Quadratic Polynomials
Quadratic Polynomials If a>0thenthegraphofax2 is obtained by starting with the graph of x2, and then stretching or shrinking vertically by a. If a<0thenthegraphofax2 is obtained by starting with the graph of x2, then flipping it over the x-axis, and then stretching or shrinking vertically by the positive number a. When a>0wesaythatthegraphof− ax2 “opens up”. When a<0wesay that the graph of ax2 “opens down”. I Cit i-a x-ax~S ~12 *************‘s-aXiS —10.? 148 2 If a, c, d and a = 0, then the graph of a(x + c) 2 + d is obtained by If a, c, d R and a = 0, then the graph of a(x + c)2 + d is obtained by 2 R 6 2 shiftingIf a, c, the d ⇥ graphR and ofaax=⇤ 2 0,horizontally then the graph by c, and of a vertically(x + c) + byd dis. obtained (Remember by shiftingshifting the the⇥ graph graph of of axax⇤ 2 horizontallyhorizontally by by cc,, and and vertically vertically by by dd.. (Remember (Remember thatthatd>d>0meansmovingup,0meansmovingup,d<d<0meansmovingdown,0meansmovingdown,c>c>0meansmoving0meansmoving thatleft,andd>c<0meansmovingup,0meansmovingd<right0meansmovingdown,.) c>0meansmoving leftleft,and,andc<c<0meansmoving0meansmovingrightright.).) 2 If a =0,thegraphofafunctionf(x)=a(x + c) 2+ d is called a parabola. If a =0,thegraphofafunctionf(x)=a(x + c)2 + d is called a parabola. 6 2 TheIf a point=0,thegraphofafunction⇤ ( c, d) 2 is called thefvertex(x)=aof(x the+ c parabola.) + d is called a parabola. The point⇤ ( c, d) R2 is called the vertex of the parabola.
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