Fr. Cathal: Tel: 071-9647212 We can complain because Mobile: 086-2691806 rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn Email: [email protected] Web: 4th September 2016 bushes have roses

Anniversary Masses, . Anniversary Masses, Ballyfarnon: Minister of Holy Communion: Sat 10th. Margaret Killoran. Reader: Sat Sun 4th. Lilly Harte and Oliver Keaveney Sat. 3rd. Joe & Annie Gaffney 10th. Margaret Killoran. Altar Society: Mary Gunning and Sharon Duggan . Collectors: (Months Mind) Sat. 10th Mickey Lenehan Miceal McCawley & Eamon Keavney. Grounds: Gerry Travers, Declan Killoran. Offertory Collection, €417 Sun. 11th Mai, Joe & Cathal McManus & D.M.F. and Sarah Tarpey Rest in Peace  St Ronan’s Lotto There was no winner of the lotto jackpot when the draw was held last Dermot Dooley, St Ronan’s Park weekend. The numbers drawn were 5, 9, 22 and 27. Consolation prizes were won by the Anniversary Masses, . Olivia Mullaney, London whose parents following €70 Mai Keaveney, Keadue, €30 Andy McPadden, Arigna, €15 each Annette Sun. 4th. Ita Keaveney & Mary McPadden & are from the Keadue Area. Gaffney, Geevagh, Betty Ward, , Frank Lohan, Keadue. The jackpot next week will D.M.F (Greaghnafarna) Mary Ellen Christie (née McManus) be €9,700 and the draw will be held in Shivnans Sun. 11th. Rose Ann & Pakie Leydon Lower Rover. Removal to Arigna Church, Drumshanbo Enterprise Centre: New Classes Week Starting 5 th of September . There Vincent & Rose Gilraine & D.M.F. Sunday at 7p.m. Funeral Mass Monday at are limited places still available for our part-time improvers computer (Information and Tom & Margaret McManus & 12noon. Interment afterwards in adjoining Communication Technology Skills Class QQI level 4), and our beginners computer Margaret Kelly cemetery. Tom, Bridie & Michael Joe Guhen course (General Learning Class QQI level 3).These courses are funded by Mayo Michael Reynolds, Kilkee & Knockadryan Leitrim ETB. For more information or to book a place contact Michael on 0719641577, 087 6177071 or [email protected] Weekday Masses: 10a.m. Tuesday & Wednesday, Arigna; Thursday and Friday, Ballyfarnon. Week-end Masses: Saturday Vigil, Keadue 7p.m & Ballyfarnon 8.30p.m. Age Action runs beginner/refresher computer classes for people aged 55+ who have Sunday Masses: Arigna at 10.30p.m. and Keadue 12noon. little or no computer experience or who are apprehensive of technology. Classes are will be run in the Drumshanbo Enterprise Centre on Thursdays 10:30am – 12:30pm and Congratulations and best wishes to Aoife O’Connor, Keadue and Barry Walsh, each course will last for 4 weeks. Participants are taught on a one to one basis. Fluent Cootehall who were married on Thursday 1st September in Cootehall Church. English, good computer skills (iPad/Tablet/Smartphone also very useful), patience, a Ardagh and Clonmacnois Diocesan Pilgrimage to Knock led by Bishop Francis Duffy, positive outlook and an interest in working with older people are needed (a sense of humour is also helpful!). Training provided. Takes place this Sunday 4th September. Ceremonies begin at 2.30p.m with the anointing of the sick. Mass will begin at 3p.m. Galilee Community: Would you Like to know more about the Word of God in the Cemetery Sunday: There was a great turn out last Sunday for cemetery Sunday and we Scripture ? Sessions take place each Thursday in Galilee Community. Beginning with a cup of tea at 7:30pm and concluding with prayer at 9:00pm. were blessed with marvellous weather. Thanks to all who were involved in the Liturgy, the choir, Readers, Eucharistic Ministers, Server, those who set up the amplification at St. Children's Sean Nós dancing classes with Edwina Guckian's Sean Nós ar an tSionann Lasair’s well and in the cemetery. Thanks to the St Lasair’s Committee for their help. A Dance Club start Monday 12th September in Geevagh Resource Centre 5.30pm. special word of thanks to An Garda Siochána for the traffic management. For more info check out or 086 1649989

Arigna: Minister of Holy Communion: Sun 11th. Mary Guihen, Maureen Guihen, Reader: Heritage week in Keadue There was a big attendance at the Country House Dance in Sun 11th. Aoife Duignan, Altar Society: Rose McGuckian, Eithne McGuire. Offertory the Harp and Shamrock which was held in conjunction with Heritage week. A special Collections, €620 . thanks to all who attended this very enjoyable night. To the musicians singers and dancers, to Tom Browne who gave a demonstration on Basket making, to Seanchai Keadue: Ministers of Holy Communion: Sat 10th. Joan Connolly. Sun 11th Margaret Vincent Pierce for his stories, to Margaret Grimes and Josephine Layden who made the Kelly. Readers: Sat. 10th Arthur/Rosaleen Boyle, Sun. 11th. Bríd McMorrow. Collectors: Boxty and also Roddys for providing the finger food. A collection of tools, implements and Sat 10th. Phyllis Quinn. Sun. 11th. Colin McCabe. Altar Society: Kelly Family, Carrowbeg. utensils which were used in Ireland in days gone by along with some interesting Grounds: Vincent McCabe, Sean McMorrow, Offertory Collections €435.70. (from photographs were on display. Dr Kieran O Conor thanked all the people who came along envelopes only) The loose coin and notes amounted to a further €1,189.30 and a cheque and helped to make Heritage week a big success. for this amount has been given to the St Lasair’s Committee to enable them to carry out work at St. Lasair’s Well per agreement with the Parish Pastoral Council and published in Charity Tax. Thanks to all who returned their Charity Tax form. I would appreciate if recent Newsletters. anyone who has still to return their Charily Tax form could send it in next week-end. If you have mislaid your Form please contact me and I will send you another form. Bonus Ball Bash: Last week’s winners of €45 were Pat Bruen & Tomás Keaveney. To Pilates starts in Keadue Hall on Thursday 8th September at 9pm. New members are win €45 get your €2 entry at The Harp & Shamrock or O’Donnell’s welcome.