving b-flavored baryons . s → →

1 The beginnings of - Wolfgang Pauli’s idea 1930

The spin 1/2 fermion was called ’’. The neutron of today was discovered by James Chadwick in 1932, cited in reference [2] . Nobel prize for physics 1935. → The name neutrino was coined later by Oscar D’Agostino, Emilio Segrè, , , Ettore Majorana and "I ragazzi di via Panisperna". →

aEmail: [email protected]

© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/). EPJ Web of Conferences 182, 02087 (2018) https://doi.org/10.1051/epjconf/201818202087 ICNFP 2017 EPJ Web of Conferences


1 Base fermions and scalars in SO10 neutrinos are unlike charged fermions - Ettore Majorana 2 Neutrino ’mass from mixing’ in vacuo and matter 3 Some perspectives

neutrinos oscillate like neutral Kaons (yes, but how ?) - Bruno Pontecorvo

Key questions why 3 ? why SO10 ? →

2 EPJ Web of Conferences 182, 02087 (2018) https://doi.org/10.1051/epjconf/201818202087 ICNFP 2017 EPJ Web of Conferences ICNFP2017

I shall cite two sentences from the reference cited in [3] :

"Per quanto riguarda gli elettroni e i positroni, da essa (via) si può veramente attendere soltanto un Topics progresso formale ...

1 Base fermions and scalars in SO10 Vedremo infatti che è perfettamente possibile costruire, nella maniera più naturale, una teoria delle particelle neutre elementari senza stati negativi." neutrinos are unlike charged fermions - Ettore Majorana

2 Neutrino ’mass from mixing’ in vacuo and matter ( "As far as electrons and positrons are concerned from this (path) one may expect only a formal 3 Some perspectives progress ... We will see in fact that it is perfectly possible to construct, in the most general manner, a theory of neutral elementary particles neutrinos oscillate like neutral Kaons (yes, but how ?) - Bruno Pontecorvo without negative states." )

... upon normal ordering [PM] .

But the real content of the paper by E. M. (1937) is in the formulae, exhibiting the ’oscillator de- Key questions why 3 ? why SO10 ? composition’ of spin 1/2 fermions as seen and counted by gravity, 1 by 1 and doubled through the → ’external’ SO2 symmetry associated with electric charge, cited in reference [4] .

3 EPJ Web of Conferences 182, 02087 (2018) https://doi.org/10.1051/epjconf/201818202087 ICNFP 2017 EPJ Web of Conferences

The left chiral notation shall be

γ˙ γ˙ ( f k ) F ; = 1, 2 : spin projection

F = I, II, III : family label (1) = 1, , 16 : SO10 label k ···

Lets call the above extension of the standard model the ’minimal nu-extended SM’, cited in references [5] , [8] , [9], in the the general vectorlike situation.

ν γ˙ ••• |N•••      ••• | ••• F = e ,µ,τ     (2) ↓  ν γ˙ N       F = e ,µ,τ        The right-chiral base fields are then associated to 1 for 1

γ˙ ∗ f ∗ = ε αγ ( f k ) k F α F    01 (3) ( ε = i σ 2 ) αγ =  10  −      The matrix ε is the symplectic (Sp(1)) unit, as implicit in Ettore Majorana’s original paper cited in ref. [3] . The local gauge theory is based on the gauge (sub-) group

SL(2, C ) SU3 c SU2 L U1 (4) × × × Y ... why ? why ’tilt to the left’ ? we sidestep a historical overview here !

1.1 Yukawa interactions and mass terms

The doublet(s) of scalars are related to the ’tilt to the left’ .

ν ϕ 0 Φ + N = z (5) F ↔ 0      ϕ − Φ                   The green entries in eq. (4) denote singlets under SU2 L .

4 EPJ Web of Conferences 182, 02087 (2018) https://doi.org/10.1051/epjconf/201818202087 ICNFP 2017 EPJ Web of Conferences ICNFP2017

The left chiral notation shall be The quantity z is associated with the quaternionic or octonionic structure inherent to the ( 2 , 2) representation of SU2 SU2 (beyond the electroweak gauge group ) as described in ref. [6] . L ⊗ R γ˙ γ˙ ( f k ) F ; = 1, 2 : spin projection The Yukawa couplings are of the form (notwithstanding the quaternionic or octonionic structure of scalar doublets) F = I, II, III : family label (1) = ( ϕ 0 ) , ( ϕ ) λ = 1, , 16 : SO10 label Y ∗ − ∗ F F k ··· H ×  ν γ˙ δ˙ Lets call the above extension of the standard model the ’minimal nu-extended SM’, cited in references εγ˙δ˙ F + h.c. (6) ×  N   γ˙  [5] , [8] , [9],   F         in the the general vectorlike situation.     = ε δ˙  ε = ε = ε  γ˙ F γ˙δ˙ F ; γ˙δ˙ γδ γδ ν γ˙ N N  ••• |N•••     The only allowed Yukawa couplings by SU2 L U1 invariance are those in eq. (6) , with arbitrary   F = e ,µ,τ λ ⊗ Y  ••• | ••• complex couplings F F .     (2) Spontaneous breaking of SU2 L U1 through the vacuum expected value(s)  ⊗ Y ↓ 0 + γ˙ ϕ Φ ν Ω ( x ) Ω = N  | 0 |   ϕ − Φ          F = e ,µ,τ      v (v u ) 0   ch ch (7)    = z ( x ) = The right-chiral base fields are then associated to 1 for 1   d  0 v ch (v ch)    γ˙ ∗  1/2  f ∗ = ε αγ ( f k ) 1  −  k F α F v ch = √2 G F = 174.1 GeV √2    01 (3) independent of the space-time point x The implied parallelizable of z ( x ) is by far not   ( ε = i σ 2 ) αγ = trivial and relates in a wider context including triplet scalar representations to potential (nonabelian)  10 monopoles and dyons. (no h.o.) ,  −    induces a neutrino mass term through the Yukawa couplings λ F F in eq. (6)   γ˙  γ˙ The matrix ε is the symplectic (Sp(1)) unit, as implicit in Ettore Majorana’s original paper cited in F ν F = γ˙ F ν = ν γ˙ F N N F N F ref. [3] . µ F F = v ch λ F F (8) The local gauge theory is based on the gauge (sub-) group   T T µ = F µ F F ν F + h.c. = ν µ + h.c. SL(2, C ) SU3 c SU2 L U1 (4) →H N N × × × Y ... why ? why ’tilt to the left’ ? we sidestep a historical overview here ! The matrix µ defined in eq. (8) is an arbitrary complex 3 3 matrix, analogous to the similarly × induced mass matrices of charged leptons and quarks. In the setting of primary SO10 breakdown, a

general (not symmetric) Yukawa coupling λ F F implies the existence in the scalar sector of at least two irreucible representations (16) (120) key question a ’drift’ towards unnatural complexity ? ⊕ → 1.1 Yukawa interactions and mass terms It becomes even worse including the heavy neutrino mass terms : 256 (complex) scalars. 2 a) ’Mass from mixing’ in vacuo The doublet(s) of scalars are related to the ’tilt to the left’ . or ’Seesaw’ of type 1 neutrinos oscillate like neutral Kaons (yes, but how ?) - Bruno Pontecorvo ν 0 + ϕ Φ We will come back to the clearly original idea in 1957 of Bruno Pontecorvo, cited in reference [7] . N = z (5) F ↔ 0 but let me first complete the ’flow of thought’ embedding neutrino masses in SO10.      ϕ − Φ                   The special feature, pertinent to (electrically neutral) neutrinos is, that the ν extending degrees of The green entries in eq. (4) denote singlets under SU2 L . − freedom are singlets under the whole SM gauge group G SM = SU3 c SU2 L U1 , in fact N ⊗ ⊗ Y

5 EPJ Web of Conferences 182, 02087 (2018) https://doi.org/10.1051/epjconf/201818202087 ICNFP 2017 EPJ Web of Conferences

remain singlets under the larger gauge group SU5 G . This allows an arbitrary (Majorana-) ⊃ SM mass term, involving the bilinears formed from two -s. N In the present setup (minimal ν-extended SM), as cited in ref. [5] , the full neutrino mass term is thus of the form

ν 1 = 2 [ ν ] + h.c. H M N M    N    (9) 0 µ T   = ; = T M = M T M  µ M  M M →       Again within primary SO10 breakdown the full extends the scalar sector to the representations M (16) (120) (126) ⊕ ⊕ It is from here where the discussion – to the best of my knowledge – of the origin and magnitude of the light neutrino masses (re-) started in 1974 as documented below . For ’our world, tilted to the left’ see ref. [10] . Correct derivations were subsequently documented in references [11] , [12] , [13] , [14] . We resume the discussion of the mass term in eq. (9). Especially the 0 entry needs explanation. It is an exclusive property of the minimal ν-extension assumed here. 1 Since the ’active’ flavors ν F all carry I 3 w = 2 terms of the form

1 νχ ν = 1 ν T χν χ = χ T 2 F F F F 2 ; (10)

cannot arise as Lagrangean masses, except induced by an I w-triplet of scalars, developing a vacuum expected value, independent from the doublet(s) , key questions quo vadis ? is this a valid → explanation of the ’tilt to the left’ ? no , at least insufficcient ! . From the Zauberlehrling by Goethe , cited in reference [15] .

2 Neutrino oscillations - historical overview

The idea that light neutrinos have mass and oscillate goes back to Bruno Pontecorvo, but starting with (para-) muonium - antimuonium oscillations [7] 0 - like K K 0 , [17] , introducing τ . ↔ + + Assuming CP conservation there are two equal mixtures of µ − e and µ e− with opposite CP values (at rest and using a semiclassical description of quantum states) ± 1 + + ( eµ ) ; τ = 0 = ( ( e −µ ) ( e µ − ) ) τ=0 | ±  √2 |  ∓ |  (11) + + ( e µ − ) = C ( e −µ ) |  |  For the leptonium case the rest system is a good appoximation.

6 EPJ Web of Conferences 182, 02087 (2018) https://doi.org/10.1051/epjconf/201818202087 ICNFP 2017 EPJ Web of Conferences ICNFP2017 remain singlets under the larger gauge group SU5 G . This allows an arbitrary (Majorana-) The evolution of the CP states is then characterized by ⊃ SM ± mass term, involving the bilinears formed from two -s. m = m i Γ ; α = with N α α − 2 α ± In the present setup (minimal ν-extended SM), as cited in ref. [5] , the full neutrino mass term is thus + ( e −µ ) = 1 of the form |  |  → τ

1 i m + τ i m τ + ; τ = 0 e − + ; τ = 0 e − − (12) ν √2 |  | −  1 = ν + h.c. +  2 [ ] ( e µ ) = 2 H M N M   | −  |  → τ  N    (9) 1 i m + τ i m τ T   + ; τ = 0 e − + ; τ = 0 e − − 0 µ   √2 − |  | −  T T = = = ; M M This reconstructs to   M  µ M  M M → →   1 τ E + ( τ ) 1 E ( τ ) 2   |  → |  − − |    2 τ E ( τ ) 1 + E + ( τ ) 2 (13) Again within primary SO10 breakdown the full extends the scalar sector to the representations |  → − − |  |  M 1 i m + τ i m τ (16) (120) (126) E ( τ ) = e − e − − ⊕ ⊕ ± 2 ± It is from here where the discussion – to the best of my knowledge – of the origin and magnitude of and leads to the transition relative probabilities indeed identical to the K 0 1 ; K 2 the light neutrino masses (re-) started in 1974 as documented below . → |  0 → |  For ’our world, tilted to the left’ see ref. [10] . system. 2 dp1 1 = dp2 2 = E + ( τ ) d τ Correct derivations were subsequently documented in references [11] , [12] , [13] , [14] . ← ← | | 2 We resume the discussion of the mass term in eq. (9). dp2 1 = dp1 2 = E ( τ ) d τ Especially the 0 entry needs explanation. It is an exclusive property of the minimal ν-extension ← ← | − | (14) 2 assumed here. E ( τ ) = | ± | 1 1 Since the ’active’ flavors ν F all carry I 3 w = terms of the form 1 ( Γ + +Γ ) τ 1 2 = e 2 − cosh ∆Γτ cos ∆ m τ 2 − 2 ± → 1 νχ ν = 1 ν T χν ; χ = χ T (10) The term cos ∆ m τ in eq. (14) indeed signals ( eµ ) ( eµ ) oscillations, with 2 F F F F 2 ↔ ∆ m = m + m ; ∆Γ=Γ+ Γ − − − − cannot arise as Lagrangean masses, except induced by an I w-triplet of scalars, developing a vacuum 2 expected value, independent from the doublet(s) , key questions quo vadis ? is this a valid α m e m ν ν → e µ 41 explanation of the ’tilt to the left’ ? no , at least insufficcient ! . ∆ m = O m µ 4 . 10 − MeV (15)   v 2   ∼ From the Zauberlehrling by Goethe , cited in reference [15] .           20  12 τ osc = (2π) / ∆ m 10 sec = 3.3 . 10 y ∼ "Erstens kommt es anders, zweitens als man denkt." Not only this is clearly unobservable, but eq. (14) ignores CP violation ; (no h.o.) . Details of neutrino mass and mixing, which induces ∆ m 2 Neutrino oscillations - historical overview in eqs. (14-15) . "First it happens differently, second as one thinks." From mesonium to neutrino’s [16] . The idea that light neutrinos have mass and oscillate goes back to Bruno Pontecorvo, but starting with (para-) muonium - antimuonium oscillations [7] What is to be remembered from reference [18] is the i d e a of neutrino oscillations, expressed in the 0 - like K K 0 , [17] , introducing τ . corrected sentence : ↔ + + Assuming CP conservation there are two equal mixtures of µ − e and µ e− with opposite CP values "The effects due to neutrino flavor transformations may not be observable in the laboratory, owing to (at rest and using a semiclassical description of quantum states) the large R, but they will take place on an astronomical scale." ± 1 + + The ( V A ) ( V A ) form of the Fermi interaction which subsequently clarified the structure ( eµ ) ; τ = 0 = ( ( e −µ ) ( e µ − ) ) τ=0 | ±  √2 |  ∓ |  − × − (11) of neutrino emission and absorption, was documented almost contemporaneously [18] . + + ( e µ − ) = C ( e −µ ) |  |  ∆ m τ from rest system to beam system In notes to , lectures on "Elementary particle For the leptonium case the rest system is a good appoximation. physics", ETHZ, Zurich WS 1966/67, not documented (again zigzag in time) .

7 EPJ Web of Conferences 182, 02087 (2018) https://doi.org/10.1051/epjconf/201818202087 ICNFP 2017 EPJ Web of Conferences

There is time dilatation from rest system to beam system, and also we express time in the beam system by distance ( c = 1)

d 1 2 τ ; γ − = √ 1 v ; β = v key question whichv? (16) → γβ − { → →

Then we replace ∆ m , for 12 beam oscillations 2 2 2 2 ∆ m ∆ m = m 1 m 2 ∆ m = ; − (17) 2 m m = 1 ( m + m )     2 1 2 Thus we obtain , for any 12 oscillation phenomenon ∆ m 2 ∆ m τ = d ; m βγ = p (18) 2 m βγ       It is apparently clear that m βγ = p represents the average beam momentum, yet this is not     really so. Lets postpone the questions ( which p ? - which d ?). From eq. (18) it follows   ∆ m 2 ∆ m 2 ∆ m τ = d cos d (19) 2 p →  2 p            The oscillation amplitude in vacuo (eq. 19) is well known, yet it contains ’subtleties’ .

∆ m 2 d / ( 2 p ) : what means what ?   The semiclassical intuition from beam dynamics and optical interference is obvious. A well col- limated and within ∆ p / p – or any similar definition of beam momentum spread – | | ’monochromatic’ beam is considered as a classical line, lets say along the positive z-axis, defining     the mean direction from a definite production point ( x = 0 ) towards a detector, at distance d . But the associated operators for a single beam quantum p , z ∆ p ∆ z 1 (20) z → z ≥ 2 are subject to the uncertainty principle ( using units = 1 ) . The same is true for energy and time. Yet we are dealing     in oscillations – with single quantum interference – and thus the spread from one beam quantum to the next is only yielding a ’good guess’ of the actual expectation values, e.g. appearing in eq. (20) . The quantity p in the expression for the phase   ∆ m 2 d / ( 2 p ) (21)   essentially presupposes the single quantum production wave function, e.g. in 3 momentum space in a given fixed frame, propagating from a production time t P to a specific detection space-time point x D and characterized accounting for all quantum mechanical uncertainties by the distance d . In this framework p stands for the so evaluated single quantum expectation value This was the content of   my notes to the lectures of Jack Steinberger in 1966: in reference [19] h.o.

This was implicit in (e.g.) references [8] and [9] and became obvious in discussing matter effects, specifically for neutrino oscillations (e.g. in the sun) .

8 EPJ Web of Conferences 182, 02087 (2018) https://doi.org/10.1051/epjconf/201818202087 ICNFP 2017 EPJ Web of Conferences ICNFP2017

There is time dilatation from rest system to beam system, and also we express time in the beam system Coherence and decoherence in neutrino oscillations (h.o.) by distance ( c = 1) The ensuing is an incomplete attempt of a historical overview, going zigzag in time, starting with d reference [20] in itself a h.o. . 1 2 τ ; γ − = √ 1 v ; β = v key question whichv? (16) Just mention is due to two papers : Shalom Eliezer and Arthur Swift, cited in reference [21], submitted → γβ − { → → 28. July 1975, and Samoil Bilenky and Bruno Pontecorvo, in reference [22], submitted 1. January 1976 , where the phase argument ∆ m 2 d / ( 2 p ) appears correctly.  Then we replace ∆ m , for 12 beam oscillations Also in 1976 a contribution by Shmuel Nussinov in reference [23], appeared . 2 2 2 2 ∆ m ∆ m = m 1 m 2 ∆ m = ; − (17) Matter effects - MSW for neutrinos Two papers, by Mikheyev and Smirnov and by Wolfenstein are 2 m m = 1 ( m + m )     2 1 2 to be singled out : cited in reference [25] and [24] . Thus we obtain , for any 12 oscillation phenomenon The general remark hereto is 2 ∆ m Every conceivable coherent or incoherent phenomenon involving photons, is bound to happen (and ∆ m τ = d ; m βγ = p (18)     more) with neutrinos: refraction, double refraction, Cerenkovˇ radiation, , see referfence [26] . 2 m βγ ···   The forward scattering amplitude and refractive index relation is (a semiclassical one) It is apparently clear that m βγ = p represents the average beam momentum, yet this is not     plane wave distortion in the z-direction really so. Lets postpone the questions ( which p ? - which d ?). From eq. (18) it follows →   lab 1 2 2 f f = (8π m ) T ∆ m ∆ m 0 ≡ f orward target − f orward ∆ m τ = d cos d (19) 2 p →  2 p  Im f 0 = ( k lab / (4π ) ) σ tot ; k lab k       →   ikz inkz ikz i π/k  f z   e e = e e (2 ) N 0 The oscillation amplitude in vacuo (eq. 19) is well known, yet it contains ’subtleties’ . → 2 = e ikze i [ (2π/k )  N f 0 ] kz (22) ∆ m 2 d / ( 2 p ) : what means what ? <   n = 1 + (2π/k 2 )  f ; v 1 / ( Re n ) > ?1 N 0  mat. ∼ The semiclassical intuition from beam dynamics and optical interference is obvious. A well col-  N = mean number density of (target-) matter limated and within ∆ p / p – or any similar definition of beam momentum spread – key question which is the fully quantum mechanical description ? | | ’monochromatic’ beam is considered as a classical line, lets say along the positive z-axis, defining →   T = invariantly normalized (elastic-) scattering amplitude      = the mean direction from a definite production point ( x 0 ) towards a detector, at distance d . for neutrinos indeed, tribute – to many who ’really did it’ – and to a pioneer of solar physics and But the associated operators for a single beam quantum beyond (no h.o.) , cited in reference [27] . at low energy : 1 µ p z , z ∆ p z ∆ z 2 (20) → ≥ ν α γ L ν β  β γ µ L  α are subject to the uncertainty principle ( using units = 1 ) . The same is true for energy and time. µ     ν 2 √2 G F  + ν α γ ν α j µ n ( , q )   Yet we are dealing H ∼  L    (23) in oscillations – with single quantum interference – and thus the spread from one beam quantum to  1 µ µ   + ν α γ ν α ν β γ ν β   the next is only yielding a ’good guess’ of the actual expectation values, e.g. appearing in eq. (20) .  4 L L    The quantity p in the expression for the phase α, β = I, II, III for family ;  : e.w. neutral current parameter   The second and third of the latter induces – tiny – matter distortions on relic neutrinos , maybe it is ∆ m 2 d / ( 2 p ) (21)   worth while to work them out ? terms on the r.h.s. of eq. (23) – in matter consisting of hadrons and essentially presupposes the single quantum production wave function, e.g. in 3 momentum space in electrons – do not distinguish between neutrino flavors. So the relative distortion of ν – a given fixed frame, propagating from a production time t P to a specific detection space-time point e by electrons at rest – is x D and characterized accounting for all quantum mechanical uncertainties by the distance d . In this β˙ β˙ framework p stands for the so evaluated single quantum expectation value This was the content of ∆ √2 G ν ∗ ν e ∗ e   e H ν → F e e  e my notes to the lectures of Jack Steinberger in 1966: in reference [19] h.o. √ β˙ β˙ = 2 G F  n e ν e ∗ ν e (24) This was implicit in (e.g.) references [8] and [9] and became obvious in discussing matter effects,   specifically for neutrino oscillations (e.g. in the sun) . K = √2 G  ;(K K for e e + ) e F n e e →− e − →

9 EPJ Web of Conferences 182, 02087 (2018) https://doi.org/10.1051/epjconf/201818202087 ICNFP 2017 EPJ Web of Conferences

The spinor field equation in the above semiclassical approximation, in (chiral) basis becomes – sup-

pressing all indices – and allowing for an x dependent electron density ( i ∂ κ ) ν = ν t − M † ; i ∂ t E ( i ∂ + κ ) ν = ν → t M ˙ ˙ κ = K P 1 σ ; ν = ν β ; ν = ε ν β ∗ e e − i ∇¶ f αβ f   (25) f = 1, , 6;P = δ δ ; = δ ; = ··· e ef ef ¶ ff M M ff

( ν, ν ) ( t , x ) : fields ; ∗ : hermitian conjugation

K = K ( x ) = √2 G  ( x ) e e F n e Here we substitute fields by wave functions From eq. (26) we obtain the ’squared’ form

E 2 κ 2 ν = κ, ν − −M† M M †     E 2 κ 2 ν = [ ,κ ] ν − − MM† M   [ ,κ] = K [ , P ] ; κ, = [ ,κ] † M e M e M † M The purple quantities in eq. (27) give (e.g. in the sun) negligible effects for the light flavors 0.  → 2 1 1 2 κ = ∆ 2 P e K e i σ P e σ ( i K e ) + P e K e − − ∇ − ∇ (26) In eqs. (26-27) the mainly neutrinos have negative helicity, which can be specified precisely if the purple quantities are ignored, whereas the mainly antineutrinos carry positive helicity, in the ultrarel- ativistic limit p = p m . | | + for neutrinos   2 2   κ p 2 pKe P e : (27) → ±  for antineutrinos −  The mass diagonalization yields correspondingly for the mixing in vacuo approximatively  2 1 2 1 † um u − ; † um u − (28) M M→ diag MM → diag In eq. (29) the red quantities refer to the three light flavors So for real (i.e. orthogonal) u , neutrinos distorted by electrons react identically to antineutrinos relative to positrons .

From Hans Bethe, cited in reference [27] , with apologies to Mikheyev and Smirnov and many. Further references to the LMA solution can be found in a paper by Alexei Smirnov in →  reference [28] , as well as many references cited therein, (no h.o.) .

2 5 2 2 ∆ m = 7.9 . 10 − ev ; tan ϑ = 0.40 ; ϑ 32.3 ◦ (29)   ∼ See reference [29] . 2 +0.5 5 2 2 +0.09 ∆ m = 7.9 0.6 . 10 − ev ; tan ϑ = 0.40 0.07 Fig. (30)  −  − → Derivations are discussed in references [29] and [31] .

10 EPJ Web of Conferences 182, 02087 (2018) https://doi.org/10.1051/epjconf/201818202087 ICNFP 2017 EPJ Web of Conferences ICNFP2017

The spinor field equation in the above semiclassical approximation, in (chiral) basis becomes – sup- pressing all indices – and allowing for an x dependent electron density ( i ∂ κ ) ν = ν t − M † ; i ∂ t E ( i ∂ + κ ) ν = ν → t M ˙ ˙ κ = K P 1 σ ; ν = ν β ; ν = ε ν β ∗ e e − i ∇¶ f αβ f   (25) f = 1, , 6;P = δ δ ; = δ ; = ··· e ef ef ¶ ff M M ff

( ν, ν ) ( t , x ) : fields ; ∗ : hermitian conjugation

K = K ( x ) = √2 G  ( x ) e e F n e Here we substitute fields by wave functions From eq. (26) we obtain the ’squared’ form

E 2 κ 2 ν = κ, ν − −M† M M †     E 2 κ 2 ν = [ ,κ ] ν − − MM† M   [ ,κ] = K [ , P ] ; κ, = [ ,κ] † M e M e M † M The purple quantities in eq. (27) give (e.g. in the sun) negligible effects for the light flavors 0.  → 2 1 1 2 κ = ∆ 2 P e K e i σ P e σ ( i K e ) + P e K e − − ∇ − ∇ (26) In eqs. (26-27) the mainly neutrinos have negative helicity, which can be specified precisely if the purple quantities are ignored, whereas the mainly antineutrinos carry positive helicity, in the ultrarel- ativistic limit p = p m . | | + for neutrinos   2 2   κ p 2 pKe P e : (27) → ±  for antineutrinos −  The mass diagonalization yields correspondingly for the mixing in vacuo approximatively  2 1 2 1 † um u − ; † um u − (28) M M→ diag MM → diag In eq. (29) the red quantities refer to the three light flavors So for real (i.e. orthogonal) u , neutrinos distorted by electrons react identically to antineutrinos relative to positrons .

From Hans Bethe, cited in reference [27] , with apologies to Mikheyev and Smirnov and many. Further references to the LMA solution can be found in a paper by Alexei Smirnov in →  For further experimental references to the LMA solution see reference [28] , see also many reference [28] , as well as many references cited therein, (no h.o.) . references cited therein, (no h.o.) . 2 5 2 2 ∆ m = 7.9 . 10 − ev ; tan ϑ = 0.40 ; ϑ 32.3 ◦ (29) 37 37   ∼ [32] . reaction : ν e + Cl Ar + e − Referenc [33] . → 71 71 See reference [29] . reaction : ν e + Ga Ge + e − 2 +0.5 5 2 2 +0.09 → → ∆ m = 7.9 0.6 . 10 − ev ; tan ϑ = 0.40 0.07 Fig. (30) Nobel Prizes : 2002 to Raymond Davis jr. , Masatoshi Koshiba and Riccardo Giacconi   → − − and 2015 to and Arthur B. McDonald .   Derivations are discussed in references [29] and [31] . Reference [34] .

11 EPJ Web of Conferences 182, 02087 (2018) https://doi.org/10.1051/epjconf/201818202087 ICNFP 2017 EPJ Web of Conferences

71 71 reaction : ν e + Ga Ge + e − like SAGE . → → reaction : ν e + e − ν e + e − → → See reference [35, 36] "Wer zählt die Seelen, nennt die Namen, "Who counts the souls, relates the names, die gastlich hier zusammenkamen." who met in piece here for the games."

Friedrich Schiller, in ref. [39] . reactions : ν e + e − ν e + e − → ν e,µ + H 2 O e ∓ ,µ∓ + X ν e,µ → 8B flux : +0.20 6 2 5.05 1 0.16 . 10 − / cm / s for BP2000 5.82(1 − 0.23 ) . 10 6 / cm 2 / s for BP2004 → ±  −

See reference [37] .

2 +1.0 5 2 +2.4 ◦ ∆ m = 7.1 0.6 . 10 − ev ; ϑ = 32.5 2.3 (31) − − reactions : ν e + d  p + p + e − (CC)  → ν x + d p + n + ν x (NC) → ν x + e − e − + ν x (ES) → Reference(s) to ν ν oscillations e ↔ x For the Kamland collaboration see ref. [36] .

reaction : ν e + p e − + n from 20 reactors → ∼ → leading to the present best estimates for 3 flavor oscillations :

12 EPJ Web of Conferences 182, 02087 (2018) https://doi.org/10.1051/epjconf/201818202087 ICNFP 2017 EPJ Web of Conferences ICNFP2017

71 71 reaction : ν e + Ga Ge + e − like SAGE . → → reaction : ν e + e − ν e + e − 2 +0.5 5 2 2 +0.09 → → ∆ m = 7.9 0.6 . 10 − ev ; tan ϑ = 0.40 0.07 See reference [35, 36] − − 2 +2.1  3 2 2 (32) "Wer zählt die Seelen, nennt die Namen, "Who counts the souls, relates the names, ∆ m 23 = 2.1 0.8 . 10 − eV ; sin 2 ϑ 23 = 1.0 0.15 die gastlich hier zusammenkamen." who met in piece here for the games." − −    sin 2 ϑ 0.05 at 99.73 % C.L.   13 ≤ Friedrich Schiller, in ref. [39] . reactions : ν e + e − ν e + e − → This shall conclude my – necessarily partial – historical overview, from the time of the year 2005, ν e,µ + H 2 O e ∓ ,µ∓ + X cited in reference [1] . What follows must be cut short as well . ν e,µ → reaction : ν e + p e − + n from 20 reactors → ∼ → 8B solar neutrino flux : +0.20 6 2 5.05 1 0.16 . 10 − / cm / s for BP2000 − 6 2 2 +0.5 5 2 2 +0.09 5.82(1 0.23 ) . 10 − / cm / s for BP2004 → ∆ m = 7.9 0.6 . 10 − ev ; tan ϑ = 0.40 0.07 ±  − − 2 +2.1  3 2 2 (33) ∆ m 23 = 2.1 0.8 . 10 − eV ; sin 2 ϑ 23 = 1.0 0.15 − −    sin 2 ϑ 0.05 at 99.73 % C.L.   13 ≤

See reference [37] .

2 +1.0 5 2 +2.4 ◦ ∆ m = 7.1 0.6 . 10 − ev ; ϑ = 32.5 2.3 (31) − − reactions : ν e + d  p + p + e − (CC)  → ν x + d p + n + ν x (NC) → ν x + e − e − + ν x (ES) → Reference(s) to ν ν oscillations e ↔ x For the Kamland collaboration see ref. [36] . 2.1 Mass from mixing the subtle things reaction : ν e + p e − + n from 20 reactors → → ∼ → key questions which is the scale of M ? O ( 10 10 ) GeV is there any evidence for this scale → → leading to the present best estimates for 3 flavor oscillations : today ? hardly ! and what about susy ? →

13 EPJ Web of Conferences 182, 02087 (2018) https://doi.org/10.1051/epjconf/201818202087 ICNFP 2017 EPJ Web of Conferences

How is the mass matrix of the form in eq. (9) diagonalized exactly ?

0 µ T T T = = U diag U = K bl.diag K M  µ M  M M     g = g ( m , m , m ; M , M , M ) M dia  M dia  1 2 3 1 2 3 u 0 0 (34) = U U T ; U = M bl.diag 0 M diag 0 0  0 v 0      u 11 u 12  U = KU0 =  u u   21 22     

The at least perturbatively appropriate notion of mass in the assumed fundamental presence of gravity, has to be selfconsistently justified. It can then only have perturbative validity through a limited range of energies of multiparticle lepton scattering states.

Leptonic heavy gauge bosons, necessarily shall thus have masses low enough, to allow their decay amplitudes, i.e. their widths, to be calculated as if gravity effects are negligible, i.e. whence Poincar’e˚ invariance, again approximately, holds.

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We shall come back to this point in (a) subsequent section(s), leading to the formulation of the treaceanomaly in ref. [41], whereby a seminal paper by Mikhail Shifman, Arkady Vainshtein and Valentin Zakharov showed me the way, in ref. [43] , after quite some time of derivation and checking.

1 0 U = KU ; K 1 K 1 T = = M 0 − M − M bl.diag.  0 2   M    1/2  1/2  − − 1 + tt† u 0 1 + tt† t v 0 U =    1/2   1/2  (35) − −  t † 1 + tt† u 0 1 + t † t v 0   −           ↓ ···  → T 1 = u 0 m diag u : light 3 T M 0 1 = t 2 t ; M − M T  = v M g v : heavy 3   M 2 0 dia 0      T 1 = u 0 m diag u : light 3 T M 0 1 = t 2 t ; (36) How is the mass matrix of the form in eq. (9) diagonalized exactly ? M − M T  2 = v 0 M diag v 0 : heavy 3   M  In eq. (36) all matrices are 3 3 , t describes light - heavy mixing generating mass from mixing . ×   This is documented in ref. [44] Of course 6 by 6 matrices have been diagonalised before .

u 0 (unitary) accounts for light-light mixing and v 0 (unitary) for heavy-heavy (re)mixing . t is ’driven’ by µ ( in ) and determined M← → 0 µ T from the quadratic equation T T = = U diag U = K bl.diag K T 1 1 t = µ M − t µ tM− ; to be solved by iteration M  µ M  M M →   −   T 1 1 g = g ( m , m , m ; M , M , M ) t n+1 = µ M − t n µ t n M − ; t 0 = 0 M dia  M dia  1 2 3 1 2 3 − (37) T 1 T 1 1 1 u 0 0 (34) t 1 = µ M − , t 2 = t 1 µ M − µµ† M − M − T − bl.diag = U 0 diag U ; U 0 = M M 0 ; lim n t n = t  0 v 0  ··· →∞     This is essentially different from the mixing of identical S U2 U1 representations, i.e. charged u 11 u 12  L × Y U = KU = base fermions. the PMNS-matrix, cited in [40] ; the authors assumed (in 1962) only light-light 0 →  u 21 u 22  mixing .     The subtleties inherent to the (iterative) solution of eq. 37 have recently been correctly tied to the   breaking of supersymmetry on a l l scales in ref. [45] . −→ Finally lets turn to the mixing matrix u 11 ( eqs. 34-35 ) 1/2 − 1 u 11 = 1 + tt† u 0 u 0 2 tt† u 0 ∼ − (38) The at least perturbatively appropriate notion of mass in the assumed fundamental presence of gravity,   10 21 tt† = O m / M 10 meV / 10 GeV = 10 − has to be selfconsistently justified. It can then only have perturbative validity through a limited range ∼ of energies of multiparticle lepton scattering states. The estimate in eq. (38) is very uncertain and assumes among other things m 1 meV , nevertheless 1 ∼ it follows, for by now more than ten years, on the same grounds as the smallness of light neutrino Leptonic heavy gauge bosons, necessarily shall thus have masses low enough, to allow their decay masses, that the deviation of u 11 from u 0 is tiny . amplitudes, i.e. their widths, to be calculated as if gravity effects are negligible, i.e. whence Poincar’e˚ "Much ado about nothing" , William Shakespeare ; in ref. [38] . invariance, again approximately, holds. ______

15 EPJ Web of Conferences 182, 02087 (2018) https://doi.org/10.1051/epjconf/201818202087 ICNFP 2017 EPJ Web of Conferences

For details in the derivation of the approximations displayed in eq. (37) I refer to ref. [46] . I should like - in commemoration of my former collaborator Bernhard Scheuner - to show a photo- graph of Heimenschwand, BE, the community where he was born in the southern Emmental .

3 Mass and Mixing of 3 + 3 light and heavy neutrino flavors

The details of the complex symmetric 6 by 6 matrix was displayed in eqs. 9 and 35 - 37 . M In the framework of three families of minimal neutrino mass extended fermions, within a unified or enveloping charge like gauge group , cited in references [41] , [42] . = SO10 (39) G env It may be useful, to define the mass in a renormalization group covariant way, in which case it does not describe the physical mass of neutrino’s, neither light nor heavy ones. Then it is necessary to use a loop expansion in the SO10 associated couplings, a procedure denoted loop expansion of physical neutrino mass. For a recent discussion of these issues let me refer to referemce [47] . It must here be ’remembered’ → that the notion of physical neutrino mass in a unifying theory including gravity is not uncondition- ally defined, except after establishing conditions of (here) leptonic scattering amplitudes, for which local Poincaré covariance is a good approximation. It can not be an exact one, as follows from the spontaneous scale breaking induced by the trace anomaly, as exposed in references [41] and here at ICNFP2014, as cited in reference [42] . Given the premises of simultaneous a) charge like gauging as in SO10 → b) gauging of orientation as in gravity, but in d + 1 space time dimensions with > d 3 ∞ ≥ it turns out that the conditions a) , b) , c) a finite number of defining constants, as required for substrate fields, compatible with strict locality, implyinging causality

c) can not be fulfilled This statement is at present a conjecture, in the process of beeing checked . . Two consequences shall be singled out below → 1 Chargelike gauge fields have to be generated as composite ones from structures in space time.

16 EPJ Web of Conferences 182, 02087 (2018) https://doi.org/10.1051/epjconf/201818202087 ICNFP 2017 EPJ Web of Conferences ICNFP2017

For details in the derivation of the approximations displayed in eq. (37) I refer to ref. [46] . 2 Any realization of supersymmetry, global and/or local, containing a super Yang Mills structure in I should like - in commemoration of my former collaborator Bernhard Scheuner - to show a photo- accord with our SO10 unification hypothesis, is broken on all scales as a consequence of the trace graph of Heimenschwand, BE, the community where he was born in the southern Emmental . anomaly.

→ In reference [48], Keith Olive considers the unification of the 3 charge like coupling constants, with the field content underlying SO10 unification, but without supersymmetry. First let me quote his introductory remarks "1. Introduction For well over 30 years, supersymmetry and the minimal supersymmetric standard model (MSSM) have been prime examples of extensions beyond the standard model (SM) of strong and electroweak interactions. Apart from its algebraic beauty, there are many motivations for supersymmetry. These include the theory’s ability to provide gauge coupling unification and address the gauge hierarchy problem. It is well known that the additional fields predicted in the MSSM, if present → at low energy, alter the running of the gauge couplings as shown in Fig. 1 ( Fig. -2 ) . At one-loop, → the running of the gauge couplings is given by

d b i 2 Q α i = α i (40) Q 2 π

where the coefficients of the SM beta functions are b i = 41/10, -19/6, -7 for the U1 , SU2 L , and SU3 c gauge couplings respectively. Y 3 Mass and Mixing of 3 + 3 light and heavy neutrino flavors The scale evolution is shown in Fig. -2 below → The details of the complex symmetric 6 by 6 matrix was displayed in eqs. 9 and 35 - 37 . M In the framework of three families of minimal neutrino mass extended fermions, within a unified or enveloping charge like gauge group , cited in references [41] , [42] . = SO10 (39) G env It may be useful, to define the mass in a renormalization group covariant way, in which case it does not describe the physical mass of neutrino’s, neither light nor heavy ones. Then it is necessary to use a loop expansion in the SO10 associated couplings, a procedure denoted loop expansion of physical neutrino mass. For a recent discussion of these issues let me refer to referemce [47] . It must here be ’remembered’ → that the notion of physical neutrino mass in a unifying theory including gravity is not uncondition- ally defined, except after establishing conditions of (here) leptonic scattering amplitudes, for which local Poincaré covariance is a good approximation. It can not be an exact one, as follows from the spontaneous scale breaking induced by the trace anomaly, as exposed in references [41] and here at ICNFP2014, as cited in reference [42] . Given the premises of simultaneous The left panel shows the SO10 evolution of the → Fig. -2 : a) charge like gauging as in SO10 coupling constants, while the right panel shows the same → b) gauging of orientation as in gravity, but with supersymmetric doubling of the 16-representation but in d + 1 space time dimensions with > d 3 ∞ ≥ it turns out that the conditions a) , b) , of fermions modifying the evolution at a scale of energy within c) a finite number of defining constants, as required for 1 TeV of the electroweak scale . substrate fields, compatible with strict locality, I further∼ quote from ref. [48] : "It is also well known that the quartic coupling, λ, of the Higgs implyinging causality potential, (denoting the physical Higgs scalar field by h) V = 1 λ h 4 + 1 m 2 h 2 (41) c) can not be fulfilled This statement is at present a conjecture, in the process of beeing checked . . 4 2 Two consequences shall be singled out below runs negative at a scale Q 10 10 GeV is indeed in the the 1 scalar doublet realization of → ∼ ··· electroweak global symmetry breaking a nontrivial source of estimate of the mass scale, where new 1 Chargelike gauge fields have to be generated as composite ones from structures in space time. physics must appear."

17 EPJ Web of Conferences 182, 02087 (2018) https://doi.org/10.1051/epjconf/201818202087 ICNFP 2017 EPJ Web of Conferences

This scale beeing of the order of 10 10 GeV is an independent derivation from the standard model → as referred to in eq. 41 above and the estimate, derived in eq. 38 repeated below :

1/2 − 1 u 11 = 1 + tt† u 0 u 0 2 tt† u 0 ∼ − (42)  tt = O m / M 10 meV / 10 10 GeV = 10 21 † ∼ −  In order to get the numerical relation in the last line of eq. 42, normal hierarchy for the three light masses and 1 meV for the mass of the lightest neutrino flavor have to be assumed. →

3.1 Rare decay processes associated with B - L breaking , showing deviations from oppositely charged lepton pair decays, with assessed significant deviations in their e - mu ratio from the standard model at the LHC

In reference [49], the four authors, Andreas Crivellin, Dario Müller, Adrian Signer and Yannick Ul- rich, consider the constituent transitions

b s  +  ;  = e ,µ , ( τ ) (43) → − − − − − Upon hadronization the directly leptonnumber violating processes B µ e ; B K µ e appear, s → → which are within the reach of LHCb and Belle II . → I quote from ref. [49] : "Taking this approach and including the new LHCb result for R (K) = ( B K µ +µ ) / ( B Ke+ e ), measuring lepton flavour universality (LFU) viola- → − → − tion, the global significance for NP increased above the 5 σ level [50] . In addition, the combination of the ratios R ( D(HW) ) = ( B D (HH) τν) / ( B D (HH) ν also differs by 3.9 σ from its SM → → prediction. All together this strongly motivates to examine LFU violation in semileptonic B decays in the context of NP. Since b s  +  processes are semileptonic, leptoquarks (LQ) provide a → − natural explanation for these anomalies. They give tree-level contributions to these processes but contribute for example to ∆ F = 2 processes only at the loop level, therefore respecting the bounds from other flavour observables. Furthermore, since in R ( D ∗ ) an O(10%) → effect compared to the tree-level SM is needed, also a NP tree-level effect is required. Here LQ are probably even the most promising solution. In fact ... a model for a simultaneous explanation of (HW) b s  +  data together with R ( D ) has been proposed which is compatible with the bounds → − from BK(HW) ν ν , electroweak precision data and direct LHC searches ... . Interestingly, LQ also − provide a natural solution to the anomaly in the magnetic moment of the due to the possible enhancement by m t / m µ through an internal chirality flipping .... The dots in the text quoted above and below stand for references quoted in ref. [49], that are not essential for our discussion here. The model independent fit to R ( K ) and R ( K ∗ ) allows for NP contributions to electrons or separately, but also to both simultaneously ... . " → "Once the other data on b s µ + µ is included, NP in muons is required but is only optional for → − electrons. However, the best fit value suggests a simultaneous NP contribution to electrons as well .... It is well known that once LQ couple to muons and electrons simultaneously, they give rise to lepton flavour violating B decays and to µ e γ ... . → Fig. 1 ( Fig. -3 ) → →

18 EPJ Web of Conferences 182, 02087 (2018) https://doi.org/10.1051/epjconf/201818202087 ICNFP 2017 EPJ Web of Conferences ICNFP2017

This scale beeing of the order of 10 10 GeV is an independent derivation from the standard model → as referred to in eq. 41 above and the estimate, derived in eq. 38 repeated below :

1/2 − 1 u 11 = 1 + tt† u 0 u 0 2 tt† u 0 ∼ − (42)  tt = O m / M 10 meV / 10 10 GeV = 10 21 † ∼ −  In order to get the numerical relation in the last line of eq. 42, normal hierarchy for the three light masses and 1 meV for the mass of the lightest neutrino flavor have to be assumed. → "Both µ e γ and lepton flavour violating B decays with µ e final states are experimentally very → interesting and precise upper limits for these processes already exist. For µ e γ the current → 3.1 Rare decay processes associated with B - L breaking , showing deviations from experimental bound, obtained by the MEG collaboration ... , is oppositely charged lepton pair decays, with assessed significant deviations in their e 13 Br µ e γ 4.2 . 10 − (44) - mu ratio from the standard model at the LHC → ≤ and MEG II ... at the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI) will significantly improve on this bound in the In reference [49], the four authors, Andreas Crivellin, Dario Müller, Adrian Signer and Yannick Ul- future." Here let me recall my estimate in ref. [10] ( µ e γ at a rate of 1 out of 10 9 muon decays → rich, consider the constituent transitions ?)

+ 56 b s   ;  = e ,µ , ( τ ) (43) Br µ e γ 3.9 10− (45) → − − − − − → ∼ Upon hadronization the directly leptonnumber violating processes B µ e ; B K µ e appear, Between the estimates in eqs. 44 and 45 there are 43 orders of magnitude . s → → which are within the reach of LHCb and Belle II . → I quote from ref. [49] : "Taking this approach and including the new LHCb result for R (K) = References ( B K µ +µ ) / ( B Ke+ e ), measuring lepton flavour universality (LFU) viola- → − → − tion, the global significance for NP increased above the 5 σ level [50] . In addition, the combination [1] Peter Minkowski (Bern U.), May 2005, 22 pp., ’Neutrino oscillations: A Historical overview and of the ratios R ( D(HW) ) = ( B D (HH) τν) / ( B D (HH) ν also differs by 3.9 σ from its SM its projection’, Contributed to Contribution to XI International Workshop "Neutrino Telescopes → → prediction. All together this strongly motivates to examine LFU violation in semileptonic B decays in Venice", 22.-25. February 2005, Venice, , published in the proceedings, e-Print: hep- in the context of NP. Since b s  +  processes are semileptonic, leptoquarks (LQ) provide a ph/0505049, URL: http://www.mink.itp.unibe.ch/ lectures.html in the file venice3.pdf. → − natural explanation for these anomalies. They give tree-level contributions to these processes but [2] James Chadwick, "Possible Existence of a Neutron", Nature, 129 (1932) 312. contribute for example to ∆ F = 2 processes only at the loop level, therefore respecting the bounds [3] Ettore Majorana, ’Teoria simmetrica dell’elettrone e positrone’, Nuovo Cimento 14 (1937) 171. from other flavour observables. Furthermore, since in R ( D ∗ ) an O(10%) [4] P. A. M. Dirac, Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, 30 (1924) 150. → effect compared to the tree-level SM is needed, also a NP tree-level effect is required. Here LQ are [5] Harald Fritzsch and Peter Minkowski, "Unified interactions of leptons and hadrons", An- probably even the most promising solution. In fact ... a model for a simultaneous explanation of nals Phys.93 (1975) 193 and Howard Georgi, "The state of the art - gauge theories", AIP + ( D (HW) ) b s   − data together with R has been proposed which is compatible with the bounds Conf.Proc.23 (1975) 575. → from BK(HW) ν ν , electroweak precision data and direct LHC searches ... . Interestingly, LQ also − [6] F. Gürsey and C.H. Tze , "On the role of division- , jordan- and related algebras in particle provide a natural solution to the anomaly in the magnetic moment of the muon due to the possible physics", Singapore, World Scientific (1996) 461. enhancement by m t / m µ through an internal chirality flipping .... The dots in the text quoted above [7] Bruno Pontecorvo, "Mesonium and antimesonium", JETP (USSR) 33 (1957) 549, english trans- and below stand for references quoted in ref. [49], that are not essential for our discussion here. The lation Soviet Physics, JETP 6 (1958) 429. model independent fit to R ( K ) and R ( K ∗ ) allows for NP contributions to electrons or muons [8] Harald Fritzsch , Murray Gell-Mann and Peter Minkowski , "Vector - like weak currents and separately, but also to both simultaneously ... . " → new elementary fermions" , Phys.Lett.B59 (1975) 256. "Once the other data on b s µ + µ is included, NP in muons is required but is only optional for → − [9] Harald Fritzsch and Peter Minkowski, "Vector - like weak currents, massive neutrinos, and neu- electrons. However, the best fit value suggests a simultaneous NP contribution to electrons as well .... trino beam oscillations" , Phys.Lett.B62 (1976) 72. It is well known that once LQ couple to muons and electrons simultaneously, they give rise to lepton [10] Peter Minkowski, "µ eγ at a rate of one out of 1-billion muon decays ?", Phys.Lett.B67 flavour violating B decays and to µ e γ ... . → → (1977) 421. [11] Murray Gell-Mann, Pierre Ramond and Richard Slansky, "Complex spinors and unified theo- Fig. 1 ( Fig. -3 ) → ries", published in Supergravity, P. van Nieuwenhuizen and D.Z. Freedman (eds.), North Holland Publ. Co., 1979 and in Stony Brook Wkshp.1979:0315 (QC178:S8:1979). →

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