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STRAND Tomorrow Only by GARDNER MACK ipf&ww '5ft sSEfiiwt W "T' , ";, . .! WfW THE WASHINGTON TBIES, SUNDAY, MAY 7, 1916. ,1 --L. featuring Knthcrlna Kaclrod and "Who Killed Blmon Halrd?" will be lilanche Sweet Is the featured player UcorRp Houlc Spencer. rrcsrntcd Monday, with Edna Wallace Antonio Moreno nnd Dorothy Kelly wit STARS OF THE PHOTOPLAY Charles J, ltoss, and Muriel Ho seen Monday In "Tho Supreme Temic D-2- ' This Week's Next Week's "Tho Hero it Submarine ," Is tho Cctnche fcaturod. tatlon. ' lltlo of th V. I H. E. photodramn. Mnclyn Arbucklo will be the star tklwin August nnd Orml Hawley wit foaturliu' Ch.iil ftichmen, which will Tur.Mloy In "Tho Hoform Candidate." bo thq stars Tuesday, In "Tho Socio.' Photoplays be ut Cnuiufill's Hnvoy Hin-da- y. otlmr features for the week are: HlKhwayman." Mary Johnston's fa Films son not Wednesday. Ethel Uifrrymore, In "The mous novel, "To Have and to Hold,' Waiicho Sweet will bo set-- next Kiss of Hate;" Thursday. Virginia will bo presented In fllm form Wednes- Monday In a plcturla,llon jf the l'carson, In "Hinting Loyej" Friday, day, with Mao Murray featured. CRANDALL'S. A number of attractive fenturo novel "Tho Sowers." "The Half Mil- Flank Losses, In "Tho Old Homestead;' Other attractions: Thursday. Mar Kitty Gordon, "the EngUh Lillian Dhotoolays will bo slven their first lion Drlbft." featurlnR Hamilton ncvcllo Saturday, House Peters and iiarbara Ruerlto Clark, In "Out of tho Drifts!" to- local showing weok, flnow, Is tho attraction Tennant, In "The Closed lload." Kr!rtay, Edna Wallace Hoppor, Charlei RusMlf." will be seen at CrAndall'i at Crandall's next nnd Manrriret noss, In Sunday will be scon Tucsdny. J. and Muriel Ostrlche. "Hi day, tomorrow, nnd Tuesday, In her Thcda Uara attain for week arc: Next week's attractions at Crandall's Whoso Hand?" Saturday, ilamlltos production Film In "The Eternal Sanho." In which sho Other feature for the Marxjuerlto latest from the World portrays the port of a sculptor's model, Wctlnesdny, Pauline Frederick lti "AMd. Apollo aro headed by tho Paramount Itevelle and Snow, In "Thr studios, "Her Matornal nicht." Tho Monday and Tuesday. Hobcrt Warwick ny," Thursday. House rotors.In "Tho production, "Tho Ulack Mat," In which Half Million lJrltc." op- Clo-- Krl.lny, Gernldln" Inr-- vehicle afforfis Miss Gordon ample wilt bo presented In tho Wurld Film Uotul:" Raturdiy. portunity to dlnplay an elaborate ward- Corporation's feature. "Hudden niches." rnr In "Tomptntlon," AMUSEMENTS AMUSEMENTS Mr. Warwick Is supported by Clara T.eonoro Ulilcli, In The Heart of robe. Whipple, Gcrda Holmes, and Mndto Paula." Miss Gordon portray the part of an Evsni. aotrcss who Is tho recipient of numer- Wednesday and Thursday thu feature Iou TcllcKen will be seen at Cran- young bank Is dall's Avenuo Grand next Sunday In ous expensive Rifts from a the Kox production, "Sinn of Men." story army life FRED. Q, clerlj. Sho finally casts him aside and In which Btttart Holmes and Dorothy "The Unknown," a of s. z. His wlf later Tternard take the principal roles. Tho In the desert- - ' BERGER, he marries another. Is "l.'y Whoso Hand?" tho World Film POLI, discovers that he had robbed his TsanK, attraction Fridnv and Haturdnv an on play, and, seeking-- out the former objoct of other World Film sublcct. "Tho Idols." mystery drama, founded tho Prop. BCsir. his affection, forces her to return the equivalent of the amount stolen from POU'S the bank. Theda Bara Is to be seen on Wed- AMUSEMENTS AMUSEMENTS 'I1 nesday, Thursday, and Ftlday In tho A SUBLIME, SCENIC AND DRA- vox leature, "Tne Kicram onpno. PRODUCTION OF OOETHBTA tmiurasy uiara Kinjomi wlU MATIC 1)0 seen again In "Tho Feast of"! Ife." 15c Prices Sundays and HolldaysISo IMMORTAL POEM. ; SAVOY. 10 A.M. 6 P.M. Woman," a V. 1 B. B. .fIho Hunted TO 11 production featuring Virginia Pearson 6 P.M. BSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSJBHfSJBSQBBBHf.BBSM and B. Rankin Drew, wilt be shown at BBBBBBBBBBBSBBBBBSwTfrjHPV;sBBP Crandall's Savoy today. Tomorrow John Barrymore will be GARDEN ssssssssssssBsssssssssssV'isPW scon In the Paramount production, "Tho 10c Lost Bridegroom." Ethel Uarrymoro will be the star Tuesday In the Metro BBBBBBsi9BBBBBBpM9Br!l production, "The Kiss of Hate." TO0AY-MONDAYTUES- IA.Y u Wednesday's attraction la the Para- mount subject, "The Saleslady," featuri- ng: Harel DawnEdwin August, and Orml Hawley, will be seen Thursday In BBBBBBBBBBBBV'' .? ! X item "The Social Highwayman," a World WITH film production. BILLIE Mary Plckford appears Friday In "The A. H. VAN IUREN Foundling-.- and Pauline Frederick will be fiten Saturday In "Audrey." Grr&ncCsJ& vbsbbbbV. ' JbbbbLLbBv As "MEPHISTO" - "YTfBjHjsW ?SBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBH T GRAND. BBBBBBBBBSW MUM AVENUE Wonderful electrloiaad aeealo af- Marguerite) Clark Is to be seen at fects. Crandall's Avenue Grand today In "Tho BURKE sbbbbbbbbbbW WJm Ptlnce and the Pauper." This Is a 4l UHbBBBBBBBBBBBbI The meat costly prodsctlta of MlmUatlon of Mark' TWaln's famous the seasoB. story. Miss Clark Is to be seen In both I- N- rotes. saBBBBBBBBBBLCr'' .jaBBBBBBBBBBB DilLY(,Mo;X)25c-EVENIN- Tomorrow's attraction will be. the MATINEE GS, 25 c, 500,750 sV'' saBBBBBBBBBl Knultable productlsn, "The Shadow of I I Doubt." featuring; Carlyle Blackwell. tHsH '""f' .SHsVHsi GLORIAS Tuesday's feature Is tho Patho subject, :;U-fl- NEXT WEEK L?X?.mtte BACK HOME "A Woman's Law," In which Florence B P I ' 'MBP'SMiriv. Heed enacts the principal role. f xmmmm2ev Mary Miles Mlnter will bo, seen on f'!Wy aaaWvyxA. V" e P-- , ROMANCE weancsaay in L.ovciy Mary." mW:, 1H Other attractions for the week are: v iwP Prescntiap; the flvv BY-- MR. Thursday, William Farnum and Dorothy World's Foremost Bernard, in "A. Man. or sorrow I'viri' Photo-Play- s LOEWS day. Marguerite Clark. In "Stl rVa AND MRS. teri" Saturday, Edwin August, In "The The' Most Select social iiignwayman." 1 RUPERT HUGHES Following In the COLUMBIA If.&fiB Highest Paid Artist City of Washington APOLLO. ' 1KT aaav'v- JfsWTr"f '? aaal Continuous 10:30 A.M. to II P.M. Anna Hold, the celebrated French ac- i. In the World Jr Sunday Continuous 3 P. M. to (0:30 P. M. Program Changed Sundays and Thursdays tress, Is to be seen at Crandall's Apollo neaday In-- Eugene Walter's "The Trail today In "Madame La Prealdcnte," a of the Lonesomo Pine." Other features product of the Oliver Morosco studios. for the week are: Thursday, Florence lira Million Dollar TOPAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY Frltzl Brunette will be 'presented to- Heed, In "He Fell In Love With His Film-Pla- y Story Wife;" Friday. Carlyle Blackwell In ocRSo America's Foremost Artiste of Stage and Screen morrow In V. S. E, tho 'L, feafure, "Tho Shadow of Doubt;" Saturday. "Unto Those Who Sin." Tuesday'a fea- Ethel Barrymoro In 'Tha Kiss of AmA'.-psyLovm- osin 2 ROBERT "BIG JIM GARRlTY" ture., la the World production, "Human Hate." NO. EDES0N in QERALDINE Driftwood." In which Ilobert Warwick FARRAR and Frances Nelson portray the prin- Supported by Wallace Reid cipal roles. 6 P.M. be seen Wed- - AMUSEMENTS Charlotte Walker will AMUSEMENTS TO 11 "MARIA ROSA" MiillKS llMfBWBIifBilCB'ltB'l'sllalliEslffiBrj'BlB'SBCKmEBllieBMBEl A Greater Picture Than "Carmen" More Interesting TODAYS BEST FILMS 1 THIS WEEK THE .Presenting on Its "Temptation." Stage at All Times Than ' STRAND Tomorrow Only By GARDNER MACK. the Foremost THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY Night Only BELASCO Foreign and Native At- - Japan's Greatest Histrionic Artist Loew's Columbia. Twelfth and F Artists and TODAY , streets Geraldlne Farrar In "Maria 50,75, $l,$ljtt,$2 WtriuMtirt fkikMH Bentifil tractions. 4 MARY Wllh FRANK KECNAN In (Paramount-Lasky- ). Rosa" MON. Casino.- E! near Seventh street Anna SOME GIRLS! ' SOME BOYS! SOME SHOW! SESSUE HAYAKAWA Pavlowa In "Tho Dumb Girl of BOLAND Portlcl" (Universal). Most Talented .Organisation In the World. I TUES. SteppingStone Etrand, Ninth and D streets Mary In "ALIEN SOULS" Boland and Frank Kecnan In This Jap Artist Will Be Remembered for the Sensation "Stepping Stones" (Triaiulc). THE MASK AND WIG CLUB N0.2 CHESTER CONKLIN in "Dash of Grange" Garden. 423 Ninth street-Bll- Ile Burke He Caused in "The Cheat" In "Gloria's nomance," by Mr. and PENNSYLVANIA Mrs. Rupert Hughes, first Install- UNIVEnSITY OP ment (Kleine). IMIESENTS GRAND PIPE ORGAN - SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA Crandall's, Ninth nnd E streets-Ki- tty Oorden In "Her Maternal tfWHOA-PHOEB- E" Right" (Equltahle). WASHINGTON, FLORIDA AVE AND 15TH ST. N. Ft, Apollo, 621 H street northeast Anna A Maslcal TRAVESTY IN Tito Acta 2 DAYS ONLY. MONDAY TUESDAY MAY 8. I KVld In "Mndimu l.a Prealdcnte" For 28 Years the Mask and Wig Club Has Annually Presented the 9 (Paramount-Morosco- ). Best College Amateur Performances In America. Savoy, Fourteenth Colum- Whoa-Phoeb- street and e! la the Greatest Success, of Th&m All. New Music, bia road Virginia Pearson In "The Costumes, New Dances, Incomparable Hunted Woman" (V. L. S. Sen Girls and the Enthusiasm EF. of Youth. KEITM GREATEST SHOW ON EARTH Twl Dally awsl 8nnJay. Mali., 25c. Evts., 25a t $1. Bay TeMay. Avenue Grand, 645 Pennsylvania O. W. University Offers SOL 8. OLUCK In avenue Marguerite Clark In "Tho TUESDAY Beglnnlns Tomorrow Matlned and Ending: Next Sunday Night, Prince and the Pauper" (Paramou- NIGHT aw&K'u' "DISRAELI" THE LATEST MUSICAL KAVTA9Y TO FASCISTATE DnOADAVAY, nt-Famous Players). BBNBFIT O. W. UNIVERSITY HOflPPrAU M! Circle, 2105 Pennsylvania avenue-Fran-cis Bushman and Bryant Washburn In "Under Royal Pa- Wed. Sat. Bert Kalmar and Jessie Brown tronage" (V. L. S. Thurs.Fri. &: IT S4oSs J BBBBBsl BSM O Jk. " HI LrV Penn Gardens, Twenty-fir- st street Willi "Old Slother Hnbhard," H -- HWt wylvnvla avenu 'Nursery-Lan- d "Jill," "I.tttle Hoy Blue," mm V and Jessie 5M.,,y 1 BarriscaiePl In "Tho Last Act" (Tri- rs uo-rec- Etc.
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