Eastern Progress Eastern Progress 1935-1936

Eastern Kentucky University Year 1936

Eastern Progress - 7 Feb 1936

Eastern Kentucky University

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USE THE PATRONIZE LIBRARY THE EASTERN PROGRESS ADVERTISERS Student Publication of Eastern Kentucky State Teachers College VOLUME 14 RICHMOND, KENTUCKY, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1936 NUMBER 10 1TTT- PROM COMMITTEE Ted Shawn Men Dancers POPULAR STUDENT LTC IN PLAY NAMED BY JUNIORS LEAVES CAMPUS HIGH SCHOOL SPONSORED BY At the regular meeting of the Mrs. Thomas Henry Ooates, for- Junior class an election was held merly Msls Marian Stanley Hagan, NET CONTEST to fill the vacancies that occurred of Richmond, has returned to at the close of the semester, also Montgomery, West Virginia, to be SEVEN DEPTS the Junior Prom committee was with her husband, who is assistant MARCH 13 -14 professor of Economics at New River "The Taming of the Shrew" Mi-. Kelly Clore was elected vice- State College there. The former Thirty-Nine Schools In Reg- To Be Presented About president, Miss Louise Balden sec- Miss Hagan and Mr. Ooates were ion; Best Eight Come retary, and Mr. Ed Hesser as a married December 36, and Mrs. April 8; Cast To Be member of the social committee. Ooates remained here to complete to Eastern Miss Violet Lewis was elected her college work at Eastern. Picked chairman of the Junior Ptom com- mittee. The two members of the so- TROPHIES BE GIVEN BUCHANAN IS COACH cial committee, Miss Covlngton and Mr. Hesser, along with Mr. Bob FAIL TO GET Mavlty and Mr. Morris Creech, The eleventh reglnal High School The Little Theater Club of East- were elected to serve w-th Miss basketball tournament will be held ern announces that its tradltonal Lewis. SCHOOL BILL at Eastern March 13 and 14. This spring play will be another of tournament is sponsored by the col- Shakespeare's plays, The Taming lege under the auspices of the Ken- of the Shrew." The play will be UP FOR VOTE tucky High School Athletic Asso- presented in Hiram Brock audito- MAROONS AND ciation. rium April 8 and will be directed The eleventh region is made up by Miss Pearl Buchanan, sponsor of Effort Take BUI for Election of Franklin, Scott, Anderson, Mer- the club. EAGLES MEET of Superintendents from cer, Payette, Jessamine, Woodford "Dynamo", the above scene being "Twelfth Night,'' which was pre- When Ted Shawn and his troupe Rules Body Beaten In and Madison counties. There are sented as the spring play of the of world-famous men dancers ap- taken from this part of the repe- thirty-nine schools In this region Little Theater Club last year, owes TOMORROW pear here in April, they will execute totre. Lower House and the best eight will come to much of Its success to the fact that a unique dance number entitled Eastern for the tournament. Some all departments of the college co- Eastern Team Seeking Ven- of the schools that are in this sec- operated in the producton of the DEFEATED BY 47 TO 43 tion are Georgetown High, Frank- I play. Such cooperation Is being gence for 26 to 15 Defeat fort Lawrencebtjrg, Lexington, sought again this year in order that Suffered at Hands of REGISTRATION SHAWNTR0UPE Athens, Madison Hi, Wllmore, Kav- this great drama may too be a suc- FRANKFORT. Ky., February 6— anaugh, University HI Lexington, cess. Eagles Early in Season The house of representatives today and Versailles. The Little Theater Club, one of APPEAR HERE refused to take from Its rules com- Eight games will be played, two IS EXTENDED mittee the bill of L K. Rice of the oldest tdubs on the campus, has PLAY CENTRE TONIGHT each afternoon and two each night. made it a practice to present a play Men Dancers Are Booked for Breathitt county to provide fox the A season ticket can be bought for the spring of every year. This year Inclement Weather and Con- 'lection of county school superin- 75c, the afternoon games are 35c, will be the second consecutive year Return Engagement At tendents Instead of their appoint- The week-end basketball schedule sequent Closing of Schools ment by county school boards. and the night games 50c. The pro- that it has attempted to present a brings to Eastern the Morehead Auditorium grams will be handled by the Eas- Shakespearean play, and may be Accountable The motion to take the bill from tern Progress. established as an annual event. If Eagles and sends the Maroon quin- the committee obtained 43 votes. this one is successful. tet to Danville to meet the Centre It needed 51 to carry. Forty-seven Three trophies will be given, the "The Taming of the Shrew" will College Colonels. The Morehead LDIIT TO FEBRUARY 10 WERE HERE IN 1934 votes were cast against the bill. Chamber of Commerce trophy for employ all of the talent possessed boys, who have taken fifty percent Previously a motion to table the the winner, the runner up and the by the members of the club since of their games this season, will en- original motion was defeated. conselatlon trophies. counter the Eastern squad in Weaver Announcement has recently been Ted Shawn and his men dancers, It has such a large cast, even more who appeared at Eastern In Feb- The house passed almost unani- The class in Physical Education than was needed in "Twelfth Health Building tomorrow night. made that the time limit for sec- 468 Is organizing and administering Today the Maroons Journey to Dan- ond semester registration has been ruary, 1934, and received the thun- mously a bill to give county and this tournament as one of their Night" The cast for this play has extended to Monday, February 10. derous applause from an apprecia- police Judges probation powers in not, as yet, been selected but will ville. tive audience, are again booked to misdemeanor cases in which the projects for the semester. bo selected by Miss Buchanan at a The Eastern squad vows vengence This will be the last day for full- on the Eagles for a 38 to IS defeat load registration. The extension appear in Brock Auditorium during punishment does not exceed six later date. The various departments the present semester. months in Jail. of the college that will be called they suffered at the hands of the was made because of the Inclement upon to assist in this production Morehead representatives when weather, which has closed numer- Reputed to be the world's leading The county superintendent bill, a will be: Art, Music, English, Com- they met that team on their home ous county schools in the state. troupe of men dancers, the Ted controversial subject in almost EASTERN TO merce, Home Economics, and In- floor earlier in the season. The teachers in these schools Shawn Company should bring to every legislative session, was op- dustrial Arts. If past performance is any indi- would have been unable to take Eastern an entertainment unique posed by the state school depart- The student body is asked to co- cation of the type of ball our boys full-time work at Eastern for the in its scope. The press of the B. O. ment. GET R. 0. T. C. operate with the club in order that will demonstrate tomorrow night, second semester under the previous Workers says of the dancers and By the vote of 25 to 4 the senate this production will be the finest Morehead will have more than a deadline ruling, since the dosing their leader: "Shawn's dancers are today passed the bill of Senator Field Artillery Unit to Be ever presented at Eastern. handfull of dynamite. Eastern day for county schools was post- highly talented and finished artists. Joe Tackett (D), Prestonsburg, to looked its best on the basketball poned. Shawn himself is a genius." provide for the removal of school Established HJre Next court last Tuesday evening when Along with the full load exten- The talented artist tells of how in superintendents and for an appeal September they held the powerful Murray Col- sion there will be added time for order to develop his art he found it from the decision of a county board HEARCOATES lege team to a 39 to 38 victory, after part-time courses of study. The necessary to withdraw from New making such removal to the state tying the score numerous times and last day for part-time load regis- York studios and the turmoil of board of education. The bill WAR DEPARTMENT SAYS twice maintaining the lead. tration is Tuesday, February 18. financial worry and went along amends the school code which was AT ASSEMBLY The Eastern aggregation handed with his ensemble of dancers to passed by the 1934 session of the School officials are not yet ready his abandoned farm in Massachu- general assembly and which made The War Department last the Colonels a 38 to 30 defeat when to Issue statement* concerning the setts. There they cut timber, tilled Model High Principal Addres- the two teams met here earlier in size of the second semester regis- no provision for an appeal from announced that a field artillery the season. The all-season record the land and are thus better able the decision of a county board. unit of the Reserve Officers Train- ses College Chapel; Sub- tration. About 400 additional stu- to interpret labor on the land and ing Corps will be established at of the Centre team shows four vic- dents were expected to enroll, but As originally drawn the bill pro- tories against seven defeats. In the forest. vided for the removal of superin- Eastern Kentucky State Teachers ject High School because of the change of closing When asked if the dance could College at the opening of the fall The game tomorrow night is time In the county schools and the tendents of county schools but was scheduled to begin at 8:00 o'clock. Interpret unemployment and social amended by the sponsor of the session of 1936. Notice of approval already mentioned,, weather and changes, Shawn readily explained of application of the college for TELLS SCHOOL NEEDS road conditions, the number did that he has a repertoire on such a measure to provide for the removal not approach the expected amount. of superintendents of schools which the location of a unit here was re- theme. One is "The March of the would include city "as well as ceived from Fort Hayes, O., by Dr. MODETTEAM However, it is expected tat by Feb- Proletariat." Others are "The Vaga- H. L. Donovan, president of East- "We must train those in high ruary 18 the total college and bond" and ::The Miller." county superintendents. school to follow wise and honest Action on the bill of Senator ern leadership," said Prof. J. Dorland training school enrollment will There is decidedly and surpris- reach about fifteen or sixteen hun- ingly nothing effeminate despite the Otis White (R), Butler county, to Two or three batteries of 100 « Ooates, principal of the Model high SCORES WIN dred. grace of the marvelously muscled allow sheriffs ten per cent of the men each will be organized, and school of Eastern Teachers College, young athletes, in Shawns ensem- first $5,000 of school taxes collected instruction in military science and in an address at the college assem- Defeat Speedwell Quintet ble. Of their work at Eastern two and four per cent on residue was tactics will begin in September. A bly hour Wednesday on "The Peo- years ago, suffice it to say that postponed until tomorrow after- commissioned officer will be sent ple's School—the High School." 40 to 16; Have Won Four REPORT BOOK they performed with a precision noon on motion of Senator J. Lee here to have charge of the unit "Young people should develop a of Five Games that scarcely seems possible In such Moore (D), Simpson county, who and there will also be two or three critical taste—they should be able free-flowing, poetic, spontaneous spoke for the bill and who made non-commissioned officers attached to face problems, evaluate material TAKING FORM motion. the motion to postpone In order to to the organization. and recognize propaganda. One of COACHED BY HEDGES head off a motion made by Sena- The courses in military science the real difficulties which teachers tor Clarence E. Nlckell (D), Jessa- will be elective for all men who de- meet in the schools is the conflict Milestone Staff Indicates The recently organized Model mine county, to table an amend- sire to enroll for this work. Ap- between the fine standards taught Year Book Is Rapidly ALPHA ZETA ment which would have killed the plication forms for admission to and that which is sordid and dis- High school basketball team bill. the R O. T. c. are expected in the honest among their own surround- handed the Speedwell High team Taking Shape ings and communities. Teachers a 40 to 16 defeat in a preliminary Explaining that he was in sym- next few days, Dr. Donovan said. should be prepared to foster the to the Varsity-Murray contest in SPONSOR HOP pathy with the motive back of the growing interest of students in eco- Weaver Health Building last Tues- PHOTOS ARE URGED bill, Senator Nlckell said, "But I nomics and social and political day night. • -j • • Annual Dance of Club to Be am not of the opinion that (he FROSH TAKE WESLEYAN sciences. * The Model High boys Jumped to school fund should be taxed to "We cannot disregard the fact an early lead which they never re- Work on the set-up of the Mile- February 29; In make up deficits of sheriffs." BY SCORE OF 38 TO 32 that an educational system whlcn linquished during the game. At stone, the college yearbook, is pro- Small Gym Senator Moore said the purpose does not take a careful account of the end of the first quarter the gressing rapidly, according to the of the bill was to make up reve- In a preliminary to the varsity the individual is going to be con- score stood at 11 to 4 and at the editor, Keith Dicken. nue to the sheriff which they lost game, the Baby Maroons won a demned in the future. We must half at 30 to 6. The playing dur- He- urges that students who wish DEBATE OTHER SCHOOLS by repeal of the three pei cent listlessly fought fray from the Wes- recognise that children will have ing the whole first half was rather to have their pictures put in this sales tax. leyan Frosh. The final score was more leisure time and that we shall consistent with the Model bojp 38 to 32. The score at the half was year's book have them made as soon The Alpha Zeta Kappa will spon- An. amendment proposed by Sen- 27 to 22 in favor of the Eastern have to take care of those people hitting the basket from all angles. as possible. sor its annual dance Saturday eve- ator Moore would make the sher- who graduate from high school and After the opening of the second team, and at no time were they ser. For the benefit of new students ning, February 29, according to iffs inspectors of county schools lously threatened. cannot find Jobs. Some schools will half the play became a bit more the following information is re- Kelly Clore, president. Don Mlch- and it would be for these addi- be forced to extend their educa- exciting as both teams began to printed: elson, chairman of the dance com- tional duties that they they would Yeager, a new prospect, playing tional program one or two more tally with about equal ease. The Class rates: Senior space, $4.00; mittee, has charge of the arrange- be compensated for collecting the well. Voshell was leading scorer years. Speedwell team scored first during Junior space, $2.00; sophomore space, ments for this occasion, which is school taxes. Under his amend- for Baby Maroons, with 10 points "The courses should be varied the second period with a field goal $150; and freshman, $1.00. being planned to be one of the ment sheriffs would have to make and was followed by Hackerwith 9. and rich In content and should be Just after Kelly of Model had Class representatives: Seniors, outstanding social events of the monthly Inspections of the schools "Chubby" Davis, was ejected from adjusted In recognition of the Im- missed a free throw. Both teams Frances Hanna; Juniors, Edmund year. in his county and report to the the game for exceeding the personal portance citizenship plays in the then scored on foul shots. Hesser; sophomores, Elizabeth The work of the debating team county board of education as to fire foul limit. business of living. Every young per- Taylor and Murphy then sank Robertson; and freshmen, Virginia Is progressing and the members hazards and sanitary conditions. The Freshmen were denied a re- son should be taught to read the two field goals in rapid succession Winters. are looking forward to their debate The bill of Senator Ray B. Smith turn game with the Wesleyan Frosh newspapers, not only sports and so- and Noland added two points on This yearbook, which has been schedule which will probably begin (D), Ben ton, to cut from fifty cents due to the extreme cold weather, cial news, but editorials and na- fouls. A goal shot by Dunn, Model dedicated to Dr. Farris, college phy- the first of March. Negotiations to twenty cents the fee allowed thus lessening the number of games tional and international news. The forward, was matched by one sician, is to have Kentucky litera- are under way for debates with county clerks for registration of the Frosh will play in their already aim of the teacher of English tossed by Combs, diminutive Speed- ture as Its theme. If present plans Lincoln Memorial University, Union automobiles was tabled by a 24 to short schedule. should be to make the students fa- well player who was his team's are perfected, it will be one of the College, Morehead, Kentucky Wes- 7 vote. The summary: miliar with great literature, con- high point man. The score at the most outstanding yearbooks the col- lsyan, Murfreesboro State Teachers Eastern Fr. (38) (32) Wesleyan Fr. temporary as well as that of the quarter was 38 to 10. lege has as yet had. College, and several other teams. past Too often schools adhere to Hendren and Noland added two SOPHOMORES MEET Voshell (10) ...F.... (7) Crockett O The question for debate this Cox (2) F (2) Stone traditional rigid, academic stand- points each while Clark of Speed- year is "Resolved: That Congress ards and Ignore the fact that skill well chalked up two for his team. At the regular monthly meeting Hacker (9) ....O (7) Stout Elders to Give Should be Permitted, by Two-thirds Rice (4) O (12) Ralsor In Latin and higher mathematics is Hendren again scored only to be Majority Vote, to Override Any of the sophomore class held in the not necessarily a complete prepara- imitated again, by Combs. The 5 to 4 Decision of the Supreme University Building, February 3, Davis (6) Q (2) Tharp tion for life. game closed with Eastern Model Illustrated Talk 1930, Charles Bryant was elected Substitutes: Eastern—Yeager (4), Court Declaring a Lew Unconsti- Hill (1), Singleton (2). Wesleyan "We must discourage from enter- High the vlstors 40 to 16. tutional." The club wishes to an- sergeant-at-arms, and Edgar Mc- ing the teaching profession all those _ o nounce that It is not too late for Connell, vice-president. —Reynolds (2), Henry. who do not have a compelling and RECEPTION AT COLLEGE An illustrated lecture will, be giv- anyone Interested in debating this March 14 was set as the date for Officials: Mavlty and Hedges. eager interest in education. Teach- LIBRARY en at the University building on question to try out for the team. the sophomore leap year dance, and ers have always been in a strategic More than one hundred faculty the Eastern Teachers College cam- plans were made for this which the position because they with the par- Interested persons should get in MRS. OSBORNE DIES members at Eastern Teachers Col- pus, Sunday night, February 9, at touch with Dr. Saul Hounchell, de- sophomores hope will be one of the ents mold the citizens of tomorrow. lege and guests were present last 6 o'clock by Arthur V. Bulkley and bate coach. most outstanding dances of the Let us re-examine the traditions night at a reception In the new li- Leland L. Lee, elders of the Church year. , BEREA, Ky., Feb. 6—Word has under which we have been preced- brary there. The party was taken of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day ° After business matters were at- been received here of the death of ing and adjust the high school pro- on a tour of the new library build- Saints, who have been in Richmond M'Kinney Building tended to, the class was entertained Mrs. T. J. Osborne In California. gram to the individual and to the ing and a delightful supper was for the past three months in charge by a number of vocal selection, ren- Mrs. Osborne was the wife of Thos. demands of a very complex world." served. of a mission of their church. dered by Norb Rechtin, accompanied J. Osborne, who for many years was . -» O The group assembled in the read- treasurer of Berea College. He died The illustrated lectures which Be Site of Store at the piano by Katherine Prather. in the early fall. ATTENTNION, PRESIDENTS! ing room where Dr. Donovan spoke they will give are entitled "History O The last week in February is the O ' briefly, reviewing the history of the of the 'Mormon' Church and Settle- „ TO SAIL FEBRUARY 15 VANDY BURSAR.DIES time set for the class basketball library building. Then the guests ment of the West"; "Latter-Day The ladies' ready-to-wear store Misses Field and Keen Shackel- tournament. The tournament will were divided into small groups and Saint Temples and Their Purposes' to be opened by H Bloomfield, ford will sail on the 8. 8. Santa NASHVILLE ,Tenn., Feb. 0 — bo held while the varsity is in each was taken into the various and "Scenic Utah." formerly with the Fair Store, Lex- Rosa of the Grace Line on Febru- Death today had taken J. E. Hart Bowling Green playing in the K. parts of the new addition. _, o ington, will be located in the D. ary 15 from New York for Califor- from Vanderbllt University, the in- I A. o. tournament. The hostesses were Miss Mary TO PRESENT PLAT ' B. MeKlnney building on Main nia by way of the Panama Canal, stitution he served as bursar for The class presidents are asked to Floyd, Mrs. Guy Whitehead, Miss The college department of the street instead of the Shackelford stopping at points in South Ameri- more than 30 years. take charge and see that their Isabelle Bennett and Miss Frances First Baptist church of Richmond building as stated yesterday in The ca, Central America, and Mexico He was found dead in his oar late classes are represented. Mason, all members of the library will present a play. The Three Register. The Shackelford building They are leaving Thursday to spend yesterday afternoon near the uni- Mr. Hughes is In charge of the staff. They were assisted in serving Links." at the Sunday school this is occupied by the Boggs Berbar a few days in Washington and New versity campus, apparently a vie. tournament. by student employes at the library Sunday morning. and Beauty Shop. . York before sailing. tim of a sudden heart attack, ■ III ■■

■ ■ X • v PAGE TWO THE EASTERN PROGRESS Friday, February ; 7, 1936

in, these columns to the effect that Already American brides and bride- WHCH DO YOU SAY? Eastern Progress an overwhelming percentage of stu grooms are getting older. Men are Git or Get? Dawg or Dog? dents ate strongly opposed to the marrying at the -Age of 26 and PENWIGGLINGS Mln' or Mind? Member of the Kentucky establishment of the unit, and that women at the age of 22. We don't Coin' or Going? IntorcoUeetete Press Association By CHAS. BULL gray eyes glassed with a sheath, of know at what' conclusion statis- therefore it should not be Installed. Visit to a Transient Camp as I told of the days I had filtered In the Pos^offjce at Rich- However, we are inclined to be- ticians arrive from this fact, but spent In Seattle). "I'm Just an old mond, Ky., u second-clan matter. Hultopped and tree -sheltered, 'has-been,'" he continued.' 'I don't lieve that if there is no antipathy anyhow, we are told that Vassar clean-kept and inviting, Camp Lake make much money, and I ain't got Reba rises to overlook its name- EDITORIAL STAFF. rf toward the move, there is little en- graduates have three-quarters of a no ktnfolks; just sorta living in sake lake and the highway which the past, I am. But I'm thankful Donald Mlchelson, '36 Co-Editor thuslasm for it. baby each. skirts its base. A score of regula- for a chance to earn my living, Morris Creech, '37 Co-Editor tion army tents stand like senti- The students of this college and, buddie, you know I thank Kelly Clore, "37 Spotrs Editor The KENTUCKY KERNEL, stu- nels against an azure sky, .wisps of God for the President we've got." Agnes Edmunds, '38.Feature Editor (rightly termed a "friendly col- smoke spirallng from their apex. "... and I thank God for the Betsy Anderson, 37..Society Writer dent publication of the University A blast of wind-swept rain struck lege") are soon Imbued with the President," he had said, and his Margaret Willoughby. "37 of Kentucky, recently published one me in the face, almost lifting my words were with me as I turned .- Society Writer mild atmosphere so characteristic hat, and I lengthened my stride my back on a sinking sun W. Ii Keene Faculty Sponsor of our late editorials, "The Pro* up the pathway. of Eastern. There is no feeling of and trudged down the muddy path- fesslonal College Athlete." This Arrived on the crest of the hill, way. Just an ordinary old man in compulsion or restraint here, and I paused momentarily to look over # BUSINESS STAFF must mean that they hold the an ordinary world, he was; yet naturally the greenest freshman the scene. Men were at work somehow he had symbolized a mul- Allen MoManus, "37 Adr. Mgr. same opinion we do on the ques- everywhere, some digging ditches, titude, ten million strong, who Kenneth Herron, "38 Asst. Mgr. soon learns that he has an unex- others carpentering. Hammers Vernon Davis, "37 Asst. Mgr. tion of subsidization of college ath- looked to one man for help. Just pected amount of freedom. This clanked, saws- twanged; the air an ordinary visitor to an ordinary letes. It is a happy discovery to vibrated with a staccato of nail Transient Camp, I was; yet un- freedom tempers the Individual driving. I squashed on thru the CdROUXA'nON STAFF find a disciple. consciously I turned o thank a here, and along with his sedate mud, stopping now and then to self-same God, and for the self- Roger Wilson, "3" Circu. Mgr say hello and shake hands with same reason. H. A. Hughes, "36 Asst. Mgr. classroom Instruction, he learns to a ditch-digger. J. D. Tolbert, '38..Exchange Editor The first example of perfect har- O regard all regimentary movements "Bull is the name," I ventured, mony between an Englishman and upon entering headquarters' office. LIBRARY COLUMN REPORTORIAL STAFF with distaste. That is why, we be- an Irishman was displayed last "I'd like to visit your camp and Kathryn Wllklna, -37 lieve, that there Is little enthusiasm hob-nob with some of the fellows; Charles Warner, 37 week when the piano team of Mal- There have been a number of for the new miliary unit. And it I'm working on a story." donations to the library recently, Dorothy Bracht, -38 colm and Godden performed. "Come right in; you're perfectly and we are glad to take note of Mildred 8wetnam, 77 speaks well for the colleg. It proves Jack McCord, "37 O ■*- welcome. Adams Is my name. Yes, them, such donations being always that this school Is successfully de- I'm Sergeant Adams, the director." welcome. Lieut.-Gov. Keen John- H. Fulkerson, "38 We sat a while, our feet propped son has given the bound volumes Virginia Winters, "39 , veloping a philosophy of wholesome on the stove railing, and exchanged Paul McGlnnls, "37 of the Congressional Record for sanity. It further proves that, as yarns. The old man was an in- the seventy-fourth congress, nota- teresting character. He had spent ble for much Important legislation. an educational institution, we are PROOREBS PLATFORM two years in France during the Gen. J. W. Cammack, member of more concerned over a policy of war, and previous to his coming to the Eastern board of regents, from The establishment of an active Every year at this time we are Camp Reba had been director of Owenton, gave three books making student council. world wide peace education than ungently reminded that among the the Ashland Transient Bureau; up the reports of fcie attorney-gen- A more active alumni association. for one of universal rearmament. faculty the quality of mercy is but it was not until I casually re- eral for 1908-9, 1912-13, 1929-30. Further expansion In the athletic strained, and their semester grades marked of my studentship at Mrs. R. E. Turley of Richmond program. We realize that an ROTC unit drop like a thunderbolt from heav- Eastern that he suddenly Jumped gave a large number of magazines, Greater participation In Intra- will be brought here since many en upon the place beneath. These to his feet to wring my hand bound and unbound, which the li- mural athletic*. brary did not own, and various wise men believe that we should grades are twice cursed. They curse again. those who shirk and those who All smiles, the old sergeant spoke books including a valuable encyclo- Welcome have a trained mass of army offi- bluff. They are mightiest of the his words with a pride: "Why, pedia and dictionary. Miss Marie Roberts, long a member of our Again we close the old semester cers because "we prepare for peace mightiest. They become the throned; buddie, that's MY old school. I pedagogue better than his birch was a student at Eastern in the staff, has donated some choice vol- and again we look forward, with by building an army large enough rod (the attribute of awe and maj- years 1907-8 (near as I can recol- umes from her collection. Heading this list are two volumes, Milton's scores of new students, to another to Intimidate potential enemies." esty, wherein doth sit the dread lect). Sure, I remember fee pro- and fear of undergrads). But mercy lessors. There was Smith, Booth, "Paradise Lost" and Dante's "In- eighteen week period of training. Surely there must be some mis- is above this bludgeoned sway; it Noe, Madame Trosky, McDougle, ferno," elaborately illustrated with Is enthroned in the hearts of co- the rare, vivid engravings of Gus- Most of those here now were en- take. Our greatest teachers, One and Mrs. Roark, who was presi- eds, it is an attribute of discipline dent of fee academy at that tune. tave Dore; these are two volumes rolled during the fall semester, Nazarene In particular, told us long committees themselves and fac- to grace the shelves of any biblio- fair weather! with ulty power doth then show llkest Yea, I'm mighty proud of Eastern, phile. Others on Miss Roberts' list while scores were attending high ago that the Messiah will be and happy were the years I spent Sunday school teachers' when se- there." are a Welsh Bible published in schools and the many others were achieved only through Brotherly mester grades are done Justice 1851, fee works of Flavlus Jose- This belated appeal is directed, to We talked on. Sergeant Adams phus, a book on the French Revo- teaching in various schools thru- Love. Teaching young men how to explained the plan and working the merciless faculty who go ber- system of the camp: "Weel we have lutions, and an illustrated record out the hills and dales of Ken- shoot the "enemy" down, or how serk every semester and give disil- of the reign of King George V. lusioned youth (i.e. first semester about 160 men here now, rep- The library gratefully acknowledges tucky. to' successfully disembowel an "an- freshmen) D's and F's. But if the resenting almost every state in fee union and many of the provinces. receipt of these books. First, we wish to welcome those tagonist" with a bayonet, is far D.Y. (disillusioned youth( only knew • • • it, these grades are merely a de- The men work 32 hours a week On the evening of Monday, Jan- freshmen who have Just completed from the beaten track of instruc- fense mechanism of the faculty's to and receive between fifteen and uary 27, members of the staff were discourage ambitious youth i.e. be- twenty-five dollars a month—de- their four years of high school tion for teachers. pending on their skill. This is a hosts to the faculty at a party in In these latest Mirra-Line fore the disillusioning process sets the new building. Besides being successes, nub by lines work and have entered Eastern. No, we are not milk-and-water in) from gaining too much knowl- WPA camp now. Yes, our main an enjoyable social affair the party slant through the smart You have made a wise decision in pacifists. We realize that this is edge (cite story of Adam and Eve, work is to be enlarging the Reba was to acquaint faculty members how they ate from the tree of Lake dam, thus protecting fee with the arrangement And method fabric like rain drops in a continuing your school work with- a barbaric world, and fire must be knowledge, and the unfortunate Richmond water supply, but right of the new library,, so that they sun shower I 1 or 2 piece, out an interruption and we are sure fought with fire. But if ever there aftermath). at present we are busy building might in turn acquaint their stu- in lovely colors! 12 to 20! dormitories. In three weeks we dents with the same. Students are that you will agree with us that Is to be universal peace, we must have completed three of them, and being allowed a great deal of lib- The New Deal received a setback there are four more near comple- $ you made a genuine decision when begin RIGHT NOW, and the edu- the other day during one of the erty with the books now, are being tion. Come on out, let's look treated as university people, not as you chose Eastern as your college. cational institutions must show the many recent snowfalls. Several around." 4-98 gamins built a snow man on Sec- high schoolers. We hope that they To those who recently have been We looked around. Somewhere will be ever cognizant and appre- way, to teach future generations ond street, and dressed the figure a whistle blew, and men came engaged in the profession of guid- that civilization Is bought with tol- with a hat and a pipe. To complete ciative of this fact, they they will the Job they propped a broom and scampering off fee Job. The old cooperate with the staff in per- ing the thoughts and actions of sergeant departed, and I filed into forming a difficult task. PENNEY^ erance, love, and understanding be- a shovel against the snow man's a big tent with a bunch of men. thousands of young Kentucklans, tween all nations, not with suicidal arms. That afternoon a WPA ad- ministrator walked past the snowy While they pulled off their work the Progress wishes to extend a races for military supremacy. . . . clothes I started conversation. figure and handed it a check!,... "Where are all you fellows STUDENTS VISIT STUDENTS hearty welcome. We are glad to This above philosophy is repre- As a sort of anticlimax to this sto- ry: We recounted the Incident to from?" I asked, addressing fee welcome you back again to Eastern sentative of the average teachers one of our less enlightened fresh- group as a whole. Sinim's Home Restaurant "Gonzales Ramos is my name. —to the. faculty, the student body, men and he remarked somewhat college product, because teachers skeptically, "Aw, shucks- ". After I'm from Puerto Rico." On Corner of Main and Madison Ave. All Sandwiches 5c and the campus. are counseled to create, not to de- about five minutes of silence, he "Yeah, he's our ace-ln-fee-hole," qulrped a fellow roustabout. During your absence from East- countered, "Mike, either you're kid- stroy. That Is why we hear little din' or you're lyln'." "My name's Fred Farr—black- ern, the campus has been under- cheering from this student body The Love Lyric contest is mak- smith, W. Virginia." "They call me "Silent." Some going radical changes. A football over the prospects of (non-compul- ing such active progress that al- Rivers Shoe Service ready four people have stopped monlcer. eh? Russell is the fami- FOR BETTER RE-BUILT SHOES stadium which will accommodate sory, so far, thank God) military talking to us; and five more have ly handle. Me? I'm Just slum- WELCOMES BOTH NEW AND OLD STUDENTS some four thousand spectators Is offered us a pair of black eyes (not ming here—trying to wear out some training. —D. M. the kind they sing about in that old clothes I had." SUntfer Building South Second Street now under construction, although O Russian song) — (PS.: Three oth- "Who, me?" (I indicated he was work has been temporarily halted ers have offered us a slightly used the one). "Oh, I'm from A. & M A Thing of Beauty algebra book and three dollars in College, Stillwater, Oklahoma. No, due to the extreme cold weather. John Keats expressed a funda- meal tickets to keep their lyrics out I don't like it out here; too durned SEE. OUR LINE OF smfc.-s. A Greek theatre, which promises of the column). wet and rainy. I- like dry - cli- ..-- mental truth when he said; "A Here are the latest shots: mates. Out West it's so dry you to be used extensively during the thing of beauty is a Joy forever." They may be dumb, they may be gotta prime a man to make him coming summer school, Is now be- fat, spit." Present Eastern students and their They may be tall, they may be "Better not print my name, mis- ing constructed down in the ravine, posterity will have permanent Joy squat; ter. All my old girl friends will New Spring Dresses, Hats, Sweaters, Just in front of the library. The They're all my boy friends; what's be a-comiri' down to get me. Ya in the form of the new library, the diff? see, I used to be a 'hot potato' new library addition, one of the definitely "a thing of beauty." This I'm in line for Miss Eastern 1936. with the ferns. We Texans are most beautiful in the state, has —By Mary Miller. like that. new building and the high ideals "My name is Edward Reed; sort Lingerie and Hose been highly recommended for use of progress and learning it exem- im in a fog, I'm up a tree, of a vagabond. (He was at least sixty). This isn't the first to all students. plifies marks an upward trend in My thoughts creep like a barge; How will I scold each single one government work I've done. I was These improvements are for the ■» \ the picturesque saga that is East- With the library now so large? one of the first thousand who benefit of the young men and —By Miss Mary Floyd worked for 'Uncle Sam' on the ern's. The new library is more Panama Canal." women attending Easem. It is the than a receptacle for books. It Is "Everyone calls me 'Seattle;' The Fashion Nook desire of the regents, the adminis- She hits high c, she warbles sweet, guess It's 'cause I'm always a a magnificent edifice, fashioned The notes ring o'er and o'er; talkin' of my old home town, but tration, the faculty, and the Prog- with so much Intelligence and fore- But every time I pop the question Geeze, buddie, I can't help it; I North Second Street ress that while these Improvements She sings louder than before. love feat place. (I clasped his Marion Douglas, Mgr. sight that It serves as a sort of —By Mr. Dick Richards. wrinkled old hand, and his blue- extend a welcome to you that you temple of learning. will take advantage of your oppoiy To folk who have not seen our Moral for Today: Mistletoe is tunity to become beter acquainted neither a vine nor a tree—It's an latest building these remarks may excuse. with them and will make them appear trite and extravagant, but O SEE McMULLIN... serve you. ^ to our own "family" group they Again we say "WELCME" to the are not a bit overdrawn. The soft, FOR FINE JEWELERY AT THE RIGHT PRICE old and new students. mellowed lights and colors In the —If, C. reference room are most conducive Have Yon Trouble With Your Eyes? • ■->■• o to study, while the limitless re- Why No Cheers? search material affords wide schoi- Prespnji-erian' We have watched with animated Oar Optometrist is at your Serviee arly activities. The famous Town- interest the reactions of the stu- Church send collection, although more of RlCHMONOlKEWTUCKY 122 East Main Street Richmond, Kentucky dent body ever since announce- SUNDAY IS CHURCH DAY a relic than a source of informa- ment was made than an ROTO tion. Is the outstanding coUeoUon unit would be established on this of its kind in the United States. Morning Service campus next. fall. For the most 11:00 a. m.—Sermon to The entire library plant, in fact. Is ■ Students Eastern Students part, little if nothing has been i something that gives us Just cause 0 :S0 a m.—College Class said about the matter. This may for chest-swelling. Vesper Service mean that either the majority of 5:00 p. m.—Miss Brown students are opposed to military GLEANINGS E. Telf ord on the harp Always Welcome training here, or that they have United Tear People AX only a vague idea of what an Leap Years must have been in- 7:00 p. m.—First Baptist ROTO unit Is. There has not .been vented for men with high marriage Church enough student opposition to the resistance. As time goes on this Stockton's Drug Store movement to warrant a statement resistance grows more pronounced.

..^j^^^jgjjjH . 4 Friday, February 7, 1936 . THE EASTERN PROGRESS PAGE THREE PROGRESS REPORTER DISCOVERS maa I a l ft PET PEEVES OF THE FACULTY Miss Evelyn Newell visited her My nose Is long and a wee bit Miss Bessie Baumgartner went to parents over the week-end in Cin- By AGNES EDMUNDS sharpener which Miss Mason "beaked"—what one calls a nose Many students regard faculty hates. Covington Saturday where she has cinnati. for gossip, so be careful. I may be accepted a teaching position. Mr. Harold Mullen of Georgetown members as mere machines with- But the above list of "pet peeves" new at this game, but I learn fast. out any feelings or emotions. is very Insignificant when named Mr. Ed Bill, of Cincinnati, joined spent the week-end with Gibson If you are not caught within the Prather and Mr. Ed Weddle. The following list of a few faculty with Miss Gibson's chief Irritation Mrs. Hill In Richmond over the next few weeks, consider me no members' "pet peeves" shows that which is cold soup. And, frankly week end. Mr. Glennmore Farley visited in good. t . faculty members are very much speaking, could soup Is pretty bad. Messrs. Jack Smith and Rich Irvine the past week-end. Some people are very giad the human. -O- Collins spent Saturday In Lexing- 4-Mlnute Photo Shop. Four pho- second semester in here; namely, tos for 10c. In Ch»mbCTs' Cafe. According to Dr. Donovan the ton. DAILY TURNER, because his old thing which peeves him most Is CALENDAR SALE! Men's Mr. William McLaughlin has en- Miss Named Foster was the guest flame, RUTH LYNCH, has come looking for things and being un- Fri. Feb. 7—Dr. Kennamer, "Civili- tered University of Kentucky. of Miss Aeene Fight in Covington. back. It is rumored that the libra- able to find them, but Mrs. Dono- zation or Culture—Which." Misses Field and Keen Shackel- Miss Bonnie Applegate was the rians regard him as somewhat of van, who no doubt knows, says Mon. Feb. 10—Theodore Besterman TOPCOATS ford left Thursday for an extend- guest of Miss Edith Alllngton in a hero because he went to the li- that It is coming home and finding _"Our Sxith Sense." ed cruise to the West Indies. brary frolic Instead of dating RUTH Wed. Feb. 12—Supt. of Richmond Values to $29.75 Miss Sarah Alexander, of Louis- Newport. the first night she was here. JIM- the house warmer than 70. Mr. Ted Gilbert was the guest Schools, W. F. ODonnell— ville, was the week end guest of MlE CALDWELL goes around with Dean Jones declares vehemently "Abraham Lincoln.'" Reduced to Miss Louise Rutledge. of his parents in Pinevllle. / a broad smile these day a NAOMI that he doesn't have a pet peeve and emphasizes it by saying "Did Wed Feb. 12—Broadcast at 4 p. m.' Miss Nancy Covington spent the Miss Lenarue Cawood visited in HOWARD is ever so nice to him Fri. Feb. 14—Dr. Krick will talk on week end in Cincinnati to attend Harlan recently. She had as her since JIMMIE DRAKE left the you ever see me mad?" a trip abroad. $17.95 . Wagner's "Tristram and Isolde." guests Misses Mary Katheiine and campus; however, NAOMI should Miss Floyd hates alibis, and, Fri. Feb. 14—7 p. m., Recital by Mrs. Henry Lutes spent the week Anna Fisher Ingels. watch him. He seems to enjoy tak- furthermore, she will not have piano students under direc- Buy for now and next year I end in Cincinnati. ing SAI.T.TF! PETTY to Sunday them. tion of Miss Telford. Messrs. Jimmy Burnett*, of Shel- NEW SPRING MILLINERY school. Miss Ford dislikes for her stu- Mon. Feb. 17—Mr. Agar, social byvllle, and Derbert Merenbloom, Clever, stylish hats that "go" with Faculty member or no, your name dents to be late to classes. economist and historian, will any costume. Louise Hat Shoppe, In of Louisville, were week end guests gets in this column if your behavior Mrs. BarnhUl becomes angry all speak in chapel. MEN'S HATS ... just of Mr. Richard Evans. McKee*s Store. is not above reproach—does or does over when she sees night spelled Mon. Feb. 17—8 p. m., Russian Im- arrived for spring, Mr. Henry Phillips was in Rich- O not MR. STONE enjoy dining with nite In the Progress. perial gangers, sponsored by mond to attend the Glee Club Hope is the poor man's bread.— NANCY COVINGTON? What be- City Concert Committee. New colors and styles. dance. Herbert. Dr. Hounchell is greatly dis- comes of poor TOMMY SCOTT turbed when his students are In- Wed. Feb. 19—"Dad" Elliot,' Y. M. while all this is taking place? attentive. C. A. worker, will be here for • • • • <$<2.«)U two days and will have con- More than one piuow has been Mr. Keith laments the fact that wet with tears over the thought of ferences. Who is the queen of the campus? he doesn't have enough good O CLIFFORD SCHULTE'S absence. hunting days In the year. Another She is the miss with spotless clothes HELEN HORNADAY'S and MAR- Probably the most unique schol- That's why she is watched ad admired member of the History department. arship in America is offered by GARET LOWE'S disputes over him Dr. Dorris, disapproves of the free- By Shleks wherever she goes. have ended, and it seems that Hamilton College. Worth $500, it E. V. Elder MARGARET is now dating JIM- dom of dogs In Richmond. Is open to all men in America by And who Is that Ice looking hero? MIE PICKETT Without HELEN'S The thing which most irritates the name of Leavenworth. The girls are always hanging around? running her a close second. Atta Mrs. Murbach is the rattling of His suit is always clean and neat girl, MARGARET, we're for you. programs in theaters. Mr. Rich- No wonder he's the talk of the town. JIMMIE RODGERS seems to be ards hates rattling also; that is. unusually attracted by LITTLE the rattling of a metal coat Now how do you look MISS—anyway, he is seen quite hanger on a door. And still an- Are your clothes soiled and messed? often in the vicinity of her home. other rattle Is that of a pencil Let the "Dixie" pep you up {CATHERINE RETTIG'S return to O With dry cleaning at Its best. the campus is apparently unknown c to THEODORE KEITH, but TOM Uhe Viewpoint See the Agent in Yoor Dormitory ARNOLD Is making much of his Or Phone No. 1 opportunity. * MILDRED RICHARDSON and By KELLY CLOSE HERSHEL OWENS enjoy each oth- Western performed an unusual er's company quite often in the feat at Richmond. They ran all the Dixie Dry Cleaners cafeteria. Another one of those numbers off the scoreboard. Yes, dinner romances. And DOROTHY sir, that last goal couldn't be re- THORNTON says she Isn't so ter- corded on the electric device be- ribly sorry she sprained her ankle, cause it made a total of 61 points since it gave her a chance to be and the scoreboard is only made carried across the campus by DEL- to register as far as sltxy. BERT PARTIN and GEORGE LaRose Beauty Shop CARROLL. By the way, DELBERT Western gave one of the finest CAnnouncing the Opening PARTIN and ANNALEE HUGHES performances of goal shooting ever aren't seen together any more. We seen here. They seemed to possess Permanent* $2.50to$10.00 wonder if ANNALEE has given him an uncanny skill to hit the basket. . Of the "high hat." Brad Mutchler, who scored 21 GANO CAYWOOD used to ad- points against the Maroons, also FINGER WAVE AND SHAMPOO 50c mire ELOISE BALZ, but since she demonstrated his skill against has become so popular with other Union by making eleven field goals Special Rates to Students. men he sits back and grits his —a total of 43 points on two suc- Sue's Hat Shop teeth. LUCILLE NUNNELLY has cessive nights. Not bad, I'd say. discontinued her dancing class In Main Street, Next Door to Postoffice PHONE 1084 the Rec room, because her little Campbell county, from the north- heart is broken over CHARLES ern part of the state, annexed the 0 BULL'S departure for Arizona. lntermural basketball crown. Nice Hats, Hosiery Now all she lives for is a letter going, boys. You played hard and from out West. deserved the honor that went with What Will NELVA RICHARDSON winning that last game. do now that she Is back and finds SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 8 Carl Yeager, who enrolled at BILL BENNETT has been taken Mrs. Sue Azbill ever by HELEN SHORLE? The Eastern this semester, brings an im- prize to the best woman. pressive high school record with Louise Balden Mrs. Wm. Mason Adams It seems that ALMA BEST can- him from Newport. He is expected not decide which of the big he-men to add greatly to the strength of she wants. Since the football sea- the Baby Maroons In their remain- son is over, she has left WALLACE. ing games. OTL ik,%*^f-& Now she is out for the basketball squad. The day of the Wesleyan The writer does not claim to be game she caught and kissed PAUL a "demon dopeeter" but he is going DEMOEyEY; then that night she to try his luck at picking the win- And your first thought is— sent a very loving note to another ners in college basketball games in GLYNDON TAXI SERVICE new clothes! Fresh new of the players. So what? Make up the state this week-end. The fol- your mind, ALMA, before you get lowing tre his picks: frocks to pep up your jaded it made up for you. Winner Loser And so Station GOSSIP signs off Kentucky—Alabama. Special to Students 20c wardrobe ... swanky light- for this time. "Spare the gossip, Western—Louisville. ruin the spirit of the paper." That's Eastern—Centre. weight coats to give a new my motto. Moro next time. Transy—Union. life to your personality. O Georgetown—Union. THREE CAN RIDE FOR THE PRICE OP ONE Eastern—Morehead. You'll want everything in Madison Theatre Wesleyan—Alfred Holbrook. Louisville—David Llacomb. Phone 966 Parker and Mansfield our shop when you see our Richmond, Kentucky. Sunday, Feb. 9th—Fredric March, See If you can beat him. Upsets thrilling collection of ad-* Charles Laughton In Victor Hugo's have occurred often this year. Immortal Novel "LES MISER- vanced spring styles. ABLES" with Sir Cerdic Hardwicke, Now for the sport sketches of the Rochelle Hudson, Frances Drake, wffk * . /• *• John Beal. THOMAS M. SCOTT (Tommy) Bybee Shoe Hospital Monday, Feb. 10th—$100.00 BANK —Son of Mr. and Mrs. James O. Hgh Grade Shoe Repairing SOLES, HEELS AND NIGHT, About 8:45 P. M. If Claimed Scott. Born at Mt. Sterling, Ken- TAPS. Experienced workman, Polite and courteous Spring within 3 minutes. tucky, where he also attended school. Made three letters in bas- attention. Showing "CLTVE OF INDIA" starring ketball and one in football while In When having shoes repairing done, it may profit Ronald Coleman and Loretta Young. high school. Was picked on all-dis- you to give this shop your consideration. Tuesday, Feb. 11th.—Lloyd Nolan trict basketball team. Won numer- als In frosh basketball and football Cbutk and Peggy Conklin In "ONE WAY ALL WORK GUARANTEED—Prompt Service and TICKET*'. at Eastern; has also earned a let- Swanky.... Suave ter in each of these two sports. In- your patronage appreciated. Wednesday, February 12th— jured foot caused him not to be "CHARLIE CHAN IN SHANGHAI" able to play football this year. Second & Water Street Richmond, Ky. ... Sophisticated with , Irene Harvey. Holds down a forward position on Thursday, Feb. 13th.—Claudette this year's -quintet. Hit his stride in Colbert and Fred MacMurray In last few games. A major in com- "THE BRIDE COMES HOME" with merce. A junior. $1475 , William Oolier, 8r. , HEMAN WILHOIT FULKERSON Friday, Feb. 14th—Sybil Jason KODAK ENLARGEMENTS The New 5 year old star sensation in Jr. (Plney)—First saw light at Ash- land, Kentucky. Moved to Grayson UNTIL MARCH 1ST OTHERS $5.98 TO $9.98 "LITTLE BIG SHOT" with Olenda where he attended Prichard High Farrell. Robert Armstrong, Edward School; all district man twice and Pardon our slang but you Everett Horton, Jack LaRue. all-regional once in basketball; also 50 Cent Enlargement for 25 Cents Open 10:00 A .. Saturday, Feb. 15 made all Little Eight Conference ain't seen nothin' until —Buck Jones In "IVORY HANDLE team one year. Is both a football you cast an eye over this GUN". "Tarzan" Chapter No. 11. and basketball man at Eastern. Plays center In both sports. A jun- exciting group of new State Theatre ior, commerce major. Is six feet ^he McGaughey Studio spring coats. The very -Presents- and two Inches and weighs 185 latest of woolen weaves, Sunday, Feb. 9th—Jackie Cooper pounds. Says: "I'm crazy about and Gift Shop In "TOUGH GUY". women"(now, now, girls). Adds: expertly tailored, fash- Monday, Feb. 10th—1100.00 BANK "But I'm not much of a ladles' ioned into coats of unus- NIGHT About 8:45 P. M. if claimed man.'' Doesn't want to fall In love within 3 minutes. because he's afraid it might tie him ual style. Light in Feai down. Great fisherman and hunter. weight, still they are suf- Jack Hulbert In "ALIAS BULLDOG Just cant resist shows, his chief DRUMMOND" with Fay Wray, hobby. Margaret Burnam Shop ficiently warm to with- Claude Hulbert. J. B SCEARCE, JR.—Son Of Prof, stand the onslaught of Open 10 a.m. Saturday, Feb. 15th and Mrs. Scearoe, 8k. Born In —Jeannette MacDonald and Nelson Franklin county but soon moved to OUR FINAL SALE TO CLEAR OUR STOCK any wayward spring Eddy in "ROSE MARIE" Shelby. Made two letters In bas- ketball at Henry Clay High School, breeze. All colors, all' Shelby county. One of them made sizes. while in the eighth grade. Last Richmond Dry three years of high school spent at DRESSES „,,_._._|&00, $5.00, $7.95 Bagdad where he made three more Cleaners letters in the same sport (a regular Caliph of Bagdad, I guess). Went to Cumberland Junior College two IJATS —_... 25c, 50c, $1.00 See Our Agents years. Played basketball both of them. Captain of team his last year Sullivan Hall-Kate Padgett there. Made letter in basketball here last year. Physical Education Rurnam Hall-Martha Gray and Health major. Only senior on ODDS AND ENDS IN SUITS AND the squad. Is also smallest man on One Day Service squad—five feet, six and one-half inches tall and weighs 135 pmmrin KNITTED SUITS $5, $10, $15. PHONE 64 Hit hobby la fwfr A profound woman-hater. ' PAGE FOOT THE EASTERN PROGRESS Friday, February 7, 1936 U. S. HOCKEY WESLEYAN IS STUDENTS VOICE OPINIONS > MAROONS LOSE TEAMW1NS DEFEATED BY ON PICTURES AND ACTORS TO BREDS BY Spring, By KELLY CLORE from their studies and two of these Defeats Germany 1-0 in First MAROON FIVE How many times do you average said that the recreation gained 3928 SCORE Oxfords With Class attending the moving picture shows while there enabled them to study Round of Olympic Win- per week? Does your average ex- better when they returned to then- for any daw room—these new Gallant Fight Made by Eas- Betty Anne Oxfords for spring. ter Games Varsity Takes Second K. L ceed 1.7 times? If your attendance books. The majority of the students V A. C. Victory by 23 to 18 rate is higher than this, you go said they would be spending this tern Team Against Bigger, Public Speaking—for the young more regularly than the average of time in leisure elsewhere and that Better Quintet; 13th Win lady in this class. Betty Anne CANADA DOWNS POLAND Score; Little Maroons twenty-two Eastern students, fif- they considered attending the show Win by 38 to 32 teen boys and seven girls, picked an excellent form of recreation. for Cutchinmen oxfords, smartly styled and at random, who were Interviewed The favorite type of "shorts" smooth fitting, help give that by a Progress reporter. Pour shows poise and confidence . a good GARMISON - PARTENKIRCHEN, proved to be the news reels This speaker must have. Germany, Pebruary ft—The United MAROONS ARE LUCKLESS proved to be the high mark for the feature polled ten votes and was HALF SCORE 17 TO 12 group and the range dropped as low followed by pure comedy and sport States opened its drive tor the Home Re—with snug arch and as one-half show per week. reviews which garnered seven and narrow heel, Betty Anne oxfords Olympic ice hockey championship Those luckless Maroons crashed Twelve of these students attend four votes respectively. The other Coach Rome Rankin insists enable you to prepare and serve today by nosing out Germany 1-0. thru to win their second K. I. A. particular pictures because of the person gave preference to Walt Dis- there's no such thing as a "moral with a graceful, springy step that C. victory of the season at the publicity given them. Five attend ney's cartoons victory" and maybe he's right, but A goal by Gordon Smith of Bos- Weaver gym at Eastern Teachers because a certain actor or actress As to the main pictures, eight lf there were such a thing, his does not tire. ton, late in the opening period, rep- College last night by downing the is playing, and a like dumber go named those based on novels which Eastern Teachers College Maroons Psychology—will teach you that resented the Americans' winning Kentucky Wesleyan Panthers by a whenever they f.nd the available have lived down through the years; won one Tuesday night. well-fitted, smartly styled shoes margin. Smith scored on a pass 23 to 18 score, but it was not luck time. One pretty co-ed said sne historical pictures were the choice The Maroons were defeated by give one self-confidence, and from Jack Garrison, another Bos- that gave them the victory. went to shows "merely to kill time," of five, persons and musical come- the high-stepping Murray Thor- with that, one puts their "best - In fact, the Maroons were even while an Intellectual appearing dies were supported by the same oughbreds, who chalked up their foot forward" in more ways than ton ace, after a trended mlxup in less lucky last night than usual. young man stated, "I always con- number. The historical plays re- 13th consecutive victory of the sea- one. front of the German cage. They handled the ball well, they sider the caliber of the picture be- ceived all their votes from the men on by a 39 to 28 score in a game The game was played in a swir. passed accurately, they guarded fore attending any show." and the musical comedies secured played at the Weaver gymnasium. Betty Anne Oxfords for spring ling snowstorm before 8,000 spec- tenaciously, they fought desperate- Who is the most popular actress four of their five from the femimne Admitting that the "moral vic- tators. The snow was so thick the ly but they hit infrequently. It with the boys of Eastern? No, it sex tory" business is out, the Eastern contest had to be halted at inter- even appeared at times that an isn't Mae West. This honor goes to When asked lf they attended the five can take pride in the fact that $3.95 vals so the Ice could be cleared. unseen hand was reaching up thru , who secured one- show more for amusement or more it played one of the most brilliant While the Americans were MB- the net to prevent the ball drop- third of the ballots cast by the to learn, sixteen responded that games against unsurmontable odds cessfully negotiating their first male voters. This same actress was they went because of the former that it has ever been this writer's ping thru the hoop. the favorite of the majority, of reason. One declared, and this pleasure to witness. QTANIFERC hurdle, Canada, Olympic champion, Time after time the Rankinmen trounced Poland, 8-1. those interviewed. She polled a to- statement voiced the opinion of Defeated they were, but not out- "■■' Seasons Greetings *^ O fired away, the ball whirled around tal of seven votes and was fol- practically all the others, "One is fought, and Coach Carlisle Cutch- the hoop and dropped—but dropped lowed by Kay Francis, who was bound to learn something there." In's men knew that they had been ON YOUR WAY TO TOWN outside and not thru the net. given the preference by four indi- Five stated that they went to gain in a basketball' game and not to a ARCH & MANICURE.-75C On the other hand, the Metho- viduals. Ginger Rogers, Katlierine knowledge, and one went so far as pink tea when the engagement was dists sank "unconscious" shots. Hepburn, and little Shirley Tem- to say "I learned more from "The over. SHAMPOO, FINGER They poked them in while off ple were the only others who re- Tale of Two Cities' than I have Facing a larger, and undoubtedly Gloriette Beauty WAVE & TRIM $1.00 balance, from the side and on ceived more than one vote. learned from any two weeks of a better basketball team, the gal- seemingly impossible over-the- A three-cornered tie for first classwork In college." lant Eastern lads tore into the Shop head shots made with one hand. place was the result of the voting One Eastern athlete asserted, "I visitors with a ferocity which Cara Nome It was only the ability of the for the favorite actor. George Ar- go to the shows to gain culture," amazed even their most loyal sup- All Kinds of Beauty Culture Maroons to hit free throws, coupled liss, Clark Gable, and Dick Powell and when his roommate let a loud porters and for a good part of the and Permanent Waves. with Wesleyan's willingness to com- each received three votes, while laugh escape from his lips, he add- battle had the western Kentuckians Beauty Salon mit fouls, that allowed the Eastern James Cagney, Lionel Barrymore ed, "Sure I do. I watch the way the wondering whether that old 13 jinx Your Patronage Solicited actors eat, walk and everything In Perry's Drag Store team to win. Outscored from the and George Raft were each pre- might not be ready to take effect. Phone 681 field by seven goals to five, the ferred by two persons. The late they do, and you can Just bet they Eastern went taw the battle with Maroons connected with 13 of 21 Will Rogers was named as their fa- do it right." a rush, getting the ball early and Collector wishes to Buj, United free throws while Wesleyan was vorite by five students but since he "David Copperfield" was voted driving for the basket. The same States Postage Stamps over 60 hitting only four ol 12 gratis Is deceased, they were asked to the favorite picture by five mem- .worry that has pursued the Ma- years old...Preferably on original bers of the group when asked to roons all season—inability to hit- VULCAN IRVINE tosses. name another choice. LADIES' A MEN'S TAILOR envelopes. The old envelopes in Tommy Scott, former Mt. Ster- "Oee, it's hard to say who your! select their choice from the pic- was still with them and several your attic may put you through ling luminary, was all that kept favorite actor is," voiced a fresh- tures seen during this school year. shots rolled around the hoop and Cleaning, Pressing; Unpahiag school. the Maroons in the game during man boy, "but I guess George Ar- This picture, based on Dickens' fell—outside. Made in MaMMiaJ Address "STAMP COLLECTOR" the first half, as he accounted for llss Is my choice." A young lady,' novel by the same name, has also Murray took a 5 to 0 lead, but 215 Mam 81 % Glyndon Hotel rated high national recognition. the Maroons hit a field goal, and nine of the 13 points made by properly described as "a cute little "So Red the Rose" and "Broad- Eastern In the first 20 minutes. trick," gave utterance to these after the visitors had collected a MAUDE WALKER Wesleyan led during most of the words, "Oh my! you know so many way Melodies of 1936" tied for sec- free throw, the Eastern lads opened first half, being nipped at the wire of these actors are good looking— ond place with four votes each. The up and took the lead at £ to 6 aa\ BEAUTY SHOPPE by Scott's Inspired shooting. well, I just don't know." latter picture was the favorite with three field goals The Thorough- New Pen shows "We Specialise In Ladles Hair the majority of the girls. breds went ahead again at 9 to 8 Combs opened the scoring with Perplexity prevailed with almost Everyone of the persons inter- but Eastern led again at 10 to 8. when to refill Catting" a field goal shortly after the start every student interviewed until he viewed seemed pleased to answer A field goal for each team shifted Special Rates to Students of the game. Hlnkle dropped in took time for consideration. The McKee's Store the various questions and they dis- the lead twice more and another a foul for Eastern and Oompton choice of favorite actress seemed to played a keen Interest and enthu- field goal by Murray put the Holds twice as much ink and Boleyn sank 2-polnters to be equally as difficult for most siasm toward the subject, demon- "Breds ahead again, at 13 to 12. WITHOW INCREASE IN SIZE give Wesleyan a 6-1 lead. Douglas persons. strating that Eastern students do, Here Murray pulled away and had and Scott cut the margin with Only five of the twenty-two for the most part, take their shows a 17 to 12 lead at the half and it Have You Seen Parker's STUDENTS WELCOME fouls and Scott tossed In Eastern's thought that the movies took time seriously. appeared to be all over. first field goal after fourteen min- However, they had reckoned New VacumaHc Filler At The MADISON BARBER, utes of play to make the count without the fighting ability of the with Transparent Barrel? 6-5 in favor of Wesleyan. Maroons and within five minutes Instructions Come in today and see this JEWELRY, & PRESS SHOP Taylor was successful on a gratis MAROON FIVE after the second half started the Revolutionary new Parker fling before Compton and Jenkins score was again knotted, this time Vacumatic Fillet Pen. See why matched fielders. Boleyn ran the For Motorists at 21-all. it carries 102% more ink. See Methodists' lead to 11-8 before Finally greater height and great- the ink rush in and (ill it com- Scott put the Maroons ahead for LOOKING UP er experience began to tell and pletely At $5 vou can get this amazing pen in either Dancing Lessonls the first time with two loopers