Leader liewmpaper* r- N Jv THURSDAY, NOVEMBER l», M»7-J*

ByPAULPEYJON "The problem of the letter of have, to wait .until after they'have What started out as a simple letter • recommendation is a .difficult one," started college before realizing they to the ,. editor of the student said Kenney. "It is not monitored by didn't get what they should have newspaper at Jonathan Dayton anysegmentoftheschool." . had," said Donaldson.. Regional High' School from a One recommendation to solve the disgruntled student has resulted in a possible discontentment of a Tom Long, spokesman for' the great deal of concern, about the student, Kenney said, would be to regional district, said surveys are district's guidance departments by 'get students to approach guidance sent to graduates of the four regional the Regional Boardof Education. counselors and other staff, members high schools one year and five years At the board's Tuesday meeting In when they have a problem, whether after they have graduated. Berkeley Heights, Dr. Frank it be personal or dealing with school. Melvin Altaian, a board member, Kenney, director of pupil services, said while his daughter has had a said following publication of the "Somehow we have got to get the good experience with her counselor, letter blasting Dayton's' guidance youngsters to learn bow, to solve he knows of complaints from other department. that be met with a problems'and not just sit back and students about the counseling random selection of six students- complain about them," said Kenney. department. He said his daughter from different counselors at Dayton. Kenney said'his office door "is recently had a "hen party" attended His findings relayed that the letter, always open" for any student who by members of the tennis team. written by' an anonymous senior, would like to talk with him. j, was not the general consensus of the One board-member who said he. ' "Some of the complaints on student body. .'..•'.' . . believed the student counseling guidance were that some of the "The students reinforced what I services were not up to par was guidance counselors push a par- Harold Donaldson. ticular school regardless of whether would have said myself which was-, it is what the student is looking for," FROM that for some reason this letter was ' "All is not well in this particular saidAltman. ' .'" written by an individual who was area. I don't think'we are doing all discontented. This discontentment, that we could be doing in this area," Board president Natlie Waldt ' however,, should not be assumed referred, the matter of guidance 1 said Donaldson. Donaldson said beyond this letter,' said Kenney. student surveys completed at the counseling to the board's Student Board member Robert Kostal said end of the school year on teachers Affairs Committee. The com- he had heard there was a problem and administrations have indicated mittee's chairman is Margret Hough regarding faculty letters of "that guidance people get very low and Includes Harold Donaldson and OBSERVANCE - Members of VFW, Battle HIM Post 7883, brave theTlnseasonably -Virginia Muskus— ———r— ACTION frigid weather last Wednesday to observe Veterans Day. X - recommendation_Jor . students .marks."- .-- —- — — Kenney said students sometimes do. "What you just came up with Long said the.senior's letter ap- not bring the form letter to the staff interviewing six who said 'oh peared hi the November isuue of the member in time for, this person to everthing's' great,' "may not be school: paper. The newspaper la write Urajetter by the assigned totally correct because they don't- pr dftldlh yets brave weather for rites deadline know right now. The students may school year. ! - 14 Point Winter Safety Check ByJQHNAGAVIN about the special day Now a retired engineer with r "JJ?J Chming winds, drizzling sleet and flurrying snow did AT&T, Belrne said, that the day has a special meaning it little,, to,,diunpen the spirits of local veterans of freedom..' Wl«t^i^ brought to you by courtesy of 1 Pacific ( IWarJ _._ _.? and 46 of Don Fugate ACTION JEEP/EAGLE & •and presented a> Uye. a ;the Springfleld/Union •^JJfM" "JJront of too , . In-irddtti^tothe World War JI __ jpeplayeritam veterans, the o^jan|MUon also has members who '-fc-v/ Allen Engine Analyzer participated in the served during the Korean conflict and the Vietnam War In fflct, Beirne said that the oldest member of his the Springfield Town Hall Square has post is a veteran of aipolice action taken in Nicaragua 1 "Veterans Square" during November in In 1933 1 veterans Tbatproclamation was, made In addition to ceremonies on Veterans Day, Beirne j> Committee members at a recent meeting said that his post has similar services on Memorial For members of the local VFW, however, that Day and will be holding a special observance on Dec 7 Saturday, Nov. 21st. By appointment only tribute had a special meaning Having a special day to hi commemoration of the veterans Who died in the commemorate what they did In defense of their attack on Pearl Harbor country was a special honor However, between those times, VFW members still , Martin Ptascavage, vice commander of the local have plenty to do For example, Pascavage said that OonYgef qat/g/?f/n the cold VFW, said, "Veterans Day means freedom to this members frequently visit sick and shut-in veterans at county. And I hope that ou> children don't have to go Lyons VA Hospital. In fact, some of the veterans who — TAX MOBILE—The State of New Jersey Division of Taxation 'Tax Mobile' paid a Call now 686-6566 ask for Don Fugate or George Paella back toflgfat for their freedom like we did " braved last Wednesday's snow and ice still were not visit to Springfield.last week. Setting up shop are Oliver Coleman, supervisor of {Pascayage, a retired postal worker, served with the finished with the observance after the memorial field groups; left, Raymond Magllacanb, an Investigator; and Martha AAeneses, a I ~" ~" ^during World War II as a sailor with the Coast 'service Some dutifully got into their automobiles and clerk. The Van was parked at a Route 22 shopping center last Thursday and Friday Refreshments will be served i, f, s L fascayage, 72, now lives' in Union and actively drove to Cranford to present flags to the veterans and staff members were.ayallable to answer taxpayers' questions about tax am- IpBtes in various VFW functions He has been a living at the Cranford Nursing Home ..nesty, which ends Dec. 8. •'...: •..'.'•."••'•' .!. ' ' . t of tbcYeterans organization for 20 years "We want to give flags to those vets, too," said CALL NOW 686-6566 t Commander Tom Beirne echoed those feelings Beirne, "so they are not forgotten on this day " AH AMC/JEEP/RENAULT Products Children's Safety Workshop set By JOHN A. GAVIN : strucBonaTEboths to advise parents those same . realities to- the What would you do if for some, and their children on safety. While youngsters, ' . , reason your child was missing and at the workshop, children will be "There will be some fun things, you didn't know where to look?' issued a social security number and too," says Black, but he adds that Would you be able to give police a a laminated identification card. In everythhig will have a 'special comprehensive description of your addition, children, will be finger- meaning. ':. child and would those details be printed and have their teeth X-rayed Black says' that a similar useful In other localities?. Or have for comprehensive.' identification workshop was held at the school "a you; .ever thought about what you '"p': ';: '' ' '"'' couple of years ago and that the Would do if your child swallowed a "The end result will be an ID for response was great." He says that. harmful substance? Would you call your kid," adds Black. "That cer- members of the PTA Safety Com-;. the police, the first aid squad or try tainly is needed in case there is an mittee have worked hard to have a . to administer some type of remedy, 'I I ; abduction and a child is missing." . similar turnout this year. He expects yourself during those initial Although many of the exhibits are students and parents not just from. : UNION, NJ moments?-. . . geared to explain the; cold realities Springfield but the whole immediate • Answers.to those questlons-and—facing parents today — pedestrian area to attend. '..'•' many 'more will' be given on safety, domestic safety, child ab- "The PTA has really done a , Saturday at "Feeling Good .— a duction —there also Will be puppet terrific job In terms of getting Safety Workshop," which will be snows and slide displays to explain everyone here," Black says. held at the James Caldwell Elementary School gymnasium. The .} <•, 'WINNERS of the Pood Day Contest at the Gaudlneer School prepare to take food' workshop, which Is sponsored by the - - pins collected to the Community Food Bank of New Jersey ahd the St. Joseph CaldweU PTA Safety Committee, Newspapers have early deadline -, < $$clal Center In Elizabeth. ' will be held from 1 to 4 p!m. Parents All newspapers in the County Leader Newspapers group will be published > of children of all age groups are on Wednesday, Nov. 25, because of the thanksgiving Day holiday. All news encourage^ to attend the program. Items for that issue, including letters to the editor, must be in our Union- Also, parents of chlldrefl who attend office by noon tomorrow. .'••"... ;'; ." : ' ':". • '-.. •,.•:•.,••'';'' private and parochial schools are All offices of County Leader Newspapers will be closed on Thanksgiving Students collect food for needy invited to attend. All children must Day, Nov. 25, and on Nov. J6. News items and letters for the issue of Dec. 3 From left, i in the photo above/are Rachel serving uv>community'. Inladdition, students were be accompanied by a parent, it was muat be In our Union off Ice by 9 a.m. Nov. 30 in order to be considered for J "-- • ~ ' givenjVormatioii *««v3a food" distribution publication. OfnceawlllreopenonNov.30at9a.m. • ; an among, ttte\» program and a tour of the CtcJUty "Students need "I think it's a parent awareness , tUneei' Middle School •to understand the scope of hunger Worldwide and and education kind of program," who viWtedtba Food Banltttf New Jersey and the In. New Jersey," said Murphy "Schools that says. Dr. Robert Black, the principal St. 'Joseph Soclid Center in EUtabeth as the top provide hands-on experience and actual ways to at the Caldwell Schooi,1 "•""'• • In Focus ' tfaTcflSSSt aimed Ht collectin| food?* the heh>are benefiting not Just (he needy but are Business directory. . Pages 34-M of New Jersey. oVeraU, the students at helping themselves by building responsible citizens Calendar ...,,..., ..... Pages for the future." ' County news ..... Pages * " ' ' ft«W« rEditril .,.. Page* Classified...... i Pages UW» The ,81, Jc^/Sc^aljgtator in Elisabeth Crossword punle . P jnurpoy, m Obituaries .'..> ..;'. Pages 18 Entertainment.... In ^wi njickiitg; brOMHi far rannfln •UK* VMUDWIUJB Xvav Ulw aMrwtlV 4K1ICI fnjii i |fj IBPo RellglouanewB, .. PageiUi 14 btrihutiod P^6 •r:?-^tvA listened tp^tte ways ttwe^ter Is Bank • ^ r"

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-COUNTYLEADER NEWSPAPERS- Thursday, November 19,1987 — 3 >:"' .•"'•VI GOP win voter approv -tteJlatjOtetrict -NewarkAirport.—.-;- .-i.;..'...:'....'— Senator Louis Bassano, Assenv would continue to fight leglilatively A recently convened Assembly blvnwnPeterGenovaandAssembry to help communitiM cope with the task force, created by Hardwick and ByMABKYAJf)|oN8KV take control of the nine-member Spaakw Chuck Hardwick r«TreBerit--garbagecriala.~ ''- ' '' '•' '~chaired by Assemblywoman" -boanfc ""desperately nwaeainj a "ringing affirmation" of the In September, the Assembly Maureen Ogden, has. already held any leglilaUve efforts of tbeaist District passed •."a Ml million package County Board of ( WFw*«*Niri ali«dy approved, will be halted. numerous hearings on the airplane If a^consultante have begun legislators.accordingtoHardwick. sponsored by Hardwick, Genova and noise issue. ' • . . ' construction of a county • mirteum ,-.-, kj^the Westfleld resident em- aiid Paul p^eefe, voted mf«vor of "Lou Bassatw, Peter Genova and! Assemblyman Thomas Deverin, D- "As members of that task'force, last' week by authoriring county ^ win be told, '"just the resolution: "I know now is the have worked together^to iiuppflrt _ Union, Middlesex, providing aid or Lou Bassano and Peter Genova will managerJX»aW-andenonto. l tUt tttot>^J^f ^ cuts In auto Insurance, revamp the ' no-Interest loans to help offset trash continue to bring public attention to i foTan'archftect Aqullina; a state's transportation system,- flght' rate hikes caused by DRP-ordered the Issue that may ultimately cause a proposed three-story, "Fulcomet-'sprolecttaabsoliitely- crime and drugs, provide better landfill closures.' . .., pressure to be, exerted on the^ square, foot building on totinty- not' going to>g6^abead,l!r twfr schools and help communities cope Bassano is working to' pass Federal Aviation Administration \& and currently a superviwr ofiodal withthegarbagecrisls,"hesaWt i •ow^landfaEliabeBj.-^-i;p=r- _Fabey, who. called, the Rahway^ studies in: the. BlSbeih"'Schbol companion legltjatlon ha sponsored act," Hardwick said. "Hie task "TTie Nov. 3 election clearly In- In the upper house. : • — Considered by many present at the resident "off the wall'' and System, disputed worriee that-the 1 force may also pursue some meeting to be "long bverdue,":Tttie suggested he was "panicking,"; dicates that the citizens of the Aside from the garbage'crisis, legislative avenues*, though we must district. recognize, the efforts'. we purposes of the Museum^of Unjon since the GOP will soon replace the expertise and that.the proposed another major environmental issue continue to press the, federal County History, among other things, Democrats asjtbe^runority party on have, made on those Issues' and targeted by the three legislators Is government to take responsibility to build^wouldnotbeWgenough. support renewing bur mandate; to "Should be to educate the J>eople of Aboard, ''Uis;not;weUthought- ; "•' foundations we succeeded in legislators are committed to MEMBERSHIP DRIVE — Members of the Springfield First Aid Squfad discuss the laudable, the study behind It had not •V«p?'fv/.:.;:••'-•„.••• ,;,.;•,,• :-v;--;. -•..... restrict the right to sue In-accident size, location and cost, -"7 • -y:(y , been conducted with "professional chairman for the Elks East Central District; and Lodge member Carmine Clrcelll, planting in the current term," resolving the current airplane noise cases to provide substantial long- status of the town's volunteer unit at a recent membership drive. The first aid unit But Al. Sharpe of ^Elizabeth, of North Plainfield./ ; r '^ -i ' Is In desperate need of volunteers to help man the group. , "^ The land, which islocated on What expertise," and that it wasn't proper Hardwick said.-/ . r problem caused by redirection of term savings on auto insurance ' another member of the New Jersey, . Among key • priorities, Hardwick used to be the!site of the Keen to "go wllly-huly" without more Historical Society, .agreed with . traffic travelling in' and out of premiums. Pruden mansion, lays across from ' Fahey that more time was needed to Springfield blotter Elizabeth High Schtwl on Pearl Along with Boright and Lapolla, ; "do the proper thing," and also Becky •Streetj and is part of what te abr^.: Fabey contended it was unfair for 1'suggested that the old — and now lunch menu maUy used for the city and county's ; Fulcomer and the other Republicans vacant <;— .'Elizabeth, police Kenilworth retired persons meet annual "Septemberfest" weekend. to 'xam"..the;project, "down our The following is the schedule of Center at the former Raymond through Friday, between noon and headquarters building on Morrell meals to be served over the next' Chrisholm School buUding. , 12:30 p.m. to senior citizens 62 or The American!, Association of which will be forwarded to national Culinary Art Institute. Friday the 13th unlucky for motorist The land has been vacant for at least, throats," also suggesting that the Retired Persons Kenilworth Chapter Street might be a better site for the week at' the Becky. Seal Nutrition ' Lunches are. served Monday over, regardless of financial status. headquarters.- T^ Program Chairperson' Marie 30 years, according to Charles A. , proposed building size would not be ', museum instead, as well as a closed No. 3469 held their monthly meeting - Friday the 13th turned out tob e an home from Springfield police . big enough for a county museum. " Elnhorn announced that she will Bernard Mosley, 21, Plainfield/ was Aqullina, the advisory board branch of the city's Ubrary system ' The coat is $1^5 per person, $2 for at the Knights of Columbus Hall,' Trip coordinator Tony Buhowsky have' speakers from the Social' unlucky day for a Plainfield. man headquarters. chairman; who referred to Pruden "There's no doubt that the. . guests./. .'•'; ' .'.-•'• ':•' •..'„'".•••,. ,. •'• . arrested at headquarters after 1 : :• on Ellzabeft Avenue; ! ,' r • Mark Street, Kenilworth, on Nov. 10 reported on trips to Atlantic City, Security administration for the Dec. trying to drive an impounded vehicle - According to police reports, Kelso as "a great potter.' !, '•-7 , '.ij7.:._.. building Js big; enough for the ; Vi : trying to claim an impounded v "If we're gonna make anything, ' Reservations must be made one •.atl.p.m.-.. :'.' •., ';. '• -; ' cruise up the Hudson and the 8 meeting. ' - vehicle. A computer check of his The governing body's consent, "present needs," said Fulcomer, who let's .ait'"down, and figure out School lunches President C. Joseph . Aragona said that the St. John's Parsonage day in advance by calling 376-5814 driver's license showed that he had. while authorizing Anderson to seek ' something," Sharpe told the seven REGIONAL HIGH SCHOOLS . desserts, milk; TUESDAY, breaded between 11 a,m. and 1 p.m. Monday turned the 'gavel over: to Vice Mountainside blotter , -outstanding warrants issued against an architect, however! does not building nejtt to the site would be - board members who were present. FRIDAY, pizza, hot southern * chicken cutlet" on roll, potatoes, throughFriday. , . • President C. William Gutekunst who him for failure to appear In court.. allow him to actually hirexine, since :; 'lenhartced1' by the presence of a "We need a museum. But at the'rate baked pork roll on bun, turkey salad conducted the meeting. Guest s lettuce and tomato, fruity .hot Mosley, a roofer,, was arrested by no money has officially been set museum. "This ls no new idea. It's you're going ...if you're not going to sandwich, carrot and celery sticks, meatloaf with gravy on bun, cold THURSDAY ^-^Meafloaf with speaker for the event was Jerry/ EXPERT Cops arrest 3 in drug bust Patrolman George Hildner. aside for the project, a county of-, been hanging around for a long time, do the proper thing, let's forget vegetable, fruit, large salad platter submarine'sandwich'.with lettuce, gravy', sliced carrots, mashed Talbert of the Wakefem Food Corp. ^On Nov. 15, Guy M. PopoUllo, 27, flciar explained, although there is . 'Ypu have to make a beginning. This about it. There's a lot of emotion, but with;bread and butter, homemade large salad platter, homemade soup, • potatoes, pound cake, grapefruit of Elizabeth who gave.a demon- juice, bread, margarine and milk. VCR REPAIRS A ' 42-yearnild man and two Hatchet was taken to the Union Springfield, was arrested 'for an presently some money now in the' ,'lsithe beginning, after manyyears of not enough iteaearch;"''-'-'-'','•.'.',';.•..•'.'•••••• soup, desserts, milk; MONDAY, desserts, ; raUk; WEDNESDAY, stration on the different cuts of meat juveniles, all of Plainfield, were 'outstanding warrant. According to a county budget for the project: '.rhetoric. This Is the first .time.the hamburger on bun, batter dipped . pizza, tossed salad with dressing, FRIDAY-Fish fillet with cheese, and poultry. He also .advised, VHS and BETA County jail and is being held in lieu 1 "I don't see that as a" major arrested by police Friday after.a of *7,000 bail. The youths were .report, PopoUllo was spotted at a The next step will be for ap- freeholder board has acted to do concern," 'said Union historian fish sub on roll with optional tartar vegetable, fruit, frankfurter on roll, broccoli .stalks, scalloped potatoes, members on selection and freezer All Make* and Model. search of their vehicle revealed released Into the custody of their. ' local convenience store and later proximately $2.8 -million to' be something substantial. :. . • . Michael Yesenko, . . ; sauce, cheese wedge,i_tuna_salad; egg-salad-sandwich, large-Tatad pear halves,-clam chowder, ham- -storage. —. '•, . .—— several viles believed to contain parents.- : , :...• ....; .;.-... •••. • stopped on Morris Avenue. bonded, and for the creation of an .sandwich, potatoes, vegetable, fruit, platter, homemade soup; desserts,-, burger bun, margarine and milk. ' The Christmas Party will be held AIL WORK GUARANTIED crack, the powerful cocaine ': •On'.Nov. 13, Robert Mason, 26, advisory board to oversee., the large salad platter, homemade soup, : : ! : milk. ••• ..-•-• >•:"•: . ; • •. •'- on Dec. 14 at 1 p.m. at the Galloping derivative, and an envelope con- Plainfleld, was arrested for driving project,' Freeholder James MONDAY -, Veal cutlet par- , •'Police arrested an 18-year-old Springfield court '.:;':' • •' . ^' ? '. . migmna, green beans; spaghetti and HiU Inn, Five Points, Union. Louis taining a substance believed to be Kenilworth man Nov. 12 and with a revoked license. Mason, who Fulcomer said. In Its cost estimate, Young and Isabelle Hamilton head cocaine. . • •'. .''-•' was also • charged with hindering . the current advisory board cited a sauce,' Ice cream,, pineapple' juice, charged .him with possession ^f'a Italian bread, mafgarihe and milk. the committee to prepare for the —Police1 Chief William Alder said dangerous substance believed to be . apprehension, was arrested on •figure of nearly $2.7 million for the Revoked driver gets jail term Red Cross offers aid course event. Vest will prepare the. Route 22 by Patrolman Steven project.. Any such bonding would 605 CHESTNUT ST. UNION Frank Hatchet had his vehicle marijuana. / , . ... , The Westfleld-Mountainside people who complete the course TUESDAY-Roast turkey with table decorations. Music will be stopped by 'police, while traveling - According to police Chief William Stockl; - • ' ,•••• 7v,':;:-r require at least a 6-3 tally, rather costs and his Ucense was revoked for. : : supplied by. U. S. Recording Com- . (NIXT TO POST Of HCt) 686.5757 than just a simple majority vote. A local- man was given 10 days in ' Chapter of the American Red Cross requirements. .'•.'' 7 •'•!'• '• gravy 'and cranberry sauce, OPE* Iteu-rrt.M, Thun. 9-9 S«t 9-1 between 5-10 mph in the right lane of Alder, Frank Chessa's auto was *OnNov.9, Jacob K.Waynick, 24, an additional six months. y cauliflower, carrots and 'broccoli, panies fund as arranged by Local 151 Irvington, was arrested at jail and ordered to pay a $1,000 fine will be offering a course in car- Route 22 west. He was arrested after stopped on Mountain Avenue in the Freeholder. Brian: Fahey, Monday night in Springfield herbed stuffing, pumpkin pie, apple, American Federation of Musicians Springfield police headquarters diopulmonary resuscitation, on Dec. . The course will be given'at the James Carell,,health care coor a check of his auto turned up the vicinity 6T Echo Lake ParTTani ' howeyer, wh..o. .alon^g wit..._h . fellow Municipal Court. :,.;;: V In another case, Kevin taverty, Iand3from6:30tol0:30p.m. :. ;\ Westfleld-Mountainside Chapter' •cider, dinner roll; margarine and substances. '. , •• .• p.m. for failing to have a,rear aftitfturntijghlinself in for "theft of ' lrNorwalk, Conn., was found guilty dlnator advised members_on c^re of Dem Mlcliael Lapollar-and—rf-TanJu-Endair24r9pringfield,-^ Participants will learn how to '>House located at 321 Elm St:'in iinuk;-:^i! ;.s:..i:A,.x ;.,™i: ;,i: ;••,.. Hatchet and the two teen-agers license" plate. Eiuring a search of movable property;" According to a 7 the eyes and other'health problems report, Waynick gave a statement to. Walter'Boright was one of the three ; given the jail sentence and fine after ^Identify thi'early signs.of a heart.._ Westfield. More ' information WEDNESDAY +- Hawaiian harh, .were charged with possession of a Ghessa, .Officer. Todd Turner saw a ' minority dissenters, vowed that as being found guilty of a third offense He had to pay a |500 fine, HO mcoifrt attack and the techniques needed to regarding , course fees and jellied vegetable salad, glazed sweet ^ associated with Medicare. He is also controlled dangerous substance^lth pouch containing a green vegetation . Lt, James Hletala 'befortrijeing:.-„, ; ., ~n.,--—_-_—___. costcosts and had hihisdriverslicenss driver's 'license 1 involved jin a ! prescription survey fJh to}^ 6fdj|^^ttkd Ucense. is norfm-nr, epp, American Red Cross registration' can be obtained by potatoes, ambrosia; apricot''juice, -intent to distribute. * • ; v« • bellpved to be marijuana: '. <;i.. 'flllfinflrnfiiwl fc\tMon nilflliiAnai Atf«lH&' '* CBJBi«'^7!b90:llI;;1:'/v;\'';v'''t!;7'VP;V "bTead.mai^Hneand milk: ;'''•' with locar-drug stores, in (be area ($&&&$&• ^3» fresh MICHAEL'S jbl

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; Wbl^tiiatt. v :.'' Inwool blend. 7 ,'; •'• '• $$j^^ I'r \| 7,';''--'ji«t««MM , The authentic originals, tailored in England., •:;;,' i-'.'Bii,''".•'.' from THE Geiger*s ::«»,:,\ -... ju camel or navy. ,''• •' 7;; y\ 'H.l*mf~ UWurf. W/i I'm? - >' '•>' .': 'i ' '' 1 ''lift u'1 • <', \v' :• IIIil«lll Should Be... At Union's ;^^H; mm^ww^^^^^^^^^

: $:&&tt ^ • v- ., V '^rys.'pt^-r'>?y^t 1 ',.* '•'''' v.' NTZ LEADER NEWSPAPERS- Thursday, November 1», 1 w*- 5

banks atrtsavings and loins insured" Protection. Single premium life bytheFDICorFgUCfOnceaCDU woria for the investor In two-ways. -.„ „ "The Crash of to" and take over thedr weaker; neigb- purchased, the rate Js guaranteed Mrst, the build up of earnings on the "Black Monday," the question that i,:A»,a result, we are recom- over the lifeof the CD. Investors can initial Investment is free from taxes. remains in the forefront of many, mending a select group of utility enjoy monthly, semi-annual or at- Second, the Income distribution of investors' minds is. what to do now. : stocks we believe.will benefit from maturity Interest payments. estate benefits to beneficbuies is he American Cancer Society's llth Great Investing in "safe harbors" maybe thcjexpectedl«iusaycr«igoUdation.. also tax-free. The double tax ad- the answer for some. For others a . MUNICIPAL BONDS — Municipal intermediate term treasuries can—vantage of single premium life in- American Smokeout is today, but the annual event is rapidly careful selection of stocks may be bonds provide safety, tax-free in- offer attractive yields and limit surance continues as long as'the becoming a thing of the past/That's because the cigarette appropriate. come and, currently, very high market risk. Market levels suggest policy remains in effect smoking rateln the , has reached the lowest The following Investment yields. By '•laAfcriog.majturitiea'' — that the place to be la In the four-to- Single premium annuities provide selecting bonds with different level ever reported, with less than 27 percent of all adults still recommendations may help answer ' seven-year maturity range, Where" assured, tax-advantaged income. maturities — along attractive • you. can capture, between 90 to 95 lighting up. -—------., . <:,,r . •, ... ; . . . . _. your questions and reveal sound Fixed annuities make it possible to lnveetment opportunities for you. ^ -_ JSffloMottheyield curve, investors percent of the yield ootheJOjear lock in a competitive, stable rate of The goal of the 1987 Great American Smokeout is to get at -UUUUes offer are able to Invest in short-term Treasury. Should the; /market >T ,•. viunjidiwuu —uuuuesmier : securities and: therefore, have the . return. Money earned on your least one in every five smokers to give up cigarettes from many of the characteristics safety- deteriorate, these maturities will principal Is not taxed until you begin midnight to midnight today. advantage' of reinvesting their perform better, than longer minded equity investors are principal in a: short time frame H collecting payments years from Last year, the Smokeout set an all-time record for paccl currently seeking. The traditional maturities. •'•'•>-':•!/•.''•',&'£.•• now, at which point you will likely be v Interest ratesgo up; and, take ad- ticipation with nearly 24 million of the nation's 54 million attractions of utility.-stocks are still r > TOED SINGLE PREMIUM IN- In a lower tax bracket, and possibly vantage oi ibe nignef~ yields : - SUIWNCE/ANNUrnE3r>'Tbsteare smokers trying to kick the habit for theday. tnera — high' current Income, low.•' available in longer term bonds, and nearingretirement downside risk and a wide choice of 'two -basic, fixed single-premium Now's the timeto begin As the Great American Smokeout enters its second decade, benefit from possible declines in investments: single premium life issues. But,' in addition, certain yields overtime. . ij • reassessing your flnancTaTgoals and smokers are urged to "Take a Breather." In addition to the utility, stocks now offer unusual and single premium deferred an- strategies. You should talk with your familiar programs, college, corporate and hospital quit- potential for capital appreciation. CERTIFICATES Or DEPOSIT — nuities. Both are tax*dvantaged, financial consultant about how these -The outlet for futilities has been Certificates of deposit offer safety and in both cases your principal is Investments could fit Into your smoking clinics, there is a new Smokeout logo and a novel 'guaranteed by the issuing company. "I'm a Born Non-smoker" baby T-shirt. , ' PATRIOTISM-ln keepi- enhanced by the movement of. the and preservation of capital. Ttey're' portfolio. ng with the celebration of Industry toward consolidation. We available in a wide range of .',.; Single premium life Insurance can Joel Spltx is an investment In just one decaderthe-idea of taking a day: off from— the Constitution's 200th believe utility companies with the maturities, usually from 30 days to .provide tax-free growth, along with counselor, who deals with in- smoking has spread to other countries such as Canada, Great birthday,; 'Ben Franklin' five years, and are provided by tax-advantaged life insurance dMduala as well as institutions. Britain, Ireland, France, Australia, South Africa, Norway, visited students at James Caldwell School, Finland and Sweden. Although names and dates vary in other Springfield. With him, Selecting a college, countries, there are increasing signs that non-smoking ef- above, are Adam Kestler forts are growing throughout the world. The World Health and Samanthla Kessier. Organization recently announced an increase in its budget Below, Sean Clullo, for antismoking efforts in Third World nations, and gover- dressed as Uncle Sam, and Guidance office a has wealth of resources pJCnuni-t tin* Anna, Katswvman, ByKENMALIS the .school, such as the average If your school's computer does not nments in countries like Cuba are backing non-smoking dressed as Betsy Ross, pickuuon College News Service They are trained1 to help you select education programs. scores of accepted students on have this service, your counselor the best college for yoU, and they show their costumes, worn s^SS^Until recently, high schoo. l 2T?sis&srstandardized tests like the 5SAT , &sr££T£'2ZZshould be able tosuppl y you with a S-!jra-£ a:>=rS! NEWSPAPERn^^y^unyS must be clean ups The Cancer Society has these hints for Smokeout Day: In honor of Columbus Day, students had. to flip through have seen manyof_lhe schools you lawn furniture, window and door ACH, or ACT; cost and financial card to fill out with the same might be considering* and dry Tie or bag, as required frames, gutters, siding, pots and if Throw out all cigarettes by breaking them in half and to Dr. Robert Black, thousands of pages In guidebooks aid, academic majors, fraternities statistical information and send Bundles should be no more than school principal. and college.catalogues in order to pans Remove as much non- wetting them'down. Clean out all ashtrays in your home, arid sororities'; etc. away to a central computer. From Counselors are familiar with the 8-lnches thick No magazines, aluminum as possible No glass determine which college best fit If you are unsure what you would there an listing of scholarship op- telephone books or glossy paper. office or car and put them away. Discard matches, hide their Individual needs Today, there statistics arid requirements of orscreening lighters or give them away. like to do with your life, some portunities will be sent back toyo u numerous colleges. They can find GLASS BOTTLES AND JARS STEEL CANS are also called are facilities that make the process computers have, an added feature Some colleges now use laser disc must be well rinsed Separate by almost a game. out what they do not know more "tin" cans Remove paper label ^ When the urge to smoke hits, take a deep breath. Hold it known as Interest Inventory or other video, equipment to let you quickly than you because they know color — brown, clear, green — and rinse well a second, then release it vejy, very slowly. Taking deep, The technological advances in programs that can offer advice on "visit" a college by viewing a tape what, and whom to ask. For this and remove metal caps and USED MOTOR OIL should be rhythmic breaths is similar to smoking, only you'll inhale computers; and'video equipment Which areas you should explore. The that is approximately 10 minutes reason, many counselors prefer that rings, if possible No window collected In an unbreakable have made researching colleges inventory programs have a series of long Rather than looking at still students speak with them about glass, mirrors, pyrex or crystal. container with a tight-fitting lid clean air, not poisonous gases. truly enjoyable. - questions aimed at determining Exercise to help relieve tension. Climb stairs rather photos in college catalogues, the their choices before going to the ALUMINUM CANS are often Noantl-freeze. Many'guidance offices now have a what your strengths are and what video tapes let you see the campus computer. < labeled "all-aluminum" or can computer terminal that allows you than take the elevator, park the car a block or two from your fields of Interest you might consider with people moving about and in- be identified with a magnet, Editor's note: These tips are to type in which features are' im- pursuing destination and walk the rest of the way. At home, practice teracting with one another Editor's Note: This in the second in which will not stick to any part. guides to recycling and are not touching your toes, jog in place or do jumping jacks.__ portant to you hi a college — things Some computers nave scholarship Despite all this new technology a aetiea on "Selecting the Right Rinse well. such aa academic programs, cost, meant to supersede local information programs You answer s making the college selection process College." ALUMINUM SCRAP includes recycling requirements. > When tempted to reach for a cigarette, think of a size, locationand it pumps out a list questions 'on your interests, ac- negative image about smoking. Select your worst memory of colleges and . universities that much easier, the best thing your tivities, GPA, etc. The computer guidance office has is your guidance connected with the habit — the time you burned a hole in your meet your criteria. .then'processes this information and counselor NOTICE OF NAMES OF THE suit or when you were left completely breathless running for By typing in the code for a specific gives you a listing of the local, state, Guidance counselors are among AUTOCENTER PERSONS APPEARING AS a bus that pulled away. Imagine this experience for 15 institution, the computer can give and national scholarships for which the most knowledgeable people THE OWNER OF UNCLAIM- you more detailed information on you are qualified to apply. ED AMOUNTS HELD BY THE seconds whenever the urge occurs - around when it comes to colleges, FOREIGN • DOMESTIC • AUTOS • TRUCKS UNION CENTER NATIONAL v Reward yourself with oral substitutes in the same way BANK. you may have used cigarettes. Good examples: sugarless •Complete Mechanical Repairs , «N 1 StnteTSfTnspection 2003 MORRIS AVL •Complete Body Repairs ' •Class-Work UNION, NEW JERSEY gum, lemon drops, pumpkin or sunflower seeds, apple slices, •Towing t Road Service 24 His •III Pressure Wahlng carrot sticks; unbuttered popcorn and stick cinnamon PMtwBytattiyDowm HmE Of DEPOSITOR ! ^ Eat threeor more small meals. This maintains constant , ^ s • , *L^ YI-—>! V -V t l .MECHANICAL SHOP BODY & GLASS SHOP -blood sugaB levels, thus helping to prevent urges to smoke. - " --^^ J'""' "r* "* 523 South Ave, Westfield, N1 401-413S ElmerSt.WesHield.tfj ELIZABETH E. KOMI k •JIM N. METER \Avoid sugar-laden^foods and spicy items that can trigger a FOCUS Oil IlcltUTcll 2326588 . 253-2651" ' desire for cigarettes. ' * : »-* Scramble up your day and'change habits connected with smoking. Drive a different route tO"work; eat lunch in a new III tlllS place; leave the "scene of an urge." At home, avoid your By HELEN C.FEN8KE, weekend In April 1963 destroyed Our insurance against forest fires, catastrophic fire, but perhaps "smoking chair" after dinner, reach for gum rather than a From comfortable living rooms, over 190,000 acres of New Jersey however, is the New Jersey Bureau because our forest fire fighters are FIVE DOLLARS OFF! TRIAL CERTIFICATE EXPIRES 11 /28/87 cigarette when answering the phone. many New Jersey citizens learned woodland The possibility for of Forest Fire Management, which, so well trained and use the best A AMESONCEITM ., f Cleanse your body of nicotine. Drink liquids — lots of through television or newspapers of destruction of more acres and more during times of fire, combats fires equipment, we have been able to CMaJLAWN and GARDEGAHDBN TOOLS Find out why Jiffy Lube, at over 600 locations coast to coast, Is changing the way them. ;About 6-8 glasses of water a day, herbal teas, fruit the forest fires that swept through structures is more likely now than and, other limes, works to prevent combat the fires that could destroy America takes care of Its cars, and SAVE SB.00 with this coupon. juices and caffeine-free soft drinks all fit the bill. Pass up California and other parts of the ever before, and will increase as forest fires, educating the public, thousands of acres of forested—and OCJLAWN and GARDEN TOOLS IN JUST 10 MINUTES WE LL DO ALL THISI West Nothing to worry about In New people continue tomov e toward the maintaining fire breaks, or sometimes Inhabited—hind. Maybe Carefree* coffee, caffeinated soft drinks and alcohol, as they can in- Jersey, a state of asphalt and removing brush or other un- (3 Ctanoo your od With PannzoU El Chock and Ubtftory Pinelands. we have been lucky. Whatever, the 0 Install a nM oil nlk* 0 Chock your tk Ntar crease your urge to smoke. buildings, they think dergrowth that may be a forest fire case, I hope we can avoid the kind of Poly Think Shovel 0 ComplololylubricahjKwcluaala 0 RlWWWdh But, more than half of New Jersey What Smokey Bear has been hazard Sometimes, like this year damage the western states Just Durable poly blade and 121 Chock ond tOfHXftrmxnlMlonttuU 0 Chock wIpvbMtf c Keep your hands — and mind — busy. Work on a a Chock and lop-oNdMaranUallluld H Propoily Inflate <«M Is covered with trees In New Jer- telling us for years la true in New when 30 members of the state's suffered, and I hope more citizens of D-Tbp 24" wood m Check ore) lop-o»tl>ob<*.nijld crossword puzzle,-knit a sweater, balance your checkbook, VjIaBUK UIU IU\rVil UNI M««W IIUW1 Ua U UMUumtnVMCUUI71 Olad InterioPUMJUOrT sey, especially in the Pinelands, Jersey, too Forest fires kill Forest forest fire service headed toth e our state will come to appreciate handle. #Ai626i Chock and lofvoff pmw ataaring fluid (31 Th«nMahyour»Mowalool fix something around the house, or shampoo the dog. fbrest fires can be 'particularly Ores, in many cases, are started by West, our forest fire fighters will and acknowledge the fire 749 ravenous, Only California Is more people. In fact, very few of the forest travel to another state to help to professionals in our state forest fire M Reg. 9.30 WO APPOINTMENT EVER NEEDED! notorious for its fires, and generally fires m this state are caused extinguish a major blaze program. Crantord . Rosalie Hadet Rockaway Bollavllla that notoriety stems from the naturally. Most are set maliciously, Forest fires during the last four 102 North Avo West 235 St Georgo Ave Ht 35 N 133RI46 491 Washington Ave amount of damage that fires do to while others are set accidentally^ 1 AMES'. years have been easy to contain and Fenske is assistant commissioner IUWH snd OAWWM TOOU Vallri si lhasn Incatloni SpflnflfWd Union WrilTwp, PiiMbrook the expensive, hpmes nestled in the Forest fire fighters and in-have not caused the kind of damage for Natural Resources, N.J, "Winter Wonder" valid at these locations 178^0|nAvo Morrl Am atUhlflh Ri 35 Rt 46 W Where's Gonor? California woods vestigators estimate that fewer than we fear most The potential may Department of Environmental Care Free' Carefree Aluminum A series, of fires during one 10 fires a year are not preventable have been there for such a Protection. Poly Snow Snow Aluminum Snow throughout the recent campaign, Freeholder Robert Shovel Pusher Snow Shovel Shovel Conveniently Gonor of Linden was conspicuous by his absence. In fact, he To health PUT A SMILE has been absent from Board of Freeholder meetings more \bur Choice Located than half the time during the past year. T39 Long Handle or Determining when to leave a child alone Poly O Handle Can b« reached off Morrli AW Reg 8 70 Yet, he continues to collect his $17,999.33 salary from the By JULIA WESTERVELT •, Sheds 8!wwe»- ••14 xis Rhino- IN YOUR DAY Ave. «. Vaunhall Road. From the home of a neighbor. Children what not to do Adults can role-play programs offered through schools, Hlllilda Shopping CMter go 2 county. Leaving children home alone is should always have enough change lly 18% lighter Rib blado. staal and practice with their children the church groups and other than aluminum« wear atrip • TFE Call For An Appointment And traffic light* up 3 block! and potentially harmful The issue of for a phone call to parents in case of steps totak e in these emergencies 18" rualproot finish halps «hed on the left. During the past campaign, we judged Freeholder Brian organizations like the YMCA or bl»d« HA1626O safety for children at home alone is a an emergency * The rules of the house should be Scouts. Parents should make time to snow »35Vi" han- See Just How Easy It Can Be! Fahey's attendance at meetings as "poor." He had missed serious one for Working parents dle M1S495 approximately 18 percent of the .freeholder meetings during Children may walk( ride a bike, clearly understood ~and obeyed. evaluate these programs as an ^^\ •Bonding 'Porcelain Laminates There are several factors parents take a bus or be driven toschoo l in a '•Children should know if friends may alternative to their child being home his tenure on the board. should examine when considering car pool Whatever way your child or may hot visit when parents are alone after school. , SDm- \ .Maryland Bridge -Root Canal rr\ If that's a poor attendance record, what would Gonor's be self-care. Most important is the commutes, the route should be not home If an older child is looking Mental health professionals cant 0\fv- \ -General Dentistry "Crowns considered? - child's readiness Some pre-teens, familiar and safe Don't allow, after a younger one, discipline help with parent/child concerns, age 11 or 12, may seem emotionally flf Evening & Saturday Appointments A variable According to the clerk of the Freeholder Board, as of Oct. children to take short cuts, If a, rides Guns are not toys, Children UMDNJ-Communlty Mental Health FRANK L MURPHY, DDS agenda sessions during 1987. period of time Yet, like anyone planned inadvance - J " , .< need to understand the danger of Center at Piscataway,4S3-Mao. Seems as though Gonorr who unsuccessfully ran for mayor facing 'an emergency situation, a •< If your child comes home from' guns, Firearms should always be A AMES. . youngster Is likely to forget what to IWf column Is a pubUe —trie* of OO UkVh wid OANOCN TOOU of Linden last year, has lost interest. We think he should lose school and the house looks different,/, .kept out of the sight and reach of On Untnnttf of tfadtafMam i 1256 Liberty Avenue, Hillside 686-0611 do If a child Is tob e home jalohe, will he or she know what Jo do? What children , Aluminum Aluminum "Long John" some of his salary. even for a short time, it's helpful to Dtntistrjr of JVmr /•»•/. JnU if your child thinks" soiheone Is s Minor cuts, Injuries or animal WttuwH if a Arafftr towkato «( Snow Snow have some adult," possibly a following nun or her? Children bites can be treated by first aid Snow lightweight neighbor, for the child to check in (A* UMDNWommtiBltr MnUI Letters toth e editor must be received no later than noon on the Monday should know not toente r a house tjjat Children need tob e taught the basics B—Hh Cutter at PbcaUwir- A* Pusher Shovel Ice Scraper with An hour can seem much longer looks broken. Into, or to go intern of first aid for themselves, their Pusher preceding the date of the issue In which they are to appear* They should be to a child alone. inltMtd tht PHONE HUEKD typed, with double spacing between lines (not In all capital letters, please). empty house if they ' are being friends and pets ' an aAar scAoof tottphoi* Coming To Union. All letters must Include a written signature, a complete address and a No child should be left alone unless followed. In these situations children There are a variety of after-school fUhl ready to handle situations he or she should be Instructed tog o to a More 11" • ^SsWRtg 2J 20, phone number where the writer may be reached during daytime hours (for might have to face, such as a power or to,a neighbor's house, an*call m m Rag. 18 70 12 'K24" alumi- .i3ttll1.4W 7-'M5" blade " verification purposes only). 12"X1B".alumi- num alloy blade, ribbed blade Blue welded to shank This newspaper reserve* the right to edit or reject any letter and to publish failure, strangers coming to the police and parent num alloy blade, cartoon steal wear TFE finish to help forged steel red door, or discovering BD open door or While parents don*t want toscar e carton stMl waar strip TFE Blue fin- .shad snow, lc«i finish 48 handle only one letter from any one person within any four-week period. ~~ ish halps keep ash handle •A1S478 broken window, when coming home •trip TFE Blue Bo- snow from stick their children, children have to be' Springfield Leader Ian halpi kaep 4A16779' i from school since reactions under Ing 48 handle taught how to protect themselves •now from stick- M16371 stress fare different, It Is vital for from potentially harmful situations 1291 Stuy vesant Ave, Ing «A18370 parents to.tak e time Jo rehearse and people. Children should know Union, N.J 07083 Walter Worrall Keep in touch different' scenarios with their not to talk to stangers, even if the . Publisher LEHIGI1 SAVINGS children and to have Important stranger calls them by name, and Editorial Office. ..4M-M00 The following are the people to contact Iftyou have specific questions or information like telephone numbers not toaccep t rides or presents from Subscriptions... . «M'770O Rae Huttbn 1 suggestions regarding this newspaper. Each of the Individuals listed below for the police and fire departments strange adults. ' Business Office . Executive Editor written down. .. 6M-7700 mayboreacbedbycaUlngeflft-TTOO. " (v ' •> When children are home alone, ' G«ner»i new* inquiries RaeHutton, editor. It Is best never to leave children they should know how to make an , fiflarieDutter Bonking The Way It , Springfjeldnews..,' John Gavin, Paul Qeyton. ^nsupfirvlsedv B>ut If U is emergency, telephone call, have Springfield Leader (USPS 1I2 7») It Associate Editor imavoldable/i; there are several of important talef"1 ~ " published weekly by County, Leader i Socurfandrellgiousnews Be* Smith, social editor. IJpeirs Inc. Mall Subscriptions 115 00 1 safety measures parents should >• Should Be... At Union's Only Sports news.,.,. .., Mark YaWonsky, sports editor.. and kijaw 'ftaw " c«nfi per make sure their children un- calls or calls non-refundable Second class Advertising Director Route 202 County events'....> MarleDutter, Focus managing editor. 1238 Viillcy l!i derstand Children who carry house Children should Id at uriftn. NJ'and < 2? Prospect St. 232? Morris Ave. Main SI. 1 , Advertising.. Don Patterson, advertising director. Uorn.irihvilli Hometown Savings f Classified .v. Raymond Worrall, general manager. keys should know tokee p the keys teU allei they out of sight and In a safe place.VIf." M.icli'.on, N.J. Union, N.J. Nush.imc Station N.J. , dreidaUon , Mark Cornwall, circulation manager. G47-1239 I'dWUIng'.At, ,A.,. ,».t.'.».,.,.r ..• Dot Ruhrort, bookkeeper. keys are lost, an extra set should be' 377-1000 G8BOO7O 369-5511 Composition -.'..'...'... NMrtyCoragglo. •available ,so«>ewbere, perfaapt-lat'

• . <\ Novetnber 19,1987 - COUNTY LEADER NEWSPAPERS Home-heating bill fight is seen T" Miracle Worker' TCOUNTYLEADERNEWSPAPERS- Thursday,November 19.1987 - 7 A.senior member, of th»v Howe •• py 33 percent, from 11.68 billion to Howe conferee on the borne energy The ^students of the David Program needs swimmers " CommerceOominttti fl4S7hUHBAH -apprmrtittop; urging th»tr-ti>ey- Mrt..Ke.ller.-Heten'^p>rw>ti;;-j|id tthew J. Rlnaldo, is le«ding voted to freeze: funding for the .support the spending level approved Ray Murphy and lisa Moortr as The Summit Area Chapter of each Saturday^ to give the a drive to block Senate, legislation program aj last year's level, the by the House. ; : , ' , Helen's stepbrother ad t the American Red Cross is students instruction, but as that jsould 8barply_reduc«;federal difference will have to be reconciled n»Congressman noted that the pebble Donahue, Diane looking for good swimmers to several need a teacher and an funding for the home-heating~by a House and Senate conference average annual Incoine ~df -a volunteer as aides in the Adapted aide a t all times, while in the pool, : --, ——— *>. • mm m *»• •** MIMtjiansjl • ^ij• | B ' Hemingway, Danielle Collins, - Aquatics Swimming \Program. morealdesareneeded. assistance program for the poor. ',•. committee. ' S ' .. household receiving such assistance "The Miracle Worker,'.', an in- Assistance is needed both In the The Senate voted to cut fiscal year Rlnaldo has been joined by more u less than $8,500, and that more RobblfiLyMEul.Vrdd LyonS, Mary * ternationally acclaimed drama Petracca, Roseanne Slleo and Dawn pool and in the dressing rooms by Those who would like to 1968 funding for the Low Income than ISO members of the House in a than 30 percent of the beneficiaries written by William Gibson, tells the the 25 to 30 people who come to Home Energy Assistance Program letter to Rep. William Natcber, the are low-Income senior citizens. Walck.complete the cast of "The volunteer should call coordinator «tory of hoy a determined Irish «M Miracle Worker." , -., the YMCA pool from JO to 11 a.m. Jean Thomas, • 273-0647; or on Saturday mornings to learn to ,named Annie Sullivan unlocked the John Cafone, a teacher of English register at the Summit Area , deaf and at David Brearley,- " " ^^ swim. .'.•..'• Chapter, 27J-2O76. A schedule for •' These people have special classes, an Aid to the Han- needs because each has some dicapped manual and a brief form of disability — physical, instruction to volunteers will be mental or emotional, and it takes provided. The adapted aquatics them longer to learn to swim. . instructors will • provide in- Twelve qualified adapted dividual guidance to new aquatics instructers are on hand volunteers. - .

-'THE-MIRACLE WORKER'--David Brearley students, Nicole AAartel, left, who will play the part of Helen Keller, YOUNG ARTISTS — These kindergarten youngsters at Sandmeler School, and Becky Hublriger,, who plays the part of Annie Sullivan, Springfield, construct their own sculpfure. From left: Zachary Goldberg, Jeffrey rehearse their roles for their school play by William Gibson. Marx, Suzanne Prebacha, Arron Janklow, Ferdnan Irlzarry and Brian Young.' GRAND Art auction to be held The' Springfield .Rotary Club will dustrialized countries; it remains a sponsor an art auction at tfie Parish serious health -' threat -in the . House, 33 Church Mall, Springfield OPENING developing nations, Springfield Center, Saturday at 7:30 p.m., as a Rotary President Ken Scowen said. part of its participation in the in- It is a special danger to children , of OUR NEW ternational PolioPJus Campaign.'. Under three years old. - Dr. Lee Kaswiner, chairman of From 60 to 70 million children go WINDOW FASHION DEPT the local club's PolioPlus Com- without polio protection in 1 mittee, said the event will have two developing countries each year, and and WALLCOVERING DEPT purposes — to tell the community' some 220,000 of them become its about the PolioPlusprogram and to victims"" of- those ifCBTi/t jne Mild Blinds enlist community support for it. The children die, and about 70 percent VERTICALS Micro Blinds art auction will be run by David suffer permanent "paralysis or Gary Limited of Millburn. Bargain weakness of affected . muscles, TREAT FOR KIDS — Frank Mckee, second from right, of Cltcorp Mortgage Inc. prices, are guaranteed with'works of Scowen said. \ and chairman of Its Ivlew Jersey; Contribution Program presents Richard B.! art valued from $20 to thousands Rotarians who live in the project, Ahlfleld, president of Children's Specialized Hospital, Mountainside, with a $75,000 available. Artists will include countries also help by mobilizing grant to fund a rehabilitation room. The grant was given at a Halloween party for Chagall, Dali, and Picasso. • private and professional leadership fhe young patients. The patients, from left, are Cindy Lin and Allison Gates. The festivities begin at 7:30 p.m. and resources, bringing new at the Parish House, with a wine and elements to the campaign for better cheese preview. The auction begins child health. In addition, these at 8 30 p.m. Door prizes will be given Rotarians work with their govern- away The cost for .entry is $2. ments, with the communications Profits gained by the Springfield^ _Jnedla,' and the publicto motivate Rotary Club will be donated to parentslo see that, all children are PolioPlus, Further information can immunized. • USE MASTERCARD. VISA OR GET be obtained by calling 467-9240 or SPRINGFLELD Cub Scouts, from left, John Maudsley, Paul Gerber, Adam Seldel, PolioPlus has achieved significant 90 DAY/NO INTEREST FINANCING Shaun RavlV, Adam Aplrlan and Chris-Cariello-qet pointers from ham radio 376-3670. :•• ' ' ; r •''• successes in such countries as operators Eric Deutchman, seated at back, and Scptf Seldel, standing rear at right. HAPPY VETS DAY - The s|xth grade class at Florence M Turkey, Mexico, Ivory Coast, (H qualified) Gaudlneer School, Springfield, recently wrote cards to some For those individuals Interested in Guatemala, The Philippines, Peru, seeing pieces prior to the day of the Paraguay, Gambia, and Sudan, of the veterans at the Veterans Medical Center in East : Qrange. The cards were distributed on Veterans Day to those auction, everything may be viewed among many. By mid-1987, 54 patients who receive little or no correspondence. Students at the David Gary Gallery, 391 nations had* received . PolioPlus will receive a copy of the list of patients who received the; Millburn Ave,,MUlburn. .: • :, .grants totaling $40,424,900 from the Town Scouts participate in JOTA cards. The students will each choose a patient to correspond PolioPlus is the effort of Rotary Rotary Foundation. When all are with throughout the year. International to Immunize all the completed, a total of 252,015,000 Cub Scouts from Springfield Pack annual, Jamboree on the Air, or World Bureau of the World L children in the world against' polio children will have been protected 73, Den 4, participated in the 30th JOTA, an event sponsored by the ' Organization-, of .the; Scout The worldwide organization, 161 from polio Movement. JOTA'.Vwas ' held countries included, has pledged it ,, To pay for the polio vaccine. RT.46E. will provide all the polio vaccines Rotary has set a $120 million fund- 65RT.17S. 115RT.22E. In'the event, thousand&of amateur ' ClfSfSIPiiSDS unumii i; 1 - needed for five-year Immunization ralslna gqaj._ The million-member •Vtiv-'Vy'1"' 'radio'operattrs around *tHel'world - projects in any country which organization expects to celebrate i Invited local Scouts !to'visit'their requests such help While polio has achieving; that, goal at its 1988 con- 288-6064 ' School of Nuclear' Medicine homes and participate in the ,f Overlook' Hospital's schools of Technology, is a one-year, full-time been virtually eliminated In in- vention in Philadelphia OPENMON.-FRI. 9-9 radiologlc technology will present program that trains students in the operation of their ham radios. \ -their annual Radiology.Career Day process of imaging specific organs In Springfield, ham radio r on Dec. 1, from 9:30 a.m.. to 12:30 for diagnostic purposes. . ' operators Ron Scull, Eric Deut-., | p.m., in the hospital's Wallace On Radiology Career Day visiting chman and Scott Side] invited Scouts > Auditorium, Radiology Career Day students will learn about both frpm Pack 73 to participate in the ; ! is co-sponsored by the Overlook schools from professionals and event. Local Scouts got first hand [_ Hospital Auxiliary. ':.' ' ••.-.' students in the fields. They will have experience1 with a ham radio and Jj. •..'. The School of Radiolbgy-is a two-: the opportunity to tour Overlook~ were able to contact stations in •» year, full-time program that Hospital's Radiology Department. Minnesota, Montana and Edmonton, •v prepares.students for a/career in Those interested in .further in- Alberta, ih Canada. . DEAR PAL — Florence M. Gaudlneer School, Springfield, sixth-grade students /;/ todays uncertain securities markets, United 55--radiologlc technology. Radiologlc recently began writing to their newly acquired pen pals from Klng'sT?oad School In! 1 formation and registration should Anyone wishing to learn more • £.' technologists operate x-ray telephone Doris Goldstein, about ham radio is invited to contact Madison. The project was smarted In September by, resident^AAlchele Pitts, a sixth- Counties 1'rust Company offers sound and stable radiographydiagnostic machine, mammo^raphy,s such as digita- and:—Registrarl , Overlook Hospital ^Scuil, Deutchman or Seidel at the grad[rcJue teacheledi-ncir dati uauqineerpcnouiGaudlneer School,, anqd neherr neiunpurneighbor,, maur.ecMaureen LaSapIoLdoapio,, thiqe sixth sixin- grade CATunits... i ;••'. Schools of Radiologlc technology at: Springfield Office ; of Emergency irade teacher,at King's Road School. From left:, LeShaun Queen, Mlchele Plrts, investment opportunities insured under the ; ;: ••'.. The second school, Overlook's 522-2072. '••',. ..' • ' Management at 376-1058. ' " ryanSchachtervand'JarnlePedersoni';;',.'^-' •": ..• V: : .x:'.. •'• ; v.; : ',.-,:'•• ;••';;';•; ,• •••' • *' .- •.••••••;••'; v;\ , • provisions of the FDIC and backed by a strong


Municipal Building, 100 Mountain Avenue, Spr- hearing has been.ordered lor December 1,1987 In f w ~ NOTICE OP HEARING Inglleld, New Jersey and when the calendar Is . to the Zoning Ordlnace of the Township of Spr* . PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that an application has the MunlclpaLBulldlng, loo Mountain Avenue, Inglleld. together. With lot width Variances and'' called; you may appear either In person or by Sprlnglleld, Ntw Jersey and when thecalendar. : mxatmi. the Classifieds I been hiade to the planning Board of the agent or attorney, and present any objection -such other variances, If any, as may'be ap- Township of Sprlnoflold by ANTHONY P. . Is called, you may .aapear either In person or.toy which you may have to the granting of this ap- . agent or attorney, and present any ob|ectlons : pllcable so as to permit construction of one (1) D'ALESSIO, ESQ., on behalf of 'DONALD plication. All papers pertaining to this applica- which you may have to the granting of this ap- - now single family dwelling and re-bulldlng ol ex- LUSARDI, JR., for, preliminary site plan, final. tion may be seen In the otflce of lha Ad- • plication. All papers pertaining to this appllca- - Istlho home located at 136 Tooker Avenue IBIock * ^tntitnii.11111 LitiiiMiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiitiiiuiiiiiitiiitiiiiMtitiiiitiiiiiiitiiiiuiiiitiiiittiiiJiiiiiiMiitititiiiiliitiiiitiiiiniiii subdivision approval and .bulk variances pur- . minlstratlve Olflcer of the Planning Board of the 53, LolM). This application li now on the Clork's ' suant to the Zoning Ordinance ol the Township of.. • lion may be seen In:the office of the Ad- calendar and public hearing has been ordered Township of Sprlngdeld located In the Municipal • ministrative Olllcer of the planning Board of tho _Sprlngfleld Section 906 and Its Schedule of Building, Springfield, New Jersey. lor Tuesday, Dertmbor 1,1987 at 8:30 P.M: In the' Limitations and pursuant to tho Lond subdlvl- -Township ol Springfield located In the Municipal ''' Municipal Building, 100 Mountain Avenue, spr'. • • ' ' Stlgold Enterprises Building, Springfield, New Jcrsoy. • . slon ordinance Section 500 so as to permit a one .. ' 433 Morris Avenue Ingdold, New Jersey and when tho calendar Is family residential building located next to BJO Robert H.Jalle, Esq. . . called, you may either rappear. In person or by -- '.. ' . sprlngileld, New Jersey orosi • AHorney lor Allonso Medelros, M.D. ' Mountain Avenue, Springfield, New Jersey. This - 07150 Sprlngdeld Leader, Nov. 19,19B7 agent or.attorney, and present any objections • application Is now, Calendar No, 7>a7 on the . :Ja(fe«.Schloslnger, P.A.. •. .'. which you may have to the granting of this ap- .' Clerk's Calendar, and a public hearing has been • •."., (Fee:«10.35) , & Mountain Avenue '••'••'- • ' plication. All papers pertaining to this applica- ordered for December 1,19B7 at moo P.M., In tho Sprlngdeld, New Jersey 070S1 ' . tion may be seen. In -the office of the Ad-, Our Interest Municipal Building, loo Mountain Avenue, spr- • NOTICE OF HEARING . (201)liTn« ' . mlnlstrallve off leer of the planning Board of the Ingflelo, New Jersey and when the calendar Is , PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that anappllcatlon- : 0713O Sprlnglleld Loader, Nov, 19,1987 Township of Sprlnglleld located In The Municipal . calledj'you may appear either In person or by. has been'made to the Planning Board ol tho ,'...'.-'. . •• .••••'•.' (FoOiJll.35) Bulldlng.Sorlnotleldi New Jersey./ , \ agent, or attorney, and present any objections Township of sprlngdeld by Jalfe «. schleslnger; - SHERMAN, SHERMAN «,Ki.0UtV6SQS, ' ' which you rnay tfcve to the granting of this ap-. P.A, pn behatf of Alfonso Medelros, M.D, for con- ' : •'..• NOTICE op HEARING RICHARD C.SHERMAN, Esq. *, illco.tlon.'.AII papers pertalnlngio this appllca- dltlonal and site plan approval pursuant to the . 36 Linden Avenue - . '• • • . ' >.- fIon ' may' be seen ' In the office' of the Ad- Zoning Ordinance of the Township of Sprlngdeld PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that an application has. . Sprlnolleld.NewJersey07091 ..-•• .' : -I ministrative off Icer'of the planning Board of the1 Section 701 so as to permit physician's office been made to the Plannlng-eoard o( thoi located at 33 Highlands Avenue,- sprlngdeld, Townshlpof sprlnglleld by Sherman, Sherman a, 07133 Springfield Leader, Nov, 19,19(7 ; • Township of Springfield located In the Municipal' • •••••• •...:; ..•• ..:. .' (Fee: *\1,7J> ' Is Serving \bu Building, Sprlngileld, New Jersey.' '. . New Jersey. This application la noW calendar Kloud,, Esqs. on'bshalfol S.K.S Construction ANTHONY P. D'ALESSIO, ESQ. No. 14-B7-S on the Clark's calendar, and a public .- .Corp, for a Minor SubdlvisrairRpproval pursuant y Noveihber 2 X, 1987 • • . . Attorney lor Applicant • • •• . • . DonaldLusardl,Jr. ..- 0715] Sprlnglleld Leader, Nov. If, in' '. ; . *••''.,'' • (Fee; S11.7S) , TOWNSHIP'OFSPRINGPTBLD 6 MONTH CD -1— , . UNION COUNTY, NJ. TAKE NOTICE, the executive meeting of the . Township committee scheduled.lor November • Baseball Cards 23, 1»87 has' been cancelled and rescheduled ' preceedlng the regular meeting November 34, .'1VS7 at 4:00 P,M...AIsa the executive meeting - . scheduled . for December 31, 1997 has been f Stamps & ' cancelled and.' rescheduled preceedlng the regular meeting December 23, tfa'ataioo P.M. .: ' ' HELEN E.MAGUIRE County Leader Newspapers : : : ; • Collectables Township Clerk ..•••• ''•.,• lZ9l Stfiy veiant AVenue i tinlon '^ ;;: i- '';o;;^' ' ' 1 Come In ati'd Have RejFreshin»3nfcs , JAVL.KLOUO.BM:'.-JAY L. KLOUD. BSQ . ''"••:'•!' ••• JIUndenAvenu*' County Leader >' 9prlng(lald,N»w Jersey 07061 1291 .Stuyvesant Avc., Unloii nr~ GOMRANY NOTICE OF HEARINO . . MEMBER, UNITED COUNTIES BANCORPORATION PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that an application has : : been -made, to:'tna Planning',nutir'*> or the. t-. BVpecember 15th ' ,' 'V ••: '. .' MEMBER, tt>|C \, • •,;..,•;:, : Township of Springfield by EmIIH; Biotk, tw., on bthalfo) StlgolcT Entirprlses for varlanu and site plan approval pursuant to the Zoning Or- dlnanc* of, thf Towntnlp of Sprlngfluld Mellon ,, , Monday thru Friday 1»5 was to permit an office looted at 43J Morris ' Bellord*BerkeleyHaiflht8«Clart<»Crantord•Elizabeth*Hillside• KeansblJto• rto'nlhiVorth• Llncroll• Undon Avenue, Springfield, New Jirsey. This appllca- . Madison • M)ddlstowrt«WrthPlalnn6W«Oakhurrt.»Pprt^ 1 !tlon it now cilmdar NO. 14«7-ion me Clerk's :', 1 . ' 'L [ ' Hft#^kta^SfSS^BBtV^AlSltiBt^B%^B^BlHMBflKfstMlHHtHHB%HS^riMlMd#^ J .. . "I "'' "'", IT") ip i J 1 I I.I , '.,.1. ill . u.l . .'. I . , 1 I r" j I] .i Calendar,•ndapubllehearlwhasbetnorctewl . iffliiiitwliuiiniuiwitHU^ , tor.'OexxmlMtr ^l, 1M7, «t fito.P.M. in ..tin,.-,... •' "'•';''•.•''• •'.''?'•'•'."• :;''.-il'''.'!''''~'i''1;i,'i ? .'i'1- i;-i','"1;i''"':. '•' ',;•..•'•"':''. *'• -i.':1.-'.'1.!1:'.:..

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8 — Thgndav, November 19,1W7 - COUNTY LEADE* NEWSPAPERS • -COUNTY LEADER NEWSPAPERS-Thursday, November 19,1W7 — Chamber elects new president i The Phil Portnoy Humanitarian anmiiuTy.-b: ... , V; AMOciattoo announces that Tonyj''"Standing community service. He has Harry Busch, immediate past -ByMAMBDinTBR- - their behaMrWe«reapriwite entity iralso beenconunended by " chainnan~of-me"Unlon~Coiinty KWABOUNTEOUSJIIANKSCIVING... - The petite, so(t«i>okeQ Maureen although the county manager site^oo meeitings and executive nianagerforPuhlkServicfPhlk ServiceBlectrie c 16th annual HumanltarlanAward. ^Tersey state.Senate and the Union Chamber of Commerce, passed the ' Tlneo,presldento/theUniooCounty oar board as a voUng member, and 1 ^ meetings. The term ofoffice *OfsO»panylnN*wark.; The award, which has been given County Boqrd of chosen gavel to John W. Fox, Incoming vJovnUs, We've Open AllDdj Economic Development Cor- there is also a freeholder on the for, officers Is two- ye«r«. The Tb* board numbers represent 1he yearly since 1872, will be presented Freeholders, with both legislative chairman, at the Chamber's 76th b "Ttfflejrprovlde" worlds of financevVbankingp —to BonJgvgiml~dui'lHgr~nie -bodles^passlng-resolutlons honor' 1 • annual-meeting-held-Oct—2«-at- "' '"chainnan U< Joseph "M., 1 physlcal stature with her thorough Tinen says the EDC receives funds variely' of coridtHons to make are the fastest growing, the federal of ColeinanAPelletlop.in education, industry ^ and the association's dinner dance March 5. him for his work with senior citizens. L'Affalre b>Mountainslde. ; Complete Turkey Din enthusiasm for her )ob. . •' ~ from several scnrces, "Including decisions — deinjigriiphlcs, labor govemmentis giving first priority to pi^ftBs^ : - Bonjavanni has been a member "of • The association's dinner dance Busftfc president and chief Seated in her office in the EDCsome generated by ourselves," as source, transportation, zoning, the Union. Hospital board of direc- will be held, beginning at 6:30 p.m. executive officer of All-state Legal "' Served 3 pm -1 am office on Westfield Avenue in well as from the Community planning regulations, master plans. How about bousing needs? Ttoen .1 tors since. 1877. He is currently hi his March 5, at the Town and Campus Supply Co. in Cranford, isvalso a Elizabeth, Tinen warms to her topic Development Block' Grant Funds,: Who is who' on the'state and federal says.1 she "believes housing will second term as president of the restaurant,.'West Orange. All member of the New Jersey state Dinner Includes of what the EDC has done and what levels. This is very time consuming proceeds frpm the dinner dance will and also through'' the. Urban ,/ follow jobs. People need to be em- board. In addition, he is vice Chamber of Commerce board of • Soup or Salad • Fresh Turkey • it can, do to stimulate the economic Development Act Grant for business." If we don't have (the ... ployed in order to have them buy a chairman of the board of directors go to benefit the Gail Camuso Fund. directors. Fox is a partner in,the base of Union County, most information), it is our business to get home, rehabilitate a home, and for Mega Source Inc. — Union ' Camuso is a 26-year-old Union Linden Investment Company. • Stuffing • Mashed Potato • Vegetables • : The latter source, "UDAGs," says •Cranberry Sauce* Coffee, Tea or Milk especially In the area of small it for them," says Tinen. ,•'., -better maintain their homes." Hospital's parent company; and is a resident-: who' was left as a Incoming Chairman Fox, a I 'businesses. The office, too, is ln- Tinen/ results in another important Another service is as a "business; .Tinen says the EDC's maximum member, of the Union Hospital quadriplegic following a tragic 1965 •Pumpkin Pie* ___.'•• source of income for her .cor- dedicated Rotarlan, challenged the dicative of the reuse of existing advocate." Tinen explains that the loan is *100,000, ?'but it is usually for Foundation's ' board ' of directors. motor vehicle accident. She requires membership to treat their em- propertyj being smartly boused in a- poration. Under'that format, the EDC would ., approach another; •159,000 or less," She notes that most .Bonjavanni fills each of these special care and Is In need of special M federal funding source gives •the ployees, co-workers and family !. ADULTS 7" CHILDREN 5 _ remodeled older one-family home. company, such as N.3. Transit, on applicants come with another source,.. Joe and HtsstaffWlsh All Their mends positions strictly on a volunteer equipment in order to live herdally members as they themselves would Tinen, who. joined the EDC in money to the EDC on behalf of a behalf of a company which might of income, and seekco-flnanclng. ana customersjnEnjoyabteThanksgtvlnQl JxBsto. ....- • life. " ' r1'."'.-,. .'•' " • '•• Still Hungrtf qualified applicant. The EDC, in like to be treated; Alluding to the September, is presently commuting need a bus line to service its em- "We are a lender'of last resort, Tickets for the dance are available value of each Individual citizen and 2ndsonthe j from her home in Trenton where she- Jum, lendsJt_to_the applicant, who„ —by-contacting-Pbll-Portn6yTat-«S8—• company-employfijszhfizsald,—"H- prance Company for 20 years, previously had been director of the pays principal and interest back to T.ony Bonjavanni niakes no difference whether ——Division of Economic Development the EDC. •-•; ; "Businesses need to look at a variety of Bonjavanni is a current member of someone is. a vice president or for the city of Trenton. But not for Another important resource for conditions to make decisions — demographics, tbe Million Dollar Round Table aub, secretary or whatever. At all times,' • long. Tinen says she expects to move the EDC is from corporate con- ' ail international association of in- Cancer Society Has holiday plant sale in all dealings, we should consider soon Into a house she and her• tributions. Not always in the form of labor source, transportation, zoning, planning surance underwriters. whether our actions are fair." The Ground Roundr husband have purchased in cash, however. In this age of the -regulations, master plans. Who Is who on the ' He is past president of the Roselle The American Cancer Society of Union County presente{he opportunity to Elizabeth, vintage 1908. . computer, linen's office has been state arid federal levels. This is very time con- PORK CHOPS or ROAST Italian-American aub, UNICO of purchase beautiful seasonal poinsettias. The flowers will be available at the Rt. 22 East, Sprlngfleidrf^; : "It's the place I most wanted to . trying to get along without one. In Roatt ""' '" " "-'" •"• Linden and a Roselle-based civic Cancer Society office at 507 Westminster Ave., In Elizabeth, or it will do a Help fOV D suming for business. If we fan'* have (the In- association which is noted for a onenBtop delivery.for orders of $150 or more. Either, way, purchasers must r r AH Myor Credit 467-4004 live — It's great to be able to go the hear '..future,'. a bank will be I Cards Accepted down and eat in a half dozen dif- contributing one — "No one had formation), It Is our builness to get It for them," number of. projects benefittlng both ' . send in order forms to assure that their poinsettias are reserved. The society Project Child Find is a service of sftoitiOiannelL ferent ethnic restaurants... .to be 30 asked for one before)" Tihen's next yoUth and senior citizens throughout is limited to the number of orders it can handle, so order early to reserve the N.J. state Department of minutes by ferry from the South goal will be to find some company', says Maureen Tinen, president of the • Union Union County^ •flowers.- ' .'•••'. .'•:'.'. ''•••' '•'• .. . ' .'• ' - . / ..'.' Education to help identify unserved handicapped children from birth to Street Seaport.. .and near all major which will be willing to provide . County Economic Development. Bonjavanni has twice been No flowers will be delivered after Dec. 15, but the poinsettias will be roads and transportation." computer training. ' ' 1 Njrture-italianstyle * - -- available at the Cancer Society office until Dec. 18 at 507 Westminster Ave., 21yearsofage. •••.... honored' with the Donald S. Mac More information can be obtained ' "The EDC is the: county's Tinen lists the services which the ployees.. , $ 59 Naughton Award, which is given Elizabeth. More Information can be obtained by calling 354-7373. Our goal is to lend below market VEAL CUTLETS 6 by calling 1-800-322-8174. designated economic development EDC provides — "whether to one The EDC also publishes a quar- rates. Applicants. must service or arm. We carry out that function on'.' person or to a large concern, but our terly real estate bulletin which lists employ or create new jobs — si ] CUT FROM THE tEO ONLY strictly commercial, properties. percent of new jobs must be, for low Tinen says that the bulletin provides or moderate income levels/' Tinen' Now at Jalm business Investors with a complete says that the income level is" scaled outline of available properties from • to the number of family members — area Realtors. "We are a. multiple starting at. $20,300 for a family of In adaition to our listing. . .We also pick up listings one.1' • ';. • . , "[• : '. •: :•' :•;.; .' : regular Salon we ourselves'.", '^- . v, •'.•••.••'.•,•.;••• CAULIFLOWER Tinen says she. "sees money are introducing a tightening up or drying up.. .federal - "The purpose of the organization programs are not rbelng funded the is to stimulate new jobs and create new room ... way they wereT Money , will be ; and maintain new. tax ratables," severely restricted under the new says Tinen. The Union County EDC. HE CUTTING ROOM" tax Jaw. What is left is a smaller has an all-volunteer t>oard which COCA-COLA A Unisex Salon For Guys & Gals x No fuss, no fanfare \ Just great cuts and perms 1422 Morris Ave.* union • 688-9709 Haircut...... $15 >'.••:•' (shampoo Included) ' Haircut and- blow. ... $20 Hair Blow^.:. $10 Bangs Cut,. $5 ASRECOMMENDED BY mMl- Perm. Waves . ipOO Up I \ •••', Manicuring^". "Mini FaciaT. Make-Up ...... ; $15 NO APPOINTMENT NECESSARY .

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When fall is here My friends and I watch the colorful Nicole Bailey Constitution leaves OPEN The leaves fall to the ground - 8th grade The Constitution is the framework As they rustle to the ground. As I Btep in the leaves Deerfleld School which all laws of the land must I bear a crunchy sound As the sun fades at nighttime, /// Were in Charge I feel as though my treasures have follow. It took many years V the Just like rice krisples. making of the Constitution. The Many animals hibernate left me. KerrlMorrocco acceptance of the Constitution" 24 HOURS And I feel so lonely without them. of the World started in 1787 and was completed in Sth grade" Florence' Gaudlneer -1788. If I were in charge of the world: I believe the moat important I would buy Toys R Us, amendments are: Freedom of There would be no school, Religion, Press, Speech, Assembly, I wouldn't have to eat broccoli, and Petition, 14 Limitations on the What Autumn I'd go to parties every day. States, and 19 Voting Rights for Women. GRAND If I were in charge of the world: The 1st Amendment is important, means to us There would be no grown-ups, to me because I can choose my own /Ice cream would be served at religion, say and print what I think, Michael Debbie JooKulcsar meet with other people, and go to the Autumn is when my brothers and I breakfast, lunch, government with my complaints. I Autumn is looking up at the birds. and dinner, MlgKlFragoio play football. get protection agalnsf having these . OPENING Jessica Drenciak I'd go on carnival rides every day, four human rights taken away by the Autumn is picking berries: There would be no boys. with the purchase Donald CarreUI Autumn is here It rams. Maybe it federal government If 1 lived in a will snow. foreign country I might not have of any Autumn Is wben bears and raccoons If I were in charge of the world* Drawing Drawing DaynaJVolpe these rights. . 'r grow fat so they can sleep all winter. There would be no girls, Anne Trimmer Autumn Is when the fanners rake in The 14th Amendment Is important the corn. Money would grow on trees, to me because I get assurance that I Autumn is great because I can catch I'd own 99 cats, for for Victoria Hasten will have citizenship of the U.S. and the leaves. I would do whatever I wanted 1 Derrick Whritenonr. Autumn is .when the. thermometer it cannot be taken away, and if any goes down. By Joeelyn Baiydlo, David Kiss state takes away any of my im- Autumn is when the squirrels gather Colleen Murawaky and Logan Wallln FREE VCR FREE Turkeys- nuts for the winter. Philip Statlle 1 portant rights the federal govern-' Autumn Is my birthday. Fourth grade ment will always stand behind me. Jean CarreUI Deerfleld School * Autumn is when it gets darker fast. Mary Owen McDowell The 19th Amendment is important, INTRODUCTORY SALE Amelia Brown Autumn is when it turns real cold to me as a woman to make BUre I get . Sunset ^ Autumniswhenpeoplerakeleaves. and we wear heavier clothes. the right to vote when I am IB. It PSSST! Come Philip BeUesia FlratGradeCUts assures me that I ant not denied the 'Autumn is when geese flysouth . DeerfieM School right to vote because of sex. See What We Have "MIX & MATCH" COLLECTION As a U.S. citizen the most Im- portant thing to me about the For FREE Constitution is that it assures me freedom. SAVE A FULL 1/3 ON EVERY PIECE! RyanOalls - By Kristin Marinelll 6th grade Grade six Deerfleld School Deerfteld School

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12 — Thursday, November 19,1987 — COUNTY LEADER NEWSPAPERS • 1,24,4,5,6* 1,2,3,4,5^* - COUNTY LEADER NEWSPAPERS— Thursday, November 19,1987 — 13

ptUBoa; IorioDa». ;8aracani'a ..Wkstjv. Barbara—Kthoit, BOMO* Park; JoBm* Army • Htry. Ettabad>;7-bmnF«odSton»,K>rooonii, Early d&adUno Turkey winners named Mtad SHl Balr Wnaani wen anoooneed this weak In the DkKouot MCUri Bimlafty, Union; Cmtrn Un. 8. Betkr, Untdn; Shop Bit* In Upton, C events win be ndudedbythto Csnuata, Jill Burton, KUatotti; Cr«st Auto Chri lit ffMfTtJISJ ne*r^rW»tTTtobert^m66aCBr5nmitr to«d«iMha^itaaille»*aay^>epdJhaniaglvi^ BoftheliiaiikagivingDay » putid^tinl •ton* ud wiuen an as. Curtate Blii, Allot Booney, Cranford; Dee'l Hot Timepiece., Helen Effing, Scotch PUlar, nujj Abo, Serial lAucn Buy Rlte,Mary Mayer, because Jt is a busy ttantiipreparation for mothers," says the Rev. Mat- musical selections. Hie offering for the evening will be gift* of food toahare holiday. AD aewa items (or that foum: Dog«, WtUUm Hood, Union; De Paul'i Bau- N-Reato, M. Rfcd, Union; «--^«—- nabrW;MS«corMliptdM tb ri —AsMlaRtam^illon and Dry Oi^am, Und» Dtgni, Mary Aim ntngrittwlt, Maplawood; Jur/_Jr|— - *•'•• " " • Issue, Indudiag-tettera-to-tte —•; Tfreiraianraial ctrnimimltyJiiahlMgiviniEvB siwvlce, sponsored by-flitv- J!*?>j™ W». pastor, ...... ,, , , . ' , • withthoMinneedin(wrai^.l1ieDublici8inWtedtothe8r)e<^n«nricefor Creeny. rialnisj; BUUMUOOSJ Jn, Lynn Hod-- J ! Hotnao, Rcadfe; Ann LoutM COCK* Shop, Bspadaltr (or You, Diane Hahaka,' Union; Sbeatfaer,, Balmy; Ifemorjr Une, LtaU •on, We*fflekl; Swwt'W FaoeyEinporium, • editor, must be in our Union , Council of Congregations of Unloii,' will be held this year on Wednesday at - *The Thanksgiving *eivieeta*rlcbflplritualexperieDc«for^i^ ThanksglvlM ^ — J=^~-^ DUna TMM, KenUworth; Anucaneoti by nuppoqai. Tom Pharaacy, Art Goodreds, Jerontoo, Boscue Park; Metro Dn^, jario ' SMer Stetls, SBJ.; Temple Trawl,-Bob, office^by noon tomorrow. 7:30taHolyTrliiityI^Uieranaiurcli,3013^ckerAve:, Union. he says. "It is a time to reflect on the faithfulness and proWdence of j^ churche* participating in the Thanksgivina Eve service will be St Meeting in ROM, Lynn Ftornn, KaDworth; Bifdi Karihrartn; rota Finish Inc.,. Elvira Da BoUo, , Union; New Custom noon, Bruce Him' ' Hamilton. Roadie; The Travel Bog. ChrMtne"" 8upren». Helens Sunbuk, Springfield; Baltic KenUwnrth; Four Swan's Flay k Becratrjon, - All offices of County Leader Tte worship will be led by clergy and laypeople of various religious Atoighty God with great thanksgiving tirough^hymns, prayers. Scriptare, UA^SSSoSS^c^. ™&S%^M°v£t unionft Livingsto n 1 Ibplewoodi Nobel E^eglnet, Inc.. CopcUU Psrrato, Hanapan; Union Bootety, P. Hansen,- Video, Rlcfaud Otntovich, Linden; The Book Cindy jobmon, Roaeu*; Giiser ! Pork Store, Velei, Eliabeth; North Wood Sab Shop ft Dell, Unfon; Video Oallery, Uada BavasU, ftoteQe 'Newspapers will be closed on' txadlUoDS with the message being given by RabW Howard Morrison, airf'BagsrfBlessings/tqwtoneomsharingbythepeople. . Presbyterian^nxh, Roselle- Second Baptist ChurctRoseuVtteRwnM Review. Un, Kara, Edban; Jama C. Byrne, Vincent Drobny, Union. " Cumen L. Uno, linden; Hie Paper puce, Park; Video stop,'Kay Coon, Unka; Windsor Thanksgiving Day, Nov. 25, and spMtualleaderofCongregationBethShalom. . . 686-1717 DJ.U, Dorothea Buttery, Union; Ctfaro'f f^venesafromsto na^.hea^ and pare church friends peace; and ^a^. Community United MeUwdist Church, HoseUe p*rtl and St. Joseph Abo, Gem Sboa, a Deolon, N. PlainfleU; Phyllis Cook, Rcedle Park; Park Brno, MUto ,Pkture.Calk^,J.KMlii»WMtJkM;l«aksr's on Nov. 28. News items' and IFYOUlCHIlDUOVfjnniGHT Rblonnte * PinerU, Kenneth R. Mcdlhern, Gift Boutique, Jodl Manning, SpringneU; Wg Husk»,l)nloo. - • ;T* .,.• Jewelry Inc., Leo Cohen, Union; Party Em- The organist will be Dr. William WollUU from Connecticut Farms rTIUYU AFFECTING linden; Cunpu Sub Shop II, WaneU Mtsdi,- letters for the issue of Pec. 3 must freedom. We need to give thanks to God; it's our duty and privilege. the Carpenter Roman Catholic Chureh Roselle ' ' • Gift Shop,. Andrea De Faase, Eaat.Onoge; Al»o. People For Anlmilt. Florence Slocum, porlam,AoaW-r=-'.iA. »'UIabeth. . ' A Presbyterian Church.A combined choir of men and women from throughout HIS/HEP. SEIFJIUGE Unlto; Capri Pina, M, Bruhlmano. Keoilworth; Foodtown In Roselle, LoUle RedUng, Roselle; be in our Union office by 9 ajni. the Township:of Union will be directed by Gene Paul Rlckard of the host Thankagiving-that's tM spirit of our Thanksgiving service as weU as the ^Tenternoman^moucunurcn.woseue. Cezanne Unlawr Salon, Eleanor ' Aielrod, Westfldd; Quick Chek, Mr, S. Slkora, Union; t New there b in Innontiw prajram used Hair Today, Harllyn ZammU, Union;. Hair Riyco Car Service, Paul Congdon, Bedminster; All letters to the editor must be Nov. 30 iri order to be considered •• church. ••.''• • • ' '•. . • ::..•..• ', ,, , •. day following end hopefully all year long." — , , successfully by thousands of children to Springfield. ' " -. .' Together Hair 8alon, Sam Freed, Union; Her- Red Video; Elaine Pordney,'UnJoo; Beflectloof The public is invited to attend the service at the chapel. Additional in- Abo, Center Florist, VldorU Hettzer, Union: received at our Union office by 9 for publication. Offices will This year's offering will be given for the benefit of Covenant House, help them feel good about themselves by abey'a' Delicatessen, Pit DIEdwardo, Unisex Kalr Styling, Judi Swiookovski, Union; formation can be obtained by calling 232-3456, , . KenUworth learning how to ut right, exercise right All - ' • "irt-nrc. M.\vr Ttncrr. Undrn: CW» KenUworth; Hollywood Bridal Fashions, Roadie Radio Inc., Doris Counts, Boodlo- a.m. Monday. ' . • . ' • . V reoDenonNov.30at9a.m. ~r~ ,. established by Father Bruce Bitter in New York City for runaway and > sessions are closely supervised, combined homeless adolescent children. A staff representative will be present to St. Theresa's Roman Catholic Church in KenUworth will hold a uiH. <..n' ' ' describe the work of this organization. At the conclusion of the service, the ' Thanksgiving Ecumenical service on,Thursday, Thanksgiving Day, at the 9 women of the host church will invite everyone present to a social hour for Springfield a.m. Mass. the Rev. Andrew Jensen will be the celebrant. The Rev. John fellowship and refreshments:' ' . •' • Bickerstaff of the Community Methodist Church and the Rev. Alex Williams The planning committee for this traditional observance includes Irene temple Sha'arey Shalom, 78 S. Springfield Ave., Springfield, will serve as of the First Baptist, Church will deliver the Bible readings. The , Hannig, Pauline Koch, Delphlne Little, with the Rev. Nancy E. Forsberg and host for the annual Community Thanksgiving Eve service, Wednesday at congregations from all the area churches' have been Invited to participate in BEST FOOT the Rev-Gladwln Fubler serving as pastoral advisers.Steven Wolf is in 7:30. The service Is an annual ecumenical effort in which all the churches "the special celebration: charge of publicity. , ' •• , • , : and temples in Springfield participate in an annual service. Thopubllc is i procession of representatives of family, the youth, and senior citizens The event is open to the entire community. Anyone who would like to sing invited to attend. -will bring gifts to the altar. During the Mass, small loaves of bread will'be . in the combined choir should plan to attend the rehearsals to be held at 3 The observance will bring together eight local churches and synagogues in blessed and given to every family to share at its Thanksgiving meal.' FORWARD / p.m. this Sunday In Holy Trinity Lutheran Church. .; a spirit of ecumenicism. In the words of Rabbi Joshua Goldstein, Sha'arey , After the service, coffee and cakes will be served by the Rosary Society ByDr. James C. Byrne Shalom's spiritual leader, "I know it will be a beautiful service even before and the Catholic Daughters of the Americas, CDA, in the church basement. AINHTJM ; - The community also is invited to join <3race Lutheran Church, 2222 its starts, for this is the only time during the year that Protestants, Catholics . Vauxhall Road, Union, for its Thanksgiving worship service which will be and Jews can all transcend the religious particulars that separate us and Ainhum U an unusual foot problem held on Wednesday, Thanksgiving Eve, at7:3O. The theme of the sermon for come together as a united people on a significant holiday. That act of ar- . that wai Iktt noticed in African natives. ! the evening entitled, '|A Declaration of Dependence." and will be delivered tlculatlng our great unifying principles is an act of beauty In itself. It is an. Other Thanksgiving events It causes a firm, constrlctlve fibrous affirmation of humanity as one people." ,-.-•- band to form on tho bottom of the i by the Rev. Donald L. Brand* pastor of Grace. Brand also will have a special j message just for the children. Grace's Adult Choir and Sunday School Choir • The service, entitled "The American Spirit," will include readings by .. The public is invited to attend the Thanksgiving Eve service at the Osceola fifth toe; eventually tho band.grqwa : until It encircles the entire toe. j alsowillpartlcipatelntheworshlpservlce. . .••..". participating clergy, a sermon by the Rev. Paul Griffith of Emanuel United Presbyterian Church, Clark Wednesday at 7:30. • / . As it progresses, the end of the too Methodist Church, a reading of the president's proclamation by Mayor sweUs and becomes painful; tho band, InTSBinecUon with Thanksgiving; the church is participating in a "Hunger Edward Fanning and musical selections by combined choirs and cantors ' The Oak Knoll community of Summit has Invited areaTrealderitStSsharerin7 which can bo .seen, may become Loaves" project "to collect money to help alleviate the current food crisis in under the direction of Ron Brown, Sha'arey Shalom's music director. its second annual Thanksgiving dinner on Thanksgiving Day, Nov. 26. The callused arid hardened. Finally; the Ethiopia. The members of Grace continue to collect food on an ongoing basis Following the service, refreshments will be served. ••' • —-.^ dinner will begin at 1 p.m. on the Oak Knoll School of the Holy Child campus, band cuts off the circulation to the which is distributed to the local needy through the Union Department of • Congregations and clergy participating will be Antioch Baptist Church, 44 Blackburn Road hi Connelly Hall. It is a faculty-sponsored effort to "offer little toe and gangrene sets in. Human Resources." The Ladles Guild of Grace also Is providing baskets of the Church of the Nazarene and its pastor, the Rev. Richard A, Miller; hospitality to those who would be alone on this holiday. The afternoon is If detected early enough,'ainhum food for local families at Thanksgiving. ' •.-'. ... .Temple Beth Ahm, and its cantor, Richard Nadel; Emanuel United offered at no cost to aifea residents." can be treated with analgesics for pain. The Thanksgiving dinner will feature "turkey with %U the trimmings." Direct Injection of steroids may also Methodist,'Church, andjts pastor, the Rev. Paul Griffith; the First offer relief from pain while promoting . Also in Union, Dr. Estelle Piercy, founder of the Higher New Though Presbyterian Church, and its'pastor, the Rev. Jeffrey A. Curtis; Holy Cross Music will be provided by the Oak Knoll Ensemble. It was announced that the disappearance of the fibrous band. Center, which meets at the United Methodist Church, Union, will have as her Lutheran Church, and its pastor, the.Rev. Joel Yoss; St. James Roman the school will provide transportation for "guests where needed." Additional The podiatrist will want to rule out Thanksgiving service sermonette on Sunday, "A Thankful Heart Is a Catholic .Church; and its priests, the Rev. Raymond P. Waldron, the Rev. information can be obtained by calling 273-1125. It was annouhced that space corns and calluses as possible'causes for Receiver. A Thanksgiving play will follow with musician Buddy Hearn, John Paul Koch and the Rev. Robert Piatkowski, and the host, Temple Sha'arey is limited and reservations should be matje "immediately." • the decreased circulation, for these two Homan, Evelyn Flom and Dr. Piercy. ,v ' •.;....,• ' Shalom, Goldstein, its rabbi, and its cantor, Irving Kramerman. , ' The public is Invited to attend the Thanksgiving Eve service at the church far more common conditions can look Proceeds from the collection during the service will be donated to the Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. at the Osceola Presbyterian Church, 1689 Raritan very similar to ainhum. ; ; : i : : 7 : Interfaith Council For the Homeless of Union County. Further information Road, Clark. Presented In the interest , Linden •'••V ' v- -'' -'.' '•'• . ".^ '' f'* : can be obtained by contacting the temple office at 379-5387. ,. of better foot care by I The United Methodist'and Reformed churches of Linden will hold .a ! combined worship service at 8 o'clock Wednesday, Thanksgiving Eve, at the ^. Byrne WERE RGHT1NG FOR JUiiMthditCl^J4ttLWdXtadp h \\ 11 E Podlatris"M=obt Doctor Roselle-RosellePark"——' given by the Rev. David LeDtic. •'•••• , •. ,• ' . .;•'#.. • , ••/•"•'•• We need you, Mountainside t The Community Service of Thanksgiving, sponsored by the Roselle- American Heart j 964-6990 Roselle Park Interfaith Council, will be held^teommunlty United Methodist Association^ 934 Stuyvesant Avenue :j. ' The-Mountainslde Gospel Chapel, 1180 Spruce Drive,, has announced its Church Wednesday at 8 juri. The Rev. Jerry ^mtordo, pastor of the Churchy : -*", Union . Thanksgiving Eve service for Wednesday at 7 o'clock. "Tho service is held of the Assumption, Roselle Park, will be the speaker for the.evenings Day and Evening Hours By Appointment '

ADVERTISEMENT '.'.'•3J '•'-. Diet Pills Sweeping UsT" Doctors Invent The Health Gorppi^OR ^ ipf Newark ha^xil^aE.^diits^^^ .; I t.J- spRiNGFIEiOEMKHUEL - - i"- "Brigade (far boys.Grades 3-12), UNITED METHODIST CHURCH - ,7:30 PM Choir Rehearsal, 8:45 as Sacred Heart <^athecl|ral, the seat of the EPISCOPAL "40 Church Mall Springfield. Rev, PM Cantata Rehearsal. REFORMED THE 0KHMP.PMK CHURCH 1 J. Paul Griffith, Pastpr.. Church . WORDOFUFE 1264 Victor Avenge, Union 667- THE FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH ST. LUKE 4 ALL SAINTS School 9:15 a.m., Morning Wor^ THE REFORMED CHURCH Colonial AVenua and. Thoreau ship Service with Nursery 10:30 , World OutreiCh Center Rornan Catiiolic; Archdiocese of Newark^ 0344. SBrvloe hours: Sunday 9:30 EPISCOPAL CHURCH , OF UNDEN A.M. Christian Education Terrace, Union. Church 6S8-4975; , 398 Chestnut Street,. Union, 6,88- a.m. Fellowship Hour 11:30 a.m. "Wth chrisUan fdl«n*lir__' . _ study 964 B439. Dr. Robert A. Pastors" Etrain and Phyllis 600 North Wood Ave.,' Linden, Lose Weight (Biblical Teachings ALL Ages) 7253. Sunday' Worship Service's John L. Magee, Jr.—Pastor, stands as a symbol of faith and hope for Rasmussen, Minister. Sunday: Valentine,, Union, N.J.. Call 687- 10:30 A.M. Fellowship Break, 1 are held at 8 a.m. and .10 a.m. NAZHRENE Sunday Worship and Church New 'Fat Magnet' Diet PHI 11:00 A.M. morning wor$hlp-«or.-^ 9:45 A.M. Sunday Schoql for all Sunday School and Nursey at 9:45 4447 .for more information and School 10 a.m., Junior Chlr 11 : , ages;. Morning Worship vylth SPRINGFIELD CHURCH directions.' • • Guarantees Fast Weight Loss so many people, Cathedral Healthcare Vice, 4:45 p.m. Evening worship- a.m. Morning Prayer dally at 9, a.m. Youth Fellowship 7 p.m. service: Tues. « Frl. 7:30 p^m: - T nursery . facilities through a.m. Evening Prayer dally at 5 OFTHE NAZARENE Tuesday: Men'5 Brotherhood 8 BEVERLY HILLS, CA (Special)— Home Bible Studies. Wed 10 A.M. ' Primary. age;-5:4^P.M. Junior & . p.m. The Holy Eucharist Monady 36 Evergreen Avenue, PENTECOSTAIT^ p.m. Wednesday: Women's Guild At) amazing hew weight loss pill called System embodies the Catholic health- Womens Bible Study, 7:30 P;M; .Senior High Youth Meeting; 7:00 at 7i30 p.m., Wednesday;at 10 Springfield, 379-7222.. Rev. 12 noon. Thursday: Scouts 7 p.m., Praise 4 Prayer. Friday 7:30 ..P.M."' Evening Praise' Service a.m., aV Friday at 7 a.m. VlcSr, Rldhaitr-*- Miller. Sunday: ' DELIVERANCE JESUS IS Senior Choir 8 p.m. "fat-magnet": has recently been Wednesday: 10:00 A.M. Ladies < Paul Burrows. ; - Sunday Scho«| for all ago groups, developed and perfected by two prom- P.M. Youth Group. Women's mis- • '9:30; Morning Worship and COMING ASSOCIATION .. care mission as we strive to be its focus slonary prayer fellowship - 3rd Bible Class; 6:30 P.M. Pioneer 801 Sprlngfleld.Ave,, (at Harrison inent doctors at a world famous hospital Club for children grades 1-6; 7;30 Children's Ministries (1st and 3rd: Thursday of i each .month. Rev Sunday^ of the^raoDih^chlldrerus Place), Irvlngton. 375-8500. in'Los Angeles that reportedly P.M. Bible Study and Praynr • TRINITY EPISCOPAL CHURCH Sunday School 9:30 a.m., Sunday in the state. Henry C. Czerwlnskl, Jr. Pastor/- Me.etlngj 8:40 P.M. Choir choir rehearsal; 2ncTST>r«iay/of TRUE JESUS CHURCH< Teacher. ' •:• . ••, •. '•/. ••.'.. Worship 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m., 329 Elmora Avenue, Elizabeth, • "guarantees" that you will easily lose rehearsal. Saturday: 7:30 A.M. 36-40 Myrtle Avenue, lryington,_ the month, children's missions Tuesday 6:30 p.m. Prayer and! fat by simply taking their tested and Men's, Bible CLass (second and New Jersey P7111,.372-4095, The program;. 4th , Sunday of ' the '352-7990. Service Hours: Friday, Our new name-reflects new leadership month, children's sermon) 10:45. Bible Study, Annolntlng Service 8:30 to 9:30 p.m.; Saturday 11:00 proven new pill. . fotlrth of. the' month); Men's Rev. Monroe; Freeman, Rector. Friday 7:30 p.m, Evangelistic ASSEMBLIES OF GOD Fellowship Breakfast (third; of Sunday Services: 8:00 a.m. Holy Evening service and children's a.m..to 12:30 p.rn, and 2:00 p.m. No Dieting—Eat Normally Service 24,hour prayer line 375- , to3p.m.Skyh-Kuang Yang. and a new sense of direction. It also sym- .the rnonth). Women's Missionary Communion, 10:00 a'.rn. Holy Bible Study, 6:00. Wednesday:- 0777. Christine pay School, ,4.year Best of all, "you can continue to cat CALVARY ASSEMBLY OFGOD Circles, meet monthly. ' Communion and Church School. - Prayer Meeting and Bible Study, old, K-8th Grade, for information all ofyoyr favorite foods and you don't 953 West Chestnut .street. Union Weekday Services: Tuesdays and ' 7:00. • call 678-2556. • ' ' ' bolizes a reaffirmation of our values: love, 944-1133. Sunday 'School 9:30 Thursdays, 10.00 -a.m. Holy have to change, your normal eating Communion. .Transportation . ROMAN CATHOIilC habits. You will start losing fat from a.m.,. Worship Service 10:45 a.m., NON- . ZIOH GOSPEL CHURCH Evening Service 7:00 p.m., TUes-' EVANGEL BAPTIST CHURQH Available for all services. , the very first day, until yqii achieve the compassion, justice and reverence for life. 242 Shunplke Road; Springfield, DENOMINATIONAL (A Foursquare Gospel Church) ST. LEO'SCHUUCH day, Bible Study and Prayer 7:30 379-4351; Wednesday: 7; IS p.m; 3rd Ave & Chestnut St. Roselle, .-. ideal weight and figure you desire." p.m. Interim Pastor, Rev. Harry ECHO UNCHURCH OF CHR|ST ; Prayer Meeting, Choir, P.G's and N.J. 241-6470 Church, 241-4076 ' 103 Myrtle Ave., Irvlngton, N.J. -Dietrich./ • ' . : • :,•.;•:', East Broad St. at Springfield There has never been anything like Our name change marks a new beginning Battalion. Sunday.: 9:45 a,m. LUTHERAN 7 : Parsonage. Rev. Ed & Ann Klona Sunday School; 11 a.m. Worship; Ave.r " Westfl.e,ld;—233-4946.- McKenna7*PastpF.~Sche30 p.m. Horn*: Bible Study; . 950 Raritan Road, Cranford, 276- message has arrived. Have you ' naturally "flushed" right out of your : Wednesday^ 7:30 ' p.m. Prayer - Circle LCW 2nd Tuesday 7:30 come oyt frbm under tutors & ' p.m. and following the 5:30 p.m. : 8740. Rev. Dean Knudsen, Pastor, COMMUNITY PRESBYTERIAN . body because it cannot be digested. Meetlna-'Friday: 7p.m. Pioneer -•,P.M.«- Seniors • Group 3rd. governors? We havo too!" Bible .mass. '..••• Sundays- 10 a.m. Praise • & Thursday 12:00 Noon; CHURCH OF MOONTAJNSIDE .Within 2 days you will notice a ' Olrls, Boys Stockade & Battalion.. ' Study - Wednesday 7:30. pm Teaching Service and Children'* YWCA, 1131 E. Jersey 5t Salurdayi!r:30 a.m. Men's Bible Ministry. Wednesday In- Deer Path and Meeting House change in the color of.your stool as .Study . (Jnd *. 4th), Men's Elizabeth. Join us. Jphn-Hogan, Lane, Mountainside, 232-9490. ST. MICHAEL THE ARCHANGEL the fat particles are being eliminated. tercessory Prayer Meeting 7:00 P.astor: Don, Carson, ,'Assoc, ; BreaMast (3rdk7 p,m.; Jr. i Sr. P.M., /Wednesday Evening ' REDEEMER LUTHERAN CHURCH . Rev Christopher R. Belden High, youth Group. (Ladles' Pastor. For more Information .Pastor. Worship Service and Sun- 1212 KeUylsireet, Union. Rev^ : Service 8:00 PM "Pills Do All the Work" Exercise .Class: Monday, & 134 Prospect Avenue, Irvihgtoh, call925-5B17. idav School 10:30 a.m.. Nursery Ronald J.: Roirilak,- Pastor. According to the doctors, the fat- Margaret J. Straney, R.S.M. , Thursday 7 p.m.) Trantpartation NJ. 3.74-9377. Rev. Henry E. Care, during service. Choir Schedule of Masses: Sat. Eve. magnet pills do.all the work while you ;• provided II netdedAi>\.v;;".- "•••• ?:v. •:•'. :Dlerk,. D.D. . Pastor 375-4049. Rehersal Thursday 8 p.m. Holy 7:00 p.m. Sunday 7:30 a.m., 9:00 'President and C/tie/ Executive Officer Worship services.8:30 and 10:30 MOUNTAINSIDE GOSPEL CHAPEL a.m., 10:30 a.rrt., 12 p.m. quickly lose fat with no starvation diet CONGREGATIONAL 'Communion 1st Sunday of each "•••,m* (Choir .Practice 9(15 a.m., month. . Weekdays: Mon.-Sat. ,7:00 a.m., menus to follow, no calorie counting, -Bby Scouts, • Mondays' 7 p.m.., 1180 Spruce Drive, Mountainside 7:45 a.m., 8:30 a.m. Sacrament of Senior ^Fellowship, - 1st Wed-" 232-3456. pastor: Rev. Matthew Penance: Sat. 1:30 to 2:30 p.m., no exercising, and no hunger pangs. FIRST COHGREGATIONAL E. Garippa. Weekly activities.: TOWNIEY PRESBYTERIAN It is 100% safe. You simply take the S Hilton,Avenue, Vauxhall, 070*1. nesd»ys and 3rd Thursday, 1. Eve of Holy Days & First Fridays P.M. Second Tuesdays Church Thursday 4:00 PM chljdrensw CHURCH 4:30-5:30 p.m. , . pills with a glass of water before meals. Church office, M7-J414. Dr. Choir Christmas Rehoarsal, 4:00 Salem ,' Road and Huguenot Marlon J- Franklin, Jr., Pastor. .'iCouncil 8 p.m., AA Ste,ps, Fridays PM JrHi Youth Fellowship; Frl- ..-.' The fat-magnet pills have just been .8'p.m., AA Saturdays 8 p.m., Avenue, Union 686-1028. Worship Sunday lehool - AI,L AOESj »i30 ' 1240 Cilhton Avenue, Irvjnaton,: ;day 7:30 PM Couples Bible. Study, and Church School. Sundays at offered to the American public and are A.M.1 Worship Service^ including ' Rov. William R. Mulford, Senior A.A.R,P. Irvlngton CHapter 2919 8J0O PM College & Career Bible ThlrdTuesdays l p.m. 10:30 a.m.. Nursery Care During, already sweeping the country with Nursery room facilities and ' Pastor; Rev. Dr. Audrey V. Leaf,:. Study; Sunday 9:45 AM Sunday all Services. Holy Communion ST. PAUL THE APOSTLE Mother's., Room, -,H:tK> A.M. Associate Pastor, 373-6883. Sun- School Classes for ALL qges, record sales and reports of dramatic 1 the First, Sunday of Each Month. . ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH . I'Hverits'iii . Tuesdey.9:00 «.rn. Choir Rehearsal,'• beginning with, two-year olds, Visitors Welcome! .The Rev. Jack .' weight loss. It's the "lazy way" to lose 10:00 a.m. Worship and Church with Nursery provided for 205 Nesblt terrace, IrVn'gton, 375- — - r Class,-7:30t METHODIST Bohlka, Minister. 8568. Rev William Smalley, weight for people who enjoy eating. .• School. Monday; 9:00 a.m.. Food newborns to two-year olds, Adult iii^^Prayer*; ElelBJ&dB Aft sjH ^3 i st sa' ;: dayr Neon-' Beginnings. Group ; Bowers: a study of tho book of . 7:30, 9:00, 10:30 12 noon. Week- i or morr, you can order your supply .Anmeni Choir Rehearsal-7:00 : A.A., 1:30 p.m. Senior Outreach,, '; , ;;^|I^^ISTHp Acts,' taught by Roy McCaulley Morris Ave.i and Church Wall, , days Mpn-Frl. 7:0o and 8:00 a.m., 1 and Dave Butler) and the Ladles 'Springfield, 379-4320. Church Saturdays 1:00 and 9:00 a.m. of these new Jiighly successful fat- 4:30 n;m; Cub'Scput Pack 216, ,; ,' Chestnut ''.Street,; Roselle >ark, 1 FiM.; Friday's - Feeding'' Wednesday: ,4!0Q p.m. Youth ,1 24M2J7; Sunday Services are at Class will be studying the Ten School Classes for all.'ages, 9:00 Holyday Eve. 7:00 p.m. Holyday magnet pills (now available from the Mla)l»tfy - *iM>.M.> y>Jp P.M. -. Fellowship, 7:00 p.m. Boy Scout • M'''d:u'0lAJ«^Thera Commandments, led by. Jape a.m. Morning Worship Service 7:00, 8:00, 9:00 a.m. J:30 p,m. i doctor's exclusive manufacturer by Opett to•', all jtnqse - In need ol M Troop 214 and Adult Fellowship, : wlll.be^abetween Services coffee Hooplngarner, 11:00 AM Morning 10ilia.ni. Rev. Jeffrey A. Curtis, 7:00 pirn,, Novena to Miraculous ; lE Worship Service, Nursery provid- mail or phone order only) by sending • ^--j«i: and Spiritual nourish- ": Thursday: 9;00 a.m. Food Pan^ hour at 10:30 A-M. and child care Pastor. • • •,.. • •• • •,-. , /Medal, Every Monday Evening JBNIOR CITIZENS are .••try.<".i., •, ,,.'•'• "' ••'''"• ••" •• ''••'••'•" ••'•'• •••• is available at the 11:00 A.M. ser- ed for, nowborn to two-year-olds, jrt 7:10 p.m. in Church. $20 for a 90 pill supply (+$2 handy Nursery Church for twb- and, to attend. Cell th« church \ vice. .,'.•••••:.••.;••> :•'. •'• •'"•••• •' y ; ling), of $35 fora 180 pill supply (+$3 If transportation is needed. three-year-pids', Kinder Church : for four- anjl flve-years-old, PRESBYTERIAN ' handling),cash,checkormorieyorder MMMay't -;, Children Choir jlefiearsel - 3i00 P.M. Meets Jnd Junior Church for grades ,pne OF THE PC. A. ' STRbCWSiCHIUiliclrl" to; Fat-Magnet, 9016 Wilshire Blvd.,' *j*th lat.ONI.Yi HOtV COM-, through three, 4:45 PM Christian FELLOWSHIP CHAPEL QHURCH A National Historic Landmark, Dept.W35 , Beverly Hills, CA9021L MUNION r first Sunday or each EPISCOP : BtiHELA«llCAN¥ETH0DI5T ' Service. Brigade Trdecllmbers r\l Hunterdon St., Ntwark, 124- , month. Wednesday, ivanael itle Program far boys In (Irst and se- til Union Avenue, Irvlngton 373- 0147, JEd Brown Padtor, Worship usi. R«V. John P. Nickas, .Y Mt If not 106% tdtMU<£) WSSL, , Worship Sewiet..7i» P.M. June cond grades With their dads. 6:00 Paitor.. Ms. Anna MHooper, 1 £ No lervlce, June 10, "People , 141 Hilton Avenue, Vauxhall. N.J,' PM Evening' Service; T.uesday • Services on Sunday 10 a.m. • II ',. •••/ I . MasterCard and 'American Express / : 1 !Pastoral:Minister: Ms. Monse X,: ':\r-:c-^#ti--$(»^^ in*Churepcando*imour".JMne Rauia5•>. mor* in--. Mdmlng Prayer lOiOO.a.hji. Sun-: fViliw «t.ni,ywe«iiesday s '•• ••rayer;'. . Pfayer, koo PM, Thanksgiving: Ministry* Women's Fellowship. •ngllsh, iliis a.m. Mas«- day School and Nursery; 10 a.m. Meeting * Bible Study 7i»o pM{, .BvVpriilss sarylw follows by , True to 1h# bible Reformed Faith lime - pleaseffcall 4»7-34M or Spanlih. Bible School every The Rev. Kenneth Oprman, Rec- Rev.OladwInA. Fubler-Pastor. ' CMIr and Cantata Rehearsals.: area'tcommlslon. • : j • ; ;i ; Saturday, ir-* " — -' ^V''?^'':-C:<:: '•'y/^^'!^':^ii^: I ; tor.. ; ;,'•<>*••',••••> >J'-^-~--^^•;':• •,"' " Si.'

• .»'.'••• 141- Thursday, November 1», 1VB7 — COUNTY LEADER NEWSPAPERS 1,2,3^,5,0*-COUNTY LEADER NEWSPAPERS— Thursday. November 19,1987— 15 Linden, with its pastor, tbe Bey. All, Saints Church, e»J»»rk Ave., Urnco, Saturday from 10 a.m. to s passages set to coo died Noy. 10 m his winter resident in tl»ter, Ann Adamchak, and five Telofski was a telephone operator Jeffrey Uustsen; 31on Lutheran, : temporary scores, "Tbe sentttnanta Scotch PUu^,; tanorrow from 10 grandchildren and three great- tot the New Jersey Bell OUepbone grandchildren. •• . a benefit event; attic treasures, and Rahway, with its pastor, the Re£ oMbe ancients meet tbe music of *• He bad been the owner of tbe Jo . . . ajh. to 4 pjn- The bwtttque^wUl- Co., Elisabeth, for 41 Tears and small *(lfts, bandtnade items and Thomas - Donahue; St. "Paul mcjdernswlthstlrringresults." ; JanPbotograpberstaSpringfieklfor Mary Bloom of Springfield died retired in December 1986: She was a Paallae Slsbarre, 76, of Lutheran, Elizabeth, with its pastor, feature a variety of crafty a meal "Tbe Christian Life" at the Osceola home-made goodies,. Holiday craft '. It was announced that all seals -« years Jjefore Jus retirement two, Nov.il In her borne.———~^x~ member of the Tdepbooe Pioneers Kenllworth died Nov. 16 In tbe John items-also-wUH>e-sold. A-llght- -the Rev. Frederick-Di Spreen,-and ved.—Addtttonal-iiFr (Children's workshop Tresbyterian Church, 1689 Haritan years ago; Born In New York City, Born in Hoboken, she Uved in of America and a unioi n represen- E. Runnells Hospital, Berkeley luncheon will be served in the Calvary Lutheran, Hillside, wittrits formation can be obtained by calling Crafters from the trtatate area win Heights. ' •• The Connecticut Farms -^dr-CJMfcT-witbrtbe-text-taken : Mr. Merrill Uved in Union, Cranford Newark and moved to Springfield in utive of the CommunlcaUon Calendar Room. ._,..• pastor, tbe Rev. Kathleen Rusnak. the Solomon Scbechter office at J72- display bean, bibs, baskets, fur- Born In Newark, she settled in Presbyterian Church will bold its from Gospel of 1 John, at tbe 10 a.m. Joha AtUuon', 58, of Flqrist> and Florist Suppliers of and Springfield before moving to 1964. Mrs. Bloom bad been a cashier Workers of America Elizabeth Tbe RevrGunftar Anderson of St S4ofc :,:y. -...;• ••••.. . , nlbire, paintings, wreaths and Pa., formerlyof Srnrrfi Plalna «IT ytunt ago. He at various retail, stores In ttii "•tnniMl^Chlldren's—Christmas- serviceofworsblp, Sunday. Tbe title ^fl^' '' America and of ^the-Society-of - worksbop Saturday from 1 to 3 p.m. of his sermon is "Complete ftn^dBaNwrffEntoBome: seryedlntheArmyAirForcedurlng Springfield area. She retired in 1962. Sisbarro was a cook at St Theresa's Plalnfleld and the Rev. Oriel American Florists. Mr. Brown also John, Stephen and James Telofski; - Church rectory, KenUworth, for SO ' Children are invited to make Assurance" and. tbe theme Is 'Advent Tree'planned Born In Canada, Mr. AUdnson was a member of the Men's Club of World War n. He was past president Surviving are her husband, four sisters, Elizabeth Halecki, Compos de Oliviera Jr. of St Mark's lived in Union for SO yean and of tbe Metro Photographers of New Seymour; a son, Edward A.; a years. Before that, she bad been Christinas gifts for tbeir family and "Confidence." This wUl be observed St, Theresa's Roman Catholic' Lutheran Church, Elizabeth, will be Creek benefit event Concordia Jewish Center and B'nai Margaret Lukowiak, Dolores An- moved to Pennsylvania six months Jersey. •' . • . , daughter, Ellen E.; two sisters, Rae employed as a parts inspector for friends. as Stewardship Sunday. AfeHowshlp Church,- Kenilwortb lias announced guitar accompanists for a . folk- A benefit event will be sponsored B'rlth of linden, He served in the derko and Janetb Lukasiewicz. - hour will follow in fellowship hall. ago. Mr. Atkinson worked for 30 Surviving are his wife, Lillian, and Carlson and Victoria Canard], and a Tung-Sol Electric Co., Newark, for lite . workshop' will be held that the'social concerns committee setting of the "Magnificat, the Song by Philoptochos AdelphoUs "St Program oixlpsslcs Army during World War II and was 20 years. • . ' • downstairs in the Rumpus Room of Two prayer groups will meet at tbe years at the Public Service a member of the Disabled American a son, Marc. . '. ', ** grandchild. GMUV Aim, 85,rfBudd Lake, Mt will sponsor an "Advent Tree," 'of Mary." Following tbe worship, a Irene" Society Nov. 28 from 1 to 5 The Cathedral Symphony Or- Surviving are a son, Thomas Jr.; tbe church. There is a $2 fee to help ' church on Thursdays from 7:30 to 8 p.m. in St. Demetrotoe Greek Or- Generating Station, Kearny, NJ., Veterans of Bayonne. - . . OUve, formerly of Union, died Nov. which is a "giving Christmas tree" coffee hour will be held in fellowship chestra undepconductor Keith Clark retiring six months ago aa a Elnor Butucui, 75, of KenUworth, two daughters, Catherine Anastasio to defray tbe cost of supplies. It was a.m. and 7 to 7:30 p.m. forprayer of Nov. 28 through December. It will be hall. ~ thodox Church, 721 Rabway Ave.,. Surviving are his wife, Patricia; Minnie Masi', 81, of Springfield 13 hi tbe Hackettstown Community - praise, thanksgiving and Deeds of will present a program of great, sqwvisor. He served in the Army died Nov,14 in her home. died Nov. 9 in her home. • . • • and Margaret Reese; • a brother, announced that children under six carrying out its goal of "the highest Union. classics on Sunday at 3 p.m. at three sons, H. Gilbert, Richard C. Hospital. years of age must be accompanied individuals. frooriM8unOii952. and James; four sisters, Anne Born in Newark, she bad lived in Born In Newark, she lived "in John VUlano; a sister, Julia Pic-; form of giving is in helping another Newark's Cathedral of the Sacred Born in Sweden, be emigrated to chino, and 10 grandchUdren. ' . by an' adult while at the workshop. AU men of the church and tbeir Pancake breakfast set Surviving areJjis wife, Susl May; Brown, Henrietta Kessler, Mildred - Springfield for 48 years. She was a KenUworth for 48 years. She bad Union 65 years ago and moved to Mt. who will never been seen, and Heart Tbe performance will include been an assembler for 20 years with Parents of older children are asked friends are invited to attend the therefore, will .never share the Roselle United Methodist Church, • son, John B. Jr.; five daughters, Galmont 'and Martha Levine, and member of the Senior Citizens Club OUve in 1973. A retired carpenter, be men's breakfast at 8 a.m. in Ari 'Anointing of Sick' Beethoven's Overture to Egmoni the Schering-Plough Phar- Mlchellna L. Scaraegi, 62, of to.sign a permission slip before reward of gratification. Christmas 214 Sheridan Avenue, will hold.a Marilyn S. Lapldus, Arlene Soda, five grandchildren. .. of Springfield. _ was & member of tbe Skandla Lodge Kenllworth died Nov. 13 in St fellowship hall on Saturday. The pancake breakfast in Friendship and bis Piano Concerto No. S Amber Hall, Heidi Amori and Dawn Surviving are a daughter, Mildred maceutical Co. in KenUworth and leaving tbeir children at the has traditionally been a tune of The Parish CommuttlW of St "Emperor" and Brahm's Symphony 356, Vasa Order of America, North Mary's Hospital, Orange. Nov.. 23 executive board of .the retired 12 years ago. Mrs. Buttkus j worksbop. , •. . ., , sharing. It is a giving out of love for Hall, Saturday from 8 a.m. to 1p.m. Elizabeth of Hungary^ Roman A. Atkinson; his mother, Rose May Dorothy Rublnitdn of Springfield Merlucci; two sons, Ralph and Plainfleld; the_-Triuije Lodge 159- -' Bom-in-Newark -she-Uved hv Women> Association will meet at 8 -It will be open totb e public- --- ~~-— No. 2. Featured with the orchestra Atkinson, and eight grandchlldrenr Michael; three brothers, Michael, was a member of the Order of the 1 Parents are invited_to^.view. a_ -God and the desire, jolconveythls" Catholic Church, Linden, will Will be piano virtuoso, Jerome Rose. dieaNov.iolnherhome. ' F&AM of Kearny, the Carpenters Nutley and returned to Newark p^m^tthe-Chiwc^G^lp -There will be a table of homemade - celebrate the Communal Anointing Louis and Joseph Pizzano, eight Eastern Star Azure Chapter 87 of > Union Local 1342 of Bloomfleld and -lovetoothers." •-.'-',••" '."•." -;— The Cathedral Concert series will Born in New York City, she Uved' Cranford for SO years and the Senior before moving to KenUworth 11 r . Christian Education committee. The will be a fireman from the Winfleld The Christmas tree, adorned with baked goods being sold during the . ' of the sfck in the context of Sunday Frieda Schoeppter, 83, of Scbtt- In Newark and Irvington before grandchildren and three great- the Mt Olive Senior Citizens. years ago. breakfast hours. Alf proceeds from continue its humanities •lectures grandchildren. . •-,.•• Citizens of KenUworth. . |(-"- program will be presented at 3 Fire Department. . 300 gift tags, will be*dlsplayed in the Mass on Nov. 29 at 2 p.m. "All who sdale,Arii.( formerly of Union, died moving to Springfield seven years' Surviving are his wife, Anna; two thefunctionwlllgotothemlsslons. - with "A CongregaUonaUst's View of Surviving nrti n son, Walter E., Surviving are her husband, An- following the workshop. entrance to the church. On the have been baptized and who are ill Nov. 10 in Desert Humana Hospital, ago. She had been a member ofthe. daughters, Ingrid Larsen and Iris thony; , a daughter, Angela Marie - 'Church members who will be or whov- are experiencing the tbe Gothic Cathedral." Presented by Phoenix, Ariz. • Frances DeGeorge, 76, of Union and three grandchUdren. Sweeny; a son, Walter Sjogren, 11 special tags will be the specific Howard Quirk, executive officer of Sarah Slifer Fund of Newark. Hartmann, and four grandchUdren. working at tbe Christmas workshop Rabbi to review book needs of "those less fortunate" from Chassidic festival due' '• weakness of advanced age are en- JBorn inVonkers, N.Y., she Uved ta Surviving-are a son, Dr. Allen died Nov. 15 in the St. Barnabas are, Kathy Beach, Irma Arndt, . The 1987 Israeli Chassidic Festival couraged to receive the Sacrament • the Victoria - Foundation and Union for 56 years before moving to Medical Center, Livingston. Audrey J. Cassera, 85, died Nov. families with children, to nursing Cathedral aficionado, the. lecture Rubinstein; a daughter, Sharon. Maureen Glenn, Susan Tobln, Diane' Rabbi Joshua Goldstein/spiritual homes for senior citizens. It was will return to MUlburn High School The illness may be physical or Scottsdale three years ago. Forsyth; a sister, Libby Pearl, and Born In Newark, Bhe Uved in West 11 in Alexlan Brothers Hospital, Walker, Denise Walker, ' Geri leader of Temple Sha'arey Shalom, Sunday at 2p.m., with Israel's stars mental;!' ' ' ' • • will "share the insights and ap- Survivtog are two /daughters, ' CaldweU before moving to Union 15 Elizabeth. . announced that_members of the preciation of the Gothic Cathedral three grandchildren. ' \ Muller, Laurie Kranz, Betty Riker, Springfield,' will review the .book. congregation "will pick a , tag, in a two-hour choreographed song : An sick or aged person who is in . Carol Schwartz and Lynn Goodman; years ago. , • . ' .• •• 'i. ,n . Born in Jersey City, she Uved in Obituary listihgsr David Riker, Heather Wishart, "Mixed Blessings:-Jews, Christians find dance program. Israel from a CongregaUonaUst's per- a sister, Lottie Apgar; a brother, Surviving is a sister, Florence RoseUe Park most of her life before purchase and' wrap the gift- and need of • transportation to and from spective hi contrast with that of a Charles Dietrich, 81, of Union died ALM—Gustav, of Budd Lake, Mt. Olive, formerly of Union; Nov. 13. , Andrea Kriz, Donna Zaleski, Karen and Intermarriage,'' by Paul and return it with, the tag to the rectory ' celebrates its 40th birthday'this' the church on Nov.. 29 can call Mr. Herman Jahn, four grandchildren Oberhaser.". •','!' . ' moving to Kenllworth a few. years Rachel Cowan following services Catholic." Tbe lecture will take Nov. 9 in his home. .; : ago. Miss Cassera. was a secretary ATKINSON-John B., of Dlngman's Ferry, Pa., formerly of Union; Adoma, Jennifer Mackicwicz, Tom by Dec. 13. For last minute shop- year, and the festival will include a and Mrs. Dominick Caruso at.486- and a great-grandchild. Nov. 11. . " ' •'...• Krauth, Connie Klenke, Julie tomorrow evening.' special tribute to that milestone. The place in the choir loft underneath the , Bom in New York City, he lived in .for the. Newark Office Supplies, pers, those who wish may present ' 0093. Further information can be cathedral's Rose window. Lectures Harry Kaplan, 71, of Union died , BLOOM-Mary, of Springfield; Nov. 11. _.. Glaser, Sophia Macklewicz, Ilona The temple's Sisterhood will their gifts at the Masses on Dec. 20." concert production has toured 70 obtained by calling Kathfe Kiic- , Albert Brown of Cranbury, for- Newark before moving to Union Union, for 15 years and retired 20 and architectural tours begin at 1:30 many years ago. He had been a Nov. 12 in Union Hospital. years ago. She was a member of the BROWN-Albert, of Cranbury, formerly of Lmden; Nov. 11. . ' Neuman and Geri Ward. sponsor a panel discussion con- The messages of love will then be cities on three continents. zynsld at 486-25K between 9 a.m. merly of Linden, founder of a BUTKUS-Elnor,ofKenllworth;Nov.9.K • cerning contemporary national and p.m. and are free to the public. group leader in the meter division of Born in Jersey City, he lived in Lucinda Chapter, Order of the . . Those interested'in assisting can distributed by the social concerns' The, Chassidic Festival was and 5 p.m: weekdays. . \ - •' linden wholesale florist business, % Union for 34 years. Mr! Kaplan was CASSERA-Audrey J., of KenUworth', formerly of J Internationa! Jewish questions, on 1 The cathedral is accessible to the the Westlnghouse Corp. in Newark, Eastern Star, Elizabeth. , caU 964-6997. committee. "This 'Giving Tree/ founded in 1969 as a one-time contest died Nov. it in Muhlenberg Regional a stationary engineer for Kean RoseUe Park; Nov. n. •• • - Sunday at 7:30 p.m. Panelists will says a church spokesperson, "has < to award the best music'set. to handicapped and is located off Rt. Medical Center, Plalnfleld. 'where he Worked for 47 years before - Surviving are a brother, Frank J., include Rabbi Perry Rank of 280 in Newark. On site security and retiring 16 years ago. College in Union for 10 years before CLATBORNE-Lottie, of linden; Nov. 11. for the past three years been a Biblical verse. "It achieved Instant Born In Newark, he lived In .retiring six years ago. He was.an and a sister, Elizabeth Herman. DE GEORGE—Frances, of Union; Nov. 15. Temple Beth Ahm, Springfield; 1 Holiday boutique set parking are provided. Additional Surviving are' his"-wife, Florence : testimony of .the generous and acclaim. Thereafter, the festival Elizabeth and Linden before moving army veteran of WorldWar II and a Paper drive planned Rabbnflan_Yuter_of_Cj6ngregaUon_ Information can be -obtained by A.; a daughter, Marie White, and' DIETRICH-Charles, of Unlon;'TMov. 9. ""carin^'splritofChristmas." . became an annual world-wide event, Plans are underway for the All to' Cranbury two years: ago. He member of Bergehfleld Memorial . Lawrence F. Eger, 64,' of RoseUe. EGER—Lawrence F., of Roselle Park; Nov. 9. The Grace Lutheran. Church of Israel, Springfield, and Goldstein. and over the past 18 years, about 200' ' Saints holiday boutique to be held at calling 484-4600. . ' - began the Union County Florist . two grandchildren. Park died Nov. 9 In his home. • , Further information can be obtained Post 6467 Veterans of Foreign Wars. GOLDBLATT—Barbara, of Union; Nov. 14. . . Union will hold a paper drive songs have been produced, half of Supply, Inc.', Linden, in 1947 in Surviving are his wife, Florence; Born in Newark, he lived in'Ir-" HUNTER—Charles, of Toms River, formerly of RoseUe; Nov. 13. Saturday. A trailer will be parked on by contacting the temple office at which have become "hits" in Jewish Staten Island before moving the . Joseph Merrill, 65, of Scotch' vington before' moving to RoseUe .379-5387. a son, Gregory; two daughters, KAPLAN-Harry,ofUnlon;Nov.l2.. ' the lot to receive the papers. It was . Procession with carols • communities everywhere." Such company to Linden 34 years ago. He Plains and Highland Beach, Fla., Valerie Kincaid and Susan Park six months ago; Mr. Eger had ' been a' truck.'. driver with the KENNEY—Thomas, of Brick Township, formerly of announced that the papers need not The eighth annual preesentation of songs as "Adon 01am," "Yehid was a member of the Wholesale formerly of Union and Springfield, Babulski; a brother, Nicholas; a RoseUe Park; Nov. 12. be tied or bundled. a procession with carols will be Nefesh" and "Shema Israel" are all . Shailcross Trucking Co. in KRATZ-John,otTomsRiver,formerly'of Union; Nov. 15. Winter run^magesale celebrated Nov. 29, the first Sunday KenUworth for the past 15 years. He MARCUSE-Herman;ofLinden;Nov.ll. • in Advent, In St. Paul Lutheran — Death Notices - served in the Army-during World MASI^-Minnie, of Springfield; Noy. 14. •. . • , . ' The. Sisterhood of Congregation Planning a Parly . . . or Just Warll. Church, Galloping Hill Road and AMMIANO-VINCENT J. "(Pep), of MERRniL-JorieJ>h,~of Scotch Plains, formerly of Union and Service, sermon, play Anshe Chesed of Linden will hold a . Marie White, grandfather of Andrew Springfield. Funeral Mass was In St Surviving are his wife, Jean A.; Park Avenue, Elizabeth, at 4 p.m..., Something Ditlerent? Nawarfc, N.J., on Nov.. 12, 1987, beloved and Jean White. Funeral .Services James Church, Sprlnglleld. Interment St, Springfield; Nov. 7. < The Higher New.Thought Center Serve Our FANCY Springfield ion.of ll)e late Donato and.Role (Cui- . conducted at the MC CRACKEN FUNERAL Teresa's Cemetery, Summit. - . three sons, Michael, Jerry and topic for Sunday willbe "A TfiankfuTP xollnjAmmlanorbrothero^AnnlljAlbth^A e ~HOME,-1500 Morris Ave77-Unlon-In~ -Josephr"ar^brpther—PhiUp;—two" MONEt-MUdred,ofMountainaide;Nov.9.- Heart Is A Receiver," by Dr. Estelle Hors D'oeuvres Vendla, George and Dominick Am- terment Hollywood Memorial Park, OXNER-DOROTHY B. (Burns), of Union, sisters, Claire . Swallow and RUBINSTEIN—Dorothy, of Springfield; Nov. 10.. Plercy, speaker, at noon in the Office mlano, the late Delia Barbato, Carmolla N.J. on Nov 16, 1987. Funeral was from Dorothea Mock, and* six grand- SACZYNSKI-Michael, of RoseUe; Nov. 12. Pelerpaul, Lucy Vuocola, Amello and pyoRKEN-Mrs. May levy, Wife of the .th. „,e„ mvMC, „„„«CRACKE„N ruMcFUNERA^tL nv/wc HOME, ; ,150^0 . SGARNEdl-MlcheUnaL., of KenUworth; Nov. 13. United Methodist Church, Overlook -WITHOUT ANY-FUSS! _Joi«pb Ammlano..al«o.iurvlvBd by.raany- lole Harry Dvorken, former borough' Morrls^Ave^-Unlon^-The-Funeral-Mass- Children, _Our-ddlicioushofs d'ocuvros.aro.made. Terrace and Berwyn Street,-Union- -nlecei and nephewi. Funeral from the oHornsy ofltoselle, N.J., died Nov..11," was conducted In Holy Spirit Church, The public is Invited to attend. with Iho finest ingredients, then (lash Thuraday November 26 MC CRACKEN FUNERAL HOME, 1500 at the age of 62. Funeral service was . Union; Nov. 10. After., the service there will be a clothing, housewares, linens, frozen to Insure Mayor and froshnoss. All r Interment Lutheran Cemetery, Middle Herman Marcuse, 81, of Linden Morrli Avenue., Union. A Funeral Man held at Temple .Isaiah-' In Stony Brooki SEIBERT-Marie, of KenUworth; Nov. 13. Thanksgiving play based on knick-knacks and items. for the The combined choirs and you hal/e to do is pop'em.i'n the oyon! Thanksgiving Day Village, Queens, N.Y. : died Nov. 11 in Rahway Hospital. ministers of five, local lutheran wai offered In Holy Spirit Church; In- Long Island, where she had lived for the SISBARRO-Paullne, of KenUworth; Nov. 15.' "positive good, thinking." Buddy family and home. HERE'S JUST ONE SAMPLE terment St. Gertrude'* Cemetery. past 10 years. Mrs. Dvorken was born In PHItHOWER-Wllllam J., of Sea Girt-, N.J. Mr. Marcuse worked for more churches will be directed by Carol Manhattan In 1905, and raised. In TELOFSKI-Eleanor M., of Lltltz, Pa., formerly of RoseUe Hearn will sing and play his guitar Further information can be ob- (Ovor 70 to choose from) Wednesday beloved husband of the late Margaret than 35 years as a bus driver for. : Capron, parish musician of St. Paul, ATKINSON—John B. of Dlngman's Ferry, Roselle. She was graduated from Roselle Caputo Phllhower, brother-in-law of Park; Nov. 8. . during the performance. Further tained by calling the synagogue High'School In 1923, and married the Public Service Transport of Jersey information can be obtained by office at 488-8616. ~ Elizabeth, and who has ac- CLASSIC Pa. formerly of Union, on Nov., 11,1987, James and Mary DeVlto, George and THOLAN-Barbara L., of RoseUe; Nov. U. companied concerts' in Connecticut. huibond of Skuil May (Braun), father of same year. Mrs. Dvorken was active In Millie Kuchen, Pat and. Rose Bruno and City and retired many years ago. He ASSORTMENT #2 Marilyn S. lapldui, Arlene Sona, Amber community.affairs, she was a member of~ -phyl-CaputBTTJlio survlved^by two was a member of the Suburban New York and New Jersey. the' Rosejle ' Women's League, ihe . Consists of 25 Chinese rolls, 25 franks Hall, Heidi Amorl, John B. Jr. and Dawp : grandchildren, nine nephews and eight Jewish Center of Linden. '•-•••- A holiday bazaar set - Leoflue 61 Women Voters and was the . The churches participating in the in blankets, 26 tain Avenue ' uA. Atklniqn,~son\}fJtas e May (BraggerO/ ; nieces. Funeral services.were.conducted_ ^"SurvivingareadaughterrMurielT^ Series of sermdns . • A holiday bazaar will be held at event are Christ: Lutheran, Union, -tJuicho.Lorralnp &- Atklntbn, also Survived by elghf" original chairperson of the local chapter at the MC CRACKEN FUNERAL HOME, The Rev. S. Timothy Prete will the United Methodist Church, .25 choose straws. $2455 Springfield grandchildren. Funeral conducted from of the State Menial Health Organization, . ISOOMorrls Ave., Union. Opperman; a sister, Minnie Gut- MORRISTOWH-BEARD SCHOOL with its paBtor, the Rov. Glenn the MC CRACKEN FUNERAL HOME, 1500 which she helped found. Mrs. Dvorken tenberg, and a grandchild. continue his series of sermons on Berwyn Street at Overlook Terrace, Englehardt; St. Paul Lutheran,.', 11 Non.KoihorAumUblo ... ' Morrl«, Ave., Union. Entombment, .was also dedicated to tervlng the Jewish . •' SCHOEPPLIR -Frieda Amelia (Jahn), of Manuiaeturer's Outlet Prices!' Somerisl Hills Cemetery. *'J >•• —v' ' commuiiltyi'She'was'a memoe'rof the??' Scotl»dal»,'Arll;i'lornierly of Union, on Cranford, N.J. as;Well as the Seaport.' Nov. 10, 19B7, beloved wife of the Jate Mildred Money, 78, of Moun- HORS D'OEUVRES OMBVY-MARYC. age 79, of Union, on Long' Island Chapters of Hadassan, a' Arthur F; Schoeppler, and mother of tainside died Nov. 9 In Overlook announces INVESTORS Sunday, Noy 15, 1987, In . Elizabeth, member of the National Council of ' Carol Schwartz and Herman' John; Hospital, Summit. >' UNLIMITED beloved wife of Joseph .A. and dear Jewish • Women and member of the grandmother of Debbie Eiibankt, Russell 4209 DELL AVE. (Cor. 43rd St.) SAVINGS mother of Robert J, and Barbara Brandels' Women's .Association. She Jordan, Carlo and C.J. Chlovlttl, great- Bora in Newark, she lived hi Ir- •'•-'•••• ,Tho;\V. ,: NO. BERGEN. Haggerty, Frances and Betty Klmchak, belonged to Temple'Emanuel of Roselle, . grandmother of Ca|eb Eubanks.. Funeral vington before moving. to Moun- Call (or Current1Price List Anna Krug and. Emily Gryiklewlc. of which her parents were founding service's were conducted and the' MC_^hM Margaret Booth Piper Service! were held at the MC CRACKEN members. In her later' years,, she . CRACKEN FUNERAL HOMEnoWTMofrrs" become a member of Temple Isaiah In Surviving are a son, Joseph D., 865-4545 FUNERAL HOME, 1500-iMorrls Ave., Ave;, Union.' Interment Hollywood and a daughter, Margaret Union followed by a Funeral Masi at ' Stony Brook. She Is survived by her two Memorial Park. '•>...• Scholarship ' Mon;-Frl. 7:3Oanv3:30pm . * Holy Spirit Church, Union. sons, Henry.Jacob.Dvorken of Wichita^ DIRECTIONS: HI 3 10 1 J 0 Soulh Fallsr-Texas, arid Dr. lea Dvorken of ..SIEGU-Mabel G, (nee Chandler), on Barbara L. Trolan, 52, of RoseUe A competitive, four-year, full-tuition scholarship,, Make lirilOJ turn lo'< & 9 aNQUEROHANI— Achllle, of Union, Setauket, N.Y. a sister Miriam K, Frank Sunday, Nov. 8,1907, of Irvlnatonf In her ilh-UlLaLEyraraiii_: N.J. on Nov 9, 1987, beloved brother of of Roselle, N.J., and four grandchildren. 86th year, beloved mother of Arthur A. -T.'"^ " ii'Z'" ~L" ~ awarded to a female student of limited financial, means,. > Slalion si 43id SI; Emma Rodrlguej and Lilly Paflano,.Uncle _ JSIegeUhvoMllendalerAlan A,-Slegel of—-^Center, Livingston. "T^whohas a strong lnterest"proficiency or ability — Full of Hallmark Products atOur •••• -I..- of Louli, Robert and Arthur Pagano. FISCHER-HARRISON, of West Hartford, ' Warren, .formerly; of Irvington, dear', Born. in Hoboken, . Mrs. Trolan Funeral from Me Cracken Funeral Home, •••'• in either art or music and who will be entering 1 Conn., formerly of Union, on Nov. 15, friend of Gustav Witt, grandmother of lived in East Orange before moving 1500 Morrl» Aye., Union . A Funeral Man 1987, beloved husband of- Dorothy Kathy Jean Flynn of Cape Coral,. F|a., OpenHouse Nov;21 and22! wai offered In Holy Spirit Church.. In- to RoseUe 31 years ago. Mrs. Trolan . 9thgrade)InSeptember 1988. Martin Fischer and brother of Mlllard Merllle Ann Ardlzzone of. Park Ridge, terment.Hollywood Memorial Park.' Fischer, brother-in-law of Ruth Quick Edward A. Slegeland Susan, Elizabeth was a kitchen aide' with Mother Entrance examination will be held on Come register to win a sleigh packed with and uncle.of Jeffrey.and Joan Quick,. Slegel of • Allendale, Amy. Elizabeth . Seton High School In Clark. She was $500 worth of Hallmark products at our "Home CONNOUVROBER T B. of Union, N.J. on Funeral services were conducted'at the Slegel of Warren, great-grandmother of a member of the Rosary Society of Saturday, December 5, at 9 a.m. 1 Noy. 16,1987, beloved husband of Flora. MC CRACKEN FUNERAL HOME, 1500 Michael Ardlzzone. Services were held for the Holidays" Open House Weekend— HAIR CORE (Sullivan) Connolly, father of Charles E. at the CHARLES F. HAUSMANN 8 SON St. Joseph the Carpenter Church, Morris' .Ave./: Union. :lrttermonf'< ; Call Admissions Office for further Information - 530-3032. and Jpanne Connolly. Funeral' Services FUNERAL HOME, 1057 Sanford Ave., RoseUe. - : • ' Nov. 21 and 22! It's a Christmas celebration Evergreen Cemetery. . • : justforyou! . . .' .'•" ' . •; were conducted from the MC CRACKEN Irvlriptan. . , . ; . ^Surviving are her husband, Morristown-Beard School, Whlppany Road, Family Haircutters FUNERAL HOME, 1500 Morris Ave., KNAPP-(Knab) Joseph G. on Wed-' Lawrence P.; a son, Lawrence P. Union. Interment Hollywood Memorial SIMODIS — Andrew J. Jr., of Hillside, on CN1999, Morrlstown, N J 07960 nesday, Nov., 4, 1987 age 84 of Union: Jr.; two daughters, Deborah J. and "Stnlng Th» Entln Family With Th» Latoat Park. .•'...••..» - .'• ; ••:;;•. '•. .•••'.,.. dear friend and stepfather of Anthony P. Nov.9, 1987, beloved father of Lorraine. The School admits students of any race; color, national or ethnlo origin. • Longo. Relatives and friends attended DeRocco and Carol Slmodls, son of Colleen M.; her mother, Helen Cutting And Styling Tachnlquaa" Dl GEORGE—FRANCES C. (Selfert), on. the funeral from the HAEBERLE AND Andrew J.SImodls'Sr,, also survived by' CorbaUs, and four grandchildren, . Nov. 15; 1987,.beloved wife of the late BARTH COLONIAL HOME, 1100 Pine two grandchildren. The funeral service Frank J. De George and sister of Ave,, corner Vauxhall Rd.. Union where 'wo*,field at the M,C CRACKEN. FUNERAL Florence A. Oberhaser and" the late To Funeral Mass was held. Ehtombmintr •HOMEri.SOB-Morrls-Avsi,—.Union"""»-•«««-"—'—» ' '-•-- -- '-- Eleanor M. Telofski, 59, of Litib,: George Selfert, great-aunt of nine and Hollywood Memorial Park, Mausoleum. . terment' Graceland Memorial . Park, Pa., formerly of Elizabeth and great-great-aunt of two. Funeral service Kenllwdrlh. •' " wot from the MC CRACKEN FUNERAL Roselle Park, died Nov. 6 at home. MASI—MINNIE ' Pizzano of Springfield, Born In Elizabeth, Bhe lived in HOME, 1500 Morris Ave,; Union. A N.J. on Saturday Nov. U, 1987, wife ol TITUS —- Dovld G. Jr. of Springfield, on United Vtoy Shampoo, Cut Funeral Mais was offered at Holy Spirit • the late John Masi, mother of Mrs. Wednesday, Nov. 4, 1987, husband of Roselle Park most of her life before Church. Entombment- Hollywood Mildred Merlucci, Michael and Ralph J. Grace (nee Nesl) Tllus, brother ol Anna moving to LiUtz a year ago. Miss • Memorial Park Mausoleum, ,. Masi, sister of.Mlchael, Louis and Joseph Titus and William John Titus. Funeral Pizzano, also survived by eight grand- service at Hollywood Memorial Park and Blow Dry DUTWCH-CHARIES, of Union, N.J., on children and three great-grandchildren. • Mausoleum, Union. Smith and Smith Nov 9, 1987, beloved- husband of Funeral from SMITH AND SMITH ' (Suburban), 415 Morris Ave., : Florence A, (Ahler.) Dietrich, father of .(SUBURBAN), 415 ' Morris Ave.', Springfield. ' Overlooking the Hudson River, Grant's Tonrtb stands ps o magnificent trlb.ute to Ulysses S. GtUNTSTOMD Grant, soldier and president during our. coun- B'NAI B'RITH CflREER & COUNSELING SERVICES try's mosti turbulent period. It Is a monument A nrtonument SHOR'S DRUGS 1767 Morris Avenue •Union • 687-7322 befitting 6 great leader. , ..to-the';-memory. Benjamin A. Lelbowitt THEMEDKML i Executive Director Gethsemane Gardens Mausoleum, a monu- • o great leader SERVICE CENTER ment that brings peace and comfort of spirit PERMS & Let us help you... OPEN N. Wood Ave., Linden • stands as a modern'monument. Cryptsore BODY WAVES •48M155 : . • Learn about Financial aid sources, . available with a no-Interest payment, plan 7DAYSAWEEK * Assess your aptitudes and potentials • Explored second career ;.. t.dnd,there are special discounts for those faiWJVHW : • Clarify your career goals: ' •:., • Re-enter the job market- • ;••: ; who pay in full. Come visit, or call 686-4300 CALLLOCATION ip ; We provide these services. and. learnall the, details fronn one of our'. , S«il.»Hollduifc3Oam.ti)6p.»i. • » ciwipwlwflihi noinlti»oniln»Mo(nl CQUIMHIII inJ twMni ptopwi for id tp groiifM memorial counselors. : •• ';' . •.. . FORHOURS r'Cwta' ' ' 'Wvimr^' ' ' '' *i»pioiig"Bi Th# HitMBittoml ltaoa 472-2474 Unlon-Pathmark Pliara 5:a»iiiii^lN(^^ Woodbridge • Rt.l • Caldor Plaza Union, New Jersey 07060 : : West New York • 64th & * *(^oi):AWH4ap9,:,:',::i!;.:;v; >

: : lx : ':'•'- : ^f^i?iy': ^r^ r •••'''•*' -' 17^10 proceeded tomi x up theplay*,-twice •;Quite poMibly, if not probably, final-round ,„.._.- crossbar; launched another 14-ptay handing off toPower , once running upcoming state playoff action for hutead. From starf to finish^ it was advance after. Pat Olenlck fell on a the baU himself, and twice more both Davjd Bgaarley and Arthur L, ^agametoberemembered. fumbled faandoff between Bodner throwing, with the second • such Johnson Rpginnal Highill bj But almost from-the-atart,-the ' and- PoMrer-at-the^TJohnaon-49.- - attempt being complete toPaprocki r as esdting as last Saturday's game Bears were forced to do without the Largely behind the strength of Mike who used his long reach to pull m the Brearley's family man at home • between tbes? twp Mountain. Valley '.offensivei services of Joe Capizzano, Chalenski and his younger brother, ball for a first down just 15 yards Conference fowtaClarkwas. But as ^ who sustained a kneeiinjury on the Brian, who' replaced Caplzxahp in from pay dirt. . baseball lover — so much so, that many would.have to agree; even • seventh play of an early, drive that the starting backfieW, the.Bears The final decisive play came when By MARK YABLON8KY mast valuable asset to the team. game-tying points with 38 seconds eventually> forced -him to the Since Kenilworth has a reputation "Mike can hammer you to death, showing' od the clock,' culminating a the game of summer is admittedly ;; upcoming playoff action — barring pushed downfleld against a large, Power, who grabbed three passes' his "first love." .' ovjpiime, that is — can't be any sidelines for the entire second half- • massive : Crusader defensive line for 86 yards, made a diving, sliding for being a family town, it la hardly and Joe just cuts your throat," ' last-ditch 45-yard drive that was also The senior running back, whose 10 surprising that its pride and joy, toe explained Taylor, who has been the aided greatly by a 28-yard run from Considering that bis fattier, Mike, -more dramatic than what took place that includes the likes of senior catch at the three for a flrst^nd-goal v touchdowns is tops on the team, did once starred for Irvington High eld. "•••;.,••,:•.''•;:. '••\r '•,.-, tackles Todd Burger and George situation with 41 seconds to play. Brearley Regional' High football .bead-of the Brearley family since Ramos:' •' '•• • ' " return later in the opening quarter team, operates on the same foun- 1074. "So we've always got a way to Placekicker Mike Vergura School before an injury cost him a unmistakable playoff-type VlsconU, both of whom stand at 6- . Bodner then swept the right side for 7 chance to be drafted by the _ ^jere, the Crusaders,- behind and managed to hobble througfaptbe feet-3-incbes tall, and weigh over 200 his three-yard scoring run on the - dation. From bead coach Bob Taylor get you, one way or the other. delivered the "pressure kick' for rest of the half as a defensive back on down to up-and-coming substitute the one-point victory. Cleveland Indians, Capizzano's love a three-yard touchdown run from pounds. very next, play, delighting the : : players, everyone is part of the clan: ."He's a natural for. our offense," . In terms of statistics,. Capizzano . for baseball is to be expected.' For, quarterback Jim Bodner with just34 onh/j .•• •••;,.••.". . ' :"''. '..'','• •'•'»•-, •"•' Finally faced with a fourth-and- partisan home crowd. But while everyone is important to continued Taylor in reference to had actually been his team's leading - sure, Brearley diamond skipper •econda^left. ,to play, scored a Oh another sour: note, Johnson three situation at the ALJ five, the "We got a great bunch of kids," , the unit, there are certainly a few Brearley's famed veer attack, which' rusher going Into last Saturday's Ralph LaConte will welcome back .dramaac 17-10 win that brought7-1 sustained'ah injury of Its own when Bears opted for the first down after said a bleeding, but happy Crusader favorite BOW who would rank high makes, both runners, as well as showdown with1 Arthur Johnson ; his starting second baseman with Johnson aiyorth' Jersey,' Group 2, receiver Steve Gomich, after taking having originaUy sent out their field- skipper Steve Ciccotelll, who had on many an opposing, coach's quarterback Gary Faucber, quite Regional at Clark. But after picking open arms next spring, what with Section 2 playoff berth'for the first . an accidental knee under his .rib goal unit just before a tune-out accidentally been cut on the nose by- adoption list. lethal. "He's the key to us winning up a lone yard in just one carry on an Cap's .325 batting average this past ' time ha 10 years, and dropped 6-1-1 cage from Gary Faucher, had to be After the younger Chalenski got the one of his players after Bodner's ' removed from the field by the Clark 1 One of those sons is none other the states again. For some reason, early first-quarter drive, Capizzano season for a team that reached the ,- Brearleytato a number four seeding three necessary yards, Faucher game-winning .score. "We had everybody comes into our ballpark had to leave the game when he state playoffs for the first time In for upcmnlng Group 1 action thls- First Aid Squad early to the. third ; gave the ball to Little Chee once confidence'ta our.kids, we never than star running back Joe.Caplz- 1 quarter. The two-waysenior player zano; who, along with his starting not wanting to be beaten, by Mike twisted his leg trying to get proper flveyears. • . ' .... feewKtZ'-'" "i ":''': 'I' '" again, witMhe result being a game- gave up, and what a great ending. I Chalenski. It's very difficult to stop . footing on another running play. And Taylor couldn't be happier — 'Johnson,' which %'lost only to ' later underwent surgery for a < tying,, two-yard TD plunge that " think our kids were very tense ^-backfield—"brother," Mike . ruptured spleen, but was close to Chalenski, gives the two-time two players of that caliber. Joe is a Afier hobbling through'; .the regardless of whatever sport Cap : Immaculata this year, has drawn made it a 10-10 contest, along With because they knew they bad towt a to versatile player — be does kickoffs, • reinainder of the half as a defensive chooses in college. ; ' ••"'"";•• fourth seed in an unusual six-team being sent home from the hospital as Vergura's extra point 59 seconds get tato the states". • defending North Jersey, Group 1, of press time. •,' • Section 2 champions a most capable punts, and he's got a real knack for - back' only, the fleet-footed receiver "Playing sports all year 'round is field that will see the Crusaders host before the end of the third period.' "I think Ihelr size hurt us a little and feared running attack. creating the big play. I. think he's was forced to sit out the rest of the a big part of our philosophy," said Hackettstown this Saturday, while. By-the time the second half had Then, qn its first play.from bit in our man-to-man coverage," proven that in any situation or any contest; thus depriving his dub of Taylor, emphasizing that par- .the Bears,-who would have gotten rolled around, It was clear' that' _scrimmage following the ensujng conceded Brearley coach Bob "It's just a family atmosphere, a spot' on the field, he can go the one of its top guns, ' ' the topsee d with a win, will take to Brearley, even without Capizzano,*' ticipation in.big contests in more ; kick, Johnson committed the fourth ' Taylor,.whose club still registered a family unit," explained the 5-foot-lO-. distance. He's broken games open than one sport can only help give a ;the,, road for a 1 p.m.'-start ta had .established a solid . ground :and last of its turnovers, when Mike 188-78 edge on the ground, with Big inch, 165-pound senior Capizzano, forus." In a game that contained a player more experience for. Mpimtam. Lakes, which got the. game, while Johnson, behind, the Ramos picked off one of Bodner's Chee's 63 yards In 14 carries who is Brearley's second-leading noticeable playoff-type atmosphere, whatever big games may lay ahead. number one spot instead. .. ;V. efforts of. Bodner and able receivers passes for an Interception that gave enabling him to regain the team lead' That he has. In the seasoivopener .rusher thus far. "We just go to camp the Bears went, down fighting, 17-10, "He's just a great person, an up So enthralling was this game-that .such as Eric Paprocki and- Brian . Brearley possession,at the, ALJ 20. . In rushing from Capizzano. "You and we" just;work, and we-keep, on Sept. 26 against Governor to a team that had to win hi order to person, the kind of player you want anyone who didn't know it was the Power, dominated the air lanes. The can't take, anything away from Livingston Regional, touchdown After being held to a net gain.of progressing' as a family. That's the' qualify for the North Jersey, Group onyourteam.". • • eighth game of reguUuj.seasbn play,, strength of a 10-3 ALJ half time lead : seven yards in four plays, the Bears them; they deserved the victory. I whole emphasis in this program — runs of 25 And 43 yards from the 2, Section 2 playoffs. \- ' ' • .came on Bodher's 31-yard touch-' BEAR IN THE MIDDLE- And that'sj .. And without doubt. But as missed put on what would be their don't think too many teams could finds himself sandwlched-between Johnson Reglonal's Eric. 'to be a family. If we weren't a likeable senior—not to mention key Just mention his role as compared ' down pass to Paprocki, who made a lose a starter in the backfield and a plays by Mike Ramos and Gary pleasant-mannered as he may be, flnal opportunity to take the lead Paprocki, top, Todd Burner, and teammate Pat Olenlck family, I don't think we would have' to that.of Chalenski's, and the ex- splendid' diyuig-catclHo^mplete when Vergura's 31-yard field goal storting defender, and hang in there, won two straight championships." Faucher — helped seal a 47-7 win. aren't there times when the never- 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Tot .' the play with 2:16 remaining in the during last Saturday's action In Clark. Now the number four citing two-way player, will agree ending question of whether or not the attempt was short arid wide to the We could have been blown out, had seed In Group 1 action, the 6-1-1 Bears will travel to Mountain Indeed, togetherness is a lot of Three weeks later, in a game under whole-heartedly, ' •' y 0 3 ; 7- 0 10 opening quarter. Bodner, who came we not had the character to hang In the lights at Herm Shaw Field In Bears can win it all for a third left with 10:28 left to play. Lakes fora 1 p.m. semifinal-round match on Saturday. what makes Brearley tick. But Johnson 7 3 '6 v 7 17 onto add the extra point, later From then on, the clock started there.- • Roselle Park, Capizzano' took a "It's very true," said Capizzano, straight time, gets to be somewhat booted a 30-yard field goal to give his Capizzano's role during the past irritating, .both to Cap and his winding down in what began to look' handoff and raced down the right "because they-'ye got to worry about. ALJ— Paprocki, 31 pass from team a. 10-0 lead, before Mike 1 three years cannot, in any way, be- teammates? . like a second successive Ue'for the - sideline for a 35-yard, first-quarter, Mike, so that frees up me and Gary Bodner (Bodner kick)" "~^eTgunf connected on a'31-yarder to overlooked. For openers, he is "I don't think it's an irritating Bears, which would have been fatal devastating on kick returns, having touchdown run that helped propel Faucher. It helps a lot. He's a big ALJ—FG, Bodner 30 •'" bring the Bears within seven points the Bears on to a 28-7 victory over help, and with his blocking, too. thing," replied Capizzano, who said ytUag / just 28 seconds before the end of the to Johnson's playoff hopes. But with run back punts for 20 and more Bears—FG,Vergura31 ; .'"•, 3:26 left; Faucher and Big Chee their feisty arch-rivals. . They'restillwatchlnghuri." that that he may play both football RAAABLIN' MAN — From family man to ramblln' man, Joe first.half. . ,-. .;.-,'.;•'. ..••••',-• ;'• '•'.;. yards severaltlmegjhis year to give and baseball In college. "It's kind of Capizzano Is a pleasure to his Brearley Regional teammates, Bears— . B, Chalenski, 2 run failed . to- connect properly !on a • the Bears solid field position. At - But that was nothing compared to '••' Anil whli" *"* has rwplvetj no (Vergura kick); \ 'Then in the third quarter, THANKSGIVING SPECIAL .what happened up in New scholarship offers as of yet, Cap has fun when we talk about it We set the and a terrortd opposing defenses; who musfcontend with his ':' Brearley, which bad come away handoff. Senior Marc Klurman fell WORK OUT WITHOUT other times, his ability to catch goals hi summer camp; and we try darting, slashing runs, both on offense and on special teams ALJ— Bodner, 3 run (Bodner on the ball at the Brearley 48.. - _ passes has helped prolong numerous Providence bne week later. With his been watched — or at least-written empty-handed from that early 14- : kick) Bodner, who ended up completing club trailing by a 26-14 margin, to — by several respected schools, to get to them. It's fun thinking as well. .. ', •'.•' .'••'•:' ."•'•' .'••• ;•' - • •• •.• '.."''.. lj dive when Vergura's 19-yard NAUTILUS MACHINES 'Brearley drives. As' a result, about a third straight championship. T. -yards, ._J izzano»is-the-team%-leadlng—X^phzanoscpredtwotoudidownsin g Riant- Carolina Universltyy_ iP ill' N Cli d It's an honor becauseTibt many- receive~. r with just. one- game to. go i.n" thil__e finaflnnl 4:24.(10 6 Aol f npla1n<,y ^Atomil pulll thM\ae in. Greenville,' No. Carolina, and Bears past, the Pioneers, 27-26,'in a teams have done it. We just take it the regular season, having caught a Springfield College in Springfield, one game at a time. .'. . one year NAUTILUS membership, enjoy game that enabled Brearley to get. Mass. Right now, Capizzano says he Kean tops WCU, 30-14, total of nine throws for 119 yards and "One game at a time," concluded LIKE NEW FOR NJ. Nets ys; Boston Celtics a touchdown. . ' . an advantage over the team that Is thinking about a, career hi KIDS many feel is the largest obstacle to a physical education, and possibly, a a suited-up Capizzano, who was all BUSTRIP On even more occasions, his third straight North Jersey, Group I, coaching career as well. set to rejoin his teammates In Indoor makes ECAC playoff s ^~ChlidrehrResaie" TO THE MEADOWLANDS' Section 2 title for the Bears. On that But whatever field. he chooses practice, thanks tosom e unexpected quick, slashing running style has • The Kean College football team', Division 3 and Sportschannel polls, Shop Saturday, November 21,1987 Leaving bom Union been just as detrimental to opposing sunny, pleasant late October af- when it comes to study, he may try snow the previous day. "Ask coach Trip Includes: Bus, ticket to game & tailgate party ternoon, Cap ended up with . 104 to embark on two different playing that or Mike, and We just answer, made history last week when it • too. .•. .;.':::..,•: " • '"..' ".• • defenses as Chalenski's booming, defeated Western Connecticut "We are riding high with a six- with sandwiches, snacks, beer & soda crunching line assaults have been— yards and three touchdowns, as well fields when it comes to athletics. For one game at a .time. And-whenwe as the honor and glory of scoring the Capizzano,-you-see,'is also a rabid get there, we get there." ',. :••' University, 30-14, in Danbury, Conn. game streak, a conference title and which reveals what Is perhaps Cap's The win secured the 9-1 Cougars a playoff berth in.one year," said, All Proceeds Going to flrstever berth in flw ; Eastern. Hedden, who came to Kean after. Cystic-Fibrosis Foundation CALL FOR FREE NAUTILUS DEMONSTRATION CoUeglate Athletic Conference South . having spent 11 seasons as an ; : For Ordering Tickets or forMor e Information . . game, with' Franklin and Marshall assistant coach at Montclau; State Early winter blast puts chilI in soccer CoUege of Pa. beig ^j^tud CoUege, as did twoof his coUeigue*. Ticket Price$40.00 / .' Call: 558-1501 ppentpponentss; ,...... Drew Glbbs and Prank Benderj.who By MARK YABLON8KY mighty Columbia' of South.Orange-. to savor our victory over. New "But'Columbia was. very good. It ,,-'TJie'winner of this game; which went with Hedden as wen.' "We are VAs it turned out, last week's Maplewood the following day. The' Providence. But we're: gonna be was their' type of day, • no matter will begin on Saturday at noon in In a new season and must approach unexpected winter preview that result was a 5-0 defeat to a well- back. That's a guarantee." ; . whatklndofconditions." " '. Lancaster, Pa., will advance to meet it with the same businesslike brought us an early snowfall played balanced 18-2-1 club. . : "The layoff got us, healthy, but the winner of the Northern region in manner as in the past 10 games. .. no small role when it came time to Against Montclalr, Robby Emmel with back-to-back games we had Dayton's second-year coach, < what will amount to an inaugural "It is a unique situation to have a staff that has been involved with TIRE SALE winding down the 1987 season for the and Glenn Van Dcventer came tired legs,'.'acknowledged. Fanner Frank Ortiz, also admitted that a ECAC title game. No Kean football Brearley and Dayton Regional, and through with tallies to help give coach Jim Jeskey,' who has just three-day wait can "psych down" a team has ever appeared in any kind post-season. play," continued Union High boys' soccer teams, all whining goalie Mike Shaw a well- completed his 27th year In charge of team that Is looking forward to of post-season tournament until now.: Hedden In reference to Glbbs and of- whom were affected by the in- earned shutout. Union's last trip to the Union High soccer program. competing in a big game.: . For the first time since 1976, Kean Bender. "This is a one-game season, clement weather. • the Group 4, Section 2 finals had not only enjoyed a winning season, and our staff will approach it In that been In 1984, when Westfleld came but managed to rewrite the Union- manner. Our players have believed, With rain, falling last Tuesday, based school's football record books in us gnd did what we asked them to 95 Lthen sleet and. snow blanketing the .awaywlthal-flshootoutvictory. •Brand I>JeW , : For Dayton, a team that had. as well, with a first-ever New Jersey do. If they.^iebtttiiiiie^',.wlth'\tiMir-. •FictOrvPrwh . ground the following.day, and then Giants runner to be'roasted' Athletic Conference title topping a successful, businesslike: work & Perfect the drying process' taking effect on recorded 10 shutouts this year and 39 "An Evening Among Giants" featuring a roast of Joe Morris, the star long list of achievements, the likes of habits, then our success could ad- Thursday, all three teams found' had come away with a.drama tic 2-1 VISTA Insulated Shootout victory over Governor running back of the New York/Now Jersey Giants will be held on Mon., Dec.; which haven't been seen since an 8-2 vance us farther." ••'''' PRE-HUNG themselves in the unenviable 7, at Loew'sGIenpolnte Hotel In Teaneck, in order to benefit New Jersey mark was registered in 1974, In aU, Kean has outscored its Skylights by QDL General All Season position of having to play first a Livingston in the Group 2, Section 2 : : s'STEEL' • •;' quarterfinals a full week earlier, the Special Olympics.- , ' . • v , . And after a 5-4-1 record In 1976, the opponents by a coUective 234-77 ACRYLIC DOME semifinal round, game on Friday, The celebrity bast will feature three renowned comedians tackling Joe '' Kean gridiron program hit the skids count, and has rushed for a net total IN STOCK Pdce Includes Double Bore lor lock & Mcurlly diad and then a final round game the next - final loss came one day sooner, With boll! Completely pro.bu.no. with adluatlbla aluminum .Ventlno Viritlng minMikee Hoga™«WInI scorinBwn-iiiicg- bot»»»h , ovf. hi,us= Morris, as well as ah appearance by his friends, including members of the and never; even came close to any of 1,448 yards, In the air, end Kevin BUY NOW ' sill t magnetic wealhefsirlpplng. 200* wide angle . w/scr; ••.'•'. New Providence, where the Bears shots.on goal, the talented 12-5-1 . FLAT GLASS LAMINATED evening.) '"•"," •''''• '.'' ' .; ' '•.•'.•'• '.''.'• .•,'••'•'••••••• ••/••'.]'•' ' •• SP70 SP80' .SP84 ; : DESIGNED SIZES :SP92 SP95 .•'''•'" ','•'•' •' , . : Vonllng • eliminated /the" second-seeded - Dayton- squad was kept ;qulet for Vv:& STYLE? :'•. 1 .The Evening Among Giants offers a variety of sponsorships. :; ' ' ; »259 ^265 *275 . '• - ••'•'.' :Fixed w/»creen Pioneers with a 1-0 victory.. much of the: afternoon by the —Further information on reservations may be obtained by calling the Prices tncluda doubls Pans'. ''. ' .••'• .••.••' CJaar . • Clear " Millers, who turned aroundTo~beaT Insulated Glass (D.P.I.) or High 22"X22" «149 '249 ATgoal bjrSophDmoreivinger Chris Development Office of New Jersey Special Olympics in Piscataway at 562" Performance Glass (H.P.G.), ••;. General All Season Arthur L. Johnson Regional the WIBC to hold'Kaleidoscope' head,'teat boards & platforms. INORDl •MICOUIlO 22"X34" «189 «269 Jardon midway through the third l ; following day to win the Group 2, 1500. . '• • .•;.'... •••-'' .; • .-.•:.• ••• ;:'s':^'',,-: .':: •."'•:••.' '••.•'. .•".;::••.. Completely assembled A ready 22^x46" «199 '289 quarter sent lO-7-l Brearley on to the foreaty Installation. •• ' - PRE-HUNG WOOD SecttpnJcrown. ; . WIBC, the world's largest leaders through the program, which 3O"X3O" "229 ,'299 ': finals the following morning against Nilural wqsd teady (of staining or, palrillno, Price' • «30"X.46". '269, '389- women's' sports organization, has will begin at 7:00 p.m. at the Town IncludorOoubls Bora for lock i.Mcurlly belli • 19-0 Chatham Township, the current All three head coaches involved, DOUBLE HUNG 6AYS o^to •^"X^B".''1.' «2$9 «399; while taking nothing away from the 'Hangover run' set for Jan. 1 Introduced a three-hour multi-media and Campus In Union. Leaden from Completely pra^iuncwlth clear lamb, adlusllble sill : Morris County champion and the - aW442-18i« • 84'w i 54-h ^509' • «5O9 . and compression woalliirslrlppinrj. 200* wide andle .-teams that eliminated them, did Applications are being accepted for the sixth annualCentral Jersey presentation entitled the following women's bowling .. peep i/lewer.add SI9. Mall slot add (49,'prlces rtlltct PlUsComplete same school that had eliminated 30-M42-18W.96-wx.54-h «639 >«99 M'_*!dlhs. ' Brearley from its last final round indicate the unforeseen change in ..Road Runner's Hangover Run. The 3.1-mile run will.take place on .••, ''Kaleldoseope-Leadershlp in a associations will also take part: 45."'•.•• .'•••: Westfleld. •••/'.:•' ••• ,\ V. • :• ..'7.,'•' ' „ • .-' •'..: •] '••?• .•'••':''\\\ f- margin. Ironically, the Bears fell by : P17S / 80R13 . . 47.95 ; ; CASEMENT BOWS' D.P.I. H.P.G. ,','' size and shape on P215/75R14 .63.95 the same .identical score this time "It's very difficult to play two N:j. Race Day registration and packet pickup will betwwn W:30 to •.; S' Including "Reach for the Stars." ; and State Island, N.Y." . ' ' ESS P185/80R13 . . 5^.95 around as well. . days In a row," said Brearley .11:30 a.m. m the park. Because the race is limited to 280 entrants, all;; '•-• 'The .Union 'County-Women's The purpose of "Kaleidoscope" is • •• C34wV>Twx•6Wi>":***»;'1'5M.;i..: ' P205/75R15 .60.95 For Union, it was much the same skipper Allan Czaya, whose team those Interested in participating are encouraged to pre-reglster before, . Bowling Association will have the two-fold: to introduce WIBC's •;'';»•'. C44W » M"w K 50'h, .'589 HM9 . P185/75R14 . 53.95 opportunity to participate in ; ; Coventry. Grandvlew' Sonnrsal • 'Brltlany "SI"'"0 P215/75R15 . 62.95 story. After blanking Mohtclair in was, back in action some 18 hours theDecenlbei'28pre-entrydeadline, •,••.'/ '. ; • :'.': '•': • .:• . workings and services to members, •:.' ' ,>;C45W«iry, x-82"h:/.«689,.»759 , .. : > U!|»A^.LI,.?^;::M?l$884;LWJ1i53u^2jM - 55.95 the Group 4, Section 2 semifinals on after defeating the Pioneers. "It was All entfants Will receive a specially designed T-shirt, as well as hot "Kaleidoscope" this Friday, as and to encourage association :.-.'V',c55W«.123"w x^6rh 91?;,'»79>' P195/75R14 P225/75R15 .65.95 Joyce Bird, a WIBC field l •475 ^*499 •66S »799 . Friday by a 2-0 count, the 13-6-2. kind of crazy, being pushed back chocolate and bagels after the race. Awards will go to the first three / ,k ' CASEMir-r!lT;BAYd;.'ap.i; RP;G;• P205/70R14 . 60,95 ; l representative, will lead 50 bowling Injjrt AddlJnserl Addl. ,;;,; V.'. P235/75R15 .69.95 Farmers were saddled with facing three days. We didn't have a chance ' male and female overall f(nlshers. "" '\ ' ''' '''' local level; .^'. ' ManydoorscomploleWithdecorallvolaser. •' '• '•'• 30.C14-20W - 6TW V50"h' ; *4i9 *M9 : • !; carved or oenulne leaded alasspahflls..'.',,;! '.. 45-CK-2OW • 63"w X 50*h HJ29 '589 •';.»C(i2*a)w.>'',93"wI ii.5 Hardware In White/permathleld' 'i MHJLCEMIIfT VIIIYl WINDOWS llnlihIndbuble pane Insulated •' Stand aqulp Incl: pwr/brka, ear, 1.5L #1 4 cylTURpa m# lte f l ,»189 Value v P165/80R13v 46.00 ^P205/75R14. 55.00 Whlla llnlsh wllh'doubls pani ' P175/$OR13, ^ P205/70R15. Insulated olaia, Any custoiif .: . 47^00•• 59.00 r.siie up to*rwx«f-h(toi 11,1.1; or yourcholca pi Block sixes.' P185/80R13. P215/75R15. 61.00 Btlgo or Brown llnlsh avallibla ExnnoimiKiiswHtcs PATMOOOIItUHOI : Cotton.While; 49.00^ ; >l allQhl iddltloml cmt...... - f i' •>• -''ij'HblilN:'' "' or Alabaster Pifi5/75R14. 52.00 P2J5/75R15V 63.00 READY MADE* IN iTOCH , P495/75R14, DooW. Hun9 J:; 6500 M-wx36-h

»;. Custom MidoCasemenl Wlndo*i from f11f':. IM!^^liv!%?


''••\ ] • I •:•.,. .:.:.:: ..;.;./.^.;.:^;*'iv *»•;.-.>;'

•*).'. • . •

H — Thursday, November 19.1987 — COUNTY LEADER NEWSPAPERS COUNTY LEADER NEWSPAPERS- Thursday, November, W,J987—19


ByMARKYABLONSKY fumble. Glenn Miske; added, the : ecdgetoflrstdowns<, v ...... ; ByMARKYABLONacy ijakly wai 'recenily named «« Manvllle quarterback Pat extra point" "• 'i-*r"r\x¥\- Bpth .teams• w«re"forced to This Brearley RegionalWgh team mark'^ekrped her thle coiinVs Breartey'* Homecoming! Queen as Brennan^ arguably one of the top ., But the Mustangs icedthe'win —-"—-! Indoors^ (or...tjwj.days has gone 124, overwhelmed several • number one spot, and a chance to, throwing quarterbacks in the state,' wrfth a multi-play; 91-yard drive that opponents, and. won, a second OWipeteinflwNorthJersey.Sectlon as Brearl#y'» record completed 16 of 22 passes for 209 overlapped the last two periods and "We max ha^beetf stale," said straight Union County Tournament r-2;''championship '9>eet.'this''past" have been eVen better yards to lead bis team to a 21-7 took approximately: seven minutes BiiUdbg'ca^iJohnLeDonne, mime title, too.-TJjey don't receive nearly Saturday, since It takes a tally of at victory over Jonathan Dayton to-complete. Brennan capped the injury-plagued team.wUl have this as much public acclaim as their : • least' 7.75 to qualify. Also getUnjg Regional High this past Saturday in drive with a two-yard scoring flip to weekend aft beforeJidaying host to football And wrestling brethren do, : good" marks have Deen' senior .BliiQeth o Manville. i ; . ' JohnNorz. .'••' • • ; " • . Brearley Regional on Thanksgiving buUheywta about as often. They «Te Maureen Nakly and junior Lisa- because ol Insufficient num- • After stopping a first-quarter In afl, Manville, which is now 4-3-1 Morning, ?But|we.^really can't the gymnastics squad, and they may r; who placed 7th and 18th, bers, or w;:EUbtt •' Dayton advance deep in Manville on the year, registered a 319-141 ' blame the weather because they also well be considered as the besWrept teachers'strike,: ' ' territory via an-interception, the advantage in total yardage, and a 18- missed two days of practice.", ' secretinKenUworth. . . A •- c . The Car Spa Mustangs opened the scoring by "These kids are great and fee ^======*drivtogJWyardsin three plays, all of itth DaytdrrPlaYer kids isihat they nevergTyeup;"saW SPRINGFIELD AVE : yard scoring pass from Brennan to Brearley's second-year, bead coach, UNION V Pete Murowski. The extra point The Sting captured the Springfield JimDougherty, whose teambeatout attempt failed; ...-.-• Recreation Soccer. ' League cham- of The Week Cranford, Union and Unloq Catholic ' After. Manville increased its lead pionship this past weekend with a 5-1 on Friaay,;Noy. 6 to wiii a second to 14-0 in the second quarter, the victory over the Aztecs. Leading the consecutive county - tournament Bulldogs cut the lead In half, when - way for the 6-1 Sting wfis Roman Nil, crown. "Welve been behind in at Jeff Staffer ran three yards for a who scored four goals,, while least half the meets by a few points, , touchdown late in' the third quarter, teammate Peter Singer added the - and we would come back and win it only four plays after'teammate Matt other tally. . '. • on the; beam and on the floor. Lynch had recovered a Manville Josh Kay registered the only goal ;.-'• They're i a j -very aware', group. forthe5-2A7tecs:; \- >:They're.veryi very together Mds.'r , In the consolation game, the • Dougherty is a firm believer in , 1: 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Tot Timbers, led by a five-goal outburst. finding work for all 13 members of Dayton '/ 0 o 7 o 7 from Peter Kucharski, blanked the his squad, and since the Lady Beais ManyUle. 6 8 Q 7 21 Fury, 6-0, thus leaving the 3-4 have done so well against so many Timbers alone in third place. .opponents, including-': Union,. Jonathan Kurtzer scored the other Cranford and Bound Brook, that has. " *• ~~V~~7'X^~ ' " ' ' • . i '' • • • ,»•'.. B^IIA ttv^^M I tkitit • •••••..•• •.,:,' • .-, •••• • ••••••.•' • ..•••• ' . • • • ' , PtiotoByMlrtlBnMdagt ' MV— Murowski,' 10 pass from BOOM! — Linden High will need both the strong kicking and GETTING AWAY — And by all means, the Rfoselle High defense will have to avoid Brennan (kick failed) goal for the'victors. ' /, not been .difficult, But a few team . -members have also managed, to' running leg of Lamont Tate If It Is to give top-ranked Union a scenes such as this If the Rams arejo end their 1987, season with a. win over Want Ads Work.. MV— Fregeolle, .9 pass from Chris Klsch Is coach John LeDtinne's run for Its money In this Saturday's North Jersey, Group 4, ncilghboring Roselle Park on Thanksgiving Morning. Hillside's Dennis Combs Brennan (Brennan pass) grab individual, honors along the I Call 686-7700 Dayion Regional. choice as Dayton Regional Player of way, - including junior - Adriana ... MwtolVJ Section 2 playoff game In Union. Both teams are 8-0. happened to be the culprit In this particular situation a month ago. Dayton— Staffer, 3 run (Miske the week, for registering 11 tackles, UP, UP AND AWAY — Despite an admirable blocking ot^ Chessa, who placed second in that f kick) ...-• Football and one sack in last Saturday's 2L-7 county, championship meetv falling tempt by Brian Power;^33,'of Johnson Reglohal; Mike MV— Norz, 2 pass from Brennan Brearley, Nov. 26,10:30 a.m., H. loss at Manville/ It is the second to beat only Roselle's Cathi Lee for Veroura's extra, point offering gets off safely In last Satur- (Kulikowskikick) .'' . - . Freshman Football . time; this-season that the hard- day's action In Clark. While the kick tied the score, however; Brearley, Nov. 20,3:45 p.m., A^ - topoveral l honors — except when it* DR. WILLIAM W. MARTIN hitting senior has been cited. : i ,t, came to the balance beam. , • ; the Crusaders came back to win, 17-10. ' - . ^ ; . •. DAVID T. BIGDEN, D.C. MARTIK CHIROPRACTIC & SPORTS REHAB CENTER ANiMOUNCES' Hp THE RELOCATION OF HIS PRACTICE ANNOUNCESJHE OPENING OF HIS OFFICE FROM: 911N. Wood Avenue* Th4 Opening Of An Office •'•\•:.:."•'••: FORTHE :•:-*•' ^' '.." PRACTICEOF GlENERALiOENTISTRY TO: 725 N. Wood Avenue* LINDEN

; : (2 Blocks South of our bid location) Piactice Of Chirppiactidj •.•.-• .:^;;5.MltUROAp. •••.;• IRV^NCTON, NEW 3ERS-5Y '.'. •> '''•'•)•'' DECEMBER 13tt1,1987 4HChe«tnutSt. OFPICEHOUliS .BY^PPpiNTM^NTY^PpiNTMN ; ;:/; ,^ ;;.: -:-y$J2'7Q49i:-;. 1:00 tQ 4:00 P.M. '• RdselletN.J. 725 North Wood Ave. •linden :v;-A"yy.'-l>.,.:''

uiunruHnim«nuriimanJuniiiit|iiliuiiiiiiiiiitiii{ii[iiiimili[iiiiiuitimi]|iiii iiiiiuiiuniiiunuuiJiiuiiiauiiiiih^ I GREGORY S.GALUCKM.D. GOOD LUCK BEARS! SPECIAL SALE HOURS UNION STORE ONLY Orthopaedic Siirgery SAT 10-MIDNIGHT » SUN IO-6 • MON-FRI If-MIDNIGHT SPORTS MEDICINE .'].'.••''•'.:'•„..'• JMewAddress ; ,.. •••>••'.'..• ALWAYS ••. 27807Morris Avenue THE BEST IN... : ALL Colonial Square Off ice Building Rent Any Spdr^ Tape for 99* • FASHION 1987 BINDINGS :".•;• . • Suite2C • •.•••••.••"•; •EQUIPMENT : - with thirad - v • SERVICE MUST GO ;;::.•'.•••• .••.••-.••.•.•••trnipn; •••.••'-•"••••••• ••' 700 Boulevard •Kenilworth •••• I4.9-'|V9 ; ' ' , Hours By Appointment Day - Evening EmerBcncies' Mon-Sat 10-9,,Sun 12-4 ;'/•; •r ' >• 245-3090 :•-. :••• ';: 686-6665 Football Soccer LOOKXM TYROUA: BrearleylO ...... A.L. Johnson,17 *DaytonO.... ;•:. ,i Millbiirn2 390RD .;;. NewProv.O MARKER MAN Dayton7 .....•...... :. ManVille21 *tfrearley 1, , ^iPi Lindenl9 WestfieldlS *Brearley0 .. , Gljat. Twtoph. 3 M-2'3 ;... No. Plfd.0 ' *Union2t... ;. ;..-Moniiclairb OUtRACEOUS 1988 FASHI0N4JMJE (Ml Roselle68 .....;•. SKI FASHIONS RoselleParkH .;. .:.. Gbv.Liv. 12 *UnionO ... /' ^vColurhbiaS Union36 ../.^... .^.f Cranfordl9 amieptplay, V UPTo85%OFF"B7"FASHK>IU TheChiampion sweats Headquarters ; MOUNTING WHILE YOU WAIT) SKI PARKAS FROM $69 >$^iha^oan]nwHieslntoe)bHud SKI SUITS FROM $69 64 Broad St., Elizabeth ••'. .• MlddlewxondUnlon.counite«i- SWEATERS FROM $29 " r 352-421? SOME GLOVES FROM $19 PEOPLE ALL PLUS THE HOTEST "88" FAJMIONJ MASKED AT 1987 BOOTS MUST GO 20% OFF! REALLY , bVER 4,000 PAIR IN STOCK

Salomon SX61. Primary training Advanced Conwierical Tralnlrtg Dolomite'.DS3Q0 Dolomite DS195 •• I Ralchle86O . RalchleRE44O anywhere in the U,S Caber Conlca - Flight Training, Ground School, Audio-Visual Tape% Caber CR20. call toll-free For Further Information, Call Us At DynafltCDSO . '• 687-0077 DynafltCDIO . kdnachsop - "• 201-862-3846 KoflachCE200 LangTXP : •' :. VimpRENTALS 11 . Hanson UF IOI" TRIANGLE LIOUORS TechnlcaGT7 , 0 Mordlca 990••' . 625Chestnutst. • 14Q6 BurnetAve. RalchleJR -:•' ilpyf Bmm 1. ; Dolomite Specials -JJnlon«87c910O (Car. vauxhall Road) •; , LOTTERY CLAIM CENTER uriipn688-2520 ;;v Video Specials as low as OPEN 7 DAYSWE DELIVER ttpeN7ys 56p«rjtf|dplr|ces;jffi;K,. v^'Hi ..• NJ, LOTTERY CENTER with membership ;i ; re*.l:>/2fpy87,--V>.:: •.:'. •'" !!. v^i: ir^Er(!HO^i|l%$';BI'!- SHOP-RITE LIOUORS 501 BonlcvanS • KcnUworth • 176-8546 LINW0ODU0UORS I T of^omom '- ninuors. Wlnes^eer |-Jf:').'.tf. '*;-1ui1.,':^c2;ijiifffitI^i«iVB^:,' • p SI Oil Any Pliiii or Sliotnboll I Sadie & Sals Liquors

'mm ION S rrow HOWMI >«»tf«i KX • >AT in»wmni CAM-LOY LIQUORS Glen Gary Liquors mmm ::3SW^':-|S •J t 20 — Thursday, Novembers,1987 — COUNTY LeADE^NEWSPAPERS-l,i£^*

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,. FineArt'l •'--•— liming r«ldeniial'ct»i»inera «IAce-W5J—'., _| we Frame Everything I HEATING AND MANUFACTURERS the usual to the Unusuail - L" AIR CONDITIONING •MeeaiMRoom •Direct Dial Phones i* AIR CONDITIO •cocktaJMLounge^ .Full Kitchens •HUMIDIFIERS Carrier DIAMOND & COLORED STONE RINGS •Major credit cards ' .color TV " ATTIC FANS 1 Tennis Bracelets Made to Order Newark Airport courtesy car. Free in Room Movies *• ELECTRONIC ; M..fiB.Ux... ;•• in Room steam a whirlpool 5O% OFF RETAIL ifnl otnt(^|ulKs^ / i AIR CLEANERS MUDC ESTIMATES nisi, oitf, tflw vtc \,* - on Open 24 Hours •Chech in for Comfort 467-9832 4 New Providence Road 233-3350 .' On Highway U.S. no. 1, Unden •862-4500 CALL 272-2100 263 MORRIS AVE • SPRINGFIELD Mountalnklde -open 7 day; formerly Thelook Barn Union , 309 Lafayette Avenue - Kenilworth ^ VITOS AUTO ELECTRIC, INC. Couvniy Electric * DUfMstic Swvkt SpteWlsl* Siniu and Paris .. November 19, 1987

Insptction Smite -MUSIC FOR— Sictlon Two of the Union.Leader, Sprlnglidd Leader. Mountainside Echo, Linden Leader. The Spectator, Kenilworth Leader -%••*• Over 70,000 Readers • fine tune-ups • gauges CALL • carburetors • electric windows WEDDINGS Lair conditioning • power-seats tmtmamm • Wiring . horns & wipers 2oT486-6565 ASE certified BIZNESSor 1S74 stuyvesant Aye. union 201-382-0695 688-3818 HOME (Evw) Tips for a healthful THE NEXT BEST THING TO ANEW CflR... "Traditional bpljday meal those who fail to shed-that hours of aerobic exercise." Fat is more dense in calories can be substituted for sugared ANDY'S AUTO SALES. indulgence can add-«s much_as extra weight after the new year As the accompanying-chart than other foods. An ounce of sodas; low-fat margarine for one pijund to your body arrives join the ranks of the indicates, it's not at all uncom- protein, carbohydrates or sugar butter. And a white breast of. 40 years in Business mon to consume over 7,000 has 115 calories, compared to turkey without the skin can Tlw nun Mho ulb you jmu or. weight in a single day," overweight according to Mindy Hermann- "People do give themselves calories in one day of exces- 255 for fat. • replace a dark meat drumstick Zaidins, a clinical diet/—license to indulge over the sive holiday over-eating. Yet "Fortunately, however, With skin, cutting the fat content in haUL ONLY.T.HE f'Tinh'ltiori~ispecialisr-for-the—holidays?"—Hermann-Zaidins- -men-only-necd-about-2,100- lec^indulge!overthe N Memorial Sloan-Kettering said. 'Tliey think they'll take calories a day, and women holidays and not gain weight By choosing: these healthier FINEST imdcan* . alternatives, you. can indulge Cancer Center in New York those extra! pounds off after 1,600, depending on their by making some simple food QUALITY • Iwalltap COMMMV body frame and activity level. choices," Hermann-Zaidins this holiday season without •alfc>m*ttk City. Jan. 1. What they don't realize 2486 Vauxhall Rd. is that to lose even four The main weight-gain said. • .- •. ., • - ~—- : paying for it later in extra Compound this by several .pounds.' Union 686-1886 holiday binges and you could pounds, they'll have to bum culprits, according to A variety of alternatives ' find yourself four, lib five. off an extra 14,000 calories. Hermann-£aidins, are fats and exists for foodsrich in fat and For delicious, low-calorie, VINYL sugary foods. sugar Sugar-free soft drinks recipes, see Page 2. , / REPLACEMENT pounds heavier by Jan. 2. And That's equivalent to about 35 BE ••••. WINDOWS pUTSTANDINa Aluminum & Vinyl Siding! Storm Windows in your field 2064 Morris Ave.. union by becoming a Members of Better Bus. Bureat NEW SECTIOW -Acjuarlurris line the wqlls of the new section of the Flh V Feather part of This pet shop, 239-241 Morris Ave., Springfield. Page INSURAXCI Fin'nf Feather a pet's best friend We Can Handle AH Your r •ReglEistate and Insurance Needsr; 11 Let Our Knowledge and Experience "Your pet's best friend." animakrand supplies, Ray said, "We handle 686-7700 That's what Andy Ray calls the Pin 'n' high quality merchahdisie and have jthe Work For You. We Care. Feather Pet Center located at 239-241, lowest prices anywhere. Our promise is, we BIERTUEMPFEL OSTERTAG Morris AVe., Springfield. -' ; will never knowingly be underspld. My AGENCY, INC. for details The, pet center, a family affair for 34 father started this ; tradition to make it, Vr\ nm I limn I possible for young pet lovers, the kids, to 1N.-V M.i years, is dedicated to helping others: enjoy : Al IM.\I I IOI. their pets and hobbies. care for and enjoy their pets., . ; / Ray, the son of the original owners, Elizabeth It's hard to determine what the best • Machine Parts' Clarice and Andy Ray Sr;j attributes the selling items are at the pet center. Com- Sewing Machine Outlet Store ,.»Trade-ins ., NOBEL shop's 34 successful years to the friendly, panion birds, from singing canaries, to • Machines EYEGLASSES, INC. Singer Machines for Less\ Bought & Sold knowledgeable staff, capable of answering exotic parrots, are -very popular;,, and 4%%OrF • Home Services QUALITY GLASSES AT hundreds of questions which range from the although tropical fish aquariums have • Vacuums DISCOUNT PRICES care of tropical fish to exotic bird nutrition;7- always seemed to be a; popular hobby, with All Brandt _? Laya>vaL v : •Flnanclh ' •. . ,of.. •'.•• MOST INSURANCE PLANS The store is stocked with every type of pet medical evidence suggesting that watching Machines lOWS ACCEPTED , and pet item conceivable. "If we don!t have Repaired • Discount on them can^^ lower your blood pressure, they; achlne(3utlen•,irti.»ii.rVe Outlet >j.' Machine*.'Machines.',! it, your pet doesn't need it!" exclaimed ElltabethSe 6oyean!ii60 Years at ; "have become ; even niore numerous ini>, 1164B.]eneySt. Morris Ave.& Rte 22 ; Elkabeth, V I '.SameLocatSame Locatiol n Ray.' . . . ;:•::•'' ''•.^' • •'•.l''[ l[v \ homesandoffices, v; ' -:i~.•;;;.;>. '[:•'•:'• -.' ^[ 1 1 % : : Bradlees Shopping center There is always something new and ex- 35X-5S40 •'••'•A,-'-! ' '! •}y f^' :' Union •687-7879 citing at Fin 'tt' Feather. Presently, it's the Hoirne 'and office set-ups, and aquariumv The "Where Future Musicians maintenance^^ is another service offered by 11 breaking down of walls and expanding the : ; ; , AMERICAN ^W'Wft business to the store next door /One hundred . Firt'n': Feather... .;.-M, ; iu','.j,. • ;..'r:-/v ; Gel Their StarV aquariums filled with a huge selection of The folks atFiti'n' Feather welcome you . Shades ' H Zkings JUCIC fresh water and salt water fish now take the to come in and visit. It's almost as good as a Q)HOPPE place of the old Geljack Jewelry store, and • trjptplhezoo! ": .;:./; -hXr \ •.^^'••'\ . •;.:':\^ SAXOPHONES from '495 a large room soon to be known as "Our !Bird The store is open from, 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. v FREK LESSONS with . Barn" will house the itriany exotic species of and10 a.m. to 9 p.rn. Tuesdays and Thur- KEYBOARDS parrots and wildlife at the pet center; ' sdays. The store wHl; be open; extended > BIG Union Market Place When questioned about the prices of •hours during the holiday season. 2445 Springfield Ave. Union D8SCOUNTS Frl thru Sun 11 to 9 • WEWDAV'S 349-5029 • VERTICAL BLINDS ' • .: THMBAWMTWfl • LEUOLOR BLINDS ANNOUNCING!!! m FEATMERiP • SHADES "fired of sending flowers that onlv 239 Morris Ave.. Sprinofield |/'fasta'coupleofdays? WINTER HOURS • WICKER FURNITURE Specializing in Tropical Fish • SILK FLOWERS Well were vour answer- ,( OPEN 7 DAYS : M • UNIQUE GIFTS THE WIZARD WILl DELIVER: andLargejJirds • DOLLS WE WILL PUT ANYTHING IN A PARROTS BASKET TO PERSONALIZE 1 .•I 686-9661 6V%RYTHIN0 IS RE-USEABLE- !TvounoBlro>Hansd Tarried 2064 Morns Ave., Union INaUDINCABASKETI msnoriallz«rtervicfl from WECARRYIAMSEUKANUBA Elite Ross consultant a fun costumed wizardi, ; vacatlonlnfl? Leave vour birds with us. :• '& MtS571 Quality for Your Life Beauty for Your Home • •-. 19M-1M7 .' • ••.;;:. Beauty •.-' 3Qener«l|on5Of ' , mDMJinA FrUndIV Ssrvlce >. COurUrd Anniverury) ;'

^IBATINOOIL-DIBSBlfPyEL-KBROSHNB ; ^^•-V.^>,^,JOI^B>IBr«'»AbBl3EW^CB^::;v; * .. -t\1

''••:^'^M^^ a. ArtsWeek'87 I • I The Healthier A major photography exhibi- Public Library, in the Library's ic is Invited to attend. Schnur Is the curator of the WyattofWestfield. Traditional Calories Alternative tion Is the keynote event as 3rd floor galllery area. Partial exhibit ••'•'". Thanksgiving will soon be here and most people are .looking Union County celebrates funding for this exhibit is Artists whose work will Also featured are John More information can be "forward to the traditional dinner of turkey, stuffing, sweet potatoes, National Arts Week "87. ,,' provided by the New Jersey appear in this Invitational show Cooper, David Rose and Anne obtained by calling the Union sBredkfast cranberry sauce and homemade pies. For this special holiday, the , Thirteen Union County State Council of the Arts are Nancy Walsh of Cranford, Ross of. Summit, Donald P. County Office of Cultural and dietitians at Union Hospital offer the following tips for a safe and photographers 'will, display Department pf State.v; Frank Brindley and Brian Lav Lokuta of Union, and John Heritage Affairs at 233-7906. of Elizabeth, Robin Schwartz Two eggs, scrambled with ,'• 222 One egg, soft boiled . 78 delicious holiday meal: ,;. ' •'-.,.,: \ • • their work in an exhibit co- The photographers will, be butter and milk ,, • According to the hospital dietary, experts, choosing, stuffing and sponsored by the Union Coun- at the opening night reception and Kat Wolfe of Linden, and I roasting: a turkey properly can avoid unnecessary calories and ty Office of Cultural and Herit- which will take place tomorrow Jean Mattson, David Plttls and Two .slice.<~whTte7bread v: Mel-C. Schnur of Plalnfiek). 338 Two slices whole wheat bread , 160 unwanted illness. • .". \.. '. •^••.'/.'',>.'.:• ::"•'.•, • age Affairs and the Elizabeth from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. The publ- ^ toasted with two tablespoons toasted with one tablespoon • Turkeys come in three varieties; frcteen plain, frozen self-basting 2 butter reduced-calorie margarine . ; "l~ and fresh birds. A frozen plain turkey' is usually this least expensive, One eight-ouncie glass, swebt- A frozen self-basting turkey bis been injected in the breast with a 2 130 One-half fresh orange. • 32 : solution of butter or, cooking oil. The dietitians recommend.that you Q ened orange juice made from' check the ingredients to find out what type of basting fluid was used. i a frozen concentrate , ' Butter and coconut oil are high in unsaturated fats; so, if a self- § Two cups coffee (six1 ounces Two cups coffee (six ounces 34 basting turkey is preferred, choose one containing corn oil. This type to. each) witli two tablespoons < 177 of turkey is high in polyunsa'turated fats and is a healthier choice. "^ _ each) with two packets - All frozen turkeys should be bought when .they are solidly frozen 3 sugar and two ounces half Equal® tabletop sweetener . and Jheo be defrosted in the refrigerator for several days to prevent £ and half , ' and two ounces skim milk bacteriaTgrowth. A fresh turkey should bo bought close to the holiday —Two-sliees-ham-with-fat- -246- -Two^uncesturkey'link-saus' -'-90- and stored in the refrigerator for no more than two to three days, (approximately six, ounces) according to the dietitians. age (approximately two links) •.'...'" Whether you .buy, a fresh or frozen turkey is a matter of personal ••preference. There is no significant difference in quality between a The Holiday Meal : fresh turkey and a frozen one. But if you choose to buy' a fresh turkey, buy it only a day or two before you plan to roast it. If you like to shop Two six-ounce cups eggnog, 1,005 One cup reduced^lorie hot 136 ahead, you should buy a frozen turkey, since it can be stored for up to alcoholic variety cocoa mix, sweetened with a year in your freezer at 0 degrees Fahrenheit. ' : . NutraSweet® Cocoa l There are three ways to safely thaw a frozen turkey. You can move . made..with.s the turkey, inks original wrappings, fromthe freezer to the refrigera- tor. It will defrost in the refrigerator in two to five days. You can also One-half cup canned fruit 97 One-half cup sugar-free fruit 22 thaw it in cold water, generally in less tliaffa day. Make sure mere arc cocktail in heavy syrup _ _ flavored gelatin sweetened _ _ . no breaks in-the wrapping and then cover the frozen bird in cold IN VIEW — 'Screen and Window,' by Donald P. Lokuta water. Change the water frequently for safety. The "third safe method ON EXHIBIT—'Bull Terrier and Pit Bull Pups,' by RobinSchwartz of Linden, one of the -of-Union,.one oUhejwotksjjy: .Union Countyiphotoara-. with NutraSweet®. Add in phers to be Included In the National Arts Week one quarter cup fresh fruit for thawing is to use your microwave, following the manufacturer's works by Union County photographers to be included in the National Arts Week exhibition recommendations. at the Elizabeth Public Library Nov. 20 to Dec. 30. exhibition. One average'turkey 416 Six ounces turkey breast, 230 The dietitians added that to prevent the growth of harmful bacteria, drumstick with skin , skin removed the following steps are recommended in stuffing a turkey. Cook the (approximately eight and stuffing separately and stuff the bird loosely so that it is no more than three-quarter ounces) two-thirds full. Place the stuffing inside the bird just before cooking Calendar and remove from the turkey as soon as the bird is done. •Thursdays from 1:30 to 3 p.m. 8 p.m. at the Scotch 'Plains Three-quarters of a cup George Street Playhouse,9 Club, club for tall, single adults; 376 One-half cup cooked 100 To roast the turkey, place it breast side up on a rack in a shallow Art meetings followed by -dancing, For information and to enroll, library, 1927 Bartle Ave. For homemade stuffing Livingston Ave., New Bruns- brown rice roasting pan and do not add any water. Cover the turkey with a tent of Newark Museum is exhibit- wick, presents "Princess Grace every second Tuesday of :.the! call 499-6169. _ Jfurther information about the heavy duty aluminum foil in order to prevent overbrownjng and to •workshop or the center, call One-half cup giblet_gravy 55 . —s One-quarter cup low-calorie 8 ing, "Realism and Abstraction: and the Fazzaris," a comedy. For month, Meadowlands: Hilton, • 2 RESOLVE of Central New ' allow for maximum molstness and heat circulation.' 20th-century American Art" reservations, call 246-7717. Harmon' Plaza, Secaucus, 8:30 Jersey is the local chapter: of a 469-2698 or 322-5029.. prepared gravy _. __ To eliminate guess work about whether the bird is done, insert a pjn., 298-0964. national self help organization The museum is located at 49 The NJ.. Chapter of Cystic One cup candied sweet 370 .One-half sweet potato baked 109 meat thermometer through the foil and into the thickest .par^ of the Washington St, Newark. Admis- —Union County CiOPO, offering support groups, doctor potatoes thigh muscle without touching'th e bone. Roast the bird according to sion to the museum is free; park- dance0socials for, widows and referral and educational meetings Fibrosis will have a bus trip to in skin with one teaspoon the chart on the label. To brown the turkey, remove the foil 20-30 see the Nets vs. the. Boston cinnamon ing is available in the Museum The-AIIC-H.JN J.. Moonrakersluuumwua,, a cluwubu widowers hold dances on the to couples and professionals deal- minutes before roasting is finished. Continue to cook the turkey until Penny Lane lot at the corner of* for tall .and single adults, meets third Wednesday at the West- ing will impaired fertility. For Celtics Nov. 21. Price includes One small tossed lettuce the thermometer registers 185 degrees. — wood in Garwood. F6r informa- information, call. 731-9011 or tailgate party. For information 267 One small tossed lettuce and 75 Central and University avenues, the second Tuesday of the month call John O'Shea at 558-1501. and tomato salad with tKrce tomato salad with three table- Once the turkey has been cooked the proper amount of time accord-' For information, call 596-6550. at the Meadowlands Hilton, 2 tion, call Harold Brown at 873-8787. •• tablespoons salad dressing ing to its weight, and you and your family are ready to sit down to a The Ultimate Image*47 Alden Harmon Plaza, Secaucus,, at 8 241-3315. Mended Hearts, a support spoons low-calorie dressing delicious holiday meal, remember that bacteria will begin to multiply >• The N J. branch of the Scler- St, Cranford has an exhibit of p.m.-Fbr information about the The Gregory Club of N J.,a group^ of people who' have had oderma Society will hold an Two medium-sized dinner 370 -One large .whole wheat roll, 90 on food left out at room temperature for more than two hours. Be sure Chris Beatty photographs through club, call Laura Hagan at Catholic singles group, meets heart surgery or any other type of rolls with two tablespoons to put the remaining turkey in the refrigerator or freeze it for leftovers heart problem, visits patients educational. forum Nov. 22 at plain Nov. 30. The public is invited to 298-0964. Nov. 21 at the Red Cross Build- '1:30 p*m. at Morristown Memorr butter afterthat. meet the artist at a reception Parents Without Partners- ing,JL<}9 Chestnut kSt., Nutley* awaiting surgery to help them by. Also remember that frequently opening the oven door prolongs For information, call 991-4514 or sharing experiences. Endorsed by ial Hospital. For information, call Sunday from 2 to 4 p.m. Watchung Hill Chapter 418, Heidi Hirsch al722-2772. Three-quarters of a cup cooked cooking time. The dietitians also warn that a turkey should never be Swain Galleries, in Plainfield dance0social every second 667-5580. S the American Heart Association, 162 ' Three-quarters of a cup cooked 53 partially cooked.one day and finished roasting the next day because the group holds meetings.on the broccoli with three table- broccoli with one tablespoon exhibits Ernest BrergwBrergwall'a s seas- Monday of the month, orienta- The NJ. Chronic: Epstcln- this will increase the chance of bacterial growth. capes beginning Nov. 9. tion, 7:45 pm; dance, 8:30pjn.; hAiic'in third Tuesday, of the month in spoons hollandaisc sauce grated parmesan cheese vlui Barr Support Group meets' "Following these guidelines, you will be able to prepare and enjoy a Resolve Community VAffair, Route 22 East, Moun- i »^ Springfield. Anyone interested in Nov. 21 at 2 pjain the auditor- delicious and healthy Thanksgiving dinner," Hilary Weiss, Union becoming a member or receiving One eight-ounce glass One eight-ounce glass .sugUr- Counselinli g CCentet r IInc . pplanl s ann tainside, 527-0479 or 469-7795. New Jersey Center for Visual ium of St. Clares-Riverside' 100 2 Hospital Dietary Director says. "This is important, since this holiday art sale at the Immaculate Heart On Nov. 19 there will-be a Arts, 68 Elm SZt, Summit, will!1 more information can .'contact carbonated soft drink frcc carbonated soft drink Medical Center in penville. For' should be a tune of togetherness, not illness." of Mary Church, Marline membership meeting, at United hold the second in a series of five Mended Hearts by calling information, call 276-7743, made With NutraSweet® Avenue, Scotch Plains on Nov.. Jersey Bank, 336, Scotch Plains, jazz concerts Nov.22 from 4 to 6 467-8850. One slice apple.pie (1/7 of 9" 600 21 at 7 p.m. For information, call with a speaker on the topic of p.m. Appearing will be The Hospicelink, service assists One-half cup sugar-free 90 How to read a food label T~ ~ persons seeking care for termi- pie) with one scoop french chocolate pudding sweetened 322-9180. AIDS. Derek Smith Trio. For informa-' Potpourri If you are doing a lot of entertaining during this holiday season, you Parents Without Partners, tion. call 273=9121. '- nally ill patients and their fami- : vanilla ice cream ;with NutraSweet® " Chapter Two, a group for may find yourself buying many different foods for guests who have Mid-Jersey Chapter 236, will The Minstrel; Show" CofTee- lies. The toll-free telephone dietary restrictions that you want to follow. Labels are often hard to Theater „ have a pancake breakfast Nov. 29 house, Friday night conceits, numberis (800)331-1620. couples married more than once, Snacks interpret. For instance, what's the difference between foods that arc Th—e Playhous__-„ e Association, at Village Rec, Naricon Place, Somerset County Environmental '. CHEMQcare, a support group meets at the Jewish Community . for- chemotherapy and radiation 'Center, 1775 Oak Tree Road, Four ounces salted, roasted low sodium, and very low sodium. "Meat and Poultry Labels Wrap it 10 New England Ave., Summit, Est Brunswick from 11 a.m. to 1 Education Center, 190 Lord Ster- 716 One cup plain popcorn 70 Up contains valuable information on how to read labels like these ..presents "The Dining Room" p.m. For information, call ling Road, Baslung Ridge, 8:30 therapiy patients, will hold a train- • Edison, NoVi 21 at 8 p.m. For peanuts and how to know just what you are buying. It also has information on through Nov. 21 at 8:15 p.m. Call 745-6767 p.m., 335-9489. V ing session for support people on information, Call 636-0559 or commonly used additives and what is required in standard products NormaMcOough at 273-8604 for ~New Expectations, single adult Nov. 21 and Dec. 5 at 1:30 to .382-8779.; . . , ' Five homemade cookies • 300 Three chocolate wafers 51 such as chili con came, chicken soup, and hamburger. '• • ticket information. ' ' rap group, discussion followed by 4:30 pja at Schering-Plough in (chocolate snaps)— For additional turkey cooking tip?, the U.S. Department of Agricul- ' dancing, Morristown 'Unitarian Support groups Madison: For information, call •.' The. Greater Wew Jersey• 233-UOl • •. ••• ""> Stamp Expo will bo held Nov. One slice homemade cherry lure has a booklet for you called "Talking About Turkey" (Item 527R. Fellowship, Normandy Heights Project Protect,: a support 462 One cup sugar-free hot 136 iree), v —--—- .-J Road, Morristown, every Friday, group for battered women, meets The Mother' Center of Central 21-22 at the Holiday Inn/Jetport pic (1/7 of 9" pie) with one cocoa mix sweetened with To send for a copy of Meat and Poultry Labels Wrap It Up (Item 8 p.m. Tuesdays from 7:30 to 9,:30 p.ni New Jersey, a support and infor- in Elizabeth, from 10 aan. to 5 eight-ounce glass whole milk' 156 NutraSweet® and topped MariaDutter Single Faces, dances, Satur- For information, call 355-HELP. mation group on parenting, will p.m. The inn is located on Routes 600R. free) published by the Department of Agriculuu* in.coopera- hold a workshop on college with one tablespoon sugar- tion with Oscar Mayer Food Corporation. For your copies, send name Focui Editor days, 8:30 pjn.; Sundays, 8 p.m., Railway Hospital has formed 1 and 9 South, directly across 238-0972 or 6794311. a bereavement group for financial planning for children -frpm Newark" International free whipped topping, sweet- andaddress to S. James. Consumer Information Center,Pueblo. Col. ; ' under the new tax law Nov. 30 at' Airport .' ' , ,"•. •••'••'"'• . . ' ened with NutraSweet* 8irj09.HcsasemcliideU»iteminiinbenwimyoiiro«tor. ' New Jersey Moonrakers widowed peoplejwhich meets on • • J . . . • , • . ••''.. •" ' • V Victorian decor is Jholiday show TO mart show Faculty writings ticket Council has design grants Resolve Community Counsel- ers are adults who wish.to take The design arts are the focus of a new fellowship program <>• Experienc. ~ e th. e splendo... r o••_"••••f a • Visitor...... s will ente•-..r the restored ' <*, • ' •.-•••• ''•'.. Resolve Communitv Coun Over lOO^educatiorial travel Austria; Quebec City, Canada; Museum's Decorative' Arts ing. Centei is sponsoring its in library exhibit .programs'ranging from' eight to advantage of. the low cost, educa- and Hawaii; ' • ' - recently announced by the New Jersey State Council on the Arts. Victorian holiday with a visit to mansion through the grand hall- collection. Children's clothing fourth" annual art auction in Novels, poetry, how-to- tional opportunities.,, .. '.The program'awards grants to professional New Jersey designers "Christinas ' in the Ballantihe 42 days in the winter, spring and . Traveling programs are 14 to way, which will be decorated from the period will be displayed. conjunction with the Fine'Arts manuals and textbooks ranging summer,are detailed in the free 'Campus..programs combine 28-day educational tours* many for outstanding work in the fields of architecture, preservation, House" at the Newark Museum. with evergreen garlands. The The dining room will display Gallery of Ardmore. from nursing care to management 1988 Educational Travel Prog- three or four weeks in a universi- with courses taught by a team of landscape architecture, urban planning, and interior,, industrial, Throughout the holiday season ( detorated tree; trimmed with china, Crystal and silver flatware The benefit art show and are among the published works rams brochure now available ty town in Europe with a one or British educators. : graphic arid fashion design. ,..' „ • .:_.,... -V from Friday; Nov. 27, through antHjuo, hand-painted glass orna- - appropriate for a holiday repast by Rutgers-Newark faculty front the American Institute For two-week travel or cruise prog- ' Mini Programs are 8 to 11-day Sunday, Jan. 10, the five first- auction will be held Nov. 21 at ram. These are classes in the ments donated by Doris Palmer , Free holiday . lours of' the the Immaculate Heart of Mary currently on exhibit' in the Foreign' Study • of'^Greenwich, travel programs'held during the Last year, the NJSCA awarded fellowships in the amounts of floor rooms of the mansion will .of Newark, will be placed in the mansion will be given on Tues- Conn. •. ''' .;' •.-.'. .. '..•.. ! -.•.• . morning in language study, art winter, spring and summer. 1988 $5,000, $8.000,. and $15,000. All awards are based solely on Church on Maritine Avenue in campus' John Cotton Dana history,"literature and other be decorated with poinsettias, white Drawing Room. It was here days through Fridays at 12:30 Library through Nov> 30. The institute, .a subsidiary of program locations include artistic merit . • •.'-'• .,..• evergreen garlands, wreaths, Scotch' Plains. Art work may be AIFS' Inc., a publicly owned subjects, followed by excursions, Mexico, Europe, Russia, the that the tree stood' during the p.m., and Saturdays 'and, Sundays previewed from 7 pjn. with the and activities in the afternoon. mistletoe and other holiday holidays of 1900-1919, enjoyed On Nov. 24, from 3 to 5 p.m., company, has organized overseas United States and Canada. 7 ~ at 1:30 and 2:30 pjn. Tours will show and auction scheduled to, the library will co-sponsor wilh Program locations include:' For additional details and a Ten 35mm slides of complete work must accompany all appli- ornaments.. by the family and Alice Ballan- -learning -programs for over . 1 . meet at the 'Museum's Main the Rutgers-Newark Provost's 300,000 students, teachers and London and Cambridge, free_copy •of the full color 100 cations, which are' due Feb. 24,1988. For program guidelines and The Ballantine mansion, home tine Young's children, who were Gallery Information-Desk. England; Cannes, Paris, La page, brochure, write: American I an application form, contact the Grants Office, New Jersey State' of the Newark-"based, beer- Tickets may be obtained-by Office, a public reception for the other adults since the organiza- the last to grow up in the house. Groups .must reserve in advance tion was founded in 1964. While Rochelle and Anlibes, France; Institute For Foreign Studv. Dent Council on the Arts/Department of State, 109 W. State St, CN maldng familyt. was built 102 calling the Resolve office at authors in the, library's main Surrounding the tree will be by calling 596-6(515. The 322-9180. Complimentary lobby. the' programs were originally" Rome, Italy; Salamanca, Alicante P-l, 102 Greenwich Ave., Green- 306, Trenton, 08625. (609) 292-6130. ' years ago at the height of the arid Granada, Spain; Innsbruck, dolls, toys, games and other museum is closed Mondays, refreshments will be served created for students, many travel- wich. Conn. 06830~~ Victorian era. presents of the era front the Inquiries on the exhibit may be Christmas and New Year's Day. ," throughout the evening. directed to 648-5910. O

LAURA CHRISTINE FACKINA EVAR.KREYBIG "Realtor Associate of the Year" 1987 •••.•• •, • PATRICIA GLOGOWSKI Brata/Owatr PAST PRESIDENT OF BOARD OF REALTORS Of CENTURY M Ray BeD fcAsaoc. Realtors, Laura Christine Facklna, a sales representative tor Ms. Glogowski has reopened her office In Kenllworth has the fnthatiMm and abundant experience Glowgowskl Realty Inc., Kenllworth, N.J. has just been •', as Glogowski Realty Inc. at Ml-R Boulevard.-, '• that makes her • successful business woman. awarded "1987's Realtor Associate of the Year," in- • Pat was last years President of the Greater Eastern She has been actively involved hi both real- Greater Eastern Union County. This was awarded for her Union County Board of Realtoers and Multiple Listing dential and commercial real estate sales for Realtor spirit, business'achievements, local and state Service. During her'term the Board celebrated the first 27 years In Union County. • participation and humanitarian service to the community. year merger of the Multiple,Listing System, the first year, Residing in Union, Eva Kreybig Is on the merger of Rahway! Clark Board and .the first year the Ms. Fackena Is a recipient of the Million Dollar Sales Board was computerized. : • >•• • ••' . ... board of directors for the Greater Eastern Award, a Certified Residential Sales Candidate, a mem- In 1980 It 1983 Pat won-^'Honorable Mention Award" Union Cnty Board of Realtors, a member of ber of,the Installation committee, N.J.'s Help the' and "Make America Better" Contest from the N.J. the Westfleld Board of Realtors, The Na- Homeless project, & Charity JSall and Canvathon commit- Association of Realtors. In 1980 she also received from the tional Board of Realtors, Graduate of N.J. tees fpr the Hospitalized children of Union County. >RU.C.B:R.:the "Outstanding Leadership Award" £ in Realtor Institute and a member of the Invest-, Laura attended Rutgers University College and N.J. 1983 won the Award naming her Realtor of the Year. Pat ment Society of CENTURY 21. . .' . • Realty Institute. At present she lives In. Woodbridge with her husband Donald Mark. Relaxation time Tor Laura was chosen from her Board to receive a Distinguished Mrs. Kreybig's office joined the CENTURY ; Achievement Resolution for her term of Presidency and .21 Team hi 1978 to underline her commitment means art, music, swimming and family. . : was also chosen to receive'.the first Real Estate Merit' ESPECIALLY FOR YpU to leadership in Real Estate Services to the Award given by the Suburban News in January, 1»87.-In community; She recently expanded her of- addition, the N.J.A.R. presented Pat with the Presidents PATRICIA GIX)GOW8KI Award of Excellence Plaque. ; • fices to a fabulous NEW location at 1915 WNER-BROKER •':,. -Morris Avenue. •..''.•''•'" •'• • . •'" ' ''.-•' RAY BELL & ASSOCIATES REALTORS GLOGOWSKI REALTY 541-R BLVD. KENILWORTH GLOGOWSKI REALTY INC, .541-R BOULEVARD KENILWORTH 7094900 iMckWnMafMMh 1915 Morris Ave. Union '"' : "...•• . 6884000 522 CHESTNUT ST., UNION 6884588 U7 9 COSMIC 373-4629 if ill

1 ' , Silhouettes of Five Sales Associates • S£ : ';'• ' , ; LIBERTY ASSOCIATES Carol MoUn: Broker Carol & husband Frank are the owners of Liberty Associates. Since moving to larger quarters od Chestnut St. from their former Hillside location they are enjoying their 3rd year. of success Proud of their entire staff, they are taking this opportunity to'salute the' female members for their many accomplishments & look forward to their continued association with Liberty. "Columbia & Denlse Palermo DcbblejPuter: Former legal secretary'actively Involved hi residential & commercial sales. (Mother & Daughter Team) Resides In Roselle with husband Edward & Is the mother of S children, Jennifer, Laurie, k Edward Jr. Sadie Regan (Winkle), Sally Rees, Gloria Incanflella, Diana Lambert Kitty Revock: Comes from a strong background of banking 4 finance. With 20 years of experience CARDINAL JEWELERS she is no stranger to the Real Estate business & has lived & worked in Union throughout her Real COSMIC HAIR STUDIO ':. /Y".. -,-••"• • '••' "'I"-:':: •' ^^:';.--'-:' •'- 'v J'VS4^3^; *:^i^^..i^Qu^5»s- -'.• • ;•-.' -'•:. ••;.'; •. v? V;-'-- •'•' Estate career; , ,• .... .'•'•• .•.'.•••.'.••• '''":.''•'. ' . •. • "-.'... ; Ellubeth Hofieth: With a background In advertising,.Liz also possesses excellent secretarial This newly renovated hair studio owned and managed by Nydln Piro, mother of three teenage ;';':'.'.. Sadie tt Sal's* Liquors is the result of a friendship between three women: Sadie (Winkle Regan), Sal skills. She has enjoyed success in Real Estate & lives hi, Cnnford wilh husband Richard, also a liberty daughters, Marltza, Eliiabeth & Myfeek. Nydla Is a professional hair designer and instructor, an - (Sally Rees) and Gloria Incannella, former owner of Pat's Liquors. Gloria'convinced Winkle and Sally Associate! their 3 children Carolyn It David, •''•''".:' • ; award winning hair-cutting and styling competitive educator 1 lecturer who also demonstrates as 'that Rbselle heeded a liquor store tha't catered to the personal needs of shoppers interested In a local # ft t > n||M| ! ; ;V platform artist in the North Eastern Region Salon owner-manager whose talents and enthusiastic ':>fwtft>fl^tii>^<*iiirr(«w^t^ "tP d^^fflr4 f4 i,y^Mi*p*lH*V ^ " * ' .'' *' . • '• *" '• ••'•,*• ,. MirU teSalva: Experienced in accounting skills, Maria Is bl-Ungual, speaking both Portuguese & ' dedication Is geared to the progress of cosmetology, Nydia is an instructor at Natural Motion, located '-.. v This' holiday season wUl bring a selection of giftJlquors and wines, basket arrangements' to order Spanish which has proven to be and asset. In serving the Real Estate needs of Latin Americans. A hi Jersey City, and platform artist with Johnson products out of Chicago ..and the,availability for patrons to order their entire party-needs from under one roof and have them Maplewood native Bho resides there with husband Tony i daughter Elena. : deUyei^to^lMmeor^lwlntimefortheboUdays. ."';. :';. l;. :,,',. , V" mCH15STWIUrST,,;)UNION " •''•• '• • '"'••• '/'•-•• '"'"''. '•: 1179STOYVESANT AVE., ONION/mVINGTON '.viifEAi^^AVJ^ ••.,.;-i,.:.v'..;-i. '• ui&aa 373-4629 29S3VAUXHALLRD..(MlllburnAAa|t) Union* 964-3344 Abramson- Davis- I Conlon Holler T Lisa Batlin Abramson, daughter of Dr. Elizabeth A, Davis of Newton, ! and Mrs. Harry Abramson. of Somerville, Mass., daughter of Mr. Richard 1 was married Aug. 9 to Kevin Michael A," Davis'of Lansdale, Pi, was \ :T': "V" Conlon, son' of Mr. and Mrs. James C. McGuipess ; married Sept 12 . to Denis • M. Conlon of Union. , ! '''* Holler of Cambridge, Mass., son Smith The ceremony. was, performed , by of Mr. Frank W. Holler of Superior Court Judge Joseph Halpcrn at Springfield. Sally Ann, McGuiness of Karen Sue Semel, daughter of the home of the bride's parents, where a The Rev. Daniel Kenna of Elizabeth, formerly' of Union, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Semel of reception followed, in the garden under a Massachusetts officiated at the : daughter of Mrs. Sally McGui- Springfield, was married Oct 10 white tent. .'' •'•.; •'; ceremony, and John W: Allen-, ness of Union - and MrV-Daniol- to Vernon L. Avarit, son of Mr. The tride was escorted by he* father. horst of Massachusetts, gave the McGuiness, also of Union, was and, Mrs. Charles Avaint of' Dale Abramson of Cambridge, Mass., : homily in the Chapel Most married Oct. 10 to Stephen Somerset!';;.•',;•• ••'',';;[, ;••„ '•; served as maid of honor, and Amy Blessed Trinity, Boston College, Jeffrey Smith of Elizabeth,, The Rev. Keith Cogbum and Abramson Denhoff of Rhode Island, Newton Campus. A reception formerly of Union/son of Mr. Rabbi Fredric Dworkin officiated served as matron of honor. Both are followed in the Cambridge Multi- and Mrs. Raymond A. Smith of at ceremonies in the Clinton sisters of the bride. 'Bridesmaids were cultural Art Center .in Union. ' Manor, Union,' where, a reception, Laurie Conlon of Summit, sister-in-law of Massachusetts. Judge Melvin Witkin officiated followed the bride; Peggy Campbell of Chester and The bride was escorted by her at the ceremony in Governor The bride was escorted by her Leslie Grayson of Miami, Fla. father. Marilyn J. Davis of Morris Inn, Morristown. A rec.ep- parents..Joanatro of Springfield- David Conlon of Summit served as best Miami7Tna^Tserved~as maid" of tion followed in the inn's. Grand served as maid of honor. Brides- man for his brother. Ushers were Kenneth honor for her sister,, Bridesmaids. J0UlItoom,_ maids-weterMelissa-ZandeH-of- Dutter-of-New-York-GityrCOusin-of-i J : Ly-Davis-of-Westches-' . The bride was escorted by her Spnngfield, Cindy Rice of West groom; Ted Petro of Iryington, Robert, ter, Pa,~and Katie Mack of Lans-! brother, Daniel J McGuiness 3rd Orange and Carolyn Crisofulli of Ciano of Union and Joseph Denhoff of •dale, Pa.,both sisters ofthe bride: - -Kathleen- Coscnuno of Rosclle Highland; Park,, sister of the Rhode . Isalnd, brothernri=lawT~of the John H. Brandi of Pottersville, .Park, formerly of Union, served groom.;-'- •' •.•;'.•• ••'••• .'•••,'•-': •' •• groom, v. • • •• -.".' N. Y., served as best man. Usher as matron of honor Bridesmaids James . Abbott of Trenton Mrs. Conlon, who was graduated from was Robert Whitlock of .were "Dawn Testa of Belleville, served as best man. Ushers were' Somervillo High School and Ohio Univer- Cambridge. '•,•," formerly of Union, and Susan Scott Semel and Mark Semel, sity, ..where, she received a bachelor's Mrs. Holler, who was Tizzanoof Ventnor, formerly of both of Springfield, brothers of . degree, received an art history "degree graduated from North Tcnn High Union. ••"•'. the bride, and, Charles Avant Jr. from Drake University, Florence, Italy, School, Lansdale, and Boston Jay Mankoff of San Francisco, of-Somerset, brother of the and a master's degree from the University College; is employed by Touche- y groom;'',• ''v . •;/;./.'..•.. ' •:' of Cincinnati. She is director bf the fine Ross& Co., Boston. ; as best man Ushers were Vincent Mrs. Avant> '.who was -art division of Brucp. McGaw in New Her husband, who was Baglivo of Scotch Plains, former graduated from Jonathan Day ton York City. graduated from Seton Hall ly of Union,- and James McCoy Regional High School; Spring- Her husband, who was graduated from Preparatory School and Fordham of Union. field, and Katharine Gibbs Secre- Brandywine College and Union County University, received a master's Mrs. Smith, who was tanal School, is employed by College, where he received an associate's ' degree in business administration Siemens •'•Corp.' Research & degree in arts and science, and New graduated from Union High : from Northeastern University. He School, is employed m the art Support, Iselin. ; • :•''. : •'• Jersey Institute of Techno|0gy; where he "' is a certified public accountant at department of a local greeting Her husband, who was MR. AND MRS. KEVIN M. CONLON received a bachelor's degree, is an engi- Touche-Ross Co., Boston. card company graduated fiom Franklin High "nccr in construction and management and The newlyweds'^-who took, a : !: ' MR. AND MRS. DENIS M. HOLLER Her husband, who was School, is in the National Guard contract ' ':- '-- '- ..'";• '•."• •' ^ honeymoon trip to Greece and graduated from Union High Reserves. He is employed by " The newlyweds, who took a honey- Turkey; reside in Cambridge. School; and the University of Home Life Insurance, moon trip to Bermuda, reside-in Union. South Florida, is employed by Pjscatnway. Schmidt- Magnolias Beef Co, and is the The newlyweds, who took a owner of American Video honeymoon trip to Cove Haven Mako Unlimited, a video taping service MR.ANDMRS.VERNONL AVANT Resorts in Pennsylvania, reesidc Karin Sue Schmidt, daughter of Mr Filipski-^ The newlyweds, who took a in East Windsor. and, Mrs. Werner H Schmidt of Saddle MR. AND MRS. STEPHEN JEFFREY SMITH honeymoon trip to Cancun, Brook Road, Mountainside, was married Gruchacz Mexico, reside in Elizabeth Aug. 23 to Geoffrey L. Mako, son of Mr and Mrs E. Robert Mako of Westfield Judith Ann Filipski of Florence, S. C, The Rev Elmer Talcott officiated at the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Paul ceremony in Community Presbyterian Filipski of Pleasant Hill, Calif., was Rothfeld- — Church, Mountainside A reception married Sept 27 to Capt. Joseph Richard followed at the Chantlcler Chateau, I Gruchacz of El Paso, Texas, son of Mr. Adler Warren, where the bride's parents cele- and Mrs. Richard Zigmund Gruchacz_ot; brated their 35th wedding anniversary on Stecher Avenue, Union. . —Manginelli- Mr and Mrs Emanuel Roth thesameday Monsignor John Cunniffe officiated at fcld of Mountainside have_ The bnde was escorted by her parents. the ceremony in the. Catholic Chapel of Durkot . announced the engagement of Jennifer Winter of West CaldweU served the Most Holy Trinity/West Point, N. Y. their daughter, Susan Tema, to as maid of honor. Bridesmaids were ;A. reception followed at the West Point Mr. and Mrs, Domcnic Jay M. Adler, son of Mr. and Danielle Smith of Hilton Head, S C.and i Officers'dub; —^- :.-••—.•'• Manginelli of Rosclle Park have Mrs. David Adler of Springfield 1 Marcy Schmidt of Somerset, sister-in law- He bride was escorted by her father. ' announced ' the engagement—of- and Boynton Beach, Fla. • of the bnde. CMoe Mako of Providence, Mary Filipski of Atlanta, Ga., served as thcir daughter, Loretta, to The bride-eject, Who -was R I, niece of the groom, served as flower maid of honor for her sister. Bridesmaids Michael Durkot, son of Mr. and graduated from. Warner were Angie Cook of FayetteVille, N. C, Mrs. Michael Casey of Garwood. Academy,. South paytpna, and ; ^Christopher Mako of North Plainfield and Barbara 'Jackson and Nancy Rutland, The bride-elect, who was the Daytona Beach Community served as best man fra1 bis brother Ushers bom of Florence. S.C. graduated from Roselle Park College,' where she, received' a 1 were Gareth Mako of Westfield, brother ;• Paul Gruchacz of Hartford, Conn., High School, is employed by the . cosmetology license, is a" sales of the groom, and Werner H Schmidt Jr served as best man for his brother. Ushers New Jersey-Carpenters Funds in coordinator for Ultima H, New of Somerset, brother of (he bnde. were Glenn Guyant of Elso Paso, Tex., Woodbridge. York City. .;, ' '/ .'• -:'•-:••":. Mrs Mako, who was graduated from and Pat Caprara and Fred Ott, both of Her fiance, who was graduated • • Her fiance, who was graduated, Jonathan Dayton Regional High School, Unionnion.;^:^.h.:;::';^::^h':'-;r::: •' '•; '•':: ,. from David Brearley Regional from Jonathan Dayton Regional •'• Springfield, Union College, Cranford, and High School, attends Union High School, Springfield, and Mrs. Gruchacz, who was graduatea Kean College of. New Jersey. Union, is from Francis ^Marion College, was , County College. He is employed Jacksonville University, where he employed in the advertising department of received a bachelor of science 1 employed by Fleet Funding, priorto her by CTBA-Geigy Corp., Summit Bttgdorff Realtors Corporate Headquar- marriage.; : : :v;!:^:^'^'"fv • ' :\r: : ^i^- A fall 1989 wedding is degree in management and ters, Summit riage''!^'^^"f :' 'i^" economics, is the president of i' Her husbaiKL who was graduated from planned. Her husband, who-was graduated from the United States' Military Academy,; Country Club - Services, New Westfield High School. Union College. West Point, is a hawk missUe officer in York, and Drivers, Inc., New Cranford. and Kean Collpge. is the owner the United States Army. V i York. of MobHuncb. Catering of Westfield. .The newlyweds reside in Seoul, Korea.. An April 1988 wedding is The newlyweds, who took a honey- MR AND MRS, GEOFFREY L.TVIAKO LORETTA MANGINELLI planned in Temple BeuVAhm, moon trip to Cancun, Isla Mujeres, 1VIRS. JOSEPH VU qRUCHACZ MICHAEL DURKOT Springfield. SUSAN TEMA ROTHFELD JAY M. ADLER Cozumel. Mexico, reside in Westfield Thieberger- Jjergert- -Itwnnestlntarnatianal eourmet Cuisine Falbo Rh riloiiw Spaclaltlw lisa "Tee" Thieberger, daught- Marion A. Hergert, daughter of Cajun Style er of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Mr. and Mrs. Myles J. Hergert of ' 'Italian Thiebergcr of Springfield, was Linden, was married Aug. 29 to Henel-Moore ! BanqiwtFaclllUM'i Seafood married Oct. 17'to John Falbo, Kevin A. Kucharsld, son of Mr. ieserve how for your Christmas Party now open II son of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Falbo and Mrs. Myron A. Kucharski of For Information-Reeervatlons call 687-8600 Ext. 435 Saturdays of New York. Linden. Piano Music In our InUmats Cocktail LoungsTuss.-Fii. The ceremony, performed by The Rev. David Milliken, Jeanne Leslie Hencl of Titusville, formerly of ome meet our Accomplished Chef, Ricky Dee, formerly of Gablahos Judge Bernard Kannen of Brick- Linden, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert J. Henel Rt 22 Wntbound, Union OSB, officiated at the ceremony (3Vi mllai *a*t of G8P) located nvtt to alnton manor town, a cousin of the bride, was in St. Elizabeth's Roman Cathol- of DeWitt Terrace, Linden, was married Oct. 10 to R»»«fY«Uon«! »aT.W0O Eld. 4311 held at the homo of the bride's ic Church, Linden.- '•• Robert Van Nuys Moore Jr. of;.Titusville, son of -parents. Mrs., Kuch,arski, who was ' Mr. and Mrs. Robert V. Moore of East Brunswick. Mrs. Falbo, who is known graduated from Union Catholic :•'•'.'., The Rev. Colin Moore,-brother of'the groom,. professionally as Lisa "Tec," was High School and Seton Hall - ' officiated at the garden ceremony at the Fountain- graduated from Rutgers Universi- University, is employed by Crum :. head, New Hope, Pa., where a reception followed; Dine With Us On ty, where she received a degree in and Forster Personal Insurance The bride was! escorted by her father. Cornelia mu$ic performance with an Co.. Mt. Bethel. • Ranucci of Holmdel served as matron of honor. • emphasis on jazz piano, She is a Her husband, who was '..'Thomas Beardsley of Herndon, Va., served as free lance pianist and conductor graduated from Linden High best man. . , . and performs in casino hotels in School and the University of Mrs. Moore, who was graduated from Linden Atlantic City. - . Scranton in Pennsylvania, is High School, Union County Technical Institute,- Her husband also is a free' employed by CTBA-Geigy Pliar-, •. and summa cum laude from Kean College of New lance musician in addition to be a ; maceuticals, Summit _ I—.Jersey, Union, where she received a bachelor of ional tennis player The newlywects", who took a arts degree in graphic design, is an art director forT Dinner served (rorrri 2:00 The newly weds, who took a honeymoon trip to Bermuda, the Pcnnington Post Newspaper. Turkey ;.. honeymoon trip to Hilton Head, MR. AND MRS. KEVIN A. KUCHARSKI reside in Linden. < Her husband, who was graduated from East' Roast Duck S. C, reside in, Ocean City. Brunswick High School, Chubb Institute, Parsip- Prime Rib pany, and magna cum laude from Waynesburg Seafood Platter College in Pennsylvania, where lie received

Xi. 5 Hour* Open Bar Cocktail Hour ,7 L'ounu! Dinner, me make Thanksgiving COMPLETE Uncle . Tiere Mon.-Fr|. 34 P,M. SHyur Cdndclalirm und 'Flutvcn Sat. & Sun; 1-4 Flaming Juhlli'c Show, IVlvntc Hrldal DINNERS 7 DAYS Rooms, White CIloVc Service', "^ Dinner for you" PRICE INCIUDES CHOICE OF 12 ENTREES • CUP of SOUP DUJOUR • SALAD Mike'si Discover a Total 'POTATOES or RICE • VEOETABUI • COFFEE. TEA or SODA PIUS DESSERT Restaurant and MONDAY NITE SEAFOOD SPECIAL! (6-12 P.M.) LARGE T.V. SCREEN Cocktail Lounge My Traditional Turkey CLAMS (Baktr'i Dox.-13) Vi SHELL or 9<9 OO The best Italian food | Fitness Center JUMBO SHRIMP (1/2 LB.) &» In the are* An exceptional value awaits you. Consider the area's Dinner comes complete MMt '3.99L0.,T«,,iL. ,'5.99 in our new newest, most complete health and! fitness center, The WHOLCLOB*T(HDINNII((1U.) „., • Onl upstairs room hKliriMl Mad •»•! a btte VrW.KMca 'm Tara Club at the SheratonTara Hotel. A quality club in a with all the trimmings! $ uuuwiii convenient suburban location. Enjoy unsurpassed facili- TUK, 4.WE0S. - CHft'S SPECIALRECIPENIGHTI(«-1P P.M.) . Enovour ties and amenities which include! My Thanksgiving Dinner features Roast-Vermont Newly Renovated FABULOUS THANKSGIVING DINNER!ft |X05 • Indoor aiTd'Outdoor Lap Swimming turkey, chestnut stuffing,cranberry sauce, sweet; DOWNSTAIRS • Racquetball potatoes, vegetable, rolls and muffins; coffee and ^__^ (CHILDREN UNDER 12....; $5*9^),T| II • BAR • Nautilus and Cybe* Machines

i f e NO • Cardiovascular Training Equipment dessert, all for only; $*| iffc ACf PER PERSON SS ciiNliF»»v?il» ^ilSi. 9Ift!2 !? wWVYrOI^NM HOUS; «5ORT(tf.CONtjlM£NTS, Reserve NOW For COMPLETE Your Christinas • Aerobics CHILDREN'S COMPLETE Party! • Sauna and Steam Rooms • THANKSGIVING DINNER Open For • Whirlpool ONUr .": "IMF'- HOT 'n COLD BUF«T THU«S.'»7«I.; 4J fMi. • Massage [Therapy, and More '7.50 ,•:.. AW CARTE MENU AVAIL., 'TIL 10 P.M./ISPRESSO. CAPPUCINO COFFEES MON.-SAT, APPETIZERS 99' nnilll/A • Rehearsal Personalized fitness evaluations and individualized exer- (9 P.M.-1 A.M.| CHOICE olU , D||INKS Dinners cise training are part of The Tara Club program. • Bridal Showers Memberships are limited. Stop in today (or a free tour of For up TO 60 our total fitness center at the SheratonTara Hotel. .HoimUqw. or.Wlpa. IJ M l Dom.ult «««, • •. 99* 13 Morris jr\v«nuc IIS UNDEM BOM) Summit 624 Westfleld Avenue, Elisabeth, NJ. ATOTAL FITNESS CENTER (201)352-2022 277-2343 ShcratonTaro Hotel • 199 Smillj Road • Pureippany, NJ • 201 515-2000 All major credit cards Sheraton Tnrj Hotel tC The Tara Out) ore Owned & Operated by USKKKnONSACCBrTEDFOBTfl^NKSCTVINC MAuaiatfrraii accepted ~ TH5 FLATLEY COMPANY Eatery and Gathering Placa Ample FREE Parkins 'I: '••' •' • • • • • Gifted Miss Mills 'Song'set £ -The Central Jersey Region of THE UNION HOSPITAL Guild The Montclair Operetta THE GREATER WEST- Brunswick Hills,, Brunswick can be made by contacting Mrs - By MILT HAMMER 3; Women's American ORT (Orga- Association will hold its annual FIELD Chapter of .Women's Lakes, Elizabeth, Greater West- Schneider at 549-1155. Club is in rehearsal for its •rf nization for Rehabilitation. holiday boutique in the hospital Pick ofUie LPs: "If I Were first major production of the American ORT will sponsor a flea field, Hillsborough, - Metwood, Your Woman," by Stephanie ••- through Training) honored lobby at 1000 Galloping Hill market Sunday at the South Piscataway, Somerset Valley, season, "The Desert Song," : a. Gertrude S. White, of Spring- Road, Union, today and tomor- DON'T MISS A WEEK Mills. by Sigmund Rombcrg, sche- Avenue Railroad Station, West- Springfield, Union and Watchung Here's another ear-pleaser by 's field, national president of row. A variety of tad-crafted^ field, flom_10 ajn. to 4 p.m/Rain- Hills. •Donations of new, out of OF LOCAL NEWS duled for tomorrow to S Women's American ORT from articles, toys/novelties, and other CALL6$8-77W the gifted Miss Mills.- '...... :.....-. .,. 7 v date is Nov.'29;~M6re than 100 season, or "second" merchandise, FOR HOME DELIVERY Sunday " and Wedncsdayr •z 1938' to 1987 at a luncheon at the items will be on said The public is vendors are expected to attend. Stephanie began singing in her Nov. 27, 28 and_2? at the I Chanticler Chateau in Warren invited. '_ Additional information can be native Brooklyn, N.Y., at the age Mont Hebron School Thea-' J" Nov. 3. . v of 3. By age 9, she had landed ter, Bellevue Avenue, Upper • g The luncheon's program her first Broadway role to a Montclair. => included speeches by national production of ''Maggie Flynn.". ' The club, which has been 3 officers. At' 16, she gained .national acclaim starring as Dorothy in the staging musicals in Montclair z White, immediate past national since 1925, has invited the O president, of Wonien's American THE LADIES AUXILIARY obtained by calling ORT at Tony-winning Broadway sho\v, public to join' the troupe's § ORT, has been active in the orga- of Connecticut Farms Post^35—-654^7982. ',]['•] "The Wiz." Today, her ongoing romance with contemporary designers, carpenters., and z nization since 1952. She joined American Legion, Union, painters.in transforming the PLANNING VISIT — Westfleld Symphony Orchestra O the Elizabeth Chapter, and over attended the- annual visitation THE CENTRAL JERSEY music continues in the studio and Mt. Hebron stage into the prepares for Its return to Carnegie Hall, New York City, w the next few years served as its meeting.of the post on Nov. 5. Region of Women's American onstage. North African desert Saturday. Joining Maestro Brad Kelmach, left, on the o membership chairman, financial Two seniors from'Union High ORT, Organization for Rehabilita- encampment of the "Riffs" Carnegie. Hall stage are Assembly Speaker Chuck g secrelSry, treasurer and president. School_ discussed their expert- . tion through Training, has Special Holiday Dinner.., ' and, their mysterious leader, HardwTck, who serves as honeFary chairman of the ehces" while attending Boys State announced, that ft will hold its ' Homemade Cream of Turkey Soup • Salad Sjip__was_Jthen_narQed_Iregioja_ : the "Red Shadow." , Carnegie event, and Carter Booth, rlght^symphony membership-chairman of the "lasTJune, srwnsored1>yifielVmeri-. annuaTIioliday~bazaar T5ec. "otaT" Capon Gordon Bl»u ;—ThirstageTrewrwhichhas" -presldentr-—— r—-—" "• . . ; — • North Central Jersey Region and can Legion. OnNov. 10*.a regular the YM-YWHA of Raritan OveO n Roast Turkey and DraMlng...... ,:...... $8.95 Mills' dynamic vocal abilities painting construction after that, financial secretary, meeting of Connecticut Farms Valley. The Highland Park "Y." Haiti Steak with Pineapple 8auce...... $9.75 have sold millions of records Mills' debut MCA LP; and sessions scheduled for Vice president! and.chairman of Unit 35, American Legion. Aiixili- ; which is located on the comers of Broiled N.Y. Sirloin 8t»ak...... $11.95 around the world, earning her Robert Brookins, a labclmatc at Mondays and Fridays at 8 . the executive committee. She was ary, was held at the Post home. South Adelaide . and Raritan Broiled Filet of Sole, with Lemon Butter...... $10.50 both the; coveted Grammy and MCA- Center-stage throughout p.m. at the MOC Studio, 495 > elected region president in 1964 ' Members of .the unit will attend ' avenues, Route 27, will be open Milk Fed Veal Cutlet Parmlglana-...... ™...... $10.60 American .Music awards. She the album is. Mills herself, inter- Valley Road, Upper Mont-' Come Try Us^Ypu'll like Us 1 and again in 1965. ' a meeting of the Union County" from 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Stuffed 8hrimp..._™...^....:.....t...._....,.M...... M$ii.O5 could-undisputedly be, called the preting'heartfelt, ballads, "Secret clair, also will create- the Daijy Dinner Specials . She joined the national execu-. Organization of the American ; Karen Schneider, chairman, has • , served with Potato • Vegetable •Dsasert*£oHee biggest voice from the smallest Lady," and '"Touch Me Now," home of the French Gover- . tivo.committee in 1966 as chair- Legion Auxiliary today. The announced that all. items for sale Children's Thanksgiving Menu package in show business. which she co-wrote; and simmer- nor, .General Birabeau,, and InelurJIes: soup, salad, vegetable, man of the special campaign for Ladies Auxiliary will hold a mini are new and include toys, healih ~ .i Also Available ^ •.'.' "If I Were Your Woman,"1 her ing rhythmic numbers, "Can't, the palace of (ho chicftan, AH potato, Dessert, & Beverage bazaar and, white elephant sale and beauty aids, household goods, 1 9B the Israel deficit. She went on to ' Reservations Suggested ; latest MCA LP, demonstrates her Change My Ways," and "You're BenAli; : ; '.;• "..• Broiled /2 Garlic Chicken' 5 become national, membership- along, with the regular monthly clothing, books, jewelry, linens, gifts all over again. A host of top- Puttin' A Rush on Me" '.; The Friday sessions, nick- Broiled Filet of Blueflsh 59S chairman, recording secretary pancake breakfast on the morning and various gift items. , flight producers worked with- -<'If-l -Were-Ypur-Weman'i is- Tiamed-"Friday'Frolics;"-are 4S and vice president. From 1971 to of Nov. 29. 1 948 Stuyvosant Awe. tho latest step forward in Mills' Broiled Whole Baby flounder-6BS The bazaar is' a cooperative Union ' Mills — who serves as one of the followed by a social hour 1979, White was chairman of the The next meeting of Unit 35 effort of the 11 chapters that make project's executive •producers — steadily-advancing career. She which includes refreshments. Prime Rib 7 committee on organization, will be held Dec. 8 at 8 p.m. at the up the Central Jersey ORT including Paul Laurence of Fred- entered the pop music world ' Further information can be Breakfast and Luncheon Specials , during which time 10 districts Post Home, Bond Drive, Umon. Region: the chapters include die Jackson fame; Wayne Brath- early — at the tender age of 11 obtained by calling Manager Sunday: Frgit Bar with Breakfast , were established. In 1979, and waite, who worked with Billy ••he won u> "Amateur Hour" Chns Cooper at 744-7702 or again in 1981, she was elected - Ocean; La La, a producer with contest at the legendary Apollo art coordinator Fran Patton at -—And More! •",.- chairman of the national cxecu- Theater for six consecutive ; ; Davy-D and 226-4174, or scene painting live committee. In 1983 she was Russell Simmons from the rapweeks, winning her first profes- director Virginia Soulc at • Fresh Seafood • Steaks elected national president at the music scene; Nick Martinclli and sional booking as the Isley 748-3235. ' "The New" • Chops• Chicken .'•.. 27th biennial convention in Los Ron Kersey, who worked on Brothers' opening act. Italian Specials • Salad Angeles, Calif. Bar • Children's Menu . She, is a vice president of the American ORT Federation, is a LIDC member of the executive commit- tee of the~World ORT, and serves UNIT 376-1259 • on thp board of trustees of the TRADITIONAL RL 22 •Springfield JJrarason ORT Technical Institute STUYVESA OPEN 24 HOURS .inNew'York. TURKEY FEAST riAIRCUTTING White was a member of the THANKSGIVING Quality Hair cuts 1971 Women's American ORT Hayeck's Pine Food BUFFET ' , at Affordable Prices! delegation on its fact-finding tour Restaurant and Catering of ORT installations in France, 515 Centennial Ave., Cranford Our spectacular holiday buffet Senior OC07 krr Italy, Iran and. Israel, where she will also be available From Citizen Z3 70 OFF • participated in the groundbreaL^ 276-8404 . appetizers to desserts this ing of the ORT School of Engi- Special, iiON.thniFRl. neering in Jerusalem; led the Catering for all occasions p Thanksgiving presentation should not 1981 delegation on a tour of ORT Let Us cater your Holiday Party be missed. Served continuously OPEN MON. thru SAT front I2N to 6 P.M. — installations in Paris, Strasbourg, On premises catering for parties up to 60 1654Sw..Uiiiea Casablanca and Israel, and recen- $ 95 Children Under 10 tly, led the 1984 Fact Finding 13 y95 : Mission to France, Morocco, Italy, and Israel. She saw the iving Dinner Children Under 3 growth of the ORT network and Dinner served 2 PM to 8 PM PBEE! YOU! . the effect of the ORT movement The Dinner of Your Choice for $10.50 CARVE-YOUR-OWN - in strengthening Jewish commun- ^Wr**ypartyoffourcrrnacto j. i Roast Turkey with Chestnut Stuffing carved at your table by your yomo, ities and in reinforcing Jewish 5 __ » MOSTUKEIY month of Nowember. • DIAMONDS • WATCHES • AUTHORIZED identification in the young Qlbtot army and Cranberry Sauc* family host from W liJ CARTIER bEALER • PRECIOUS STONES • iwJ&jt: R we HAVE n," people- Leg of Lahib with Mint Jelly - -forfamlljrolB- SBoed dicecl,and dialed right beforcyoireyes, SILVER • CUFFLINKS • RINGS • . Since 1967 she has been CARUING INSTOUf-tNTS SUPPUtn T Roast Prime Rib au Jus llt lutluy tvdwl be Ihf lrl|. li»m> WHOLESALE EARRINGS • PENDANTS • GOLD budget analyst at the institute of Fresh Ham • GEORG JENSEN SILVER • CUSTOM child study, a clinical complex, at, not DESIGNED JEWELRY .. We Also Buy... Kean College of New Jersey, Broiled Seafood Combination Union. . ' 1 Veal Marsala Route 173 Route 22 Ufett .'•'.•• Bom.in New York, White was ^Dinner Includes: soup • full salad bar with all the peel 'n eat Clinton. N J. Springfield. N.J. educated at the College of the Shrimp you want • potato • vegetable • pumpkin pie or (201) 7^5-5111 (201) 376-9400 puodinQs City of New York, where she Route 10 We»t Route 46 East majored, in business administra- Children under 10 half price Livingston, N.J. WEHMn7J0«.M.7PH 300 MIUBURN AVENUE nervations suflaBstod _ (201) 994-3500 (UtSEOKO.EVElI.UPiL MIUBURN NJ • (201) 379-1S95 tion., Her husband, Solomon, is a (201)263^2000* OKNDAU.V*5AI 1DAUS30PM THUK EVKlOtPM printing executive and publisher 1 Merob«r of lli« WGA (amlly of (xctptlonal itQJch and rtiiauranu Our 57th Year Serving the Public in New, Jersey. The Whites have -RESERVATIONS ARE REQUESTED* ; three'daughters. BUY-WISE AUTOJPARTS . MOMamsTumpilK'4679S5ClTryOui'AulhoitlcSuslilBai> New award Folk danciiig js Series set 'Nunsense' will premiere I International folk dancing will nights; at 8'each Tnonth atthe The George Street' Playhouse, Performances arc scheduled , A documentary video of be featured in Summit when the YWCA, Maple Avenue, Summit. New Brunswick, will present the Tuesday, Wednesday and Thurs- Plays-in-the-Parlc's 25th Summit Folk Dancers open their The pubjic_js invited to all for Opera .New. Jersey premiere of day evenings at 8. Friday and anniversary was the recipient 33rd season. :There will be-a sessions.^ •.•.•.••;•'.,• \\:'. , The State Repertory Opera "Nunsense'' by, Dan Goggin, Saturday, evenings at 8:30 and of the CAPE award at the .selection of international dances has announced that its series tomorrow. It will run through Sunday evenings at 7:30. Curtain fourth" annual Cable Televi- 'for the beginner as >well as for •': Teaching is shared by folk of programs will include Dec. 20 with a preview perfor- for matinees are Saturdays at sion , Network CTN award experienced dancers. There will dance teachers. ' Bill and Bea three concerts, two Broad-, mance tonight 3:30 and Sundays at 2:30. presentations for. the Best be village dances from Rumania, Levidow of Springfield are start- way revues, and a full-scale ' Maureen Heffernan, GSP Single Program/Cultuie/NJ. : proud circle dances from Israel, ; irig . their 16tli year with the opera. '••':• .. x, acting artistic directort will direct . The number'to-call for'tickets/ Producer. The video was melancholy; dances from Greece, ^group. Further information can be A production ofjh'e music~ "Nunsense." '••..•[.,'.. reservations is 246->7717. § •produced by the Middlesex flirtatious dances from Italy and obtained by calling the group at of Irving Berlin, will be County Cultural and Heritage stately contras from England. • 467^8278 or Gloria Johnson at presented Sunday at 3 p.m. at 8 Commission-with—Estelle: -The-group meets two Friday 1 the William .Carlos Williams 'A Night at Opera' staged Saturday Goldsmith as chairman and 273-4918. ~~^~r~ ^-~ -'-'y— Center in Rutherford. It will "A Night at the Opera," featur- to be followed at 7 .p.m. by was shown on the series, 1 bp directed by Don Pendley. ing "Aida ' will lie staged Satur- Giuseppe Verdi's "Aida." The 'The Arts" during the month Hungarian rrrasjc scheduled at Y 1 Dita Dehnan, artistic director of June on cable networks IM THE WIZARD OF OZ ^- Mother Seton Regional day at the Unitarian Church in opera will be in Italian with Engl- The Eder String Quartet,, one Metropolitan New Jersey High School, Clark; will present its annual, musical of SRO, will serve as music Summit. ' Sponsored by the ish sub-titles and will be. shown i, throughout New'Jersey. • of - Hungary's leading, musical • Sunday, at.7:45 p.m. in'the Y's director. ' REHEARSE DRAMA — Kean College of New Jersey, '.;.'..' Plays-in-the-Park is a tonight, tomorrow and Saturday at 7:30 In the school church, the fund-raising % event on a large screen in the church, Union, students rehearse scene from' Inherit the Wind,' ensembles, will perform the ' Maurice; Levin Theater, 760 auditorium uhder the direction of Jack Duffy and Sister On Jan. 24, 1988, at 3 will include a prc-show fete at corner of Springfield and project of the Middlesex works of "Haydn,. Bartok and Northfield Ave,, West Orange. o a play based on the Scopes trial. Performances at the 'County Department of Parks Theo Furnlss as codrdlnator. From left are Frank Mltac- p.m., Robert, Brown will the church's Community House Waldron avenues.. Wilklns Theater are being given tonight, tomorrow and Beethoven in the Chamber Music Concertgoers can. attend a chlone of Roselle Park, Jim de Stefano, Kim lunqerman present a revue titled "Lpok- and Recreation started 25 series of the XM-YWHA of preview talk- with the musicians Saturday at 8 and Sunday at 3 p.m. years ago by the Middlesex of Roselle Park and Michael Burd. Others in the cast ing At Life," a-pOtp^urri-of_ —John Tsakonas. left, plays the leadrple of Mr. Brady, "Countjr~Board~of~Chosen~ Jnclude MartaEckert of Mountainside and Lisa Flchner -songs -reflecting- moods, and Marc Malara ortlhlofnsDrummo'hdr ,and Christine de Lorenzo, both of Linden. maturity, and stages of life. It Freeholders. ',. ...;. will be presented at the The award-winning show ^tei NOW! Simon Meitibirs' staged jvas-conccivcd-and-dirccted y by 'Gary Cohen,, director at Mlson comedy continues" in Montclair. "Brighton Beach Memoirs," by comedy will be undo: the direc- the theater. Phyllis Elfenbein, On Feb. 21 at 3 p.m., LIFETIME WARRANTY! The Major ; Theater series of to S, at 8 p.m. in Memorial Audi- mezzorsoprano Candida Neil Simon, will continue to be tion of David Christopher and producing director of Plays- Montclair State College will torium on the campus of 'Mont- on Models SX and DX Heat Exchangers. 'presentedby O &GProductions' Anthony Gudell, artistic director/ in-the-Park, - says that she : Joseph will present a recital continue its 1987-1988 season . clair State College. There, will be at the William Carlps, resident theater in Roselle Park Among the members of the cast' looks forward to a continuing with Lanford Wilson's comedy one matinee performance on Dec. toroorrow, Saturday evenings and will be Leannora Shames of collaboration with Cohen on Williams' Center in "Hot L Baltimore," winner of the 4 at 2:15 p.m. Additional infof: Rutherford. 784. IN REBATES the evenings of Nov. 27 and 28 in Springfield. additional video projects. New York Drama Critics' Circle mation can be obtained by calling : the Community United Methodist Further information can be On March 20 at 3 p.m., PAY NOTHING 'TIL APRIL 1V More information can be AWard for the best' American' 893-4205 or 893-4380, starting selections from the music of Church, ^Chestnut- - Street—aiid- obtained by calling G--&G obtained by contacting Phyl- play of' 1973 and an off-> Monday, for ticket information on Grant Avenue, Roselle Park. The Productions, at 241-8182. • Jule Styne .will bo presented 1 lis Elfenbein at 548-2884. Broadway success. ...:•'• and reservations. . : at the Williams Center. • ..''' Wilson's play, a Major Theater : . The remainder of the Major Gas Furnace & Abbey concert series' production directed, by Theater series includes Spring " Further information can be Central Air Conditioning Union man is concert conductor : Gordon Edelstein, will run Dec. 2 Festival of Dance, March 3 to 5 obtained by contacting St Mary's Abbey, Delbartoh, and "A . Midsummer Night's Delman at 763-7969. Edward J. Napiwocki of Middle School ,on Huck Road. Morristown, will present Martha Dream," May 4 to 7. .: Union, conductor of the Bloom- Trombone soloist is Louis Augis Bixlcr, recorder, and Eugenia Linderiite stars field Symphony Orchestra, will Model 58SX Furnace Jr. Tickets can be purchased at - Earle, harpsichord, in a concert of Ray Mogenis of Linden has the present: a concert Sunday ;at 3 music for recorders and harpsi- featured role of Dick Christie in Carrier Weathermaker p.m. in Bloomfield's North thedoor. .' chcrd, Sunday at 3 pjn. "Because Your Dog is like no Woody Allen's stage comedy, RNs other dog in the world." VPlay It Again, Sam," which, is SX Gas Furnace — Up being presented at. the Clarion Your experience as a professional to 97.3% Efficient!, University of Pennsylvania .now through Saturday at 8:15 pjn. nurse really counts — and we have without the noise, - 1: Mogenis is the son of Mrs. Nancy the numbers to prove It. Mogenis of IngaUs Avenue, or super-high price! i(Vt Overlook; we believe , : Lindcru ; '•'•'.1'.'.,,':. •'.•','.:.,: '^•''•; ; dSntertainmetit that your superior skills 1 Get a rebate of up to $784! deserve recognition. So when you buy a hlgh-efflclency gas-furnace. a Editor JAEGER OVERHUU) ' our new compensation ' * program now includes: This offer Includes utility company rebate •RNf starting salaries of $244. Offer on model 58SX120. You can CAT SHOW from $10.70-14.65 per receive an additional rebate of up to $340. , hoUVl.. ' '; .. . from your utility company, depending upon. Nov. 28 & 29 • unit-based substitute model, when you Install a Carrier 38ED 10 AM to 4 PM ' ' rates from $13.50-15.50 series condensing unit. Delayed payment Just moved pcrhouri . plan now available to qualified customers DUNN SPORTS CENTER • supplemental staffing ' • (not available with Trade in rebate). '. inl At team salaries from .: $14.50-16.50 per hour, Trade in rebate worth up to ELIZABETH . anil: .. .• • ,. can help HIGH SCHOOL . • weekend premium pay Utility company rebate on Beautiful Heirloom REPLACE YOUR OLD " (rates from $18.00 - 20.00 air conditioning up to Portrait Package pcrhpur. ',.'•. Utility company rebate on you out. WOODEN DOOR NOW! In addition, advancement 1(8x10), 2(5x7s)' Adult* $3 furnace up to $44900 whinjuiled*' . Is typically swift at Over- • • DM'lmiynidiMiid«ibof MtlM rWp Double Doors 16' Wide already have.- . .'..'. ",..'( ' .' ••''.• '.• •••'••.'• ' '••••; AS LITTLE AS $39. PER MONTH fu b«jin to Mfof jmr M» to«i_|egd. Wo Qiunnto* III $74900 iMtiiw - i ' We invite you to investigate career opportunities at Overlook where we WITH CARRIER CREDIT iDopolif, loal attndloa. cmwmlty *• Aik phot6graphar lor dtlalls *.' bank on your experience-—and you.can too.' ' , , • . *•— peftanliy • FREE Drawing at Show TwoSingle Width Doors , OUR NAME ALONE WILL MAKE YOU FEEL COMFORTABLE tai •» bnlit b (uU W imhl IIKS b With This Coupon .pluuprrtMltr. . Sitting Foe $2.00 - Not Included In Price (X advertised special. $74900 •Call ' . ' ': Call your ^^JJ^ Dealer . Advertised special Is only In blue and brown backgrounds.. Durham Pluclentk, RN, MSN, Tib • brut tim M|wil«| ud all M Advertised special Is In two (Z) poses - our selection. Name. Includes: Dpor,Trlni .' Nunlng Recruitment and * * BACKED BY 35 YEARS OP.EXPEft|ENCE , WthtlriWatpgl , Retention Coordinator Overlook Additional advertised packages are available at regular price.' Lock & ImtaVlatlon at |20I) SU-2338 ' • . ,;, Additional charge tor groups.and ecenlo backgrounds. i:f Address. • An eqml Dpponunlty ..•;" •• , , Hospital •'' ' ! LIMIT 0}iu SPECIAL PERFAMILY,' FREE ESTIMATES • 99 Beauvoir Avenue at Sylvan Road. Phone. WMsriUatatStrW*"* NURSING OPEN HOUSE Summit, N( 07901^0220 . A maiot teaching affOiHteol '•• at ', ' ' DcpartrnantStort . : ' . November 30; 309 Lafayette Avenue, Kenilwoiih, N.J. UNION ., ...9M-M91 '•" 1275 Stuyvatant Ave • Union ••• •'••• Diviiion •;:„•••,•' ••." Colnipbia University College 8 am to 10 am of Physicians andSuigeonS"': • •;•:•'.• "••;• 272-2100 ,'.' \- • SPRINGFIELD 4S7-0132 887-5490 For Information JAEGER LUMBER Forhinluf Woniutloii , •• Bemardsville Area: 766-6600 call the above numbet. •••'.. y: i Tuiw., Nov;24th-10to?,3to5;30 call •vaunts*: fine Numbor 1 Air Conditioning Maltef -Wed.. Nov. 26th -iQ to 2.3 to 4:30 2322 Morris Avenue lParentscanu$0TVas tool HOUSE SALE "!!' '^!.*!fS.'^Ll*[*!AS^ iili HtHQVWAM. 0ENI1BAI. R£P»IIU - '. (•ECT ST. (oil P«rk»r Children average 25 hours a "worry that excessive viewing is ;, But turning H>if theTV* set is Sun 10 4 wftlnut r^'weeir'watcbJiig television and cutting into time that should be not the .answer,, according' to a Set the table with thanks. 01. ' ™ will have spent more time in spent on homework or other lur - new brochure by the Corporation UK t ^ front of the TV than in the class- activities and that youngsters'are for Public Broadcasting titled root. and '•"• room by the time they graduate being exposed to too much sex, "TV Tips for Parents: Using book!. 2 fiom high school. Consequently, violence, mindless pap, and Send the FTD® ottw Television to Help Your Child i. ll Union County Nonpaim and «tso mllable In combliution -> 17ltallanwinearea 8 — about lent condifon, 54k miles. $7,900. .Call 1984 DODGE- OMNI. Gotd. 34,000 < • Aphrodite 60 Ballet bend "quality time." : • .with tan Es3«i Cpynty Nmspipen (or stotil readershipd om 195,0001 1980 PONTIACSynblrtM speedmanual, 851 9842. , • - ' Z 18 Mod hair style (roughly) new tires.' Best offer. 925-68^4. r mites, automatic transmission. Original § 0 52 Lens, In Roma 61 There oughta owner. $5,000 or bast offer. Call after 5 g- 19 Bowling score 9 Leader of Available in English and Span- '"it 1976 CHEVROLET—Nova. $300 as Is!. -» 20 Abbott and 53 Fragrant . ; be— I , . 1982BUICKSkylark-Onoowner. Excel- PM. 964-7642. . 4 a dock • : BUSINESS OIRECTORV AD DEA«JNtFridl» 5 P.M. Call 964-9503, after 5:30pm or o "Costello routine compound 63 Not worth o — ish, 'TV Tips for Parents" shows lent condition, 4 speed, air, ps/pb, 57,000 10 Cloo's undoing '•• ClASSIFlEOADDE«DUHDTiwdi>2:30P.M. weekends. 1982 FORD-ESCORT-Asklna $500. ri O 23 —the line.. busy, parents how television can mBes. $2900 or best offer. 686-2000, ext 11 Streisand T0OL»TtTOdASSIFYDEADllNE;TuBdiy<:«SPW. Needs some mechanical woik. CaU after - -"--24-Successes——- ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE: 290, days. 992-6766. • ' . 1963 CHEVY CORVAIR-Blue, 4 door, O'Neal be an effective and exciting way COLORiBlKkpliooneralorWOO; , 6 pm 379-1634 ^ 25 First-rate 60,000 miles, auto, trans. Good condition. comedy: 1972 lo teach children and stretch their BOX NUMBERS: tollable for aSSOO fee• ' 1978 AUDI 5000-Automatlo, 4 door, p;s, $950; or best offer. 688-4264. ' 27 Taj — • am-fm, air condition.-$35O0.neflollaUe. '1978 FORD —, Pinto Wafjoni forest S3 12 Pianist Peter imaginations in positive, ways. »«Mn«dioWrininbl6tttrf7»;pliob)ieijiidi groon, p/s, rVb,-alr, 4 now radlals, oxc 30 Encircle CaD 665-2367, after 9pm. • leSICHEVY-CHEVETTiPBrown.BUto- 13 Snick's partner lent condition, $975. CaU 564-8872. 34 "Much — , . The brochure also provides 10 TRANSIENT CLASSIFiED mattc, power brakes, air conditioning, AM/ •21 Some paintings 1 : 1976 BUICK- REGAL Tan, Two door, key tips for parents and a list of ?0 words or lea.:.'...... ;..; :'.:.;•;..-,U.'- •...... ;...... ,.. (minimum) J5.50 FMcassette, approximately 58,000 miles, 1980 FORD — Fiesta. Solid running About Nothing" 22 Tension Each (dditioittl 10 words or lea,'-., .•' .; ;..:.,:. :. JIM power steering, brakes, windows, locks. $2.0O0orbestoHer. Call486-6696aftor6 35 Jimmy Dorsey 26 Sit children's public television prog-:, Good running condition. Needs body comuter car, good tires, AM/FM stereo, • '."••'..••:••''••-/. Four Times or More -...'-.., •> PM- :•: sunroof, original owner. $750 or best hit record 27 Berlin's "Call rams and resources. ' TOWdrirlos.., .-,..., "....: $4.50- work. $500. Call after 7 PM, 862-0466. 1980 CHBVY — CITATION X-11. V-6. 2 offer, Call 688-3520 alter 6pm or 38 Practice In Me —" Since, its creation 20 years ago Uchiddilteul 10 words or less . J1.50 weekends anytime. the ring 28 "A Bell for —r ••;', ••••••' KMllmllCAPITAlS••: • •:'•. - door, air, AM/FM cassette, automatic, 39 Daybreak by the Public Broadcasting Act of lOwwdsorless...:.....:...... /;..;:...:....;...,.... ,...... J5.50 60,000 miles, needs Body work, 1963 FORD GALAXY 500 — 4 door, V8, 29 New $1100/best offer. Call 762-2484. . 41 "Tho — of acquaintance's : 1967, CPB- has made high-quality EachtddltbullOwordsorles: i,% ..'...... S2.00 black; 1 owner, 82,000 miles, garage ' '•.;•; ; ; CltssifiedDfapl«»Rite mln.lcolumnInch) ,., : 686-9045.' Eagles": 1957 query- RIMMELE'S FIORI'S kept, Interior mint condition, passenger children's programming a top Per inch (Commlvlaiubh).. r,... • ...;..•.'..... i 114.00 1984 BUICK — LeSabre, 4 door custom, 1970 CHEVY NOVA — 4 door, auto/ side minor damage.To settle estate $600. Wayne film 30 A votre—I funding priority — from the FLOWER SHOP UNION • . :...... :, CONTRACtRATESfORADSTHAT : ^ , fully equipped, new tires, 31,000 miles, trans, P/S, 6 cylinder, electronic Ignition, 687-7071. Z-Entertalner -31-PreSs • . RUN ON CONSECUTIVE WEEKS Oarage kept One Owner, Asking $7,500. perfect mechanical condition, needs long-running "Sesame' Street" 1638 Stuyvesant Ave. 1 shocks. Original owner. Call 376-5660 Adams 32'tngonuous . 4 to 12 tW.i. -.:.'.'„ .-™^_^.M^_.—J—^i^—,—;.. ..;...•. .J12.00 per Inch' Calf964-3955, after 6:30pm, _ 1976 FORD GRANADA-4 door. Good 43 "The King—" 33 Be fearful of that has' raised a generation of FLORIST INC 13 times or more.,, .i 1.,...... •';....:...... ' •.:•:... Ml.OOpef inch days, 964-6837 evenings and weekends., condition. $500. 686-7727. Union 688-7370 •; Bordered Ads »dd»4.00 ,,..»-.,--•:-•--•:;•-. 1977 BU(CK — Skylark, 6 .cylinder, .44 Most modorn youngsters, to the dynamic, new 2162 Morris Ave, 1968 CHEVY- IMPALA 283,-automntlo - 1976 FORD THUNDERBIRD-Autornatic, 46Eggs - 10/9/87 'Serving Union S, Surrounding 105,000 miles,.brand new front end; "Square One TV" series designed Union* 688^872 heads'altomator: starter; battery; brakos; needs work - must sell - will a " " all power. Excellent mechanical condi- 47 Lunar ascent to improve math skills. CPB is cpmrniVnltles (or over 28 years" Visa and MC are accepted tires. Clean Interior & exterior. Receipts offer. Please call 964-1038. tion. $500. 709-0032, after 5 pm. 49 Rode In the for all parts shown. Asking $1400, firm. 1976 STATION WAGON Chevy Impala 1980 FORD- PINTO - Two door, four Proakrioss the largest single funder of child- Classified ids tie payable within 7 days. II ad Is paid by Wednesday before Insertion deduct 25 cents. Call 686-8069. .••'•-. •••:-•: ren's public television program-, Payment for transient >ds should be leaned before the publication date. Payment in adnnce foe 350 motor. Runs well, $325 or best offer. speed manual. • 60,000 miles. $1,000 or 51 Certain votes 8' reading tool boxes, $50. Garden trac- bestoffer. 862-9423 after 6 PM. 52 Pencil point jjiing with a $10.5 million Out of town, advertisers, Employment Wanted, Apartments Wanted, Wanted to Rent We will not be. 1985 CADILLAC- SEDAN DoVILLE. responsible for errors unless they ant detected before the 2nd Insertion. County leader Newspapers Excellent condition. Original owner, tor, $300. Brian, 688^3699. , 54 Zodiac sign 1978 FORD THUNDERBIRD-Dlamond commitment for this year. resenes the right to classify, edit or reject any advertising No cancellation will be accepted In 10,000 miles.'. Fully loaded. Burgundy 56 Gordon-Sogal 1973 CHEVY — Capri, 53,465 miles, Jubaloe edition. Excellent mechanical classified advertising after Tuesday noon The final deadline for classified Is 2 30 p m, Tuesday, but with wire wheels. Garage kept $13,300. good transportation. Telephone condition. $1100. Can be soon at 100 ., comedy': 1970 For single copies, send a self- WALTER THE FLORIST earlier receipt of copy will be appreciated 467-2166: , 62 Nogloct 688-5417, anytime;, y ._ Grant Avenue, New Providence. addressed, stamped (39 cents) Serving Union & Vicinity over 25 Years 464-7405. 64 Air passage COUNTY LEADER 1981 CADILLAC — SEDAN DE VILLE, 1970 CHEVY- Monte Carlo. Drives well. No. 10 envelope to the Corpora- 1416 Stuyvesant Avenue 56,000 miles, excellent condition, doe 65 Invalid ; tion for Public Broadcasting, Box P.O. BOX 310» Air conditioning, good tires, good second 1984 HONDA CIVIC—Silver, automatic, 66 Extinct UNION, N.J. 07043 sklrrbrown~wlth saddle Interior. $4500. car. Asking $500 or best offer. Call A/C, AM/FM cassette, sunroof, 26.000 33039, Washington, D.C. 2O033. Union 686-0920 Can 731-0322 PM, 674-3067 AM. 688-5985, leave message. mBes. $5500. 245O2S5 weekdays. • non-flyers •Union leader •Ke'nllworth leader 67 Slake . . Please indicate whether you want •Springfield leader "Linden leader • 1984 CAUAROZ2B—44,000 miles, AM/ 19S4 CHRYSLER- Laser XE, Turbo, fully 1987HONDA-Fourdoor-New,alrpondl- 68 Pelvic.bones the English or Spanish version^ •Mountainside Echo •The Spectator of Roselie/Raelle Park FM cassette, bower steering, power loaded, air conditioning,' 31,000 miles. tlonlng, five speed, bkie. Bestoffer'. (212) 69 Shakespearean brakes, T-tops, louvers and bra, automa- 418-2356 days or 686-4585 evenings. The corporation is also making Uc transmission. Black beauty, $8500 or Original owner. Excellent condition.- tinker UNION/ESSEX COMBO RATES best offer. Call 964-7663. $7,500 negotiable; Call Rich, 241-3969 70 —-do-well bulk copies of the brochure avail- evenings, or daytime, 687-7030. 1978 HONDA CIVIC-Hatchback, low able at cost to other interested COMBO DEADLINE: Monday 5 p.m. mileage, pqoduansportationi good condi- 71 Pivot HOLLYWOOD FLORIST ..TRANSIENTCIASSIFEDRATES 198S CAMARO 228 — Fully loaded, T- 1977 CHRYSLER- New Yorker, 4 door, 6 tion. Asking $1200. CaU after 630 pm. organizations. 20 wonts (minimum) 51000 roof, extended warranty, 21,000 miles, cylinder, leather, power brakes, steering; 289-5396 or 688-8644. '•"• DOWN CPB is" a private, non-profit Additional 10 words or less., JZOO T.P.I, engine, 1 owner. Best offer over air conditioning, AM/FM. Eleotrfc 1 Author of 1682-1700 Stuyvesant Ave. Classlfed Bon Number JSOO $10,500. Call 486-5141. ._ windows, door locks, excellent condition. 1985 MERCURY — MARQUIS Brough- corporation that was authorized am, 4 door, oxcsSont condition, air oondi- . "Fannle's First Irvington • Union BOROEREDADS M00O 1976 CAMARO-Rod, 305, 8 cylinder, Single owner. $1,500. Phono376-6615. by the Public Broadcasting Act of CLASSIFIED DISPLAY tionlng, full power, am/fm cassette, Play" new transmission & brakes, suhroof, AC, 1966 ( 30,000 miles. $5950, Call after 6pm, 1967 to develop non-commercial Classified Display open nblcommissionable) »26 00 per Inch PS, PB. Runs good. Asking $850. Call 2 Corned-beef Phone 686-1838 13weeksormore , J2100 per Inch. 687-4674. ' concoction James betaween 8 4 10pm weekdays, radio and television services for CLASSIFIED INDEX the American people. anytime weekends. 762-7082. .1985 MERCURY Cougar-6 cylinder, 1. AUTOMOTIVE 5. SERVICES OFFERED 8 REAL ESTATE 1972 CHEVROLET-8 cylinder,: 2"door, automatio, ps, pb. pw, p seats, air condl- 1979 CAMARO- BERUNEHTA, V8, AM/ standard shift, very good condition, under tlon,tittwr»fj,crulsa control, arn/fmraoki, 2. ANNOUNCEMENTS 6 MISCELLANEOUS 9 RENTALS FM radio cassette, all power, new tires, 3 EMPLOYMENT 10. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 50,000 miles. Call 687-4521: tape dacMefogger, 34,000 mBes. Excel- 7. PETS must sell. Must drive to appreciate, call lent condition. $8,000 or best offer. 4 INS1RUCTI0NS 761-7068 after 6 PM. Will take bestoffer. 1880 CHEVROLET-Chovette, 4 speed, 964-7249. • . , Something Special for Thanksgiving.., LEAHY-BURKE FLORISTS manual, am/fm, 45,000 miles, runs like 1986 CAMARO- IROC, White, T-Top, new. $1500. Days, 212-853-0100. Eves, 316 Morris Ave. 2707 Morris Ave. 16.000 miles. Mint condition. $13,000. 688-0521. WHOLESALE PRICES Elizabeth, N.J (17208 AUTOMOTIVE AUTO DEALERS 688-4249.. - , • Union, N.J. 07083 1979 CMS JEEP — Good condition, 1976 CAPRICE. CUSSIC — 4 door, '83 - '85 models. Carefully selected cars. a" 352-4460 686-0955 AUTO REPAIRS-TurxHips, ollehqnges. AAA service leaslng.inc $25t». Call after 6pm. 686-6451, Call for details. CUSTOMLEASE, most email lobs done. Reasonable rates. 687-7600. . Call Jim, 298-0031. Auto Leasing Term lor, jpower Et'eering*rakos)3oor 'locks, 1980 CORVETTE — 2-87. Automatio, One to Five Years AM/FM stereo cassette With equalizer. Immaculate, garage kept low mileage, 1986 NISSAN — 200 SX-XE. 2 door All Makes and Models $400. Call 687-0595. after 5p.m. . p/s, a/o, pnv, p/l, c/c. Prfce. negotiable, coupe, power steering; brakes, windows, BEAUTIFY YOUR CAR $10,500. Call after 530, 687-0646. , 1561 Morris Avenue 1983 CAMARO- Borllnotta V8, 5 speed, locks, sunroof, AM/FM cassette, air conditioning, 5 speed manual trasnsmls- We also cater;•>• Office Parties • Receptions.[ FOR THE SUMMER! Union. N.J. 07083 air colndltlon, am/fm stereo,' $5,995 1986 COUGAR — Roadster, brown with FIRESIDE FLORIST Car tlmonizlng, plnstrlpping (paint or negotiable also 1984 Pontlac 6000. beige roof, fully loaded. 23,000 rhites. olon, 25,000 miles, $10,500. 486-8016. : v tapo), Inside deanlnolndudodlnBimonlz- (201) 687-7200 Excellent oondjtton. $9500 or best offer. '•''•'-•;•' •";'.' •••''' ',--'Baiiquete'lf Meetings, :,••...,.. •••'-,.• '••.•*•• "Happy Holidays to All" 926-2288 or 665-2367,'after 6PM. 1987NISSAN SENTRA-Brand new. This Ing. Also minor body repairs. For Informa- Commercial & Professional Call 997-0178, after 6pm. , 2376 Morris Ave. tion call 064-7302, if no answer, leave 1986 CAblLLAC-CIMMAHON. car was a contest prize driven Only from Cioffi*s7 . t 1986 ENCORE LS RENAULT, 4 cyl eriijjaiit. autbo trans, pwr str/brks,bkte,;W9W«rel38,665 miles dernd, a/c, tlrit gl, rr deJ,.tlt whi, AM/FM urn stereo, stk No. 002-8. VIN NO. 119435. mmI n WICEI $

-- " • PRICE 1988 MEDALLION LX 1987 ALLIANCE 1987 CHEROKEE CHIEF 1876 CHEROKEE CHIEF MORE CARS RENAULT, 4 cyl eng auto trans pwr RENAULT, 4 cyl eng, auto rans, pwr JEEP, 6' cyl eng,. auto' trans, pwr JEEP, 4 cyl eng, 5 spd man trans, pwr str/brks/dr Icks/ant, a/c tilt whl str/brks, a/c, rr del, .tint gl, slr/b.ks, tilt whl, rf rack, fir mats, a/c, str/brks, a/c, tint gl, tilt whl, rf rack, cruise rr del AM/FM/stereo/cass. AM/FM/stereo. 5.813 miles, demo, stk AM/FM/stereo, LMTD pkg, 6,917 sp mrs, .Inter wipers, MORE SAVINGS 8 714 miles demo stk no 005-8 VIN no 261-7, VIN NO.122690. LIST PRICE miles. . demo, -stk no.091-7, VIN AM/FM/stereo/cass, 7,114 miles, NO71OE99 LIST PRICE $13 879 S951"i. ;, :_ j.i_L'_ NO.O24593. LIST PRICE S18.8B5. . demo, stk no.051-7, VIN N0.OO3739. MORE SERVICE FULL LIST PRICE $16,775™--- 1986 ENCORE 1987 ALLIANCE SEDAN 1987 ALLIANCE % $10,267 PRICE $69^ $14,885 PRICE $13,575 SAVE $3612 SAVE $2600 ' SAVE $4000 — SAVE $3200" ~~ RENAULT, 4 cyl eng. 5 spd mart trans, pwr - RENAULT, 4cyieng. auto trans, pwr RENAULT* 4 cyl eng.,5 spd man trans, - str/brks, bkts, BSW tires, 5,495 miles str/brks. a/c, Mntfll, rrdef, 3342'mlles, pwr sir/brks, tnfgl, rrdef, 1687 miles, 1987 CHEROKEE CHIEF 1987 WAGONEER LMTD 1987 CHEROKEE LAREDO 1987 CHEROKEE '• demo, tint gl, AM/FM stereo, stk No JEEP, 6 cyl eng mlo trans pwr JEEP, 6 cyl-enj, auto trans, pwr •JEEP, 6 cyl eng, auto trans, pwr demo; tintfll, r r def, atk No. 294-6. VIN demo, bkts, stk No. 103r7, VIN NO. JEEP G cyl eng, auto trans, pwr k J86^VIN NO. 114527. LIST PRICE il str/biks a/c tilt whl if rack sp mrs. str/biks/win/dr Icks/aht/sts, a/c, tilt str/bils, a'/c, lilt wtil.rr del, taoh, slr/brks/wln/dr Icks, a/c, cruise, lilt "*•• "ViS2978,LISTPRICE$7784. 107070, LISTPRICE$8242. Inter wipers AM/FM/stereo/csss whl cruise, rl rack, tach, sp mrs, rr AM/FM/stereo cass.Uredo pkg, 8,710 whl,. sp .rnfs, rr dol; FULL $9818. LMTD pkg slk no 078-7 VIN dol leather bkts, AM/FM/slereo/cass, miles, demo,*'slk no.205-7,' VIN AM/FM/slereo/cass, stk no.305-7, VIN NO 011101 LIST PRICE J19 723 7144 miles, demo, slk no.311-7,' VIN' .NKO57692. LIST PRICE$19,687. ,; NO.l 16962. LIST PRICE $19,554. • PHICE I NO1I3384.1ISTPRICEJ23.215. . '22.* PRICE $15,523 PRICE $15,981 $16,554 5789 3995 '3995 PRICE 518,996 SAVE$4200 SAVE $4219 SAVE$3700 SAVE $3000- 1988 WRANGLER 1988 WRANGLER SAHARA 1988 MEDALLION LX 1988 MEDALLION DL 1988 MADALLION LX 1988 MEDKUIONDL WAGON 1 JEEP, 6 cyl eng, 5 spd man trans pwr JEEP 6 cyl eng, 5 spd nun trans, pwr RENAULT 4 cyl enj, auto trans, pwr RENAULT,. 4-cyl eng, auto bans, pwr RENAULT, 4 cyl eng, auto trans, pwr RENAULT, 4 cyl ens, auto leans/pwr str/brks a/c. Laredo pki tilt wht, rr str/brks soft top AM/FM/stereo str/brks/Wln/dr, Icks/ant. a/c cruise str/brks, a/c cruise, tilt whl, rr del, str/brks/dr Icks,; ir dql, a/c. tilt whl; slr/brks/dr Icks, a/c, rr del, cruise,.tilt def, AM/FM/stereo/cass 3,719 miles, 2181 miles demo slk no 152-8 VIN pwr sunrt tilt whl rr def AM/FM/stereo, stk no036-8, VIN cruise, AM/FM/steroo/ca*ss, ' slli .whl, alum whls, AM/FM/slcreo/cass. dimo stk no 085-8 VIN NO 501525 NO 505159 LIST PRICE $13 435 AM/FM/stereo/equal loaded stk NO 77M29,USJ PRICE 111,771, no.061-8.VIN NO.714217, LIST PRICE stk no.164-8; VIN N0.892743. LIST LIST PRICE $16 893 no 213-8 VIN NO 714603 LIST PRICE J12.832. PRICE J13.550. • 1987 ALLIANCE SEDAN FULL 1987 ALLIANCE SEDAN RILL ' JM 436 $9247 RENAULT, 4 cyl eng. auto trans, pwr EVERY PRICE PRICE $10,146 PRICE-$1Q,952 str/brks; a/c, tint gl, 1287 ml., demoj rr RENAULT, 4 cyl eng. auto trans, pwr $14,893 $11,997 $11,480 def, AM/FM stereo, stk No, 261-7. YIN atr/brks, a/c, tintgl, 4482 miles, demo, rr VEHICLE SAVE$2000 SAVE $1458 SAVE $2956 SAVE $2524 SAVE $2,686 SAVE$2600 JJO. 122690, LIST RRICE$9515'. ' def, AM/FM stereo, stk No. 136-7. VIN FULL NO. 110862. LIST PRICE $9167 SPECIALLY 1987 ALLIANCE 1987 ALLIANCE DL 1987 ENCORE 1987 ALLIANCE 1988 MEDALLION 1988 MEDALLION LX PRICE RENAULT, 4 cyl tni, 4 spd nun trans, RENAULT, 4 cyl ens auto trans pwr RENAULT 4 cyl eng, 5 spd man trans RENAULT; 4 cyl eng, auto Inns, pwr RENAULT, 4 cyl eng, auto trans; pwr RENAULT, 4 cyl eng, auto trans, pwr- str/brks/dr Icks, a/c, cruise, tilt whl. MARKED pwr str/brks stk no 066-7 VIN itr/biks a/c, rr dal tint si, Inter pwr str/brks > rr del lint gl slr/biks, a/c, rr. del, tint gl, slr/brks, a/c, cruise, tilt whl, wipers, tilt whl AM/FM/steieo stk AM/FM/stereo. 4,482 miles, do mo, stk AM/FM/stereo. 6,414 miles, demo, slk rr del, AM/FM/stereo/cass, 5,143 SAVE PRICE NO 105642 LIST PRICE J6645 AM/FM/stereo 4 733 miles demo stk miles, demo, slk no.035-8. VIN 3995 no 253-7, VIN NO 120664 LIST PRICE no 103-7 VIN NO 107070 LIST PRICE no 136-7, VIN NO.H0662. LIST PRICE no.033-8, VIN NO.774514. LIST PRICE NO.712308. LIST PRICE $12,832.'. ; 3995 DOWN! FULL S9774 J8242 ' $9167. ••• , • • $11,771. PRICE $5445 FULL PRICE $7898 S5918 PRICE $6967 PRICE, $8846 PRICE $.9699 SAVE $1200 ' SAVE $1876 SAVE $2324 SAVE $2200 ( . SAVE$2925 SAVES3133 I

| Prices Include freight & prep exclude tax and license fees Immediate dellwry on all cars In stock Prices In th|s ad cancel and supercede ell previous oilers. Ad must be presented jt time ol deposit to quality lor adiwrtlsed prices. Not responsible lor typographical errqrs. I

^^^S^^^^^^^^^^^^^S^Li. Not responsible for typographical errors.


AW 201- 686- 6566 iOMresr MICES PEAf|R


Std. Eq.: Auto. Trans., A7C, Pwr. Strg., Pwr. Brks., Pwr. Locks/Ant., Stereo/ MFR.SUaO.UST PRICE'17,285 Cass.i'Flr. Mats, Spd. Cntrl., Vanity CENTRE DISCOUNT 4,252 LOWEST PRICES^'. YEA ft! Mlrs., Instrument Cluster, Tilt Whl., Cloth/Vinyl Bkt. Sts.; Opt. Eq.: Paint BRAND NEW CHRYSLER Sealant, B/W Tires, 2:2 LitexTurbo Eng. '88 NEW YORKER Stk #7494. VIN #190866. Std. Eq.: Auto., A/C, Pwr. Strc MFRSlWaUSTPBlCE Pwr. Brks., 3.0 Liter V-B Eng., W/ CENTRE DISCOUNT '750 MFR. REBATE AVAIL. W Radlals, Stereo W/Dlg.Clk., Tint. GIs., Rr. Def., 500 Amp. "FINAL COST TO YOU AFTER REBATE'12,283 Batt., Concealed Halogen Head- lights, Bumper Guards., Pwr. MTrs./Winds., Inter. Wipers; Opt. 7YR./70.000 MILE PROTECTION PLAN OH ENGINE, POV&Efl TRAIN * 0UTEM00Y RUST-THR0U6H OH UL OUR D ONE IN STOCK! ORDER YOURS TODAY!!! Trip Computer, Ilium. Vanity Mire., 'WOO MFR. REBATE AVAIL **FINAL Wire Whl. Covers. Stk #8134. VIN CLEAN USED CARS AT LOW LOW PRICES! #105755. COST TO YOU AFTER REBATE'17,245 •84 lASBi2-DR. HUTCH. 2-DR. Chrysler/ 4 Cyl., Man. Chevy, 6 Cyl., Auto., A/C, BRAND NEW PLYMOUTH Trans., Pwr. Strg., Pwr. Olds, 6 Cyl; Eng,; Auto. Pwr. Strg., Pwr. Brks., Pwr. Trans., A/C, Pwr. Strg., Pwr. Brks., Stereo/Cass., Spoiler, Winds., Rallye Whls., Cus- Custorn Whls. 22,297 ml. Brks., Stereo, a much, tom Stripes. 42,625 ml. VIN much morel '88 HORIZON AMERICA 5-DR. VINM88083. ••;• #121401." •.'•• : Std. Eq.: Rack a Pinion Slrg., Pwr. MFR.8UaQ.UST PRICE '7,607 27,358 ml. VIN #347884 Brks., 5 Spd. Man. Trans., 2.2 Liter' CENTRE DISCOUNT 1,798 EFI Eng., Frl. Whl. Drive, Rr Del., Tint.' GIs., Halogen Headlights, Vluor/Von- Ity Mlrs., Rr. Folding St., Spt. Whl., S 'B4CtetA4-Dn.BRGrM 'MDHnin R9YMEZ-BR. Radlals, Rallye Whls., Cloth Reel. Olds, 6 Cyl. Eng., Auto, Olds, \t8Eng., Aulo. Trans., McwMxcuneiwaii Sts., Dlx. Wipers, Inslr. Cluster. Stk Trans., Pwr. Strg., Pwr. A/C, Pwr. Strg., Pwr. Brks., Chevy, V-8 Eng.;Auto., Pwr. #8172. VIN #109268. 5,869 Brks., A/C, Pwr. Winds./ Strg., Pwr. Brks., A/C, SERVICE Pwr. Winds., Stereo & morel ONE IN STOCK! ORDER YOURS TODAY!!! Locks, & morel 53,178 ml. 44,823 ml. VIN #418158. • Stereo, Custom True Wire VIN# Whls. 29,100 ml. VIN WHILE BRAND NEW PLYMOUTH $ #112457.". .'•;•••.•• •'•..:;;•;..• 6595 $ YOU WORK '88 VOYAGER UFR.SUQO.USTPRICE '8B PULSAR 2-DR. 2-flR ..699 MKF5 CENTRE DISCOUNT; Nissan, 4 Cyl., Auto., Sun- •Olds/fCyl."Ing.T A/Ci Pw^ FINEST CADILLAC SERVICE Frt. Whl. Drive, Std. Eq.: Pwr. Rack &.. roof. A/C, Stereo, Pwr. Strg., Pwr; Brks., Auto Ids, 8 Cyl. Ena., Auto. Pinion Strg., Pwr. Brks., 500 Amp.. Strg., Pwr. Brks., Pwr. Trans., Stsreo/Cass., Pwr. Trans., A/C, Pwr. strg., Pwr. in the mid-Atlantic states* Batt., B/W Radlals,Tint. GIs., Bkt, . Winds. 25,200 mi. VIN Winds./Locks, Losdedl Brks., W/W Tires, Pwr. Sts., Dlx. Whl. Covers, Dlx. Wipers, - #018559. 34.769 ml. VIN #318091.- Wlnds./Locks, Lootfedl S856 Leave your car here! 2.2 Liter 2 BBL Eng.; Opt. Eq.: Auto. ' ml. VIN #303081. Trans, Rr: Def., Stereo/Cass. W/Clk., We are 1 block frofn bus Conv. Spare. Stk #7470. VIN #,358861. or train station, •. 22 mln. to New York. ONE IN STOCK! ORDER YOURS TODAY!!! TEE FOR PRE-APPROVED CREDIT!!!

Prices lad, freight & prep; exej. tax «lie. fees.,

^re closer than yo$i think . ..;:. to . *Ask to see Cadillac CSI figures JOE SANACORE'S 79 West Grand St. enr vsLer • PLvmoutn 354-B080

353 CENTRAL AVE.9 EAST ORANGE • Union County's Largest _ 3 Blocks West of G.S. Parkway. Exit 145 ©76~6Q00 & Oldest Cadillac Dealer AUTO FOR SALE ENTERTAINMENT CHILD CARE HELP WANTED HELP WANTED 1873 OLDS OMEGA-45.000 miles. . ENTERTAINMEm:...: CERTIFIED — Child cars provided In my ADMINISTRATIVE :.'.''.. BOOKKEEPER NeSSc some work but runt wets. Best -home^UabirityJnsuranpe and balanced offer:.964^779. aftBf 5pm.' , '...,• - .FOH ALL OCCASIONS ~ Full charge bookkeeper with good apti- lunches provided. Call Mary, 686-4636. Bid Coordinator tude and organizational skills needed for J980rBtDSKOBJLE, —' Cuttasi, V-6, CHILD CARE — Responsible person to small manufacturing company. Must be 76,000 miles power -»taoring, jxwer BANDS UNLIMITED care for 1 year old In my Berkeley Heights experienced in all bookkeeping phases bratos,AM-FM racflo. Good imspStO-: home, 3 days per week. Own transporta- thru trial balance. Good telephone skills a tion; $2,400. (Call 783*531. - 7^ , •r-^™-;- 687-9283 plus. Excellent future and fringe benefits Music to enhance any special party from tion, experience and references required. Your Ability To Prioritize with a growing organization. Self moti- Call 771-0218, after 6pm.. 1881 OLDSMOBILE- Cutlass Wagon. traditional to top 40. Slnglos-small Will Put You In vated individuals are encouraged to Good condition. V 8, automatic, 2 r 2 combos-Full orchostras. • CHILD CARE — Reliable mother of 2 A Good Position apply*. Call Terry or R.J. at 373-8800. drive, air condiUoning, power steering, (ages 2t4 and 12), will care for your child In power brakes, AM/FMcassette, roofracfi, my home. Call 375-8939. - CLERICAL-Part time. Time on your rearfefoggor' REBUILT ENGINE, Must The Pharmaceuticals Division of CIBA- hands while the kids are In school? We see. Sirses firm/ 686-9356. • LIVE MUSIC CHILD Care/housekeeper.-Responsible GEIGY Corporation, locatod In Summit, have the perfect job for ryoul Diversified and loving woman wanted to care for my has an outstanding opportunity for. a duties. Floxlble hours. Call Diane, 1981 OLDS Cutlas Wagon-PS, PB, PW, Makes any affair more enjoyable. 4-3-2 3K year old in my Union home, 2-3 days detail-oriented, organized individual to 762-0243. .•:..'• , ' AC. cruise, new tires, clean. Must sell, musicians or 1 man band to accommo- per week, 8am to 6pm. Light housekeep- work as a Bid Coordinator. $2&0. 686-8045. . .: date size of party. Music vocals 20 years ing also. Must be non-smoker, engllsh experience. Cad Tony: 1881 - OLTJS CUTLASS-Brougham. 4 speaking and provide own transportation. You will prepare and execute bids, Quotes CLERICAL P/T door, V6,S1,500 miles, PS. PB, PW. PL References required. Call 687-4674, and contracts in response toState , Coun- Small manufacturing office needs dork AC. 4 new; tires. Asking $3000.- Call leave message. • . " ' . ty, and City Governments as well as indi- typist for 2-3 days perweek. Some bookk- 851-0818.: . .;•••. ••••••••. I'"' vidual hospitals and purchasing groups. eeping knowledge helpful. Call 688-0099, CHILD Care-needed a couple of hours This Involves interfacing with both CIBA per week, days in my Springfield home, Monday-Friday. Bam-4pm. Echo Molding, 1981 OLDS CUTLASS-Brougham. 4 and GEIQVs sales forces arid our Mark- 911 Springfield Road. Union. door, V6,51,600 miles, PS, PB, PW, PL. PENTAGON SOUND must have own transportation. 467-5856. eting Department respondingquickl y to DISC JOCKEYS AC, 4. new tiros. Asking $3000. Call LOVING MOTHER — In Union area will requests, and tracking past pricing Infor- 951-0818. ;.. • BIGGEST MUSICAL SELECTION mation, both ours and competitors', on a CLERICAL watch your child In her home. Full or part sophisticated computer system. 1975 PLYUOUTH-Valiant-Gold, 4 door, Professional Music Engineers time.. Pleasa.calL351-OO91. , automatic, 6 cylinder. Good running ; _• •- or_ •;' ,'_ /_ SEEKING,—Experienced, alfoctionats, -Ahkjh school diploma, keen attention to RECEPHONISTL oSHdltfoH. $300nCalT687-3872, Sftbr onorgonlc person to care for Infant boy at detail/and good math skills are required. 6pm. • : ' . .'• " ;.• , • . DJ Your OwrTParly CLASSIFIED SALES my Springfield home. 379-3378, after Business School and/or College back- Full time for busy-weekly-nowspaper' 1878 PONTIAC- BONNEVIUE - PoWor LOWEST PRICES ANYWHERE 6pm or weekends. •. > ground Is an advantage, as-Is related office. Typing, good telephone mannor, steering, power brakes, air conditioning, CALL FOR RATES oxperionce. Position involves heavy good spelling, sales experience a plus, AM/FM Casetts, automatiatransmisslon. paperwork. but will train brigMieglnner. Great oppor- Loaded. Runs oood, $1,500. 025^468-. 759-5316 . EMPLOYMENrWANTED tunity forjBMmt graduate or porson We offer competitive Salaries arid excel- retumlhgtowork force interested In news- 1 1977 PONTIAC- -Grand Prix. . Good, SUPER SOUNDS lent benefits.. Please send a resume or paper advertising. On-|ob-tralnlng. NO REASONABLE OFFER REFUSED! running condition.' $650.00. Call A-r PROFESSIONAL TYPIST letter detailing your background.indudlng Congenial office. Company paid bonofile 686-5721 after sxw PM. . D J For All Occasions salary requirements, to: Ms Virginia Q, and vacation; For Interview ploaso call Typing done In' my home . Jordan, dept 700742, The Pharmaceuti- 674-8000, ask for. Mrs. Suttorlln. 1984 PONTIAC — Fksro SE Slh/or, fully BOOK HOLIDAY vResumes cals Division, CIBA-GEIGY Corporation, equipped. $5800 or best offer. 687-6010, PARTIES NOW! 556 Morris Avenue, Summit, NJ 07901. CLERICAL BRANONEWFOHD' ^Reports 1977 PpNTtAC-Astre wagon.v power Wo aro an equal opportunity employer ml •87 E-150 CMH» Wl steering, power brakes, body and motorln BOB: 374-9362 , VLetters f/h/v. • .; .•• • -CLEHl!ICALL '87 ESCORT '87 MUSTANG no, tw. a., s«« B» CK*g. a nuii wi good condition, 111,000 miles. Best offer. vrerm Papers RECEPTIONISTIONIS1/ Can 289-3465, after 5pm. GL WAGON LX2-DR. LOST AND FOUND . Vstatlsllcal Typing Science Serving Mankind BILLING' : ' Sid. Eq.: 1.0 liter EFI 4 Cyl, Eng,, Std. Eq.: 4 Cyl. Eng., Pwr. Stra./Pwr. 1985 PONTIAC-TRANS AM Rod with - CALL 964-7392 Pwr. Brks.| Opl. Eq.: Pwr. Strg,, Brks.; Opl. Eq.: Ate. Rr. Deft., Pwr. sUvor.evorythlngpowor. ExcollontGtoroo, LOST- DOG - Male - Springer/Water CIBA-GEIGY Full time position In our busy Cranford Wldo Bodyslds Mldg., Dig. Clock, Locks. Storeo, Spd. Cntrl,, Auto, air condition, 5 speed, 17,000 mllos. Must OH 687-7071, ollico. Seokmaturo-mlnded Individual to Tint. Gl»;, Instr. Grp., Rr. Del., A/C. Spaniel Mix. Black and white. Oackears, Trans., Qodysido Mldg.,, Aocertl sell. $11,600. or best offer. Call white stripe between eyes, black and pink AIRLJNES-Now hiring. Right Attendants, hando billing, phonos and light typing. Stereo. Slk »8O37. VIN #202771. MFB. SUQ0. UST PRICE $10,t87 MFB. SUQO. UST PRICE $10,207 686*106. after 5prn. • nose, scraggiy while tall. Wearing two HOUSE CLEANER — With experience, Travel Agents, Mechanics, Customer FORD DISCOUNT 707 FORD DISCOUNT 810 collars. Lost vicinity Morris & Wooley, references and transportation Is looking Service; listings. Salaries to $50K. Entry Excollont company bonofits Including WYIUN DISCOUNT 700 1086 RENAULTEncoro-1.7L, 13,000 WYIUN DISCOUNT - 750 Union, 10/31/87. Answers to Rdo. Call (of job. Please calj after 3pm. 352-2032. level positions. Call 805-687-6000, Ext Profit Sharing. To arrange an IntorvioW miles,'air condition, automtio, excellent 644-1264 days, or 688-9425 evenings. A-1448. . ploaso call: , condition. $5,950. orbestoffer, 686-1746. $100 Reward, " ' : HOUSEKEEPERS- Day workers. Refer- ism. ences and experience. Transportation ATTENDANT-Part'time, Undon laundro- 68M3i3rExt~280 ; FOTO OUCMUCT . .' :,, ,\ 1982 SUBARUBrat-4x4, canvas cover, LOST-Malo puppy. Lhasa.Apso, B provided. Call Amelia. 688-9477. mat Weekdays, evenings, and/or wfimpatouni :;.- : 60,000 miles; Excellent condition. $2995. months. Brown/flold/whrte (white paws). weekends. Call 925-2626 tor Interview Call 964-8210. appointment ' • • •. •— CLERICAL F/T on select models, Name Mickey. Wearing flea collar. Miss- Busy Insurance agoncy located In Konll- •15.970 ing since 11/2 near Helen Street areain HELP WANTED see Dealer for details' 1981 SUBARU WAGON — Good condi- AVOr4- PART TIME r. Earri Christmas worth soaking self-starter. Insurance tion, needs soma mechanical repairs. Linden. If found please call 862-4321. % money/gifts, Call Pat 634-2984. experience helpful but not nocossary. $995. Call Mr. Doyle, 376-7650. ,, Reward. . :••.'• . . 'i' . ACCOUNTANT— Jr., for Union, NJ, CPA. Accounting degree, experience not DIvorslRod. Call Gladys at 688-7700. BACK TO SCHOOLI- BACK TO 1977THUNDERBIRD-SuporSport. Low necessary. Excellent opportunity for BROKE? Work for a number one gift and CLERK ADMINISTRATIVE -SMALL but mileage. Needs transmission work. Best PERSONALS advancement Call 687-4061.' growing publishing company In Maplow- 'S7 TEMPO U 4-M. '85REROQT 2DR. toy party plan. Free kit and supplies. No M. SU. [q;! 3 LttM m 4 M:. rrt. UM. (MM. r«d. EM, to,: SB it* (ft a M.. Auto. tboo. '82 CIVIC 4-DR.WtOON •87MUSTMW0T Offer. 686-5644. '.,',•,; collecting or delivery. Earn $7 - $10 per ood cooks a dependable and organlzod Oto; "urn.Intpy 5*Uj Tinl. &:. IK. P*< loda Honda. 4 Cyl.; 5 Spd. Man. Pontlab, eCyli, Auto., Pivr. Strg., Ford. R«d, 5.0 Utor S Cyl.^urto., porson who'is willing to accopt -chal- Wo.. IK D«(.. W, .EtwM-CHi., V*t Wndi,, Mitsubishi. 4 .Cyl,. S Spd., A/C. Pwr. Brks., Pwr. .winds:, TUl, hour. Call Barbara 739-6818. PiW. DM». MM iri. GUI 1*870. VW IIK657. • Trans., Man. Strg., Man. Brks., A/C,Pwr. Stra;.' Pwr. Brio,Pwr. 1983 TOYOTA-Stariot. 61,700 miles, one AdvarUsbig lenges; The Individualmust havb-5 plus Py»r. Slrg., Pwr. Brks., Stereo/ Stereo, Spoiler, Alum. Wills., Ea- 1 A TRUE PSYCHIC urn. uioo. iur mm. — A/C, Stereo, Rl. Rack, Rr. Dof., Cttis.11,256 ml. VIN #102470. . Locki/Sls./MIrs:, ' Tilt, Cruise, _owner.- Good condition. Fivo speed.' years experience, can typo at loast 45 mil 01SCOIMI ' ;7B.47B ml. VIN *001638. : gle flV Radlali; Rr. Del. 35,067 StawVCus., Computer, Entry. $1,950. Call 964-6271. ,: MRS. RHONDA ' The' Worrell Publishing DatotMT ml. VIN (207015. Alarm Sy«t., Alum :Whls., Rr. Wpm, and havo pleasant phono mannorc. READER & ADVISOR • Group has an exciting open- BANK TELLERS Call Mrs. Brogna. 763:6855. . Del. 783J ml,A(IN •167672. 1983 TOYOTA- Cellca S% Coupe - Auto- I give all Wpes of Readings and Advice. I ing for a sales representative Full time .& part time positions matio, air, AM/FM, EFI. R/P. steering- can and will help you where others failed. I CLERK Must see.' Excellent condition, 54,000 In our display advertising de- available. Fully paid training pro- '87 tMMUS GL 4-ML •B5CAMAR0 IHQCLZ 'i0' have been established In Union, since l •85 COUOAB 24JR. miles $4,500. 298-O950/687-9189. 1968. By appointment 686-9685 or partment. gram. We will prepare the right Iff- t+t sw; (S* fcu,, fcikj.. IV 82HUSWia0L2-0ILHB Chevy, 8 Cyl.VAlrlo. VWOD,. A/C RECORDS CLERK Ford. 4 Cyl,, Auto., A/C, Pwr Mercury, 6 Cyl.> Auto.'.'Pwr. Pwr, Slra., Pwr. Brks., Pwr. WWURUSOL-WR. 964-7289.1243 Stuyvesant Ave., Union,, Individuals' to be bank pro- 1987 TOYOTArSu'pra-Red pearl with The position will; require Excollont opportunity for Clerk with know- Strg., Pwr. Brks:, Stereo, Rr. Dal Strg., Pwr. Brks.,. Pwr. Winds./ Wlnds./tVunk,. T-Tops, Till, Ford. 6 Cyl,, Auto., A/C, Pwr. near Foodlown^ Open dally from 9 to 9. fessionals. Excellent employee 46,489 ml. VIN #228284, UqKs/Mlre./Stl., Till; Cruise. Cruise. Alum. Whls., Tune Port ., Pwr. Brka., Tilt: Cruise burgahdy interior Interior; S speed, 4000 servicing and selling advertis- lodge of WP.S data oritry. Will compllo Stereo/Cau:, Landau HI., Alum. ln|., Rr. Del. 29,823 ml, VIN miles, every-option, mint condition. ing In an existing territory for benefits. Call 688-9500, Ext.,209. and typo statistical data as woll as record Whls., Rr. Del,' 30,817 mi. - 7 Asking $18,506.vCall 241-0339. one of our long established & filq inalorials. Must be able to oporato BE THINNER BY CHRISTMAS UNION CENTER office equlpmont Send lottor'of applica- ?'^ 6 1973 VOLKSWAGEN BootioJow mileage Fantastic Weight Loss Program weeklyi newspapers. . tion to: - •• on rebuilt engine looks and runs flood Prior newspaper ex-, NATIONAL BANK TECHNICAL RECRUITER OBL ' ' Prices Include freights prep; excludes tax & license fees. Rebate offer expires 12«/87 ^„..• ••:. Asking $490. Call 686-5053 SAFE-EASY-GUARANTEED perlence and/or college Is a 2003 Morris Avs, Union BREEZE-EASTERN 1976 VW — Rabbit, good engine, body P1 ' ' ,; ;.. /_'/ E.O.E.M/FA//H • :. ..• .'••• 700 Liberty Ave, Union, NY 07083 INEXPENSIVE An Equal Oppty Employor One of the Oldest Ford in New Jersey floods work, anxious to soil, make bffor. 688-5723 (9 AM-9 PM) Our congenial' work 'en- CaD 241-8697. vironment Includes a salary CAH WASH-Woslflold Auto Wash. Full time and weekend positions available. based on experience and- a CEMETERY/PLOTS Good salary and tips. Call 232-4114. CLERK, TYPIST full benefit package. Dlctaphono typing, handling phone calls AUTOS WANTED HOLLYWOOD : . CLEANING People wantad-tor success- MEMORIAL' PARK . '; Please call the Advertising and general office dutlos. Send rosumo to ful cleaning service. Benefits/ P.O. Box 1267, Union, Now Jorsoy ; Director at'674-8000 for more advancement. 245-1949. Gethhesmarie. Gardens, Mailspleiims. Information. . 07083.. > . .••.-.. TOP $$$ IN CASH OfHoe: 1500 Stuyvesant Ave., Union. . . ••••:, 68M300 For ALL Can & Trucks ENJDY-belter health, avoid health prob- ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT-lf you lems and live a longer, healthier Me. For have 2-3 years office experience, can CHARGE-IT! CALL DAYS - 589-8400 more Information, call 622-0684, type at .least 45 wpm and are willing to 399-0387. ..: learn and accept challenges, We will train or EVES. - 688-2044 you to run our Circulation Dept. We are a Classified now accepts (Same day Pick-ups) small but growing publishing company NOVENA TO ST. JUDE located In Maplewood that can offer a WE PAY CASH- FOR YOUR JUNK CAR 0 Holy St Jude, Apostle and Martyr, great pleasant working environment challeng- OR TRUCK 375-1253IRVINGTON. In virtue and rich In miracles, near kins- ing Work, competitive pay ana benefits. Visa, MastefCard HIGHEST PRICES PAIDI man of Jesus Christ, faithful Intercessor pi CaB Mrs.,Brogna 76*6855. ; --.'..• all who Invoke your special patronage in time of need, to.you I have recpurse*om the depth of my heart and humbly beg to TRUCKS .FOR SALE Whom God has given such great power to corrie to my asslslance/Help me In, my ADULT CARRIERS 1978 DODGE Von-piumblng service present.and urgonl petition. In return] Permanent part time positions are avail- truck. V8. P,S. PB, A/C. eomploto with promise to make your name knftwn and able) near your home early mornings. blno, $1500. or best offer. 686-9045 cause you to be invoked, Say three Our Newspaper routes earning $350 — $400 Father* Jfiree, Hall Marys and glorias. per month plus cash Incentives will help COUNTY LEADER Publication must be promised. St. Jude yoU supplement your Income. Make your, ENTERTAINMENT pray for us and all who Invoke ypUr aldv early mornings productive and profitable. Approximately 1 ^- 154 hours per day, NEWSPAPERS CHRISTMAS- PARTY MUSIC - Accor- ThlBnovena has never been known tpfall., seven days. Call toll tree 1 (800) : : dionist, pianist or orchestra. Johnny 1 have had my request granted. Public*-; 242-0850 or 877-4222. ••:'•.-.. ' 6S6>77OO Lonard, 353-0841. tjon promised. Thank you. F.L. HOUSE SALE mattress, customer; • ljs,00, pair , ra'nct type. *lrl HANDYMAN, GENERM- PECT ST. (olf P»rkfr HELP WANTED HELP WANTED, (H maple twin bed frames with „ .Sun. 10-4 pric« C*|l HELP WANTED HELP WANTED RANGE 5 rooms neat and walnut HELP WANTED rdi. 4 PART TIHE-Holp needed. in doctor's MER UELP fur- HEY YOUMM PART TIME; : office. Can 467-4812. • PRODUCTION m» odd yob* ** HEALTH CARE OPPORTUNITIES Also Dorter No experience necessary. Rosponslblo Steady'worK .t 'rugs. comnm?Ca The 8ummlt Medical Group, P.A., A Multi-Specialty Group PractloU. Is now .or Steve people needad to work for, TV Rental PAHTT1ME- SALES HELP - Wanted for vele Transformer ' and acceptingappllcatJonsforttHifollowing Weil^opportunities: ^ * retail clothing store, Union. Experience Sr. Production Planner t.. West Oranoe books. ; Company In a Union Hospital. Friday, olher CELLABS, V CtfadH CIMIC FT ... - . • ••'•'••...,:.,.,.,.. ;. . - : Saturday Sunday, 1 PM - 5 PM. Paid preferred but wiH traWvCall 687-5490. ,3 Ml. »nd cleaned, Tear Drlvw/Portir FT * vacation/holidays. Frequent raises. Call ENJOY THE CHALLENGE « o oarages toll,free.; 1-800-225^644.. , . pint e., No checks. removed,. PARTTIME .:••.•• ADVANCE IN YOUR CAREER VI Kendo James - HquMfcMpIng F/T preferred. PART TIME- Cafeteria position avallablo v vea,rs old. excellent condition 15,1315.7 ill Kirn, etc. MUrdock a«n. I2« Body & Fender Parts ' Lwfwr"' " TELEPHONE o AJaonolla Place, Union in the Summit Public Schools. Call Opportunity to Join a major manufacturer Call evenings. J'. ••Hi Available*! .4 Malnt«nanc«FT ' . ' • • 273-1393, 273-3025. of aircraft rescue systems. Position Madlcal Rtcord* FII* Cltrlw P/T Evas. SOLICITORS requires 3 years experience scheduling PART TIME Maintenance custodian- We haye 2 Immediate openings o, Medical Rwsord* Ctork PT Days 1 work thru mfg processes, you will organ- HELP WANTED Saturday, 7:30am-6pm, Sunday for part time telephone HELP WANTED HELP WANTED Madlcal Tranacribafa P/T Evas). 11am-7pm. $5.50 per hour. September/ solicitors/ experience preferred ize, initiate, schedulo & expedite parts & HELP WANTED HELP WANTED INSURANCE AGENCY — Looking for; Nurabio faatetant F/T - — June. SUMMIT YWCA, 273-4242. EOE- but not necessary. Call Mark asisombllos to Insure timely production 8 HAIRDRESSERS^Sood^ beginner. Full M/F/H/V. •.,•'. . • ' part time person, typlst/receptionlst. Nursing Racaptlonlst* PT . Cornwall at: . • deliveries. Related associate's degree or DRIVER/PART TIME time/part lime. Union, Clifton, Wayne, E. .coking to cover a desk, spedflcajy equivalent background preferred. HanoW, Rockaway and Raritan. loca- PART TIME Competitlvo salary & benofits. Send CLERICAL POSITION FULL TIME Great alter.schoollob, or retired personto ttonday « Friday, reasonably flexible PaUant Account Raprasantallva FT ' tions. Call John, 235-1411 or Moy, lours. Vflil trairi light person on User- 686-7700 resume, noting current earnings to: Full time entry level position available In our Credit Department Respond- work forlocal florist. Call 762-3525.0-5. PhlabotohilslP/T ,887-0511. •" • ' ••••'• Friendly computer. Pleasant office. Call between ?am-Spni TECHNICAL REQRUiTER-MMJ blliUes Include: phone contact with patients, doctors and employees,,filing Ti for appointment,- 378-7270. RN'aFT/PT.Daya/Evas. BREEZE-EASTERN and maintaining accounts and statements. Typing experience helpful but H1R1NGI—GovemmentJobs-yourarea. • EDUCATOR EASY Workl Excellent Payl Assemble . 8loraa and Racalvlng Clark F/T A leading eye care office In Unlonhas a TOO Liberty Ave, Union. NJ 07083 not required. Excellent company paid benefits package accompanies this $15.000-S68,000. Can (602). 838-8885, products at home. For Information, can permanent position available fora mature An Equal Oppty Employer M/F : ; X-RayTachnlclaniFT/PTSurnhiitaWatchuno 37!4 hour work week position. If Interested please call Personnel at 504-641-8003, Ext A-8383. ; '. Exf.1823... V, • •' ••.•/.v- ' " . minded person with good communication PARTTIME 277-B633. LOSING WEIGHT EQUALS We offer excellent salaries plus compariy paid benefits with most positions. skills, pur program Is on-going and struc- MAKING $$$ : :; . If Interested, please call Personnel, 277-8833; tured for. success. We will tain you to REAL ESTATE-Roalty McCoy and Crost^ " participate In small group settings with TYPIST view Realty seeks full time and part Mmo, ; children and adults. Early evenings and new ond experienced agents .for tbolr " If you have5-50j>oun* to lose.we have- South Orange and Scotch Plains- r. no suuun AvtNue. suuuir. NEWJCRSEVonoi Saturday-hours. •' . "-"•_ NEEDED!! ak* for you. Call , ; ,•:.,;.' residential—and—commorclal odlco—S To work Please call Eileen or Elsa newspapers. Good working con- (201)2^8210 dition, excellent opportunity for CLERK TYPIST DATA ENTRY F/T BOUTIQUE . 338-7326 student or for mother returning RECEPTIONIST-Full time. Knowledge of Borough of Roselle Police Depart- Growing insurance agency located In Jo work. Flexible hours. Call Spanish and CRT necessary. Hours, J 1 J ment- Thirty two hour work week KenQworth soaking clerk for computer Offers excellent opportunities; Nancy Coragglo at 686-7700. - r-Frlday, 10-6. Call 687-0810. departments Experience helpful. Detail MAILROOM CLERK plus benefits. Must possess good oriented, pleasant surroundings, 9-5 posi- • Sale Managers typing skills, able to take statements tion. Call 688-7700,0x1265. ask for Ken. • Assistant Sales Managers; Seton.Hall University, South .Orange campus, is-IneearAof afujUmemaH as they are being spoken. Contact • Salespersons • File Clerk PART TIME Johanna Breden, Borough Clerk, 210 DATA PROCESSING • Stock •Wrappers. • ' ages. Win be using various plecos of mall- Chestnut Street, Roselle, New NCR PROOF OPERATOR ••'• ."'• Doorman/Security , . ..•,'••.. room equipment Ability to road and write TELEPHONE SOLICITORS Jersey, 245-5156. ; EngllshTA valid drivers license required. Full time position available. Some FullS Part Time: Days. Triton remission offered. Liberal vaca- experience a plusT-WIII'tralrfrtf- Evenings 'Weekends tion and holiday offered. Please call EXPERIENCE HELPFUL, BUT NOT NECESSARY CLERK Interested please call Personnel • .References Required: \ • 761-9177 for appointment Equal Oppor- tunhV Affirmative Action Employer. to work In payroll dept of corporate office Department, 688-0500. • Generous Employee Discounts , WE PROVIDE TRAINING In suburban Millbum. Must have math & • typinping skills. PleasanPlas t working condition? UNION CENTER & good benefltsbflt . NATIONAL BANK . Evening Hours, 5:30-8:30 D m MAINTENANCE •. • • ' . ' •'.• • •• • . •..••.• 379-1938 THE MALL AT SHORT HILLS 2003 Morris Ave., Union : 201~«87-2727 .:.C\/. MECHANIC FILE CLERK .CAREER OPPORTUNITIES Salary Plus Commissions COLLEGE Students-Cashier. Some •••.•:• E.O.E. M/F/V/H . . TELEPHONE Accounts Receivable Clerks Immediate opening for High School grad File person needed for busy typing. Part time. NAWROCKI'S PHAR- • .Must have good telephone voice. We are currently expanding our subscription sales staff and we MACY, 688-8052. . DENTAL- ASSISTANT - We have, an orequrValentwithflveyearsexperienceln manufacturing office. Bright SALES Immediate opening for you. Great oppor- HANDYMAN/W — Part, time at sites In CRT.& typing exp., HSed..& A/U have 4 Immediate openings for telephone solicitors. As a solicitor repairing, assembling : and setting-up: Individual; to do general office COUNTER Person-Must be experienced tunity for an experienced dental assistant Essex and Union Counties, No heavy Industriol machines and general plant, •Part Time Position exp. a+Exo. bnfta._ you will call from our office selling newspaper subscriptions to local Diversified full timo position In orthodontio FLORAL DESIGNERS ' work. Idoal for retired parson. Applicant duties. Good phone skills re- sandwich and grin person. Call 686-0303. maintenance Call Human Resources i Full Time Pay Clerk Typist residents. We supply (Ists to call from and we regularly allow between 3pm » 530. office, Union County and West Caldwell * Full time Experience preforred Benefit must have car & tools & must be careful & Department, 8 AM - 3 PM for appoint- quired, Non smoker preferred. solicitors to use various Incentives to assist their efforts. Call Mark package CaF762-3525. for Interviow.- • No Experience Necessary Call 667-6850 painstaking » self intent 688-5760. — ment Full benefit. package. Call P/T, flex. hra. ben. pfflce skills, . For tnoralnforhutlon, call Cornwall at.fJ86-7700/.Ext 23. - exc. bnfta. Call: • DENTAL ASSISTANT — For Orthodon- 688-6900 Cathy, for appointment, . Kim Sokol ats CRAFTERS!! tics office. Insurance forms and bating Gas Station SUNSET 9arr>-12 noon. • . ; NaUonal Health oxporienco, good opportunity. Part time Laboratories Payroll Personnel HOBBYIST!! avallablo Call 6884330 _ Managers, 376-4410 Assistant RECEPTIONIST BfcpN 686-3100 272-2511 Part time, typing required. Exporionco DENTALASSISTANT for Millbum office. Asst. MflnfKMfs Payroll persopnel asst or similar exp, pralorrod, weekends and holidays. Call No experience necessary Pleasantwork- Shop good main S typing skills needed, Corpcn between 9am-4pm. . Cashiers, 1 BE YOUR OWN BOSS!! Ing conditions, good benofits, and ,•,... . ; ^^^^J '.• HELPFUL HINT FOR JOB INTERVIEWS rate office In suburban Millbum. Good Red Devil EMPLOYERS: starting salary for right person. Pleasant CORNELL HALL ff 376-5577 or 379-2633 Attendants We communicato the news ol working condition S good benefits. ' "Remember, believing equals receiving,^your|ob opening In lour media: Union . , 687-7800 Turn space time and talents In- 2400 VauxhaO Road so believe In yourself and your abilities. Think 373-1938 totttt.CALL: Opportunity: radkxcabletv, newspaper, direct DINING ROOM Union, NJ. aboutwhatYOUcanddforthecompanyand] mall. Our network concept Equal Opp'ty Employer U/F Information8 what special skills and experience can be provides high Impact and 4864407 0*687.0945 Network ' l.talloredto the job you are applying foY' maximum olfecliveooss, SET 1 For more Information call PHLEBOTOMIST PARTTIME Contemporary dining room set MAINTENANCE THINK POSITIVE/ . (20V376MW ••j Monday-Friday 6-9 Dark wood China cabinet, server, Immediate part time position' available for experienced Saturday 9-3 .MUHSEJ- Phlobotomlsts to woiPk In our Group Practice Facility. If Interested six chairs MINT CONDITION PERSON OPTICAL PART TIME Work-Near your homo, call Personnel 277-Bo33, ...... ,. . Email ww supervising newspaper' carriers In the $800. bdvttr- PART TIME •fhriifraal SustttEuon early morning hours. You will oversee the CREDIT CLERK tactatimfor 2573Rt22W. Ideal for retiree. Call: Ns: ENJOY PEOPLE? - carriers delivery, sales and collection TRIUMPHJU3LER-ROYAU INC, Is seek- 687-7071 MMdvabwbo Unfaisi, N.J. 686-7700 DAILY DOCTOR'S ASSISTANT . activities. Permanent positions are avail- ing a Credit Cleric with 1-2 years experi- 37MS0O The Eye Doctor's Patient Care Center able In the areas of Essex and,: Union I'SOsuuuirAveNue, suuuir. Newxnsevoraoi ence. Excellent telephone manrwr.abWty IttrtxJrto Nursi g services rieeoad for Irt-hprne and located In Union heedd outgoing, service Counties. Make your early mornings M7-M24 MANAGEMENT TRAINEE productive and profitable. Call toll free to use calculator a work with figures Mh: out-oHiome tempdrary placement of minded peqplo. We will train you to assist roquIrod.CRTsklflsaplus Competitive DOCTOR'S OFFICE — Looking for Top financial institution: Comprehensive inedlcally involved, developrnentally our doctor's and patients and handle light' 1-800-242-0850 or 877-4222. - • benefits package.: For immediate consid- someone with bookkooplng skills, part " JMCMIMM training program Salary to 35k for lop dlfjableddlents. Essex, Union and Some- office work..We offer pleasant working PLASTICS — Plastic InlecDon molding quality candidate CaS 994-7083 from PART TIME- Kitchen helper. Flexible eration send qualifications or call time 688-4330 crumlHow rhHipYttale rset counties are desired locations. conditions and flexible lull and part .time operators needed , for ell 3 shifts. No RECEPTIONIST/TYPIST 9am-4pm, Monday thru Wednesday; : schedules-day, evening and Saturday. hours,_no experience necessary.' Call experience hecessarv. but car needed. Personnel Administrator, ItaEBHal -Contact. Maro Stabile, at 379-1700 it Expanding company offoregrowth oppor- IMCMtrtour 379-1277. Monday-Friday, 0-5. Equal Ideal for homomakore with schooll child- 379^773 after 1 PM. : •.":'•' . '•• Call 688-0099, Mondoy-Frldav 201-789-2800 Rxlnmtiittt MECHANICS -NEED take charge person tunity for a sharp, pleasant Individual with topittthiai • OpportunityEmployer. ,. . • • ren. More. Important then your age and 8am-4pm Echo Molding, 011 Springfief< ' DRIVER MESSENGER to maintain fleot ol 9 straight trucks plus 2 neat appoaranoa and good telephone ond TRIUMPrt-ADLEB-ROYAL, INC. littkiuUirM Ewptojtr previous experience Is your willingness to PART TIME — Clerk, typing required.' Road, Union. ., i: , 200-Sheffield Street HANDYMAN/WOMAN r mt«IJsii*l1nsi tractors. Must have experience phis own leam and yourabllllty to work with people. .Credit Union experience, helpful but not •••' Skills. PLANUM TECHNOLOGY Mountainside, NJ 070S2 IMMtks) CBiOlBtfm0wt tools. Immediate' opening, hospHallzav Start at $4.00 por hour with nguorantood requbed.. Hours flexible. Call 862-5144, „ 923-3444. :.. • • An Equal Oppty Employer fvVF Full time dependable person. apply in pttiM. tion, plus paid holidays Can 688-3554 1 Increase to $5.40 alter 6 rnontfis, Benefits Mrs. Jones: ,-•.•. • '•' •, ••• '••'.' .;•': . PLATFORM CLERK Valid drivers license and good • /.^/./'....tABpHATpnY;;',.:/",, .' Include.paid Vacation and holidays. To MODELS-Noo. Portfolios, portraits or PART TIME — Help for pizza and sub FULLTIME driving record. Bondable, find out more please call Eileen or Elsa at' RECEPTIONIST/ASSISTANT; Doctors CUSTOMER SERVICE HOME Cleaning people wanted to join glamor photos Studio or location work We need an organized person'with excel- shop. 3 evenlnds and Saturday. Call Position available In our platfwm area. heavy lifting Call Personnel suocossful cleaning servlco Benefits/ 338-7326. . :'.••.-. • . office In Summit, full time (some Saturday REPRESENTATIVE BENBUL Off ICE PERSON • Reasonable rates. Send address and lent communication skills to learn scher 964-9550. ' ' Banking knowledge helpful. Moderate Department, 488 9500. advancement- 245-1949. & Thursday evenings), typing required, EXCITING OPPORTUNITY needed by busy law firm In Sprlno- phone number to P p Box 2147, Union, duling and invoicing on our computer. typing, good phone skills and the ability will train. Leave mossago for Cynthia at New Jersoy 07083. Excellent benefitejndudlng pension plan.; PART TIME—Gas attendant Attention; Are you anxious for an oxdtJngJob, but lleld to act as Host/Hostess for PART TIME HOMEMAKERS Students, Senior Citizens - Earn Christ- to handle customers. Will train. Call 277-4600...... have little orno work experience? Do you UNION CENTER business meetings, etc Also to do HOTa mas money now. 8-12^0 plus other shifts Personnel Department., 688-9500, : oy public contact work? If so, you win general office work and some light •;: KUWATA PAH DENT NATIONAL BANK Earn Extra Money Moonlighting sell latest: available. $S/hour'plus commissions. oy being a customer service represon- cleaning Ideal sltuatlpri for active MORE THAN JUST ANOTHER Livingston, ,.:./,/':;,'.;,,:, ,994-9692 Apply Steves Exxon, Comer of Walnut MAID BJack-Whito Summer (High Fashion UNION CENTER RECEPTIONIST-Maplowpod CPA firm" w at HFC. You will perform a variety of retires to stay In touch with the TYPING JOB , Equal opportunity "employer ,. 'Ave, & Raritan Road.-382-1770. • - a 2003 Morris Ave, Union Good pay, good benefits, Cqll* Jewelry. No Investments. High Profit. For NATIONAL BANK seeks person to handle phones, light interesting Branch Office duties and learn E.O E M/F/V/H business, world. Far Interview, OFFICE HEWt^Manufacturers of Froq Sample. Call:' • , - typing, and general office duties. Many to gse our. state of the art oomputor Decent typing spoed and high accuracy PARTTIME- Dental Receptionist -Tues- 1 please call; precious.metal lookli>fl,for off)c» help. ' 2003 Morris Ave., Union benefits. Cal.763-6363. . system Which enables us to provide fast 862-4500 can bo your ticket to an Interesting job In day and Thursday 9 - 6 and half a day . efficient service to our customers Typing 4*7-4444 Experiehoe preferred, but Willing to teach Saturday! Experience preferred but wilK E.O.& M/F/V/H the fast-paced, exciting wprfd of woekly the right person/Call 373-7121, between is required. We offer good starling salary Mrs. Peek, newspaper publishing. You II pick up a Ing to train. Please call ;522-1133. DRIVER'S & MOVER'S HOUSEKEEPER- Throo days a week. 8.A.4.' '• • • ' '.;•'• i ; ".'• ' '' • ' PART TIME- HOME MAILING PROG- PRESCHOOL- Not a |ob commltmentl with regular merit Increases Sound exclt- Must have car and references. Spring- valuable Job skill when you're trained on Ing7 Then get in touch with us In loam Established local moving storarje RAMI Excellent Incomel Details, send PART TIME-Pormanent Receptionist, Warm, oaring.Temple needs Director/ RERCEPnONIST field area. 467-8789 after 6 PM. our VDTs Minimal experience neces- eell-addrossod, stamped onvelbpo more aboufthls Intoresting boortlon company heeds reliable', punctual GOVERNMENT JOBS — Monday thru Friday, 12 noon to 4:15pm; Toachor to Tielp committee create a sary, perfect for homernaker returning to VtyEST. BpX 5877,' Hillside, NJ 07205. person, Able to hande heavy furniture. $16,040-$59,23u/year Now hiring Your Answer switchboard, greet ctistomera, special nursery school which win open For greeting card cbrnpa'ny. Pleasant HOUSEHOLD FINANCE CORP INSURANCE-Part time. Experienced In woik FulMimo. but hours am flexible ._„ OPTICS SALES • 1 Will train, must drive, year round work, area 1-805Js87-6000. Ext. R4091 for light typing, eta Ideal for person ^re- September 1968. Strong early childhood .speaking voice. Light duties; No expert- 2565 RTE 22 WEST personal linos Must be able to type. Maplewod location Benelits Call,Bra« .Full and part time. Experienco proferred, PART TIME- CJfllce/Ught warehousing. UNION, NJ 07083 part limors considered current Fodsral list entering the work force, Mountainside; background desired. Send resume to: Good benefits. Stuyyesant Avenue, Bayno, 783-0700, 9 AM-5 P.M. but not ncecessary. 'Pleasant working' Small company. Retirees' Welcome. ocaBon. Can Mrs. Torre at 654-7700, for 201-064-0800 : Temple Nursery School, 432 Scotland 687-0035 Union. Call Mrs Bender. 984-5950. conditions; Start Immedately. 245-0900. '276-7170,' , ' ,": •,.•"•.:. '..' :." Interview. ' • Place. SpringHeld, NJ. EOE. Equal Oppty Employer MVF. Road, South Orange, NJ 07079.. ORANQE Large • HANDYMAN, GENERAL REPAIR HOUSE SALE • it WCStARANG J5PECT ST. (o(l Parker

MED HELP Alto toorler • SIMdy ~w Siejtdv work tyct* Trantrormtr j HEV VOUMMI VCl* Yranklormvr Small Ads... It-. Wttl Orange, c odd iobl,' dot , W»ftlO'*ng« cornel???? Call] 3 or Stevr IK 1711 l.li) »nt «w, Big Results! o ti..t X «,W.Cat CO n :;IH(OII Hill CLASSIFIED ADS' pr»lerredf :• vein old, excellent condition'- is. w«. i in . mn Jtoch wio tANT EX| ""«»«"ng». >'.v.;ls . turn, etc. MUrdock a <43J. 114a Body & Fender Parts '.««• . J JJnorxilla Place, Union. Avtllabiear .

SERVICES OFFERED CARPENTRY CLEAN UP SERVICE ELECTRICIANS HOME IMPROVEMENTS SECRETARY B.F. WORLDWIDE REGISTERED NURSE DERMATOLOGY Setqn Hall University has hilt time and MOORE'S SPURR ELECTRIC; 8 Dart time positions available In several AIR FREIGHT • ;.- FINE HOME CARPENTRY C. N. R. WANG Alterations, Paneling, Sheotrock, Ceil- CLEANING SERVICE INC. areas on the South.Orange campus, Live around ings, Doors, Replacement Windows. Freo HOME IMPROVEMENTS § Interestlna Dart time position In a busy dermatology practice. Dlver- pplicant must have good organizational IBM PC- BUILDING MAINTENANCE New & Alteration Work Custom decks, attic & basement renova- LINDEN International, Competitive, Depend- Estimates. Call 687-8520. Z smed and2hallenglnB?Sponslbllltles workingi directly with physician •tills with an excellent phone manner, •SPECIALISTS* tions, sheet rocking, baths, kitchen -and patients. If Interested, call Personnel, 277-6433. . able; Fast, Handling Shipments Wort- Specializing Ih recessed lighting and 'osltions require good typing skills, knoW- DISPLAY WRITER 3 •Floor Waxing cabinets installed, gutters a loaders, odgo of Woid Processing, experience on dwlde. Local Pick-ups. service changing, smoke detectors, yard replacement windows, interior/extorlor Why not work ' •Window Cleaning : o - .B.M.-P.C. a plus. Excellent benefits G. GREENWALD and security lighting, alterations, and now p a I n t I n g - , here, too? : , HULTIIttTE Commercial/Industrial developments. License No. 7288. Fully >ffered. Tuition remission for self, spouse Carpenter Cohtractora .. FREE ESTIMATES ind dependants. Liberal yacafion and IMMEDIATE CAUi 241-4442 , . INSURED , Insured. No Job Too Small. lolkfays offered, For more; Inforniatfon 688-7976 or 272-1840 , ,,osuuwTAveNUe. SUMMIT. Save yourself the lime, trouble and All type repairs, remodeling, kitchen, 763-0913 3aH-Human-Besburce8,-76U177;.EQE >xpense of traveling far to workwhh a |ob: - US5IGNMEMTS__ porchesrendosuresrcellars,attlcs.'Fully Affirmative Action. dose to home at First Atlantic Savings: . .•• : .'.;;i=pr\'••.'••• ••. insured, estimates given 688-2984. Small 964-5576 Good communication/people skills Experienced Optrators Jobs. V ••-• . required. Cash handling experience a Excellent positions with ' FENCES CONSTANCE RESTAURANTS Secretary/Marketing lus. If you're eager ana willing to leam, Sandlnfl & Reflnlshlng CONSTRUCTION CORP.- we'll train you In toiloring. ' ,.,,',,,, ALUMINUM SIDING UNION ibCATipN TOP COMPANIES; on all hardwood floors JOE DOMAN Complete Line of Home Renovations We offer attractive compensation, regular 1 Reasonable rates. Free ALL TYPES—Of Surface cleaning. Hot B & Z FENCE CO. •Additions • •Kitchens In Essex 8. Union Counties a Coldpressurewashlng. Free estimates. rriumph-Adler-Royal, Inc. a leader In the salary reviews and comprehenslvo bone- estimate* on any,size Jobs, •Baths Basements flee supplies/business equipment fits. Apply In person! . V ', . 686-3824 DAVE'S STEAM CLEANING. 762-0027^ Cal Dave or Al: , Leave message., CHAIN LINK, WOOD, DOG RUNS, •Plumbing , Electrical industry, has an Immediate position avail- / TOP PAY! ' POOLS. Free estimates. Freo walk gate ablefor an eneraetio person willing to take ' Reasonable Rates •Alterations/Repairs with purchase of 100 feet or more. 24 on responsibility. . Excellent word FIRST 371r0016 Hour Sorvlco. Free Estimates processing skills (TextwriteC helpful), •*'(•• •Closets/Cabinets DRIVEWAYS steno or dictaphone required. PC a plus. ATLANTIC •Customized Tables Fully Insured, Must be able to Interface with all levels •Storage Areas 925-2567 (We're not satlslfled until your sallsl- and possess excellent telephone skills.; SAVINGS GENERAL HOME REPAIR - Painting, •Formlca/Wood/Panellng 381-2094 Complete benefit package. Send resume •655 Raritan Road . LIFE INSURANCE bathroom Wet, finished basements, small /Windows/Doors/Sheetrock B. HIRTH PAVING tied) ' w caff (9 AM-5 PM): Personnel Admin, • Cmnfprd, NJ 07.016 : , PAYEyERYWEEK alterations. Free estimates. Very reason- JOSEPH FRANK , Compared to the ropt T.Q.I. Friday's Is the one place to be when you want able. Can Joe after 3 PM, 4864413. good hours, good working conditions, full training and benefits. 201-789-2800 Equal Oppty; Employer; M/Fi FREEGIjFTS! v Residential and Commercial. Asphalt GARAGE DOORS 241-1633 JANfTORIAL-SERVICE-UnltodSorvlco work. Driveways, parking areas, sealing, THIUMPH-ADLEH-ROYAL, INC. REFERRAL BONUSES R. Potter Home' Repairs WfllTERS/WAITRESSESJFlBXIblB scheduling) ; ZOO Sheffield St & Maintenance Company-- We do resurfacing, curbing. Free estimate. Fully Mountainside, NJ 07092 ; 'commercial: Industrial, residential DOORS, WINDOWS, ROOF REPAIRS, insured. 61)7-0614. •'...•• Apply In person dally or call: . . ' . GARAGE DOORS installed, garage ; An Equal :qpp'tyi Employer; TREE CLIMBER Call or visit any of our offices complete Janitorial sorvicos, offloe clean- & MORE. extensions, .repairs & servioejolecbic HANNAM CONTRACTING Ing, carpet shampoo, floor stripping, DONT FRET CALL RHETT! : operators & radio controls. STEVEN'S , •••• • .•• • " • •'.:' 322-6412 • •' •'•, "•' •'••'.'•••' •TODAY.'..; .'•:,:'•- •/••'i •''•••'••' Waxing; pbBshing, window cleaning. High Froo estimates, reasonable rates, MARSELLA^BROS. PAVlNd OVERHEAD DOOR, 241-0749. ' SECURITY GUARDS EXPERIENCED tree. cJmber with a mini- Rooflng/Sldlng/Decks 1701-100 Route 22 mum of 5 years experience In tree work. ^lopmfleld . ' 74«-7Mt quality service satisfaction assured. Call Insured. : . •Asphalt Driveways, BlockwonVRflrTies, 9264158 and see the difference. Free __ Walchung, N.J. : Needed full time, 7am 3pm, Mon- ' tresslve, punctual, well rounded indivi-- i S74.Blqornfle.WAve.';' \,' Backhoo^S Durnptruck Service. Bathrooms/General Carpentry estimates. Fully Insured and bonded. ; 298-0031 METROPOLITAN DOOR CO,-INC. day thru Friday, Saturday.* Sun- I with advancement potential. "GSSd CALL 889-6205 personality and driver^ license a mustl '.Union' -V/v; v^V.TasMJtt' 136 Market Street day 11pm to 7am, 1-2 years ex- (201) 388-6429 Send rosumo with references and wage r 2333 Morris Ave,,,5uiteA-17-T Kenllworth, NJ perlence helpful. Please apply or requirements to: ' V ' MEDICAL MANAGEMENT i CONSULTANT CARPET CARE Residential & Commercial . RETAIL^ '•:.,•'••,..• . • '" .-'.;'. " call:.' •••• ."' ::'•: •- • R & T PUGLIESE SHOWROOM OPEN RETAIL .. ARBOH ASSOCIATES Starting.a practice?. Restructuring your offloe?let my expertise help you set up HOME IMPROVEMENTS: BED 'N BATH of Springfield Is now DRIPflINT FOILS TO THE PUBLIC TRY SOMETHING NEWI v an efficiently run office, train your person- AsphalLPavIng, Driveways, Parking hiring for the following positions: 329 Haw Bnintwlck Avamw ' P.O.Box:1150 • ; CARPET SALES Weekday's, 9-4, Saturday, 9-12 Doctor's Assistant no), custom design office proceedures. Lots,: Curbs & Concrete. Quality . SPECIALIZING IN ——; Union. N.J. 07083; Call Ariene, The Physicians Consultant, ""'-• $4 - $6 Sqjard Repalrs«lnstallatlons • CASHIERS The Eye Doctor's Patient; Care Center „ SMALL TO MEDIUM Only serious'minded applicants need 964-0029.: '.;••-.:, •. But At Builders Prices Work. Fully Insured, Free Estimates. Parts •J.. .•SALES' located In Union needs outgoing, service apply! :•; • .., '.:',;;;./ : .:.:::'r '. Residential &'Commercial. / JOBS minded people. We will train you to assist 382-6800 ' Free Measuring .•'••••.• 241-5550 •STOCK our doctor's and patients and handle light •', (Mln. 50 Sq, Yards): 272-8865 Part and full time flexible hours to WAITERS- Waitresses, Kitchen Help, office work. We otter pleasant working WATER1 PROBLEMS'? •Large SelectIon»Many Colors ; CALL: 688-8285 fit most schedules. Call Mr. Lynch, conditions and flexible lull and part time . SHIPPING/RECEIVING Bartenders, Coat Check, Part Time WORD PROCESSING-- Part time, flexl- R.O. Drinking Systems 298-1331 „•• GUTTERS & LEADERS 379-WO3. ••.•"•• schedules-day, evening and Saturday. We need a person who can handle a vari- Banquet Help. Springbum Manor, Union, RENATO CAVALLARO More Importanttheriyourprevious experi- ety of lobs In adontal lab oHice; Good driv- 687-4200 and Sulphur Springs, Berkeley 'ble hours, experience required. South Metered Water Conditioners Orange., Call 7634266. .??:• , CLEAN— All types of gutters. Lowest ence Is your willingness to learn and your ing recoid arid NJ lincense required. Heights, 464*3pp. ..;,,• ,'. . : Sales-Rentals-Servlce / Home Interest,' Inc. abllllty to work with people. Start at $4,00 Mechanical .ability help ful. Salar prices. Call Dah for Iroo estimate, ; 6884535 ' Pavlng»Masonry ! RETAIL'.. • .•' •:, .•.•'••..' per hour .with a guaranteed Increase to commbnsurete with experience. Exce. 27ST4661. •-.;'• •'•" I; ( Kitchens, Bathrooms. Siding, Roofing, $5.40 after 6 months. Benefits Include lent fringe benefits Including pension X-RAY TECHNICIAN PART TIME CHIMNEY CLEANING Brickwork, Steps, Patios, Sidewalks, 'i paid vacation and holidays. To find out plan. Location UvlngBton. 994-9692. Shootrock, Docks, Windows, Doors, SALES AND ACCOUNTING Stonework, Driveways. Free Estimates. GUTTER GLEANING Repairs.: IMPROVEMENTS/ more please call Eileen or Elsa at KUWATA. PAN DENT A part time position la available for an ARRT registered or eligible X- 338-7326, - . AVERAGE HOME $35 ALTERATIONS, RESIDENTIAL/ CASHIERS /Equal Oppty Employer. •; i> Ray Technician with a minimum of two years experience to work In a. ACCOUNtlNa SERVICES —' Small 232r0710 I COMMERCIAL Call: — Group Practice Facility. Position Involves working In both our Summit AARON Minor tree trimming and small repairs. SPACE^To Bent-Beautlctan/manlcurist, businesses: Monthly or quarterly service: CALL JIM, 925-5468. Linden. JAMES 272-2886 Rosollo Park-Union area. Must have own and Watchupg offices. For more Information please call Personnel at Corporate, partnership and Individual REGAN PAINTING COMPANY. • njUL/PMTTIHE 1 following. Days, 965-0659,: evening^ 277-8833.: •-',•:• /,''">-: •-'• •;,-,:,•„ •• . •. .. ' ^..-v-:.'"'••••"••• , Income taxes; George P. Porcalll, Jr, SEAL-A-DRIVE - Save Your Driveway. SECRETARY CPAv 761-1658. ;./.--.- MAINTENANCE BUILD A BETTER FUTUREI 680-9408.' Make It look better and last longer by . jr Millbum law firm seeking a person having a Soal-A-Drive Application. Call GUTTERS & LEADERS IMPROVE YOUR HOME WITH GIL CHANNEL. HOME CENTERS, with good typing skills who can work Inde- 20 Years In Business, Complete 273-8588 For Free Estimate. INC., the nation's largest, In- pendently. Congenial atmosphore. Excel- TANNING SPA ATTENDANT ALARMS Chimney Service. Roofing-Masonry. INCLUDES.FREE TANNING dependently owned home Tent benefits, convenient location, Call DAN • 37M865 Thoroughly cleaned andilushed. Insured, center, chain, Is a great placo to 467-8080. ;'••••• DAYS9AM-5PM . EARLY WARNING SUBURBAN PAVING $30.00 to $50,00. Minor tree trimming. CALL 467-7891 Prompt, efficient service. I also work DECKS build a career. Right now, we •.'..• :•'"':••'"':• • •.' syiSTEMS.'1' ''••'-'• •' COMPANY ;i have openings' ..for' qualified INSTRUCTIONS INSTRUCTlOiNS Saturday, and Sunday. • ; Custom Built & Repairs ; Fire Detection, Security Systems, Wood Fences ABasements men and women who have Telemarketing ' CLEAN UP SERVICE 1 upbeat personalities. We will SECRETARY CLASSICAL- GUITAR - playors - any TUTORING , Irttercoms, Antennas. Phone. Jacks •Driveways NED STEVENS FREE ESTIMATES train .highly motivated, In- Join a growing company In Mountainside level. Call: 233-6210 II Intorasted In a MATH4 PHYSICS by AT»T SCIENTIST and Close Clrcut TV. •Parking Lots«CurbIng 964-8364 9643575 telligent Individuals with the which offers a cong enlal working environ- WORK PROM HOME Classical Guitar Society. • •":;•;.•';•';' :'••.'; 226-7379 . • •Quaranteed salary . a Experienced TeacW. Can help With CALL 964-3403 ' FREE ESTIMATES drive to succeed. .",.. ment and excellent benefits. We are look- oblems. Reasonable, Rates. CaH DIANE'S- EVENING CLEANING Pleasant telephone work from the MUSIC-INSTRUCTION- Current Bassist SERVICE. Apartments, homes and ing for a socretaty with 2-3 years office :io.-'- -•-•••• • •- We off or attractive salaries and comfort of your home. Full and with Garry Mulligan noW accepting' offices. Reasonable rales. Diane, : 687-3133 1 experience. Position requires good typing J & R WOODWORKING comprehensive benefits and steno skills. Wand W/P experience Part time, you will earn $150-$300 students In - Theory; Harmony and DECKS 789-8782. Leave massage If no answer. GUTTERSsLEADERS package for full time helpful. Dlverefflsddutfos.CaU Mrs. Torre per Week. Permanent position, Concept, ALL INSTRUMENTS. Call SERVICES OFFERED employees, our part - timers at 654-7700, (or Interview, paid training benefits available iDEAN 762-3367. , . ; ;• ' ,' AH Items custom designed, specializ- receive paid Vacation and CAUMR.PABKBI PIANO — Drums. College prep, theory ELECTRICIANS ing In hard wood and formica. • holidays. All of these positions lessons In your home. Degreed ipmfes- Thoroughly Cleaned & Flushed •Wall Unlts*besks>VanItles offer Ihd opportunity 'for'" ad- AT: 777-4722 A1H COND. & REFBIGL HOME CLEANING •stonal. Chifererl, ackllts, boglnnors thru Bookcases»Tables»Counter Tops • vancement, .-v •••:•'•.>..'";'•"'• "•*;"':' For People On The Go. SAFTEY & QUALITY •REPAIHS.REPUCEMEMTS advanced: All styles. Call Tom; 288-6?53. | ••••;;. FREE ESTIMAtES t^ TYPIST- Full time, busy small qfflce. SVC "Specialty Of The House" IN YOUR HOME OR BUSINESS •Fully lnsured«Free Estimates : APPLY IN PERSON $30,000, PLUS ., 'Good typist, diversified' duties.•• • Call REASONABLE RATES Programs Designed By Mark •Melse—-—,~--«- 2284965 Career position With Florham Part lJeanette.«88-O8p0. Maver|ck Industires; SUCCESSFUL l«AtH TUTOR > CULUfOm v • YOU :, :JPS 964-4676 Development/Budding Company require! '.Inc. '• " ••'•••••• •" •• ..;,:• ,: 35M980 •••••• v ' ALL VSIZED'•QUSTQM To Meet . : ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING CHANNEL an experienced person with, good typin TYPISTS—$500 weekly. Info send self M & F HOME IMPROVEMENTS 8tl8 N.J. State License skWs, pjes&anttolephone nffWjJK- " 'addressed stamped envelope to:. J OVER 25 VE«iS TEACHING HOME IMPROVEMENTS We turn old homes Into new. Windows, UOHE CENiiRS, INC Belflore,.Rp. fc.Box 432A,.Andpver, h Wl Business Permit No. 7413 doors, sidewalks, loaders, gutters; able to meet deari3ne«.Bend resume and AH woricln compliance with National Elec- BARRV9 — Home Repair and Mainte- carpentry work, painting, wallpapering 8> salary requirement to: Occupancy, P.O. '••'350Highway2J v 245-1945» trical code. • • : " nance. All type* of Inside and outside electrical^ Custom Craftsmen, Call Rich at Box 'aoaTnomam P«* New Jersey, •TYPISTS- Hundreds weakly,at.homel Executive » Profession*) ' NO JOB TOO BIG OR SMALL. work. Including small and odd Jobs. 770-0479,8AM HI 5PM OT376-6141, aftor Springfield; NU ' 07832. '.' :=• ;vK.:; >•'• "••>' Write: P.O. Bo^17( Clark, N.J: 07066 Home Care.-Ino. ••-:• 964-1245 Please can 68&4S2S. 7PM: • • ••.•-••• •••'•••.•• •• Equal Oppty Employer M/F/H CALL 37^4282 Full/ Insured rt •-- It

;(•' i ORANGE L«rg» IBKouVli litv. Billlngi room apartmehl. rattu type. Air , HOUSE SALE 1 u rokeeping l-..;n • •" 1 iPECTST, (ol( Parker , »'. till Small Ads... r txnkt I'M) mk .Mon. Big Results! ' book!, •t , Will Orange O1J UAH 6. Cal other i r BMCOn Hill: - CLflSSIFIEDflDS! ClinSSIr luLlllii^ «l «nd el. and o>~ 1 Big Results! Mo checks I* • tj.v w«i< «*« No checkt. ^^^Kt V 50 4 30 C sum, elc. MUroock j'&n. ^•^1 SI11W Hill -Col Nil. PPILI J.1. S.IN6r „ n,;etc. MUrOoch-3-MJl. IJ«-I AJagnolla Pla», Union. eody& Fendef Parts £ I 1 Body & Ftnder.Part* Available «l 9vMrs old. e'ncellent^cpndttion Magnolia Place. Union. , • I. Available «t I ^^K^_ • Call evenings, »'. ..TS ••:.f.!f 1 ROOFING PLUMBING & HEATING TILE WORK TYPEWRITER SERVICES FLEA MARKETS FOR SALE NURSING CARE PAINTING HOME IMPROVEMENTS, LANDSCAPING DENICOLO TILE CONTRACTORS HOLIDAY- ARTS A CRAFTS Bazaar. V»J TYPING SERVICE- Professional CHAIRS —.2, fireside, aqua. Excollbnt CLARK BUILDERS Reasonable RatoB.. Thesis, Disserta- Saturday, December 5th, 9:30 AM - 3 PM. . J.L. CAROLAN AOAMPLUMBING & Hot lunch-Homemade cakes.' DEALERS condition. Roasonable. Call 688-6887. Established 1935 tions. Term Papers, Reports, Journal PAINTINGf . PRECIOUS LAWNS . COMFORT CARE PAINTING Submissions. Resumes, Mailing, Lists, WANTED - Tables available for $1077 SERVING UNION COUNTY FOR OVER 372-0084. Redeemer' Luthern Church, •COFFEE TABLE — and matching ond TEMPORARY NURSING 18 YEARS. NEW ROOFING and Kitchens, Bathrodms, Repairs, Gout- Manuscripts, Correspondence, Dictation/ tables, walnut with bovolod mirror tops, PAPERHANGING Transcriptions, etc. Available evenings 134 Prospect Avenue, Irvington, $150 for set. Call 964-5765 or 687-7071. Tired Of Mowing Your Lawn , Relax .Let iNtERlOR^EXTERIOR REPAIR. ALL WORK GUARANTEED IN Ing, Tile Floors, Tub Enclosures, o SERVICE WRITINa FULLY INSURED. FREE and Week-ends. Call Vickie: 374-3008. Us Do It For YOU REASONALBLE Quality Workmanship HOLIDAY BOUTIQUE — Beautiful DINING-ROOM - French Provincial. z INC. Reasonable Rates ESTlMATESr^eAtfc—— Showerstalls crafted. Items, November 20, 21, 22. AND ALL 'ODMOBS RATES. COMPLETE LAWN SERVICE. Free Estimates Fully Insured Excellent condition. Table, five chairs - Lawns - Hedgos -Flower Bed£- Fertilizing Now you can afford quality.health cam Froo Estimates. 12-4pm. 35 Clinton.Avo., Springfield, off blue volvet glass top, pads, hutch. Crys- WEEKENDS ONLY 815-0261/688-5457 9254)323 ; ; No job too small or too large Mountain Avo., near high school. O - Tree Trimming. Call now tor estimate. service:Whetheryouneed/RNs LPNs "•'•:. U>v -- 38J-5I45- ;. • ••' UPHOLSTERY tal chandelier. Asking $800 or bost offor. oraldaB, Comfort Care provides the finest . , 686-5550/3904425 INDOOR-Sunday, December 6,9:30 lo Call 654-8632 or 272-0426.. CO \ PETER or DEE, 241-268V In hospital and home health care. We are P.O. BOX 3695, Union, NJjl 3:30. Table. J1100 Admlsalonfree. CALL 379-5266 _ fully bonded and Insured. PRINTING: DR YEB—Elodric, Frigldaro, 2 years old, ?^673174T No Job Too Small or Too Large Boys & Girl's Club of Union, 1050 like new. $175. Cal 241-8724 or TPAINTINd fc f JG UPHOLSTERY Joonelte Avenue, 687-2697. 687*8293, after Spm. PRINTING ; All Types of Repairs PAINTING — Carpentry, small and largo TRAVEL BUREAUS LAWNMOWERS VENDORS- WANTED November 22n. ESTATE SALEUNION-1330 Stuyvosant lobs., duality work at reasonable nncos. PLASTERING" i 7fi2-0303 Ave.Thursday to Saturday Novombor Free estimates. S.E.I. CONSTRUCTION Guttere : j, Leaders Any style kitchen chairs recovered. (Ralndate November 29) South Avonue ODD JOBS Roupholstoring of bars, booths and Heilraad Station, Wosltiold. 10 AM - 4 PM. 19-21, 10-6. Antique carvod and Inlaid SERVICES, 789-2232. B&R UAWNMOWER SHOP :! For A Bid On All FAR'WORLb OF TRAVEL couches. New loam rubber. Pick-up ano No reservations. $17 per three car furniture, porcelain, art glass, sterling, 25 YEARS EXPERIW1CE delivery available. • space. Bring table. For Information, ORT paintings, clocks, bronzqs. old Hummols, PROFESSIONAL — Friondly ' Bonded. HANDYMAN-6dd)obs.PalntlnB..carpen^ Your Printing Needs v DQTSV LOU Lladro,, lamps, chandollors, Tiffany, Fnll cloan-ups, liomo repairs, hoUso COMPLETE LAWNMOWEh SERVICJ 1 FREE ESTIMATES Complete Personalized Service Worl- -654-7982. , . Jowelry, More. Bargains. UNION GALLE- try , general repairs, Indoor-putaoorctaa- • 'lOOrVauxhall Rd. '" " cleaning. Froo pstlmates. Leavo AND TUNE UPS. PICKUP AND DELIV- nups also nuto repair, No lob too big or CALL: LENNY TUFANC- dwide. Chartore^Honeymoons-Crulses- RIES, 964-1440. ° ; • message on machine. 991-4538. No job too big .••' Root)nc| Contractors Car Rentals-Travel' Insurance-Groups- ERY AVAILABLE. PLEASE.CALL too small Call Jolf at 245-4382 or too small . VENDORS-Stock Upl Costume jowelry, 486-0013. ••• Union, NJ Golf-Tennls-Spocial Packafles-Mulll- 686-5953 $2.00 to $6.00 dozen. Pins, earrings, Publication printing UnBUal. . a spodalty rings, etc. Call 325-3022: R, TAVARES - - HOME HANDY MAN 273-6025 3.1 W, Wostllold Avonue FIREWOOD HOME IMPROVEMENTS 688^2188 ,. ROsollo Park . . ' Split and seasoned hardwood, Ono voar Painting, paporhanglng, carpontry & odd Maple WINDOWS old.. Full cprdl .•.••• Additions • Dormers - Decks : MASONRY obs cloan-ups. NO job too small Composition 241^422 FOR SALE CALL: Hoofs - windows "Siding 364-8809 K. SCHREIHOFER-Pointlng Interior, W1LUAM H. VBT 463 Valley Street CLEAN &StflNE :•• 63f>0278 or 583-5885 Free Estimates Insured oxtorior Froo estimates, Insurod Rooting + Seamless Gutters. Freo Esd- 687-9268. 687-3717, eves, wookends MAINTENANCE CORP. 39 Kilmer Dr, Colonla BOB 964-5813 MASORY RUBBISH REMOVED mates, Own work, Insured. Since f 932. TREE SERVICE FIREWOOD- FOR SALE - Seasoned In roar of the 241-7245... . ;.•.::...... • .. (Off Lake Ave) . oak. Guaranteed to bum. Call 370-6041. NoWs-Rocord building _ C^Rlate janitorial service Frt-Sun, Nov 20:21-22, 10-4 TOTAL HOME IMPROVEMENTS- Brick/Stone Steps All furniture wood & motals taken away Mon Tues Wod 7am to 10pm HAND Madb Afghnns-slzos variod. Bost Attics, bosomonts,S garago cloanod NETHERLAND TREE Resldontial/Commerelal Cleaning Hundreds of Items) Antlq white S Docks, Patio Doors, Mlnorod Walls, Sidewalks-Plastering Frl » Sat 7am to 4pm - RUBBISH REMOVAL Floor iwaxIngiuHing, carpet window yam and workmanship. Varioly of colors. Intorior/Extorior Painting, Attic and Baso- Roasonablo' rates. SINGLE FAMILY EXPERTS cleaning: • gold Victorian style LR fum Inc Pricod according to slzo. Call 761-7757. mont Ronovatlons. Froo ostlmalos, call Basement Waterproofing 325-2713 Z28-7928 • $400 & UP FREE ESTIMATESINSURED . couches, chairs, tables. French DR -352-5262. . •, 'We Load.Not You" ? HOUSE SALE — 77 Earl Stroot, Union, WORK GUARANTEED SELF EMPLOY- ROOMS & HALLWAYS RESUMES RUBBISH REMOVAL-Wo romovoodds Prompt sorvico. Safety nt all tlrhos, set, den turn, couch' & chair from (olf Oakland Avo.), Saturday, Novombor ED INSURED 35 YEARS EXPERI- $30. & UP. & ends & old furniture tromyour.horao. Romovals (also stumps), pruning, cable 992-5987 •.: 20's, Mediterranean BR fum, kitchen 21, 1-5pm. 3 bedrooms, TV, lamps. UNrrY INTERNATIONAL ENCE CALL 373-8773 References on request :i and cavity Work. 100 It. crano sorvico. TOM MICHAELS table & chairs, loads of wall arrange- household, appliances -tind Resumes miscellaneous. CONSTRUCTION COMPANY PAINTING CARPENTRY ALSO Froo Estlmatos. Fully Insurod. ments, new King Castjudryer, small State Licensed _ Charles Mlkullk 688-1144 appliances, pots, pans, TV's, clocks, KITCHEN TABLE — 36" round, with 4 PATRICK BUCKLEY - BUILDING & REMODELING 678-3543 Fast Professional • Union Christmas ornaments, loads of bric- chairs, $40. Formica wood grain dlnotto RENATO CAVALLARO BORIS RASKIN & SON - Painting, •'•'•:.••' 752-0165 •-,••• sotwith 2 loavos and 4 chairs, $100. Coll- Dormers, Additions, Siding, Kitchens a-brac. • '••'• oxtonor/lntonor. Froo estimate. Insurod Typesetting service WEDDING INVITATIONS Ing light fixture, $15. Call 687-4245. ' & Bathrooms, Paving, Masonry. Call: Roasonablo rates. Quality Workmanship SANDRA KONNER ASSOC. 688-2460 MasonryPavIng Work guaranteed Call 564-9293 STUMPED- Wd your yard of unwanted KNEEXOLEDESK-wlth loathortop, $35. TONY'S — Interior/Exterior quality paint Interested In slarfnQ a new career SLIP COVERS-DRAPERIES "• "'; :' ••"• '•'• ,»-<•••• Brown vinyl rocllnor $100, studio couch tree stumps. Fast and oasy grinding and ~ Complats Lino "\ Foddor's air conditioner 8000 BTU Brickwork. Stops, Patios, Sidewalks, Ing No job refused Fast Sorvico Oall Wanlto chanflB Jobs See us for type removal.. STUMP BUSTERS, 740-0724. 3 LAMPS $45-UUNDRV'hamper $7. Stonowork. Dnvoways Froo Estimates 355-5607. i, motol typowritor tablo $15. Call C & C PAINTING- INTERIOR. EXTER- setting, your resume. telephone stand $7, 2 winter coats $85 687-6822 or. 232-6043. , JEWELERS IOR, PAPERHANGING FREE ESTI- CUSTOM- SLIPCOVERS. DRAPERIES ana $25, vacuum cleaner $30, 2 sport AND RE-UPHOLSQTERY. Guaranteed : Wedding 232-0710 MATES 862-7586. WOODSTACK coats $65, 2 turtle neck sweaters $60, 2 LENOX-(2) 5 pioco place sott|ngs, Call workmanship. Your fabrio or ours. 36 Announcements pair cordoury pants $10, small table $15, SKI SETTING CO. years experlonca, formerly at STEIN- TREE SERVICE Summor Brooze pattom. Porfoct condi- 3 dinner dishes $28, woman's bathrobe tion. $20.00 each. Call 232-3833. . ' WILLIAM E. 762-0303 BACH'S. Discount for Senior Citizens. $20. 351-3631 between 5-7,pm. ALL TYPES TREE WORK. FREE ESTI- .,.'•• '•.•'•Also •/;'.• .''• NEW JERSEY. NEW YORK, ANTWERP, t. FREE shop at home service. Call Walter DIAMOND SETTING EXTRAORDI- MOVING & STORAGE- CUSTOM INTERIOR BAUER Cantor at 757-6855. ,, ; MATES. SENIOR CITIZEN DISCOUNT. 3) PIECE Sectional furniture, gold MAUSOLEUM- THREE - Hollywood IMMEDIATE SERVICE. INSURED^ carpet, 12x16, excollent condition; Metal Memorial Park. $3,000 oach. Call NAIRE,; MANUFACTURING SPECIAL PAINTING 687:7146. ORDERS. OFFICIAL G.I.A IMPORTER, Maple Composition Napkins and wardrobe, pictures. Very reasonable. No APPRAISER. Professional Painting 276-5752 checks. 688-3377. ' - . ' AMERICAN RED BALL FREE ESTIMATES, REASONABLE 463 Valley Street TYPESETTING Souvenir Matches PIANO- BALDWIN. AcrosonlcConsolo. Local & worldwido movors. Rod Carpet RATES. FULLY, INSURED Spedal ANNUAL- CRAFT SALE- Friday Novdm- Exco lent condibon, white cabinet with 905 Springfield Ave. — s-brvlce to FLORIDA AgontUNIVERSlTY Discount (or Sonlor Citizens Call Bob, Exterior/Interior Maplewood ber 20th.10 AM - 0 PM, Saturday, Sunday, latching bonch. $1500. Call 762-8983. Springfield, New Jersey Van Linos 276-2070. 1601 W. Edgar Monday- Friday otter 4 PM Saturday* Paperhanglng New Jersey TYPEWRITER SERVICES Maple November 21st, 22nd 10 AM- 6 PM. 0 SOFA— Balgp, plald.contomporatv with 3761881 or 376-8880 Road. Undon PC 00102 , Sunday oftor 1 PM_ COMPUTERIZED Iroquols Road, Cranford. Bring a friond. oak Mm, excollentcondition, asking $200 Composition Refrigerator..brand now, 18 cult INSURED Roar of News-Record Bldg. TYPESETTING almbnd, Whirlpool with top Ireoior, asking 686*4847" Mon, Tuos, 7am-5pm A-1 PROFESSIONAL TYPIST KITCHEN CABINETS' 463 Valley Street AN S & S SALE $650. Call 17-3587. BERBERICK & SON Wed. 7am-5pm ; :: . Typing done In my home 964-4942 Frl & Sat 7am to 4pm •/ ^.Veioxes .' • (In the rear of the 2508 JAY PLACf ELEVISION •-. 13-^orlablo, black & INTERIORS ONLY VResumes Nows-Rocord Building) uhlto.Good picture. Bost offer takos It Export MOVING & STORAGE at low cost • Ruled Forms J UNION .JAN'S KITCHENS INC. Apartmenls, houses, garages —-VReporis )all 686-3259 alter 6pm. CUSTOM KITCHENS AT Residential, Commercial Shore Tnps N'" . . tlaplawood Frl. & SaL -. . 10 to 4 ——STOCK CABINET PRICES Local & Long Distance. No job too small offices. A/Letters 298-0882 Do 00210 - No lob too big or too small. ; Llborty to Mlllan to Mitchell to McArthur to European & Traditional Concepts.'1 1 Maple Composition yTerm papers . 762-0303 Maxwell to Jay. -•', • , . . TELEVISION FREE ESTIMATES CHARGE-IT! ^Statistical Typing Featuring the.Dorwoqd Custom Cabinet Call 851-2507 or 687-8379 CONTENTS MUST BE SOLDI RCA, 25" color, console. Approx- Imatoly 8 years old. Good working Un 46i valley St Mapieytood. CALL 964-7392 °' - Call Jan at 647-6556 ART DECO-dininn room, byappolntmont condition. Must sell, $100 nego- For, a Free In Homo Estlmflto Classified now accepts OR 687-7071 .- DON'S only. Call 763-4459 or^678-0011, tiable. Call 984-9503, Monday-Fri- (Rear of News-Record Building) : MOVING & STORAGE INTERIOR K EXTERIOR anytime...- .. .:• •• i ••.• ,. - . .• •.. . day after 6:30pm. weekends any- • Mon. Tuos. Wed. 7am to 10pm PROFESSIONAL FLEA MARKETS LANDSCAPING The Rocommondod Mover Our 25th •Frl. 4 Sot.-7am to 4pm time, or leave message. - voar PC 00019 376 Rosoland Place, Pointing. Leaders & Gutters Freo esti- Visa, MasterCard TYPIST BEAUTlFUL-SAGQVi baggy, wrinkled, Union mates Insured Stephen Deo 233-3561. ATTENTION • SHOPPERS - For Christ- Chinese Sharpel pupplos bom 10/24. Resumes, Dissertations,' Statistical mas Craft Show; St. Theresa's School, Superior intelligence. Wonderful temper- 687-0035 . Tables, Letters, Theses, Term Papers, Jndon, Saturday Docombor 5ttiV0 AM - 4 ament Quality* bloodline. Cream, red, TO SETTLE ESTATE FALL 688-MOVE Legal arid Medical Transcripts. Reason- awn, and sable. $950 and up. Roady for FURNISHINGS OF; CONDO : able Rates. Can Eileen 964-1703. , Christmas, pall 467-0481.. . . . •LEAP CLEAN-UP JERZY PAINTING •;TlLE?WOR^fy.: 421 Bloomfleld Ave, C2 Reasonable Rates FIRST Presbyterian Church, Indoor/ BED- TWIn size, box springs, mattress Verona THOMAS ITAUANO outdoor flea-market, comer of Slh and and frame. Maple six drawer dresser. Interior, Exterior, r«r...»"«• Chestnut Stroot, Roselle, Saturday, Asking $150. .Will negotiate. 687-5729. Across from Ridgelleid Caterers PROFESSIONAL ',- 241-5017 PAUL'S Sheetrock, Paneling. No |ob too .-, -•••; •":•. -.FldRELLO'';^:':;;.;- November 28,8:30am to 4:30pm. Colloc- FRIDAY 10-3 WORD PROCESSING." |blos and flea market deafen); special big M & M MOVERS or too small. Reasonable__rates. EMETERY PLOTS •— Hollywood SATURDAY 9-3 MAHON LANDSCAPING NEWSPAPERS HOME IMPROVEMENTS DONE IN MY HOME book sale, bake table, snack bar, refresh- Friendly & dependable. Free _ -.., Intertor*Exterior. ments, free parking and free admissions. riomorial' Park; Union.' Single grave - French provincial marblo top Bombo IBM Hardware, Word Perfect Software. Contact Dennis Lloyd, 128 Northwest Formoly ot Yalo Avonue, Hillsldo Ucal estimates. ' Spodallzlngln marble i, We. Cefl for froo -IP'Laser Jet Printer, Mailing List, Most Inside sp ace sold. Outside van dressor, bedroom, living room, kltchon, - Cloan-upsi Power .Thatching, Re- and long distance n^vlng 686<7700 estimato ,277.i77g; .'^ ;^; ; ;-,,•;."., space available. 245-7300. 34th, Seattle,. Washington, 98117,: Call Lenox plateSj art glass, good brlo-a-brao, r - t ; i Resumes.-Legal Documents. 'Phono |206)-782-8299, soodlng, New Lawns* Shrubs. Monthly 379-5366 851-0276, aftor 7PM. mlnkooaL Parking In roar. I Malntehanoe. Roasonablo. 688-7768 • CAU CHRIS: 686-0638 1925 Vauxhall Rd. Union ORANGE Large .spacilJu^W HOUSE SALE I frames'wjti>, I — ' room «paMmenl, VancP type. Alrt' HOUSE SALE BECT1 ST. (oM P»rk«ir SPECT ST. (oil Parker llMflaafc}. Sun. 10 i utincu Form of maple fwjn bed frame1* :io-4 hlv. W ilnu'l ke*p*e. f, AltO V&rt< H£V YOUtlll Id Sleidy work, HEV VOUtMll MER HELP odd lob>.,d pycl* Trarnlormei odd jobl dorl Alto sorter C or*no« i <€i»pi;m c»nI 'Steady work YCl»-Yrer>*lormer or Sltue IK I»J t., West Orange [day wNk Mon. cl t w 4IM c«n* :.:,.' •' • CLASSIFIED ADS! Bt«con Hill Q»r«get.' 'A >re. .No check*. removed » mn old. MCtlKmt conall,on IS, W1S, 7 SJI . Jamef turn'.' •!£. MUrdock preferred. Calleufnmgi, >'. ...'is. ' Body i Finder Parti • turtJreterMtjrdock 3M37. 1341 Body «. Fender Part* AJagnolla Plan. ( IS, IMS, 7.'. S7J Magnolia Place, Union :, . Available«i . EASTOHANGE Art


or 371-9057 evenings. Mondav-Frloay. 198 7 o 321 PARK/WEI. PLFD. will not interfere with PL4-39OO Including pregnant pets Morristown . Morris Township present employment. In- Forlnformailoncall:—•—~z—•- TIRE RIMS—4 ChiyslorCprp. rimsand Z COLOR-PdrtabloTV sets and VCR's UNFURNISHED AND FURNISHED — - vestment fiilly secured, tf 1 IF YOU Toyota rims In NEWcondition. Best offer. Wanted to buy, any condition Days you, can purchase or mort- Animal-Alliance OFFICE TO LET, Call alter 6 pm or woekonds, 686-3259. 753-7333, evenings,-464-7496. 1-2-3 BEDROOMS gage a model home, call Welfare HobDcradc. - TROMBONE-$50, iather$50, Bassdrum League of N.J. Ride It Garden, apts. taking, applications. Fully decorated, paneled, NEWARK-Office/showroom/retall. 5,660 Tofl Free 1-800-546-lAOQS. $50,Mandolin$75.flute$125 vioHn$7S, HIGHEST PRICES PAID : cello $500, bass $1,100. Jules Terry i (V*H."-f >'**'' •••$• '•' bathrooms, pool, a/c, equipped for cable TV. FURNISHED apts. In- square feet 2nd floor of small well- FOR YOUR WEEKDAYS 9am-5pm clude color TV, wall/wall, linens, utensils, etc. ALL Include terraces, maintained building on busy Halsoy 379-9034. •• • laundry rooms, heat, hot water and cooking gas. Free on-slte parking, Street Near courts, shopping, transporta- TWIN—Size headboard and backboard, ANTIQUES & OLD THINGS Convenient to all NYC trains and buses. , tion. Own heat, air conditioner, rest Paint It one dresserandrnitror and one chest In AND 574-3981 rooms. 68&;5760. , good condition. 6all after Spm, 687-6921. MAHOGANY FURNITURE FORAPPT. 539-6631 Also - We Will remove odds and ends and 442-D METROPLEX DR. (also lowsr rate* with proof of certain ^ Advise It old furniture from your home. n Parsippany SOUTH ORANGE-Professlonal o UNION TICKETS led. or slats AuUL Prog.) Troy Hills _NASHVJLLE;jCN_372rL 2022 Morris Ave., Union GHARLES MIKULIK 8pa^TWdTStaWgefoinenCReSrRdTSW~finCRS r 851-2880 UNFURNISHED AND FURNISHED rooms. Price starting at $100 per month. 688-1144 UNION .763-2940. • PUBLIC NOTICE Rent It •JOHN COUGAR REAL ESTATE Wychwood Gardens, 1-2BEDR00MS .JOSE JOSE HOUSE SALES CONDUCTED BY TWO SUMMIT- Prime furnished office with UNION COUNTY BOARD. OF CHOSEN •GEORGE BENSON Garden apts. taking applications. Pool, a/c, master. TV antenna, high-tech staff. Quality typing; one block FREEHOLDERS ' .JETHROTUU FRIENDS ANTIQUES. KNOWN FOR ihtWWh! RESOLUTION NO. 850-87 Furnish It TERRIFIC RESULTS. ALLSCESALES M'mm, the good li&. Bcautiiul Undscaping. Prestigious • storms 8. screens, total electric. FURNISHED apts. Include color TV, from NY train/bus: Fussy? Sao and . . : - DATE: li/u/ax •RUSH wall/Wall, linens, gntenslls, etc.. ALL Include balconies, laundry comparel 273-5585, > WHEREAS, there exltts a need for profes- CONSIDERED. 272-3386 or 467-1146. neinhborhood. Spacious one, two and three-bedroom co-ops sional urvlces to provide leant Mrvlces lor rooms. Free on-slte parking. Convonlent to all NYC trains and buses. • former. Aulttant Protecutor Raymond Zeltner IcaruriiiK gracious living.rooms, fully equipped kitchens and In the matter entitled "Barbara Wnwwikl u. ; WANT A GOOD DIAl ON A INTERESTED - In buying paintings, modcrivbathsJcvcn an intercom system that protects your • Erie Matoh, et al.", pretently pending In the Clean It RAY BELL , United States District Court for the District ol llnens.-silver, Oriental rugs, toys, vintage privacy and announces your guests. Luxuryamenitics; swim-." FORAPPT. 335-1010 New Jertay, Civil Action No. 8798J (HLS); and furniture, etc House Sales ConduetefJ AND ASSOCIATES ifinu pool; fanes*) with automatic door opener arc available; ROOMS TO RENT WHEREAS, Llndwy H. Taylor, Esq., Kalb, Call Anytlme-Huntef & Owen. 277-6887. • coinmutmn; dose 10 it all. A historic town center with . , Friedman & Sleoelbaum, Esqa., Seven Decker -:. CLOSET? . "We Are Your" : T . Farm Road, Roteland; New Jertey 07Wa-1757, CAU THE COMPANY WITH IRVINQTON—3 room apartment, heat & hai agreed to provide the necessary legal wr- Service It Neighborhood Professionals hot water Included. Re-decorated, avail- MILLBURN-Private, large furnished vlceft'on behalf of former Assistant Prosecutor THE SMALLEST AD. (201) CONDOS room in gracious historic section Victorian Raymond Zeltner In accordance with Special 1921 Morris Ave. Union able Immediately. IK months security. Counsel fees as set.forth In Policy Resolution rrnSET EXPERTS 361-3551 FOR SALE XJ KUWM4 W* l?iiilfc»"'i'- 1— ^ $500. 374-0823, evenings. Home. Non-smoker. Cleaning/linens/ No. 145 adopted by this Board on February 28, ului ran-ly found anywIiLn. aw parklng/refrigerator/microwavo. 1980/ and In the sum of not to exceed 110,000.00, . . Decorate It MAPLEWOOD — STUDIO apartment, FLORIDA- ENGLEWOOD - GULF for tne year 1987, and eat-In .kitchen, own entrance, all utilities COAST - New condo, two bedrooms, two WHEREAS, trie Local Public Contracts Law II- baths, large living room; screened lanai. • requires that a Resolution authorizing the awar- WANTED priced from supplied, non-smoker preferred. Call ding of a contract for professional, services 763-1495. $450/montti. • All amenities. Pool, tennis, clubhouse, UNION-Two furnished rooms available ."without'eompetltiv« bidding" must be passed November 15. Call 6-8 pm 686-2542. , by the governing body and shall be advertised; dock you boat on Water. Too much to list and • . Insure It "1" LAST HOME IN 1987 688-6000 SPRINGFIELD- Two bedroom apartment Have pictures to show. January through WHEREAS, this contract It awarded without March$1,200. per month. Call 687-4452. competitive bidding as a "Professional Service" To participate In our EXXON VINYL SIDING PROGRAM Quality and your withliving room/dining room, kitchen, two In*accordance with 40A:lV5(l) (a) of the Local homo will display our aiding at HUGE DISCOUNTS No money down 100% - Sak» Office open car parking. Immediate occupancy. Heat Public Contracts law because the services to ba GOVERNMENT HOMES — From $1 (U UNION ROOMS WANTED performed are legal services: . , 1400 East Broad Si, WcbtiicM Mon., TUes., Thm»., F included. $750 a montlv REALTY Financing ACT NOW & receive a HOLIDAY BONUS repair) Also tax delinquent property Col CORNER, Realtor, 376-2300. , NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by U a.m. - 4 p-m. the Board of Chosen Freeholders of the County of DO IT! 805-644 9533, EV.L 694 for info l20i| 233-7710 Union that Lindsay H. Taylor, Esq., Kalb, Fried- 286-2477 Sat. & Sun., SPRINGFIELD- Studio apartment In THE POINTE ROOM/EFFICIENCY — Christian man man 8* Sleoelbaum, Esqs,, Seven Becker Farm desires 1 room or efficiency In Springfield, Road* Roteland, New Jersey 07048-1757, Is Call For Directions 10 ».m. — private home. $550, all utilities Included. • OPEN HOUSE twrebV awarded a contract,to provide the 564-6183 or 564-8680. near bus lino.. Call Mr. Biyden, office necessary legal services for. former* Assistant in the GOVERNMENT* HOMES - from $1 (U SUN. 11/8, 12-5 . • 564-8212, night 273-3385.. . Prosecutor Raymond Zeltner In the matter of GARAGE SALE WANTED TO BUY repair) Delinquent tax property Ropos- Eataw Sato Agent WBJ FAUCIN ASSOdATES UNION-Boautiful 3 room' apartment, heat 2 bodrbomi 2 balh luxury condo. Fire- "Barbara Wasowskl V.Eric Mason, etal."; and sosslons (Jail 1-BO&687-6000 Ext. Included. Carpet: Noar transportation. place deck, A/C, W/D, dishwasher, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Coun- QH-4991 for current repp list Good for business couple or person. upgraded WAV carpet,' altlo storage, ty Manager and Clerk of this Board be and they LINDEN—108W StimpsonAvo,Satur- OLD CLOCKS & All uraw -oU nublua to «ac«lMlng rowjiw: In the iw are hereby authorised to execute tatd contract. custom window treatments. By owner, upon approval by the County Counsel's OHIce (or ^CLASSIFIEDS; day, November 21,9-5pm Clothes, fuml- POCKET WATCHES I K completl e olfeiinlfe g terms are In anjjfleflm pUn «valUMc $575. month plus 1 month secunty. No ;.••''+—•••; ' • •• realtors please. 96VM994. ' 688-8728, leave message. Asking VACATION RENTALS the aforesaid pro lee t; and, . ' . •, ture, appliances and lamps GOVERNMENT-Homes from $1 (U DE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the said Highest cash paid, also parts Union, $153,000. . sum of not to exceed *10,000.00 lor.the year 19B7, MOUNTIANSIDE-265 Appletroo Lane repair) Delinquent tax proporty Repos- UNION-, Large 4 room apartment In 2 FLORIDA-Bargaln >Sarasota's Lido said fees to be charged In accordance with Policy 964-1224 Beach. Rent-buy last 3 weeks In January, Resolution No.145 adopted by this Board on1 MOVING Friday & Saturday, November sessions, tall 7-805-687-8000, family homo. Excellent location. $800 per ExtGH-1448 for, current repo list HOUSE FOR SALE month, hoat Included, 1 month socurily. DeluxTime Share Unit TERRIFIC DEAL " • t 3fl, I960 are to t ' •' " 20 & 21, 9-4 Lamps, 6olabed, crystal, HOUSE FOR SALE Terms.'.233-7675.. . - >5U

I 00 en I '-•••• ti ES c a» V \ ••• : turn Lottery r- Doing your: own thing Bloch to appear o .Tomorrow the National v •• One, of the real joys of Christ-, waterproof or a rcsin-bascd glue .open at 6:30 p.m. and the prog- • Following are the winning - Acclaimed Real Estate Consumer ram will begin at 7:30 p.m. The- 1 mashas always been the tradition 'and. saw it out (dotted lines~will Advocate; Sonny Bloch, will New Jersey Lottery numbers of family carol singing, and when • guide you). Prop the display, up general-public is welcomed to for (he weeks of Oct. 19, 26, make a special guest-appearance come and discuss their real estate we think of carolers, we think of with a wooden stake, dramatize at the "Northern New'Jersey Real" Nov.2and9. .; • .those delightful strolling house- with a small spotlight, and you'll ideas, questions or problems with PICK—IT AND PICK 4 . Estate Investor's Club", at the the expert, Sonny Bloch. to-house singers of Charles Dick- have the cheeriest house on the,'Coachman Inn, Cranford. The inn Octi 22—879,7125 ens' time. Here's a colorful .scene. block! It's also ideal forchur- Contact Ray Ebcrt, prograrrr vOct.23—476,0053- is located at Exit 136 of the chairman, at 789-3124, regarding that will help your home have ches, office buildings, schools Garden State Parkway. Doors Oct. 24—856.7133 that' old-fashioned Christinas, and stores. : •• reserved seating. Oct 26—957,4936 feeling. ' " , , To obtain Carolers, 510, send I Oct. 27—083,1942 • $10. Prices include postage and Oct. 28—278,6181 Measuring approximately 35 . prompt handling. Send check or Oct. 29—227,3752 . inches by 52 inches, this outdoor money order to Steve Ellingson, Oct 30—188.2416 display is easy * to make. Just • c/o County Leader.Newspapers, For Oct. 31—244,3187 adhere the color poster onto P.O. Box 2383, Van Nuys, Calif. nan- Nov. 2—702,4212 . exterior grade, ply wood with 91409-2389. " . . Real Estate Since 1905 ra_3=S,6 AUTOMOTIVE—-- Nov.4—652,8593' ..Nov. 5-^-223,3448 Nov. 6^-353,9254 '• ADS!! Nov. 7—788,9576 Nov. 9-T-/528,4274 Nov. 10-^345,7787 W'v PREPAY^YOUR AD FOR YOUR CAR OR Nov. ill—292,9276 Nov. 12—798; 0611 TRUCK FOR TWO WEEKS FOR ONLY '• Nov. 13—652,3119 Nov. 14-^-590,7861 , PICK 6 up to 20 words Oct 22--17^9. 21; 25; 28, 30; bonus —72392. , . Oct. 26—3,5,8,33,37,38; $ bonus — 65514. HOME FOR HOLIDAYS Oct 29-4, 7,. 1,1, 17, 28, PAYABLE IN Appetizing 3 bedroom 2 1/2 bath home with fatally room 33; boniis-^ 63673. ' off eat-In kitchen. Plenty of room (or weekend guests. •Nov. 2—3, 13., 15, 19, 26, Situated on tree-lined street. Make holiday plans at 10 39; bonus-r-02374. $226,900. Call 353-4200. Nov. 5r-2, 4, 6, 14,16, 18; Jxmus — 25152.'. ; AND WE WILL Sgtl-^ . Noy. 9-rr4. 8, 10, 23, 29, 41; bonus—43831, Novl 12—6, 8, 13, 14,.'23, IF IT DOESN'T SELL W^^^ 36; bonus — 52295; , : I /•• - ^^vr/.^_^.HE;lTHIRP^•WEE^

FOUR FAMILY INVESTMEMT : KENILWORTH »1M,llOO.oo HILLSIDE $220,000' 3-1 bedroom Flanch on overslied lot, finished basmunt C/A, 2 baths, wall b will earpatlnd, oulrt family •' Well-cared (or brick and aluminum | iMlohborfwod. many closets and other leaturw you lookfor. Low laxai^WIII not last. U-1182 building In excellent locatlonl This LINDEN 1169 900 *> DAN CALIFRI REALTY tour family - with three 2. bedroom ' ExquljlH 5 bsdroom homa In nultl oiu Itam la In mm In condition Alma with tha S badrooma la tt» living n» wllli Itnplaa dining room eat In kllchen tnlihad basanwit, lovJy yanl ml 11/2 cu gtngt >'" apis, and one 3 bedroom apt. Is an U-1138 • . NEW LOCATION Investment not.to be missed. SH1032 B08ELLE $169,900 00 SraiNBFIEUD $248,500 This updated expanded cape oheni one lloor living plus,a contemponvy 2nd floor. Throe bedrooms, large'' NOW OPEN IN UNION living room, eat In kitchen, new balh and Finished basement with lav adds to your convenience One attached See today this wonderful home which .garage and a large yard. U-1060 features: large, llvjris room, - formal ROSELLE $199,000 00 DAN CALIFRI ANNOUNCES THE RELOCA-° . dining room, family sized eat-In kitch- Spacious and oradoua best describes this low malntinancB home, Ftaiurea modem utln Wtehen. 3+ en, 3 bedrooms, Z family rooms, 3'A bodrooms, 3 baths, family room, GAG and 2 car garage all amldstti parfc Ilka setting. Call now for TION OF HIS OFFICE TO UNION. HE HAS baths, lull basement. SH1057 . aiipolntmenllU-JSO > ( ( BEEN IN THE REAL ESTATE BUSINESS UNION $179,900 00 UlXUmfiUUI CONVENIENCE Battle Kill Stater - 3 bedntom home with vinyl aiding, large corner lot. In one of tha finest sections of Union FOR OVER 25 YEARS AND INVITES NEW UNION 1172,900 U-1112 . ' Abound In this 2 bedroom, 2 bath St. AND OLD FRIENDS TO HjS NEW OFFICE^ ROSELLE $149,900 - Cloud. First.floor corido facing the ge colonial has 3 big bedrooms, 11/2 baths and many closets. Genuine parquet flaorlngutiBtlloorwItn' WHERE WE WILL PERSONALLY ADVISE courtyard. Upgraded wall to wall .Jtosad front poich. Updated 1076 kitchen with.dishwasher. Double gangs with electric used by THEM IN THE BUYING. AND SELLING OF ••..,'"•".••".' '; ••.•• ''^••::'f'r;.t'-"'.:- Maximum 13 Weeks ;:.^V!i^./£V-:;v'^ carpeting, alarm,.mirrored walls, c/a, ' contractor, Call today for appolnlmirrjl U 1101 - .UNION • • • ,• $178,000.00 RESIDENTIAL AND COMMERCIAL PROP- H1061 i "neducoir-Looking for a goodvalut In todays market then twvlaw this S bedroom, 11/2bath IMngmom INSTRUCTIONS^ i'amlanallnildlclmlnbsemeotl^norttoiealnlhlswellmalnlalnadflome.U'tlM > ERTIES. UNION S234,S00 :: ; ;- : , UNION $234,900 00 • ••••;..,; .. :..'. •.- ••.•••v--.:. ••,;and rhafl'- it- with: your .o^^ept to v ; V-^^- -\s- ••''••^•"•- •• Exceptionally .weH cared for. : Spacious 5 bedraom Spill level on ovenlnd lencelln propeny Ektra large kitchen with dlshmhtr and Tliermotllt', windows, nevwr roof ,4 > sliding glass doors 21/2 baths, finished basement formal dining room lamllyroom central air conditioning Interior and exterior painted. Electric attlo tan and many other ertfnlll.i, UK35 For Quality Service Call... garage door opener,: recessed Hght- : ROSELLE PARK $229,000 00 . Ing. Modern eat-In kitchen, washer : Qnial 2 family opportunity 111 Floor LMng room, KHchen 2 bedrooms Bath 2nd Floor Living Doom. S Ik | Kitchen; 2 Bedrooms Bath with 2 additional wdioono on 3rt floor ipadous rooms U-972 BOUNTY Li^&ER NlliSPAiERS and dryer, Wall to wall carpet, 3 year DAN CALIFRI REALTY old central air .a attic fan. Sliding ' UNION , $1119,00000 N doors to patio with gas BBO. SH1040 l 3 or 4 bedroom homa In igrul location UalnlenanM free aluminium aided loatuHrlgi largo IMng room W >-- : K : wood bimlng nrepfaca new large oal In kitchen 2 full baths and morel U-02J O 1300 Stuyveaant Avenue ' ^r:?^;^--^-r :i3 : ;::CL^§lIlii'i:i^^^^ SHORT HILLS OFFICE Union, N.J. 0/083 THE UNION OFFICE Weichert 688-4949 201-687-4800 UNION, N:J;Oi083 Weichert Realtors

\ V VI'I 1 NewJerseyRealtorssetfj^fivenlf0lpi^s ERA brokers rr , Real. Estate." Says Thomas, will show Realtors how to play•_ -TheNew Jersey Association of The New Jersey Associatio•-" n of' offere- —Jd i:-A/*«••«« estate ERA Region I attended their how what to expect in the future, and" ObjebL.7l'Ca-••-•••—n Handl-—"-e r.»It": . licensee"cenK*s covenncovering all of the held this year, Psfc4"throilgn"4 at tion in the country. and an entertaining Floyd Wick- recognized specializations within annual convention at the Shera- • - - -t: "--1- ">-"-• ™~' For Realtors who, want to and how to prepare for it." • ton Meadowlands Hotel. on ic Inns oh the Park: (Bally, Clar- man will take Realtors "Back to stue industry," and is the largest idge and Sands) in Atlantic City. , know exactly where they're Programs offered on 'Dec. .2 Thursday and Briday, Oct. 29 & headed in their real estate future, and Dec. 3_feature speakers.who the Basics in Real Estate." • . trade association in the state. < 30. Mark Wang, distric manager LINDEN $9000 Down $89,800 LINDEN "Over 8600 people attended 8%lnt«r««t* $74,900 last year's convention in Atlantic NJAR has scheduled the Strateg- are instructed m NJAR's 1986 for New York and; ffew Jersey ic Planning Committee to kick Convention, and are back again, notes, "The overall feelings We've-sot up fantastic financing for buyers who qualify* (plus Yk $7500 Down, City," says Bill Thomas, NJAR points) on these spacious one bedroom condominium homes at president, "and, you can bet,off 'the convention on Dec. 1, by popular demand: Steve Clark throughout the convention were 8% Intersil*, thousands more will be coming with the update: "Your Future in and Herb Krumsick of Kansas i-ntrnmiaam and excitement anrl DBarton Manor^ this1 year for a. good dose of real' the atmosphere was' uplifting; and 300 West MunwIIAve. (Off Wood Av».) In town one bedroom condominium homes with Iiighly successful." Llndon (Unit BD-7) . fantastic financing *(8% plus 1'/2 points) to qualified estate education as well as quality buyers feature. refurbishing upgrade done In ex- entertainment that's, always The highlights of the conven- Each apartment has boon completely refurbished In excellent taste tion included^aluncheon- on- i.a(id.lncludebrand:new=appllance8-and-floore that shlnellkea cellent taste. Thursday, ("Brokers and Mana- mirror. . . • ..: :. : . ,. •' TherS§a Apartments Kim joins Schlott gers Day"), during, which the top OPEN HOUSE - SATURDAY 12 to 3 . . ' Call for an appointment . •'.y Sharon Kim of Edison, a 25 Brokers in the Region were I _ announced. Floyd Wickman, was former residential sales associate Sold thru Realtor by prospectusprospect \ VIHIl V^Sold thru Realtor by prpspectus| for E&son Realty World, has ' the keynote speaker during this LINDEN '••.'•;'. ' \ •• 'taifio luncheon.- Several breakout joined Schlott Realtors Commer- OPEN HOUSE inc. 773-6267736262 R€ftL€/TOT€ IOC 773-6262 , cial Division where she Will be j sessions! were'also. held. SATURDAY 12:00 TO 3:00-UNIT BB-7 working but of the commercial :•. During the. ;couree- of .the ' ••. and industrial department in , 300 WEST MUNSELL AVE. (OFF WOOD)" Meadowlands convention, collec- •• .•'• ••; , / .•••-—' LINDEN.' ' ••• ••—••••• -••• • •"•••• FALLINLOVE Springfield. ' tions were also- taken, for the Beautifully decorated one bedroom homes on one of the best with this exceptionally nice Washington School colonial. LR, Muscular Dystrophy Association. Kim has already had record- ' locations l[i town- features include new kitchen appliances + FORM, mod.-kitchen, 3. largo BDRMs. Fro'nch doors off DR •'•-,' breaking sales in a short period . low monthly costs - We also'have 2 bedroom apartment leading to lovely summer deck overlooking large 2 tiered .'' with Schlott She'specializes in homes avail, at $99,900. beautiful yard Lovely street Movo-ln condition neighborhood commercial real • PUT YOUR MONEY IN REAL ESTATE! . estate and investments^ such, as : multi family and strip centers. > CALL FOR APPT. Schlott Realtors Commercial , CIRKU/Psold thru Realtor by grqspBCtuprospecti s | SCfflL The Extra-Effort People - Division specializes in all aspects ' MANGELS & CO. ••*, of commercial real estate services R€ftU/TRT€inC. 773-6262 including: office, industrial, land 688-3000 688-3000 REALTORS ... brokerage,' investment properties, business brokerage and retail: leasing. .''''.. ' ' • PRE-GONSTRUCTION OFFER Like's the climate '" \i' Given the economic climate of IF CLARK »1B8,000 KENILWORTH ~ 1189,000 LINDEN $189,000 ROSELLE PARK *1M,900 today, it's not surprising that real IrnrMcutirW FlnMMd bwahMnt Malnlminc* fra*, laro* yard (UNI449) 8unny«ld« arM, 3 iMdrootn* (UNI470) 3 BwiroohM, itt baUtt, Irnlnaculato estate has once again come into (UNI571) UNION OFFICE ROSELLE PARK UNION OFFICE (UNI588) ' favor as a solid, long-term invest-: UNION OFFICE CALL 647-5O5O CALL 8*7-5050 CALL 887-B05O UNION OFFICE ••'... merit, reports. Robert Becker, CALL 887-5050 ' senior vice president of Schlott ; : ; .• Realtors. ''•..'. .( ,'.: • ''..•?. . "More than ever, large .and ••-.. small investors are coming to appreciate the tangible and taX - benefits of owning real estate," Becker said. "People all over the; world want to own a piece of the UNION $189,900 UNION $179,900 •. ." United States of America, partir UNION $205,000 UNION 7 Room*, vinyl (Ming, CAC (UNI488) Cotnplately redona, 3.b*droo)n» $214,900 L •• cularly in the Northeast corridor Igfayette Court 3 Badroohta, IK baths, Many Extrai 3 badroohu, fireplace, iill brick UNION OFFICE (UNI5B8) (UNI5S7) • where we are so: fortunate to CALL 887-5050 UNION OFFICE (UNI4S8) ; UNION OFFICE ',•• • Jive.". .'••, ... •'•• .:' ' ".•' . CALL 687-5050 UNION OFFICE "One of the effects of the HAVE YOU BEEN LOOKING (or a 2 bedroom, VA bath CALL 887-5080 CALL 887-5050 townhousa, perhaps with an optional fireplace, but defi- • recent stock-market gyrations nitely with central air, upgraded insulation, rear deck, will be that people will increas- garage, and unfinished future red. room, all to be located ingly look to real estate as the ' close to transportation, shopping, and N.Y.C , from only . best place to accumulate wealth," $149,990 complete? SO MUCH TO LOVE .•' Becker continued. "Few invest- .. .Imagine the Joys of owning a home filled with such If you have,.come visit during our introductory offering of charrrilng details as leaded glass windows, a gas fireplace •' ments offer that opportunity Lafayette Court, a fee-simple townhouse community lim- . while, at the same time, provid- In the entry foyer, exceptionally beautiful woodwork (natu- ited to just 16 homos. Our office/model Is available for ral chestnut), and a large front porch.. .plus 3 bedrooms, •". , ing tangible security and a signif- ' your inspection now while construction continues. We living ro6m, dining room, and a completely remodeled UNION $230,000 UNION $248,000- UNION $254,000 . icant. contribution to a higher might suggest you not delay your visit as Westbrook 3 bwlfootiM, no ndm, tnuch moral 2 family, Livingston School (UNI578) UNION ' ' $279,900 kitchen and bath. This California Cape Is on a quiet street - .4+ bedroom*. 2 ballw, tlraphca 8p*clousduplM,lartt«lot(UNiBi«) . standard of living." .<•.•'• ., Woods, ourjast community, sold out nearly all 115 homes (UNIMS) i UNION OFFICE n close to schools, shopping and NYC transportation. (UNI574) : < UNION OFFICE without advertising. , UNION OFFICE CALL 887-5080 1'People will fxnd;',he, added, $149,900. In Boselle Park. „ s s UNION OFFICE . CALL 887-5050 ' $ CALL 887-5050 CALL 887-80*0 '.;'•• "that lower interest rates, FROM 149,990 COMPLETE WESTFIELD •:'•• combined with the impact of tax DIRECTIONS: Lafayello Court sales olllco Is located at 613 W Second Ave • reform, as well as stabilized on tfa corner of AldsnoRd InRoselle The building Is a new, townhouse-style 600 North Avenue West duplex. From Parkway Exit 137, proceed east along Westlleld Ave., right ol Three Reasons Why Now Is The Time To Buy A Home... home prices and the largo selec- light ovef Gordon Sti bridge, right again at First Aye. to light ol Amsterdam 233-0065 ; low Interest Rates, Stable Prices, And Our Tremendous Selection Of Homes! tion of good homes on the mark- Ave.;'lelt at Amsterdam then first right on Second Ave, to office. Offices In Basking Ridge, Chatham, Fanwood, Livingston, et, will aeato-a climate that . Op«n 10-5 this weekend or call for an appointment Long Volley/Chester, Maplewaod, Mendham, MWburn, «or- m . makes buying a first home, or, rlstown, Murray, Hill, New Providence, Plttstown, Shaft moving uprtoo good to pass up 245-0480 Hills, Stockton, Summit, Tewksbury, Warren and Westf laid. •• •.'•'. for very-long." ,-• '••:'[•/ ' AUTO DEALERS AIR COW!. & REFRIG. ALUMINUM S11)ING AUTO LEASING TERMS Is DAVE'S'STEAM CLEANING HOME CLEAN ING JANS KITCHENS, INC. FERRIGNO'SLANDSCAP' AUNITY.i FOR PEOPLE ON THE GO! •lie don't lust create beautiful lawns. I sAUTO PAHTI OLDSMOBILE "SH1CIAIIIV0I ilil tlOUSI"* CUSTOM COMPLETE LAWN MAINTNANCE We do it at an affordable pricel ."• ifir TOP$$$INCASH PROGRAMS DESIGNED BY KITCHENS SPRING ( FALL CLEANUPS I •Buck. Slow. Contielf -.—Oldest-* Largest WHOLESALE PUBUC YOU TO MEET YOUR AT STOCK •Full L9wn Maintenance ' . Exclusive NCrvice teasing, v For All Cars*Trucks LOW RATES ; 'Sprlna * Fall Clean-Up OPEN? DAYS NEEDSI CABINET Olds Dealer in •Railroad Ties FAST SERVICE ", •Cunt Rf m«»l 1 Hl» CALL DAYS PRICES •sod /Shrubs Union County ••'•" Wtw.?Mkkn'rji. REASONABLE RATES 1 SCI Morra *>*•»•: 245-1945 European.* Traditional Concepts FREE ESTIMATES •Top soil I 'iWtitmlri. >, lintUnair ' ELIZABETH — "unimiii.,. 589-8400 CMiMYnME MOTORS, INC. Union, IU 07013 or EVES Featuring (he I;?- 762 0027 Value Rated Used Cars Dorwood Custom Cabinet Lino For your free estimate pall i-i, 582 Morris Ave. • •-. 688-2044; O (201)687-7200 • ElliabClh354I05Q ' k 647-6556 * 376-3647 S87-S34S CLEANING SERVICE Fori FtH umftuM Etflmria CARPET CATERING •CLEANING SERVICE I AUTO DEALERS CARPENTRY LANDSCAPING LANDSCAPING. MASONRY MASONRY MOVING & STORAGE MOVING & STORAGE .§-•• HAVE YOUR JOEDOMAN MOORE'S WALL TO WALL HOME MAHON T.BASILE PAUL'S 686-3824 CATERING BY ANTOINE - CLEANED PROFESSIONALLY. cuaiimctnviaiiK. R.C. CONSTRUCTION DON'S CARPETSALE Inc. IUIIDINCIUIMUUIKI LANDSCAPING MASON CONTRACTORS • FOUMBRLVOP'. VOLVO Monthly, weekly or one MASONRY PAVING ; VALE AVC, HILLSIDE s time. We don't cut corners, Cm hawlle «n> occatai with «lilflt SPECIALISTS* •Qwi-aps we clean them. Honost, ReUi, M us do it hx you! Steps; patios, sidewalks, WNTIWHORS •Uimt rrictj ' •Eiptii Inbllidon B m wMt nolle*, fcitotat mil oub discreet service. PThl EXCLUSIVE mill the Irahnl (nimUwts ol the • FLOOR WAXING fireplaces, driveways, curbing, i •fluilllj Mdi«| masonry repairs. . Driveways • Parking Lots • •Sl»(nl Hunt hltal <|Min»: KpirtU-iirf autj* • WINDOW CLEANING haauUtlulx VOLVO DEALER ~ Windows, and Gutters, Curbs '• Concrete Work • MOVING & 326 MOMISME. SUMMIT l h pnpmd lor DM dlcrimeullni Commercial/Industrial CauWttaw uala dOSETS/UBINETS: other senicestnibble. UMnM SMALL 4 BIG JOBS , Stone Work • Sidewalks • pal>«.Citl 654-1292 Na|eb toofalcar INSURED MONTHLY steps* Patios STORAGE CmtofflittilTUlIS/ MuUrCaid too null MAINTENANCE FREE ESTIMATES 273-4200 STOMGEMEU •Vbi 298-1331 JusfCall Ray LOCAL »LOHO 687-0035 AUTHORIZED FORMIU/WOOO 74KWI3 REASONABU DURANCE MOUINO • FREE ESTIMATES 688-MOVE , FACTORY SERVICE ' NneUini/ShMttock WHY PAY MORE _ 756-6108- 964-5576 241-2681 233-0564 IONC TERM LEASING. WINDOWS/DOORS CALL CHRIS 686-0638 375Roi»UiidPI»ce Call 688-7768 PC 00019 CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTORS DRIVEWAYS 232-0710 CONCERT TICKETS CONSTRUCTION PAINTING NURSING CARE PAINTING PAINTING PAINTING PAINTING BARTHES CONTRACTING INC. •ETJUirJ RJAVARES J.LCAROLAN UNION TICKETS VINYL REPLACEMENT WINDOWS COMTRACTRMC M&G PAINTING THOMAS PAINTING CO.I HILLSIDE 2022 Morris Avenue HOME IMPROVEMENTS COMFORT CARE & CONTRACTING . Hill Feint Your Home PAINTING PAINTING . 7/8ThermalPane ' INrEMOrtEXTEIIIOIt Where Quality Counts . Union, New Jersey Direct From Factory To Customer.Save $$ TEMPORARY NURSING WINTER SPECIAL! Free. • Estl-. Wh Benjamin Moon hint I PAINTING •Additions>Dormers»Decl»« 25 Yem Enptrientt j_ ROOFING SERVICE INC. mates Interior Exterior Custom Quality r •Roofs*Wlndows~ ~ 851-2880 DOUBLE HUNG BAY WINDOWS , Now you can afford quality work. All Work guaranteed. No Inleclot/aUriw .. DECKS health care service. Whether 1 •John Cougar BOW WINDOWS SLIDING WINDOWS ; Inurtd : '. . Free Estimates Insured . BATHROOMS you need- flN's, LPN's or Job too small REASONABLE RATES GENERAL Fullf IHtured Fra* Estinata ao%ofr •Jose Jose _ 364-5959 aides, Comfort Care provides FREE ESTIMATES One Year Warranty Attics CARPENTRY the finest lii hospital and home Call Very neat, ho job •George Benson MUtaHons too big or small UI»«li|WMtMmM. Kitchens • Dears 388-6429 Anytime 815-0261 frMifid •Rush 687-0614 day or night FULLY INSURED 9230731 276-4253 FLOOR REFINSIHING 673-1741 688-5457 ELECTRICIAN fNrtRTAINMFNT ENTERTAINMENT DRIVEWAYS ELECTRICIAN PAINTING PAINTING PAINTING PAINTING PAINTING PAINTING SPURR ELECTRIC ENTERTAINMENT ExrarrnooR .1 SAFETY AND QUALITY SUPERSOUNDS R&TPUGLIESE IN YOUR HOME OR BUSINESS FOR ALL OCCASIONS CUSTOM INTERIOR JERZY PAINTING Uc.No.72M D.J. For all Occasions PAINTING FERDINANDI PAINTING SINGLE FAMILY $400 4 UP ASPHALT PAVING • : J-D-s AND MINTING INTERIORS ONLY •Eiteriw DRIVEWAYS iWinrooa noon ROOMS & HALLWAYS $300 •Interior •SmobDdtcton BOOK HOLIDAY PAINTING •Aph•Homes •Piperiunfliig - t, PARKING LOTS CONTRACTING PLASTERING ., FREE ESTIMATES HU80NAHE n pK Interior . • Giftpj'Offkej •SHeebotl CURBS CONCRETE" UHUMIT1P PARTIES NOW! " Exterior REASONABLE RATES ' N.I SUttlkanse •Nn>Dmlcpm«b BATES FinEtUnutM Nojebtoobifortobtmalli ' • !W0RK . • .' BujineoPumHiM 713 O87-92B3 BOB: 3TO-©3«2 Wto, Roolint, Gulltri. Utitn. FULLY INSURED CARPENTRY ALSO. Ptoimk«ultjDoM Ml mill In conpUiKt Oltli Nrioul EXCELUNT SERVICE (Ml Home Improvementt) Retsonible Rtaei, Fully Insured Mtislc to enhance any , Elwtriulctid* - " REASONABU RATES special party Irom Free Estimates on Any Size CALL: Speciil Discounl for Senior Citizens FREE ESTIMATES Fully Insured Free Estimates traditional to top 40. Very Neat & Clean STATE UCENSED 'tnld«llall.CMim«clal NO IOB TOO BIG OR SMALL Jobs Call Pave or Al LENNY TUFANO Call Bob, Monday-Friday f fll NoMToSmill Slnglesrsmall tomboi- after 4pm, Sat a Sun alter ) CALL 851-2507 ' Best References' 272-8865^ Full orchestras. : 371-0016. 678-3543 < 964-1245 851-9614 273-4025 964-7359 or 68741379 379-5366 HOME IMPROVEMENTS HOME IMPROVEMENTS "" 686-8484 GUTTERS & LEADERS GUTTERS & LEADERS HOME IMPROVEMENTS PAINTING/WALLPAPERING PAINTING/WALLPAPERING Ptl IRAININC. UPHOLSTERY GUTTERS. IMPROVE-YOURHOME M&F LEADERS WITH GIL GM • Fr*e HOME IMPHOVEMENTS PAINTING R.C. CONSTRUCTION CO PERFECT HOME "'—"—* We turn old homes Into new. Win- WILLIAM E. MARSELLA BROS. PAVING ( nOMt PAPERHANGING JG UPHOLSTERY GUTTERS-LEADERS dows, doors, sidewalks, leaders, gut- INTEREST, INC. BAUER AND ALL ODD JOBS PAVING MASONRY COMPANIONS, Inc. . *n| !tjrt« kltchtn Chun •DRAINS cluiwd, ters, carpentry work, painting, Asphalt Driveways flushed wallpapering ,& electrical Custom _Kttche«*liUiito«B Q ll Professional WEEKENDS ONLY. CONTRACTORS Blockwork INSURED DECKS Craftsmen, Call Rich at Stmtrock R.R.Tles H«UpKohl«iii|t(bjrt,'. • CALL 379-5266 - I Decks' Painting Driveways * Parking Lots • : booth mi toutlits •REPAIRS UOtoSSO CUSTOM BUILT t REPAIRS Backhoe* Wood Fences liBtstminh 770-0479 Windows • Doors Curbs • Concrete Work • New Foam Rubber •REPLACEMENTS Minor Tree Trimming •upairs Dumptruck service 8AM Ml 5PM Stone Work • Sidewalks • MCKUrlDUIVEH* •ROOF REPAIRS-^: ' Clip'n Saw Free Estimates i This Space •Exterior/Interior Steps* Patios call: MMUU.E •FULLY INSURED Ned Stevens k 376-6141 •Paperhanging FREE ESTIMATES 964-8364 L. • 6M-TT0O IOOIVuiNillU;U>m •FREE ESTIMATES • 224-73T9 after 7 PM. CALL 272 -2886 INSURED CALL 889-6205 763 BONE M.HM™. 22M965 964-3575 6865953 HOME IMPROVEMENTS 964-4942 232-0710 2663 HOME IMPROVEMENTS HOME IMPROVEMENTS HOME IMPROVEMENTS TILE WORK TILE WORK TREF SERVICE THE PROFESSIONALS UNITY INTERNATIONAL HOOFING TYPING SERVICE • WATER PROBLEMS CONSTANCE CONSTRUCTION CORP. J&R DENICOLO •KITCHENS • AniCS • BASEMENTS • _ CONSTRUCTION COMPANY PROFESSIONAL NETHERLAND Complete Line of Home Renovations WOODWORKING BUIUNNfiSAREMOOEUNC No Job Too Small TILE CONTRACTORS FIORELLO WATER PROBLEMS • REPLACEMENT WINDOWS* WORD PROCESSING TREE EXPERTS MIIUmuntomfcutMd DORMERS •AOMTMMS or Too Urge ESTABLISHED IMS HOME IMPROVEMENTS R.O. Drinking Systems • Additions "Kitchen DONE IN MY HOME KlICHENS'MTHItOCMS uwtululm In hull wood • ADDITIONS* Matarad Water CondlUonars .Bath •Finished Basement •Mdtealu All Types of Repairs REPMlRS-GHOUTINe • Plumblnr -Electrical IBM Hardware t Smlu/ U W TiMi •NAU UNITS •DECKS Mi. TILE FLOORS INTERIOR • EXTERIOR *HHbl Gutters leaders Word Perfect Software Sarvlca - Sail •COUNTER TOPS H(HdMMft MIMVM M TUB ENCLOSURES niM, REASONABLE RATES HP User Jet Printer 100 •VANITIES . SHOWER STALLS Specializing In Marblo.& Tile 688-3535 FREE ESTIMATES FREE ESTIMATES/FULLY INSURED •BOOKCASES .MalHng Lists • Resumes FULLY INSURED IW« ic not satislied Until your sati lied) Legal Documents ' FREE ESTIMATES FULLY INSURED CALL 688-2460 Roofing Contractors NltlltaU CaltortraatsUiBaki Patrick Buckley SUPER 5&FT JOSEPH FRANK 9UUU- Phone: 2411633 Union, N.i. 277-1775 752-0165 E OOMmW 3724282 - 688-2188 881-9279, after 7 PM EW

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