March 21, 1933. H, F, JORDAN ' 1,902,080
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March 21, 1933. H, F, JORDAN ‘ 1,902,080 ~ COMBINATION HAT Filed May 2, 1931 6 Patented Mar. 21, 1933 1,902,080 , UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE HENRY F. JORDAN, OF LANSDALE, PENNSYLVANIA OOIBIHA'I'IOI El'l' . Application ?led Kay 2, 1931. Serial No, 534,597. This invention relates to men’s hats and is side elevation of a derby hat of an ordinary directed to the rovision of means for con type to which the device of my invention verting a derby at or similar hat formed of has been applied for the purpose of giving relatively stiff material into one hav_1ng an the ap earance of a high hat, certain parts 5 appearancev similar to that of a hlgh silk bat, being roken away into vertical section to an ‘opera hat, or the like. > indicate more clearly its‘construction; Fig. ' ‘Custom and social usage dictate thatfat 2 is a section on the line 2'—2 in the direction many functions attended by men_hats of. the of the arrows Fig. _1 and Fig. 3 is a fr - type generally referred to as s1lk hats or mentary ‘detail on an enlarged ‘scale’ of :Ee '10 opera hats should be worn. However, due to central top portion of, my improved hatv to their high price and for other reasons, transforming means. In the several ?gures many men do not own silk or opera hats, the like characters are used to designate, the relative infrequency of _ the occasions ‘on same parts. which such hats are customarily worn being Wh1le in Fig. 1 I have shown the inven 15 such that their purchase is considered unwar tion applied to a derby hat of the usual 65 ranted and ‘it is therefore common practice form, it will be understood that it may be for manyimen tonappear on these occasions employed in connection with other sorts of in hats which are’ inappropriate therefor. hats‘ made of relatively stiff material, al My invention is therefore directed to provid though since derby hats are in common usage K) ing convenient and readily transportable I believe my invention will be-utilized most ‘'0 means whereby an ordinary derbv hat or frequently in'association therewith. ' “bowler’.’.may be quickly converted into a Thus, I have shown a derby hat compris hat having the eneral appearance of the ing the usual brim 2, crown. 3 and hat band more formal big or opera hat, said means 4, in the construction and arrangement, of 25 being readily attachable to ‘the hat as occa which no change whatever is made when the 75' sion re uires and as readily detachable there hat is converted with the aid of my invention i from w en no longer needed. into a hat giving the appearance of a high A principal object of my invention, there hat, the means by which this is accomplished fore, is to providea device adapted to be tem being so formed as, to readily slip over the porarily ?tted over the crown of a derby hat crown of the derby and ?t snugly there 80 for the purpose of giving it the general ap against so as to present the smooth andregu pearance of a formal silk or opera hat. lar outward appearance which is highly de Another object of my invention is to pro sirable for formal wear. ' vide a device of this character which may be ' The device of my invention comprises a 85 compactly folded into a small space and thus fabric body 5 which may desirably be formed - conveniently carried in the'pocket for ready of silk having a glossy or satin ?nish on its attachment to the hat when the occasion exterior, or, if it is desired to give the ap arises and which may be asreadily detached pearance of an opera hat, grosgrain silk may 40 therefrom when no longer required. be employed, but in either case the body will ' A further object of my invention is to be formed as a relatively short tube of sub provide relatively inexpensive means where stantially elliptical cross section, open at its by an ordinary derby hat or the like may be lower end and having its opposite end closed made‘ to serve the purpose of a high or silk by a, substantially elliptical plane portion 5' 45 hat when and as desired. which is stitched or otherwise secured to the Other'purposes, objects and advantages of tubular part. Beneath this portion 5' is dis my invention will hereinafter more fully ap posed a ?at plate 6 formed of fairly heavy , pear or will be readily understood from the celluloid, thin aluminum, or the like, the following description of a preferred embodi shape of this plate being substantially that ment thereof, reference being had to the ac_ of the top of the crown of a silk hat, the plate 100 companying drawing, in which Fig.1 is a being glued, stitched or otherwise secured 1,902,080 thereto and acting as a» stiffeningmember of rotation from the exterior of the body by therefor. Secured to the plate 6 within the means of the button 11. body 5 by Suitable straps 6’ or otherwise, are The bar'9 may be formed of aluminum or disposed one or more, preferably two, spi-I other suitable material and is desirably pro 5 rally wound springs 7 ; these springs are pref vided with a stiffening rib 13 adjacent its cen erably so shaped as to approximate, when ter while its ends may be bent downwardly. viewed endwise, the general contour of the as at 14 whereby when'rotated from normal plate 6 and are of a combined tension su?i position as shown in Fig. 1 and in-full lines cient to hold the sides of the body 5 in ex in Fig. 2 to operative position as shown in 10 tended condition when the springs bear dotted lines in said ?gure, its ends'will readil 75 against the top of the crown ~of the derby slip over the convolutions of the springs hat and the lower or open end of the body is when the latter are pressed against the plate held snugly against the base of the crown 6, thus holding the springs ?at against the by some suitable means as, for example, by plate and permitting the body 5 to be folded 5 a silk covered rubber or other resilient band down against the springs and plate. 80 8‘ of relatively considerable width which It will thus be understood that when the serves to retain the cover tightly against the device is to be put on the hat, the band 8 if crown of the derby and also to give the ap attached to the body is ?rst slipped down pearance of the usual hat band customarily over the crown thereof so as to seat snugly worn; this band maybe stitched or other against its base, thus covering the ribbon or 85 wise properly secured to the exterior of the band 4, and the bar 9 thereafter rotated by lower end of the body, and is of a size to tight means of the button 11 to the position shown ly grip the derby hat when disposed in po in full lines in Fig. 2, so as to release the sition thereon. Desirably the inner convolu springs and permit them to bear against the tions of the springs are merged into a single top of the crown of the derby and thus ex 90 elliptical coil 7 ’ adapted to bear on the crown tend the sides of the body 5, thereby trans— of the derby. - forming the derby, insofar as its general ap As will be readily understood from Fig. 1, pearance is concerned, into a high silk or when the device of my invention is properly opera hat. The device may beasrreadily re disposed on the derby, as shown in said ?gure, moved when desired_»by {simply pulling it 95 a very close simulation of the appearance of upwardly awaylfrom the derby thus leavin a silk hat is presented, as the band 8 ?ts it free to‘be worn in the ordinary way, an snugly against the crown of the derby and " after the parts are separated the springs may the sides of the body 5 are held- in smooth then be compressed manually against the and slightly stretchedopositio'n by'the springs plate 6 and the retaining bar rotated so as 100 7 acting between thecrown of the derby and to secure them in collapsed condition, after the plate 6. Moreover, when it is desired to which the bod may be folded inwardly as wear the derby as an ordinary hat the device hitherto de'scri d. If the band 8 is separate , may readily be slipped from the crown there from the body it is slipped into place after of without harm to the latter and I provide thelower end of the body is properly ad 105 means now to be described and operable from justed over the band of the derby. the. exterior of the. body for holding the It will be noted that the springs 7 are de sprmgs 7 compressed ?at against the plate 6 sirably so wound as to taper downwardly when the device is not in use to enable the from the plate 6 when in expanded position, 45 sides of the body to be conveniently folded and the ellipse 7 ' into which their inner con 110 down thereagainst to form a substantially ?at volutions: merge is of a suitable size to secure package which is approximately the size of and maintain a proper and adequate bearing the plate 6 and may therefore be readily on the crown of the derby while, additionally, slipped into the pocket or unobtrusively car the length of the spring retaining bar is pref 115 ried in any desired manner.