Articles, Communications, Review Articles
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Science & Society Index 1. Articles, Communications, Review Articles Alphabetized by Author Volume 51 through Volume 84 1987 SSS2020 2 Abrahamian, Ervand. The 1963 Coup in Iran. (A)65:2(2001), 182 S215 Adi, Hakim. The Communist Movement in West Africa. (C)61:1(1997), 94 S99 Adi, Hakim. Forgotten Comrade? Desmond Buckle: An African Communist in Britain. (A)70:1(2006), 22 S45 Adler, Irving . Some Philosophical Implications of Modern Mathematics. (A)51:2(1987), 154 S169 Adler, Irving. Equity, Law and Bartleby. (C)51:4(1987 S88), 468 S474 Adler, Irving. Mathematics and Philosophy: A Comment. (C)61:2(1997), 255 S256 Ado, Anatoly. The Role of the French Revolution in the Transition from Feudalism to Capitalism. (C)54:3(1990), 361 S366 Agnoletto, Stefano. Periodic Crises in Capitalism: Pathological or Restorative? (A)77:4(2013), 459 S485 Alam, M. Shahid. Articulating Group Differences: A Variety of Autocentrisms. (C)67:2(2003), 205 S217 Albert, Michael, and Robin Hahnel. Participatory Planning. (A)56:1(1992), 39 S59 Albert, Michael, and Robin Hahnel. In Defense of Participatory Economics. (A)66:1(2002), 7 S21 Albert, Michael, and Robin Hahnel. Reply [to Comments by Kotz and O’Neill]. (C)66:1(2002), 26 S28 Albert, Michael, and Robin Hahnel. Comment [on Kotz]. (C)66:1(2002), 111 S113 Albert, Michael, and Robin Hahnel. Comment [on O’Neill]. (C)66:1(2002), 154 S156 Alcoff, José, and Linda Martín Alcoff. Autonomism in Theory and Practice. (A)79:2(2015), 221 S242 Alcoff, Linda Martín, and José Alcoff. Autonomism in Theory and Practice. (A)79:2(2015), 221 S242 Alcorn, John. Argument and Allocation: The Contention of Ajax and Ulysses for the Armor of Achilles. (A)58:2(1994), 163 S174 3 Alexander, Dominic. London’s Lost Revolution: William Longbeard and the Historiography of Medieval England. (A)84:3(2020), 316 S341 Amin, Samir. Colonialism and the Rise of Capitalism: A Comment. (C)54:1(1990), 67 S72 Anderson, Kevin. Lenin’s Encounter with Hegel After Eighty Years: A Critical Assessment. (A)59:3(1995), 298 S319 Anderson, Kevin B. A Recently Discovered Article by Erich Fromm on Trotsky and the Russian Revolution. (C)66:2(2002), 266 S271 Anderson, W. H. Locke, and Frank W. Thompson. Neoclassical Marxism. (A)52:2(1988), 215 S228 Andreyev, A., M. Jovchuk and M. Maslin. Soviet Philosophy Today: Perspectives and New Directions. (C)51:3(1987), 339 S346 Angotti, Thomas. The Stalin Period: Opening Up History. (A)52:1(1988), 5 S34 Angotti, Thomas. The Housing Question: Progressive Agenda and Socialist Program. (RA)54:1(1990), 86 S97 Antentas, Josep Maria. Daniel Bensaïd’s Joan of Arc. (A)79:1(2015), 63 S89 Aptheker, Bettina. Black Women: Love, Labor, Sorrow, Struggle. (RA)51:4(1987 S88), 478 S485 Aptheker, Bettina. Red Feminism: A Personal and Historical Reflection. (A)66:4(2002 S2003), 519 S526 Aptheker, Bettina. Fireweed: Fusion of the Personal and Political in an Extraordinary Life. (RA)70:3(2006), 411 S417 Aptheker, Herbert . American Negro Slave Revolts: Fifty Years Gone. (C)51:1(1987), 68 S71 Aptheker, Herbert. Racism and Anti-Racism: A Reply. (C)57:1(1993), 79 S80 Aptheker, Herbert. The Soviet Collapse and the Surrounding Capitalist World. (C)62:2(1998), 283 S284 Aptheker, Herbert. The Last Days: Some Memories of the War. (C)66:2(2002), 263 S266 Araujo, Christopher. On the Misappropriation of Marx’s Late Writings on Russia: A 4 Critique of Marx at the Margins . (A)82:1(2018), 67 S93 Arena, John. Bringing in the Black Working Class: The Black Urban Regime Strategy. (A)75:2(2011), 153 S179 Armstrong, Elisabeth. Contingency Plans for the Feminist Revolution. (A)65:1(2001), 39 S71 Arrighi, Giovanni. Global Capitalism and the Persistence of the North SSouth Divide. (C)65:4(2001 S2002), 469 S476 Arruzza, Cinzia. Functionalist, Determinist, Reductionist: Social Reproduction Feminism and Its Critics. (A)80:1(2016), 9 S30 Arthur, Chris. Capital: A Note on Translation. (C)54:2(1990), 224 S225 Arthur, Christopher J. Systematic Dialectic. (A)62:3(1998), 447 S459 Arthur, Christopher J. The Young Engels and Philosophy. (C)62:4(1998 S99), 579 Artner, Annamária. Is Catching Up Possible? The Example of Central and Eastern Europe. (A)82:4(2018), 502 S530 Ash, Michael and Roberta Garner. Contemplating the Unusual and Unpredictable. (RA)74:2(2010), 248 S258 Au, Wayne. Vygotsky and Lenin on Learning: The Parallel Structures of Individual and Social Development. (A)71:3(2007), 273 S298 Auerbach, Paul, and Peter Skott. Capitalist Trends and Socialist Priorities. (C)57:2(1993), 194 S204 Azeri, Siyaves . Consciousness as Objective Activity: A Historical SGenetic Approach. (A)75:1(2011), 8 S37 Azeri, Siyaves. Evald Ilyenkov’s Marxian Critique of Epistemology and Education. (A)84:3(2020), 342 S368 Bakan, Abigail B., and Daiva Stasiulis. Foreigh Domestic Worker Policy in Canada and the Social Boundaries of Modern Citizenship. (A)58:1(1994), 7 S33 Bakir, Ergodan, and Al Campbell. Neoliberalism, the Rate of Profit and the Rate of Accumulation. (A)74:3(2010), 323 S342 5 Balaban, Oded. The Positivistic Nature of the Critical Theory. (A)53:4(1989 S90), 442 S458 Baragar, Fletcher, and Robert Chernomas. Profits from Production and Profits from Exchange: Financialization, Household Debt and Profitability in 21st-Century Capitalism. (A)76:3(2012), 319 S339 Barbalet, J. M. The “Labor Aristocracy” in Context. (A)51:2(1987), 133 S153 Barbalet, J. M. Class and Rationality: Olson’s Critique of Marx. (A)55:4(1991 S92), 446 S468 Barbalet, J. M. Class Action and Class Theory: Contra Culture, Pro Emotion. (C)60:4(1996 S97), 478 S485 Barrett, Neil. A Bright Shining Star: The CPGB and Anti-Fascist Activism in the 1930s. (A)61:1(1997), 10 S26 Barrow, Clyde W. The Marx Problem in Marxian State Theory. (A)64:1(2000), 87 S118 Barrow, Clyde W. Plain Marxists, Sophisticated Marxists, and C. Wright Mills’ The Power Elite . (A)71:4(2007), 400 S430 Basu, Deepankar. The Reserve Army of Labor in the Postwar U. S. Economy. (A)77:2(2013), 179 S201 Batou, Jean. Accumulation by Dispossession and Anti-Capitalist Struggles: A Long Historical Perspective. (A)79:1(2015), 11 S37 Baxandall, Rosalyn. Precursors and Bridges: Was the CPUSA Unique? (A)66:4(2002 S2003), 500 S505 Becker, Marc. Mariátegui, the Comintern, and the Indigenous Question in Latin America. (A) 70:4(2006), 450 S479 Bellofiore, Riccardo. Rereading the Grundrisse After Capital: Symposium. Introduction. (A)75:1(2011), 38 S42 Bergmann, Theodor. Engels on Agriculture. (A)62:1(1998), 145 S162 Berland, Oscar. The Emergence of the Communist Perspective on the “Negro Question” in America: 1919 S1931 (Part One). (A)63:4(1999 S2000), 411 S432 Berland, Oscar. The Emergence of the Communist Perspective on the “Negro Question” in America: 1919 S1931 (Part Two). (A)64:2(2000), 194 S217 6 Berland, Oscar. Nasanov and the Comintern’s American Negro Program. (C)65:2(2001), 226 S228 Betances, Emelio. The Dominican Grassroots Movement and the Organized Left, 1978 S1986. (A)79:3(2015), 388 S413 Bhandari, Rakesh. Grossman and Luxury Spending. (C)72:1(2008), 95 S105 Bhattacharya, Ramkrishna. Two Quotations in Marx’s Capital Identified. (C)79:4(2015), 610 S613 Bichler, Shimson. Political Power Shifts in Israel, 1977 and 1992: Unsuccessful Electoral Economics or Long Range Realignment? (A)58:4(1994 S95), 415 S439 Bichler, Shimson, and Jonathan Nitzan. Inflation and Accumulation: The Case of Israel. (A)64:3(2000), 274 S309 Bichler, Shimson, and Jonathan Nitzan. Inflation and Accumulation: Correction. (C)65:3(2001), 383 S385 Bichler, Shimson, and Jonathan Nitzan. The Rockefeller Boys. (C)71:2(2007), 243 S249 Bidney, Martin. Neo-Blakean Vision in the Verse of Historian E. P. Thompson: The “Abstraction” of Labor and Cultural Capital. (A)68:4(2004 S05), 396 S420 Bitsakis, Eftichios. For an Evolutionary Epistemology. (A)51:4(1987 S88), 389 S413 Bitsakis, Eftichios. Scientific Realism. (A)57:1(1993), 160 S193 Bitsakis, Eftichios. The “Stalinist” Tradition in Dialectics. (C)63:2(1999), 242 Bitsakis, Eftichios. Forms of Physical Determination. (A)66:2(2002), 228 S255 Blackledge, Paul. Karl Kautsky and Marxist Historiography. (A)70:3(2006), 337 S359 Blackledge, Paul. History, Ethics and Politics. (C)73:1(2009), 77 S84 Blackledge, Paul. Hegemony and Intervention: Alan Shandro’s Lenin. (A)82:4(2018), 481 S501 Blackledge, Paul. On Strategy and Tactics: Marxism and Electoral Politics. (A)83:3(2019), 355 S380 Blackledge, Paul. Marxist Class Theory for a Skeptical World. (RA)84:4(2020), 545–554 7 Blank, Gary. Rethinking the “Other Transition”: Towards an Alternative Marxist Explanation. (A)77:2(2013), 153 S178 Blaut, J. M. Colonialism and the Rise of Capitalism. (A)53:3(1989), 260 S296 Blaut, J. M. Evaluating Imperialism. (C)61:3(1997), 382 S393 Blue, Gregory. Joseph Needham, Heterodox Marxism and the Social Background to Chinese Science. (A)62:2(1998), 195 S217 Blunden, Andy. Goethe, Hegel and Marx. (A)82:1(2018), 11 S37 Boer, Roland. Lenin on Tolstoy: Between Imaginary Resolution and Revolutionary Christian Communism. (A)78:1(2014), 41 S60 Boger, George. On the Materialist Appropriation of Hegel’s Dialectical Method. (A)55:1(1991), 26 S59 Bonefeld, Werner. Primitive Accumulation and Capitalist Accumulation: Notes on Social Constitution and Expropriation. (A)75:3(2011), 379S399 Boucher, Douglas H. Not with a Bang but a Whimper. (A)60:3(1996), 279 S289 Bowles, Paul, and Tony Stone. China’s Reforms: A Study in the Application of Historical Materialism. (A)55:3(1991), 261 S290 Boyle, Kirk. Rereading Jameson: On Doing Versus Introducing Dialectical Criticism. (RA)83:3(2019), 414 S424 Bozkurt, Umut.