Supplem Ental Inform Ation
Supplemental Information Supplemental Summary of FY 2006 Appropriations Language Changes Summary of FY 2006 Appropriations Language technology modernization requirements; not to Changes exceed [$100,000] $150,000 for official reception and representation expenses; and not to exceed $258,000 Departmental Offices for unforeseen emergencies of a confidential nature, Salaries and Expenses to be allocated and expended under the direction of (Including Transfer of Funds) the Secretary of the Treasury and to be accounted For necessary expenses of the Departmental Offices for solely on his certificate: Provided further, That including operation and maintenance of the Treasury of the amount appropriated under this heading, Building and Annex; hire of passenger motor [$3,393,000] $5,173,000, to remain available until vehicles; maintenance, repairs, and improvements September 30, [2006] 2007, is for the Treasury-Wide of, and purchase of commercial insurance policies Financial Statement Audit Program, of which such for, real properties leased or owned overseas, amounts as may be necessary may be transferred to when necessary for the performance of official accounts of the Department’s offices and bureaus to business,[$157,559,000] $195,253,000, of which conduct audits: Provided further, That this transfer not to exceed [$7,274,000] $16,656,000 for authority shall be in addition to any other providedChanges Language Appropriations 2006 FY of Summary executive direction program activities; [not to exceed in this Act. (Transportation, Treasury, Independent
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