ENTERTAINMENT SPORTS , Warner Bros. toasts 75 years Revolution overthrows Clash, of cartoon zaniness with San Jose sluggish in 3-1 Bugs Bunny Film Festival defeat at Spartan Stadium See page 4 See page 6

Volume 110, No. 66 Serving San Jose State University Since 1934 May 5, 1998 Projects to aid in access Already in compliance with ADA, SJSU continues to improve access and campus facilities for disabled By Shayda Fathipour Serum Staff Writer

Patti Affonso has a problem getting into the restrooms on campus. She is in a wheelchair. "I don't have any problem getting in the build- ings," said Affonso, a San Jose State University student. "It's the bathroom door. They are a prob- lem. They are so heavy." Affonso said many of the people in wheel- chairs don't have full use of their arms, which makes opening heavy doors a problem. Last semester SJSU President Robert Caret in a wheelchair accompanied others on a tour of the campus to see what kind of access the disabled students had. "We were trying to bring awareness to peo- ple," said Martin Schulter, director of the Disability Resource Center. "The president is behind making sure barriers don't exist. I don't think we discovered anything not in compli- ance." Schulter said physical access to all buildings is there, such as ramps and automatic doors. However, sometimes the doors aren't turned on. ' !Cs a bit frustrating, but those are challenges we need to overcome," Schulter said. See Wheelchair, page 8 Vermin do SJSU crawl By Sharon Parks Staff Writvr

I. rim./ That All the construction going on at San Jose State University is might be causing a cockroach Following the competition, exhibition dance teams Bob Clark and Kim Granata perform at the Spring Mini Competition. Nightclub dances. and rat problem. Tii Pert uiclr1e1'IarICP competitions in International, American and performed for the participants and ballroom dance spectators. "I think the weather and grounds being torn up is contributing to the pest problem," groundskeeper Travis Duval said. Cockroaches seem to like damp places. Lords, ladies of the dance "I've seen cockroaches in the sprinkler valves," Duval said. Pests are in buildings. "I've seen cockroaches on the floor and wall of Cheek-to-cheek competitors get 'strictly ballroom' the science building," biology major Erin Learner said. "I'm used to them by now." Its Is t )humukini-Urness plemented her in a tuxedo complete with tails, ing students from California Polytechnic at According to lead groundskeeper Wade stall iur did well for their fourth time competing San Luis Obispo, UC Berkeley and Stanford, Fuyino, SJSU has had cockroaches for awhile. together. They took home six first -place joined those front SJSP in a night of intense "The story goes this way: Many years ago the awards and one second-place. competition. A crowd of about 100 spectators science. building had cockroaches in containers, In a dilicate chiffon dress the color of "We entered to get some experience and and participants filled every available seat in and they got loose and traveled through the. orange sherbi4, Shannon Sun floated around because it's fun," Lo said. A software develop- Room 89 of Spartan Complex East campus into the buildings," Fuyino said. "We've the dance floor Saturdily night at the San Jose er from Fremont, Lo has been competing for Participants in newcomer, intermediate had them ever since." State University Ballroom Dance Club's three months with Sun, who works in 'bronze) and advanced t silver t levels compet- According to Fuyino, rats have only been a Spring Mini Com pet it ion. Fremont as an Ake) administrator. ed. Dances inchidtql waltz, rumba, cha-cha, problem on campus the past few years. Sun and her partner, George Lo, who COM- Dancers from aermes the Bay Area includ- See Ball t, page 8 "There seems to be more of a rat problem late- ly because I have very few wild cats left on See Cockroaches, page 8 Smothers' rise at SJS amid jazz, rock backbeat

a time on the campus before the mitre than ic Everybody went to By Ed Oberweiser "rock 'n' roll" explosion that charm. foot ball ganws " Margaret Bethel terized the 1950s. And not ile:t football games, si,o Writers "Music was entertaining then, either Spartan Duly articles Our first thing together was not something to blow your mind chronicle standing room only piano playing three songs for fresh- Editor's note.' Today ts the second ovpr," he said. rec'ital'. and evillest ni concerts dov ci, a fire-part se res. titled "Rock Mosher, a member of the throughout the 1950s at 5.15 man orientation at Morris isl Ages." The series will delve into Advisory Board for S.ISU's School AITI ding to Mustier. m the early Dailey Auditorium. the MUSie scene at what of Music, was the 1950 Spring Rally '50s. kit kinds and .1;1/7 rowttians 'ii luNt Sun Jose State College chairman for the college befiire he entertained student,: trw Tom Smothers and later Son Jose Slate Um vet say. graduated and went on to join the Edmund Euitlia, a I 957 graduate During the week. "Rork of Ages" will Marine Corps until 1955, after who was ;III education major and former SJS student, chronicle the I lounges in culture and which he owned a clothing store in later became the president of the on the beginnings of The Smothers socie,r that led to the acts that San Jose that he still runs. Califiirma 'reachitr's Association, Brothers act with brother Dick stew .; on a star, h wed till they "The campus was small when I said big hands were popular and dropped, unwed with the grisn'e arul first started," Mosher remembered. "Frank Sinatra was he most popu- rapped the light fantastic over the With just under 7,000 students lar music icon on campus." years us San ,Aise, Welcome to the on campus during the early part of The Jazz Philharmonic, includ- the ticket price of $2.50 to $3.50. remembers playing his bass trum- 50s the decade. Mosher said it was a ing Ella ht zg,erald. Gene Krupa Jazz musician Dave Wales was pet in several San Jose clubs. But Ed Mosher, a 1952 San Jose "friendly, gregarious campus and Roy Eldridge, came to the San among those to entertain students the most memorable, he said, was AJes State College graduate, remembers with lots of school spirit Jose \ oditoi own in 1953 for and the San Jose community He See page 5


J. 1 Low cost condoms What if Personal hygiene for teens prevent more than getting pregnancy, disease dressed each day a few Fellow students it months, Santa is time to pay some WithinClara County attention to an issue teens will be able to buy that seems to have passed 25-cent condoms from many of you by. The topic about 100 machines of the day is personal ar)und establishments hygiene. that they frequent. Better For those of you who late then never. have problems meeting Making condoms easi- that special someone, or ly accessible to those who simply do not understand choose to engage in sex is why people take a step the smartest thing we can back when you join the do to help prevent crowd here are a few unwanted pregnancies pointers: and the spread of sexual- Take a shower every ly transmitted diseases. now and then, brush your been low-cost condoms to teens is not going teeth or take a breath mint after you have Providing to encourage them to have sex any more than We know this is difficult for your sir but please, try munching on Doritos, and for Pete's sake, wash watching an episode of Melrose Place will. and identify your assailant " your hands after you have been to the bathroom. While we all probably agree that total absti- Please! The deteriorating state of people's per- nence is the best method of prevention, exactly engagement: trust your instincts sonal hygiene really stinks. how realistic is that for the majority of people? Rules of I am not trying to make anybody feel ill. I just individuals that are past want point out how some of you can make life For a large majority of across a book on our enter- The point is, if you can't overlook some- or in the midst of puberty, sex is almost Istumbled more pleasant for yourselves and those around tainment editor's desk all the good one's faults or quirks when you're dating, you simply by brushing up on your bathroom inevitable. CD's had already been stolen you won't get past them when you're mar- In a recent survey, about 30 percent of high manners. called "The Complete Idiot's Guide to a ried. Let's start with the ladies' room. (I have no school students in Santa Clara County said they Third rule: Your partner has to be your once, Healthy Relationship." real experience with the men's room.) have had sexual intercourse at least more psychobabble friend but not necessarily your "best Fenstersheib, the coun- Great, I thought, The other day I visited one of the restrooms according to Dr. Martin talk-show host/quack. friend." ty's public health officer. Of those students, 43 from a radio on campus and was thoroughly disgusted. One of Written by Dr. Judy Kuriansky, this I love my wife with all my heart and I percent said they did not use condoms. the toilets was flooded with toilet paper and waste of paper offers the worst drivel would say we are really good friends, but percent of high school students what have you, and the floor was covered with Statewide, 45 to man or woman. I consider a best friend someone that you and 45 percent of those said known water. The stench was intense. said they had sex, spouts off about her tips can tell anything at all to. This is why use condoms. This "expert" I peeked into one of the other stalls to see if it they did not honesty, being able to learn to men and women can't be best friends. I This is unacceptable. It only takes one sexual like total ryibiel) was usable, but some woman had thrown her each other's "best friend" and Williams could never walk down the street with encounter between two people to create a third love, being .taron feminine hygiene products on the floor and I was cooperation. All of these designed to cre- Debi, my wife, and openly gawk at some or to transmit a disease. not in the mood to step in them. As I was con- and a loving, lasting rela- 11R, B Es suer/ honey's tight rear and lean over and say A state appeals court ruled April 9 that ate harmony templating finding another restroom, a girl, who tionship. I'm not a psychiatrist and I something like, "I'd like to see her eat a teenagers, male or female, who take part in con- had spent a considerable amount of time in one don't even play one on television, but I popsicle." No way, no how. I could do that sensual sex can be charged with statutory rape. stall, came out and started fixing her hair. know how to keep a relationship going, while sal- with a guy friend. She showed no intention whatsoever of turn- Come again? Like making it illegal is really in the process and it is The same is true for the ladies. I don't want her raging hormones and sex- vaging a bit of self-respect ing on the faucet and washing her hands, but going to stop all those way. to see a guy and lean over and tell me how that guy not. Why don't they just not Dr. Judy's progressed to putting on lipstick using her ual curiosity. I think First rule guys: A lie is as good as the truth, if it has cute buns. Once again it comes down to "total bring back the chastity belt from the Middle index finger. keeps her feelings from being hurt. honesty" Your life partner must share your dreams, while they're at it they can come up As the girl happily left the stinky room, I Ages, and not talking about lying about how you've slept your fears, your vision of the future, but not your with one to fit the guys, too. I'm could not help wondering if she was off to the with all her friends either. I'm talking about the lit- thoughts. Student Union cafeteria for a finger-licking little Instead of trying to tell teens they cannot Final rule: I don't have a problem with coopera- should teach them tle white lie. We've all heard the question, "Do these snack. Whoever said women keep cleaner than engage in sexual activity, we big?" If you follow Dr. tion, in fact I encourage it, but something I read in to do so responsibly. Has making drugs illegal jeans make my butt look men? Maybe women just appear cleaner. "totally honest," then insert the chapter called "Cooperation - Whose team are put an end to the country's drug problem? Judy's advice and be Nevertheless, guys, you are not off the hook. A answer A)"No, it's not the jeans that make your butt you on?" proved to me what a blowhard Dr. Judy while ago I attended class at the same time as a Adding sex to the long list of things that teens butt look big. truly is. participate in is only going to increase look big, it's your butt that makes your young man who apparently battled stomach cannot your big butt." Wrong At the end of each chapter she writes the least their desire to do it. The jeans just accentuate problems. The man in question passed gas, loud- Example's advice and you need to know about each chapter. The coopera- Before the dispensers, teens could obtain con- answer. If you follow Dr. Bad ly and frequently, throughout the duration of the honest answer, insert BrNo, tion chapter say, "Expect your lover to be as cooper- doms at drugstores and clinics. But many teens wiggle out of giving an class period, and did not seem to care whether he good in anything." Right ative and responsible as you would a friend or room- say they are too embarrassed to use such public I think your butt looks suffocated somebody in the process. Not completely honest, but at least you mate." methods. We prepare our youth for so many answer. I do realize the guy might have suffered know you won't be spending Saturday night in the Ha! If I had a mate like someof my past room- severe discomfort, had he not done his thing. But other aspects of life such as reading, writing and mates or friends, I'd need therapy for the next 100 how to handle finances, why should prepw.ing doghouse. I would have strongly supported him had he ladies: years. Like I really want to grow old with someone them for safe sex be any different? It's a natui - Second rule applies for both the guys and decided to leave the classroom to take care of his If something drives you crazy now, you better who won't pay their share of the rent on time or pressing business elsewhere. This particular al part of life. It's something they are going to do someone who will sleep with my best friend or some- without society's permission. believe it will be worse in 10 years. A friend once man belongs to a seemingly growing number of told me, "Don't sweat the petty things, pet the one who'd always leave a "present" floating in the San Jose State University students who have Making condoms available is not telling them toilet bowl. it is OK to have sex. Individuals will make that sweaty things." If you find your mate's ability to bite problems finding the shower. his or her toenails off cute, more power to you. But People, if you need a self-help relationship book, Smelling like a sweaty sock on a daily basis is decision on their own without society's help. you're a loser who shouldn't have a girlfriend Although some people may think condom if you find it as disgusting as the rest of us do and or more of an individual problem, I guess. I doubt your love's been doing it since childhood, don't think boyfriend. these folks can get a date, and if they do,! doubt machines for teens is immoral and wrong, it's Follow your instincts. not any worse than guiding them into prema- it's something you can learn to love. Your mate will Don't listen to people like they can get a second one. Most people tend to soon ask why you never want to kiss them and then Dr. Judy, or even me. And if worse comes to worst keep a safe distance between themselves and ture parenthood or premature coffins for that ask your matter. what will you do? Be totally honest? friends for advice at least they'll get a those who have not yet discovered the concept of Mindy Leigh Griser is a Spartan Daily staff writer Aaron Williams is the Spartan Daily sports editor His column appears every Tuesday. showers. So for those of you who prefer to be like Breyer's ice cream all natural maybe it's time to reconsider. Judge makes right decision in ex-SJSU employee's case Asa Bezel is a Spartan Daily staff writer

W e applaud Judge Jean High crime, he was The young ing his anti-depressant medication Opinion page policies Wetenkamp's decision to deny again arrested boys Abrams is when the latest alleged incidents bail to former San Jose State for false impris- EDITORIAL accused of occurred. Readers are encouraged to express themselves on University employee, Eric Abrams. onment involv- annoying didn't This is no excuse. Abrams is a 24- the Opinion page with a Letter to the Editor Abrams was accused of imperson- ing a 15-year-old have the option year-old man. He is old enough to A Letter to the Editor ii. 200-word response to an ating a police officer and trying to boy. of going home with their parents. know right from wrong. issue or point of view that hoz appeared in the Spartan lure a 13-year-old boy into his car. It The first offense should have Why should a convicted and accused The court must also shoulder Daily. was not his first such alleged raised a red flag. The second and criminal have more rights than the some of the blame as well. Someone Submissions become the property of the Spartan offense. third should have been met with victims? who repeats the type of crime must Daily and may be edited for clarity, grammar, libel and Previously, Abrams plead no con- swift punishment and strict counsel- We still believe in the either be punished harshly or placed length. Submissions must contain the author's test to phone harassment stemming ing. Constitution and the fact that sus- into psychiatric treatment, if that is name, address, phone number, signature and from a scheme in which he tried to What started out as a seemingly pects are innocent until proven what the person needs. major. solicit nude photos from high school innocuous crime has, allegedly, guilty, but releasing him to his moth- Too often offenders are treated as Submissions may be put in the Letters to the athletes. He claimed, at the time, to turned into a dangerous game which er's custody would have been a mis- the victims, a fact we find inexcus- Editor box at the Spartan Daily Office in Dwight be a Stanford recruiting scout. He puts young boys in harm's way. carriage of justice. able. Abrams should have been dealt Bente! Hall Room 209, sent by fax to (408/ 924-3237, e- received three years probation in Abrams is a sick individual who Deputy District Attorney with by our legal system already. mail at SDAILY4bmcejsu.edu or mailed to the that case. needs both help for his problems and Cameron Brown said, "It's not even a Hopefully, this time his victims Spartan Daily Opinion Editor, School of Journalism While out on probation, he was incarceration for his alleged crimes. question of if he's going to re-offend, and their families will receive the and Mass Communications San Jose State University, again arrested on charges of false At his arraignment, Abrams' he will re-offend." justice they so richly deserve and One Washington Square, Si. 1 Jose, CA 95192-0149. imprisonment and child annoyance. mother pleaded for him to be We would tend to agree. Abrams will receive the penalties Editorials are written by, and are the consen- He was released on $10,000 bail. released into her custody: This would According to his attorney, Phil from the law he deserves. sus of, U141 Spartan Daily editors, not the staff. While out on bail for the second have been reprehensible. Pennypacker, Abrams was not tak- Published opinions and advertisements do not nec- essarily reflect the views of the Spartan Daily, the School of Journalism and Mass Communications or SPARTAN DAILY SJSU. One Washington Square, San lose, CA 95192-0149 924-3250 E-mail SDAILYOlmcatsu edu REALITY CHECK 110. by Dave Whamond EDITORIAL ADVERTISING (70-Executive Editor. Jame. S Gomel., Tem K Milner Advertleing Director Denise Soria Managing Editor Scott Shuey Art Demeter Bream Jennison Production Editor Hrenna Jennison Metall Mammies Douglas Evens Opinion Editor Lola Jenluns Downstowiti Zotortaktmeal, Mgr. Lucas Bancroft Sports Editor Aaron William National Moonier &tell Robinson Amimant Sport* Editor Anthony Peres Account ffseenithres Entertainment/ Lifeetyle Editor Andrew Dummy Kandla Floonyoprgesp, Suaette Dun, Yvette Sumer Aesirtant Entertainment/ Lifestyle Editor Doug Burkhardt Photo Editor Scott Lechner Angela Tsun, Tom Yip Graphics James S Gunsalua Graphic Arthil/Cegirwritsr Andy Beach Copy Editor Delimit Knight

Senior Staff Writers ADVISERS Shayda Fathipour, Kevin Becteman. John Meyer, Ed ()hemmer, Ailvertleiog Jack Quieten Yvonne Ohumultani-Umem telitertal Marna aroma Jar Show Staff Writero Photo J:la Ikt ay Margaret Bethel, Aaa Resell, line Bilis, Nichol. Boer. Leah Bower, Carol Dillon, Susenne Ferrante, Peggy Flynn, Prod...ties Chlorflia Burke Mark Gomez, Mindy Omer, Jeremiah When, Sharon Parka. Jon Perez, Cindy Scarberry, Susan Shaw, Yvette Anna Ingo

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...... 111Mamwmal, 11)11 I() 1111 Hall. For more information, call El)! FOR Sparta Guide Mary Gibboney at (408) 924-4555. VILLAGE STUDENT Pregnancy 'rights' questioned by reader Today GOVERNMENT ASSOCIATION CATHOLIC' CAMPUS MINISTRY CHURCH OF SCIENTOLOGY Town hall meeting at 10 p.m. in 11"n reading Margaret Bethel's ing for granted. risking your health, by adopting Daily Mass from 12:10 - 12:35 Free film: "Orientation" at 7:30 the Spartan Village Community 'article about when to bear Second, childbirth and preg- a child or becoming a foster par- p.m. at the corner of 10th and San p.m today through Friday at 80 E. Room. For more information, call children (April 29), I take excep- nancy have historically been ent to one of the many children Carlos streets (across from the Rosemary St. For more Informa- Dennis English at (408) 924-7932. tion to a few points Bethel extremely hard on women's bod- who need such stability. dorms.) Free pizza and discus- tion, call Ilene at (408) 441-6661. ies. In America, we are fortu- What better way to share sion: "The Book of Macabees" from Thursday made. DEPARTMENT OF FOREIGN LANGUAGES First, "having a uterus" is nate in having prenatal care, your love and wisdom than with 7 - 8:30 p.m. at 300 S. 10th St. For CATHOLIC CAMPUS MINISTRY more information, call Ginny at & CHINESE LANGUAGE CLUB neither a privilege nor a right; it hygienic hospitals and pain con- a child who will appreciate Daily Mass from 12:10 - 12:35 (408) 938-1610. Professor Glen Dudbridge of the p.m. at the corner of 10th and San is simply a fact of the normal trol methods at our very finger- being loved because he or she Institute of Chinese Studies at the long ago that knows what it is like to he Carlos streets (across from the female anatomy. However, hav- tips, but it wasn't CHURCH OF SCIENTOLOGY University of Oxford will speak on pregnancy and childbirth were unloved? dorms). For more information, call ing the ability to bear children Free film: "Orientation" at 7:30 "Dante and the Chinese Ginny at (408) 938-1610. is not a right, but a privilege, the number one causes of death Third, Bethel's use of epi- p.m today through Friday at 80 E. Vernaculars" at 10:30 a.m. in country. although most women have this among women in this thets like "liberally inept know- Rosemary St For more informa- Business Classrooms, Room 120. CENTRAL COAST EMPLOYMENT EXPO ability. It only seems logical to me to it-alls" to describe her ideologi- tion, call Ilene at (408) 441-6661. For more information, call K.C. Job Fair from 11 a.m. - 3 p.m in Any woman who has strug- plan for parenthood when you cal opponents is an insult to her Leung at (408) 924-4623. the Student Union's Ballroom. gled with infertility will proba- are physically the strongest - own intelligence and writing LIBRARY DONATIONS & SALES UNIT Bring resume copies and be pre- bly tell you that she respects before you enter menopause. skill. As a fellow writer, I am Ongoing book sale from 10 a.m. EPISCOPAL CANTERBURY COMMUNITY pared to speak with hiring compa- the pregnancy and birth process Despite today's advances in disturbed and a bit ashamed to - 3 p.m. every Tuesday and Forum: "The Parables, What Did nies. For more information, call more than she did before she medical technology, isn't it a bit see this kind of error marring Wednesday at Wahlquist Library Jesus Have in Mind?" with Richard James at (408) 771-6023. began her struggle. unwise to wait until you have the work of an articulate peer North, Room 408, and Clark Jeske from 5:30 - 7 p.m. in the Student Union's Pacheco Room. For When you understand that, entered menopause and then and colleague. Library lobby. Donations welcome. CHURCH OF SCIENTOLOGY because of your genetic make- use drugs to force your body to For more information, call the more information, call Anna at Free film: "Orientation" at 7:30 (408) 293-2401. up, you might not possess this perform a task which it is no Elizabeth Urbach Acquisitions Department at (408) p.m. today through Friday at 80 E. longer equipped to do? English 924-2705. Rosemary St. For more informa- "internal, guaranteed right" as LIBRARY DONATIONS & SALES UNIT you learn to You can still experience par- tion, call Ilene at (408) 441-6661. Bethel calls it, NUTRITION & FOOD SCIENCE Ongoing book sale from 10 a.m. refrain from taking childbear- enthood later in life, without DEPARTMENT - 3 p.m. every Tuesday and HISPANIC BUSINESS ASSOCIATION Percent body fat testing with Wednesday at Wahlquist Library Elections meeting at 5 p.m. in bioelectrical impedance from 12 - 2 North, Room 408, and Clark the Student Union's Council Foreign students left out of scholarships p.m. in the Central Classroom Library lobby. Donations welcome. Chambers. For more information, Building, Room 103. Memorial Day For more information, call the call Maribel at (408) 294-3667. Acquisitions Department at (408) reading the Spartan thought scholarships should not health insurance and other 2 for 1 special. For more informa- After tion, call Jill Christensen 924-2705. Daily article "Scholarship be limited to only residents, expenses. at (408) SCHOOL OF ART ilk DESIGN 924-3110. Student Galleries' Art Shows distribution criticized" on April they should be awarded to stu- I'm not asking for any finan- M.E.CH.A. (MOVIMIENTO 30, I feel I have something to dents who qualified for them. cial aid, all I'm asking is a from 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. ends today in SCHOOL OF ART & DESIGN ESTUDIANTIL CHICANO AZTLAN the Art Building/industrial Studies. For say. I was not even given the chance to apply for scholarships Student Galleries' Art Shows Meeting to nominate officers for chance to see if I qualified for a at SJSU. more information, call Brendan at I have a GPA of 3.5 at San from 10 a.m. - 4 p.m today through next year at 2:30 p.m. at the (408) 924-4330. Jose State University and have scholarship just because I am a Why aren't we even given a Thursday in the Art Building/Industrial Chicano Resource Center. been here for three semesters. I foreign student. chance? Why aren't scholarship Studies. For more information, call SCHOOL OF MUSIC & DANCE thought I would be qualified for Many people think that for- notices posted on the bulletin Brendan at (4081 924-4330. NUTRITION & FOOD SCIENCE "African Drum and Dance" from scholarships at SJSU, but when eign students are rich and they boards of every department? Tuesday Nite Lecture Series: DEPARTMENT the African Diaspora: West African, I went to the financial aid ser- don't need extra money for their I really feel that we should be "Public Art: How to Do It by David Percent body fat testing with Caribbean and African -American at vices office, I was told that expenses here in the United given a chance to apply for Middlebrook and Diana Pumpelly bioelectrical impedance from 1 - 3 7:30 p.m. in the Music Building's because I'm a foreign student States. But I can tell those peo- scholarships at SJSU. Bates from 5 - 6 p.m. in the Art p.m in the Central Classroom Concert Hall. For more informa- (non-resident), I can't apply for ple that they are wrong because Building, Room 133 For more Building, Room 103, Memorial Day tion, call Annette Macdonald at most of (if not all of) the schol- I pay about $4,000 per semester Michelle Liu information, call Andy at (408) 924- 2 for 1 special. For more informa- (408) 924-5042 or 4660. arships offered at SJSU. for 12 units, and I also have to electrical engineering 4329. Student Galleries' Art tion, call Jill Christensen at (408) 924-3110. I was puzzled because I pay for my apartment and Receptions from 6 - 8 p.m. in the SJSU INTERNATIONAL HOUSE Art Building/Industrial Studies. Coffee Hour from 2 - 4 p.m. at For more information, call Brendan RE-ENTRY ADVISORY PROGRAM the International House Dining He added: "I want a disclaimer there. I'm so at (408) 924-4330. Brown Bag Lunch Program: Room, 360 S. 11th St. For more uncomfortable with the Beatles thing. It's just the Graduation Party! from 12 - 1:30 information, call Yoko at (408) 924- kind of thing people love to get angry about. I never SILICON VALLEY ERGONOMICS p.m, in the Student Union's 6570. want to be quoted as saying we're like the Beatles." INSTITUTE AND SJSU Council Chambers. For more infor- mation, call Susan Clair at (408) ErgoCon '98 - free exhibit of SJSU UNIVERSITY THEATRE the latest in ergonomic products 924-5966. "A Day in Hollywood/A Night in Battle of political wallet and technology from 10 a.m. - 7.30 the Ukraine" at 7 p.m. in the p.m at Hyatt Rickeys in Palo Alto. SCHOOL OF ART & DESIGN University Theatre. Hugh Gillis Student Galleries' Art Shows , OM AHAk, Neht4AP The high cost of influence For Tors inforrpationall r. Hall. For more information, call Abbas Moallem at 14081 924-4132 from 10 am -4pm today through Mary Gibboney at (408) 924-4555 Reagan's daughter OK Is going to 'get Nigher; investment wizard Warren Thursday in the Art Buildingierhistrial Buffett says. Wednesday Studien For more information, call "Political influence has been an underpriced STUDENT HEALTH CENTER - Maureen Reagan said ARAB STUDENT CLUB Brendan at (4081 924-4330. Eating disorder support group DIXON, Ill. (AP) product in a place where government is important," Monday she's doing fine after battling melanoma, a Arabic music and dancing at 7 from 430 - 5.30 p.m. in the Health he told stockholders Monday of his Berkshire SCHOOL OF MUSIC type of skin cancer. p.m at the International House at & DANCE Building. Room 208 Newcomers I lathaway Inc. "The price is going up, and I think it Senior Portfolio Scholarship "I had so many nuclear tests I was a night light," 360 S. 11th St. For more informa- are always welcome For more will escalate. It will be a battle of the wallet for tion. call Marina at (4081 265-4113 Performance at 7 p.m. in SPX 219. 57-year-old daughter of former President information, call Nancy Black at the influence." Studio Theatre Reagan joked on MSNBC. (4081 924-6118 Buffett, the nation's second-richest man behind ASIAN AMERICAN Reagan was diagnosed in 1996. She said Bill Gates, criticized the use of unregulated "soft CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP SILICON VALLEY ERGONOMICS and interferon have left her can- THE LISTENING HOUR surgery, radiation money," which is supposed to go for party-building Weekly meeting at 7:30 p.m in INSTITUTE AND SJSU cer-free. Taking interferon was "like having the SJSU World Repertory activities and issue-oriented advertising. the Student Union's Almaden ErgoCon '98 - free exhibit of Ensemble from 12.30 - 1.15 p.m. in worst case in the world of Asian flu, with no relief" the latest in He said his investment firm doesn't contribute Room. Bring $3 for ice cream, For ergonomic products the Music Building's Concert Hall. she said. much to political causes because "we don't play more information, call David at and technology from 10 a.m. - 2 Royal Hartigan, director, will pre- This being cancer awareness week, Reagan p.m. at Hyatt Rickeys in Palo Alto. that game." (408) 265-7442. sent an absorbing experience in urged viewers to wear sunscreen and ask their doc- For more information, call Dr. instrumental sound which embod- tors to check for the disease. In Dixon, her father's CATHOLIC CAMPUS MINISTRY Abbas Moallem at (408) 924-4132. ies the spirit of music of the ages boyhood hometown, she addressed the local Daily Mass from 12-10 - 12-35 using jazz and improvisation. For Alzheimer's Association branch. Reagan suffers What might have been p.m. at the corner of 10th and San SJSU UNIVERSITY THEATRE more information, call 14081 924- from the debilitating disease. It has forced his Carlos streets (across from the "A Day in Hollywood/A Night in 4631 daughter into a role reversal. ATHENS, Greece (AP) - The mayor of a Greek dorms) For more information, call the Ukraine" at 1 p.m in the island denies that Princess Diana told him she Ginny at 1408) 938.1010 University Theatre, Hugh Gillis intended to marry Dodi Fayed. X-Philes: intense fans The Mail, a British tabloid, claimed Diana told Hydra Mayor Constantinos Anastopoulos that she NEW YORK (AP) - David Duchovny thinks planned to return to the island after her trip to Sparta Guide is provided free of charge to students, faculty and staff The deadline for fans of "The X-Files" are as zealous as the Beatles Paris in order to marry Fayed. entries is noon, three days before desired publication date. Entry forms are available in the hordes way back when. Diana and Fayed, along with their driver, were Spartan Daily Office. Space restrictions may require editing of submissions. "It's very similar in the intensity of our fans, killed in a car crash in Paris on Aug. 31, shortly emotionally, especially as the end of the show after Diana and Dodi spent more than a week becomes inevitable," he said in the June issue of cruising the Aegean Sea. Details magazine. In Hydra, Diana saw a traditional wedding and So which Beatle would he be? "I guess John, said she would have liked a wedding like that, the because I'm the most outspoken," Duchovny said. mayor told the Associated Press. SJSU:SlITINA’41.4111L’SSI’llY How Is

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is St it 1,cr-rs knows the moves well, lie took a between people, according to by the people in the streets of Argentine information hotline. music in taxi cabs." social dance class at SJSU just Minton. 19th century Argentina. "It's been an underground Knudsen and her boyfriend, tOr fun five years ago and hasn't Alex Chiang, a Bay Area Immigrants to Buenos Aires felt movement," Harvey said. "It's Mike Cossy, leave Minton's class I . ill , it. tti stopped since. physicist, said that connection or isolated and lonely." not done in the big night clubs. after an hour of beginners danc- ILL i I slit. Two years ago, Minton closeness, to be able to touch Many people feel the same You have to know where to look." ing, ocho (eight)-step routines Kith briaight Tango Argentine closer someone, is what keeps him way today because of work The dress is casual, but and a little sweat. ti SJSI. when he rented the hall coming to Minton's classes. schedules that demand too much Harvey suggests women wear Minton invites the young cou- at Germania Restaurant on "There is soul and heart in time away from social activities, closed-toe heels and straps. ple for another hour of more North Second Street, lie said he tango," Chiang said as he according to Harvey. "Your feet will slip out other- advanced steps, but they decline. liked the wooden floor at the removed his work shoes and In addition to its pyschologi- wise," Harvey said. "Nowadays, Eight couples remain at Gidamill restaurant and offers exchanged them for a pair of cal factor, Harvey credits the '80s more young people in Argentina Germania Hall for beer, music 1/tIt' ti two hour dance lessons at shiny leather shoes he brought Broadway hit "Tango Argentine" are doing the tango. They don't and tango. list not rate of $5 to &TRU in a sports bag. with tango's increasing popular- dress up as much." For students who are interest- students Barbara Harvey, a Bay Area ity in the Bay Area. Couples Knudsen attests to tango's ed call Minton at 293-7932 or the ice my imgineering job but tango dancer, visited Argentina intertwined in passionate and growing popularity in South hotline at (510) 222-5611 to find titog o keeps no. sane," Minton several years ago and describes sultry embraces tango in clubs, America. out more information about said. tango as an expression of the such as Alberto's in Mountain "My mom is from Columbia Tango Argentine and future Boca use of the closeness and people. View, that host as many as 60 and tango is really big there classes. tot 1111 us tAli1 requires, the "Tango is tied to history," dances and 150 classes each with the young people," Knudsen d iii prov id a connection Harvey said. "It was developed month, accord ng to the Tango said. "You can even hear the Bugs, pals restore childhood laughs All, Descendents strike again

t% !oda., Rot, styled and witty work that Warner By Doug Burkhardt Bros produced from the early '40s to Assistant Entertainment Editor the earl, t tall. I would Absent from the festival are those When it comes to most musical groups, Ii Saturday cartoons filled with blatant racial some bands have trouble sticking with a torn 'I I ii tutu Stl'mAypes. hilitical correctness or particular style or sound while others may 1- Ind sit televi- economic considerationsmust have find difficulty staying with a certain look .w.h cartoons. kept some of the more revealing pro- or . .;I ii. but paganda pieces from making the cut. However, when it comes to those coffee ii turn the morn- The show is divided into two 15- drinking punk rockers from Southern piece segments with the second show- California, they can't even agree on a -ISI thought I ing headlined "Taz Gone Looney." name. I simple Pi Thaps the Tasmanian Devil was so In fact, these L.A. natives, who pro- nrsit it my and honored because of his democratic twi- claim themselves as the over-caffeinated t- ,hildhood The intuition t he'll eat anything regard- dorks of pop-punk, have two popular hit the big less of race, color or breed but he names to choose from. Than lit' especialls likes rabbit). Call them Descendents or call 'em All returned eight years later to reform the .Iiviar miniver- I If eiiiirse, no matter what the odds, because it simply does not matter as these Descendents with an album called has looted its Bugs is able to overcome the opposi- guys are writing the same killer rhymes "Everything Sucks." So did the album. a -'Lipstick tion H whipping up a "dynamite" that have helped shape the entire punk- Before Aukerman's return, the them ti wet her us shish kalmh. or pulling a powder keg rock genre since 1980. Descendents changed their name to All .Iii l'estival North out of thin :or. All without ever losing All's new album, "Mass Nerder," its first and released "Allroy Sez" along with about his cool or his carrot. release on Epitaph Records, is simply 10 other albums, which followed the next if hairbrush het I.ifb is clear again. The greedy get more of the same butt kickin' songs the eight years. Confused? Me too. la Ian Thi Varth punished, and the good get the last four-piece group has been putting out for Anyway, after the Descendents didn't ;-; .1 tl\% laugh The fitntasy is wonderful, but nearly 20 years. work out for the second time, All put out 1,1 it olistiicts my long. Since there is no plot, however, The band first earned publicity in the its latest self-produced release "Mass you can leave alter the first hour and early '80s as the Descendents. Known for Nerder." The album contains 16 searing lImfs it or the torty minute set without feeling its nerdy appeal, the group put out two hit cuts full of frantic, jittery, pissed-off pf,..!a Spacl. guilty iir cheated. albums "I Don't Want to Grow Up" and anthems that only All could pull off. Pie sure to look up as you exit the "Milo Goes to College" among others. With songs like "World's on Heroin," us v and theatre That rascally rabbit has been However, in 1987, singer Milo "Greedy" and "Fairweather Friend" the . it known to drop a grand piano or two. Aukerman left the group to pursue a band has stayed true to "All" form. This o:ed Photo t fc.-onet Bros career in bin-chemistry yecchhh! He release is worth its weight in coffee.

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Board of Director The Student Union of San Jose State University San .lose, California We have audited the accompanying balance sheets of the Student Union of San Jose State University sale aliforma State University Auxiliary Organization) (the Student Union) as of June 30, 1997 and 1996, alai the related statements of revenue, expenses, capital expenditures and changes In fund balance and cash flows for the years then ended. These financial statements are the responsibility of the font Union's management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements ir audits. 1k ,,,iticted our audits in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards. Those I,e,l require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether idea tat statements are free of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, 'CO 80% OFF! , supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements, An audit also includes oos the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as the overall financial statement presentation. We believe that our audits provide a reasonable , . .r nor opinion. ,,Jr opinion, the financial statements referred to above present fairly, in all material respects, the final.. cal position of the Student Union as of June 30,1997 and 1996, and the results of its operations vot tiVISS OUT! Arai it flows for the years then ended in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles. s.c I. ,op. Caftan", August IS. 1997 rd or Note 7,for Welch the date i. ID0, otobor 12. 1997

The Student Union Of San Jose State University RAIN OR SHINE! ia California State University Auxiliary Organization) Balance Sheets, JUI1030, 1997 Bodine

ASSETS 1997 1996

TUESDAY, MAY 5 - THURSDAY, MAY 7, 1998 r;iirrent assets: Cash and cash equivalents $ 876,478 $ 811,382 Accounts receivable 94,989 161,702 Prepaid expenses and 13,820 56,908 9:30 AM - 3:30 PM other current assets Total current assets 985,285 1,029,092 Long-term investments 1,513,808 1,418,981 Fixed assets. net 15,349 - 7TH STREET PLAZA Total assets $2,514,442


Current liabilities: Accounts payable $ 485,727 $ 710,180 Accrued payroll and 134,389 168,549 related expenses Arcnied liabilities 170,520 163,768 ,:eferred revenue, current 5,500 11,000 10,b0SitS 30,048 173,340 Total current liabilities $ 828,182 $T,224,83T Deterred revenue, long-term 5,500 Total liabilities I 846,W2 $1,236,337 C.ornmitments (Note 10) Fund balaiwe 1,888,280 1,218,818 Total liabilities and fund balance $2,514,442 -12,448,963

AdminietratIve the EVENT CENTER Full and complete financials are available for review in the Office of SpartanBookstore 111 I.. Vol

or I tiestlay, Nlay 5, I998 Page 5 nd, Morris Dailey hosts jazz greats, hometown heroes, lass mc- Continued from page 1 went back to finish their degrees. playing and our 20th making [nes "We always thought we were wine," Smothers said. the Cyclops where "it was practi- going to finish up. Maybe get an But even more popular than DU- cally all college students ... and honorary degree in brain jazz and folk was rock 'n' roll a oree. there were a lot of drugs." surgery" Smothers said. hybrid of com- n Miles Davis, John Coltrane, Smothers said he was a Phi bined with country. at Dizzy Gillespie and Dave Sigma Kappa, lived on campus "Blues is the root of all 'sic Brubeck were the jewels of and was majoring in advertising. American music forms," experimental jazz in the 1950s, Rock 'n' roll hadn't even start- Sabanovich said. 'est- according to Wales. ed at SJS as popular music in The advent of rock 'n' roll is the "They were the beginning of 1957 and 1958, according to usually associated with the 1954 find the bebop era, which is still going Smothers. "That wasn't what recording of Bill Haley and the )Out on today," he said. "They totally was on campus, it was all folk Comets' "Rock Around the revolutionized the era." music and jazz." Clock." Bebop was non-commercial The Kingston Trio, the most SJS was a mixed bag of music and unpredictable and was most- popular group on campus, were in the 1950s, as were the con- ly played by small combos. It was students at Stanford University, cerns of students. geared to the listener, not the Smothers said. Students were "People weren't too worried dancer, said Dan Sabanovich, also listening to the about the Cold War," SJS 1958 CI SJSU music instructor. Limelighters, the Weavers and graduate Claude Gilbert said. SJS students got a taste of the Harry Belafonte. "They were happy the Korean revolution when Brubeck, "Campus life was incredible," War was over." George Shearing and Shelly Smothers said. "You came off That was a time at SJS when Manne brought their jazz com- Bayshore Highway, it was just a movie admission at the Saratoga bos to play Morris Dailey three-lane highway. It was beau- Theater was 40 cents and a Auditorium throughout the '50s tiful, all around campus were brake adjustment and inspection and Gillespie gave a talk on jazz cherry orchards and apricots." went for $1.50. Ye Olde Burger on South First Street offered a student special a burger, shake and fries for 65 cents. Four room apartments, two blocks from campus, were going for a costly $50 per month. Top: Dave Brubeck, center, The Julian IV restaurant offered students a New York and his jazz quartet made an steak, baked potato, chili, salad appearance at San Jose and garlic bread for $1.39 for State performing his cool jazz the students with ID cards. style in Morris Dailey lied "I could buy lunch for 50 cents Auditorium. two sandwiches and a carton the of milk just off campus," Gilbert, Right: Former San Jose who came back to SJSU to be All Tom Smothers head football coach from 1983 to State student out performs with his brother Dick next 1990, said. "It was the beginning of the at Berkeley's Greek Theater. I dn't transition into rock 'n' roll," t out Foglia said. Reports by psychiatrist Dr. time as rock 'n' roll, though to Wass P Gottlieb a lesser degree. iring Francis Braceland made in 1956 Dizzy Gillespie, pictured here In 1947, appeared as a guest speaker dubbed rock 'n' roll "a communi- "Because people like Pat d-off Boone were doing safe, white at Morris Dailey Auditorium. He gave a talk on jazz diplomacy. cable disease and another sign of adolescent rebellion." He went on versions and covering Little Din," Richard's 'Tutti Frutti,' " he the diplomacy in 1959. He said all the space out to to call it a "cannibalistic" and said. This But history was in the making Mount Hamilton was filled with "tribalistic" form of music. even as classes were in session at orchards. Students didn't seem to care. But Hartman said the SJS. "One of the big things was to Chuck Berry's "Maybelline" white versions died out when Brothers Tom and Dick go out there and steal a bunch of and "Roll Over, Beethoven," Elvis it became OK to play rhythm Smothers were at San Jose State cherries, Bing cherries. They Pi esley's pelvis-rocking "All and blues and black singers College from 1956 to 1959. were beautiful," Smothers said. Shook Up" and "Jailhouse Rock," on the top 40s stations. The Smothers Brothers were "Campus was, like, the center of Buddy Holly's "Peggy Sue" and "(Berry Gordy) was able to a singing comedy duo who went town. Now I drive down there Jerry Lee Lewis' "Great Balls of convince young brothers and on to become famous and had and I can't even find it anymore." Fire" were all chart-toppers. sisters like me on the black their own TV show, "The Smothers said most students And it was in 1959 when for- side of town that this was our Smothers Brothers Hour," in the lived on campus in his days at mer boxer Berry Gordy Jr. found- music. And at the same time 1960s. SJS and the social scene was ed . Buying an old, beat- convince white brothers and "Our first thing together was very active "to say the least." up building in Detroit, he called sisters on the other side of playing three songs for freshman According to Smothers, SJS it Hittsville USA and the hits town, listening to the Beach orientation at Morris Dailey was voted the No. 1 party school started coming. Boys, that Motown was also Auditorium," Tom Smothers in the United States one of the Within a few years the compa- their music," Hartman said. said. years Smothers was a student at ny's success was guaranteed by Paul Battaglia, a 1961 SJS They began playing in a club SJS, though he said he couldn't its huge stable of artists, includ- student, was convinced. called the Keystone and another remember which one. ing Diana Ross and the "When we were teenagers called the Julian in San Jose on He and his brother own the Supremes, Marvin Gaye, Stevie it didn't matter where you weekends then they got an audi- Kenwo(xl Winery and are still Wonder and the Jackson 5. went, there was always tion for an engagement at the active professionally, playing According to Ross Hartman, music," he said. "There were a Purple Onion in San Francisco in between 100 and 175 engage- owner and manager of lot of jukeboxes, and they 1959. They were hired and went ments per year, Smothers said. Flashback Records, Motown was were always playing Ray on to become a success and never "This is our 40th anniversary gaining momentum at the same Charles, 'Hit the Road Jack.' "

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Page 6 SPORTS I tiestlity, 1998 SPartan=Shorts Revolution shoots down Clash 3-1 WAC Office The Western Athletic Conference voted Sunday to By Mindy Leigh Griser recommend to the Board of Stan \X rat r Directors that its 16 institu- tions be permanently divided The San Jose Clash suffered into two eight-team divisions the same misfortune on Sunday beginning with the 2000-2001 that many guys did at the Cinco academic year, it was announced De Mayo celebration. by Commissioner Karl Benson. They couldn't score. If approved, there will be an After El Nino driven rain- Eastern and Western Division in storms delayed a field-widening football and men's and women's project, the Clash (2-6) finally basketball. returned to Spartan Stadium The Eastern Div isim would be taking on the New England comprised of Colorado State, Revolution (3-3) only to disap- Wyoming, New Mexico, Southern point 13,563 fans in a 3-1 loss. Methodist Univer3ity Rocas Christian Newcomer Wade Barrett University, University of Texas scored his first Major League at El Paso, Tulsa and Rice. Soccer goal in the 36th minute to The Western Division will tie the game. Revolution goal- include Air Force, Brigham keeper Ian Feuer punched out a Young, University of Nevada pass by the Clash's Victor Mella Las Vegas, Utah, San Diego which went straight to Barrett, State, Fresno State, Hawai'i and who was only 10 yards out. SJSU. The goal initiated rowdy For the 1989-99 and 1999- screams and cheers from the 2000 seasons, the WAC will crowd, but Clash fans didn't retain its quadrant format with seem to maintain confidence in one significant change. The foot- their team for long. ball and basketball divisions The 1-1 tie didn't last long, as will remain the same and will Revolution midfielder Richard mirror each other in both years. Goulooze teamed up with for- One division will consist of BYU, ward Joe-Max Moore by per- Utah, New Mexico, UTEP, forming a header off Moore's cor- Hawai'i, San Diego State, FSU ner kick to score their second and SJSU. The other will consist goal of the game at 39:48. of SMU, TCU, Rice, Tulsa, Air In the first half, the Clash Force, Colorado State, Wyoming played defensively, spending and UNLV. The Board will con- most of its time on the New sider the proposal at its annual England side struggling to keep meeting on June 1-3. them away from the goal. "I expected us to be pushing Baseball play early on," Clash Coach Brian Prince/ Spartan Daily SJSU right hander Javier Brian Quinn said. Pamus was named WAC Pitcher Early in the game, Clash Eddie Lewis, forward for the San Jose Clash, falls as New England Spartan Stadium. The Clash, playing without starErie Wynalda, lost 3- of the Week for the week of April defender Oscar Draguicevich midfielder Joe-Max Moore tries to avoid him in a game Sunday at 1. San Jose plays the Colorado Rapids Saturday in Denver. 27-May 3. This comes off of was issued a yellow card for dan- Pamus' two complete game vic- gerous play. had something to do with out with a knee injury as well, "My problem is I believe play- fielder Martin Vasquez was tories, where he tallied an 0.50 Although El Nino popped out Sunday's upset. Captain/defend- but is expected to return for the ers are good enough to adapt," he taken out about three quarters ERA in 18.0 innings of work again briefly on Sunday, the rain er John Doyle was out due to a Clash's next home game against said. through the game because of a against Saint Mary's and Fresno couldn't take all the blame for sprained knee he suffered while the Miami Fusion on May 16. The absence of Doyle and groin injury. State. the Clash's loss. he was warming up for a game Quinn said he had confidence Wynalda was difficult for the The Clash travels next to The fact that the Clash was earlier in the week. in the team Sunday as he start- Clash. Denver Saturday for a game Spartan Shorts compiled by missing some of its star players Forward Eric Wynalda was ed four rookies. To make matters worse, mid- against the Colorado Rapids. Jon Perez. 411.: iiii I Student Union, Inc. Bowl 1 Game, Get 1 Free. Bowl 1 game at the regular price, then Bowling bowl a second game at no charge. Center When lanes are available during regular business hours. Not valid with any ICoupon offer expires 5/22/98 other promotions or specials.

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Carmel Apts. Experienced with the needs 7th & Wiliam. 408/292-3605. of Foreign Students. letie red elhdrela fee net approved er 999W. San Carlos St. 971-7557. $10.00/hour. Marketer up to register for ART 138 or 139, HAWAII - $119 o/w %milled by the newspaper. www.deluxedriving.com $15/hr. Call now! 408-9393369. DIRECTORS, TEACHERS & AIDES Summer or Fall. Learn about kids, CALL 8008349192 Credentiaied Teacher & MA. ty to Thinking about a career working art, invention, creativity. Moe infe: http://wrwr.riortetchom Call :Jessica 14081978'8034. "d of ACTION DAY NURSERY/PRIMARY $ EARN EXTRA CASH $ with elementary age children? The See class schedule, catalog or REMALtaralta ititU- EMPLOYMENT PLUS seeking F/T & P/T Teeters up to $600/month! YMCA of Santa Clara Valley is visit Art Rm 203, M71.11u. 8:30-3 and Aides. Substitute positions Become a Sperm Donor. now hiring for school-age child GREEK MESSAGES ATTN: STAR & STUDENTS: Nice. SERVICES vided ERIBIGICY HOURS Canealkim are also available that offer flexi- Healthy males. 19-40 years old. care centers in San Jose, Cupertino, PROFESSIONAL GUITARIST now renovated large 2 bdrm/2 bath eions is currently hiring Case Managers ble hours. ECE units preferred but Univ. Students/Grads/Faculty Santa Clara, Los Gatos & Milpitas. accepting students who wish to ANYISH FRATERNITY Something apt. NEW: Carpets, Linoleum, PARKING 4 RENT N. 5th St. -2001 (FT, BA in related field or 2+ yrs not required. Please contact Contact California Cryobank Full &part-time positions available, excel in playing guitar or bass. NI new, cool and exciting! Alpha Blinds, Refrigerator, Disposal, 78 exper, bilingual preferred) and Cathy at 244-1968 x16. 1-650-324-1900, M-F, 8-4:30. hours flexible around school. Fun levels welcome: Beginning, Epsilon Pi offers: Events. az:relent Dishwasher. Undergmd parking. $40/mo. inced Shelter Workers (PT varied staff teams, great experience Intermediate or Advanced. Learn times, Brotherhooi...!!!Gcal People. Washer/Dryer avail. Water & Call for details: 2947254 a 317 nsOn. shifts). Send resume attn: HR WORK FOR THE SPARTAN DAILY! CRUISE SHIP & LAND-TOUR JOBS in working with elementary age any style: Jazz, Blues. Rock. Brad 295-3621. Call Now to Join! garbage paid. $1350/mo + dep. at an Dept. or apply in person at 2011 Excellent benefits. World Travel. children, career advancement and Fusion, Funk, Reggae, or Folk. We're a BRIS above the rest. 4 bdrm/2 bath unit also avail. www.4CRS.com Little Orchard Street, San Jose Perfect /oh for a Morning Person! Ask us how! 517-324-3090 ext. good training opportunities. Call Bill at 408-298-6124. 550 S. 11th St. Call 265-2696. WIN A FREE COMPUTER! ion in 951.25. Fax (408) 294-1400. Begin Fall Semester 1998. C60412 Teachers require minimum 6 units Free sank* to college student, men's START $7.00/HOUR in ECE, Recreation, Psychology, POLONSKY PIANO SCHOOL SPORTS/THRILLS 780 SO. 11TH STREET APTS. GAME TESTING - $7/1M. Work lam to 9am on school days TEACHERS AND AIDES wanted. Sociolog, an47 Physical Education. 30 Years Teaching Experience Large 2 bdrrs/2 bath. Very clean, WRITING HELP: (5.W) 6014584. 6-8 hours/day, 3-4 days/week. delivering The Spartan Daily to Small World Schools has Part- Please call Beth Proflo at 408- Dr. Viktor and Anna Polonsky 100% PURE ADRENALINE! Security type bldg. Laundry, cable. Highest quality wrsintediting, iklbe Redwood City, call 650554.5668. stands on campus and recycling Time and Full -Time, a.m. and 291-8894 for more information Russian Trained Concert Pianists There is nothing compared to ample parking. Walk or ride bike to ghostwriting. Essays, application State, PMD_reauitOkonami.co.jp any papers from the previous day. p.m.. permanent and summer and locations. Professors of Piano the exhilaration experienced by school. Responsive management. statements, reports, etc. itheffn MUST BE: *Dependable *Energetic positions available. Units in CD. National Teachers Guild Assn. skydiving! Tandem, Accelerated We take advance deposits to hold Please call Dave Bolick,M.A. at National Suzuki Assn. Freefall, Turbine Aircraft. an apartment. $995-$1045/mo. (510)601-9554 or ristian WAITRESS WANTED knowledge *Able to lift bundles of newspapers ECE, Psych, Soc. or Rec required. SECURITY ACUFACTS, of Japanese food preferred. Good Have CDL & clean DMV printout If you are interested in working NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY INDIVIDUAL PIANO LESSONS SJSU student owned & operated. Call 288-9157. email holIckbeet.com Texas tips. Apply 0 Okayama Restaurant, APPLY AT: The Spartan Daily, with a high quality child care Great for Students. Starting $20/hr. BAY AREA SKYDIVING VISA/MasterCard accepted. 565 N. 6th St. 2E19-9508. Dwight Bentel Hall, Rm 203 or 209 company call 406379-3200 x21- F/T or P/T. All shifts. Call 408-241-6662 1-510-634-7575. 2 BDRIA. WARIMENT - 8950/M0. Security type building www.4CRS.com will Now through May 15, 1998. We pay Off after 8 hours! in Santa Clara foryour FULL SERVICE RESTAURANT CMUNK PAGING & CELUJLAR Top Pay with Many Benefits! FREE FIRST LESSON-INTER VEW Secure Parking GET A JOB! gham and Night Club, all positions: WANTED: OAR STAFF BIG LL'S Seek full/part-time Sales Person, Cal 4082865880 ore person INSURANCE Close In Free service to college students ,vada Bus, Waltstaff & Host. Bob. Dee P/T, Flexible - Fri & Sat. 541pm. Data Entry, Customer Service, 7am to 7pm 7 days a week Modem Building SERVICE Diego or Manager. Bob's Surf & turf. Fun atmosphere! Looking for and Electronic Technicians. 5550 Meridian Ave. Si. WORD PROCESSING SILIDENT DENTAL PLAN I Laundry Room QUICKRESUPAE 286-0470. people with positive attitudes! Call 406453-7243 Of Only $57.00 per year. Village Apartments You need an exceptional memo 'i and Call 4062967469. Fax resume to 406441-9988. GROCERY TOO BUSY TO TYPE?? Save 30% - 60% 576 South Fifth Street to set yourself apart from other ADMINISTRATIVE SAVE MART SUPERMARKETS is Quick and reliable service for on your dental needs. (408) 295-6893. students because exceptional noticed by recruiters. 1999- FtPS, Inc. a leading small package ADMINISTRATIVE SECRETARY, Accourrnma STUMM accepting applications for part- papers, thesis. notes. resumes. etc. For info call 1-800-655-3225. resumes get pick-up and delivery company, has First Christian Church, Administra- APPLY WHAT YOU ARE LEARNING!! time employment in the San Jose RUSH projects. deadlines Differentiation is the key. We. at will a PT administrative opening, PM tive; computer skills. Full-time, Cupertino software Co. is hiring & Mtas area We hoe imneciate No Problem! MS Word/laser. AUTO INSURANCE HEAL ESTATE QUICKRESUME tailor make your with shift, hours flexible, Mon. - Fri. salary commensurate with experi- a Jr. or Sr. for a paid intemship. openings for meat clerks, courtesy Call Tracey @ 408-554-6352 or Campus Insurance Service professional resume according to foot- Negotiable pay + BENEFITS. ence. (408)2942944. Work on accounts receivable, clerks (baggers) and bakery/deli 408388-7333 pgr, Special Student Programs DOES YOUR FRAT your background, education, work Exceptional analytic and problem accounts payable, payroll, month clerks. *Experience in a retail Serving SJSU for 20 years NEED MORE ROOM?? experience, & e:iur field of expertise. sions solving skills. Ten Key skills. illth GRADE MATH TUTOR NEEDED. end closing. etc. 20 to 30 hours environment is a plus. We are AFFORDABUE&EXPEMENCED "Great Rates for Good Drivers" Restored Victorian residence just A good resume will put your career will Career track position? Mall or fax 2 Evenings per week/ 1 hour a week starting in May. Must be seeking friendly, customer service Graduate Studies, Thesis. Term "Good Rates for Non-Good Drivers" half a block from campus now on the right track. Rate = $19.95, mars. resume to: each evening. Must live in or be willing to work for at least one oriented individuals. .Please see Papers, Nursing, Group Projects, SPECIAL DISCOUNTS available for sale. Currently used you get a resume as a Microsoft RPS, Inc. willing to travel to South County year. Call 408343-4210. store director at 3251 So. White Fiasurnes.Al Formats. Specializing "Good Studen" "Family Multi-car" as student housing. Ideal for WORD document on a disk & five BYU, 897 Wrigley Way area (Morgan Hill - Gilroy). $15 hr. Road, San Jose or at 215W. in APA. Spelling/Grammar/ CALL TODAY 2965270 fraternity annex. Large parlor, printed copies of your resume on fTEP, Milpitas. CA References required. Call Leah SECURITY Calaveras. Milpitas. Save Mart Punctuation/ Editing, 24+ 95 Bp. FREE QUOTE remodeled kitchen, inside laundry, quality paper. Fax service amiable. FSU FAX* 408/263-8867 at (408) 924-5160 days or (408) Full and Part Time Positions Supermarkets is an equal oppor- WP 5.1/1-P Laser. PAM'S NO HASSI F ample parking. Call for details and Please call (408) 365-3544, EOE/AA 8485749 eves. Graves, Swings and Weekends tunity employer. We do preemploy- PROFESSIONAL WORD FROCESSNG, NO OBLIGATION a private showing. Mike Gordon, Evenings: 4pm-10pm. insist Low key job sites rnent drugtesting 247-2681, 8arn-8Pm. Also open Saturdays 9-2. Broker 510-426-8200. 1, Air RECEPTIONIST CASHIERS NEEDED to work at WII train iming P/T, 8:301:00 remodeled Chevron Station. Abcom Private Security VALET PARKING - Local company CALL UNDA FOR PROFESSIONAL STUDENT AUTO INSURANCE COMPUTERS ETC, Prof. Dress req. 2 locations, F/T. P/T, flexible 408-247-4827 looking for people. Flexible NORD PROCESSING. Auto Insurance BEAUTY con- HEALTH & I Rm. for Adv. hours. Also part-time maintenance schedule. PT/Ff. Earn $8.00 to ffiesesTenn PapersResumes LOW RATES COMPUTER RENAISSANCE nnual Call or Fax person. Call 295-3964. Ask for NATIONAL PARK EMPLOYMENT $15 per hour. 867-7275. *Grow Projects SR-22's on the Sai,ie Day ELECTROLYSIS CLINIC. We buy, sell & trade computers. Mandy Becker Ofelia. Parks, forests. Wildlife Preserves, All formats, including APA 4th Ed. Unwanted hair removed former. 486, Pentium, Mac, & Notebooks. (408)279-3700 Concessionaires, Firefighters, & ALASKA SLNAMER EPAPLOYMENT Laser Printer. Experienced, Hiring Now- Bilingual Specialist. Confidential. Refurb'd equipment is warranted. Fax (408)279-3797 BICYCLE MESSENGER more. Competitive wages + bene- Fishing industry. Excellent student Dependable, Quick Retum. (Erglish/Spanish) Your own probe or disposable. 5263 Prospect Rd. Si, betw Hwy Northwestern Mutual Life Part-time. Flexible Hours. fits. Ask us howl 517-3243110 earnings & benefits potential (up Almaden/Branham area. 335 S. Bayerood Ave. San Jose. 85 & 280 near Lawrence Expy. ravier $50 Hiring Bonus! ext. N60412 to $2.850+/mo + Room/Board) (408) 264-4504. PHN: 408247-3734 247-7488. 408-873-8070 EARN $$$$$ and Great for Students! Ask us how! 517-324-3117 ext. FAX: 408-247-5417 itcher FREE TRIP TO COLORADO. Serving Downtown San Jose. TEACHERS/AIDES/LEADERS A60412. DO YOU HATE TO TYPE?? MEN & WOMEN STUDENT SPECIALS!! 'April Volunteers needed for PAID study Inner City Express. Elem. school-age rec. program. OR NOT HAVE TIME TO TYPE?? LOW COST AUTO INSURANCE PERMANENT HAIR REMOVAL. Carom rtzed)486SL25. 12 Ran, AI of of how young women adapt to higi 22W. Saint John St. San Jose. P/T from 2-6pm, M-F during the WORK FROM HOME Term papers, thesis, resumes, Low Down / Monthly Payrnents Stop shaving, waxing, tweezing 540 HD, Mouse, modem, WOhIEN, age 2035. NOT school year. Some P/T morning Growing International Company group projectsetc. I have a ' No Driver Refused or using chemicals. Let us free email, Mono, Win 95, e vio- altitude. using birth control pills in the *IMMEDIATE OPENINGS positions available from approx. Looking for motivated individuals typewriter to complete your *Cancelled or Rejected permanently remove your MS Office 95 Std., $275. 1 0.50 past 6 months, NON SMOKERS, Receptionist, Office Clerk lam-hair. F/T during summer day 580045.000/per mo. PT/FT applications Or med/law striae etc. Dui 'Suspended License unwanted hair. Back- Chest- Lip Acer (New) 200MHZ MMX. work In general good health. Time Sales, Customer Support camp prog. XInt salary, no ECE Request FREE Detail Will transcribe your taped 'Accidents 'Tickets -Bikini - Chin - Tummy etc. 16MG/ iGig HD, KB, Mouse, Testing Optr. units req. Los Gatos-Saratoga Rec Log onto: wymhbn.com interviews or research notes. Immediate SR Filings Students & faculty receive 15% CD-Rom. Sound Card. Win 95, 'resno commitment is 2 1/2 weeks in Technician, Palo Alto (May) & 2 weeks in Warehouse Clerk Dept. Call Janet at 354-8700 x223. Access Code 5315 Fax Machine. Notary Public. *Good Driver Discount discount. First spot. 1/2 price if MS Office 95 Std., 56K Modem Colorado (July/early August). Call 408/9424868 (Not available school year? Call for Call ANNA at 972-4992. Non/Owner Operator made before 5/30/98. Hair Today 14" Monitor w/speakers $599. Study sponsored by the University or fax to 406/9424280 summer employ lifeguards, camp TELEMARKETING PT/FT. We Sem - 8prn, laundry Sstunlay Gone Tomorrow, 621 E. Intrax Group, Inc. of Colorado, Stanford and the Electrons Staffing Services. EOE leaders. pert & cultural arts camp sell discount subcriptions to Bay Free Phone Quotes Campbell Ave. *17. Campbell. 1725 Little Orchard Suite C ed by Palo Alto VA Medical Center. 1778 Clear Lake Ave. Milpitas Area newspapers. Auto dialers ANNOUNCEMENTS *Call Us Now... (408) 379-3500. San Jose. 408/271-8600. Contact Barry Braun, Ph.D. at Hwy 680 exit Landess Ave. TEACHERS high quality, licensed Flexible hrs. 9am-9pm. Downtown (408) 241-5400 650-4935000 ext. 63566. turn left at Clear Lake Ave. drop-in childcare centers for 2-12 near lightrail - 4 blocks from SJSU. MU PARENTS ALL -COVERAGE INSURANCE year olds. Hourly 5$ plus bonus. Media Convert your student's housing THE PERFECT SUMMER JOB! TEACHERS - Rex PT/FT positions Promotions 4940200. expense into a nice tax deduction kin us at the SAW JOSE SYWHCRY FUn, Exciting, Developmental? Days, Eve. Weekends and cashflow investment. OWN a OPPORTUNITIES in our Annual 98/99 Subscription We need you on our team. Min 6 ECE required OVUM DONORS NEEDED multi-student residence close to Sales Campaign. Good people, PT or Sub. Benefits. 247-4510. Team environment Women ages 21-29. healthy. campus. Easy financing available. CONQUER Daily good pay. Average callers earn Benefits available s responsible, all nationalities. Call for details. Mike Gordon YOUR FUTURE $8-$14/hr. Part-time eves. 20 DRIVING INSTRUCTOR PT/FT Call Corp Office 260-1929. Give the gift of life! 510-426-8200. We are now offering a once-in-time hrs/wk. Cash bonuses, tickets & Will Train. Must have clean DMV. $3,300 stipend & expenses paid. moment to get in on the ground morel Call Sean at 2735969. Flexible hours. Call 363-4182. OPPORTUNITY TO EARN $4725 Bonus for Chnese &Japanese donors. BIBLE SEARCH RESOURCES floor of an exciting new company ROSS WORD lmrnediate Openings Start Today! Education Award through Amen - PLEASE CALL WWFC Bible Search on PC positioned to become a new dri- WIU. MAIMED MONTESSORI corps at the San Jose Conserva- 800-314-9996 Bibles and Reference Books ving force in world business. No SCHOOL in Santa Clara needs VALET PARKING / CONCERT tion Corps. Seeking self-motivated RESOURCES AVAILABLE TO ALL! big investment money needed to ACROSS PREVIOUS PUZZLE SOLVED Teacher's Assistant, 10:30 6:30 STAFF. P/T and F/T positions individuals to work with at risk" Christian Science Reading Room get started, no inventory required 1 Cut of meat and 2:30 - 6:30. Toddlers - available. Flexible hours, Thurs - youth for yearlong positions. High Pre-recorded info: 408-867-8255. and no experience necessary. If 5 Bear Lat Preschool. 6 ECE Sundays units required. in Los Gatos & Saratoga School diploma required & ability you are stagnated. frustrated. 9 rem souna OCIMIMI Piliii@EIGI DOHA Call 406415-1254. areas. Must be Neat, Professional, to get class B license. $6.25 EXPLORING YOUR FAITH IN 000? GRADS DON'T FORGET underpaid or searching for a new 12 Less hazardous A & dependable. Customer service hourly plus benefits. Full/Parttime. *Have questions? There is still time to leave a career. call Marketing Director at 13 Not spicy PDOIA ORURO [MUM NOW IORING DEUVERY DRIVERS experience preferred. Earn up to Call Joe 408/2837164. EOE. *Curious? landmark girt to SJSU by giving 408-9703778 or page 322-4527 14 Actress Albright 161111§1101011121O111110[11111121Z] Earn up to $16.00/hour. Fun. $12.00/Hr. (hourly + tips) Call *Need a study break? $19.98 to the Senior Class Gift to schedule an interview. World 16 Lightning BIAGI DORN IMINIPIIIII0 Easy Work. Apply at Pizza A Go Go, 1-8008233871, M-F. 41500 weekly potential mailing *Make friends, have fun! today! Call 9241137 for details. Marketing Alliance Insurance by-product MONO 117 E. San Carlos St. our circulars. Free information. *DINNER & DISCUSSION Services, Inc. RIBININ 17 Severe storms MUUNDIM WOOL OWIM TEACHER INSTRUCTOR Call 410-783-8272. Every Wednesday. 5:30-7:00pm 19 Affirmative FOOD SERVICE, ESPRESSO BAR, P/T - Elementary Schools. Student Union, Pacheco Room AUTO SERVICES response 111131ACI INC101211A IMMO HOSTING. FT & PT positions avail Degree or Dedential NOT %quiet!. ASSEMBLE & TEST hydraulic (Except 3/11.. 4/8 Montalvo Rm) 20 Skinned LIIIIVIIIIMEMILIE10012101E41/1 In a busy family style restaurant. Opportunity for Teechig Experience. product line. Knowledge of small Everyone Welcome! AUTO / ALL PAINT FINISH (an apple) GUAM MiglAPIE3 UT11111010 MI shifts avail, flex hrs. 58-$8.50 Need Car. & light machining a handtools Episcopal Canterbury Community Polish w/teflon & restoration Certain advertisements in 22 Eight voices OMM HVIUM UMBEINO hour to start. 733-9446.Ask for Nam NW: (408)287-41700e 408 plus. Other duties include light 408-293-2401, ABLangeoaoicom Pdcts. FREE BROCHURE / Call these colunns may refer the 23 Singer Irene - LIMO OG11210 Julia or Wendy. BX/AAE office work, shipping & receiving. hteximerrbers.aol.ccni/EpCommS1 408 2785442 or visit reader to specMc telephone 24 Place in Turkey ignogiN DvioN um Team player mentality a must. vninv.redist.com numbers or addr for 25 Go ashore STUDENT NEEDED FOR OFFICE DAYCARE TEACHERS. K8 school Campbell. CA. Fax resume to: MISSING SOMETHING? additional information. 28 Extend a 1011;1100001141;11ARIMINIA11210 on campus, BT 550. Light typing, seeks responsible individuals for 408/370-5743. Need a spiritual boost? WADES DYNAMIC ClessWied readers should be subscription MOON IAMOUIA DODO computer experience preferred. extended daycare. P/T in the Need a break? Try Out: AUTO BODY REPAIR reminded that when making 30 Marry secretly MONO DOWEID DEMO Male/Female. P/T or F/T Flex afternoon. No ECE units are moon &/or PRO THERAPISTS The Enlightenment Support Group "Where quality is a must" thee* further contacts, they 31 Exceedingly e 1997 Unfed Feature Synd,c199 hours. Ask for Teresa 0 924-7560. required. Previous experience with for Autistic girl. $12+/hour. more Ongoing Sundays 6:00Pfirt Specolizing in minor and should require complete 32 Curved lines children preferred. Please contact for experience. Paid training. Part- @ffie Book Café Center mid-size damage Free detailing Information before sending 36 Jai - DOWN 29 Sea eagle BARRY SWENSON BUILDER Cathy at 2441968 x16. time afternoons & weekends. 3483-95 S. Bascom Free pck up .Free delivery money for goods or services. P/T, Pief 1.2:30. 37 Tropical vine 1 Level (a 31 Bad habit 530PM. Work in Please call 408/946-8211. (408)978-8034 Free estimates Insurance Work In addition, readers should a fast paced, property develop- SPEAK FRENCH Week In 38 Noose building) 33 Hearty laugh Provence Gnosticiii faiths & interdenominalicrel All makes & models carefully investigated firms drink ment office. Job would include Help a family and their 12 year old 39 Quick 2 Flying saucers 34 Soft BARTENDER TRAINEES NEEDED Others saf 'Its always new and vital." We accept: Visa. Master Card. offering employment listIngs the office work, errands and some for 3-4 weeks in July, cooking, Eam to it 40 Highest abbr 35 Exceeded 525.00/hr salary + tips. supports me in my life... - Discover & American Express arcoupons for discount limit phone answering, could lead to a cleaning. errands. Must be at Students needed kite 1 get in point 3 "Of Mice immediate contact with the real me." Phn: 408/287-8337 vacations or merchandise. charmer 37 Woman career for one of the Bay Area's least 21, have drivers license, area. Full-time/part-time openings. "lexpenence wholeness." 440 N. 41 Type of and-" First St. #120 San Jose. 41 Earliest premier development companies. swim & speak French confidently. Call today 1-650-968-9933. Suggested Donation: 42 Staffers 4 Get ready 43 Quebec's Please cal Tina or Jean-Paul for an Call 14116771-2537. International Bartenders School. The price you pay for a movie. 44 Served, as tea 5 Shadow interview 0 408287-0246. EOE. 45 By mouth 6 irritate Sept- - 48 Water bird 7 Coasted on ice 44 "Annabel Lee" SHIPPING/RECEIVING - FT 49 Fox trot 8 Woodworking poet Summer job then flex hours during or waltz tool 45 Al - not in school. Contact Lisa 275-1784. 50 Pale-faced 9 Kind of nut agreement DAILY CLASSIFIED - LOCAL RATES FOR NATIONAL / AGENCY RATES CALL 408-924-3277 52 By way of 10 Mayor artery 46 Drizzles MARKETING COORDINATOR 55 15 is - by 11 Birch 47 Block for National Company expending in 5 or 3 12 Oriental sauce hammering 57 Grinding 15 Movie terrier 48 Cooks By/ Area seeks five professional Print your ad here. Line is 30 spaces, including arid creative individuals for rep/ letters, numbers, punctuation & spaces between words. material 18 District 50 Have - in manager positions. 52-4K/mo 59 Bad 21 Clumsy boat one's bonnet potential. Training and travel mood 23 24-Across. e g 51 Smelting opportunities. 408/255-3094. 60 Page 24 Writer Salon residue ULLILLICICULIULILLILIJULILLILILILILIULLIJUULI 61 wedding-dress 25 Fell on - ears 52 Animal does WORK WITH HIGH FUNCTIONING fabric 26 Singer 53 Tall flower YOUNG CHILD WITH AUTISM!. We ULIDLCQUILIUDUCILIULILIULIUJUULiJULILILILICI 62 Gunn rig Fitzgerald 54 Wnter Rand we boking for tutors to work In our 63 Barre s 27 Feathery w aps 56 Sort home in coreunction with Ben/Moral UUJUIDLIULILIULILUJULIULILILILLILILILLILIJJD 64 Flip (a coin) 28 Paper units 58 Chairman _ Intervention Associates. This is a home based progressive treatment taogram in Los Gatos. Experience/ pULILICILICLILICiLlULILULILICILILICLILLILIJLILiLID &MEM Mini' Mill badrouid in psycholoey, special Nona a ta II 111 education, OT, or speech therapy Ad Rates: 3-line minimum Please check / preferred. Immediate openings. One Two WI II al Three Four Five kidnot one classification: is Wages based on experience. Day Days Days Days Days II al Reese cal Shari IP 40a(350151.51 III 3 lines $5 $7 $9 $11 $13 Irvs 51fte affe _Campus Clubs' _ Rental Housing ii a YMCA OF Santa Clem Valley now 4 lines $6 $6 $10 $12 $14 Greek Messages* Shared Housing' Moo hiring for summer camp staff & bus 5 lines $7 $9 $11 $13 $15 _Events' Real Estate dreams. We offer de Carnes. Thee 6 lines $e $10 $12 $14 $16 .Announcements' _ Services' Camas, Speciality Camps, Sweet Send check or money order to: a wawa Camps Call the $1 for each additional line. __Lost and Found _ Healttv8eauty & much mos!!! Spartan Daily Classifieds il YMCA near )(xi for more infomellon. _Volunteers' _Sports/Theirs' a San Jcee State University Central (San Jose) 4062981717, After the fifth day, rate increases by $1 per drigame _For Sale' _ Insurance FIrst line(25 spaces) set in bold for no extra SanJcee, CA 95192-0149 a a a Nothreat (Cheertino)408-257-7183. _Autos For Sale' _Entertainment' auu Scathreaut (Siralqp) 40837041177, AdlicxiM words available in bold for $3 each II Classified desk is located in Dwight Bentel Hall, Room 209. SaudiVelley (So S1)408-22696= _Computers Etc ' _Travel SEMESTER RATES DouRne: 10:00 am two weekdays before publication Wanted' Tr/tonne Mil Al ads are prepaid. No refunds on canceled ads maid a GET PAID & GET A WOMIOUT1 3-9 lines: $70 10-14 lines: $90 Empoyrnent _Word Processing Roofing CO hiring for F/T summer Rates for carofenAlve publications dates only 15-19 lines: $110 Opportunities _Scholarships a work. Blocks from SJSU. No QUESTIONS? CALL (400) 924-327-7 ilil mid experience necessary. Need hard workers. Call for info: 971-7500. Special student rates available for these classifications. $5.00 for a 3 line ad for 3 days. Ads must be placed in person ill Mil in DBH209, between 10am and 2pm. Student ID required. a TELEMARKETING POSITIONS ii il available. Easy hours. Good "Lost & Found ads an offered free, 3 lines for 3 days, as a service to the campus community. a money. Ask for Mike. 261-1323. id il Ballroom: Dance the night away Wheelchair: Improvements coming 1 wearing a flirty black spaghetti- learn how to dance. I didn't Continued from page The foremost projects for this campus for wheelchair Continued from page 1 strap dress, freshman Kristin know that 'social' meant 'ball- The automatic doors are 1997 to increase access are the access. his trot, tango. Viennese waltz, Peterson was all sophistication. room.' " switched on every morning by interior stairway railings, Balaoro said the money for quickstep, bolero, East Coast It was Peterson's second compe- Palacios and Pe Benito did the custodians before they leave Braille on the buildings and toi- these projects comes from the sit samba, jive, two step, hus- tition after enrolling in the inter- well in the competition, taking and turned off at night by let modifications. California State University sys- tle ;tilt! Vest Coast swing. mediate social dance class at second place in the Silver University Police Department "Sometimes plans change tem's minor capitol outlay fund- -We have a newcomer catego- SJSU last fall. Division for both the cha-cha when it locks the doors, accord- because some students and fac- ing. SJSU received $986,000 for ry for the beginners," said "I signed up thinking that and the East Coast swing. ing to Ramon Balaoro Jr., man- ulty may be in a building that 1997 to 1998, of which Facilities Kit! ii McDowell, ballroom social dance was a hip-hop Dancers weren't the only peo- ager of special projects and safe- needs something," Balaoro said, Development and Operations ia ii club secretary. "We go to class," Peterson said. "I was real ple enjoying the music and danc- ty for Facilities Development referring to students and faculty gets 20 percent ($243,100). He all the beginning classes and try sketchy the first week, then I foIl ing. Jose Martinez, a junior and Operations. with special needs. He said it said his department works close- to .t them to compete or at in love with it." majoring in history and social In July of 1993, SJSU brought depends on the size of the project ly with Schulter and Howard, to Li, ist come and watch." That emotion paid off for science, merely sat on the side- in a consultant to draw up plans and the location to allocate the plan how to use the money. McDowell said the competi- Peterson as she and her partner, lines with a buddy. to do an Americans with money for it. "If we have money left over holt was a success, noting that SJSU alumnus Grant Szalay, "I came to watch my friend Disability Act project for the According to Eddy Howard, a from a project the money goes to participation fully doubled from took a first-place and three sec- Kristin (Peterson)," Martinez school. The consultant estimated disabled student and also the other important projects," last year ond-place awards. said. "I thought it would be what needed to be done on cam- student director for the Balaoro said referring to the Placing first was no easy task For Narisol Pe Benito, an something different to do on a pus to bring the school up to Disability Resource Center, stu- lists of projects. in the second annual competi- SJSU junior majoring in mar- Saturday night, watching ball- compliance with the law. dents with disabilities who need As for Affonso, she will have tion. Ninety seconds was all keting, the highlight of the night room dancing." In 1994 and 1995, Facilities accommodations for a semester to wait until Facilities dancer's had to catch the judge's was the excitement of competi- Martinez, who had enrolled in Development and Operations should take their concerns to the Development and Operations eye a beginning social dance class at began work on the list of repairs Disability Resource Center. puts electric doors for the -There is a very limited "The highlight is the adrena- the beginning of this semester, and installations, bringing SJSU As for SJSU, Howard said he restrooms on the No. 1 priority amount of time I have to look at line rush you feel," Pe Benito but dropped it when he found into compliance. has been in worse places than list. each couple," said Mark Scolieri, said. "You're excited, but scared, out it was ballroom dance, said it who judged the event. "The but you're out there to have fun." was all that he expected and music only plays for about a Pe Benito and her partner more. minute and a half for each Eduardo Palacios have been -There are some really cool Cockroaches: What's bugging SJSU? dance.' for just a little outfits," he said. ballroom dancing page 1 .'\s a professional dance over a year. Both began their Scolieri said ballroom dancing Continued from the ivy to hide in." problem is to dispatch the appro- inst ructor and a ballroom dance foray into the ballroom dance seemed to be making a come- campus to take care of the rat According to SJSU Customer priate crew." ctiiiipttitor for 10 years, Scolieri scene when they enrolled in the back, especially among the problem," Fuyino said. "With all Service Representative Gail Some workers have not knew what he was looking for. beginning social dance class at younger crowd, saying that it the infrastructure disturbing the Hernandez, no one on campus noticed the problem. -The first thing I look for is SJSU. has become popular with teens sewers by replacing them there has reported a problem with "I have yet to see a rat or cock- tinting and technique," Scolieri "I took it because I saw it on and young adults. is more of a cockroach and rat cockroaches or rats. She handles roach," said David Diaz, who is a said "Then I look for presenta- TV" Pe Benito said of her enroll- "I think younger people today problem." all complaints for the Facilities construction person working on tion." ment in the class. "When I saw it are seeing that this is a lot of But not all look to the con- and Maintenance Department. the school infrastructure prob- Scolieri described presenta- on TV I thought, 'Wow, I want to fun," Scolieri said. "It's enjoyable struction as the culprit. "There are two ways I learn lems. tion as how the dancers look as a do that!' " and it's a good way to meet peo- "I haven't seen any," advertis- about pest problems," Hernandez According to Pest Control couple, if they enjoy dancing and Palacios had a different expe- ple." ing major Diane Jennings said. said. "One way is by telephone News, cockroaches are found in if they smile. rience. "I didn't know there was a prob- and another way is by filling out any area that humans might With her blonde hair pulled "For me. it was by accident," lem, but I'm not surprised with a form. The normal procedure inhabit. They prefer dark small hack in a neat chignon and Palacios said. "I took the class to all the food around campus and when there is awareness of a crevices to hang out. These mentors make a Thank You to the faculty and staff mentors who volunteered their time to the Faculty Mentor Program this year. difference. Applied Engineering Education Sciences & Arts Aklhem Al-Manaseer Donna Bender Pictured here with Riuney §abalius (left) of the Foreign Languages Department is Kathy Abriam-Yago Art Diaz Toni Campbell Manijah Rahini (right):7About her mentor Manijah says, "He's given me onfidence in my Stephanie Brooks Mohmed Hambaba Jean Gallagher Heil abilities. He pushed me to apply for a scholarship I didn't think I would get. I got it!" Gordon Burton Don Kirk Rachael Gonzales Gong Chen Kurt McMullin Xiaolu Hu Richard Chung Udeme Ndon Chungsoon Kim Lori Beth Dixon Shui-Hin Pang Kathryn Lindholm Toni Fogarty Anne Ronan Robin Love Julio Garcia Rameshawar Singh Mary McVey Bud Gerstman Kuei-Wu Tsai Susan Meyers Carolyn Glogoski Janet Yates Jean Novak Catherine Gorton Ronald Yeung Rosemary Quinn Cynthia Hart Rosalinda Quintanar Louis Holscher Humanities & Arts Angela Rickford Janet Johnston Alexander Sapiens Amy Killingsworth David Anderson Marsha Speck Irene Lewis Martha Bean Amy Strage Jackye McClure Ten Ann Bengiveno Judith Monahan Laurel Brettell Science 'Map. Edwina Parsons Becky Cooper Heidi Pendleton Marilyn Fogel Care! Boekema Daniel Perales Joseph Frank Natasha Bozovic Students succeed at San Jose State for two important reasons. First, our Jack Quinton Amy Glazer Stephen Branz students are committed to getting an education and becoming contributing Shirley Reekie Courtney Granner Randy Hoopai members of society. Second, our faculty members are committed to creating a Sandra Tozzini Judy Hilliard Brenda Kesler learning environment in which students feel valued and challenged. The Sharon Wahl David Kahn Richard Kubelka Faculty Mentor Program is one of the most important ways for that teaching/ Emily Wughalter Richard Keady Lui Lam learning relationship to thrive. Marian Yoder Robin Lasser Ken MacKay James Yu Carmen Lizardi-Rivera David Matthes My thanks goes out to all those on the San Jose State faculty who have Nancy Markham William Murray participated in this year's Faculty Mentor Program. You are helping to make Bill McCraw Lucy St. Omer San Jose State University the best it can be. Business Anjana Mehta Nakiye Boyacigiller Johanna Movassat In appreciation, Jerome Burstein Patrick Nolan Social Work Bill DeVincenzi Marianina Olcott Jennifer Blackman Stewart Karlinsky Lynn Orlando Daniel Garr Robert L. Caret Patrick Keating Chanh Phan Cobie Harris President Gary Oddou Romey Sabalius Nehanda Imara Arnie Pahler Kaye Sanders Steven Millner Students Evonne Wilson (right) and Araeelis Velasquet-Rivera (Center) are shown here work- Jim Stull Patricia Sanders Dayana Salazar ing with their mentor Arglenda Friday (left) of the Library. In reflecting on what value having Man Yetimyan Linda Sarmecanic Norita Vlach Randall Sexton a mentor ha 3 been for her. Evonne says, "She's always there for me. It makes Me feel like 1111 Barbara Watkins Flor Shea not tossed out there in the system. When I feel like I can't stand it, I go talk to her." Aracelis Social Sciences Fu Tan said that her mentor is someone who is interested in her. "She's been helping.me to get Brian Taylor anybjved and connected. She keeps pushing me itid helping me to feel comfortabk a &1St I so Arlene Asuncion Staff & Donna Thompson alone." Judith Barnes - Rene Trujillo Administration --I 11191 Jane Boyd Constantine Danopoulos Swathi Vanniarajan Vickie Gomez Jan English-Lueck Eran Williams Maria Josue Mia Hoglund-Kettrnann Mako Ushihara Rebecca Malatesta Marie Ray Milleage Wendy Ng Library St. Saffold Bruce Olszewskr Arglenda Friday Donna Ziel Robert Pellegrini Susan Klingberg Ray Lou 0"" 4, Terri Thames Susana Liu Staci Buchwald Linda Valenty Geoffrey Liu Gail Jardine Elizabeth Van Beek Mengxiong Liu Jerome Martin Federico Varona Bernice Redfern Jill Steinberg

fr.:\ fir For more information on how to become a faculty mentor call 924-2522