& Keysoe Parish Council

A meeting was held on 15th October 2018 in Keysoe Village Hall at 7.30pm

Present: PCllr R Bellamy, PCllr R Heming, PCllr S Bates, BCllr Wootton, Mrs G Wiggs (Clerk), & 10 members of the public.

Prior to the meeting PCllr Bellamy thanked all residents who had completed the Neighbourhood Policing Priority forms which will be used for the forthcoming Police meeting. He also circulated leaflets about hate crime which were referred to later in Item 12.




4. MATTERS ARISING Police Funding – PCllr Bellamy had sent letters to MP’s Philip Hammond & Nick Hurd. A letter of thanks has been received from the Chief Constable. Police Superintendent Juliette Everett – PCllr Bellamy sent a letter of congratulations. Police Speed Enforcement -PCllr Bellamy had written to thank the Traffic Team for their ongoing efforts in the Parish Robert Smyth – The Clerk sent a letter of thanks. High Viz Jackets – these have been purchased. Councillor Vacancies – PCllr Bellamy will write an article for the newsletter. All PCllrs to provide a contribution-Action All

5. OPEN FORUM FOR MEMBERS AND THE PUBLIC TO SPEAK Speed Indicator Devices – PCllr Heming has received good feedback about them from . He will attend the next Ward Forum to get more information & report back at the next Parish Council meeting. School Lane Planning application – A resident asked if there has been any feedback about the comments submitted relating to highways access. PCllr Bellamy reported there has been no feedback yet. Mobile Post Office – A resident asked if there was any opportunity to have the mobile post office visit Keysoe. The meeting was reminded that the Clerk had written before in response to a similar request. It was explained that a mobile PO already visits (and too) which the Post Office consider is near enough and meets service demand. If a large volume of residents were to lobby for this service in Keysoe, then the request could be put forward again. Bolnhurst Old School grant request – It was explained that the request is for an urn plus three insulated flasks. BPHA-Cllrs reminded that Greg Cox had offered to provide resource support for suitable community projects. He had today written and offered to support Speed Watch. PCllr Bellamy to write explaining that our Parish did not currently have a Speed Watch Team - Action P Cllr Bellamy

BCllr Wootton – The Putnoe Walk In Centre will remain open on reduced hours. There is a new funding proposal for the Railways Station. The Local Plan 2030 consultation ends on 30/10/18.

Bolnhurst & Keysoe Parish Council 6. PLANNING APPLICATIONS RECEIVED FOR COMMENT: 18/02544/FUL – First floor rear extension. Single storey side extension replacing conservatory. New first floor window to front extension – White Cottage, West – no objections.

DECISIONS: 18/01585/FUL – Permission granted for amended/additional plans for single storey side extension onto attached barn, single storey rear extension, extension to residential & installation of hardstanding (revised description & scheme) – Pound Cottage, Riseley Rd

APPEAL: APP/K0235/W/18/3208821–Appeal against refusal for demolition of existing agricultural buildings & erection of three dwellings with access from Hatch Lane & associated parking & hardstanding – Briar Barn, Hatch Lane, Keysoe (18/00856/OUT)

LOCAL PLAN 2030 CONSULTATION A number of planning policies have had to be updated to comply with the NPPF and are included in the Plan which now runs 2015-2030. Policies 5 and 6 were reviewed. None of the Garden Villages are sufficiently advanced to be included. Ten new housing sites have been proposed recently but too late to be considered. A total housing need of 14,550 houses and 6,990 jobs identified for the Plan Period. Existing job creation opportunities through the planning process satisfies employment needs; but new development land needed for 4,356 houses. Most of that need is met by sites previously identified in the draft 2035 Plan which are now carried forward, with a further 500 houses in , and up to 50 in Willington. Some sites are expected to make a partial contribution during the Plan Period: 100 during and 900 after; the One Public Estate 1,785 during and 747 afterwards. Keysoe including Brook End and Keysoe Row are designated small settlements. This term is applied to any area within which there is a minimum of 30 dwellings and which does not have a Settlement Policy Area. There is no housing allocation for the Parish. If the Plan is adopted the Borough will be required to carry out a review because the NPPF now requires a much larger housing provision. Added to which are the potential impacts of the A1 realignment, the East/West rail link, the Oxford Cambridge corridor development, as well as the newly proposed Government driven Growth Deal. Future consultations are expected. A Garden Village or similar may need to be considered. The May 2019 election could lead to further change.

It was RESOLVED to confirm that the Local Plan 2030 appears legally sound & compliant to the best of the Parish Councils knowledge. Concern would be flagged about increased traffic on the inadequate roads in this Parish – Action PCllr Bellamy

7. TO APPROVE THE FOLLOWING PAYMENTS: Bank Account Reconciled 24/9/18 - £25,551.95 The following payments were approved: Royal British Legion – wreath donation £75.00 The Old School booking £10.00 G Wiggs – Clerks account £410.21 S Woodward – odd jobber £30.00 Beds Pension Fund £147.28 HMRC – Income Tax £81.60 B Bellamy – High Viz £10.00

8. SIX MONTHS FINANCIAL REPORT This was received & noted. As there is likely to be a financial surplus, Councillors would consider any capital projects to undertake, & let the Clerk know before the next budget is prepared – Action all

Bolnhurst & Keysoe Parish Council 9. REQUEST FROM OLD SCHOOL BOLNHUST FOR A GRANT OF UP TO £200 It was RESOLVED to award a grant of up to £200 to purchase an urn & three insulated flasks.

10. PLAYING FIELD PCllr Heming reported that the cracks have settled a little, but reseeding is required at a cost of approximately £150.00. It was RESOLVED to proceed with this. PCllr Bates offered to provide the seed & his offer was gratefully accepted.

11. HIGHWAYS The Bolnhurst name plate sign, on the B660 entering Bolnhurst northbound has been damaged. PCllr Heming will report it – Action PCllr Heming.

The Clerk will ask for a copy of the current Borough Council Service Specification schedule for Rural and Urban areas – Action The Clerk

12. COMMUNITY SAFETY PCllr Bellamy attended the Police Control Room Open Day on 14th October (report to follow). He also represented the community at the Hate Crime Conference held on 13/10/18. This was the start of a week of Awareness events and actions across . Hate Crime is categorised as any crime against someone due to either their race, religion, sexuality, gender ID, or disability. also monitor crime against people due to their age & sub culture and are currently considering adding Misogyny and Misandry to the list. Four out of five hate crimes are race related. It is a grossly under reported crime, as it can be normalised by both the victim & the perpetrator. The Police are working hard to raise the profile of the issue and will be educating students across the County. A video will be sent to all schools. The forces Community Cohesion Champions (13-15yrs old) have made a film for young people. Anyone can report Hate Crime to the Police either via 101or if it is an emergency 999. Or through the Police website or True Vision www.report-it.org.uk A link will be added to the Parish Council website & PCllr Bellamy will write a short article for the next newsletter – Action The Clerk/PCllr Bellamy

September reported crimes in Parish – None. Police SMS Texting Service – This service is available for the hard of hearing and speech impaired, but phones need to be registered. Further information requested; the service will be discussed next month. Crime Prevention Advice – The Police report a low demand for the information. Contact details for our Community Police Team based at Riseley are as follows: PCSO Max Dalton [email protected] PCSO Jamie Goodrum [email protected] PC Kerry Jones [email protected] Kerry can also be contacted on 842862: this number is not manned 24/7 but there is an answerphone so please leave a message and the team will make contact on their return. They also have a limited stock of personal protection items, e.g. Purse Bells, Personal attack alarms, RFID blocker wallets- all of which are available to Parish residents. Alerts – Vehicle Theft: There has been a significant increase in thefts associated with keyless ignition vehicles. Criminals only need to be within a few meters of the fob to access its information. They do not need to see it or touch it. The entire theft process typically takes less than 60 seconds. The best deterrent is to keep the fob in a Faraday cage bag or similar protective device at all times. Neighbourhood Watch –One of the new Trustees appointed at the AGM on 12th September was Martin Gossage. Next Police Neighbourhood Priority Setting Meeting – 20/11/18


Bolnhurst & Keysoe Parish Council 14. CORRESPONDENCE Alistair Burt MP – invitation to Parish Council meeting 10/11/18 10am Cardington Village Hall (emailed 19/9/18) BBC – Rights of Way map (emailed 20/9/18) Police – September crime stats (circulated 3/10/18) BCllr Wootton – update on East/West rail (emailed 9/10/18) Police – Invitation to Hate Crime conference 13/10/18 (emailed 10/10/18) Police – Priority Setting meeting 20/11/18 (emailed 11/10/18 & 15/10/18)

15. CLOSE OF BUSINESS - NEXT MEETING 19/11/18, 7.30pm – Keysoe Village Hall

Signed……………………….………… Date……………………