12592 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS May 21, 1992 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS FUNDING FOR JOB TRAINING 2.8%, federal allotments to the state have re­ One of the most recent examples of this is PARTNERSIDP ACT PROGRAMS mained steady or have gone down over the JTGO's participation in the Gateway Pro­ past five years. This has meant that job gram created by the Omaha Housing Author­ training administrators in the Nebraska De­ ity to create job opportunities for the unem­ HON. PETER HOAGLAND partment of Labor and the three Service De­ ployed and underemployed public housing OF NEBRASKA livery Areas in the state have had to provide residents in Omaha. The Omaha Housing Au­ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the same level of services with less money. thority, by combining JTPA funds, Eco­ Thursday, May 21, 1992 In fact, administrators in my state have told nomic Development Administration grants me that while their funds are dwindling they and other funds and in cooperation with Met­ Mr. HOAGLAND. Mr. Speaker, as a result of must do more and more work to meet tough­ ropolitan Community College and the consultation with Governor Nelson, Nebraska er federal requirements under the program. Omaha business community has organized a Labor Commissioner Dan Dolan and Job These include more thorough determinations shop to make doors, windows and window Training of Greater Omaha Director Ola An­ of eligibility of individuals entering the pro­ screens for public housing units. The shop derson, visits with Omaha community leaders grams such as verifying selective service en­ will also produce doors, windows and screen rollment. At the state level, because of a re­ and visits to job training sites in Omaha, I am products for sale to public housing authori­ duction in funding this year, the Job Train­ ties across the country. Shop employees, all pressing for increased funding for the Federal ing of Greater Nebraska office in Lincoln is of whom live in public housing, are gaining Job Training Partnership Act [JTPA] programs. in a reduction-in-force mode, recently laying valuable design, carpentry and management I am asking that the following statement I off three administrative personnel. skills that they can use to seek employment. made before the Appropriations Subcommittee The Basic problem is that unemployment Job Training of Greater Omaha has a con­ Education, Labor and Health and Human figures do not reflect the true need and de­ tract with the Housing Authority to help Services be printed in the CONGRSSIONAL mand for job training programs, especially provide on-the-job training services to em­ RECORD because adequate JTPA Program in Nebraska and Omaha. State officials have ployees. JTGO is providing up to 50 percent estimated that as many as 36% of Nebras­ funding is such an important asset to the of the salaries of the workers while they kans were underemployed in 1990. These are learn the skills they need for future long­ Omaha community. . people not reflected in employment data. term employment. This is an excellent ex­ One of the projects I highlighted is the Gate­ Many people have given up searching for jobs ample of a project that uses federal funds in way Program in Omaha, a project that puts because they lack the necessary skills for combination with local resources to help public housing residents to work in positive employment. The underemployed are those people in distressed areas get out of the spi­ ways. Projects like this ·can benefit urban who work two jobs, pat-time at low wages ral of despair and defeat. This, quite frankly, areas and in the aftermath of the Los Angeles just to provide food and shelter for their the kind of program that can help prevent riots should be promoted. families. They do not have adequate health desperate incidents like those we saw in Los care if they have any at all. These people are Angeles recently. The statement also points out that even non-existent as far as the federal govern­ though Nebraska has a low unemployment While the Gateway Program is a program ment is concerned