HOUSE of REPRESENTATIVES Legal Considerations, Which Must Be Care
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1951 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE 2673 The problem posed for the future by these nors of the Federal Reserve System. I provisions presents important political and might say that the Committee on Bank- HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES legal considerations, which must be care . ing and Currency voted this morning fully examined before any position can be TUESDAY, MARCH 20, -1951 publicly stated. We are, of course, continu to send this nomination to the Senate, ally studying all aspects of this problem. and I trust the nomination will be taken The House met at 12 o'clock noon. Sincerely yours, up as soon as possible. The Chaplain, Rev. Bernard Bras JACK K. McFALL, The PRESIDING OFFICER. The k::.!:tp, D. D., offered the following prayer: Assistant Secretary nomination will be received and placed (For the Secretary of State.) on the Executive Calendar. Eternal God, our Father, grant that The PRESIDING OFFICER <Mr. during this day our souls may be filled Mr. WATKINS. Mr. President, the with those longings and aspirations letters which I have inserted in the JOHNSTON of South Carolina in the RECORD as a part of my ·remarks show chair) . If there be no further reports of which are well pleasing unto Thee and that the State Department has acQui .committees, the clerk will state the nomi which Thou dost delight to satisfy. nations on the calendar. Thou art daily calling- us to accept esced in the shipment of goods to Russia Thy counsel and to make Thy_ways our which are produced with ECA assistance DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE and backing. The letters also show that ways but we penitently confess that we while this economic strengthening of The Chief Clerk read the nomination are frequently so heedless and indif Russia is being carried on with the ap of Ernest F. Klinge to be Assistant Com ferent and go forth blindly and proudly proval of the State Depar.. ment, the missioner of Patents. on our own willful course. State Department oppose.:; revision of The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without We pray that in the areas of human the Italian peace treaty to allow Italy objection, the nomination is confirmed. relationships our hearts may be more to strengthen its military establishment UNITED STATES DISTRICT JUDGE sensitive and our hands more responsive beyond the limitations specified in the to the needs of humanity, The Chief Clerk read the nomination Forgive us for appropriating and en treaty. Those lin1itations serve as a of William Boyd Sloan to be United block to effective Italian participation in joying our blessings without much con States district judge for the northern cern for those who have so little and the defense of Western Europe. Thus district of Georgia. there i~ presented a picture of economic who are deprived of these blessings The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without wl.ether because of the selfishness of dealing to strengthen Russia with goods objection, the nomination is confirmed. produced in Italy with American eco man or their own limitations. nomic assistance and a throttling of UNITED STATES ATTORNEYS May our lives be helpful in hastening Italian rearmament, both actions stem The Chief Clerk read the nomination the coming of the time when every need ming from and forming a part of the of Benjamin Scott Whaley to be United shall be supplied and happiness and policies of the Department of State. States attorney for the eastern district peace shall be the glorious possession Mr. President, I yield the floor. of South Carolin" of all mankind. Hear us in the name of the Christ EXECUTIVE SESSION The PRESIDING OFFICER. W;thout objection, the nomination is confirmed. who during Holy Week gave Himself Mr. McFARLAND. I move that the The Chief Clerk read the no.nination so sacrificially. Amen. Senate proceed to the consideration of of Thomas E. Fairchild to be United The Journ.11 of the proceedings of yes executive business: States attorney for the western district terday was read and approved. The motion was agreed to; and the of Wisconsir. HONORING OUR KOREAN HEROES Senate proceeded to the consideration The PRESIDING OFFICE3. Without of executive business. objection, the nomination is confirmed. Mr. PRIEST. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent for the immediate EXECUTIVE REPORTS OF COMMITTEES Mr. McFARLAND. I ask that the consideration of the concurrent resolu The following favorable reports of President be immediately notified of all nominations confirmed today. tion <S. Con. Res. 20) to display the fiag nominations were submitted: on the Capitol at half-mant on the occa By Mr. CONNALLY, from the Committee T!J.e PRESIDING OFFICER. Without sion of the first arrival of the remains on Foreign Relations: objection, the President will be im of members of the armed services killed Richard C. Patterson, Jr., of New York, now mediately notified. in Korea. Ambassador Ext raordinary and Plenipoten RECESS The Clerk read the concurrent resolu tiary to Guatemala, to be Envoy Extraordi nary and Minister Plenipotentiary to Swit Mr. McFARLAND. As in legislative tion, as follows: zerland. session, I move that the Senate take a Resolved by the Senate (the House of Rep By Mr. GEORGE, from the Committee on recess until 12 o'clock noon tomorrow. resentatives concurring) , That the flag of Finance: The motion was agreed to; and <at 5 the United States shall be displayed at half Deane E. Walker, of Culver, Ind., to be o'clock and 48 minutes p. m.) the Senate mast on the Capitol Building on the date of collector of customs for customs collection the arrival in port of the first vessel return took a recess until tomorrow, Wednes ing to the United States the remains of gal district numbered 40, with headquarters at 21, 1951, 12 Indianapolis, Ind., in place of Alden H. day, March at o'clock lant and heroic American soldiers, sailors, Baker, who is retiring. meridian. marine::, and airmen who gave their lives to their country in the Korean hostilities. By Mr. HILL, from the Committee on Labor and Public Welfare: CONFIRMATIONS The SPEAKER. Is there objection to .Alan T. Waterman, of Connecticut, to be Executive nominations confirmed by the request of the gentleman from Ten Director of the National Science Foundation nessee? for a term of 6 years. the Senate March 20 (legislative day of By Mr. JOHNSTON of South Carolina, from March 16), 1951; Mr. RANKIN:. Reserving the right to the Committee on Post Office and Civil DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE object, Mr. Speaker, and I shall not ob Service: Ernest F. Klinge, of Maryland, to be As ject, this means only the American fiag, Sixteen postmasters. sistant Commissioner of Patents. does it not? That is all right. Mr. BUSBEY. Reserving the right to NOMINATION OF WILLIAM McCHESNEY. UNITED STATES DISTRICT JUDGE ·object, Mr. Speaker, Senate Concurrent MARTIN, JR., TO BE MEMBER OF BOARD William Boyd Sloan to be United States OF GOVERNORS OF FEDERAL RESERVE district judge for the northPrn district of Resolution 20 is identical with the reso SYSTEM-EXECUTIVE REPORT OF A Georgia. lution I introduced in the House yes COMMITTEE terday. I take this opportunity to com UNITED STATES ATl'ORNEYS pliment the Senate on its expeditious Mr. MAYBANK. Mr. President, from Benjamin Scott Whaley to be United States action. I had a conference with the attorney for the eastern district of South the Committee on Banking and Cur Carolina. Speaker yesterday and he asked if I rency, I report favorably the nomination Thomas E. Fairchild to be United States wanted the majority whip to bring the of William Mcchesney Martin, Jr., to attorney for the westerr. district of Wiscon Senate resolution up this morning. I be a member of the Board of Gover- sin. concurred in his suggestion, for I feel 2674 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE MARCH 20 that pride of authorship is of little con Reserve policies. I hope our fine com dividual wa:s under 16 years of age, or sequence. Our sole purpose is -to pay mittee will take appropriate action and where such affiliation occurred by opera honor to· these men who gave their lives urge the powers in the Pentagon to screen tion of law or edict, or for purposes of on the battlefields of Korea. The least all reservists immediately and advise obtaining essentials of living, would we can do in respect to them is to display each individual what will be required of not be considered a bar to the alien's our flag at half-mast over the Capitol him short of all-out war. admission into the United States. when the vessel bringing their remains CARROLL L. VICKERS Under the present wording of the bill to this country arrives at San Francisco. active and voluntary members of all pro I congratulate the gentleman from Ten Mr. LANE. Mr. Speaker, I ask unani scribed parties and organizations will ·nessee for bringing the concurrent reso mous consent to take from the Speaker's ·remain barred. lution to the House for immediate con desk the bill <H. R: 609) for the relief of Carroll L. Vickers, with an amenqment It is worth noting thP.t by not amend sideration. ing section 2 of the bill-turn to page 2, The SPEAKER. Is there objection of the Senate thereto, and concur in the Senate amendment. line 11-a former member of an organ to the request of the . gentleman from ization affiliated with the Communist Tennessee.? The Clerk read the title of the bill. Party of any country, if he has been There was no objection. The Clerk read the Senate amend temporarily admitted in the United The concurrent resolution was con ment, as follows: States will not be eligible for a change Strike out all after the enacting clause and curred in.