
, : Ecology Vegetation, Flora

Klaus Ammann Sabanci University, Istanbul, Turkey

May 7, 2009, Ecology Class

Reader (Mainly the abstract, including figures)

Arteaga, M.A., Delgado, J.D., Otto, R., Fernandez-Palacios, J.M., & Arevalo, J.R. (2009) How do alien distribute along roads on oceanic islands? A case study in Tenerife, Canary Islands. Biological Invasions, 11, 4, pp 1071-1086 http://www.botanischergarten.ch/Kanaren/Arteaga-Alien-Plants-Tenerife-2009.pdf General features of the Geology, Geography and Geography of Tenerife Afrikanische Lage der Kanaren "by courtesy of the VEGETATION Programme, produced by VITO http://www.truecolorearth.com/tce-Canary-Islands.htm earthobservatory.nasa.gov/.../view.php?id=37515

Dust over the Canary Islands Dust over the Canary Islands

http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Sahara_Canary_Islands.jpg Tenerife

http://www.agenergia.org/english/content selector.php?section=16 Protection areas on Tenerife http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Espacios_protegidos_Tenerife-dumb.png#file Gomera, Las Palmas, from Tenerife Aequatoriale Mondsichel der Kanaren Massentourismus: Grober Fehler: wo ist die Rösti ? Vegetation of Tenerife from Atlas Entstehung der Inselreihe der Kanaren dank Plattentektonik Bevölkerungsdichte Arid Climate compared to Bern Switzerland (below right) http://www.ips2010.es/imagenes/tenerife/cuadro2.jpg

Climate diagramme of Santa Cruz de Tenerife


Biogeographical patterns of Tenerife Aeonium holochrysum Crassulaceae http://www.biopix.dk/Photo.asp?Language=sv&Ph otoId=54970&Photo=Gyllentakl%C3%B6k- (Aeonium-holochrysum) Figure 1 The Canary Islands (a) today and (b) at the time of the sea-level minimum of the Last Glacial (modified from Garcı´a-Talavera, 1999), and (c) in relief, showing the bathymetry of the archipelago (with the kind permission of Juan Acosta, Multibean Mapping Group, Instituto Espanol de Oceanografı´a, Madrid, ).

Fernandez-Palacios, J.M. & Whittaker, R.J. (2008) The Canaries: an important biogeographical meeting place. Journal of Biogeography, 35, 3, pp 379-387 http://www.botanischergarten.ch/Kanaren /Fernandez-Palacios-Canary-Islands- Important-2008.pdf Jorgensen, T.H. & Olesen, J.M. (2001) Adaptive radiation of island plants: evidence from Aeonium (Crassulaceae) of the Canary Islands. Perspectives in Plant Ecology Evolution and Systematics, 4, 1, pp 29-42 http://www.botanischergarten.ch/Kanaren/Joergensen-Adaptive-Radiation-Aeonium-2001.pdf Altitude related patterns of the vegetation of Tenerife Fernandez-Palacios, F.M. & Denicolas, J.P. (1995) ATTITUDINAL PATTERN OF VEGETATION VARIATION ON TENERIFE. Journal of Vegetation Science, 6, 2, pp 183-190 http://www.botanischergarten.ch/Kanaren/Fernandez-Palacios-Altitudinal-Pattern-1995.pdf Fernandez-Palacios, F.M. & Denicolas, J.P. (1995) ATTITUDINAL PATTERN OF VEGETATION VARIATION ON TENERIFE. Journal of Vegetation Science, 6, 2, pp 183-190 http://www.botanischergarten.ch/Kanaren/Fernandez-Palacios- Altitudinal-Pattern-1995.pdf Arid Vegetation on Volcanic Rocks balsamifera on Lava Stream Euphorbia balsamifera on Lava Stream, traces of milk sap harvesting Mass destruction of Euphorbia canariensis stands

Voggenreiter, V. (1974) Geobotanische Untersuchungen an der naturlichen Vegetation der Kanareninsel Tenerife (Anhang: Vergleiche mit La Palma und Gran Canaria) als Grundlage fur den Naturschutz. Dissertationes Botanicae, 26, pp 718 http://kbd.kew.org/kbd/detailedresult.do? id=178288 Tenerife: Guimar, conflict between lava fields and settlements dichotoma, Asclepiadaceae Ceropegia dichotoma, Asclepiadaceae Ceropegia fusca Asclepiadaceae Cneorum pulverulentum, Cneoraceae, close to Daphne, biogeographical relationships to Carribean Islands Cneorum pulverulentum Cneorum pulverulentum as missing link between the Canary Islands and the Carribean Islands Cneorum: Karibik-Mittelmeer Rocky lava coast SW Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife Euphorbia canariensis Cyathia, Inflorescences composed of male and female Tenerife http://oncampus.richmond.edu/academics/florakiuic/e/euphorbia_graminea.html Euphorbia canariensis links, Euphorbia balsamifera rechts, Tenerife Euphorbia aphylla, Tenerife Euphorbia aphylla, Tenerife Caloplaca gloriosa, lichen on lava rock, Tenerife Senecio echinatus, Asteraceae, Tenerife Periploca laevigata, Asclepiadaceae, Tenerife Dracaena draco, Dragon , Icod, Tenerife Magdefrau, K. (1975) AGE OF LARGE DRACAENA SPECIMENS OF TENERIFE Age of large Dracaena draco estimated at c. 250 years (not several thousand years as once thought). Flora, 164, 4-5, pp 347-357 ://WOS:A1975AX02300003 Tenerifes Mist Forests in the Clouds of the Trade Winds Laurisilva and Fayal Brezal

Anaga-Range, Tenerife Anaga: Fayal Brezal, Mist Forest with Erica arborea and Myrica faya Myrica faya flowers Myrica faya Laurus azorica, lots of small domatia (special glands) on lower surface Ocotea foetens Lauraceae fruits Ochotea foetens, Lauraceae, Laurisilva Tenerife, only 2 big Domatia Maytenus canariensis Celastraceae Fruits Gennaria diphylla, Orchidaceae Gomera, Fayal Brezal Sonchus ortunoi, El Cedro La Gomera Semele androgyna, Phyllokladia Semele androgyna, Phyllokladia Canarina canariensis, Campanulaceae, Gomera Asplenium hemionitis, Aspleniaceae, Laurisilva, Tenerife Adianthum reniforme Pteridophyta, Laurisilva, Tenerife canariensis Davallia canariensis Teide und Laurisilva, close: Pinus canariensis-Forests, Tenerife speciosa , Hautfarne Laurisilva Tenerife von der Dunk, K. Tropische Hautfarne In Europa Fayal Brezal rich in lichens Erica arborea, Myrica faya und lots of Usnea- and Alectoria-sp. excelsa, , Laurisilva, Tenerife,

http://www.floradecanarias.com/picconia_ excelsa.html Heberdenia excelsa http://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/1aQ3o-_xpTAQV9l8PGvs3w Heberdenia canariensis Ixanthus viscosus, Gentianaceae with Laurocerasus lusitanicus Arevalo, J.R., Peraza, M.D., Alvarez, C., Bermudez, A., Delgado, J.D., Gallardo, A., & Fernandez-Palacios, J.M. (2008) Laurel forest recovery during 20 years in an abandoned firebreak in Tenerife, Canary Islands. Acta Oecologica- International Journal of Ecology, 33, 1, pp 1-9 http://www.botanischergarten.ch/Invasive/Arevalo-Laurel-.Fforest-Recovery-2008.pdf Fig. 3 – scores and plot scores in the ordination space defined by axis I and axis II of the DCA based on species densities. Polygons enclose the plots of the different sampling periods, solid lines for 1990 plots (circles), slashed lines for 2004 plots (squares) and dotted lines for control plots (triangles) (Eigenvalues of axes I and II were 0.238 and 0.097 and the cumulative percentage of variance of both axes was 35.3%).

Species names are indicated with the first pair of letters of genus and species. Dagn, Daphne gnidium; Coca, Convolvulus canariensis; Erar, Erica arborea; Ersc, Erica scoparia; Glsa, Globularia salicina; Hygr, Hypericum grandifolium; Ilca, Ilex canariensis; Last, Lavandula stoechas; Lano, Laurus novocanariensis; Myfa, Myrica faya; Ptaq, Pteridium aquilinum; Prlu, Prunus lusitanica; Ruin, Rubus inermis; Smi, Smilax spp.; Sool, Sonchus oleraceus; and Viti, Viburnum tinus ssp. rigidum.

Arevalo, J.R., Peraza, M.D., Alvarez, C., Bermudez, A., Delgado, J.D., Gallardo, A., & Fernandez-Palacios, J.M. (2008) Laurel forest recovery during 20 years in an abandoned firebreak in Tenerife, Canary Islands. Acta Oecologica- International Journal of Ecology, 33, 1, pp 1-9 http://www.botanischergarten.ch/Invasive/Arevalo- Laurel-.Fforest-Recovery-2008.pdf Fig. 4 – Species scores and plot scores in the ordination space defined by axis I and axis II of the DCA based on species biovolume. Polygons enclose the plots of the different sampling periods, solid lines for 1990 plots, slashed lines for 2004 plots and dotted lines for control plots (eigenvalues of axes I and II were 0.416 and 0.170 and the cumulative percentage of variance of both axes was 43.7%). Species names are indicated as in Fig. 3.

Arevalo, J.R., Peraza, M.D., Alvarez, C., Bermudez, A., Delgado, J.D., Gallardo, A., & Fernandez-Palacios, J.M. (2008) Laurel forest recovery during 20 years in an abandoned firebreak in Tenerife, Canary Islands. Acta Oecologica-International Journal of Ecology, 33, 1, pp 1-9 http://www.botanischergarten.ch/I nvasive/Arevalo-Laurel-.Fforest- Recovery-2008.pdf After 20 years of succession, we can consider that the firebreak vegetation represents an early phase of the laurel forest found in the surrounding matrix but requiring recovery of biovolume and a reduction in and forbs species.

In order to accelerate succession, some imposed management can be suggested, such as the reduction of the number of basal sprouts resulting from tree coppicing in the firebreak. This would favour the development and growth of the canopy, providing more similar environmental conditions to the forest interior, increasing litter production and reducing opportunistic species richness. Furthermore, the opening of anthropogenic corridors (new roads or clearing) should be discouraged unless there are no other possible alternatives.

Arevalo, J.R., Peraza, M.D., Alvarez, C., Bermudez, A., Delgado, J.D., Gallardo, A., & Fernandez-Palacios, J.M. (2008) Laurel forest recovery during 20 years in an abandoned firebreak in Tenerife, Canary Islands. Acta Oecologica-International Journal of Ecology, 33, 1, pp 1-9 http://www.botanischergarten.ch/Invasive/Arevalo-Laurel-.Fforest-Recovery-2008.pdf Teno Mountains Aeonium tabuliforme, Crassulaceae, Teno-Mountains Aeonium tabuliforme, Crassulaceae, Teno-Mountains, Fibonacci Spirals Cheilanthes vellea Polypodiaceae Cistus symphytifolius Las Canadas del Teide: Caldera of Vulcano Plantago webbii, Cañadas, Teide, Tenerife Descourainia bourgeana, Brassicaceae eroded Lava in Main Lava Stream of Teide-Volcano, Tenerife Spartinocistus supranubius, Papilionaceae, Cañadas Teide, Tenerife Mantis, Empusa pennata, Tenerife Viola teide, Teide-Violet, vulkanic tuff gravel of Teide, Tenerife http://plantasdemitierra.blogspot.com/2007_06_01_ archive.html www.turfmastersod.com/colorado_buffalo.html Buchloe dactyloides Habitat Echium wildpretii, las Cañadas, Teide, Tenerife Echium wildpretii, Tenerife

http://www.dkimages.com/discover/previews/1546/10451342.JPG http://lh4.ggpht.com/_QKoSD7uXTu4/SgJANkqXfuI/AAAAAAAAA9I/ht_1lSwpZ08/echium.JPG http://ohric.ucdavis.edu/photos/fullsize/ Echium_wildpretii2.jpg Echium wildpretii Boraginaceae, Cañadas of Teide-Vulcano, Tenerife photo Klaus Ammann Echium wildpretii Boraginaceae, Cañadas of Teide-Vulcano, Tenerife photo Klaus Ammann Fire ecology in the Mediterranean Countries http://news.bbc.co.uk/nol/shared/spl/hi/pop_ups/07/world_enl_1185899206/img/1.jpg

Forest Fires Length of dry spell affecting forest fires Forest fire hazard caption see next slide http://www.gsf.fi/projects/espon/ForestFires_files/image002.jpg In Turkey most of the fires are man-caused (%97). Some causes of fire incidences have been lying outside the forest sector, such as rural poverty and privation or the effects of other public policies related to land tenure. On the other hand, on the basis of data of last ten years, the annual average number of fires and area burnt are below the other Mediterranean countries. However, fire suppression costs have been increasingly risen. Further investment in fire suppression is likely give diminishing returns. Moreover, General Directorate of Forestry (GDF) focuses its attention on suppression activities and other activities such as research, training, raising public awareness and innovative preventive measures have not been taken into consideration adequately. A project TCP/TUR/6713, funded by FAO, "Development of Modern Forest Fire Prevention and Control Strategies" indicated the need to reformulate a National Forest Fire Management Policy by taking into consideration of all aspects of fire situation (ecological, socio-economic and cultural) in the country and following the innovations of fire management in some Mediterranean countries.

Development of New Forest Fire Prevention, Control Strategies in Turkey

http://www.fao.org/DOCREP/ARTICLE/WFC/XII/0561-B3.HTM Forest fire in Greece, impact of smoke http://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/NaturalHazards/view.php?id=18950 http://www.cnr.berkeley.edu/stephens-lab/Rick02.jpg Why have Gouldian Finches declined so drastically?: Changes in fires patterns and overgrazing are considered the main contributors to the declines of seed-eating birds. This research project examines the impact of both threats on the population health of seed-eating birds in order to recommend management prescriptions for these declining species.

Legge S, Murphy S, 2006. Land management for Gouldian finches at Mornington Wildlife Sanctuary. http://www.landmanager.org.au/in dex2.html Pinus pungens, Pine can release seeds after fire http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/tree/pinpun/all.html Xanthorhoea preissii, Black Boys, Xanthorrhoeaceae, close to Liliaceae resistant to bush fires http://www.seenobjects.org/2004-09-05-banksia

http://image14.webshots.com/14/9/16/93/27119169300968650 71GTZkPt_ph.jpg http://photos.beilby .com/images/banks ia.02.jpg http://www.treknature.com/gallery/photo112720.htm Zulu Cycad cone, well adapted to fire

http://www.treknature.com/g allery/photo43606.htm recommended short reading on fire ecology http://www.fws.gov/invasives/staffTrainingModule/methods/burni ng/impacts.html and WICKI http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fire_ecology Pausas, J.G. (1999) Mediterranean vegetation dynamics: modelling problems and functional types. Plant Ecology, 140, 1, pp 27- 39 http://www.botanischergarten.ch/Fire-Ecology/Pausas-Mediterranean-Vegetation-Fire-1999.pdf Fernandes, P.M. & Rigolot, E. (2007) The fire ecology and management of maritime pine (Pinus pinaster Ait.). Forest Ecology and Management, 241, 1-3, pp 1-13 http://www.botanischergarten.ch/Fire-Ecology/Fernandez-Fire-Ecology-Pinus-Pinaster-2007.pdf Pinus halepensis

http://www.dipbot.unict.it/Si stematica/Pinus_ha.html Pinus halepensis http://www.cuyamaca.net/OH170/Plant _TNails/Pinus_halepensis_- _Needles.jpg Pinus halepensis distribution http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Mapa-pinus-halepensis1.png Pinus pinaster maritima http://commons.wikimedia. org/wiki/File:Pinus_maritim a1.jpg Pinus pinaster maritima http://crdp2.ac- besancon.fr/flore/flore/pinacea e/especes/pinus_pinaster.htm

Pinus brutia http://vanherbaryum.yyu.edu.tr/flora/famgenustur/pina /pinus/pages/Pinus%20brutia%20TEN_%20%20_jpg. htm Pinus brutia http://img530.imageshack.us/img530/8796/pinusbrutia1zx4.jpg

Tavsanoglu, C. & Gurkan, B. (2005) Post-fire dynamics of Cistus spp. in a Pinus brutia forest. Turkish Journal of Botany, 29, 5, pp 337-343 http://www.botanischergarten.ch/Fire-Ecology/Tavsanoglu-Post-Fire-Dynamics-Brutia-2005.pdf Cistus salviifolius http://www.floralimages.co.uk/pcistusalvi.htm Cistus salviifolius Cistus creticus http://www.flickr.com/photos/8340155@N05/514415164 Ecology of Invasive Plants in the Mediterranean and on the Canary Islands Study area and road transect in east Tenerife 2009.pdf - Tenerife - Plants - Palacios, J.M., & Arevalo, J.R. (2009) J.R. Arevalo, & J.M., Palacios, - Alien - 1086 How do alien plants distribute along roads on oceanic islands? A case study in Tenerife, Canary Tenerife, Canary in case study A oceanic on islands? roads along distribute plants alien do How 1071 - pp 4, 11, Invasions, Biological Islands. http://www.botanischergarten.ch/Kanaren/Arteaga Arteaga, M.A., J.D., Delgado, Otto, R., Fernandez Arteaga, M.A., Delgado, J.D., Otto, R., Fernandez-Palacios, J.M., & Arevalo, J.R. (2009) How do alien plants distribute along roads on oceanic islands? A case study in Tenerife, Canary Islands. Biological Invasions, 11, 4, pp 1071-1086 http://www.botanischergarten.ch/Kanaren/Arteaga-Alien-Plants-Tenerife- 2009.pdf Arteaga, M.A., Delgado, J.D., Otto, R., Fernandez-Palacios, J.M., & Arevalo, J.R. (2009) How do alien plants distribute along roads on oceanic islands? A case study in Tenerife, Canary Islands. Biological Invasions, 11, 4, pp 1071-1086 http://www.botanischergarten.ch/Kanaren/Arteaga-Alien-Plants-Tenerife- 2009.pdf