Fen Ditton Council Newsletter

May 2019 www.fenditton-pc.org.uk

Parish Council From the Chairman Useful Contacts The Council normally meets Thank you for everyone’s patience during the roadworks on POLICE on the first Tuesday of every Emergency 999 month at 7.30pm in the Road and at the crossroads. The congestion is set to Non-emergency 101 Pavilion, Church Street. continue for a while longer but the end result will make it much www.cambs.police.uk Members of the public are safer for pupils to walk or cycle along Ditton Lane to the school. www.- welcome at the meetings. Following a request from the church in 2015 and a recent survey pcc.gov.uk Vince Farrar (Chairman) of the wall, last month the council decided to accept responsibility E-cops Crime for the churchyard wall. The alternative was to ask the District Local crime info email list Highways and transport www.ecops.org.uk Website Council to take on the responsibility, but this would have taken any work on the churchyard out of local control. The survey Cambs Crimestoppers Charles Jones (Vice Chair) Freephone 0800 555 111 Finance indicated that the wall will need significant work at some point, so Strategic planning the council has started to allocate funds from the precept and NHS plans to undertake the work when there are sufficient funds in the Emergency 999 Felicity Bennée Non life-threatening 111 Finance pot or wall repairs become urgent for safety reasons. Emily Bush Unfortunately, family commitments mean that Jennie Conroy is GAS Emergency 0800 111 999 Church Community Hall resigning as a parish councillor. Her drive and energy will be liaison greatly missed and we all wish her the best for the future. If you ELECTRICITY Emergency 0800 3163 105 Conservation are interested in filling the vacancy on the council and having Social media and website a say in your local community, please contact the Parish Clerk. WATER AND SEWERS Serga Collett Burst main 0800 316 7676 Church Community Hall Sewerage 03457 145 145 liaison ANNUAL PARISH MEETING HIGHWAYS FAULTS Social media Church Community Hall, Church Street Potholes, traffic lights etc. Welfare 0345 045 5212 Jennie Conroy Thursday 9th May at 8.15pm Street lighting Cemetery This is not a council meeting but an open meeting for 0800 7838 247 Conservation the whole parish. Councillors and representatives of Highways and transport Highways (M11, Tree Warden other organisations present reports and take questions. A1, A11, A14, A47, A428) Come along and find out what has been happening in 0300 123 5000 George Devine Church Community Hall Fen Ditton over the past year and plans for the future. TRANSPORT liaison Concessionary bus passes Highways and transport 0345 045 1367 Mark Easterfield ROADWORKS IN FEN DITTON Traveline Cemetery Work on the cycle way has now moved to Ditton Lane and is Public transport information Marshalls Committee expected to be finished by mid May. Horningsea Road and Ditton www.traveline.info Lead planning Lane will need to be closed for resurfacing for 7–8 nights during Park & Rides Laurice Suess late April / early May. Once the closure dates are confirmed, 01223 845561 Newsletter and website details of access etc. will be delivered direct to residents. The Dial-a-Ride All parish councillors are bank along the paddock cannot be retained as all grass after all. 01223 506335 members of the Planning The Parish Council was presented with a number of options and CamShare Committee, and the Parish agreed that a low brick retaining wall with grass above was the Free car share matching Council is Sole Trustee of the best. Some tree planting on the village green is being considered. camshare.liftshare.com Fen Ditton Recreation Ground Following this, Wadloes footpath is to be widened to 2.5 metres. WING Development Trust (charity no. 288528) Hill Resident Liaison Team Care is being taken to retain the path’s character, retaining all Parish Clerk [email protected] Sarah Smart substantive trees and a grass verge. The path will be closed Freephone 0800 032 6760 Tel: 01223 862687 during the works, with diversions for cyclists and pedestrians [email protected] along Ditton Lane and Howard Road. Further details will be South Cambs District posted on our own website once the dates are known. Council District Councillors 03450 450 500 Graham Cone (Con) 196 bus, parking and grass verges Mon–Fri 8am–5.30pm Claire Daunton (Lib Dem) www.scambs.gov.uk John Williams (Lib Dem) The 196 bus service will continue for at least this financial year. Cambs County Council County Councillor Please do not obstruct its path through to Green End when 0345 045 5200 Anna Bradnam (Lib Dem) parking – people depend on it, or may need the emergency Mon–Fri 8am–6pm Member of Parliament services. Also, please do not park on the grass verges as it is a Sat 9am–1pm www.cambridgeshire.gov.uk Lucy Frazer (Con) Conservation Policy of the village to protect and preserve them.

Fen Ditton Parish Council Newsletter

May 2019 www.fenditton-pc.org.uk

Village Groups Fen Ditton Recreation Ground Trust Helplines www.helplines.org Ancient Shepherds First, thank you to everyone who supported and generously Book Club donated to the Trust’s Spring Raffle and Wine and Cheese Event. Age UK Cambridgeshire Tel: Carol 292809 0300 666 9860 Together these made for a most enjoyable evening and raised Badminton Group £1200 towards the Pavilion Development Fund. Our next fund Benefits fraud hotline Tel: Ian 292240 Freephone 0800 854 4400 raising event is Bohemian Rhapsody Outdoor Cinema on the Bellringers Rec (12A) on Friday 5th July. Tickets (£10, under-12s accompanied Campaign to Protect [email protected] by an adult £5) are available through www.eventbrite.co.uk (search Rural England (CPRE) 01480 396698 Church Community Hall ‘fen ditton cinema’) and will be on sale in the village soon. Join us [email protected] for a memorable evening under the stars, with bar and food outlets. Care Network Coffee A.M. Cambridgeshire Please note Sadly, owing to our running-event partners pulling out 01954 211919 Tel: Jo 292520 at short notice we are unable to put on the full Fen Ditton 5 event Cricket Club Child abuse – NSPCC this year. Refunds are being managed by Involved Events (please Freephone 0808 800 5000 Tel: Adam 07708 261555 let us know of any outstanding problems). If you would like to keep Juniors Tel: 07792 129077 the momentum of a village run going, do join us for an informal river ChildLine Freephone 0800 1111 Gardening Club run with some refreshments from 10.30am on Sunday 19th May. Tel: Pamela 292493 In October we reported that some of the children’s play equipment Citizens Advice 0344 848 7979 FD Baby & Toddler Group had been vandalised. The damage has now been assessed and 10–11.30am Thursdays repairs to the pirate boat are to be undertaken. Unfortunately, the Civil Legal Advice [email protected] 0345 345 4345 flying fox was deemed to be beyond repair on account of its age, Friends of Ditton Meadows and fund raising will be needed to meet the cost of its replacement. Consumer Advice friendsofdittonmeadows 03454 04 05 06 .org.uk The Trust would be glad to hear from anyone interested in being involved with this, including with grant applications. Cruse Bereavement Care Keep Fit (50+) 01223 633536 Tel: Wendy 293205 MAJOR PLANNING Disability – benefits Morris 0345 712 3456 [email protected] The Parish Council has responded to public consultations on New Town and the North East Cambridge Area Action Domestic Violence Parish Church Freephone 0808 2000 247 Tel: Alun (priest) 295927 Plan (NECAAP) with objections due to the predicted increase in traffic through the village to and from the A10 and A14. It will also LitterAction Choir Tel: Mike 294317 www.litteraction.org.uk respond to a County Council consultation (closing date 9th May) on Recreation Ground Marshalls Noise Helpline [email protected] the ‘emerging Minerals and Waste Local Plan’. To free up land for the NECAAP, this provides for Anglian Water’s Milton works to 01223 373950 Scottish Dancing Missing People Tel: Pamela 292493 relocate within a search area that extends eastwards from the existing site to the . Villagers are encouraged to respond. Freephone 116 000 Sunday Club National Debtline 10–11.30am, first Sunday of Freephone 0808 808 4000 every month except August [email protected] ALLOTMENTS RSPCA Cruelty & Advice Thinking of growing your own vegetables and fruit? 0300 1234 999 The Whitehill Allotment Society usually has plots or half Samaritans plots for hire and also welcomes Associate Members to use Freephone 116 123 the shop in Elfleda Road. For more information please visit Victim Support whitehillallotmentsociety.co.uk. Freephone 0808 168 9111

Wing update and archaeology The Bumps Enabling works are being carried out on the Wing site, including perimeter The May Bumps will be taking place from 12th to 15th security fencing, drainage, haul roads and diversion of the water main. June this year. Parking will be provided on the Rec as The high-voltage electric feeds are also being re-routed, so the overhead usual, and is free for residents. In an effort to prevent lines can be removed across the proposed development. visitor parking on the narrow streets and maintain The archaeology works have finished with some interesting, exciting and access through the village for all, we will be putting unexpected finds. There were three Saxon buildings called Grubenhäuser out traffic cones. We would be most grateful if you could respect these yourself and move your own car or Sunken Featured Buildings (SFBs for short) ; one of these had burned down and comes under the banner of ‘rare, unexpected and extraordinary’. off road by about 10.30am on the Saturday morning, This is a dream for archeologists, especially those dealing with the Saxon before spectators start arriving. As in previous years, period, as it means they get the chance to look at the structural details of we will need volunteers to help with putting out the how they were constructed and – perhaps even more important – how they cones and parking cars safely. Please contact the were used. Burial sites were also found, one of which looks to be Bronze Parish Clerk if you can help, either for the Mays or for Age and within what might be a pond barrow. the Town Bumps, which will be from 15th to 19th July.