Global Social Movement(s) at the Crossroads: Some Observations on the Trajectory of the Anti-Corporate Globalization Movement¹ Frederick H. Buttel & Kenneth A. Gould INTRODUCTION ne of the most distinctive aspects of late-twentieth century globalization Ois that many of its predominant features—especially the reinforcement of trade liberalization institutions and the growing ability of national-states and corporate capital to exercise off -shore veto of domestic social and environmen- tal legislation—are challenged directly and aggressively by a global-scale social movement, the anti-corporate globalization movement. Previous world systems of globalization such as British global hegemony of the nineteenth century (roughly 1870–1914) involved no global-scale organizations, and no social move- ments aimed at curbing one or another of the processes of international integra- tion (with the partial exception, of course, of attempts to create an international working class or socialist movement). Indeed, a growing number of social sci- Frederick H. Buttel Kenneth A. Gould Department of Rural Sociology Department of Sociology abstract and Institute for Environmental Studies St. Lawrence University Th is paper examines the major structural the “Washington consensus” and the resulting University of Wisconsin, Madison Piskor Hall characteristics of the anti-corporate globaliza- environmentalization of the trade and global- 1450 Linden Dr. Canton, NY 13617 tion movement, its key bases and antecedents, ization issue were critical to the “Seattle coali- Madison, WI 53706
[email protected] its relationship with other global social move- tion,” there has been a signifi cant decline in the
[email protected] ments (GSMs) and the key challenges it faces in movement’s embrace of environmental claims the post-9/11 period.