About the Calabi-Yau theorem and its applications { Krageomp program { Julien Keller L.A.T.P., Marseille University { Universit´ede Provence October 21, 2009 1 Any comments, remarks and suggestions are welcome. These notes are summing up the series of lectures given by the author during the Krageomp program (2009). Please feel free to contact the author at
[email protected] 2 1 About complex and K¨ahlermanifolds In this lecture, starting with the background of Riemannian geometry, we introduce the notion of complex manifolds: • Definition using charts and holomorphic transition functions • Almost complex structure, complex structure and Newlander-Nirenberg theorem • Examples: the projective space , S2, hypersurfaces, weighted projective spaces • Uniformization theorem for Riemann surfaces, Chow's theorem (com- n plex compact analytic submanifolds of CP are actually algebraic vari- eties). We introduce the language of tensors on complex manifolds, and some natural invariants of the complex structure: • k-forms, exterior diffentiation operator, d = @ +@¯ decomposition, (p; q) forms • De Rham cohomology, Dolbeault cohomology, Hodge numbers, Euler characteristic invariant Using all the previous material, we can explain what is a K¨ahlermanifold. In particular we will formulate the Calabi conjecture on that space. • K¨ahlerforms, K¨ahlerclasses, K¨ahlercone n • The Fubini-Study metric on CP is a K¨ahlermetric Finally, we sketched the notion of holomorphic line bundle, the correspon- dence with divisor and Chern classes. This very classical material can be read in different books: - F. Zheng, Complex Differential Geometry, Studies in Adv. Maths, AMS (2000) 3 - W. Ballmann, Lectures on K¨ahlermanifolds, Lectures in Math and Physics, EMS (2006).