Congressional Record—Senate S7034
S7034 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE December 12, 2019 to; that the committee-reported sacred by SS troops near Wereth, Belgium, ORDERS FOR FRIDAY, DECEMBER amendment to the preamble be agreed and were identified as James Stewart of 13, 2019, AND MONDAY, DECEM- to; that the Cramer amendment at the West Virginia, Due Turner of Arkansas, Cur- BER 16, 2019 desk to the preamble be agreed to; that tis Adams of South Carolina, Mager Bradley Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I the preamble, as amended, be agreed of Mississippi, George Davis, Jr. of Alabama, Thomas Forte of Mississippi, Robert Green ask unanimous consent that when the to; and that the motions to reconsider Senate completes its business today, it be considered made and laid upon the of Georgia, James Leatherwood of Mis- adjourn and then convene for a pro table. sissippi, Nathaniel Moss of Texas, George The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without Moten of Texas, and William Pritchett of forma session only, with no business objection, it is so ordered. Alabama; being conducted, on Friday, December The concurrent resolution (S. Con. Whereas the impressive leadership of Lieu- 13, at 11:45 a.m. I further ask that when Res. 23) was agreed to. tenant General George S. Patton of the the Senate adjourns on Friday, Decem- The committee-reported amendment Third Army accelerated the success of the ber 13, it next convene at 3 p.m., Mon- to the preamble was agreed to. Allied Forces during the Battle of the Bulge; day, December 16; that following the The amendment (No. 1256) to the pre- Whereas, the heroic defense
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