UWSP Adventure Club Basic Gear Overview

: Must have a frame to it ★ Sleeping : Synthetic down or cotten note: cotten is dangerous when wet and down doesn't work when its wet synthetic is the best for most situations ★ Shelter: Doesn't matter what you use just make sure it keeps you dry and warm enough ★ Stove: All stoves work as long as they have the correct fuel and a way to ignite them. There are many ways to cook over a fire just make sure you can make a fire at the campsite and that it is a realistic option for you to use. No need for a stove if all meals are cold. (NEVER EAT DEHYDRATED FOOD WITHOUT REHYDRATING IT) ★ Clothing: Make sure you bring no cotton fabrics and no fabrics that contain cotton in them NO COTTEN (cotten absorbs 27x its weight in water and water extracts heat 25x faster than air and cotton drys slower than other fabrics because 99% of cotton fibers are cellulose with a negative charge and water is slightly positive sticking to the fabric) ★ Shoes: Wear something that won't break and won't hurt your feet or ankles. (you know your own body)

Basic packing list: ❏ Knife ❏ Lighter ❏ Water Bottle ❏ Stove ❏ fule ❏ Cook Pot ❏ Spork (can just use sticks) ❏ Backpack ❏ ❏ Tent ❏ Warm Fleece ❏ Synthetic pants ❏ Water Filter ❏ Synthetic shirt ❏ Wool socks ❏ Synthetic socks ❏ Rain jacket ❏ Rain pants ❏ Puff (down or light synthetic jacket) ❏ Comfy shoes (if new to backpacking recommended boots for ankle support) ❏ Hat (keeps heat in at night) ❏ Sleeping pad (open cell [blow up]: good for summer, closed cell [non blow up foam]: Good for snow and for wet weather, sleeping pads keep you warm! ❏ Light gloves (if its cold all of a sudden it's nice) ❏ Map of place

UWSP Adventure Club Basic Tips And tricks For Backpacking

Cold at night: ● Have sleeping pad can use 2 if one is open and one is closed cell (best for snow) ● Warm up water put in nelgine and place at feet ● Keep on hat and socks ● Do crunches in sleeping bag until heat is produced sleeping reflect and retain heat but need heat to begin with to be warm : ● Make sure pack is adjusted correctly before heading out ● Tighten hip belt ● Downhill adjust weight on heels ● Uphill adjust to weight on toes ● Evenly distribute weight from heaviest in the upper bottom 3rd of the backpack closest to back (image on right) Food: ● If cold add hot water meal with lots of carbs that are warm they are quick and snack on tons of sugar ● Make sure to think of food as energy that is warming your body sugar: quick energy quick warmth Carbs: energy in 2-3 hours and warmth then too Proteins: energy in 5-6 hours. Hiking : ● Bad knees, use hiking poles and save your knees Clothing: ● Go to goodwill use old high school sporting synthetic items ● Layer layer layer so you can adjust your body to the right temperature ● Warm bodies sweatwhich will get cold when stopped and cold bodies use a lot of energy shivering to warm back up ● Sleep socks and hike socks Frozen boots: Do not place feet in frozen boots heat up water put in nelgines and place in boots to thaw then wrap cold feet in a jacket create heat and warm up feet (this is a good way to avoid frostbite) First aid: ● Act within certifications ● Call for help ● Keep yourself safe Bears: ● Yell at them in a stern voice to go away (they can hear fear in a voice) do not approach ● Make yourself big ● Keep all food away from campsite in bear hangs bear boxes bear canisters or in a safe location (good rule “a fed bear is dead bear” meaning the park service typically has to kill it if it comes in contact with human food because it becomes aggressive) keep food 100 yards away NPS recommendation ● Hike with bear spray accessible it's useless if its just in your pack and not with you ● Do not use bear spray unless the bear is aggressively charging you (bears will charge right up to you and back off and charge around in a circle this is a judgment call on if to use bear spray or not its situation based) this should be the last option used before an attack ● If being attacked by a bear keep back on and protect neck play dead if bear continues fight back