
75th Anniversary Trustees Accept Buhl Foundation Gift; Board Moves Ahead On Building Plans The Buhl Foundation's $270,000 conditional grant to the college was unanimously accepted by the Board of Trustees at its first meeting of the school term Saturday morning in Reis Library, when it pledged an all-out effort to match the sum by THEOP ALLEGHENYCAMPUSCOLLEGE December 15, 1951. Progress reports on the college's proposed building program were VOL.LXXVI,No. 3 Meadville, Pennsylvania OCTOBER 4, 1951 CLASSELECTION discussed, and the Board authorized Elections for president of the the college architect, Lorimer Rich, junior class will be held tomor- Spring to proceed with detailed specifica- Term Dean's row in the lobby of Brooks Hall, Frat Tours Sunday For tions. If materials can be obtained according to Joyce Lowry, vice Today from the U.S. Office of Education, List Released president of the class. Frosh; Robert T. Sherman, Registrar, which has jurisdiction to authorize IFCRules Listed Candidates for the office, left has released the following lists of new construction, bidding on jobs Bob Mowry, Inter-Fraternity Council president, has an- student averages of 90 and above vacant when Harry Stewart may be accepted by early spring of freshman "round " visit to each nounced that the annual for the second semester of the 1950- transferred to Pitt, are Don Nee- year. fraternity this Sunday from 7 to p.m. next 9 house will be held 11 51 term: ly, Tom Mustio, and Dave Bark- Freshmen will be divided into 6 groups and will visit each fra- President Louis T.Benezet,in his ternity house for a period of one-half hour. Freshman ley. Voting will take place from The men's rushing procedure and Oilman, Mary 93.21 noon to 1:30 p.m., and from 7 annual report, commented on the Riesenman, regulations for this year, whkh have Patricia 92.50 to 8:30 p.m. Until such time as favorable enrollment of 1,018 stu- North Segal, been adopted by the IFC, are as To GiveRecital John 90.83 the election shall be complete, dents. He also expressed his ex- Upperclassmen follows: Tonight InFord Chapel Miss Lowry will serve as presi- treme satisfaction with officers and pro- Bird, Shirley 90.17 1. All rushing and pledging W. S. Wright North, Instructor dent. men of the ROTC detachment, and for freshmen and new trans- Bond, Phyllis 90.13 cedures in Music, will present a recital in cited the splendid co-operation of fer will be deferred until a Campbell, Jack 91.75 students Ford Memorial Chapel tonight at George time early in the second semester, Felter, Nancy 91.60 Lt. Col. F. Brodie, com- 8:15 p.m. Accompanying North on Law by French, Ardis 90.60 School Admissions manding officer. the date to be determined the the piano will be his wife, Dagmar Fraternity Gerhardt, Dorothy 92.19 Inter- Council and the open Tests Will Be Given presented Carter North. An invitation Goellner, 92.63 Dr. Allen B. Edwards Dean of Students. has been Jack extended to all students. Goodill, Frederick 90.06 The Educational Testing Service his first report as treasurer of the 2. That no rushing or pledging Mr. North's program will 'be as shall take place until the first Hopper, Jeff 92.19 has announced its schedule for the college, and John R. McFarland, Jr., follows: Kreisler, Leonard 90.00 semester grades are available from I 1951-1952 series of Law School Ad- announced plans for the eastern de- Lewinsohn, Peter _90.29 the college office. "As mission Tests. The exams, which velopment program campaign now a Father with His Children" McClearn, Gerald 96.20 3. That no student shall be eligi- from Coffee — a number of law schools require being organized. Cantata Bach. McKallip, Wayne 90.80 of ble to be pledged untilhe shallhave "My Father, Look My upon Miller, Nancy 90.00 students seeking admission, will be acquired an average grade of 70% Anguish"— Handel. Officers of the'Board were re- Neely, Marianne 90.00 given on November 17, 1951; Feb- or 'better in one semester of work "Honor and Arms" from Samson elected at Saturday's meeting, held Oehmler, Virgie Lou 91.64 ruary 23, 1952; April 26, 1952; at Allegheny College and with a —Handel. and Posey, 94.54 a month earlier than the traditional minimum of twelve hours of work II Joan August 9, 1952. Price, Richard 90.20 homecoming meeting to enable im- completed. 's Serenade" — from Faust Riddell, Patricia 90.56 Students are advised to consult mediate action on the Buhl grant. 4. That the following regulations Gounod. Robinson, John K. 90.00 the law school to which they are Serving another year are: Sumner govern "Song of the Coat" from shall the conduct of active — La Bo- Smith, Dorothy 95.00 seeking admission for specific advice fraternity members, pledges, or heme Puccini. E. Nichols of Erie, chairman; Paul Tamburine, Sidney 91.40 a fraternity, "Drinking Song" on when to take the exam. W. Johnston, Cleveland, vice-chair- social members of and — from The Fair Taylor, Marion 90.60 new Maid of Perth Bizet. the freshmen and transfer stu- Tucker, Donald 95.31 Application blanks may be ob- man; E. Alexander Hill, Pittsburgh, during previous to dents the time 11l Wilson, Charles 90.64 tained from Dean Charles W. Mc- secretary; and Dr. Edwards, non- that designated the legal rushing Swedish songs, translated as — into Zuberbuhler, Robert 94.79 Cracken. member, and pledging period. English Nystroem, Pergament. treasurer. a. That any entertainment, of IV — any nature, of individual freshmen "To One Unknown" Carpenter. or new transfer students or groups "Silent Noon"— Ralph Vaughn of students by individuals or groups Williams. who are active members of frater- "Adam Was My Grandfather"— ("Continued on page 6) F. D. Moore. Sororities AnnouncePledge Classes Following Week Of Quota Rushing Jean Morse, president of the Allegheny Pan-Heltenic Coun- cil,has announced the 1951 sorority pledge classes. The original quotas set up at the beginning of week were later rearrang- ed, leaving each sorority with a quota of fifteen. The new pledges are the following: Alpha Chi Omega: Betty Barlow, Roseanne Berryman,Jacelyn Brown, Frances Davidson, Polly Dunham, Louise Ewing, Mary Jane Gould, Pre-Med Students Anne Harmony, Shirley Havelin, Nancy Hough, Cynthia Howarth, Asked To Register Anne Mitchell, Gladys Mullenix, "All undergraduates interested in Betty Narwold, Sally and Pettit. studying medicineshould register at Alpha Gamma : Carol Dar- once with the faculty pre-medical nell, Edstrom, Leibold, Barbara Nan advisory committee," Dr. Robert Mary McEwen, Judy O'Day, J. Mary Byers, committee, Oilman, chairman of the Diana Russell, Patricia announced today. The first regular legislative meeting of the AUC was held Sunday night in Arter Hall, with president Arnie Reisenman, Georgia S«cor, Faye Lewis officiating. A final vote on the student budget for the year wasthe mainitemon theevening's agenda. Smock, Suzanne Stockton, Nancy "Because of the limited openings Pictured here in the English Seminar room are (left to right): Joyce Lowry, B. J. Coulston, Lewis, Peggy Seib, Daphne Wolfe, Kitty Crawford, Linda Baum, Dick Uhrich, and Bob Mowry. — by Welty, Ann Willis, Nancy Wool- in medical schools," explained Dr. Photo Damm rich, and Muriel Zulch. Byers, the college is anxious to help Alpha Xi Delta: Joan Anderson, every student throughout his four Draft Again Mary Bennett, Barbara Ewing, years to prepare for admission to Exams Second In AUC Series Tells Carol Fletcher, .Frances Golder, the school of his choice. The com- In December, Ruth Ann Hawkins, Ruth Krueger, mittee is prepared to discuss with April Of AnnualBudget,Finances Mary Sceiford, Diana Spaulding, students requirements of medical schools, procedures applying, Selective Service College Quali- Editor's Note: The following is the second in a series of articles Elizabeth Stevens, Suzanne Stock- in and by operation organization. fication Tests are to be given on AUC officials on the of the AUC man, Rosalie White, and Suzanne choice of electives. Entrance re- treasurer, Bob Blomquist explains here the finances and budget. quirements are high," said, "'but Thursday, 13, 1951, Wunderlich. he December and Each semester our college bills include an item entitled Allegheny graduates a high Kappa AlphaTheta:Betty Bender, have Thursday, April 24, 1952. Applica- "Student Activities Fee" in the amount of ten dollars a total rating because of the splendid rec- or Beverly Bixler, Nancy Dubrawsky, tions for the first exam must be of twenty dollars per person for the academic year. Where does Jean Fellows, Carol Hefren, Carol ords made by her graduates in the this money go and for what is itused? past." postmarked no later than midnight Hess, Nancy Johnston, Shirley is regulating and Monday, November 5, 1951, and for The AUC the coordinating body for stu- Jon«s, Mary Lindbeck, Harriet On Tuesday evening the faculty dent activities and as such it receives from the Treasurer of the McCafferty, Patricia Port, Marion committee met with senior pre- the second exam, no later than mid- College the twenty dollars a year Shryock, Shirley Smith, Dorothy medical students and discussed the night Monday, March 10, 1952. which each of us pays. AUC then fourth of our entire student fee. For Stover, and Gloria Thompson. details of applying to medical distributes the money to numerous that we get a dozen all-college Kappa Kappa Gamma: Anne schools, which must be completed Bulletins of informationand appli- campus organizations on the basisof social activities. Considering the quality presented Archibold, Linda Baum, Jane Dal- by November 1. The committee, cations will be available at the local need and effectiveness. Need is of the bands and the decorations used, forty las, Nancy Divine, Carolyn Estep, which met with 'Students during draft board after October 5. Those judged primarily on the type of about Virginia Johnson, Jerry MacGregor, freshman week, will hold a discus- activity, and effectiveness, on the cents a dance per student seems students who have not yet taken Nancy McNemar, Peggy Marcy, sion with sophomores and juniors scope of the activity, that is, the quite inexpensive. the exam and are now eligible to Sandy Moore, Joan Rust, Mary Ann within the next two weeks. Dr. number of students directly bene- Unfortunately, space doesn't per- Sawdey, Nancy Smith, Barbara Byers especially urged all transfer do so are advised to obtain the in- fiting from the grant. For instance, mit a detailed discussion of each Voges, and Joan Wallin. students to see him at once. formation as soon as possible. the AUC Social Committeegets one (Continued on page 5) 2-THE CAMPUS OF ALLEGHENY COLLEGE, Thursday, October 4, 1951 THEY DIDN'T... Take Care Of My Little Girl Last week we had the misfortune to witness a es, early in the week. Since sororities do not cut oft-times embarrassing custom of periods of silence. display of broken emotions. Watching girls walk- their lists during the week some were permitted to If there was relaxed, uninhibited,and open discus- ing around the campus with tears in their eyes is rush, double-faced, a group they knew would never sion not only during rush week but during the en- a sad sight. It is doubly sad when those tears face the mystic altars. tire freshman year, then at the decisive time both were unnecessary. It seems that every year a few The overlooking of the basic interests sororities and rushees would be properly informed, rushing, apparent hearts have to be broken by sorority but of the sophomores by the Pan-Hellenic Council was without the turmoil evidenced last week. like the first million unemployed it is only consider- the disruption of Brooks Hall for a solid week. Be- Freshman girls should have all the opportunity ed the normal phenomenon. It is when the num- cause the sororities were somewhat confused about to know about sororities and how they function. normality ber of broken hearts grows out of that it the general situation and could do no cutting, it is We think that the girls in the incoming class should behooves us to take a glance at the situation. logical therefore to advocate the establishment of be exposed to a sorority educational program this In an effort to counteract the course of natural such aprocedure early in rush week in future years. year. selection, the Pan-Hellenic Council attempted to equalize the sororities on campus. The Council, During the week, sororities did not know who We further advocate the— complete abolishment however, directed its energies toward the preserva- was going where, while the poor rushees, who had of the quota system for now and all time! Quotas tion of the entire sorority system at Allegheny already been given a raw deal by the self-preserva- are quite often discriminatory, and in this case they rather than the assurance to sophomore womenthat tionist tactics of the sororities were further trampled totally impede the freedom of the girls. It should Ihe majority, of them might become pledged to the upon by the sororities who did not give them the always be remembered that the individual is higher sorority of their choice. What the Council was not clue as to whether they wouldbe taken or not. The than the organization. If this means that a sorority clear-sighted enough to understand was that for ultimate effect of the entire week was a hysterical will have to fold, then that is an outcome that can- some reason a number of sororities on campus had break-down of society on Friday, Saturday, and not be avoided. Sunday. lost their popular appeal, and that rather than try We regret that last week had to occur. We to force sophomores to join these sororities,perhaps The question of the need for sororities at Alle- sincerely hope that every girl is happy with her they should have allowed them to die a natural gheny is one of present importance, and one which choice, and can forget what has passed. We hope death. is worthy of consideration in the future. For the that all the interested parties, including next year's At the beginning of rush week, the sororities present we would like to make anumber of sugges- sophomore class, are brought together to discuss did not know what their quotas would definitely be. tions concerning the operation of rush week. A the most equitable way in which to keep the Each sorority submitted a list of rushees, in all basic point is that the girls, whom we assume to be sororities functioning without the sordid business cases at least double the number of eventual pledg- mature individuals,should abolish their foolish and that occured last week. Allegheny Activities Calendar — BACK TO NORMAL She's Our Boss Thurs.,Oct. 4 Faculty Voice Recital— W. S. Wright North Ford Chapel, 8:15 p.m. IN SPITE OF RAIN rooter. B. J.s activities have in- Fri., 5 — Oct. Faculty Wives Family Picnic Shady Brook cluded work in the Playshop, writ- Park. Now that the sophomore women Sat., Oct. 6 Football— Oberlin— Away. are with us again, Allegheny has re- ing for The Campus, The Kaldron, — turned to normal (?) And speaking Kappa Delta Epsilon Street Danee Brooks and The Literary Magazine, of normalcy, the cheering at the as well Circle— B:3o-12 p.m. serving Sun., Oct. 7 Phi Gamma—Delta Open House Honoring New football game Saturday followedthe as as co-author of "Show- Faculty Chapter House— 3-5 p.m. usual trend of freshman enthusiasm down" and "Listen, My Children". and upperclass lethargy Con- Delta Tau Delta All-College Open House ... — Last year she was chief fire warden honoring — gratulations to the cheerleaders freshman class Chapter House in Brooks. At present she is pro- — 3-5 p.m. they tried hard and did a beautiful — — job. gram Kappa Alpha Movie The Mikado— Playshop 7:30 p.m. We miss the band marching chairman of Thurs.,Oct. 11 Sonata Recital Playshop — Margarethe at half-time, but Daphne reports she Theta. B. J. (by the way,her full never thought be so Hokanson and Herbert Neurath. it could restful. name is Barbara Jean) is a repre- — — On the other hand, that organiza- Fri., Oct. 12 Soccer Edinboro Away. sentative of her class on AUC, and Sat, 13 — — tion's spirited playing during the Oct. Football Juniata Home. is a member of Judicial, Activi- Sun.,Oct.14 Movie— Seventh game seems to testify to the won- its Veil— Playshop— 7:3o p.m. ties, Thurs.,Oct. 18 John Jacob Miles,Folk Singer— Ford Chapel— derful job Bud Cooley has been do- and Student Affairs Commit- 8:15 p.m. ing to make the Band a permanent tees. She is also head of the Pub- G5 Hour Test— 7 p.m. institution on campus. lications Board. During her first two years she participated in intra- Is our face red! For in the hustle B. J. Coulston mural sports. She was formerly a Thornhill Today and bustle of last week's deadline Our "gal-of-the-week" is B. J. member of the AWS House Council, we neglected to mention the fol- Coulston, an English major from and has served as a student chair- October 4 (Park) Mystery Sub- cellent in living up to script and di- lowing "extra-curricular" activities: Heights, Ohio. Day marine, with Marta Toren and Mac- rectional demands ... Outdoor ac- Evan Engstrom and Eve Mellinger, Cleveland Her man for Care«r seminars for Donald Carey. Crew of a German tionvalues are sharpened by the use pinned; Jim Welton and Suzy Reid, favorite relaxation is reading, with two years. She plans to go into U-boat, left uncaptured at the end of fresh scenic backgrounds ... an engaged; and Dick Best and Flossie James Thurber and Charles Adams advertising, promotion, or public re- of World War 11, roams the North interestingplot and plenty of move- Meisner, married. ranking high on her list of humor- lations work. For the past three Atlantic and kidnaps a famous sci- ment." — Variety A strictly recent pinning is that ists. An enthusiastic fan of spec- summers she has been head of the entist. of Allegretti and Tom Walker. Jo* tator sports, she describes herself College Shop of one of the Halle "... A fantastic (and not very October 7-10 (Park) Millionaire Congratulations! imaginative) plot ... It becomes for Christy, with Fred MacMurray, as a very much disappointed Indian Stores in Cleveland. difficult any of film's to take the Eleanor Parker. Legal secretary story seriously and as it goes from The first Open House of the year makes play for heir to millions; gets bad to worse you wonder 'why this was held by the Phi Psis last Sun- him without his money; slapstick day. Inspite of rain (we couldn't good cast was wasted on it." comedy. — live 'without the stuff) a crowd Commonweal "Picture reaches its hilarity high Also: Claude Thornhill and his turned out for the occasion, and as mark about midway . . Miss OP ALLEGHENY COLLEGE Orchestra on stage. . per usual a swell time was had by Parker and MacMurray are anexcel- all. lent team and pull all stops in sell- EDITOR-IN-CHIEF SAM BATES October 5, 6 (Park) Tarzan's ing their goofy characters Situa- ... Attention, MANAGING EDITOR BETTS GREENLUND Peril, with Lex Barker and Virginia tion gags and the general hokum." Mr. and Mrs. Alle- — gheny College all Huston. Tarzan saves the jungle Variety and minds at sea! EDITORIAL STAFF peace from gun merchants who We hereby predict the outcome of social function be in near want to start tribal wars. October 10-12 (Academy) The to held the ASSOCIATE EDITOR PAUL DAVIDOFF Sturdy future. ". .. fare for the action TallTarget, withDickPowell,Paula SPORTS EDITOR '. JACK MITCHELL market. It has the familiar ingre- Raymond, Adolphe Menjou, and Friday, October Sth: Despite the rain, FEATURE EDITOR TO BE APPOINTED dients of jungle adventure, plus Marshall Thompson. Plot to as- the freshman dance, suggested MAKEUP EDITOR JACK BARROWS good background footage actually sassinate Lincoln in 1861 foiled by by the Tarbell Terrors, will be a lensed in Africa ... A good music the President's former bodyguard. roaring success, and we predict that ASSISTANT MAKEUP EDITOR 808 PARK score, interesting sponsors of All College and there's use of ". .. There's enough action and dances will COPY EDITOR ANN WARNER dances primitive be lurking furtively in the shadows native and music suspense in this pre-Civil War COPY DESK DICK BOYLAN, ED DAVIDOWITZ, SANDY REITMAN, PAFT RIESEN. in opening taking copious notes. Here's hop- the film's sequences ... period yarn to cultivate general MAN, RONALD WITTY. Script has the hero swinging A killing, sev- ing! audience interest... PHOTOGRAPHY EDITOR RONALD OAMM through trees, swimming rivers, eral hand-to-hand combats, and a Sunday afternoon, October 7th: surviving a plunge over a waterfall of complications The highlight- number other — Phi Gam tea will be BUSINESS STAFF and taking on a whole tribe in bat- arise .. ." Variety ed by an etiquette lesson delivered tle before establishing peace and by squad "That (the) director ... ekes a the football and entitled BUSINESS MANAGER TO BE APPOINTED quiet again in his native heath." modicum of melodrama out of this "How to Become a Teetotaler," or — ADVERTISING MANAGER TO BE APPOINTED Variety situation is a tribute to his invent- . . . "Straighten out Your Little CIRCULATION MANAGER , KEN NIEMANN iveness, for it is obvious that Mr. Finger, the Crook is Not for the Lincoln is not going to be shot in Tea Bag." October 6-9 (Academy) War- — MEMBER, ASSOCIATED COLLEGIATE PRESS path, 'with Edmond O'Brien, Char- Baltimore in 1861." Newsweek Sunday night: The male popula- les Stevens, Forrest Tucker, Harry Also: This Is Korea! a documen- tion will once again be depleted by SERVICED BY NATIONAL ADVERTISING SERVICE. INC. 420 MADISON AVENUE, NEW YORK, Carey, Jr. Bankrobbers kill hero's tary film. mass migration into closets as the N.Y. forty impact fiancee; he joins cavalry to be able "In some minutes freshmen make their Round Robin OFFICE, BENTLEY HALL, TELEPHONE 261 to get revenge on them, gets mixed beyond words is given to the in- tour of the fraternity houses. trepid up with Indians, and finds a new work of the First Marine Di- Whoops! We forgot our predic- ENTERED AS SECOND CLASS MATTER, OCTOBER 30, 1904, AT THE POST love. Technicolor. vision and the Seventh Fleet (with tion for Thursday night: A small OFFICE AT MEADVILLE, PENNSYLVANIA, UNDER THE ACT OF MARCH 3, "Cavalry - Indian clashes are a bow to the Army) ...The scenes meeting of prominent students will 1879. PUBLISHED THURSDAYS BY STUDENTS OF ALLEGHENY COLLEGE, EXCEPT DURING VACATIONS AND EXAMINATIONS. among the best ever put on film... of the the sound and fury of bitter ■be held in Room 35 of Arter to burn Solid action stuff . . . Cast is ex- (Continued on page 3) in effigy the writers of this column. THE CAMPUS OF ALLEGHENY COLLEGE, Thursday, October 4, 1951- 3 Government In ActionStudy Offered Clothing Drive Dr. Pommer has announced that By Washington Semester For Juniors in response to his request last June on behalf of the American Friends morning the Foreign Affairs Committee is honored to "This Committee, hear from our Secretary of State, Mr. Acheson." Service two thousand "Mr. Taft has five minutes remaining, and Mr. Douglas has pounds of clothing have been don- ten." ated by students and Meadvilleciti- "Oyez,oyez.oyez! The Supreme Court of the United States zens to needy persons in Europe is now in session." and Asia. Dr. Pommer expresses do you like the girls in the "How cussions in the Senate as research Friend's appreciation of the gift. F.8.1., huh?" material. Washington, D.C., like any other 2. A study of U.S.-Iranian rela- city resounds with many noises. But tions, primarily gathering material Thornhill being the capital city, some of the from the State Department. noises which eminate from that city 3. A study of the Government —(Continued from page 2) are of great significance to the na- Loyalty Program, using material strife against —a tough and en- tion and to the world. When the from the Supreme Court and the entrenched foe are as clear as the Committee of the Foreign Affairs F.8.1. dead, wounded and dog-tired "gy- is honored to hear Mr. 4. A study Senate of federal subsidies to renes" 'who keep struggling for "hill Acheson, the chances are that from cities, using as sources the confer- Senator Connolly's chairman's seat ence of U.S. mayors. after hill" from Inchon onward. Al- to the corresponding seat in the though it has been photographed in politburo,many men arelistening to Trucolor, "This Is Korea" is not U.S. policy will be. hear what the Monday Deadline! pretty. And, while the sounds of scenes These are but a few of the Dr. Julian Ross, Dean of Instruc- battle seemed to have died down, day the being enacted every on tion, has announced that Monday, this record is both a tribute to and Washington panorama. The oppor- October 8, is the last day for adding a sobering reminder of the bravery tunity to such experiencesis — witness new courses to schedules. All chang- Senior Don McCafferty is pictured last Spring onthe Senate steps in the of free men." New York Times year a select- made availableeach to es of classes involving addition of Nation's Capital while attending the Washington Semester. The co- Allegheny juniors. ed group of courses must be made and recorded operativeprogram, open to qualifying juniors during the second semester, col- is the University provide an opportunity Along with about twelve other in the Registrar's Office by this conducted at American to to DISTINCTIVE CORSAGES Allegheny is a participant in work with source materials and governmental institutions. leges, date. — Photo by Davidoff Welcome Class of 1955 a program to study the government in action. Every year the history Carpenter's Flowers department chooses a small number 'Another Freedom' Discussed KDE STREET DANCE 931 Park Avenue of students interested in the opera- tions of government, be they for By Dean Julian Ross At ACA The annual KDE Street Dance economical, political, or sociological Dean Julian L. Ross, speaking on freedom only if he possesses an in- will be held in Brooks Circle on long the student Campus reasons. As as "Another Freedom," was the satiable curiosity. He criticized Saturday, October 6, from 8:30 Cove has a keen in- to may prove that he featured lecturer at the ACA meet- sharply students who put forth the Fresh Fruit Punch for government, he has the 12 p.m. Members of Kappa Delta terest in ing on Sunday, September 30. get to college and then take PARTIES & WEDDINGS being effort to Epsilon, honorary fraternity for ed- — possibility of selected. every precaution profiting SODA GRILL LUNCHES Dr. Ross defined freedom as to avoid Last year Allegheny sent four from what it has ucation majors, will have four 164 Chestnut St. Phone 25-023 something more than the feeling a to offer. An ex- juniors to the Washington semes- ample is booths stationed around the Circle freshman acquires when he gets of this type of student the ter: Barrows, Paul Davidoff, Jack away from home for the first time, one who refuses to take courses for refreshments and entertainment. Don McCafferty, and Sid Tam- are not Knitting Supplies something more than the Four Free- which directly connected burine. The Campus, with the in- getting job, claiming doms proclaimed by Franklin D. with a he A nautical theme will be carried Socks. Ties, and Gloves tention of presenting the Washing- enough time; same Roosevelt; rather, he called free- doesn't have this out in the decorations for this in- ton Semester plan to interested student will sit around the Grilland following dom a feeling of "at homeness" in stags juniors, will in the two play bridge as long as he can find formal affair. Both and workings the world, which comes only after 939 Market Street issues explain more of the three others of his breed. couples may attend. of this plan. Dr. Paul H. Giddens, one has realized the relationships of the history department, has which exist between the seemingly Tbe next meeting of ACA will be head unrelated things one has asked any interested juniors to con- learned. held on Sunday, October 7, at 7 p.m. fSews and tact him immediately, all applica- The liberal arts college offers a in the Oratory. At that time the Postance Gifts completed by October speaker be Dr. A. L. Crabbe, tions must be unique oportunity to discover the will For the Girls 18. relatedness of vast of know- Professor of English at George Pea- The Largest Display of Costume Jewelryin Town The program in Washington is ledge, he said, but a student can body College in Nashville, Tennes- devised to give the student the achieve the resulting intellectual greatest opportunity to study the government not only in theory, but in action. Each student takes two or three courses at the American University. The rest enjoy amazing collar in of the program is divided between comfort a seminar, in which the students filets/ have the chance to hear and to ques- I I % tion numerous government workers Arrow "Gabanaro" "m. &§r II i II i from Senators and Representatives withsensationalnew ARAFOLDcollar to Washington reporters, and a 1 Here's iha-f personal project which each student I undertakes, in order to work with some of the government. A list of the papers which the Alle- gheny students wrote last semester "will give an example of the work which may 'be done in Washington : 1. A study of the "Great Debate" (over sending troops to Europe), using mainly the hearings before the Senate Committees and the dis-

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TODAY ONLY On Stage, In Person gUpr Washable rayon gabardine sports shirt CLAUDE THORNHILL /t> S~ ~(\ I§7 in your choice of smart colors, in your V«v~v <-)'"' and His Orchestra W exact collar size and sleeve length II with "Mystery Submarine" Extra comfort where comfort countsmost ... right in the neck. Now that "Gabanaro" is FRIDAY and SATURDAY made with Arrow's revolutionary newArafold "TARZAN'S PERIL" collar, it's actually the most comfortable with sports shirt in the world! Open or closed, Wear it open with a tie for for sports, 0r... steppingout. Lex Barker with or without a tie...Arafold looks trim, and feels great. Start taking it easy in style and Gabanaro...withthe fi/r rr\ Virginia Houston' comfort. Ask us for Arrow "Gabanaro" today. amazing new Arafold collar U.CJI/ OCTOBER 7—lo "MILLIONAIRE FOR CHRISTY" weldon Starring ARROW Fred MacMurray 178 chestnut street " " " " and SHIRTS TIES SPORTS SHIRTS UNDERWEAR HANDKERCHIEFS Eleanor Parker —————— FOR ARROW UNIVERSITY STYLES " Thursday, 4 -THE CAMPUS OF ALLEGHENY COLLEGE, October 4, 1951 Allegheny Eleven Journeys To Oberlin Saturday YeomenOwnSingle Intramural Football Victory;Daddiomen Opens AsSigs,Delts Given Even Chance ScoreDecisive Wins by Jack Hill Although Allegheny dropped its The 1951-52 intramural athletic initialgame of the year toRochester season was inaugurated last Mon- 10-6, they will be rated a 50-50 day by the initial football games, chance on Saturday when they which showed an alert Delta Tau travel to Oberlin, Ohio, to take on Delta team outscore the Chi Rho Oberlin College. The Yeomenhave outfit 30-12 and SAE topping-Theta Chi, one victory to their credit, a 13-7, 24-0. victory over an unknown Witten- Gus Elias, Paul Storing, Tom berg College eleven. Hares and Phil Wilmarth each Head Coach Lysle K. Butler of crossed the double chalk once for Oberlin has a nucleus of fifteen let- the Delts, while Jim Young and termen from last year's squad which Dave Winans scored for the Chi won sevenof eight games. Of this Rhos. number ten are linemen and five Sig back Ray Roppel displayed backs. fine early season form as he ac- Oberlin Starters counted for three of the four SAE Scheduled to start for Oberlinare markers, two on passes from "Dad" Bob Hoist, 175 pounds, and Jeff Best. Dale Versaw scored the final ends; Blodgett, 180 pounds, at Tom six pointer on a pass from Best. Brigs, Hayes, 200 pounds, and Bill Two important games are on tap 185 pounds, at tackles; Captain next Monday afternoon as the Phi Edward Tobias, 175 pounds, and Delts, defending grid champs, meet guards. by Riverman Alan Morris, 170 pounds, at Allegheny's Skip Mclndoe picks up yardage against Rochester before being stopped Leib. Other last year's runner-up Phi Psi team pictured Myers (50), Ray Pawlak (35),and TomBallish (39). —Photo by Damm Lynn Partridge, one of the best Gators are Monk and the Phi Gam aggregate meets linebackers in the history of Oberlin the unpredictable Sig outfit. College, will be at center. The Golf Tourney Carded backfietd will show Mickey Joseph Below Par vsRochester, SWIMMING ' Gator Offensive The annual intramural golf at quarter, Bobby Burnham and Montgomery Pool will be tourney will be held Friday and Larry Foulk at halves, and Roy But Team Shows Latent Potentialities available to men for recreational Saturday, October 5 and 6, at the Michael at fullback. swimming on Mondays, Wednes- Halewood course. Four entries from Missing from the Yeomen lineup by Bert Katz each group are allowed, with the graduation is man who nothing at complex about the gridiron picture at days, and Fridays between the because of a There's all lowest three scores comprising the by Rochester was by of 5:00 p.m. has done a lot of passing against the Allegheny. Last Saturday's 10-6 setback hours 3:30 and total. previous years— means encouraging, but if the lads in gold and blue can Gators in Quarter- no — Women may use the pool Intramural Changes back Kevin O'Conner. sharpen offensive play— say fiftyper cent they'll goplaces. their Mondays and Wednesdays from The Intramural Athletic Com- Injuries Take Toll It stands toreason that onpaper Bill Daddio's eleven is superior p.m. mittee along with director Bob Injuries managed their toll to of last year. As the situation looks from here the Ro- 7:30 to 9:00 to take that Garbark last week reached a deci- in the opening game for the Gators. chester fray was a pretty poor indi- sion on changes in the intramural End Tom Ballish is expected to see of the true capabilities of command of that position hence- see lots of action at end for the cation plan. Because of lack of condition- little or no action Saturday because forth. A slight freshman from But- Gators. Daddio's charges. ing time and frequent injuries, the of a bruised knee. This is offset ler has moved into the spotlight Lack of Depth Here is why we feel the Gators group decided to drop three sports partly by the return of Paul Roese, we to already — will surprise local pessimists. In this week. Having all the earmarks Finally come the from the previous schedule these ready for full duty. Daddio's prob- fraying question Alle- Herrmann, Watson, Mclndoe, and of a terrific quarterback, Dave "How can being wrestling, track and the an- lems were also lightened somewhat gheny win with so little depth?" Myers, Daddio has an experienced Reed has obviously won Daddio's nual Turkey Trot. Under this re- Monday by the return to the squad topic could be eternally, put to all senior backfield. Secondly, he This vision, some of the remaining ten of Deem Schoenfeld. vote of confidence, and is a severe sleep, but there are a couple "ifs" possesses a forward wall that can sports schedules will most likely be The starting lineup 'will show threat to the security of one Carl if the infirmary sees lit- match any team on Allegheny's involved: lengthened, such as a double round Roese and Snyder at ends, Mason Herrmann. Reed handles the pig- nothing of the Daddiomen, if schedule. If you'll remember cor- tle if in basketball and a fuller table ten- and Oehmler at tackles, Ocamb and skin with the grace of a veteran, potentially powerful backfield rectly this almost identicalline rank- the nis program. Pawlak at guards, and Jim Henne while Herrmann has already proven of con- high among small colleges rounds itself into some sort at center. In the backfield, Watson ed himself with the forward pass. You dition. throughout the country last season. and McMahon will be at halves, can bet that both of them will be STANTON-RAND It writer's contention that With one or two exceptions last Monk Meyers at fullback and Carl is this battling for the quarterback posi- STUDIO backfield is endowed with season, Allegheny was superior to Herrmann at quarterback. Fresh- the Gator tion— a healthy shot in the arm of 543 Street enough scoring punch gain Alle- all opponents during first half play. Market man Dave Reed is expected to see to the ball team. PORTRAIT gheny a successful gridiron cam- You'll remember too that most of considerable at quarterback AND COMMERCIAL action paign. Unfortunately punch The line, missing only Yarbenet these teams employed the platoon after his impressive performance that PHOTOGRAPHY lacking when Allegheny battled and Rylander from last year's roster, system. Allegheny may lick the against Rochester in his first college was Rochester. Gerry Watson, consider- will be rougher than ever. It's in- platoon system this season. Her game. stamina, one backs in the deed a certainty that Oehmler, line, older, possessing more Defensive Changes ed of the finest history of Allegheny College, was Ocamb, Pawlak, Mason, Roese, should hold almost any team to one Defensive changes for the Gators miles below par. The only sem- Snyder and Ballish have all improv- touchdown or two. Her mystic will be few. In the line Schoenfeld backfield, untangled, blance to the Watson of other years ed. And then Coach Daddio has once -could will probably take over at one of scoring game ■was his snare of Herrmann's first added reserve strength in the re- raise its mark per to the ends and Hank Zimmerman at period pass. Myers and turn of Deem Schoenfeld, who will two touchdowns or three. one of the guards. In the backfield, touchdown Mclndoe, too, were far off stride. Skip Mclndoe willbe at safety posi- tion and Jack Sapper at defensive Quarterback Duel halfback. Turning to the discussion of the Others expected to see action are quarterback slot, one can't help but ends John McCrea and Charlie feel optimistic, namely because it's Bowser; tackles Clyde Rickard Students! 'and predict Attention difficult to who will be in Al Frazier; center Al Spears; and linebacker Charlie Mackett. Get Your VETS PHYSICAL EXAM Veterans' examinations for physi- cal education credit will be given OCTOBER 6 - 9 STUDENT tonight, October 4, at 7:00 p.m. in Off] Montgomery Gymnasium. All new "WARPATH" veterans at Allegheny who wish to obtain partial or totalcredit in phy- UjljJJ BINDERS sical education are urged to take with the examination. Edward O'Brien Dean Jagger From Forlunch ... Forrest Tucker Either 2 or 8 ring, stur- For abetween meal snack Harry Carey, Jr. dy, long-wearing leather S*J Cl*^ Mi-ecosiw OCTOBER 10, 11, and 12 binders, zipper ■■■Ww 3-side " The "ONEIDA" "TALL TARGET" seals binder completely. Leather Knee Length Storm-Coat " zipper Starring 3-side $32.50 Dick Powell Paula Raymond Adolph Menjou Shop Marshall Thompson Shop Al's Clothes EldredsGift 944 EVERYONE comes to Special Added Attraction Water Street "THIS IS KOREA" Eldred Building Chestnut Street Use Our 30-60-90 Day WIRT'S! Budget Plan THE CAMPUS OF ALLEGHENY COLLEGE, Thursday, October 4, 1951- 5 Dean Williams Attends More Singers Needed For Karras Appoints Two; Education Conference Two Vocal Groups--Luvaas Tells Lit Mag Plans Associate Dean of Students Ruth The ranks of Singers and Chapel John Karras, editor of The Liter- E. Williams attended a conference Choir are not yet closed, Morten J. ary Magazine, has announced that on women in the defense decade in announced Monday Martha Nelson will be art editor of New York on September 27 28. Luvaas last and publication, Sponsored by the American Council afternoon. Opportunities are still the while Sam Bates on Education, the convention was open for those students who like to will serve as make-up editor. held at the CommodoreHotel. Ap- sing; especially welcome are deep Although the editorial board has proximately 1,000 delegates from bass voices for the Singers, and all not been organized at this time, and American colleges and universities plans for the first semester edition male voices for Chapel Choir. attending. are incomplete, the magazine, un- Discussion topics at the confer- All students interested are invited der the advisorship of Mr. Alfred ence included: The home, citizen- to contact Dr. Luvaas in his office Kern, is scheduled to appear near ship, health and welfare, the armed at Ruter any morning after 11:00, or the end of the semester. forces, production for to call Mr. North or Dr. Luvaas at defense and Karras plans to use student-writ- peace, education, leisure, home, in order to arrange a meet- creative ten fiction, expository work, liter- and everyday economics. ing with them. ary criticisms, and possibly an Institutions and agencies invited "If students of this school would article on the current political situa- to be represented at the meeting present themselves," stated Dr. Lu- tion in the publication. Plans are consisted of three groups: (1) 'wom- vaas, "and say, 'Here I am. Use being formulatedfor a writers' work Two recently elected executives of the new freshman cabinet discuss en's colleges and coeducational in- me!' we could build three choirs, shop, intended to help students pre- organizational plans with AUC organizer Glenn Dunmire (center). Dave stitutions; (2) educational organiza- each as good as the other two." He pare work for the magazine. Mitchell (left) been named acting chairman the group, while Kay has of tions, such as the American Associa- urged students not to act solely on (right) secretary. — 'by , Ifpossible, work submitted to the Sutherland willserve as Photo Damm tion of University Women; (3) na- own judgments their capa- their of published this year. Upperclassmen explained tional women's organizations, as bilities, mire the aims and pur- for many tend to under- freshman writing Frosh Cabinet Elects well as representatives of the gov- contest will be poses of the cabinet. Dave Mitchell estimate themselves. ■who would like ernment and the armed forces. to submit work to Officers; was elected chairman and Kay the magazine are requested to con- Temporary In addition to the above, repre- Sutherland, secretary. These two sult Karras. Library Tours Set sentatives of organized labor, sec- Our will act as class officers until the ondary schools, and undergraduate Error The freshman class is initiating Cabinet nominates permanent 'of- student government officers, attend- Last week's issue of The Campus FOR YOUR community government DRUG a move in ed. erroneously reportedthe time sched- and this year through their recent elec- ficers in atout six weeks. ule of Dr. Herbert Neurath's Sin- TOILET NEEDS tion of a freshman cabinet. This The members of the Freshman fonietta rehearsals. Practices are to cabinet will function 'with regard to Cabinet are: Arlene Asan, Mary be held on Tuesday afternoons at ECKERD'S the class the ca- AUC Series freshman in same Jane Barnes," Carol Demson, 3:30 instead of 2:30 as previously Park and Chestnut Sts. pacity as AUC does with relation Joe (Continued from page 1) Dickson, Tom Duff, Dougall, stated. to the entire student body. Com- Sue budget item, but there are several Rachel Dunnington, Foertsch, that explanation. posed of twenty members of the Joan need ceive far exceeds the cost of stu- LAFAYETTE TAXI class, the cabinet will have almost Robert Miller, Dave Mitchell, Sue This year,as in the past, we have dent activities. There are bound to jurisdiction purchased SERVICE complete over freshman O'Connor, John Pickens, Tom one hundred season be gripes. We hope none of them activities, including the sponsoring tickets to the Meadville Civic Music PROMPT AND COURTEOUS Quiggle, Rita Roha, Mario Scibetta, are too serious and would welcome 24-HOUR SERVICE of dances and parties, intramural Association concerts. Any student hearing from any student at any making enforcing Phyllis Stewart, Kay Sutherland, 147 Chestnut Phone sports, and and who wishes may attend any or all time. St 43-211 dormitory regulations. A member Charles Wells, Skip Yahn, and of the concerts simply by showing of AUC will act as an adviser, to Robin Yost. his college activities ticket at the VITEX PROCESS IS assure that the cabinet remains door. THE EXCLUSIVE WITH The cabinet has undertaken, as within the rules and regulations set The grants to the Band, Alle- -tfV For Pickup and Free Delivery up by AUC, the faculty, and the ad- one of its first projects, guided gheny Singers and Sinfonietta a|^ I-g^- "ff\ ministration. tours of the Reis Library for fresh- are used exclusively for the pur- "" 24-041-893 Park Aye. At the first meeting Glenn Dun- men. The cabinet is working in Money goes * COMPANY chase of music. also to S**dV DRY CLEANEBS conjunction with the Library staff WAA for May Day and a women's A Gorgeous Display of to acquaint the membersof its class field day. Block A uses all of its Cocktail and Party Dresses with the facilities available in the grant and even some of its own library. There 'will■be two tours money for the Homecoming cider £>he a day from Monday through Friday, and doughnut party and senior ath- DRESS SHOP October 8 through 12, at 1:30 and letic awards. The grant to Philo- 211 Chestnut Street 2:30 p.m. Tours will start from the Franklin is used for sponsoring all Treasury Room, located on the west speech contests and activitiesinclud- balcony of the Octagon Room. ing the entire debate program. The college provides no money at all for All freshmen are urged to take ad- their grant The vantage of this opportunity and to activities. The to October Special averages assemble in the Treasury Room Campus ten cents an issue per student, all of which goes for about five minutes before the time Men's Sanforized Plaid printing costs. We will receive The set for the tour to begin. Kaldron this year for only $4.40 a Flannel Shirts copy, which, as we all are forced to realize is quite inexpensive for any $1.97 Kessler's Diner book. Each show put on by the Play- OPEN 24-HOURS A DAY shop costs only twenty-five cents to each of us; all of this is used for G. C. MURPHY COMPANY 163 PARK AVENUE costumes, scenery and equipment. On the whole, the value we re- HOMER— VERSIFIED: " " " * j^rNjY *\ an< vines with thirst on extra smartness in the flffl 7 \~| Jf/£\. N>AvAfc //7 midst a sea of waves'

*j 16 1 t^rst when Coca-Cola yy^^^^^-~-==^Ai -^-"f^^lllI P"

j"~^T BOTTIED UNDER AUTHORITY OF THE COCA-COIA COMPANY »V COCA-COLA BOTTLING COMPANY OF MEADVILLE © 1951, THE COCA-COLA COMPANY 6 CAMPUS OF ALLEGHENY COLLEGE-, Thursday; October 4, 1951 ■ Playshop Opens Movie Hokanson And Neurath IFC Rules Listed SHARTLE'S Series Sunday Night (Continued from page 1) To Give Sonata Recital STATIONERY STORE Gilbert and Sullivan's operetta, nities shall be considered rushing ter before 'being able to be pledged Mrs. MargTethe Hokanson and Appreciates Your Patronage and therefore illegal. by a fraternity. Dr. Herbert Neurath, both mem- the "Mikado", a technicolor movie Allegheny's depart- 949 Water Street Phone 20-241 rushing bers of music starring Kenny Baker and the b. That conversations on campus In case of infractions of ment, will present a recital of sona- regulations: D'Olye Carte Chorus, will open the between active fraternity members, ata music next Thursday evening, 1951-52 semester's film series in the pledges, or social members of any a. For the first offense any fra- October 11, at 8:15. fraternity and freshmen or new Playshop this Sunday evening at ternity involved shall have the No admission will be charged for transfer students shall not be con- number of men it may pledge the program, which will be as fol- TELEGRAPH SERVICE 8:00.. sidered as rushing. All other as- during the college year limited lows: CORSAGES Scheduled for the rest of the sociations shall ibe considered as to a maximum of 20% of the Sonata in C major (X.296)-- month are: October 14, "The Sev- rushing. number of active members in W. A. Mozart All Kinds of Cut Flowers Veil", starring organization during enth Ann Todd and c. The Red and White store lo- the the Sonata in D minor, op. 103b, 21, "Tight James Mason; October cated behind Brooks Hall on Park previous year, but not to ex- No. 1 Max Reger Island", featuring Basil Rad- pledges. Little Avenue shall be consideredas being ceed ten Sonata in F major, op. 57-. Hoffman Greenwood; ford and Joan October on the campus, and association by b. For a second offense, the fra- Antonin Dvorak 28, "My Man Godfrey", with Carol fraternity members, pledges, or ternity Qreenhouses involved shall lose its at any time, but other fraternity 819 S. Grant St. Phone 28-671 Lombard and William Powell. any fraternity any social members of right to pledge or initiate members and freshmen may not be fifty cents; or Student admission is with freshmen new transfer stu- new freshmen or transfer stu- included any suchassociation dis- "Fresh Flowers at Moderate Prices" permitted. in tickets will go on sale at 7:30. All dents will be dents for a period of one year cussion. will start at 8:00 p.m. or until the rushing period of films fraternity men not d. That shall the following year. visit the freshmanmen's dormitories or other places of residence for Special rules and regulations shall Part Time Jobs 1 freshmen or new transfer students be set up for rush week, which is Bring Your during period usually the first or second week of Registrar Robert has the entire of the first T. Sherman the second semester. The rules Laundry Problems To Us wishing semester. requested that all students shall be made up and enforced by part-time off-campus employment to c. Fraternities shall not use any SPECIAL Rates to COLLEGE STUDENTS the Inter-Fraternity Council. contact him as soon as possible, form of publicity or correspondence Any violations of the ru:;h week WE DELIVER ANYWHERE ON CAMPUS in order that they may fill out an designed to interest non-fraternity rules will carry the same penalties BUT DO NOT PICK UP application blank. men in any particular fraternity. to fraternity and freshmen or new 5. Any pledge of any fraternity transfer students as stated in the de- COCKTAIL DRESSES who depledges himself from a fra- ferred rushing plan. Roha's ternity will be permitted to pledge An amendment to the regulations FORMALS another fraternity after having wait- concerning men who have fresh- Half-HourBendixLaundry ed three weeks. After the second men who are brothers has been re- 832 North Cottage Street The Towne Shop depledging, however, the individual ported by Mowry: Blood brothers Market 962 Street must waituntil the following semes- may associate together off campus


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