
MAN TO BOOTS and HER BUDDIES— MAN_ By EDGAR MARTI* K VA6W VNMS: 'WXfer ‘bVfc'b ‘SWSSSVbT YOU v«OOw XX RADIO cqswc, VlViO^ \)WV m\l .900 6VA\_ YUL tVStR. **>O^K> 1 VMvb « RALLY ON MART tQjrv^ WiW V V= % OKA.V 03t \Vfc J \ V05t ICKfc ? ^ WfaiiaftM ftlAVVy VyCfaOViG -»g LONit'. TOO Stock Market 6\9Vfe ^091Vv \T 1 Quotations — 1480 KC , June 19.— (,/P) WM |—TL^_^ (BY THE ASSOCIATED PRESS) Steels and other metals hit a fast tWMFD JUNE VI a in WEDNESDAY. NEW YORK, June 19.— (JPl— Firestone ..-.62 rallying pace today’s abbrevia- •; Clock in—Musics! — ----- . — ...... Gen Elec market while the g'oo-News with Martin- Agonsky Final stocks: ted stock recent, Co. -1- 4 Gen Foods -46** Pender Furniture Alleghany 680/4 ly sprinting rails were stalled by Clock. Al Chem & Dye ..158 Gen Mot -. g,15_Musical me — Around and industrials g-30 Correspondents A ills Chal Mfg —.47‘* Goodrich -60 selling many neg- World. Am Can ..9"lf Goodyear --- 54^ lected. with Don -48 l-r Gt Nor Ry PF.534 Breakfast Club Am Car Fay was a three-hour g;96^The Int Harvest It session—the McNeil. Am Roll Mill -.- 201s .874 284 stock exchange and other markets in;00—My True Story. Am Smelt & Ref ..50 Vi Int Tel Sc Tel. in the New*. recessed from 11 a. m. to 1 p. m. ■•C ;25—Chuckles AT & T .-.172*54. Johns Man _1264 l'i;30—Let's Dance. 7841 Kennecott _394 in honor of Gen. Isenhower’s visit Listening Post. Am Tob B 10 :45—The ToTm ^ & M- B —but customers crowded enou/n 11:00—Breakfast in Ar.aconda ----35 75 orders on the ticker tape to Brenamen. ACL ..- Vi put Herhily New*. 22/4 Lockheel _264 volume around that of a normal- BULL’S-EYE! 11:30—Walter Atl Ref -.— WASH TUBBS- Malone. _ 24j/i 11:45—Ted -- 8Vi active full .stretch. Transfers Manor. Aviat Corp Lorilla,rd ly 12:00—Glamour Nn' Maker!. M Mont Ward _624 1,560,000 shares IVC5 \ ? C*<- A 17 -30_Farm an! Home Baldwin _’=.28 totalled compared “White I. Nash Kelv _ 204 A FROM 8V THE WEX7 SENTRY 1 00—Baukhagc Talking Aviat Corp 8Ji with Monday's 5-houf aggregate SHARP TWAN& B CHAVIC-E..' -,4-I'M Interlude. Nat Biscuit ___25 THE CROSS BOW- B WPEB8TAKP WHEN TO 1:15—Musical Baldwin _285s of 1.930.000 which was the largest 1:23—News—Wilmington Star-Newf* Nat Cash Reg ___36 HEARD ABOVE Figc^M:7^»bJL, B & O .—.-• 25Vi' since May 7. SCARCELY (■ 1:30—Chicago Varieties. Nat Dist 1_414 THE WIND— AND THE B. Kennedy—News. Barnsdall --,---22H The Associated Press 60-6tock §§ 2:00—John 'V NY Cent .__30 CRUMPLES, 2 -13—- Ethel and Albert. Bendix Aviat -*■-53 SENTRY if No Am Avi average was unchanged at 67. The 2:."0—The Fitzgeralds. Beth Stl ___79 Vi _llVs WITHOUT AMOUTCRY; |§ Morton Downey. •Nor Pac utility composite managed to * :00—Songs by Boeing AirT>l ---2544 _324 the Army.. 1937. Of 938 of _ 64 touch a since is- 3:15—Voice Borden -39 Packard peak 3 to—Ladies Be Seated- 369 were Param Pic _ 334 sues appearing, up, 354 -. W-- 4 CC—Time Views the News. Budd Ml? 24 J C -.1194 down and 215 4:15—Jack Berth and Boys. Burl Mills __-.— Vi Penney unchanged. from Abroad, Fenn RR _394 “new class VDU DESERVE 4 50— Reports Bur Add Mach _ 1644 In the high” were

_ A HABDAL 4:45—Hop Harrigan. Cannon Mills -531- Pepsi Cola 22‘g U. S. Steel, Crucible, Republic 5:00_Terry' and the Pirates, Phillips Pet _504 FDR THIS, *7 COVER J I —- 41V: Steel. Jones and Ameri- 3:15—D.ck Tracy. Case Laughlin, W6 BOPV Trac -68 Pett S & B 84 / «i TO—Lone Ranger—Merita Caterpil can Rolling Mill. Anaconda. Smelt- 1 WVTHSKOW, Cnmpi: Pullman _ 534 JELMJ News —.— 52Vi 6:00—Kiernan's Ches & O.— ing, Park Utah. Johns-Manville WHILE 6:15—Orange Crush Serenad/rs. Pure Oil ..-.19* LIA.M6, Interlude. Chrysler -H4}i and Homestake. M-K-T common I6ET IMTOH15 6:20—Musical Radio _ 134 *— Coml Credit -45Ts 6:05—News—Wilmington Star-News. was up a- shade but the preferred OVERCOAT Radio KO _ 84 Two, Four Time. Coml *Solv .. 17Vi 6:30—Ten, Rem Rand _264 dropped 1 3-8. Atlantic Coast Line 6-45_Treasury Salute. Comwlth & Sou- l1-' y iCOPR. 1»45 BY NEA SERVICE. IVC T. M pfr, ~ 2 Lesser \^AMPCAP e^- Stl .... 244 conceded casualties ^ 7 :oo—Headline Editions. Consol Edis ----31 Repub 1-4._ Swing—Tidewater. included Santa Fe. N. Y. 7:15—Raym.ondgfram Cons Vultee 24 V* Reynolds B ..__.344 Central, 7:30—Your .Ton‘Reporter. Sears __1194 U. Rubber, General Motors, ALLEY— HOI STO\ E 7 To—Let's Dance. Cont Can -46’-* GASOLINE PROBLEM _ Eastman News. _67 Socony Vac 164 Boeing. Kodak, Sears 8:00—Tomorrow Corn Prod 7 T Comes Marching Home. 6% Sou Pac _51 Roebuck and Du Pont. In front I SURE DO. HE'S GOT PLENTY SO YOU THeCS'S JUST PNS AAV. TA.< To 8:15—Johnny Curt Wright....'- — Sou r--is- is i 8:30—Counterspy. Curt A -2lv4 Ry' ___471* were American Telephone, OF DOUGH, SuT YOU'LL HAVE A / DON'T THINK HIS ms. YCN GST ON TMS Wright Chrys- apb sou T m nor busing one my : 9:00—To Be Announced. Std Brands _354 self, ^ JOS PRYING ANY Of IT LOOSE. I CAN GPPP SIPS OS AUNT JeSslE. LcAMS and I. Doug Aire ---9» ler, Southern Pacific, Kennecott. 0:30—Jones Std Oil NJ ___63 in rspEsreo ; sur j hope ro squeeze one WINDOW. PROMOTE IT TP KSZ TC PUT IT PVS?. 9:55—Coronet Story Teller. Dupont _165 American Can, Dome Mines, Com- ) HE'S TIOHTER'N A STUCK jTT, 178 Stewart War _204 in a sieve, our of my lanplopp skimp. I 10:00—Tile Fighting A.A.F. Eastman Kod -= monwealth and Southern and 30:300—To Be Announced. Swift _34 SEPCEAN'.’J^ MAS BE SOU KNOW HIM. 31:00—United Press News. Tex Co .._.1_53 Phelps Dodge. Un Carbide _894 Bonds were narrow. Cotion was Bond Quotations Unit Airlines _334 down 40 to 65 cents a bale. OVER THE NETWORKS and W. Unit Aircraft _ Colonial Airlines E. Bliss WEDNESDAY, JUNE 20 294 99 W i B & O 4s 48 .— Unit _ 2'g in the curb. On the off- Eastern War Time P. M. Corp improved C t O 92 .- 104:d Unit _ were are due 'is Drug 19 Ya side Pittsburgh Plate Glass Changes in programs as listed & 77 .. 104s* Unit Fruit to corrections by networks made CB Q 4%s ...102 and International Petrol eum. 104m i too late to incorporate. Cl lit 4Vis 77 Unit Gas Imp _ 16’,i Turnover here was 420.000 shares 87 i Farrell Serial—NBC C as 62A US Indsu Chem _ 494 5.45—Front. Page Ilud __ versus 470,000 yesterday. and The Hawk Serial—CBS 42:s 1 Sparrow Hud Man as 57 US Rubber _ 58’* _v_—__ Capt. Midnight, a Serial—ABC-basic 56 94*4 iUS Smelt * Ref ..70 ABC 111 Cent 4=.js Hop Harrigan in Reneat—other al3- l Serial—MBS-basic Int GN 6s 52. US Steel _ 694 Tim Mix Cowboy 1057-. 6;30—News' Report for 15 Mins.—NBC SAL C 6s 45_ Vick Ch8in _49 POLICE CAUTION 105*'? Quincy Howe and News Time—CBS Sou R1 CN 5s 94_ Va Caro Chem _ 64 Walter Kieman and News—ABC-east TREASURY Warner Pic _ 164 Repeat of the ’Terry Serial—ABC-west 105.1? ■ 23is 51-48 __- West Un A _46 4 8:15—America's Serenade: Sports—NBC 103. NOISY MOTORISTS Carroll Sings. Orchestra—CBS 2s 51-49 Dec. .. Woolworth _48 .Timmy 102.2 Repeat From Dick Tracy—ABC-west 2'is 69-64 June ---- Final stock sales, 1.560.000. DR. BOBBS— By ELLIOTT and McARDLE Repeat Serial—MBS-west Final bond sales, $7,670,000. -v- Chief of Police C. H. Casteen is- 6:30—Sally Moore Song Concert—CBS -V-. sued stern to warning yesterday ' > Jack Ann strong in Repeat—ABC-west THAT ...IN FRONT OF MIRRORS RICHMOND LIVESTOCK Ration of trucks and auto- I'LL SWEAR MAN'S A TALKING Repeat House of Mystery—MBS-west Roundup operators buses, • • HE 6:45—Lowell Thomas & newscast—NBC RICHMOND, Va.. June 19.—(Ah mobiles driving without mufflers MENTAL CASE ‘TALKING TO HIM- AS THOUGH WERE...

and Commentary—CBS — World News (USDA1—Hogs: 231. Market at (By The Associated Press) or with straight exhausts. This < WAIT A MINUTE !!,-' Charlie Chan’s Adventures-rABC-basic TO HIMSELF. SELF- $14.85 (flat' on and; • As of June in certain sections of the Midnight in Repeat—ABC-west ceiling good Monday, 18) practice Capt. 120-330 Repeat of Tom Mix Serial—MBS-^est choice barrows and gilts MEATS. FATS. E 'C. — Book city in direct violation of the law 'il club—NBC-basic 7:00—Como’s Supper lbs. up 100-120 lbs. 13.35. Good ]Four E2 J2 —is creating a great deal of noise Jack Kirkwood’s Radio Show—CBS stamps through sows unrer 350 lbs. 14.10; 350-500 and discomfort to residents of Wil- News. Commentary & Overseas—ABC ^good through June 30; K2 through over 500 lbs. Fulton Lewis. Jr.. Comments—MBS lbs. 14.10; weights jP2 good through July 31; Q2 mington, he said. 7:15—News & Comment of World—NBC 14.10. Good stags 14.10. ^ U2 Within the next few days, police Harry Prime & Monica Lewis—CBS through good through Aug. 31; Cattle: choice steers 16.00-16.50; officers will and warn motor- Raymond Swing and Comment—ABC V2^ through Z2 good through Sept. stop medium 12.00- Listen to the Waves in Songs—MBS good 15.00-15.50: 30., ists guilty of this offense, but 7:30—Music _pf Three Suns Trio—NBC 13.50; dommon 8.CD-10.00. Good shortly thereafter offenders will Ellery Queen, a Detective—CBS-basic PROCESSED FOODS—Book Four beef type cows 10.50-11.50: good be cited to court, and those opera- Dancing Music Orchestra—other CBS Blue* stamps N2 through S2 good Lone Ranger's Drama of West- -ABC dairy type 9.50 9.50-10.00: medium tors whose cars are not properly Mins.)—MBS *through June 30; T2 through X2 To Ee Announced (15 7.50- 8.00; common 5.50-6.50; shelly equipped will be prosecuted. 7:45—Kallenbom and Comment—NBC Z2 and kinds lower. Good beef heif- good through July 31: Y2. Casteen stated that for J>Rnce Orchestra for 15 Mins.—MBS type Chief 7A1 through Cl 8:00—Mr. and Mrs. North. Drama—NBC ers 13.50-14.00: medium 8.00-10.00: good through Aug. some time past there has been a a Series—CBS 31; D1 HI The Saint., Detective common 6.00-7.00. Good butcher through good through shortage of materials and parts, To Be Announced (15 Mins)—ABC bulls medium 8.00- SSept. 30. but that he believed them to be Cecil Brown News Comments—MBS 10.00-10.50; 6.50- SUGAR — Book Four 36 8 15—Lum and Abner Serial Skit—ABC 9.50; light common kinds stamp available now. and that all fnotor- Curt Massey Broadcast Time—MBS 7.50. Choice calves 16.00; good fgood for five pounds through Aug. ists must secure mufflers for their 8:30—Billie Burke Comedy Show—NBC GREEN ENES 14.50- 15.50; medium 12.50-13.50: I31. Next stamp valid Sept. 1. vehicles as soon as THIS CAT HAS Jean Hersholt and Dr. Christian—CJBS possible. THE GUMPS_ — the War—ABC common 8.00-10.00. Good to choice SHOES Book Three Airplane In to eliminate this noise Counter Spy. Drama of order AT LEA^T \ Grant—MBS THAT Bert Wheeler & Barney 5.00- : 1. 2 and 3 indefinite- ■—- — lambs 15.50-16.00. Good sheep stamps good factor, the drive will be vigorous —— — NINE HUNPREPANP 5—Five Minutes Nev;s Period—CBS 8:3 7.00. 1ly. OPA says no plans to cancel and intensive, and all offenders NINETY-NINE TOOMASTV- 9:00— and Variety—NBC HELEN.' THI“S SITUATION WILL Ray Noble Orches. and Guests—CBS -V- ;any. Next stamp valid Aug. 1. punished according to the discre- CMON, LOOK„}r~7' AT AllixOUP PPEPAPAT(ON* WATCHING-T'HB The Road Ahead, For Veterans—ABC NEW YORK COTTON BEAR GASOLINE—15-A coupons good tion of the court, he said. FOP YOUR HCMECCAMNfiA y Gabriel Heatler and Comment—MBS OLP WOLF- NEW YORK, June 19.—f/P.r—Cot- for four each June LOOK LIKE 9-15_Real Life Stories, Drama—MBS gallons through POE* TH» Vj ton futures close 45 to 65 9:30—District Attorney, Drama—NBC prices 21; 16-A coupons become valid NEW ORLEANS SPOT VOU'KE NOT WELCOME?-' ^T'~v-C Detect and Collect’. Quiz Series—CBS cents a bale lower. June 22 for six gallons each. B-6, NEW ORLEANS, June 19.—.VP)— To Be Announced (25 Mins.)—ABC Open High Low Last B-7. B-8, C-6, C-7 and C-8 coupons Spot cotton closed steady 50 cents Brownstcne Theater. Old Plays—MBS July 23.00 23.01 22.95 22.94 off 9 Minutes Teller—ABC for each. B-6 and a bale lower. Sales 1406. low mid- 9:35—Five Story 22.87 22.88 22.76 22 77 off 6 good five gallons Music 8; Quiz—NBC Oct. 10:-Kay Kyser, C-6 coupons expire June 30. dling 18.880; middling 22.55, good in Music. Cone.—CBS Dee. 22.81 22.84 22.72 22.72n off6 Great Moments 22.95; 28.56; To Be Announced <30 Mins.)—ABC Mch 22.78 22.78 22.66 22.6un off 10 FUEL OIL—Period One through middling receipts Human Adventure in Science—MBS May 22.76 22.77 22.62 22.61n off 13 Five coupons good Aug. stock 230.837. Show—CBS j through 10:30—Milton Berle Comedy 23.89n. off 9. 7i 31. Last Four and -V- Be Announced (30 Mins.)—’ABC Middling spot year’s period To Out of 103 institutions Between Us Girls. Roundtable—MBS n—Nominal. Vi Vi Vi Five coupons also expire Aug. 31. collegiate 12 oo—News for 45 Minutes—NBC-basic in , only 23 of them NBC The Supper Club Repeat—other .Ntw ORLEANS COTTON CHARLOTTE SPOT grant degrees. Ohio has approxi- Dance 2 hr.—CBS-ABC News. Variety, NEW ORLEANS. June 19.—(TPi—i I 64 institutions Dance Orches., 2 hr.—MBS ! CHARLOTTE, .June 19.—(JP)- mately collegiate Newsreel, Cotton futures 11; 15—Variety and News to 1 a.m.—NBC closing prices wer:jI Spot cotton closed 22.R0. I and 44 of them grant degrees. barely steady, 40 to 50 cents a ] bale lower. POULTRY X. C. ODen Kigli Low Close RALEIGH, June 19. — (£>) — 23.00 23.01 22.95 22 93b off 10 July DAILY CROSSWORD CIV PRESSURE UKOU (NCDA)—Egg and poultry mar- Oct. 22.90 22.96 22.76 22.76 off 8 LITTLE ORPHAN ANNIE— ACROSS 4. Twilled 22. Beak AlN e _— kets steady to vary firm. Dec. 22.86 22.86 22.74 22.72b off 10 1. Asterisk fabric 23. Medieval tIairI Raleigh—U. S. grade AA large Mch. 22.80 22.80 22.68 22.68 off 8 ^ MR SPOUT. 5. REST ASSURED. DEAR. LADIES. THE CASE IS TO BE CW 1-2. May 22.77 22.77 22.63 22.63 off 10 5. Tab Shoal* stories AH, 44; hens, all weights, 27 if I -V 8. 6. Title of 24. Prattle ^PROSECUTOR SPOUT, HOW LONG IS 'll THE FAIR VILLAGE .OF PIRATE COVE CALLED FRIDAY I WILL KNfW A Washington—U. J5. grade A large Big jj WF ■ NAVAL STORES baroness 25. Color OF OUR DEAH 1 WILL RENDER SPEEDY AMD Jk BROOK NO DELAYS COULD, broilers and 32.3 to 10. Roadway "THE DASTARDLY MUHDAH 44; fryers MUST T SAVANNAH. Ga„ June 19.—— 11. Ship's low- 7. Particle of 26. Salt M MRS BLEATING HART TO 60 UNPUNISHED? I ADEQUATE JUSTICE FOR THIS |g§§ THE TRIAL COUN’( 33.1. ON YOL ■ VT Turpentine 79 1-4 cents a gallon; est deck addition ((chem.) ESPECIALLY NOW, WHEN WE HAVE J ^ HEINOUS PROCEED AT ONCE offerings none; sales none; receipts THE LITTLE CRIMEi^>g^B(|§||||| 12. Snake 8. Irritable 28. Abyss m \ GUILTY j^ONSTAH' "-->,-I •—-^ liSfe. Vi 163 barrels; shipments 70 barrels: 14. Foot-like 1 1. Goddess of 30. Canned stocks 6.356 barrels. organ harvests beef bEIpIlM f 100-lb. drums.! offerings 6 to Rosin, 15. Pigpen 3 8. Frame- 81. Harangue none; sales none; Teiterday’f Aaiwef receipts 375; 16. State works 32. Slender HAROLt> stock 4.566. shipments none; .... G*WB (abbr.) .5. Clique metal cords 38. First Quotes: Unchanged. 17. .8. SS. Sweet • woman -V- Bandages Gang \ 20. Muscular .9. A meat potato 39. Greek letter N. C. LIVESTOCK contraction 3 !0. Child’s ie 85. Prison 40. Owned — gan RALEIGH. June 19. W — 21. Corrode (NCDA1 — markets Hog steady 9.9 Tn li» {n with tops of 14.55 at Clinton and warmth Rocky Mount and 14.85 at Rich- 23. mond. Begone! (slang) 26. Sounds, as OUR WAY— By J. R. WILLIAMS OUR BOARDING HOUSE .. with ..MAJOR Doctor’sHomeTrial For of the wind I OUT 27. Exclamation i _'_ skin BV TAB UM- AH 5CIENXHL I blackheads, 28. Chum T OWHOO.' \ I POSITIVE DID \ WAV, SON, / IS V MOSTLV Th-Ds / HOH-H-H-H/ \ MOT/ I’M JUST / WHAT VOUR.TRADE ? FATHER, PIMPLES 29. Wander / — 1 v£ PLfe BLEMISHES, LET THAT / I MERELY GIVE "'N. LAST THWE X WAS HAR-RUMPH/ about idly HE 4 (Externally BARBED WIRE OUT AFTER. LETTIM1 \ HERE VOU COMPLAINED TOYING WITH THE L-- Caused) 30. Per. to \ > \ iOt^r FRRD Skin DOWN OM MY ) / THEM TWO THE AUTO CANOc y Pjr Palmfh Whitener Ointment billows THROUGH--) HAD RUINED PROPELLED f ^ loosens blackheads for easy BACK OM I A MY STREMTH JIS J removal, helps dry ^ N'OUR BUGGY VOHiP UP THE RAPIDS AS —'V- up ugly pimples and often fades skin blemishes 34. Close to PURPOSE- V COLLAPSED/ .—-— r f «t*',nally ^caused. Thousands ) J Business — praise it to the 35. ^ arbvou\ oown.nojwoa; •kies. Get br. FRED Palmer’s Skin Whitener Project V OWHoo/y r) '— y css s* STILL RUNN1N6 OVER. WAITING FOR '/ V Ointment from «nv drag store. Only 25c. Start 36. Narrow PR^ it '-----■ using tonight m directed. If the very first park- VOUR HEELS WAL.R- J age doean t inlet give you a dearer, smoother skin, Ifte OH CLOUDS ? 9 «? ^ DOUBLE YOUR 37. To go X K> Atta?tSG». Galeno1 Co~ Box Mt‘ stealthily 39. Fascinate _• ... ■•V*- TTTT X 41. Wicked 42. Detest 43. Trust • * 44. March date M lone :;i DOWN OCC LUSTS’ 1. Termagent 11:45 A. M. 2. City (Okla.) I Prescriptions 3. Past !I ACCURATELY PILLED fiv* « w*#k quotation day* -- !! CRYPTOQCOTE—A cryptogram 1 * Glasses Fitted, Duplicated4' and « Manday lhroaf»i Friday ZXLF UWJXBUD JW j [ Repaired Promptly! a • TBUQK JZXJ STATION WMFD [ [use our Time payment plan" A W U N P M N B U Q F B J J F P JW TPM- BaHtwa* ;; She APBLP — GWMQKGWMJZ. ©DICK- (Qptical Shop ; WORK, THE MEN MAY y» J.W. " IV ITed ■ Hugh E. Bell, Jr., Mgr. ) Yesterday’* Cryptoquote: GREATEST ASK W>LLl*N^> POPPING 1 165 N. FRONT ST. FOOLISH NOW AND THEN—WOLCOT. THW KERNEL.* QUESTIONS TCP SOON) I” eORS) THIRTY TEARS Jg"gSiK«» ,» I Distributed by King Feature* Syndicate. Inc. OF COR^,N\^OR =

*r »