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STATE OF ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF LABOR CARNIVAL AND AMUSEMENT RIDE INSPECTION DIVISION BOARD MEETING Hearing held on January 20, 2012 at the Crowne Plaza, 3100 South Dirksen Parkway, Plaza F, First Floor, Springfield, Illinois, scheduled for the hour of 8:00 A.M. PRESENT: MR. JOSEPH COSTIGAN, Director Mr. Daniel S. Kirschner, Chairman Ms. Patty Sullivan, Vice Chair Mr. Angelo A. Mazzenga Mr. Bill Sparks Mr. Dennis E. Smith Ms. Linda Givand Rhodes Board Members Ms. Cynthia M. Smith, CSR Cynthia M. Smith, Owner [email protected] 217-523-6559 217-971-5295 2 1 APPEARANCES: 2 MS. KATHERINE ANTHONY Chief Legal Counsel 3 Illinois Department of Labor Michael A. Bilandic Building 4 160 North LaSalle Street, Suite C-1300 Chicago, Illinois 60601 5 Appeared on behalf of the Department of Labor. 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 ALSO PRESENT: 15 Mr. Doug Rathbun, Manager Ms. Sara Meek, Legislative Liaison 16 Ms. Margaret Royer, Inspector Mr. Chuck Drager, Inspector 17 Mr. Matt Rohman, Inspector Mr. Bill Szerletich, Inspector 18 Mr. Brian Brown, Inspector 19 20 21 22 23 24 3 1 MR. KIRSCHNER: Why don't we call the meeting to 2 order. I think that everyone that is going to be here is 3 here -- oh, let's wait for Patty. 4 MS. SULLIVAN: I'm here. 5 MR. KIRSCHNER: There you go. 6 Thank you everyone for joining us this morning for 7 our annual January board meeting. Welcome to our new 8 board members. Welcome back to our old board members. 9 I will call this meeting to order. 10 Has everyone had a chance to review the agenda of 11 this morning's meeting? 12 MS. SULLIVAN: I will make a motion to approve. 13 MR. KIRSCHNER: Is there a second to that? 14 MS. GIVAND RHODES: Second. 15 MR. KIRSCHNER: All in favor? 16 (Group response.) 17 MR. KIRSCHNER: All opposed? 18 (No response.) 19 MR. KIRSCHNER: Has everyone had a chance to review 20 the minutes? 21 (No response.) 22 MR. KIRSCHNER: Do I have a motion to approve the 23 minutes? 24 MR. SPARKS: I make a motion to approve the minutes. 4 1 MR. KIRSCHNER: All in favor? 2 MS. SULLIVAN: Aye. 3 MR. KIRSCHNER: All opposed? 4 (No response.) 5 MR. KIRSCHNER: One in favor and no opposed. 6 Okay. Old business. There aren't too many matters. 7 MS. SULLIVAN: You might go down and do a 8 reintroduction. 9 MR. KIRSCHNER: Thank you. That's my vice chair. 10 Why don't we start at the end and introduce everyone. 11 MR. SPARKS: Bill Sparks. 12 MS. SULLIVAN: Patty Sullivan. 13 MR. SMITH: Denny Smith. 14 MR. KIRSCHNER: Dan Kirschner. 15 MS. ANTHONY: Katherine Anthony. 16 MR. COSTIGAN: Joe Costigan. 17 MS. GIVAND RHODES: Linda Givand Rhodes. 18 MR. MAZZENGA: Angelo Mazzenga. 19 MR. KIRSCHNER: Okay. Thank you. 20 There are a couple of matters that are on the back 21 burner that we are still discussing. One is that there 22 is some matters of revising the code as it applies to 23 the amount of insurance required just to bring the code 24 up to date with respect to the amount actually available 5 1 in the limits. That is the current old business. 2 Is there any other old business that I did not 3 mention that you want to put out there? 4 (No response.) 5 MR. KIRSCHNER: Okay. Moving on to the Division 6 Manager Report. Where is Doug? 7 MR. RATHBUN: Here. 8 MS. SULLIVAN: Are we not going to discuss old 9 business? 10 MR. KIRSCHNER: We will discuss the old business. 11 Sorry. We will get to you. 12 MR. RATHBUN: Sure. Okay. 13 MS. SULLIVAN: What's the insurance issue? 14 MR. KIRSCHNER: In the statute, the amount -- the 15 minimum amount required doesn't comport with the amount 16 actually available in the marketplace. So if you would go 17 out to secure a policy, the policies are all million 18 dollar policies. The amount in the statute is outdated 19 and actually a lower amount that you can't even purchase 20 in the marketplace. So we would like to make the statute 21 mirror what's available in the marketplace so there is no 22 confusion to operators out there to get insurance when 23 they say I would like to get X and the statute says that's 24 not what I need. 6 1 MS. SULLIVAN: As long as we don't raise it to the 2 highest amount available. 3 MR. KIRSCHNER: It needs to mirror what is available 4 in the marketplace and has been available to every 5 operator. It just means taking the statute and making it 6 reflect what they currently have available. 7 MS. SULLIVAN: Which is a million? 8 MR. KIRSCHNER: Which is a million minimum. They can 9 buy more if they want. 10 MS. SULLIVAN: Okay. 11 MR. KIRSCHNER: Is there any other discussion on old 12 business? 13 (No response.) 14 MR. KIRSCHNER: Moving on to the Division Manager's 15 Report. 16 MR. RATHBUN: Okay. Currently there are no planned 17 outreach activities. Other than working with the -- we're 18 trying to get a task force together to discuss sprinkler 19 systems in haunted houses. And that's being headed up by 20 Mike Casagranda (phonetic) of the Kankakee Fire 21 Department. He is pulling that together. 22 There is some discussion as far as how the National 23 Fire Protection Association has written Life Safety Code 24 101. And basically the argument is the way that the code 7 1 is written now -- depending on how you interpret it and 2 there are two interpretations -- is that the size of a 3 building/room that requires a sprinkler system is 160 4 feet, 160 square feet. Which is basically the size of a 5 living room, if you have a small living room. 6 And a lot of the fire chiefs as well -- they feel 7 that's pretty -- it's too restrictive. It's unrealistic. 8 And so they are going to draft -- they are going to try 9 and draft some verbiage to give to the National Fire 10 Protection Association so that issue can be addressed. 11 Spring Press Release. Obviously that will go out. 12 It hasn't been drafted yet. That will be worked on in 13 conjunction with Anjal Julka who is our PR person. Excuse 14 me. And typically she sends that out in the spring just 15 to remind people. And most of you have seen 'em before. 16 If you haven't, it's just a general information article 17 for the public saying, you know, follow the rules and stay 18 within the guidelines, et cetera. So -- and that will be 19 worked on and forthcoming. 20 And Training. There have been three people approved 21 to go to NAARSO this year. And for those of you that are 22 new, I'm sorry if I use an acronym that you don't 23 understand. By all means stop me and ask me to explain 24 it. 8 1 NAARSO is the National Association of Amusement Ride 2 Safety Officials. There is typically two major training 3 contingencies in the country. One is AIMS which is the 4 Amusement Industry Manufacturers & Suppliers. And NAARSO. 5 And we go to one of those two trainings. There are two of 6 our inspectors who already have NAARSO certification. And 7 it has just been traditional that inspectors attend 8 NAARSO. 9 NAARSO brings together a great array of instructors. 10 So they get expertise and instruction in the various 11 aspects of amusement rides that may not be readily 12 available without paying a lot of money. So we've got two 13 people and myself slated to go to that. Actually, it's at 14 the end of this month. It will be January the 29th 15 through February the 4th. 16 MS. SULLIVAN: Who are the two people? 17 MR. RATHBUN: It will be Matt and Chuck. 18 And you know I'm in conversation with Chuck about 19 that because he may have an issue. And Matt -- and so 20 Matt should be eligible to test. Chuck will be. And so 21 we're kind of undecided about that. 22 The Non-Destructive Test Update. Let me find it. I 23 didn't see it yesterday. And for those of you who are not 24 familiar with Non-Destructive Testing -- I know Bill 9 1 provided a handout on that. 2 Non-Destructive Testing is -- to simplify it, if you 3 are not familiar with it, it's a way to examine metal for 4 cracks without destroying the material that you are 5 testing. Like I said, the handout lists the different 6 types. But usually, when I explain it to lay people, the 7 way that I explain it is that it's like being able to 8 x-ray a piece of metal. 9 And granted there is a lot more to it than that, but, 10 for simplicity sake, you take a look at that metal using 11 whatever technique is appropriate and have it looked at. 12 You know the only two -- and we keep a running list of 13 what we require in Illinois. Which is on our web site. 14 The only two we've added is ski lifts.