2 | REYKJAVÍK GRAPEVINE | ISSUE 16—2008 TABlE oF CoNTENTS EDIToRIAl MASThEAD I think I speak for everyone here when I write this: The Reykjavík Grapevine HOLY FUCK! The last few weeks have wrecked Vesturgata 5, 101 Reykjavík Articles more havoc on this country than anything that’s www.grapevine.is not directly caused by a natural disaster. Our
[email protected] Getting More seriouS economy has been reduced to the standards East- Published by Fröken ehf. 06 Director Óskar Jónasson on his latest offspring Reykjavík-Rotterdam ern Europe at end of the Cold War. As a nation, we are more or less bankrupt. Editorial: CluTure Of Waste Credit crunch. It almost has nice ring to it, +354 540 3600 /
[email protected] 06 A New Yorker Gives her point of view doesn’t it? Sounds like it could be a cereal brand Advertising: rather than the end of an era. Currency crisis. It’s +354 540 3605 /
[email protected] Blades oF Glory a little alarming, but still. Cancel Christmas. Now, Publisher: 08 Iceland is fast becoming an international hockey powerhouse that is a serious statement, but right now, it seems +354 540 3601 /
[email protected] to be the only viable option we have. Bomb IT! Thousands of people will be affected by Publisher: 08 A Lesson in Graffiti Culture from Director Jon Reiss this crisis, both in Iceland and abroad. Homes are Hilmar Steinn Grétarsson /
[email protected] facing unemployment; unbearable mortgage pay- Editor: More Monsters and Mythical Beings ments, inflation and massive disruption to daily Sveinn Birkir Björnsson /
[email protected] 10 Miklabæjar-Sólveig life caused the uncertainty of the situation.