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REVOLUTIONARY Voice of the WORjKER Revolutionary Communist Party. USA No. 1058 / ,• (Vol. 22. No. 7) June 11. 2000 Editions in English and Spanish published weekly $1.00 P>] Py Southwest vigilantes hunt Mexican immigrants See page 4 * : -r . ^!" • J^— < The Yankee War Machine in Puerto Rico Educators Demand Election New Trial for Madness Mumia Abu-Jamal in Peru Page 2—Revolutionary Worker—June 11. 2000 As of June 4, 2000 Chairman Qonzalo (Abimael Guzman) has been held in isolation for... ANNOUNCING 7 Years, 234 Days THE NEW WEB ADDRESS OF H In October 1992, Chairman Gonzalo— leader of the Maoist Communist Party ^ 1 of Peru— was sentenced to life H J H imprisonment by hooded military H judges of the U.S.-backed regime in ^^953 Peru. The fascist regime in Peru is HK 2 iiolding this revolutionary leader of the ME *8^22 Peruvian people under very brutal ^ conditions in an underground concrete |^S2 dungeon at a naval base. He is being the bilingual internet website of the ff' denied visits by lawyers, doctors and M relatives and deprived of proper medical Revolutionary Worker newspaper M care and reading materials. Peru's voice of the |flMP^ President Fujimori has publicly threatened ^ to execute Chaimian Gonzalo and boasted Revolutionary Communist Party,USA of applying psychological torture on him. Fujimori changed Peru's constitution to legalize the death penalty, which could be used against Chairman Gonzalo and other revolutionary prisoners. The Peruvian regime must be prevented from killing Chairman Gonzalo rwor-org through the death pehalty or by other means. Fujimori has repeatedly claimed that Chairman Gonzalo has made a call for negotiations from prison. In this situation, what possible excuse "Information as Weaponry" can Fujimori rtow offer for'continuing to deny Ccmirade Gonzalo independent contact with lawyers, doctors and friendly and neutral "informacion como arma" visitors from outside the prison in a way that meets the basic international standards for treatment of political prisoners and prisoners of war? It is vitally important for people in Peru and around the world to hear what.Chairman Gonzalo's views are from Chainnan Gonzalo Include on leaflets, himself—directly and unimpeded. This heightens the urgency of the fight to create an intemational political climate which compels the Peruvian announcements,posters, press statements, government to grant access to Comrade Gonzalo by his legal bulletin board postings and booktables. representatives and other friends who can meet and talk directly with him. Support the People's War in Peru! Change your old bookmarks and web links now- Support the CommunistParty of Peru! RW/OR's old Defend the Life of Chairmah Gonzalo, will soon go away. Fight to Break the Isolation! Revolutionary Communist Party. USA. 2) Many different groups-will protest and rebel Three Main Points against things this system does, and these This Party has the vision, the program, the protests and rebellions should be supported and leadership, and the organizational principles to by Bob Avaklan strengthened. Yet it is only those with nothing to unite those who must be united and enable them Chairman of the RCP,USA : lose but their chains who can be the backbone of to do what must be done. There is a challenge for a struggle to actually overthrow this system and all those who would like to see such a revolution, \A/hat do we in the Revolutionary Communist Party create a new system that will put an end to those with a burning desire to see a drastic want people to learn fivm all that is exposed and exploitation and help pave the way to a whole change for the better, all those who dare to dream revealed in this newspaper? Mainly, three things: new world. and to act to bring about a completely new and better world: Support this Party,join this Party, 1) The whole system we now live under is based 3)Such a revolutionary struggle Is possible. on exploitation— here and'all over,the world. It is spread its message and its organized strength, There is a political Party that can lead such a completely worthless and no basic change for the and prepare the ground for a revolutionary rising struggle, a political Party that speaks and acts for better can come about until this systern is that has a solid basis and a real chance of those with nothing to lose but their chains: The overthrown. winning. GET THIS ISSUE OF THE RWOUT TO THE PEOPLE! To order bundles, contact the RCP Publications Public Relations Office This office provides a coordinating and organizing center that assists in expanding and • To send dippings or reports about signficant struggles, national conferences, and giving more national prominence to key fronts of the Revolutionary Communist Party's other developments in your area. We encourage people to contact us about the work and promotion. You should contact this office: overall battle against repression and against legal and political attecte on the RCP. • To arrange to contact an RWcorrespondent • To arrange a radio or TV interview or a public appearance with one of the RCP Publications national spokespeople. • To volunteer to assist with the office's activities. Including media work, literature promotion and distribution, the Prisoners' Revolutionary Literature Fund, Spanish • To order copies of the Revolutionary Worker or other RCP Publications literature for translation, and the design and production of materials. distribution. RCP Publications Public Relations Office, P.O. 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TX 77223 713/684-4701 Washington State: do Revoiullon Books, 1833 Nagle PI., Seattle. WA 98122 206/325-7415 QI want to distribute the Rsvolutionary Worker. Please send me information The /tewVu/onjrv Worlier (ISSN 0193-MSS) is puWrahea woeklr, except lor ll^e last ■neek N Match, the IS <4 July.»» on bulk rates. I would like to receive copies per week. ia vwek c* Seplemlrer and the dm week of Oeceirbet by RCP Publeabons. 3X49 N. ShemeW, Chicago. IL 6(M57. Periodicals postage paid at Chicago. IL Sutisctiplpora and address ctiarrges. or corre^dmce "'jsoiptrw problems, can bo rrailed to RCPPubkcslicns. Aitenberi Central Circulation. PO. Box 3^®-Chicago IL60S.Hj»p^^ In Write to: Box 3486, Merchandise Mart, Chicago, IL 60654. Send inquiries 10 1773)227-4188. Subscriptlors are S40 a year. S12 lor 3 months In the U.S. Canada, and Mei>5o($52l0f mstrhitions). The regarding intemational rates do RCP Publications, to the above address. RevoMJonvy VVW» te^fves Ihe nght to pni* aH Of part of any ootresponcJcfwe ae^t to It. unloss the aulhofa oflho ctfToapondenc« speoftcally requ«$t otherMM. Sef^d all thangos of addteas to RevoK/Uonary VSbrtfar. RO. Bo* 3468. CJiIcago, IL 60654. June 11, 2000—Revolutionary Worker—PageS Election Madness in Peru Last month's presidential election in Peru featured a U.S.-backed dictator and a U.S.-groomed challenger. By the final vote on May 28 the ch^lenger—^Alejandro Toledo—had dropped out, charging mas sive election fraud by the dictator Alberto Fujimori and his regime. Fujimori claimed overwhelming victory in what was essen tially a one-man race. But about a third of the people who voted turned in spoiled or blai& ballots. And millions simply did not vole—in a country where failure to vote can result in a heavy fine or trouble from the police. Anti-Fujimori protests mounted before election day—and continued aflenvards. Ten days before the election, Fujimori had to flee a campaign appearance in Ayacucho, in the Andes highlands, when dozens of people shouting "Gel out, tyrant" stoned the car he was riding in. On election day, thousands of protesters clashed with police in Iquitos. in Pom's Amazon region. There were many other protests around the country that day—including in the capital Anti-Fujimori ciri, Lima, where students tried to march to protest by the presidential palace which was guarded construction by 1000 riot police.