30th April, 2012 Vol.19.No.9

FROM THE PRINCIPAL As we begin Catholic Schools Week the Term is gathering breakneck speed. We have commemorated Anzac Day, celebrated Aquinas Day and have seen Aquinas students and staff involved in all manner of educational endeavours. Year 10 have their Careers Day tomorrow to assist them transition into the next phase of their lives either here at Aquinas or into further training or work, there are Geography, Art and Drama Excursions, TAFE immersions and our Year 12s will begin their last retreat experience at Aquinas as they explore the theme the ‘Search for Happiness.’ Sporting activities have also been prominent with the College Cross Country held, Basketball, Rugby League and Soccer knockout teams selected and in training for their respective competitions. We are indeed fortunate to have a dedicated and generous staff that is more than willing to support our students in such a variety of learning experiences. I know that on the last day for the class of 2011 that they were most appreciative of the time and interest the entire staff had shown them over the preceding six years.

In our Aquinas Day Liturgy, on the Feast Day of St we were reminded in the readings of the importance of being humble and our role in being commissioned members of our church with a duty to proclaim the Good News. Fr Phil, in his homily, challenged us to question if we were listening to God’s call to us especially in this season of Easter, were we really listening? It was also a point of our gathering to explore being good citizens and Christians in the light of Anzac Day; sometimes a difficult topic given the inhumanity of war. St explored this theme himself in a medieval context and wrote, “How is it they live in such harmony the billions of stars – when most men can barely go a minute without declaring war in their minds about someone they know?” His point about “declaring war in their minds” is a stark reminder to us that thoughts are as damaging as actions when it comes to our interpersonal relationships with each other. His thoughts on redemption; “Three things are necessary for the salvation of man: to know what he ought to believe; to know what he ought to desire; and to know what he ought to do” were illustrated by the story of Ordinary Seaman ‘Teddy’ Sheean [an ex-student of St Patrick’s school, Launceston] who died at just 19 years of age in 1942 on the HMAS Armidale in the Timor Sea in a courageous act of heroism. Despite being wounded, he returned to his gun post on a rapidly sinking ship to protect his defenceless shipmates in the water as they were being machine - gunned by Japanese aircraft. His example that day showed he knew what he believed, knew what he desired and most certainly knew what he ought to do. He drove off the aircraft as he and the ship disappeared beneath the surface and in laying down his life in the protection of others gave yet another example of the love that Jesus showed for us. St Thomas wrote that; “To live well is to work well, to show a good activity.” I would wish that none of us are called upon to be in a situation like the extraordinary Teddy Sheean, but I do hope that that Aquinas students live well and by their example, show how to live well by their positive activity as St Thomas urges us all to do.

Beyond the College at Menai congratulations are in order for Tehlia Davis [Year10] for her part in the gold medal performance in the 16 member synchronised ice skating team at the recently held French nationals. Bien Fait! Congratulations also to Mr Steve Roberts who captained the Australian Touch Football side to a 3 – nil series whitewash of New Zealand over the weekend in Mudgee. Well Done!

As a matter of practicality I take this opportunity to remind parents to update the College office of any changes to contact details, particularity as email addresses and mobile numbers provide us with readily accessible modes of contact especially in relation to student absences and newsletter delivery. Year 8 parents will also receive a new set of Science results for the ESSA test due to a scaling discrepancy in the Report to parents that has been identified by the reporting agency. As a consequence, the original reports sent to parents for our school understated the performance level achieved by students.

Anzac Road Menai NSW 2234 Phone 9543 0188 Facsimile 9541 0398 [email protected] 20 Years of being ‘Enlivened by the Spirit’

We also remember in our prayers Monica [Year 10] and Louise [Year 7] Denton and their family on the recent passing of their grandmother. Similarly, we also pray for Emily [Year 12] Chudowolski and her family on the passing of her grandfather and James [Year 8] Black and his family on the passing of his grandfather. May perpetual light shine upon them. May they rest in peace.

James Corcoran Principal


Week 2 (B) Term 2

Monday 30th April  Catholic Schools week  Opens CCC Rugby League Gala Day at Ryde  SSCCC Soccer st Tuesday 1 May  Year 10 Careers Day

 Year 12 Geography Excursion  Year 9 English Excursion to the theatre from recess

Wednesday 2nd May  Year 12 Retreat  SSCCC Cross Country  Year 7 Parish Mass

U/13; U/14 and U/15 Cronulla Rugby League Knockout  rd Thursday 3 May  Year 12 Retreat

 Year 10 Visual Arts Excursion

th Friday 4 May  Year 12 Retreat

 Year 11 Drama Excursion

Welcome back to Term 2 & some reminders

I congratulate all students and their families on the way in which most have returned and applied themselves to school life in Term 2, this was none more evident by the spirit of great generosity at the Aquinas feast day celebrated last Thursday.

I do also remind families/students that this College has a great reputation in our community and much of this rests with the way in which our students present themselves day in and day out. To that end I remind students that College Blazers must be worn to and from Pastoral class/school of a day and would ask that parents/carers insist on this as their son’s/daughter’s leave home or hop out of a car of a morning.

In addition to uniform I have once again noticed an increase in canvas, skate, slip on and vans type shoes on a sport day which are not part of our uniform policy as they don’t meet OHS standards. As I indicated in Term 1, students must wear shoes suitable for rigorous sporting activity on a Friday and that they no longer need to be a predominant white colour as long as they are a sport designed shoe, not casual or a walker. To this end students with incorrect shoes will go on an automatic sport detention that day, unless they are in a representative team then they will do a Wednesday detention. Your support on this matter from home would be appreciated.

I have recently had a complaint from a neighbour who has indicated there is major congestion in the mornings with people doing U-turns at Dapto Place in order to arrive at the drop off area for students in front of the College. I would encourage parents and carers to avoid such behaviour and to travel further down to the roundabout as a course of safety, responsible behaviour/modelling and to avoid Police fines.

Robert Nastasi Assistant Principal

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Religious Education at Aquinas

The last few weeks have seen numerous opportunities for students to participate in the religious dimension of our College. In Week 10 last Term, Year 9 students were given the opportunity to attend a reflection day run by Chris Doyle of Karis Ministries. It was an enjoyable day and gave students the opportunity to step out of their comfort zone and take time to reflect on the important things in life. Thank you to the staff who supported the students through this experience.

On Holy Thursday and Good Friday Drama students led their peers and the Holy Family Parish through a very moving Stations of the Cross experience. Aquinas students also read at the 3pm celebration of the Lord’s passion. Thank you to these students for all of their hard work, and to Mrs McNamara for sharing her expertise.

Last Thursday the College community celebrated Aquinas Day. The day started with the celebration of the Eucharist. It was a great way to celebrate the lives of our patrons, St Thomas Aquinas, St Mary of the Cross MacKillop, St John Baptist de La Salle, Blessed Edmund Rice and Nano Nagle. We also celebrated Mr Wilson’s reception into the . Thank you to all staff and students who participated in this significant liturgy and to Mr Wilson and his family for sharing this important celebration with us.

This term, students will focus on various topics in their Religious Education lessons. The following is a list of topics each year group will study:

Year 7 – The Liturgical Year; The Bible: Sacred Scripture; Old Testament: Overview Year 8 – Symbol and Ritual: Sacraments of Initiation; People and Ministries in the Church Year 9 – Key Church Teachings; Mary Year 10 – Eucharist; Working for Justice in Australia Year 11 Catholic Studies – Church in Australian Society 1 unit Year 11 Studies of Religion – Religious Tradition Study: Judaism 2 unit Year 11 Studies of Religion – Religious Tradition Study: Christianity; Religious Tradition Study: Islam Year 12 Catholic Studies – Catholic Moral Teaching and Conscience 1 unit Year 12 Studies of Religion – Religious Tradition Depth Study: Judaism 2 unit Year 12 Studies of Religion – Religion and Non-Religion; Religion and Peace

The season of Easter is a time of celebration, a time of renewal, of peace, of promise and of new beginnings. Year 12 will have the opportunity to take time out of this busy year and reflect on all of these things during their retreat experience this week.

As we celebrate this fourth week of this Easter season, may we all continue to reflect on the heart of the Easter message – that Jesus is risen, and is with us now.

Mrs Catherine Nolan Acting Religious Education Coordinator

Reflection on the Gospel

Sunday’s Gospel (John 10:11-18) talks of Jesus being the good shepherd. The image of the good shepherd expresses Jesus’ utterly free gift of himself for us. This Gospel makes it clear that Jesus’ death is an act of loving self-surrender. He is the shepherd who places his own life at risk to defend his flock. He is the shepherd who will even die if that will enable his flock to live.

Faced with opposition, Jesus could have withdrawn and saved his life, but instead he chose to continue teaching and revealing his God, knowing that his choice would lead to death. So that we would know the depths of God’s love, Jesus laid down his life. He is the shepherd who dies that we may be truly alive.

Adapted from a reflection by Mary Coloe

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Social Justice Report

Aquinas Day Stalls

Aquinas Day had already started off well, with a great liturgy and Year 12 continued that start with a great array of stalls and activities. The spirit of Aquinas was high and everyone thoroughly enjoyed themselves getting involved in games on the Upper Paved and Oval as well as all of the organised activities that raised money for the four charities. Activities included, score a goal, pass the footy, singstar, guitar hero, dance dance revolution, the Rave Cave and a Disco. The food stalls were also a hit with sausage sandwiches, pizza, chicken strips, KrispyKremes, lollies, and cans of drink being sold. A huge thankyou for the organisation by Year 12 and the Year 12 pastoral team, especially to Mr Finch. Thankyou also to Mrs Nolan for her continual support to me and the school.

All up the school raised $6453.55 for four charities, these charities continue the work of the school’s house patrons, particularly concerning youth support. They include: Nagle Centre for Youth, LaSallian Youth Ministry Projects, Josephite Community Aid and Edmund Rice Camps. This money will be a much needed donation to these organisations and the great work that they do.

Mr Peter Strudwick—Social Justice Coordinator

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Project Compassion

After 40 days of donating in Pastoral classes, the selling of roses, class stalls and many other important and valuable donations, Aquinas Catholic College was able to raise $3130 for project compassion and the works of Caritas Australia. In the weeks leading up to Easter, I featured a number of people in the newsletters, the money raised by the College will help people like those featured, to live a better life, one where they will receive education, shelter and most importantly, food and clean drinking water. This is an amazing donation and I want to thank all the staff and students for their amazing efforts in raising this money.

Mr Peter Strudwick – Social Justice Coordinator

Youth Ministry – What’s Happening

Alive Again Catechesis with Bishop Julian Porteous

Join hundreds of young people on Friday May 25 for a FREE BBQ and an amazing faith experience when we meet at Trinity College Auburn for this year’s Pentecost Catechesis with Bishop Julian Porteous! Starting at 6.30pm the night will feature music with GARY PINTO and the Revelations (the CYS Band), local youth entertainment acts, Adoration, Catechesis with the Bishop and will culminate in an awesome prayer experience. This will be a FREE EVENT (entry with wristband only). For more information and to receive your free wristband see Mr Strudwick

Walk With Christ 2012

On Sunday June 10th, join thousands of Catholics who will ‘Walk With Christ’ in the annual Eucharistic Procession on the Feast of Corpus Christ (Body and Blood of Christ). Starting from St Patrick’s Church Hill (Grosvenor St) the procession will travel through the streets of Sydney and finish with prayer and Benediction at St Mary’s Cathedral forecourt. Join your parish. Bring your youth group. Make a banner to carry. Collect your free commemorative booklet to accompany the broadcast of music and prayers. Let your presence make a statement about the gift of the Eucharist for the world. Click here to view poster.

TIME:2:30pm – 4:30pm START:St Patrick’s, Church Hill

For more information: See Mr Strudwick or visit Mr Strudwick – Acting Youth Ministry Coordinator

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After a very successful Public Speaking experience in Term 1, Aquinas is now preparing for what is sure to be an impressive Debating season.

As a result of changes to the draw, for the first time in a number of years, Aquinas will only have one team per year group (instead of the usual two). I hope the consolidation of talent will lead to even more success. Unfortunately, the reduction in teams may mean some students who would like to be involved might not be given positions on the team this year but I encourage them to help out when Aquinas hosts in Round 2 (Week 4).

As you can imagine, the English Coordinator position is quite a busy one and so I have sadly needed to hand the role of Coordinator for Debating and Public Speaking on. Fortunately two very enthusiastic and capable teachers, Ms Lauren Roche and Ms Lydia Curis, have risen to the challenge. I know they will be very capable and wonderful coordinators.

The draw for 2012 is as follows:

Round 1: Wed 9th May Aquinas v Marist College, Penshurst (at Penshurst) Round 2: Wed 16th May Aquinas v Mouth (at Aquinas) Round 3: Wed 23rd May Aquinas v Bethany College, Hurstville (at Hurstville) Round 4: Wed 30th May Aquinas v Our Lady of Mercy College, Burraneer (at Burraneer) Round 5: Wed 6th June Aquinas v De La Salle, Revesby (at Revesby) (Semi finals and finals to be advised)

Sally Millar Debating and Public Speaking Coordinator

Year 11 Parent / Teacher / Student Interviews

Online bookings for Year 11 students are now open for Parent / Teacher / Student Interviews. A letter containing passwords and instructions was attached to your child’s Interim report that went home last Friday. Please call the College office if you did not receive this letter to access the online booking system.

The address is

SMS Attendance System

Aquinas Catholic College has introduced the SMS attendance system. At approximately 11am each school day, a courtesy SMS will be sent to a nominated caregiver for each student who we have recorded as either absent or late. If you wish to clarify the details of the automated message please call the College office during normal school hours.

If any parent has updated/changed their mobile phone contacts, could you please notify the College as soon as possible

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Last Friday Mrs Capovilla took four students to UTS for a “Hands on Women in Engineering and IT Day”. After meeting bright and early at Sutherland station we caught the train to Central and after a short walk arrived at UTS.

Our day consisted of lots of activities that we rotated through during the day. The tutorials all related to the various fields of engineering and IT including: playground safety, making a prosthetic leg for victims of land mines, making an app for your iPhone, marshmallow towers and Lego in the 21st century just to name a few!

The day really opened our eyes to the many fields that make up engineering - it’s not all about bridges! Women have great opportunities for a rewarding and promising future in an engineering career (and there’s lots of travel!)

Isabel Diamond, Gemma Pethybridge, Jasmine Koczka and Bianca Patrick (Year 11)

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As stated in our last newsletter Jake Baggaley and Sophie-Louise Sprod also progress to All Schools in May. Congratulations.

Good luck to our swimmers who are competing next Monday at NSW All schools swimming at Homebush.

Congratulations to Jake Baggaley who received a bronze medal at the recent Australian Age Championships in Brisbane. He received his medal for the 16 years 200 Individual Medley.

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Maths Recall is included in the newsletter each week and is designed for Stage 4 and 5 or junior, students. The questions may focus on Working Mathematically problems and all are intended to be done without a calculator. Interschool Chess Challenge 2012

QUESTIONS Students are invited to take part in an Interschool Chess Challenge (Organised by Sydney Academy of Chess and endorsed by the NSW Junior Chess League). This is a new 1. Which is best value? $2 off , or 10% off a $ 19 basketball. series of events run as individual tournaments, with the 2. Find120% 30 winning school being determined by adding the scores of the 1 1 3. 1 hours in minutes top 4 players from each school which will take place in 4 5 Term 2. 4. 5% were absent out of 500 students. How many was this? 1 5. Simplify 3 3 The format is: Local Heats -Regional Semi-Finals -State Finals

Mrs Catherine Fensom Top placing schools in each event will be invited to attend the regional semi-finals, which are held in Term 3. The State finals will be held at the end of Term 3. Aquinas will be hosting a heat on Thursday 30th August so we won’t have far to travel! From the Careers Office If you are interested in taking part in this tournament please The Sydney Morning Herald HSC and email me at: [email protected] Careers Expo 2012 with your expression of interest. Please include in your email. Thursday 31 May and Friday 1 June, 9am-3pm Saturday 2 June and Sunday 3 June, 10am-4pm Royal Hall of Industries, Moore Park  Your name  Year group and Pastoral class  Number of years of experience The Sydney Morning Herald HSC and Careers Expo brings together over 150 organisations providing HSC, tertiary I will call a meeting in the library early in the term to course, career, study skills and gap year information and discuss the day so please make sure you listen to the daily resources. Exhibitors include all of Australia’s major messages in Pastoral. universities. The Expo also features 110 seminars on HSC subjects including English and Maths, tertiary courses, career and study advice. Admission is $10 or $25 for families of 3 or more (children 14 and under free) and is valid for all 4 days of The Expo. Admission includes AQUINAS CHESS CLUB seminars and The Sydney Morning Herald* (*while stocks last)

In preparation for the day we will also be starting up a For more details see The Expo visitor Guide in The Sydney lunchtime chess club. All interested students are to meet Morning Herald on Tuesday 29 May or Mrs Capovilla in the library at lunchtime tomorrow (Tuesday 1st May)

Mrs Higgins has 12 free passes—first in gets them!

Lisa Higgins Careers Adviser (Tues, Wed, every second Thurs) Mrs Cathy Capovilla Gifted Education Coordinator

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Bruce Downes and the Catholic Guy team present a Catholic program that is screened around the world. We are delighted that Bruce and the team will be coming to our parish to present a live event over four days. Some people have heard of a Parish Mission, but this event is one that you just have to experience.

Experience the power of God in a real and relevant way through Scripture, music and the arts.

Expect to laugh, learn, reflect and be changed by this truly powerful Catholic experience. No matter your age or background this event is for you. Come and have an amazing experience without being asked to do anything.

SESSION 1: Either Monday 18th June, 7.30pm OR Tuesday 19th June, 9.00am SESSION 2: Either Tuesday 19th June, 7.30pm OR Wednesday 20th June, 9.00am SESSION 3: Either Wednesday 20th June, 7.30pm OR Thursday 21st June, 9.00am SESSION 4: Thursday 21st June, 7.30pm

All sessions will be in our main Church building and they will run for approximately 1 and a half hours. Stay and share a cup of tea or coffee together afterwards.

Look for the flyers at the entrance to the Church and there is more information available at

THE CATHOLIC GUY inspiring you to dream



Our parish community requires 4 catechists to teach PIETY STALL scripture in our state schools this term. If anyone is able to assist it would be greatly appreciated as these students will Anyone looking to buy something special for their mother otherwise have no religious education. on MOTHERS DAY will find beautiful Swarovski Crystal eg. Pendants, Necklaces, Bracelet's & Earring's. The The classes only go for 30mins. stall is opened after the Sunday Masses & also during the week. Please contact Roslyn if you are able to help 0418462424 or the Parish Office on 9543 2677.

Bangor - Kindy Tues 10.20am

Tharawal - Yr 4 Tues 11.30am

Menai - Yrs 1/2 Wed 11.30

LHCS - Kindy Fri 9.20am

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Junior receptionist, suits Year 10 upwards 2 afternoons per week, after school (3.30pm to 7pm) award wage intensive THURSDAY 3 May training given 8:00am—9:00am Ring Menai Medical Centre for interview, Tel: 95434051 Address: 2 Davidson Road, Menai Please note the Uniform Shop only sells Sports Uniforms Thanks. and School bags Regards, Dr Augustine Chan The Uniform Shop does not accept Eftpos or Credit cards

College caps and sports socks can be purchased from the College Office CHEWING GUM FORBIDDEN

Chewing gum is strictly forbidden at all times on the College property. An MATHS CHALLENGE automatic afternoon detention will be issued to those students found chewing Answers: gum.

Could we ask parents to assist us in enforcing this rule to protect the College environment and student uniforms. 1. $2 off gives $17 ( other ans. $ 17. 10)

Mr Anthony Hulme 2. 36 Pastoral Care Coordinator 3. 18 4. 25 1 5. 27

Maths Department


TIME: MONDAY-THURSDAY 10:00-1:30, FRIDAY 10:00-12:30



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