January 2006
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Please share this Newsletter with your colleagues and circulate among organization staff. Non-Profit Organization The Call for Papers for Symposium 28 in October 2006 is on page 23. U.S. Postage Paid Akron, OH Permit Number 222 Association for the Advancement of Social Work with Groups, Inc. An International Professional Organization c/o The University of Akron Akron, OH 44325-8050 U.S.A. ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED SOCIAL WORK WITH GROUPS NEWSLETTER Current News and Cumulative Reference A Report to the Membership ISSN 1084-6816 Advocacy and Action in Support of Group Work Practice, Education, Research, and Publication. Enhancing the Quality of Group Life throughout the World. Published at the University of Akron School of Social Work by the Association for the Advancement of Social Work with Groups, Inc., An International Professional Organization. Vol. 21, #3, Issue #58 January 2006 THE PRESIDENT'S PEN A MIRACLE! SYMPOSIUM 2005: January 2006 Minneapolis MINNEAPOLIS Dear Colleagues, was a SALUTES YOU! Happy New Year! Sincere good Renewal of wishes to you for 2006 in all areas of Spirit The Minnesota AASWG 2005 Plan- your lives, including groupwork! Enthusiasm ning Team extends our great appreciation My intent is twofold in writing this Hope for your passion for social group work first "President's Pen" since taking office Activity. and for your contributions toward the at the Minneapolis Symposium. First, I GET ON 27th Annual International Symposium on want to update you on AASWG news, AND Social Work with Groups. With your noting some excellent recent accomplish- HANG ON, help, the Symposium was a raving suc- ments as the result of efforts of many GO GROUP WORK cess! While the primary "...reward for a Board and Committee members. The GROW AASWG! job well done is having done second objective is to acknowledge the it" (Emerson), we want to extend a heart- wonderfully positive momentum that has WELCOME THE NEWLY felt thank you for making the Symposium been evident, much of it continuing from ELECTED "well above average" (Keillor). previous years, and some of it newly gen- "Building Bridges of Hope over erated. I would like to reaffirm the value NANCY E. SULLIVAN, PRESIDENT Troubled Waters", the 27th Annual Inter- of each one of us who contributes in ac- TIMOTHY B. KELLY, national Symposium on Social Work tion and/or spirit in the work to maintain VICE PRESIDENT Continued on page 8, Minneapolis AASWG. People participate in countless AT LARGE: MARCIA COHEN, ways, all important parts of the whole. MARK DOEL, JOAN LETENDRE IN THIS ISSUE Please know that an open invitation Our new President, NANCY SULLI- Books and Other Publications ..............3, 11, 20 Calls for Papers...........................................6, 23 stands for everyone interested to be an VAN, returns to the leadership role she Chapters, Affiliates and Organizing Units .6, 17 active AASWG supporter. Besides serv- temporarily occupied while Toby Ber- Conferences and Symposia...........................7, 9 ing on the Board and Committees, you man-Rossi was on leave a couple of years Contributions Received ....................................4 can participate, for example, by: ago. She is well known to AASWG as Features, Queries, etc. ........................12, 15, 21 In Memoriam ..................................................20 * taking part in web-based activities such Vice President, Chair of the Toronto Organization and Membership News...1, 13, 16 Continued on page 2, President’s Pen Continued on page 12, Elected Page 2, Vol. 21, #3, Issue #58, January 2006, SOCIAL WORK WITH GROUPS NEWSLETTER President’s Pen, continued from page 1 trally instrumental: "Restructuring", SOCIAL WORK WITH GROUPS as Member to Member Connections headed by Alex Gitterman, and NEWSLETTER ISSN 1084-6816 * Chapter work "Institutional Membership", chaired by Vol. 21, # 3, January 2006, Issue #58 * attending and presenting at professional Carolyn Knight. The Restructuring Com- Published three issues per year at development events, locally and at our mittee has been tackling possible recon- The University of Akron annual symposium figurations of AASWG if our present School of Social Work by the * contributing financially organization becomes nonviable due to Association for the Advancement of Social * recruiting new members and encourag- further decrease in membership and eco- Work with Groups, Inc., ing existing or past members to renew nomic resources. The Institutional Mem- An International Professional Organization (including yourself!) bership Committee has introduced to Enhancing the Quality of Group Life throughout the World. * writing for the Newsletter AASWG a new concept of "member" - a A Report to the Membership. * promoting social work with groups in school of social work or a human service $15 per year (USA, Canada and Mexico) school curricula and human service organization. An information/invitation $18 per year elsewhere organizations letter was designed and sent out in No- $5 ($6) per issue Subscription included in membership dues. * communicating with me or other Board vember with a specially modified appli- Editor - John H. Ramey, Akron, Ohio or Committee members about your cation form. Already, there is a growing Design and Layout ideas, feedback, and interests related to list of new "institutional members". Susan E. Bisgyer, Kingwood, West Virginia social work with groups, particularly as Please do your best to facilitate the join- Send editorial and business correspondence, other information, and inquiries to they relate to your connection and in- ing of new institutional members. John H. Ramey, Editor volvement with AASWG. As membership and financial growth Social Work with Groups Newsletter The Executive Committee formed as are the central focuses this year, recruit- 463 Moreley Avenue of the Annual Membership Meeting held ment and renewal of members is a pri- Akron, OH 44320-2022 U.S.A. Toll free from anywhere in U.S.A. and Canada: in Minneapolis consists of: mary task. Recognizing that much of the 1-800-807-0793; Akron area and outside USA and * Tim Kelly, Vice President association's membership is affiliated Canada 330-836-0793 * Mike Phillips, Treasurer with chapters, collaboration has begun fax 330-836-2136, [email protected] * Michael Wagner, Secretary between the Membership Committee, Regarding memberships and for changes of address contact Stacy Barrentine, Program Admin- * Alison Johnson, Chapter Development chaired by Tim Kelly, and the Chapter istrator, PO Box 151643, Alexandria, VA 22315- Chair (ex officio) Development Committee, chaired by Al- 9998, 703-971-6715, fax 703-922-9570 member- * Ellen Sue Mesbur, Commission on So- ison Johnson. Greg Tully, Chapter Liai- [email protected]. Send changes of address for cial Work Education in Groupwork son, has infused this recruitment and re- Haworth's Social Work with Groups Journal di- rectly to the publisher. Chair (ex officio) newal collaboration with tremendous For questions about credit charges or checks, * Carolyn Knight, Institutional Member- creativity and energy, the promising re- please contact Stacy Barrentine at the AASWG ship Chair (ex officio) sults of which already are occurring. Re- Membership Service directly rather than the credit * John Ramey, in lieu of General Secre- covery of membership numbers in itself card company. Credit charges are cleared through Stacy Barrentine Event and Convention Services. tary (ex officio) will improve our budget sheets signifi- AASWG, Inc., Stacy Barrentine, Program Ad- * and me, Nancy Sullivan, President. cantly. As well, Mike Phillips, as Treas- ministrator, PO Box 151643, Alexandria, VA Stacy Barrentine, the one paid em- urer, has been consulting with all relevant 22315-9998, 703-971-6715, fax 703-922-9570, ployee of AASWG, is the Program Ad- parties with an eye to cutting costs and [email protected]. In the USA, AASWG is recognized by the Inter- ministrator. She may attend some meet- ensuring prudent stewardship of our fi- nal Revenue Service as a 501(c)(3) non-profit ings of the Executive Committee but is nances. charitable organization, contributions to which are not a member, per se. Hired originally in The AASWG website has been a deductible as allowed by law. AASWG is incorpo- 2003 to handle membership services, major focus for revision as the most rated as a not-for-profit charitable organization in the State of New York. A few chapters in the USA Stacy's duties expanded last year when the widely accessible and up-to-date vehicle are separately incorporated. Chapters and affiliates General Secretary position was vacated by of information-sharing and networking outside of the USA are incorporated in their respec- Raymie Wayne, and now include a myriad among members and non/not-yet- tive countries. of administrative tasks. She provides in- members. A new "Website Task Force" AASWG Home Page: http://www.aaswg.org. Discussion Group: Send e-mail message to valuable support across the gamut of op- has formed to coordinate all the compo- [email protected]. In body of message erations of our Association. nents of our much enhanced site. Work- type subscribe groupwork-aaswg your first By the end of last September, it was ing with Webmaster Tim Kelly as chair name your last name. Tim Kelly, administrator: clear that two related issues required im- are Ann Bergart, Carolyn Knight, and [email protected]. The University of Akron is an Equal Education mediate and serious attention. Member- Michael Wagner. "Member to Member and Employment Institution. ship had been dropping consistently for Connections" is a brand new feature on Copyright 2006 by AASWG, Inc. SWwG News- some time, and our financial situation had the website, the brainchild of Ann Ber- letter articles may be copied for personal use, but become critical. To meet the challenges, gart. This service provides the means for proper notice of copyright and credit to the SWwG Newsletter must appear on all copies made. This the Board declared 2006 "Special Action members to indicate, via Stacy Barren- permission does not apply to reproduction for ad- Mode Year".