Soil Survey of Bergen County, New Jersey
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~~ United States In cooperation with ~wJl Department of New Jersey Agricultural Soil Survey of ~ Agriculture Experiment Station, Cook College, Rutgers, the Soil State University; and the Bergen County, Conservation New Jersey Department Service of Agriculture, State Soil New Jersey Conservation Committee How To Use This Soil Survey General Soil Map The general soil map, which is the color map preceding the detailed soil maps, shows the suNey area divided into groups of associated soils called general soil map units. This map is useful in planning the use and management of large areas. To find information about your area of interest, locate that area on the map, identify the name of the map unit in the area on the color-coded map legend, then refer to the section General Soil Map Units for a general description of the soils in your area. Detailed Soil Maps The detailed soil maps follow the general soil map. These maps can be useful in planning the use and management of small areas. To find information about your area of interest, locate that area on the Index to Map Sheets, MAP SHEET which precedes the soil maps. Note the number of the map sheet, and turn to that sheet. INDEX TO MAP SHEETS Locate your area of interest on the map sheet. Note the map unit symbols that are in that area. Turn to the Index to Map Units (see Con NOTE: Map unit symbols in a soil tents), which lists the map survey may consist only of numbers or units by symbol and letters, or they may be a combination name and shows the of numbers and letters. page where each map MAP SHEET unit is described. The Summary of Tables shows which table has data on a specific land use for each detailed soil map unit. See Contents for sections of this publication that may address your specific needs. This soil survey is a publication of the National Cooperative Soil Survey, a joint effort of the United States Department of Agriculture and other Federal agencies, State agencies including the Agricultural Experiment Stations, and local agencies. The Soil Conservation Service has leadership for the Federal part of the National Cooperative Soil Survey. Major fieldwork for this soil survey was completed in 1980. Soil names and descriptions were approved in 1985. Unless otherwise indicated, statements in this publication refer to conditions in the survey area in 1980. This survey was made cooperatively by the Soil Conservation Service and the New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station, Cook College, Rutgers, the State University; and the New Jersey Department of Agriculture, State Soil Conservation Committee. It is part of the technical assistance furnished to the Bergen County Soil Conservation District. Partial funding for the survey was provided by the Bergen County Board of Chosen Freeholders. Soil maps in this survey may be copied without permission. Enlargement of these maps, however, could cause misunderstanding of the detail of mapping. If enlarged, maps do not show the small areas of contrasting soils that could have been shown at a larger scale. All programs and services of the Soil Conservation Service are offered on a nondiscriminatory basis, without regard to race, color, national origin, religion, sex, age, marital status, or handicap. Cover: State Route 4 cuts through an area of Boonton-Rock outcrop complex, 15 to 25 percent slopes, in the Palisades Range west of the George Washington Bridge. ii Contents Index to map units . iv Adrian series .................................. 61 Summary of tables . vi Boonton series ................................. 62 Foreword ....................................... vii Carlisle series . 63 General nature of the county ....................... 1 Dunellen series ................................ 63 How this survey was made ......................... 3 Fluvaquents ................................... 64 Map unit composition ............................ 4 Haledon series ................................. 64 General soil map units ............................ 7 Hasbrouck series .............................. 65 Soil descriptions ................................ 7 Hibernia series ................................. 65 Detailed soil map units . 13 Otisville series ................................. 66 Soil descriptions . 13 Pascack series . 66 Use and management of the soils . 4 7 Preakness series ............................... 67 Woodland management and productivity ......... 48 Riverhead series ............................... 68 Recreation .................................... 49 Rockaway series. 68 Wildlife habitat . 50 Sulfaquents ................................... 69 Engineering ................................... 51 Sulfihemists ................................... 69 Soil properties . 57 Udorthents . 70 Engineering index properties .................... 57 Wethersfield series ............................. 70 Physical and chemical properties ................ 58 Formation of the soils . 73 Soil and water features ......................... 59 References. 77 Classification of the soils ... ..................... 61 Glossary. 79 Soil series and their morphology ................... 61 Tables .......................................... 89 Issued March 1995 iii Index to Map Units Ad-Adrian muck ................................ 13 HbB-Haledon gravelly loam, 3 to 8 percent BoB-Boonton gravelly loam, 3 to 8 percent slopes, very stony ........................... 27 slopes ...................................... 14 HUB-Haledon-Urban land complex, undulating ..... 27 SoC-Boonton gravelly loam, 8 to 15 percent HvA-Hasbrouck loam, 0 to 3 percent slopes, slopes ...................................... 14 very stony . 28 BoD-Boonton gravelly loam, 15 to 25 percent HzB-Hibernia loam, 3 to 8 percent slopes, very slopes ...................................... 15 stony ....................................... 28 BoE-Boonton gravelly loam, 25 to 35 percent OlD-Otisville gravelly loamy sand, 15 to 25 slopes ...................................... 16 percent slopes .............................. 29 BrB-Boonton gravelly loam, 3 to 8 percent OlE-Otisville gravelly loamy sand, 25 to 35 slopes, very stony . 16 percent slopes .............................. 29 BrC-Boonton gravelly loam, 8 to 15 percent PoA-Pascack silt loam, 0 to 3 percent slopes ...... 29 slopes, very stony ........................... 16 Pr-Preakness silt loam .......................... 31 BrD-Boonton gravelly loam, 15 to 25 percent Ps-Pits, sand and gravel ........................ 31 slopes, very stony . 1 7 RaA-Riverhead sandy loam, 0 to 3 percent BsB-Boonton-Rock outcrop complex, 3 to 8 slopes ...................................... 31 percent slopes . 1 7 RaB-Riverhead sandy loam, 3 to 8 percent BsC-Boonton-Rock outcrop complex, 8 to 15 slopes ...................................... 32 percent slopes . 18 RaG-Riverhead sandy loam, 8 to 15 percent BsD-Boonton-Rock outcrop complex, 15 to 25 slopes ...................................... 33 percent slopes . 18 RoC-Rockaway gravelly loam, 8 to 15 percent SsE-Boonton-Rock outcrop complex, very slopes, very stony ........................... 33 steep ...................................... 19 RoD-Rockaway gravelly loam, 15 to 25 percent BUB-Boonton-Urban land complex, undulating ..... 19 slopes, very stony . 34 BUG-Boonton-Urban land complex, gently RoE-Rockaway gravelly loam, 25 to 35 percent rolling ...................................... 20 slopes, very stony . 35 BUD-Boonton-Urban land complex, hilly ........... 20 ArC-Rockaway-Rock outcrop complex, gently SUE-Boonton-Urban land complex, very hilly ...... 21 rolling ...................................... 35 Ca-Carlisle muck ............................... 21 RrD-Rockaway-Rock outcrop complex, hilly ....... 36 DuB-Dunellen loam, 3 to 8 percent slopes ......... 22 ArE-Rockaway-Rock outcrop complex, very DuG-Dunellen loam, 8 to 15 percent slopes ....... 22 hilly ........................................ 37 DuD-Dunellen loam, 15 to 25 percent slopes ...... 23 SU-Sulfihemists and Sulfaquents, frequently OVA-Dunellen-Urban land complex, nearly flooded ..................................... 37 level ....................................... 23 Ua-Udorthents, loamy ........................... 38 DVB-Dunellen-Urban land complex, undulating .... 23 Ub-Udorthents, organic substratum ............... 38 DVC-Dunellen-Urban land complex, rolling ........ 24 Uc-Udorthents, organic substratum-Urban land DVD-Dunellen-Urban land complex, hilly .......... 25 complex .................................... 38 FL-Fiuvaquents, loamy .......................... 25 Ud-Udorthents, refuse substratum ................ 39 HaS---Haledon gravelly loam, 3 to 8 percent Ue--Udorthents, wet substratum .................. 39 slopes ...................................... 25 iv Uf-Udorthents, wet substratum-Urban land WsB-Wethersfield-Rock outcrop complex, 3 to complex .................................... 39 8 percent slopes ............................ 42 UR-Urban land ................................. 40 WsC-Wethersfield-Rock outcrop complex, 8 to WeB-Wethersfield gravelly loam, 3 to 8 percent 15 percent slopes ........................... 42 slopes ...................................... 40 WsD-Wethersfield-Rock outcrop complex, 15 to WaC-Wethersfield gravelly loam, 8 to 15 25 percent slopes . 43 percent slopes . 40 WsE-Wethersfield-Rock outcrop complex, very WeD-Wethersfield gravelly loam, 15 to 25 steep ...................................... 43 percent slopes . 41 WUB-Wethersfield-Urban land complex, WeE-Wethersfield gravelly loam, 25 to 35 undulating