AAddvvaanncceedd PPllaacceemmeenntt HHaannddbbooookk 22001188--22001199 OOoollooggaahh HHiigghh SScchhooooll Mustang PRIDE Personal Responsibility In Developing Excellence Foreword A committee of Pre-Advanced Placement and Advanced Placement teachers from the Oologah High School campus came together to develop this document. This document was created for two reasons: first, to promote excellence as well as consistency throughout the AP and G/T program at the secondary level; second, to ensure that our community, educators, parents, and students are kept informed of the policies and procedures that were designed to provide a quality program that meets the needs of advanced and gifted learners. With the continued commitment and dedication of all, we will continue to maintain quality program services. Committee Members Rebekah Askew Sara Craig Amanda Salt Kevin Hogue Christi Harper Contact Information Kevin Hogue Principal 918-443-6000
[email protected] Counselor Sara Craig 918-443-6000
[email protected] (11 – 12) Dawn Counselor
[email protected] 918-443-6000 Martinez (9 – 10) HS Gifted and
[email protected] Amanda Salt Talented 918-443-6000 Coordinator www.oologah.k12.ok.us http://apcentral.collegeboard.com 2 Advanced Placement Handbook This handbook sets forth the Oologah High School’s Advanced Placement Program. The handbook outlines the services, policies and procedures for G/T students and regular students in the Advanced Placement program. The G/T students are served through the Pre-AP and AP program in the four core areas: English, Math, Science, and Social Studies. The purpose of this working document is to clarify expectations for students enrolled in advanced courses at the high school and to explain the procedures and requirements.