18miles / 29km 15miles / 24km 19miles / 30km Mostly quiet country roads but a couple of This route is ideal for all abilities as it is Mainly cycle path with some quiet miles through the town at traffic-free and flat. country roads. Gently hilly. the start and finish. Follow the Great Glen Way signs through the Ness The south side of Loch Ness is best for cycling. Islands 1 until you reach the . Follow Great Glen Way signs through the Ness Turn left onto the towpath 2 to Dochgarroch. This Islands to Whin Park 1 then cycle paths until the is a really scenic stretch as you cycle between the ‘Nessie’ roundabout. Cross carefully and at the canal and the river. At Dochgarroch the canal and top of the hill turn right 2 following the blue the river meet Loch Dochfour 3 . The Oakwood NCN78 cycle route signs for Loch Ness. After a Restaurant is a great place for lunch or short distance turn right 3 and take the road down Clava Cairns even just an ice-cream. and on to the cycle path beside the B862. The cycle route is then a quiet farm road for a couple This route passes through the outskirts of Inver- Take time to explore the of miles - keep following the signs. At the ness then climbs steadily for three miles towards tracks by the river and T-junction turn right and then left on to path Culloden Moor. The views north over the Moray Loch Dochfour. Return again and follow this all the way to Dores. You can Firth are worth the effort. As you reach the top of along the same path to refuel at the Dores Inn, explore the beach and the climb, turn right (signposted Nairnside) 1 , go the swing bridge 2 then look out for the monster. over the hill, turn left then right, across the River cross the road and follow Nairn 2 . At the top of hill turn left. Continue over the towpath on the far 3 side of the canal past the and then under the railway to the bronze age h oc marina 4 and Locks burial mounds and standing stones at Clava. rr ga ch to . t Do ath a Re-cross the river 4 and climb the short steep hill Towp to Culloden Battlefield, home to a great visitor The Clachnaharry Inn serves great food and they D B865 centre. The route returns past the battlefield with have won awards for their selection of real ales. ores Beach a long freewheel into Behind the Inn is a footbridge 5 over the railway . line. Either carry your bikes over the bridge or lock them up and set out INVERNESS Castle on foot to the sea A82 Old Edinbur lock where gh Roa A862 d the Caledo- Cathedral BellfieldC nian Canal u Eden l Park d I u A82 Court s B861 t enters the l h a e l n R A8082 Culloden Battlefield . d o Park a B d Golf En Leisure a Follow either side d of Cana n Course l a k NCN78 Leisure A82 t Clachnaharry Centre

A862 of the canal to return to R

B862 Centre

o o a

Smithton a d

Bught Eden the Islands and Bellfield Park. Great 1 d


Glen Way

Court Whin


Cathedral Main road Rail/bus station Park

NCN1 Course ‘B’ road Toilets Culloden D


A82 Retail ParkResaurie r Minor road Visitor information Holm e

Bellfield Castle s Track Place of interest B861 Old s Mills R C Park s u o l d Edinburgh e Railway Cycle routes a ut h Mayfield el Road N d R oa Road B865 Woodland Route direction d r d 2 e d oa Great Glen Way National Cycle oa R Annfield v Super- R D i m

gh a (arrow Network Hol R market ur m Road Hill/steep hill b R f points downhill) (NCN) in o i e d a l E d d 3 Golf Old Course Golf Course Moray NCN1 Longman B862 INVERNESS A82 NCN78 Firth B865 Old Perth B9006 Hospital Dunain A8082 Road Raigmore Park Police Hospital South InshesCottage HQ Crown Retail Kessock Golf Park 5 Clachnaharry Torbreck

Course Dunain l Retail a Inn Mains Park Castle n

Farm a C A862 Cathedral Inverness n Torbreck Clachnaharry Muirtown a i

A82 Woods Campus Locks Bellfield n B862 o Essich Park d Daviot Inverness Eden e A9 l Woods Retail & A82 Court a Cradlehall A96 INVERNESS C

Business 4 Cullaird Bught 1 B861 Park Craigphadrig Park Woods Achvraid B9006 Leisure Ness B9177 Cemetery B9082 s Scaniport Centre Islands s Craig Golf e N Phadrig Course Resaurie r 1km Swing e 0 v NCN1&7 Bridge 2 i R 0 1mile Whin Golf Park N ay Balmore W Course Torvean Dochgarroch Smithton len Borlum Farm G NCN78 1 at Farm Drumashie re s G s Plantation

e B862 Westhill N Great Glen

r Super- Culloden House e market

v i A8082

R Drumashie C Ballindarroch u l Kinchyle l o Darroch d e Wood n Dunain Dunain

W Hill Park Balvraid o Cottage o Dochfour Farm House d s Business Drumashie Culloden Centre Moor Moor Dunain Antfield

Mains l Torbreck B862 Farm a Nairnside n


Culloden C

Battlefield A82 n Darris a Torbreck Bona & Visitor Centre i n Woods 2 o Bona B851 Dalreoch d Lighthouse le Craig Woods a Essich C Cullaird Lochend NCN1&7 Leach NCN7 Ri Aldourie ve School r Castle N Leanach s B862 a s (Private) ir e n N Scaniport © www.helenstirlingmaps.com 2011 2018 Castleton Newland of r Achvraid 3 e Culloden v B9006 i N Loch R Clune Oakwood N Dochfour Farm Clune Wood Restuarant Locks Clava 4 Dochgarroch 3 0 1km Cairns 1km Torr Clava 0 Wood c t a d u 0 1mile Dores V i Drumashie 0 1mile Beach Dores NCN78 Plantation Cnoc NCN1 Loch Dores Liath Ballindarroch © www.helenstirlingmaps.com 2018 Dochfour Drumashie© www.helenstirlingmaps.com 2018 Loch Ness Inn NCN78 Dirr Wood Darroch Wood Kinchyle Dochfour Business Centre