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Botanical BSBI News Societyot tt. Januarv 2oo7 No. to4 British lsles Edited bv Leander Wolstenholrne & Gwvnn Ellis Close up of Artemisia campestrisssp. muritima at Crymlyn Bunows (1990) All Artemisia photosO J.D. Twibell (seepage 2l ) Prostratelorm of Artemisia campestris ssp. maritima on dunesat Crymlyn Burrows, SouthWales (1990) Papaverhybridum with ripe capsuleinset, A. campestrisssp. maritima on dunesat Wiltshire.Photos O J. Presland(see page l6) BiscanossePlage, SW France(1989) CONTENTS EDtroRrAL...... ................................2Bassia scoparia & Echinochloa crus-gulli DrARy............. .................................2now in Northamptonshire...............B. Lunel' 37 NoTEs Echinochloa crus-galli on roadsides in 'Reporting A Responseto on Local Somerset( 5 & 6)................S.J.Leach 38 Change',................................M. Braithv,uite 3 A Wizard's Weeds'l the poisonous baggage lvfirtuartiarecurva found in Co. Waterford of SoyaBean hul1...............M.Bruithwaite j9 -P R Gret:n4 Boringdon Park - Alien Invasion..D. Fenwic:k 39 ui,,'",,ii.niiiii)";i;ii;bil p Discovery of Pteris multifrda Poir. in Bath S. Pilkington 4 ..H.J. Crouch & F. Rumsey 42 Subspeciesof Ranunculusficaria.....A. Shov'ler 5 Senctio inuequidens,variation in leaftypes Is proliferationproliferating'?............A. Hanruth 5 ..|V. llilcor 14 Le af Phenology: Which plants are Dittrichiu sraveolens a new roadside colonist wintergreen?.... ......J.Polund 6 in S. Hints (v.c. I I ). M Rond & S.J. Leach 45 Settccioy/.scosus........... ...................... M. Wi Icox 6 Another new crop plant in Britarn, Vein Words: venation for verification Solunum sisymbriifoliunt Lam.. M. SanJbrd 17 .....J.Polancl 7 REQUESTS& OFFERS Looking for hybrids with Rumex pulcher AquaticPIants............... ................... M. ll/ilcor 50 in Co. Wexford .P.R. Green l0 Mistletoeplants in Ireland............6.C.Nelson 50 Keepingrecords............. ..................J. Combes \l Plant Amnesty. .........J.Poland 50 Herbarium of E. Robson I 763- I ttI 3 Hosts of semi-parasites........................ E. Pratt 5 | at SunderlandMuscunr.... ........... M. I ,.t,all 11 Gofynne SeedList 2001......................A. Shaw 5l User for 9rasses............. ..E.Rich 13 Seedstiom Warc 2006-2001..........G. Hanson 5l What to do with plant records FrELD lv.EErrNG REPoRrs - 2006 - ideasfronr Wiltshire..............J.Presland t4 MagdalenHill Down (v.c. 12)..........1Poland 52 Colour-blindBo1anists....,,.,.............. .7. Paine l8 LangtonMatravers (v.c. 9)..................E.Pratt 52 A six metre Phrugmites aerial stem...-/. Oliyr,r' 18 Soutlrernscales(v.c. 64)...-................ P. Ashton 53 The Vascular Plant Red Data Lisl fbr Great Jersey(v.c. 113)................. .A. Marshull, et al. 54 Britain: Year 1 Amendments......5.J.Leach l9 Gairloch (v.c. 105)....J. Mclntosh & J. Fenbn 57 On llre status of Artemisitr t'ompe.stris Mynydd Cilan (v.c. 49)...............8/.McCarth.t' 58 ssp.mctritima as a native.........J.D. Twifull 2T Maltby Low & Far Commons (v.c. 6l) Galeopsis hifi,la and G. tetrahit: D. Dupree & D. Brookman 59 some interesting observations... .M. Smith .A Birkdale Dunes (v.c. 59)....D. Earl & P. Smith 60 Further thoughts on the flora ofthe Kirkcudbrightshire (v.c. 73r Islesof Scilly... .R.Parslott, 1A .....C.O'Reilly & B. Wilson 6I Known and unexpectedmicroscopy Bryn Euryn (v.c. 50)....................J.A. Green 62 findings in Ca|1itricha...................J.Ol iver 25 S. Hanis (v.c. 110)....P.Smith & R. Ptrnkhurst 63 SttgittLtrrutrilintrz on roadside verges Salen.Mull (v.c. l0-i) ......................L.Fttrrell 64 .A.C.L,'.tlit 25 CleeveComrnon (v.c. 33)-.....C'.& llt. Kitchen 66 2-5 whorl radially symmetricalpolystachions Borrorvdale(v.c. 70)...........................P. Owen 67 and other variants in Ecluisetum Llyn Grvngu(v.c. 46)........... ............A. Chater 68 polu.ttre populations--....................J. OI it,er 26 LossieForest (v.c. 95)...-.................J. trlttst:ott 68 Orange-trunked trees in Savernake Solutionto crossword,pages 34-35...................... -69 Forest...... ....J. Oliver 28 BooK NorEs.. ........D.Pearman 7O Botany in Literature 43 Book ReviewsEditor wanted.........M.Sanford 70 l-1.G.Wells' Strange Orchid Wild Flower Kev 2"d Edition: corrigenda Triffidian parallels - A wife-eating and addenda.Jan.2001 .............C. O'Reill,v 7 | plant ...................................M.8.Souchier 29 Good homes neededfor BSBI journals Botany in Literature - 44 .. .. .......PA. Lrt16l,trtr171 an episcopal contribution to instantly Requestfbr BSBI Journals.............M. ,l4urph.v73 fbrgettablebotanical verse ......f.C'. Nelson 3l OBITUARyNoT8S............. ................. ll1.Brigg.s 73 BotanicalCrossword No. 7...............Crut:iadq 34 ARcHtvrsr No'rEs............................. lVI. Briggs 73 ALIENS Rf,CORDERSAND RECORDING Jrtglutt r nigra in \orfo1k............ A. Bull 35 Panel ofReferees and Specialists Glycerio c:anutlensis in Dumbarton J. Mit(hell 36 Abyssinian Mustard, a naturaliscd crop? Pu'.i;ivi;;-.;,,;;; ;;;;;J";,'o',1!"# iii lX ......................M.Bruithtroitt, 36 u':: ulT ":::I:l .::llllY,:::::i::' "t'rl.n,,,, n u Cover picture Carthamus tinctoria in Boringdon Park (v.c. 3). Photo D. Fenwick O 2006 (seepage 39) Editorial/ Diarv NOTES FROM THE OFFICERS STOPPRESS From the Hon. General Secretary..D Pearntan 15 More on the rise and fall of Veronica -'Director' '76 Executivesummary post.......... /il ilbrmis.................................R.M. Henson 79 From the Scottish Officer .............J.Mt:lntosh 11 Deadline for .BSBINews I 05.................................1 9 '78 Coordinator'sCorner............. .........A. Lockton ADMINIS.I.RATION& IMPoRTANTADDRESSES....8O Editorial LEANDERWolsrrNnolME & GwyNN ELLIS Receiving Editor BSBI News Faith wonders if any member can decipher what 'unable I am delighted to report that Trevor James,v.c. is meant by a plant which is to be Recorder for Herts. has agreed to take over as classified in any botanical category', or perhaps Receiving Editor of BSBI News when Leander someone has purchased the novelty and can relinquishes the post after the April issue. enlighten us ? Trevor will be retiring from his job in Septem- BSBI Conference Report No. 25, Cunent ber and that is when he will be able to take over Taxonomic Research on the Briti.\h & European completely. We are still discussing the gap Flora was finally published in November 2006. between April and September and hope to be All members who placed a pre-publication able to give details of what action to take during order should have rcceived their copy by now. lhc intcrregnumin the next issue. lf you haven't, pleasecontact mc. In the meantime for the next (April) issue please continue to send yor"rrcontributions to New edition of the Sedge Handbook - see Leander who will processwhat he can and send page 75 for an update on progress them on to me. Where are they now? The following fully Congratulations to Marjorie Netta Blamey paid up members have moved without letting us awarded an MBE in the New Years honours list. know their new addresses.Any help in tracing Although not a member, she will be well known them would be rnuch appreciated. My thanks to to many as the illustrator of many books on the those who respondedto the list in the last Ner.r,s, wild flowers of Britain & Europe. as a result some members have been traced and removed from the list but several remain and a Apologies to Eric Chicken for stupidly forget- few more have been added ting to include his drawing of Senecio inaequi- 62285 Mr P Cannon,I CoorrbeRise, Shenfield, dens leaf lobing in the last issue. This can be Essex.CMl5 SJJ found on page 41. 1,8166 Mr D E GreenFLS,297 Bloomfield Road, Faith Anstey has sent a fascinating clipping Bath,Somerset, BA2 2PB 63111 Mrs R F L Hamilton, The Old House, from a copy of a salesbrochure from The Times'. 'A Hitcham,lpswich, Suffolk, IP7 7NN botanical wonder of nature found on the 88144 Miss L Hutchby,8 BullingtonEnd Road. ocean bed, the "Neptune" plant is a wonder Castlethorpe,Milton Keynes,Bucks, MKl9 7ER of nature. Unable to be classified in any 93512 Mr R Kennedy,I t EdmundStreet, Walsden, botanical category. [Faith's emphasis] it Todmorden.OLl4 7ST retain's its luminous green hue for years 98344 Ms M R W Morris, Dysertmore,Via without watering. A natural repellant, it Mullinavat.Co. Kilkenny,Ireland - emits fiagrant secretionswhich drive insects 99626 Mr & Mrs Penfield,2 Croftside,York, YO26 away, especiallyflies.' 5LT 35032- Mr J A Wild,05130 Sigoyer, France Diary N.B. Thescdates are often supplementary to thosein the2007 Calendar in BSBI YearBook 2007 anc) includeprovisional dates of the BSBI's PermanentWorking Committees. PermanentWorking Committees 17 Feb Committeefor Wales,Aberystwyth 24 Jan Records Committee, London 28 Feb ExecutiveCommittce. London 7 Feb Meetings Committee, London 3 Mar ScottishCommittee 8 Feb Publications Committee, London l4 Mar CouncilMeeting, London l4 Feb Training& Education 14-16Sept Recorders' Confcrcnce, Shrewsbury 'Reporting Notes- Responseto on Local Change A Responseto sReportingon Local Change',John Presland,BSBI lYews103: 16-18 MtcHeEI- BRAITHwAITE,Clarilav', IIawick, Roxburgh,shireTD9 8PT I respond to John Presland's article as the one of page 359 of the report: here it can be seen that the authors of Change in the British Flora I987- the regressionline that defines the adjustmentis 2004 who had primary responsibility for the almost br-rtnot quite horizontal. John Presland's rnathematical