from Drops of Memory and wisdom pills. For the governance of local police Publisher: Cacucci - Year edition: 2013


by Antonio Cavallo


There is no real historiography on the Italian Municipal Police, nor any organic attempt by historians of the city institutions on this type of basic elementary Police. There is certainly an avalanche of documents together with many isolated analyzes of municipal experiences, but there is no single reference text for those who wish to deal with our world in the "whole" ancient, modern and current, buried under centuries of lives always separate and often conflicting, one against the other.

We live, therefore, surrounded by many stories of municipal police, written as "drops of autonomy" by men obliged, as a category, to wear the dress and clothes prescribed by the period dominus and who would have visually identified them for the streets of cities by virtue of rules and legal norms enforced in their own state or city.

Difficulties and discomfort strongly felt also by the writer for not being able to enjoy the opportunity for consultation and analysis of the many city Acts and Statutes deposited in the glorious Municipal and State Archives, especially in those of the North, more sensitive to the culture of the formation of the power and municipal law.

I hope that the lack of such luck could justify the present reckless attempt to put together our specific draft of history to be written together, in fieri, and proposed as a "maximum" methodology, to be implemented, gradually, with the precious participatory contribution of the many very valid colleagues operating in the varied socio-cultural realities of our country.


The origins of the Municipal Police have their roots in ancient Roman history and in the new principles of the Republican Constitution of 1948.

The "municipal" adjective refers to the Municipius, the Roman city inhabited by the municipes, that is, by those who participate in public charges and related honors (munus capere).

The constituent nucleus of the current Municipal Police is a reproduction of the ancient Roman legal institutions, surviving, mutatis mutandis, over two thousand and five hundred years of history.

The Urban Brigade, in fact, were born in the year 493 BC, of the vulgar era, in Rome, with the establishment of the Plebeian Brigade, guardians of the Temple of Ceres, at the foot of the Aventine, where the "plebis scita" were deposited (rules voted on the initiative of the tribunes) and the plebs case.

In 367 BC, in the climate of internal pacification, they were added to the Curili Patricians, of patrician extraction, who alternated from year to year with the plebeians: both categories were assigned special tasks in the field of urban police, document surveillance preserved in the state archive (tabularium), in the control of city streets, buildings and public buildings, the market (annonari) and prices, in the repression of fraud in trade, in the verification of weights and measures, with the consequent incrimination of those who transgressed the rules contained in the specific Edicts and Regulations, through two judicial proceedings (actiones aediliciae), intended to guarantee against any concealment and manipulation. Julius Caesar formed a special nucleus of "vigilant cereals", plebeians, with the task of supervising the city's food supply. The Roman policeman, say the documents of the monarchic, republican and imperial period, had a fundamental role as a pubblicus minister, minister of city life, sacred primitive seal of Roman times, guardian of the city order, curator of urban security and the normal course of life social.

Memorable the Edict of Emperor Tiberius on the "traffic police" for the nocturnal control of noisy wagons, and their strong development under the emperor Caesar Augustus (29 after Christ), who came to recruit up to 5 cohorts, serving as extinguish also fires, the common thread, the latter, which has developed up to our times. The Cohortes, were made up of two distinct supervisory bodies, with equal noble dignity, one of which had to maintain order at night under the orders of the Praefectus Vigilum and the other had to defend the city walls from external attacks, orders of the Praefectus Urbis. The units of the Cohortes were not made up of soldiers, but only carried out their functions within the city and in the interest of the same, to protect respect for public order and the rules of civil coexistence. With the reforms of Constantine, in 312 AD, the Praefectus Vigilum came under the jurisdiction of the Praefectus Urbis. The current Municipal Police proudly claims these historical roots, which every day undertakes to revive as a "proximity police", with the civil spirit of the Roman "pietas", a harmonious blend of community uniqueness between the Senate and the People, between the elite and the people: Senatus Popolusque Romanus. The eternity of this civilization seals the fate of the Municipal Police, its future and its present shoulder, suited to the archaic appeal of this social identity, of what has remained great after the many barbarian invasions, in the wake of a bright tradition that does not it may end, under penalty of a return to obscurantistic historical misadventures of regression and interinstitutional confusion.

This original defining nucleus accompanies the evolution-involution of this peculiar institutional figure, who grew up in the shadow of the local bell tower, to whom the function of controlling the rules governing community life is delegated at all times, with the most imaginative denominations , but always present on the territory, in a mother-child relationship, for the keeping of the community organized in law. During the feudal period, through the institution of the investiture, the most varied and imaginative local experiences are lived, many of which speak of concessions, at will, of powers held by baronial, ducal, Bagliva officers, having "all the honors "and all faculties, due to the privilege" vices et voces nostras cum gladii potestate ".

It regains its ancient splendor when, with the revival of the Italian economy and with the contemporary weakening of the Imperial Authority, medieval Municipalities are formed immediately after the year 1000, which give citizens a profound sense of belonging to a specific community. We cannot fail to recall the constant commitment of Frederick II of Swabia to limit the growing city Autonomies, the basis of the common identity, which aspire to the function of "self-government" through municipal libertates, defended by the close collaborators of the local podestà on various fronts. When the mayor of , Pietro Tiepolo, Head of the coalition-faction of the Municipalities of , defeated (1237) in the massacre of Cortenuova, parades prisoner in chains through the streets of Milan together with the Carroccio, symbol of libertates, of citizen patriotism, together with the Head, the defensores libertatum also parade, becoming increasingly secular and rebellious, ever more numerous as Europe opens its cities and its schools to a "new knowledge", to a changing vision of the natural and ethical world the style of individual and collective life, to new masters who teach "with new ways and new reasons" "new disciplines" cosmopolitan (Arab cultural revolution). The era of the medieval Municipalities, in which the functions of protecting public order are entrusted to a special appointee called "Bargello", is definitively closed. With the growth of the Municipalities and up to the 16th century, the numerous local self-governing bodies have parliamentary administrations and feel the need to establish real militias, with all the powers in the territory under their jurisdiction.

The first traces of civic formations of defense and social order are found in the establishment of the "College of the Lords of the night", founded in 1274 by the Republic of Venice, with night surveillance functions to combat crime and prostitution and in the establishment of a "Civic defensive core of the Civich" in Turin, in 1360.

In the period of the Lordships, and throughout the eighteenth century, there were the presence of city, municipal and civic militias, grouped according to a hierarchical order, with institutional tasks of defense of the cities and their internal order.

And this matrix of defensive organization is found at the origin of the formation of the regular Armies and the constitution of the same current Forces of the Order of the State.


In the city of Aosta, of Savoyard culture, the constitution of the "municipal guards", dating back to 1776, destined to constitute the first original nucleus of the modern Police of the Municipalities is proven.

At the beginning of the 19th century, many new ideas and institutions entered Italy, especially in the South, brought by French troops, messengers of many innovations produced, in that period, in their country. One of these is the almost total modification of the administrative systems of the Municipalities, where "Civic Guards" are established for the defense of the State, for the Regolamento Aosta (REGLEMENT) maintenance of order and obedience to the laws, for the protection of people and property. .

In the Kingdom of Naples, following the abolition of feudalism (Law 2 August 1806), many jurisdictions and rights held by feudal lords pass into the competence of the Universities (Municipalities and Corporations), so the protagonists of public life begin to be the citizens themselves , who elect, on royal indications, Mayors and Elected (Commanders).

The law 12.12.1816 establishes, for the first time, the powers of the Mayor and the First Elected in matters of urban and rural police. French Enlightenment inspiration are the articles 57 "The Mayor of each Municipality in which the Justice of Peace does not reside exercises the judicial police and is covered by local jurisdiction (urban police and rural police fines, dichotomous competence peculiar to Bourbon culture) and 58 "The First Elected is the intermediary of the Mayor, mainly in charge of the Urban and Rural Police, who manages according to the laws and regulations, just the instructions that will be given to him by the Council of Decurions. He will act on all police fines and cause punishment before the competent judge; it exercises the public ministry, both with the Justice of the Peace and with the Mayor, and may, in the event of a flagrant violation of the Urban Police, impose and collect the fines prescribed by the relative regulation; it is the duty to keep in the municipal chancellery an exact register of the fines and fines applied "otherwise any fine collection will be considered as arbitrary". His appointment is reserved to the competence of the Intendant of the Province who, in turn, after having asked the Mayor of the Municipality concerned for a set of respectable and reliable people, chooses the name that best meets the Crown's requirements and expectations. As urban chief, he is personally responsible for the service and weapons in endowment, and in case of his absence or impediment, is replaced by a sub-chief. Both obtain from the King the faculty to belt the saber, instead of the cangiaro (species of dagger), which can also lead outside the area of the Municipality of residence. They wear a blue jacket with a red collar, adorned on the flap by two silver French lilies (one ounce and three lines high for the Heads and one ounce for the Heads. They wear a pinned hat, decorated with a red cockade and also get to be able to make use of "giambera and frak", with real clarification to avoid abuse and "that nobody (for the uniform) should be made military mount".

Having abandoned the oral tradition, the first real urban and rural police regulations were written in this period, collected in organic texts, containing activities limiting citizens' rights. It is time for the drafting of the first Regulations - such as, "to ensure a certain uniformity": the Municipal Police care for the preservation of tranquility and internal public order, the Rural Police protect the health, safety and safekeeping of the countryside and animals, while the administrative police take care of the publication of the regulations of the two bodies, together with their judicial execution. These new civic institutions, proportionate in composition to the number of inhabitants, are chosen among honest personalities, under the responsibility of their respective mayors, with the obligation to compete with the strength of the other municipalities to achieve the same objectives In Parma, an ancient golden city, the first fully Il Decreto Sovrano di Maria autonomous municipality since 1087, which rose to Luigia, Principessa Imperiale, Renaissance splendor, the first city of Italy to acquire per la Grazia di Dio, di Parma, (1500) a state archive, on April 30, 1821 with a Piacenza e Guastalia, riguardante l’Amministrazione sovereign decree countersigned by the Archduchess dei Comuni dipendenti of Austria, Maria Luigia, the "municipal guards" are born.

In Cava dè Tirreni, on 7 April 1827, the King of Naples, Francesco 1 °, with a special decree, ordered that a Corps be established in the locality of his Realm. But of the City Police Corps, also called "National Guard", in the similitude of the National Guards of Paris, we begin to speak all over Italy. In 1852, in Pisa, we find first traces of Local Police in Grand Duchy of Tuscany, in 1853 in Genoa when the Corps of Guards M was established


After the annexation of the southern provinces to the Kingdom of Sardinia - proclaimed "of Italy" in the first session of the new National Parliament, held in Turin on 8 February 1861, many municipal councils from all over Italy begin to a d a p t t h e c i t y administration to Unitary i n s t i t u t i o n s a n d , i n application of the Sardinian Corpo dei vigili di Parma agli inizi del ‘900 municipal and provincial law n. 3702 of 23 October 1859, deliberate the formation of squads and Corps of Municipal Guards, with the task of preventing and repressing crimes, enforcing the regulations and ordinances of the urban police, hygiene and public health, building authorities, and to wait for the fulfillment of all the assignments, of local interest, entrusted to the PS agents, to which they are equated ex art. 261 of the Italian Criminal Code - The State Police is employed in the safeguard of public order in the Cities, in the protection of people and their goods and, in the South, in the fight against brigandage and widespread crime. Towards the end of the century, following the gradual emptying of functions, the Municipal Guards turned into local police, who were mainly responsible for supervising the correct observance of the municipal regulations and began to call themselves City Police. In the unitary state, the important function of the urban police, an institution that evolves its role in step with the needs of the people and with speed that changes from one Region to another, was politically disregarded. T h e c e n t r a l i z i n g s t a t e , pregnant with fears and jealousies, certainly did not think of extolling the local a u t o n o m i e s , w h i c h i t considered a disruptive element of national unity, Martina Franca, 1925: Corpo delle Guardie Campestri Comunali painstakingly achieved. The political-administrative decentralization process is still far away. In 1887, the President of the Council of Ministers, Francesco Crispi, complained, in contrast to the Mayors, with a draft law of the scarce contribution to Public Security offered by the Municipal Councils.

In the years preceding the First World War, the Municipal Guards Corps reached a remarkable level of efficiency, with a leading role in every sector of city life. The Urban Police Corps of Italy responded to the general appeal of the defense of the Fatherland during the First World War, and especially during the Second World War. Out of a total of 1600 units, 746 were recalled throughout 30 October 1945, divided as follows: Army 688, Navy 37, Aviation 21, Fallen in war 11, Missing 9, held in arms 27, Mutilated 14, Wounded 57, Decorated at military value 6 (CROCEVIA, February 46 n.2). In the 1930s the complexity of the tasks entrusted to the City Police, organized differently according to the various local realities, led the municipal administrations to expand the staff of the armed bodies, renewing armament and uniforms, adapted to the growing prestige of the cities.

The T.U. of the municipal and provincial law of 1934, which governs municipal staff, confers on municipalities the right-duty to establish local Bari 1930: il Corpo dei Vigili Urbani police services to satisfy citizens' interests, with internal organization and legal status remitted, almost entirely, to the discretion of the administrations .

The legal position of the Municipal Guards always gives rise to perplexities and disagreements, in doctrine and in jurisprudence: even if constituted in regularly recognized bodies, they are assimilated to the category of wage earners, until most of the municipalities take care of including them in a separate category, called "agents", legally and economically equivalent to that of employees (Council of State, decisions of 22.2.1952 and 3.7.1954


On January 1, 1948, the Constitution of the Italian Republic was promulgated which, recognizing the Local Autonomies, entrusted them with the fate of the Municipal Guards, and art.117 also referred to the legislative competence of the Region as the then nebulous theme of the local Police, provided the rules themselves do not conflict with the general interest and that of the other Regions. Times are pressing, social and cultural evolution is becoming more and more important, construction is booming, the economy reaches miracle levels: In no other police force, school tasks are subject to rapid variations such as takes place for the municipal police struggling with problems imposed by new habits and living systems of our cities: just think of the rapid increase in motorisation that has radically revolutionized the activities of the community. It is urgent to increase the organic strength of the Corps: the criterion, established in 1950 by the control bodies, of 1 policeman per thousand inhabitants, has never been considered valid even to ensure the viability services. The guardianship bodies, always concerned about containing them excessive expenses of the Municipalities, have in fact limited the action of the Roma 1947: Istituzione del C o r p s , i n s p i t e o f t h e d e v e l o p m e n t o f servizio decentralization foreseen by the Constitution. su pedana in Via dei Fori Imperiali


In Rome, the Urban Police, called "pizzardoni", put the "jeeps" of the Allies in the cellar, proceed to the reconstruction of the Corps, dissolved and replaced, during the fascist period, by the "Metropolitans", belonging to the P.S. - Their ascent w a s s w i f t , s u p p o r t e d b y t h e enlightened Command of General Mario Tobia, who wanted and built, up to the ultimate sacrifice of life, a Vigilant Corps worthy of Rome. Luglio'49: aggiornamento dell'uniforme con giubba The prestigious music band repents aperta, their flagship. In October 1949 the sostituzione dei numeretti sul colletto con la placca fi r s t i s s u e o f t h e m a g a z i n e sulla giacca, abolizione dello sfollagente e modifica della foggia del "Semaforo" was released and the berretto. Rome police were immortalized by Alberto Sordi's cinematographic literature.

During the Holy Year of the 1950s, they deserve the esteem of citizenship and the national press defines them as "the Army of courtesy, Butlers of the City ". 200 American newspapers of the" chain "of the New York Journal American publish a broad report on the tasks they carried out on the occasion of the Holy Year and ample importance is given to the interpreting police, set up for the great jubilee event.

In March '52, at the Pantin Stadium in Paris, the representative of the Parisian Police prevailed over that of the Roman Brigade 2-1, the Commander Tobia and the Major Assistant in 1, Cap. Francesco Andreotti, were appointed honorary officers of the " City of New York Police ". In '53, a representative of the Roman Brigade, led by Lt. Prof. Alberto De Rossi, participated in the 1st International Traffic Conference in Munich (called "Parliament against death"), where the Vigilant Ladislao Coss directs the traffic in the city streets, and the following year Prof. De Rossi himself p a r t i c i p a t e s i n t h e U n i t e d S t a t e s , w i t h representatives of 11 European countries, in a Mission promoted by the OECE for the study of Engineering and Traffic Control problems.

In Merano, on the initiative of Commander Bruno Festa e simpatia alla Befana Balducci, he was born del vigile urbano "Crocevia", the first national traffic police magazine, then passed to Verona, under the skillful direction of the Commander of the Corps, Dante Compri. In Venice, in '54, the 1st National Congress for the fight against noise was held. In Florence, in '56, the 1st National Convention of the Commanders of the Italian Traffic Police was organized.

In Naples, in February '57, with the happy intuition of the Neapolitan colleagues, including Elio Draetta, the Italian Section of the International Police Association (IPA) was established, the Academy of Friendship which, under the motto "Servo per Amikeco", penta an effective moral and professional glue for the aggregation, evolution and integration of the category with the Police Forces: National San Sebastiano, President is elected Adolfo Piatti, Commander of Patrono dei Vigili Urbani the Corps of the Urban Police of Naples, a man of (Piero della Francesca culture. Pinacoteca S.Sepolcro)

In Rome, on May 12th '57, the National Urban Police Gathering was organized, then received in Vatican by S.S. Pius XII, who proclaims the Christian martyr San Sebastiano celestial patron of the Italian traffic police. Gaetano Platania, of the P.R. Office, repents the faithful and diligent chronicler of the life of the Corps.

On 1 July '59, preceded by a broad propaganda action carried out by the media, newspapers, cinema, radio and television, the new Highway Code came into force.

During the Games of the XVII Olympiad of the '60 a Roman newspaper writes that the Brigade won the Gold Medal of sympathy, making themselves an honor as an "authentic municipal institution".

On August 10, '61, S.S. Giovanni XXIII blesses Castelgandolfo in the motion picture cameras participating in the campaign for the propaganda of the rules of the Highway Code. In Turin, the "Civich" organized the "Crocevia" football trophy and the Commander Gaspardo Moro, in September '61, brought together the Traffic Agents of the European Community countries in the city.

In the wake of the Savoy tradition, the Civich, then guided by the unforgettable Commander Francesco Beyrout, luglio 1959: il Galletta, will professionally manage the problems Magg. Duilio Liberati di Roma arising from the immense urban development of the viene ricevuto dal Presidente city. della Repubblica del Libano, Fonard Chaib In Alexandria, on 23 July '62, the "1st Rallje Madonnina dei Centauri" takes place.

In Milan, the "cast iron" celebrate the "Month of Milan", enter the schools to teach civic and street education, growing professionally under the high moral guidance of the Commander, Avv. Stefano Pastorino, prestigious figure of the Resistance, guarantor of a efficient organization of the Corps, Vigili Urbani in alta uniforma which will regret an example and model to be di scorta alla Fiaccola Olimpica imitated by many other Italian bodies. In Verona, in '63, the 1st National Conference of the Councilors for Urban and Traffic Police was inaugurated: the Commander of the Body of Bari, Mario De Leo, reported on the need for a School for the Brigade, at regional level, then built in Puglia , at the first birth of the Regional Institute and Ten.Col. Ivo Mangiacapra proposes to adhere to the drafting of a standard Regulation which, without compromising the AA.LL., makes certain provisions uniform for all Italian Police. Milano - I Ghisa

In Salerno, on February 24, 1963, the 1st National Convention of the Municipal Police was organized and a Committee was created to set up a National Association of Urban Police.

In Rome, at the Hilton Hotel, the Rome Chroniclers Union, on 23 December 1963, awarded the gold medal to the Commander, General Umberto Sacchetti, with the following motivation "In the multiple activities entrusted to the Corps, your guide is the example and spur for all employees, whose merits are reflected and summarized in the Commander's tireless work ". Il vigile scelto romano Bruno In Paris, in the Palazzo dell'U.N.E.S.C.O., In June Turrini 1965, Col. Francesco Andreotti, Vice. Commander dirige il traffico a Toronto. of the Corps of Rome, who in Oslo was awarded by the Rector dr. Eickeird of the "honorary" degree in social sciences of the University of London, reports to the V International Congress of Traffic Police on "Usefulness of a Public Relations body in Traffic Police services"

In medium and large cities, crossed by an increasingly convulsive life due to the increase in traffic, the policeman carves out his own prestigious role with a qualifying presence in the neighborhoods, where he ensures a "human dimension" of his service.

But it is necessary to refine more and more the preparation on the Il Comandante Rossi con il Comandante di Genova, fi e l d , a n d n o t o n l y i n t h e Angelo Carante (a s.) p ro f e s s i o n a l s u b j e c t s : t h e policeman, defined as "the business card of the city", also requires the skills of social educator, psychologist, sociologist. The need to broaden his knowledge horizons is spreading, and above all of those many isolated colleagues in small municipalities, struggling with poor and confused legal tools to evolve their institutional tasks, to defend their personality against bureaucracy municipal, on which they depend. In many small towns, tourist resorts on Sunday many of those people pour out, so the only policeman is forced to provide up to 12 hours of service a day!

In Gardone Riviera, on 5.10.'74, the President of the Provincial Association of the Brescia Brigade, Italian-Libyan Commander Rossi, celebrates the XI Conference with a report given by the prestigious Commander of the Corps of Genoa, Angelo Carante.

In this period, the Sports Association of the Municipal Police of Italy was established, which coordinates the various activities carried out by the Sports Groups on a national and international level (A.N.S.P.M.I.). President is elected, with great sympathy, Aldo Giannoli, Officer of the Corps of Rome, which will be succeeded by the Commander of the Corps of Florence, Vincenzo Recchi who, inserted authoritatively in the international context, he will reach the top of the European Police.

Press officer of the Association will be a brilliant Palermo Corps Officer, Nino Micale, journalist.

In a process of commendable emulations and in a context of changed and multiple new needs, Study Conferences are organized in many Municipalities of Italy: the "Study Days for Commanders and Officers of the Urban Police ", promoted by the Municipality of Viareggio and masterfully organized by the Commander Potito Iascone. TOWARDS THE FIRST UNIT LEGISLATION

And in Viareggio, on April 4, 1974, the National Association of Municipal Police Officers and Officers (A.N.C.U.P.M.) was established with the aim of promoting the technical-professional level of the Corps of P..M. and to establish links with the various Authorities.

Acclaimed President is the Commander of the Corps of the Urban Vigilants of Rome, General Francesco Andreotti, V. International President of the I.P.A, teacher of "Public Relations", ambassador and charismatic figure of the Urban Police at world level, tutelary deity of the Category. Secretary General is Commander Potito Iascone, Treasurer is Felice Serra, Commander of the Corps of Fr..M. of Grosseto.

Other members are qualified Commander of the Corps of P..M. Fiuggi ottobre '74: Giornata di studio sul turismo e of: Florence, Cleto Graziani, lotta ai rumori Palermo, Leonardo Greco, Genoa, Angelo Carante, Bologna Giovanni Romanò, Como, Giovanni Caminiti, Verona, Dante Compri, Montecatini Terme, Giuseppe Terreni, Cava dè Tirreni, Eraldo Petrillo, Siena, Mario Bastianini. In Fiuggi, on October 5 '74, the Commanders and Officers of the PM Corps of Lazio met for a Study Day, including Francesco Andreotti (Rome), U. Segneri (Frosinone), Antonio Ramaglia (Latina), Camillo Carafogli with cap. Alfredo Trinchi (Rieti), Matteucci (Viterbo) and colleagues from other Italian cities.

In Conversano di Bari, organized by Commander Nino Vavalle, a meeting - debate is held, with President Andreotti and the Praetor of Bari, dr. Vincenzo Binetti, who reports on the role of the policeman, "one and three"

In December '75 the first overall test of the Category was recorded: the national gathering in Rome for the Holy Year, in the beautiful Aula Nervi, organized, Il Generale Francesco Andreotti on the initiative of Commander Andreotti, by the consegna al Papa Paolo VI three Associations, A.N.C.U.P.M., A.N.S.P.M., I.P.A. una targa con la medaglia del raduno There are 1500 traffic police, from 16 Italian regions and the Republic of San Marino. A delegation is received by the President of the Spagnolli Senate, who expresses his sympathy for their work, carried out amid "many difficulties, but also among the grateful appreciation of citizenship". Official spokesman of the Association, recognized as a member of the International Federation of Higher Police Officers, repents the newly created National Magazine "Il Vigile Urbano", edited by Manlio Maggioli, in Santarcangelo di Romagna, directed by a high Magistrate of the Court of Appeal of Venice, Nicola Cipriani, under whose precious direction, moral and professional, professional prints and publications are developing, and the great family of the Italian Traffic Police still grows, almost thirty years later. The financial slowdown imposed by Rome on Local Authorities sees the Urban Police, framed in the lower municipal contractual levels, called to collaborate, against the increase in common and political crime, to colleagues of the State Police, who enjoy more service allowances, including that of PS (110 thousand lire monthly minimum) also claimed by the Brigade. This economic claim, combined with the problem of functional qualifications, will affect all national operating environments across the board.

The first evolutionary interpreter of this discomfort dr. Leonardo Rinella, Magistrate of the Court of Bari, who, referring to Viareggio, urges the Category to increase their judicial police activity in defense of the institutions, attacked by terrorism.

The Italian traffic police, exposed on the front lines on the streets, do not fail in their institutional duties and the strategy of terrorist actions also targets men of urban surveillance and their organizations. Bombs are launched against headquarters of our Commanders, isolated policemen are disarmed, attacked and killed: in Pioltello, in February 1976 Renato Stucchi falls, in Milan, in March, Vincenzo Ugga is killed, in Paderno Mugnano, in January 1977 , the young existence of the traffic policeman Paolo Ruggieri is cut off, in Rome, in May 1977, Carlo Renzaglia is shot while checking the driving documents. The social climate is saturated with tensions. Some municipal administrations believe they can disarm their own brigades and rage controversy over the armament and qualifications of P.G. and P.S., which partisan trade unionists want to abandon.

In Italy, the Hon. Enea Cerquetti, the Municipal Police "is forced to substitute the State Police: over 8,000 Mayors are local PS authorities, of which 4,000 are also PS and PG officers due to the lack of non-commissioned officers, and mayors and municipal guards are the most widespread police network, not only for local functions ".

Many prefects and Quaestors, as well as numerous magistrates, exploit the legal qualifications of the police to deduce hierarchical dependencies lost from the reality of the law, to the point of creating, abusively, confusion about the existence of the same right to strike for the city police. Therefore, there is an urgent need for clarification by the Legislator to dispel fearful fears of militarization of the P..M. Corps, to clarify their functions, without tampering with or eliminating fundamental qualifications of power-duty, which the Brigade needs to the correct completion of their daily work. And discontent and confusion are the basis of the so-called "identity crisis" of the Urban Police, flat and lost by the ambiguity of the legislative dictation (so that a City Commander, despite having a law degree, can validly seize an obsessive speaker in a shop central, it is necessary to contact a non- commissioned officer of the State Police), from the lost existing conceptions on the attributions and qualifications (sheriffs, hawks, doves, whites, reds), both within the same Administrations (some grant the PS allowance, most not), both in the trade union sector (mostly always prevented by the police) and in the same family of the police (variety of attitudes, peaks of qualunquismo, poor unity of action). THE CENSUS OF BODIES

While the Commander of the Body of Bari, Leopoldo Patruno, organizes a conference on Public Relations in the Council Chamber of the Municipality of Bari, the general Francesco Andreotti, the ANCUPM, in agreement with our magazine "Il Vigile Urbano", on assignment of the Ministry of the Interior, proceeds to know the local situations of the staff of the Brigade, whether or not classified in Corps, an important historical event, the results of which are expected with interest not only by the Ministry, but by the same Brigade and municipal administrations.

On 22 April 1976, during the Viareggio Study Days, General Andreotti communicated the consistency of the national organic force: 1377 officers, 4,013 non-commissioned officers, 43,369 policemen, for a total of 48,759 units, while a good 5,345 were placed in retirement ex law n.336.

Forecasts of scholars expected a result of at least 70,000 units as suitable to meet the multiple growing social needs. The adaptation of the workforce in all 8,000 Municipalities is a priority problem, together with the other of the Regulations which, with the intervention of the Legislator, must be updated and standardized throughout the national territory.

At the end of '78, the magazine "La Polizia Municipale" was published in Bari to cement the operational union of the lively Apulian traffic police who, united in the regional associations, carry out the service improvement speech with the service testimony. from the Levante Editions, and directed, at first, by the S. Procurator of the Republic, Leonardo Rinella, then managed by the V. Commander of the Body of Bari, Antonio Cavallo.


The list of the tasks of the Brigade extends enormously with the entry into force, January 1, 1978, of the Presidential Decree 24.7.'77 n. 616, implementing the delegated law n. 382 of '72, which decentralizes, in accordance with the constitutional dictate, for the Municipalities administrative functions relating to the "local police", concerning the activities of public exercises and a large part of the competences of the T.U. of the laws of P.S., excluding the reserved matters of weapons and passports. Gli effetti "salutari" della legge n.382 The police state is over, public law scholars sull'attività dei Vigili Urbani announce at the study conference in Siena, capital for one day, March 30, 1979, of the agitation of the Italian traffic police.

Articles 18 and 19 of the Presidential Decree 616 define the local police competent for the activities that take place within the municipal territory and which are not specific to the competent state authorities. The best doctrine will say that a regulation of boundaries for competences has been created and that there is no longer any need for prefectoral recognition for the assumption by the Brigade of the PS qualification, for which they are to be considered in permanent service of PS

The DL21.3.'78 n.59 increases the prevention functions of the Urban Police in the attack of the houses used as a base for criminal activities, the law 13.5.'78 n.180 instructs the Brigade to accompany the mentally ill subject to TSO , already several decriminalization laws (of 1969 and 1975) download new responsibilities on the municipal police and the crime, the common one and above all the political one, no longer distinguishes between carabinieri, finance, police and city police. The T.A.R. Sicily, with decision of 28.2.'78, says yes to the indemnity of the institution for the Urban Police.


In 1979, in order to unravel the tangled discourse on the role of the traffic policeman in the new administrative and social context, debates, round tables and study conferences are organized all over Italy, which conclude with o.d.g. almost desperate, all aimed at clarifying the state intervention.

The times are pressing towards the reform of local Autonomies, the importance assumed by the Municipalities emerges, together with the responsibility of the Administrators and the indispensable new professional preparation of our service apparatuses.

The trade associations, another was born, basically, called the National Urban Police Association (ANVU), President Edelvais Borgetti, Officer of the Corps of Rome, take charge of it and obtain from the Ministry of the Interior an explanatory circular of the use and port of arms. Meanwhile, in the wake of the Roman experience, the organizational structure of the neighborhood policeman spreads throughout Italy, a symbol of legality close to the citizen, and a new elegant operational figure appears in city life: the vigilant woman.


Qualified representatives of national politics from the North are invited to the annual Viareggio event, which has expanded to the base. Aldo Aniasi and Hon. Enea Cerquetti, and from the South, on. Nicola Vernola, all three former Mayors in Milan, Cinisello Balsamo and Bari, with whom the ten-year argument concerning the precise connotations of the police officer's legal status is discussed, the fate of the Commanders is stigmatized, with leaden clouds looming (Bodies degerarized with chiefs replaced by surveyors and party accountants, on A MONTEMESOLA (TA): shift), and non-commissioned officers and it is Tagliente R. Maria (1.1.'79) agreed to proceed with the presentation of specific draft laws, after that presented by the Hon. Vignola, who proposes a Regional Police.

The socio-political and trade union conditions of Anci are not conducive to a peaceful commitment to professional renewal at the service of the country.

In May 1979, in Montesilvano di Pescara, during a national conference F.L.E.L. there is a brawl between the participants, many of whom ask for the dismissal of the qualifications of P.S. peri vigilant. To the majority of the category, however, it does not go down to repent simple municipal employees, only administrative police officers, unarmed and employed only by the Mayors.

The contractual agreement of December '78 once again humiliated the hopes of the brigade for a fairer economic treatment that takes into account the versatility of the functions they perform: F.L.E.L. and A.N.C.I. they block in rejecting the legitimate expectations of the Police who ask for the payment of the indemnity correlated with the A MESOLA (FE): seriousness of the professional risk. Roma Eva (1.6.'79)

Meanwhile in Southern Italy the majority of the Vigilants, with the qualification of P.S., receive the institution allowance, thanks also to the reasons made their own by the T.A.R. of Catania "as it is connected to the peculiar modalities of carrying out the activity of the police, which is part of the organizational sphere of the local authority but is projected within the sphere of the specific powers of the state". The T.A.R. are not of the same orientation. Liguria, Umbria and the Council of State, which, in doubt, leave any decision to the jurisdiction of the Constitutional Court. The Category is debased: quarrels and fractures settle. Economic hardships and recurrent political crises lead to increasingly uncontrollable unrest. The direction of the magazine "Il Vigile Urbano" invites the responsible moderation, for the penal consequences that can derive from the exercise of the right to strike, remitted, like a sword of Damocles, to the interpretation of the judiciary.

It is discussed animatedly in Catanzaro, in a regional conference organized, in April '79, by the Commander of the Body, Giuseppe Manna. On 7.2.'80 the three bills proposed by the ONN are presented to the Chamber of Deputies. Vernola (D.C.), Cerquetti (P.C.) And Aniasi (P.S.), As well as that of F.L.E.L. and this time, in Rimini, where the Commander Carlo Barbera organizes, in the same February '80, the 1st Interregional Conference of Local Police, which ended with a general satisfaction of the participants. While the opportunities for debate at the national level are increasing, the '79 -81 contract increases the economic distress of the police, (VIAREGGIO) da sn. il Prof. Banchieri il Gen. Andreotti, l'on.Vergola, il Prof. Volpe, il Prefetto di Lucca, il Sindaco di Viareggio, l'on. Aniasi, l'on. Cerquetti. many forced to double work and to forms of protest in conflict with the sense of duty, which for decades have been able to demonstrate.

The cities burst with traffic and new professional figures are growing, some of whom are called in the Roman ministries to collaborate in the work of legislation on the Highway Code: in Stresa our representatives participate to give their own contribution of experience for the problems of traffic. and road safety. The V. Commander of the Corps of Turin, avv. Guglielmo Della Corte, is called to Mogadishu to educate the Somali Brigade, President Andreotti with Felice Serra are invited to lecture in Lugano, Romano Celli, Officer of the Corps of Rome, illustrates the new administrative culture acquired by the Category, and in Milan two new magazines founded, "La Voce dei Vigili Urbani" - EDPol., and "Dialogo" T.Locatelli-Trezzano SN- L'ANVU it has its own magazine, called "NOI VIGILI", edited by Sapignoli Editore, and directed by Commander Felice Serra.

To unify the three proposals in a single bill, the AA.II Commission of the Chamber of Deputies calls the Hon. Clemente Mastella. The Undersecretary for the Interior Corder guarantees the availability of the Government and a restricted Committee is appointed for the elaboration of a T.U. of the various proposals presented.

In Bacoli of Naples, organized by the Commander Silvano Paladino, four annual editions of Study Conferences follow one another, illuminated by the presence of dr. Ottavio Archidiacono, Procurator of the Republic at the District Court of Latina, to discuss also a fifth bill, presented by the Hon. Alberto Ciampaglia (PSDI), on "Establishment and ordering of the bodies of P.L." E 'of this period the explosion of the phenomenon of autonomous syndicalism, with many acronyms anti "triple mother".

In April 1981 the reform of the State Police passes, which does not concern itself with the local Police, and there is the proliferation of the regional and provincial associations of the police which, urging politicians, also aggregate many operating environments with meetings - study debates on new professional topics, making up for the urgent professional training work that the Regions should have carried out. In Ronzone, an Alpine tourist center in the upper valley of Non in Trentino, the traffic wardens are called ranger's "and are the" guardian angels "of the tourist resort that protect against any attack on nature, against the noise of the smashers who disturb motorcycles. the desired relaxation of the holiday makers.

Viareggio '83, with the discussion on the unified project prepared by the Hon. the Balestracci, who succeeded the resigning Hon. Mastella, marks the Ronzone, la Giubba Rossa highest point of incommunicability between the Mario Bechini political class and the operators of the Municipal Police: there is talk of changes to changes, pauses for reflection. , referral. In Lecce, at the Politeama Theater, in a conference organized by the commander Cosimo Megha, the Prefect Coccia exalts the "active position of the Brigade in an integrated security system, even if the organizational and operational joints are lost. The municipal police perform this new social function, which fully qualifies for the role of one of the most significant and indispensable components of the police apparatus in the country "

The Constitutional Court, on 15.7.'83, rejects the attribution of the indemnity of institution for the Urban Police, for which increase the appeals of the Police to the strike actions and in October '83 there is a general complaint of the Category to the 2nd National Conference of Rimini, organized by Giuseppe De Carlo, Commander of the Vigilant of Riccione, where, a few years later, this Conference will be permanently transferred to the splendid Palazzo del Turismo.

In the Petruzzelli Theater of Bari, on 19.11.'83, a General Assembly of the Apulian Brigade is held, attended by over a thousand colleagues, from every Southern Region, and the Puglia Region, in addition to the annual courses for brigades, also organizes conferences monothematic for the middle managers, contributing at the same time to the strengthening, to the extent of 80%, of the technical and operational structures of all the PM Commands Puglia.

In March 1984 the Campania Regional School for Urban Police was set up, coordinated by the Commander of the Corps of Benevento, Paolo Tosato, followed by that of Basilicata.

In Turin, the Region organizes the 1st professional refresher course for the police of the 1209 Piedmontese municipalities, the Lombardy and Emilia Romagna regions prepare regional laws on local police, as a clear provocation and solicitation to the central government.

President Andreotti is convened by the Restricted Committee of the Interior Commission, an Apulian delegation is received in Bari by the Minister of the Interior, Oscar Scalfaro, accompanied by the Undersecretary of the Interior, Hon. Avv. Adriano Ciaffi, many MPs from Puglia present.

In Florence, on 30 March 1984, a large regional demonstration of the Tuscan police was organized, with a procession through the streets of the center.

In Corridonia of Macerata, Undersecretary Ciaffi, on 15.3.'84, meets the Category for the Conference - constituent, in the presence of the Praetor of Rome, dr. Adalberto Albamonte, of dr. Giovanni Rebori, President of the Macerata Court, of dr. Luciano Infelisi, S. Procurator of the Republic of the Court of Rome, and Prof. Carlo Gessa, President of the V Section of the Council of State and Professor of public law at the University of Macerata.

The lesson held by Prof. Gessa on the origin, development and function of the police according to the constitutional dictation is historical, so "your administrative police function also postulates a specific organization, such as that of public security, with an apparatus of service for the exercise of tasks, which requires a unitary body of qualified elements, continuous professional preparation and homogeneity of their structure. " At the conclusion of the Round Table, Undersecretary Ciaffi states that a real conference was held, which will soon and well bear fruit with the launching of the definitive law of a new horizon, a new image of the policeman, an active and preventive tool that lives in the territory and recovers a new social dignity with the functions of administrative, security and judicial police, together with the necessary professional identity ".

In Prato, speaking at a round table on the police's legal status, the Interior Minister Oscar Scalfaro again stigmatizes "The policeman is the custodian of the protection of the good coexistence of the community. He has been entrusted with the task of living in the city; the duty has been assigned to participate in the life of a community, of which he himself is a part “.

Immediately afterwards, in Parma, in an interesting interregional conference on "Municipal police reform", the Councilor for Personnel, dr. Graziano Buzzi, highlights that the theoretical reflections and the political debate on the contents to be given to the local police have been the prerogative of the category alone and, as such, hastily dismissed as requests and as corporate behavior, and particularly strong and pressing have been and are in this sector the resistance of the ministerial bureaucracies, especially of the Interior, concerned about seeing the area extend and define the area in which police powers and regions are attributed to regions and municipalities. Therefore, the function and role of the local police "increasingly emerging as a complex operational structure that is put in place for the realization of the institutional aims of the local authority, at the forefront in a broader and more composed front that comes to contact with violence, with marginalization, with suffering ". The Regional Councilor for AA.GG., dr. Renato Albertini, concluding the work, which took place in the presence of the Hon. Balestracci, argues that a national framework law is therefore needed that manages to define the legal fence between state and municipal competences. Through these necessary institutional steps, the Municipal Police gain on the field the professional maturity that Parliament, Trade Union and A.N.C.I. are slow to recognize them.

In many municipalities, the stories of the bodies of P.M., faithful witnesses of the cities that grow and renew themselves, are written in search of their roots.

In Monza, in February 1985, the Commander Vito Giacobelli held the 2nd professional qualification course for the Lombardy Brigade.

In March '85 Corridonia still holds the bench, in the presence of Undersecretary Ciaffi, dr. Enrico Ferri, Secretary of the National Association of Magistrates of Italy, the President of the AA.CC. of the Senate, Hon. Prof. F.P. Bonifacio, Senators Pavan and de Sabata, is assured that we are close to the final goal of this new law which hinges local municipal police moments and collaboration for orderly civilian living, as well as for the Municipal Police of Germany, France and England, and which constitutes a stage and not a point of arrival, an important element in the reorganization of the Autonomies, in which the Municipal Police performs a strategic function. But at the 3rd Conference of Rimini, on 16.10.1985 the same Undersecretary Ciaffi will be forced to communicate "that the provision lies with the II Tax and Finance Commission for the definitions of competence”.

To solicit its definition and to testify with their presence the state of discontent and the "mass pressure" of the Category, on October 23 '85, about 3,000 officers and agents of PM, from all over Italy, flowed to Rome . "The National Day of Urban Police", organized by the A.N.V.U. and ANCUPM, began with the meeting in Piazza del Popolo, followed by a Vigili in corteo heated debate in the Etoile cinema hall, attended by Undersecretary Ciaffi, Senators Bonifacio, Murmura, Pavan, Taramelli and Saporito, Deputies Cerquetti and Balestracci and representatives of FLEL, and concluded with a tribute to the sacellum of the Unknown Soldier: a delegation is received by the President of the Republic, .




After two legislatures, the Italian traffic police have obtained their long-awaited institutional reform and the new rules begin their delicate running-in cycle in the various municipal realities, in different cultural contexts.

In Rome, Prof. Gessa, to colleagues from all over Italy, underlines the prestigious recognition of this legislative realization that the sensitivity of the Parliament wanted to anticipate: now a new series of regulatory acts must be set in motion to develop a new history of the Police local, inserted in a balanced management of the relationship with the two state authorities. "This new law, a work of legal abstraction, has an organizational meaning, it is not definitive law, but of organizational principles of a new system of regulations, with negative formulas and residual, which contain the three constitutive concepts of the new definition of municipal police: the moment of protection of public order, understood as democratic order, that of the pg function and the other of administrative police, the latter primary function for operators of the municipal police, the other two of ps and pg being collateral " Prophetic predictions of the distinguished scholar of law, entrusted to a history that will not come true for the same reasons for which this law has suffered such a long labor.

At the Study Days of Viareggio'86, the President of the A.N.C.U.P.M. Andreotti thanks all the Authorities who contributed to the birth of the law, which finally gave us a name. of precise baptism and urges us to be "well on our guard in order to prevent the work done from being neutralized by applications having a spirit lost from that of the law itself. "At the end of the work, all participants propose a historical ODG with which they believe that the law constitutes an acknowledgment and an important goal for the category of traffic police who now acquire their In azione nuclei di P.M. own legal features within the administrations on con mezzi fluviali e marittimi which they depend and in the national social complex. They express the certainty that, in the contract, the A.N.C.I. and F.L.E.L. they will protect the whole category as regards the application of article 10, paragraph 2 of the law 7 March 1986, n.65. The allowance envisaged must, in effect, bring economic benefits that cannot be separated from moral benefits. In this sense, the Parliament and the Government intended to recognize the work done by the members of the municipal police corps (Commanders, coordination and control officers and operators), the nature of this work, the qualifications attributed to them in the field of judicial police, security police and traffic police and the responsibility that these qualifications entail, even at the limits of sacrifice. They confirm all the availability, also supported by all those measures that Regions and Municipalities must adopt pursuant to articles 6 and 4 of the law, for the performance of the services entrusted to them for better and safer social conditions in the cities of our country.

We are many who believe, perhaps with excess of optimism, this strenuous goal achieved as the Great Constitutional Charter, the habeas corpus, the cornerstone of the new historical era of the Municipal Police which, freed from obsolete functional dependencies, turns the page to be reborn. new professional and social dignity, continuously aiming at this new complex of legal principles as a sure reference zodiac, even if incomplete and imperfect, but certainly as a solid starting point to write the new destiny of the whole Category: many Italian Bodies celebrate the annual anniversary of the patron Saint Sebastian with the notes of the national anthem of Mameli as a moment of acquired professionalism, in the presence of the Authorities, the press and with the comfort of public opinion. But in the face of these happy islands, where the application of the framework law is easily received and consolidated by previous spontaneous maturation, there are many realities, especially in small Municipalities, where the philosophy of the new principles remains pure theory and relationships among police officers, administrations, municipal secretaries, trade unions they deteriorate in an atmosphere of constant appeals and disputes.

To prevent and dispel these misunderstandings, refusals and rejections, the two associations mobilize: in Ancona, during the 1st interregional conference of central Italy, organized by the President of ANVU, Elvino Del Bene, it is Prof. Gessa himself illustrate the new frontiers of the municipal police, which "is not one of the many municipal functions, but is the function that invests and wraps itself in all the other municipal functions: it is the guardian function, of political guarantee, civil and social, open progression ". In Matera, Basilicata, together with the A.N.V.U., the Commander Felice Serra, representing the A.N.C.U.P.M., Appreciates the whole of the framework law as an indispensable tool to be able to operate in everyday reality.

In Savona, in April '87, to involve those who must contribute to completing the framework law, the 1st Regional Conference for Administrators and operators of P.M. is organized, in which dr. Sergio Borri, Head of Division of Il Sottosegretario all'Interno On. Avv .A. Ciaffi illustra il Regolamento ministeriale sull'armamento the Ministry of the Interior and dr. della Polizia Municipale, a destra Antonio Cavallo Nicola Cipriani, Councilor of Cassation.

A seminar is held in Chianciano on road education and safety in Europe, with the participation of experts from the EEC.

In Abruzzo, in Torre dè Passeri the dr. Alvaro Pollice, V. Prosecutor of the Court of Auditors, stigmatizes the new relationship Commander of P.M. - Municipal secretary and dr. Leonardo Rinella illustrates the new functions of p.g.-

In Caravaggio, promoted by the A.N.V.U., the 1st Conference of Associations of P.M. of Italy, aimed at the establishment of a national Committee for the revision of the regulations and functional rules in view of future European prospects. In the spirit of ever greater professional integration with European countries, the European Police Rallyes multiply, meetings I: P.A. at an international level, attendances that facilitate the opening of new cultural horizons, new mental openings, the ideal humus for the growth of many new qualified professionals: together with the commander Potito Iascone, the Commander excel in matters of competence of the Highway Code of the Corps of Turin, Vincenzo Manna, the Commander of Lucca, Luigi Pinelli, of Livorno, Giuliano Cappelletti, of Isernia, Domenico Carola; Ernesto Mariani, officer of the Corps of Milan, Claudio De Luca, Commander of Larino and Paolo Tosato of Benevento in the annonario field.

In the "club del Triveneto", which celebrates the 20th year of partnership under the high moral and professional guidance of Commander Dante Compri, the qualified experiences of Nicolino De Cantis, who succeeded Compri at the helm of the Corps of Verona and Aldo Zanetti, Commander of Schio, who carries out a personal and original experience of inter-municipal associations as an effective institutional remedy to overcome the functional impasse of small municipalities.

In Palermo, the Urban Police, called "puntuneri", in harmony with the compulsory schools, for ten years already established road education courses and the Commander Carmelo Parisi, continuing in the meritorious work of organic restructuring of the Corps, managed to set up a Horse Team, made up of 11 horses and 18 brigades, trained by a master of the National Cavalry Association. The reform of local self-government, approved in 1990 with law no. 142, changes the status of the Municipality from a territorial self-governing body with sectoral competences, to an entity with general territorial government purposes, and marks the transfer of managerial responsibilities from politicians to "management" with a new role of Commanders - Executives, who assume precise planning, organizational and planning tasks, to give Municipalities transparency and renewed procedures "on a human scale".

As well as the reform of the order of the P.M. launched by the Legislator, it is disregarded and not applied, even the message of law no.142 does not find the environments available of the municipal administration, grappling with the usual practices of political malpractice: once again, as the history of our country teaches, only a law will not be enough to overcome, to transform ancient behavioral practices, difficult Roma, giugno '90: il saluto del Gen. to die, if not revived by a new moral order, from Francesco Russo, il Sindaco Carraio e il presidente Luca the new wisdom of technological tools, from a Cordero di Montezemolo r a d i c a l t r a n s f o r m a t i o n o f t h e P u b l i c Administration.

But 1990 is also the year of the World Football Championship, which takes place in Italy: the Chief of Police, Prof. Vincenzo Parisi, highlights the "significant and perfect contribution of the Urban Police of Rome, Milan, Turin, Naples, Palermo , Florence, Bologna, Bari, Verona, Cagliari, Udine ", and the Secretary General of Italy '90, Avv. Luca Cordero di Montezemolo, who went to the Rome Police Station, will say" Thank you and congratulations to all of you, because you have known interpret and win your world championship ".

The cities, meanwhile, regret ever more unlivable realities and public opinion calls for further efficiency and professionalism of the public bodies, in line with the model of the new local authority that emerges from the framework of the reforms: the Mayor. Elected directly by the people, repents the representative of all the interests of the citizen.

The spotlight of social attention lights up on our work in defense of the safety of citizens, continually humiliated by the disorder caused by widespread crime, especially in the Northern Regions, burdened by the massive presence of non-EU citizens, so it is necessary to intervene, with a common effort to all the police forces.

The new contract of employment registers a change of course: the spirit of exasperated egalitarianism, provoked by the uniform regulation of the staff, obsessed with the flattening they mortified the evaluations, has the days counted. The new trade union imagination, under the pressure of the mounting degradation of public powers, makes a turning point, a reversal of the management philosophy, inventing solutions for a revitalization of the public function, in a strong existential crisis: and we are finally at the beginning of the era , even here, of meritocracy.

The 90s, characterized by p r o f o u n d s o c i o - p o l i t i c a l transformations, open new o p e r a t i o n a l s c e n a r i o s t h a t highlight the historical overcoming of many legislative passages of l a w 6 5 / 8 6 . W i t h p r i v a t e contractual institutions, the legislation on management also changes, the traditional reserves of the A.N.C.I. change, the trade unions are broken up, the new Bari - Uniforme storica : i valletti policies of the mayors break into municipal life, repenting public safety representatives, alongside traditional ones. The Vigilants are called back by a new series of conference meetings, organized by Trade Unions and Associations, engaged in commendable intent to solve the long-standing problems of professional risk, of the arduous activities, of the professional Registers, of the competition with the Police Forces in the problems of public security.

In Sicily the regional law is approved and the SILPOL police - Sicilian women coordination is established, under the usual direction of the untiring Commander of Vittoria, Giuseppe Piccione.


• Crocevia, Direttore Balducci - Merano • Il Vigile Urbano, Rivista mensile di polizia municipale, Maggioli Editore s.p.a.., Rimini • Rivista Giuridica di Polizia, Maggioli Editore s.p.a., Rimini • La Polizia Municipale, Nuova Rivista del Vigile Urbano - Levante Editori- Ba • Dalle antiche milizie municipali al Corpo dei Vigili Urbani di Bari, Vito Antonio Melchiorre, Levante Editori, Bari • Annuario 1966 del Corpo dei Vigili Urbani di Roma, Adolfo Piatti, in Dizionario Giuridico Italiano • Carlo Gessa, relazione tenuta a Bari, Camera di Commercio, 1990 • Enrico Dalfino, relazione tenuta a Bari, Camera di Commercio, 1991 • Luigi Massa, relazione svolte al Convegno di Studio di Palermo, aprile 1999 • U. Nanucci, commento alla legge quadro in Noi Vigili, Sapignoli Editore, Torriana • Sergio Borri, relazione tenuta al 1 Convegno regionale per Amministratori e operatori di P.M., aprile 1987 Enciclopedia Universale Rizzoli Larousse • I. CARLI, Dell'Amministrazione comunale e provinciale per uso dei Sindaci, impiegati minori, parte 1, sez. 2,Aquila 1819,pp. 156 - 7. • Archivio di Stato di Bari, Intendenza di Terra di Bari, A.C.A., Polizia Urbana e Rurale, b.16,fasc.149, cit. da G. DI BENEDETTO. • Collezioni delle leggi e dè decreti del Regno delle Due Sicilie, Napoli 1827, Sem. I, pp.166-78. • Degno di nota è l'allegato Regolamento per la formazione delle guardie comunali, in cui si legge che le persone scelte dal Decurianato e proposte all'Intendente della Provincia dovevano avere età compresa tra i 24 ed i 50 anni, statura vantaggiosa e dotati di convenevole coraggio, ed essere esenti da imputazioni politiche e comuni. • G. D'AMBROSIO, Raccolta delle disposizioni reali e ministeriali intorno al servizio delle Guardie Urbane. Avellino 1842.Tale prezioso patrimonio culturale è conservato dall'Archivio di Stato di Foggia. • A. ANDREOZZI, Della Guardia Nazionale in Toscana, Firenze 1847 e G. MOLLI, Manuale del Milite ossia Codice della G.N., Milano 1865. • Collana di studi municipali per la Storia dei Corpi di Polizia Urbana di Puglia, ideata e diretta da ENZO FILOMENA, Ostuni(BR).

Bari, January 2000