Update for - River , , , , Northbourne, Sutton By , , Denton and Wootton.

Information provided by: PCSO 61211 BRADLEY Dover Community Safety Unit. Crimes/incidents of note:


07/12/2020 London Road, Abandoned Vehicle.

13/12/2020 Mill Race, Theft not recent of bicycle.

23/12/2020 London Road, Sus event alarm sounded possible lorry Drivers.

24/12/2020 Minnis Lane, Abandoned vehicle.

01/01/2021 Lower Road, Fallen tree.

Temple Ewell

01/12/2020 Temple side, Sus event female followed female officers attended area search no trace.

06/12/2020 Scotland Common, poaching.

1 For more information about policing in your area, visit www..police.uk To report a non-urgent crime online, visit www.kent.police.uk/contactus 12/12/2020 Kearsney Abbey Villas, Sus event 2 males seen exiting the woods, poss with bow and set of arrows.

13/12/2020 Scotland Common, nuisance vehicles.


08/12/2020 Stonehall Road, Traffic Hazzard.

11/12/2020 Canterbury Rd, RTC injury.

12/12/2020 lydden, nuisance vehicles.

19/12/2020 Church lane, RTC non injury.

27/12/2020 Swanton Lane, Fallen tree.

30/12/2020 lydden, nuisance vehicles.

31/12/2020 Lydden hill, traffic hazard. Traffic lights out.

31/12/2020 Lydden hill, nuisance vehicles.


01/12/2020 Willmott place, abandoned vehicle.

04/12/2020 A256, RTC non injury

04/12/2020 A256 Broken Down vehicle.

04/12/2020 A256 Broken Down vehicle. Multiple reports of Broken- down vehicles on the A256 for December also linked to the issues caused by lorries.

16/12/2020 High st, vehicle crime tools stolen.

2 Sutton By Dover

15/12/2020 Church Hill, Theft/criminal damage lead taken.




Multiple reports of incidents on the A256. RTCs, obstructions and broken- down vehicles.

3 For more information about policing in your area, visit www.kent.police.uk To report a non-urgent crime online, visit www.kent.police.uk/contactus Denton/Wootton

16/12/2020 Denton Lane, traffic hazard.

17/12/2020 Geddinge, obstruction.

21/12/2020 Shelvin, RTC Injury.

22/12/2020 Dover Rd, fuel theft.

Anti-social behaviour and other incidents of note and items of good work.

There have been multiple reports of traffic issues and obstructions caused by the port disruption I appreicate it was frustrating for local residents and caused friction within the communities, the problem has sinced subsided with operations in place to manage port traffic.

Items of good work:

I have provided high visibility foot patrols in River and Temple Ewell, I will continue to provide high visibility patrols to address nuisance motorbikes and anti social behaviour across all of my wards. Due to recent criminal damge and reports of nuisnace youths in Kearseny Abbey I have provided high visibilty foot patrols in Kearsney Abbey Gardens, Temple Ewell, through out the day and evenings. I have also patroled the rural areas of Betteshanger and Northbourne to address 4 nuisnace vehicles. I also provided high visiablity patrols across all my parashes, engaging with local residents to discuss issues. I have been in contact with KKC community warden Peter Gill for Eastry.

Updates of previous reported issues:

Reporting Nuisnace Vehcles.

When reporting a nuisance vehicle please see the advice below -

 The Time/ Day/ Date/ Location of the incident  Names of or if unknown, a description of the offender, as full as possible, including clothing.  Any vehicle markings, such as registration numbers and a full description of the vehicle, including make/ model/ vehicle type, colour, any distinctive markings or damage.  If images (stills or CCTV) can be obtained at no risk to the informant, please email these to your local officer or [email protected]

If this is reported through 101 or an online report VIA the website, Kent Police are aware of the nuisance this is causing. If then witnessed by a uniformed officer, a section 59 warning can be issued. The first part of a section 59 is a warning, a warning is issued if the driver has been seen driving without due care and attention or without reasonable consideration for others. Also, they were causing or likley to cause, alarm, distress or annoyance to others. If the driver is seen again by a uniformed officer within 12 months, commiting a similar offence, there vehicle will be seized and they will be charged for recovery and storage of the vehicle.

 Kent Police are working with your community to tackle anti-social behaviour and improve public safety.

5 For more information about policing in your area, visit www.kent.police.uk To report a non-urgent crime online, visit www.kent.police.uk/contactus  Regarding noise complaints, please contact Council, environmental health.

Recently we have seen an increase in the use of electric scooters on public highways. Please see below.

e-scooters – know the law We stopped you today because although e-scooters can be great fun, it’s against the law to ride one on a public road, cycle lane or pavement. What you need to know e-scooters are classed as Personal Light Electric Vehicles (PLEVs), which means they are treated as motor vehicles and subject to the same legal requirements, such as driving licence, insurance, number plates, lighting, road tax, crash helmets etc. Without these, e-scooters cannot be used legally on the road. The Government is currently trialing the use of approved rental e- scooters as environmentally friendly modes of transport in some specific locations in the UK. For the rest of the country, under current law, e-scooters can only be used on private land. What should I do now? It’s our priority to keep you and other road users safe. We are obliged to take action against anyone who is caught repeatedly using an e-scooter illegally or in a way that causes a nuisance to others. In these circumstances we have the power to seize the e-scooter under Section 59 of the Police Reform Act/165 of the Road Traffic Act – and we’d really prefer not to. Thank you for cooperating with us today and agreeing not to use your e-scooter on a road, cycle lane or pavement. From now on, please make sure you only use your e-scooter on private land. For more information about powered transporters and the law, visit www.gov.uk

6 Items to be aware of.

Coronavirus Scams.

Here are just some of the scams we are aware of, but please note that criminals come in all shapes and sizes and can contact you at the door, by phone, post or online: • Virus testing kits • Vaccines or miracle cures – there is currently no vaccine or cure. • Overpriced or fake goods to protect yourself from coronavirus such as anti-bacterial products. • Shopping or medication collection services. • Home decontamination services.

Tips to avoid being scammed: • Don’t be rushed into making a decision. If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. • Only purchase goods and services from legitimate retailers and take a moment to think before parting with money or personal information. • Don’t assume everyone is genuine. It’s okay to reject, refuse or ignore any requests. Only criminals will try to rush or panic you. If in doubt, speak to someone you trust. • If someone claims to represent a charity, ask them for ID. Be suspicious of requests for money up front. If someone attempts to pressurise you into accepting a service they are unlikely to be genuine. Check with famil