Tlis Wsstksr 'A vsrsfs Dsily Circalstioii Faeeeaal ot IT. 8. Wanlhw BnNan

For the Bfontii at Aagnet, 1941 Ctoody and eeelsr leaightt Tneedsy cloudy follawad hy Mght . 6,762 rain et night; little ehaage la tons^ ' Member of the Aadit 11^ralb perature.

Baienn ot Otoeatotions ^ -«... ------Manchester— CUy of Village Charm -


Champagne on Nose of Bomber

Britain Opens All-Out Nazis Destroy Three

Bomb Drive on Italy;

‘Red’ Army Divisions;

Claim Cruisers Sunk Rumanians Defeated ^

Italiann Southern Armies Now Reds Report Invaders Mlrchamren Bankcrs Told niT Urges Plans Three Industrial and Military Leave More Than 2500 Knocking at Gates of Victimn in Outers with Heaviest Donets Industrial Ba­ Nine-Hour Rallv PeOplc Dead on Field of Bat* F or S a fety Attack in Mcditerra- r\ e Possible Bomb Loads sin; 13,000 Red Pris­ tie; 300 Officers and nean; Wave After lo Defense From Bases in Brit* Men and Quantities of oners in Nazi Victory F or Miners i f ! Wave o f Plane* As­ ain and Insular Oties War Material Cap- , Northeast of Dniepero- sault Convoy; Sky I’rged to Take Leader­ From Mediterranean tured in Action Which Creat Gain$ in Produc- pe»*^vsk; Russians Fighting Is Fierce. Air Force Bases. Suffer Heavy Ixisses. ship to Point to Ac­ Still Is Continuing. tion for Defen$e Pos­ Rome, Sept. 29.—(yP)—In a tion Needed to Pre- London, Sept, 29.—(>P>— sible by Accident Berlin, Sept. 29.— (JP)— The Moscow, Sept. 29.—(/P)— sudden burst of violent air serve A merican IT ay. The R.A.F. has opened ai) all- The Red Army announced to­ Prevention Program. destruction of three Soviet and sea fighting, Italian tor­ out ofTensive againit Italy, divisions (about 45,000 men) day that it had routed two pedo planes have sunk three CTilcago, Sept. 29 -(F>—Ameri­ slanhing at her northern northeast of Dnieperope- Rumanian infantry brigades San Francisco, Sept, 29—AITt-- British cruisers and at least can bankers were urged today by dustrial and military centers trovsk in the lower Ukraine Burst of christening champsffbe on nose of new four-motored Halifax in fierce fighting on the James K. Richardson, safety di­ three merchantmen in a nine- Deane W. Malott, chancellor of the with the heaviest possible was officially claimed today, bomber makes splashy picture in England, but is bad news for Berlin southern front, and reported rector for The Climax Molybde­ and other long-range British raid objectives. hour attack on a Mediterra­ University of Kansas, to rally the bomb loads from and the official German news bases in the invaders had left more num Co., told American metal nean convoy and the British American people to the defense of Britain and insular agency observed that the cities than 2,500 dead on the field miners today that great gains have answered with an all- American Ideals. from Britain's Mediterranssit could be made in their efforts to Nazi southern armies now Speaking at the opening session of battle. Approximately 300 out bombing offensive against bases—an assault which informed Rumanian offlcera and men and Increase defense production were knocking at the gates of of Tbe American Bankers Assocla- Italy, the high command reported tion’a 67th annual convention, Mal­ quarters aald might be the atari quantities of war material, in­ through a carefully planned pro­ the Donets river industrial dis­ Six Persons Executed today. Wave after wave of Italian of a "bomb Italy out of the war" gram of Industrial accident pre­ trict. The communique announc­ ott asked: cluding 47 pieces of arUllery, were planes pounced on theJ ^ British con , “ Are the bankers. of America campaign. Four-motored Stir- - said to have been captured in the vention. ing a Nazi victory northeast of Richardson spoke at the open­ voy sailing eastward from Glbral-1 t^ in g the leadership that belongs lings which carry the heaviest action, which the Russians de­ Dnieperopetrovsk said 13,000 Red ing aeasior. of 'The American Min­ In Bohemia-Moravia 1 Ur Saturday, keeping up the.K. at-' . . . . ^ ability and cargoes of exploeivea of any air­ clared was still continuing. prisoners were in hand, according ' Uck on it despite fierce sky fight-' craft now in R.A.F. operation, ing Congreaa’ eighth annual metal to incomplete reports. community standing, to raUy Heavy Fighting In North mining convention, which has ing in which six BriUzb planes skimmed the Alps with a swaras Heavy fighting also waa report­ Caught la Swampy District Premier Under Arrest T m c k were shot flaming into tbe sea and (Contiimed On Page 'Twelve) of twin-motored Wellingtons last ed on the northern aectora of the (Continued On Pnge Two) It said the Russians were eight lUUan planes were lo*t, the night to smash at the northern farflung front throughout the caught In a swampy district and On Charges o f Pi’anit high oomnnand said. cities of GenoL Turin uid other night, where the Red Army was suffered heavy and bloody losses.- British Raid Eight Oties points. Raglng^rea were reported said to be more than holding its The high command also report­ itating Treason as Ger­ Concerns Hit The British, it said, raided four Eccles Urges left at Genoa. own against the German invaders. Clerk Found ed that strong formations of the cities on the lUIlan mslnland, Skirt TerriSe" Storm Announcement of the victory German Air Force attacked rail­ mans Clamp Down. four in Sicily and blasted at the The raiders skirted a ’’terrific" over the Rumanians In the south ways In the Donets basin and In Island of Rhodes and the North Some Control electrlr storm over . the Alps, followed Soviet claims of a series the Moscow area with good re­ Berlin, Sept. 29.—(/P)—Six By W alk ou t African coast last night, one of clear Mont Blanc by only about Stab Victim of Nairn! victories, which came as sults. persons have been executed tha.4noat intensive air raid Incur- 400 feet, according to the return­ Britlah and American missions The communique. Issued from ■toMHUM Italians have experi- ing airmen. got down to business In Moscow the headquarters at Adolf Hitler, in the protectorate of Bohe-' ]^Iygteriou8 Strike o f On Pay Rates nm ed with this thruat were &ced. on a long-term program of help­ In Hartford aald the German bombers also mia-Moravia, it was disclosed A special communique gave this week-end atacka by the RAJ*’, of ing the Russian war machine. scored hits on a Soviet cruiser authoritatively today, as Ger- T ru ck - score for the battle which, ItHMid. the Middle East at four cities ia Persistent Ruaslan counter-at­ around Kronatadt, the Soviet Ghairman o f Federal Re­ Sicily, the Island of Rhodes and the many enforc^ a rigid state ers A ffects Penrelt and churned the watera of the Mid- tacks were reported both on the Drivers Find Body of Naval base guarding Leningrad’s Mediterranean from 1 p. m. to A I African coast—thto accordiiig to approaches to Leningrad and in sea approaches. of civil emergency and held serve Board the Italians’ own acknowlodge- Glenney and Others. 10 p. m. Saturday with Italian lor- the central sector where the tank Employe at Cudahy Bombers also attacked "military the premier, Gen. Alois Elias, p ^ o planes striking repeatedly at cates Prompt E n a c t - nient. The trana-Alp assault was forces of German Gen. Heinz inatallatlona In Leningrad and the aircraft carrier, battleship, listed by the British as their 330U Guderian were said to have suf­ Plant; Discovered Moscow” last night, the communi­ under arrest ^on charges of Hartford, Sept. 29— —A mys- premeditating treason. (The cruisers and at least '10 destroyers ment of Prices Bill. raid of the war on Italy. fered a new blow after having In Ro^m Near Office. que added. teiioua strike of long distance guarding the Britlah convoy: Tbe Genoa-sttkekeni were quot­ been driven back from the direc­ -fOeeCh government In exile aald In Oetwaaa Pwslied Eastward truckers today tiefi ii)> major Sunk: Two heavy cruisers, one ed by the Air .Ministry Neers Sorv tion of Bryanak.'- Bulletin! Hartford, Sept. 29—(F)—John German soldiers were reporte

«nly as ‘*V“ and “D” , in a Unk this morning in the plant at 14 Nazi gun^and planes strurii at the among those executed In the first such large operators as Consoli­ snMller units, a destroyer. the very syatoa that we wonM and other targets in western Ger- Hke to ees fiefentofi" la order naany, the Air Ministry announc­ and Infantry attack following up Hurlbut street, a victim of stab Red poww In the Baltic. German suppressive moves.) dated Motor Lines, Adley Express, Idewttfied as NeMew an artillery barrage. The Ger- DNB said new German opera­ The German public and foreign The radio Identified the battle­ to prevent InSatlen, enggested ed. wounds. Faiman Motor Lines. Seaboard today that a eentrnllnei labor mana auffered' heavy lossea. It tions were In progress on the eaat- correspondents in (Jermsny knew Freight Lines and I^rrett and ship as the 38,950-ton Nelson, one At Genoa, its communiquo said, The body was found by Henry of Britain's newest snd biggest ergnalratloa ho ereatod to bombs burst In Industrial arena aald, leaving 800 deiul. six tanks Lawrence and James Dolan, driv­ err front after completion of the no details of tbe developments in Glcnney, Inc. and other material among the de- encirclement Battle of Kiev, and the protectorate beyond the sn- capital ships up to tbe start of the work ent with the gnverameat and large fires were started along ers, when they reported for duty Declared “Outlaw Strike" a nation-wide eehednie of "pro- the water front. ' hria ot one village almie. about 5:30 this morning. semi-official quarters indicated houncement thst Reinhard Heyd- war. Pravda, the Communist party the German advance in the The operators declared the walk­ Two«of the merchantmen were vaUlag wages" tor the dnra- From these widespread bomber Police were Immediately notifled rlch, ace trouble shooter of the out was ”an outlaw strike," and newspaper, said the Germans re­ Okralne was apt dowm de- German secret police, had Gener­ torpedoed by light Italian war vea. tion ef the emergeary. and Deputy Chief Thomas nJ. aaaserted they had been informed peatedly tried to mine the Black Hickey In charge of the Detectlv^ >ite the inteiudty of the Kiev al Ellas arrested end ordered the sel^ tbe communique said, one in (Caatianed On Faga Tea) Sea from the air in order to bot­ niggle. that the move did not have the the parrow pass between Sicily and Washington, Sept. 39. — {JP) — Bureau took personal charge of state of emergShey within 34 official sanction of Local 671, tle up the Red nav/a aouthern In Bucharest, Rumania, Gen. the African north coast, and the Marrlner S. Eccles, chairmsn ot the investigation, asaiated by De­ hours after taking over tbe poet Truck Drivers Union, AFL, which fleet but that minesweepers were tective S e i^ James A. Kennedy Virgil Economu of the Rumanian of Relch’e protector there Satur­ other off tbe Algerian coast.. The the Federal Reserve Board testi­ keeping shipping lanes clear and Army said German attacka aimed controls the over-tbe-m d drivers. two sunk by air-launched torpe­ and John McKiernan. day. Harold F. Galloway, secretary- fied today that wlwther wage and warships wers operating con­ a? lOuricov and on the rail center Rellevea Voa Neorath does ware aald to rhave gone down stantly. . Face And Body Bloody of Bryansk, 250 milea northwest treasurer of the union, could not between Sardinia and Tunisia and salary controU were included in Flashes !

Heydricb relieved 68-yeer-oId Sink Oennaa Cruiser The employes of the Cudahy of Kharkov, already were "in be reached to confirm this state­ to have aggregated 23,000 tona the administration's price ceiling (Lata BaUatlae #Mha (F) Wits) Baron Koiiatantin Von Neurath ment. The early-moining communique Company were imable to identify progress." He described Kharkov In the furioua air battles, the bill, Congress could not sllow them announced that Russian coastal the victim because of t^e blood and the whole Donets basin and who waa Hid to have asked for The operators professed they special communique acknowledged, Urges Departing Bridges spattered condition of the face and temporary leave becauM of U1 to rise Indiscriminately "and be and ship batteriea sank a German Don region as “directly threaten­ did not know what the strike was the eolonri commanding tbe Ital­ Washlagtea, Sept. 39.—(F) DS^i; cruiser and destroyer and dam­ body. It waa not until Detective ed." ^ health. about Some said they thought it ian eratlon and three squadron realistic about preventing infla­ pertatiea to Ms native ' ' ~ aged two other destroyers in the Sergeant Kennedy aaw the body at Raid Rusciaa Stroagholde No. details were released' on .was an effort to get higher wages commanders “ must be considered tion." , Baltie Sea. the Talaraki funeral home on immediately, despite the four year as having fallen at the head ot- ef Harry BrMgea, west eaaat OH>' DNB aald the German Air Force measures to be taken under the Recommending prompt enact­ recoaeateadad to A9i>: It added that the Red fleet sank Maple avenue, that the Identity raided Russian strongholds on the state of emergency, but it general­ contract that la still In effect their formations." ment of the price measure to the toraey General BMdla today SB! two transports of 8,000 and 8,000 waa established. southern front and destroyed three ly includes a curfew, "'closing of Other Fporatore said they suspect­ Tbe raids on Italy ahd Sicily House Bsnklng Oimmlttec, Eccles Sergeant Kennedy, who knew the grtead that B rib es w tons in Arctic watera and that a railroad tralna, numerous vehicles theaters and other public gather­ ed the strike was in sympathy ■aid wages and salaries were the McKeough well, made tAe identlfl- awmber af the Comnanitot ing places, summary executions, with a strike of some l o ^ truck (Cootinned Oa P^e Tan)_ main factors in prices. Hls view __(Oonttnoed On Page Tea) catlon. exceptionally-heavy prison terms drivers employed by G. Fox and aad that the Ceasasaatot partg (Continued On Page Tea) that they should be controlled dur­ Prior to the identlflcatlon, the and confiscation of property for Company. The latter are members "adveeatos aad teachis the agae* police were M rchlng for Mc- ing the present emergency coin­ throw by farce aad vtotanea?* afi acta regarded as offenses against of Local 559. . — cided with that of Bernard M. Ba­ Keougb, known to have keys to the order and security of the state. Offlelala Asked to T a k e Walk" Armed Vessels tbe Ualtod States governaaei , the Cudahy eatabUahment, and It waa reported that at a meet­ ruch, World War head of the War The recoBMaeadattoa was nsada hg Aid to Russia Japanese Lose General Ellas, who wak trained Industries Board, and a recent wit­ who failed to report for work this ing of the over-thc-road drivers, Charlee B. Sears, rettrad morning. in the Austro-Hungarian Army ness before the committee. Price and became premier of the protec­ union Sunday afternoon officials Plea Expected N. Y„ Jartot, who presidsd aa a Parley Opens McKeough, unmarried, roomed of the union were asked to “take Administrator Leon Henderson, 'Ypeclal laNBigratien Servtoa la- , at 65 Center street with Mr. and Quarter Force torate on April 37, 1939, 'With a walk" out of the room, and that however, has «onsiztently opposed Adolf Hitler’s blessing, wUl be their conclu^a In the price bill, specter at a tea-week bearing in . Mra. Robert Gelsaler. He is a in their abeence the drivers voted Saa Fraaetoes to brother of Railroad Policeman tried before the German people’s to strike. Congress Appears Con­ ladustrial Strife “Intolerable" Molotov Presides at Con< court, an announcement said. whether Bridgea waa Jamea McKeough. Chinese Assert Changsha At first, operators reported, Eccles also told the comnUttee under the laMnlgratloa tows. OaUed “ChUdlah Lie’' vinced Roosevelt to ference to Formu' A hat and a pair of bow-rimmed drivers decUn—A h a rric a a e R w s ception and gave promlnoit plac4i thing thst ever, happened.. — “You’re in England within nine to photogr^he at Vice OmninU-. that about 470 German women w paneaa being held about aevta tended to request tbe power to Ambassador Joaeph C. Grew and Ibbcaa Sea haHaved children who bad been aasured at miles from its Umita, the Cffiineae At least, that’s what Capt John to 13 hours,’* he added. arm merchant shlpplnf, but there Minister Admiral Teijlro tatoads •> tiw nerth ear of Foreign Affairs Andfel J. He llkea the pay though—81.000 aafe conduct from Teiteran to the spokesman reported. I. Devine, Jr„ says. waa disagreement as to whether Saturday waa disclosed hears yeatetday and Vishlnsky and Constantin Ouman- “Nothing' to it " said the 26- a month for one flight, $1,300 for Turkish border were abused in a The spokesmen said he had this he would seek a further modiflea- V as rasaaltlea ware aky, ambassador to the United measege by telephone from year-old former U. S. Army filer two during a 30-day period and wind waa partteahuto I States, welcoming the delegatiaiis manner “unexampled In tbe his­ ttoB of the neutrality act so that Authoritative quarters said tory of International reUUons’* Chengeha at 9 a. m. today (8 p.' home for 9 week-end visit with hla IlfiOO for three. American 'veaeeto might operate to matters of hlgb importance un­ bay talaada when 17 i at an airport far Three Hems were made today by eh authorised m., Sunday, ea.t.): -> mother. belligerent ports or in watera now doubtedly were discussed but destrayed aa a baanai Given Waria Weteesse spokesman. "There is peace and order In “There’s no thrill in this job. It's “If there aver Was a thrill at there was no official dtocloeure of Paerto Gaatiffa alaa s The British and AoMrican dele­ prohibited aa "combat areaa" The Germans, who now have the city. Fighting continues on so monotonous sa to be boring. All I all,” he said, ‘it waa when I over- Some Itgtolative aources p their nature. and talegrnpb Mnaa a gations wste given a wflrm wel­ _ _ . - . a ______..._ ^ 9^* law,.* crossed the border from Iran, were the outaklrts without significant you do la set your course on old shot the British lalea and dieted that the president’s forth­ Tbe disclosure of the Orew- In ether parts af the e come hy the highest Soviet offi­ virtually stripped by Russlsn changes." George (autosoatic pilot),” for three hours over the Toyoda conference came close on • • • cials, end the importance with coming message would Hmlt itaeU wonum soldiera, all their posses- Seised J^NUiese doeumenta, he DeVlne has made two tripe in , Channel. But I wasn’t to a request for authority to put the heels of the British embassy’s Markato At A OhHsaa which the Kremiln views tfle declared, showed the invadere’ ob­ Hudson-Lockheed bombers slnos cauao I had 8Cae 'West (life pre- sions including trinkets oad wed' guns on marchsntmen. because ennouncement that Ambassador New Terk. Sept m —-orh -> .talks was stresssd whta Joseph ding rings were taken and the jective wee mere to deal heavy Joining the Royal A ir Forca farry aerrer) with me. And besides Sir Robert LesUe Cralgic had tninir i eould awlm the channel.** any propoasl for saore extenatve Stalin quickly received, the mis- baggsfs ot the German diplomatic blows agatnet the Chinese than to servloa two months ago after be­ rovtoim would arouse foroaldable postponed hto planned departure ston heads, lioKt Beaverbrook and ing mustered out of the Army et Tharc'B a point'to the ewlmiiflng miaston waa robbed, it wi )Mpture any paKlcular city. OppostUon. for a three-months vacation in the W. Averell Harriman. charged. - “We .welcome this because It M an ila. huatoeae. When he was six be Other prominent legislators, Talka are expected to last a Arrive la “Terrible Ooaditloii" gives us the opportunity at turn­ Keep SMpe Near Gtond Strata swam the Delaware river. A year On Pnge Ten) later hd swam Btoeayna Bay, 8 0 aald they beUeved that the mca- week.' The ^xAesman said they ar­ ing the tables,” he added. “Whlla there have been no at­ aage would arit both the armtog Harrinwn declared ’‘We are here rived in Turkey In such “terrible Reeeriree Thrown Into Bnttle tacks, SB far aa I know, from one- ami. Fla., then began training to Trsnsarjr BsbuKs to And out in detail the Russian my squadrons, we nevertheleea swim the Engffah Channel. B yt hto of *hip* and the elimination of ro- condition'' that large aums of Since last week, the epokeamen ■trictkxis ■ which ban beUlgerant needs now and ia the future and daoinred, nil J^kaneaa. .reserves keep our riUpe near what cloud parents told him to wait until J m money had to be oent to Turkey porta and ‘‘conihat araaa/* Week ington, Sept 19.— (* )— ^The to make present and future plans to evpply tbe vtetlma with eBougli have been thrown into the battle strata there la in sii^t—Just in w aa 19. " position of the Tnaaunr. SepA 3 9 : oase,” he Nld.‘' “Oor Job to to get *T Bover got around to-rawtos- to supply them ns far as poaslbls. elothuic to bec6me preeentsble. tai an effort to trap large bodies.of There were iMveral adnintotra- ^ceeipta, $14f i9«,098A 9 : « - “I think America wlU make a Tbe Oennaa people, the epokeo- Chinese troops, but tbe Chinese the ships across aefe and sound miiig tho channel," he laugh ' pendituraa, $9 1 A 36,73 7.4 9 : net hal- eSsfirty tiori HeutenaaU en_ ^ p lto l Hill very strong cmitribuUon to Rus- men declared, hold not only the have evaded encirclemept and It la end keep out of trouble. '“But perhaps my long dtounce anee. 83.38 1.731,81 7.9 4 ; cuatoaM rw eS i “Another instruction to to veer 'Swimming w ill eosse in handy one ^ n to f« ^tonth. S8 L f i I 7J f i 4 JS. (OsntlKMd On Tweivs) (CeattaaeA Oa Twelve) (Centtnaed Oa Faga iwalvaX off from eoavoy below. A few |d t ef thaae dgys.'* , AOsnH ufi Oe Base 9maX rage

141. 'sJf53S35Q


Sr liam H. Lavls was abetting a drive ray, who la a raaldent of New Bri­ Noted Woman Winning Entry in Camera Contest by John L. Lewis, president at the L ^on to Hear tain, la at tha atora today iliaklng Armed Vessels hours of work as the dafanaa needs United Mine Workers of Ahterlca ''om K ip p iir Store Qosed become more Intense. Describes Activities — final adjuatmenu. Eccles Urges Clerk Found and former chieftain of the Con­ Reports Tonight Aa a reault of tha action, tha em- “Busineas profit^ might show Golfer Slain Resume Work gress of Industrial OrganizsUons, B y S h eriff ployeea of Everybody'a Market, Plea Expected aome Increase la consequence of for a nationwide closed shop sys­ Services Here who have remained with the atore Some Control aUbilised prices of ravlr materials Of Local Tank Corps tem. and wages, coupled with expand­ Stab Victim ’‘Employers who have appeared TKe Dllworth-Comell Post, No. aa each manager came and went, (CoBttaoed from P>g« One) -108; American Legion, will hold are now unemployed. One of the ing output The reallsatioD of addi­ Marion Miley Killed and Controversies Keep Me­ bef(»'e the chairman,” Brldigea de­ Wm Begin at Sunset To* Everybody’s Morket Is On Pay Rates tional gains by stockholders can the front,'for ease of steering end clared, "report that he haa told ' its semi-monthly meeting this moat popular of theM, Mra. Finn, who claimed they could count on readily be prevented by means of In Hartford Sergeant McGann Ad* Her Mother Badly diators Busy in Other evening at the Legion Home on stated today that she haa been in turn quick montpulstlon. The them In private conferencea that morroir at Temple Attached; Writ Served enough votes In both House and the tax machinery.” holf-trsck Is a combat or scout they should agree to practically Leonard street at 8 o’clock. Com­ with the store for eleven years. Senate for any revision of the neu­ (ContlBned from Page One) dresses Letter to Herald Wounded in Hold*Up. Defense Sectors. mander Otto Heller win make a (Continued from Page One) car, and Is usually used in rougl- any terms, such as the closed shop, Beth Sholom. Saturday NighL trality act that Mr. Roosevelt From Louisiana; Like er terrsln than the scout cor, that Mr. Lewis proposes, os . only report on the County Meeting held might recommend. Those in this needed for defense and civilian Urges Plans Mias Some Meals Lexington, Ky., Sept. 29—(F)— By The Associated Press yesterday afternoon at Meriden. Held Under Bonds needs. room close to the office, on a pile through suwh acquiescence can Mr. Tom Klppur aervloea in TampI* Bvsrybody’s Market at the cor­ group argued that there waa no of soiled aprons and coats. A Real War. "You have to hand it to these Detective CSpt. Joe Harrii^isn said Birmingham steel mills at The Lewis be prevented from calling Other committee reports Includ­ reason to temporise with a piece­ He included attempts to settle B«th Shtdom win begin nt sunset, ner of Main and Park streets clos­ For Safety Borrowed Money Lnst Night boys, for. they have encountered today that police, Inveatigating the Tennessee (Joal, Iron and Railroad strikes and stopping defense ing the membership committee For Stabbing Man meal amendment of the law. labor disputes by the methods of Sergeant John R. McGann, with all sorte of hardships, that is, short hold-up slaying of Marion Miley, work.” tomorrow evening with tredltlonal will also be made. ed Its doors this morning after lockouts and strikes In the ’’Intol­ It waa learnel today that Me- (Jompany resumed production to­ many years of service to Manches­ The final decision in the matter Keough was about the streets Sun­ the Anti-tank Company of the of actual war. There have been 27 year old nationally famed golf­ The New Hompebire senator Kol Nldre services at 5:45 and ser­ Past Coronuuider Elmer Weden waa expected to be reached tomor­ erable” category. , For Miners plenty of sleepless nights, water­ er, and tha aerioua wounding of her day after CIO Steel Workers end­ asked that the personnel of the who Is chairman of the Air Raid ter residents. Deputy Sheriff H. Hartford, Sept 2S—UP>—Harold Next to procuring maximum day night. About 9:80 he was re­ 169th Regiment, on maneuvers In mon RabM Berthold Woythaler. Horwlts of New Britain served a row when the president confers a ported to have borrowed $5 from a less days, and many times the mother of the trlstocratlc Lexing­ ed a short-lived strike, but labor board be changed ”so that the ao~ Warning Service baa been In­ 'aaaar, 25, of 35 Putnam Helghta. production, he said, the most Im­ Louisiana, has written an Interest­ controversies kept mediators busy Seryleea will begin on Wednesday writ on the store’ late Saturday waa held in bonda of |5,000 by with legislative leaders. The (Conthmed from Page One) tavern keeper. This money was not “rolling kitchen” found it impos­ ton Oouhtry club, were "stumped” colled public representatives will structed to get his crews ready White House message on the neu­ portant economic aim of public ing letter to The Herald describing sible to locate the troops so that in their effort to bear down on two In other sectors of the defense pro­ be truly representative of public morning at 8:80 with forenoon for the testa which will be made evening, and the goods were at­ Judga Dunn in Police Court today policy at this time, la to dampen In hts pocket when his clothing was tached by Miner, Reed and Tullock trality act la look^ for about searched. the activities for several djaya In they could have their regular masked thieves who shot the wom­ duction front and not (JIO opinion.” servlcea called Ylskar, and sermon next month. The chairman asked for hearing on O ct 4 on a charge civilian demand for goods which brought 2,(X)0 leaders of the In­ the fleld. The letter follows: Settlement of the Birmingham m of that city. Wednesday or Thursday. meals. Mess Sgt. Frank DelBene, en and escaped with $135. 51aas Meeting Called by the Rabbi at 10:15 a. m. Min- that those who intended to volun­ of assault with Intent to commit can not be produced In sufficient dustry here to determine how Medical Examiner Perry T. Sept. 23, 1941. Sheriff Horwlts arrived at tho murder. their resources and productive ca- though has been on his toes night Harrigan called the crime "pro­ strike foIlowe<|^ soon after removal A moss meeting of hard cool teer to man the listening poets be Several legislative leaders were quantities. Hough performed an autopsy on E. Oberlln, La. bably the most sensations! murder of 500 Alabama State Guardsmen hah aervlces will be held at 3:30 store about seven-thirty Saturday, Vaaaar waa charged with having reported ready to recommend that paciUea can beat be applied to I.cKeough'a body this morning ».t and day and has made every world­ miners was called at Cooldale, Po., p. m. and Nellah servicea at 4:30 on band tonight so that definite but allowed business to go on as “We can not leave this to chance emergency needs. ’’Out here on maneuvers In ly effort to see that the troops had case” on record In the bluegress, from about company plants. Griev­ for this ofternompany, where the strike^, began Tom Kippur servleea fo r children time, he took over the Hartford hoapltal In a serious con­ hfan-hours lost, directly and In­ chest, one close to the heart, and mendable job. of 22,000 members of the Uniter of the congregation will' be held stations in Bolton and Marlbor­ from Richard Murray, who has They said that there would be a inescapable result of letting the what real war would be like To ’Frank lullano, Is now acting plain case of robbery,” possibly Friday night, will be negotiated, Mine Workers of America who are dition with a knife wound in the directly, aa a result of industrial the left wrist was cut slightly. give you a bit of an Idea of what Wednesday at 2:30 p. m. ough. been manager since Samuel Baum lower abdomen. fight over that single issue and situation take care of Itself would accidents last year, could have Tranaportatlon Sergeant, and committed by amateur bandits. with any wage adjustments retro­ protesting increased dues and as­ that to seek other modifications The wounds, bad the appearance goes on here, the following covers Shot Through Head and Chest active to Sept. 1. left It to open bis own business Leonard M. OlgUo, 33. of 19 be a price Inflation of staggering produced l.’S.OOO to 18,000 heavy Roland VaiUant Is acting Trans­ sessments. The miners declined to would make the Democratic lead­ prop<^ionB and demoralising ef­ of having been inflicted by a small octivitlea for several days. port Corporal, both doing a good The Philadelphia born Mias To Study Uiree Dlspates elsewhere in town. Birch street Manchester, la held in bombers. 30.000 medium bombers, knife such as a pocketknUe. ratify the agreement at a meeting Today, numerous calls for de­ ers’ task all the more formidable. fects upon our economic system. 75,000 to 90,000 fighter . planes, ’’One day, whUe four miles west job. Miley wae shot through the head The National Defense Mediation Sunday. bonds of $200 on a bhmeh of the of the town of Boyce, La., this and chest, and her mother, Mra. Board arranged to devote much at OPEN liveries were received, and many peace charge In connection with Representative Hunt IR., S. D.), ’The situation can only be dealt 112,500 to 225,000 training planes, ’E ’en In all the hardship these Ballots were being counted to­ House Foreign Affairs committee­ with effectively by a coordinated company encountered enemy force boys have, they find a few laughs Fred Miley, 50, was hit three times its attention during the next ten day to determine wbetber more customers were turned away. The the aame case. depending on type, 450 subma­ McKeough’» Brother DinM imV NIW ANB DimNUNn 2 4 HOURS closing came so unexpected to local man, predicted, hbwever, there and comprehensive series of gov­ rines, 375 destroyers and 45 bat- of nine scout cars, six motorcycles . .like Arnold “Tiger” Poganl In­ in the abdomen, after being roused days to three disputes involving than 3,000 workers will call a Reports from the hospital today and about eight weapon carriers, early yesterday morning by two 80,000 workers in the coal, ship­ customers that many of them who to police were that LaPorte receiv­ was a strong chance that even the ernment measures of which the tleahlpa, Richardson said in hia h Well Known Here sists that he will be president of strike in 16 leading Washington Triadr styled, V-oeefc foil _ . RANGE In 100 Gallon Lota... had been planning , on grocery de­ arming of merchant shipa might bill you are considering is an es­ prepared address. with a total personnel of 107 men. the Manchester Chamber of Com' robbera at their country club ping and aircraft industries. hotels over a wage dispute between per (wot for foa aad epeit la«ar oat Texaco Orystallte ed a punctured Inteetlne and, with James W. McKeough, brother Of Our two forward guns knocked out apartment demanding location of * ^ Officials at the board said that AND FUEL liveries for today's meala had to the poeeibUlty of peritonitis net­ be defeated the House. sential part.” “Did mining contribute to this tha slain man. Uvea at 17 Armory merce when we get back home... two American Federation of Labor el dootsl Soft, wed kaMed beat wMll Range Oil, 7^ e gallon. change their plans at the last min­ loss?” he askM. of action the three leading scout Don Simmons drives the chap­ the money. of the 81 cases It has handled since unions and the hotels. The tmions laterlock kaltted bock esM Fuel Oil, 7.2e gallon. ting in, hie condition la considered 'Xike Draft Exteaskw” Favors Broad Controla street, this town. He has been a cars before being overrun by the Mra. Miley, club manager, its erestlon last March, workers ute. very aerioua. *T don’t think they will get It Although he°sald he favored the ”I can only point out to you resident here for about five years. lain’s car___ sU of the boys have have denmnded a wage Increase Availabla ta a pleoslag vaiisif af A1 Deyorlo, owner of the fruit that figures compiled by the Na­ following scout cars. A halt was tried Mtisfying that “how would stumbled through the darkened are back on the job lb all but one. ranging from 10 to 25 per cent outbentle NoiBKm Reekwall eelass. IsUPorte and Vaaaar, according through,” he said, ”becauae that use of broad, overall functional He Is well known to school au­ then called by the umpire and white-columned building to a sana­ The sole exception was the Lincoln DIAL 8 S 0 0 and vegetable department in the to police, late Saturday night were step Is too near a declaration of controls such aa taxation, fiscal tional Safety Council show that thorities and school children as he look with a mustache” whim___ while the hotels countered with an store, moved his goods out today, mining had. In 1940, the highest losses were ascertained. Ihen, this quotations of Billy DeHan are ol' torium 300 yards away from where mllbr at Huntsville, Ala., where offer of a flat 10 per cent pay In Juddy’s grill near the comer of war. I think the Democratic lead­ and monetary policies In dealing haa lectured on safety methods In company, wdUi the 102nd Antitank police were called. She waa token 1,800 workers were affected by unable to do businesa any longer Park and Hudson streets, and be­ ers will find a situation like that with either inlUtion or deflation, severity rate of 31 Industries almost every local school since he ways good (Billy la s former mem­ boost. due to the doors being closed. listed. . . . Company, succeeded In eliminating ber of this company). . . .Msrton to a hospital where the three slugs what officials called s kxdcout. SIS CENTER came involved In a quarreL of the draft extension.” ~ Ek;cles characterised the pending came here ta live. and capturing the remainder of were renioved. She fell Into a The board will begin hearings AT BROAD 8T. Sheriff Horwlts Is spending to­ DetecUve Sergeant Ooraelius A. He referred to the 203-303 vote bill aa "the most Important meas­ "When the average American Trowbridge doing a ”Susy-Q” for day taking inventory of the store citizen thinks of defense industry, the enemy force. the b o y s .... Acting Sgt. Frank come shortly after giving police a .Hi - tomorrow on a seamen’s strike for MORIARTY BROS. Cunningham ahd other detectives by which the House joined the Sen­ ure of direct price control and Wipe Out Scout Ours sketchy account of eventa. war bonuses on ships soiling Into and the manager, Richard Mur- were despatched to the scene and ate In approving an 18-months ex­ he thinks of the manufacturers Police Scour Woods luliono hurriedly putting a truck­ should, In my judgment, be suffi­ producing planes, tanks, rifles, “ Another day, the second pla­ load of captured gasoline into our Patrolman John Doyle, flrst to dangerous waters. when Sergeant Cunningham ap­ tension of military duty for selec­ ciently broad and flexible for wide toon, commanded by Lt. George reach Mrs. Miley’s side, sold she The hoard has set Thursday for proached Vaaner, a knife allegedly tees. ammunition and other items in For Slayer of Two own trucks... .Pvt. George Birge administration discretion In deal­ fabricated form. EHllott, encoimtered -four enemy always asking for more packages, told him she was awakened by the beatings on a threatened strike of fell to the sidewalk from beneath But Rep .Luther A. Johnson (D., ing with future contingencies.” Highland FaUs, N. Y., Sept. 29— scout cars coming from the north efforts of two men to break down about 22,000 employes of The Oon- Vasear's coat. Te.x.), senior majority committee­ Mining Basle Industry —state police scoured the woods no matter how many he receives. Qualified support for Secretary “ Sight is lost of the fact that on Route No. 327 toward the town ”Aa a general rule, though, the her apartment door. stdldated Aircraft Corporation, man who helped write the original Morgentbau's proposal to limit near this Orange county village to­ of Hutton. This platoon succeeded Asked for Donee BeoelpU - Son Diego, in a dispute over wages. mining Is the basic industry where day for a man they aaid shot and life of a soldier on maneuvers Isn’t neutrality act, expressed belief corporate profits to six per cent the steel for tanks and rifles ori­ In destroying three of the four Doyle recounted that Mrs. MUey At one time scheduled for tomor­ Devotions Start < that the House would accept its killed two persons in fuU sight of all milk and honey, and Camp The above photograph taken by Robert Donahue, of 40 Spruce came today from Senator Nye (R:, ginates; the origin of aluminum scout cars, and lost one antitank Blanding will be a welcome sight told him the men asked her wheie street, was judged the best entered in Kemp’s camera contest this row, the strike was postponed at complete repeal except for a sec­ N. D.), one of the administration’s nearly 100 school children on their gun. The fourth cor was allowed the receipts from Saturday night's the board’s request. for our planes, the copper for our way to school. for most of these fellows. It la ex­ past summer. At St. Bridget’s tion which provides for the licens­ most insistent critics on foreign shell casings and Ignition ayatems; to proceed north with the other dance were located, flhe told them, Also pending before the board is ing of shipments of arms and mu­ pected that this Regiment will re­ policy. the olybdenum, tungsten, nickel, Chief of Police (Tharles Engle three, after the umpire made his turn to Blanding so that we wHl be whereupon one of the men struck the dispute between operators of nitions to foreign countries. Nye, who headed the Senate vanadium and manganese so es­ Identified the victims as Nick ruling. A gim- located directly In her in the bead with a window ting of a background of a lake sur­ captive mines, owned piincipsl'y ‘The neutrality bill,” Johnson there about the flrst part of Octo­ Forty Hours Devotions rtarted committee which Investigated sential for proper strengthening Monte, 55, proprietor of a coal, tea front of the Brigade Command ber. weight, knocking her down, and rounded by wooded hills, and In the by steel companies, and the United said, "was designed to preserve profits in the last war, told re­ of the steels; the lead and zinc and wood business located across Post was given credit for two of then fired three shots Into her Kemp^s Camera foreground two little boys sitting Mine Workers, which called ^a at St. Bridget’s chinch yesterday peace in the world, but instead has Sgt. John R. McGann body. morning at 11 o’clock mass. A porters that “there will come a vital throughout in the production the street from the Highland Falls the scout cars before being over­ Antitank (Jo., 169th Infantry on the stern of a rowbrat seem­ strUce to enforce its demand for a encouraged dictators who thought time when It will take more than of armament material. . . . high school, and his bkkaeper, run by the remainder of the scout A. P. O. No. 43, Miss Miley rushed from her ingly enthralled by the beauties o f Union shop. The miners have gone processional service waa used at they could run over us. Mrs. Doris Croyle, 35. Their as­ Contest Ends SALE the services and will continue un­ a six per cent limitation on corpo­ "Conaequently the safeguarding cars. The remaining cars then Ragley, La. room to lend aid to her mother, their surroundings, and without a back to work pending mediation ”In view of that, I think that it sailant he Identified as Manuel til 7:30 Tuesday night At this ration profits to satisfy the peo­ of key men in mining la aa vital turned west on Route No. 504 and Doyle reported, and was shot seeming care in the world. efforts, with board hearings sche­ ought to be repealed. Foreign pol­ ple that the tax load Is fair.” to national defense as protecting Jacinto, 45, a former employe of on being halted by a blown bridge, down. Her pajanui cUd body was duled for resumption Oct. 7. time the benediction service will Monte’s. The second choice was the entry icy, like domestic policy, must be Favors Control of Wmggo the steel fabricator or machin­ our gun, aituated on the west side found in ths hallway. Robert Donohue, of of Herman V. Johnson, 51 Knight­ Work of Board Assailed Tuesday and Wednesday Morning Only conclude the services with the changed as conditions arise. I have Blessing of the Blessed Sacrament But, the North Dakotan assert­ ist.” , Woman Shot la Heart of the bridge, knocked out another Syrian Freedom Horrlgon theorized that the on street, and the print showed his The work of the board waa as- always favored the arpning of mer­ Engle said the school children scout car. It waa necessary for the shooting and robbery may have Spruce St., Has Win* ssUed yesterday by Senator and processional. chant ahips.” ed, any effort to take away de­ twin daughters in on outdoor set­ This Is the flrst time In a num­ fense profits should be coupled told him Jacinto met Mra. Coyle membera of the second platoon to Is Proclaimed been committed by persons fa­ ning Entry. ting while busy at the hanging out Bridges (R., N.H.), who contended ber of years that this service has with "safeguards providing some HospitaJ Notes aa ahe waa coming to work this Improvlae a croasing over the miliar with the set-up at the at a wash just completed of their in a statement that Chairman Wil­ morning and shot her in the heart stnam In order to bring the two swanky bifilding and groimds. He personal belongings, this was ended In the evening and parish­ Human beings on the sacred control over wages and produc­ The annual amateur photo­ ioners and others who wish to at­ tion costs. with a .46 calibre revolver. Monte, guns into position to protect, the said the electric switches hod judged ms a picture of Interest laland of Miuajlma in the Sea of he added, waa shot In the neck Brigade (Tommand Post Damoocus, Syria, Sept 37— (De­ DRESSES tend the conclusion servicea are Japan are forbidden to die or to ”We bava got to undertake to Admitted Saturday: Mrs. Mar­ been turned off and the telephone graphic contest sponsored by from the evident seriousness de­ apprised of the night services. aa he left his plsce of business and "On September 18th, the Regi­ layed)—VT)—Gen. Georges Cat- lines disserviced. Kemp’s Inc., which ended on La­ picted by the children In their bo bom. control wages pa well as Industri­ garet Fla veil, 93 Spruce street; rushed across the street to assist ment proceeded to advance vigor- Including al profits,” he said. Mrs. Nellie Oergler, Mansfield rotix, commahder of the Free . Only Chiea AvailaMe bor Day proved to be one of the work. Mrs. Croyle. ouoly to the north from Shady French Armies In the Levant, to­ The only clues avoiUble, Harri­ New Fail Dresses Chairman George (D., Ga.), of Depot. Grove church. It waa necessary to most Buccesoful conteste held, and Third choice waa awarded to E3- the Senate Finance Committee Discharged Saturday; Mis# Al- The shooting, Engle ssserted. day formally proclaimed the Inde­ gan siUd, were two buttOM from more Vincent, 153 Spruce street, $ 5 . 0 0 of Spans, Wools, Crepes. $ 5 .c o ir6w out of sn argument Jsdnto laava six guns, or on4-bsIf of the a mon’a coat, three aluga from a the variety of subjects, sU of them meanwhile critlclxed the Treasury dona Strlmas, 180 Eldridge street; company, to protect the rear of pendence of Syria In a ceremony for the picture taken of a two- You fit right into the 8o- Lola Swallow, 387 Center street; hsd with Monte over 88 the Isbor- .82 caliber autohmtlc and-several most Interesting gave to the local ireor-old yoimgster. depicted with Misses* and Women’s ! secreUry’s plan, declaring that the regiment at m ody Grove judges s difficult task to se REG. TO 17.98 REG. TO 812.98 It would "reault in Incalculable Mrs. Ida Pinney, Andover; John er claimed Monte owed him for at the government bouse. fingerprints on the wsU near the a .large drum placed on a lawn. ciai picture when your work (jone last summer. church, and the remainder of the Referring to the British and Mile)rs apartment the successful winners. From s spotlessly, fresh, cHsp hardships to legitimate business, Gargan, Andover; Robert Tilden, company, under command of the The other entries were all highly 107 Holl street. Approxlmatdy twenty school Free PYench manifesto of June 8 Fred Miley, husband of Um very large number of entries the commended, and Kemp’s Is well disrupt production vital to nation­ Commanding Officer, Lt. Charles guaranteeing Syrian Independence local judgea made a choice of 20- linen proclaims you as a al defense, and confiscate normal Death: Saturday. Mrs. Hannah chUdron followed Jacinto for a wounded woman and a golf pr^ pleased with the results o f the person of fastidious good Swanson, 444 Center street short distance into the nearby ByCholskl, and lA. Terry Yan- under a treaty to be concluded la­ feseional at the Moketewoh Cotm- prlnta which In their judgment contests and the various contes­ profits essential to the survival of lshewsky,proceeded to follow the ter, be oald the declaration was was of an outstanding (dioraeter, taste. Try us and let us free enterprise. It would cnisb Admitted Sunday: Mrs. Emma woods when he ran from the seena try club at Cincinnati, hurried tants are requested to coll at the Hprrta, 16 Chestnut street; Mrs. of the ahooting, the chief added. regiment with the combat trains, rendered effective by restoration of here after being told of on "acci­ and to those chosen, awards were store where they will receive the prove it! and kill small businesa.” Upon arriving at the bridge cross­ the republic. made through the season, of en­ While saying that congressional Marion Smith, 295' Main street; State police Immediately broad­ dent” at the Lexington club. Miley negatives and prints which were Mrs. Mary Brown, 339 Tolland cast an alarm and deputy sheriffs, ing over the Bayou Sontabarb, It He declared the Syrian state en­ sold there was no night watchman larged photographs of the submit­ entered by them. The flrst prize JCOATS-SUITSl committees were ready ” to impose local police and stats troopers waa discovered that the bridge bod joys from now on duties and pre­ ted negative. high rates on true excess profits,” Turnpike; Miss Patricia South- at the Lexington club, although he winner will receive a Kodak cam­ CASH AND CARRY wick, 8 Cottage street. * took up the chase. been blown away by the enemy, rogatives “sttsched to on Indepen­ frequently hod advised the em­ The 20 chosen pictures were era. Just 10 of These George added that the nation^ After a reconnfllsasnce, it woe de­ dent sovereign state but these submitted to the ex]^rt opinion of SPECIALS! Legislature flrst should “lay down Births: Sunday, a son to Mr. ployment of one. Amaaing Vaiuea and Mrs. Anthony Giglio. Andov­ cided to build a bridge at a loca­ rights ore subjected to restrictions Public reaction was sharp here, the Elastman Kodak Co. for their a fair yardstick for measuring tion about 400 yards southemat of Imposed by the prrtent state of selection of the outstanding en­ $ 5 . 0 0 normal profits and then recaptiure er and a daughter to Mr. and where the Mlleys ore popular fig- Reduced for $5.00 Mrs. Francis Schlebel, 210 Eld- tha blown bridge. Building opera­ war and tha security of the terri­ tries, and the award of that com­ Obliged to Fight all excess profits if necessary dur­ urea In golfing and social circles. Quick Clearance! ridga street WARD E. KRAUSE tions began at 11:00 a. m., and the tory.” pany has just been recelve8li8. taxes of the last war did not trance to Provencal, and cdUabo- home after aevpru yeorV pr achieve the. desired result.” Impending departure. The ombos- health. He had retUed as head CUalo Scbedale ratlng with oha platoon of M Oom- aodor hod sold, however, that his 7 5 B lo u s e s ...... 7 9 c 8I.8S—tacludes SOk Jaraey and Womea’a Stsea. Nys aaid that a atlffer schedule Weak of Sept 89. te OeL 4th. — ON TlfE SAME SHOW p u y , u n ^ r the command of L t of tha BoMon City' Hospital's In­ By Buying Your Burner of excess proflU taxes should be plans hfd "no political slpilfl- stitute of Pathology in 1988 after Tuesday—Tonsil and Adenoid at Roy Whl$b, affaetad tha capture of canee." 85 Sweaters .... $ 1 .0 0 81M-8S.S8—laehideB KM% Woola la ran ahadea. imposed and added that the levies 10 a. m. numeroiu enemy combat and sup­ 36 years’ aarvlca. At Boland's should range up to 96 per cant “on Wednesday—Chest clinic at 9 NAVAL ply vahlelaa. Another platoon, com­ 100 Skirts;...... $ 1 .0 0 Valnsa to 85 hichidea 100% Woola and PtaMa. upper bracket corporation in­ u m m a m i comes.’ A m. Well M by Conference at manded by lA. George Elliott, also T. M. C. A. from 3 to 4. ACADEMY Mmmi ITMN Buccaeded In capturing oeveral Onlv such a Uw, Nys decUred, Friday—Well Baby Conference 8 % Cask enemy yehlclea, loaded with gsoo- could prevent corporaUona from at Haynes street from 3 to 4. WED. THVaS. • PBL • SAT. Ilne and ammunltUxC with the aa- Famona Make AutomatUe finding some way to gat around alatancs of one platoon from M UmlUtlon on corporaU proflU.” Company, under the command of OoBlanfc Ingtatatlou laadeqnata [AMOUR lA. Luciml, ' Modon AGrade o n . B U R N E R A conUntlon that pending price “At 8:00 n. m., on the morning control leglalatlon waa InaoMuaU Banjo^ of the 19th, word was received CfflLDREN’S to meet inflationary trends was that a large force of enemy acout eontaioed la a study made public . . . . Washing b INSTALLED eara and tanka was preparing to SPRING COATS by ths Brookings InaUtution. PLT7S...CHAaUC8 BDOOLES attack tha town from the south. DRESSES . Harold O. Moulton, prssidant Slaea s-a etaaa1.14 ^ $ 1 4 9 * ^ 0 COMPLETE In **Tha Faraon at PaMusint” Within throe minutes after the 0- tha private research oiganlaa- alarm was given, eight gtina were Over h ' ' 3 at ..$1.00 R<«. 82M 11 a t $ 1 .0 0 VatamtalSJS Uon, and Miyar Jacobstaln, a staff in poatUon- preparing to engage In -1 at . . $2.00 ^ "er nsamber ware tha authors of tha defense against the anamy. witen Small Down Payment. Low Monthly Payments study. They declared t W prices of the guns wars moved Into n for­ 1 at . . ^ .0 0 ' ■•8- M.98 farm products would have to be GEORGE SMITH TUESDAY-WEDNESDAY ward poottlon. It waa nacosaary to Ten Mimitet! SNOW SUITS reduced and wagaa oontroUad If •W Maea t-9 CONSIDER THESE FACTS— 19 Flower SL Fboue 8860 aak for rifle protection from flank­ riM u prices ware to ha arreatad. ing action by ehamy patrols from 9 at . . $4.00 •• 8IMS llwae Botnere am being thnugboat They aaid that a reductionctlon la' th s CIRCLE the left Tbs road waa well pro­ SPRING COATS ------, ft»r price of farm producU Slaea 7-14 around 8200.00 and eempare iwavqraUy __ ly wtUi_ etlMetlMr______Buiuefa at this I ooul9lg)*--= SPPEB OlANT SnOWl tected by antitank guns, road 4 at . . $ 2 .0 0 *• $ * M achieved by releasing aI p o r tlo c ^ »***o“ i8 /rs StXSAJIONM mines, and vehicles were plaeed for lt’« an done wltli a —tclephimt! J u t pick it ap, 4 at . . $ 2 .0 0 •‘H - I8JS yonra age. and etUI pertomlag edtataiUy. One leaaen « • eaa the cropa now stored ih govern­ ABBOTT AND OOSTBIXO a road block. A total ef 24 tanks ment warabouaea. Farmars would 4 at .. $3.00 " m;- 88as mve you teal money la that we eoatmeted for a number e f tbeee 7 hv Out'cn o/ Stii/t’squc and half-tracks wan credited to can 8072, reqaeet a |rfck*np, gather ap poor wash WINTER COATS atUl reallaa additional Income, the the Ahtitank Company up until the Oat ..$4.00 Bet-fioji Slaea 7-14 *• OU le a large part of ear buefaMee aad eveiy Burner authors of tha study added, ha- *Wuck time the hostilities Ceased at 8:80 and— pruto->4t*a done! The rcaaiHL of coorae, ia we aen meaas a new F M OU cMtouMr. net tor one, bat for many cauaa of the govemmenVs plan to GINGER BRITTON mm Prt- 7 at . « $3.00 Vataaa to fIJ S i p. m. The rood from Flora waa that Now Blodel Lamdry iaoa the other ond of tho ^ proSt eaeb y e a rM expand agricultural production. vatea” contlmtally threatened by nine COAT AND LEGGtN SETS Fnai o n mtber than one large prodt ea a Burner. Btamad Far Prieaa BWng SOULS in PAWN Who tanks raportad two ntllea dewn tha 8072 Him , ready ta give you fast, quaUty lauadry A rise in farm prices and In- mw road, but no enemy mechanised ■amS-SOnly i !■ M HATS COMPARE THESE FEATURES— craaaing labor coaU ware given a attack materlaliaed. One Antitank aervico at reasomble prices. Send yours to New 4 a t . .$ 5 .0 0 Rag. gltJS major ahare of respooaihluty for Tea 12 at . . .2 5 c Rag. 81.S8 _ Webuter Fnal D n l^ Jefferaoa Traaeformer. Lelaad Meter. ANDREWS aectlon waa credited with knock­ ModeL A aervico toe every purpoee. an Increase of 31 par cant in ROVEN PICTURE Howl, ing cut two additional enemy Terringten AjuaUanm 90a. aad Mlaa«>peBe'*Hoaey well Oentrels. vrholaaale prices since 1989. SISTERS T b M prodnets are standard on nearly 90% of all Bamere awde "So long aa wage rates remain P t h e a t r e - Hartford liB Aia tanka alad one aupply vehicia which Hara attamptad to ahter Provencal from t o y y o n tatansbaaganMe. The Bnmars' am anmufactumd UBoontroUad," tbs study obsarvad, tha north. ^ -• wtthtd yeard experience aafi am apprered by Uader- “the moet that can ha expactad In Agala! ybem teiisa aad OeusiBerdal S tn a d a id ^ 78-89. the control of the prices of Indua- “It may ha o f intareat to know trial products gennrally Is to te- axacily what aome c f the thlnga New Model Laundry strala somewhat the rata of price mentioned are.'A “scout car” Is m Shopper’s Special advance. STRAND use, just what the name impUas B H 0 N E 8 0 7 2 *Ttacant impeovaments In the and In appsaranca It la a large ; TUESDAY ONLY! positloo of labor wUI be aafaguaiw four-wheel vehicle with the con­ ad If wa Gbaek tbs facoas raapoa- ventional typa whsala and tires, aibla f ristag U v ^ coeU. Labor protacted by haavy armor plate. as a wbolt may in any casa sx- The "half-track" might weu be pact soma further axpanslcn of compared with the eoout car; ax- LONROSE •aratage as a resoK «C Inezneslag Tthat taatead ef^havlng wlwela around. It la equipped with "track” oa tha hack, similar to the track used on Ught tanks. O d l- nary whsela|^d tires are uwd on MANCHES5TER EVENING HERALD,'MANCHESTER, CONN. M U N D A T , SEFTEMBCK 29,1941

years Mr. Brainerd has played toe MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN. MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 1941 Troops End Pre^lebration Is Held Rally Day ucFon and led the choir and he PAGE n v er Food Costs Are leaves South Church regretfully to Stricter Bans W ar Gaines serve in his home church in Hart­ In Churches ford. Put on Jews had "open.y avowed . . . loyalty Virtually Certain Now He will be succMded next Sun­ ‘Dates Leaves’ Power Agency Launches Give Comfort to the quulitics of deceit, cruelty, State Firms ■K ' day by Thurston Noe, a well Daily Radio Programs ruthless siibjcgation of others," Dr. Men Turn from Tactics Special Children's Serv< known church and concert organ- Seymour said: Ut from New York City. Berlin Paper Predicts EM ten Stnaard Time Plan Started To Nazi Cause ' A re Deadly Menace id fo r r!iv l1 ln n n . include evaporated milk, dried To Scheduled World In toe evening meeting in South Huge Expansion Program Given W orK ' eggs knd milk, cheese, pork, com ices Yesterday; 300 in Possible Creation of “There Germans and, Italians ' ' Army and Navy and starch and canned fish. In these Series Strife. Church toe Hl-League and Ep- are those who, after the struggle lines buying for British account ia South Church Program worto League met together and Singer and Husband to is settled, are the ones with whom were addresaed by Albert E. Hol­ Ghetto as Next Step. Washington, Sept. 29—(A^—The •penditures which, by 1943, will be Yale President Raps De­ we must cooperate. Until such Contracts Announced To Ship to Britain likely to push prices forward con­ Federal Power Conuntasion dis­ siderably and may cause occasional Lake Charles, La., Sept. 29— (JPt More than 366 children as­ man, who took aa his subject, Louis-Nova Battle On Have Open House for running at $3,000,000,00 per featists and Isolation­ time and while they hold their “The Nature of God." Berlin, Sept. 29.—(flV-The priv­ closed today that it had launched month." present loyalties, they are a dead­ By War Department Exceeds Supply. local shortages, food executives —Louisiana began returning to sembled in toe Sanctuary of toe normalcy today after enjoying two At Nesafene Church ileges of Jews were further re­ Service Men and Girls. what it Intends to be toe largest In preparation for a year and a ists in America. ly menace." aay. Fortunately, however, we are South Methodist church yesterday Sunday School Ralley day was Radio at 10 Tonight electric power expansion ever un­ For Defense Items. i V riMU 0 «M «r M d Sola BeeUejr enjoying record supplies of milk, stricted today by a decree of the ' half, the commission's unprece- Stating that “whatever is neces­ weeks of simulated war in toe morning for a Rally Day service observed yesterday inhhe Church dertaken, with the announced ob­ ^ dented power expansion program sary to victory must be given” by butter, eggs and cheese. Transport Ministry, which the Ber­ Beverly Hills, Calif., Sept. 29— New Haven. Sept. 29 — — Ntw Tortc, 8*pt Brace Army's greatest field exercises, of toe Nazarene with an attend­ jective of' giving toe United States (IP) the United States to the Allies, Dr. Washington, Sept. 29—(IP)—Cost- Buying of other items such as and toe 400,000 troops on mS' and worship. Miss Hazel Driggs, lin newspaper Boersen Zeltung pre­ (/P)—Every other Sunday, Singer , was submitted to President Roose­ your budget for higher food coeta. ance of 193 adults and children New York. Sept. 29.—(/P)—The •10:30, NBC-Blue; 10:45, CBS-East; Jeanette MacDonald and her actor greater generating capacity than velt July 16. Since that time It President Charles Seymour of Yale Seymour foremost " a world com­ tracts announced by toe War Da- fruits, canned tomatoes and other neuvers turned from tactics to toe Mr. and Mrs. Okaries O. F. Tack superintendent of toe Young Peo­ at toe morning school services. dicted would be followed by mors all of Germany, Italy and the Axis- They are vlrtuany aa certain aa canned vegetables for ahlpment to stringent measures—possibly in­ annual campaign on behalf of the 11:30, MBS; 12:00, NBC, CBS. husband. Gene Raymond, are to had not been mentioned In govern- charged yesterday that American munity of one sort or another" at partment: scheduled strife between toe ple's department led the service The Rally Day service was in Community Mobilization for Hu­ I Talks—NBC-Blue 9. Radio Fo- occupied countries. the close of the present European Britain ia expected to center in Yankee and toe Dodgers. and toe singing of toe favorite cluding creation of a Ghetto. have open house at their Bel Air ; ment press releases. But inform­ isolationism was aii encourage­ Noble A Westbrook M ff. Cp,, charge of John Cargo, School man Needa geta under way in an mm, new time. Sen. Tom Connol­ home for 10 soldiers and sailors The projected expansion con­ ed quarters accepted toe earmark- ment to the Nazi cause. war. East Hartford, Conn., m arkl^ The demand for food for clvil- those items of which toe aupply la From Shreveport in toe north­ hymn of each department. Superintendent. The new decree forbids Jews to templates expenditure of more most plentiful. When demand tends Mlsa Jessie Dowling sang “The enter public conveyances of any all-network program in which ly on “Repeal toe Neutrality Act;"' and 10 young women. ; Ing of $150,000,000 by RFC for “The defeatists and the isolatton- “Nothing Is more clear than that machines, $3,6()0. iana, the Army and Navy and for west comer of toe state, where toe At the morning service Rev. President Roosevelt and Wendell CBS 11:15, MaJ. Gen. J. F. O'Ryan than $1,500,000,000 In private and the days of national self-surflciency ahlpment to Britain ia greater to puki prices up too sharply, it last four-day battle between toe Lord Is My Shepherd” ; Constance sort until all other passengers have They started their plan of “date ! Power Commission purposes as an Taylor A Penn Co., Hartford, , Mark Golden Wedding James Young, pastor preached on L. Willkle will make their first on post-war conditions, leaves," under the auspices of the public funds over a five-year pe­ Indication toe administration had have passed," he asserted. Conn., vertical miliina machtnas, 'M than the aupply. Unleaa atrong is expected that lend-lease buying Second and toe Third Annies end­ Kehler read toe scripture and toe subject, “I'll Dig Again," tak­ been accommodated, or to rtt riod. The Recon.structlon Finance will be temporarily soft-pedaled. down If Insufficient seats for non- joint broadcast. It takes place Fri­ NBC-Red—7:30 (west 10:30), ■ hung out a green light for the None fan Stand Alone $82,560. ocntrola are applied promptly, ed yesterday, to Lake Charles in Nancy Anderson led in prayer. en from Genesis 26:22. Corporation has made available “WWatevep*the outcome of this food experta aay there ia only one Meanwhile toe pace of civilian toe southwest, toe field soldiers Rev. W. Ralph Waid Jr., the Jews are available. day night at 10:30. “Native Land" Part II; 8, James . first phase of the program to get Mattatuck Mfg. Co., Waterbury, By Large Dinner Party At Emanuel Lutheran The half-hour, listed as ‘‘Mobi­ Melton concert; 9, I. Q. quiz; 9:30, $150,000,000 to get the program : under way. present war no single nation, not Conn., set-back pins, $13,350. direction for food prlcea to go. food purchases shows no signs of took it comparatively easy today. paator, addressed toe children on Officers and teachers of the Only recently all Jews were or­ going... That direction ia up—and up slackening. Chains, large retailers toe camera, taking hia camera dered to wear a large yellow star lizing for Human Needs," also will Brewster boy; 10, Gontehted con­ To Keep Producing Generators we ourselves, can stand alone, free, American Braaa Co., Watar- In Field For ■’ix Weeks Emanuel Lutheran Sunday school Raeentlal To Production secure, prosperous. We arc each oi Btaeply. and wholesalers report sales are They were under orders to stay with him into toe pulpit for a de­ of David on their clothing as a contain a special script by Ezra cert. The commission spokesman said bury. Conn., copper rod,’ $8,818. Mr. and Mrs. Charles O. F. Tack and then came to Manchester. Mr. were installed yesterday at toe be­ Stone's Aldrich family and music CB.S—7:30 (west 10:30), Blon- A commlaslon spokesman aaid us vitally interested in each other. Western Cartridge Co., Win­ Katiag Selvea Into Shortagee running 20 per cent ahead of a in tents in woods and field until monstration of toe subject. ginning of toe Sunday school year. badge of Identification, and The the plan was designed to guaran­ the RFC money would be used to year ago with Increases of as much whose 50th wedding anniversary Tack -waa employed for 43 years “ We are toking pictures all toe Boersen Zeltung said this measure under direction of Jack Miller of dle; 8, Vox Pop; 8:30, Gay Nine­ keep equipment companies produc­ A world community, of one sort or chester Repeating Arms Com­ Amasing ar it may aeem in thia detailed march orders were issued at Talcott Brothers woolen mills, The teachers installed were: Su­ tee that the defenae effort shall another there will be." as 30 per cent in rural commun- returning them to home stations occurs on Thursday of this week, time, showing us the kind of per­ had re-opened the eyes of Ger­ the‘Kate Smith program. Tom K. ties; 9, Radio theater, Myma Loy ing generator units at full capac­ pany Div., New Haven, Conn,, traditional land of plenty, we are retiring hi 1935. He la now 76 perintendent, Erik W. Modean; never encounter a shortage of kilo­ The isstie to be faced, he said, shotguns, $130,587. eating ouraelvea into ahortagea of iUea. across toe southern states from were tendered a pre-celebration of sons wo are,” he said. He illustrat­ teachers Norma Johnson, Robert mans to "the Jewish question,” Smith, 1941 national chairman, al­ and William Powell: 10, Orson watts easential to the production ity. Orders by private companies years old and Mrs. Tack 72. Both so is to speak. Welles theater. dealt with the nature of this com­ Winslow Mfg. Co., Stamforf^ certain kinda of food. Number One the Atlantic coast to Texas. For toe event by their sons and daugh­ are members of toe Zion Lutheran ed toe thought from toe familiar Noren, O. Albert Pearson, Louise which it asserted “must be solvH of aluminum and other vital ma­ will be financed on a self-liquidat­ experience of Alice Greeman without sentimentality. NBC-Blue—7:30, Oncert and ing basts. munity's essential characteristic. Conn., dies, $1,950. item on thia liat of probable abort* six weeks toe 400,000 men have ters, in toe form of a dinner party church of this town, and Mrs. Johnson, Vivian Anderson, Mae terials. "On the one hand there is the agea, many food pxecutivea be. been constantly in the field. Palmer, one time president of “ For a large section of our peo­ Tonight's the night champion dance; 8:30, Tnie or False; 9:30, As presented to the President, Niles-Bement-Pond Co., Pratt Jb at toe Well Sweep in Andover Tack is a member of its Ladiea Kjellson, Ruth Kjellson, Marion He reported that commission ex­ of a community in which Whitney Div., West H aitfont- lieve, ia canned vegetablea. Generals Laud Furloughs were to be issued/ Aid society. Wellesley College, who, when Modean, Phyllia Noren, Gladys ple,'"'toe paper said, “it was a dis­ Joe Louis steps into the ring to For America W t Sing, new time; perts had computed that the Axis the program proposed to add 13,- Furthermore, the biggeat fac­ Saturday evening. The recreation talking to a group of children on agreeable surprise to see how defend his title against Lou Nova. 10:45, Ted Steele, new time. 888.000 kilowatts to the nation's he standards of international eon. Conn., parts for gages, $12,874; many of toe men. Special War De­ bam at toe popular suburban eat­ The sons and daughters, all bom McIntosh, Ruth Chambers, Elea­ powers, excluding Japan, would duct are those to which we have drill points, $3,250. tor in tbeae probable ahortagea ia partment regulations provide that In Talcottville, are Mrs. Victor La “How To Be Happy" gave three nor Berggren, Lois Gustafson, many of these unwanted contem­ MBS will have its regular micro­ MBS—7:30 (west 8:30), Lone have electric capacity in their own generating capacity. The present ing place with its colonial atmos' rules. First, learn aomething beau­ installed capacity Is 42,689,251 kil­ pledged loyalty in our priva ,e Lloyd A Arms, Philadelphia, Pa. not the increaaed flow of food to Army Efforts as many as SO per cent of a phere waa reaerved for toe largo Chappelle of tola town, Mra. Car- Ruth Elam, Esther Anderson, poraries still live among us, name­ phone hookup in action from the Ranger; 8:15, Sky Over Britain: nnd in conquered countries cap­ lives and as citizens. . . . Britain or to our own armed tiful every day; second, see some­ ly in certain quarters Of large cit- ’ Polo Grounds to give the details 9:15, Defense reporter, new time. owatts. In addition to the project­ (for manufacture at Henday Msu- command might be granted vaca­ party which numbered 54 and in- ' JlHaon of Groton, Mra. Albert Florence Pearson, Erland John­ able of generating 200,000,000,000 “On the other hand, there is the chine Co., Torrlnfton, Coon.),' foreea. It ia the bigger appetite tions. Soldiers can get IS days off thing beautiful each day and son, Ruth Johnson, Grace Benson, tes; how many good houses are oc­ from 10 o'clock. Don Dunphy and kilowatt hours in 1943, compared ed 13,888,000, there are now on or­ eluded children, grandchildren, i Koelach of Rockvlle, Mra. Clar- thirdly, do something for some­ vision of that which needa no de­ lathes, $4,548. of John Q. Public. Troops Given Assurance after six months of service. great grandchildren, relativea and Foley of Mancheator, Carl Clarence Wogman and Herman cupied by them at a time of home Bill Oonim, toe 1941 contribution What to expect Tuesday: with a total output of 145,000,000,- der 7,799,315 kilowatts of new ca­ one else every day. pacity. Thus, if the defense power finition: It ilea before our eyes in Stamford Rolling Mills Co„ Larger payroUa are being apent In toe last battle problem, the a few cloae frienda. Logs burning I Berlin, Conn, and Loula Johnson. shortage; with what a free and to fight-announcing teams, will The war—Morning; 8:00, NBC. 000 kilowatt hours in the United Czechoslovakia and Poland, Nor­ Springdale, Conn., cartridga br laviahly to aatiafy family appe- Deficiencies Will Be Third Army, commanded by Lieut. in toe great fireplace added to too i ^ack of Mancheater. There are 15 In toe morning service of wor­ Teachers of toe Sunday school easy way they go about the be on hand. CBS: 8:45, NBC-Red; 8:55, NBC- States last year. expansion was carried through on schedule the nation's installed ca­ way. Holland and Belgium, France. discs. $70,883. tltea. Wage increaaea have given Made G ood. Gen. Walter Krueger, crashed cheerfulneaa of the- acene. ' grandchildren and two great ship Dr. Ward preached on “I Be­ will attend a training session in streets as though they were alone Short-wave relays will be sup­ Blue; 9:00, CBS; 10:15, NBC- The commission program pro­ Yugoslavia, Greece.” American Braas Co., American mother more to apend at the through Second Army defenses at The cefiora uaed in decorating grandchildren. gin Again" using aa a text toe Portland tonight at 8 p. m. The there.” plied by WGEO nad WGEA, Sche­ Blue; 11:00, MBS. Afternoon: poses to raise the United States pacity in 1946 would total almost Metal Hose Branch, Waterbury, butcher*a, the baker*a and the Shreveport, culminating a 36-hour, toe tabla wete gold and white. words from Romans “As Christ speakers will be Rev. J. V. Nord- Berlin police, meanwhile, opened nectady, and WRUL. Boston, one 1:45, NBC; 2:00, MBS; 3:55, CBS. Jeanette Mac Donald kilowatt hour output in 1943 to 64.500.000 kilowatts. Conn., flexible conduit, $58,511. grocer’a. Fruit and vegetablea are With Second Army, Sept. 29 — 160-mile drive by toe Second Arm­ Waa Raised from toe death by gren, director of pariah education a city-wide drive against profi­ qf which is to be a Spanish de­ MBS; 4:55, NBC-Blue; 8:00, CBS; 214,000.000,000. A person of high authority In Foam Blamed For Pain In Nec-k Each lady present received a cor­ United Service Organizations, Yale A Towne Mfg. Co., Stam­ plentiful on tablea where once they (JP)—The 400,000 troops of toe Sec­ ored Division and the Second In­ sage of gold pompoms, and toe Germany Denies toe glory of toe Father, so we of toe Lutheran Auguatana Synod. teering re.staurant owners, closing scription. Should adverse weather 6:25. NBC-Red; 6:45, CBS. NBC- “This plan," the power agency the Power Commission said pri­ ford, Conh., power driven fust were a luxury. Retail grocera and fantry Division. live and move in a new sphere of several establishments perma­ bring a postponement, the broad­ Blue. yesterday. The 10 young service said, "Is today based on the neces­ vate utilities were “cooperating Prealdent CTiarles Sejmour Chicago—(A>)—The foam on the ond and toe Third Armies headed men boutonnieres * of the same life." men came from southern Califor­ transfer, $.50,595. aupermarketa eatlmate that their OomlMit Planes Used flower. A feature on too head Befusea to Cooperate nently on charges of boosting food, cast will take place In accord­ NBC-Red—1:15 p. m.. Rhythmic sity of preparing for defense ex- splendidly" in toe program. glass of beer Charles Hkwes, 63. C. E. Prentice Mfg. C o., Naur Bales to individual famtliea have for their home stations today with Virtually all of toe 400 combat Any Peace Feelers “The new testament,” he said, beer and liquor prices. nia camps, and theliJ dates were ists.” the university head said in ordered was blamed for giving him table was the large, tiered wed­ ance. Rhapsodies; 3:30, Guiding Ught; hand-chosen by the deans of Britain, Conn., hook claspa, $2,- increaaed 20 to 40 per cent above praise from toe Army's two top- planes of toe supporting Air Task ding cake, decorated in white and "is a Gospel of a new start, en­ Philadelphia —(IP)— The Zoo Fines ranging from 2,000 to 18.- 6:30, Brad Reynolds, tenor. his matriculation sermon, "most of a pain in the neck. Hawes follow­ 619. the aame period a year_ago. Force kept bombing opposing Sec­ abling lu to keep alive in a tried hard to put on a nice birth­ 000 marks (nominally $800 to $7,- women of toe University of South­ two agreed to apln five minutes them honest, I believe, and some ed hia usual custom of pouring salt ranking generals ringing in their gold, and surmounted with an Berlin, Sept. 29—UP)—A cate- It is this fight, augmented by CBS—3, Of Men and Books, new ern California and the University Stanley Works, New Britain, In the face of greatly expanded ears and assurance that “deficien­ ond Army divisions to prevent an arch of white with toe figures "50” changing world; to start again day anniversary party for ^ m - 000) were imposed upon offenders. toe World Series, which caused time; 4:45, Religious Ekiucatlon Anti-War Rally each on Mrs. Walker’s 125-year- of whom should be intelligent, in his beer and then took a big Conn., clasps, slides and web s t r ^ demand, food production haa not effective counter-attack. go'lc denial of any attempts any­ after tragedy strikes; to make a boo, its 435-pound gorilla whose of California at Los Angeles. old wheel, and Mra. Walker, spin­ bring such comfort to the Nazi draw at the glass- and choked. cies in material will be made wreathed in gold. The menu of where at peace feelers or peace Amos and Andy (Freeman Gosden week. Gov. H. E. Stassen; 5:45, Swim In Couple’s Pool loops, $5,140. abown correaponding Increaaea. good." After two weeks of- strenuous delicious food, with chicken aa the new beginning after moral fail­ 15 years in captivity ia toe longest • Airmen Reach Britain ning 24 yards of yam to 16 for cause that they alone of Americans After physicians at the Little Connecticut Telephone A Elac. Thia year's crops v/ere already negotiations by Germany was is­ ure; to keep hope eternally alive and Charles Correll) to transfer Ben Bemle. The co-eds and cadets swam In Planned Tonight Gen. George C. Marshall, chief day and night tasks, including ev­ piece de resistance, was enjoyed recorded sojourn behind bars of A British Port, Sept. 29.—(IP)— toe scene of their CBS activities NBC-Blue — 12:30, Farm and Mrs. Young, won. achieve the triumph of being quot­ Company of Mary hospital extri­ Corp., Meriden, Conn., telephona p lan ts before important price ad­ erything but the danger and strain sued today by authorized sources In our hearts.” any gorilla. But Bamboo refused toe movie couple's pool, enjoyed ed in Berlin." cated the top of the aalt shaker, of staff, in a congratulatory mes­ to the full by all. Detachments of Canadian, Aus­ from Hollywood to New York, to Home hour, cotton-picking contest: a steak barbecue in toe afternoon, equipment, $71,500, handsets, $S,« vances occurred. The atimulua of Imposed by shot and shell, the in response to rumors that Ger­ It was annotmeed with deep re­ to cooperate. He wrecked a Glass in fibrous form is being Declaring that America could Hawes explained the accident; "I 721. sage to toe troops for "a grand Given Gift of Money many waa contacting toe Retain tralian, and New Zealand airmen continue until a pennant winner 2, U. 8. Army band; 4, Attorney and then danced or played cards higher pricea on production waa job,” said, “the zeal and energy, comparatively easy routine and At toe close of the dinner, Mrs, gret that toe serv’ice yesterday table containing a specially-made and ancillary units for toe Third Hartford, Sept. 29— ilP) —The used in military and commercial not make peace with the group didn’t notice the top because of the Delivery dates and other details therefore lost until next year. comforis of camp life were en­ or Ankara governments in that re­ marked toe final Sunday service Is picked. The night of the fight, cienerals' conference. and games. controlling Germany, because It the endurance and the spirit of the William Kanehl, of Center street, birthday cake, and instead chewed Canadian Division have arrived In they will do their repeat broadcast Hartford chapter of The America airplanea to lower noise levels. foam.” were not disclosed. Most Critical Item ticing prospects for toe soldiers. spect. on which Mr. Clifton H. Brainerd on a new straw hat. Then he MBS—2:15, BBC Music Hall; Said Mias McDonald: troops have been a model of ex­ a niece of Mr.,Tack, in a few well The rumors were branded aa Britain. A small group Nor­ for the west from toe Polo 4:45, Belmont race; 5, Race, Ken­ “ We're giving these parties here First Committee Is holding an Canned vegetablea are the moat cellence.” However, toe First Armored Divi­ chosen sentences, presented to w’ould serve as Minister of Mu­ threw watermelon slices at visit­ wegian Army officers also was in critical item, according to food ‘fairy tales," especially at a time sic of South Church. For five Grounds because it. xomea on at tucky Futurity; 6. Knit for de­ every two weeks and we're urg­ anti-war rally tonight at the Will Correct Mlstakea sion, of Fort Knox, K. Y., will re­ Mr. emd Mrs. Tack, a purse of ors. toe party. trade aourcea here. Packs of corn, main here to maneuver against when Germany is on “an unex­ 11. Also on Tuesday night they fense program. ing our frienda to do toe same. Buahnell Memorial with Former He said, “there is much more to money from a group of toe rela­ ampled march to victory.” are to have a rare program guest, Short wavea—GSC, OSD, Lon­ “ Families anywhere can go to beats and peas Increased this year learn," but promised that "the mis­ the Third Armored Division in tives who pooled their gifts. Mr. Gov. Philip F. LaFolletU of Wis­ and may be large enough to satis­ training at Camp Polk, La. 'There can be no peace with Bol- Joe McCarthy, Yankees manager. don 6, Newa analysis; DJD, DZD, toe U. 8. O. and offer to open their consin; John T. Flynn, toe econo­ takes of toe past two weeks will Tack responded, thanking all who homes to groups of the boys, at fy demand until next year's crop is had a part in the delighUul party eheviam. It was officially reiter­ Berlin 7:15, Phllharmonia concert; mist, and Michael Strange, ~ the available. However, even in these be corrected.” ated. Listening tonight: JLU4, JLG4, Tokyo 8:05, news; least once a month. I'm sure col­ Lieut. Gen. Lesley J. McNair, in their honor. He expressed ap­ author, aa speakers. Items shortages may occur in toe “Bolshevism will be cvyiped out The war—7:00, MBS; 7:15, GSC, GSD, London 10, dally serv­ leges or other reputable girls' or­ Governor LaFollette, son of toe maneuver director and chief of the New Air Express preciation of both Mrs. Tack and ganizations will be willing to co­ late spring. himself for toe fine gifts they had aa surely as 'Amen' .tojlaws at the NBC-Red; 8:00, MBS; 8:55, CBS; ice. late senator and brother of Sena­ In tomatoes and string beans, general Army heaquarters, ex­ end of a prayer in cnUrch," these operate in providing dates. pressed equal satisfaction in call­ received, and glad so many were tor Robert LaFollette, Jr., haa the situation la definitely worse. Service Opened sources said. “Anyone who has ever been been a leader among ontl-inter- Grab a ing the war games to a halt late, able to enjoy this golden wed­ During toe crop year which ended i d s i ^ ^ homesick can appreciate toe im­ ventlonlets since returning from yesterday. ding celebration of theirs. He portance of helping the trainees to July 1, canners sold about 26,000,- thanked God, he said, that they WTIC WDRC his last trip to Europe two years 000 cases of tomatoes, but, ^ ter The principal material deficien­ Famous Redondo Kilocycles meet nice girls in real home sur­ ago. cies to which Generai Marshail re­ New York, Sept. 29—(IP)— Pan had reached this annniversary roundings" miUtary and British requirements, and were in good health. He closed Flynn, chairman of toe New the aupply available for civilian ferred are weapons —principally American Airways’ Dixie Clipper PJ4. Monday, Sept 29 York chapter of The America anti-tank guns, radio sets for com­ Is winging its way toward Lisbon his remarks by hoping everyone Bathhouse Closes distribution this year may be no 4:00—Backstage Wife P. M. First Committee, haa made sev­ bat vehicles, tanks, trucks and am­ by way of Bermuda today on toe present would live to celebrate a 4:15—Stella DaUos ringside seat! greater than 21,000,000 cases, can­ munition. similar event 4:00—Ad Uner. Elected New Lord eral speeches and broadcasts in ners estimate. first flight of toe .company'^ new 4:30—Lorenzo Jonaa various parts of toe country in Although General Marshall did Cards and Dancing Redondo Beach, Calif., Sept. 29 5:00—Mary UarUn. By toe time new packs were transAtlantlc air express service 4:45—Young Widder Brown 5:15—Tho Goldbergs. favor of non-intervention. not detail the “ mistakes of the between toe United States and The remainder of toe evening —dP)—The 33-year-oId Redondo 5:00—Home of the Brave Mayor of London available this summer, toe rapidly was apent in cards and general bathhouse, famed aa toe world's 5:30—Tho O'NeilU. Miss Strange, best known aa a rising demand for canned vege­ past two weeks," his views un­ Europe. iH 5:16—Portia Faces Ufa novelist, waa a sufferagette leader doubtedly will be Incorporated in The initial cargo in toe clipper dancing, ^^hlle a few chose to largest warm salt water plunge, 5:45—Ben Bemle. tablea bad reduced distributors gather around toe hearth and ex­ 5:30—We, The AbbotU 6:00—News, weather. in 1915 and haa maintained an in­ the general critique General Mc­ which took off yesterday consist­ closed today. Patronage had 5:45—Three Romeos stocks far below normal levels. change reminiscences of bygone waned. The peak attendance for 6:06—World of Sports — Jack London, Sept. 29— UP\ -L ieut. terest in national political issuea Wholesalers, chains and auper­ Nair haa scheduled for Tuesday ed oh 12 packages weighing 41 6:00—News and Weather ever since. at LeesvUle. La. After the urst pounds. In the No. 1 package days. one day—7,400—was established Zalman. <3ol. Sir John Laurie was elected marketa are taking aU of the new Mr. and Mrs. Tack were mar­ 0:15—Baseball Scores and Strict­ 6:15—Top Tune Time. lord mayor of London today. Hits show's a honoyl Imperial is showing the week's problem ho told officers the was a knitted afghan British flag 22 years ago. ly Sports pack that canners will sell but ried in Mecklenburg, Germany, Also closed permanently 6:20—Pklwln ,C. Hill. The ancient office has Import­ Wine Spinning Title there is still a shortage in distri­ most glaring weakness was the made by Mrs. Mary Whlteford of waa 6:30-^ Salon Orchestra tow n something in whiskey flavor, whiskey goodness— state of small-union training, the Bayonne. N. J„ and addressed to and sailed immediately for tola toe Santa Fe railway station. 6:30—Golden Treasury of Song— ant administrative responsibilities buting channels. country. They settled In South 6:45—Loweii Thomas and makes the mayor virtually a Dea Moines, la.— (AT—The old fault of officer leadership. Queen Elizabeth. Said W. M. Fraser, passenger 7:00—Fred Waring'e Orchestra Frank Parker. an expensive, flavor at a blush- Higher Prices Inevitable Hadley Falls, Mass., but toe fol­ agent: 6:45—The World Today. king unto himself for one year In spinning wheel broke down and "imporUd-wbiskey’ In view of thia situation, many Can't Be Entirely SatUfled Of the 33 passengers on too 7:15—News of toe World spoiled a contest but Mrs. Amos General McNair said “we can plane, 24 were bound for Bermuda lowing spring moved to Talcott- "She's folded away like toe gay ^ Eajoy TImm WorM-R$nowii$d Afti$t$ 7:00—Amos 'n' Andy. the heart of London's financial ingly modest price. It’s a ringside seat to fine whiskey in food circles believe higher prices vllle, where they lived until 1914 7:30—Come on and Dance district. Walker was crowned Dea Moines never be entirely satisfied with toe and nine for .Lisbon. nineties petticoats.” 7:45—Your Part in Civilian De­ 7:15—Lanny Ross. during toe winter and spring are ^ on Victor Rod S$ol RocordsI 7:30—BloncUe. Sir John waa an alderman and spinning champion anyway. Mrs. inevitable. performance of our troops, but toe fense Walker and Mrs. Peter Young enjoyment at a balcony price, mister—so try thia soldier of 1941 wlU give a better 8:00—Vox Pop. ^ sheriff in the city of London ad­ By summer toe pressure is ex­ t Discover that for music at its best, Victor 8:00—The Telephone Hour ministration. were scheduled to meet for toe unique and different whiskey today! account of himself than toe soldier 8:30—Alfred Wallenstein Sym­ 8:30—Gay Nineties Revue. pected to be relieved by big new Halifax Leaves Records are best. Best in orchestras— best 8:55—Elmer Davis News. Laurie is a bachelor. His great title, but In a test->run before toe crops. The Department of Agricul­ of any other period in our history.” phony Orchestoa uncl|e. Sir Peter Laurie, was lord rontest got imdei way Mra. UeuL Generals Walter Krueger m in conductors— best in Victor recording 9:00—Lux Radio Theater. ture la putting on a real drive of 9:00—Dr. I. Q. mayor of London In 1831. Young' machine broke down. The and Ben Lear, commanders of the For New York 9:30—Tho Brewster Family 10:00—Lady Elsthcr Presents Or­ Uberty loan fervor to get farmers technique. All this is yours at no extra cost. son Weils. to boost outout next year. Sharply Third and Second Armies, respec­ 10:00—Contented Hour higher prices for farm products tively, commended their men high­ 10:30—Melodic Strings 10:30—Juan Andsu—Songs. ly. ^ 11 00—News 10:45—Guy Lombardo's Orchestra PHOTO,FAX are of the scheme to induce far­ Lisbon. Portugal, Sept. 29.—(JP) 11:00—News, weather. mers to get busy and plant all Today toe soldiers rode to —Lord Halifax, British ambassa­ 11:15—Carmen Cavallero's Orches­ available acreage. bivouacs, singing and cheering, and tra 11:05—Sports Roundup. dor to the United SUtes, took off 11:10—Count Basle's Orchestra. Next year we wUl also see toe will go into concentration areas to by clipper for New York today on 11:30—Ozzie Caswell's Orchestra i s SOUND peatest number of home vege- apend a few days repairing trucks 12:00—War News. Bill Clifford's 11:30—Claude ThomhlU's Orches- his return air-crossing of the At­ t ^ ' tw le gardens since toe World War. and cleaning their clothes before lantic after more than a month's Orchestra AS A NEW The Department of Agriculture is departing for their home stations AM. 12:00—Unton Wells. News. OcHilHUtb absence from his post. 12:05—Charlie Splvak'a Orchestra behind a drive for more kitchen over toe Bountry. The 40th Coast Lady Halifax accompanied him. ONmRADE 12:30—Sammy Watkins' Orchestra d o l l a r / gardens with 5.760.000 aa a goal ArUllery from Fort Sheridan, 12:66—News 12:30—Dance Orchestra. The ambassador arrived at a 12:55—News. compared with 4.431,000 in 1941. 111., will lead the way tomorrow, British airport Aug. 22 after fly­ Tomorrow’s Prograno~ PahoHa^e H m e canning will also get its passing through Memphis to cross ing the ycean In a bomber from Numbered among JalVt AM. TomorrowVi Program share of bamboo in order to re­ toe Mississippi river. Canada. Great Musical Masterpieces by SPECIAL OFFERI 6:00—Reveille and Agricultural A. M. iMse moretro tinned vegetables for most important shoe media News 7:00—Neara, weather. Every World-Famous Conductors 6:25—News 7:10—Bboppera Special — Music, s g m to Britain and for Army -^is broun calf. Hand­ The Buken of Victor Roeordt are eelebrttiag the ooaduet ta one of basoty, Arturo Toscanini ond Tho NIC gmtMt year ia their biiton with thia aeatMeiial 6:30—Sunrtss Special time. It's sound advice to give your Pmctleally Most Items somely burnished, in fur Symphony Orchostro — Traviata — gift offer aa the two great Victor Red Seal Rceorda 7:00—Morning Watch 7:30—Roberta. dignity—sad 8:06—News guests a surprise. Entertain with The Impact of the blUlon dollar FMudea (V erd i)—2 aides...... $1.00 —No. 18220 and No. 13830. 7:40—Bond Clothes.- tion far Um bereaved. food purchases for Britain will be and fashion tones, it may 8:15—European Newa Roundup 7:55—Nearsi weather. home movlee. Rent Movie Film AUTUMN 9:S0-^Radlo Bazaar Oaly In lUe maoaer can *” * strongly In certain foods be selected in styles both loopoM Stokovrakl and Tho Millo- I$y $Hh$r $a$ for 6$t tb$ othtr $ r$ 8:00—The World Today. and equipment from THE FALLOT vmlch are praetleally must items dolphlo Orchoatro — Tristan nnd 8:66—w n c e Program Parade 8:15—Shoppers Special — Music, we ceattaiae to laerlt to r the embattled BritiiAi. casual and dressy. 9:00—Playhouse time. STUDIO * CAMERA SHOP, where patreaaga. Isolde—Prdade, Love Dnet-rLove Death 9:16—Food Newa 8:S0-^News, areatoer. all Mancheater ahopa for “ Every­ (W agn er)—9 aides, in album . . .$9.00 9:30—Mary Lee Taylor 8:85—Shoppers Special. Ask Thoee WhoorWe Dressy (tepin combining 9:46—As ‘The Twig la Bent 9:00—Press N e n ., thing Photographic." Have Served 1e ^Flavor-poakod" bato whlskiosl fo rfo KoussovHxky ond Tho loelon noo FREE 10:00—Bees Johnson U s e d brown calf and t%irilL 9:15—Songs by Elvers. C a r Symphomr Orchoatrai— Enchante*} This superb American blend has that expensiire, 10:15—Ellen Randolph . 9:80—Melodic Momenta. Versatile I Lake (Uadow) — 2 sidee ..... $ 1 .0 0 TWO FOR THI PR Ici OP OPIll 10:45—Road of Ufe AT DODGE AND Casosl pomp with rope-stitch­ 8:<8—Hjrmna of AU Churches. "imported-whiskey” flavor because its founda­ 11:00—Mary Marlip 10:00— B y Kathleen Norris. PLYMOUTH Special Values ing on brown colt Hanw lOndlor and Narttonol iym> 11:15—Pepper Youdg’s Family p ho ny O rch ostro— SymphonyrN No. o.B S iMMM ORMANDY 10:15—Myrt and Marge. tion whiskies are specially distilled to give them 11:80—The Goldbergs 10 :S0—Stepmother. Active sporu kiltit stepin; (BraJtmf) —8 sidea, in album. . $ 4 JO ondt^gremmiadelpliia Orebc» 11:45—David Hamm -fallotsLM I ftmflagVm Roparer WaWz, $y 10:45—Woman of Courage.' a p u C — individual qualities—dien blended together to a welt coted brourn calf. fcif ono Oooaaona—Symphony No. 2 ; 12:00 Noon—The Islanders 11:00-Ad Uner. ichom Rtraaas. He. t$22$ PM. ^ 8 7 e.CEifTEft STafflUa (Tsduukowsly) wHh Tho CincInnoH 11:15—The Man I Marriad. CflM€P.flSHOP T deUcate "flavor peak." 1940 1940 12:15—The Luncheonalrea 11:80—Bright Horizons. t y m phony O rchostro— 8 sides, in ' 12:30—The Weather Man aIoUIII O • O O • « ^ 0 0 OOOOfOOOO $ 4 J O 11:45—Aunt Jenny's Stories. DODGE oSSC5tis:2L 12:35—rDay Dreams 12:00—Kate Smith Speaks. ZL " ^ o l v o t o c T 's p i r i t s i Choice spirits actually ^ Plymouth Poblon SovNxkv— Russian and Lad- 12:45—Singln’ Sam P. M. , 1:00—News, Weather mills—Overture (Glinka) — Dubinushka iH SeSXl 12:15—Big Stater. mad* m the same stills as the rare base whiskies 1:15—UtUe Show 12:30—Romance of Helen 'D»nt. ■ ■■■■«■■■■« n ■■■ «Jucia«iuuiMMiK «1 4Door Sedan (Rimsky-Korsakow) widi Indianapolis 1:30—Marjorie MiUa 2 Door Sedan are dien '*vdveted” by a method similar to the 12:45—Our Oal Sunday- NOW Symphony Orchestra—2 aides. $ 1 .0 0 2-00—Wrightville Sketches 1:00—Neara, weather. NOW 2:16—Medley Time softening of spirits used in making fine Scotch. M orro M ontoux— La Valse (R o o d )- Artkir FIEDLER 2:30—String Matinee 1:06—Main Street—Hartford. widi the Skn Fnncisoo Symphony Or- 1:16—Woman'in White. haintyla ia tnipBB- and the great Boaion "Popa"^ 2:45—Rabbi Silverman 1:80—^The Right to Happiness.' munmY: diestra. 4 sides, in albom. . . . $ $ J O Or*ealra |dayiag Fanet Bmet hair la iatrieate- 8:00—Against The Storm 1:45—Life Can Be Beautiful. ♦ 7 0 S ■ M e , by laoMd. He. 22$ 3.15—Ma Perkins 2:00—Young Dr. Malone. «a • 0 7 5 Sir Thom oa l ■■ch om o o d Tho lo o - 3'30—Guiding Ught doo Millhoroiook Orchoatro Sym- 8:45—Vic and Bade 2 :lJ ^ o y c e Jordan, Olri Interne. IMS Ptymeoili C o iv e ...... $75 phony No. 4 (Sibdim s) —14 sides, in 2:80—Fletcher Wiley. AWASH of IM l Chevrolet Sedaa...... $45 2:45—Kate Hopkins, Angel of simple to ISM Plymooth Sedao...... $45 IM l Chevrolet Sedaa...... $M From a lb u m ...... | 7 3 0 Mercy. Voioaa ol Spriu Vaha, ATda - Ballat Moale To Be Experiment 8:00—Sarlng Serenade. ISM PljqpMNith Coach...... $1S ISM Chevrolet Sedaa...... $75 Ir u o e W o l ^ — Fantaatie Symphony VieoM BIM Walti (J, (Vordi) - 2 ddaa $1j$0 If you aren’t the throwaway pypt when it comes (Berlioz) — widi Paris Gmaerratoiy Or­ S lreou)-2 Odea $IA$ 3:15.—Simple Melodies BERAAANENTS ISM Plynibatk Coach___ $175 lOM Cbevndet Ceope . . . .$145 Caocaaiaa Skatehea Station’s Editor 3:80—Sto^o Matinee — WDRC AAY ISM Chevrolet Ooope . . . .$225 chestra. 12 sides, in album. . . $ 4 J O Laa Ptiiodea (liu l)—4 (lfpUitom-Iweaom)—6 Ensemble. to money-yet plenty fussy when it comes to ISM Plymooth Sedaa-----$175 aidea,iaatbeffl.$ j e ai^iaaUmiB.$84e $3.00 to 1%e FWM*a Creeawr Arihai era ee Fleaer 2 8:55—War Commentary, weather nammneJS ISM Pfymooth Coach . . . .$225 ISM Chevrolet Coach ....$223 New Haven. Sept 2$-tTeL 8416 . ( MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN. MONDAY. SEPTEMBER 29, 1941 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN. MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 29,1941 PAC past In the eoncept of Censen, Norwich, New Milford, r iUuirlfritfr eiviUaatloB, it makes no difference Thomaston and Norwalk. United Church Police Court Cancer Linked it the Norwegians freese. The In addition, nine m en ban SERIAL STORY Broadway Grim Spot Ivfttitm StraUi blankets, many of them, happen have signified their Intention of Front Urged to be the same blankets which entering the plan at a later date, In town court this morning To Red Glow _____rO aU B H K O BT THB Samuel Lefkowltx, 22, of New House & Garden says - - - |m uu> PRINTINO CO^ IMC warmed German children of the while nine more have not yet made BRIDE FROM THE SKY II Biwtll Strait York, now living in East Hartford, For Past Few Weeks ^ m p w r m last wAr—the children Norway their decisions. Twelve, so far, was found guilty of making a U BY HELEN WELSHIMER COSVniONT. IS41. llaaebMtar, Cobb. Protestant Representa P ossible Connection Be* NBA sanvica. inc. THOHAS FBROOSOM hospitality received when they have definitely declined to enter turn in a restricted Main street Oiairal UaBBScr tives Gather to Discuss area. The accused said be swtmg tween Susceptibility FoanSiS OetobarL 1111 needed healthy hooMS and good the plan. Leoe ta Jell Hearts of Hopeful Play* O pportunities IVow. around at the intersection of Oak "W en, darling, here’s a nice, M a n ch ester PablUbid Bvir)—A block of cella a few moments af­ Wrights Breaking All D a te B ook CoBB^ ba; Sacend Ctaaa Mall Hattar. assault upon Norway; now they but it la expected that they will ter Judy had been placed there. court sends for your stuff. There’s ’Hill church can be effective in the coni' it would seem Intersections are the damatic, accldentsU discovery rs- a pitcher of cold water and a wash SUBSCRIPTIOM RATES will strip the warmth from their closely parallel the rates In New moat dangerous places in which to veallng a possible connecUon be­ She pulled the 10-watt bulb in Over Great White Way TonlgM Oaa Tsar bjr Malt ...... f(.d« munity only when it presents a Judy’s cell, dimly lighting the drab cloth and towel. If you want any­ former hosts, ,and imprison and York State, which represent a united front. Dr. Dwight J. Brad­ swing a car. Judgment was sus­ tween cancer suscepUblllty in mica 0. 0. P. Town Committee masts if you're redecorating on a l>udget" Par Month by Malt ...... I .10 iron cot with its browm blanket thing else Just ring. You’ve got at Municipal Building fit 8. SiBBla Copy ...... I *01 shoot if Uie blankets are not form of life Insurance hitherto not ley told representatives of Protest­ pended on payment of gS costs.- and a mysterious red glow found the whole women’s quarters to By Vasto KelUng PallTarad’ Ona taar ...... li.oo On condition that he leave town, in certain organs of thsM animals the tin wash basin, the barred wlif- Tomorrow forthcoming. available to the lower Income ant churches in Connecticut gath­ dow pane that was too far from yourself tonight.” She smiled New York, Sept. 20—(P)—The ered this morning In Central Bap­ Edward Quinn o. 10 Short street waa reported today byAtwo Yale again, opened and locked the door, O. O. P. Woman meet at home MEMBER o r This, Incidentally, is the same groups, and that, as In New York was given a SO days suspended jail scientists. the cement floor,. Atlantic, coast headquarters of the of Town Treasurer and Mra O. Dittr*ttc ^ C. CT n n you’re redecorating on a budget every penny THE ASSOCIATED PRESS tist churCh to discuss "Emerging The matron waa a middle-aged and her overrun heels hobbled Tha Aaaoeiatad Prass la azelualaa- Nazi regime Herbert Hoover and Massachusetts, there will be Opportunities of the Churches in sentence on an intoxication count. EUonell C. Strong, research asso­ away. empire of make-believe has been a H. Waddell, 468 Porter street at 8 r IC C .es M *UU counts. Don’t waste them on dcKdads....gin- IWlf' ly aptltlad to tha uaa or rapobllea* Quinn agreed to the arrangement. ciate in anatomy, and Frank H. J. woman, thin and amall, and gray pretty grim spot these lest few 2:80 p. m. tloa of all naws diapatehaa eradliad would have us trust to leave food greater protecUon of the policy the Present Emergency." curls bobbed around her face and A UtUe wind came from some­ gerbread... .designs which are over-ornament­ Dr. Bradley, acting director of He was arrested Saturday eve­ Figge, associate professor of an­ where and ran along the window. weeks, with the hearts of hopeful Fashion Show, Hale’s at South ta It or not ocharwiaa oraditad in for the occupied countries undis­ hohftr’s equity than is the case ning after a policeman had twice atomy at the University of Mary, her mild blue eyes. Methodist church. ed. Stick to sincere styles such as have beqn thia papar and alao tha local nawa the Christian Commission for De­ Now she smiled at Judy. "My, Judy’s throat hurt. Her eyes players, producers end play­ publlanad h'araln. turbed. with most forms of “industrial in­ fense Communities of the Federal told him to go home. On the third land Medical School who is a Lecture by Dr. Samuel Under­ • passed on to us from generation to generation All lichta of rapublloatlon ot return for an argument with po­ my, child, what a pretty drese," were misty. She wanted to ba at wrights breaking all over the TOere has always been a his­ surance." Council of Churches, was the prin­ Rockefeller Foundation fellow at home, hearing friendly, laughing Great White Way aa the 1941-42 hill, auspices Memorial Hospital by the old masters of the 18th Century. Take spaelal diapatehaa haraln ara also lice, Quinn wras taken to a cell. He Yale, were eraminlng mice for en­ she enthused. "Most of our brides Auxiliary, Onter Church House at raaaraad. toric answer to such levies made The experience of both Massa­ cipal speaker for thia morning’s wear gingham or some kind of voices, knowing that marriage was season gets under way. this living room for example. Each piece is session. He stressed the fact that was discharged from Jail only zyme activity with a lamp produc­ 2 80. Poll aaraloa cllant ot N. E. A. by a brutal conqueror on a people chusetts and New York shows that September 16 after serving 53 suits. Honest to goodness, you’re a roof, a shelteri feet on smooth, Of six new openings so far, the beautifully proportioned and a delightfully sim- churches in industrial centers, par­ ing ultra-violet rays when they thick-carpeted floor. moat likely prospect for commer­ Friday. O ct 8 Sarvlea Inc. loving freedom. The people, rath­ the operaUon of savings bank in­ days. noticed a peculiar red fluorescence the first one to be ail dressed up Quarterly Conference, North , pie and sincere design. Here’s furniture you’ll ticularly in the defense industry like a paper angel. Did you get She baihheea a fool, but aha had cial success seems to be that Pobllabara Rapraaantatlaaa, Tba er than turn what they have over surance la no threat to the estab- area, must coordinate their, efforts emanating from the Harderian landed safely. From now m she thumbs-up tear-jerker, "Mr. Woo- Methodist church at 7:80 p. m. be as happy with ten years from today as the Jutloa Mathawa Spaolal Aaapey— glands which correspond to tear the worth out of the dress, Monday, O ct 9 Naw Tork. Chleaco, Oatrolt and to the conquerors, destroy it first. liahed incomes of existing insur­ in. order to reach newcomers to dearie?" was safe. No mofe rainbow lad­ key,” even though the critics were minute you buy it I create a feeling of fellowship be­ glands in humanS. Election Day. Boston. The Nazis are likely to be sur­ ance agents. What it does is pro­ '1 never even was married." ders across white clouds, no more by no means unanimous in ac­ tween them uid the churches, and Board to Draw Immediately they tested soma bridges made from stars, no more claiming aa convincing Author Wedneaday, Oct. 9 MEMBER AUDIT BUREAU o r prised at the small number of vide a cheap insurance for those MC cancer-suscepUble mice and a Judy’s voice was gayer than it Reception at South Methodist CIRCOLATIO.VS. to provide capable pastoral service had been. wings. Frederick Hszlitt Brennan’s ideas blankets to be found in Norway. who otherwise might be able to with understancUng of the spiritual number reaUtant bo. cancer. The cot was hard and uncom­ about a Cockney family coping church for Mr. snd Mrs. Ralph Meeting Call The Harderian glands of the first "Well, now that’s a pity. A fine Ward, Jr., followed by church Tha Harald Printlny Company, The Norwegians may spend a afford no ihsiiraiiSce at all. needs of persona and families up­ dress like that and the lace all fortable. Because she could not with death from the London skies. IBC*. aasomaa no financial taaponal- rooted from their mors permanent ipoup showed consistently red un- family supper snd entertainment Storo «pra Tacefizy and blllty tor typocraphical arrora ap- tearin’.’’ sleep the remembered, looking at Expires la Agony freezing winter, which will claim The adoption of this legtalaUon homes. ultra-violet rays, while the dark blue wintlow. Were all at 6 p. m. Thursdayz until 9 p. m. paarlnk in advartlaamanta In tha those of mice from a cancer-free' The woman moved her head "The Distant City," starring Othar aveningz by ap­ Manchaaiar Bvanina Rarald. the death of many of them. But was one of the most progressive Dr. J. Quinter Miller, former sec­ Selectmen Meet Tonight windows made frbm memories? Gladys George, waa cut up so Thursday, O ct 9 line of descent remained virtuaUv from side to side In sympathy. Opening of Evening (TIaases at pointment (call 5171). if the Nazi army in Russia Is to steps taken by-the last General retary of the Connecticut Council Judy examined the lace. too. It Were nights supposed to be a vigorously by reviewers after ita Monday, September 29 of Churches and now a member of To Decide on Matters wchanged in color except at cer- place, a stopping place, for some­ Trade Schopl at 6:30. Closed Wedneadaya at 12, depend upon Norwegian blankets, Assembly. It is fine to see so periods of early sexual matur- waa hopelessly raveled. Even In opening last Monday night that it Saturday, Oot 11 Noon.' the Connecticut Council was among To Be Acted Upon. Its rundown state it sUIl held Its thing that once had been lovely, expired in agony 48 hours later we’ll wager it will be cold too. many ConnecUcut savings banks the leaders of group discussions something drab with time’s paaa- Swedish Smorgasbord. Emanuel Saving Pennies for Hitier TOe ^ flourescence indicated, pride. after only two performanaces. ready to bring the benefits of this that followed Dr. Bradley’s ad­ age? Not oven popular Frank Craven Lutheran church. A blueprint ot the process by dress. The Board of Selectmen will said the two researchers, the "My grandmother ,wore this Saturday, O ct 86 leglalaUon to their communiUes, presence in Uie Harderian gland Judy said. ’’And' my grand­ When memories were done, waa able to hold together "Vll- which the American taxpayer fi- La Follette’s Perspective Story Diacassion Leader hold a special session tonight to those in which Phil and Sandy alge Green," which closed Satur. Private Duty Nurses’ dance. and it is to be hoped that the list Others were the Rev. George S. ot a chemical known as porphyrin mother lived In the same red brick Hilltop Houae. . nances propag^anda directed The brand of argument Philip draft the cdU for the annual towm houae for 51 years. She never both moved, she caught her day night. will grow. Lackland, the Rev. Harlan J. hemoglobin In thoughts and pushed them togeth­ Also Ceremonial, Tall Ctedars of scalnat the democratic unity and meeting to be held October 9. At the bloodstream la animals and of thought her dress would be Exhib­ "Brother C?ain," an opua none of F. La Follette, three tinea gov­ Frost, the Rev. Loyd F. Worley, er firmly behind a mental door. the critica took to when first in­ Lebanon, Masonic Tempte. the democratic safety of this na­ the Rev. Wofford C. Timmons, the that time the business of major chlorophyll in plants. it A in the case of the People vs. • • •’ Thursday, Nov. S ernor of Wisconsin, Will have for Porphyrifi is believed to be pres- her granddaughter. Or that It troduced, is being worked over tion has emerged from the dispute Rev. Elden H. Mills, the Rev. importance will bo the voting of If Sandy really cared for her, and will try. try again as "Blue Hobby Show, (Center church. his America First bearers in James F. English, the Rev. Fred V* .organUms, but would take a Jump out of an air­ Former Mayor the annual town appropriatlona, plane." why didn't he offer himself in her Coal." 1 over 12 bags of mall subpoenaed Hartford tonight, was given a pre­ Hoskins, the Rev, Richard P. Car­ UtUe is known of lu function. '1^. Choose separate scheduled to run well over $1,200,- "Child, you Jumped?” place? For a moment sho had "The More the Merrier” and from America First headquarters view yesterday over the air as he ter, the Rev. John C. Walker, the An attempt will be made to de­ thought that he had cared. How 000, ’The drafting of tentative to­ termine how the fluorescent qual­ The woman’s eyes widened, and "Cuckoos on the Hearth," both in Washington by the federal parUcipated in a "Wake Up Taken by Death Rev. William S. Terrell and the tals for this purpose already has did he know that she made a sue- Airmen Rebel Rev. Earl E. Story. ity U transmitted by heredity and she 8ftt down on the rousrh brown much a do about mystery, 'seem to pieces if you wish - - grand jury investigating alleged been completed by the Board but blanket. ceasful Jump? be holding their own after two America" forum. The Rev. Daniel R. Kennedy, Jr., ascertain lU effect on body • Kasi activities in this country. some minor alterations may be functions. “Balled out." Judy sUd off her She began to think. There waa weeks. Briefiy, Mr. l a Follette is so Milford, Sept. 29—(JP)—Mr. and chairman of the General Commit­ made tonight. to be a cross-country flight next At Dirty Ship Sofa, S different atylee...... J- The mail sdeka, according to re­ tee on the Religious and Social ’Such an investigation," said the wedding veil. It was ililned beyond However, good entertainment is ...98.00 concerned over the economic cost Mrs. Wllburt Clark, members of It was stated this morning that two scientists in reporting their all mending. "Maybe you could week. Sandy had registered for It scheduled for what promises to be port, contained speeches by Con­ Problems of Connecticut Churches a petition has been' submitted ask­ and paid the $1000 entfance fee. Lamp Table, Grand Rapida made >... 10.95 of war that he has no vision or Jehovah’s Witnesses, petitioned Relating to the Present Emer­ research in the current iMue of trim a blouse with this." She toss­ a big Broadway aeaaon^the liveli- gressman Hamilton Fish, the gen­ ing for inclusion in the towrn meet­ Science. pubIleaOon of the Ameri- ed the .shimmering lace to the She wondered how he had got It eat. veterans of 1917-18 on the the­ Thousand Stalk Off Coffee Table, all mahogany ...... 12-50 concern for anything else. To the School Board today to allow gency, presided at the morning ing call provision for a vote on the Maybe from Peg’s father. tleman who used to play football can Association for the Advance­ small police matron. ater front have predicted, since Lounge Chair, tapestry covers ... him, nothing matters except the their 13-year-old son, Donald, to seaslon. Dr. Minot Morgan con­ installation of parking meters And yet . . . that bit-tom and bygone era. Transport Because of '.;. 59.75 return to the Devon Grammar ducted the devotional service. ment of Science, “should Include a Why she wanted to tell the po­ for Harvard and who now carries cost of defense. He draws a grim here. The question, long one in dis- licewoman her story she didn’t Sandy twice In tha past winter Familiar Facet Back Wing Chair, linen cov ers...... 35.00 the ball for Hitler. The envelopes school from which he was dis­ Mrs. Henry A. Ingraham, vice had let her steer for a moment Conditions Aboard. Fall Fashions m . Floor Fabrics picture of what America would be missed, they said, because he president of the National United pute, h u aroused some interest ln4 b«w eeh°^ pdrp^ M ^ ” n ^ °“ me know. Maybe because she wanted Moat of the familiar faces of the End Table, Grand Rapids made -----10.95 although unaddressed, bore Con­ the peat, but appears to be in the physiological process that may be to straighten out Ita—twisted hls band above hers. The earth legitimate headliners are back In like after the war was over, and would not salute the flag. Service Organizations and presi­ courae of resurrection under pres­ had fallen away above the silver OtUwa, Sept. m .—(jp)—K thou­ Kneehole Desk, 2014x42” ...... gressional franks, meaning that Mrs. Clark said she and her dent of the National YMCA, will correlated with carcinoma suscep­ threads In her owm mind and a re­ town, wearing their summer the­ ...29.75 he holds that the economic hard­ sure at.this time Judging by the tibility." cital, well rounded, would make sea and sbe had aimed at a white, ater suntans snd studying new sand Ctenadian-trained Empire air­ the taxpayers were obligated to husband had asked the board to discuss "The Church and the USO" light trek that led to the moon. Desk Chair, leatherette seat ...... 8.75 ship of winning a war is all Amer­ public Interest evidenced in it now. the parachute melodrama clear. lines snd new patter. men stalked off a trans-Atlantic allow the eighth-grade pupil, alao at the 2 o'clock session this after­ Signers Well, here she was. "Honey­ pay the cost of mailing them to ica should consider. He warns a member of the religious sect, to noon. Sr^a Cheater Bowles, chair­ At the close of the story the Misalng for the moment are the transport recently because ot con­ whatever address might be put on On the list of petition signa­ woman Jumped up. "Just think of moon suite," she 'murmured. Lunta, on tour with "There Shall that our present effort would have recite an oath of allegiance while man of the Committee on Welfare tories are several merchants who Evening School ditions they found aboard, and ths them. hla schoolmates salute the flag. for the Connecticut Defense Coun­ that poor young man up there by It wae later, much later, that aha Be No Night," and Katharine Cor- to be doubled many timea over. are willing to let the proposal go himself all night long. Honey, be wakened. For a frightened mo­ SsU. doing some turns out of town Air Ministry here, acknowledging Ham Fish’s speeches had first "It isn’t that we are not patrio- cil. and Robert Heinlnger, vice to towm meeting. With no continu- He states that we cannot win a Uc,” Mrs. Clark said last night. president of the Connecticut Coun­ To Open Tonight must love you some to do what he ment she wondered where the waa. in "Tbs Doctor’s Dilemma” and they had room for complaint, been delivered, for such address­ ous parking problem in towrn. It did.** Her back ached from the mattress sporting a aensational ponmadour. promised today "there need be no war without a total brand of sac­ We have deep devotion to our cil of Social Work, wrtll speak has time and again been pointed • • • ing, to the apartment of a Mr. country and respect its flag with spriefly on "The Church and the on the Iron cot. She was cold, too, Also unaccounted for aV this fear of any repetition of the un­ Do your bedroom in good rifice. He makes this sacrifice out that merchants will gain no Tonight, at 7 o’clock, the eve­ Judy glanced out of the small for the prickly blanket bad slipped writing ara two playwrights, Wil­ fortunate incident." Prescott Dennett, secretary of the all our hearts, but we can’t salute Connecticut Defense Council" and seem more terrible than anything it." trade Increase by backing moves ning school of Manchester High upper window. Tha stars were out to the floor. She felt tha white atlk liam Saroyan and Thornton Wild- Canadians, new Zealanders and “Oiurches and Social Agencies t'> tax prospective purchasers of "Make Europe Pay" committee. America has ever faced. Members of the Witnesses say Working Together." school will open with classes In now, shining brightly in her cor­ slip, the gossamer underthlaga ar, both rumored to have finished Australians were Involved in the old New England Colonial Apparently Mr. Fish’s office found their goods. typewrrltlng, stenography, sewing, ner of the sky. Then she whirled that ahe waa wearing. new playa affair, which came to light last that it is contrary to their reli­ The Rev. Sidney W. Wallace, Signers of the petition were that his speeches were not going While he sees clearly and graph­ gious beliefs to make obeisance to chairman of today’s conference beginnera’ Ekiglisb, cltlxenship, ele­ on the police matron. The police matron atumbled Occupied France is the locale of night when Air Mlnlater C. G. ically the nature of the effort nec­ any inanimate object. Robert J. Friday, James Blair, mentary woodworking scheduled "You think he’s coward enough Maxwell Anderson’s "Candle In Power announced that all but "a to be mailed out by "Make Europe will preside. Robert H. Smith, Herbert B. sleepily along the corridor. "Mlae essary if America la to make sure Today at 3:15 roundtable groups for opening. Typewriting and ste­ not to come down?" Allen, a young man aaya he has the Wind," In which Helen Hayes couple hundred" of the airmen re- Pay," and decided to rescue them House, EHmer Weden, EUrle Clif­ nography wrlU be held on Monday. "No, no, honey, but he’ll work to see you. A fine young men. will open Oct. 12. Sbe wUT portray boanlcd the ship and now have ar­ 8 Pieces with that dictatorship is defeated, he will discuss the churches in rela­ ford, Paul E. Jones, Henry E. and give them to somebody who tion to the USO. family life and Wednesday and Thursday nights; better If he len’t arrested. And I Faith, if I waa younger and hadn’t an American actress.- rived overseas. Ask Compromise Smith, John Sandola, B. P. Burton. sewing classes on Monday and would appreciate them. Accord­ has no eye at ail for other grim housing, delinquency, leisure time thought you hated him!” burled my third, Td make up a WUl Stick To Hnmor Nominally Disciplined N. A. Hayes, R. C. Glenney, L. J. Tuesday nighU; citizenship, wood­ "Oh, I do. I love Phlt He’s— NosI (^wsrd wUI stick to the bedding realities in the world today. The activities and the Connecticut De­ Rlchman, S. J. Kemp, H! A. Turk- dress with lace and catch hla eye-, Those left behind, he said, caught ingly, at the direction of Mr. On Flag Salute fense Council. Reports on discus­ working and beginners’ English on he’s wonderful. If I wanted to myself.” stemsl humor found In domestic question of Hitler’s victory or de­ Ington, M. Guinlpero, Walter B. Monday and Wednesday nights. another ship a short time later Fish’s office, a government-owned. sions will be made at 4:30 at an marry him before, I want to mar­ "But how did he know that Pm vexsUons in "Blythe Spirit,” a after being nominally disciplined feat seems to bother him not in Quinn. W. J. Shea, L. Fradin, A. RegistraUon in cooking, mathe­ ry him three timea more now." current hit In London which opens House of Representative truck, assembly over which the Rev. Rus­ W Bevrone, E. A. Johnson, Louis here?" Dear Phil, grand Phil. Sha with a reduction in pay. There’a nothing sounder than good the slightest. What will happen sell J. Clinchy, D.D., will preside matics and bookkeeping is too low Even while she spoke she won­ should have known he would here in November, starring Peggy went to Mr. Dennett’s apartment New London, Sept 29—(JP)— DeBandi, Arthur Hultman, Wil­ to warrant zUrtlng at this time. "The first slrment who went old Colonial designs in aolid maple for to America if America does not dered why sbe had caUed Philip come. Wood and CUfton Webb. In it the aboard didn’t like what they aaw," and picked up the bags. This gov­ One of New London’s beat-known liam A. Kronick, Johnson brothers, Principal Chester Robinson stated wonderful. It waa such an ordi­ wonder boy dabbles with the oc­ long wear! Rugged, simple, unpre- undertake Its own defense posi­ residents. James P. Johnston, Lincoln J. Carter, William A. “May I really see him?” ahe Power said. "They found the ship tanUoua; Informal and homey. ernment truck took the mall bags today, but if the registration in nary word. Any girl' could de­ asked, reaching for the billowing cult as a novelty and studiously tively and mllitanUy occupies no former mayor and banker, died Guardsman Tells Weber. W. J. Davla, R. 8. Potter- these classes increases, these sub­ scribe any man with it and mean Ignores tha war. dirty. They objected to the sleep­ to the America First committee. at his home here yesterday after ton and Charles J. Magnell. brown calico. ing arrangements, they doubted pages in his book of the future. jects will be opened at a later date. it. "Macbeth straight.. .“no fancy In the normal procedure, that a long illness. He was 95 years Expected to be included in the (To Ba OoatlaMd) that the food would be good. He la entirely willing to gamble old. Of Hospital Job business,’’ according to advance committee would then have ad- call is the question of approval of publicity . . . will be the vehicle of "A number of them walked on our ability to live with the A native of Trenton, N. J., biennial elections for towm officers, Maurtes Evans and Judith Ander­ ashore again and spread the word 9x12 Broadloom ‘ idresaed the envelopes, and have Johnston was a dry goods mer­ long advocated here. 7 More Enlist among those who had not yet gone returned them to Mr. Fish's office, kind of world a victorious Hitler son the same month. This produc­ chant in New York city before ha According to a letter received by A public hearing oa adjustment tion la scheduled for Just ten aboard. Soma listened, and some would establish around us. The Herald today. Private Jimmie of the Weat Center street building Nazi Air Talks Effort didn’t. In the end, not 1,000 but a _ o 35»s where they would be mailed at came to New London in 18M to Ip State Guards weeks In New York and will spend Axminsler Rugs government expense. Ho can see what it would cost establish a similar business. He Brennan of Company K, 169th In­ line alao will he held at tonight’s the remainder of the season on couple of hundred airmen were us to defend our Uberty, but he served as president of the Marin­ fantry, CJ4.G., the former local meeting. tour. left on the dock • -hen the ship This Is, it now develops in the ers’ Savings bank for many years guardsman states that he did not sailed at the s-heduled hour mth o has no estimate of what the cost Company H, local Stole Guard To Disunite Americans Cornelia Otis Skinner, usually Floor coverings in this group of "Mill Seconds’* to ensemble wHK Words of Mrs. Bennett Champ until it merged with the Savings accompany the unit on the Louisi­ unit, wUl hold Ito weekly drill at seen la monologuaa, wUl be on the more than twothlrds of the con­ your new living room and dining room furniture. These are tha Clark, wife of the isoUtlonist sen­ of falling to defend it wrould be. Bank of New London about two ana maneuvera. Instead, Brennan the local armory tonight CJapt staga with lota of other theaplana tingent aboard___ years ago. has been assigned to the Itospital Windsors Near firat o f the new patterns off the looms; subject to slight irregular­ ator from Missouri, and Washing­ Admittedly, throughout this era David McCollum, commanding the Major Aim of Short* pointed to a vast Indirect sudlenes for a change when she takes the Grounds For Comptelnt A Democrat he was mayor of at Camp Blandlng, Florida. He is unit announced today that aeven for these messages. leading rote In "Theater," a dram­ ities which do not impair the wearing quality or beauty of tha ton chairman of America First, in history, this nation has faced New London from 1894 to 1897 working in the Neuro-Psychiatric End of Journey ”Ws recognised that thay bad designs. a choice between sitting back and new men had enUstod during the Wave Broadcasts to "Ifany Germsn-lsngusge news­ atisation of Somerset Itaugham’s groimda for complaint about tha regulsu* and frequent procedure. and was a member of the city Ward at the hospital, and Jimmie past week. They Include Ralph H. papers in the United States car­ best-stf sr. opening In Chicago on Board of Trade for 20 years. states that the work Is very Inter­ accommodations, but ws can not Bbiplaining the presence of the waiting for danger to come to It White, John C. Jobnaon, Ralph J. Split People Into War­ ry in their columns abort-wavs Monday and in New York N e o e • e 0 . .9 .0 0 one or two sacks and saw they fense than there is in a passive North Portal, Saakatebewan, yas- in regard to the coming program tad States Is to split the Americas, nalists had broadcast to Fnues Nsighboro;'' uiileb m il be dlrsctod was taken Into accotmt wbm die- Bed, FuO or Twin SIm 2 7 .5 0 Tokyo. Sept 29.—OFl—The Ger­ friends. His address is Pvt. James for the unit b y Shielslr Lswla and opaaa on . contained franked speeches. It is one. E. Brennan, Medical Detachment, terday afternoon from North Da­ people Into weiring groups at from Berlin, and a British Fascist eipUna w u imposad.” Innerqirinff Mattreaa . Loads o f ideas for informal rooms man ambassador to Tokyo, MaJ. kota, where railway station plat- home. O ct SI. Powar adialttad tha ship .2 5 .0 0 our practice to address these and But Mr. La FoDetta sees no SUUon Hoepltai, Camp Blandlng, had broadcast to England aa Lord Box S p rin g ...... Gen. Eugen O tt declared today be Florida. forma wrere packed with epeeta- Seeking to drive a wedge be­ Haw-Haw, to ths Germans use Boms time ta Ootobar "A Play” "dirty and imtidy.” . that I t ___ .2 5 .0 0 comparison ot riska He sees no waa struck by "the warm feeling” (that’a really tha tltte) by Edna send them back to the Capitol for Company K. he states, is due tora, and were due In Calgary at Reel Men’s Lodges tween various groups In this coun­ Ameridui-tralned voicas, whinre a case whan ootracUva maaauras 4-Drawer High Chest .3 2 .5 0 snaiUng.** —Mora any poMUeO" economic ayatem thay envoy to four governments-in- castors too has rsmalnsd unchang­ Oroen,” mth Ethel Banymore, la X aeinch ...... i .1A5 Its o m propaganda way. Follette has yet pictured. teatMed In a morals <*«Tt to tba exile. and David Q2ay, U. 8. min­ drive In which ths troop win par- praaa than L300 Catholic prteots and wrUl cease spreading aalve upon tlcipata. Tba Scouts ware then dia- ed. 'War-monger,' *aUdh-affillatM* Thelma Schnea and Richard War­ (Right) Paul Revere Ffia. S 4 xaa in eh ...... 9A8 •fto ct that they were' employed ister In Dublin. Berlin broadcastars also sought laymen attended a matting here Bock Windsor from the orig­ the resultant aorca and. Instead, missed to "patrol corners.” 'Jewish - oontroUed,’ ‘plutoeraUc to sears Amerioana, Bruner rsport- ing: that gorgeous horror farce, 97 X 84 tnck .SffS evenings in a local bowling alley. Taylor arrived Friday, saw yeetarday of tbr Confratornlty of inal In Boeton; block doco- a X 19 M e t...... BoUl WiH Be CfiU Good Start thay wlU cure the underlying 111- Several infractioaa of the Jaw Testa passed tncludsd nature meddler* and other verbal wea­ sd. with tbs horror o f war. "Arsenic and Old Lace,” “Clau­ tbo Christian Doctrine of tho Hart­ Churchill and Winant yesterday pons from tbs German arsanal dia.” "U fa With Father,” "My ratod, $ItJS0, Nine standard stsss. were diaoovered and warranta is- and arranged to sea Fonign Sec­ by George August, Robert Bsebe *Tn oootraat to war and Its hor­ ford dloceoa demoRrtrstkB o f the Tsb Oonnecticut savings A untvaraal knowladga o t the Med ES a result of thcM invest!- sad Ed DuhaMilnakas. A gams pe­ have received tbelr thousandfold rors stood cooperation with the B'Jtcr EUean,” "Panama Hattie.” retary Anthony Eden today. rspetiUon and more.” Tho spMkers were the Rev. Dr. *ktw oedse” tbs Nasis f wnrta man tala o f tha aelMiee o f po- gaUoas, Mr. Reedy seid. "TIm in- riod o f ons-balf hour waa held Axta; aamples were the peaceful • “.'t Happens on Tee,” and. of Braided Sag tour serving as '*~iing awn UUesl economy would produce nie (Stats Department officials Eecalls BUer*a Statement John J. HoughUn, dlnoeian tfroo- npoa Bupops comas vaatigatlaiis will continaa untU aaid Friday that Taytor was la from 8:16 to'8:45, under the direc­ affUiatea of ths Axis.” ecurse, the reopened "Lady in tha tor of tbo confraternity: tha Itov. MxaShMh...... 4JS ths other aix as agency banks, are remedy.cwmowy. Thia t nis xnowieageknowledge can be ovary bowrliag oSey in the sUto Bruner recalled HtUer’s state­ Dork,” starring Gertrude Law­ 97 X 4a task MToa coaipalllpg tha London to dlscuaa refugee prob- tion of Dick Dolaen. Tbs Scouts ment in ”Mein Ksm pr’ that the Cornelius B. OoUlns, the naUonal •ebsduled to begin the aale of life acquired through a free couTM hos been visited. Boom lexlty has were illsnilsesd' at 9:00 with ths rence. director; snd John Crslg of Tul­ a X 19 S s s t...... TfAS PTMented by the Henry George toms With British leaders.) masses **wiU lend their memories paopla to hi Insurance poUdea on Jan. L The developed recently In tba employ- Gray, whose knosvMgs of Irish Scout Oath. Law and Piadgo to Find Plano aa Porch Tba battle for production booms sa, Okie., nationsUy-known lay- Foortosa standard stsss and School of Social Science, i nent of childron as a rcson of only to ths. thoussndfold repsU- on tha Broadway front. to ooaunuBlUca thus senrafi win In* PoUtical opinion is bsM In high the Flaig. After tha masting tbs Uon of ths most simpis Idsss.” oourae (open to aU) la soon to ba labor abortageo, and while we find ^ Diego. C!allf.—(S»-Anybodj . ■ The Moot R«V. Maurice F. Me- dude Bristol. Waterbury, New includad In Aha curriculum o f the estsem In Amsrlcsa ■ drelss in Onsn Bar Patr^ eomposiwi of Although there sre no socurata > ^ of tbo operators ob- London, was summoned on quick aU troop Junior officers, met in lost a piano? Mr. and Mrs. Bel- Amost ona-fourth of all tha Auliffa, btehop of Hartford, wel­ N a V c n. Danbury, Southingtnn, local evenli^r acbooL ^ ■•wvlng the law . scrupulously, wro figurea on the number of Amart- court found one on their nprch and Confederate gohUers killed in .the WATKINS of MANCHESTER notice for talks before Taylor da- tbs sodakroom. cans llstaning to German a h ^ - comed tho group and tanned the intend to beve 100% obotrvenee." Mits for Washington^ I»llca heven*t bean able to locati Civil W gf were from North Ctero- confraternity "a great demon- ■ W1Uliam Barclay, eerlba. wave broadcasts, tha psychotogist tha owner. y- straUon of Catholic faith.” Ma n c h e st e r e v e n in g h e r a l d . Ma n c h e st e r , c^n n . Mo n d a y , Se pt e m b e r , i94i MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN. MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 194t 29 PAC

Stars in Film Coming to State cide reported during the two-day driven by Joseph P. Caba a t Vtm/k.’- to describe the guest's long-term U-Boats Raid Four Violent period. Springfield. Maas. 'j Valuable Clue Naval service and to outline the C o m m o n C o ld C an B e The dead: Thomas M. Burke, 65, Detective CApt Jaiom R. BfSp duties to which the Manchester Pre-Election of Anaonia; Andrea Fisher,. 4, of ■aid that White w u slAin by two man has been assigned again after In Packs Now State Deaths Thompsonvllle; Robert R. White, ■hots In the abdomen, find hy a News From Manchester’s Neighbors Given Police * lapee of more than ten jreara. 27, a Negro, of Bridgeport; Mlsa person or person! unknowm oboot Lieut. Shea was also greeted by Party Friday] C o m p le te ly W ip e d O u t Myrtle Humes, 67, of Thompson. four hours before hie ho(W Was Captain David MeO>Ilum, Ueut, Most Effective of Three Burke was struck by an auto­ found on a Bridgeport etren OAriy Mail Carrier Disclaims Chesterfield Pirle and again by Two Traffic Fatalities, mobile Sunday night near hla Sunday. During thA night thTM Lieut. Kilpatrick, three'past (3om- Young Republicans to Disease Can Be Eradi­ Types of Operations in Pistol Slajfing ami home and died four hours later In holdup and aaaault caaae wtc9 if for Naugatuck to stay for an in­ guilty of falling to obtain the manders of the post who are now Overnight News a Derby hospital. Patrolman reported in Bridgeport. definite period. Knowledge of How cated in All of United Bolton necessary PUC permit for opera­ In the State’s service as Guard Have Spcial^at Rod and I Battle of Atlantic. Suicide, Reported. Charlea E. McCiarthy said he ar­ Mlsa Humes’ body was foond Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Hull are tion of his motor vehicle. Ellington Body Stuffed in Trunk officers. States for Less Than Of Connecticut rested the driver, Nicholas Hoy- Saturday in Quadic pond, Thomp­ apendlng several weeks at the Westcott Rice is reported to be Dance Program Gun^Oub in Coventry. Washington, Sept. 29— (95— nack, 21, of Seymourr liMfto H. Oapman home of their son in Swampscott, Mrs. Clyde Marshall continually improving at St. Fran­ O. F. Berr By Associated Press son, and Dr. Robert C. PAlaA New Orleans, Sept. 29.—(95— A fine program was given by Cost of War. Germany apparently is relying By The Associated Press | Child Hilled by Truck medical examiner, aaid Aba bad M, riockrUle Mass, Phone J0S2 cis hospital, Hartford, where he is TeL 498-8, RockvIDe pupils of Mrs. Rholda Martin. The Manchester Young Repub­ Four names were added t6 Con-1 Police announced they had "valu­ upon three types of submarine The Fisher girt, only child of committed autcide by drowning. Judge and Mrs. Michael J. Sheri­ recovering from a serious illness. Those who entertained were: lican club wUl hold a pre-election I Hartford—John C. Ready, dep- necticut's violent death list during | dan of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, are able information" from a new wit­ Roberta Hynes In a tap dance; By Howard W. BUkealee operations In the current phase of Mr. and Mrs, Andrew Fisher, was The Council for Defense for Bol­ Mrs. Calvin McCray, of Hart­ get-together and social at the Rod ' uty state labor commissioner, the week-end, with two traffic fa- . killed In Thompsonvillc Saturda; visitora at the homj of the former's ton composed of David C. Toomey, ness today as Charles Napoleon Barbara Armstrong and James Cleveland, Sept. 29.—(95—For I said last night that Commissioner the all-tmportant Battle of the Connors Quits niece. Miss Annie Weilwood. ford, was a weekend guest of Miss Ney, 60-year-old pensioned Ala­ CastillinI In a novelty polka; Joan and Gun club in Coventry Friday less than the cost of a war, the talities, a pistol slaying and a sul- when she ran in front of a tnici^ I Read Herald Advs. of Bolton Center; Leslie Bolton I Cornelius J. Danaher had ordered Atlantic, and in the moat effective _Outlying districts of the town Marion Pease, of Main street. bama mall carrier, calmly dis­ Henry in an acrobatic number; at 8 o’clock It waa announced to­ common cold can be wiped out in the department's staff of 25 In­ of Coventry ore soon to be served of Bolton Center, and Harvey Stafford Springs claimed all knowledge of how the of these the lone wolf undersea Miss Helen Schanal, daughter of Lorraine Scovtile In a aong and tap day by John Wallett, chairmhn of the United States. spectors to visit every bowling Rockville Job by the Bookmobile, the only travel­ Wright of South Road has an­ John O. Netto Mra. Mary Pellln, of Sand Hill ave­ nude body of his elderly wife came specialty: AUce May uld not see .them, but as Bellevue Square Is as Important whose repeated aaeaulta on British mean Supply May Be get food supplies from west Sl- Insurance Company In which the The Pioneer Past Masters’ make a tour of the grounds to initiate a class ot four candidates leon's famous Marshal Ney. Readings Dally 9 A. .M. to 9 P. M. iu Its way aa a battleship." supply convoys in recent weeks oeria that normally go to the Far of Carter street. Birch Mountain. in the flrst and second degree at day for some Charlotte dogs. The Or By Appointment. In the Serv­ set to destroy infections floating East and Turkestan. If this di­ I Open Till 9 Thurs. and Fri. Eves. clergyman sought $500 for ex­ Association will hold its next Sophie Johnson, R. N., of South view the exhibits and displays, Captain Williama said a blood­ dog catcher Is getting a police ra­ In the air. Bridgeport — More than 1,000 have taken heavy toll. Lost by Nazi Moves. penses as a result of injuries re­ meeting this evening at the Com­ Saturday, the last day of the fair its regular meeting. stained tack hammer found In ice of the People for 80 Years. amateur radio operators stand Elarlier In the war the resulta of version takes place. Dr. VoUn said munity House. Perry Lathrop is road heads the Health committee, Raymond Willis of CTryatal Lake, dio short wave set to keep in bet­ 169 Church Street. Hartford, Conn. Another was protected by an In­ the United Statea could supply tha ceived In an accident last winter. Catherine Marshall head the \isually draws the largest crowd of Ney’s automobile was being exam­ ter touch with canines. vention of Prof. James A. Rey- ready to handle emergency com­ Nazi undersea assaults had indi­ WaabingtoD, Sept. 29.—<95—So­ Dr. Brookes was in the Rockville in charge of the refreshments and the three days Sunday afternoon who has the contract for trans­ ined by the city chemist. He dis­ Phone 6-2287 munications if Connecticut were cated that the Germans were re­ latter regions' by 'transpacific committee on Housing and Agri­ porting the children of that sec­ nlera, of Notre Dame. He designed viet Russia may be confronted with movements of food. City hospital for several weeks the program committee is as fol­ culture. and evening Flash Williams and closed that Ney told him he had a series of cubicles, each large ever subjected to aerial bombard­ lying principally on the type of after the accident. lows: Minor Kretzmer, Francis his thrill drivers who appeared tion of Ellington to the Rockville twice been an Inmate of the Ala­ ment, speakers said at the closing operations now apparently con­ a "serious food supply" problem, Normally Require Lsirge Imports Enjoy Picnic High school has purchased a new , enough to accommodate an infant, Dr. VoUn said the regions about Defense Course to Open Lyman, Homer Waltz, Clara La­ here last year will again entertain bama State Mental hospital at and to permit nurses to care for it session ot the annual convention ducted chlifly In the middle Atlan­ the Agriculture Department re­ The National Defense Training throp, Nel.son Smith and Paul Sixteen Bolton Grangers were with auto driving stunts. bus. Tuscaloosa. or the Cfopnectlcut State Amateur tic. Under this method the ocean Mqscow and Leningrad, with Peizer. the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wil­ Miss Lora Quinn, of Wilbraham, without entering the space. The ported today, because of the Nazi large centers of population, norm­ Course will open at the Rockville The three day program will In­ nurses reach In through a small Radio Relay League here yester­ is divided Into a checkerboard of occupation of a large part of the Accept And Profit By The High school this evening for an­ The sermon subject of the Rev. liam J. Webster at their cottage Mass., Is the guest of Miss Fannie day. , squares with one sub assigned to ally required large Imports of Garojo, on Lake Oxoboxo. A fine clude nine acts of vaudeville, har­ Barber of Maple street. 'Window to feed and handle the ba­ Ukraine and the offensive against food from other Soviet areas and other term, starting at 7 o'clock. Randall C. Mason at the First ness racing, band concert each bies. each square in which, with the aid the Crimean peninsula. The 200-hour pre-employment Congregational church Sunday clam chowder dinner was served Adolph Lanz, of Somers road, of spy information and airplane ob­ that unless there was a mass day. The evening program will has announced the coming mar­ Give Farewell These cubicles are filled with Both regions are important sur­ movement of population, Nazi oc­ course which has been in opera­ morning was "Individual Influ­ at noon. The Grangers enjoyed a start at 7 and will include vaude­ Mothers! poaitive-pressure air. The pres­ Week-End Deaths servations, it operates more or less plus producing areas in southern tion for the past It months is to ence.” The-Choir was Invited to day of Ashing, boating, etc. 'raose ville acts and a complete display riage of his niece, Miss Lucille independently. cupation of these regions would the Scantic church at 7:30 In the who attended the picnic Included: Hamilton, daughter of the late Mr. sure Inside each one la slightly Russia. alleviate the food supply problem Experience of Hundreds of New continue on a twelve-hour-a-week of fireworks. Among many Im­ For Lt. Shea greater than outside, so when a Youngstown, O.—Emeat N. Ne- Umlts Striking Pownr Publication of this report by a "A.s far as the rest of the Soviet schedule, and will operate three evening as the choirs of the dif­ Mr. and Mrs. Keeney Hutchinson provements made this year are a and Mrs. James Hamilton of New work window is opened, sir blows ferent church<*B around here will and family, Mr. and Mrs. Maxwell Jersey to Elarl Feller of dssna BE SCIENTIFIC menyl, .55, industrial editor of The This system limits the striking governmental agency here waa union and the Red Army are con­ hours a night, four nights a week. new cattle bam, 150 by 30 feet, out from the baby's space, and Youngstown Vindicator. power against a convoy at any seen aa an Indication that the Uni­ cerned.” The Supplementary Training meet for the flrst time this fall. Hutchln-son and family, Mr. and built on the southside of the Park, Illinois. The wedding will never in from the other indoor sir. In Scantic. Mrs. Joseph Mack. Miss Charlotte take place In October. Departing Naval Officer The X-Ray recheck Akron. O.—Lee R, Miller, 64, co­ single point of attack, however, ted States may be called upon to The report also asserted that which is offered Is a new course grounds on Park street. A new en­ All the cubicle air comes directly founder of the old Miller Rubber while the wolf-pack method, using supply food deficiencies to Russia. the spring wheat belt of the mid­ Home Owners In Manchester in blue- print reading, machine Town Clerk Malcolm L. Juno re­ Mack, Edward Dedoascr, Mra. trance was made on the west side Is Guest of Honor at 'from outdoors, and Is warmed. It May Have to Supply Food ports that property tax lists are John Massey, Henry Massey, Miss shows the posture of Co., and Inventor of the rubber small subs carrying many torpe­ dle and lower Volga basin was an theories and mathematics and Is of the grandstand near the horse oarriea only the infections if any, glove, does among them, concentrates Dr. Lazar Volin, Agriculture De­ Important surplus production re­ open to anyone who might benefit ready at his office in the South Eleanor Smith. Mr. and Mrs. bamsand the entire grounds have VFW Home Saturday. your child’s feet In­ floating in outdoor air. partment authority on eastern Eu­ Windsor Town Hall, and property Clyde Marshall. Brookline, Maas. — Dr. Prank striking power In waters where gion for European Russia with a • from this type of course, operat­ been put In shapje for the 1941 Andover Remain on Duty With Colds Burr Mallory, 78. internationally shipping Is thickest. At the same rope. openly suggested that the good crop reported for this year. ing nine hours a week, three holders must flle between October Correction event. One of the chief attractions Members of the post, auxiliary side both shoes. United States may have to supply 1st and November 1st. Mrs. Maxwell Hutchinson In an epidemic at the Cradle 12 known pathologist and for 36 time It complicates the problem of It noted, however, that there was nights a week. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Johnson Due to an error the name of Jo­ of the fair will be light harness and club of Anderson-Shea unit. nurses came down simultaneous­ years head of the Institute of warships escorting convoys, since food for Russia through Vladivos­ uncertainty as to an adequate sup­ Bowling League and Mrs. Hattie Johnson returned seph Mack was omitted from the races. There will be nine races 157-4, miUrnantic Veterans of Foreign Wars, bid ly with common colds. That was Pathology at Boston City hospital. they have not one submarine but tok. and possibly Iran. ply of farm machinery and fuel fSv Howard Bates has been elected home from their automobile trip. list of participants in the program each afternoon in three classes. adieu to Lieut. John F. Shea, U.S. too many for the usual rule of Montreal - Lome C. Webster, half a dozen or more to try to dis­ While painting an unfavorable tractors in the unoccupied agri­ president of the Rockville City Cards have been received from given by the men at the Bolton P\irses totaling $2700 will be The Andover Mothers’ club will N., Saturday night at Manchester sending home nurses with colds. 69. senator of Montreal. cover and blast Into silence with picture of Russian losses of impor­ cultural areas of Russia. ^w lin g League to succeed Jo­ them at Cape Cod, Provincetown Grange meeting on Friday eve­ awarded this year, an increase of hold a short business meeting pre­ Green VFW Home. The party was All remained on duty. Cincinnati — Earl Blackburn depth charges. tant food producing areas, Volin seph Casello who served most ef­ Mass., Bar Harbor. Maine. ning. $900 over last year. ceding their sewing meeting, to­ arranged by Commander Ernest In the room having cmly air Russell, 65, assistant to the gen­ Instances of isolated attacks on said Germany could hope to gain In 1939, passenger traffic on ficiently during the past year. A daugh^r was bom recently Accident on Route 6 night at the home of the club's Linders of the post and he was as­ conditioning every baby except eral manager of The Baltimore the American side of the Atlantic little from the regions because of American railroads totaled 22.- Other officers are: Secretary, to Mr. and Mrs. Francis J. Crat- An accident occurred directly in president, Mrs. Versey McBride. sisted by a committee from the one promptly caught cold. In the and Ohio Railroad. have been rare In this war. Last the Soviet's scorched earth policy. 657,464,000 revenue passenger Carlton Lessig; treasurer, Arthur ty of Rockville. Mra. Cratty Is front of Constable Dreger's home Auxiliary which arranged for an room with the ultra violet lights, Lexington, Ky^ — Miss Marion summer the British reported some The Russians have not hesitated to miles. Batryb. Grievance committee, Jo­ on the Andover road Saturday aft­ The funeral of Frank Schatz, entertainment and served a deli­ and In the Rejmiera cubicles not Miley, 27, nationally prominent the former Maxine Schlicht- Tolland who died Saturday night at the German submarine operations ‘n seph Casello. Emil St. Louis and Ing of Broad Brook and a grad ernoon. Several highway posts cious luncheon. The party was at­ one baby had a cold. golf star. what they called American waters, Carlton Walther. It is planned to uate of Ellsworth Memorial High were knocked down. Constable Mrs. John H. Steele Windham Memorial hospital, will tended by 125 members and friends This outbreak furnishes good ArdsIey-on-the-Hudson, N. Y.— but the main efforta have made roll on Tuesday and Wednesday school. Dreger turned the investigation 1178-3 Rockville be held tomorrow afternoon at the of the honored guest. avidence on two points: One, that Axtell Julius Byles, 60, president much closer hotne. nights, and because of the in­ Hugh S. Greer, coach and direc­ over to the State Police. Andover Congregational church at Lieut. Shea la the first member Indoor air can be purified auffi- of the American Petroleum Insti­ creased Interest there will be 2 p. m. Mr. Schatz was bom In of the post to enter active service ciently to prevent spread of colds. tute and former president of The tor of athletics at the Ellsworth Bolton Briefs The first fall meeting of the New York City, but haa made his In any of the major branches of more teams this year than last. Memorial High school has an Mrs. Hattie Bicber of Cromwell Two, that outdoor air does not cir­ Tide Water Aasoclated Oil Com­ British War Relief At Convention nounced the varsity soccer sched­ Tolland Community Men’s club home In Andover for many years. service and this fact was noted culate colds. Outdoor air la pol­ pany of New York. Holt, Canadian spent the week-end with her .sister was held in the social rooms of Besides his wife, he leaves three with enthusiasm by the members luted with infection by common Tarrvtown, N. Y.—CSiarles Fred­ Mrs. Emma Lisk, president of ule as follows: Thursday, Oct. 8, and mother. Miss Mabel and Mrs. the church Thursday evening the Rockville Emblem CHub, is Gla.stonbury, away: Tue.sday. Oct. .sons, Conrad and Edward of An­ in attendance at the party. Lieut. PROPERLY FITTED SHOES cold sufferers, but the Infection erick Smith, 68, passenger trans- Minnie Howard of Bolton Notch. with a large number present. Mem­ dover, and George of East Hart­ Shea leaves tomorrow morning for appears to be diluted rapidly be­ jjortatlon manager of the New Financier, Dies representing the local club at the 14. Manchester, away; Thursday, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hazen bers of the Ellington Men's club FOR HAPPIER SCHOOL.CHILDREN York Central railroad. Supreme Convention being held at Oct. 16. Suffield Prep school, ford; six daughters, Mrs. George duty as Executive officer of the low the danger point. expect to take up their residence were present. Rev. Thomas Street, Platt of Andover, the Misses Mu­ U. S. S. "Constellation," a Naval Onr X-Ray fitting service asaurea you of having yonr chUd’a feet The air Itself evidently carried Montreal—SIr Herbert Holt. 85, Swampscott, Mass., September away: Saturday, Oct. 18, Monson in their newly constructed home new pastor of the Talcottvllle Con­ properly fitted when yon buy those first pairs of achool shoes. Academy, away; Thursday, Oct. riel and Edna Schatz. Mrs. Car- Training ship for petty officers t-t the colds to the babies In the air- prominent Canadian financier, one Montreal, Sept. 29. — (95 — Sir 28, 29 and 30. Mrs. Florence Con­ j\ist over the Bolton line on the gregational church was the guest Newport, R. I. Don’t take (Ounces with health and future well-being, bring your conditioned unit. That la, the colds time president and chairman of Herbert Samuel Holt, 85, Canad­ Be Sure You^ Too^ ran of Manchester is alternate. 23. Glastonbury, at home; Thurs­ mody of Newton, N. J., Mra. Ella Andover road this week. speaker. A fine entertainment was De Mont, Mrs. Evelyn Ammon of Principal Guests child In to us for shoes—we have all the styles youngsters like, probably were not transmitted by the Royal Bank of' Canada. ian financier once reputed to be Others attending the convention day, Oct. 30, Newington, hojne; Building progresses rapidly In furnished with speaker and mu­ with inbuilt arches and other protection so essential to grov^g the wealthiest man tn the domin­ BINGO A featu-e of the farewell party contact, fo o i or water, for this Boston—Wtltlam A. BulUvant, are Past Supreme President Mrs. Monday, NoV. 3, Monson Acad- all parts of the town. Several sic. Refreshments were served East Hartford. Burial will be In em_y: Friday. Nov. 7, Suffield Prep Andover Center cemetery. waa the appearance of former work of the Infected nurses waa 70 former mayor of Brockton, ion. died yesterday. George Williams, Mrs. George dwellings will be ready for occu­ during the social hour. (Jhlef Toruedoman, A. J. Zerzaa- the some in all three imits. Daily Enterprise. Sir Herbert and his asaoctatea Have Adequate Graxladlo, Mrs. Mary Danaher, school, home. The team suffered Miss Gladys Rhodes of Rock­ Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Day its flrst defeat here yesterday pancy by the middle of October. and son, Mr. and Mrs. Leon H. chla of the Mine Base, New Lon­ The evidence that it does little Pittsburgh—John F. Friday, 64, at various times were said to have Mrs. Josephine Dower, of Man­ The fourth meeting of the Red ville, Mr. and Mrs. Ira Wilcox and don, Conn., a former shipmate of or hb good to purify the Indoor head of Tha. .Uuiqueenc Brewing controlled 250 companies with to­ Tonight at 8 OXlock chester, all members of the Rock- when Suffield High won the game daughter Alice and son, Calvin, of Day of Worcester. Mass., and Mr. 2-0. To date, the team has tied Cross Aid group will meet this and Mra. Robert Bridges of Baltic, Lieut. Shea and Mra. Zerzaachia. $3.00 and $3.50 pair air only In some rooms comes from Company and oo-founcler and di­ tal assets of more than $2,000,- Wiring That Will vjUe club. evening at 7 o'clock In the State Merrow, were guests Thursday At the head table were Commander Germantown and Swarthmore. In rector of The United Brewers In­ 0 0 0.0 0 0. Funeral one game and lost one. evening of Mr. and Mrs. Rupert were Sunday guesta at Shady Trade school In Manchester. Lawn far^i. Linders of the post, Mr. and Mrs. the Germantown Friends school, dustrial Foundation. ' He was knighted for his World The funeral of Mrs. Flora Dun­ West and family. Zerzachia, Lieut, and Mrs. .Shea, for four years, and At Swarthmore, Marblehead, Mass.—Mrs. Mar­ War service to Britain In which he ORANGE HALL can Green, wife of Frank Green, Miss Conti, of Snipsic school, Mrs. Edith White Maxwell, of for one year, ultra violet lights garet Savage Martin, 85, widow of Provide For : — Bunker HUl, attended the twenty- Mrs. Maud Leggett, president of outlined a system of light railways was held on Sunday afternoon at returned to har home in Walling­ the Andersun-Shea Auxiliary, have been used to prevent infec­ Gen. James Stewart Martin of to haul supplies and ammunition . Admission ...... 25 cents. the Ladd Funeral Home. Rev. Ar­ W illiiigton ford for the week-end. fifth wedding anniversary of Mr. State Commander William A. tious diseases In some of the Civil war fame and well known and helped the government with nold Waring, pastor of the Rock­ Columbia The Young Peoples’ choir re­ and Mrs. Norman Maxwell, of 45 Allen of the Yankee Division Vet­ rooms. aodal worker. its railroad problema. ville MeUu^lst church, and Rev. MIm Jennie H. Church hearsal at the church Friday eve­ Greenhurst road. West Hartford, erans Association, (Jlarence E. Measles Epidemic Stopped Wescott Rlc« ning was attended by eleven of on Sunday. The couple received Charles S. Johnson, a former pas­ 575-IZ, WllUmantlc Division Peterson, past (Commander of the These two seta of experiments tor, officiated. The bearers were Rene Bennett of Roaring Brook the members. Miss Sarah Ham­ their friends from 3 to 10 o'clock, post and Ueut. Archie Kilpatrick, cunusc-'soH were conducted by Doctors F. W. •ELECTRIC COOKING Charles Little, Fred Nutland, won fifth prize In the lightweight mond, of Rockville, has been se­ and many good wtshea were ex­ flrst Commander of the unlL INC and M. A. Wells, pioneers in ad- Francis Prichard, Arnold Hany, Hereford class and stood seventh A large wedding party gathered cured to assist wjth the training tended to them. Lieut. Shea, who ia Junior vice v ocating air control for certain Howard Little and George Milne. in the cattle showmanship at the In Yeomans Hall Saturday morn­ of the choir, and was present for Mr. and Mra. Maxwell Hutchin­ Commander of Anderson-Shea 'THE STORE OF QUALITY epidemics. This year. In both Burial was in Grove Hill ceme­ Eastern States Exposition at ing to attend the reception after the first rehearsal and gave added son, son Cuyler, and Mrs. Alma Post, waa escorted to the ball by a towns, in the ultra violet rooms, Planting Time • ELECTRIC REFRIGERATION tery. Springfleld, Mass. the marriage of Miss Helen Zmut- Interest to the young people. Smith were Sunday guesta at the guard of honor, the post and Na­ it^BoTUEBnilfBSWSTTSiiBBIS thi worst epldamlc of measles on skl, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Mra. Alida Lewis quietly cele­ cottage on Lake Oxoboxo, of Mr. 1 Birth Mrs. Jerry Pardus entertained brated her 89th birthday at her tional flags flanked by two mem­ record In Philadelphia was stopped FHA Valuations Mr. and Mrs. Julius Kupfer- the E. D. pinochle club at her Zmutski of this town, and Joseph and Mrs. William Webster, of bers of Company H, Connecticut among tha ehlldran. Jaswinski of Richmond Hill, Long home Sept. 22. She received many Manchester. A shore dinner was ■chmidt, of Eil(pgton, are the par­ home In South Wllllngton Thurs­ cards, letters and flowers and State Guard. Aa the guesta were Previously, in Germantown, an • ELECTRIC WATER HEATING ents of a son bom on Sunday at day night. Prizes were won by Island. The reception followed a enjoyed, boating, fishing and seated the assembled guests sang aarller epidemic of measles was E v e rg re e n s several callers. She ia in fine the Rockville City hospital. Mrs. Joseph Cslki and Mra. J. high nuptial mass in S t Joseph's cards. the Navy song, "Anchors Awiigh." avoided by children In the ultra church, WUllmantlc. h e a ^ and keeps posted on the DtllVfRY Band Held Outing Gallup Service. Refreshments eortant events. Commander Linders caUsd upon violet light school rooms, snd out­ Aid Purchaser of cake and coffee were served. In a second wedding Involving a Lieut. Kilpatrick, for many years breaks of mumps and chicken pox SO Varietiec The American Legion band held local resident Miss Margaret Les- Dominic Riley has aevrered hla an outing at the Otto Gsell farm Mrs. Ida M. Brown, who has connection with the Parasek but­ a close friend of the Naval oSIcin:, were similarly controlled. been visiting Mrs. Mary Stout at coe, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Legless Aviator But at no time. In any of the SHADE AND ORNAMENTAL TREES The valuations assigned to properties by the Eleetric range cooking means: In Tolland on Sunday afternoon. Eugene Lescoe of this town was ton manufacturing company In There was a program of sports Asbury Park, N. J., for two Wllllngton and left town for hla inoms In either town, did the lights Federal Housing Administration tend to restrain months, has returned home. married Saturday morning to If IT C0M[ S fROM SAUMS ITS COOD have’ any apparent effect cm com­ SAVE MONEY— GAIN A YEAR extra hours of leisnre for you and during the afternoon the band Stephen Domtek, son of Mr. and home In Larchmont, N. Y. Tries to Escape FOOD S T O R E sellers from asking prices too high or above the gave a concert. Harold Obenauf Loads of trap rock are going Mra. L. Eraent Hall and Mlsa mon colds. The lights were the over Wllllngton Hill for the new Mra. Stanley Domick of Colchea- Garleton Schuster same aa those used at the Cradle. level a t which the home buyer may obtain the is the director of the band. ter. The ceremony was performed Bernice Hall were guesta of Mrs. . . .streamlined beauty for road being built In Ashford. ■ Elizabeth Hall In Manchester last Berlin, Sept 29—<95 —^Wlng 84-Hoar Protection Needed maximum financing terms under the FHA, as well Treated at Hospital People liable to pay taxes must at S t. Mary's church. South Cov­ It appeared that protection Mrs. Alma Hlrt of Sprlng(fleld, entry. week. Commander Douglas Bader, leg­ Tuesday and Wednesday Specials Last Opportunity as to prevent undue or temporary fluctuations in your kitchen . . . delicious, return to the assessors a list of Mrs. John H. Steele waa a guest less British pilot who now is a PIANO against common colds during srtfe of Arthur Hlrt, and her 7- all taxable prof>erty tefore No­ The Congregational church school hours alone la not aufftetent, TO SECURE GUARANTEED STOCK AT real estate values, it was said recently by FHA year-old son were treated at the school opened for the season yes­ of Mra. Jennie Bemtatt in Man­ Gemian war prisoner, attempted QnaHty—Lolo vember 1st. 'The asses.sors are chester Friday afternoon. to escape, a Nasi spokesman said OUR BEST SAUSAGE and that 24-hour all* protection la HALF OF ITS REAL VALUE officials. nourishing meals for your Rockville City hospital on Sun­ Joseph Dlmock, J. Gallup Service terday with a large attendance TEACHER MEAT —. HAMBURGER necessary. day afternoon for injuries rroelv- and with a new teacher on the The Tolland Grange -publie aet- today, only a few hours after the and Oldrich Vonaaek. If later a back party Friday night had four­ R. A. F. had deUvered a new OR STEER BEEF Lamb Chops Aside from the great expenaa of family (foods cooked with ad in an automobile accident. The penalty will be required. staff. She ia Mrs, Wilbur Fletcher. Formerljr of Boston protecting a nation, there are 'The FHA undertakes a comprehensive review Injuries consisted of bruises and Mias Joaephine Bjork of this teen tables in play. Louis Vesley artificial limb to' him by para­ Miss Frances Mersereau has was Chairman assisted by' Mra. chute with the approval of the problema of eye safety when using of each mortgage transaction to auure its sound­ electricity retain their vita* were not severe. Neither the local recovered from her long tllneas so town who soon la to be married NOW TEACHING AT 45c lb. the ultra violet lights. At tha Cra­ SPECIMEN TREES nor state police had a report of to Thomas Chowanec, also of Co­ Edith Crandall and a friend from Germans. 2 9 c lb. ness and attempts to place a fair valuation upon she can «tay alone and Mias Elsie out of town. Refreahmenta were (Elader, 30, lost both legs In a 85 WEST CENTER ST. dle the nurses could look up at tha the property. the accident Hauschild has left. ' lumbia, was tendered a miscel­ Baby Beef Liver . . .lb. S3c lights and it was necessary for mins, minerals and rich, nat* Hearing Tuesday laneous shower Saturday night at ‘served during the aoclal hour. flying accident in MSI, and one Phone 2-0269 NsUm At Sacrifice Prices President George H. Shafer of the home of Hra. Maude McClel­ of this metal legs be wore was them to wear dark glaaaea as a Many Large Evergrecaa and Trees Suitable for Immedi-- ' - A hearing will be held Tuesday the Wiilimantic State Teachers' damaged when he was forced protection. Bat after the flrat Aa an additional safeguard, the FHA operates Ural flavors)! - at the office of Judge of Probate College was appointed Thursday lan in Hartford. Mlsa Bjork re­ Boneless Veal A Well 'Trimmed Steak year, when curioaity no longer Im­ ate Effect As Sireens, Hodges, Windbreaks. Etc. Moat Francis T. O'Laughlin to act up­ ceived many useful gifts. down over northern France early From Heavy Steer Beef, Be Sacrificed To Make Room for New pinw«isign- to prevent buyers from purchiuing homeb beyond district controller In the state de­ The first seasonal meeting of last month.) pelled them to look upward, they on the application of the adminis­ fense council for the towns in the Marlborough The spokesman explained that or Veal Chops Short or Sirloin discarded the glasses and have had their means on the theory that the average Amer­ trator of the estate of Ernest F. the Columbia Girl Scouts was held ican family should not pay much more than vicinity of WUllmantlc which In­ in the Chapel Saturday and a Mra. Howard Lord It was the custom of German no eya trouble. Prentiss, late of Vernon who de- cludes WUIlngton. In the event fliers to entertain crack enemy one-fifth ^of its income for shelter. . Mres to sell certain property own- softball game was played. After­ 884-2, East Hsmptoa Not Bisk ts 1 ^ POTTED PERBHNIALS of sn air raid It will be his duty ward the members of the troop pUota after their capture,, and 3 3 c lb. Ehqiierlments have been made ed by the deceased located in this to send word to the air wardens In aaid the aamc honor was accord­ 4 5 c lb. Planted Now Will Prodoco a Full Crof of Blooms There Is An Electric Range city. visited' Jane Lyman who is con­ with ultra violet lights placed in These factors fllustrat* the FHA's concern for the towns of his district which he fined to her home with an illness. Mr. and Mra. William Converse ed Bader at an airdrome In France FRESH EASTERN PORK f Either End) . . . ih vac tha conduits of air conditioning Nozt Sosson. win receive from Boston or New of Pittsburgh, Pa., and Mr. and where he was first held. the welfare of families assuming indebtedness for York. / gfT;‘^5*^ Mrs. Ml Lillian Rice, librarian of systams so as to stsrlllse an the f l l Jthe. le Saxton B. Little library la Mra. Floyd Barton and Fred Etar- After the dinner, Bader—who ^ Casipjete Line of Groceries — Fresh Fruits and V eve. air dreulatcd into rooms In this the purchase of homes. The FHA, officials of the To fit every kitchen plan The Valley Bridge club mem_^_bCf*' planning nlan with the town's five dia- ton of Ancrandale. N. T., have had Just received his new artifi­ O position the lights srs not a risk agency asserted, is the only Nation-wide organiza­ j South Coventry' were guesta of Mrs. Iva Wilcox trict achool teachers for the obser­ been recent guesta o t Mrs. Laura cial lsg<—disappeared, the spok Week J. Ouderklrk and family. man said. After a search he was Tha posslbUity o t eradicating Free Expert Advice On What and How To Plant. at Land O’Pinea In StaffordvUle. opening November 2. Fitting Joseph Rankl and Frank Mc­ found in a. bam aome distance common colds la at laast past tha in homes. regardless of - size. . Tbs Coventry League of Women Bridge was played In the after­ from the base. Bring a Sketch of Yonr Gronnds Showing Location of ▼otera held its first meeting of tha school programs are being dla- Nally are doing Jury duty tn the MaxwoUHoao! rMwy, No. 1, DeUdom dream aUga. In Waimlngton, Existing Trees, Plants and Baildfaigs. noon followinjg a luncheon. cuased. Hartford County Superior Coiirt season last Friday at Mrs. Friends of Mias Sava Dunning, OIL D. C, a new 12-atory apartmant 'Oiabain’s Tea Room, la charge of Coliunbia’a new Boy Scout troop Frank Lamaon of Peru, Indiana, COFFEE houaa has baan fitted with ultra BUY OR BUILD THE F. H. A WAYl ^ S'sars old, gladly welcomed her will be formed tomorrow night ia vlaiting bis cousin, Mra. Laura :tU prssldefit. Mra Ruth T. Welles, when she daUed on them Friday. Hawaiian Division POTATOES violet air-conditioning, the flrst secretary Mrs. Virginia Rus- when officials and the scout com­ J. Ouderkirk and family. - AND large realdential building so New Location See This Bank for Complete Information "Hiough not able to get out much mittee meet with interested local The local grange will hold a q;ie- See Them At Any Local\ Electrical Bevetsl business mattsrs were she la faithfuUy cared fbr by ICiw 2 9 c lb. equlppad. AO aalUax tbls Fbll will be dooe at OUB LAKK FABM. ptak m


Was brought Into ehurcb ho — . ___ .T*’.. MANGUESTEB EVENING HERALD, B1ANCHE8TER, CONN. MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 29,1941 PAGE “The Prtceleos Lova of Jeaua," at Britain^ Opens yrr fFair Rentmg the elevation "O fialutarU” and at About Town Cites Aircraft Obituary the concluoion of the service Large Army Convoy 'Beautiful Land On High.” Drive on Italy The Junior Choir of B t Mary’s Lecture Topic Tha blgh esteem In whleh bis Episcopal ohuroh will beg^ re- T r a i ^ Plan frienda and neighbors held the de­ (OoBUnaed freoa Page Ona) bearaus tomorrow evening at 6:30 Deaths ceased was attested when the la Aa pariah bouse. Passes Through Town M oriarty Take Twi Cup; Tigers Also Win Subject to Be church was nearly filled and a command ralda five planea are Plant Executive Speak- i delegation from the Garibaldi So­ missing, it said, and from a coast­ Mrs. James W. Brand, of the V — — Explained at Meeting ciety attended in a body. Burial al command raid on oil depots and Centennial apartments on Chest­ er at Today^s Meeting Over 15,000 Soldiers in Nathan Maine was at SL James's cemetery with refineries along the occupied nut street, entertained at a tea "Name Your Oum Price and Winner" Of GOP Women. Rev. Ekknund Barrett reading the French coast at St. Nasaim two Saturday afternoon for Mn. R. Of the Kiwanis Qub. Weddings Two Columns on Way" j_____ committal servlcee. The bearers bombem have not mturned to tlielr KenneA Leach, of 88 Chestnut Server’s Wildness Tigers Take Title "FUr TUating” wlU b« the eub- Dies Sunday were all nephews, Thomas, Wil­ bases. street, who wlA her husband and H. J. O'SulUvan, supervisor of to South; One Goes Will Be Poker Face Joe or ^Cosmic ’ Punch Lou ? Ject et Ctement Hyde’e Ulk before liam and Adam Rlamondi, Michael The ministry quoted one pilot as children, Patricia and Richard, are employee training for the ilnlted Through Center. and Thomas Arsari and Gaudino saying that the fumes of burning leaving to make their rceidence at Aircraft. company In East Hart­ Trotter-Schreiber In 13th Frame Costly the llancheater RepubUc^m Wo- Veteran Bolton Resident Ii^monica. oil and chemicals mached even to Northfleld, Mass. OAer guests In­ Mr. and Mrs. Walter E. Schrcl- At Nebo Yesterday men'a club, which holds its first the raldem' flying height and that cluded Mra. Alden L. Carleton, ford, guest speaker at the noon­ ber of 669 Gardner street, an­ Storting early this morning msetinr and tea, tomorrow after­ Passes Away at Green the refinery blaze could be seen 50 Mrs. Russell F. Miner and Mrs. day luncheon of toe Kiwanis Club, nounce toe marriage of their when tank trucks and field kitch­ Russians Defeat miles away. Robert H. Poore. gave an Interesting account of toe daughter, Dorothy Caroline, to ens began rolling through town, Winning Run Comes noon -at 2:30 at the home of Town Lodge Home. operation of one of Connecticut's Ted Williams Did It f I Winners Blast BrennaB .Treasurer and Mrs. George H. Only Few Planes Attack Lieutenant Woodrow Trotter, son one of toe largest troop move- I Box Score Britain meanwhile was the ob­ iThe BeeAoven Glee club will largest natlonsi defense Industries. of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Trotter of ments to be made In tola section Over Plate on Wild By Getting Six Hits Waddell of Porter street. Former­ Rumanian Units At toe opening of his talk Mr. ' Off Mound in Third ly- prindpal of Hartford High Nathan Collins Maine, veteran jective of only a few hostile air­ meet at 7:30 tonight at the Eman­ Summit street on Saturday, Sep­ since military training waa com­ Heave to Give Twi Cup , Moriarty Brothers Bolton resident, and one of the craft, flying singly, the govern­ uel Lutheran church. All members O'Sullivan said that he was asso­ tember 27, at 3 o'clock in Camden, menced continued through late af­ AB R H PO A E Philadelphie, Sept. 29.—CP)— ' school, Mr. Hyde is no stranger to (Continued from Page One) ciated with Mr. Wilson, president Ted Williams went and did It. I Frame for Five Runa local audiences. He is a member civic leaders of that town for ment said. are requested to be present as the J . ternoon. The 15,000 troops and full To Moriarty Brothers. Keeney. 2b .. .. .6 2 2 7 4 2 many years, died Sunday evening They ranged as far as the coast club is rehearsing for a concert In of the Pratt A Whitney Engine Miss Marjorie Taylor of Gris­ equipment of the 26th Division Hilderbrand, lb .5 1 1 8 0 2 The slringbean slugger of I ! And Softball Title. of the housing committee In the tanker of 6,000 tons was sent to CJompany 23 years ago and that he toe Boston Red Sox dropped neighboring city. He has spoken at the Green Lodge Home, where of South Wales and a communique the near future. After rehearsal wold street, who was a classmate was on the move, en route >to Ma- . Moriarty Brothers won a bitter­ Burke, ss ...... 4 0 0 2 4 0 he had resided with members of the bottom of the Black Sea. was pleased to again associate ness, No^th (Taroilna, where large Katkaveck. c . .5 n 0 13 1 0 below the charmed .400 batting i h w before, la an interesting On land," the Rusalana said the reported there was some damage Ae monthly btuiness meeting will of the bride, was maid of honor The Tigers greased the M d s his family for the past 15 years. at two places and a small number be held. The executive committee himself with toe aircraft leader in and Lieut. Trotter had aa his best scale m^euvera for the wh^a ly fought baseball game from a Becker, If .... .1 0 0 0 0 0 mark Saturday for the first under the Depot Square O m g tt speaker, and will tell of the alms Red Army in fierce counterattacks the present emergency. northeast and middle Atlantic sea­ hard flghtlng Polish American Congdon, If .. .3 0 2 4 1 0 time sines July. So yesterday of his committee, how it came into Mr. Maine was bom in Bolton, on the central front recaptured 10 of casualties. requests a full attendance as Im­ man John W. Cox of Schenectady, teem at Mt. Nebo yesterday after­ December 25, 1852, son of Nathan The raid on northern Italy was portant business will take place. Mr. O'Sullivan was secured for N. Y., a fraternity brother of the board are scheduled to start next team at Mt. Nebo yesterday after­ Jarvia. rf .... .5 0 0 3 n 0 he stepped up to the plate eight noon and copped thu eoftball title existence. It should prove en­ more villages in its drive from toe Kiwanis talk by Attorney Har­ wcclc. Tbomss, cf ... .5 1 2 1 o 0 times to concoct six hits, lightening not only to people who S. and Cornelia (Carver) Maine. Yelnya toward Smolensk. the second this month. Turin was bridegroom at Boston University. noon 4-3 in the thirteenth inning. for Manchester by an 8-8 score. raided on the night of Sept. 10-11. The annual meeting of the Man­ old'Gar^y.^ The bride's wedding dress was VU Bolton Notek Server, who had pitched b“n even Griswold. 3b . . .5 0 1 V 0 2 enough to boost his mark from I They blasted Hook Brannon off tea pay rent, but those who rent The Red Army also was said to Hags PlaaS^ Blanchard, p . .5 0 0 0 3 0 .39955 all the way up to .406, houses to others, so that they may have hurled the Germans from chester Radio club will be held to­ brown rayon silk, brown and cop­ Part of toe division went south­ terms with Cy Blanchard, wild mound in the third orith five n n E know what their neighbors are do- morrow evening In Ae Trade a-The speaker declared that 22,000 per accessories and corsage of spi­ ward by way of Columbia, Marl­ pitched the winning marker over during a doublehesder with which came on a comblnatiaa a t. three lines of trenches and to Convoy Put Through School classroom. Election of offi­ (Sen and women are now employed der orchids. Her traveling costume borough and Middletown, while Totals ...... 44 4 8 39 IS 6 toe Philadelphia Atoletlce. timely hitting and poor support Ing. have crossed the Desno river in in the P. A W. plant, worktog on the plate to end one of the most A good turnout is expected at cers will be held and other mat­ is a two-piece tweed suit with the other column came into town spectacular ball games here In Polish Americans Williams, who also copped for the ancient Brennan. an advance on a alx-mlle front. Despite Attacks ters of business transacted. a three-shift schedule within the AB R H PO A E home run honors with 37 and this first meeting as cards have Leningrad continued to resist London, Sept. 29.—(yP)—An Im­ brown accessories. via Bolton Notch and waa slated many years. Cliff Keeney's big Herman Welrzbickl’s big hat plant that now covers 2,000,0(ra The maid of honor wore brown to continue out of the state bat kept the Moriarty team in the Bernard!, as ...4 2 1 2 5 1 ranked fourth in runs batted in, aided the cause of the Tigers as ha been mailed to all newly registered the strongest German air and portant convoy was put through square feet of area, devoted to the Saverick. 3 b ___6 1 2 3 5 0 is the first major leaguer to tiat ^publican women to attend this land pressure, it was said. A the central Mediterranean despite Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence C. Neff crepe, brown accessories, corsage through Danbury. running. He slam m ^ a home run f,atbered three out of tour and of Chicago, 111., are spending two manufacture of P. A W. engines. of gardenias and stephanotis. As the columns came through in the third with Thomas on the Vlot. c f ...... 6 0 1 2 0 0 over toe .400 ' mark since BUI drove in two rune in teat faM tea. correapondent for the Communist consistent attacks by "the enemy About twenty per cent of toe Kose, If ...... 6 0 1 2 1 0 Terry did it in 1930 and the Mrs. Frank Gerlach and Mrs. E. party organ, Pravda, reporting air force," the Admiralty an­ weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Robert After the ceremony the bride more thickly spaced this afternoon bas«4. and again In the eighth he third Inning. There was not much E. Carney of Garden street. Mrs. applicants for Jobs at the P. A W. and bridegroom left for Chicago, several letters were flung from the hit a double and later scored tbe ObuchowskI. lb .3 0 0 16 0 0 first American Leaguer since of a ball game after this frame as. B. Hutchinson of the hospitality from trie besieged city said: nounced today. plant get work, he said, and he committee will assist Mrs. Wad- “We‘ already have cracked the Neff la the former Miss Catherine m., where the latter has been as­ cars to the policemen on -dtrty at third run. Haraburda, 2b . .6 0 0 2 3 0 Harry Heilman climbed to toe Rubacha got better and better as The Admiralty said the convoy Carney. emphasized that the country with­ toe center, with requests for their Lovett, rf ...... 5 0 1 2 0 0 batting stratosphere In 1923. the game nrent along. Dealmona re­ deU. enemy's advance, now let us bleed reached its destination although signed to active duty as Assistant The end came rather suddenly in 45 miles of East Hartford had Corps Area Constructing Quarter­ mailing. This was immediately for the Polish lads who had fought Wierzblcki, c ...5 0 1 9 0 0 lieved the Garagemen’a ace burlsr him white.” one merchant ship was damaged been combed for trained factory Today, with toe 1941 season This correspondent portrayed The first fellowship pariah sup­ master for toe Sixth Corps Area done. back tooth and nail, hsd come Server, p ...... 5 0 1 0 1 0 ended, WIlUams' batting line in the fourth but tbe damage had and hgd to be sunk by British workers since operations had been been done and from there in it was Italians Claim the defenders of Leningrad as “at­ forces. There were no casualties on per will be held tomorrow evening with headquarters in Chicago. from behind the ninth to tie the reads; tacking incessantly, then driving at the North MeAodist , church, stepped up to war tempo. |fany of Included In the column going score only to lose it In the thir­ Totals ...... 48 3 835* 15 1 G. AB. R. H. Ave. a breeze. Once in the second they that ship, however, the announce­ the workers come from the other Score by Innings; got three men on the bssas tout forward,, without respite.” ment said. and will be served at cost. It is past the center was infantry, field teenth. Fielding feats were as 143 456 135 185 .406 Cruisers Sunk The Red Air Force was reported hoped whole families will attend. New England States, aa far as toe artillery, quartermaster and signal common as the dried grass in the Morlartv Bros. scored only one run. An escorting warship was re­ Canadian border. “ Dr. Underhill units besides medical corps and 0 o'2000010000 1—4 Tbe biggest crowd of tbe season rendering great aid to the land ported damaged but the Admiralty During the evening plans for outfield. Bernsrdl. Keeney. Burke (Oonttnoed from Page One) troops. The communique said the painting and repairing toe church One of the best features of the other special troops. A large per­ and Ssverick turned In gems, as P. A. watched the game and cheered on said her fighting effeciency was local plant Is the loyalty of the centage if toe truck drivers evi­ 100010001000 0—8 the doughy boys from across ths Germans lost 98 planes Friday not impaired. will he discuss^. Talk Tomorrow did ObuchowskI who handled the killed 11 persons and injured 33, along the entire front compared men working there, he said. Each dently belonged to a Negro unit. first base assignment like a vet- • T^\•o out when winning run Major League tracks. As a matter of fact bote The Ladies Guild of St. Mary's employee la trained to perform Near Accident > eran. was scored. teams come from the north end while 12 casualties were caused at with 31 Soviet planes lost. perfectly his own particular Job Two-base hits: Oriswx>ld, Keen­ Rhodes, where bombs fell on a (The Italian news agency, Ste­ 4,000 Italians Quit • Episcopal church will hold its first Mrs. Alfred B. Sundquist, presi­ One woman, who was impatient Final Inning DiMstrous Leaders and it was a north end crowd that fani, said in a Sofia, Bulgaria, dis­ fall meeting Thursday afternoon at and not to rely upon the directions dent of the Memorial hospital to cross toe highway st the Center The final chukker wae bad for ey. Home runs: Keeney. Sacri­ lined the eidellnes. Ihe champtons hospital and civilian residences, a of the various departmental in­ fices; Katkaveck. Double plays, communique declared. patch that Russian parachute At IJolchefit two o'clock in the Guild room. The auxiliary, and Mra. James M. caused a dislocation in the^Uno Server. After he had forced toe By The Associated PreM represented the ^ SoftbaU UMgao troops had landed in Bulgaria, and London, Sept. 29.—(yP)—One of hostesses will be Mrs. Max Kasul- spectors for check-ups. Shearer, chairman of toe commit­ \ hen she stepped from the curb ever dangeroua Keeney to ground Keeney to Hilderbrand, Kose to while the Depepoublea—Reiser. Brooklya 40; anti-aircraft fire and were met by daughters, Mrs. George Walker, of In' the Baltic fighting Uerman Armour 111 ...... Oub will be a Tri-Service Club - two tie acorn and forge ahead. Ber- Cop Preeeatei to Wlanera this town, and Mrs. George Rob­ today. reports said big guns were shelling meeting with the Rotary and Ex­ nardl was safe when Hilderbrand Mize, S t Louia, 38. Totals ...... 8 6 s ' i i i ' g ' d British night fighter planes. Atchison ...... 28'/i change (TIubs assembling Jointly at Mias Marguerite Busch, daugh­ Score Winning Touch­ Triplaa— Reiser, Brooklyn, 17; The targets of the British bomb­ ertson. of South Coventry. Also, Kronstadt, Russian Island Naval Aviation Corp , ...... 3»i dropped Keeney's throw after the ter of the late Frank Busch, pre­ By Gayle Talbot i^in Philadelphia. He got it good Fear Boisterous Dodg- Score by innings: four grandchildren, and three base guarding the sea approach to the Country Club next Monday PUBLIC MARKET New York, Sept. 29—(S’;—Joe that night what with hla illness, Fletcher, Pittsburgh, 18. Tlgars...... 606 318 00d-« ers in Italy were Turin, Genoa, Baldwin Ct ...... i5>; evening, Oct. 6 at 6 p.m. sharp. Utter had made a great stop. Bav- sented the cup, which is a memor­ down in Exactly 50 ers Home runs—Camilli, Brooklyn, Spesla and Savona Marina—all in great grandchildren. Surprise Shower Leningrad, and that German dive BAG ...... 4?:, erick dragged a bunt down the ial to her father, to Manager Fe­ Louis, of toe blasting fists, end I * *^^*J*,* May Storm Gates D ^ t Square . . . .010 000 030—6 Funeral services will be held at bombera were seeking out rem­ The Joint meeting of the three Seconds. , „ vr J Ilooked on writo emueed tol- 34; O tt New York. 27. Rune batted in. Kosak, Bramad, the north. Bendix ...... 37"', clubs will start on time to enable first base line end all hands were lix McEvItt at the close of the Lou Nova, a rugged, courageous ' eranee. In Advance of Opening the Watkins Funeral Home. Wed­ nants of the Soviet Baltic fleet. Beth Stl ...... 65-'’( safe. 'The Polish Uds evidently put game. Mies Busch was roundly Stolen bases—MurUugh. Phila­ F. Vittner, Sr„ H. Oiyab, H. Waffd. (Dispatches from Bern said large nesday afternoon, at a time to be For Miss Krob The high command said yester­ those desirous of attending the an­ For Tuesday specimen from California, clash ‘'But I learned something that delphia. 18; Hopp, St. Louis, Hand- blckl 2, Siimlaleakl, Zamaltis; twa numbers of foreign warplanes Borden ...... 2 in nual town meeting to get away. on a double steal and Bernard! waa applauded by toe fans who crowd­ By Tom Slier st lO^'clock (e.s.t.) tonight at the | night,” he says now. "I thought I By Judson Bailey ley. Plttaburgh, and Fray, CHnein- psssittl over Switzerland during the announced. Rev. W. Ralph Ward, day one Russian cruiser was set Can Pac ...... 4?i Fancy Rib Lamb Chops...... Ib. 39c tossed out. Katkaveck to Griswold. ed behind home plate In front of base hit Brennan; hits off, Biwd Jr., of the South Methodist church, afire by the cannonading, and a Rursell Paul won the attendaiice Chicago, Sept. 29—OPI—The Chi­ Polo Grounds in s 15-round heavy­ could whip any man in toe world, New York, Sept. 29—(jP)—The nati, 16. fian 7 In 4 innings; sserldds httd night. Indicating that the bombers Miss Annamae Krob, daughter Case (J. I.) ...... 80 prize supplied by Tut Hewitt. Freshly Made Lamb Patties, bacon wrapped...... lb. 25c But Ssverick was on second, and the screen during the presentation cago Bears required only 50 fleet­ weight championship fight that even if I was half-sick. I know Pitching — Riddle, Cincinnati, will officiate. of Mr, and Mrs. Cffiarles Krob of battleship near Kronstadt was said CiuTO De P ...... 3314 VIot's hard hit ball bounced out of ceremonies. Manager McEvitt in boisterous Brooklyn Dodgers and F. Vittner, M. Rubatea, E. Wlssd- which attacked northern Italy Members of the Manchester to have been hit by heavy bombs. ing seconds to prove that they are proralaea to leave 60,000 specta- now tost it can't be done. This 19-4; Hlgbe, Brooklyn, 22-9; made the long Journey from Bri­ 88 Linden street was the guest of Ches A Oh ...... 36 U Sausage Meat, pure pork, our own make...... lb.29c Keeney’s hands but the second turn presented the cup to Matthew ready to defend their prized pro­ tora limp. staid New York Yankees focused bicM; stolen bases, Breimad, Lodge of Masons will .^conduct a honor at a surprise miscellaneous The shelling began Friday, It was saeker still had time to get the time I'm in the most perfect phy­ their full attefiDon on toe world Kosak; doubla .-plays, E. Wistw- tain.) Masonic service, and Die bearers said. i ' Chrysler .,...... 58^4 Auction Tonight Moriarty of Moriarty Brothers fessional football title against all This is one battle that scarcely sical condition of my life, and I riva nieO gbtm Ossoaltlee shower Friday evening at the Col Gas A El ...... 2% nmner, but tha first beaeman who donated It to tbe Twi League comers. series today, even if a lot of this blckl, H. WierxMdd, iteeboMd: will be lodge members. The guns.were believed mounted AT OUR BAKERY DEPARTMENT dropped the throw end Ssverick can miss. Opinion is divided sharp­ won't muff toe chance.” town's sports fans did not. Expect 60,000 Fans left on bases. Depot 10, 'Tigers 9; Nine persons were killed and 26 The Watkins Funeral Home will home of Mra. Thomas Moore of Coml Inv Tr ...... 31?4 Fried B u n s...... doz. 25c tn 1937 While toe champions were whip­ ly on the probable winner, but The bookmakers do not share wounded in Palermo, Sicily, the Oakland street. The hostess was somewhere in the vicinity of Coml S olv...... 10 U At S A. Citadel came tn arlth the tlelng run. It Yesterday's triumph was toe ping Green Bay In brutal style, Since toe baseball clsMic does ! base on balls off. Brennan 4, Rd- be open for the convenience of Oranienbaum, on the mainland Date or Fig Squares...... doz. 25c vras a real ball game from here in there seems no doubt in anyone's Nova's confidence in his destiny. not get underway unUl Wednes­ bacha 8, Desimone 3; U t by ^teh- dally war bulletin declared, while friends Tuesday evening. a.sslsted by Mm. Norman BJark- Cons E d is ...... 16% second for Moriarty Brothera in 25 to 17, Sunday the New York mind that It will be a cruel, spec­ At last check-up they were offer­ At Fight Tonight two were killed and seven injured man of Moore street and Mra. seven miles across the mouth of Cons O il...... 6V4 Apricot Jelly Doughnuts...... doz. 29c to the thirteenth no mistake about the 1941 season. Earlier they had Giants were aroashlng through the day. toe sports spotlight was turn- I er, Brennan 1, Rubacha 8, Da- the Neva river from Kronstadt and Tonight at seven o'clock at the It. tacular engagement while It lasta. ing a bonus of 13 to 5 that he ed on tonlght’a heavyweight title eimone; time, 1:30; Umpirao, Kerid at Genoa on the northwestern Mrs. Hannah Swanson Charles BJorkman of Village Cent Can ...... 35% Salvation Army citadel. Major N. taken top honors la toe Trl Coun­ Washington Redskins to a 17 to 10 This is one of toe few times that catches a licking from Louia. coast of Italy, where five fireflght- atreet. Twenty-five friends of, about 18 miles from Leningrad. Corn Prod ...... 52% Keewey Hlta Homer ty League and rounded out a fine victory. Tbe Bears now lead the toe big Negro, Louis, has met a fight between Joe Louis and Lou Kennedy, OervinL Mrs. Hannah Swanson, of 444 DNB, telling how the Germans J. Curtis will auction off the fruit AT OUR VEGETABLE DEPARTMENT In the third frame Cliff Keeney Anyone wanting to bet on toe Nova at toe Polo Grounds, right By The Associated Press ars were listed among the casual­ Center street, widow of Andrew B. the bride-elect were present and Del L A Wn ...... 6% and vegetables that decorated the season with two peimaata, 24 vic­ Western division with ona victory man his equal in physical equip­ champion waa asked to put up 315 Principals—Joe LouU, Detroit ties. showered her with bqautiful gifts, were mopping up the area east of Douglas Aire ...... 78% Fancy Green Beans...... 2 qts. 19c hit a home run deer up on the tories against 7 defeats. end no losses and the Giants a%d ment, fighting heart and absolute across toe Harlem river from Swanson, died at the Manchester Kiev said k single division within platform for the annual harvest football field with Roger Thomas to win 35.. It is one of toe biggest Yankee Stadium. world heavyweight champion, ve. Four were reported injured by Memorial hospital, Saturday eve­ which she unwrapped seated un­ Du P o n t...... 151% festival meetings yesterday. Hard, Ripe Tomatoes...... 3 Ibr. 19>‘ Brooklyn are tied in tbe eastern confidence since he won the title betting fights, they say, since toe Lou Nova, Alameda, Calif., chal­ Army Team Champ anti-aircraft splinters at Spozia, der balloons and a watering can 24 hours captured 20,000 Russian Eastman Kod ...... 142% on third. There were two out at But toe champions of toe Na­ ning, following a long lllnoas. prisoners, and said some advance The councert Saturday evening Pippin Apples for Cooking, hand picked...... 5 lbs. 25c sector, each with two wins. from Jim Braddock In 1937. Off­ days of Jack Dempsey. tional and American- leagues went lenger. south of Genoa, where the Italians from which many streamers in Elec Auto-L ...... 30 by the band and son.^atera attract­ tha time and tt waa the first extra Pta^ng before a sellout throng hand, only Max Schmeling among While many observers, including ^ u t—15 rounds for world teve a large Naval base. Mrs. Swanson, who was 67 years red. and white were attached to units caught up with Streams of Gen Efiec...... base blow by either team In twen­ about toe business of preparing for On Arena Program of age. was bom in Halland Prov­ retreating Red soldlera...... 31% ed a fine audience. Sunday morn­ of 24,876 a^ Green Bay, the bears toe many who have challenged this wrriter, have picked Nova to heavyweight title. In Milan, industrial center in the gifts. A buffet lunch was Gen Foods ....' ...... 41% ty Innings of play. The ball Und- rolled up a I5-polnt oAge only to Louis and taken their beatings ap­ win, it must be admitted that they their own world's championship ince, Sweden, and came to Man­ ing the bandsmen Journeyed to TUESDAY GROCERY SPECIALS ed just Mhlnd Kooe and the hard, struggle. Both teams scheduled Place—Polo Grounds, New York. BWthem Italy, six persons were chester at the age of 17, residing served. Gen M o t...... 41% Danielson where a community Franco-American Spaghetti, 1-Ib. can...... 2 for 15c Veeterday*a Beoatts se-* the Packers pass them dizzy peared on toe surface to have oa have done so writh some forebod­ Time—First preliminary, 8:30 Injured by anti-aircraft shells and Miss Krob is to be married to Finns Bomb Railroad Hershey ...... 52% dry eurface caused It to bound and take a 17-15 lead. Then came good a chance ac Nova against tha workouU at toe Stodium. and toe New Haven, Sept 39— Frank here for the past fifty years. Mr. Helsinki, Sept. 29 — (JF)— The service was held, with all the NattoMl ing- They aren't obnoxious about Dodgers arranged to ride In a late- p. m. (e. a t ) ; main bout 10 p. m. Clark, Aberdeen, Md., Amqf two persons were killed in black­ Joseph Donahue, son of Mr. and Int H a rv ...... - ...... 53% churches participating. The prin­ Orange and Grapefruit, whole segments .. .No. 2 can 16c over the driveway and on top of Brooklyn 5, Philadelphia 1. the payoff. The massive Chlcago- famous Bomber. It, and they usually wind qp with and Mrs. Swanson were married in Mrs. Joseph Donahue of 194 Por­ Finnish Air Force heavily bombed Eggs, Pullets’, Strictly Fresh, Good Size...... 2 doz: 65c the bank in between the closely afternoon parade in Brooklyn as Promoter — Twentieth Century Team, Dtamond Belt ChaaaslOB out accidents, but no bombs fell on Manchester on April 13, 1893. She Int Nick ...... 29% cipal speaker was Lieutenant Gov­ Pittsburgh 3, Clacinnstl 2. sns retaliated with toe vital touch­ Nova belongs in there tonight a cautioua.. .“If Jpe doesn't Sporting club; Mike Jacobs, Ptm- of Philadelphia last year, and the city, the communique declared. ter atreet on October 25. Both the Murmansk railroad between Int T A T ___ packed automobiles. Tn the eighth down In 50 seconds. George Mc­ on his record. He knocked out Mju toe Borough officiaUy and elabo­ was a member of the Emanuel Petrozavodsk and Karhumakl yes­ ...... 2% ernor Odell Shepard of Hartford. Com Flakes, Rojral Smriet, crispy...... 3 Ige. pkgs. 14c St. Louis 3, Chicago 1.' slaughter him in the first round.” Ident. holder of tbe Pefllikylvanla toate- British Plane Shed Down are employees of the local tele­ Keeney doubled to left, went to v m i rately celebrated the Brooks' first Lutheran church, and was well terday, it was announced today. Johns • Man ...... 68% colonel Edmund Hoffngan and Baker’s Baking Chocolate...... Mj-Ib. cake 15c New York 2, Boston 1. Afee returned toe kickoff 61 yards Baer twice, among other thinga, E if Louis has slipped a pennant In 21 yeata Estimated attendance and gate erweigbt UtM, will box Bobby One British plane was reported phone exchange. Kennecott ...... 34% Mra. Hoffman were toe special third on Bernardl’s error end Anwrlean to Green Bay's 49. Bill Oamanaki and had Tommy Farr on the verge trifle from hla dazzling besL he known in local Swedish circles. Miss Krob was tendered a sur­ Hits were reported on transport Ivory Soap, 1 lu g e cake and 1 medium cake . . . .both 11c scored on Burke’s flv to Vlot. This monster demonstration was —60.000 specUtora, 3600.000. O’Brien of Hailford in one of tee Shot down over Turin, also In She Is survived by eight chil­ trains. Leb Val RR ...... 4% guests of the local corps at toe St. Louis 5, Cleveland 4. tore off 23 yards, Ray Nolting of a knockout in the closing etui hits like a trip-haipmer and Betting odds—Louis 5 to 18 fav­ feature houte on Dick Gray% ass- northern Italy, but the war bulle­ dren; Oscar Swanson, of White prise peraonal shower Tuesday Llgg A My B ., ...... 88 concert, aifi) the meetings yester­ maockaid Pitched Ftae Ball Chicago 3, Detroit 0. picked up 18 end McA]Fee floated rounds of their scrap. Only some is too fast to be avoided for long. expected to excite The Dodgem’ orite to win, 5 to 7 to score a tin mentioned no casualties there. evening at her home by a group of Lockheed Aire ...... 28% Cy Blanchard pitched a fine ball around left end for toe score. Later peculiar interference by the re­ If he has lost any of his great fabulous followers to such peaks ateur fight card at the Arena to­ Plains, N. Y.; Elmer Swanson, of day, which were also well attend­ DIAL 5137 — FREE DELIVERY! game but received wretched sup­ Boston 12-1, Philadelphia 11-7. knockout. night At Savona Marina, also on the East Hartford: Rudolph. Victor her girl friends. Loew's ...... 37 ed. Major Harold Zealley, divi­ Washingtoa 5, New York 0. Bob Snyder connected for his sec­ feree saved Tommy, who only ability, it is only relative. He wriil of entousissm that toe entlVe Apprcaimate weights — Louis port from hU mates at times. In ond field goal of toe' gfme. to shortly before that hsd breezed squad of Brooklyn players moved Gray has arranged for a radte Italian mainland, the raiders were and EMward Swanson, all of Man­ Red Cross Needs LorilUrd ...... 17 sional officer at Hartford assisted. Staadinge hit Nova quick, hard and often. 202. Nova 202%. description of a round-by-rood# aald to have damaged a number of chester: (Tarl Swanson, of West Mont Ward ...... 33% the clutch, however, he handcuffed clinch the outcome. 15 rounds against Louis. It only remains to be seen wheth­ into a Manhattan Hotel last night Noted Authority tbe Polish Uda.' Server also had NatleMi The one time Nova ever ■wraa in order to get some rest and re- Officials—^Referee. Judges and broadcast of the Joe Loois-Loa Msldencea and dropped propa­ Springfield, Mass.; Mrs. Elsther More Workers Nash - Kelv .... (Final) Tbs Giants, rated ea the team to er toe rock-ribbed XHalifornian can timekeeper to be selected by New Nova heavyweight title fight ganda leaflets. Quinn and Mra. Eleanor Laycock, Nat Bise)...... poor support at times but the de­ beat for toe eastern title, spoiled beaten as a professional was the take tola, shake it off and come laxaUott before the big show feat y e ^ rd a y waa hia own fault. W. U Pet. GBL. toe Redskins' 1941 league debut night he climbed Into the ring, a atarta. York State Athletic Commission. Bemie Sanderson, enothar Raiders were said to have drop­ of Manchester; also eight grand­ On Baseball Dies Nat Cash Reg ., ...... ‘13 Brooklyn .... 100 54 .649 on to wear Louis down and pimlsh ■ Preliminariee Johnny Aicher. member of tbe U. S. Andy teasB ped explosives and incendiaries on children. She also leaves one Mrs. Charles Burr and Mn. Nat Dairy ...... 15% before 33,677 Washington fans. An sick man, against Tony Galento him—aa ha swears ha wiU do. The aame expectation that St. L o u is...... 97 56 .634 2% intercepted pass led to New York's Brooklyn’s baseball fanatics C2iffside, N. J„ vs. Tommy Mad­ from Maryland, and last year na­ the Sicilian towns of Trapani, brother in Minnesota, and two Allen Richardson will have cluufge Nat DIaUU___ ...... 24% anctonaU . . . 88 66 .571 12 den, Brooklyn, heavyweighte (4); tional intercoU^iato ndddiswaMri Marsala and CXstel. Vetrano as brothers in Sweden. Washlngrton, Sept. 29—(IP)—John of the Red Cross work headquar­ NY Central ...... 11% first touchdowm imd Washington wouldn’t be able to wait tlU open­ B. Foster. 78-year-old editor of the ters in Ae Cheney office building Pittsburgh .. 81 78 .528 19 tied toe count on Frank FllcltMk'a ing day to set out for toe aeries James D. Turner, Texas, vs. Joe champion, will box Pat V ^ well as Palermo, though no casual­ Funeral services will be held NY NH A H ...... 3-16 TONIGHT New Y o rk ___ 74 79 .484 25% short but he ona-putted nine O’Gatty, Newark. N. J.. heavy­ drillo, Manchester belter, in an­ ties were mentioned at any of from the Watkins .Funeral Home, Spaulding Baseball Guide and for­ tomorrow. On Wednesday Mra. II. Nor Am C6 . . . 12 44 JUST ONE DAY LEFT 67-yard sprint with a blocked Mck. greens. Q^e Artists to prompted police to aastgn a amall these places It was the second raid mer busineae manager of the New B. DeWolfe and Mra. Howard Ed- Chicago ...... 70 84 .455 30 Andy Marefos passed to Vincent detail of patrolmen to Yankee weights (4): Joe Bakst. Kulpmont, other of tbe headline bouts. tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock, Packard ...... 1 ...... 2% Boston .. .. 62 92 .403 38 Had six strokes behind Barbaro Pa., vs. Teddy Wlnt, ML Vernon. Jack Burrier, Third Corps arsa on Sicily In as many nights. and at the Emanuel Lutheran York Giants, dM here today. dison will be In charge. Thursday Param Piet ...... 14% At II O’clock Dennery for the clincher in toe were Tony Penns, of ^ a yton, O.; Stadium last night. '48 hours ah««d Foster, a baseball writer for morning Mrs. William J. Spence PbiladelphU .4 8 l i t .275 57 third, and both teams added field Open Season Here of their previous plana N. Y., heavyweights (6); Holman middleweight champUon, tu n a Sd Other British planes tembed the church at 2:45. Burial will be in Penn RR ...... 22% Amarlean Herman Barron, of WBHe Plains, WUllams. Detroit va. Jose Bosora. Young (3e Oe, undefaatod WaMSNe Italian Island of Rhodes in the the East cemetery. more than half a century, entered will take over Ae American Re­ Phelps Dodgii ...... 30% goals In the fourth. and Sammy Byrd, of Philadelphia. The te,000 unreserved and newspaper v/ork in 1885 on the gion auxiliary and in Ae after­ (Final) Jock Sutherland's Brooklyn club bleacher Beats sUU available at the Puerto Rico, mlddlewelghta (6); bury Portuguese. SBStem Mediterranean, causing 12 Rev. Thorsten A. Gustafson. Phil P e t ...... 45% To buy your refrlgera* W. L. Pet. GBL. Sammy Snead of Hot Springs, Va, Tommy Tucker, New York, and eaaualtiea, and atUcked the Ub- pastor..iof the church, will officiate. Cleveland P r e g a . He later noon Mra. Harry Sweet and Mrs. Pub Sve NJ ... kept pace with the Giants by de­ was fifth with 28Q. Arrangements were Completed' Staffium will not go on sale till Irish Jimmy Carr, anothar oC Harry Weir. The auxiliary has CENTER New Y « rk ---- 101 53 .656 feating Phtlodalphia. 24 to IS. Sat­ Wednesday morning but a line of U. S. Navy vs. Freddie nduela. the soldier boys, meets Tonudl^' yan base of Bardia, the lUlians The Watkins Funeral Home will worked for the Cleveland leader, Radio ...... Boston ...... 84 70 JM5 17 yesterday by Lefty Bray, for the Newark. N. J., hes'vywelght (6); be open for the convenience of rel­ the New York Journal, the New charge from Friday A Thursday. Reading. urday night The Dodgers pushed fane la expected to atari forming Gill- hard-hitteig VKsst Hasadf There lis an' urgent call -for nnore tor before tbe govern* Chicago ...... 77 77 .500 24 over 14 points in Jhe first period appaaranes of five top-fllght cue at almoet any hour now. Police Lenny Manclni. Brooklyn, 'vs. Ter­ welterweight, and Irite Tsd 0 ^ 1 atives and friends this evening un­ York Evening Telegram, the New Rem.Rud .... Billiard Parlor Detroit ...... 75 79 .487 96 ry Young, New York; lightwelghU til the hour of the service. York Sun and the Conaolldated volunteer workers. Women or Re^^BU ... and tacked on 10 more in the artists In exhiUtloo matchM this said the early arrivals could Michigan State lightweight sdA; Press Association. young girls willing to give time to Cleveland . . . 76 79 .487 28 fourth. Referee William H. (Ited) Connecticut season at the Center Billiard Par­ bring chairs or stools, but would (8 ). heavyweight champion beforo Rey Tob B . . . . I •••6 »• 6 f0 6 9 I S t L o u is...... 70 84 .455 81 Broadcast—Mutual Broadcfiat- taring the army, meets Hi Grew, Toycnla He Is survived by a niece. Mm. sew, knit or to learn Aa desk Safeway Stra . ment tax is added.. Frtesell suffered a broken leg lors. These players, members of not be permitted to “camp out” Rex H. Rhoades, and a sister, Mm. work, will be more than welcome. Washington . 70 84 .456 81 when a Brooklyn player acciden­ The National Billiard Program, with tents, cots, stoves or other ing System (WOR, New York.) Badger of New Haven. Sears Roeb . . . . Philadelphia ... 84 90 .418 87 win appaar single in jousts with In Long Talk Funerals W. O. Taylor, both of Washington, Anyone who wants ^ to help naay SheU U n ...... tally ploughed into htm. Grid Briefs paraphenalia. Foster was living with the niece call Ae workroom#, 8542 or Mn., Sooony - Vao ,. Detroit and the Chicago Cardi­ tha b ^ local talent available. All box and reserved seats a t the Mrs. Ellzabetli L. Bradford at the time of his death. Henry SmiA Weetminoter Road, nals engaged in a battle of frus­ Matches wUI he scheduled two Stadium have been sold out for (Osattesed from Page One) Sou I ^ ...... By T he Associated Praas weeks apart, with. Clarence Ander­ The funeral of Mm. Elizabeth, Funeral services will be held In 6294. South R y ...... Fall Meeting at tration Saturday night, a 14-14 Noteworthy svents racordsd as several weeks, and a crowd of Lloyd Bradford, widow of Louia' New York (Stephen Merritt Fun­ AlAough Ae voluntoare are do­ deadlock which left each team son. world's champion fancy shot about 70,0Q0, largest In series hls- Std Brands ... Oonnectleut’s college events pass­ king at pocket-billiarda opening ghlted States as the result of Bradford, who died at the Memo­ eral Parlom) and burial will be at ing well on Ae quota for garments Std OU C a l___ Rockingham Track still louring for its first league ed tbe first milestone of the 1941 Btory, Is expected to see the first ■flwmgestlons" from London. rial hospital Saturday night, will Foxborough, Mass., where his wife for Ae war sufferers overseas, It victory of 1941. • thfLSsries tonight at 11 p. m. Oth- game. A crowd of similar size will BeBeve New Tara bmnlnent Std DU N J ___ grid aaason Saturday Includad tha . Ora to be seen include Marcel be held toroomow at one o'clock is burled. The date for the fun­ is expected A at soon Ae call will Tex O orp...... Brooklyn bos the toughest as­ unyeUing of some promising sopho­ see the second game In the Sta­ WANTED! t, . Belief' was expressed in Inform- at the Holmes FunemI home, 28 eral has not been determined. be received -for ewAtere for Ae SEE THE NEW ‘ MMT Salam, N. H.. Sept 19—(ft)—An signment this week, meeting'the * camp, nemesis of champions In ti­ dium Thursday and then the scene B l gnarters that a new turn was Transamerica more talent at Trinity, an aus^ei- Woodbridge atreet. Rev. Earl H. draftees In training. Un Carbide . . . 6-E r (IlKtratsi) all-elalintM card, beaded tra a Washington eleven in to e ,^ p ita l ous debut as Wesleyan captain by tle play at pocket-billiarda, and wtu shift to Ebbets Field, which IMmliisiit in the diplomatie oltua- Furgeson of the North Methodist Sunday wrhile the Giants aralnvad- American snooker champion; Joe seats only 32,000, for contests Fri­ «ea among Japan, the United Union Pac . . . . with Ifrtar Saocaas Fss- race for 92,000 horses, markad the Jarring Jim Clarrieri though In a church wlU officiate and inter­ Public Records Unlit A lrc ...... opening today at Rockingham Isff Pittsburgh and the Bean p l^ losing cause, end the smashing of Chamaco, dashing caballero of day, Saturday and Sunday. If 'Btates and Britain, which appar- ment will be in Dalton, Maas. mm, ladadiog the oew Cleveland, to the. fourth Sabbath Mexico City, 1939 world's ebam- sixth and iNvento gamsa are necea- 'BpUy has been at a standstill for Is Given Surprise Umt Corp . . . . Park of a 42-day meeting, the a 14-yaar Jinx by Coast Guard Mm. Bradford lived with Mm. Unit Gas Imp . taale of New England’s lengthy battle Green Bay and the Canll- academy. plan at three cushion bUlarda, and eary, they will be played at toa “ “ arseka. It was indicated that. Bertha Hevenor of Wapplag for Application mo. w e e k s t o BUTTER . boioe racing aeaaon. nala meet at Unwaukse. After the holder of the world’s high run rec­ Stadium next Monday and Wed­ Japanesele were looldnm to the past three yearn and in Florida Application for a marriage li­ On 75th Birthday U S Rubber ... Cleveland game tha Bears' sched­ RaaulU of the games involring ord IS, and the world's record av­ nesday. .Rrahlngtatt forf the next dev&op- cense has been filed at the office U S Smelt .... » » t . "I* CONDITIONER An available etall space rvas the quartet of CMmectlcut clubs Pin Boys I during the wintera U S S te e l...... Jammed aa Rockingham’s first ule cans tor stx straight home en­ erage, 3 4-23 points per Inning; -All games vrill atari at 1:80 p.m. The funeral home will he open of the town clerk by Robert Ste­ that keeps batter fast post parada of tbe autumn meet­ gagements. ; Coast guard Academy *7, Univer- “Babe” Oanfield. Byraeuoe ”b ^ (ea.t.) except the Sunday oonteot, f t' la sooM quartass H was censid- phens and Bertha Turner, both of Mrs. BMwln Bray, of IS Wads- Vick Chem . . . . tight foe easy tptsediegl aity of Oonnectieut 0.^ for frienda until the hour of the worA street, waa pleasantly sur­ West Union . . . ing drew near. Horaas which wonder,” and 1938 world’s ama­ which wUI not begin un'tU 3 p.m. I gjgiHflrant that ths Amert- funeral. this town. Trtolty 20 Union 0. teur champion at pocket-hflUazde; MUST BE 16 YEARS OR OVER ! ambassador was closeted with prised yesterday afternoon when West m A Mfg have campaigned tn New Eng­ beexuae of New York Uw. Pemdt a large number of her relatives land, at other aastam and at mid- N. Y. Pro Golfer Brown 20, Waoleyan 4. and “Pats^ Natalia, vetoran title The practieea today were ex- . on the day that Japan was Domeart Mlalcuod '' Permit has been granted Joseph Although tbe mainstay of Bg In subdued faMiion the piAered to celebrate her 75A western eoureea have been arriv­ contender and peerieaa instructor, peetad to be routine oftaira, with ■Ths funeral services for the late Seheibenpflug for erection of a ilrAday. The party was held at CLARENCE ing by train and von to race for Wins $1,200 Match Trini^a attack against a soma- who finished third in 1936 to authoritative announcement of tha Sc aijid 6c a Strinf aanlveraary of her alliaace Domenlc Minlcucci were held this dwellffig on School street to cost what hsplsas Union alevan was Joe Oreenlaaf and Taberekl tor the first-gama,pitchers probably belag aecmany aag lta^. U.SOd. Stanlay Bray's cottage on Boltoo Curb Stocks tbe niO.OOO in pursee which the Provldanfie. R. I„ Sept 29—Iff) nonting from hla home on Oak Lake, and all Mra. way*a ehildran New Hampahira Jockey Chib is Beidler, a senior, who scored twa poekat-hUUaril title. delayed until the t-ur ms work out aravar. an ths anroMS there At 8t80 And At 8tv JAIlM|t*t AppHoattena ANDERSON cofuneutiv# Eiib*pRr romute of the touchdowne, the perform- and grand-^ebildnm ware praaent to All! N at Oaa A a a a a a a a,a 0 a a offering. Anderaon Is no stranger to •gate tomorrow. a s MdlcatlBn of any J ^ a a - Oatholte eburoh At 0 o'clock whore Applications for marriage Ut oron the Providence City open golf anoea of Paul Whit, “Goose" Goes cket bUUard fans h s 'ri^ bean "feadfaiese te ccnaldsr ths ties a aolemn High Maaa of Requiem cenaea have been fUed at A e ofi wlA her a happy birthday. Amn Suparpow Highlight of the meeting la ex­ championship and $1JOO for Louis Ung and (3iarley Foster, sopho­ ths Axis less binding, ths An enjoyabto program wpa ar­ Cits Sve ...... World’s Trick pected to he tha renewal of tha Kre tor the past three years and waa celebrated by Rev. Vincent flee of the town clerk by the fol­ Barbara profeostonal at tha Hum- more backs, sod Johniqf D ^sa. is reeognlzed as ona of Um bast In thsass- of anniversary ranged, the highlight of which waB n Bond and Sh .. rivalry betwaan MUton Briggs. m o ^ Oomtry Ctah. Mamaro- Hines with Rev. Ednnmd Barrett lowing Manchester couples: Glno a turkey dinner served at ■ noon. Ford L td ...... m Rhode Iilaad-boni Joekay. and sophomore tackle, made the the country. Last season be mods MUEPHY’ft .being that the three- as deacon and the Rev. WUUam J. P. Enrico and Marie C. Dupont; TI 1WIUL4 COM Shot Artist naek. N. Y. eoaehee look with optimlam toorard a host of friends by his wlUte^sss liaiM wad a foundation- Duna ae eub-deacoo. Arthur Keat­ Gall Crowell and Anna Cwlkla; Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Bray will oh- Niag H u d ...... tha Totaran Tod AUdaoen. Both tha oaxt two eessnna. Whlto prmr- of Jjfcanese foreiga policy. serve their IlftleA wedding an- Uni Gas ...... M a n c h is t ir Co n ip — I li T now rank amoog the natloa’s tan . ?? •• for a to expose the shots which naks ing was eoloiat and aa the body Robert J. Friday and Helen C. Mc- iversary laUr this year. t 4 total ^ 878. or 15 under par. in ad to be a hard charging buckar most of the stars famous. Ar­ Uni Lt and Paw A leading rtders and each wlU .he t h e t ^ e y on the Munictpal w^o could not only get through BOWLDIO I oeeklHg to Inipreva. hia paaittaa - D oosa Earner >• had carded 68, rangements to give the reaults at Admission Free 1 during tha, stay at Roekingham. ths line, but icsep going once be the LouiS-Nova battle have bean m and his drtvea wareyrelottvaly found open tarritob^, I toy tell local managasoMit

■ I ■ . - '

1'- r •-fvvYr- -V


RED RYDER No Quitter B Y PRED HARMAN ibu’o BeitER 'I? Sense ' and Nbnsense <30 OACrt. J tflS iC A f A Gtys Wants ForYbur Benefit C»-operatlon When a colored revivalist was tiassified Modani Bardahlp* In Industry, Co-operation aids CBught hugging one of the young I have had a hard day; having no I productloo, promotes harmony and girls of the congregation, members soap flakes increases efficiency. Cooperation of the flock asked him to explain I had to make euds by rubbing Legal Notices means "working together.” When his actions, '"he preacher got a soap cakes; SWpbuilding Workers of America people work together for the gpod picture of the Good Shepherd with Somehow I got bread that had to »VOMAN WANTS Job aa care­ JUST ARRIVED 200 U. 8. Royal WANTED—MAN TO WORK on FOR SALE—LOT 67x125 comer AT A COURT OF PROBATE HELD Major Truck (n O ). The company employs at an organization, society, or the a lamb In His arms. "AS Ah am de be sliced. taker of anall country place for Deluxe 600-16 tires—S9.98 plua extractor. Good pay— steady BUILDING FOR RENT at 214 of Summer atreet. and Campfleld at Manchester within and for the about 350. The Greenport Em^ home of which they are a member, good ohepherd of dls yere flock" And when my new elsaner could free rent, preferably near bua tax at Brunner's, 80 Oakland work. Apply New System Laun­ District of Manchester, on the 97th they help to create good vt1ll. said the colored reverend, "Ah McKee street, Manchester. Also Road. Inquire 69 Edmund street day of September, A. D... 1941. P]oy*« AssoclaUon claims about not be enticed Hne. Mrs. Schwab, 2 Depot atrect, atreet. Phone 5191. dry. Harrison atreet. large Chevrolet truck for aale. Present W ILLIAM 8. HYDE. Esq. Concerns Hit 200 of them ms members. I Especially In business. It Is of vital ought to be able to ho>’ a lamb In To run, when I wished to clean up Buckiand. Call New Britain 4334, or Inquire Judge. The CIO union is seeking recog« importance that each one in the mab. arms if Ah wants to." This my room, at 214 McKee Street. Legal Notices 78 Estate o f Mary Tryon late of nitlon by the company, reinstate­ o.ganizatlon does his part to co- was O'iatisfactory explanation to I actuallv had to sweep with e Wanted Autos— Salesman Wanted 36-A Manchester, In eald DIetrtet. de­ ment of workers discharged, with I operate in getting work done. Thla the deacons and elders, but they Automobiles for Sale ceased. By Walkout broom! Motorcycles 12 NATIONALLY KNOWN CORP., -4T A COURT OF PROBATE HELD On motion,of Hostard F. Tryon of back pay, dlssoluUon of the Em- shortens work. But if in your called a little meeting in the Sun­ 1940 PONTIAC BEACH Wagon, wants collection and adjustment Wanted to Rent 68 at Manchester, within and for the said Manchester Administrator, (C'oatinueti From Page One) pities Association which the CIO tasks, you are unfortunate enougli day School room and there formed Teacher — Unselflannees means WANTED. — USED CARS for District of Manchester, on the I7lh O R D E R ED ;— That six muntha contends Is a company union, to be surrounded by those who this resolution which was then loss WUIya aedah, 1038 Pontiac man this territory. $55.00 weekly day of Reptember A. D.. l»4t. going without something you need, Junk, would prefier cars with good WANTED—OCT. 1ST. OR 16, 4 from the 97th day of September. A. agreement by the company to stop balk your efforts to perform good read to the preacher: "We de dea­ aedan, 1936 Dodge aedan, 1939 tires. Barlow Tire Co., 595 Main guar, plus bonus for man qual. as or 5 rooms, by young reliable Prcient W ILLIAM 9. HYDE. Eta.. D., 1(41 be and the same are limited Middletown, which are In the ter­ voluntarily. Can you give me an Judxe. and allowed for the creditors with­ alleged Intimidation and discriml- work, thla can delay Us successful cons and elders of dls yere church, OUT OUR WAY Pontiac aedan, 1933 Plymouth street. perm, representative. A. C. B., couple, with 1 child. Reasonable. ritory covered by Local 671. example eff that Bobby? BY J. R. WILLIAMS OUR BOARDING HOUSE WITH MAJOR HOOPLB aedan. Cole Motora—4164. 608-618 South Dearborn St., Chi­ Estate of Etta Taylor of Manches­ in which to bring In their claims To Hold Meeting Tonight natlon o f men engaged In union completion. It also tends to destroy resolved it is all right for Brudder Bobby—Tessum. Sometimes I go Good location. Write Joa. Gasper, ter, In said District, minor. against said eatate. and the said ad­ activity, future lay-offs on a sen­ your peace of mind. However, such JohnsIng to hoi' de lamb in bln cago, III. 62 Lincoln - atreet, Hartford. Th* Mancliester Trust Company ministrator la directed to give pub­ Negotlatkma for a new contract without a bath when I need one. OWOOOee-HH.' 1 BEO 'dX)R PARDOKI / I 1932 CHEVROLET ROADSTER Guardian having; exliihited its an- lic notice to the creditors to bring iority basis, and a new NLRB treatment la best Ignored. Friction arms If he wants to, providin’ It WITH ONLV A W E tH T O 3 U U E T CAN EGAp,eo«rSM _ Building-i-Contracting 11 covering long-dlatance drivers am a ram lamb. I eeQ ':jpUR DIDNfT KNOW VtX) HAD A for Bale. Call 5551 or 22 Haw­ •al'l eitate to In their claims within said time election which will eliminate the only causes wasted times. New Missionary: Did you know Win o r L06R JOUET, I ’ DBOOE VMAT this Court for allowance, It Is allowed by posting a copy of this along the eastern seaboard have PARDOW- I DiDMT PIE IN TH' OVEN, WITH A THE DAMGEL WTH A thorne atreet. CARPENTER LABOR. ContracU Help Wanted— Male or been in progresa for some time. association from the ballot giving From an article taken from the Mr. Jones. (SOT TO WORK 'FA(BTER Houses for Sale 72 O RD E R ED :— That the 4th day of order on the public sign post near­ tho workers a choice between the Field CTass, we quote the following: NOTICE THJCr I BOOK. IM TOUR HAND, OR S U E W ANTS RCWVUjnriC S E T T iN fi on new houses. General building Female 37 October A. D., 1941 at 9 o'clock fore- est to the place where the deceased Another meeting is scheduled for Has anybody seen the astrolo- Citizen of Cannibal Town—Yes. W A S IM A C O R R A L - I'D OF SKT ON MV •mAM A RARACMUTE TOR SALE—ONE DODGE panel inoon, at the Probate Office. In said last dwelt within said town and by CIO group or no union. ‘‘Friends are won by those who arc QUICKCR PULL OREGSj MUSIC, delivery truck cheap. Good condi­ and repairing, low rates. Write FOR S A L E - BARGAIN. NEW tonight in Providence and opera­ glstn who were predicting that be was the pride of the island. 1 JUMPED TOO LEGS.' PEACE-COM­ Box L, Herald. WANTED—MEN OR WOMEN for .Mancheiter. be amt the same Is as- publishing ths same In some news- friends. Happiness i;omes to those 10|O would be the last of HltlerT TRO O PER IN A POW OER THAN A 60PT LIGHTS. A t tion. Carlson A Company. Tel. modem 6 room house, with oil sIKned for a hearlna on the allow ­ psper having a circulation In aald tors said they thought the diffi­ Missionary—I wonder why he l a t e . -I DIDAfT FORT--THEM, *MV PIE. potato picking. Louis Dlmock, who make others happy. Courtesy left so nice a place as your Island. PLANT.'-**. X'M APRAlD IP SRDO KLVbl DANCB.^-*.* WHEN 5134. burner, large- lot. shade trees, ance of said account with said es- probate district, within ten days culty here would be straightened Strike Halts Work is generally returned to the courte- S E E TM ' p o r t a b l e M V P I K E S , " Bolton, Conn. Tel. 7870. located Overlook Drive. Win. tate, and this Court direct! the from the date of this order, and re­ out at this meeting. For every married man admit­ Cannibal—Ho dld’t leave. You STOCKYARDS NO LEGS' X Bu s t R ig h t u p a n d a s k FA N CAN G H E IS t h o r o o g h l n Roofing—Siding 17-A Guardian to Rive public notice to all turn make to this court of the no­ eua." Kanehl. Tel. 7775. On Army Order ted to mental hospltale, three sin­ see, sir, times got so hard we had IM TIME-OOO o HER, IT MA’V H a tAER persons Interested therein to appear tice given. So far as could be teamed, there Don’t you think Cooperation le THROW A FATI&UEO, RAINT A Cleveland, Sept. 20. — gle men are admitted. to swallow our pride. OOM.' WE SPECIAUZE [N Roofing and and be heard thereon by publishing WILLIAM 8. HYDE was no meeting here between op­ much like a boomerang? If you .- I. TOO SOOOENLV, LIKE b o t t l e ?-*- R o s e a t e \)ie w o p Situations Wanted— FOR SALE— ATTRACTIVE 6 a copy of this oroder In some news­ J udgt, CIO strike for wage increases to­ INSURANCE aiding. Estimates freely given. H-9-2J-41. “ erators and leaders of the walk­ are willing to give it, you will find NNEAGIES . I'D BE AS Male 39 room house, modem conveniences, paper havln* a circulation In said out. day halted work on frames for AN lOVLLlC LIFE ', Before Voii Have a Fire Time payments arranged. Work- fully equipped with storm win­ District, flve days before said day of cooperation will return to you In AT A COURT OF PROBATE HELD The suspicion that the strike Army "blitz buggies” and automo­ ei)6lNEE6-UKE IN A VINE-C05JERED or Accident mansbip guaranteed. A. A. Dion, ELDERLY MAN. healthy, clean, dows. porches screened, garage, hearlnx and return make to this like measure. Cheerful cooperatlin HOLD EVERYTHING See Inc,, 299 Autumn street. Tel. Court. at Manchester, within and for the might have some connection with biles at Midland Steel Products Co. makes progresa easier. Cooperation AG THE CENGUG C O T T A 6 E — . sober, hard worker, needs work, shrubbery. Tel. Man. 8459 after WILLIAM .9. H5T)E District of Manchester, on the J7th It involved 1,400 workers. McKin n e y Br o t h e r s 4860. day of September A. D.. 1941. the difficulty at G. Fox A Com­ is like teamwork: Two can do a ------T HAR-R0MP«/| handy with tools, small pay. 3 p. m. R. H. Wallace, plant manager, S05 Main St„ Manchester, Conn. Write Box W, Herald. H.9-99.41. Present WILLIAM 8. HVDE. Esq. pany was heightened by the fact better job than one can perform Telephone 6060 - 7433 Judge. that over-the-road drivers have said he did not "know very much" alone. Let's do our part to co- d ) Moving— Trucking— Estate of Frederick P. Geer late about the strike, called by Local Legal Notices 78 AT A COURT OF PROBATE HELD of Mahcheeter, In said District, de­ been declining to cross the picket opetate with those who work with Storage 20 at Manchester, within and for the ceased. line at the store to deliver goods, 486. CIO-United Automobile W'ork- PS. play with us and live with us. Articles for Sale 45 District of Manchester, on the 19th. era. AT A COURT OF PROBATE HELD The Manchester Trust Company Herbert A. Miller, secretary- day of .September. A. D.. 1941. Executor having exhibited Its ad­ Paul E. Milcy, union executive STORAGE FOR SALE—NO. 1 LOAM. Well fit MAnch^stfr. within and for th« Present WILLIAM S. HYDE, Esq.. treasurer of Local 5tS9, however, Two elderly men at a club were Manchester District of Mancliestsr, on th« 27th ministration account with said es­ board member, said the company Moving and Packing. The Austin rotted manure, wood and atone JurtRe. tate to this Court for allowance. It said he did not believe the strike tUscuSsing the table manners of a dsy of September, A. D.. 1541. Estate of Bertha M. Malqrot late la refused demands for wage adjust­ A. Cbambera Co. Telephone 6260. for every purpose. C. Hill. Tel. Present W ILLIAM 8. HYDE. Esq.. was in sympathy. new member. Eveniim Herald of Manchester, In said District, de­ ORDERED:—That ‘the 4th day of ments to bring Cleveland rates on 8628. Judge. ceased. ^ First—Well, what do you think Trust Estate u-w of Franklin H. October A. D., 1941, at 9 o'clock fore- par with those paid at the com­ ■.n Classified .Advertisements The Executor having exhibited noon, at the Probate Office, In said of him? Repairing 23 MUST SELL. UNFURNISHED Strong late of Manchester. In said hie administration account with said Unanimously Rfitify pany's Detroit plant. Count til words to s (ins District, dsceased. Manchester, be and the same is as­ Second—Very remarkable. I’ve small house trailer, 3 Inch oak estate to this Court for allowance. signed for a hearing on the allow- initiJiIs. numbers and sbbrsvtatlont WANTED TO TUNE, repair and The Manchester Trust Company, It Is heard soup gargled and syphone i, eaeb count as % word and compound planks, 15 years old. Used row ane of said administration account ISetc Agreement Will Have No Recourse regulate your piano or player Trustee having exhibited Its annual ODERED:—That the 4th d*v of with said estate, and this Court di­ but. upon my word, that's the first words Si two words. Minimum cost boat. Cheap. Mrs. A. Fiske, North account w’ith S4T(d estate to this Plainvllle, Sept. 29.—(A5—A five Pittsburgh, Sept. 20.—(A5—The Is p ries o f th rss tints. piano. Tel. Manchester 5032. October A. D„ 1941 at 9 o'clock fore, rects the Executor to give public time I’ve ever known it to be Coventry. Court for allowance, it Is noon, at the Probate Office. In said notice to all persons Interested months’ deadlock between the U. CTO Steel Workers Organizing fafns rs»rs per day for trmnsitnt O R D E R ED :— That the 4th daj* of yodeled. sds. Manchester, be and the same Is as- therein to appear and be heard A. W. CIO. local at the Standard Committee notified Its northeast­ LAWN MOWERl^ sharpened, call­ September A. D.. 1941. at 9 o ’clock slcned for a hearlnir on the allow, Effective N a r e b 17. iffiT FOR SALE—MEN’S Rebuilt and thereon by publishing a copy of this Steel Division of the Marlin-Rock- ern locals today that members who ed for and dellvwed. We sharpen, forenoon, at the Probate Office, In ance of said administration account order In some newspaper having a The average man ii a dame fool. H E M ^ Cash Charge relasted shoes. Bettei than new said Manchester, be and the sAme well COrp., and the plant manage­ call unauthorized work stoppages • C on sscu tlv v D a y s ...! 7 ett| t cts ensilage knives, scythes, axes, etc. with said estate, and this Court di­ circulation In said District, five days cheap shoes. Sde them. Sam assigned for a hearing on the allow*- rects the Executor to qlve public and are dismissed will have no re­ WVAIL T H E t Cofisscutlvs Days...I f otslll dts saw filing, gumming. Capitol before said day of hsaring and re­ ment, during which seven walk­ Man (in crowded car)—Lxdy, Yulyea, 701 Main. ance of said account with said es­ notice to all persons interested turn make to this Court. course to the union. . Pmt ...... In etalts Qts Grinding Co., 531 Lydall. Tele­ tate. and this Court directs the outs and three major strikes took Will you please get off my foot! IhlvnTAaiOMft therein to appear and he heard W1LLIA.M S. IIVDE place, was broken yesterday morn­ • All orders for irrsgular insertions phone 7958. Trustee to give public notice to all thereon by puhllahlnc a copy of Judge. Lady—why don't you put your — TMACrS ALL be obsrged et the one time rate, persons Interested therein to appear this order In some newspaper hav- H-9-99-41. ing at a union meeting when a foot where It belongs? epectal rates for long term every and be heard thereon by publishing Nazis Execute Six MOWERS SHARPENED, repair­ Fuel and Feed 49-A Init a circulation In said District, new contract was unanimously Man—Don't tempt me, lady, tt sta. u a s*T. Off eo»e news­ pomforts of a war economy. The strikers were members of clared. "through propaganda con­ tisers. but the CASH RATES will be GIRL TO LIVE IN. good home street, Hartford. Phone 6-7018. said probate district, within tep "TTie American people as a nected with these arts, sought to T IKE President Roosevelt, King accepted ae FULL PAYMENT if paper having a circulation in said days from the dale of this order, the Industrial Union of Marine and THAT r a c e Tiris ses~.AkouT paid at the bueinese office on or be­ ami salary to one who qualifies. Open evenings. District, five days before said day of and return make to this court of whole have not faced this." he con­ bring the population of the protec­ George VI of . England is a HORSE TOOT PLEASE, fore the seventh day following the hearing ami return make to this the nolle given. tinued. "And If It la not faced WCT3S NEARLY ttONNIB. Phone 7351. Court. torate into opposition to the inter­ philatelist. His father left him one JUST PHONED. SHORT! first Insertion of each sd otherwise MODERN. ALL ENAMEL gas WILLIAM 8. HYDE promptly It may be too late.” ests of the Relch.’V^ of the finest stamp collections In HE HAS A^UME X U . DO the CHARGE RATE will be collect­ EASY MONEY QUICK. —Sell range and lounge chair. Phone WILLIA.M S. HYDE Autumn Classic s u r r m ie ed. Ko reeponslblllty for errors In Judge. H-9-29-41,______Aasoclation officials said they Later he issued^ statement say­ the world, and he has maintained OMdRAN^IMEft- W H ERE YOU CAM eOMOW 4722. H-5-29-41._ t d m K n telephoned ade will be aetumed and amazing $1 assortment .50 ex­ expected approximately 5.000 ing "it Is expected the popula­ It ever since his death. ALD— rrXL COST THAT M UCHr their accuracy cannot be guaran­ clusive name imprinted Chrlst- AT A COURT OF PRORATn m:LI» bsnkera from all sections of the IT AT A rnURT OF PIKIBATE HELD tion. which In the majority recog­ Cenada, as a part of the British a t e o o TO OET teed. maa cards. New. novel odd cards 3 ROOMS OF FURNITURE $229. nt Manchi‘Mer. within and for country to register for the conven­ nizes as a fact tho common des­ IT BACIC SACK Time payments If desired. Call at Manchester, within and for the Dlatrlct of Mancheater. on the 27th Commonwealth of Nations, shares Index of C'laasificationa 2 l-2c. 14 famous boxes 30c up. District of Manchester, on the tith day of September. A. D.. 1941. tion, which will continue through tiny of the European peoples with the mother country's fierce devo- Stationery. 3 Free Portfolios 20 Hartford 6-0358 for further In­ day of .September A. D.. 1941. Treaent WILLIAM 8. HYDE. Eaq. Thureday. Birth, ...... 4 Germany, will not piermit itself lion to its king. This was clearly Bnaagament, ...... ■ cards. New England Art, North formation. Present W ILLIAM 8. HYDE. Esq.. Judffe. in any way to be provoked by ene­ Judge. Katate'^f Frank B. Tryon late of shown by the enthusiastic recep­ M a r r ls s s t C Abington, 827, Mass. mies of the Reich." •atlM D ! FOR SALE—9X12 RUST color Estate of Conrad Wehr late of Manchester. In aald District, deceas­ tion given to King George and Card of Thanks ...... B broad loom nig. Call Manchester Mnnehester, in said District, deceas­ ed. Aid to Russia Hacha was said to have promis­ GIRL OR WOMAN to care for 7 ed. On motion of Howard F. Tryon of ed his cooperation. Queen Elizabeth on their 1939 Iff Moffiorlsm ...... r I 3278. The Administratrix having «x- Lost and Found ...... months old boy, 5 days, 8:30 to •aid Manchester Administrator. The districts affected by the visit to the dominion. hibited final administration ac­ ORDERKD:— That six months A tiB ou a osm n sts ...... l! 5:15. Write Box T. Herald. count with said estate to this Court Parley Opens emergency decree— forming tha The 1937 portrait stamp above, I^nonais ...... ^ o m the 27th day of September A. was one of the British empire's Machinery and Tools 52 fbr allowance. It, is D.. 198t be and the same are limited most populous part of the protec­ AvtOMAMIVS O R D E R ED :— That the 4th day of Atttomoblss for Sals ...... « and allowed for ,the creditors with­ torate — are Prague, Bruena, coronation series. Help Wanted— Male 36 October A. D.. 1941, at 9 o'clock in which to brinff In their claims (Coattaoed from Pag* One) ▲utoJBOblUs for Exchaoffs . s BEFORE YOU BUY ANY tractor the Probate Office, in Maehrisch-Ostrau, Klando, Koeni- George VI, third of the House Auto Aoesssorlss—Ttrss ... aKBlnst said eatate. and the said ad­ s first see Cletrac, It costa you no said .Manchester, be and the same ministrator Is directed to jIve pub­ gradz and Olmuetz. •f Windsor, was bom Dec. 14, Atttff Rspalrfnff— Palntlnff . 1 is assigned for a hearing on the al- sia and an increasing one. We ex­ A titff S ch o o ls ...... HELP WANTED harveatlng poU- more. Get acquainted with Cle­ lic notice to the creditors to brinip The "hoetile acta” to which 1895, son of the late George V and t-A low*ance of s.*)ld administration ac­ in their claims within said time al­ pect to work very fast as time is Heydrich referred were not spe­ Afftos—Ship by Truck 4*.... t toea. C. B. Buckiand, Wapplng. trac crawlera. Dublin Tractor count with said estate and ascer­ Queen Mary. He succeeded to the Aoto^'For Hlrs ...... lowed by postinff a copy o f this so important" ALLEY OOP Swish! S Company, Providence Road, Wllll- tainment of heirs and this Court order on the public alffn post near­ cified, but passive resistance of throne Dec. 10, 1936, qfter his BY V.T.HABILIN parmsss—Ssrvics—Storacs 10 WANTED—WOOD CHOPPER to mantic. directs the AdmlnlstratVlx to give SappUcB Baaching Buaata the Czeclts has frequently been a brother. Edward VIII, abdicated Mptorevclss— Blcyclta ...... est to the place where the deceased II ptiblic notice to all persons Inter­ last dwelt within said, town and by It waa disclosed that Russia had source of trouble to the Germans svfSBtsd Autos—Motorcycles II work by the hour. Meet man at to marry Nta. Wsllis Warfield .rO sfT WORRY. iLul aad Pr.rM.loM.I Srrvteo. Bolton Notch Service Station in ested therein to appear and be heard pubtlshlna the same In some news­ presented a complete list of her since Hitler dismembered the Simpson, an American. ■T3ELUCTANT ^LOOK,OOP_ \ '•M.HANO r Musical Instruments 53 Ihereun by publishing a copy of this paper having a circulation In said requirements to the Unite)! States, TO ADMIT HIS lONORAMCE OF USlB.u Service* Offcreil II Bolton, between 7 and 8 a. m. order in some new*spaper having a probate district, within ten days Czetdioslovsk republic in March, The king Is at conservative In _ 'CMPMUNK. K O I. pal_ ousehold Services Offered ... ,14-A and that supplies of American THINOS MODERN, ALLEY OOP g circulation In said r»istrirt. five from the date of this order, and re­ 1939. dress as Edward was daring. rAHSAD..IP'Wk \ HBIEWE MUdlBg—Contract Inc ...... FOR SALE— SPANISH g\iltar days before said day of hearing and planes, aviation gasoline and siibri- ORACIOUSLV CONSENTCD AINT CAREFUL, 1 * 0 - ' XHerlsts—Nurterlet ...... }{ 1 WANTED—PART TIME janitor. turn make to this court o f the no­ (Reports from the fugitive Along with philately, his hobbies TO TAKE HIS OLD PAL and case, very- reasonable. Call return make to this Court, tice ffiven. cants already were reaching Rua- Catch government in London aaid , 'riXJ'LL KNOCK Vansral Director* ...... K to live on premises. Apply Room WILLIAM S. HYDE are gardening, tennis, golf and FoozY Cn/sT A im iveo Heatinc—Plumbing—Roofing 6191. W ILLIAM 8: H YDE si*. ___ increasing sabotage had slowed “Whenever your chest’s filled with medals 1 suppose the 'IM DEAD IT I 6. Rubinow Bldg. Judge. Judffe. hunting. V raOMPUBHISTORK. ~ Insurance ...... H ->.29-41. H-9-29-41. Lord Beaverbrook, Britain's sup­ the output of munitions fsetoriea •war’s, over; sir.” y 77MS9|jRDR.AM. Millinery—Dreaamaklng ...... It , Moving—Trucking—Storage . ply minister, who has been in Mos. in the former Czechoslovak re­ ALBOMOaiLE 10 JANITOR WANTED at Burtons. Wanted— To Buy 58 cow several days, gave a dinner public aa much as 50 per cenL RIDE Publle Paaienger Service tO-A Apply 841 Main street. PaiffUffff— Paptrinff n i WANTED—100 OIL barrels for last night for the American and Peasants were said to be burning TOONERVILLE FOLKS BY FONTAINE FOX Im fstslonal Ssrvlcts : t range oil. Barlow OU Company, Unusual Towel Embroideries British delegations. granaries in night raids, and B sn a lrln ff ...... » i Stalin received the mission forming for hunger marches by Tallortns— Dysinff—Cleaninff 14 595 Main atreet. Tpllat Goods and Ssrvico ...... I chiefs In his capacity as chairman day. Saboteurs also were ffeported rOONERVILLE'S HIGH PRESSUffB REALTOR wsated^Buslntss Servieo .... U ; CASH FOR OLD GOLD, dlscatM of the Council of Peoples Commis­ to have .wrecked a number of Ger­ Kdacalloaal ed jewelry, dental gold etc. Room sars. With him were Vyacheaisiv man troop trains and disrupted Courses and Clasaei ...... IT I TO RENT OUT Molotov, head of the Soviet delega­ communications.) Fxtvato Inatruotlons ...... 14, Cheney Bldg., 983 Main, over V ______£««««“» ...... II _ Thrifty Cleanera. tion. and Maxim Utvlnov, another M ^eal—Dramatle ...... it*• I SANDING M.\CHINE Soviet membte. wanted—Instructions ...... to i Ttoo Men Are Put JPW«WtliaTiEWb1hSfflT7\ Plaaaelal GDGER The Uirec-^wer talks grew out Bond*—Stock!—Mortgage* ... ti I Rooms Without Board 59 of a personal' message seat by To Death in Paris * V IT Butlneee Opportunities ...... it j POLISHING .M.\CHINE President Roosevelt and Prime Bsrlln, SepL 29— (8>)—Two men FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS An Important AsMt BY MERRILL BLOSSER Monajr to Loan ...... it 8 MINUTES WALK FROM Cen­ Minister Churchill on Aug. 15 to _ Helg aad tltuatloMO AND HANDY SPINNE|f ter, large room with doable bed, were put to death In Paris Satur­ HsIP WMted—Femalo ...... a$ Stalin. It was th* flnA concrete day for possessing forbidden wea­ suitable for couple or two gentle­ move disclosed to have been made TLbmt must be SOMr mstmce, BOA and GtaLS GET An d YOURS WAS Mff NSnXER— ) Wev-WAJT, Stip Wanted—Male ...... Id for removing paint from men. Call 4943. pons, it was dlaclosed today in a ^MtaClMrAp I w e OINT ACOLIAlNTED after the Rooaevelt-ChurchlU coa- published notice signed by- Q«n. JUST LIKE rr/QOSH. I v e heard j a »ainutf/ J abbermki^ ^••SMn Wanud ...... m -a buildings, cars, etc. feranee* on th*,A.Uaatlc. b e GOtUG Tt> 33X ’ (BA9SA) THIS W THE First «r 16o/\ r*' 1 JucT . — igAsa-* **lp Wanted—Mai* or Female IT FOR RENT—FURNISHED bed Otto Van Stueipnagel, 'vnlHtery SaxJEV PLACE / time WE’VE ■L h r HAPFFNBO TD • FieaaC YtalB FtaavA AMnta Wanted ...... it- a command for occupied France. OBOaoe AMonEws- mamaki C-kmc Wtitntlona Wanted—Pemalo tl TELEPHONE, 8284 room, with kitchen and living (Xxns WIN1OI-UaSt0UEV(UKE0c»e AAOVED IN t^ imk o f soaxe- •pa sz aasr A f ------■Itoatloni Wanted—Male ...T tl Or Call At 27 Oak Street room privileges, heat, electricity, The men, Eugene Derigne and uao SMITH - 3l4 (pons OOUKT (5-3( ON EACH NOT, lt4iH(5--SHr AUO ‘awawfoAv .Emplojraidnl Agencle* ...... M gaq for-cooking. 32 Cottage. Women Abused Moohamed Moall, were sentehced fW P R S , ME / t u s A M c a i Ueo Stock—Pete—Paullrr— the day before. VtoULD -«U LKE A BISJO DSIK? M« TbRRno«y/ 1V» VcMelcs This waa the first news of tho NSHV 6 Just ABOVE YXMtS-TtaSHi On e o f us HBASP PjBf^rdp—Peu ...... tl Nazis Charged ourt KF04te YOU do cases our kx OlXSWTA IdTC Stock-Tehlcles ...... ei ROOMS FOR RENT—GanUeman. double execution to be published In Berlin. Von Stuelpnagel’s an­ IjeSNAUa AMOYpUaS'AMD seMom BACK ou r/ivocfff, |raaltry aod SnoplU* ...... «i N otice 26 Linden atreet. TO THE BOY VtAlSeNAMe REMAaiSl IFfffftod —Pots—Poultry-^tock 44 (Oenttaaed PYeni Page One) nouncement, however, had been BUT Fiasr ADO 1UE MSMCS OPAMOH > •^^*5*z"^*** •» ff«r fisl» llta^llasssss FOR REa4T—STEAM HEATED given out in Paria on the day the BOYSNDSiaLAeoYa HS.vwmrcM ArtSelos For Sals ...... 41 bedroom, for 2 gentlemen. 116 men went before the firing squad. AvJCItifSRUO Mats aad AeoostorUs ...... 4« Zoning Board of Appeals Riiselsni but also the British gov- TU^NSMKSOFpeone ycnrcnm LOA AMAUIUStOI^ M ldlng llAtorlals ...... «T In conformity with the require­ North School atreet. Tel. 6398. emment and people reeponeible. lEKVIOUtD AtaftOVB OF. AS. OumoDde —Watehes—Jewelry «l Haro is a frock of young clean iFWXjABiKrr Nittacstk. , Elcetrteal Appllancea—Radio.. 41 ments of the Zoning Regulations lines and n fresh, crisp look which Japanese Lose MULTHIS BACK, OONT, FMI and Food ...... 4t-A the Zoning Board of Appeals of lu d itm R efu gees will alvo you new BBsartaeea for BREAK THE CHAIN/ Wdtfon—Farm—Dairy ProdueU M the Town of Manchester will hold esML 4**t ST a u w R w WMaokold Good* ...... tl a public hearing on Thursday. Oc­ tho first brisk days of autumn. '***•>. K wo. w a ear. .Maoklam and TooU ...... Notice of the More Cheerful Tou’U stop out wito a newly vlg- Quarter Force FJTJ -Mnaleal Instrumenu ...... tober 2nd, at 8:00 P. M.. in the Ankara, Turkey, Sept 28—(De­ ottnu stride in this classic button- One* and Btoro Equipment ... Municipal Building on the follow­ Tax Collector at "Tcelals at tho Stores ...... ing applications: layed)—(P)— A traialoed 400 front style, snugly banded at the (Qeattanad From Page One) SCORCHY SMITH Ron Out The Barrel BYJOHNC.TERBT^ ’•arlng Apparel—Furs ...... 'All persona liable by law to pay Italian refugees arrived today waist with a handsome leather w tod—To Buy ...... Application of Lucia Pagani, from Iran, deflnltety more cheerful “srrs 123 Eldridge Street, for permis­ taxes in the belt U’a a dreea you can make up popalble th* Japanese may find Board ■otolc.' MtooeeQ EIGHT SCHOOL AND than a elmUar group at Qermaiui so quickly aad easily—in one of tlMmaimaelvea outflanked. Vcoeg OKBAiKTUS E NO HM/sTQrgtm ito sion to move a tavern located at By Nr*. Ab m Oabe$ Witboof Bobrd ______UTILITIES DISTRICT broider thU one on a roee-i'Piiik who preceded them by 24 hours the aeason’s kitten soft woolens, a Chinese eommanders are under ^ W insblawsv MAY ID ACT TVa m iT Ains fffftqd sessessoooos tl-A the comer of Basex Street and Delicate little "framed" flower towel. INSiDS LOOFTD Board—lUseru .•»•••• M of Manchester are hereby-notified with a story of being rough-Iioused neat rayon print or a gabardine orders to spare no aaeriflce and to PUNCMOSCHY *nMg A K H T Weat Middle Turnpike to a build­ prints, on your guest! towels This set of four towels will make by the Rmnlene, Motet our -- — ifframs •••ss«pooa •1 ing to be built on Lot No. 27, the that on Oct. 1 I shall have a rate which tailors flawlessly. defend Chiuigaha to the death, an­ firot’na AuaoN '■^reiAtos. I— Boons—B oard ...... tl They’re as pretty as real picture* a lovely linen shower present, a After a brief pause In Turkey lot adjoining present tavern, in a bill for the collection of throe Psttem No. 8027 is in sixes 12 other epokeaman said. fOKRCSIlOO Mato Fos Boat aad ao unusual that all your guasta handsome contribution to your tbir Axis nmUonals, ousUd sum­ to 20; and 40. Sise 14, with short "W e boj^ hletory will repest it­ lonia, Flata, Taaemeais 41 Residence B xone. milts on the dollar laid od tha list will be enchanted. SMALL— 1« churdi Basaar qr a d^ightful marily from BriUsh aad Ruasian sleeves, requlrss 2H yards 54-tacb self,** he said, cecalUng a previous ISO* Leeatloos tor Boat .. 44 Application of John Andiaio of of 1940, due to the collector Oct. Thera are fotir "Picture Frame” CAWTPua For Boat .•■•••••••••• U 1st 1941. , Christmas present. "Shut-ins” wlU occupied Iran, will oonUaue on to fsbrie, 4% ysrds 35-Inch. It on Changsha in 1SS8, For Boat 44 163 Weat Center Street for per­ dealgns— each about 4 by 8 1-4 Taxes accepted every work day lOTs to work on thsss embroider­ their homelands. For this attrscUrs pattern, send when the Japaneee were driven OOtOFTMl Boaua For BatM...... tl mission to transfer a package inebea. TeUbw, pink and roae color­ ies—th ^ rs so cheerful! Tha Germans wsre fuadag about to Boat ...... 41 atom from No. 1 Walnut Street to aad evealag darlag Oetttber at 47 ISo in coin, your itaine, a d d r ^ back 100 miles north to Tochow in ed poppies are exquisite on a green For ail four transfer designs of tbeir treatment at the bands of patten! number aad else to The their meet disastrous defeat of the 243 Spruce Street In a Buaineaa Mata Street aad every day aatll Unen hand towel—blue lavender lat BatMlas far Sala ., aona. the Picture Frame Towels (Pat­ ths Soviet occupying totem. They Manchester Herald Today’s Pat­ war. Fropert* tor Bala . m Satstfday aeoa at Bta

■\ "V 1'^* * £oim ^ MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 29,1941 UiM ElMiiMr Btrggrtn y«ater- A dausbtar. ChrlaUne, waa bom Haul Csrvlai, of Main atrsst, Mias Arlans Btrge. of 68 Wells day mibatitutad for her lUter, Oer* Wedneaday, September 24, a t S t chairman of ths setback commit­ Dapartmant 88 of the Pratt A Mra. Carrie Anderson, of 21 E4> trude, u aoloiat at THsity churth, street waa, treated a t the Wind­ Whlfnsy division held Its first MMcheaUr Orange, P. of H., Franeia hoapital, to Mr. and Mra. tee for ths Manchester Fire De­ ham Community Memorial hoapi. mund street, and Mrs. Annie Bron- will hold its regular meeting Wed-] Baytlde, Lon^ laland. The local Hufio Pacani of 151 Maple atreet partment announced this morn­ outing yesterday afternoon at ths kle, of 457 O uter street, will be Kiri if a atudent of the> tal last night for scratches sua- Italian club on Keeney atreet Wil­ neaday evening In the liaaon Mra. Pasanl prior to her manrlaae ing that all arradgements had tained In Rockville when a mo­ glad to arrange for collectione for 'Temple when the first and aacon Sehuleea atudioe and waa very well- waa Miaa Ulllaa Humphrey. been completed for the opening bur Hoyt of Bigelow street Man­ the Willing Workers' rummage received. torcycle on which she was riding chester, waa general chairman. degrees will be conferred. The, one week from Tuesday, or Octo­ cut out of traffic and collided with sale Thursday at nine o'clock at Booster night program planned »br ber 7. Twetvs teams have entered Over one hundred and fifty At­ tba atore, 882 Main etreet. This la The Mothers' Circle of the A car drlvan by Thomaa B. WU- a ear on West Main street Al­ tended the party and Oaano-eater- tomorrow night has been cancelled aoB of 87 Walnut atraet wraa dam­ and it la expected that these will phonse Genovese, 21, of Rockville, ons of the groups of the South and a abort entertainment will Sacred Heart will hold its first stick throu^ont the winter. In- ed for the refreshments. meeting; of the season tomorrow aged yesterday afternoon when It driver of the motorcycle on which Methodlat Woman's Society for given In Its place on Wedneadayl overturned at 30 Lewis atreet af- tereet In the toumanimt has been the local girl waa riding, suffered Christian %irvlce. evening. ■ evening at the home of Mrs. Foster ter the right rear tire blew out high In the past and It Is expect­ The reception for the new lead­ Willianqs, of40\Grove street.' a compound fracture of the left ed that every session will furnish leg and a contusion of one ers at the South Methodist church, Hia Republican Town Commit­ plenty of opposition. shoulder. Rev. and Mrs. W. Ralph Ward. Jr„ tee haa b 8 Cash Priseal urday afternoon making It the church, Hartford, formerly of New 1088 Mala 8 t TeL 8827 J . J . Stevena, of the High achool WiUiamsburg, Va.. and other second time this month Oist new York City. Admltaloa 25c. faculty. Howard Fiaher, instruc­ places of interest in that part of cars have arrived at the north Virginia. tor in the State 'J'rade school and end. All members of the Cecilian club BUT HOW? Stuart J. Wasley,' local real estate are requeated to meet at the South dealer, attended the football game The General Welfare Center. Mr. and Mrs. Donald 8. Conrad, church at 6:45 instead of 7:30 zor at Storrs Saturday afternoon be­ Unit No. 41, will meet tomorrow of 71 Brookfield street, have been their regular rehearsal tomorrow Remember-there is no magic tween the Coast Guard Academy night at eight o'clock at the School evening. and the University of Connecti­ spending a vacation at the Cham­ Street Recreation Center. VUitora berlin Hotel, Old Point Comfort. Faith Spillane McCartin in the word '‘Insuiation" cut will be welcome. Va. e f o r e you b u il d a new home—be sure of an School of Dancing adequate insulation job by asking these 5 Bquestions;— HEALTH REST LEARN TO DO THE NEW J . Mow tMek is (he insuiatienf MATTRESS ' Thin insulation is only partially effective-insist on Onaraateed for 8 Years! J-M Ful-Thilc Super-Felt Batls-wall thick, they com­ ^Lindy Fox Trot^^ and

pletely fill all heat-leaking spaces. $16.95 i . How oftleloot is MT ^The V for Victory Dance'' $1.00 Dowa and $1.00 Per J-M Batts have a heat resistance per inch of thickness Week. comMrable to any home-insulating material on the ll HIGH SCHOOL BALLROOM CLASS market. Applied to/ull trail Micl-ness (approx. 3>i inches), they provide maximum protection against passage of heat. KEMP'S, INC. OPENING WED., OCT. 1st, 7:30 to 9:30 P. M. STUDIO: 14 STRONG STREET S. Is It Hropfoot ond pormaoontT Fine Bedding! Registrations Still Open In All Types of Dancing. J-M Rock Wool Batts are made of Rock wiol, a mineral —won't bum, rot or decay. TEL. 4891 OR 8516

4. loHtho koUty0or . .. Made to factory standards of density and thickness, J-M Super-Felt Batts insure an effectiveness not typical PHYSIC of loose or bulk insulation put in by hand-cannot be 'stretcbed" in application. //»ia

S. Mihe monufoeturot HT Given With Cosh Sales in Both Ttling a UxsMvs h sAss a aac- Super-Felt Batts are made by Johns-Manville, the HALE'S SELF SERVE auary kaaM< maasura — aad wt greatest name in insulation. Ask to see the J-M trade­ ara alwayt prapatsd is tuppiy The Original In New England! mark on the product. These Stores All Day Tuesday. you wkb fratii, dapandabia prap- arafioiH, mada up in (ka fonn tend Isr (res copy el famsut ^ you prafaf. But don't ba lax witk Hems Idea Baeli." This 60-page book-fully illustrated - contains l•lativatl AND HEALTH MARKET dozens of stimulating ideas for the home. Tc-lls you about .l-M Super- Tee frequent um waalwM bitatti- Felt Rock Wool Batts. nal mutclet, whick mutt ciarciM Th€ JW.HAU CORK "•fwaly to ntminata narmaly. TUESDAY SPECIALS AAANCMeSTSR COHM- WIITI. SHONI OC can ON Sen your doctor abeut prolonged oenttipaties. We have Oi-nshes for all Double l i f e Green Stamps Given With Cash Sales types of power motors in stock and can make repairs All Day Tuesday. without delay

The W. G. Gleiiney Co. Dnnkcr’s Special! Downyflake UHOOSe-'SOH. Pulleya — Belting INC „ CO i^ LUMBER, MASONS’ SUPPLIES, PAINT ,‘P H A R M A C Y SM North Mato Street Tel. 4I4S Maacbeater a73MAINST. ^^fi^MAWOte8Tta.,CONW. Doughnuts d».17 NORTON

JfttHiquaiU u FOB BUUPING AND HOm REMODilING The Valuable Premiums You Get for Your Green ELECTRICAL of [ wn Ara tMaSWM fair J Stamps Make Shopping At These Stores Extra Profit­ INSTRimiENT CO. Hale's Bread JOHNS-MANVILLE tS [ Dactar Ta Kaap Faa WaRJ able. . Phone 4060 I

Hilliard Street.. Manchester Saniihine

Chocolate Nuggets


In Cellophane B a g ...... TUESDAY ...... 15c

Hale’s Freeh, Red Beg be that.


Coffee Lb. 17c

39c lb. Large

Tailored Cottage Sets

SWEET Colorful combinatlona In Dutch. Sunlight Eggs Doz. 39c Lace Curtains Crlaa-Croaa, or Plain Tailored POTATOES •tylea. White with Red. Blue, Praaeo-Americaa E!arh curtain 45" wide. Plain Shantung weave bordered on both Brown, Green. Yellow, or Black.

5 lbs. 19c aidea. Spaghetti Cana 3 25c

Del Mato

/■ISIITItll pair ^ 1 .1 9 set 1 .1 9 (Other Sets At 95c)

^ CRISCO Corn Niblets 2 Cana 29c

which, Gold Medal , Pound 25c houses

3 Pounds 65c Flour 5-Lb. Bag 27C

Ruffled Curtains Good Luck In

SOAP SALE Can Be Used In Criss-Cross Or

Regular Priscilla Style. Jar Rings 4 Pkgs. 21 c TMSai^ 0 41” Point d’Esprit—Cream or Ecru •fXwuUifmi ^ ^ 46” Pussywillow Dots—Cream $- W«wa 41” Plain Marquisette— Cream Swan Soap 4 for ti 41\Novelty Marquisette—Cream 2 Lge. Cakes

Y 25c Med- Cakes 3 17e

The New Tailored fpr. Granulated Soap Liix Flakes Lge. Pkg. 24c m i

Marquisette Curtains DCZ AND Many styles in woven weaves, dots, or plain Peck IV O R Y SOAP in cream or ecru. Na. 1 Potataes

Large Both for 25c

Meintash Apples

16-Qt. Bskt. 59c KBCYDOL WHILE THEY LAST AT THIS ^ Fraah, Cilap MEDIUM Ruffled Curtains P R IC E r a'., -tv. ' beautiful range of curtabui for 2 for 4 3 q living room, dining room, or bed­ Celanese Taffeta room. Lined Woven Celery- d Bunch 9e ^ MAM900 Bathroom Curtains ) Plaia Bfarqelaette NauUcal or Swan and Uly pattern

in all colon except blue. Damask Drapes PnaaywUlew Dot » PoiMili Malae D u ty Keee Floral damaak. 25” width. 2W Novelty Margotoette Oreea Black aad White Orchid HEALTH MARKET yards Ipng with 3 cluster pleats. ^

Cola Det SHOWER In Roae, Gold, Green, Wins, or There’s nothing more gratifying to us than to hear CURTAINS Blue. Ifadnw Weave EACH yon folka aay: «Oh, your meat is always so good”-and $1.98

[The white seep Pla Det Bathreoan Drapes

fer whllti AO Extra Width. Cettaga M Ts Match $ X s 9 o

wtsbM $ 3 *2 9 aatti aatviaa ^ A P L A 8.Y IC «aoW BB CUBTAIN HOOKS to all colon to match your Rib Lamb Cbaps (Others At 12.98 Pair) G S M P 19c »1.69-«1.98 curtalno. Ouarantaed uabraakabla. PAIR

S5e Doxea

Lain Lamb Cbaps

Oaatar Cat

Double gitsf Green

Stampe Given W’ith Cash XX^OtM)P]caAT|C! Garry o' Ham Lb. pMhagea «M yen aM Sales Tuesday! help aanaarva maSsr fiaal tar tikJSIKIIAUcoiu. thaNatlenal Dataaii. MANCHISTiR COMN*

Fresb Sbouiders u 27e

