The CNV Chronology 1 2 the CNV Chronology Table of Contents

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The CNV Chronology 1 2 the CNV Chronology Table of Contents The CNV Chronology 1 2 The CNV Chronology Table of contents Chairman’s message 4 Regional Director’s message 5 Purpose of the CNV 6 Gerakan Pramuka (Indonesia) 8 Pakistan Boy Scouts Association 10 Scouts of China 12 Persekutuan Pengakap Negara Brunei Darussalam 14 National Scout Organization of Thailand 16 The Scout Association of Macau 18 Boy Scouts of the Philippines 20 The Scout Association of Papua New Guinea 22 The Scout Association of Maldives 24 Scout Association of Japan 26 Scout Association of Mongolia 28 Sri Lanka Scout Association 30 Korea Scouts Association 32 Bharat Scouts & Guides 34 Fiji Scouts Association 36 The Hong Kong Scout Association 38 Bangladesh Scouts 40 Scouts Australia 42 Scouting New Zealand 44 Cambodia Scouts 46 Nepal Scouts 48 Bhutan Scouts Association 50 Polynesia Scouts Council 52 The Singapore Scout Association 54 Persekutuan Pengakap Malaysia 56 Kiribati Scout Association 58 APR Scout Committee-NSO Visit (CNV) Undertaken 60 Need-based analysis of NSOs emerging from the CNV Recommendations 62 CNV Evaluation Tool 64 The CNV Chronology 3 Message of the Regional Chairman Jejomar C Binay Chairman, APR Scout Committee Having completed the full cycle of the issues and challenges to face. I thank the Committee NSO Visit within a period of four leaders who came to the Regional Scout years in all 26 National Scout Organizations is Committee meetings, one year after the CNV, gratifying. Now it’s time to revisit this entire to report on the progress of their work based program and take a second look from a fresh on the agreed recommendations. I also thank, perspective. What did we accomplish from this individually, the Regional Scout Committee initiative? Did we achieve the purpose of the members who devoted their expertise and time CNV, which is to assist NSOs in delivering and with the NSOs. continually improving the quality of Scouting? I believe that the CNV has been a very good As a Committee, the CNV has been the focus of initiative and technical exercise both for the our collective work, not by ourselves, but with NSO and Regional Committee to support each the cooperation of the 26 NSOs that took part other and promote goodwill. including the young people who dialogued with us. Indeed it was an educational and inspiring After the first cycle, the Regional Scout exercise to learn how diverse NSOs are, Committee has decided to follow-up the CNV operating in very different circumstances and recommendations through consultancy so yet deeply engaged in a single purpose – the that more specific issues in NSOs are directly Mission of Scouting. addressed with the help of experts, and we could keep track of delivering quality Scouting There are numerous lessons to learn and to our members. improve, and clearly, each NSO has its own 4 The CNV Chronology Message of the Regional Director Abdullah Rasheed Regional Director World Scout Bureau/Asia-Pacific Region The Committee NSO Visit or CNV has been adoption of the Mission of Scouting by the World the focal responsibility of the Regional Scout Scout Conference (1999), it has been visibly Committee since March 2008, which was carried reflected in the mission statement of most on to the current triennium 2009 to 2012. It NSOs. has the underlying of deepening goodwill between the Regional Scout Committee and More clarity could be achieved when the NSOs. responsibilities of leaders are defined through their terms of reference and job descriptions. As the representative from the APR office in all A periodic research is needed as a tool for CNV missions, it is exhilarating to have worked updating or revising the youth programme. with the Regional Scout Committee and NSOs The Adults in Scouting policy, and its practical on this extensive program. Covering all NSOs functioning on the ground, was another point in major areas of operation was quite daunting of emphasis. The area of communications is but the full cooperation of NSOs and their warm generally well established in many NSOs, while hospitality made the work a lot easier. resources development presents a more varied picture where NSOs are in different levels of The CNV focused on the eight indicators: development. Constitution, Mission and Vision, Management, Youth Programme, Adult Resources, May I reiterate that the CNV has made it Relationships and Communications, Resources imperative that the practice of democracy is Development, and Research and Development. important in the management of NSOs. With It was a fact that many NSOs need to re- the widespread socio-economic challenges examine their constitution and by-laws and nowadays, the demand on leadership is higher governing rules to ensure that fundamental in terms of managing our organization with principles are consistent with WOSM. Since the greater responsiveness and flexibility. The CNV Chronology 5 Purpose of the CNV Background. The concept of “Qualities of an Effective NSO” was developed after the Essential Elements of CNV discussions at the APR Committee level and during the 5th APR Leaders Summit in May The CNV concept used the evaluation tool as 2006 in relation to standards of NSOs. It the main springboard in stimulating discussions was identified that countries who are working on specific issues. The tool focused on towards becoming members of WOSM are eight elements. First, the Constitution and required to comply with a certain set of governing rules of the NSO were reviewed and criteria which must be met before they can be this includes legal recognition by the country recommended as WOSM members. Once a of existence and protection of intellectual member however, where there are no continuing properties. A number of organizational issues measures to ensure NSOs maintain minimum were dealt with at the national level, with standards to effectively achieve the mission of follow-up on the implementation of policies Scouting, the APR Regional Scout Committee adopted at the world level. agreed that the CNV will commence in 2008 following its adoption at the 22nd APR Scout The Mission and Vision was seen as important Conference in Japan in October 2007. as they define the aims and objectives of the NSO to its members and the broader The conference resolution 14/07 (a) states: community. Vis-à-vis the mission, there “Recalling the function of the APR Committee were discussions on how the NSO vision to promote cooperation and mutual assistance indeed reflected the overall paradigm of the amongst the scout organizations in the Region development of youth in local communities. (Article IX), the Conference endorses the paper “Committee NSO Visit” (CNV) and urges the full It is imperative that NSOs have a clear cooperation of NSOs in its implementation.” distinction between the rights, responsibilities and duties of NSO management and local Purpose. The CNV is designed to assist groups and it is very important that unity exists NSOs in delivering and continually improving between these two groups. the quality of Scouting. An evaluation tool is provided to the NSO as an outline of what is Elements of the educational methods were being emphasized as indicators of effective highlighted, starting with providing relevant, NSOs. These indicators need to be considered in interesting and challenging youth programs light of the “Background paper on Governance and the need for periodic research and analysis of WOSM-Governing Unity” (WC 4/2005 – Item on human behavior and the needs of young 4) and are to be used as a guide that will assist people. NSOs in achieving the standards of an effective NSO. The role of adult leaders was seen as imperative at all levels from the local group to Sharing of experiences. A number of the top leaders who influence the running of occasions were offered to share the CNV the Scout Movement. Therefore, the policies concept with colleagues outside the Asia-Pacific that affect the management of adults in Region, such as the presentation for key leaders Scouting were given emphasis and that these of Inter-american Region during the 2011 World incorporate support mechanisms at all levels. Scout Conference in Brazil, Dr Mukhyuddin, and sharing the progress of CNV with World Scout Bureau at several meetings of Executive Directors. 6 The CNV Chronology The CNV stressed that NSO must have a Na- Special thanks to those tional Adult Resource Policy (NARP) that goes behind the CNV concept beyond the provision of competency-based A number of volunteers and Scout leaders training and include the continual profes- have contributed largely to the development sional growth of adult volunteers, and this of the CNV concept paper. Special thanks to includes the adoption and implementation the Management Sub-Committee 2007-2009, of the World Adult Resources Policy and the especially Ms Emma Barker who put together Adults in Scouting framework. the concept paper and evaluation tool, picking Communication is key to the success of up from the APR document “Qualities of an Scout organizations, therefore, the CNV Effective NSO”, and the regional office staff who, reiterated the need to review the systems and over a period of time, brainstormed with Scout communications tools they use to run and leaders and managers on what it takes to be an promote the organization both internally and effective and successful Scout organization. externally. Based on the capacity of NSOs, it was made clear that to reach audiences, there was a need for a communication strategy with emphasis that traditional methods of communications and relationships have changed in light of globalization. The CNV tool definesResources Development as ensuring that the NSO utilities all business skills to allow it to make the most of its resources. As much as possible, NSOs should be asset rich and have limited liabilities. This could be achieved by maximizing the use of existing resources within the NSO to influence finance generation and ensure that the right people are managing this facet of the NSO.
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