arXiv:1611.00556v1 [math.AG] 2 Nov 2016 h lsdcn fapedvsr–otncle h e oe–adisdu its and – cone manifold nef projective the a called often of – curves divisor of ample cone of closed cone closed the r ftengtv ar infiatgoercifrain hyle they information: geometric significant carry negative poin the rational of “extremal” ary Furthermore, polyhedral. rational locally NE( o2240,JP rn-nAd()N 2409 n yKA S 2522 KIAS No by (S) and 22340009, Grant-in-Aid No JSPS (B) by Grant-in-Aid JSPS supported h¨oherdi 22224001, s was No der Lazi´c was Oguiso in Manifolds”. trie”. Strukturen Complex “Gute Compact Noether-Nachwuchsgruppe and Surfaces braic ihrdmninlcmlxagbacgoer,i atclri conn in particular bundle in canonical geometry, the algebraic complex higher-dimensional ic h udmna oko .Mr trigi h ae17’,t 1970’s, late the in starting Mori S. of work fundamental the Since ..Audnecnetr:hpr¨he aiod 19 14 13 3 bundles line nef References Strictly dimension hyperk¨ahler manifolds higher conjecture: 4.6. in Abundance varieties Calabi-Yau conjecture: 4.5. Abundance threefolds Calabi-Yau manifolds conjecture: 4.4. flat Abundance Ricci on Conjecture 4.3. Abundance pairs klt for 4.2. Abundance Conjecture 4.1. Abundance Manifolds 4. Calabi-Yau 3.4. Hyperk¨ahler manifolds varieties 3.3. Abelian basics and 3.2. Formulation Conjecture Cone Morrison-Kawamata 3.1. The 3. Notation 2. Introduction 1. l uhr eeprilyspotdb h DFG-Forschergr the by supported partially were authors All H ORSNKWMT OECNETR AND CONJECTURE CONE MORRISON-KAWAMATA THE X .Tebasic The ). pet oad h bnac ojcue n c odiscus on Conjecture to Abundance (c) the and of Conjecture, version report bundle Abundance to the (b) towards conjecture, cone opments Morrison-Kawamata the of tus Abstract. LDMRLAZI VLADIMIR BNAC NRCIFA MANIFOLDS FLAT RICCI ON ABUNDANCE h i fti uvyppri hefl:()t ics h s the discuss to (a) threefold: is paper survey this of aim The oeTheorem Cone K X ynwtaiinly h oeo uvsi eoe by denoted is curves of cone the traditionally, now By . ,KIIOUS,ADTOA PETERNELL THOMAS AND OGUISO, KEIJI C, ´ 1. Introduction Contents asta the that says 1 X K K soeo h onrtnsof cornerstones the of one is , tiilvarieties. -trivial X esoae iainlnGeome- birationalen mensionalen pe70“lsicto fAlge- of “Classification 790 uppe ngtv atof part -negative potdb h DFG-Emmy- the by upported 71 SSGati-i (S) Grant-in-Aid JSPS 0701, hlrProgram. cholar nrcn devel- recent on h e line nef the s dt morphisms to ad so h bound- the on ts cinwith ection esuyof study he ta- NE( 18 s l the al, X is ) 21 20 11 11 8 6 4 3 2 1 ϕ: X → Y of the variety. The then continues to study Y instead of X, and eventually produces a fibre space with K-negative (Fano) fibres or a variety with nef . In that case the Abundance Conjecture predicts that some multiple of the canonical bundle is spanned by global sections. The KX -trivial part of NE(X) gets more complicated; we restrict our attention here to the case when the whole bundle KX is trivial, i.e. we consider Ricci-flat projective manifolds. In this case the Cone Theorem has a hypothetical counterpart, the Morrison-Kawamata cone conjecture. This conjecture basically says that there is a rational polyhedral cone which is a fundamental domain for the action of the automorphism group on the (not necessarily closed) cone of nef effective divisors. This conjecture is – contrary to the KX negative case – wide open, even in dimension three. Again, it is interesting to look at the boundary of the nef cone; one might even conjecture that the nef cone itself is locally rational polyhedral, so that the boundary contains many rational points. These rational points correspond to nef line bundles L and a line bundle version of the Abundance Conjecture would say that a multiple of L = KX + L is spanned by global sections. The aim of this paper is therefore threefold: • to discuss the status of the Morrison-Kawamata co