Influences of Hibernaculum Microenvironment on the Winter Life History of the Garter Snake (Thamn0ph1s Sirtalis)1

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Influences of Hibernaculum Microenvironment on the Winter Life History of the Garter Snake (Thamn0ph1s Sirtalis)1 OhioJ. Science RECYCLE: COMPUTER PLANNING MODEL 199 INFLUENCES OF HIBERNACULUM MICROENVIRONMENT ON THE WINTER LIFE HISTORY OF THE GARTER SNAKE (THAMN0PH1S SIRTALIS)1 JON P. COSTANZO, Department of Zoology, Miami University, Oxford, OH 45056 ABSTRACT. A communal hibernaculum in Portage County, Wisconsin, which was studied from 1981-1984, served as a winter refuge for 200 to 300 garter snakes (Thamnophis sirtalis). The den was an abandoned cylindrical cistern (about 100 cm diameter X 245 cm deep) constructed of stacked fieldstone in predominantly porous soils. Garter snakes approaching the den in October exhibited "trailing" behavior. This observation, coupled with significant differential arrival timing of small and larger snakes, supports the previously established contention that pheromone trails from conspecifics are important in den relocation. The hiber- nation period lasted from October to early April. During this time, the snakes were submerged in acidic (pH 5.5— 6.0), hypoxic (dissolved oxygen=2.9 ppm) well water. Sustained winter submergence provided a stable thermal regime, allowed the occupation of preferred thermal microsites, and prevented dehydration. The den depth-temperature gradient followed a pronounced, seasonally dependent cycle that was correlated with entrance and emergence behaviors and may have served as a stimulus for the onset and termination of dormancy. A cold temperature, anti-predator, defense behavior was demonstrated by newly emerged snakes and was characterized by cloacal elimination, dorso-ventral compression of the body, and mouth-gaping. OHIO J. SCI. 86 (5): 199-204, 1986 INTRODUCTION Gregory 1982) have been identified, little is known Hibernation is an important feature of the life histories about the internal physical structure and seasonal varia- of reptiles inhabiting regions that experience seasonal tion in microclimate within these dens. These data are prolonged cold conditions and decreased food avail- scarce principally because many dens are inaccessible ability. The physiological, ecological, and demographic to investigators, too large or diffuse for intensive study, implications of reptilian hibernation have been the focus or destroyed by excavation upon discovery. The den de- of numerous field and laboratory investigations. Gregory scribed in this study provided a unique opportunity to (1982) has recently summarized this literature. examine relationships between some winter life-history Hibernating snakes inevitably must select sub- aspects of a temperate-region reptile and its physical terranean dens that offer protection from predators and microenvironment. damaging temperatures. The maintenance of total METHODS AND MATERIALS darkness (Aleksiuk 1976) and availability of moisture The study was carried out during 1981-1984 at a communal snake (Gilles-Baillien 1974) may be conditions important to hibernaculum in Portage County (44°N, 90°W), Wisconsin. Garter overwintering success. Although a number of snake snakes {Thamnophis sirtalis) approaching the den site were collected hibernacula (e.g. loose soil, cover objects, animal in October, 1981 with a nylon screen drift fence (63 cm high) cir- cumscribing the den opening and with wire funnel traps. Beginning structures, rock crevices, abandoned human structures; in late September, captured snakes were measured for snout-vent length (SVL) and marked prior to release inside the fence. These Manuscript received 28 March 1986 and in revised form 25 August animals were subsequently recaptured inside the fence, recorded, and 1986 (#86-19). allowed to disperse from the den site after emerging in April. Snakes 200 J. P. COSTANZO Vol. 86 captured at other times (October, 1982, 1983; April, 1983, 1984) rodent wounds along the dorsum, no definite deter- were collected by hand, measured for SVL, weighed, and sexed by mination of the cause of death could be made. Non- hemipenal eversion. Measurements of ambient air temperature were made with fatal rodent wounds were also observed on several newly maximum-minimum thermometers placed 1 m above the den emerged snakes. during late September, 1981. Precipitation data were obtained from Thermal gradients in the den, recorded at different a weather station at the University of Wisconsin, (Stevens Point, times over the course of several days, showed that shal- Wisconsin) 18 km from the den site. lower regions experienced greater thermal fluctuations Temperatures within the hibernaculum were measured on eight occasions (April, August, September, October, November, and than deeper areas. Surface-to-bottom temperature differ- December) in 1983 and twice (March and April) in 1984 with a ences were greatest during the summer, particularly in telethermometer (Yellow Springs Instrument Co., Model 44TD). August (Fig. 1). Temperatures nearest the den opening Gradient measurements were taken in the center of the hibernaculum fluctuated most rapidly in all seasons, and closely tracked at 20-cm depth intervals from the ground surface. Relative humidity was measured in a similar manner with a portable psychrometer changes in ambient temperature. Temperatures deeper (Psyctron, Model 566). inside the well were generally more stable. For example, Cloacal temperatures of newly emerged garter snakes were mea- den surface temperatures on 13 August (26.5°C) and 14 sured in April, 1983 and 1984 with the telethermometer and a rectal September (16.2°C), 1983 varied by 10.3°C; yet the dif- thermistor probe. Insertion of the probe required minimal handling ference at 120 cm was only 1.2°C. Temperatures of the animal. The pH of water in the hibernaculum was measured in April, 1983 (12.3°Q at the bottom of the well were identical. with a Hach pH Kit (Hach Chemical Co., Ames, Iowa). Dissolved Cooling of the den in autumn, 1983 was dependent oxygen was measured in April, 1983 and 1984 with the Winkler upon prevailing air and substrate temperatures and was method (Anonymous, 1978). characterized by a gradual decrease in upper well tem- peratures. After cooling, the den became approximately RESULTS isothermal at about 7°C (Fig. 1). Additional cooling of The hibernaculum was located in a small (1.0 ha), the upper well occurred in November. Subsequently, the upland (352 m elevation) woodlot that was bounded on well bottom represented the warmest portion of the den. three sides by agricultural fields. Remnants of the stone Upper well temperatures presumably remained low foundation of a barn and farmhouse prevented this area (freezing or below) throughout the winter. In April, tem- from being tilled. Vegetation in the woodlot was domi- peratures in the upper well region were again elevated nated by mature box elder (Acer negundo) and black cherry above well bottom temperatures (Fig. 2) owing to the (Prunus serotina) trees; small openings contained black- warming of air and substrate. berry (Rubus spp.) thickets. A dense growth of grasses Temperatures in north, east, and southwest wall crev- bordered the woodlot on all sides. ices were measured once at 20-cm intervals from the The hibernaculum was a small, cylindrical cistern of ground surface on 4 April, 1983 (Fig. 3). East and south- varying diameter (90-109 cm) and 245 cm deep. The west wall crevice temperatures were warmer (0.1-0.8°C) walls, which were loosely constructed of stacked field- than those on the north wall at all but one level. Prefer- stone, averaged 46.4 cm in thickness, creating a calcu- ence by T. sirtalis for these slightly warmer microsites lated total wall volume of 4.9 m3. Approximately 10 to was not apparent; the snakes appeared to be distributed 15% of this volume was crevice space, and was thus laterally in a random arrangement. usable by hibernating snakes. The opening at the surface Relative humidity (78%, April, 1983; 83%, Sep- was bordered by a concrete collar (5 cm thick). A flat, tember, 1983) inside the well was considerably higher metal sheet covered the opening and prevented precip- than ambient each time it was measured . On these dates, itation from entering the well directly. It also excluded humidity subjacent to the metal cover was 16 and 21% most incident light. Openings in the vegetation and a higher than just above it and increased with depth to slight slope exposed the well to the southwest sky. The soil adjacent to the den appeared to be well- drained; borings produced 15 cm of sandy loam over- 14 Oct.* 27 Oct. 14 Sept. 1 Oct. 13 Aug. lying well-defined gravel and sand strata (11 cm and 2 Apr. 31 cm, respectively). An impenetrable rock layer at 58 cm prevented further boring. Water depths in the well followed a pronounced sea- sonal cycle. Maximal depths were attained in April (1983, 123 cm; 1984, 152 cm) owing to snowmelt and ) precipitation. The water level receded during June, and (cm the well remained dry until autumn. In October, 1983, h water (depth = 43 cm) was present in the well at the time of snake entrance. Subsequent precipitation con- Dept sisted largely of snow; thus little additional filling of the well occurred during winter. Well-water during April was cold (1.8°C), acidic (pH 5.5-6.0), and contained little dissolved oxy- gen (2.9 ppm). Although clear when undisturbed, the 8 12 16 20 24 28 water was odoriferous owing to the decomposition of Temperature (C) snake carcasses. Winter mortality was slight, however; FIGURE 1. Depth-temperature curves recorded within the hiber- only three dead snakes were found in the well dur- naculum during 1983- The date of snake entrance is indicated by the ing 1981-1984. Although one of these had multiple star. Horizontal lines indicate water surface at sample time. Ohio J. Science GARTER SNAKES LIFE-HISTORY ASPECTS 201 not possible. However, many garter snakes observed in and around the den during the autumn of 1982 had ventral scutes marked the previous year. At least one garter snake bearing the 1981 mark was observed in the den during October 1983. ) Arrival of garter snakes at the den site peaked in Octo- (cm ber, although the actual date varied annually (1981, early h October; 1982, mid-October; 1983, late October).
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