An Introduction to Geometric Gibbs Theory

Yunping Jiang

Abstract This is an article I wrote for Dynamics, Games, and Science. In Dynam- ics, Game, and Science, one of the most important equilibrium states is a . The deformation of a Gibbs state becomes an important subject in these areas. An appropriate metric on the space of underlying dynamical systems is going to be very helpful in the study of deformation. The Teichmüller metric becomes a natural choice. The Teichmüller metric, just like the hyperbolic metric on the open unit disk, makes the space of underlying dynamical systems a complete space. The Teichmüller metric precisely measures the change of the eigenvalues at all periodic points which are essential data needed to obtain the Gibbs state for a given dynamical system. In this article, I will introduce the Teichmüller metric and, subsequently, a generalization of Gibbs theory which we call geometric Gibbs theory.

1 Introduction

The mathematical theory of Gibbs states, an important idea originally from physics, is a beautiful mathematical theory starting from the celebrated work of Sinai [23, 24] and Ruelle [20, 21]. It leads to the study of SRB-measures in Anosov dynamical systems and, more generally, Axiom A dynamical systems due to the further work of Sinai, Ruelle, Bowen, and many other people (see [2]). A very important feature of a Gibbs state is that it is an equilibrium state. This equilibrium state plays an important role in , as well as many other areas such as physics, chemistry, biology, economy, and . An important topic in the current study of Gibbs states (in mathematics, we also call them Gibbs measures) is to study the deformation of a Gibbs state. For example, how does a Gibbs (or a SRB-measure) changes when the

Y. Ji ang ( ) Department of Mathematics, Queens College of the City University of New York, Flushing, NY 11367-1597, USA Department of Mathematics, Graduate School of the City University of New York, 365 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10016, USA e-mail: [email protected]

© Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2015 327 J.-P. Bourguignon et al. (eds.), Dynamics, Games and Science, CIM Series in Mathematical Sciences 1, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-16118-1_18

[email protected] 328 Y. Ji ang underlying dynamical system changes? How does the density of a Gibbs measure (or SRB-measure) with respect to the Lebesgue measure changes when the underlying dynamical system changes? To study the deformation of a Gibbs measure, an appropriate metric on the space of underlying dynamical systems will be very helpful. Ruelle has proposed to use the Whitney theory (see [16, 22]). In this note I would like to introduce another metric from Teichmüller theory and, subsequently, a generalized Gibbs theory which we call geometric Gibbs theory. The Teichmüller metric closely relates to the eigenvalues at all periodic points: Given a one- dimensional (expanding) smooth dynamical system f , the essential data needed to determine the Gibbs measure is the set of eigenvalues n o n 0 log f .p/ D log j. f / .p/jI p a periodic point of f of period n :

Given two topologically conjugate dynamical systems f and g, with

g ı h D h ı f ; where h is the conjugacy, how can we measure the geometric difference between f and g? The answer is the set of ratios n n o o log  .p/ log  .h.p// 0<˛.p/ D min f ; g Ä 1 : log g.h.p// log f .p/

Actually, h is locally ˛.p/-Hölder continuous near p but the exponent changes with p. These exponents can be measured precisely by using so-called “quasiconformal dilatation” from complex analysis (refer to [9]), that is, the Teichmüller metric. The Teichmüller metric, just like the hyperbolic metric (or Lobachevsky metric or Poincaré metric) on the open unit disk, makes the space a complete space. This article intends to give a summary of our work in this direction. A more complete version of our work with more detailed proofs will be available in [15]. I first give a brief review of classical Gibbs theory in Sect. 2. Then, following the traditional terminology in dynamical systems, I introduce a circle g-function in Sect. 3. In Sect. 4, I give the definition of a geometric Gibbs measure associated to acircleg-function. In the same section, I show the existence of a geometric Gibbs measure for any circle g-function and the uniqueness for the constant g-function. I further show that a geometric Gibbs measure is an equilibrium state. Finally, I introduce the Teichmüller metric on the space of all circle g-functions in Sect. 5. The Teichmüller metric makes the space of all circle g-functions a complete space. I expect this new metric will play an important role in the study of deformations of geometric Gibbs measures. In particular, when a circle g-function is Hölder continuous, the corresponding geometric Gibbs measure is absolutely continuous with respect to the Lebesgue measure. Therefore, we have a density function.

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We would like to study the derivative of a density function with respect to a Hölder continuous g-function and connect this derivative with the susceptibility function Z X1 d ./ D n .dx/X.x/ .A. f nx// dx nD0 T at  D 1, which is formally the derivative of the density with respect to a Hölder continuous g-function, as described in [16, 22].

2 Classical Gibbs Theory

Suppose d  2 is a positive integer. Consider the symbolic dynamical system W ˙ ! ˙,where

˙ Dfw Din1 i1i0 j in1 2f0;  ; d  1g; n D 1; 2; g and

W w Din1 i1i0 ! .w/ Din1 i1 Q ˙ 0 0; 1; ; 1 is the shift map. The space D 1f  d  g is a compact topological space with the product topology. We purposely write

w Din1 i1i0 from the right to left because we will later use

v D j0j1 jn1  to represent a point on the unit circle.Ann-cylinder Œwn containing w D 0 0 0 0 in1 i1i0 is the subset of all elements w D inCm inin1 i0 for inCm 2 f0;  ; d  1g and m D 0; 1; . A real function  W ˙ ! R is called Hölder continuous if there are two constants C >0and 0<<1such that j.w/  .w0/jÄC n as long as w and w0 are in the same n-cylinder. We use C H to denote the space of all Hölder continuous real functions on ˙. We call a positive Hölder continuous function on ˙ a Hölder potential. We also use C to denote the space of all continuous real functions on ˙ and M to denote the space of all finite Borel measures on ˙, which is the dual space of C .ThenM . / means the space of all -invariant probability measures in M , that is, the space of measures with total measure 1 and satisfying . 1.A// D .A/ for all Borel subsets A of ˙.

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The classical Gibbs theory ensures that associated to each Hölder potential , there is a number P D P.log /, called the pressure, and unique -invariant  D  , called a Gibbs measure, such that

.Œw / C1 Ä P n Ä C (1) . n1 . i. /// exp Pn C iD0 log w for any n-cylinder Œwn,whereC is a fixed constant. A Gibbs measure depends only on a cohomologous equivalence class and is an equilibrium state in the sense that Z n Z o P.log / D ent. / C log d D sup ent. / C log d ˙ 2M . / ˙ where ent. / is the measure-theoretical of with respect to . In a proof of the existence and uniquess of the Gibbs measure  for a given Hölder potential , we use the Ruelle-Perron-Frobenius operator X 0 0 H H L .w/ D .w /.w / W C ! C : (2) .w0/Dw

The Ruelle-Perron-Frobenius theorem (refer to [10] for a proof) says that there is a H positive real number  and a positive Hölder function 2 C such that L D  : Here  is the unique, maximal, positive, simple eigenvalue of L . Note that in this case, the pressure P D log . If we consider a new Hölder potential

 Q D ;   ı then we get a normalized Ruelle-Perron-Frobenius operator L Q ,thatis,L Q 1 D 1: L  M M  Let Q W ! be its dual operator. Then the Gibbs measure Q is just the L    unique fixed point of Q in this case. (The Gibbs measure D  Q .) This leads to the study of g-measure theory in Keane’s paper [17] as follows. A non-negative continuous real function g defined on ˙ is called a g-function if

Xd1 g.wi/ D 1: (3) iD0

For a g-function g, define the transfer operator X 0 0 Lg.w/ D g.w /.w / W C ! C : .w0/Dw

L 1 1 L  It is a normalized Ruelle-Perron-Frobenius operator, that is, g D .Let g W M M  L  ! be its dual operator. Every fixed point of g is called a g-measure associated with g. Here we always assume that  is a probability measure.

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 Any  2 M . / is absolutely continuous with respect to Q D L1 .Sowehave the Radon-Nikodým derivative

d RND;.w/ D .w/; Q  a:e: w: Q dQ

It is a Q -measurable function. The following theorem is in Leddrapier’s paper [18] and is used in Walters’ paper [25] for the study of a generalized version of Ruelle’s theorem. Let B be the Borel -algebra on ˙. Theorem 1 Suppose g is a g-function and  2 M is a probability measure. The following statements are equivalent:  L   (i) is a g-measure for g, i.e., g D . (ii)  2 M . / and RND;Q .w/ D g.w/ for Q -a.e. w. (iii)  2 M . / and X 1 0 0 EŒj .B/.w/ D Lg. .w// D g.w /.w /; for -a.e. w; .w0/D .w/

where EŒj 1.B/ is the conditional expectation of  with respect to 1.B/. (iv)  2 M . / and is an equilibrium state for g in the sense that Z n Z o 0 D ent. / C log gd D sup ent. / C log gd : ˙ 2M . / ˙

Furthermore, if g is a positive Hölder continuous g-function, then RND;Q is actually a Hölder continuous function and

RND;Q .w/ Á g.w/: (4)

However, this fact may not be true in general for a merely continuous g-function. One of our goals in generalized Gibbs theory is to associate with a circle g-function (see the definition in the next section) a g-measure, which we will call a geometric Gibbs measure, such that the equality (4) holds. We will also study the uniqueness of a geometric Gibbs measure for any given circle g-function.


We use

T Dfz 2 C jjzjD1g

[email protected] 332 Y. Ji ang to denote the unit circle in the complex plane C. The universal cover of T is the real line R with the covering map

z D .x/ D e2ix W R ! T; where 2x is the angle of z. Consider an orientation-preserving covering map f W T ! T of degree d.We normalize it by assuming that f .1/ D 1.WeuseF to denote the lift of f to R such that F.0/ D 0.WehavethatF.x C 1/ D F.x/ C d. We use h to denote a circle homeomorphism and assume that h.1/ D 1.LetH be the lift of h such that H.0/ D 0.WealsohaveH.x C 1/ D H.x/ C 1. A C1 circle endomorphism f is called expanding if there are constants C >0and >1such that

.Fn/0.x/  Cn; x 2 R; n D 1; 2;  :

A circle endomorphism f is C1C˛ for some 0<˛Ä 1 if f 0 is ˛-Hölder continuous. A circle homeomorphism h is called quasisymmetric if there is a constant M  1 such that

jH.x C t/  H.x/j M1 Ä Ä M; 8x 2 R; 8t >0: jH.x/  H.x  t/j

In particular, if we can take M D 1 C ".t/ for some bounded positive real function ".t/ with ".t/ ! 0C as t ! 0C ,thenh is called symmetric. For example, a C1-diffeomorphism of T is symmetric. But, we would like to remind the reader, a symmetric homeomorphism may be totally singular, that is, it may map a positive Lebesgue measure subset to a zero Lebesgue measure subset, and vice versa. A circle endomorphism f is called uniformly symmetric if there is a bounded real function ".t/>0for t >0such that ".t/ ! 0C as t ! 0C andsuchthat

1 jFn.x C t/  Fn.x/j Ä Ä 1 C ".t/; 8x 2 R; 8t >0; n D 1; 2;  : 1 C ".t/ jFn.x/  Fn.x  t/j

A C1C˛,forsome0<˛Ä 1, circle expanding endomorphism f is uniformly symmetric. Again we would like to remind the reader that a uniformly symmetric circle endomorphism may be totally singular. In the terms of complex analysis, the reader can find descriptions of quasisym- metric circle homeomorphisms in [1], symmetric circle homeomorphisms in [7], and uniformly symmetric circle endomorphisms in [5]. Consider the space

C ˙ Dfv D j0j1 jn1  jjn1 2f0; 1;  ; d  1g; n D 1; g

[email protected] An Introduction to Geometric Gibbs Theory 333 and the shift map

C C C .v/ D j1 jn1jn W˙ ! ˙ : Q C 1 The space ˙ D 0 f0; 1; ; d  1g is a compact topological space with ŒvC v the product topology. An n-cylinder n containing D j0j1 jn1  is the v0 0 0 0 0; 1; ; 1 subset of all points D j0 jn1jn jnC1  for jnCm 2f  d  g and m D 0; 1; . The set of all cylinders forms a topological basis of ˙ C such that it is a compact topological space. The space ˙ C with this topology is called the symbolic representation of the unit circle T. More precisely, for any z D e2ix 2 T, we have that

X1 jk C x D x.v/ D ;vD j0j1 j 1 2˙ : (5) dkC1 n kD0

0 0 The Lebesgue metric jv  v jDjx.v/  x.v /j induces the Lebesgue measure m0 on ˙ C. Every uniformly symmetric circle endomorphism f is semi-conjugate to C,that C is, we have a projection f W ˙ ! T, which is 1-1 except for a countable set, such that

C C f ı .v/ D f ı f .v/; v 2 ˙ :

This implies that any two uniformly symmetric circle endomorphisms f and g of the same degree are topologically conjugate, that is, there is a circle homeomorphism h of T such that

f ı h D h ı g:

Furthermore, h is a quasisymmetric circle homeomorphism (refer to [9]). Now let us return to the space ˙. Suppose f is a uniformly symmetric circle endomorphism. For any w D in1 i1i0 2 ˙; let vn D j0j1 jn2jn1 and vn1 D .vn/ D j0j1 jn2 where j0 D in1, , jn2 D i1, jn1 D i0. Consider two intervals on T,

 .ŒvC/  .Œv0C / Ivn D f n  Ivn1 D f n1

0 where v D vn  and v D vn1  and the ratio

jIvn j gn.w/ D : jIvn1 j

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We have that Theorem 2 (Circle g-Function [15]) Suppose f is a uniformly symmetric circle endomorphism. Then the limiting function

g.w/ D lim gn.w/ W ˙ ! R n!1 exists and is a continuous positive function. The convergence is uniform. Further- more, if f is C1C˛,theng.w/ is a Hölder continuous positive function and the convergence is exponential. The function g.w/ is called a circle g-function since it satisfies the condition (3). Furthermore, when d D 2, g.w/ also satisfies a compatibility condition

‚…„ƒn Y1 g.w0 1 1/ D const; 8w 2 ˙; (6) g.w100/ nD0 „ƒ‚… n where the convergence in the formula is uniform on ˙. The conditions (3)and(6) give a complete characterization of a circle g-function as proved in [3, 4, 11]. That is, a continuous positive g-function is a circle g-function if and only if it satisfies the conditions (3)and(6). For a Hölder continuous positive g-function, it is a circle g-function if and only if it satisfies the conditions (3)and(6)andthe convergence in (6) is exponential. Furthermore, the realized uniformly symmetric circle endomorphism f is C1C˛. Note that, from our proof of Katok’s conjecture in [12], any C1 uniformly symmetric circle endomorphism is expanding. We use G to denote the space of all circle g-functions on ˙ and HG to denote the space of all Hölder continuous circle g-functions on ˙.

4 Geometric Gibbs Measures

C 2ix For any v D j0 jn1 2˙ ,letx D x.v/ in (5). Then z D e 2 T. Consider ŒvC ˙ C v the cylinder n in .Let n D j0 jn1 and wn D in1 i0 where i0 D jn1;  ; in1 D j0.Thenwehavethen-cylinder Œwn in ˙ where w Dwn 2 ˙. Suppose  2 M . / is non-atomic and does not take zero on any cylin- nC1 ders Œw . For each n  0,taked intervals labeled I , , Iv , , n „00:::0ƒ‚ … n n I. 1/. 1/:::. 1/, each with angle length „d  d ƒ‚ d  … n

2.Œ  /: jIvn jD w n

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Arrange them counter-clockwise in numerical order of the angle of z on the unit circle T beginning at 1.Since is -invariant,wehavethat

d1 Ivn D[jD0 Ivnj and that

: Ivn  Ivn1 Iv1

 Œ  1 Since is non-atomic and does not take zero on any cylinders w n, \kD1Ivn contains only one point which we denote as h.z/. This defines a homeomorphism h.z/ W T ! T. Definition 1 Suppose g is a circle g-function. A non-atomic -invariant probability 1 measure  is a geometric Gibbs measure associated with g if f D h ı qd ı h is a uniformly symmetric circle endomorphism and

.Œw / lim n D g.w/ (7) n!1 .Œ .w/n1/ uniformly on w 2 ˙. We have proved the following theorem. Theorem 3 (Existence [15]) For any circle g-function g, we can find a geometric Gibbs measure  D .g/ associated with it. Furthermore, if g is a Hölder continuous circle g-function, then the measure  found in the first part of this theorem is the Gibbs measure in the classical sense. For the measure  in the above theorem, we have that

RND;Q .w/ Á g.w/; as we expected in Sect. 2. An important question to ask at this point is whether a geometric Gibbs measure is unique. Even when g is a Hölder continuous circle g-function, although we know it has a unique Gibbs measure in the classical sense, it may still have more than one geometric Gibbs measures. However, we have the following theorem. Theorem 4 (Uniqueness [13, 15]) The constant circle g-function g.w/ D 1=d has only one geometric Gibbs measure associated with it. We would like to note that a general circle g-function is very non-trivial. This makes the study of uniqueness more difficult but interesting. Another important topic to study at this point is the of a geometric Gibbs measure. For a Hölder continuous circle g-function g, we know that the Gibbs measure  D .g/ in the classical sense is ergodic, that is, for any Borel subset A of ˙,if 1.A/ D A and if .A/>0,then.A/ D 1. We would like to know the

[email protected] 336 Y. Ji ang ergodicity for any geometric Gibbs measure associated with a circle g-function. We expect that the answer is affirmative. Furthermore, we know that a geometric Gibbs measure is an equilibrium state. Theorem 5 (Equilibrium [6, 15]) Suppose g is a circle g-function. Every geomet- ric Gibbs measure  corresponding to g is an equilibrium state in the following sense, Z n Z o 0 D ent. / C log gd D sup ent. / C log gd : ˙ 2M . / ˙

5 Teichmüller Metric

We introduce a Teichmüller metric on G and show that it is a complete metric. Under this metric, HG is dense in G .Weuse[1, 7, 19] as references for the Teichmüller theory and for the quasiconformal mapping theory. Suppose US is the space of all uniformly symmetric circle endomorphisms of d degree d.Letqd.z/ D z be the basepoint in US. We first define the Teichmüller space for US as follows. For any f 2 US,lethf be the conjugacy from f to qd, i.e.,

f ı hf D hf ı qd:

We know that hf is quasisymmetric. Thus we can think of US as the space of marking pairs . f ; hf /. We define an equivalence relation T :Twopairs. f ; hf / T . ; / 1 g hg if hf ı hg is symmetric. The Teichmüller space

TUS DfŒ. f ; hf / j . f ; hf / 2 US; with the basepoint Œ.qd; id/g is the space of all T -equivalence classes Œ. f ; hf /. We have a one-to-one correspon- dence between G and TUS (refer to [15]). Thus we have that


By using TUS, we define a Teichmüller metric on G . Let QS be the set of all quasisymmetric homeomorphisms of T.LetS be the subset of QS consisting of all symmetric homeomorphisms of T.Foranyh 2 QS ,letEh be the set of all quasiconformal extensions of h into the unit disk. For Q E  Q =Q each h 2 h,let hQ D hz hz be its complex dilatation. Let

1 C k k Dk.z/k and K D hQ : hQ 1 hQ 1  khQ

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Q Here KhQ is called the quasiconformal dilatation of h. Using quasiconformal dilata- tion, we can define a pseudo-distance in QS by 1 . ; / Q E ; Q E : d h1 h2 D infflog KQ Q1 j h1 2 h1 h2 2 2g 2 h1h2

It will induce a distance in the space UT of QS modulo the space of Möbius transformation preserving T, which is the universal Teichmüller space and which is a complete metric space and a complex manifold with complex structure compatible with the Hilbert transform. Now consider the space

AUT D QS modulo S :

It is called an asymptotical universal Teichmüller space. Given two cosets S h1 and S h2 in this factor space, define

d.S h1; S h2/ D inf d.Ah1; Bh2/: A;B2S

It defines a distance on AUT. The asymptotical Teichmüller space .AUT; d.; // is a complete metric space and a complex manifold. The topology on .AUT; d.; // is the finest topology which makes the projection  W UT ! AUT continuous, and  is also holomorphic. Refer to [7]. An equivalent topology on the quotient space AUT can be defined as follows. For any h 2 QS ,lethQ be a quasiconformal extension of h to a small neighborhood of T in the complex plane. Suppose U is the domain of hQ.Let

Q . / 1 hz z C khQ  .z/ D ; z 2 U; k Dk .z/k ; ; and B D : hQ hQ hQ 1 U hQ 1 hQz.z/  khQ

Then the boundary dilatation h is defined as

; Bh D inf BhQ hQ where the infimum is taken over all quasiconformal extensions hQ of h in a neighborhood of T. It is known that h is symmetric if and only if Bh D 1.Define 1 dQ.h1; h2/ D log B 1 : 2 h2 h1

Then it is a distance on AUT. The two distances d and dQ on AUT are equal. There is a natural embedding from

G D TUS 3 g D Œf ; hf ,! Œhf  2 AUT:

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Thus, the restriction of dQ.; / on G D TUS gives a distance which we denote as dG .; /. We call the space  Á G ; dG .; / the Teichmüller space of circle g-functions.  Á Theorem 6 (Completeness [15]) The Teichmüller space G ; dG .; / is a com- plete metric space and HG is dense in this space.  Á Moreover, the space G ; dG .; / has a complex Banach manifold structure (refer to [8, 15]). We would like to point out that there is a maximal norm

kgkDmax jg.w/j w2˙ on the space G . This also introduces a metric dmax.; / on G . But this metric is not complete. Moreover, this metric will not measure the change of a geometric Gibbs measure in a good sense. For example, even if dmax.; / is small, the change of a geometric Gibbs measure could be big. So it is just like the Euclidean metric on the open unit disk. The Teichmüller metric we have introduced is precisely like the hyperbolic metric (or Lobachevsky metric or Poincaré metric) on the open unit disk. Topologies induced from both metrics are the same (refer to [14, 15]).

Acknowledgements I would like to thank my student John Adamski who read the initial version of this manuscript very carefully and found many typos and made very good suggestions to improve the exposition of this paper. This research is partially supported by the collaboration grant (#199837) from the Simons Foundation, the CUNY collaborative incentive research grants (#1861 and #2013), and awards from PSC-CUNY. This research is also partially supported by the collaboration grant (#11171121) from the NSF of China and a collaboration grant from Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science and the Morningside Center of Mathematics at the Chinese Academy of Sciences.


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