ORNSTEIN Oregon Composer, Katherine Glen
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10 TIIE SUNDAY OKERONIAN, PORTLAND. MAY 2, 1920 condition. I earned my own way Franklin High school: Oddfellows' there in every respect and lived on 101st anniversary, public auditorium. the small salary" I got, even if I had Miss Harper has been appointed di often to go without my meals, as I rector of the East Side Christian I did." church orchestra. SEVENTH ANNUAL PLEASES. John McCormack, the celebrated tenor, plans to sing in the Exposition HANDS' piano OF The seventh annual and violin THE recital by students of Nita Brlggs auditorium, San Francisco, in June, Clifford and Arthur Ll Clifford, as- previous to his contemplated concert BrJos:pn Harry-Henderso- n, tour around the world. ; Edited yeQUEEN'' S sisted by Bernarda If'"' v v soprano, took place in Lincoln high Howard. Barlow, once chorus direct- has been a pleasure to his many school auditorium last Wednesday or at Reed college, and who has been night, and was largely attended and engaged ITPortland friends to know that a thoroughly enjoyable musical event. ' of late in the larger music Parish Williams, the concert bari- The participants included: Gladys world in and around New York, tone of city, made plans to arrive in this city about June this such a hit Kinnear, Edwin Swanson, Carol 1 to pass three months in vacation when recently he appeared In his de- Keeler, Ruth Headrick, Veldee Flem- and rest. but recital in New York city. It will ing, Lyle Keeler. Iola Kelley, Alice be a privilege to Mr. Schultz, Marguerite Tyler, Margaret hear Williams in Mains, Juanita Melton, Ethel Caufield, Dr. Z. M. Parvin presented several concert in the Heilig theater Wednes- Harold Kelley, Earl Peters, Alice music students in recital last Wednes- day night. May 5, with J. R. Hutchi- Freauf, Quintin Davis. Evelyn Kelley, day night, in the Tilford building, son as piano accompanist, and under Lucille Linn, Julia Groo, Mary Sulli- and the young people showed pro- auspices 'of the MacDowell club. van. Margarite Schulpius, Agnes ficiency- in thelx studies. Those par- Den-ne- y, ticipating were: Fanny Brownsteln, Mr. Williams gained his first music Peters, Lyle Clare, Kenneth Jerome McGullis, Lillian Haas, Ella successes Cali- Marion Fedder, Fred Law, in his native state of Bernice McMullen, E. J. Nelson Nitzor, Mrs. Lucas, Albert Snyder and fornia, to which he has now added and Earl Zell. One of the pleasant Miss Irene Ware. cordial laudation from New York was music feature of the occasion Miss Dorothy Lewis, mezzo-contralt- o audiences. He Cour-sen-Ree- has included in his the excellent playing of a students' and former student of Rose d, Portland programme some of the orchestra, directed by A. L. Clifford. Sunday 800 returned last from LMnMMQnMaMManWaMnaniaManLanJL numbers for which he received, spe- The audience numbered about Chicago, having finished a successful mini amrw n i i people, and there were many requests season on cial encomiums in New York. Mr. music numbers, solos theatrical circuits. Miss Williams is an ideal programme for extra all the Lewis will pass the summer at the rendered being memorized. In a prac- home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. maker, one of the joys of his singing tice contest of two months' duration. H. L. Lewis, 1702 Division street. lying in his splendid discrimination two violin and two piano students and fine appreciation for the best in were awarded prizes Mary Sullivan At Sunnyside Methodist Episcopal music, and his sincerity in presenting and Gladys Kinnear. piano, and Alice church tonight an attractive and spe- the same. Of interest to Portland Freauf and Earl Zell," violin. The stu- cial musical programme will be ren- people will be the two songs by the dents .presented Mrs. Clifford with a dered by several talented blind mu- LEO ORNSTEIN Oregon composer, Katherine Glen. bouquet of carnations. Mrs. Hender- sicians of the " Pacific northwest. The programme: son, a student with Mrs. Rose Cour-se- n Among those who will participate are: 'Amarilli, mia bella" (Caccini); k K f t "l Reed, sang with excellent effect. Miss Marguerite Carney, soprano, and "'Dance Song" (Handel); "In Memo-riam- ," 'ill LThe ushers were: George Bingham, F. F. Theroux, violinist, who is well This gleat artist appeared for one evening, an ancient Hebrew melody T. Walter Gillard, Charles Smith. known on the concert stage. This (Silberta); "II Pleut des petales de Herbert Smith, Earl Trembley and concert is free to the public. on which he gave remarkable concert fleurs" (Baton) ; "Le Voyageur" (God-dard- ); Rex Henderson. that "La Pluie" (Georges): "Roses The music rendered at a recent or Kunebres" (Sibelius); "Som Stjarnan OREGON MUSIC LIKED. chestral concert in the California the-- , at the Auditorium before a company of Uppa Himmelen So Klar" and 'Vi In a programme of her own music ater, San Francisco, included: "Pomp Ska! Sulla te en Roliger Dans" (Arr. Oregon," and Circumstance" (Elgert): "Air for compositions, "all made in (Bach-Wilhel- invited who only heard the by Hags); "Bachanal" (Arr. by Dahl) ; G String" : Ippolitow-Ivanow- 's guests, not "Jon-soksna- Mrs. Carlln DeWitt Joslyn of this Cha-brier- "Livet Har Skilt as" (Bendix); t" city was presented in recital before "Caucasian Sketches," 's (Grieg); five numbers, by "Espana Rhapsody," Czibul-ka'- s living pianist, but heard Ornstein as their request. 'Drink To Me Only" (Old large audience last Tuesday night "Love's Dream After the Ball," (Mol-loy- ): In the Central library, before the Schu Knglish); "The Kerry Dance" and Goldmark's "Sappho." Eddie great-grandchildr- en "Live Can Die" and "Barcarolle" mann society and under the direction Horton. organist, played "Meditation" grandchildren and (Katherine Glrn); "To the Spring" of Roy Marion Wheeler. from "Thais." Mrs. H. 11. A. Beach). Mrs. Joslyn was assisted in the ren- will him, long after age shall have dition of her programme by Mrs. San Tonight 7:30' o'clock in Cen- hear .Tuel Crawford, mezzo-sopran- o: Miss at the A.WIAI. MKliTIXi, TOMORROW. Margaret Owings. violinist; Edwin tral Presbyterian church, the choir, The Monday meet J. William Belcher, director, will re- robbed those fingers of their dexterity. Musical club will Tsham, Mrs. Edith Barber and Roy peat Dubois' in the crystal room of th Benson Marion Wheeler, pianists, of whom "Seven Last Words of hotel noon tomorrow, when the all Christ." This cantata was sung Palm at showed marked music excellence in Sunday so many people event will open with a luncheon for performance numbers. night, when of their various were to get . in members, guests of the club, and any Mrs. Joelyn's compositions are decid- unable seats the one interested in the musical progress church. Mr. Belcher has had so many THEIR WONDERFUL TOUCH edly creditable to her, and have pleas- requests that he to re- of Portland. Miss Marie Chapman, 2T-i''on- ant, originality to commend has consented violinist, will appear, and reports of ' tuneful peat the cantata tonight. incredible speed, jljg them. She has a clear, good singing . the the titanic power officers and chairmen of the various voice. A chorus made up from members departments and standing committees All the programme was rendered of the Crescendo club. Treble Clef and the exquisite delicacy have been will be read. William K. Woodward from memory and the numbers were: club and Tuesday club will render will speak on the work and objects of - Song, "Our Old Flag of Glory." audi- four numbers at the musicale to be the community service in Portland. - .PEgacr- . ence; May jS-rv- itZ piano, "Marche Militaire," Virgil given before the Women's club. The regular annual business meeting TWO MUSIC PEOPLE ACTIVE'"IIi Edwin Isham; song, "Music, Thy 14, will be held, with the election of of- fW. rt,w?y waltz under direction of Mrs. Rose PRESERVED BY THE AMPICO IN CURRENT EVENTS. Coursen-Ree- d. ficers for the ensuing year the order Power Is Love." Mrs. Carlln De Witt Among these num- of the day. Those wishing to attend Parish Williams, baritone, Joslyn; piano, (a) "Sunshine and bers will be Grieg's "To the Spring" for future generations music lovers. shouM phone to Mrs. J. E. Bonbright, will be presented by the Mac- Flowers." (b) "Southern Breezes," and Caesar Franck's "Processional." of Mrs. R. F. Keemster, Mrs. J. F. Kin- Dowell club in concert. Heilig Mrs. Edith Barber; song. "Angels His der or Mrs. W. R. Jamieson. Mrs. theater, Wednesday night. If Safe Watch Keep," Mrs. San Juel An interesting recital is being pre- Anton Giebisch, the retiring president, Robert Louis Barron, violin- Crawford and Miss Marguerite Ow- pared by the piano department of the If you were not present at this remarkable comparison of will preside. ist, appears in recital. Mult- ings, violin obligato; violin, "Reverie, Valair Conservatoire de Musique et Tile piano department. nomah hotel auditorium, 8:15 Intermezzo," Miss Owings; song, Art Dramatique. Nine students from the work of the living Ornstein and the reproduction of analytical P. M. Tuesday. "Love's Vfay," Mrs. Joslyn; piano, the intermediate grades will take Iueien E. Becker, director, will meet show- at S P. M., Thursday, May 20, in the "Two Montana Sketches," transcrip- part in solo and ensemble work, his playing by scientific means, come to our 7th floor and club rooms, 148 Thirteenth street. The In.' il tions by Roy Marion Wheeler, Mr. ing the various stages of develop- grown Wheeler; song, "Good-Bye,- " Mrs,. ment. The date of this recital is, 8:15 hear Ornstein as he played on evening, by means of club's string department has so cert violinist, and he made successful M., Sunday, May 9, in conserv- that and developed, under the able leader- concert appearances in the east, on Joslyn.